Page created by Lillian Glover
Dougal Robinson
September 2019
Table of contents

The United States Studies Centre at the University of
Sydney is a university-based research centre, dedicated                  Executive summary                        01
to the rigorous analysis of American foreign policy,
                                                                         Introduction                             02
economics, politics and culture. The Centre is a national
resource, that builds Australia’s awareness of the dynamics
                                                                         Foreign policy: Rarely the dominant      04
shaping America — and critically — their implications for
                                                                         issue in US presidential elections
                                                                         The candidates                           06
United States Studies Centre
                                                                         The key issues for Australia             13
Institute Building (H03)
The University of Sydney NSW 2006
                                                                         Foreign policy in the general election   17
                                                                         Endnotes                                 18
Phone:      +61 2 9351 7249
Email:                                     About the author                         25
Twitter:    @ussc

This report may be cited as:
Dougal Robinson, “The frontrunners: Foreign
policy and the Democratic Party in 2020,” United
States Studies Centre at the University of Sydney,
September 2019.

Reports published by the United States Studies Centre are
anonymously peer-reviewed by both internal and external experts.
Cover photo: (L-R) Former Vice President Joe Biden, Senator Bernie
Sanders and Senator Kamala Harris during the second night of the first
Democratic presidential debate, June 2019 (Getty)
                                                       THE FRONTRUNNERS: FOREIGN POLICY AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 2020

                                                                       Executive summary

The Democratic Party’s foreign policy platform is getting tougher on China and simultaneously
growing more sceptical of the utility of free trade, high defence spending, and US leadership in the
Middle East.

Consequently, Australia will likely face more difficult decisions hedging between Washington and
Beijing, regardless of which candidate wins the 2020 election.

Although Democratic primaries always feature a pull to the left, the trend is more pronounced now
than in recent cycles due to the strength of the party’s progressive wing.

The leading progressives, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, propose significant changes to
President Obama’s foreign policy platform.

President Trump is unlikely to achieve major domestic successes before the election, so many of his
most notable actions in the lead up to the general election in November 2020 — and what he will
see as an electoral strength — will likely be foreign policy.



                  The Democratic Party is adopting a tougher approach         example of bipartisan consensus between President
                  to China and moving left on many issues of great            Trump and Democrats in highly polarised Washington.
                  consequence to Australia, including trade and defence       Democrats broadly support President Trump’s
                  spending. Since the end of the Cold War, foreign            confrontational approach towards Beijing, though not
                  policy centrists have led a party committed to liberal      all of his methods. Moreover, Democrats use tough talk
                  internationalism, alliances, and to some degree, free       on China to build a greater sense of domestic unity in
                  trade. In this presidential election cycle, more left-      a fractured polity. Yet there are striking inconsistencies
                  leaning ‘progressives’ such as Senators Elizabeth           in Democrats’ approach to China, particularly that
                  Warren and Bernie Sanders enjoy enthusiastic support        they are calling for a tougher approach to China while
                  and are pulling the party’s platform to the left on         remaining hesitant, at best, about supporting high
                  domestic and foreign policy.                                defence spending and the Trans-Pacific Partnership
                Unlike more centrist Democrats such as Joe Biden,
                progressives are sceptical or even hostile towards            If a Democratic president is sworn in on 20 January
                free trade agreements and vocal in their calls to cut         2021, they will likely have won the Oval Office on a
                                           the     defence      budget.       platform that is far more assertive towards China than
                                           In this election cycle,            the Obama administration’s, and to the left of the last
There are striking inconsistencies centrists and progressives                 two Democratic presidents on most foreign policy
                                           agree on foreign policy            issues. Joe Biden, President Obama’s vice president,
in Democrats’ approach to China,           positions such as opposing         is adopting a more competitive tone towards China and
particularly that they are calling         authoritarianism, reducing         seeking to mollify criticism from progressives on issues
for a tougher approach to China            support for non-democratic         such as the TPP. The leading progressives, Elizabeth
                                           allies, and raising the            Warren and Bernie Sanders, propose major changes
while remaining hesitant, at
                                           prominence of human                to President Obama’s foreign policy platform. For
best, about supporting high                rights and climate change          this wing of the Democratic Party, the 44th president
defence spending and the                   in foreign policy.1 The key        tolerated a rigged global economy and authoritarian
Trans-Pacific Partnership.                 question for allies like           regimes, and spent far too much on defence.2 The
                                           Australia is whether the           other major candidates at this point — California
                                           current move to the left           Senator Kamala Harris and South Bend, Indiana Mayor
                on foreign policy translates into a new and lasting           Pete Buttigieg — are responding to the prevalent
                Democratic Party foreign policy consensus, and                political winds by talking tough on China, but seeking to
                perhaps a president whose foreign policy is to the left       distance themselves from the Obama administration’s
                of the Obama and Clinton administrations.                     role in the long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and trade
                                                                              agreements that are perceived as overly favourable
                  Concurrently, the shift to a more confrontational tone      towards big business. With a field that at one point
                  towards China is highly noteworthy and driven by            numbered 25 candidates, and the vast majority of
                  concerns over economic issues, human rights and             Democratic voters yet to decide on their preferred
                  to a lesser extent, geopolitics. Democrats lament job       candidate, the outcome of the Democratic primary is
                  losses due to Beijing’s economic policies and criticise     highly uncertain.3 But the foreign policy contours are
                  China’s record on intellectual property. The increasingly   becoming clear, and they will help shape the 2020
                  authoritarian nature of the Chinese Communist Party,        election, the Democratic Party and US foreign policy.
                  especially its influence operations overseas and
                  conduct in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, are animating            Australia, and other US allies and partners, must start
                  issues for Democratic candidates who speak about            considering the implications of these shifts. First, as the
                  China in strong, often ideological terms. The China         needle on China policy swings in a more competitive
                  hardening is not a Trump-specific or a Republican-only      direction across the American body politic, Australia
                  phenomenon. Rather, getting tough on China is a rare        and indeed most countries in the Indo-Pacific will

                                                                THE FRONTRUNNERS: FOREIGN POLICY AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 2020

