BMS/CF Marketing Index 2021 - Major baby food companies' compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes - Access ...
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BMS/CF Marketing Index 2021 Major baby food companies’ compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes June 2021 Click here and insert picture via Insert Picture. To enlarge: click in corner and drag. To move: click on Crop on right Format tab.
Disclaimers ATNI is an independent organization that bases its work on the input of many stakeholders. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this report may not necessarily reflect the views of all companies, members of the stakeholder groups or the organizations they represent, or of the funders of the project. This report is intended to be for informational purposes only and is not intended as promotional material in any respect. This report is not intended to provide accounting, legal or tax advice or investment recommendations. Whilst based on information believed to be reliable, no guarantee can be given that it is accurate or complete. The findings of this Index regarding companies’ performance rely to a large extent on information shared by companies, in addition to information that is available in the public domain. Several factors beyond the companies’ control may impact the availability of information such as differences in disclosure requirements among countries or capacity constraints within companies due to, among other factors, the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, in the case of limited or no engagement by such companies, this Index may not represent the full extent of their efforts. Westat and the Nutrition Center of the Philippines (NCP), its local subcontractor, were responsible for the collection of data related to company compliance with the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes, all subsequent, relevant WHA resolutions, and any additional country-specific regulations related to marketing of these products in the Philippines. Similarly, Westat and Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO) in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública (INSP), IBERO/INSP being Westat’s local subcontractor, were responsible for the same scope of data collection in Mexico. In the Philippines, Westat and NCP engaged with health facilities, mothers of infants who attended those facilities, health professionals at the facilities, and retailers as part of the data collection and analysis process. In Mexico, Westat and IBERO/INSP engaged with retailers as part of the data collection and analysis process. Westat is responsible for the analysis of the data related to compliance with ATNI’s methodology on which the Access to Nutrition Foundation (ATNF) will (in part) base the scoring of baby food companies in the ATNI BMS/CF Marketing Index 2021, which will in turn inform the companies’ scores in the ATNI Global Index 2021. The user of the report and the information in it assumes the entire risk of any use it may make or permit to be made of the information. NO EXPRESS OR IMPLIED template WARRANTIES page OR REPRESENTATIONS ARE MADE WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION (OR THE RESULTS TO BE OBTAINED BY THE USE THEREOF), AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF ORIGINALITY, ACCURACY, TIMELINESS, NON-INFRINGEMENT, COMPLETENESS, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE) WITH RESPECT TO ANY OF THE INFORMATION ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED AND DISCLAIMED. Euromonitor International statistics are used under license. While every attempt has been made to ensure accuracy and reliability, Euromonitor International cannot be held responsible for omissions or errors of historic figures or analyses. Without limiting any of the foregoing and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall ATNF, Westat, nor any of their respective affiliates or contractors, have any liability regarding any of the information for any direct, indirect, special, punitive, consequential (including lost profits) or any other damages even if notified of the possibility of such damages. The foregoing shall not exclude or limit any liability that may not by applicable law be excluded or limited. This report sets out the findings of a study undertaken by several organizations. We would like to thank the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS) and UK Aid - through the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) - for their financial support. We would also like to thank our research partners Westat, NCP and IBERO/INSP for their diligent efforts, as well as organic Intelligence and Eficiencia Informativa (EFINFO), the firms that provided the traditional media monitoring service in the Philippines and Mexico, respectively. We are grateful for the guidance of the BMS Expert Group. WRENmedia edited the report. Design is by Kummer & Herrman. © Copyright 2021
Abbreviations ATNI Access to Nutrition Initiative BMS Breast-milk substitutes CF Complementary Foods FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FCDO Foreign and Commonwealth Department Office DGIS Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs IBERO Universidad Iberoamericana IBFAN International Baby Food Action Network IF Infant formula INC Incidences of non-compliance INSP Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública FSMP Formula for Special Medical Purposes FOF Follow-on formula GUM Growing-up milk(s) HA Hypo-allergenic MJN Mead Johnson Nutrition NCP Nutrition Center of the Philippines NGO Non-governmental Organization RLF Responsible Lobbying Framework PKU Phenylketonuria SDG Sustainable Development Goal The Code International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund WHA World Health Assembly WHO World Health Organization
Contents Disclaimers 2 Welcome 7 1. Executive Summary 9 About the Index 9 The importance of nutrition in early life 9 Methodology 9 BMS/CF Marketing Index 2021 Ranking 10 Key finding 11 Results by company 11 Future Indexes 15 2. Introduction 16 3. Context 18 3.1 The importance of optimal infant and young child nutrition 18 3.2 The imperative of increasing levels of breastfeeding worldwide and improving infant and young children’s diets 18 3.3 International recommendations on breastfeeding and complementary feeding 19 3.4 Why is use of BMS and CF increasing? 21 4. Approach to company assessment 22 4.1 Companies selected 22 4.2 ATNI’s methodology 24 5. BMS/CF Marketing Index Ranking 2021 26 5.1 Analysis 27 5.2 Key findings and recommendations 29 6. Detailed results: BMS/CF 1 Corporate Profile 33 6.1 How do the companies perform overall on BMS/CF 1 Corporate profile? 35 6.2 How have companies’ Corporate Profile scores changed since 2018? 37 6.3 How well aligned to The Code are the companies’ policies and management systems? 38 6.4 How do the companies perform in relation to responsible lobbying? 40
