IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista

Page created by Leroy Larson
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista
Dear Guests,

we inform you that are available upon request:
  - 1 radio CD STEREO

  - 1 hairdryer

To use the WIFI:
  - set up the wireless network:

  - enter the password:

     lamontecchia (for all cottage)
     varotari (for castle)


Please remember to close the parasol at evening, when you are away and in
case of wind or rain.
Thank you for being considerate on this.

                      Az. Agr. Conte Emo Capodilista
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista

The Province of Padova has launched a system of garbage separation which is
handled very strictly by the authorities and which we ask you to follow in the same
For this purpose your kitchen has been equipped with 3 different garbage
containers which have been marked accordingly. We have left spare plastic bags in
the kitchen.
Please don’t leave any garbage in the house as you leave !! Garbage disposals are
found on the main entrance of the estate.

Organic Humid Waste
all food rests, used paper napkins, cut flowers

Dry non-recyclable
all plastified paper (like the one fresh cheese and Salami or ham is wrapped in),
tetrapak (milk and fruit juice boxes), rubber and styrofoam, sanitary towels,
cosmetics and toothpaste tubes, broken ceramics, lamp bulbs, all plastic except
plastic bottles, nylon (stockings, cellophane), ball-pens, cigarette ends.

Plastic and tins
Bottles for water and other soft drinks, shampoo and detergent bottles, all bottles
with the signs: PET PVC PE
Plastic yoghurt caps
Food tins

Bottles, jars, glasses

Newspapers and magazines, cardboards boxes and any other paper

Please collect the following items separately (in a plastic or paper bag which you can
leave in the kitchen):
Spray cans / Medicines / Syringes / Creams / Batteries

                                  Dear Guests,
     we know you are in holiday but, we kindly ask you to observe this rules.
              It is very important for us and for the environment.
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista

In order to improve the safety of guests, even in consideration of the peculiarities of the
environment is established as follows:
    1) it is forbidden to bring animals into the wild and in any case it is necessary to
       maintain compared to the same a 'safe distance, it is also forbidden to approach closer
       than from safety cages and pens where animals are admitted, and the hive of bees ;
    2) It is prohibited to enter in buildings that are not expressly assigned to the service of
       farm or open to the public in any case it is forbidden to enter into designated areas for
       housing tools, maintenance of the same, in warehouses, basements and generally in
       places used directly and / or indirectly to the work;
    3) is required to pay the utmost attention and respect the signs / signals prohibition,
       prescription, etc.;
    4) It is forbidden to light fires;
    5) is not allowed / vacate dogs or other animals;
    6) is prohibited the launch of any object or behavior that may endanger the safety of
    7) it is forbidden to throw off objects, liquids, paper or material of any kind: there are
    8) Children must be accompanied by at least one adult and still cannot move to 'internal'
       company without adequate supervision due to the possible presence of agricultural
       vehicles in motion.
                                      REMEMBER TO:
    turn off the light of the rooms, the air conditioner, the TV and everything else when
     you are not present in the apartment

    remember to turn off the gas

    In case of malfunction of various equipment are required to promptly notify the

    in the event of damage to other property, equipment or furnishings caused by the
     improper and not by normal wear, or the cost of the repair will be deducted from the

                                      NUMERI UTILI:

                        Pronto soccorso                                     Vigili del Fuoco
                             118                                                  115

                        Carabinieri            REFERENTE :
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista
Casa del Prete - Casa di Nando - Casa di Maria - Casa del camino –
                Castellana – Castellana Torre - Castellana nobile


we sincerely hope you will enjoy your stay on our estate and will do our best to assist
you on all questions you might have. This book contains useful information and a
few rules we ask you to stick to, so please read it carefully once you have arrived and
settled into the house.

Count Giordano Emo Capodilista

KEYHOLDER         A N D I N C H A R G E O F T H E H O U S E are Guerrina
Craighero (in the wine shop) and Elena (in the office) who speaks English.
Elena is in the office for any questions from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 12 am.

Via Montecchia 16
35030 Selvazzano Dentro (PD)

Guests are requested to arrive by 7 pm on Saturday. If this is not be possible, they
should call the office +39.049637294 to find out whether a later arrival is possible
that day. Mrs. Guerrina Craighero, who is also in charge of the wine shop, will check
in the guests upon their arrival.

Guests are requested to leave the house by 9 am the day of their departure.
Our staff are available to come to your house for the checking-out formalities
(handing back of the house, notification of eventual damages) as from 8.30AM.
Please fetch us at the office once you are fully packed. Should you wish to leave
before 8.30AM, please make an appointment with us before. Please come to the
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista
office for the handing back of the security deposit and the settlement of any eventual
extras (wine, heating, damages, etc.)

You will have been given a key to the main gate of the estate. Please always close
the gate after coming through at night. Thank you.

BEDLINEN        A N D T O W E L S will be changed weekly on Saturday. We will bring
a clean set to your house, please strip the beds and prepare the used linen for us to
take away.

C O O L N E S S : if you want to keep your house cool, close the shutters and the
windows in the morning and open them in the evening and at night.

D E C E N C Y : La Montecchia is primarily a wine estate visited by importers, wine
journalists and clients. We therefore would be grateful if our guests agreed to respect
a decent dress-code. In other words: please no move around in swimsuits or stripped
to the waist! Thank you for your understanding.

E Q U I P M E N T : you will find salt, pepper, sugar and vinegar, some detergent for
the dishwasher for the first evening, some soap and toilet paper in each bathroom, as
well as the special bags needed for the garbage system. The houses being considered
self-catering our guests are expected to provide for all the rest themselves.Please be
informed that the Italian coffee machine cannot be washed in the dishwasher.

F I R E S : It is absolutely forbidden to light fires on the property.

GARDEN       A N D G R O U N D S : Please do no litter the grounds, make sure that any
cutlery or dishes that are taken outside will then be taken inside again; we have had
difficulties finding things forgotten in the garden. This kind of object gets caught in
the blades of the lawn mower and can severely damage it.

H A R V E S T : the month of September and early October are the time of the grape
harvest, one of the most exciting moments of the year for a wine-producing estate.
We start early, usually at 8 am, and sometimes finish as late as 11 pm. We apologise
for any disturbance this might cause our guests.

S E C U R I T Y G U A R D S : You should be aware that security guards circle the
property one time during the night. If you hear a car or footsteps on the gravel it is
most likely to be them.
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista
THE    W A S H I N G M A C H I N E : please make sure you use detergent for machines
and not for washing by hand. We have had disasters with bubbles squeezing out of
the machine from all sides and ends.

W A T E R : the tap water is drinkable, we always drink it.

The wine-tasting hall and the lawn behind are sometimes rented out for festivities,
usually on a Friday or Saturday. Should there be music it will be turned off at the
latest at 12.30AM.

