Page created by Ellen Lambert

April 2021
PRIORITY (category)

BOARD’S ROLE (way Board of Higher Education can impact goal)

GOAL (measurement)


TACTIC (how)                                            Project plan
BOARD’S ROLE (way Board of Higher Education can impact goal)

TACTIC (how)

    Should fall under one or more of the
    four levers of the Board:
    1. Policy
    2. Research/Analysis
    3. Funding
    4. Collaboration/Advocacy
Statewide Attainment Goals

                                                     10 years

System Strategic Plan Goals

                                           5 years

Institutional Performance Funding Goals
(annual measurements toward 5-year goal)

                                           5 years
                           ACCESS                            COMPLETION                     WORKFORCE ALIGNMENT

               Increase the college-going rate of   Increase the timely completion of    Increase the completion rate of

              high school graduates by 10% in 10    degrees and awards by 10% in 10      graduates in high-demand, high-
                             years.                               years.                wage programs by 20% in 10 years.

               # Utah students attending             # students who complete             # students who complete a
               postsecondary institution              program within 150% of              high-demand, high-wage

                  within three years of                    expected time                          program

                 # Utah students in high            # of students in year cohort         # students who complete a
                 school graduating class                                                          program
P                    October 2020
                     • Board approval

                     February 2021
    BR   G   S       • 16 & 17: COP
                     • 19: Board committees

                     March 2021
                     • 4 & 5: Consortia groups
             S   T   • 22: COP
                     • 26: Board Committee of
                       the Whole
ROLE PRIORITY                                                                                                                                                             WORKFORCE
                         SYSTEM UNIFICATION                                ACCESS                         AFFORDABILITY                        COMPLETION

                        Develop, strengthen, and leverage                                                                                                                       Increase availability and
                                                                 Remove structural barriers to        Remove structural barriers to       Remove structural barriers to

                        a seamless and articulated system                                                                                                                  stackability of high-demand, high-
                                                                            entry                            affordability                        graduation
                              of higher education                                                                                                                                    wage programs

                                                                                                                             Ensure                                           Increase completion rate of

                                                               Increase the college-going rate of       Increase          institutional   Increase timely completion of     graduates in high-demand, high-
                                                                  high school grads by 3% in 5                                cost of      degrees and awards by 3% in      wage programs by 7% in 5 years.
                                                                                                    student ability
                                                                              years                  to pay cost of        attendance                5 years.                 Increase completion rate of
                                  (for discussion)
                                                               Increase the college-going rate of     attendance.       remains within    Increase the timely completion      underrepresented groups in
                                                                underrepresented groups by 4%                           the standard of    of underrepresented students    programs aligned with high-wage,
                                                                           in 5 years.                                    affordability          by 4% in 5 years.           high-demand jobs by 8% in 5
                                                                                                                        year over year.                                                  years.

                             Align          Train boards of       Ensure high      Strengthen          Develop an       Expand shared      Structure          Ensure           Increase           Increase

                        programs with         trustees on           school         admissions           expanded           services        awards to        systemwide         higher ed           student
                         institutional         delegated         students are     advisors’/tech       standard of                          facilitate     institutional     participation      participation
                           roles and        responsibilities    meaningfully      college staff’s    affordability by                     completion       supports for     rate of adults     in work-based
                           minimize                              informed on       capacity for     the end of 2021                       and transfer        student       with/without a        learning
                          duplication                           scholarships,      addressing                           Develop a cost                     mental health      high school
                            among                                    dual         student basic                            structure                       and campus           diploma
                          institutions      Merge system          enrollment          needs         Increase FAFSA        model to           Increase          safety                             Increase
                                             policies and       programming,                          completion         compare the       awarding of                                          participation
                                            align data and       financial aid,                                             cost of         credit for                          Ensure           in training
                            Increase        measures, as        and higher ed         Support                             delivering      prior learning                     students are        leading to
                        stackability of      appropriate           pathways       institutions in                        degrees and                                        meaningfully         wage and
                          credentials                                               diversifying     Evaluate and         awards for                          Expand         informed on        employment
                        from technical                                              faculty and     prioritize state      each USHE                         supportive      the value and       progression
                           colleges to                                             staff. Expand        student         institution by                      entry level          ROI of
                                             Streamline             Simplify                                                                                education
                             degree                                                    Utah’s        financial aid        the end of                                           higher ed
                                             presidential        institutional
                            granting                                                pipeline of                              2021                            practices
                                              evaluation          admissions
                          institutions         and R&R                             diverse K-12
                                                                   processes        educators.
                                              processes                                                Build and