                                                                                                                     President Barack
                                                                                                                     Obama speaks
                                                                                                                     about the
                                                                                                                     withdrawal of
                                                                                                                     US troops from
                                                                                                                     Afghanistan as Vice
                                                                                                                     President Joe Biden
                                                                                                                     looks on,
                                                                                                                     October 2015
                                                                                                                     Photo: Getty

likely face more difficult decisions hedging between      Third, as Democrats move to the left and Donald Trump
Washington and Beijing. The increasingly ideological      continues to remake the Republican platform, the
and adversarial tone towards China means Washington       gap between the United States’ two political parties
will put more pressure on Canberra to stand shoulder      is widening on all major foreign policy issues except
to shoulder on issues that are highly sensitive for the   China and trade policy.4 In turn, the United States will
Chinese Communist Party, including Taiwan, Hong           be a less consistent ally, with bigger shifts between
Kong and Xinjiang.                                        administrations of different political persuasions and
                                                          lower prospects that foreign policy initiatives from one
Second, the foreign policy platform of the Democratic     administration will carry over, just as President Trump
Party is no longer dominated by centrist figures who      walked away from the Iran nuclear deal, the Paris
are well known to Australia, such as Barack Obama,        climate accords and the TPP.
Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and John Kerry.
There is the very real prospect that a Democratic
candidate relatively unknown to allies and partners,
with limited experience in foreign policy, or promising
wholesale changes to foreign policy, triumphs in the
general election. Indeed, this is the norm in recent
presidential politics. All four US presidents elected
after the Cold War — Presidents Donald Trump, Barack
Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton — won their
first presidential term with a very thin foreign policy


Foreign policy: Rarely the dominant issue
in US presidential elections

                 Foreign policy rarely determines who wins the                 do speak directly about foreign policy, they tend
                 Democratic or Republican Party nomination or the              to pivot back to their domestic platform,8 or craft
                 general election because it is far less important to          soundbite-length interjections to land blows on fellow
                 American voters than more immediate concerns                  candidates or President Trump.9 For foreign policy to
                 such as healthcare, the state of the economy, taxes           be a major issue in primaries or the general election,
                 or immigration. Clinton, Bush, Obama and Trump all            it generally needs to be a single, relatively clear-cut
                 campaigned for their first term in the Oval Office by         issue such as whether a candidate supported the Iraq
                 promising to focus on nation building at home and do          War.10 More broadly, foreign policy plays a role insofar
                 less in the world, regardless of how they governed.           as all frontline candidates face the ‘Commander-
                 Public opinion surveys, Democratic candidates’                in-Chief’ test: whether Americans would trust the
                                               stump      speeches      and    candidate to be the commander in chief of the US
                                               party debates all suggest       military. However, in the 2016 election, polls showed
                                               this trend is continuing in     voters trusted Hillary Clinton more than Donald
American voters across both
                                               the 2020 election cycle.5       Trump to be commander in chief, yet Trump was
parties want US foreign                        A May 2019 survey by            effective in neutralising this gap by using Clinton’s
policy to focus on two key                     the Center for American         extensive record against her, painting her as the latest
objectives: firstly, protecting                Progress       (CAP),       a   incarnation of a foreign policy establishment that had
                                               progressive   think  tank  in   plunged the United States into endless wars and
the homeland and American
                                               Washington, found that          unpopular trade deals.11
people from external threats                   American voters across
(particularly terrorism), and                                                  There are significant differences on foreign policy in
                                               both parties want US
                                                                               the Democratic field, and a wide gulf between the
secondly, protecting jobs                      foreign policy to focus on
                                                                               worldview of major contenders Joe Biden and Bernie
                                               two key objectives: firstly,
for American workers.                                                          Sanders. Yet, absent a war or major international crisis
                                               protecting the homeland
                                                                               in the next year, Democrats’ intra-party differences
                                               and American people from
                                                                               and their debates with President Trump are likely to
                 external threats (particularly terrorism), and secondly,
                                                                               focus on domestic issues.
                 protecting jobs for American workers.6 Perhaps the
                 most significant finding of this poll and several others      Democrats are currently spending most of their time
                 is that a majority of Americans see China as the United       and energy debating a suite of major domestic policy
                 States’ main competitor, ahead of other countries such        changes, including universal healthcare, the ‘green
                 as Russia, Iran or North Korea. Moreover, many of the         new deal’, and major immigration reform. Although
                 key phrases used by foreign policy experts — the              Democratic primaries always feature a pull to the left
                 ‘liberal international order’, ‘fighting authoritarianism’,   (and Republican primaries to the right), the trend is
                 ‘working with allies and the international community’,        more pronounced now than in recent cycles due to
                 and ‘promoting democracy’ — all fell flat among a             the strength of the party’s progressive wing. Some
                 representative sample of voters, who “simply did              but not all Democratic presidential candidates are
                 not understand what any of these phrases and ideas            embracing previously untouchable positions such as
                 meant or implied”.7                                           abolishing private health insurance, far higher taxes
                                                                               for the rich and softening immigration policies.
                    Unsurprisingly, the Democratic candidates are at
                    this point devoting relatively limited speaking time       The lack of focus on foreign policy relative to domestic
                    to complex foreign policy matters. At this point of        policy is anything but commensurate with the fact that
                    the cycle, they are jostling with each other, trying       foreign policy is the area in which the US president
                    to make an impression with the electorate on the           has greatest capacity to implement their vision. In all
                    most important domestic issues. When Democrats             likelihood, the winner of the 2020 presidential election

