Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

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Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

Valid from May 2018

Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

Our products and solutions support
every stage of the alerting chain
Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

The Swissphone Group is a leading solution pro-           Impressum
vider, that designs, develops and manufactures
the most secure and reliable alerting and critical        Swissphone Wireless AG
messaging solutions. Our core business is reliably        Faelmisstrasse 21
transmitting information to responsible personnel,        CH-8833 Samstagern
be it for alerting, notification, searching or inform-    Switzerland
ing. Our solutions cover the entire alerting chain
from triggering, managing, and distributing, to es-       Tel.:   +41 44 786 77 70
calating and reporting alarms.                            Fax:    +41 44 786 77 71

Our mission is to help to protect lives and proper-
ties. We aim for optimum customer centricity and
innovation leadership, delivering solutions of the
highest quality with total reliability. We serve public   The content of this brochure is furnished for in-­
safety organizations, emergency and health care           formational use only, is subject to change, and
services, facility management and IT services, as         should not be construed as a commitment by
well as manufacturing and oil & gas industries.           Swissphone Wireless AG.

In addition, Swissphone operates the Swiss natio­
nal Telepage paging network, currently used for
alerting by most of the emergency services organ-
izations as well as by industry.

Swissphone was founded in 1969 by Helmut and
Erika Köchler and has been in the family’s owner-
ship ever since. The company with 200 employees
has a prominent market presence with subsidiaries
in Germany, Austria, France and in the USA, as well
as a growing network of international partners. The
corporate headquarters and the production site are
located in Samstagern in Switzerland near Zurich.
Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

Networks                                                 6    Accessories                                   36

 Wide area networks                                      7       s.QUAD charger                             36

   PNC                                                   8       s.QUAD charger with lamp                   37

   Swissphone encryption server                          8       s.QUAD multi charger                       37

   ITC2500-BOS                                           9       Compact charger                            37

 On-site networks                                       10       Expert charger                             37

   I.SEARCH alarm server                                10       Expert multi charger                       38

   I.SITE III transmitter                               10       Expert multi charger with LAN              38

   I.SITE PLUS transmitter                              11       s.QUAD programming kit                     38

   Voice POCSAG option                                  11       Expert programming kit                     38

   I.SITE III / PLUS transmitter with Voice&Relay option 11      Clips                                      39

   IDEA™ encryption                                     12       Chain, lanyard                             39

   Hybrid alerting                                      13       Antennas                                   39

   R-Module                                             15       Leather cases                              39

   s.QUAD gateway REST API                              15       USB-adapter                                40

Resource management                                     16       Batteries                                  40

   s.ONE                                                18       Accessories RES.Q  /  TRIO                 40

Terminals                                               20    Vehicle communication                         42

   Pager overview                                       21       DiCal-FDM.X                                43

   s.QUAD X15                                           24       DiCal-FDM3                                 43

   s.QUAD X35                                           25       DiCal-RED                                  43

   s.QUAD ATEX (POCSAG or 5  /  6-Tone Voice)           26    Field communication                           44

   s.QUAD ATEX (POCSAG)                                 26       eriX.compact  /  .advanced  /  .command    45

   s.QUAD Voice ATEX (5 / 6-Tone Voice)                 26    Emergency call systems                        46

   s.QUAD Voice                                         27     Emergency call systems for lone workers      47

   s.QUAD FLEX                                          28     Emergency call systems for personal safety   47

   RES.Q XS                                             29       SWISSPHONE SOS-Portal                      48

   RES.Q S                                              29       TRIO                                       49

   RES.Q M                                              29       SOS-Mobile                                 50

   RES.Q L                                              29       SOS-Button                                 51

   RES.Q overview                                       30       SOS-Gateway                                51

   HURRICANE DUO                                        31       SOS-Beacon                                 52

   MS POCSAG                                            32       IBT                                        53

   DiCal-ToM                                            32    Alarm management & servers                    54

   Express-Alarm®                                       33     Alarm management in the cloud                55

   Geo-Availability                                     34     On-site alarm server solutions               55

   Message text enhancement                             35       IMASYS Alert                               56

   Efficient fleet management for terminals             35       IMASYS App                                 56
Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

 Part of the IMASYS® suite                            56   Software interfaces                                    67

 GUARDIAN alarm server                                57     MIP11 plus interface                                 67

 I.SEARCH alarm server                                58     ESPA 4.4.4                                           67

Base units                                            59    TAP interface                                         67

 Base Unit                                            59    TMIP interface                                        67

 Base unit for 25W transmitter                        59     SNMP                                                 67

 Base unit for 100W transmitter (external)            59   External devices  /  accessories                       68

 Base unit server PC                                  60     Monitoring MS POCSAG + SW-Module                     68

 I.SEARCH compact                                     60    Transmitters (100W)                                   68

Hardware modules                                      60     I.SITE II transmitter                                68

 AC 150W  /  DC 175W power supply                     60     I.SITE III transmitter                               69

 Controller module G-T16-R                            60     I.SITE PLUS transmitter                              69

 Controller G-T16-R with 4G module                    61     I.SITE III / PLUS transmitter with Voice&Relay option 69

 Transmitter control module                           61     Digital inputs over IP                               70

 Receiver card RC09                                   61     Multicharger (Absence management)                    70

 Transmitter module 25W                               62     UPS as an external solution                          70

 Watchdog module                                      62

 DIO16 interface module (16 inputs  /  16 outputs)    62

 DIO7 / 8 Interface Module (7 inputs  /  8 outputs)   62

 POCSAG RX module                                     63

 LTE 4G module - set                                  63

 I.SITE II transmitter interface module               63

 SSD                                                  63

 Telephony access modules                             64

 Telephony access bundles (HW & SW)                   64

Software modules                                      64

 PSTN telephony software modules                      64

 High availability cluster                            64

 IDEA™ Encryption                                     65

 Operation management                                 65

 Message confirmation                                 65

 Escalation management                                65

 Absence management                                   65

 Pager time synchronisation                           66

 Dictionary for text to speech pager                  66

 Automatic data replication                           66

 Simple multi-client capability                       66

 Radio network capability                             66
Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone
                       When every second counts                                   Self-reliant alerting and communication
                       In an emergency every second does indeed count.            Alerting networks must be fail-proof and reliable in
                       The injured must receive help immediately. The re-         order to guarantee the best personnel availability.
                       quired rescue forces must be alerted as quickly as         For one, this requires maximum coverage and
                       possible. The best way to achieve this goal is to          building penetration of radio waves. Many factors
                       alert via dedicated alerting networks. They are the        like the topography must be taken into considera-
                       direct link between the command & control centre           tion during planning and implementation. For the
                       and the personnel’s terminals.                             other, this calls for functional redundancy provided
                                                                                  by various fallback levels safeguarding against
                       Local, regional and national                               possible component failure. System monitoring
                       Our core business is reliably transmitting informa-        detects if and when a system component fails.
                       tion, be it for alerting, notification, searching or in-   The designated redundancy or fallback level auto-
                       forming. We build highly reliable digital radio pag-       matically comes into effect and the malfunction is
                       ing networks adapted to your needs – on a local,           immediately reported to the system administrator.
                       regional or national scale.                                The backup power supply of all important system
                                                                                  elements must be guaranteed as well. This system
                       •• On-site networks: Our local solutions let you           architecture guarantees self-reliant alerting and
                          send alerts, search for personnel and forward           communication with your users, even when the
                          information from third-party systems such as            public networks and infrastructures are unavailable.
                          fire alarm systems. Our I.SEARCH and I.SITE
                          III solutions are particularly well-suited for local    Retrocompatibility of all components
                          solutions.                                              Swissphone’s on-site and wide area network com-
                                                                                  ponents are backwards compatible. This means
                       •• Wide area networks: Our regional and nation-            you can add new components to old networks
                          wide solutions allow you to alert and notify large      easily without having to upgrade the system,
                          numbers of responders within seconds. Our               thereby protecting and prolonging your initial
                          solution consisting of ITC2500 POCSAG base              ­investment. In total, Swissphone has planned and
                          stations and a Paging Network Controller is in-          implemented more than 300 alerting networks
                          dependent, simple and reliable                          globally.

