Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)

Page created by Sidney Santos
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Third Quarter 2020

                                                          © 2020 KB Home
                     Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Forward-Looking Statements
Items in this presentation, and statements by KB Home management in relation to this presentation or otherwise, may be “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are based on current (at the time made) expectations and projections about future events and are subject to risks, uncertainties, and
assumptions about our operations, economic and market factors, and the homebuilding industry, among other things. These statements are not guarantees of future performance. We do not
have a specific policy or intent of updating or revising forward-looking statements. Actual events and results may differ materially from those expressed or forecasted in forward-looking statements
due to a number of factors. The most important risk factors that could cause our actual performance and future events and actions to differ materially from such forward-looking statements
include, but are not limited to the following: general economic, employment and business conditions, generally and during the current recession; population growth, household formations and
demographic trends; conditions in the capital, credit and financial markets; our ability to access external financing sources and raise capital through the issuance of common stock, debt or other
securities, and/or project financing, on favorable terms; the execution of any share repurchases pursuant to our board of directors’ authorization; material and trade costs and availability,
particularly lumber; changes in interest rates; our debt level, including our ratio of debt to capital, and our ability to adjust our debt level and maturity schedule; our compliance with the terms of our
revolving credit facility; volatility in the market price of our common stock; weak or declining consumer confidence, either generally or specifically with respect to purchasing homes; competition
from other sellers of new and resale homes; weather events, significant natural disasters and other climate and environmental factors; any failure of lawmakers to agree on a budget or
appropriation legislation to fund the federal government’s operations, and financial markets’ and businesses’ reactions to that failure; government actions, policies, programs and regulations
directed at or affecting the housing market (including the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act relief provisions for outstanding mortgage loans, tax benefits associated with
purchasing and owning a home, and the standards, fees and size limits applicable to the purchase or insuring of mortgage loans by government-sponsored enterprises and government
agencies), the homebuilding industry, or construction activities; changes in existing tax laws or enacted corporate income tax rates, including those resulting from regulatory guidance and
interpretations issued with respect thereto; changes in U.S. trade policies, including the imposition of tariffs and duties on homebuilding materials and products, and related trade disputes with
and retaliatory measures taken by other countries; the adoption of new or amended financial accounting standards and the guidance and/or interpretations with respect thereto; the availability
and cost of land in desirable areas and our ability to timely develop acquired land parcels and open new home communities; our warranty claims experience with respect to homes previously
delivered and actual warranty costs incurred; costs and/or charges arising from regulatory compliance requirements or from legal, arbitral or regulatory proceedings, investigations, claims or
settlements, including unfavorable outcomes in any such matters resulting in actual or potential monetary damage awards, penalties, fines or other direct or indirect payments, or injunctions,
consent decrees or other voluntary or involuntary restrictions or adjustments to our business operations or practices that are beyond our current expectations and/or accruals; our ability to
use/realize the net deferred tax assets we have generated; our ability to successfully implement our current and planned strategies and initiatives related to our product, geographic and market
positioning, gaining share and scale in our served markets and in entering into new markets; our operational and investment concentration in markets in California; consumer interest in our new
home communities and products, particularly from first-time homebuyers and higher-income consumers; our ability to generate orders and convert our backlog of orders to home deliveries and
revenues, particularly in key markets in California; our ability to successfully implement our business strategies and achieve any associated financial and operational targets and objectives;
income tax expense volatility associated with stock-based compensation; the ability of our homebuyers to obtain residential mortgage loans and mortgage banking services; the performance of
mortgage lenders to our homebuyers; the performance of KBHS, our mortgage banking joint venture with Stearns Ventures, LLC; information technology failures and data security breaches; an
epidemic or pandemic (such as the outbreak and worldwide spread of COVID-19), and the control response measures that international, federal, state and local governments, agencies, law
enforcement and/or health authorities implement to address it, which may (as with COVID-19) precipitate or exacerbate one or more of the above-mentioned and/or other risks, and significantly
disrupt or prevent us from operating our business in the ordinary course for an extended period; a continuation of widespread protests and civil unrest related to efforts to institute law enforcement

                                                                                                                                                                                                               © 2020 KB Home
and other social and political reforms, and the impacts of implementing or failing to implement any such reforms; and other events outside of our control. Please see our periodic reports and other
filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a further discussion of these and other risks and uncertainties applicable to our business.
   2       Investor Presentation
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Built-to-Order Model Is a Key Differentiator