                                                               THE FRONTRUNNERS: FOREIGN POLICY AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 2020

will be elected on a domestic platform that will be
partially or mostly stalled in Congress and perhaps
the courts. President Trump’s record on domestic
                                                             The presidential
and foreign policy implementation is instructive. With       election cycle
some notable exceptions, the Trump administration’s
                                                             The presidential election cycle can be
domestic agenda and key campaign promises have so
                                                             conceptualised in four phases. First, Democrats
far been partially or entirely frustrated.12 By contrast,
                                                             will be positioning until the Iowa caucus (3
President Trump has a strong record of implementing
                                                             February 2020), with the remaining candidates
his central foreign policy pledges from the 2016
                                                             competing for attention and the field narrowing
election campaign, including putting tariffs on China,
                                                             as candidates drop out. Second, the primary
withdrawing from the Iran and Paris agreements, and
                                                             phase will winnow the field to one nominee.
recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
                                                             The primaries commence with the first vote in
One major difference in the Democratic Party on              Iowa and last several months as all states hold
foreign policy this election, relative to previous cycles,   staggered votes including 15 states on Super
is the influence of outside groups, particularly National    Tuesday (3 March 2020), and the candidate
Security Action (NSA). Founded in 2018 by Ben                to be formally nominated at the Democratic
Rhodes, former Deputy National Security Adviser to           Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (13-16
President Obama, and Jake Sullivan, former National          July 2020). Third, the Democratic nominee will
Security Adviser to Vice President Biden, NSA                directly compete with President Trump in the
provides Democratic candidates with talking points           general election phase from the convention
and policy expertise to oppose President Trump. It sits      until election day (3 November 2020). Fourth,
at the centrist end of the Democratic Party, dedicated       if a Democrat wins the election, they will be
to “advancing American global leadership”.13 Rhodes          in transition phase until they take the oath
has said its objective is to disband in 2021 if the          of office on 20 January 2021. As we get
Democratic nominee wins the election.14 If a centrist        further into the election cycle, the remaining
wins the election, it is likely that NSA’s network of        Democratic candidates and then the single
more than 60 former senior officials from the Obama          nominee will likely offer more fleshed-out
and Clinton administrations, academic experts and            foreign policy proposals.
think tank leaders such as Tom Donilon, Susan Rice,
Anne-Marie Slaughter, Dennis McDonough and
Samantha Power, will comprise much of the key
foreign policy team of the incoming administration.
Similarly, groups such as CAP and Middle East-
focused J Street are also providing intellectual energy
and talking points to Democrats.


The frontrunners

                At this stage, the five major candidates, from               The differences between the candidates’ foreign
                centre to left on foreign policy, are Joe Biden, Pete        policy positions are subtle but significant and will
                Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren and               shape the Democratic Party’s debates over coming
                Bernie Sanders. These candidates are well ahead of           months. Although there is growing consensus on
                their fellow aspirants on all the key metrics, including     a tougher China policy — despite candidates also
                polling, fundraising and name recognition. Each has a        acknowledging the importance of co-operation with
                growing bench of foreign policy advisers. Moreover,          Beijing on shared challenges such as climate change
                all bar Harris have thus far issued at least one major       and nuclear proliferation — Democrats diverge in their
                foreign policy speech to bolster their commander             relative emphasis on various aspects of the Chinese
                in chief credentials, and Warren and Sanders have            Communist Party’s behaviour and key focus for US
                complemented their speeches with detailed essays             policy towards China. Aside from the need to wind
                and policy proposals. It is unlikely but not impossible      down the ‘forever wars’ in Iraq and Afghanistan, there
                that another candidate such as Amy Klobuchar, Cory           are notable differences in their approach to Iran, Israel
                Booker or Beto O’Rourke captures the nomination,             and Saudi Arabia. There is a spectrum on defence
                though at this stage these three and their fellow            spending, from a flat budget top-line with greater
                                            ‘outsider’ candidates each       focus on modernisation, to calls for lower or far lower
                                            consistently receive less        spending. On trade agreements, some progressives
                                            than 5 per cent support          exhibit outright hostility, whereas centrists call for
The differences between the                 in polls of Democratic           trade agreements such as the TPP to pay greater
candidates’ foreign policy                  voters and trail far behind      attention to environmental and labour provisions.
positions are subtle but                    the     frontrunners      on
significant and will shape the                                               Joe Biden
Democratic Party’s debates                     There is a wide array of
                                               similarities in Democrats’    Joe Biden has an extensive foreign policy record
over coming months.
                                               approach       to   foreign   from his 44-year career in government, including as
                                               policy. If elected, a         vice president during the Obama administration for
                                               Democratic        president   eight years, and three separate stints as chairman
                  would immediately alter the style and much of the          of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.16 The
                  substance of President Trump’s foreign policy. To          Democratic frontrunner is seeking to portray himself
                  varying degrees, all candidates mention the need to        as an elder statesman; a reliable and experienced
                  rebuild strained ties with US allies and partners. Given   choice for commander in chief. In July 2019, Biden’s
                  President Trump’s affinity for generals, and the state     campaign posted a 90-second video lambasting
                  of civil-military relations, Democrats are in favour of    Trump’s admiration for autocrats, warmongering
                  using the military as the tool of last resort, instead     towards Iran, withdrawal from the Iran and Paris
                  emphasising the non-military tools of US international     accords, and trade wars.17 The advertisement
                  engagement, including diplomacy, trade, aid and            coincided with Biden’s first significant foreign policy
                  people-to-people links. Where President Trump              speech of the campaign, at the City University of
                  often admires authoritarian leaders, the Democratic        New York, where he told the audience, “the world
                  candidates are critical of authoritarian regimes. All      sees [President] Trump for what he is: insincere,
                  candidates champion re-entry to the Paris climate          ill-informed, and impulsive. Sometimes corrupt.
                  agreement. Similarly, Democrats widely support             Dangerously incompetent, and incapable, in my
                  re-entry to the Obama-era nuclear deal with Iran,          view, of world leadership and leadership at home”.18
                  though there would be significant hurdles involved in      If elected, Biden would revert to many Obama-
                  bringing Iran back to the negotiating table and winning    era policies, pledges to renegotiate TPP to include
                  renewed buy-in from the other parties to the deal.         stronger environmental and labour protections, and

                                                                  THE FRONTRUNNERS: FOREIGN POLICY AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 2020

                                                            foreign leaders and can restore a global system that        Vice President Joe
                                                                                                                        Biden on board the
                                                            President Trump has attacked. At the Munich Security        HMAS Adelaide in
                                                            Conference in February 2019, Biden promised,                Sydney, July 2016

