Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School

Page created by Terrance Brady
Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School
Spring 2019

                            ROCKS FROM THE MOON AND SPACE LAND IN SCHOOL
                               ATS STAFF TAKE ON ‘THE CUBE’ FOR COMIC RELIEF

 Welcome to our latest edition of ‘Communiqué’ from Archbishop Temple School.
Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School
A message from
                           the Headteacher
Dear Parent/Carer,                              have, and focus on developing our pupils as
                                                global citizens. This target fits very nicely with
It is a pleasure to write to you as part of our our new designation as a language hub,
Easter Communiqué . We seem to be emerging focusing on developing the excellent Modern
at last from a long winter, and the school      Foreign Languages teaching your child
grounds are looking wonderful with the drive    receives at Archbishop Temple School across a
edged with spring flowers.                      national network of schools.

                                                     The second piece of news concerns my role at
                                                     Archbishop Temple School. Following an
                                                     interview this week, I have been appointed as
                                                     the new Principal at Ripley St Thomas
                                                     Academy in Lancaster. I will take up my new
                                                     role in September. Ripley is a school I have
                                                     close connections with, as it was where my son
                                                     went. It is a large school with 1800 pupils, and
                                                     includes a large sixth form. While I am excited
                                                     about a new role, I am not looking forward to
                                                     saying goodbye to everyone at Archbishop
I have two important pieces of news to share         Temple School, and wish I could be a part of
with you in this letter.                             both schools. I will be working with the Diocese
                                                     and our governors to find a new Headteacher
Firstly we welcomed Canon Stephen Harvey             for Archbishop Temple School, who, I am sure,
in February as he conducted an inspection of         will be able to further develop the excellent
us as a Church School. All Church of England         education we offer our children.
schools are subject to both Ofsted and SIAMs
inspections, and while they are separate
inspections, Ofsted does take careful note of a
SIAMs grading. I’m delighted to tell you that
Canon Harvey graded us as “excellent” in all
areas (the best grade on a SIAMs inspection),
and only had one area for improvement. He
has asked us to improve the global links we

Archbishop Temple School, St Vincent’s Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 8RA
Telephone: 01772 717782 Website:

Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School
I do realise that a Headteacher   best I’ve met in any school I’ve   confident that this will continue
leaving may cause some            ever visited. The excellent        long after my name has faded
unease, but I am only one         results we achieve year after      from memory.
person, and will leave behind     year are the work of the many
me a very experienced and         dedicated, capable people who      Next term promises to be busy
capable leadership team, and a    make Archbishop Temple             with year 11 starting their
staff team who are easily the     School what it is. I am            exams just after the Easter
                                                                     break, and the governors
                                                                     ensuring that my successor is
                                                                     appointed. I trust that you and
                                                                     your families will be able to
                                                                     enjoy a restful Easter break,
                                                                     and find time to refresh and
                                                                     enjoy the good news of Easter
                                                                     - Christ is Risen!

                                                                     Mrs G. Jackson

Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School
enjoy his new found wealth.           wants to do for us. Forgive and
                                     For a while it’s brilliant fun, but   restore us to his family. Yet I
                                     then the money runs out and           am left like many who read this
                                     his new friends run off. He           story thinking, ‘What does it
                                     ends up working a shameful            cost for the Father to forgive
                                     job for a Jewish man, feeding         his Son?”
                                     pigs and feeling empty. In my
                                     experience, life without God is       The cost of forgiveness is
                                     just like this, potentially good      huge. Easter shows us the cost
                                     for a while but empty in the          of our forgiveness in gory,
JOE, OUR CHAPLAIN,                   end. So he comes to his               blood filled detail. Our God
TALKS ABOUT                          senses, decides to set off back       forgives us through the death
FORGIVENESS                          to his Father and offer his           of Jesus on the cross. As
                                     services as a servant in the          Hebrews 9:22 puts it ‘without
Forgiveness is one of those
                                     household. He repents. He             the shedding of blood there can
words that is hard to define.
                                     wants to turn around, leave           be no forgiveness.’ Easter is
As we move toward Easter
                                     behind life without his Father,       God’s great declaration of his
forgiveness should be in our
                                     hoping that maybe his Dad             desire to forgive us.
minds as God declares at
                                     would have him back.
Easter his great love for the
                                                                  I found this quote about
world, with forgiveness being
                                Well how would you respond to forgiveness on google and it
right at the very heart of it. Let
                                someone who wants nothing to sums up well what God does at
me illustrate what forgiveness
                                do with you and only wants        Easter. Unbelievably God
is through a famous story
                                your good things? Amazingly, wants people like you and me
Jesus told.
                                the Father instead of dishing     in his life, despite how we have
                                out deserved punishment           treated him. God’s gift to us at
There was a man who had two
                                lavishes gracious, forgiving      Easter is full and free
Sons and the younger Son
                                kindness on his Son. I love the forgiveness, which means we
said, ‘Father, give me my share
                                Father’s speech in Jesus story. can be called Children of God.
of the estate.’ This is a
shocking thing to say! He
                                Luke 15:22-24                     Why not use this Easter as a
wants his Dad dead so he can
                                22 “But the father said to his    chance to explore the
have his money. Yet the bigger
                                servants, ‘Quick! Bring the best forgiveness that God offers
shock is that Jesus tells this
                                robe and put it on him. Put a     you? It is a life changing
story to get us thinking about
                                ring on his finger and sandals    experience to know the
ourselves and how we treat
                                on his feet. 23 Bring the         forgiveness of God.
God, our Heavenly Father.
                                fattened calf and kill it. Let’s  Happy Easter.
Jesus would suggest that very
                                have a feast and celebrate.
often we want God’s good                                          Joe Houghton
                                24 For this son of mine was
things but not him. We want
                                dead and is alive again; he was School Chaplain
God out of the picture and
                                lost and is found.’ So they
ourselves in the driving seat.
                                began to celebrate.
Amazingly, the Dad in the story
gives his money to his
                                The boy won’t have to be a
ungrateful Son.
                                servant but is welcomed home
                                given the full rights of a Son,
Not long after that, the Son
                                that’s what the ring and so forth
goes off to a distant place to
                                are about. The Son is forgiven
                                and that is exactly what God
Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School

Pupils had an out of world         Pupils and staff were             Mr Boe, Facilities Manager,
experience this week. Thanks       fascinated by the rocks which     was very keen to handle the
to a loan from NASA and the        included amongst others           samples because he
Science and Technology             samples; orange soil collected    remembered watching the
Facilities Council, they had the   by Apollo 17 (you can find the    moon landings when he was at
opportunity to view and handle     exact site on       school and it is a big part of
a selection of rocks from the      moon); a large iron meteorite     history.
moon and space.                    from Argentina with a recorded
                                   history dating back to 1576; an
                                   ammonite fossil 65 million
                                   years old and a 14.7 million
                                   year old Moldavite impactite
                                   (glass formed when a meteorite
                                   landed in Germany).

