Homeroom 21 Bioeducational Updates - Lighthouse School

Page created by Ryan Allen
Homeroom 21 Bioeducational Updates
       It is hard to believe this year is coming to an end! This has been a challenging year, but
we are happy to have gone through it together! We talked this month about what we learned this
year. All of the students expressed feeling proud for learning new things such as social skills,
forming friendships, identifying feelings, reading, and writing.

         This month in Math, we worked on shapes and measurement. We used our measuring
skills to make playdough and dyed it a variety of different colors. After, we made different
shapes with it that we then labelled. Then we colored the play dough and made different shapes
with the playdough. We also enjoyed playing PinkCat games for a break.

         We have laughed, played, studied, learned, and enriched our lives during the year. This
year brought challenges, but we were able to overcome them as a family. Some of our family
activities for the end of the year included our fun luau. During the afternoon, we wore grass
skirts and flowers. We played Bingo, did the limbo, and tossed the ring on the flamingo. We
also each decorated our own tie-dyed shirts and wore them on our last day!

        Despite the challenges this year, we continued many of our traditions. One of those was
our annual transition ceremony to celebrate students who have finished their formal
education. While we were not outside cheering the students on, we celebrated their
accomplishments as a family and watched the event streamed into our room. We all sat
respectfully and cheered on the students and their accomplishments!

       We hope that you all have a wonderful summer!
Homeroom 22 Bioeducational Updates
       We cannot believe the end of the school year is really here! Looking back on the
year we had, we are so proud of all of our students for the incredible accomplishments
they have made throughout this roller coaster of a year. Our students were faced with
many challenges this year, yet they showed perseverance, flexibility, and courage every
step of the way.

       They learned to navigate a remote learning environment, completed assignments
and participated in lessons through Google Classroom. They maintained and formed
relationships with staff and students, even when it had to be done through a screen. They
also successfully made the transition back to full time in-person learning after being away
from a school building for over a year. We have so much to be proud of!

       Closing out the school year looked a little different compared to years in the past,
but we were still able to enjoy some fun time together. We tied up the year by making
tie-dye shirts. We also each built our own race cars, and spent some quality time together
as a homeroom!

      Although this was not a typical school year, we were still able to create some
amazing memories together and reflected on how thankful we were for that!

       We hope you have a great summer!
Homeroom 23 Bioeducational Updates
         What a school year it has been! Although this year has been very different for all of us,
we embraced it with open arms and overcame many challenges together. As a homeroom, we
had four out of our five students that were new to Lighthouse School. Not only did these students
attend a new school, but they started the school year remotely. It was different to build
relationships and form trust through a screen, but everyone did phenomenal. This made the
arrival to the building that much more special. Although the breaks the students took at school
were different then at home, they were able to check in with more staff, experience the comfort
of a high five, and use a variety of fidgets that may not have been available at home. We are so
proud of the progress they have made! They have learned to share feelings, ask for what they
needed, and work through the conflict resolution process.

        This last month of school was bittersweet but also fun. We had the opportunity to
complete STEM challenges against each other that was competitive but also a blast. It also
allowed them to work as a team to build items such as a Ferris wheel, treehouse, roller
coaster, and bubble wands. It was so great seeing them laugh and demonstrate teamwork in a
respectful manner.

       The month’s Bioeducational Theme was “Character”, so we also worked to decorate our
homeroom door. We decorated popcorn kernels with our own “character traits” to complete the
“good character is popping up everywhere” design. Some of these traits included friendly, funny,
adventurous, loving, and competitive.

       We purchased a caterpillar/butterfly kit! Together as a class, we gave them all a name
and watched them step by step through the process turn from caterpillars to beautiful butterflies.
       With the end of the school year comes transitions and changes, including graduation. As
a family, we watched our Lighthouse tradition of the transition ceremony through Zoom. We
were very supportive and excited to see that this will be them one day. As a homeroom we also
decorated posters to show how proud of them we were and wished them good luck.

       We could not be more proud of how far everyone has come this school year despite the
unique circumstances.