7   Product Catalogue 2018
Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

Wide area networks

Swissphone’s network architecture with alarm                            optimized network capacity utilization as well as
transmission and patented network status feed-                          superior investment protection, see page 33.
back via the air interface allows highly flexible net-
works:                                                                  Multi alert
                                                                        These networks allow users to alert via multiple
Singlemaster and multimaster networks                                   paths, e.g. from decentralized fire station into the
These alerting networks connect to master base                          network. Via the network status feedback every
stations by LAN, WAN, LTE or directional radio. A                       station in the network can send back an alerting
network consists of one (single-) or several (multi-)                   request to the control center. The result is a 2-way
master stations as well as slave base stations. The                     communication – in addition to the standard alert-
master base stations transmit messages and con-                         ing – between the main control center and the de-
trol the slave base stations simultaneously. Thanks                     centralized control center via the air interface. And
to the network status feedback, it is always possi-                     best of all; the benefit of the efficient broadcast
ble to obtain conclusive information on both                            method is still maintained.
broadcast transmission confirmation and the func-
tion state of every base station.                                       High performance alerting network
                                                                        The following numbers illustrate how highly
Multi baud rate networks                                                performant decentralized alerting and network sta-
Swissphone’s alerting networks are capable of                           tus monitoring in a medium-sized radio network of
transmitting with multiple baud rates. A fast trans-                    the latest generation is: The retrieving of 25 re-
port layer of 4800 baud sends the alert first to all                    quests for transmissions from fire stations in a net-
base stations before they transmit it to the termi-                     work with 80 base stations and 4 rings can be
nals – if necessary with several different baud rates,                  proceeded within 5-10 seconds – the alert job dis-
allowing you to migrate your base of terminals                          tribution being carried out with 4800Bd. The net-
from previous networks. Together with Express                           work status feedback after an alert transmission
Alarm, this results in extremely fast response times,                   takes approximately the same time.

    Central alarm                  Paging                                        Radio network                          Terminals
   input terminals            network controller

    Working place                                                        Master stations       Slave stations
                                                                           POCSAG                 (≥1 ring)

                                   PNC server                                                                             Pager

     alarm input

                                                   Redundant path

                                                                                              Decentral alarm

     POCSAG alerting     Net status feedback       Decentral alerting        Direct serial connection     4800 baud   Multi baud

Independent of TCP / IP connections                                     breaks, this master base station will start acting
Slave base stations are situated around master                          as a slave base station instead, receiving the alert
base stations in one or several rings; In case of                       over the radio path and retransmitting it to its cor-
several rings, slave base stations retransmit the                       responding slave base stations. This is so called
received alert until the last ring is reached. If the                   Wide Broadcast Mode.
TCP / IP connection to one master base station

                                                                                                          Product Catalogue 2018    8
Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

                             Paging network controller
                             The Paging Network Controller (PNC) is the core of critical communication infrastructure. The possibility to deploy
                             two redundant instances ensures the highest possible availability. It consists of the following software modules:

                             •• Paging Operations (PO)
                             •• Structure Configurator (SC)
                             •• Operation & Maintenance Centre (OMC)

                                         The Paging Operations is responsible for the whole alerting job chain. Incoming paging messages
                                         from the input systems through TMIP interface are queued, batched and sent to the dispatching
                                         stage. The Dispatcher controls the distribution of the paging data as well as the base station config-
                                         uration and monitoring confirmation data to and from the base stations. Additional features like mes-
                                         sage priority, automatic message repetition, message input cap, overload mode, encryption capabil-
                                         ity, complement the Paging Operations.

                                         The Structure Configurator features the simple and safe configuration of the whole paging network.
                                         Additional features include easy drag-and-drop functionality as well as a configuration manager which
                                         allows to save and restore different network configurations.

                                         The OMC monitors base station parameters and all PNC instances by receiving and handling system
                                         alarms and events which can be relayed via paging, email, SNMP, Modbus, SMS, to service staff.

                              Product                                                                                                Art. No.
                              PNC single licence                                                                                     0991334

                             Swissphone encryption server
                             The Swissphone Encryption Server provides encryption, decryption and key management service to operators of
                             digital paging systems or end customers who want to prevent unauthorized parties to read or manipulate paging
                             messages. The key management service comprises a graphical user interface and all required tasks and actions,
                             which are needed for management of the encryption keys (create, read, update, delete) and for changing of active
                             keys in pager over the air interface by means of scheduled OAP (Over the Air Programming) commands. Besides
                             key changing it is possible to lock (unlock) the pager in a case that a pager carrier has lost his or her device.

                                           SES Swissphone               Customer                  Customer                Customer
                                           encryption server            application             paging system              pager

                             The Swissphone Encryption Server is a standalone windows software appliance and is easy to integrate into an
                             existing environment thanks to the Application Programming Interface commands (encryption / decryption) and
                             events (OAP Commands). It can be installed on any Windows platform supporting the .NET Framework 4.7.1 or

                              Product                                                                                                Art. No.
                              Encryption server                                                                                      0991341

9   Product Catalogue 2018
Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

High-end POCSAG base station
The ITC2500 stands for the new generation of digital paging base stations which are optimally equipped for nation­
wide and / or local alerting. New and advanced software functions form the «heart» of the new POCSAG base
station. The ITC2500 can be configured efficiently using a web browser, both on location or remotely. Equipped
with the new and modern GT16R controller, the ITC2500 facilitates additional functionality and provides a consid-
erable amount of additional power compared to its predecessor. Coupled with up to 7 digital inputs and 8 outputs
(optional extension card), it is ideally suited for today’s and future IoT applications. Thanks to the already existing
plug-in slot for an LTE SIM card, it is already today LTE-ready. The powerful controller and the backward compat-
ibility of the ITC2500 with its predecessors guarantee future-proof applications and the best possible investment
protection. Swissphone’s 5th generation base station is deployed in a paging network, where ringnet topology or
simulcast transmission applies. The compact, 3 RU design perfectly allows for mounting in a 19" rack. It consists of
the ­following modules: power supply, G-T16R base station controller, POCSAG decoder card, POCSAG synchro-
nisation card and RF transceiver.

••   Approved by the German TR-BOS authority (DAU II 13 / 17)
••   Multiple baud rates
••   Designed for high traffic (duty cycle 100%)
••   Transmission power 5-25W
••   Power supply 90-260VAC or 12VDC as backup (e. g. fullcell or battery)
••   Easy configuration through fast-reacting single page web-interface
••   Two rear antenna connections N-type 50Ω for Rx / Tx

 Product                                                                                                Art. No.
 ITC2500-BOS VHF 2m 25W                                                                                 0721675
 ITC2500-BOS UHF 25W (400-470 MHz)                                                                      0721677

ITC2500-BOS options
Product                                                                                                 Art. No.
Wall-mounted housing 6U, treeport, heavy-duty                                                           0283454
I / O card (5x opto IN  /  7x relais OUT)                                                               0721706
GPS receiver card uBlox                                                                                 0721718

                                                                                       Product Catalogue 2018 10
Product catalogue - Valid from May 2018 - Swissphone

                      On-site networks

                      Our on-site network solutions allow you to relia-                 alerting in the event of equipment and system
                      bly send alerts, search for personnel and forward                 malfunctions, or alerting and communication for
                      information from third-party systems such as fire                 hospitals and nursing homes. Our I.SEARCH and
                      alarm systems, complementing our alarm server                     I.SITE III solutions are particularly well-suited for
                      solutions, see page 55. Applications for on-site                  local network solutions.
                      networks include alerting of on-site fire brigades,

                             I.SEARCH alarm server
                             The radio-based information system I.SEARCH alerts, informs, connects and searches. Large factory premises
                             can be covered with a single transmission station. For more complex building structures, several transmitters can
                             be integrated. This results in a single-frequency radio network which guarantees interference-free reception in
                             overlapping areas. Integrated monitoring functions continuously check the I.SEARCH system. The networking of
                             several alarm servers via LAN makes it possible to extend the same paging system to several company sites. To
                             achieve availability approaching 100 per cent, the I.SEARCH system can be designed redundantly and coupled
                             with UPS components for maximum reliability and self-reliance. For more information, see page 58.