                                                            “this too shall pass. We will be back”.24 He is also        Photo: Getty

                                                            the candidate who knows Australia best, having
                                                            visited Melbourne and Sydney and addressed the
                                                            United States Studies Centre and Lowy Institute in
                                                            2016, and developed relationships with many former
                                                            Australian prime ministers and foreign ministers.25
                                                            Relative to the other candidates, Biden enjoys a deep
                                                            bench of foreign policy advisers and has many of
                                                            President Obama’s foreign policy team behind him.
                                                            Consequently, Biden’s key advisers are well known
                                                            to Australian officials. Ely Ratner, a leading Democrat
                                                            Asia hand, China hawk and former adviser to the vice
views it as a key plank of US leadership in Asia.19         president, would likely be a key figure on Asia policy in
However, re-entering the TPP would require the              a Biden administration. Moreover, Biden’s campaign
agreement of the 11 other signatory nations (including      will also receive advice from staff at the think tank
Australia) and passage of the bill through Congress         established in his name after he left the office: the
would depend largely on Republican votes due to             Penn Biden Center at the University of Pennsylvania.26
the weak pro-trade constituency in the Democratic
                                                            However, Biden’s extensive public record from
                                                            a lifetime of public service is also shaping as a
As a major foreign policy figure in the Obama               vulnerability in a Democratic Party. Rivals seek to
administration, Biden has little capacity to make           portray Biden as old and out of touch with America
a significant break from its policies. The two key          in 2019. On foreign policy, he faces the formidable
differences between Biden’s comments in this                challenge of defending his long record and
campaign thus far and his record as vice president are      simultaneously showing that he understands today’s
his pledge to get tough on China and endorsement            realities.27 Biden’s vulnerabilities with the Democratic
of a ‘global summit for democracy’. The goal of the         base include his support for TPP in the Obama
summit would be to inspire a “renewal. . . of shared        administration, and votes as a senator in favour of the
purpose” among the world’s democracies at a time            Iraq War, the North American Free Trade Agreement
when autocracy seems on the march.21 Relatedly, he          (NAFTA) and to establish permanent normal trade
views greater unity of action among democracies as          relations with China. In coming months, Biden will
helpful for competing with China and his key advisers       invariably seek to mollify these concerns from the left.
believe that multilateral rather than unilateral pressure
is the way to shape and change Beijing’s behaviour. 22
During the speech, Biden explicitly declared that “we       Pete Buttigieg
need to get tough with China”, with the unsubtle
suggestion that the United States build a “united           ‘Mayor Pete’ Buttigieg of South Bend, Indiana, is an
front” of “friends and partners to challenge China’s        unlikely top-tier candidate in the Democratic primary.
abusive behaviour”.23                                       His political identity is very different to the other
                                                            frontrunners: he governs a town of 100,000 people
Allies, partners and adversaries alike would view           in the Midwest, is just 37 years old, gay, a veteran
Biden as a stable and reliable foreign policy president.    from the war in Afghanistan and a Rhodes Scholar.28
Part of Biden’s pitch is that he personally knows most      Strong fundraising and decent polling have attracted


South Bend,                                                                           power in the Western Pacific, but rather on the
Indiana Mayor
Pete Buttigieg                                                                        basis of a values-based scepticism of the Chinese
addresses the                                                                         Communist Party.32 He has called out China’s
crowd at the South
Carolina Democratic                                                                   “techno-authoritarianism”, which is “being held up as
Party State                                                                           an alternative to ours [democracy] because ours looks
June 2019                                                                             so chaotic compared to theirs right now because
Photo: Getty                                                                          of our internal divisions”. Consequently, he says,
                                                                                      the United States must invest in its own domestic
                                                                                      competitiveness and revitalise its democracy to
                                                                                      improve its position relative to China.33 He views allies
                                                                                      and partners like Australia as central to conducting
                                                                                      this emerging ideological struggle with China.

                                                                                      On other foreign policy issues, Buttigieg is firmly in
                      a number of high-profile foreign policy advisers                line with the prevalent political winds in the party.
                      to the Buttigieg campaign, led by Doug Wilson, a                He plays up his opposition to the Iraq War while he
                      former Assistant Secretary of Defense in the Obama              was a student at Harvard, drawing an implicit contrast
                      administration and the first openly gay Pentagon                with Joe Biden,34 and promises to block American
                      official confirmed by the US Senate.                            funding for Israeli annexation of the West Bank, an
                                                                                      increasingly common stance among Democrats
                      Buttigieg’s practical experience of international affairs       who are likely to face criticism from Republicans for
                      is limited, but he has started to thoughtfully engage           being insufficiently supportive of Israel. Moreover,
                      in foreign policy. In a June 2019 speech at Indiana             Buttigieg frequently mentions his service in uniform
                      University, ‘National Security for a New Era’, Buttigieg        in Afghanistan in 2014 as a sign that he has “seen
                      sought to allay fears that a young midwestern mayor             first-hand the costs of our long conflict[s]” and argue
                      was unfit to serve as commander in chief. He                    that it is time to end endless wars.35
                      started with a thinly veiled criticism of Biden and the
                      Democratic foreign policy establishment: “For the
                      better part of my lifetime, it has been difficult to identify   Kamala Harris
                      a consistent foreign policy in the Democratic Party.”29
                      Buttigieg is also unsparing in his words on President           Senator Kamala Harris has the most limited foreign
                      Trump’s foreign policy, but contends, “much was                 policy record of the major candidates. She was
                      already broken when this president arrived”. Where              elected to the Senate in 2016 and her prior career
                      policy has erred, Buttigieg argued in a long-form               was as the District Attorney of San Francisco and
                      interview, is that “everything we have to say about             Attorney General of California. In Washington, Harris’
                      foreign policy has to be tied back to what it means at          involvement in international issues has been on the
                      home”.30 This sort of rhetoric, adopted by Buttigieg            Senate Intelligence Committee, and as an outspoken
                      and his more progressive counterparts, is increasingly          voice on trade and intellectual property issues,
                      in vogue because many voters hold the Washington                typically adopting a narrow law-based approach.
                      foreign policy establishment responsible for long wars          Unlike the other frontline candidates, Harris has not
                      in Iraq and Afghanistan, trade agreements identified            yet made a major foreign policy speech or published
                      with job losses, and rising nuclear threats posed by            an essay. From a political perspective, Harris’ limited
                      North Korea and Iran.                                           foreign policy record is to some extent a strength,
                                                                                      because she is at liberty to choose her positions.
                      Buttigieg frames the China challenge as a battle of
                      competing ideologies.31 His proposals rest not on               Harris’ most notable comments on foreign policy
                      a geopolitical ambition to remain the pre-eminent               issues centre on criticism of China’s economic