6.5 How extensive is companies’ disclosure? 43 6.6 Cross-cutting issues identified by the 2021 assessment 44 Issue 1: The wording of companies’ marketing policies does not fully align to The Code 44 Issue 2: The scope of companies’ policies is limited, and subject to exclusions by product type and geography 45 Issue 3: Exclusion of FSMPs from companies’ policies 46 Issue 4: Weaknesses in application of Article 8 of The Code 48 Issue 5: Companies that make complementary foods have not yet made policy commitments to implement the WHO guidance associated with WHA Resolution 69.9 49 6.7 Conclusions relating to BMS/CF 1 Corporate Profile 51 6.8 Recommendations relating to BMS/CF 1 Corporate Profile 51 7. BMS/CF 2 In-country marketing assessments 53 7.1 Introduction 53 7.2 Country selection 53 7.3 Company presence 54 7.4 Scope of in-country assessments 54 7.5 Scoring 55 7.6 BMS/CF 2 Combined results from the Philippines and Mexico 56 7.7 Detailed results 57 7.8 What was the overall level of Code compliance in the two countries? 59 7.9 What level of compliance did each company achieve? 60 7.10 Observations related to the in-country studies 62 7.11 Conclusion 65 7.12 Recommendations 65 8. Future Indexes 67 Annexes 68 Annex 1: Definitions of BMS and CF used by ATNI, based on The Code, WHO and Codex definitions 68 Annex 2. How comprehensive are companies’ overarching commitments to The Code and to support breastfeeding? 69 Annex 3: Comparison of companies’ scores on policy and management systems in 2016, 2018 and 2021 70
Annex 4: How companies’ initial scores are weighted to generate final scores on the BMS/CF 1 Corporate Profile 72 Final weighted BMS/CF 1 Corporate Profile scores 74 Annex 5: Estimating the effect of the inclusion of WHA Resolution 69.9 on companies’ scores 75 Endnotes 77
Welcome It is my pleasure to introduce this BMS/CF Marketing Index 2021. This Index is both new and not new! ATNI previously rated the world’s six largest baby food companies’ marketing practices through a sub- ranking of each Global Index. The last one was published in 2018. Now, for the first time, we are presenting this research in the form of a stand-alone Index. It expands on our previous research in two ways. It encompasses the nine largest baby food companies in the world and it assesses their marketing of both breast-milk substitutes (BMS) and complementary foods (CF). I would like to thank the funders of this work for their continuing support: the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the governments of the United Kingdom through the Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office (FCDO) and the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS). The Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) is an independent not-for profit organization, established in 2013. We work to encourage the world’s largest food and beverage companies to do everything they can to address all forms of malnutrition. We design and publish various tools designed to encourage ‘healthy competition’ among these companies by tapping into their competitive nature. In the eight years since ATNI was established, we have proven that our model of benchmarking companies is a driver of and accelerates meaningful change. Our Indexes measure food and beverage companies’ contribution to addressing nutrition challenges. Among these are the deaths of over 832,000 babies each year who could have lived had they been optimally breastfed. Millions of children suffer wasting, stunting and micronutrient deficiencies due to inadequate diets. Increasing numbers are becoming overweight or obese for the same reason. Given the increasing roles of processed products – including BMS and CF - in diets around the world, one of ATNI’s principal goals is to drive greater action by the private sector to turn this tide, to give all children the best start in life. Breastfeeding should be central to the diets of infants and young children, from birth up to two years or beyond, according to the WHO. Extensive independent academic research has established that breastmilk is better for children’s health than breast-milk substitutes and that breastfeeding is also beneficial to mothers’ health. The nine companies rated in this report generated estimated revenues from BMS and CF of nearly US$38 billion in 2019, over half of that year’s global total. One of the ways they secured these sales was through extensive and effective marketing. With the advent of social media, baby food companies have even greater reach than ever before. The central issue is that their products compete with breastfeeding. Even in 1981, when the sector was much smaller and marketing channels were more limited, this problem had been identified. Following extensive consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, WHO determined to address it. And so, the International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk Substitutes was born. It did not aim to prevent the use of these products - sometimes they are necessary because some infants cannot be breastfed and some mothers cannot breastfeed. Rather, its aim was to contribute to the provision of safe and adequate nutrition for infants, by protecting and promoting breastfeeding. Specifically, the intention was to ensure that mothers and caregivers had accurate and adequate information about BMS and how to use them safely and properly, and that these products were marketed and distributed appropriately. That aim is as relevant and urgent today as it was 40 years ago. The hope was that the WHO’s Member States would pass laws and regulations to implement the 1981 Code. That hope has not been realized: only 31 countries have legal frameworks that substantially implement the Code and the 18 subsequent resolutions that support and augment it passed by the World Health Assembly since then. In the absence of market-by-market legal measures, it is imperative that baby food companies take voluntary action to implement The Code - which they are called upon to do, in Article 11. This Index assesses the extent to which they have adopted policies and practices to do so, and how transparent they are about this. It also looks at their related lobbying policies and practices. 7
One of ATNI’s goals is to work closely with - and inspire action by - other stakeholders. In this vein, for the first time, FTSE Russell, one of the world’s leading financial services companies, has drawn on this research to inform its decisions about the suitability of three of the companies to retain their place on the prestigious FTSE4Good Index. We look forward to further collaboration with FTSE Russell – and with others. While ATNI hopes that all governments will step up their efforts to adopt legal measures to give effect to The Code, in the short term the most important action I hope will ensue from the publication of this report is that all baby food companies accelerate their efforts to implement The Code in full. They can play a pivotal role in supporting the realization of the 2025 global nutrition targets, the SDGs by 2030, and in saving the lives and protecting the health of babies, young children, and mothers everywhere. Inge Kauer Executive Director Access to Nutrition Foundation 8
