Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council

Page created by Cory Chambers
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council
Housing News
         Winter 2021
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council

Homeswapper                            4      Christmas & New Year bin
Housing development scheme                    collections                           14
updates                                5      Festive recycling tips                15
Legionella                             6      Keep me posted                        16
Downsizing grant                       7      Repairs survey report                 17
Fire safety at Christmas               8      Contents insurance                    18
Supporting you this winter             9­12   Crossword competition                 19
Uttlesford Foodbank                    13     Feedback form                         20

Welcome to the Christmas edition of housing news
Firstly, I would like to point out a fun      The Uttlesford Citizens Advice has support
addition to the magazine that we haven’t      for those who may be struggling ­ turn to
had in years ­ a festive crossword! A         page 12 for information and advice.
correct entry will be selected at random
and the lucky winner will receive a £25       If you are worried about someone, you
gift voucher.                                 can contact our Housing team who can
                                              signpost to the right support they need.
This edition also has an update on the        Please also don’t forget to check in on
development work being carried out to         your neighbours.
help provide more homes in the district,
fire safety tips from the Essex fire service,   I know we are all keen to make this
plus more information to help keep you        Christmas extra special, but be safe and
safe and well this winter.                    take care.

With rising utility costs, affording to heat   Season’s greetings to you all!
homes could become an issue for some.         Nicole

The council is on both Facebook and           Telephone: 01799 510571
Twitter so you can always message us via      Email: tenants@uttlesford.gov.uk
    Facebook.com/UDChousingservices or        Website: www.uttlesford.gov.uk/
follow us on     Twitter@UttlesfordDC         tenantservices
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council

                New council housing schemes
                    set to come on line

Our Housing Service’s development        Both schemes on track to be ready for
team has been working hard on a          next summer.
number of projects, including the 16
soon­to­be­completed homes at The        Meanwhile, Walden Place in Saffron
Moors in Little Dunmow (pictured).       Walden has been granted planning
                                         permission and works should start in
The scheme consists of eight affordable   the spring. The listed building will be
rented 2­bed homes and eight social      detached from the rest of the sheltered
rented 1­bed flats.                       scheme, and two new flats will be built
                                         as well as new communal facilities.
Other site include 14 new homes at
Thaxted Road in Saffron Walden, and       We are always looking at ways to
13 new properties in Great               provide more council homes to fulfil the
Chesterford.                             district’s housing need.
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council

As your landlord, we need to ensure you
are aware of the possible causes and
symptoms of Legionnaire’s Disease so
you can identify any problems easily and
report your concerns to us.

What is Legionnaire’s Disease?

Legionnaire’s Disease is a potentially fatal
form of pneumonia, which can affect
anybody. It is caused by the inhalation
of small droplets of water from
contaminated sources containing
legionella bacteria.

Where is legionella found?

All hot and cold water systems in
residential properties are a potential
source for legionella bacteria growth.

The main areas of risk are where the
bacteria can multiply and increase to      to legionella bacteria becomes ill.
dangerous levels and then spread ­ for
example, in spray from showers and taps, Legionnaire’s Disease is not contagious
even in dishwasher and washing machine and you cannot get it from drinking water.
                                           On average, there are approximately 500
Conditions ripe for colonisation are       reported cases a year.
where water of between 20°C and 45°C
stagnates, and where there is sludge, rust The symptoms of Legionnaire’s Disease
and scale present for the bacteria to feed are similar to those of flu: high
upon and multiply                          temperature, fever or chills, headache,
                                           tiredness, muscle pain, dry cough.
Who is at risk?
                                           Legionnaire’s Disease is easily preventable
Legionnaire’s Disease most commonly        by putting in place some simple control
affects the elderly, or people with chest   measures. The information (right) will
or lung problems. Not everyone exposed help you identify any potential problems.
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council
What precautions can I take?
                                            Is your home still
Taking the following simple precautions
will help you keep safe:                    meeting your needs?
• Flush through showers and taps for 10
  minutes following a period of non­use
  (for example, after you have been on
  holiday or if a room is not in regular

• Keep all shower heads and taps clean
  and free from build­up of limescale,
  mould or algae growth (regularly
  bleaching every three months will         Should you decide to move into a smaller
  help sterilise and kill any bacteria).    home from a general needs property, we
                                            will give you £2,000 on completion of
• Flush through any low use taps such       your move.
  as outside taps for two minutes each
  week.                                     However, if you would prefer support
                                            with your move we can assist with
• Keep hot water on your boiler system      removals, disconnection and
  at a temperature of 60°C or greater.      reconnection of cooker and washing
                                            machine, and carpets. The cost of these
WARNING: be aware of scalding!              services will be deducted from your
                                            £2,000 home move budget and any
• Report any deposits such as rust or       remaining monies given to you on
  any unusual matter flowing from your       completion of your move.
  water outlets.
                                            Moving to a smaller home also has the
What do I do if I think I have              added advantage of giving you high
Legionnaires Disease?                       priority on the housing register.