                                                                 THE FRONTRUNNERS: FOREIGN POLICY AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 2020

practices and her frequent calls to protect American       and foreign policy. The central thrust of Warren’s
democracy. As a senator from California, the home          domestic message is that corporate power plays
to many of America’s tech giants, Harris has urged         too large a role in public policy. This has important
the Trump administration to protect American               ramifications for her approach to trade policy, defence
technology from China.36 She has accused China of          spending and management of the Pentagon.40 Warren
engaging in “unfair industrial policies and outright       has a very extensive record of speeches, essays and
theft of American intellectual property”, and said         policy proposals, calling for a more progressive, less
America should address “the threat [China] presents        interventionist foreign policy with a reduced role for
to our economy, the threat it presents to American         the private sector. If she wins the nomination, Warren
workers”.37 During the 2016 election, Harris argued        would represent a wholesale break from Democratic
against the TPP on the basis that it would invalidate      Party foreign policy since the end of the Cold War.
California’s progressive climate change and
environmental laws.38 Much of her criticism of the         Warren’s message rests on a rejection of the
Trump administration has focused on its insufficient       Washington foreign policy establishment, support
defence of democracy and inappropriate links to            for democracy and opposition to authoritarians, and
authoritarian regimes: “We have foreign powers             very explicitly connects international issues with
infecting the White House like malware.”39                 pocket-book issues for American voters. These
                                                           themes permeate Warren’s November 2018 Foreign
                                                           Affairs essay, “A Foreign Policy For All”, which opens
                                                                                                                      Senator Kamala
                                                           with an overt attack on recent decades of foreign          Harris speaks
                                                           policy: “From endless wars that strain military            during her
                                                           families to trade policies that crush our middle class,    campaign launch
                                                           Washington’s foreign policy today serves the wealthy       rally in California,
                                                                                                                      January 2019
                                                           and well-connected at the expense of everyone              Photo: Getty
                                                           else.”41 If she is elected president, Warren would, like
                                                           President Trump, enter office with a very clear set of
                                                           foreign policy priorities and a worldview unlikely to

                                                           Economic policy is the key focus for Warren’s
                                                           domestic platform and her vision of America’s
                                                           role in the world. She would pursue “an agenda of
                                                           economic patriotism, using new and existing tools to
                                                           defend and create quality American jobs and promote
Should Harris continue to be among the Democratic          American industry”.42 She envisages a bigger role for
frontrunners, she will likely publish an essay or make     the US government in the economy, championing an
a speech laying out her foreign policy platform. At that   industrial policy to invest in key technologies where
point, outsiders will gain a far better sense of how she   Chinese system may have an edge.43 American trade
would govern if elected President.                         policy, Warren charges, has “worked gloriously well
                                                           for elites around the world”, but it has “left working
                                                           people discouraged and disaffected”.44 Warren
Elizabeth Warren                                           opposed the TPP in 2015, calling it “a rigged process”
                                                           producing “a rigged outcome” and suggesting it
As a former Harvard Law professor, Massachusetts           would “tilt the playing field even more in favour of
senator and presidential candidate, Elizabeth Warren       big multinational corporations and against working
has built a reputation as a progressive policy wonk who    families”. More recently, she voted against President
champions fundamental changes to American society          Trump’s renegotiated trade deal with Mexico and


Senator Elizabeth                                                                  merely line the pockets of defense contractors”.50 It
Warren addresses
a crowd at a                                                                       is less clear how Warren would approach defence
town hall event in                                                                 policy on issues ranging from deterrence to support
South Carolina,
August 2019                                                                        for NATO. That said, Warren has been an outspoken
Photo: Getty                                                                       proponent of ‘no first use’ of nuclear weapons, a
                                                                                   position that would represent a major change in
                                                                                   US defence policy and arguably weaken American
                                                                                   extended deterrence for allies, including Australia.51

                                                                                   Bernie Sanders
                                                                                   An independent senator from Vermont, Bernie
                                                                                   Sanders is setting the goalposts at the progressive
                                                                                   end of the Democratic field by proposing radical
                      Canada (the United States Mexico Canada Trade                changes to domestic and foreign policy. Since his
                      Agreement), calling it “NAFTA 2.0”.45                        2016 Democratic primary loss to Hillary Clinton,
                                                                                   Sanders has started to lay out a more comprehensive
                      At this stage, it is unclear how, exactly, Warren would      foreign policy vision that he has espoused in a range
                      implement her vision of “trade on our terms and              of essays and speeches starting in 2017. Although
                      only when it benefits American families”, which has          he has engaged on issues such as the Chinese
                      been likened to President Trump’s approach.46 The            Communist Party’s human rights record, unlike fellow
                      plan would apply nine very strict criteria to both new       Democratic candidates Sanders has largely avoided
                      and existing trade deals, including “upholding and           discussing China policy and US-China competition.52
                      enforcing the labor rights laid out by the International
                      Labour Organization, eliminating all domestic fossil         Sanders proposes a fundamental restructuring of
                      fuel subsidies, fulfilling commitments from the Paris        US foreign policy. He has called for a worldwide
                      Climate Agreement, not running afoul of the State            struggle against oligarchy and corporate power —
                      Department’s Country Reports on Human Rights, and            a “global progressive movement” for economic
                      not being on the Treasury Department’s monitoring            equality, democratic rights and environmental
                      list for manipulative currency practices”.47 As Warren       sustainability.53 Moreover, Sanders says he will be
                      has conceded, the United States does not currently           both “commander in chief and organizer in chief”,54
                      meet these criteria, and nor do many US allies.48 If
                      Warren is elected president, there is likely to be a major
                      overhaul of US trade policy, a grinding slowdown to
                      existing free trade agreements, few or no new trade
                      agreements, and increased protectionism.49