1. Executive Summary About the Index The importance of nutrition This Index assesses the extent to which the in early life world’s nine largest manufacturers of breast- The critical importance of good nutrition and milk substitutes (BMS) and complementary healthy diets has been underlined by the foods (CF) market their products in line with COVID-19 pandemic. Baby food companies can WHO guidance, as set out in the 1981 play a critical role in improving the health and life International Code of Marketing of Breast-milk prospects of infants and young children by Substitutes (BMS) and 18 subsequent relevant protecting and supporting breastfeeding. By World Health Assembly (WHA) resolutions following the recommendations of The Code, (collectively referred to as The Code). For the they can contribute to the realisation of several studies ATNI commissioned to assess the WHO 2025 nutrition targets and the Sustainable companies’ marketing in the Philippines and Development Goals. Specifically, to SDG 2 - by Mexico, the scope extends to any national legal preventing child mortality and various forms of measures that go beyond The Code. undernutrition - and SDG 3 - by decreasing children’s risks of developing NCDs later in life. This Index is the only one of its kind. A score of 100% would indicate that a company’s Until such time as all countries have passed laws marketing policies, practices and disclosure are and regulations to give effect to The Code, baby fully aligned with these WHO recommendations. food companies can contribute to health and nutrition by voluntarily marketing their products Similar prior assessments were presented as a in line with WHO recommendations. To date, sub-ranking of ATNI’s 2016 and 2018 Global only 31 countries have a Code-aligned legal Indexes. Now, to place greater emphasis on, and framework to control the marketing of BMS and direct greater attention to the critical importance CF. While many factors have contributed in of the health and nutrition of infants and young recent years to falling breastfeeding rates in children, ATNI is publishing a stand-alone Index. many countries, and the concomitant increasing use of BMS, a principal driver has been the The companies included are the nine largest by increasing and widespread marketing of these global revenues in the baby food segment. products. Breastfeeding has long been proven to Together they generated an estimated US$38 provide myriad significant health benefits billion in sales in 2019, just over half of the compared to BMS. These benefits are unique to global total for that year. The scores of the six breastfeeding and help both mother and infant. companies within this Index that are also Positive long-term benefits for infants include constituents of the Global Access to Nutrition protection against becoming overweight or Index 2021will continue to be based, in part, on obese, as well as against certain non- their scores in this Index. communicable diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Further, in areas of the world where One of the most significant changes in the hygiene is poor and the availability of, and scope of this assessment was the inclusion for access to, food is sub-optimal, breastfeeding is the first time of the seventh, eighth and ninth key to lowering infants’ risk of undernutrition and largest players in the sector, which are all infectious diseases. headquartered in China. These companies are China Feihe Limited (Feihe), China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited (Mengniu), Inner Methodology Mongolia Yili Industrial Group (Yili), with combined estimated sales in 2019 of around The full methodology is available here. In short, US$4.5 billion. the Index scores and ranks companies based on two types of assessment that are given equal weight. The first – BMS/CF 1 - determines the extent to which the companies’ own policies – 9
adopted voluntarily – and their associated of national legal measures with The Code, and management systems and disclosure align fully others, influences how companies perform on to the recommendations of The Code. One the second element of the assessment. For the section also assesses the stance companies first time, ATNI provided data from this element take on lobbying governments in relation to of the research to FTSE Russell to use in its adoption of legal measures to implement The decisions about the suitability of Danone, Nestlé Code. The companies’ scores are based both on and Reckitt to continue to be constituents of its information in the public domain and – if they FTSE4Good Index Series. wish – unpublished internal documentation which they submit under a non-disclosure One principal change to the previous agreement to ATNI’s online research platform. methodology is the inclusion of an assessment, for the first time, of companies’ marketing in The second – BMS/CF 2 - aims to assess the accordance with 2016 WHO ‘Guidance on extent to which companies market their ending the inappropriate promotion of foods for products in line with The Code within two low or infants and young children’, referenced in WHA middle-income countries (called higher-risk Resolution 69.9 adopted at the 69th World countries). As for previous assessments, ATNI Health Assembly. Another notable change is the selected two countries in which to undertake inclusion of the next three largest companies in research for this Index: the Philippines and the baby food segment, which are all based in Mexico. ATNI’s summary reports, and those of China. ATNI was unable to establish contact with Westat, the company which ATNI commissioned these companies and therefore they did not to undertake them, are available here. engage in the research process. Their assessments therefore had to be based only on Numerous factors relating to the companies’ information in the public domain, as has been own policies and practices, their market share, the case for other companies in the past. length of time in the market and the alignment BMS/CF Marketing Index 2021 Ranking 10