PROBLEMS        O N S U N D A Y S : Should you have any problems when offices are
closed you can:
* from Monday to Friday call Saram at +39 3883638473
* Saturday or Sunday call Guerrina at +39 3496266160.

FAX    I N T H E O F F I C E : it is possible for our guests to send and receive faxes in
the office of the estate. The cost for receiving faxes is none, for sending faxes is the
Europe: € 1.60 for the first page and € 1,00 for each following page
USA: € 2.60 for the first page and € 1,60 for each following page.

The access is restricted to the guests of the estate.
   The lake is unattended and children under 12 years old must be accompanied..
   It is forbidden to dive and to eat on the lake shores.
   Shower before entering the water is compulsory.
   Pets are not allowed in the pool area.
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista
Hos pita l
Abano Terme, Piazza Co lo mbo
Tel . 0 4 9 /8 2 2 1 21 1

Ambula nce
Tel. 118

Pol ice
Selvazzano Dentro, Via Veronese 2 Tel. 049/8055484 or 112

Poli ce hea dqua rters
Selvazzano Dentro, Via Roma 60 Tel. 049/8056430

Fire brig a de
Tel. 115

Chemis t/ Pharma cy
Selvazzano Dentro, Via Scapacchio’, 52/A
Tel. 049/8055222

Dentis t
Dr. Angelo Schiavo, Selvazzano Dentro. Via San Domenico, 25
Tel. 049/637320

Clos est ra i l s ta ti o ns
Terme Euganee (Montegrotto Terme/Abano Terme)

Clos est Ai rpo rts

Telepho ne country     co des fro m I taly
Austria 0043           Belgium 0032
France 0033            Germany 0049
Great Britain 0044     Luxemburg 00352
Netherlands 0031       Spain 0034
Sweden 0046            Switzerland 0041
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista

The closest village To Montecchia is Selvazzano Dentro.
To reach Selvazzano turn left as you leave the gate of the estate and at the end of
the road turn left and immediately right onto the road which will lead you to the
centre of Selvazzano. There is no real recognisable centre, as all the shops run along
this same main road, which is called Via Scapacchio’.

Abano Terme is the closest larger centre. It has a large supermarket which is open
until 8 o’clock in the evening every day of the week, also on Sundays.
To reach Abano Terme turn right at the gate, and as you reach the large road, cross
it following the sign to Abano.

The supermarkets here are excellent. Apart from the usual basics, you will find a
large selection of local produce: fresh meat, cheeses, sausages, fresh pasta,
vegetables, etc.

The clo s est Su p ermark et s are:

     Opening ho u rs: from 9 am t o 8 p m from M o nd ay t o Satu rd ay
     As you leave th e g at e tu rn ri gh t and t hen left o n t o th e b i g ro ad
     which t akes yo u t o wards Pad ova.

     Opening hou rs : 8 .30 am to 8 pm from Mo nday to Sat urd ay, 9 am
     to 1 p m on Su n d ay.
     As you leave th e g at e tu rn left and t h en fol lo w th e ro ad un t il t h e
     round-bound an d t ake the firs t on t he righ t di recti o n Sel v azzan o
     Dentro Cent er. Pass o ne t raffic l i gh t an d at s eco nd ro u n dab o u t
     turn on t h e l eft .

    A larger Sup ermarket, which i s al s o open o n Su n days i s ALIPER
     Via Previ t al i , 3 0 ABANO TERME Tel. 04 9/ 86 6 8 2 2 2.
     Turn right at th e gate, and as you reach t he larg e road , cro s s i t
     following th e s ig n t o Abano. This wi l l t ake yo u to t h e b y-p as s
     of Abano. Tu rn ri gh t, keep g oing s t rai ght ah ead pas t 4
     crossroads an d t h en t u rn to your left fol l owin g t h e si g n s fo r
     “Aliper”. You wil l fi nd the s ho ppi ng mal l to yo u r rig h t.
     Opening hou rs : 9 am to 8 pm every day of t h e week, in cl ud i n g
     Su n d ay.
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista
We recommen d t he bu t cher
    Cal o re Ant o n io
    Vi a Ro ma 1
    Selv azzan o Den tro
    Tel . 0 4 9 /6 3 8 6 94
    The butcher i s located on t he main road o f Sel v azzan o ju st
    before you reach the firs t red l i ght , next t o t h e news ag ent .

   Via Scap acch i o ’ 40 / A
   Selv azzan o Den tro
   Tel . 0 4 9 /8 0 5 7 91 1
   8.10 am to 6 p m fro m Mond ay to Fri day, 8.1 0 am t o 1 .3 0 p m o n
   Sat urd ay

   Cassa d i Ri sp armi o di Padov a e Ro vi go
    Via Scap acch i o ’ 48
    Selv azzan o Dentro
    TEL . 0 4 9/ 6 3 73 0 0

    Un i cred i t
     Via Scap acch i o ’ 59
     Selv azzan o Dentro
     TEL . 0 4 9/ 8 0 56 4 90
     Both banks are o pen from 8.2 0am t o 1.2 0p m an d 2 .3 0 pm t o 4p m

   Pu n to Aut o
    Via Frat el l i De Gasp eri 9
    Selv azzan o Dentro
    Tel . 0 4 9 /6 3 8 9 73

    Bicciat o Ev el i n o
     Via Marco ni 1 8
     Selv azzan o Dentro
     Tel . 0 4 9 /8 9 7 7 288

   Selvazzan o Den t ro Tel . 04 9/ 868 5350
   Radio Tax i Pad ov a Tel. 049/ 651333
IMPORTANT: Conte Emo Capodilista
   Pucci ni , Via Eu ganea 250 (o n the mai n road t o Pad ov a)
   Self-service d ry clean er , Vi a Eugan ea 158 (o n t h e mai n ro ad t o
    Pad o va)

   An n ali s a
   Via Scap acch i ò 5 2/ A
   Selv azzan o Den tro
   Tel . 0 4 9 /8 0 5 6 58 7

   Mani di Fat a – St efan ia Cen zi Tel . 049 801 6 6 7 3
   Via Scap acch i ò Es t, 83/ B
   3503 0 Sacco l o ng o
   Very easy to find , t urn ri gh t at t he gat e toward Selv azzano . At
   the end of t h e ro ad t urn l eft again. The B eau t ici an is
   immediately aft er t h e rou nd-about towards Selv azzan o , o n t h e
   right han d s id e of t he s t reet .