                      Additionally, Warren is vocal on defence issues,
                      and endorses a significantly smaller budget and an
                      overhaul to how the Pentagon does business. A few
                      years ago, Warren joined the Senate Armed Services
                      Committee, which bolsters her credentials to serve
Senator Bernie        as commander in chief. She has argued that “the
Sanders addresses     Pentagon’s budget has been too large for too long” and
a rally in New York
City, March 2016      proposes an audit of the Pentagon to try to separate
Photo: Getty          effective defence acquisitions from those “which

                                                                THE FRONTRUNNERS: FOREIGN POLICY AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 2020

who will “reconceptualize a global order based on         Like President Trump, Sanders has the politically potent
human solidarity”.55 This language is somewhat            ability to frame issues in simple, short soundbites
tempered by his belief that the United States should      to criticise rivals. He has particularly lambasted Joe
“lead the struggle to defend and expand a rules-          Biden on foreign policy: “I helped lead the opposition
based international order in which law, not might,        to what turned out to be the worst foreign policy
makes right”.56 Sanders explicitly rejects isolationism   disaster in the modern history of America. Joe voted
— yet his conception of the international order is        for it [the Iraq War]” and “Joe voted for NAFTA and
nonetheless very different to the Obama and Clinton       permanent trade relations, trade agreements with
administrations’.57                                       China. I led the effort against that. Joe voted for the
                                                          deregulation of Wall Street, I voted against that”.61
Sanders has been outspoken in his opposition to           But Sanders’ diagnosis of the issues afflicting the
authoritarian regimes and has consistently championed     United States do not necessarily translate into easily
greater emphasis on climate change in foreign policy.     deliverable foreign policy governance.
He laments the “rise of a new authoritarian axis” in
the world, arguing that it is interwoven with income
inequality.58 His major foreign policy initiative since
the last presidential election was championing a
congressional resolution invoking the War Powers
Act of 1973 to suspend the Trump administration’s
support of Saudi Arabia’s military campaign in
Yemen. The bill passed the House and Senate in the
aftermath of the Saudi Arabian government’s murder
of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, but was vetoed by
President Trump.59 And, among the major Democratic
candidates, Sanders vows to give climate change the
most prominent role in foreign policy.60


Table 1: Where the candidates currently stand on foreign policy issues

 CANDIDATE         CHINA                                                      TRADE                                                     DEFENCE SPENDING                                         IRAN                                                     MAJOR FOREIGN POLICY
 JOE BIDEN         “We are in a competition with China. We need               “I would not rejoin the TPP as it was initially put       “Our military is one tool in our toolbox — along         “Two of America’s vital interests in the Middle East     Speech, 11 July 2019: “The Power of
                   to get tough with China. They are a serious                forward. I would insist that we renegotiate ...           with diplomacy, economic power, education,               are preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon      America’s Example: The Biden Plan for
                   challenge to us, and in some areas a real threat.”         Either China’s going to write the rules of the road       science and technology. We must invest in and            and securing a stable energy supply through the          Leading the Democratic World to Meet
                                                                              for the 21st century on trade or we are. We have          strengthen all elements of our power. And, we            Strait of Hormuz … Trump is failing on both counts.”     the Challenges of the 21st Century”
                   “The United States should push back
                                                                              to join with the 40 per cent of the world that we         must modernize our military to prepare for the           “If Tehran returns to compliance with the
                   on China’s deepening authoritarianism,                                                                                                                                                                                                 Speech, 1 November 2017: “Global
                                                                              had with us and this time make sure that there’s          wars of tomorrow, while ensuring that we only            [JCPOA] deal, I would rejoin the agreement,
                   even as we seek to cooperate on issues                                                                                                                                                                                                 Engagement in an Age of Uncertainty”66
                                                                              no one sitting at that table doing the deal unless        deploy American troops into harm’s way when              and work with our allies to strengthen and
                   where our interests are aligned.“62
                                                                              environmentalists are there and labor is there.”          it is in our vital national security interest.”64        extend it, while more effectively pushing back
                                                                              “President Trump may think he’s being tough on                                                                     against Iran’s destabilizing activities.”65
                                                                              China. All that he’s delivered as a consequence
                                                                              of that is American farmers, manufacturers
                                                                              and consumers losing and paying more.”63

 PETE              “I’m not among the Democrats who think                     “Quick reminder: a tariff is a tax. On Americans.”        “To shape this young century to our advantage,           “I will rejoin our international partners and            Speech, 11 June 2019: “America and the
 BUTTIGIEG         that China’s nothing to worry about ... There’s                                                                      we must renew our national security architecture         recommit the United States to the Iran nuclear           World: National Security for a New Era”71
                                                                              “It’s also a fool’s errand to think you will be
                   something about the orientation on China [under                                                                      — our military, certainly, but also our intelligence,    deal. Whatever its imperfections, this was perhaps
                                                                              able to get China to change the fundamentals
                   Trump] that I think is not completely wrong.”                                                                        communications, diplomatic, and development              as close to a true “art of the deal” as it gets.”70
                                                                              of their economic model by poking them
                                                                                                                                        institutions ... It begins with taking a hard look
                   “The challenge of China presents perhaps                   in the eye with some tariffs.”68
                                                                                                                                        at our defense. To adequately prepare for
                   the most pressing example anywhere of
                                                                                                                                        our evolving security challenges, we need to
                   the need to stand for American values
                                                                                                                                        look not only at how much we’re spending on
                   amid the rise of a potent alternative.”67
                                                                                                                                        our military but what we’re prioritizing.”69

 KAMALA            “China’s abysmal human rights record must                  “Because of the so-called trade policy this president     “As a senator from the state with the largest            “I would plan to rejoin the JCPOA so long as Iran        None to date.
 HARRIS            feature prominently in our policy toward the               has, that has been nothing more than the Trump            number of military personnel in the country, I           also returned to verifiable compliance. At the same
                   country … Under my administration, we will                 trade tax, that has resulted in American families         support providing them with the necessary tools          time, I would seek negotiations with Iran to extend
                   cooperate with China on global issues like                 spending as much as $1.4 billion more a month on          to keep our country safe in a world of growing           and supplement some of the nuclear deal’s existing
                   climate change, but we won’t allow human                   everything from shampoo to washing machines.”73           national security threats … They deserve to be           provisions, and work with our partners to counter
                   rights abuses to go unchecked.”72                                                                                    outfitted with tools that offer protection to all of     Iran’s destabilizing behavior in the region, including
                                                                                                                                        us. They deserve research that will allow them           with regard to its ballistic missile program.”75
                                                                                                                                        to provide a safe and secure nation for decades
                                                                                                                                        into the future. It is deeply unfortunate that we
                                                                                                                                        cannot vote on a clean bill to reauthorize all of
                                                                                                                                        those programs and more, and that reflects
                                                                                                                                        our shared support for our Armed Forces.”74