Key Key finding finding Key finding not not make make notthe themakerequested requested commitments the requested commitments or or action. commitments action. or action. Fully Fully 40 40Fully years years40 after after years the theafter original originalthe International original InternationalInternational Code Code Code The The signatories signatories The signatoriesto to the the Call to to Call to Action, the Call toin Action, in their Action, their in their of of Marketing Marketing of Marketing of of Breast-milk Breast-milk of Breast-milk Substitutes Substitutes Substitutes was was was response response to to industry, response industry, stated stated that to industry, that they stated were theythat were they were adopted, adopted,adopted, this this Index Index thisprovides provides Index provides clear clear evidence evidence clear evidence that the that ‘profoundly that the ‘profoundly the disappointed ‘profoundly disappointed that that no disappointed no other other that no company, company, other company, marketing marketing marketing practices practices practices of of the the world’s world’s of thenine nine world’slargest largest nine largest including the the largest includingincluding largesttheglobal largestcompanies, global companies, took global companies,took thisthistook this manufacturers manufacturers manufacturers of of formula formula of and formula and foods foodsand for for foods infants infants forand and infants and crucial crucial opportunity opportunity crucial opportunity to to commit commit to toto achieving commit achieving to achieving young young children children young children are are farfar from from are far being being fromaligned aligned being with alignedits with itscompliance with its compliance with with internationally compliance internationally agreed agreed health with internationally agreedpolicy.’ health policy.’ health policy.’ recommendations. recommendations. recommendations. Similarly, Similarly,Similarly, despite despite the despite the WHAWHA the WHA having having passed passed having 18 passed 18 related related18resolutions resolutions related resolutions since since 1981, 1981, since 1981, The The UNUNTheFood Food UN Systems Systems Food Systems Summit, Summit,Summit,being being held held in beingin held in including includingincluding and and having havingandendorsed endorsed having endorsedin in 2016 2016in new new2016 new September September this this year, September year,thisand the the Nutrition4Growth andyear, and Nutrition4Growth the Nutrition4Growth guidance guidance guidance on on ending ending onthe the ending inappropriate inappropriate the inappropriate promotion promotion promotion of of Summit Summit of being being hosted Summit beingby hosted by the the Government hosted Government by the Government of of of foods foods for for foods infants infantsforand and infantsyoung young andchildren, children, young children, none none of the of theJapan of the none Japan in December, inJapan December, provide in December,provide all all baby baby food provide all food baby food companies companies companies assessed assessed assessed yet yet abides abides yetbyby abides the the by the companies companies with with the companies thewithideal idealtheopportunity opportunity to to make ideal opportunity maketo the the make the recommendations recommendations recommendations made made in, in,made or or associated associated in, or associated with, with, all of allcommitments all of with, commitments of commitments necessary necessary to to honor necessary honorto The The Code. honor Code. The We We Code. We these these resolutions. resolutions. these resolutions. call call on on their call investors their on investors and and other their investors other andstakeholders stakeholders other stakeholders to to to encourage encourage them them to encourage to take take this them this vital to take step. vitalthis step. Those vital Those step. Those All All BMS BMSAllcompanies companies BMS companies were were addressed addressed were addressedby aa BMS by BMS byCall Call a BMS Callgovernments governments that governments that have have not that yet nothaveyet adopted adopted not yet adoptedlegal legal legal to to Action Actiontoissued issued Actionin inissued June June 2020 in 2020June by by2020 WHO, WHO,byUNICEFUNICEF WHO, UNICEFmeasures measures to to fully measures fully implement implement to fully implementThe The Code Code Thecould could Code also also could also and and several andnon-governmental several non-governmental several non-governmental organizations organizations which organizations which which take take this opportunity thistake opportunity to this opportunityto do do so. so.toWith With less do so.lessWiththan aa than a thanless urged urged them them urged to to publicly them publicly to acknowledge publicly acknowledge The The Code acknowledge Code Theand andCode anddecade decade to to gogo to decade realize toto go tothe realize the SDGs, realize SDGs, thenow now SDGs, isis the the now time time is the time to to commit committo toto delivering commit delivering full full Code to delivering Code compliance full compliance Code compliance by by by for for the the companies companies for the companies ATNI ATNI has hasATNIassessed assessed –– and has assessed and allall– and all 2030 2030 at the the latest. at2030 at theWhile latest. While latest. 17 17 companies While companies responded 17 companies responded respondedothers others in the the sector, inothers in theto sector, to commit sector, commit to to to delivering commit delivering on to delivering on on –– including including seven seven included – including included seven includedin in this this Index, Index, in this most most Index,did didmost didtheir their responsibilities. responsibilities. their responsibilities. Results Results Results by by company company by company The The table table Theonontable page pageon 13 13page shows shows 13the the shows component componentthe component scores scores scores2. N 2. Neessttl2. léé isis Nthe ethes tlmarket émarket is theleader leader marketwith with leader sales sales withofofsales just just over over of just over on on each eachon element element each element –– BMS/CF BMS/CF – BMS/CF 11 and and BMS/CF BMS/CF 1 and BMS/CF 22 –– 2 – US$15 US$15 billion US$15 billion from from billion this thisfrom segment segmentthis segment in in 2019. 2019.inItIt2019. It and and the the impact and impact theonon impact relevant relevanton relevant companies’ companies’ companies’ Global Global Index Global Indexretained Index retainedretained its its second second its place, second place, with with place,aa score score with of aofscore 57%, 57%,of up up57%, up 2021 2021 scores. scores. 2021 scores. substantially substantially substantiallyfrom from its its score from score its of of score 45% 45% in of in 2018. 45% 2018. in This This 2018. 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Itregulations regulations regulations that that go go beyond beyond that go The beyond The Code Code The in inCode the the in the had had thethe second had secondthe highest second highest sales highest sales in in this sales this segment segment in this segmentin in in studies studies carriedstudies carried out out carried in in thetheout Philippines Philippines in the Philippines and and Mexico, Mexico, and Mexico, 2019 2019 of of2019 US$ US$ 8.5 of 8.5US$ billion billion8.5 Its Itsbillion higher higher Itsscore score higher in 2021in 2021compared inscore 2021 compared compared to to thethe results results to thefrom from results the thefromstudies studiesthe carried studies carried carried was was driven drivenwasprincipally principally driven principally by by higher higher bylevels levels higher of oflevels of out out in in in inout Nigeria Nigeria in in and Nigeria and Thailand Thailand and Thailand for for thethe 2018 2018 for the Index. Index. 