   Foreign n ewsp ap es can be found at :
   Stev anel la Cl ara
   Via Morett o d a Bresci a, 1 –Ab ano Terme – Tel 0 4 9 6 6 74 6 3
   Just in fro n t o f s u permark et Ali per

   “Le Brentelle”
    Via della Provvidenza, 1 - 35030 - Sarmeola di Rubano Padova
    Tel 049.8977144
   “Ipercity:”
    Via Giovanni Verga, 1 - 35020 Mandriola Sant'agostino, Albignasego Padova
    Tel 049 690203

in Noventa di Piave, via marco Polo 1 - Tel. 0421 5741.
More than 100 shops of the best brands, with reduced prices from 30% till 70%.
http://www.o u t let -vi l / nov en tad i piave/

We list here below some restaurants in the area we can recommend you.
Reservation is appreciated.
In August it is highly recommended to call before to make sure they are not
closed for holidays especially during the weeks prior and after the 15th.

We try to update information every year, but please always verify the opening
days and availability.


1 Michelin star *
Ristorante La Montecchia
Via Montecchia, 12 – Selvazzano Dentro
Tel 049/8055323

The Golf Club hosts one of the better restaurants in the area. It is run by the family
Alajmo, the owners of the famous 3 star restaurant Le Calandre. First class food and
wine list. Closed on Mondays and on Tuesdays. Credit Cards accepted. Our guests
are granted a 10% discount. Please mention that you are staying with us when
booking, or at the latest, when you arrive at the restaurant.
Closed on Mondays and Tuesdays and the month of August.
On the left part of the Club House building, on the ground floor, in a “veranda” with
view to Castle Emo Capodilista and the green, you can eat at ABC restaurant were
also superb Pizza are served.

3 Michelin stars ***
Le Calandre – Statale Padova Vicenza – Loc. Sarmeola – Rubano
Tel. 049/630303

Caffè Pedrocchi – Via 8 Febbraio 8 - Padova Centro
Historical coffee house in the historical center of Padova, famous throughout Italy,
you should at least have had a coffee here.

Pasticceria Biasetto - Via Facciolati, 12 – Padova Tel.: 0498024428
Large choice of croissants, pastries, sweet and salted cakes, biscuits, jam, chocolate.
Very famous its “seven veils cakes”

Ristorante Antico Brolo – Corso Milano, 22 – Padova. Tel: 049.664555
Elegant and exclusive restaurant in the centre of Padova. Excellent food, wines and
service. Light lunch served in “veranda”
Closed on Mondays (lunch time)

Ristorante Belle Parti – Via Belle Parti, 11 – Padova - Tel. 0498751822
Very elegant restaurant. Closed on Sundays.

Ristorante La Vecchia Enoteca – Via S. Martino e Solferino, 32 – Padova -
Tel: 0498752856
Very nice restaurant, cosy and elegant. Closed on Sundays evening and on Mondays

Osteria dei Fabbri – Via dei Fabbri – PADOVA - Tel: 049650336
Closed on Sundays
Ancient “osteria” of Padova located in one of the most characteristic area in the city
center. Traditional seasonal food. Typically country, well frequented by local and

Radici Terra e Gusto - Via Costa 18/A – PADOVA – Tel. 0492320525
Closed on Monday
Gourmet cuisine of the territory revisited in a modern key

Ristorante dal Capo – Via degli Obizzi – PADOVA - Tel: 049663105
The Chef Michele and his staff propose typical food of Padova review in a more
modern style. Located just behind the Duomo (the cathedral), it is one of the most
ancient place of the city.

Osteria l’Anfora – Via dei Soncin 13 – PADOVA - Tel: 049656629
Typical tavern with a very friendly atmosphere.

Bar 10 Lounge Cafè – Via Petrarca – PADOVA - Cell: 3934724023
Fabio is at your disposal for an excellent aperitif, a real Veneto spritz or an after-
dinner drink.

Osteria del Picchio – Via Euganea 154 – Selvazzano – Tel.049637197
Very closed to La Montecchia. Country restaurant with traditional recipes.
Very famous for the “Pasticcio di Cipolle” (lasagne with onions)
Closed on Sundays evening and on Mondays whole day.

Pizzeria Conca D’Oro – Feriole di Selvazzano – Tel. 049 637876
It is also a Take-Away with a large variety of Pizza which includes also Pizza La
Closed on Mondays.

Vaccese– Via Roma 96 – Saccolongo – Tel. 049/8016180
Typical restaurant. Home cooking.
Closed on Mondays.

Agriturismo La Buona Terra – Via Repoise, 73 – Tel: 0499915497

Enoteca Centrale – Via IV Novembre – Mestrino –PADOVA
Tel: 0499004947
An excellent wine list accompanied by extremely high-level food. Here you can find
an aperitif or a lunch not easy to found anywhere else in Padova.

La Scala – Via Marzia, 33 – Abano Terme- Tel: 049 8630306
Happy hour with buffet starting from 6.00 p.m.
Speciality: fish dishes.

L’Ombra che conta – Enoteca Ristorante – Piazza San Martno, 2 – Tel 393.4282434
Aperitifs, lunch and dinner with tradition-revisited dishes.
Great choice of wines.

Da Mario – Corso delle Terme, 4 - Montegrotto Terme - Tel. 049/794090
This is one of our favourites in the area. The extremely high quality of the dishes are
based on traditional recipes and the wine list is excellent.
Credit cards accepted. Closed on Tuesdays


To reach Arquà Petrarca drive to Abano Terme, follow the indications for Monselice.
After Battaglia Terme take to your right following the indications to Arquà Petrarca.

Ristorante Il Canzoniere – Via Zane, 5 – Arquà Petrarca- Tel.: 0429777918
c/o Hotel Villa del Poeta

Enoteca Il Guerriero –Via Jacopo da Arquà 2/a – Arquà Petrarca – Tel:
Very good home cooking

Ristorante La Montanella – Via Dei Carraresi 9 – Arquà Petrarca 0429/718200
Excellent restaurant famous for its typical recipes of local tradition such as
“gallina padovana” (hen), pheasant, guinea fowl.
Closed on Tuesdays (evening) and on Wednesdays (all day).


From Abano Terme follow the indications to Monselice

Ristorante La Torre – Piazza Mazzini 14 – Monselice 042973752
Typical restaurant in the centre of Monselice . Good home cooking.

Enoteca Misticanza – Via S. Luigi, 27 – Monselice Tel: 0429 783803
Very good wine tasting


Enoteca Ristorante Tomanin- P.zza maggior – Montagnana – Tel.: 042981196
You can taste the typical Prosciutto Dolce of Montagnana


Trattoria al Sasso – Via Ronco- Castelnuovo di Teolo Tel. 049 9925073
Slightly more elegant country restaurant in Euganean hills with excellent food and
wine list. The scenic drive as well as what you find upon arrival make this a
worthwhile visit. Credit cards accepted. Closed on Wednesdays, during the week
only open for dinner, on weekends lunch and dinner.
Villa Lussana – Via Chiesa Teolo – Teolo Tel.: 049 9925530
Elegant restaurant with excellent food and wines. Enchanting view of the Euganean
Hills. Closed on Tuesdays.