 ELIZABETH         “China is on the rise, using its economic                  “I think that our trade deals have been                   “If more money for the Pentagon could solve our          “Our intelligence community told us again and            Essay, January 2019: “A Foreign Policy for All:
 WARREN            might to bludgeon its way onto the world                   negotiated for a very, very long time now                 security challenges, we would have solved them           again: The Iran deal was working to prevent              Strengthening Democracy — at Home and Abroad”
                   stage and offering a model in which                        to benefit large, multinational corporations,             by now. It is time to identify which programs            Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. If Iran
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Speech, 28 November 2018: “A Foreign
                   economic gains legitimize oppression.”76                   not to benefit the American worker.”                      actually benefit American security in the 21st           continues to abide by the terms of the deal,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Policy that Works for All Americans”80
                                                                                                                                        century, and which programs merely line the              you bet I will support returning to it.”79
                                                                              “What I’d like to see us do is rethink all of our trade
                                                                                                                                        pockets of defense contractors — then pull
                                                                              policy. And, I have to say, when President Trump
                                                                                                                                        out a sharp knife and make some cuts.”78
                                                                              says he’s putting tariffs on the table, I think tariffs
                                                                              are one part of reworking our trade policy overall.”77

 BERNIE            “My administration will work with allies to                “Yeah of course [I would use tariffs], it is used in a    “So what I would be prepared to do is to understand      “By withdrawing from the Iran nuclear                    Essay, 24 June 2019: “Ending America’s
 SANDERS           strengthen global human rights standards and               rational way within the context of a broad, sensible      that we are now spending more than the next 10           agreement, a move opposed by his own top                 Endless War: We Must Stop Giving
                   make every effort to let Beijing know that its             trade policy. It is one tool that is available.”82        countries combined — we are spending over $700           security officials, Trump has isolated the US            Terrorists Exactly What They Want”
                   behavior is damaging its international standing and                                                                  billion a year. At the same time, you have veterans      from its closest allies and put us on a dangerous
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Speech, 9 October 2018: “Building A Global
                   undermining relations with the United States.”                                                                       sleeping out on the streets, major crisis after          path to conflict. We should rejoin the deal and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Democratic Movement to Counter Authoritarianism“
                                                                                                                                        major crisis in affordable housing, infrastructure.      work with allies to effectively enforce it.”84
                   “But what we have to say about China in fairness to
                                                                                                                                        I think we have to get our priorities right, and our                                                              Speech, 21 September 2017: “John
                   China and its leadership is if I’m not mistaken they
                                                                                                                                        priorities should include not spending more than                                                                  Findley Green Foundation lecture”85
                   have made more progress in addressing extreme
                                                                                                                                        the 10 next nations on earth. As president, I would
                   poverty than any country in the history of civilization,
                                                                                                                                        certainly look at a very different military budget.”83
                   so they’ve done a lot of things for their people.”81

                                                               THE FRONTRUNNERS: FOREIGN POLICY AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 2020

                                                           The key issues for Australia

Australia should be paying close attention to the         by investing in the United States’ domestic strength,
shifts in the Democratic Party’s debate on China and      code for investing in infrastructure, research and
the related questions of trade policy and Asia policy,    development, and greater economic resilience.90
as well as the Middle East and defence spending.

                                                          Economic threat and
China, trade and Asia policy                              Trump’s tariffs
The extent of China hardening in the Democratic
                                                          The perceived threat to American jobs posed by the
Party, and across the United States, towards a
                                                          Chinese economy and Beijing’s trade practices is the
less co-operative and more competitive policy is
                                                          China issue that resonates most with voters, especially
highly significant.86 US voters across the political      in ‘Rust Belt’ states such as Michigan, Wisconsin and
spectrum overwhelmingly view China as America’s           Pennsylvania that will be key battlegrounds in 2020.
top competitor.87 According to recent polling by Pew      Democrats tend to support President Trump’s tougher
Research Center, just 26 per cent of Americans            approach to China on trade and economic policy, even
have a favourable view of China, compared to 60           if they do not necessarily support the style or some
per cent with an unfavourable view, the highest level     of the substance of his policies. The state of the
since Pew began asking the question in 2005.88            Democratic Party, writ large, and emerging bipartisan
As Thomas Wright has written, unlike every other          consensus on China economic issues is best
country or foreign policy issue, China and the US-        summarised by Senator Chuck Schumer. Where the
China relationship “directly affects the economy, the     leader of the Senate Democrats constantly lambasts
financial system, technological innovation, values,       President Trump on a wide array of domestic and
and national security”.89 Notably, outside Washington,    foreign policy issues, Schumer supports Trump’s
Democrats’ tough language on China is not especially      China hardening: “We have to be really tough on
motivated by Asia-focused geopolitical concerns           China. They’ve taken advantage of us… America has
such as China’s rapid military modernisation, island-     lost trillions of dollars and millions of jobs because
building in the South China Sea or potential threats      China has not played fair. And being tough on China is
to US allies. Rather, whether a candidate cares about     the right way to be.”91 These views are broadly shared
labour, trade, currency manipulation, technological       by the field of Democratic candidates.
competition, intellectual property, human rights,
Beijing’s influence operations overseas, or democracy     The Democratic frontrunners have a mixed approach
versus authoritarianism, Democrats see the                to President Trump’s tariffs on China. They call his
Communist Party as presenting an ‘embarrassment           trade war reckless, but, when asked, none of the
of riches’ for criticism.                                 leading contenders said they would immediately
                                                          drop the tariffs if elected president.92 Progressives
The refrain that the United States should get tough on    are most favourably disposed to Trump’s tariffs:
China will be a mainstay of the primary and the general   Sanders says he “strongly supports” tariffs against
election campaign. The Democratic frontrunners            China but thinks “Trump gets it wrong in terms of
all adopt tough language, with subtle differences         implementation”, and Warren says that “tariffs are
between the relative importance of different aspects      one part of reworking our trade policy”.93 However,
of the China relationship. However, they vary in their    more centrist candidates view Trump’s tariffs as
emphasis on the right balance between competition         a “fool’s errand”, a tax on American consumers,
and cooperation in the relationship with Beijing, the     who are paying hundreds of dollars more per year
right domains of competition, and how sharply the         for ordinary products like “washing machines and
United States should compete. The major candidates        shampoos”.94 Buttigieg, Harris and Biden argue and
all suggest that the best way to compete with China is    vow to put far more emphasis on different tools in the