                                                                              SYSTEM UNIFICATION

                                                 Develop, strengthen, and leverage a seamless and articulated system of higher education

                                                                                     (For discussion)

                 Align programs with institutional roles and                Increase stackability of credentials from technical colleges to degree granting institutions
                  minimize duplication among institutions
                                                                      DEGREE GRANTING                                       TECHNICAL
              DEGREE GRANTING            TECHNICAL

                                                                      Review policy governing award types across            Review policy governing award types across tech
              Study current program      Study current program        degree granting institutions to ensure policies       colleges to ensure policies are equity minded
              offerings across degree    offerings across tech        are equity minded and supported by data and           and supported by data and allow for stackability
              granting institutions to   colleges to ensure fit       allow for stackability across all institutional       across all institutional types. Review policy R473,
              ensure fit with            with institutional role.     types. Review policy R473, R401, R472 for             R401, R472 for articulation and transfer between
              institutional roles.                                    articulation and transfer between technical           technical and degree granting institutions.
                                                                      colleges and degree granting institutions.
              Explore tiered tuition                                  Develop standardized approach to understand           Develop standardized approach to understand
              structure tied to                                       number of students utilizing current articulations    number of secondary students receiving credit
              institutional roles.                                    between tech colleges and degree-granting             for course work completed at the high school
                                                                      institutions. Define goal for student participation   and define a goal to expand courses included
                                                                      and attainment of stackable credentials within        and students participating in secondary
                                                                      and between institutions.                             articulation agreements.
                                                                                                                            Explore potential for transitioning technical
                                                                                                                            education from clock-hours to credit hours.

                                                                                SYSTEM UNIFICATION

                                                Develop, strengthen, and leverage a seamless and articulated system of higher education

                                                                                     (For discussion)

                 Merge system policies and align data and measures, as                Train boards of trustees on delegated           Streamline presidential evaluation
                                     appropriate                                                 responsibilities                           and (R&R) processes.

              DEGREE GRANTING                  TECHNICAL                           DEGREE GRANTING          TECHNICAL                DEGREE
              Review policies to ensure        Review policies to ensure           Train boards of          Train boards of
              alignment between tech           alignment between tech              trustees on program      trustees on program      Support              Support
              colleges and degree granting     colleges and degree granting        approval process,        approval process,        presidents in        presidents in
              institutions. Regularly review   institutions. Regularly review      tuition processes,       equity, diversity, and   meeting              meeting
              system policies to ensure        system policies to ensure           equity, diversity, and   inclusion, etc.          expectations of      expectations of
              they are equity-focused.         they are equity-focused.            inclusion, etc.          Develop ongoing          the Board,           the Board,
                                                                                   Develop ongoing          training for trustees.   including            including
              Align data and                   Align data and                      training for trustees.                            incorporating        incorporating
              measurements between tech        measurements between tech                                                             equity, diversity,   equity, diversity,
              colleges and degree granting     colleges and degree granting                                                          and inclusion in     and inclusion in
              institutions, when               institutions, when                                                                    evaluations and      evaluations and
              appropriate                      appropriate                                                                           R&R.                 R&R.
              Explore tracking graduate        Explore tracking graduate
              placement in the workforce       placement in the workforce

                                                                             Remove structural barriers to entry

                                                          Increase the college-going rate of high school graduates by 3% in 5 years.

                                                        Increase the college-going rate of underrepresented groups by 4% in 5 years.

                 Ensure high school students are meaningfully informed on scholarships, dual enrollment                    Simplify institutional admissions processes
                                  programming, financial aid, and higher ed pathways
              DEGREE GRANTING                                 TECHNICAL                                              DEGREE GRANTING             TECHNICAL