Trattoria da Ezio
Via Roma, 13 - 35037 Teolo (pd)
Tel. 049.9925160


Antica Trattoria Ballotta –Via Carromatto, 2 – Torreglia – Tel.: 0495212970
One of the most ancient “Trattorie” in the area. Slightly more elegant country
restaurant in Euganean hills with excellent food and wine list.
Closed on Mondays.

Antica Trattoria Taparo
Via Castelletto, 49 - 35138 Torreglia (pd) Tel. 049.5212131
Closed on Wednesday.

Ristorante La Cantinetta – Via S. Pietro Montagnon, 48 – Torreglia – Tel:
0495211227 c/o Hotel Diana.
Very personal interpretation of typical regional dishes. Closed on Tuesdays

Trattoria La Tavolozza – Via Boschette 2 Torreglia – tel.: 0495211063
Home atmosphere and elegant restaurant with summer garden and amusements for
Closed on Wednesdays (whole day) and on Thursdays (lunch time)

Rifugio Monte Rua – Via Monte Rua, 31 – Torreglia – Tel: 049 5211049
Traditional dishes with seasons products. Spectacular terrace with a view on the
surroundings of Euganean Hills
Closed on Tuesday

Enoteca Per Bacco – Via Mirabello, 3 – Torreglia Tel: 049 9930324

Antica Trattoria da Antenore – Via Mirabello, 64 – Torreglia Tel: 0495211130
Closed on Monday


Da Sgussa – Via del Molino, 1 – 35030 Faedo di Cinto Euganeo Tel: 0429634065
Very nice and cosy restaurant. Typical local dishes.
Scenic drive to reach the restaurant
Trattoria al Rio – Via del Molino 2 – Faedo di Cinto Euganeo
Tel. 0429/94028
Country restaurant with home cooking.
Its speciality : “fiorentina”

Ristorante La Tavernetta –Via Cavour, 7–Fontanafredda – Tel: 0429644322
Country restaurant with home cooking.
Scenic drive to reach the restaurant

Osterie Moderne –Via Bassa II, 18 – Campodarsego – Tel: 0495565236
One of the most famous place in the city of Padova. Excellent selection of wine.
PIZZA is also served.

Antica Trattoria Al Bosco – Via Valmarana –Saonara - Padova Tel: 049640021
Well known for horse meat dishes. Excellent wine list.
Summer garden.

Pizzeria Ristorante Da Giovanni – Via De Toni – Campodarsego Padova
Tel: 049 556 4200
Restaurant with tradition dishes revisited in modern style. Closed on Tuesday.

Pasticceria Macola – Contrà Nodari – Camposampiero Tel: 049 930 2379
Happy hour aperitif with great wine selection

Ristorante Boccon Divino – Via Albarella – Camposampiero Tel: 049 579 1555
Restaurant with panoramic views over an artificial lake. Grilled meat and spit

Ristorante Era Ora – Piazza Marconi 26 – Campo San Martino Tel: 348 413 5296
Modern and charming local cuisine.

Ristorante La Taverna degli Artisti – Contrà Mura Rotte – Cittadella
Tel: 049 940 2317
Great restaurant in the center with seasonal cuisine.

Trattoria Alla Nave – Via Borgo Padova – Cittadella Tel: 049 597 0665
Homemade and genuine cuisine with seasonal and traditional dishes

   Solo per Te – Via Roma, 5 – Selvazzano – Tel.: 049 638033
    In the centre of Selvazzano. At the traffic light turn to the left.
    Closed on Mondays.

   C’ero Prima io – Via Euganea 19 Selvazzano –Tel : 0498055457
    Better to call.


   Antiche Tradizioni – Via Roma 17 – Selvazzano – Tel: 0497386717
    During Summer open every day from 11 am to 11 pm.

   Sole Luna : Via Euganea 21 Selvazzano
    During Summer open every day from 3.30 pm to 12.00 pm.

The access to the green oasis and bathing lake is free and reserved to our guest.

                      BATHING LAKE REGULATION

    The opening hours are from 10 am to 6:30 pm
    The lake is unattended
    Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult
    It is forbidden to dive - thrusts and jumps from the edge are prohibited
    It is forbidden to eat on the shores of the lake
    It is mandatory to shower before entering the water
    Pets are not allowed in the lake area

If you want to use the adjoin golf club pool you can buy tickets at a discounted price
at our offices.

The olympic size outdoor pool is open from the beginning of June to the beginning
or mid-September (depending on the weather).

As our guests you are entitled to use the pool of the Golf Club with a discounted
ticket available at the wine shop (€ 8,00/day - under 6 years old free).

Each ticket is valid for one person for one day. The tickets should be given to the
porter of the golf. The tickets are valid for the whole day, you can come and go as
you please.

Changing rooms:
our guests are requested to use the changing rooms of the golf club of which there
are two, next to the pool as well as inside the club house. Thank you.
The Veneto region has 18 golf courses in all, 3 of which are in the near vicinity of
Castello della Montecchia.
Golf della Montecchia is literally next door, the course of Frassanelle and the
Padova Golf Club are more or less 10 minutes by car.

Golf della Montecchia
Via Montecchia 16, 35030 Selvazzano Dentro (PD)
Tel. 0039-049-8055550, Fax 0039-049-8055737

The guests of Montecchia are granted a special rate on the green fee of the
Montecchia Golf Course.
Low season € 31,00 : January, February, July and August, from 16th November to
end of December
High season € 41,00 : from March to June and from September to 15th November

Electric car rental
for 18 holes                                                           € 40,00
for 9 holes                                                            € 25,00
Trolley                                                                € 5,00

Please make your reservations directly to the Golf Club indicating the date, number
of persons and eventual extras (clubs, car) and that you are guests of the Az. Agr.
Conte Emo Capodilista – La Montecchia.

The Golf Club is closed on Mondays.

As our guests you are entitled to use the tennis club down the road right next to the
Golf Club. They have 5 hard courts and the cost per hour for the court is € 15,00.
The management of the tennis club can also supply rackets, please let them know 2
days ahead.

Please book ahead through the office of Montecchia.

All reservations may be cancelled without any charges if done at least 24 hours

A trainer is also available, cost depends on whether the lessons are individual or for a
group of people.

P.S.: Should you book the court in the evening, an extra charge is asked for

Via Cataio n°2 Montegrotto Terme (Pd)
Tel 049-8910262- Fax 049-8910262

                    N° of days             €
                        1                8,00
                        2               12,00
                        3               15,00
                        4               17,00
                        5               18,00
                        6               20,00
                        7               21,00
                          8             22,00
                         9              24,00
                         10             25,00
                        11              26,00

In the area you can find a lot of hotels with thermal pools open also to the public.
Almost all of them include sauna and massages services.