                             I.SITE III transmitter
                             The I.SITE IIl is a paging network transmitter used to expand the radio coverage of a Swissphone «on-site»
                             POCSAG paging system. It is easily connected over LAN. It can be used as a stand-alone solution or in combination
                             with I.SEARCH (see page 58). Possible applications include hospitals, airports, freight ports, oil / energy platforms,
                             petrochemistry, power plants, cruise ships, universities, prisons, major construction projects, processing industry.

                             Description:     Mains powered, Input voltage range from 90-264 VAC  /  50-60Hz
                             		               There are three options available:
                             		               • An integrated battery (2Ah) allows uninterruptible operation for up to 6 h
                             		               • Three dry input contacts for releasing predefined messages
                             		               • Door contact (gives a signal when front door will open or close)
                             		               The output power can be adjusted from 1 up to 25W in 1W steps
                             Interface:       LAN interface, TAP and ASCII simple protocols

                              Product                                                                          Designation           Art. No.
                              25W wall mounted transmitter box, 136 to 174 MHz                                 I.SITE III VHF
                              Tx-output power ex-factory adjustable: 1, 5, 12, 25W
                              230VAC / 50Hz powered, (Optional: back-up battery 12V / 2Ah)
                                                                                                              (136-174 MHz)          0722262
                              Antenna connector 50 ohm N-Type                                                       25W
                              25W wall mounted transmitter box, 400 to 470 MHz                                 I.SITE III UHF
                              Tx-output power ex-factory adjustable: 1, 5, 12, 25W
                              230VAC / 50 Hz powered, (Optional: back-up battery 12V / 2Ah)
                                                                                                              (400-470 MHz)          0722261
                              Antenna connector 50 ohm N-Type                                                       25W
                              25W wall mounted transmitter box, 450 to 530 MHz                                 I.SITE III UHF
                              Tx-output power ex-factory adjustable: 1, 5, 12, 25W
                              230VAC / 50 Hz powered, (Optional: back-up battery 12V / 2Ah)
                                                                                                              (450-530 MHz)          0722264
                              Antenna connector 50 ohm N-Type                                                       25W

                              Product                                                                                                Art. No.
                              Integrated backup battery (2Ah)                                                                        0722128
                              Three dry input contacts                                                                               0722129
                              Door contact                                                                                           0722130

11 Product Catalogue 2018

I.SITE PLUS transmitter
The I.SITE Plus is a paging network transmitter used to expand the radio coverage of a Swissphone «on-site»
POCSAG paging system. It serves as a self-reliant fallback solution to other radio technologies, e.g. for fire bri-
gades. As a dedicated stand-alone solution, pre-defined messages can be transmitted directly by the inbuilt
push-buttons. It is easily connected over LAN and can be integrated into larger networks through I.SEARCH,
see page 58.
Further applications include hospitals, airports, freight ports, oil / energy platforms, petrochemistry, power plants,
cruise ships, universities, prisons, large construction projects, processing industry.

Description:     Mains powered, Input voltage range from 90-264 VAC  /  50-60 Hz. Additionally,
		               an integrated backup battery (2 Ah) allows uninterruptible operation for up to 6 h.
		               Three dry input contacts are available in parallel to the inbuilt push-buttons.
		               The output power can be adjusted from 1 up to 25 W in 1 W steps.
		               LAN interface, TAP and ASCII simple protocols.

 Product                                                                          Designation          Art. No.
25W wall mounted transmitter box, 136 to 174 MHz                                 I.SITE Plus VHF
Tx-output power ex-factory adjustable: 1, 5, 12, 25W
230VAC / 50Hz powered, 12V / 2Ah backup battery
                                                                                 (136-174 MHz)          0722265
Antenna connector 50 ohm N-Type                                                        25W

Voice POCSAG option
Swissphone’s new on-site voice POCSAG option allows the dispatch of voice and text messages at the same time.
This is convenient for applications that require both types of messages, such as in industry or healthcare, or for
migrating to digital while keeping old analogue terminals in operation.

I.SITE III / PLUS transmitter with Voice&Relay option
The Voice&Relay option is available for both I.SITE III and I.SITE Plus models. Voice and Relay functions are avail-
able only in conjunction, both incorporated on an extension print within the I.SITE housing.

•• The Voice option allows to process DTMF phone calls into 5-tone analogue voice broadcast calls. This
   is achieved by feeding in analogue signals and routing them directly to the transmitter via exten-
   sion print. Analogue calls will always be handled with higher priority than POCSAG messages.
•• The Relay option allows to transmit the status signals (on / off states from
   LED’s) to external systems, e.g. to a building management system.

Voice option: DTMF-protocol, voice priority over POCSAG messages, +12VDC power section, Tx Analogue

Relay option: 30VDC / 1A, 3 potential-free outputs, 10 seconds hysteresis

 Product                                                                                                Art. No.
 Voice / Relay                                                                                          0722170

                                                                                       Product Catalogue 2018 12
Network options

                         IDEA™ encryption
                         Secure paging

                         Swissphone IDEA™ encodes alerting messages                         particularly applies to paging, a technology that is
                         so that eavesdroppers or hackers cannot read it                    now indispensable in alarm systems.
                         but that authorized parties can. Thus, Swissphone
                         digital alerting is not just fast – but secure as well.            Clever key management
                                                                                            Security cannot be achieved from a good lock
                         Secure paging                                                      alone – it is also important that only a few people
                         Swissphone IDEA™ encryption is an option to all                    have the keys and that these are also kept suitably
                         of our digital paging systems, and guarantees­­                    secure. The keys should be periodically changed
                         ab­­solute confidentiality. All messages are encryp­t­             to maintain security. Swissphone offers an intelli-
                         ed starting from their input all the way to the ­                  gent key management system, making it possible
                           ceiving terminals. Swissphone IDEA™ allows                       to change keys securely via the wireless interface.
                         shorter transmission times and requires less                       It is not necessary to bring the terminal back in to
                         memo­ry as the AES standard, but provides the                      change the key, and even if the terminal gets lost,
                         same security.                                                     the keys still cannot be read.

                         Confidential information                                           Integration into existing environments
                         Mission orders issued by security or emergency                     IDEA™ secure paging from Swissphone is easy to
                         services often contain confidential information.                   integrate into an existing environment. Swissphone
                         Whenever this type of sensitive information is                     will assist any project with the integration of IDEA™
                         communicated, it must be protected from external                   secure paging.
                         interference to the highest possible degree. This

      Alarm input         Secure access                Paging                Distribution                     Radio                     Terminals
       terminals             network              network controller          network                        network

     Control centre     Secure IP network            PNC server               IP network                  Base station                     Pager
     Working place          Telephone                                             wire                     POCSAG                     First responder
                           WAN / LAN                                             radio
                         GSM / UMTS / LTE                                       satellite
                          microwave link

                            1                                           1                                2                          3    4

 1   Attacks by feeding false messages into existing systems                3      Snooping - messages intercepted and read
     Attackers could pass on false messages if they manage to gain                 With the necessary technical expertise, it is possible to intercept
     access to the connection between the control centre and the                   and read messages. Interested parties can take advantage of
     paging system. As the message would appear to be from a relia-                this fact by picking up and analyzing the alerts. It is extremely im-
     ble source (based on the trust between the sender and the recip-              portant that the activities and communications of the emergency
     ient), this could cause emergency personnel to go into action.                services and police in particular remain confidential.