US President
Donald Trump and
Australia’s Prime
Minister Scott
Morrison hold a
meeting in the
sidelines of the G20
Leaders’ Summit
in Buenos Aires,
November 2018
Photo: Getty

                       trade relationship. There is widespread agreement       Ideology and values
                       among Democrats that President Trump’s approach
                       to China is counterproductive because it has            Democratic candidates are also adopting an
                       alienated US allies and partners who could help build   increasingly ideological and values-based tone
                       a wider coalition to try to shape Chinese behaviour.    towards the Chinese Communist Party. Earlier
                       A Democratic administration will want Australia’s       this year, Biden said that the United States finds
                       support for its trade policy towards China.             itself in “an ideological struggle… a competition of
                                                                               systems [and] a competition of values” with Beijing.95
                       A centrist Democratic administration would likely       Buttigieg’s language is stronger, singling out “The
                       enter office focused on making substantive wins         Chinese Communist Party’s shocking treatment
                       on intellectual property and technology transfer,       of the Uighurs and other minorities and growing
                       as well as potentially re-joining an amended TPP.       pressure on Hong Kong” as “symptomatic of a
                       Technology would also be a key focus for Democrats,     broader, and intensifying” ideological competition in
                       who have criticised President Trump for focusing        which “Beijing seems committed to consolidating and
                       on the industries of the past — such as steel and       legitimating authoritarian capitalism as an alternative
                       autos — without sufficiently engaging with future       to the democratic capitalism embraced by the United
                       technologies. A Democratic administration would also    States and its closest allies and partners”.96 For all
                       focus more bandwidth on building up cyber defences      the Democratic candidates, criticising the Communist
                       and making government investments in technologies       Party’s behaviour in Xinjiang simultaneously serves
                       that will be critical in the ongoing technological      many beneficial political objectives. It plays to
                       competition with China.                                 the narrative that a candidate is tough on Beijing,

                                                                 THE FRONTRUNNERS: FOREIGN POLICY AND THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IN 2020

compassionate towards minorities, and carries              administration would likely ask Australia and other
implicit criticism of President Trump’s approach to        allies to do more to complement US force posture
minorities, immigration policies (especially towards       and help counterbalance China’s growing power
the border with Mexico), admiration for authoritarians     and assertiveness in the region. China aside, the
and reluctance to speak about human rights. Given          candidates have spent little attention discussing how
Democrats’ focus on the role of allies and partners        they would approach other issues in Asia, not least
vis-à-vis China, Canberra can expect Washington            North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, competition
to ask Australia to take a stronger unilateral stance      in Southeast Asia and alliances.
towards Beijing and join multilateral statements that
criticise the Chinese Communist Party’s approach to
Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and Taiwan.                     The Middle East
                                                           There are deep, emotional, intra-party divides on
All criticism no strategy                                  Middle East policy. Progressives are coalescing
                                                           around a very different approach to those taken by
At this early stage in the campaign, Democrats’ tough      the Obama or Clinton administrations.
talk on China has not translated to a coherent China
policy or Asia strategy. The candidates lack an overall    Iran policy is shaping as a significant foreign policy
framework for whether they view China as a rival, a        issue in this election. The major candidates all
partner, or both.97 All candidates pay some lip service    suggest re-joining the Obama-era nuclear deal
to the need to cooperate with Beijing on shared            with Iran, but often with different conditions. Their
global priorities such as climate change, terrorism,       language features variations of the theme that the
nuclear proliferation and peacekeeping, but these          deal is imperfect, but better than the alternatives.
comments are overshadowed by their loud criticisms         For example, Biden has promised to “strengthen and
of the Communist Party. The emerging bipartisan            extend it [the Iran nuclear deal]”.98 Harris “would also
consensus on China, Democrats’ language on the             look toward expanding [the deal]” and “would like
campaign trail, and the increasingly authoritarian and     to see it also cover ballistic missile testing”.99 Unlike
uncompromising nature of Xi Jinping’s regime all           her more centrist colleagues, Warren’s statement
suggest the US-China relationship will continue to         indicates less concern about other aspects of Iran’s
move in a more competitive direction no matter who         behaviour, promising that if Iran abides by the terms,
wins the election.                                         her administration would support returning to it.100 Re-
                                                           negotiating the deal will be highly complex, requiring
Finally, from the perspective of allies and partners,      buy-in from the regime in Tehran and other parties to
the absence of discussion of broader Asia policy is        the deal, amidst likely opposition from Republicans,
notable but not surprising at this early stage of the      some powerful Democrats and Israel. Whether
campaign. There is little indication so far of how tough   President Trump is re-elected or defeated by a
talk on China would translate into the projection of US    Democrat, Washington will want to enlist Australian
military power across the Pacific. Many Democrats          support for an Iran policy that will feature military
hold the contradictory preferences for competing           pressure, sanctions, or both.
with China while cutting the defence budget. Even if
a candidate such as Joe Biden wants to re-invigorate       Democratic candidates are also re-evaluating long-
US force posture in the region, it is unlikely that        standing US policy towards Israel and Saudi Arabia.
he would ask Congress to significantly increase            Israel has become a divisive issue within parts of
defence spending in a difficult political and budgetary    the party, defined by the differences between older,
environment or meaningfully shift military assets          powerful pro-Israel members of Congress and those
out of the Middle East. Regardless, any Democratic         who argue that the United States should reduce its

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