    Advantages of Built-to-Order (“BTO”)
                                                                                             Monthly Absorption Rate per Community
    Mitigates Risk
    Aligns business to demand, as we build to our sales pace, not to
    a targeted delivery goal, which minimizes speculative inventory                                                                                   4.3
    and margin variability associated with carrying a large number of                                                          4.1
    finished, but unsold, homes in inventory                                                             3.9
    Operationally Efficient
    Working from a large backlog of sold homes, we can manage                                                                                                3.0
    starts to achieve even-flow production at the community level,                                               2.8                   2.8
    generating efficiencies in overhead and cost to build                                  2.5

    Higher Visibility
    Even-flow production reinforces our preferred position with
    subcontractors and provides greater predictability on deliveries

    Margin Enhancer
    Opportunities for incremental revenue as well as margin
    enhancement through lot premiums, structural options and design
    studio upgrades

    Drives Absorption
    Selling and building the home the customer values helps drive                     2016                  2017                  2018                  2019
    absorption and customer satisfaction                                                                 KBH        Peer Group Average*

                                                                                                                                                                    © 2020 KB Home
3        Investor Presentation                                          * Includes CAA (2016), DHI, LEN, MDC, MTH, NVR, PHM, TMHC, TOL, TPH. Source: Wells Fargo.
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Built-to-Order Model Attracts Largest Demand Segments of Market

    A Leader in the First-Time Buyer Segment While Drawing a Mix of Buyers to Our Communities

              Q3 2020 Buyer Profile
               (Based on Homes Delivered)

                                                                                                      BTO enhances
                                                                                                       value through
                                                                         Position our product          choice of lot,
           9%                                      Invest in land
                                                                             to target the            square footage,
                                                  positions within
                                                                         median household              floor plan and
                                                  prime growth
                                     59%                                   income in each           elevation, and then
         19%                                        submarkets
                                                                              submarket                 the ability to
                                                                                                    personalize in our
                                                                                                      Design Studios

        FIRST-TIME               2ND MOVE-UP
                                                 While we primarily target the first-time buyer, our model also appeals
        1ST MOVE-UP              ACTIVE ADULT   to move-up buyers and empty nesters who can make a different set of
                                                                   choices in the same community

                                                                                                                          © 2020 KB Home
4   Investor Presentation
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Dedicated to Providing World Class Customer Service

     • KB Home’s personalized, customer-centric Built-to-Order business model enables us to develop
       long-term relationships with our customers
     • Our community teams partner with customers through each major step of their purchase of a KB
       home: sale – mortgage – studio – construction – closing – post closing
     • Customers recognize the value of our partnership. Recent customer surveys conducted by
       independent, third-party sources such as TrustBuilder® and ConsumerAffairs have given KB
       Home exceptional customer satisfaction ratings.

                                                                                                      © 2020 KB Home
5   Investor Presentation   TrustBuilder® data as of September 15, 2020.
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Significant Progress Over Past Three Years
($ in millions except EPS and BVPS)

                                                        2017     LTM Q3 2020   Improvement

                                         Deliveries     10,909     11,725          7%

                                 Housing Revenues       $4,335     $4,503          4%

                               HB Operating Income      $283        $363          28%

                                      Pretax Income     $290        $403          39%

                                         Diluted EPS    $1.85      $3.32          79%

                               Stockholders’ Equity     $1,926     $2,565         33%

                              Book Value per Share      $22.13     $28.33         28%

                                      Debt to Capital   54.7%      40.5%         14.2 pps

                                                                                             © 2020 KB Home
       6         Investor Presentation
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Third Quarter 2020

                            © 2020 KB Home
7   Investor Presentation
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Regional Overview

                                    Q3 2020 Homebuilding Revenues                          Q3 2020 Homes Delivered

    • Principal markets:          West Coast                           Central        West Coast                      Central

       – West Coast: California                38%                                                                38%
                                                     $995M                                              2,545
         and Washington
                                                                 10%                              25%
       – Southwest: Arizona                           22%                            Southwest             13%
         and Nevada                                  Southwest

       – Central: Colorado
         and Texas                      Q3 2020 Net Order Value                             Q3 2020 Backlog Value

       – Southeast: Florida       West Coast                           Central       West Coast                           Central

         and North Carolina                                                                                       29%
                                                      $1.6B                                              $2.6B
                                                                         Southeast                                  11%
                                                         17%                                              18%             Southeast