 2   Attacks by replaying messages using an external system                 4      Spying on command structures
     Other potential risks include messages being replayed or false                Once an organisation’s transmission frequencies and RICs are
     messages being dispatched. For example, messages can be                       known, it is possible to make conclusions about the command
     recorded by third parties and subsequently replayed using an                  structure of an organisation. This knowledge could be used to
     external system. As was the case in scenario 1, the emergency                 attribute messages to various officials within an organisation.
     services would respond to this message.                                       Analysing messages would be even easier as a result!

                          Product                                                                                                            Art. No.
                          IDEA™ encryption for secure paging                                                                                 0991960

13 Product Catalogue 2018
Network options

Hybrid alerting

Swissphone’s hybrid alerting option combines the                                 received alert message is displayed on the ter-
reliability of paging with the benefits of commercial                            minal screen; any identical ones which follow
mobile telecommunications networks. The one-                                     are not displayed.
way POCSAG alerting network is supplemented                                   3. Coverage optimization: in general, alerting net-
with terminals equipped with an integrated cellular                              works provide great outdoor and indoor cover-
communication module. The RES.Q terminal re-                                     age. However, when a user leaves this territory,
ceives the alert via both POCSAG and cellular, im-                               there is no certainty of coverage. Through
proving redundancy, speed and coverage. Also, it                                 ­hybrid alerting based on a cellular network, the
allows user to send back a response or a status                                  RES.Q terminal can still receive an alert when
message, enabling resources to be managed                                        the user is outside his / her usual territory.
more effectively – for example with s.ONE, see
page 16. This two-way option thus brings the fol-                             Resource management
lowing benefits:                                                              Before, during and after receiving an alert, the inte-
                                                                              grated cellular module of RES.Q terminal allows
Hybrid alerting                                                               users to send back status information and confirm
Alerts are sent at the same time via both the                                 the reception of alerts. This provides both techni-
POCSAG network and commercial mobile com-                                     cal feedback (a message receipt is sent automati-
munication systems. This feature brings three                                 cally) and tactical feedback for the user that help is
main advantages:                                                              on its way.
1. System resilience: public safety systems use                               1. Status monitoring: the cellular technology
    multiple technologies for maximum resilience.­                               channel can be used to send user availability
   A hybrid POCSAG / cellular alerting system in-                                before an alert, or to monitor device status. Ei-
   creases the resilience of the alerting network.                               ther message provides useful tactical informa-
   Also, a bidirectional alerting system increases                               tion for dispatchers and station commanders.
    the resilience of a TETRA voice system and the                            2. Technical feedback: the RES.Q terminal sends
    alerting network by providing a fall-back com-                               an acknowledgement to the operations center
    munication channel and ‘offloading’ alerting                                 as soon as it receives an alarm. Alerts can be
    traffic.                                                                     escalated if no acknowledgement is received in
2. Increased speed: being able to rely on both the                               the operations center.
    self-sufficient POCSAG network and a com-                                 3. Tactical feedback: the recipient of a message
    mercial cellular network, the RES.Q terminal will                            confirms whether he will attend or not. Dispat­
    alert once the fastest channel has delivered ­                               chers and station commanders immediately
    the message. This increases the speed of the                                 know their effective personnel strength and can
   ­overall alerting system. However, only the first                             call additional forces if necessary.

         Central Alarm                         Paging                                  Radio                     Terminals
        input terminals                   network controller                          network


                                                  PNC                               Base stations

                                                                   Secondary                                       RES.Q
          working place

                                               GSM gateway                              GSM

    Alerting primary      Alerting secondary            Feedback

                                                                                                       Product Catalogue 2018 14
Network options

                      For hybrid alerting applications with optimal relia-                   Feedback           GSM-alerts
                                                                                             messages           (Transmission)
                      bility, Swissphone recommends the RES.Q termi-
                      nal with integrated cellular module. For applica-      RES.Q terminal R-Module            R-Module
                      tions solely involving status monitoring and           s.QUAD terminal R-Module           s.QUAD
                      feed­back of personnel, Swissphone recommends                                             Gateway
                      the s.QUAD terminal connected to the s.ONE                                                REST API
                      gateway app on the user’s smartphone via
                      Bluetooth. s.ONE is Swissphone’s purpose-built         3. Implementing Swissphone’s interfaces for hy-
                      solution for providing hybrid alerting as well as         brid alerting directly into the command and
                      resource management for dispatchers and station           control center software. Please consult
                      commanders before, during and after an alert, see         Swissphone if you wish to learn more.
                      page 16.
                                                                             POCSAG remains primary alerting channel
                      Implementation of hybrid alerting                      Such hybrid approaches will be used increasingly
                      Swissphone’s hybrid alerting solution can be im-       in the future, especially with LTE. However, hybrid
                      plemented in several ways:                             alerting should not be confused with the primary
                      1. Using Swissphone’s GSM-Gateway. It is availa-       alarm. In contrast to the broadcast mode of the
                         ble in country-specific adaptations, for example    POCSAG alerting network, GSM and LTE net-
                         Passerelle TIAS in France or IMASYS Hybrid in       works rely on cell-based architectures. They are
                         Switzerland.                                        based on a point-to-point approach, whereby the
                      2. Using Swissphone software components for            base station addresses each end device individu-
                         cus­tomers who wish to build their own GSM­-        ally. Cell-based architectures are intrinsically not
                         gateway:                                            bottleneck-free, since both the number of user de-
                         - R-Module: For reception of feedback mes-          vices and the maximum traffic volume are limited.
                           sages from RES.Q and s.QUAD terminals;            This means that any sudden increase in users and
                           For transmission of GSM-alerts to RES.Q           data in cell-based networks may overload individ-
                           ­terminals, see page 15.                          ual base stations. As a result, connections will fail
                         - s.QUAD Gateway REST API: For transmis-            and long delays may occur. POCSAG therefore
                            sion of GSM-alerts (push notifications) to       remains the alerting technology of choice.
                            s.QUAD terminals, see page 15.

                      Video testimonial
                      Learn how our customers use two-way terminals for resource management to
                      make their alerting processes more efficient, saving time and money.
     See the

15 Product Catalogue 2018
Network options

 The R-Module is a software library that can be included into .NET applications using the .NET Frame-
 work 2.0 or later. It receives and parses response messages from the Swissphone terminals RES.Q,
 TRIO and s.QUAD and sends an event to the client application for every successful received message.

                     Terminals                     Access gateways                    R-Modul

                      RES.Q                     IMASYS gateway (Software)


                      RES.Q                           GSM modem                      R-Module

             s.QUAD           RES.Q                      Cloud

                      RES.Q                         SMS C (Software)

 The four input modules (IMASYS Gateway, GSM Module, TCP / IP Server and SMSC Module) can be
 enabled and disabled independent from each other. R-Module can also be used to send messages
 to the RES.Q and TRIO terminals over GPRS connection. For sending of messages to s.QUAD termi-
 nals the s.QUAD Gateway REST API should be used.

  Product                                                                                          Art. No.
  R-Module single licence                                                                          0991331

 s.QUAD gateway REST API
 The s.QUAD gateway REST API is intended for customers and system integrators who wish to imple-
 ment the Bluetooth hybrid alerting for the s.QUAD terminals into their systems and applications. The
 REST API is used for sending of messages over cellular networks and iOS / Android smartphones to
 s.QUAD terminals.


Client application                    s.QUAD                                s.QUAD                     s.QUAD
                                      gateway                                 app                       pager


 The REST API is provided by the s.QUAD Gateway which is hosted by Swissphone. Since the REST
 API is based on open standards, any web development language to access the API can be used.