                                            If you are over 60 and are moving from a
If you suspect that you or someone in       general needs home into a property
your home has contracted Legionnaire’s      specifically for elderly people like one of
disease, contact your doctor immediately.   our bungalows or sheltered schemes, you
                                            are offered the same services but there is
You should also contact us so that we can   also an additional £500 available.
take the appropriate measures.
                                            For further information give us a call on
                                            01799 510510 and ask for your Housing
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council

Fire safety at Christmas – top tips

Many of the things we enjoy over the          7. Most fires start in the kitchen ­
Christmas period ­ such as fairy lights,         never leave cooking unattended
candles, paper hats and decorations ­
can all be fire hazards when proper care       8. Keep candles, lighters and matches
is not taken.                                    out of reach of children. Never leave
                                                 burning candles unattended
1. Check your Christmas tree lights
   conform to the British Standard            9. Take the time to check on elderly
                                                 relatives and neighbours this
2. Never place candles near your                 Christmas ­ make sure they are fire
   Christmas tree or furnishings                 safe
3. Make sure your family and visitors
   know what to do in an emergency ­          10. Make sure you have a working
   have an escape plan                            smoke alarm on every level of your
4. Decorations can burn easily ­ don't
   attach them to lights or heaters           The fire service is committed to
                                              ensuring 100% of homes have a
5. Don't overload electrical sockets and      working smoke alarm. To help this
   switch Christmas lights off and             happen, they carry out home safety
   unplug them before you go to bed           visits to anyone living in Essex,
   or when leaving the house                  completely free of charge. Call 0300
                                              303 0088 for more information.
6. The risk of accidents, especially in
   the kitchen, is greater after alcohol is
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council

you this winter
Housing News Winter 2021 - Uttlesford District Council

response hub

Covid­19 has had a long­lasting effect
on people’s lives and incomes as well as
having a significant impact on physical
and mental health.
                                           The services on the Uttlesford Frontline
The Uttlesford Community Response          website support older people, families,
Hub can provide direct support,            addiction, wellbeing, disability, mental
signpost to other services and engage      health, local transport and advice. You
with residents and communities to          will find contact details, opening times
ensure everyone can get the support        and you can request a call back from a
they need during this difficult time.        service.

This can include help with shopping,       Visit: www.uttlesfordfrontline.org.uk
prescriptions and advice in relation to
                                           If you don’t have access to the
                                           internet, call Essex Healthwatch on
                                           0300 500 1895 for more help.
Residents can call the Hub on
03333 408218 (Monday to Friday,
9am to 4pm) or email
                                           Council Tax help
                                           If you are struggling to pay your Council
                                           Tax bill, please contact us and we will
                                           try to help you. We are also able to
                                           make referrals for financial advice to
                                           Citizens Advice, Peabody Family
                                           Support and Food Banks. See our
                                           website which has advice and contact
                                           details for organisations that can
                                           help ­ www.uttlesford.gov.uk/
Support for tenants                        financial­management­advice

There is help available for tenants        If you are in receipt of Universal credit
through the Discretionary Housing          or on a low income, you may be eligible
Payment scheme. In order to qualify,       for a reduction on your bill through the
you must be either in receipt of           Local Council Tax Support Scheme. Full
Housing Benefit or the Housing              details of the scheme and an online
Element of Universal Credit and need       application form can be found at
further help with housing costs.           www.uttlesford.gov.uk/lcts

We may be able to help you with            If you do not qualify for support, you
shortfalls between your entitlement        may still be eligible for help through our
from Housing Benefit or Universal           Exceptional Hardship Fund. Details of
Credit and your actual rental liability,   the fund and the application form can
arrears that have built up whilst          be found at www.uttlesford.gov.uk/ehf
having this entitlement, or help with
moving costs associated with moving        If you have any questions or wish to
to a more affordable property.              discuss your circumstances before
                                           applying, please contact our Revenues
Further information and an                 Collections Officer on 01799 510345 or
application form can be found at           via email to recovery@uttlesford.gov.uk
www.uttlesford.gov.uk/                     (please quote your name and full
discretionary­housing­payments.            address with any correspondence).