                                   Jayden, in year 7, said, 'My
                                   favourite was the large iron
                                   meteorite, it was really heavy
                                   and the original must have
                                   been huge as this was only a
Between 1969 and 1972, six         small part that broke off,       The pupils had an opportunity
manned Apollo missions             knowing it came from             to view the rocks in lessons or
successfully landed on the         somewhere in space is            in the library at lunchtime.
Moon, allowing the Astronauts      amazing'.                        Mrs Dearden, Librarian, was
to collect samples and bring                                        delighted that such an exciting
them back to Earth for study.      Finlay, in Year 7, enjoyed       event was taking place as it
Some of these samples have         looking at the samples because showed the library is the hub of
been preserved in acrylic disks    'not many people go to space, the school, changing pupils’
and along with a range of          so it's great to see what things views and encouraged pupils
meteorites, tektites and fossils   from space look and feel like'. who do not usually go, to visit.
are available for a weeklong                                        'It reminds us all we are a small
loan to schools.                                                    part of space'.

                                                                     Miss Walsh, Head of
                                                                     Canterbury House and Teacher
                                                                     of Science, who along with
                                                                     Mrs Taylor, Science
                                                                     Technician, organised the visit
                                                                     was thrilled that pupils took
                                                                     such an interest and hopes that
                                                                     they will take a greater interest
                                                                     in July when the 50th
                                                                     Anniversary of the Apollo Moon
                                                                     Landings is celebrated.

Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School
WORLD BOOK DAY       On Thursday 7th March 2019,
                     staff and pupils had a lot of
                     fun dressing up for World Book
                     Day 2019. Stalking the
                     corridors were characters from
                     Alice in Wonderland, The
                     Hunger Games, Harry Potter,
                     Mary Poppins, Greg Heffley
                     from Diary of a Wimpy Kid, My
                     Little Pony and The Demon

                     At lunch pupils were treated to
                     a live jazz performance by
                     Temple Saxes in the library
                     and a pop-up library in the

                     Archbishop Temple School
                     encourages pupils to read every
                     day. Every afternoon starts with
                     quiet reading time and there are
                     plenty of other opportunities
                     throughout the day to read.

                     Well done to Nicholas in year
                     10, whose costume depicting
                     Death the narrator in 'The Book
                     Thief', won the World Book Day
                     costume prize.

                          ATS RECOMMENDS

                     Our pupil librarians have
                     recommended a selection of
                     books that they have been
                     enjoying recently.

                     The Enemy Series by
                     Charlie Higson
                     Everyone over the age of 18
                     turns into a zombie in this series
                     of books and the children have
                     to work together to survive.
                     Throughout the series the
                     mystery of the zombie disease
                     unfolds. William, year 8.

Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School
The Light Between Oceans          The Golden Compass by
by M.L. Stedman                   Philip Pullman
A book told from a variety of     A great, fun and entertaining
perspectives. A couple adopt a    book. Joel, year 8.
lost child and then they meet
the child’s parents.              The Hate U Give by Angie
An interesting story.             Thomas
David, year 10.                   A real eye opener. This book
                                  shows the reality of many
Ready Player                      unjust actions towards people
One by Ernest                     of different races. For a young
Cline                             adult audience only due to
A very good                       strong language. Millie, year 9.
book about
video games.
Adam, year 8.

The Potion Diaries: Going
Viral by Amy Alward
A very good book about Emilia
saving her grandfather’s
memories and becoming a
Master Alchemist.
Isabel, year 9.

Spoonful of Murder by Robin
It’s a great book
and the library
already has most
of the series but
not this one!
Abigail, year 9.

The Hunger Games Trilogy
by Suzanne Collins
It is a phenomenal series and
highly recommended to
everyone. This is a must read!
Arianne, year 7.

The Goosebumps Series by
R.L. Stine
This series is a nice mix of
horror and fun in one. It would
be nice to see more copies of
books from this series in the
library. Christo, year 8.

Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School

                                                                     what 'Family', 'Bravery', 'War'
                                                                     and 'Water' meant to them.
                                                                     They then cut up their work
                                                                     and made some new poetry by
                                                                     mixing up their answers.

                                                                     The library was buzzing with
                                                                     discussion, and was a focal
                                                                     point for our pupils on a day of
                                                                     poetic creation. This was a
                                                                     great way of ensuring all year
                                                                     8’s spent some time in the
                                                                     library, and learnt new ways to
                                                                     write poetry. I want all pupils to
                                                                     see the library as a place of
We welcomed poet                  over. Pupils didn’t know this      ideas and creativity, where
Dom Conlon into school on         until they all started to read the they can learn and have fun at
Wednesday 23rd January to         poem aloud. Dom asked “Is          the same time.
work with year 8 pupils in a      that a poem?” A lively
creative poetry workshop.         discussion ensued.                 Mrs N. Dearden
Dom did five sessions                                                School Librarian
encouraging pupils to think       Our pupils then did some
particularly about the “Heroes”   writing, and were asked to
in their lives.                   observe their surroundings
                                  and write a long list of
He asked pupils to think about    everything they could see.
the people in their own lives     Dom then talked about
and why they are heroes to        Kennings, and asked our pupils
them.                             to think of a two word
                                  description for “sword” and
Then he asked for fourteen        “boat”. Our pupils came up with
volunteers to read out lines      some fantastic creations.
from a poem, which had the        They were then asked to write
same line repeated over and       down in separate sentences

Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School

                                                                  secure. It was interesting to
                                                                  learn about gold stored
                                                                  beneath the Bank of England
                                                                  and the level of security when
                                                                  it is delivered!

                                                                 The Bank of England employs
                                                                over 4,000 people, based
                                                                across the UK. Clare gave
                                                                pupils an insight into her own
                                                                journey to becoming Head of
                                                                Parliamentary Affairs and
                                                                detailed of her responsibilities,
                                                                including interesting places her
                                                                job has taken her, 10 Downing
                                                                Street being one of them. Clare
We were delighted to welcome circulation. The Bank of           encouraged pupils to consider
Clare Cowan, Head of            England recently consulted      a career within the Bank of
Parliamentary Affairs at the    schools and other               England and outlined the
Bank of England, into school    organisations regarding who     various roles within the
on Friday 8th February.         should appear on the back of    organisation. At the end of the
                                the new fifty-pound note.       talk, Mr Baybutt, Assistant
Clare delivered a fascinating                                   Headteacher, spoke to pupils
talk on the history of the Bank Clare explained how the Bank about how education creates
of England and its role. Clare  of England manages the          opportunities. Pupils and staff
talked about how the Bank of    banking system that processes thanked Clare for her valuable
England prints and distributes every single financial           time, her talk was both
all the bank notes in the UK.   transaction that takes place in interesting and inspiring.
Clare handed out small          the UK. The Bank of England
packages and asked pupils to keeps the value of money           Find out more about careers at
tell her what they were, they   stable; Clare talked about how The Bank of England
guessed straight away –         the rates set by the Bank of    https://
shredded bank notes! The        England can affect people’s
Bank of England is responsible financial security and how the careers/early-careers
for taking old notes out of     Bank of England keeps money