                                                                                Product Catalogue 2018 16
Resource management
                      Targeted and efficient alerting and deploy-            Efficient throughout the alerting process
                       ment of first responders is key to mana­g­ing         •• Before alerting: Thanks to s.ONE, dispatchers
                       an incident effectively. Swissphone’s resour­            and station commanders already know which
                      ce management solution s.ONE addresses                    emergency scenarios they can address with the
                       this need, allowing dispatchers, station com-            available resources before an event occurs. If any
                       manders and first responders to improve                  temporary understaffed is detected, counter-
                      ­efficiency before, during and after alerting.            measures can be taken before an incident occurs.

                      The core of the solution is s.ONE, a modular, state-   •• During alerting: First responders use their termi-
                      of-the-art solution suite that covers all relevant         nal to acknowledge whether they are attending.
                      stages in the alerting process. Together with             Their answers are displayed on the s.ONE dash-
                      two-way capable devices from Swissphone such               board as an intuitive, easy-to-read colour-coded
                      as RES.Q and s.QUAD terminals, s.ONE delivers a           diagram. s.ONE thus provides the dispatcher
                      complete, fully developed solution for alerting,          and station commander with a constant over-
                      monitoring and resource management.                       view of whether enough specialists are on their
                                                                                way and whether he or she needs to send a
                                                                                follow-up alert. This follow-up alerts can be
                                                                                triggered directly through s.ONE. Thanks to ­
                                                                                s.ONE’s hybrid alerting capability, even first
                                                                                ­re­sponders outside of the coverage of the alert-
                                                                                 ing network can be reached.

                                                                             •• After alerting: s.ONE facilitates the establish-
                                                                                ment of reports of when and how many first re-
                                                                                sponders were alerted and how many recipients
                                                                                responded to the alert and at what time. The
                                                                                solution thus enables easier documentation for
                                                                                external stakeholders. Independent of alerting,
                                                                                s.ONE also allows to program terminals remote-
                                                                                ly, increasing security and efficiency by eliminat-
                                                                                ing configuration errors and keeping data such
                                                                                as encryption keys confidential.

17 Product Catalogue 2018
Resource management

These functions are made accessible in s.ONE with four s.ONE modules: Monitor, Availability, Alert
and ­Fleet (to be launched in 2018)

                     s.ONE Monitor

   s.ONE Availability

       s.ONE Alert

                 s.ONE Fleet

s.ONE Monitor and s.ONE Availability support two-way capable alerting terminals such as:
•• RES.Q: with integrated GSM module and optional GPS location capability
•• s.QUAD: connected to the s.ONE gateway app on the smartphone via Bluetooth.*
These devices allow the first responder to notify the dispatcher of status changes and to give feed-
back after receiving an alert.

s.ONE Alert supports RES.Q terminals. These devices also allow to be alerted via GSM or GPRS,
see hybrid alerting page 13.

s.ONE Fleet supports all current Swissphone terminals.

                         s.ONE Monitor           s.ONE Availability   s.ONE Alert       s.ONE Fleet
 RES.Q                         ●                        ●                 ●                 ●
 s.QUAD *                      ●                        ●                                   ●
 Other Terminals                                                                            ●
* BLE support subject to mobile device type and operating system.

                                                                                Product Catalogue 2018 18
Resource management

                            An application for fast, targeted alerting with feedback channel

                            1     s.ONE                                              Advantages:
                                                                                     •• Responses from end devices are displayed
                                  Monitor                                               in real-time
                                                                                     •• All important information shown on the dash-
                            s.ONE Monitor provides emergency responders                 board, multi-screen workstations possible
                                                                                     •• Customisable work interface
                            with the option to acknowledge the alert by re-
                                                                                     •• Automatic prioritisation – critical states are
                            sponding via the terminal, thanks to an integrated          automatically highlighted in the display
                            cellular module (RES.Q), or connected to the             •• Automatic display when triggered alerts cannot
                            s.ONE gateway app on a smartphone via Bluetooth             be addressed
                            (s.QUAD). s.ONE also features an app that allows         •• Ideal basis for quick, targeted follow-up alerting
                            feedback to be sent, independent of any terminal.
                            This ensures that the control centre or the fire bri-
                            gade remains constantly informed – in real time –
                            of who is on their way to the station or the site of
                            the event.

                            2      s.ONE                                             Advantages:
                                                                                     •• Real-time information on team availability
                                   Availability                                      •• Simple status changes for rescue services
                                                                                        (‘available’ / ‘unavailable’)
                            By changing their profile on the terminal, first re-     •• Clear graphical display of total availability and
                                                                                        availability of certain types of responders
                            sponders communicate their availability to the
                            dispatcher. s.ONE Availability shows the dispatch-
                            er and station commander in real time how many
                            and what kind of specialists – such as fire fighters,
                            paramedics, drivers or smoke divers – are availa-
                            ble or present. Predefined alarm plans indicate
                            which scenarios can be handled with the availa-
                            ble resources. This makes s.ONE the ideal appli-
                            cation for getting a sense of how incidents can be
                            handled even before they occur, thereby enabling
                            station commanders to introduce countermeas-
                            ures early on.

                            3      s.ONE                                             Advantages:
                                                                                     •• Quick and easy alerting through a clear
                                   Alert                                                user interface
                                                                                     •• Various different technologies for alerting
                            s.ONE Alert perfectly complements s.ONE Monitor             emergency responders – paging, e-mail or text
                                                                                     •• Integrated technical feedback as to whether the
                            for providing targeted follow-up alerts. s.ONE
                                                                                        alert was received, and by whom
                            sends alerts both via the POCSAG network and             •• Enables quick, targeted follow-up alerting
                            via the s.ONE gateway through cellular networks to       •• Prevents costly excessive alerting systems
                            the RES.Q terminal. This hybrid alerting channel         •• Intuitive, clear user interface
                            complements the standard alerting via POCSAG
                            network, enabling an increase in reliability and
                            availability particularly outside of the normal paging
                            coverage area. The alert can be triggered either
                            directly in s.ONE, or from the control room soft-
                            ware via interface to s.ONE. This makes s.ONE a
                            viable fallback option for the control room software.

19 Product Catalogue 2018
Resource management

                                         4          s.ONE                                             Advantages:
                                                                                                      •• Remote configuration and terminal
                                                    Fleet                                                data management
                                                                                                      •• Easy firmware updates and configuration changes
                                         s.ONE Fleet offers remote configuration and termi-           •• Every terminal remains up to date throughout
                                                                                                          its life-cycle
                                          nal data management. Entering terminal and feed-
                                                                                                      •• Data management can be delegated using
                                          back data centrally in s.ONE avoids errors and                 access-rights and roles
                                         ­reduces work. Swissphone can deliver your termi-            •• Pager configuration can be decentralized in a
                                          nals already individualized (configured for each               controlled manner
                                          user). The needed data can be entered into s.ONE            •• Sensitive data remain protected from
                                                                                                         ­unauthorized access
                                          before ordering terminals. Once terminals are
                                         rolled out, firmware updates and configuration
                                         changes (e.g. address changes) are easy to carry
                                         out. This ensures that every terminal always re-
                                         mains up to date throughout its entire life cycle. A
                                         terminal that is irreparably defective or lost, can be
                                         easily re-created from the data inside s.ONE. In
                                         case spares are available locally, the commission-
                                          ing can happen “on site” using remote configura-
                                         tion. Using access-rights and roles, data manage-
                                         ment may be delegated and terminal configuration
                                         can be decentralized in a controlled manner. Sen-
                                         sitive data (e.g. encryption keys) remain protected
                                         from unauthorized access.