A paper copy can be requested by
contacting our Customer Service Centre
on 01799 510510 or by emailing

Uttlesford Citizens Advice
can help you stay warm this winter

 If you know anyone who is worried            • Support with housing
about how to pay their fuel bills or            and homelessness issues
struggling with an old boiler, draughts       • Emergency funds for
or mould, help is available.                    prescriptions and other
                                                household essentials
Energy specialists at Uttlesford Citizens     • Local foodbanks and
Advice can offer advice on a range of            children’s clothes banks
areas, including winter benefits and           • School holiday support
cold weather payments, the warm
home discount scheme, energy                  Remember, you don’t need to be on
efficiency measures, home improvement           benefits to ask for help from Citizens
grants, and the priority services register.   Advice ­ the advice is available to
                                              everyone and is always free, confidential
The team of trained advisers can also         and impartial. They will work with
help you to access:                           you to overcome barriers and solve
                                              problems that may be preventing you
• Universal Credit & Disability
                                              from sleeping well at night.
• Benefits for working families                • For online advice, go to
• Support for carers                            www.uttlesfordca.org.uk
• Help from your local council, such as       • Call 01799 618840
  council tax support                         • Email help@uttlesfordca.org.uk
• Budgeting & debt support                    • Or visit the new one­touch video
• Employment advice & access to                 access points in Great Dunmow and
  support for job seekers                       Stansted libraries
                  Your Guide to Christmas
                  and New Year Waste and
                    Recycling Collections

           For the week commencing 20 December,
          collections will be a day earlier than usual.

               This will be a black­lidded bin week

 Normal Collection Day        Revised Collection Day       Which bins?

 Tuesday 21 December          Monday 20 December

 Wednesday 22 December        Tuesday 21 December

 Thursday 23 December         Wednesday 22 December

 Friday 24 December           Thursday 23 December

             Please be aware there will no collections the
                  week commencing 27 December.

Collections will start again on 4 January 2022 and this will be a recycling week.
Extra recycling can placed at the side of you bin for collection. Please put
items in white or clear bags or cardboard boxes ­ no black bin liners. For more
information about what can be recycled,
visit www.uttlesford.gov.uk/recycleit

               A quick guide to recycling at Christmas
Here’s a list of common Christmas items and how you can dispose of them. All recycling
needs to be clean and dry before it is put into the green­lidded recycling bin or taken to
your local recycling centre. Find out more at www.uttlesford.gov.uk/recyclingandwaste

                     Can it be
         Item                                             Information
                             Wrapping paper can be recycled if it passes the ‘scrunch test’
Wrapping paper       Depends ­ if it stays in a ball it can go in with the recycling;
                             if it springs back into shape it needs to go in the black bin
                                 Christmas cards covered in glitter cannot
Christmas cards      Depends
                                 be recycled, plain Christmas cards can
Advent calendars       Yes       Ensure all chocolate is removed!
Catalogues and                   Remove any thin polythene wrap (please put this
magazines                        in the black bin) from around the catalogue/magazine
Glass bottles and
                       Yes       Just make sure they’re clean and dry
jars (and lids)
Glass Christmas                  Take to a charity shop for reuse or put them into the black bin
decorations                      if broken
Christmas fairy                  These can be recycled at your local recycling centre for
lights                           household waste
                                 Please take these to your local recycling centre for household
Plastic Christmas
                        No       waste or donate to a charity shop if in a
                                 usable condition
                                 We can accept all foil ­ including turkey roasting trays, mince
Kitchen foil           Yes
                                 pie tins etc ­ as long as it’s clean
                                 These should be taken to a charity shop. If they are
Unwanted toys           No
                                 broken please put in black bin
Tinsel                  No       Must be put in the black bin

Christmas crackers     Yes       These can be recycled if not metallic or glittery
Paper napkins/
                        No       These usually have food waste on them ­ black bin please
kitchen roll
                                 Make sure there is no food left in the packaging and
Food packaging         Yes
                                 it is clean before putting into the recycling bin
                                 Take devices such as mobile phones, tablets and games
Electronics            Yes
                                 consoles to your recycling centre for household waste
Stay up to date with the latest
  Housing Services news from
   Uttlesford District Council
   Sign up today to receive regular
newsletters direct to your email inbox ­