Hair and Beauty Club             friends of the school. We have   place every Friday lunchtime.
                                 been overwhelmed by your
Many thanks for all your kind    kindness.                        Mrs L. Bergon
donations to ‘Hair and Beauty                                     Second in MFL
Club’. The girls who attend the Please feel free to keep
club are all incredibly grateful. donations coming in and we
                                  will save these for the next
The Beauty Wagon is               time we run low on stock!
freshly stocked thanks to
the generosity of parents and     ‘Hair and Beauty Club’ takes

Communiqué - Archbishop Temple School

How is one meant to feel upon         an unforgettable experience
embarking on a school trip to         where we were given the
Auschwitz; a name synonymous          opportunity to be educated on this
with suffering, cruelty, and death?   pivotal part of history and to be
Excited? Apprehensive? Nervous        given a real insight on the
maybe?                                animosity that took place here
                                      during the Second World War.
From the 6th-8th February 2019, The two and a half hours were
the year 11 history students          filled with things familiar from
embarked on an emotional visit to television and books, but whose
Auschwitz-Birkenau to learn more impact can only truly be felt when
about the persecution of groups       seen for real: two tons of human
under the Nazi regime. After          hair preserved since the camp's
departing from Manchester             liberation in January 1945; the
Airport, we arrived at Krakow         shoes and suitcases of the victims
Airport, where we transported via who are today only known through
coach to our accommodation,           the crude chalk labels hurriedly
The Batory Guest Rooms, arriving applied when the ghettos of               the scenes before us. The group
at 2am.                               Europe were liquidated; and the      visited cattle cars, sleeping huts,
                                      gas chamber – the only one which     and hastily destroyed gas
After a couple of hours of sleep,     survives here – where hundreds       chambers and committed the
we had our breakfast and set off      of thousands of Jews, Poles,         scene to memory. An emotional
for Auschwitz-Birkenau, which         Czechs and Gypsies walked in         service was held at the memorial
was approximately a 90 minute         without ever walking out.            as a fitting conclusion to our visit.
drive from the accommodation.
When we arrived, we were given If the scale and brutal organisation        After this we were given a guided
headphones, in order to listen to     of Auschwitz I was enough to         tour around the city centre of
the tour guide as we observed         silence the group, the sheer size    Krakow, where we were able to
and attempted to comprehend the of Auschwitz II – or Birkenau –            see some of the most spectacular
terrors that once dictated the        was another thing altogether. The    views as the sun set, and learn
concentration camp. The camp is huts and chimneys disappear into           about the great buildings which
quite daunting, with foul smells      the horizon behind the famous        were filled with history.
still lingering in the chambers. No 'railway station' arch and the
life, except from the visitors, is to falling rain seemed to suspend       On the second and final day, we
be seen above ground. This was time and lent an air of isolation to        met an Auschwitz survivor at the
                                                                           Holocaust Memorial Museum. As
                                                                           we listened to her story, we
                                                                           became familiar with the
                                                                           experience that the survivor had
                                                                           undergone, and the lasting impact
                                                                           the camp had on her and how her
                                                                           life planned out. Lidia
                                                                           Maksymowicz was 3 years old
                                                                           when she arrived at Auschwitz
                                                                           Birkenau with her Mother and
                                                                           Grandparents. Lidia was a
                                                                           Russian Political Prisoner, not a
                                                                           Jew. Her grandparents were
                                                                           gassed straight away, her mother
                                                                           was put to work and Lidia was

they were reunited 19 years after
                                     leaving Auschwitz). An incredible
                                     and moving story.

                                     Before heading to the airport, we
                                     were given free time in the main
                                     square to grab some food and to
                                     shop. Alongside the abundant
                                     supply of markets, and different
                                     restaurants, the main square was
                                     definitely a lot of fun to visit, and
                                     there was never a dull moment.

                                     Overall, this trip is well worth        The images displayed as part
                                     going on, as you would find it          of this piece were all taken by
                                     helps you see the bigger picture        pupils. Well done to the
sent to the Children's huts. She     the toll the camps took on minority     following pupils who won the
was one of Dr Mengele's              groups. It lets you see the
                                                                             photo competition from the
‘Patients’. After the war, Lidia was darkness man is capable of when
                                                                             history trip to Auschwitz:
adopted by a local Polish family.    pushed to their limits- so to be
Her biological mother survived       stood where an atrocity like that
Auschwitz after being sent on one happened was an indescribable              Cara -  Remembrance
of the death marches (although       experience.                             Chloe - Friendship
Lidia was told that she had died -                                           Emma - Reflection &
she tracked her mother down and Isha , year 11                                       Overall winner


We are delighted to announce         Food, beer, wine, spirits and           On the night, parking will be
details of our first PTA Quiz        soft drinks will be available to        available at Preston's College.
Night. It will take place on         buy on the night, and there will
Friday 17th May 2019, in our         be a children's tuck shop.              Tickets are available now, from
school sports hall. We are                                                   the school website.
inviting people to attend at         Come along and help our
6.30pm for a 7pm prompt start.       school PTA raise money for a            PTA Quiz Night,
Bring your friends and family        fantastic new fitness suite for         Friday 17th May 2019
for a night of fun. It is just £10   school.                                 6.30pm for 7pm start
for a table of six, we welcome                                               £10 for a team of 6
mixed groups of adults and

Our school PTA will be hosting
6 rounds of questions, with a
fantastic top prize for all the

Plus, there’ll be lots of other
super prizes up for grabs in
raffles and auctions taking
place throughout the evening.


We were delighted to welcome
a number of employers and
local colleges into school, on
Thursday 28th February 2019,
for the year 10 'Take
Responsibility Day'. The day
incorporated a 'Speed
Networking Event' as well as
valuable information on
interview techniques, skills,
apprenticeships and budgeting.
The purpose of the day was to
raise career aspirations
amongst pupils in year 10, as
well as enabling pupils to
engage with employers.

This is the first time the school
has hosted a 'Speed
Networking Event'. A number
of employers volunteered their
time to talk to groups of pupils.
Pupils rotated between              Employers also gave an insight      "I'm pleased to say that
employers and were tasked to        into their own career journeys;     Archbishop Temple School's
find out key information, such      they talked about their own         inaugural speed networking
as skills and qualities required    backgrounds, the training that      event was a success," said Mr
in that industry, find out about    they had undertaken and how         Gray, Head of Careers. "The
jobs within the employers' field    they had gained employment.         conduct of pupils was fantastic.
and gather other information,       All offered a fascinating insight   They all engaged with
which may guide them when           into their roles.                   employers really well and
thinking about their career.                                            found the sessions incredibly
                                                                        useful and informative. We are
                                                                        encouraging pupils to go home
                                                                        and talk to their parents and
                                                                        carers about all the information
                                                                        they have gathered throughout
                                                                        the sessions."