                                                                                                                                      © 2020 KB Home
                                                        Southwest                                       Southwest

8   Investor Presentation
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Third Quarter 2020 Highlights
(all comparisons on a year-over-year basis)

•   Revenues totaled $999.0 million, reflecting the impact from the COVID-19                                        Q3 2020    Q3 2019    % Change
    pandemic during our 2020 second quarter
•   Homebuilding operating income was $88.9 million
                                                                                       Housing Revenues             $979.1     $1,152.6     -15%
    –    Homebuilding operating income margin increased 150 basis points to 8.9%.
         Excluding inventory-related charges, homebuilding operating income margin
         improved 180 basis points to 9.6%.                                            Deliveries                   2,545      3,022        -16%

    –    Housing gross profit margin increased 140 basis points to 19.9%. Excluding
         inventory-related charges, housing gross profit margin increased 170 basis    Average Selling Price        $384,700   $381,400     1%
         points to 20.6%.
    –    Selling, general and administrative expenses as a percentage of housing
                                                                                       Net Orders                   4,214      3,325        27%
         revenues improved slightly to 11.0%
•   Net income grew 15% to $78.4 million
                                                                                       Net Order Value              $1,643.8   $1,276.2     29%
•   Net orders increased 27% to 4,214, our highest third-quarter level since 2005.
    Net order value increased 29% to $1.64 billion. Both metrics increased in all of
    our four regions.                                                                  Backlog Homes                6,749      6,230        8%
•   Total liquidity of $1.51 billion included cash and cash equivalents of $722.0
    million and available capacity of $787.6 million under our revolver
                                                                                       Backlog Value                $2,567.7   $2,296.8     12%
•   Lots owned or under contract were 60,278
    –    Approximately 63% of the total lots were owned and 37% were under contract
                                                                                       Ending Community Count       232        254          -9%
    –    Owned lots represented an approximately 3.3 years’ supply, based on homes
         delivered in the last 12 months
•   The ratio of debt to capital improved 460 basis points to 40.5%                    Average Community Count      238        255          -7%

•   Stockholders’ equity increased to $2.57 billion, and book value per share

                                                                                                                                                     © 2020 KB Home
                                                                                       Absorption (net orders per
    increased 11% to $28.33                                                                                         5.9        4.3          36%
                                                                                       community, per month)
    9         Investor Presentation
Investor Presentation - Third Quarter 2020 - Caledonia at Summerlin (Las Vegas)
Housing Revenues
($ in millions)




                                  '18         '19         '20    '18        '19     '20     '18          '19        '20     '18      '19
                                          First Quarter                Second Quarter               Third Quarter          Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                                             © 2020 KB Home
    10            Investor Presentation
Average Selling Price
($ in thousands)
                                                                                                                 $395     $393
                       $390                       $390
                                      $371                         $368

                         '18          '19         '20    '18        '19      '20   '18         '19        '20     '18      '19

                                  First Quarter                 Second Quarter            Third Quarter          Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                                  © 2020 KB Home
    11        Investor Presentation
Average Selling Price by Region
($ in thousands)
                   West Coast                                 Southwest

                               3%             -11%                  4%              5%

                                                                   $331    $318
                                                      $662                         $322
                              $605                                                         $307
                                      $589    $592

                             Q3 20    Q3 19   FY 19   FY 18        Q3 20   Q3 19   FY 19   FY 18

                    Central                                   Southeast
                               4%             -1%                   -3%             2%

                              $310    $297                         $287    $294    $293    $287
                                              $294    $297

                             Q3 20    Q3 19   FY 19   FY 18        Q3 20   Q3 19   FY 19   FY 18

                                                                                                   © 2020 KB Home
    12        Investor Presentation
Homebuilding Operating Income Margin*

                                                                                                                                     9.6%   9.7%


                                         6.1%                                               6.1%
                 5.6%                                                          5.5%


                   '18         '19        '20                      '18          '19          '20              '18         '19        '20     '18     '19

                             First Quarter                               Second Quarter                              Third Quarter          Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                                                             © 2020 KB Home
          *Excludes inventory-related charges. See Appendix: Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures.