We suggest to call the hotels to be sure that they have places for external guests at
the swimming pool. Should you need help to call please don’t hesitate to ask at the

     Terme di Battaglia srl - V. Petrarca 11 - 35041 - Battaglia Terme (PD)
     Tel. 049 525680

    Hotel Mioni Pezzato & S.p.a.
     Via Marzia, 34 - 35031 Abano Terme - Padova
     Tel 049 8668377

    Hotel Mioni Royal San
     Piazzale Stazione, 10 - 35036 - Montegrotto Terme - Padova
     Tel. 049 8911711

    Hotel La Residence
     Via Monte Ceva, 8 - 35031 Abano Terme - Padova
     tel. 049 8247777

    Relilax Hotel Terme Miramonti
     Piazza Roma 19 - 35036 Montegrotto Terme - Padova
     Tel 049 8911755

    Hotel Terme Preistoriche
     Via Castello, 5 35036 Montegrotto Terme - Padova
     Tel 049 793477

    AbanoRitz Spa
     Via Monteortone, 19 - Abano Terme - Padova
     Tel. 049 8633100

Our guests are welcome at La Contea Thermal Spa located in Battaglia Terme.
This is an ancient property of our family, now reorganized as a Spa Centre, nestled
in the natural and beautiful green areas of the Euganean Hills, at only 16 kilometers
from us.
There you can take advantage of the cures and benefit from a wide range of Spa
treatments which are available to both children and adults.
La Contea Thermal Spa boasts the most avant-garde technologies for all types of
thermal cures.
It has mud bath therapy, hydromassage, sulphur baths, inhalation cures, steam baths,
inhalation and insufflation therapies, vascular therapies and kinesititherapies.

La Contea is open for its Spa season from APRIL till NOVEMBER. Under
agreement with the National Health System ( Servizio Sanitario Nazionale) it offers
everyone the chance to enjoy annual Spa therapy cycles on presentation of a
prescription from your GP or Pediatrician as per the national health agreement.
All kind of therapies can be booked also personally without prescription from your
GP or Pediatrician and special subscriptions are available.

A 10% discount is guaranteed to our guests who want to try some of these

10% discount is offered also to our guests who wish to enjoy one day in La Contea
open air and covered Spa pools, open all year round from TUESDAY to
SUNDAY from 10:30 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.. and on MONDAY from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The pools are equipped with hydro massage bath, slides, children’s area and a green
A thermal swimming pool is set in the lawns.

Entrance ticket (adult)                                    € 12,00
Entrance ticket (children 4-10 years old)                  € 8,00
Entrance ticket (children 1-3 years old)                   € 2,00
Evening entrance ticket (6.00 pm to 8.00 pm)               € 5,00

On Saturday and on Sunday umbrellas and sunbeds are available at the price of €
1,00, in the others day of the week are free of charge while seats last.
Swimming lessons and aqua gym for toddlers, children and adults both in the
summer and the winter seasons are organized.
Please come to the office for more information.

In the following pages you will find some of our proposals, but the area offers much
more for all tastes.
You can find itineraries for the lovers of nature, sports, culture, food and wine.
We invite you to visit the Region web site:
In particular the page helps you to build your
itinerary between the Veneto Villas.

                          THE VENETO VILLAS

In the nearer surrounding we would like to mention a few more villas we think are
worthwhile a visit:

Villa Emo Capodilista, La Montecchia: Since the
Middle Ages the Capodilista family, one of the
oldest and most prominent families of Padua, has
cultivated vines in the area, producing a wonderful
wine which has long been famous. It was here at the
castle that beato Giordano Forzatè, an ancestor of
the Capodilista’s, together with St. Anthony of
Padua himself, met the infamous Ezzelino da
Romano in a desperate but unsuccessful attempt to
prevent Padua from falling under his tyranny. In 1783, Beatrice Capodilista, the only
survivor of the family which had lasted over a thousand years, gave her hand in
marriage to Leonardo Emo, a Venetian patrician from one of the oldest families of
the most Serene Republic of Venice. Today the Conti Emo Capodilista, direct
descendants of this union, still run the centuries-old family vineyards at Montecchia,
producing wines which reflect the precious teachings of history and tradition. Found
among the precious vineyard at Montecchia is the Villa Capodilista, built in the
sixteenth century to a design by Dario Varotari, whose frescoes and original
architecture are among the most admired in the Villas of the Veneto. This beautiful
building, conceived as a hunting lodge, is based on a square plan that is repeated in
the internal distribution of the first floor, separated by a splendid staircase composed
of four flights in Greek cross formation and enhanced by a double of broad loggias
that look down from the hill onto the countryside.
Villa Emo, Rivella, Monselice:
The villa was built on the banks of the Battaglia
canal, an important water-way that was created in
1189 to link the Bacchiglione River and Vicenza
with the East, and with other centers along the
Frassine. Over the course of the 16th century, several
important villas were constructed along the canal,
including one planned by Scamozzi for the Molin
family at only a slight distance away from that at
Rivella. The residence at Rivella was probably erected by a branch of the Pernumia
family on ancient feudal lands, but it was passed on almost immediately to the
Maldura family of Padua. Only in the late nineteenth century did the estate become
the property of the Emo-Capodilista family, who intelligently and accurately restored
the complex. Although the construction of the villa has generally been attributed to
Vincenzo Scamozzi (1552-1616), more recent findings have challenged this
assumption. Architectural historians have discovered a certain aesthetic discrepancy
between the rich Corinthian colonnade and its high foundation and the substantial
simplicity of the major part of the building. Thus, arises the hypothesis that the
pronaos was addes on in a later period. Nonetheless, of all the post- Palladian
residences built in the late 1500’s near Padua, the Villa Emo-Capodilista is certainly
one of the most beautiful.
The Garden on the Villa Emo in Monselice (the villa belongs to a cousin of ours) is
open to the public on Saturdays from 2 to 7 pm, and on Sundays and holidays from
10am to 7pm. Tel.: 0429/781987

Castello del Catajo:
                                 This palace was designed by Pio Enea himself
                                 without the help of architects; it is therefore a cross
                                 between a military castle and a prince’s palace. It
                                 was built in just three years between 1570 and 1573
                                 (with the exception of the uppermost wing, which
                                 dates back to the 19th century). Paintings were
                                 originally only planned on the outside walls (but no
longer exists), but in 1571 Pio Enea had the inside walls frescoed with the exploits of
his family by Gian Battista Zelotti, a pupil of Paolo Veronese. The Obizzi family line
came to an end in 1805 with the marquis Tommaso, who left the castle to the heirs of
the house of d’Este ( the archdukes of Modena ). The uppermost wing of the castle,
known as “Castel Nuovo”, was built under Francesco IV. On the death of Francesco
V, who was childless, Catajo castle passed to the archduke of Austria, Franz
Ferdinand, who was a relative.
These last two owners were responsible for transferring the armoury and the museum
of the Obizzi to Konopischt castle and Vienna respectively, togheter with a vast
collection of musical instruments and paintings. After the first world war Catajo
castle was given to the Italian State by way of war reparations. The government then
sold it to Dalla Francesca family in 1929.
Tel. 049 9100411 Open from Feb. 15th to Nov. 30th on Tuesdays and Sundays from
3 to7pm. For groups open all year round by appointment.