Earlier this year, the Tenant and          • 52% said they had an excellent
Leaseholder Panel ran a survey to find        experience in reporting a repair, with
out what tenants thought of the repairs      30% saying it was ok
reporting system offered by Uttlesford
Norse.                                     Uttlesford Norse has worked through
                                           the feedback and is looking at ways to
Thank you to everyone who took part in     improve the service offered to tenants,
the project and completed the survey.      to ensure fast and efficient responses to
                                           your repair needs.
Here are the key findings:
                                           One of the actions that Uttlesford Norse
• 58% said it was very easy to report a    will take on board to is to ensure
  repair, with 32% saying it was ok        appointments are booked during the
• 91% of reports were made by              initial call.
  telephone                                Tenants will be offered a repair job
• 46% of appointments were made on         number for reference should they need
  the first phone call                      to call back for queries. This will allow
                                           Uttlesford Norse to deal with any
• Where an appointment was not made        queries faster and reduce waiting times.
  on the first phone call, 53% got a call
  back on the same day to book an          All email request replies will also receive
  appointment                              the job number for the tenant’s future
• 97% said the receptionist was polite,
  helpful and courteous                    Uttlesford Norse welcomes all feedback
                                           as an opportunity to continue to
• 84% of appointments were kept            improve the repairs service.

Why should I get contents insurance?

Did you know that it is your responsibility   offer different levels of cover but
to get your home contents insured?            generally you’ll be covered against
                                              theft, fire and flood.
Contents insurance covers loss or
damage to all the things in your home         Just recently a number of tenants
which are not part of the structure or the    experienced flood damage. Although
building ­ in other words, your personal      the council will come out and repair
belongings such as clothing, furniture,       your home in circumstances such as this,
jewellery and electrical goods.               any goods like carpets and furniture are
                                              not covered and will have to be replaced
It is up to you to find and contact an
                                              at your own expense.
insurance provider. Different policies

Crossword Competition

                                                                                 1    Type of fundamentalist
                                                                                      church (11)
                                                                                 7    Strong wintry wind (4)
                                                                                 8    Like many days at this
                                                                                      time of year (6)
                                                                                 9    Driving hazard (3)
                                                                                 10   Circus Maximus racer (7)
                                                                                 13   Shopkeeper's receipts (7)
                                                                                 14   How roads might be
                                                                                      when it freezes (3)
                                                                                 16   Puzzle which starts in
                                                                                      pieces (6)
                                                                                 18   Wrinkle remover (4)
                                                                                 19   Sparsely furnished (11)


                                                                                 2    Conversion of liquid into
                                                                                      a gas (11)
One lucky winner, chosen at random, will receive a
                                                                                 3    Bound (4)
£25 gift voucher, so include your contact details with
                                                                                 4    Chippy choice (3)
your entry. Competition closes 31 January 2022.
                                                                                 5    Drink often offered to
Terms & Conditions: To qualify for entry you must be a
tenant of Uttlesford District Council.                                                Santa (6)
                                                                                 6    Oreo fancier injured
                                                                                      American flyer (3,5,3)
Name: ........................................................................   11   Glutton (3)
                                                                                 12   Tree decoration (6)
Address: .....................................................................
                                                                                 15   Hoar frost (4)
Telephone: .................................................................     17   What 14 Across surfaces
                                                                                      become when they
Return to: Nicole Shephard­Lewis, Council Offices,                                      warm up (3)
London Road, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 4ER

Do you think the council
could be doing something

Have you got an idea for a
new initiative that would make things better where you live?

If you have an idea for a new scheme or an improvement, please
fill in the form below or email tenants@uttlesford.gov.uk with
your idea.

My suggestion:


Name: .....................................................................................................


............................................................ Postcode: .................................
Phone: .................................. Email: .....................................................

Send your idea to                                The council is now on Facebook so you
Nicole Shephard-Lewis                            can always message us via
Tenant Participation Officer                       Facebook.com/UDChousingservices
Uttlesford District Council
London Road,                                    Telephone: 01799 510571
Saffron Walden                                  Email: tenants@uttlesford.gov.uk
CB11 4ER                                        Website: www.uttlesford.gov.uk
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