              Fund statewide expansion of the Utah College    Fund statewide expansion of the Utah College
              Advising Corps (UCAC) to every high school in   Advising Corps (UCAC) to every high school in the      Consider a USHE common      Consider a USHE common
              the state. Evaluate program data to             state. Ensure advisors are meaningfully trained on     admissions and              technical education
              determine efficacy and best practices.          technical education opportunities. Evaluate program    scholarship application,    admissions and
                                                              data to determine efficacy and best practices.         and acceptance letter.      scholarship application,
                                                                                                                                                 and acceptance letter.
              Facilitate collaboration among college access   Facilitate collaboration among college access
              partners such as UCAC, TRIO, GEAR UP, AVID,     partners such as UCAC, TRIO, GEAR UP, AVID, Latinos
              Latinos in Action, USHE CE Directors, CTE       in Action, USHE CE Directors, CTE directors,
                                                                                                                     Connect institutions to     Connect institutions to
              directors, institutions, and advisors.          institutions, and advisors.                            high school student data    high school student data
                                                                                                                     to improve access,          to improve access,
              Partner with USBE on messaging and advising     Partner with USBE on messaging and advising on         particularly for            particularly for
              on advanced coursework options in K-12,         TE/CTE coursework options in K-12, including PRIME     underrepresented            underrepresented
              including PRIME pilot implementation.           pilot implementation.                                  student populations.        student populations.
                                                                                                                     Implement the Single        Implement the Single
              Pilot new CE College and Career Readiness
                                                                                                                     Student Identifier          Student Identifier
              course in partnership with
                                                                                                                     systemwide. Analyze         systemwide. Analyze
              access/multicultural student programs
                                                                                                                     available data to           available data to
                                                                                                                     determine more inclusive    determine more inclusive
                                                                                                                     future measures.            future measures.

                                                                             Remove structural barriers to entry

                                                          Increase the college-going rate of high school graduates by 3% in 5 years.

                                                         Increase the college-going rate of underrepresented groups by 4% in 5 years.

                 Strengthen admissions advisors’/tech college staff’s capacity for addressing             Support institutions in diversifying faculty and staff. Expand Utah’s
                                           student basic needs                                                             pipeline of diverse K-12 educators

              DEGREE GRANTING                              TECHNICAL                                      DEGREE GRANTING                    TECHNICAL

              Provide additional training and              Provide additional training and                Review policy to support           Review policy to support
              resources for admissions officers to         resources for technical college staff to       institutions in their efforts to   institutions in their efforts to
              connect new students with health,            connect new students with health,              attract and retain diverse         attract and retain diverse
              transportation, housing, food, services      transportation, housing, food, services        faculty and staff. Facilitate      faculty and staff. Facilitate
              for undocumented students, childcare,        for undocumented students, childcare,          collaboration on best equitable    collaboration on best equitable
              or technology for student success.           or technology for student success.             hiring and retention practices.    hiring and retention practices.
              Evaluate data on referrals and               Evaluate data on referrals and
                                                                                                          Partner with USBE to support
              outcomes to determine efficacy.              outcomes to determine efficacy.
                                                                                                          efforts to diversify the K-12
              Facilitate collaboration between             Collaborate with community and tech            educator workforce through TH
              community partners and on campus             college staff to identify resources for        Bell Scholarship funding and
              services to identify resources for basic     student basic needs; advocate for              other collaborative efforts.
              student needs; advocate for better           better community resources supporting
              community and campus resources               tech college students.
              supporting degree granting college

                                                                       Remove structural barriers to affordability

                                                                   Increase student ability to pay cost of attendance.

                                                                                             Evaluate and prioritize state student financial

                               Increase completion of the Free Application for Federal                                                              Build and maintain
                                               Student Aid (FAFSA).                                                aid                              legislative support
              Develop an                                                                   DEGREE GRANTING                 TECHNICAL
               expanded       DEGREE GRANTING               TECHNICAL                                                                           DEGREE