Villa Valsanzibio:
                                   Villa Barbarigo in Valsanzibio ranges among the
                                   most important and unspoiled baroque gardens in
                                   the world. It was archived in 1669 by the Venetian
                                   nobleman Zuane Francesco Barbarigo. His son
                                   Gregorio, a Cardinal and future Saint, inspired the
                                   symbolic meaning of the plan drawn by Luigi
                                   Bernini, top Vatican architect and fountain expert.
                                   Sixty full size statues, mainly due to Enrico
Merengo, and sixty more different sculptures were integrated into a world of
architectures, streams, fountains, water jokes and fish pounds, between hundreds of
different trees and over an area of forty acres. All this was planned as an allegory of
man’s progress towards his own perfectibility or salvation and such itinerary ends
right in front of the Villa. The garden of Valsanzibio has preserved all its original
features unaltered thanks the unceasing and careful attention received first of all by
six successive generations of Barbarigo since its very creation in 1669. At their
extinction, in 1804, Nobile Marco Antonio Michiel was appointed heir and he was
succeeded in 1835 by Counts Martinengo in 1835 and forty years later by Counts
Donà dale Rose. Since 1929 three successive generations of Nobili Pizzoni
Ardemani enjoied the property of the estate and garden. They mended all ravages
caused by military occupation and forced neglect during world war two and have
recently restored all fountains, fish ponds, water jokes, cascades and streams.. that is
thirty three water points that give so special a character to this monumental garden.
Every year, from March to October, a romantic mini-cruise among the Venetian
Villas of the Riviera del Brenta, from Padua to Venice or the other way round, a trip
through art and history on the way followed by the ancient Venetian Burchiello in
the 1700's.

The Burchiello was a typical Venetian barge, finely wrought and decorated, used to transport
passengers and equipped with a wide wooden cabin, and three or four balconies. The Burchiello was
used by the richest classes of Venice to reach the city from their villas in the countryside.
Today the Burchiello is a modern and comfortable boat, equipped with a cabin and comfortable
sofas, air-conditioning, a bar and toilets, and a panoramic deck that offers passengers a full view

The programs offer navigation from Padua to Venice (Padua, Stra, Dolo, Mira, Oriago,
Malcontenta, Fusina, Venice) or from Venice to Padua (Venice, Fusina, Malcontenta, Oriago, Mira,
Dolo, Stra, Padua), plus the guided tour inside some Venetian Villas, the famous richly-frescoed
summer dwellings of the Venetian noblemen of the 1700’s.

The full-day mini-cruise, recommended in order to appreciate the extraordinary beauty of the
Riviera del Brenta, includes navigation, a guide on board, the guided tour of Villa Foscari known as
La Malcontenta, Villa Widmann in Mira and Villa Pisani in Stra, plus a stop for the optional lunch
at the famous restaurant Il Burchiello in Oriago, where the barge moors.

Full day cruise, adult people                                                 € 94,00
Full day cruise, 6 to 17 years old youths                                     € 55,00

Half day cruise, Padua -> Oriago & Oriago -> Padua, for adults *              € 65,00
Half day cruise, Padova -> Oriago & Oriago -> Padova, for 6/17 y.o. *         € 55,00

Half day cruise, Venezia -> Oriago & Oriago -> Venezia, for adults            € 55,00
Half day cruise, Venezia -> Oriago & Oriago -> Venezia, for 6/17 y.o.         € 45,00

All Tours, infant rate from 0 until 5 years old                               Free

Optional light lunch (fish) **                                                € 21,00
Optional full lunch (fish / meat /vegetarian) **                              € 27,00

       The Basilica di Sant’Antonio, with its minaret-like spires and Byzantine
domes, is also known as Il Santo. It was begun in 1232 to house the remains of St
Anthony of Padua, a preacher who modelled himself on St Francis of Assisi.
Although he was a simple man who rejected worldly wealth, the citizens of Padua
built one of the most lavish churches in Christendom to serve as his shrine. The
outline reflects the influence of Byzantine architecture; a cone – shaped central
dome is surrounded by a further seven domes, rising above a façade that combines
Gothic with Romanesque elements.
       The interior is more conventional, however. The high altar features
Donatello’s magnificent reliefs (1444-1445) on the miracles of St Anthony, together
with his statues of the Virgin, the Crucifixion and several Paduan saints. There is
access to the tomb of St Anthony in the north transept, which is hung with offerings
and photographs of people who have survived serious illness or car crashes with the
saint’s help. The walls around the shrine are decorated with large marble reliefs
depicting St Anthony’s life, carved in 1505-1577 by various artists, including Jacopo
Sansovino and Tullio Lombardo. These are rather cold by comparison with the
Crucifixion fresco (1380s) by Altichiero da Zevio in the opposite transept. This
pageant-like shows depictions of people, animals and plants.

The Eyewitness Travel Guide writes: Enrico Scrovegni built this chapel in 1303,
hoping thereby to spare his dead father, a usurer, from the eternal damnation wished
upon him by the poet Dante in his Inferno.The chapel is filled with harmonious
frescoes of scenes from the life of Christ, painted by Giotto between 1303 and 1305.
As works of great narrative force, they exerted a powerful influence on the
development of European art. The great Florentine artist Giotto (1266-1337) is
regarded as the father of Western art. His work, with its sense of pictorial space,
naturalism and narrative drama, marks a decisive break with Byzantine tradition of
the preceding 1000 years. He is the first Italian master whose name has passed into
posterity, and although he was regarded in his lifetime as a great artist, few of the
works attributed to him are fully documented. Some may have been painted by
others, but his authorship of the frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel need not be

It is compulsory to book your visit to the Scrovegni Chapel in advance, since there
are strict limits on the number of visitors allowed in at any one time. Prior to entry,
all visitors must spend 15 minutes in a “decontamination chamber” during which
they are shown an explanatory video. The duration of the visit to the chapel is also
limited to 15 minutes.
You will be asked to collect your reserved ticket one hour before the scheduled
entry. During this time you should visit the “Museo degli Eremitani” on the
premises, where the Emo Capodilista collection, donated by a forebearer of the
owners of Castello della Montecchia, is exposed. The collection includes the
Portrait of a Young Senator by Giovanni Bellini.