                                                                        After break, Preston's College,
                                                                        Runshaw College and Cardinal
                                                                        Newman College talked to
                                                                        pupils about training, study and
                                                                        apprenticeship options. Pupils
                                                                        also had the opportunity to
                                                                        learn about budgeting with
                                                                        Cumberland Building Society

Many thanks to Adecco, DXC        parent representatives for
                                   Technology, BAE Systems,          attending the event.
                                   Army, DWP, Vodafone, KPMG,
                                   James Hall, Marsden               Following the event Gill Seville
                                   Rawsthorn Solicitors, Marriott    from KPMG said, “Thanks for
                                   Preston, Matiolli Woods,          inviting me. I had a brilliant
and gain a greater insight into    Lancashire Police, NHS, RAF,      morning and loved chatting to
working for Lancashire Police      Training 2000, Cumberland         all the students, hopefully I’ve
and in radiotherapy,               Building Society, Fylde           inspired a few to apply for our
with Rosemere Cancer               Borough Council, UCLAN,           KPMG Recruitment
Research Radiotherapy              Rosemere Cancer Research          Apprenticeship programme”
Department.                        Radiotherapy Department,
                                   Next Step Careers, Preston's
"Many thanks to all the            College, Cardinal Newman
employers, local colleges and      College, Runshaw College and
parents/carers who joined us
today. The time they dedicated
to the event and the wealth of
information they imparted was
invaluable. I have received lots
of positive feedback from
pupils and I hope the event
was useful for employers to
engage with their future


We are delighted to announce       innovative curricular and
the outcome of the recent          pastoral practice which has a
Statutory Inspection of            transformational impact on the
Anglican and Methodist             lives of pupils and adults.”
Schools (SIAMS). Following
the Inspector’s visit, on the      The report stated that, “Pupils
28th February and 1st March        are deeply aware of the
2019, Archbishop                   school’s commitment to
Temple School has been             nurturing them to be the              GENTLE REMINDER
graded as ‘Excellent’. The         best they can be.”
highest grading a school can                                        A gentle reminder to parents
achieve following an               It also commented on the         and carers, please do not come
inspection.                        school “enabling people to       down the school drive when
                                   live well together” and the      dropping off or picking up your
The SIAMS Inspector, The           “excellent behaviour in school.” son or daughter. Please drop
Revd Canon Steven Harvey,                                           them off on St Vincent’s Road.
found,                             You can read the full report     Many thanks for your
                                   and find out more about our      cooperation.
“The school’s Christian vision     excellent work on our school
results in imaginative and         website.

This term many of our young     for their efforts. We had over    The mathematics department
mathematicians sat the          20 pupils who received a          wish to congratulate all those
prestigious UKMT Intermediate   certificate based upon their      pupils who took part in this
Mathematics Challenge run by    performance and this is a         event and especially to those
the University of Leeds.        credit to them.                   who received a certificate.
                                                                  If you think you are up to the
We had over 80 pupils sitting    Most notably, Hannah and         challenge, then please feel
this examination in February     Thomas from year 11 and          free to have a go at the
and whilst it was very           Ethan from year 10 excelled      questions below from this
challenging many pupils found and have been invited to sit        year’s UKMT Intermediate
this stimulating and thought     the Kangaroo Paper (a follow Challenge and if this has
provoking. This examination      on round - even more             wetted you appetite for more,
really puts the pupils’ problem challenging!) as a result of      then please have a look at the
solving ability to the test with their scores on the              UKMT website for more
many questions involving         Intermediate Challenge. At the challenges.
“thinking outside of the box”.   time of writing, we are awaiting
                                 these results but I feel very
The results landed on our        confident that they will have    individual-competitions/
doorstep in March and we         done themselves and the          intermediate-challenge/
were pleased that so many of school proud.                        archive/
our pupils have been rewarded

Turn to page 25 to check your answers.


On Tuesday 4th February we     Lancaster Girls Grammar Sixth
hosted our annual Careers and  Form, HM Land Registry,
Options event. We were         Marsden Rawsthorn Solicitors,
delighted to see so many       MJH Accountants, Moor Park
pupils from years 9, 10 and 11 Sixth Form, Myerscough
and their parents and carers inCollege, Next Step Careers,
attendance.                    PNE FC Community and
                               Education Trust, Preston City
A range of employers,          Council, Preston’s College,
training providers, college    RAF, Rosemere Cancer
and university representatives Foundation - Radiotherapy          Thanks to the PTA for
supported the event. Special   Department, Royal Navy,            providing refreshments
thanks to the representatives  Runshaw College, Training          throughout the evening and
from; the Army Careers         2000 and UCLAN for                 thanks again to everyone who
service, BAE Systems,          supporting our school and          attended. We received many
Cardinal Newman College,       advising parents and pupils on     positive comments from
The Challenge – National       career choices, training,          parents and pupils. We hope
Citizen Service, DWP, Edge     apprenticeships and courses.       that it was useful and look
Hill University, Eric Wright   Teachers were also on hand to      forward to hosting another
Group, Hutton Church of        advise year 9 pupils and their     successful event again next
England Grammar Sixth Form, parents and carers on their           year.
Kirkham Grammar Sixth Form, Options’ choices.

 CRISP PACKET RECYCLING I remind you that they must be
            SCHEME                washed out with warm soapy
                                  water and dried before we can
Thank you to everyone who         send them off.
brought in crisp packets for
recycling, our first batch of 400 Many thanks
 has been sent off to
TerraCycle UK.                    Miss L. Walsh
                                  Head of Canterbury House
Please continue to bring in your
empty packets but please could


On Wednesday the 27th
February, 10 pupils from years
8 and 9 spent the day at
Preston’s College competing
against other schools in the
local area in the ‘Tomorrow’s
Engineers Robotics
Competition.’ After weeks of
hard work, the team (with the
help of mentors who competed
in last year’s competition)
created Dora - the challenge
robot, and Shreck - the speed
robot. The robots had been
created with the Lego            At Preston’s College, we were      with the challenge mat. Here,
Mindstorms kits, which           presented with; two challenge      our robot demonstrated many
contained a central EVE block    mats, where we would be            technical problems, but we
and other pieces of strangely    given scores on our                were relieved to discover that
shaped Lego. As a team, we       performance of each challenge      this was only our first attempt
spent hours constructing the     we attempted and a straight        at the challenges. Later in the
physical body of our robots,     4-metre track for our speed        day, after thoroughly
discovering a range of           robot, a teamwork challenge        examining each individual
aggravating problems along       which we would complete later      block of code and fiddly
the way, and used a code         in the day. We had also            component, we competed on
specifically designed for the    prepared a presentation based      the challenge mat for a second
robots to program their          on research in a particular area   time. We attempted most and
movement across a large mat,     of science and technology and      the challenges and were
which was the host of many       a ‘robot showcase’, where we       relieved to see a significant
challenges that we faced on      were asked to show and             improvement in Dora’s
the day of the competition.      explain our robots. We began       performance.