2018 Index. compliance compliance compliance with with The ThewithCode Code The and and Code local localand local regulationsItIt therefore regulations regulations therefore It therefore achieved achievedachieved aa higher higherascore score higher on onscore BMS/CF BMS/CF on BMS/CF 22 2 that that gogo beyond beyond that go The beyond The CodeCode The in inCode the the Philippines Philippines in the Philippinesand and and than than in in 2018. 2018. than inNestlé’s Nestlé’s 2018. Nestlé’s score score fell fellscore in in relation relation fell in to relation to its its to its Mexico Mexico compared Mexico compared compared to to the the levels levels to the of oflevels compliance of compliance policy, compliance policy, management management policy, management systems systemssystems and and disclosure disclosure and disclosure as as as found found in infound previous previousin previous studies studies carriedcarried studiesout out carried in in ininout in in Nigeriameasured Nigeria Nigeria measured measured byby BMS/CF BMS/CF by BMS/CF 1, 1, principally principally1, principally because becausebecause the the the and and Thailand Thailand and Thailand for for the the 2018 2018 for the Index. Index. 2018 ItIt Index. therefore therefore It therefore companycompany company has has not not adopted has adopted not adopted any any new newany commitments commitments new commitments achieved achievedachieved aa higher higherascorescore higher on onscore BMS/CF BMS/CF on BMS/CF 22 than than in in2 than in to to give give effecteffect to giveto toeffect the the guidance guidance to the guidance associated associated associated with with with 2018. 2018. ThoughThough 2018. itThough it has has notnot it revised has revised not itsits revised policy policyits policy since WHA since since WHA 69.9, 69.9, WHA nor nor69.9, any any related nor related anymanagement management related management systems. the the last last assessment, the assessment, last assessment, the the company’s company’s the company’s overall overall score overall scoreAs score As aa result, result, As aititresult, could could not itnotcould score score noton onscore the the relevant relevant on the relevant fell fell in in relation relation fell in to relation to its its policy, policy, to itsmanagement management policy, management systemssystemsdisclosure systems disclosure disclosure indicators. indicators. indicators. and and disclosure, disclosure, and disclosure, i.e., i.e., on on BMS/CF BMS/CF i.e., on BMS/CF 1. 1. While While1. itit While it provided providedprovided evidence evidenceevidence of of slightly slightly ofstronger stronger slightly stronger 3. 3. 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It adopted adoptedadoptedany any ofof the the any recommendations recommendations of the recommendations in in the the in the generated generated generated most most of of those most thoseof sales sales those from from sales from guidance guidance guidance associated associated associated with with WHA WHA with69.9 69.9 WHA and and69.9 as aaand as a complementary as complementary complementary foods, foods, whereas whereas foods, whereas all all of of the theall other other of the other result result there there resultbeing being there no nobeing related related nodisclosure. disclosure. related disclosure. companies companies companiesgenerated generated generated most most of of their most their sales sales of their from fromsales from BMS. BMS. The The BMS. improvement improvement The improvement in in its its score score in itswas wasscoredriven drivenwasby bydriven by 11 11 11
twotwofactors. factors. The The company company provided provided to toATNI ATNI forfor thethe two first first timefactors. time itsitsBMS The BMS company Marketing Marketing provided Charter Charter tofor for ATNI for the 6. 6.FrFrieslandCampina F i ersi el asnl adnC d aCmapmi npai niais s ithe s the sixthsixth largest largest company company first time itsand assessment, assessment, BMS and MarketinginCharter participated participated in thethe for research research F in rithis this essegment, l asegment, nd Camwith pwith i na2019 is2019 theglobalsixth global largest sales sales ofcompany of close close to to assessment, process, process, whichwhich and increasedparticipated increased itsits BMS/CF in the research BMS/CF 1 score. 1 score. It It in this billion. US$1.5 US$1.5 segment, billion. ItsItswith ranking ranking 2019 global fellfell to to sales sixth, sixth, withwithofa close a score score to process, also alsoachieved achieved which aincreased a better better result result itsin BMS/CF in thethe 20202020 1Mexico score. Mexico It US$1.5 of of21%, 21%, down billion. down from Its 25% from ranking 25% in in fell 2018. 2018. to The sixth, The with company company a score alsocompared study study achieved compared atobetter tothethe one result one carried in the carried 2020 outout in in Mexico Nigeria Nigeria has of not has 21%, not down from changed changed itsits 25% policy policy insince since 2018. thethe The company previous previous study in in 2017. 2017. compared AsAs a result, a result,toits theits one BMS/CF BMS/CF carried 2 out 2 score score inalso Nigeria also has not changed assessment; assessment; thethe its policy wording wording is is since relatively relatively thewellprevious well aligned aligned in 2017. As a result, its BMS/CF 2 score also increased. increased. assessment; to toThe The Code.Code. the wording However, However, is relatively although although thethe well aligned company company increased. to The to commits commits uphold uphold However, itsits although policy policy in in the company markets markets withwith nono 4. 4.ReRcekci tkti t(previously t (previously called called RBRB until until it rebranded it rebranded in in commits relevant relevant to upholdinits regulation, regulation, in policy in markets markets wheremarkets where with no legal legal ec k2021, 4.March R March i tt2021, (previously whichwhich ownscalled owns thetheRB formeruntil itMead former rebranded Mead in relevant are measures measures regulation, arein in place, place, initmarkets it defers defers towhere to them, them, legal bothboth in in March 2021, Johnson Johnson Nutrition Nutrition which brands),ownswas brands), thewas former the the fourth Mead fourth largest largest measures terms terms of of thethe are in place, products products within it defers within theirtheir toscope scopethem, and both and thethein JohnsoninNutrition company company in this thissegment brands), segment in in was 2019 2019 the with fourth with sales sales largest of of terms of relating provisions provisions the products relating to to within their marketing marketing and and scope andThe labelling. labelling. the The US$company US$ 3.83.8 in this billion. billion. Itsegment It increased increased in its2019 its ranking rankingwith tosales to fourth, fourth,of provisions company company has relating has improved improved to marketing itsits management management and labelling. systems systems The aa US$ with with a3.8 a score scorebillion. of of 32%, It increased 32%, upup from from aitsscore a ranking score of of to10% 10% fourth, in in company little little and and has improved improved improved itsits its management disclosure disclosure since since systems 2018. 