To book your visit call +39 049 2010020 (English, German and French spoken).
Visa and Master cards accepted.
You can also book via internet by visiting .
April-May 9-19 every day
June-September 9-19 every day closed on working Mondays
October    9-18 every day closed on working Mondays
November-March 9-17 every day closed on working Mondays


The botanical garden of Padova, founded in 1545 after deliberation of the Senate of
the Venetian Republic, is the world’s oldest academic garden that has been
preserving throughout the centuries its original location and, despite some
modifications at the beginning of the 18th century, its main scientific and
architectonical features too. Its exceptional structure derives partly from its high
scientific interest in terms of experimentation, educational activity and botany
collecting, and partly from the uniqueness of the architectonical features, that have
made it a model for similar institutions in Italy and in the world: from Leida to
Lisbona, including Uppsala and Bratislava. This complex of extraordinary scientific,
historic, artistic and naturalistic value is set in the middle of Padova’s historic
centre, between the great basilicas of St. Anthony and St. Justina, in an urban area
that includes, in the immediate vicinity, some complexes of great historic and artistic
value such as the Prato della Valle, the Loggia and Odeo Cornaro, the Porta
Pontecorvo and the 16th century city walls, at a small distance from the historic seat
of the University of Padova and from the most important city monuments (Cappella
degli Scrovegni, Palazzo della Ragione, Piazze and Battistero).

The species in the Biodiversity Garden exhibition project number are about 1,300. They live
in environments sharing the same humidity and temperature characteristics, simulating the
climatic conditions of the planet’s biomes, from tropical to sub-humid, temperate and arid
zones. The position of the plants in each environment and of the aquatic plant lake reflects a
phytogeographic division – Plant and Environment is a voyage through the Earth’s
vegetation (in America, Africa and Madagascar, Asia, temperate Europe and Oceania). And
the visitor can immediately see a representation of the richness (or poverty) of biodiversity
present in each climate zone. The Garden does not represent the planet from the viewpoint
of man or the animal world, attention is rather shifted to the various forms of plant life.
Starting with the questions: “what is a plant?” and “what characteristics make it so
indispensable for our existence?”, the role played by plants in human evolution emerges,
from the earliest settlements in prehistoric times until today. As early as 1880, in the text
The power of movements in plants, Darwin wrote that “the tip of the radicle acts like the
brain of one of the lower animals”. An intuition backed by the most recent scientific
discoveries and which is the ideal inspiration for Plant and Man. Information panels, films,
interactive displays and exhibits recount how the intelligence of plants and the intelligence
of humans have coevolved in parallel from Lucy until our times. Plants tell of their age-old
relationship with man – used to nourish, treat or construct the objects which make up our
history. Outside the greenhouses, the flowerbeds are dedicated to specific themes, with
cultivation of species compatible with the local climate, such as food plants, flower gardens
and aromatic herbs. The themed gardens in fact represent a space open to realization in the
name of the Garden’s scientific interest and dissemination to the public.

The tower known as La Specola rises on the spot where Ezzelino III da Romano, the
13th-century tyrant of Padova, had built his fortified castle.
The present-day tower was erected in the 14th century, after the fort was rebuilt by
Francesco I da Carrara. In 1767 the building was converted into an astronomical
observatory (specula). In 1777 the tower housed a lower observatory, 16 metres
above ground level, and an upper observatory at a height of 35 metres. The lower
observatory was named the Sala Meridiana; noon was measured on the meridian line
sunk in the floor. The upper observatory has walls of eight metres, and its large
windows are almost six metres high.
The observatory remained in use until the 1930s, when the University decided to
procure a large modern telescope; the site selected for the instrument was Asiago, on
a plateau north of Padova, where the new structure was commissioned in 1942.

The museum can only be visited by guided tour. The duration of the tour is approximately one hour.
A special guided tour - reserved for individuals, families and small groups of friends - takes place
on Saturdays, Sundays and all public holidays during the week, throughout the year, at 16 pm
(October to April) or at 18 (May to September). Max 25 people per tour. Closed on 24, 25, 26
December, January 1 and May 1. Prices: 5-7,00 €

Dating from the 16th century is the world’s first permanent anatomical theatre.
1446 is the date on the earliest documents mentioning the use of anatomical theatres
made of wood, which were erected and dismantled as needed for public dissections.
Notable among the great anatomists who taught at the University of Padova is
Andreas Vesalius, whose textbook De humani corporis fabrica makes reference to a
theatre in the city. It was the anatomist Girolamo Fabrici D’Acquapendente who took
the initiative of having a permanent anatomical theatre built. It was inaugurated in
1595 and remained in use until 1872.
The anatomical theater is part of a bigger tour of the Palazzo del Bo.
Guided tours Palazzo Bo (via 8 febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padova, tel. +39 049 8275111 )
Guided tours of Palazzo del Bo include the anatomical theatre and also the Galileo Galilei’s Aula
Magna, the Sala dei Quaranta (The “Hall of the Forty”) and the Aula di Medicina (where lectures on
medicine were originally given). During the tour, the guide speaks Italian and a foreign language,
(depending on the nationalities of the tourists in the group).
Scheduled tours
Tours last 45 minutes and take place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons, and on
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mornings. Palazzo Bo is closed on Sundays.
Bookings, exclusively for the 10.15 and 16.15 tours, are for groups of at least 10 people. The
maximum number for groups is 30 people.

In 2014, tours are suspended on Sundays and also:
21-25-26 April / 1-2-3 May / 13-14 June / 15-16 August / 8-25-26-27 December

Guided tours – Summer time-table (March-October)
Mondays: 15.15 - 16.15 - 17.15 / Tuesdays: 9.15 - 10.15 - 11.15 / Wednesdays: 15.15 - 16.15 -
17.15 /Thursdays: 9.15 - 10.15 - 11.15; 15.15 - 16.15 - 17.15 / Fridays: 15.15 - 16.15 - 17.15
Saturdays: 9.15 - 10.15 - 11.15

Guided tours – Winter time-table (November-February)
Mondays: 15.15 - 16.15 / Tuesdays: 10.15 - 11.15 / Wednesdays: 15.15 - 16.15 / Thursdays:
10.15 - 11.15 / Fridays: 15.15 - 16.15 / Saturdays: 10.15 - 11.15
Tickets: prices and sale
Prices: Single adults € 5.00 / Groups € 3.50 / Students € 2.00
Entry is free of charge for: those accompanying groups; children under 6; students and employees
of the University of Padova; guests of conferences organized by the University of Padova.