                                                                    The team were then asked to
                                                                    present their research to an
                                                                    audience, something they were
                                                                    all very nervous about. Whilst
                                                                    the mentors could not attend
                                                                    the presentation, the team
                                                                    were congratulated on their
                                                                    fantastic presentation skills
                                                                    and delivery of their research
                                                                    into prosthetic limbs and how
                                                                    this can aid thousands of
                                                                    people. Accompanied with
                                                                    props and a short video
                                                                    created by members of the

name was called in second
                                                                       place, we did not hesitate to
                                                                       cheer. We are all overjoyed to
                                                                       discover that we will be
                                                                       representing the school in the
                                                                       UK Finals of the Tomorrow’s
                                                                       Engineers EEP Robotics
                                                                       Challenge and cannot wait to
                                                                       compete for a second time!

                                                                       Millie, year 9

team, they completed this task     speed challenge. With a light
to the highest of their ability.   vehicle, near perfect code and
                                   the help of well-experienced
Following this, we were then       mentors, Shreck sped down
given a mystery teamwork           the 4-metre track in an
challenge. Whilst it sounded       outstanding 2.1 seconds! After
simple, to use only 5 pieces of seeing other schools holding
paper and 20cm of tape to          the top spot on the leader
keep a bottle of water in the air, board, it was a fantastic feeling
the challenge proved very          for Archbishop Temple to steal
difficult. However, our ‘out of    their place. We were later
the box thinking’ resulted in the awarded a trophy and
water leaving the bottle and       certificate for our achievement.
“disappearing”. We were
congratulated on our idea. We Whilst we all felt that we had
then used the time we had left tried our best, we still felt as
to create triangular prisms, with though we had fallen short of
the paper, to keep the bottle as enough points needed to
high up as possible.               proceed to the national
Finally, we competed in the        competition. So, when our


                                    many of us had visited the
                                    airport and there was plenty to
                                    do to fill our time.

                                    We arrived in New York at 8pm
                                    local time at The Row NYC
                                    where we were shown to our
                                    rooms. They were excellent,
                                    Mrs Jackson had a
                                    particularly fantastic view      the business and then had
                                    straight up 8th Avenue! We       some shopping time in the
                                    quickly put our bags in the      store. Following that, we had
                                    rooms and went to McDonald’s     lunch and ventured to the
                                    as it was late and we were       Empire State Building. The
                                    extremely tired.                 views from the top were
                                                                     fantastic! We then visited
                                    The following day we were met Grand Central Station, Times
                                    by our two tour guides and       Square, did a bit more
The Archbishop Temple School        were taken by coach to the       shopping and had our evening
trip to New York took place         Financial District. We toured    meal.
between the 12th and 16th of        the area; saw the Statue of
February 2019. Thirty-nine          Liberty, the statue of the Bull, Day 4 was to be our last day in
pupils and four members of          Wall Street, and the 9/11        the ‘Big Apple’ so we had
staff travelled across the          memorial and stopped for         packed the night before and
Atlantic Ocean for the Business     lunch. During the afternoon, we loaded everything onto the
Studies trip. It was a very early   walked across Brooklyn Bridge, coach. Before we left the city,
start at 4.30am where we            had our evening meal at the      our bus driver gave us a tour
travelled to Manchester Airport     Hard Rock Café and then          showing us; Trump Tower, the
for a flight to Heathrow and        watched the Lion King musical Rockafella Centre and Radio
then New York.                      at the Minskoff Theatre.         City. We visited the United
                                                                     Nations and had a guided tour,
Heathrow Airport is huge and        On day 3, we visited Macy’s      learning about how they work
we did not realise that we          department store where we        together to provide fairness
would have to catch a type of       had a tour of the business with and equality. It was a very
train to the terminal from our      a guide who explained to us      humbling and informative
plane. It was the first time        how they market and promote experience. Finally, we visited
                                                                     the Metropolitan Museum of Art
                                                                     before a walk around Central
                                                                     Park and a bus back to the

                                                                      It was a fabulous trip and one
                                                                      we will certainly do again!

                                                                      Ms. K Ryder
                                                                      Head of Business Studies

On Friday 15th March 2019,
pupils gathered in the main hall
at lunch to watch teaching staff
undertake a variety of funny
challenges to raise money for
Comic Relief.

Staff went head to head in their
House teams, undertaking
tasks in the style of TV game
show ‘The Cube’.

Mr Baines compered the event,
which included comical tasks
such as keepy uppies with
balloons, a race to blow a ping
pong ball across the hall
and sorting body organs into
the correct position on an
anatomical model.

The grand finale involved every
team member; the team had to       ATS STAFF TAKE ON ‘THE CUBE’ STYLE
separate and whisk egg whites
into stiff peaks, within two
                                    CHALLENGES TO RAISE MONEY FOR
minutes. Each member of the                   COMIC RELIEF
team took it in turns to whisk
the egg whites. Once the time
had elapsed, the bowl was held
over the final person's head.
There was some frantic
whisking, each team member
was keen to ensure that the
mixture wasn't runny!

Congratulations to Durham
House, who achieved the most
points over the series of

The event was a lot of fun and
raised over two hundred
pounds for Comic Relief.

                       LAUNCHED BY RECYCLING LIVES

                                                                    with training and job

                                                                    Claire explained more about
                                                                    careers at Recycling Lives and
                                                                    the variety of roles on offer
                                                                    within the organisation. She
                                                                    talked about the qualities she
                                                                    looks for in a potential
                                                                    employee and why someone
                                                                    might want to work for
                                                                    Recycling Lives.