                                         Products                                                                                                          Art. No.
                                         s.ONE Monitor                                                                                                     on request
                                         s.ONE Availability                                                                                                on request
                                         s.ONE Alert                                                                                                       on request
                                         s.ONE Fleet                                                                                                       on request

  Resource management saves time                                                     Resource management saves money
  Saarland’s integrated control centre ZRF Saar has reduced                          The Rhineland town of Sankt Augustin’s fire brigade has cut
  the time to alert the required number of volunteers and send                        its annual wage costs by €53,500. This is due to 125 RES.Qs,
  them to an incident by up to 15 minutes. Because first                             which reduce over-alerting by allowing volunteers to quickly­
 ­responders can instantly send feedback over RES.Qs, the                            notify the control centre of their availability. This reduces the
­dispatcher can immediately follow-up with a second and third                        compensation that it has to pay employers when they release
 dispatch if ­necessary.                                                             employees for fire duty. The cost of two-way pagers and SIM
                                                                                     cards is deducted (amortised over four years) from these Annu-
                                                                                     al savings. The acquisition costs are €17,500 per year for 125
                                                                                     devices (€70,000 divided by our). The net benefit is therefore
                                                                                     €36,000 per year (€53,500 Minus €17,500). The RES.Q pays
                                                                                     for itself within six months.

                          0   10 mins.   20 mins.   30 mins. 40 mins.
                                                                                              Fire Bridgade Sankt Augustin
           1st Dispatch                                                              60000

           2nd Dispatch                                                              50000                                       Savings net
           3rd Dispatch                                                              40000
                                                                                                                                 Savings salary
                                                                                     30000                                       reimbursements
           1st Dispatch                                                              20000

                                                                   Alerting                                                      Costs RES.Q

           2nd Dispatch                                            Response          10000                                       and Sim card
           3rd Dispatch                                            Turn-in-time                                                  (amortization over 4 year period)
                                                                   Complete                        In Euro per year
Two-Way Paging allows to reduce engagement times by up to15 minutes.                 The extra cost for two-way paging vs. one-way paging is
Source: ZRF Saar                                                                     compensated by efficiency gains.

                                                                                                                                     Product Catalogue 2018 20
                      Text or voice message: we reliably alert you                as well as optional GPS in one device. Thanks to
                      We offer a wide range of powerful and robust ter-           their feedback channel, both the RES.Q and the
                      minals. They enable digital or analogue alerting, of-       s.QUAD guarantee efficient resource management.
                      fer one-way or two-way communication and pro-               Our HURRICANE DUO offers alerting with text and
                      vide information in text or voice messages. All of          speech messages in one device. It reads text mes-
                      our terminals feature above average reception per-          sages to the user in easy-to-understand language.
                      formance, robust characteristics and intuitive op-          Our s.QUAD ATEX is specifically designed for use
                      eration. With reception sensitivity of less than 2.5        in zones that require explosion-protected end de-
                      µV / m, our s.QUAD terminal is the best in its class.       vices. All of our terminals guarantee quick and reli-
                      The RES.Q terminal combines paging and GSM                  able alerting. Our options include:

                              The IDEA™ encryption technology employed by Swissphone allows secure transmission of confiden-
                              tial messages. All messages are secured from the dispatcher to the terminal (end-to-end). The 128-bit
                              protection key delivers one of the highest levels of security currently available, see page 12.

                              With the patented Express-Alarm® feature, the dispatcher can compile task group RIC addresses and
                              link the alert texts accordingly. Instead of each RIC address being notified one at a time, the alert text
                              is sent simultaneously to all needed users. Less data allows for faster transmission time, see page 33.

                              Hybrid combines the reliability of a paging alert with the benefits of commercial mobile telecommu-
                              nications networks. The alert message is sent to the terminal via paging and SMS / GPRS. Only the
                              fastest of the alert messages is displayed on the terminal screen and the other is suppressed, see
                              page 13.

                              Geo-availability respects privacy but makes it possible to mount a response even when too few crew
                              are close by. Geo-availability relies on the RES.Q terminal checking whether it is inside or outside a
                              pre-defined area. No transmission of position data, see page 34.

                              The optional SOS-Button makes it possible to call for help inconspicuously and quickly in critical
                              situations. The alarm is forwarded to the SOS-Portal.

                              Bluetooth technology makes it possible to connect the s.QUAD with a compatible smartphone and
                              ultimately with various s.ONE software solutions from Swissphone.

21 Product Catalogue 2018

                            In idle state, the terminal is set in a sleep mode and the display is switched off. Of course, the terminal
                            remains active and ready to receive alarm signals.

                            Wide PLL: The reception frequency can be programmed within a Bandwidth of up to 10 MHz.

                            GLOB is a replace text pattern option that allows you to either suppress text or replace it with con-
                            stant text, see page 35.

                            s.QUAD Voice works in parallel on analog 2-tone and digital POCSAG net­works. With this software
                            option the s.QUAD terminal can receive voice calls and text messages from two different ­net­works.
                            This two-in-one option perfectly supports the migration from analog to digital.

                            The s.QUAD ATEX is approved for use in areas with highly flammable gas  /  air mixtures (protection
                            class II 2G EEx ib IIC T4). Even in the most sensitive zones, the s.QUAD ATEX can be used without
                            risk thanks to its passive RF reception characteristics and protection measures.

Pager overview
Frequency band        Band      Frequency Band [MHz]
description           4 m UB          68 - 74
                      4 m MB          74 - 81
                      4 m OB          81 - 88

                                                                                                                                          64 mm
                      4 m BOS         84 -   87
                      2 m UUB        138 - 146
                      2 m UB         146 - 155
                      2 m MB         155 - 164
                      2 m OB         164 - 174
                      UHF A / B     390 - 410
                      UHF C / D     410 - 430
                      UHF E / F     430 - 450
                      UHF G / H     450 - 470                                                     81 mm

                                                                                     Original size (81 x 64 x 22 mm)

Compliance with

EN 60068-2-27 (shock)
EN 60068-2-6 (vibration)
EN 60068-2-32 (drop test)
EN 60529 (IP)
                                                                                   80 mm

                                                                                                                                          78 mm

                                                        53 mm                                                53 mm

                                          Original size (80 x 53 x 24 mm)                      Original size (78 x 53 x 24 mm)

                                                                                                           Product Catalogue 2018 22

                                        s.QUAD X15             s.QUAD X35             s.QUAD Voice             s.QUAD ATEX                 s.QUAD
                                                                                                                                          Voice ATEX
 Paging                                   POCSAG                 POCSAG                   5 / 6-tone               POCSAG                  5 / 6-tone
 Text                                       ●                      ●                           ●                     ●                          ●
 Speech                                                                                        ●                                                ●
 Bluetooth connect                            ●                      ●                         ●
 2-way                                     optional               optional                optional
 Positioning (GPS)
 Frequency bands                         VHF 2 m                VHF 2 m                 VHF 2 / 4 m               VHF 2 m                 VHF 2 / 4 m
                                       UHF E / F G / H        UHF E / F G / H          UHF E / F G / H          UHF E / F G / H          UHF E / F G / H
 Channel spacing      [kHz]            12.5 or 20 / 25        12.5 or 20 / 25          12.5 or 20 / 25          12.5 or 20 / 25          12.5 or 20 / 25
 Sensitivity @ 512B [µV / m]               < 2.0                  < 2.0                    < 2.0                    < 2.0                    < 2.0
 Frequency processing                    Wide PLL               Wide PLL                 Wide PLL                 Wide PLL                 Wide PLL

 Addresses                                 16 (64)                64 (256)                     64                   64 (256)                     64
 (RIC incl. subaddresses)
 Frame independent
 Acoustic @ 30 cm distance               > 95 dB (A)           > 95 dB (A)              > 95 dB (A)              > 95 dB (A)              > 95 dB (A)
 Alert profiles                           3 select- or         64 select- or            64 select- or            64 select- or            64 select- or
                                        toggle profiles       toggle profiles          toggle profiles          toggle profiles          toggle profiles
 Vibrator                                      ●                    ●                        ●                        ●                        ●
 Light                                     backlight            backlight                backlight                backlight                backlight
                                           alert LED         multi-colour alert LED   multi-colour alert LED   multi-colour alert LED   multi-colour alert LED
 Resolution                           146x128 HiRes          146x128 HiRes            146x128 HiRes            146x128 HiRes            146x128 HiRes