       We hope you have a wonderful and safe summer. Can’t wait to see you next school year!
Homeroom 24 Bioeducational Updates
        This year has flown by! We have had some pretty crazy days and pretty amazing days.
We went from being apart to making it work being back together. We laughed, we cried but
most of all we had fun!! Everyone has been so flexible with the changes we have had to go
through and we are so appreciative of that. This month was short but we have been learning a lot
as well as packed a lot of fun into it!

        Math lessons have consisted of a review of Math facts we practiced throughout the year,
counting money, and recognizing numbers and their place value. We played many types of
BINGO to help review. We loved to play Prodigy which helped increase our math
learning. ELA lessons were spent reading, A Camping Spree with Mr. Magee. While we read,
we also did some rhyming activities and worked on cause and effect. We watched a BrainPop
video and learned about compound words. We also matched short words together to create new
words. In History we played Jeopardy together and had a lot of fun! In Science we used baking
soda and water to make invisible ink. We used the ink to write messages to each other and draw
pictures. After, we used grape juice to reveal the secret messages! Health and wellness lessons
consisted of a review of nutrition and muscles. We completed exercise videos as well as headed
outside to the playground. While outside we practiced throwing and catching a football. We
learned about soccer and worked on kicking the ball around to our teammates.

        Although the end of the year won’t be quite the same we had some great activities
planned. We focused our fun around the theme of “camping.” We “camped out” on the
playground with camp snacks. We also tie-dyed shirts and masks as well as had fun with some
sand art crafts.

       We will miss you all! Have a great summer!
Homeroom 25 Bioeducational Updates
       What a crazy year we had at Lighthouse, between remote, hybrid, and in person learning
during a pandemic! Your child made it through so many changes and challenges, and continued
to make progress and have big and little successes throughout it all. We are SO proud of the
perseverance we saw this year and want you to know how proud we are of your student!

        Throughout the year, we learned about so many topics in all our different subjects. In
Science, we focused on physical science, and learned about atoms, the Periodic Table, chemical
and physical reactions/changes, energy, force, electricity, sound, heat, gravity, just to name a few
topics. The main focus of History this year was the American Revolution and the 13 Original
Colonies. We built items with clay, learned about Native Americans and Squanto, and played fun
games to learn about the colonies! Math focused on solidifying our math facts with
multiplication and division, and learning how to add and subtract fractions. During ELA, we
learned about biographies and poetry, as well as the five text structures: compare and contrast,
cause and effect, descriptive, problem and solution, and chronological order. We played a fun
game where we had to identify the definition, example, and key words about a text structure.

        We had a lot of fun activities planned for the last couple days of school to end the year
with a bang and make some lasting memories. We tie dyed t-shirts and masks, signed each
other’s shirts, made sand art, created our own puppets, played with bubbles and sidewalk chalk
outside, painted bags and canvases, and enjoyed spending some fun moments together!
Homeroom 26 Bioeducational Updates
        What a year it has been! The 2020-2021 school year was quite different than previous
years, but it was certainly a memorable one. We spent this school year working and learning
remotely in our homes, using a hybrid platform of learning where we slowly adjusted to more in-
person learning, and then finally attending school fully in person. There were plenty of different
emotions this year. At times we were unhappy and frustrated with how things were going this
year, and other times we were excited and elated to be reunited together. We also had some
newer students who felt nervous and curious to be entering Lighthouse for the first time. We
even had to learn how to tolerate new rules of learning during the pandemic, which was not
always easy to do. Whatever emotions we were feeling or adjustments we had to make, we went
through them together.

        The month of June was no different than previous months. We continued to learn and
grow together. Although June was a short month, it was certainly a busy month as well. As we
neared the end of the school year, we had a chance to reflect on the positives of this year, as well
as what we were looking forward to about the upcoming summer break. We participated in
several activities together towards the end of the school year, including writing cards to staff
members and playing various games together, such as Jeopardy, Bingo, 4 Corners and

       With the excitement of summer break finally here, amidst the excitement there was also
some sadness. It was certainly sad to have to say goodbye to each other, especially after a shorter
amount of time together in person than previous years. Despite the sadness, we are all looking
forward to the excitement of the future and until we are all reunited again for the next school

       We hope everyone has a fun and safe summer break!
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