                                                                    The organisation is also
                                                                    looking at future developments,
                                                                    such as recycling electric car
We were delighted to welcome     that all the money made by         batteries and they are currently
Claire Dallison, Head of         Recycling Lives is then            working with UCLAN,
Human Resources at               reinvested into helping others     developing a waste to energy
Recycling Lives, into school on  in many different ways. The        scheme to power their sites.
Wednesday 13th February          organisation redistributes food
2019.                            from the big supermarkets to       Pupils in year 9 will be working
                                 breakfast clubs and homeless       in groups exploring and
Claire came in to launch a       organisations, across              adopting Recycling Lives’
recycling project to pupils in   Lancashire and Cumbria. Last       unique business model to
year 9. It is an exciting        year Recycling Lives helped        come up with their own
opportunity as we are the first provide over a million meals.       solution to an issue. The
school to take part in the       The organisation also works in     winning team will then be
project.                         prisons, with their HMP            invited to Recycling Lives to
                                 Academy programme,                 present their ideas to industry.
Pupils listened as Claire        providing skills, training,
explained what Recycling Lives qualifications, housing and job
do; recycling waste electrical   opportunities, as well as
goods, scrap cars, scrap metal, funding Victim Support
cardboard, cables and plastic, programmes. Their scheme
as well as providing skips.      has reduced reoffending in the
Pupils watched a video of the community. Recycling Lives
recycling plant, based on        also runs a residential project,
Longridge Road in Preston, in providing people who have
action. Claire then talked about been homeless with
the new products that can be     accommodation, training and
created from the recycled        work experience, to assist
materials such as vehicles,      people into sustainable, paid
aircraft and chipboard.          employment. Finally, the
                                 organisation works with people
Claire then went onto explain    on probation, again helping

                                 the Arctic about sea ice. She       talked about genetic diagnosis.
                                 discussed the influence of          After lunch, Professor Alice
                                 ocean bubbles on the                Roberts informed us about
                                 atmosphere and the wildlife in      evolution and Natural
                                 the constantly moving sea ice.      Selection. She spoke about
On Monday 11th February          Next, Professor Lucie Green         the domestication of dogs,
2019, 47 pupils from year 9      told us about the activity in the   cattle and horses.
and 10 had the opportunity to    atmosphere of our nearest star,
go to GCSE Science LIVE,         the Sun. We learnt that the Sun     Lastly, Professor Dave Cliff
taking place at Bridgewater      produces solar flares based on      went through the past, present
Hall in Manchester. Students     the magnetic field around the       and future of computer science
had the privilege to meet and    Sun.                                and technology.
interact with numerous
scientists including Professor   We also received useful tips        Everyone enjoyed the
Robert Winston, Professor        from examiner Stewart               interesting and inspiring
Dave Cliff, Professor Alice      Chenery, who taught us how to       experience to learn new things
Roberts, Professor Lucie         answer GCSE science                 in science. It was a fantastic
Green and Dr Helen Czerski.      questions in our exams, by          opportunity to meet famous
We heard fruitful discussions    explaining the different            scientists and helped improve
and valuable information from    command words and                   our perspective on fascinating
the renowned scientists on       explanations.                       science related innovations.
various topics from their own
experiences and expertise.       Professor Robert Winston            Roshan, year 9.
                                 discussed the process of the
First Dr Helen Czerski talked to cell cycle and how they
us about her experiments in      develop into embryos. He also

                           Dates for your Diary

        PTA Meeting — Thursday 2nd May 7pm Music Block
      PTA Quiz Night - Friday 17th May 6.30pm Sports Hall
        PTA Meeting— Thursday 20th June 7pm Music Block
        Day at the races, Haydock Park —Saturday 6th July
Bus to Manchester Christmas Markets—Saturday 30th November

YEAR 7 MUSIC TRIP TO THE                               ARCHBISHOP TEMPLE
           ROYAL LIVERPOOL PHILHARMONIC                               SCHOOL RANKED HIGH IN
                                                                       SECONDARY SCHOOL
                                                                         LEAGUE TABLES

                                                                     As you may be aware from the
                                                                     media, the Department for
                                                                     Education published the league
                                                                     tables for secondary schools in
                                                                     England and Wales on
We travelled to the Royal          The orchestra struck up and       Thursday 24th January 2019.
Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool     music filled the hall. As we
for a music spectacular on the     started to sing “66 Million       A link to the league tables can
8th March 2019. An interesting     Strong”, the sound of voices      be found on our school
start to the trip did not dampen   filled this great hall. We then   website.
the spirits. When we got there,    continued with “Imagine This
I could scarcely believe my        Is Our Song, This Is Our Song”    I'm sure you will be as pleased
eyes. The Philharmonic Hall        accompanied by sign               as I am to see how highly
was massive with high ceilings     language. Looking around I        Archbishop Temple School is
and it was beautifully             could see hundreds of people      ranked on all the different
decorated. We could see the        doing the same thing. It was      criteria. As staff turnover is so
vast orchestra stretched out       awesome.                          low at Archbishop Temple
along the stage, which raised                                        school parents and carers can
my level of excitement             By now, most of the people        rest assured that the same
enormously. There were             were standing, including the      teachers who delivered these
hundreds of other pupils and       orchestra and the atmosphere      fantastic results are now
adults there from other schools.   was so powerful and               teaching their children.
We sat and listened to the         emotionally charged that it
orchestra play an introduction     gave me goose bumps. This       Mrs G. Jackson
fanfare that nearly raised the     was truly a visit to remember,  Headteacher
roof. It was absolutely amazing.   an experience I will treasure,
It was so much fun to listen to    and something to talk about for
them and I was totally lost to     weeks to come.
the world of music. A short
time later, we had reached the     Nathanael, year 7.
point in our visit where it was
our time to sing.

Our Music Department is           saxophone awarded to Ciara       See all the superb results
celebrating superb ABRSM          in year 11, grade 7 with merit   below. Well done to all the
results; including grade 8 with   percussion awarded to            pupils who took an ABRSM
merit trumpet awarded to          Susanna in year 10 and grade     exam, these results are
Lewis in year 10, grade 8 tenor   7 trumpet awarded to Joseph      testament to all the hard work
saxophone awarded to Grace        in year 9.                       and practise you undertake.
in year 11, grade 8 alto

ABRSM Results December 2018

Erika in year 7           Flute                  3         Pass
Ellen in year 10          Percussion             4         Merit
James in year 8           Trombone               2         Pass
Rebekah in year 8         Alto saxophone         5         Distinction
Joseph in year 9          Trumpet                7         Pass
Lewis in year 10          Trumpet                8         Merit
Amber in year 8           Piano                  2         Merit
Helen in year 9           Alto saxophone         4         Pass
Jennifer in year 9        Flute                  4         Pass
Thomas in year 9          Trumpet                4         Merit
Abigail in year 9         Alto saxophone         4         Merit

ABRSM Results February 2019

Grace in year 11          Tenor saxophone       8          Pass
Ciara in year 11          Alto saxophone        8          Pass
Harry in year 7           Alto saxophone        2          Pass
Amber in year 8           Baritone              5          Merit
Christopher in year 9     Trumpet               4          Pass
Susanna in year 10        Percussion            7          Merit
Daniel in year 7          Bb cornet             5          Pass
Emma in year 9            Percussion            2          Pass
Hope in year 9            Trombone              2          Pass
Jennifer in year 9        Alto saxophone        3          Merit


                                                                 the end. He asked pupils to
                                                                 think about their own career
                                                                 aspirations and said, “Don’t let
                                                                 anyone stop you from
                                                                 achieving what you want.”