 Message memory                          > 100 (8k)            > 100 (8k)              up to 16 min              > 100 (8k)              up to 16 min
 Time stamp                                  ●                      ●                        ●                        ●                        ●
 Pre-programmed messages                64 x 32 char          256 x 32 char            256 x 32 char            256 x 32 char            256 x 32 char

 Message folder / storage                                              3                        3                        3                        3
 Message printing
 Power management
 Battery type                                 AA                      AA                       AA                  AA  /  AAA1)                  AA
 Operating time dry cell
 regular  /  ECO mode      [h]           700  /  2500           700  /  2500              160  /  160             600  /  2100              160  /  160
 Operating time NiMH
 regular  /  ECO mode      [h]           700  /  2400           700  /  2400              160  /  160             300  /  1000              160  /  160
 Operating time LiPo 480 mAh
 Operating time LiPo 1230 mAh
 Express Alarm®                                ●                     ●                                                  ●
 On-air programming                            ●                     ●                                                  ●
 Option IDEATM encryption                      ●                     ●                        ●                         ●                        ●
 Option multi channel                                             scanner                  scanner                  scanner                  scanner
 ATEX                                                                                                                   ●                        ●
 IP protection                              IP67                    IP67                     IP67                     IP67                     IP67
 Accessories                               various                 various                  various                 various                  various
  Rechargeable battery 2) With leather case 3) Proportional characters 4) Please refer to page 32
* Several different font size (6, 7, 8 lines)

23 Product Catalogue 2018

                                 s.QUAD FLEX                  RES.Q           HURRICANE DUO          MS POCSAG            DiCal-ToM

Paging                            4-level FLEX              POCSAG               POCSAG               POCSAG               POCSAG
Text                                    ●                     ●                    ●                    ●                    ●
Speech                                                                             ●
Bluetooth connect                       ●
2-way                                optional                  ●
Positioning (GPS)                                              ●
Frequency bands                      VHF 2 m              VHF 2 / 4 m            VHF 2 m             VHF 2 m               VHF 2 m
                                                         UHF E / F G / H         UHF G / H         UHF E / F G / H       UHF E / F G / H
Channel spacing      [kHz]           20 / 25             12.5 or 20 / 25       12.5 or 20 / 25     12.5 or 20 / 25       12.5 or 20 / 25
Sensitivity @ 512B [µV / m]      < 3.0 at 1600B              < 3.0                 < 3.0               N.A. 4)               N.A. 4)
Frequency processing                Wide PLL               VHF: Wide PLL        VHF: Wide PLL      VHF: PLL ± 0.5 MHz   VHF: PLL ± 0.5 MHz
                                                         UHF: PLL ± 1.0 MHz   UHF: PLL ± 1.0 MHz     UHF: Wide PLL        UHF: Wide PLL
Addresses                                64                  32 (128)             64 (256)             32 (128)             32 (128)
(RIC incl. subaddresses)
Frame independent
Acoustic @ 30 cm distance         > 95 dB (A)              > 88 dB (A)          > 85 dB (A)              n.a.             > 90 dB (A)
Alert profiles                    64 select- or            64 select- or        64 select- or        64 select- or
                                 toggle profiles          toggle profiles      toggle profiles      toggle profiles
Vibrator                               ●                        ●                    ●                                        n.a.
Light                              backlight                backlight            backlight                n.a.              backlight
                                multi-colour alert LED                           alert LED
Lines x character per line      146x128 HighRes 3x16, 4x20, 5x21               3x11, 5x16 3)              n.a.              7" colour
Message memory                     > 100 (8k)              > 100 (8k)           > 100 (8k)           > 100 (8k)                 64
Time stamp                             ●                        ●                    ●                    ●                     ●
Pre-programmed messages           64 x 32 char            128 x 32 char        128 x 32 char        128 x 32 char          5 x 16, 6 x18,
                                                                                                                            9 x 28 char
Message folder / storage                  3                      3                    3                                         1
Message printing                                                                                           ●                    ●
Power management
Battery type                             AA              lithium-polymer             AA                    4)                   4)

Operating time dry cell
regular  /  ECO mode      [h]      600  /  2000                                     600
Operating time NiMH
regular  /  ECO mode      [h]      600  /  2000                                     600
Operating time LiPo 480 mAh                                    500
Operating time LiPo 1230 mAh                                  1300
Express Alarm®                                                  ●                    ●                     ●                    ●
On-air programming                                              ●                    ●                     ●                    ●
Option IDEATM encryption                ●                       ●                    ●                     ●                    ●
Option multi channel                 scanner                 scanner              scanner                 n.a.                 n.a.
IP protection                          IP67               IP52  /  IP54 2)          IP54
Accessories                           various                various               various                              printer (optional)

                                                                                                                 Product Catalogue 2018 24

                            s.QUAD X15
                            •• Excellent reception
                            •• Switching bandwidth programmable up to 10 MHz (VHF), 20 MHz (UHF)
                            •• 16 addresses (RICs) with four sub-addresses each
                               (64 individual addresses)
                            •• Three select as well as toggle profiles available
                            •• Alerting volume > 95 dB(A) at 30 cm distance
                            •• High-resolution display for over 200 characters per page
                            •• Extremely robust (2-m drop test) and waterproof
                            •• Optional: IDEA™ message encryption (128 bit)
                            •• Bluetooth interface
        mode                Frequency bands                   VHF  /  UHF
                            Channel spacing                   12.5 kHz or 20 / 25 kHz
                            Baud rate                         512 / 1200 / 2400
                            Frequency processing              VHF Wide PLL: (138-146 MHz, 146-155 MHz, 155-164 MHz, 164-174 MHz)
                            		                                UHF Wide PLL: (430-450 MHz, 450-470 MHz)
                            Addresses                         16 RIC (64 addresses)
                            Power management                  AA battery, dry cell 1.5 V or NiMH 1.2 V
                            		                                charger interface
                            Operating time                    dry cell: 2500 h
                            		                                NiMH: 2400 h
                            Languages                         Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Slovenian,
                            		                                Swedish, others upon request
                            Options                           Express-Alarm®, on-air programming (OAP), IDEA™ encryption

                            Band           Channel spacing        Art. No.             Band          Channel spacing        Art. No.
                            2 m UUB           12.5 kHz            0810195              2 m UUB          20 / 25 kHz         0810194
                            2 m UB            12.5 kHz            0810205              2 m UB           20 / 25 kHz         0810204
                            2 m MB            12.5 kHz            0810215              2 m MB           20 / 25 kHz         0810214
                            2 m OB            12.5 kHz            0810225              2 m OB           20 / 25 kHz         0810224

                             UHF E / F          12.5 kHz          0810361              UHF E / F         20 / 25 kHz        0810360
                             UHF G / H          12.5 kHz          0810381              UHF G / H         20 / 25 kHz        0810380
                            Additional frequencies upon request

25 Product Catalogue 2018

       s.QUAD X35
       •• Excellent reception
       •• Switching bandwidth programmable up to 10 MHz (VHF), 20 MHz (UHF)
       •• 64 addresses (RICs) with four sub-addresses each
          (256 individual addresses)
       •• 64 select as well as toggle profiles available
       •• Alerting volume > 95 dB(A) at 30 cm distance
       •• Multi-coloured alarm LED
       •• Five-level display of signal strength (RSSI)
       •• High-resolution display for over 200 characters per page
       •• Extremely robust (2-m drop test) and waterproof
       •• Optional: IDEA™ message encryption (128 bit)
eco    •• Optional: Multi-channel / scanner in one device
       •• Bluetooth interface