2018. ItsIts a with This 2018. 2018. a score This of 32%, upisfrom improvement improvement is due due a score to to thethe of company 10% in company littlescore lower lower and score improved andand its disclosure ranking ranking in in this this since Index Index areare2018. Its 2018.developed having having This developed improvement and and published is dueatonew published a the new BMScompany BMS lower score principally principally due and dueto toaranking a higher higher inpenalty penaltythis Index being being are applied applied to to having developed marketing marketing policy, policy, and and and havingpublished having adopted adopted a new BMS associated associated principally itsits BMS/CF BMS/CF due 1 to athan 1 score score higher than penalty being previously, previously, due due toapplied itsits to to marketing policy, management management systems, systems, andas having as well well adopted as as disclosing associated disclosing more.more. its BMS/CF stance stance in in 1 score relation relation to to than local local previously,which regulations, regulations, due which tois its is Themanagement The company company systems, alsoalso engaged engaged as well fully fully as with disclosing with ATNI’s ATNI’s more. stance explained explained in relation further further in into local thethe regulations, report. report. The The which company’s company’s is The company research research process process also forfor engaged thethe firstfirst fully time. time. with These These ATNI’s factors factors explained level level of of further in in compliance compliance thethe report. one one The company’s in-country in-country study study in in research allall contributed contributed process to toitsits for higherthe first higher BMS/CF time. These BMS/CF 1 score. 1 score.factors levelitofwas which which it compliance was included included in Mexico – –the one–in-country Mexico – was was low,low, study as asit it in all contributed Compared Compared to to thethe to its findings higher findings of of the BMS/CF the in-country in-country 1 score. studies studies was which was in in itNigeria Nigeria was in included in 2018,2018, – and and Mexico – was therefore therefore low, itsits as it BMS/CF BMS/CF Compared carried carried outout fortofor the the the findings 2018 2018 Index, of the Index, Reckitt in-country Reckitt achieved achieved studies 2 score was 2 score indid Nigeria didnotnot inchange. change. 2018, and therefore its BMS/CF carried higher higher levelsout of levels forof the compliance 2018 Index, compliance with with Reckitt The The CodeCodeachieved and and 2 score did not change. higher local local levels ofthat regulations regulations compliance that gogo beyondbeyond with The The CodeCode in and in one one =7.=7.FeFi heei h, ea, new a new entrant entrant to to thethe Index, Index, ranks ranks equal equal local of of thethe tworegulations two countries, countries, that go i.e.,i.e., in in beyond Mexico, Mexico, The butbut Code not not in in one =7. thethe Fei hewith seventh, seventh, , awithnewnono entrant score. score. toThe The the company Index, does company ranks does equal not not of the twoIts Philippines. Philippines. countries, Its BMS/CF BMS/CF i.e., in 2 score Mexico, 2 score thereforebut not therefore alsoin the also seventh, appear appear to to with publish noascore. publish BMS a BMS The marketing company marketing policydoes policy notany or or any Philippines. Its BMS/CF 2 score therefore also improved. improved. appear other other relevant to publish relevant documents. a BMSAs documents. marketing Asit does it does policy not notmarket or any market improved. other itsitsproducts products relevant in in documents. either either Mexico Mexico As or or it the the does not market Philippines, Philippines, itsits 5. 5.AbAbbobtto’stt’ranking s ranking fellfell to to fifth, fifth, with with a score a score of of28%,28%, its products score score does does ininclude notnot either include Mexico any any results or the results from Philippines, from thethe in-in- its 5.down A bbfrom down otfrom t’s 34%ranking 34% in in fell 2018. to fifth, 2018. It isIt is with the the athird third score largest of 28%, largest score studies. country country does not include any results from the in- studies. down from company company in in 34% the the in 2018. segment, segment, with It issales with the sales third of ofjust largest justoverover country studies. company US$4 US$4 billion billionininthe in segment, 2019. 2019. The The with company company sales of justitsover revised revised its =7. =7.MeMnegnngi un,i ua, new a new entrant entrant to to thethe Index, Index, ranks ranks equal equal BMSUS$4 BMS billion inpolicy marketing marketing 2019. policy The sincesince company the the 20182018 revised its =7. Mengwith seventh, seventh, niwith u, anonewnoscore. entrant score. The The tocompany companythe Index, does ranks does notnot equal BMS marketing assessment. assessment. WhileWhile policy it now it now since commits commitsthe 2018 to touphold uphold itsits seventh, appear appear publish with anoBMS publish a score. BMS The company marketing marketing policy policy does or or any not any assessment. policy policy in in markets markets While where it now where commits regulation regulation to is is uphold absent absent or or its appear other other relevant publish relevant a BMS marketing documents. documents. AsAs it does it doespolicy notnot ormarket market any policy less lessstringentin markets stringent than than where its its policy, regulation policy, which which is is a absent is positive a positive or other itsitsproducts products relevant in in documents. either either Mexico Mexico As or or it the the does not market Philippines, Philippines, itsits less stringent development, development, than thethe wording its policy, wording of of the which the new new is apolicy policy positive is is its products score score does does ininclude notnot either include Mexico any any results or the results from Philippines, from thethe in-in- its development, considerably considerably less the less well wording well aligned aligned ofwiththe with new The The policy Code Code isthan than score studies. country country does not include any results from the in- studies. considerably thetheprevious previous less well iteration. iteration. AsAs aligned a result, a result, with itsits The score score Code fellfellonthan on country studies. the previous BMS/CF BMS/CF 1. 