                                                                 He then debunked myths about
                                                                 science and talked about the
                                                                 importance of effort, practice
                                                                 and revision. He discussed
                                                                 mock exams and GCSEs and
                                                                 shared eleven ways that pupils
We were delighted to welcome      Shaun spoke to pupils about    can improve their science
Shaun Donnelly, the science       his humble background and his grades. He also talked about
teacher behind                    own aspirations when he was    the variety of job roles
freesciencelessons into school    younger. He studied at the     connected to science. Finally,
Tuesday 19th March 2019.          University of Oxford, and      he came back to the memory
Pupils in years 10 and 11 were    completed his PhD in London. test. The images were shown
excited at the prospect of        It was during his PhD that he  five times throughout the
Shaun coming into school          discovered a love of teaching. course of his talk, and pupils
because as well as being          He began making YouTube        were able to remember them
incredibly knowledgeable about    videos when one of his pupils  due to repeatedly viewing the
science, he is also a YouTube     asked if he could teach him    images, repetition being a key
sensation. His free science       every science. Shaun realised element of successful revision.
lessons have received a           that he couldn’t teach every   Following the talk Shaun taught
staggering 44 million views on    science class in school but he small groups of pupils.
the channel, with many            could share his knowledge with
students attributing their        a wider audience via video. In
interest and success in science   the first year, his videos had Thank-you to Shaun for coming
to his videos.                    22,000 views, growing to over into school, pupils really
                                  44 million views in just five  enjoyed his engaging sessions
                                  years.                         and came away with lots of
                                                                 useful advice to put into
                                  Throughout his talk, Shaun     practise over the forthcoming
                                  brought pupils back to looking academic years.
                                  at a memory test on the board,
                                  the reason becoming evident at

                             Pupils who achieved high
                             marks in the UKMT Maths
                             Challenge received a
                             certificate. They were
                             awarded either Bronze,
                             Silver or Gold.
                             Certificates were also
                             awarded for ‘Best in
                             School’ and ‘Best in Year’.

                             Read more about the
                             UKMT Maths Challenge
                             and have a go at some of
                             the Challenge questions
                             on page 14.


In January, Mrs Jackson,           including my favourite, the Zen went home, with some
Headteacher, held a house          Garden.                         chocolate as a thank you.
assembly with us, asking for
any volunteers willing to attend                                      Some days later, Isa, the pupils
a meeting with the PTA, on the                                        representing the other houses,
behalf of York house. This                                            and I were invited to the
meeting was very important, as                                        meeting room with
the PTA had managed to             At the meeting, we presented       Mrs Jackson and the School
collect a sum of around £8000      our more popular ideas to a        Business Manager, and they
and were looking at us, the        panel of staff and parents,        told us what and how much the
pupils, to recommend what it       making up the PTA, as well as PTA were willing to give us for
should be spent on. Isa and I      some fellow peers who were         the items we had suggested.
wanted to take on the              presenting ideas from other        Our Zen Garden idea had been
responsibility to represent        houses. The meeting was            accepted and funded. Some of
York, and, with the help of our    conducted like the television      the other people’s successful
Head of House, Ms Keller and       show ‘Dragons Den’, with our ideas were; a kindle corner in
a few other teachers, we           three ‘multimillionaires’ at the   the library, the restoration of a
managed to find some ways in       front. We had split our            room in which to make a
which to help the school           presentation into two parts; the fitness suite, and a large
flourish. Isa and I did a survey   first part focused on a wider      shelter outside in the senior
asking people what they            variety of facilities, such as     yard, with music. All of these
wanted and gave them the           snooker tables and outside         ideas will help take the school
chance to vote for some of         shelters with outdoor seating,     one-step further in all directions
their peers’ ideas. From that      which Isa talked about, and the and will improve the school, its
survey, the most popular           Zen Garden idea, which I           members, and its environment
entered another survey, in         talked about. Both halves of       for many years to come. I am
order to confirm and focus on      the presentation were bidding grateful for this amazing
the best options available. We     for £1000 each. We were            opportunity to help the school
received over 250 votes,           asked a few questions, to          community and hope that
enough to show what the            clarify certain aspects and        everyone will benefit from it.
pupils, and staff, would like.     precautions, such as storage of
From that, we managed to pick      the facilities and the location of David, Year 10.
some favoured facilities,          the Zen Garden and then we

                                  total, they were all
I decided to start the ‘Love      displayed on the
your Library’ week, inspired by windows in the library
Valentine's Day, to ask the       for all to read.
pupils to write down on a paper
heart, what they love about the Mrs N. Dearden
library. I wanted them to reflect School Librarian
upon why the library is
important to them, and also to
give myself and the pupil
librarians some positive
feedback. We had about


Earlier this month eight of our
pupils attended a Rotary Bae
Systems Technology
competition at Preston
Grasshoppers Rugby club.
There were twenty teams
competing at three different
levels, with a large contingent
from Kirkham Grammar

The teams only find out on the
day what the actual challenge
involves, but a little guess work
and a couple of short meetings
before hand certainly help        Lucy said, “The rotary             found that I saw a lot of new
prepare them.                     competition was really             ideas that I wouldn’t have seen
                                  enjoyable, personally I loved      from pupils who are taught in
Our pupils from year 9; Cyril,    the challenge that it brought to   the same way as me.”
Diya, James and Klara along       our team and helped us to see
with some of our year 10          the other standards of work        Lucas said, “The tournament
pupils; Lucy, Georgia, Lucas      that other teams were              was all about creating a
and William all excelled. Their producing, which we could            “vehicle” which would travel
behaviour, effort and teamwork both learn from and compare           underneath a “bridge” and pick
was a credit to every one of      to our work. I feel that           up a metal cylinder, using a
them. The judges noted this as attending the competition             motor and a magnetic hook,
their team working and            helped to show me not only         and then bring it all back. I
portfolios were judged along      what skills I have learned in      really enjoyed the tournament
with how effective their working our lessons, but also how to        as it was very well set up and it
model performed.                  use them in a more practical       allowed us to use our
                                  way, like how we used specific     imagination to design
I am delighted to say that the    shapes to strengthen our           something. I believe I gained a
year 10 team won the              model. The challenge also          lot of valuable experience as
intermediate level by a clear     showed me how important            the tournament needed a lot of
margin over Kirkham Grammar teamwork was in completing               teamwork and coordination -
School.                           the task and how I can trust my    this is what I believe won us
                                  peers to produce great             the tournament. Overall, I am
Georgia said, “I really enjoyed standards of work. In addition,      happy I was chosen to go, I
taking part in the Rotary         by having to complete a large      really enjoyed it.”
event last Friday, I gained how amount if written work, I was
important it is to work with my shown the importance of              Will said, “We were tasked with
team to succeed at a              spending time on the less          building a vehicle that could go
goal. I also gained patience in exiting jobs but how it would        under a small scale bridge. On
sorting out                       pay off in the end. By being       the other side of the bridge
problems and how to do this       taken to a place where other       was a load we had to pick up
efficiently and in a              schools showed us how they         using a winch powered by a
teamed environment.”              would approach the task, I         motor. After successfully
picking up the load, we had to         task and we also impressed the     represented the trial and error,
transport it back under the            judges by using the FaceTime       teamwork and
bridge, with no collisions onto a      features on mine and on            communication us a group
marked spot on the other side.         Lucas’s phone. One phone was       successfully achieved. I would
In total, we were given around         placed on the vehicle and          like to thank the Rotary Club of
5 hours to complete the task in        another showing a live feed of     Preston Guild for organising
which we also had to produce a         the crane’s movement across        such a fantastic event!”
portfolio with our initial and final   the task to the judges from the
designs. Many schools                  other phone. This, combined        The glass trophy is now in our
participated in the event              with the completed task,           display cabinet, well done.
working hard all day to produce        ensured we met the
a vehicle. When it came to the         Requirements and won us the        Mr T. Duggan
final testing and judging ours         intermediate competition. I        Head of Design Technology
was the only vehicle that              personally found this to be the
successfully completed the             highlight of our day as it