              standard of                                                                                                                       GRANTING
                                                                                           Review policy, statute, and     Identify all aid
              affordability   Data analysis                 Data analysis
                                                                                           procedures on waivers.          opportunities.       Leverage       Leverage
               by the end     (demographics data). Study    (demographics data). Study
                                                                                           Identify how waivers are                             Concurrent     free tech ed
                of 2021.      what other states are doing   what other states are doing
                                                                                           being used at each                                   Enrollment     tuition for
                              (audit).                      (audit).
                                                                                           institution. Identify all aid                        for high       high school
                              Explore FAFSA requirement Explore FAFSA requirement          opportunities.                                       school         students to
                              for state and degree      for state and tech college         Develop policy and              Develop policy of    students to    reduce
                              granting institutional    scholarships                       implement of new                new scholarship      reduce         student cost
                              scholarships                                                                                                      student cost
                                                                                           scholarship programs            programs.
                                                                                           (Adult Learner Grant                                 Advocate for
                              Research creation of a        Research creation of a
                                                                                           Program and Opportunity                              full
                              simplified, pre-FAFSA form    simplified, pre-FAFSA form
                                                                                           Scholarship)                                         legislative
                              to indicate if participants   to indicate if participants
                                                                                           Advocate for state              Advocate for state   funding of
                              may qualify for financial     may qualify for financial
                                                                                           scholarship support for         scholarship          compensati
                              aid before filling out the    aid before filling out the
                                                                                           undocumented students.          support for          on
                              full FAFSA.                   full FAFSA.
                                                                                           Streamline statewide HB-        undocumented
                              Partner with USBE to          Partner with USBE to           144 affidavit process.          students.
                              consider requiring FAFSA      consider requiring FAFSA       Benchmark student
                              completion for high school    completion for high school     participation in affidavits.
                              graduation (with opt-out      graduation (with opt-out

                                                                     Remove structural barriers to affordability

                                         Ensure institutional cost of attendance remains within the standard of affordability year over year.

              Develop a cost structure model to compare the cost of delivering                                       Expand shared services
              degrees and awards for each USHE institution by the end of 2021.

                                                                                      DEGREE GRANTING                             TECHNICAL

                                                                                      Study shared services in the System.        Study shared services in the System.
                                                                                      Board reviews recommendations from          Board reviews recommendations from
                                                                                      the study.                                  the study.

                                                                                      Create implementation plan for shared       Create implementation plan for shared
                                                                                      services. Create policy to have cost        services. Create policy to have cost
                                                                                      savings realized from shared services       savings realized from shared services
                                                                                      used for student aid.                       used for student aid.

                                                                         Remove structural barriers to graduation

                                                             Increase timely completion of degrees and awards by 3% in 5 years.

                                                       Increase the timely completion of underrepresented students by 4% in 5 years.

                               Structure awards to facilitate completion and transfer                               Increase awarding of credit for prior learning

              DEGREE GRANTING                               TECHNICAL                                     DEGREE GRANTING                TECHNICAL

              Update policy to structure certificate to     Identify programs that have the potential     Implement Policy R472,         Adjust policy to define reporting
              associate to bachelor’s pathways,             for pathway agreements.                       including institutional PLA    for credit for prior learning in the
              appropriate to discipline.                                                                  reporting.                     documentation of alternate
                                                                                                                                         documentation and competency-
              Conduct transfer study to determine           Conduct transfer study to determine
                                                                                                                                         demonstration. Benchmark and
              barriers to transfer.                         barriers to transfer.
                                                                                                                                         set goals to increase the awarding
              Facilitate coordination among academic        Facilitate coordination among programs to                                    of credit for prior learning.
              disciplines to align program structure to     align program structure to support
              support transfer and completion, as           transfer, as appropriate.                     Update the Utah Transfer     Update the Utah Transfer Guide
              appropriate.                                                                                Guide to include transfer    to include articulations from high
                                                                                                          pathways from tech ed to     school to technical colleges.
              Update Policy R470 to embed equity,           Embed equity, diversity, and inclusion in     degree granting, and include
              diversity, and inclusion in General           foundational training requirements.           statewide standardized
              Education essential learning outcomes.                                                      credit for examinations (AP,
                                                                                                          IB, CLEP, DSST) in the Utah
                                                                                                          Transfer Guide

                                                                           Remove structural barriers to graduation

                                                              Increase timely completion of degrees and awards by 3% in 5 years.

                                                      Increase the timely completion of underrepresented students by 4% in 5 years.