       Frequency bands                   VHF  /  UHF
       Channel spacing                   12.5 kHz or 20 / 25 kHz
       Baud rate                         512 / 1200 / 2400
       Frequency processing              VHF Wide PLL: (138-146 MHz, 146-155 MHz, 155-164 MHz, 164-174 MHz)
       		                                UHF Wide PLL: (430-450 MHz, 450-470 MHz)
       Addresses                         64 RIC (256 addresses)
       Power management                  AA battery, dry cell 1.5 V or NiMH 1.2 V
       		                                charger interface
       Operating time                    dry cell: 2500 h
       		                                NiMH: 2400 h
       Languages                         Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Slovenian,
       		                                Swedish, others upon request
       Options                           Express-Alarm®, on-air programming (OAP), IDEA™ encryption,
       		                                multi channel / scanner

        Band          Channel spacing        Art. No.             Band          Channel spacing        Art. No.
        2 m UUB          12.5 kHz            0810197              2 m UUB          20 / 25 kHz         0810196
        2 m UB           12.5 kHz            0810207              2 m UB           20 / 25 kHz         0810206
        2 m MB           12.5 kHz            0810217              2 m MB           20 / 25 kHz         0810216
        2 m OB           12.5 kHz            0810227              2 m OB           20 / 25 kHz         0810226

        UHF E / F          12.5 kHz          0810363              UHF E / F         20 / 25 kHz        0810362
        UHF G / H          12.5 kHz          0810383              UHF G / H         20 / 25 kHz        0810382
       Additional frequencies upon request

                                                                                       Product Catalogue 2018 26

                            s.QUAD ATEX (POCSAG or 5  /  6-Tone Voice)
                            •• Excellent reception
                            •• Switching bandwidth programmable up to 10 MHz (VHF), 20 MHz (UHF)
                            •• 64 addresses (RICs) with four sub-addresses each
                               (256 individual addresses)
                            •• 64 select as well as toggle profiles available
                            •• Alerting volume > 95 dB(A) at 30 cm distance
                            •• Multi-coloured alarm LED
                            •• Five-level display of signal strength (RSSI)
                            •• High-resolution display for over 200 characters per page
                            •• Extremely robust (2-m drop test) and waterproof
                            •• Optional: IDEA™ message encryption (128 bit)
 mode                       •• Optional: Multi-channel / scanner in one device
                            •• Optional: Analog and digital as one single device (s.QUAD Voice ATEX)

                            Frequency bands                   VHF / UHF
                            Channel spacing                   12.5 kHz or 20 / 25 kHz
                            Baud rate                         512 / 1200 / 2400
                            Frequency processing              VHF Wide PLL: (138-146 MHz, 146-155 MHz, 155-164 MHz, 164-174 MHz)
                            		                                UHF Wide PLL: (430-450 MHz, 450-470 MHz)
                            Addresses                         64 RIC (256 addresses)
                            Power management                  AA battery, dry cell 1.5 V or NiMH plus battery (AAA)
                            		                                charger interface
                            Operating time                    dry cell: 2100 h
                            		                                NiMH: 1000 h
                            Languages                         Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Slovenian,
                            		                                Swedish, others upon request
                            Options                           Express-Alarm®, On-air programming (OAP), IDEA™ encryption,
                            		                                multi channel / scanner

                            s.QUAD ATEX (POCSAG)
                             Band          Channel spacing        Art. No.             Band            Channel spacing      Art. No.
                             2 m UUB          12.5 kHz            0810097              2 m UUB            20 / 25 kHz       0810096
                             2 m UB           12.5 kHz            0810107              2 m UB             20 / 25 kHz       0810106
                             2 m MB           12.5 kHz            0810117              2 m MB             20 / 25 kHz       0810116
                             2 m OB           12.5 kHz            0810127              2 m OB             20 / 25 kHz       0810126

                             UHF E / F          12.5 kHz          0810463              UHF E / F          20 / 25 kHz       0810462
                             UHF G / H          12.5 kHz          0810493              UHF G / H          20 / 25 kHz       0810492
                            Additional frequencies upon request

                            s.QUAD Voice ATEX (5 / 6-Tone Voice)
                             Band          Channel spacing Art. No.                    Band            Channel spacing      Art. No.
                                                                                       4 m BOS            20 / 25 kHz       0810088
                             2 m UUB            12.5 kHz          0810099              2 m UUB            20 / 25 kHz       0810098
                             2 m UB             12.5 kHz          0810109              2 m UB             20 / 25 kHz       0810108
                             2 m MB             12.5 kHz          0810119              2 m MB             20 / 25 kHz       0810118
                             2 m OB             12.5 kHz          0810129              2 m OB             20 / 25 kHz       0810128

                             UHF E / F          12.5 kHz          0810465              UHF E / F          20 / 25 kHz       0810464
 eco                         UHF G / H          12.5 kHz          0810495              UHF G / H          20 / 25 kHz       0810494

                            Additional frequencies upon request

27 Product Catalogue 2018

       The s.QUAD ATEX is approved for use in areas with highly flammable gas  /  air mixtures (protection
       class II 2G EEx ib IIC T4). It is specially designed for the needs of the chemical and oil & gas industry.
       Even in the most sensitive zones, the terminal can be used without risk thanks to its passive RF re-
       ception characteristics and protection measures.

       II 2G Ex ib IIC T4
         II                            Device group all areas except mining (Group I)
         2                             Device category for use in zones 1 and 2
         G                             Area of application Indicator of atmosphere type (G=gas)
         Ex                            Ex-standard certified explosion protection in accordance
       		                              with standard EN 50014, 50020
         ib                            Type of protection against ignition limited energy level prevents
       		                              ignition of the atmosphere
         IIC                           Explosion group CENELEC reference, highest classification in this
       		                              explosion group, typical gas: Hydrogen (ignition energy < 60μJ)
         T4                            Temperature class maximum permitted temperature of equipment
       		                              casing or any component: 135° C

       s.QUAD Voice
       ••   Excellent reception
       ••   Switching bandwidth programmable up to 10 MHz (VHF): 20 MHz (UHF)
       ••   64 addresses  /  64 select as well as toggle profiles available
       ••   Alerting volume > 95 dB(A) at 30 cm distance
       ••   High-resolution display (for message display via Bluetooth)
       ••   Extremely robust (2-m drop test) and waterproof
       ••   Up to 16 minutes stored voice
       ••   Optional: Multi-channel / scanner in one device
       ••   Bluetooth interface
       ••   Optional: Analog and digital as one single device
mode   Frequency bands                   VHF / UHF
       Channel spacing                   12.5 kHzt or 20 / 25 kHz
       Frequency processing              VHF Wide PLL: (84-87 MHz)
       		                                VHF Wide PLL: (138-146 MHz, 146-155 MHz, 155-164 MHz, 164-174 MHz)
       		                                UHF Wide PLL: (430-450 MHz, 450-470 MHz)
       Addresses                         64 addresses
       Power management                  AA battery, dry cell 1.5 V or NiMH 1.2 V
       		                                charger interface
       Operating time                    dry cell: 160 h
       		                                NiMH: 160 h
       Languages                         Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Slovenian,
       		                                Swedish, others upon request

        Band            Channel spacing Art. No.                  Band           Channel spacing        Art. No.
                                                                  4 m BOS           20 / 25 kHz         0810188
        2 m UUB             12.5 kHz         0810119              2 m UUB           20 / 25 kHz         0810198
        2 m UB              12.5 kHz         0810209              2 m UB            20 / 25 kHz         0810208
        2 m MB              12.5 kHz         0810219              2 m MB            20 / 25 kHz         0810218
        2 m OB              12.5 kHz         0810229              2 m OB            20 / 25 kHz         0810228

        UHF E / F           12.5 kHz         0810365              UHF E / F          20 / 25 kHz        0810364
        UHF G / H           12.5 kHz         0810385              UHF G / H          20 / 25 kHz        0810384
       Additional frequencies upon request

                                                                                        Product Catalogue 2018 28
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