The benedictine abbey of Praglia stands at the foot of Mount Lonzina in the
Euganean Hills, at only 3 kms from La Montecchia in direction of Teolo. The 12th
century building is famous throughout the world and should not be missed while you
are staying with us.
The abbey has a number of cloisters and a famous library with a collection of a
100.000 volumes.
Dario Varotari architect of the Villa Capodilista worked in the abbey and painted
many pictures for the monks themselves.
The monks are specialised in the restoration of books and the preparation of herbal
creams and lotions of the highest quality, as well as excellent honey.

The abbey may be visited partly by attending guided tours:
Sunday and holidays
Regular hours: 2:30, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30 p.m.
Daylight saving: 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00, 5:30 p.m.
Regular hours: 2:30, 3:10, 3:50, 4:30 p.m.
Daylight saving: 3:30, 4:10, 4:50, 5:30 p.m.
Closed: Monday, New Year’s day, Epiphany, Easter Triduum, Easter Sunday,
Pentecost, Assumption, All Saints Day, Immaculate Conception, Christmas and
Christmas Eve.

Opening hours of the shop:
The shop of the abbey is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 12 am and from
2.45 pm to 6 pm. The shop is closed on Monday.

The items on sale include shampoos, bath foams, soaps and creams for the different
types of skin, prepared with natural ingredients such as honey, propolis, calendula,
cammomile and lavender. These herbs are grown in the abbey’s own botanic garden.
The shop also sells excellent honey, a selection of literature and the obligatory post

Address: Via Valleselle, 4 – Arquà Petrarca
Phone: + 39 0429 718294
Time: from March to October 9.00-12.30/ 15.00-19.00
      from November to February 9.00-12.00/ 14.30-17.30

The building, which dates from the thirteenth century, still
retains much of its original structures fourteenth century,
despite numerous renovations and alterations and the
lodge’s addition of the sixteenth-century. Also in the
sixteenth century were frescoed rooms with a cycle inspired
by the most famous works of Petrarca, Canzoniere and

                                   In 1369, Francesco Petrarca (Arezzo Arquà 1304-
                                1374), tired of moving around, and now old and sick,
                                      did you retrofit a house in the village of Arquà
                                         Euganean and chose to retreat in recent days.

 Here he spent in peace the last years of life,
 surrounded by new and old friends and
 family. He died on the night between 18 and
 19 July 1374, bowing his head over his
 beloved books. The house was probably given
 to Petrarca by Francesco I da Carrara, lord of

                                       Inside the house the poet did change the
                                       distribution of environments: the room was
                                       divided in two in the west to obtain a study, the
                                       room became the central hall of representation
                                       and liaison, illuminated by a five-light window
                                       on the side of the garden and closed by a
                                       fireplace from the orchard. It was rebuilt in
                                       Gothic style windows, two balconies were
                                       added and three fireplaces.
Via Bomba – CAVA BOMBA – 35030 – CINTO EUGANEO
Phone: +39 0429647166

The “Cava Bomba” complex stands both a san important example of industrial
archaeology concerning lime production in the area of Euganean Hills, and as a
valuable proof of the recent past productive situation. The precise refurbishment has
allowed to reconstruct the whole productive cycle and a route outside the building
retraces the different phases of the productive cycle of the old kiln.
The small inner yard hosts an exhibition of tools for working and cutting stone
materials quarried from the Euganean Hills. The museum includes three main
sections: the first illustrates Euganean Hills geology, the second the area mineralogy,
and the last one hosts the Da Rio collection. The idea to refurbish the complex and
use is it as the site of this original museum was conceived after the find of
Cretaceous fossil fish specimens (dated 92 million years ago) made around the mid
-70s in the limestone quarry near the kiln. The finding represents the core of the
geologic exhibition which is introduced by a didactic section on Earth sciences
showing geological phenomena of the Euganean Hills area. The mineralogy section
hosts a collection of minerals coming from all over the world. The last section
displays the substantial “Da Rio” geologic collection and stands as a typical example
of scientific museum of the first half of the 19th century.
The collection includes minerals, stones and fossils gathered between the end of the
18th century and the first half of the 19th century by count Niccolò Da Rio, a literate
and a notable natural sciences researcher from Padua. An open-air geologic park has
been recently inaugurated to make room for large stone specimens and full-scale
models of prehistoric animals.

Tickets Adults 2,60 – Concessions euro 1,10

Via Dei Colli, 28 Padova
Tel. 0039 049 8910189

Esapolis is the first major insect house in Italy and is
the result of a fruitful collaboration between the
Province of Padua and Butterfly Arc. The visitor is
projected in a world of tiny beings who represents the
largest animal biomass on the planet. We work to
develop a path in which the visitor is not a mere
observer of the items, but the actor starred in more or less direct interactions. In
addition to permanent exhibitions listed below, other exhibitions vary and evolve
over time, such as photo exhibits, the sculptures and various other fittings. Esapolis
will captivate you through the continuous stimulation of the senses and mind.


                       In the workshops participants will delve into some concepts
                       related to the world of arthropods, may interact with some
                       animals under the guidance of an educator. For schools and
                       groups we booked a 'wide range of educational workshops,
                       diversified by type and age of the participants. Instead,
                       Sundays and public holidays we organize interactive
                       workshops open to the public.

INSETTOLANDIA: the children's museum
Insettolandia is a special place where children can learn the
wonderful world of insects through the game. This is the place
where children can learn, participate and express their
emotions. A museum devoted to them, tailored to them.

Phone: +39 049-9404485 | Fax: +39 049-5972754
Summer hours (from April 1st to October 31st)
Monday-Friday: 9 – 13 / 14 – 18          Saturday-Sunday: 9 – 19
Winter hours (from November 1st to March 31st)
Monday-Friday: 9 – 13 / 14 – 16          Saturday-Sunday: 10 – 17


You are invited to visit Cittadella, a splendid medieval walled town near important
centers of art such as Padova, Vicenza, Treviso. Cittadella shares its Venitian
historical background with other walled towns like Bassano del Grappa, Marostica,
Asolo and Castelfranco Veneto.
The foundation of Cittadella dates back to 1220, when Padova decided to found “ex
novo” a fortified castle in the central area of the Venetian plain in order to protect
the boundary lines of its countryside from the aggression of Treviso and Vicenza,
and also to control the local Lords and to start a policy of agricultural colonization.

Political, military and economic reasons are therefore at the root of the founding
of Cittadella, even though this area had been populated since ancient times: although
materials evidencing the Paleo-Venetian civilization are lacking, it has been proven
that the Romans had been here since the II century B.C. In 148 B.C. they built the
Postumia road, an artery that runs through Northern Italy connecting Genoa and
Aquileia; parts of this road remained viable until the XI century. Another important
axes was the road that connected Padova to the Valsugana. On these two important
orthogonal axes (decuman and cardo, respectively) the Romans rationally organised
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