1.The iteration. The company’s company’s As alevels result, levels ofits of score fell on =7. compliance compliance =7.Yi Yli ,i lai , new a new entrant entrant to to thethe Index, Index, ranks ranks equal equal BMS/CF found found in in thethe The company’s in-country studies studies levels diddid notof not compliance change change =7. Yi li , a with seventh, seventh, new with entrant no noscore. score.toThe the The Index, company company ranksdoes equal does notnot found in2018 between between the 2018 in-country and and 2021. 2021. studies It had It had adid high notlevel a high change level of of seventh, appear appear to to with publish noascore. publish BMS a BMS The marketing company marketing policydoes policy notany or or any between 2018 compliance compliance with with and The The 2021. Code Code and Itandhadlocal a high local regulationslevel of regulations appear other other relevant to publish relevant documents. a BMSAs documents. marketing Asit does it does policy not notmarket or any market compliance that thatgogo beyondbeyond with The The The Code Code Code in in and the the local Philippines regulations Philippines (as(as it it other itsitsproducts products relevant in in documents. either either Mexico Mexico As or or it the the does not market Philippines, Philippines, itsits that diddid in in goNigeria Nigeria beyond in in The 2018), 2018), Codeand and ainlowathe low Philippines levellevel of of (as it its products score score does does ininclude notnot either include Mexico any any results or the results from Philippines, from thethe in-in- its did in Nigeria compliance compliance with inThe with 2018), The Code Code andin in a Mexico Mexicolow level (as(as itofdid it did in in score studies. country country does not include any results from the in- studies. compliance Thailand Thailand in in2017). with The 2017). ItsIts Code BMS/CF BMS/CF in 2 Mexico score 2 score (as it did in therefore therefore country studies. Thailand diddid notnot change. in 2017). Its BMS/CF 2 score therefore change. did not change. 1212 12
C o m p a n y s c or e s a n d r a n ki n g s , 2 0 2 1 , a n d G l o b a l I n de x 2 0 2 1 a dj u s t me n t , w h e r e r e l e v a n t C o m p a n y s c or e s a n d r a n ki n g s , 2 0 2 1 , a n d G l o b a l I n de x 2 0 2 1 a dj u s t me n t , w h e r e r e l e v a n t Ten key findings and recommendations Ten key findings and recommendations 1 . T w o c o m p a ni e s h a v e ma d e s i g ni f i c a n t • Danone demonstrated complete compliance i1m. pTrwoovecm oemnptasni n i esthheairveBM mS adm e asrikgentiifnicgapnot lic i es , • in the Philippines. Danone demonstrated It alsocomplete achievedcompliance a high m i mapnraogveem meennttssiyns ttehm eisr BanMdS/ omr adriksectl oi nsgurpeo– licai ess , relative level of compliance in Mexico. in the Philippines. It also achieved a high im l l uasntargateemdein nttshyesi rteBmMsSa/nCdF/ o1r C o r p o r a t e di s c l os u r e – a s • Nestlé relativewaslevelfound to have a in of compliance high relative level Mexico. P i l lruosftirl eatsecdoirnesth. ei r BMS/ CF 1 Corporate of compliance in both Mexico • Nestlé was found to have a high relative and the level P r o f i l e s c o r es . Philippines during the study of compliance in both Mexico and the period. It is the • Reckitt revised and published a market leader by sales value in both Philippines during the study period. It is the • comprehensive Reckitt revised and BMSpublished marketing a policy countries. market leader by sales value in both following the acquisition comprehensive BMS marketing policy of Mead Johnson • KraftHeinz countries. also achieved a high level of Nutrition in 2017. The following the acquisition of Mead Johnson policy however • compliance KraftHeinz also in Mexico achieved in relation to itsof a high level CF applies Nutritiononly to infant in 2017. Theformula and follow- policy however products. compliance in Mexico in relation to its CF on applies formula only(and excludes to infant formula most and of follow- its products. formulas on formula for(andspecial medical excludes most purposes, of its ATNI commends these results but encourages FSMPs). formulas for special medical purposes, the ATNI companies commends to these take action resultstobut eliminate encouragesall • For FSMPs). the first time, KraftHeinz shared its incidences of non-compliance as the companies to take action to eliminate all soon as BMS • For the Marketing first time,CharterKraftHeinz with shared ATNI though its possible. incidences of non-compliance as soon as itBMShas Marketing substantialCharter gaps compared with ATNItothough The possible. Code it has and does not substantial gapscover CF, which compared make to The 3. None of the six companies that have a up most of its sales. Code and does not cover CF, which make BMS 3. None marketing of the six policy fully incorporate companies that have the a up most of its sales. wording of all articles of The BMS marketing policy fully incorporate the Code, i.e., the ATNI welcomes these improvements. 1981 wording Code andarticles of all all subsequent of The Code, relevant WHA i.e., the ATNI welcomes these improvements. resolutions and related guidance 1981 Code and all subsequent relevant WHA and 2 . T h r e e c o m p a ni e s ac h i ev e d h i g h o r standards, resolutionsup and torelated and including guidance WHAand69.9. c2o. m Thprleeeteccoommppalni ai ensc eacwhiitehvT eh dehC i gohdoer, and standards, up to and including WHA 69.9. n c ompl ete c ompli anc e wi th The CoonddeT, haendCode, a t i o n a l r e g u l a t i o n s t h a t g o b e y This is illustrated in their initial BMS/CF 1 scores innatth i oenatw l roesgtuuldaitei osncsotnhdaut cgtoedbei nyoMnedxTichoeaCnodde, falling This is well short of illustrated in 100%. their initial BMS/CF 1 scores ti nhethPehtiw li popsi ntueds i edsurci nognd2u0c2te0d. Ti nhiMs eisx iicl l u osatrnadted falling well short of 100%. b y t h e i r B M S / C F 2 s c o r e s . t h e P h i l i p p i n es d u ri n g 2 0 2 0 . T h i s i s i l l us t r a t e d • All six companies are urged to update b y t h e i r B MS / C F 2 s c or e s . • their All sixexisting companies policies are to aligntotheir urged update wording fully to The Code. their existing policies to align their wording fully to The Code. 13 13