13   Investor Presentation
Housing Gross Profit Margin – Reported

                                                                                                                                                   19.9%                                  19.6%
                                                                                              18.2%                                   18.5%
                                                                                                                         18.0%                                               18.1%
                               17.1%      17.4%                     17.1%        17.2%

                   '18           '19         '20                      '18          '19          '20                        '18          '19          '20                       '18          '19
                             First Quarter                                  Second Quarter                                       Third Quarter                               Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                                                                                                   © 2020 KB Home
                As a result of adopting ASC 606, the Company changed the classification and timing of certain model complex costs beginning in fiscal 2019. These changes favorably impacted our
                housing gross profit margin and negatively impacted our SG&A expense ratio in each quarter of fiscal 2019.

14   Investor Presentation
Housing Gross Profit Margin – Adjusted*

                                                                                                                                 23.1%                                   22.8%        23.1%
                                                                     22.2%                        21.9%                                          22.3%
                 21.4%         21.3%     21.1%                                      21.3%

                                                                                                  18.7%                           18.7%           18.9%                   18.7%
                                17.6%    17.9%                        17.7%         17.6%

                  '18            '19         '20                       '18            '19             '20                          '18             '19     '20             '18          '19
                             First Quarter                                   Second Quarter                                                Third Quarter                  Fourth Quarter

                                               Gross Margin excluding inventory-related charges   a     Amortization of previously capitalized interest

                                                                                                                                                                                                 © 2020 KB Home
      *Excludes inventory-related charges and amortization of previously capitalized interest. See Appendix: Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures.
      As a result of adopting ASC 606, the Company changed the classification and timing of certain model complex costs beginning in fiscal 2019. These changes favorably impacted our housing
      gross profit margin and negatively impacted our SG&A expense ratio in each quarter of fiscal 2019.
15   Investor Presentation
SG&A Expense Ratio

               11.0%*                                                                                                              11.1%        11.0%
                                                                                                                                                                           9.0%         9.1%

                  '18            '19         '20                    '18          '19          '20                       '18          '19          '20                       '18          '19

                             First Quarter                                Second Quarter                                      Third Quarter                                 Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                                                                                                 © 2020 KB Home
      *Represents year-over-year record low quarterly ratios
      As a result of adopting ASC 606, the Company changed the classification and timing of certain model complex costs beginning in fiscal 2019. These changes favorably impacted our housing
      gross profit margin and negatively impacted our SG&A expense ratio in each quarter of fiscal 2019.
16   Investor Presentation
Healthy Land Portfolio

                                               Lots by Region at August 31, 2020
      • Total inventory of approximately
        $3.67 billion at August 31, 2020          West Coast
                                                               26%                   Central
                                                                               37%   22,527
      • Lots owned or under contract totaled
        60,278 at August 31, 2020                Southwest

                                                Lot Position at August 31, 2020



                                                                                               © 2020 KB Home
17   Investor Presentation
Average Community Count

                                                        252      255   253   251
                                                  244                              247
                             215      217

                    Q1       Q2       Q3    Q4    Q1    Q2       Q3    Q4    Q1    Q2     Q3

                                   2018                       2019                 2020

                                                                                                © 2020 KB Home
18   Investor Presentation
Net Order Value
($ in millions)



                                                     $1,383     $1,362

                                            $1,022                                         $1,018


                                 '18          '19         '20    '18        '19     '20     '18       '19         '20    '18      '19

                                          First Quarter                Second Quarter             Third Quarter         Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                                         © 2020 KB Home
    19            Investor Presentation
Backlog Value
($ in millions)




                                '18           '19         '20    '18        '19         '20    '18        '19         '20      '18      '19

                                          First Quarter                Second Quarter                Third Quarter             Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                                                © 2020 KB Home
    20            Investor Presentation
Net Orders per Community per Month

                                                   5.5       5.4

                4.2                                                                  4.3
                                3.7                                                                            3.7



                  '18            '19         '20   '18       '19     '20   '18       '19         '20   '18      '19

                             First Quarter               Second Quarter          Third Quarter         Fourth Quarter

                                                                                                                        © 2020 KB Home
21   Investor Presentation
Generating Significant Levels of Gross Operating Cash Flow
($ in millions)

                   $2,110                                                                                                       $2,183


                                                       $222                                                  $251


                                           2018                                                2019                                            LTM Q3 2020

                                 Gross Cash provided by Operating Activities     Land Acquisition and Development Investment   Net Cash provided by Operating Activities

                                                                                                                                                                           © 2020 KB Home
                                                                                                                               (As Reported)

    22            Investor Presentation
Capital Structure
                                                                              Debt to Capital