               Ensure systemwide institutional supports for student mental health and campus safety                   Expand supportive entry level education practices

              DEGREE GRANTING                                 TECHNICAL                                        DEGREE GRANTING                 TECHNICAL

              Continue partnering with JED Campus at          Implement JED Campus at technical                Refine policy to develop        Refine policy for supportive
              degree-granting institutions. Receive           colleges. Receive recommendations after          standards for placement,        instruction offerings for
              recommendations after completion of             completion of institutional assessments.         supportive instruction, co-     students unable to meet
              institution assessments.                                                                         requisite remediation, and      minimum admission
                                                                                                               other models to support         requirements, and
              Analyze Cicero campus safety study to           Analyze Cicero campus safety study to
                                                                                                               student entry into and          implement corequisite and
              determine next steps from a degree-             determine next steps on campus safety
                                                                                                               success in introductory         other models to support
              granting institution perspective.               from a technical college perspective.
                                                                                                               academic college-level          student entry in and success
                                                                                                               coursework                      into technical programs.
              Develop baseline expectations for mental        Develop baseline expectations for mental
              health/campus safety for degree-granting        health/campus safety for technical colleges.
              institutions. Support institutions in meeting   Support institutions in meeting baseline
              baseline expectations. Facilitate               expectations. Facilitate collaboration on
              collaboration on best practices.                best practices.
                                                                           WORKFORCE ALIGNMENT

                                                        Increase availability and stackability of high-demand, high-wage programs

                                            Increase completion rate of graduates in high-demand, high-wage programs by 7% in 5 years.

                             Increase completion rate of underrepresented groups in programs aligned with high-wage, high-demand jobs by 8% in 5 years.

               Increase higher ed participation rate of adults with/without a             Ensure students are meaningfully informed on the value and ROI of higher ed
                                   high school diploma

              DEGREE GRANTING                   TECHNICAL                             DEGREE GRANTING                               TECHNICAL

                                                                                      Align existing resources (Programs &          Ensure technical education program
              Collaborate with stakeholders     Collaborate with stakeholders
                                                                                      Majors Guide, Transfer Guide, etc) to         information, articulation of secondary
              (DWS, USBE, UCAC) to support      (DWS, USBE, UCAC) to support
                                                                                      Keys to Success. Engage with                  course work, and opportunities for
              enrollment of adult learners in   the enrollment of adult
                                                                                      stakeholders (DWS, UCAC, USBE,                educational, career, and wage
              academic education.               learners in technical
                                                                                      institutions ) to ensure Keys is a one-stop   progression are represented in the
                                                                                      for all postsecondary resources.              Programs and Majors Guide, Transfer
                                                                                                                                    Guide, and Keys to Success.

              Increase adult learner            Increase adult learner
              awareness of scholarships and     awareness of scholarships and         Advocate for statewide marketing              Advocate for statewide marketing
              other aid for degrees via Keys    other aid for certificates via        campaign. Focus on the unique needs of        campaign. Focus on the unique needs of
              to Success.                       Keys to Success.                      adult learners (program flexibility, prior    adult learners (program flexibility, prior
                                                                                      learning, funding, etc).                      learning, funding, etc).
                                                                            WORKFORCE ALIGNMENT

                                                         Increase availability and stackability of high-demand, high-wage programs

                                              Increase completion rate of graduates in high-demand, high-wage programs by 7% in 5 years.

                             Increase completion rate of underrepresented groups in programs aligned with high-wage, high-demand jobs by 8% in 5 years.

                      Increase student participation in work-based learning                 Increase participation in training leading to wage and employment progression

              DEGREE GRANTING                      TECHNICAL                              DEGREE GRANTING                             TECHNICAL

              Refine policy to define the role of Refine policy to define the role of     Engage employers to strengthen the          Engage employers to strengthen the
              work-based learning in academic work-based learning in technical            connection between degrees and              connection between certificates and
              education.                          education.                              employment options.                         employment options.

              Develop systemwide tracking          Develop systemwide practices for
                                                                                          Refine program approval process to          Review policy governing enrollment
              mechanism for reporting              reporting progress in the
                                                                                          increase transparency of program            and classification of adult students
              progress in participation of work-   development of and participation
                                                                                          alignment with verifiable workforce         enrolled in training for the purpose of
              based learning activities.           in work-based learning activities.
                                                                                          needs.                                      maintaining or advancing their
              Collaborate with stakeholders        Collaborate with stakeholders
              (DWS, GOED, USBE) to connect         (DWS and GOED) to connect              Refine policy to ensure workforce
              work-based learning                  work-based learning                    training is equity-minded, supported
              opportunities to high-demand         opportunities to high-demand           by data, and reflect institutional roles.
              pathways to degrees                  pathways to certificates
Next Steps

                              April 2021
                              • External stakeholders
                              • 16: Board committees
    P        BR   G   S   T
                              May 2021
                              • 21: Board of Higher
                                Education Committee
                                of the Whole for
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