                                           H USE N WS

As part of their fundraising for
Ronald McDonald Children’s
Home at Manchester
Children’s Hospital Canterbury
House hosted a joint fundraiser
with the school library to launch
the arrival of Marvel Comics.
Adam, in year 8, had the idea
which was very
successful and enjoyed by all
who attended.

In the last week of term we will
be hosting Easter egg bingo            on the senior yard and were        news, well done girls, you did
which will take place in the           delighted to hear that their bid   us proud.
Main Hall on Wednesday 10th            has been successful. Watch
April at lunchtime. Tickets will       this space, year 10 and 11 will    Miss L. Walsh
cost £1 and there will be              soon be able to shelter more       Head of Canterbury House
chocolate treats for all with          easily from the rain. Great
large Easter eggs as the main

Alice and Rajpreet from CT
represented Canterbury House
at the PTA ‘Dragons Den’
event. They gave an amusing
and informative presentation
about the need for more shelter

DURHAM                          Amy in year 10 and Millie in       making the perfect
                                year 9 superbly presented a        PomPom.
Mr Hewitt’s form, DR, have
been successful in raising      bid to the PTA for the
                                renovation of the store room
funds to send to Elvis, our
                                into a fitness suite. This will be
sponsor child. They sold a lot
of Valentine’s cards and raised used by students and staff and
                                will be a fantastic opportunity
over £100. Special thanks to
                                to improve the well being of the
Grace in year 8.
                                school community.
Durham Dragons presented
                                    We are looking forward to
well to the PTA and were
                                    attending our Easter House
successful in their bids. Will,
                                    Communion led by Reverend
in year 8, put together a bid for
                                    Jane Wild at Fulwood
Kindles and seating for the
library. Idriss, Leah and Chloe     Methodist Church on April
                                                                    We didn't reach our target but
presented a bid for a school                                        we managed a very
fitness centre. This was a joint                                    respectable 188.
                                    Mr A. Gray
bid with Winchester house.
                                    Head of Winchester House

                                    York house decided to spread
                                    even more love on Valentine's
                                    day this year.

Durham's staff team were
                                                                    These 188 PomPoms were
delighted to win the Comic
                                                                    then handed out to both staff
Relief cube competition.
                                                                    and pupils throughout the day
                                                                    and the sale of a 'hearty cake
Miss N. Dean
                                                                    of love' was also held at break
Head of Durham House
                                                                    to raise money for our house
                                                                    charity this year - DiabetesUK.

Another busy term of activities
in Winchester House.
Mrs Gilmour, Head of
Humanities, and her form
continue to be the force behind
school recycling and the        Pupils gave up all their breaks
construction of ‘eco-bricks’.   and lunchtimes for the whole
                                week before the 14th February
                                in order to sit and make
                                PomPoms. Our target was to
                                make 200 in this short time but
                                                                Ms D.Keller
                                we under estimated the 'blood,
                                                                Head of York House
                                sweat and tears' involved in

Football                          conceding 2. Star performers    the under 13 girls’ team who
This term has been busy for       have been Charlie, Isaac and    reached the National Last 16,
the boys teams. There are still   Jake.                           only losing out 1-0 to a very
competitions in the county                                        unfortunate goal!! This equals
competition and the girls have    Mr D. Taberner                  the record in the ESFA
also played their fixtures this   Head of PE                      National Cup for Archbishop
term.                                                             Temple.

Year 7 boys have qualified for    Girls’ Football                 Our under 16 girls’ team have
the county finals evening         Both the A and B team played    qualified for the Preston Finals
beating Longridge High School,    exceptionally well in the       and are still competing in the
Broughton High School and         under 12 girls’ football        Lancashire Cup. We are
Ashton High School in the         league. The A team came         awaiting confirmation of a semi
group stage and then Ss John      second in the league and the    final tie. Star Performers
Fisher and Thomas More RC         B team came 5th. Well done      Lauren W and Lauren T.
High School away in Burnley       girls.
and finally defeating St                                          Mr D. Taberner
Augustine’s RC High School        Miss K. McKenna                 Head of PE
away in Blackburn on              Teacher of PE
penalties. They have been
magnificent all season and we   Our under 14 girls’ football      Handball
wish them well for the finals   team have had another good        The Preston Handball
night. Stars have been Ryan,    season, qualifying for the        competition was held here at
Charlie and Luca.               Preston Schools’ finals at        Archbishop Temple over
                                Deepdale after qualifying from    numerous weeks with various
Year 9 have also qualified for  their Preston group. They also    boys competing in numerous
the Lancashire semi-final,      qualified for but unfortunately   games, in an up and coming
beating Ribblesdale High        were knocked out of the           sport.
School, Corpus Christi Catholic Lancashire Cup at the quarter
High School, Morecambe          final stage. Star performers      The under 16 girls’ handball
Community High School and       were Isabel and Kez.              team represented Preston
St Bede’s RC High School,                                         recently in the county final. The
Ormskirk. Scoring 17 and only A special mention must go to        girls had very tough
                                                                  competition and played very
                                                                  well. The girls came 5th overall,
                                                                  and thoroughly enjoyed the

                                                                  Miss K. McKenna
                                                                  Teacher of PE

                                                                  The under 13 boys indoor
                                                                  cricket team performed
                                                                  magnificently well to qualify for
                                                                  the county finals. To reach this
                                                                  stage they beat Eden Boys’
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