• All companies must revise their policies 4. The three companies newly added to to incorporate commitments to this Index – Feihe, Mengniu and Yili – have implement in full the recommendations not yet published a BMS marketing policy. in the guidance associated with WHA Resolution 69.9 in relation to CF for • ATNI strongly encourages these children 6-36 months of age. companies to publish BMS marketing policies in which they commit both to 7. The geographic application of uphold national regulation in China (and companies’ policies is not universal and any other countries in which they therefore not fully aligned to The Code. currently do business or may do The Code is intended to be applied business in future) and to implement The consistently in all markets. The Code does not Code in full in all markets. make a distinction between ‘higher-risk’ and ‘lower-risk’ countries. This distinction was 5. No company’s BMS marketing policy introduced by FTSE Russell’s FTSE4Good covers all types of formula marketed as Index Series in 2010. suitable for infants from birth to 36 months of age. This is the most significant, common • All companies are urged to restate the weakness in the companies’ policies. While geographic scope of their policies to be more include infant formulas and follow-on global, in respect of all product types and formulas within their scope, none extend to all provisions of The Code. growing-up milks. Further, many companies state that some or all of their FSMP products 8. Companies’ approaches vary with (formulas for special medical purposes) are regards to upholding their own policies in excluded from their policies and/or they relation to local legal measures that follow national regulatory definitions of these implement The Code. While all companies products. Although not yet factored into commit to uphold national laws, regulations ATNI’s methodology nor the companies’ and standards, and most pledge to uphold scores, of particular concern is the exclusion their policies in full where such legal from the scope of company policies some or measures are absent or less extensive than all of their FSMPs. These products are BMS their own policies, not all companies do so. and have always been included in the definition of BMS products in the scope of • ATNI calls on all companies that do not The Code and should be included within the yet do so to commit not only to comply scope of companies’ BMS marketing policies. with local laws and regulations, but to go further and uphold their policies in full - • All companies must extend the scope of adhering to the scope they establish for their policies to include all types of their policies in terms of products and formulas, including growing-up milks and types of marketing, and to do so in all all FSMPs, to fully align them to The countries where legal measures are Code. weaker than The Code, or where they are absent altogether. 6. None of the companies has a policy on marketing CF for young children aged 6- 9. Gaps between the companies’ policies 36 months that aligns to the and The Code were made clear by the in- recommendations the guidance associated country assessments in the Philippines and with WHA Resolution 69.9. Despite this Mexico. The critical importance of both resolution and the associated guidance being strong national laws and regulations and of adopted by the WHA five years ago, in May companies adopting global policies that align 2016, which inter alia made new and specific fully to The Code was made clear by the recommendations about marketing CF, none results of the studies in the Philippines and of the companies that make these foods have Mexico. While neither country’s laws nor published a separate policy or amended their regulations fully implement The Code, those existing policy provisions to implement the of the Philippines are much more closely recommendations in full. aligned to it than those in Mexico. As a result, ATNI found far fewer incidences of non- compliance with The Code and the one June 2021 14
aspect of local regulations relating to labelling voluntary commitments due to the in the Philippines (152) than in Mexico (325). considerable impact such steps would have on their revenues and profits. Moreover, the compliance of the companies • ATNI calls on all companies to included in this Index was better in relation to implement the Responsible Lobbying product types covered by their policies Framework in full and to put in place (typically infant formulas and follow-on rigorous systems to ensure that their formulas) and worse in relation growing-up interactions with policymakers and milks and CF (though these products are also governments in all markets are governed less well covered by the national legal by their public commitments. Much measures). This illustrates that when greater transparency about their companies adopt policies aligned to The lobbying positions and activity must also Code and put in place effective management be provided. Investors are urged to use systems to implement those policies, less their influence with companies to inappropriate marketing occurs. encourage them to take these steps. • ATNI calls on all countries that have not yet done so to emulate the 31 countries Future Indexes that have to date adopted laws and regulations substantially or fully aligned ATNI hopes that this Index will aid the work of all with The Code. By doing so they will organizations and individuals committed to create a level-playing field for ALL improving the health of infants and young companies. children, particularly through increasing breastfeeding everywhere. ATNI encourages all • However, given that it is likely to take stakeholders to use the Index and to provide many years for countries to pass such feedback about how they have used it and how it measures, in the meantime it is could be improved in future. imperative that companies adopt marketing policies that fully align to the From the autumn of 2021, ATNI will hold a series Code, in all dimensions, as already noted of consultations with a wide range of stakeholders to collate this input and inform the evolution of the 10. Some companies’ have reasonably good methodology for the next Index. commitments relating to lobbying in relation to legal measures and standards to implement The next BMS/CF Marketing Index – planned for The Code. Now is the time to strengthen 2023 - will be expanded to the world’s 20 largest them. It is vital that all countries adopt national baby food manufacturers. laws, regulations and standards that fully align to The Code. ATNI assessed the extent to which companies pledge to support such efforts by assessing the relevant commitments, management systems and disclosure, using a small number of indicators. However, a related report published in June 2021 entitled Spotlight on Lobbying - provides a more comprehensive picture. • Companies that make BMS and CF must make clear and unequivocal commitments to support – and not to undermine – the efforts of governments and international bodies to adopt Code- aligned legal frameworks. This will both provide the necessary protections to breastfeeding while also creating a level- playing field on which all companies can compete fairly. Without such measures, most companies are reluctant to make June 2021 15
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