                                                              2017            2018                   2019             Q3 2020

                                                                 Liquidity & Debt Maturity Profile
                                                                              August 31, 2020
                                                                                   ($ in millions)


                               $788                                                                                                    Senior Notes
                                                $450   $350          $350                                                              Unrestricted Cash
                                                                                                             $300               $300
                                                                                                                                       Revolver Availability

                                                                                                                                                               © 2020 KB Home
                             Liquidity   2020   2021   2022          2023   2024      2025       2026        2027      2028     2029
                   Coupon                       7.0%   7.5%      7.625%                                      6.875%             4.8%
23   Investor Presentation
The ESG Difference

                             © 2020 KB Home
24   Investor Presentation
Leadership in Sustainable Homebuilding

               ENERGY STAR

                  Solar Homes

             WaterSense &
            WaterSmart Homes

                 $780 Million
              Utility Bill Savings

            1.5 Billion Gallons
                                                                                                              Energy Savings Comparison
             Water Conserved                                                                            Our proprietary tool demonstrating the lower
                 Annually                                                                                    cost of homeownership possible
                                                                                                                      with a KB home*
            5 Billion Pounds

                                                                                                                                                       © 2020 KB Home
          Fewer CO2 Emissions                                                                           KB Home provides this comparison for every
                                                                                                           floor plan at each of our communities
25   Investor Presentation * Lower cost of homeownership is relative to a typical new or resale home.
Giving Back to Our Communities

                                       © 2020 KB Home
26   Investor Presentation
Robust Corporate Governance
     Governance Practices: A Snapshot
 • Nine of our ten directors are independent                      Three-Year Annualized Total
                                                                Stockholder Return (2017-2019)
 • Independent directors lead all Board committees
 • Directors are elected annually under a majority voting
   standard                                                                  22%
 • In 2020, our directors received an average of 96%
 • Directors and senior executives are subject to strong                                    13%
   stock ownership requirements
 • Executive officers are subject to a robust incentive
   compensation claw-back policy

 Aligned                                                     KB Home    Dow Jones U.S.    S&P 500
 • We have one class of outstanding voting securities that                  Home
    allows each holder one vote for each share held                      Construction
 • No supermajority voting requirements
 • In 2020, our Say-on-Pay proposal received 92%

                                                                                                    © 2020 KB Home
27     Investor Presentation

                             © 2020 KB Home
28   Investor Presentation
KB Home – A Compelling Story
     Key Takeaways                                                                                                                        Return on Invested Capital
 Well positioned
 Existing geographic footprint offers potential for substantially
 larger scale in markets selected for their long-term economic
 and demographic growth potential

 Focused on first-time buyers while appealing to move-up buyers
                                                                                                                                  2017               2018              2019
 and empty nesters, thereby targeting the largest homebuyer
 demand segments
                                                                                                                                               Return on Equity
 Advantages of BTO
 Sell and build the home the customer values, which helps drive
 absorption. With a large backlog of sold homes, we can manage                                                                                                         12.2%
 starts to achieve even-flow production at the community level,                                                                   10.0%
 generating efficiencies in overhead and cost to build, and we
 have greater predictability on deliveries.

 Demonstrated leadership in sustainability
 With an industry-leading 140,000+ ENERGY STAR homes
 delivered, we are committed to helping our buyers lower the cost
 of homeownership. Our ENERGY STAR homes are up to 30%
                                                                                                                                  2017               2018              2019
 more efficient than standard new homes built to code.

                                                                                                                                                                               © 2020 KB Home
29      Investor Presentation *Excludes the impact to net income of the 2018 non-cash charge of $112.5 million due to the TCJA.
                           See Appendix: ROIC Calculation Detail and ROE Calculation Detail

                             © 2020 KB Home
30   Investor Presentation
ROIC Calculation Detail
($ in thousands)

                                     Net Operating Profit After Tax                                                                  2017                          2018                           2019

                                     Net income (a)                                                                        $              180,595         $             282,865          $                268,775
                                           Interest (income) expense, net                                                                     (618)                       (3,514)                          (2,158)
                                           Loss on early extinguishment of debt                                                              5,685                               --                         6,800
                                           Amortization of previously capitalized interest                                                215,396                       202,760                           156,803

                                           Income tax impact (b)                                                                         (83,100)                       (46,000)                          (36,800)
                                     Net operating profit after tax                                                        $              317,958         $             436,111          $                393,420

                                     Average Invested Capital (Book Value)

                                     Average notes payable                                                                 $           2,496,389          $           2,232,331          $          1,945,458
                                     Average stockholders’ equity                                                                      1,799,849                      1,959,425                      2,211,312
                                     Average invested capital (c)                                                          $           4,296,238          $           4,191,756          $          4,156,770

                                     Return on Invested Capital                                                                               7.4%                         10.4%                            9.5%
                   (a) Net income for 2018 excluded the non-cash charge of $112.5 million related to the TCJA, which was enacted in December 2017.
                   (b) Represents the total adjustments to net income multiplied by the Company’s effective tax rates, which were 37.7% for 2017; 23.1% for 2018; and 22.8% for 2019. The rate for 2018

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     © 2020 KB Home
                       excluded the impact from the TCJA-related charge.
                   (c) Average notes payable and stockholders’ equity for the trailing five quarters.

       31          Investor Presentation
ROE Calculation Detail
($ in thousands)

                                       Net Income                                                             2017                              2018                2019

                                       Pretax income                                                  $          289,995               $           367,965      $    348,175

                                       Income tax expense (a)                                                  (109,400)                           (85,100)          (79,400)

                                       Net income                                                     $          180,595               $           282,865      $    268,775

                                       Average stockholders’ equity (b)                                $       1,799,849                $       1,959,425       $   2,211,312

                                       Return on equity                                                              10.0%                            14.4%            12.2%

                      (a) Income tax expense for 2018 excluded the non-cash charge of $112.5 million related to the TCJA, which was enacted in December 2017.

                                                                                                                                                                                © 2020 KB Home
                      (b) Average stockholders’ equity for the trailing five quarters.

      32       Investor Presentation
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures

                                                                                                          2018                                          2019                                   2020

                                                                                         Q1          Q2          Q3        Q4          Q1          Q2          Q3        Q4          Q1         Q2         Q3
     Housing Gross Profit Margin

     Housing Gross Profit Margin - As Reported                                          16.1%      17.1%       18.0%      18.1%       17.1%      17.2%      18.5%       19.6%      17.4%      18.2%       19.9%
     Housing inventory-related charges                                                    0.6        0.6         0.7        0.6         0.5        0.4        0.4         0.3        0.5        0.5         0.7

     Housing gross profit margin excluding inventory-related charges                     16.7        17.7        18.7      18.7        17.6        17.6        18.9      19.9        17.9       18.7       20.6
     Amortization of previously capitalized interest                                       4.7        4.5         4.4        4.1         3.7        3.7         3.4        3.2        3.2        3.2         3.1

     Housing Gross Profit Margin - As Adjusted                                          21.4%      22.2%       23.1%      22.8%       21.3%      21.3%      22.3%       23.1%      21.1%      21.9%       23.7%

     Homebuilding Operating Income Margin

     Homebuilding Operating Income Margin - As Reported                                  5.1%        6.8%        8.6%      9.1%        3.9%       5.1%         7.4%     10.5%        5.6%       5.7%       8.9%
     Homebuilding inventory-related charges                                               0.5         0.5         0.7       0.6         0.4        0.4          0.4       0.2         0.5        0.4        0.7

     Homebuilding operating income margin
     excluding inventory-related charges                                                 5.6%        7.3%        9.3%      9.7%        4.3%       5.5%         7.8%     10.7%        6.1%       6.1%       9.6%

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              © 2020 KB Home
                                   The Company believes these non-GAAP financial measures, which assist management in making certain decisions, are relevant and useful to investors in understanding its operations and in
33         Investor Presentation   providing meaningful period-to-period comparisons, and may be helpful in comparing the Company with other homebuilding companies to the extent they provide similar information.
Deferred Tax Asset Value and Protection

• At Aug. 31, 2020, KB Home had net deferred tax assets (DTA) of approximately $241 million

• To support the realization of the DTA, KB Home has undertaken a number of steps to avoid
  experiencing an “ownership change” under federal tax laws

• The primary protection is a Rights Agreement approved by stockholders in 2009 and in 2018
  (which extended the latest expiration to Apr. 30, 2021). The Rights Agreement provides
  authority for the distribution of dilutive stock purchase rights in connection with an acquisition of
  4.9% or more of KB Home’s outstanding common stock.

• At Aug. 31, 2020, there were 90.5 million shares of common stock outstanding

                                                                                                          © 2020 KB Home
34   Investor Presentation
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