The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland

The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
The Essentials
Welcome for international students
Autumn 2020
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
What we will
cover today
1.   NCI Guides
2.   Requesting Letters
3.   MyDetails Login
4.   Registering with Immigration (INIS)
5.   Opening a Bank Account
6.   Getting a Tax Number (PPSN)
7.   Working in Ireland
8.   Your attendance matters
9.   Travel to Northern Ireland and to
     other Countries
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
NCI Guides

We have an NCI guide for everything we cover today – so don’t panic or feel
overwhelmed with information.

Visa Guides – includes a guide on registering with INIS
Life in Ireland – includes guides on Banking, PPSN (a tax number), travelling outside
Ireland and Health & Wellbeing
Academic Guides – includes a guide on attendance

Links to useful websites that are important for international students – USI, Garda (Irish
Police) and ICOS – Know your rights
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
Letter Request

•     To help you get established in Ireland you will need a lot of letters and you must follow the
      process and complete the letter request form
•     The Bank & Tax Number (PPSN) letters require your address so you must update your
      address on ‘MyDetails Login’ before you request these letters
•     Email your letter request form to
•     We need two working days to prepare letters – working days are Monday to Friday
•     We will email your letters to you – except your bank letter which will need to be posted to you.

Please be patient as we have a lot of letters to issue and we cannot prioritise
/ rush letters.
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
Registering for your first Student Visa

•      When you arrive in Ireland an immigration officer put a landing stamp in your passport at border
       control. This gives you permission to stay in Ireland up to the date indicated, which is typically 90
•      You must register with INIS (Irish Naturalisation Immigration Service) to get your Irish Residency
       Permit card (IRP).
          •   Before registering students must have secured their long-term accommodation (e.g. Student
              Residences or private rented accommodation and not hostel/hotel or AirBnb). This is important
              as INIS post the IRP card to this address.
•      Students that live in Dublin - register with INIS and which is strictly by appointment only.
•      Students that live outside Dublin - register with their local immigration office at the local Garda (Police)
       Station . You can find your local immigration office and how to make an appointment with them on the
       INIS website at:
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
Booking an appointment with INIS

•   Appointments must be booked online on the INIS

•   It will take time to find an appointment. It can be very
    frustrating, but you should keep trying as everyone
    gets an appointment eventually.

•   NCI cannot intervene and get appointments on behalf
    of students.
                                                                                       INIS have detailed instructions on
                                                                                       how to use the online portal
•   Please do not book an appointment that does give you
    enough time to get the letter from NCI.
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
Requesting your IRP Letter

•      Complete sections 1, 2 & 3 on the letter
       request form and email it to:

•      The NCI Visa letter will be emailed to you
       within two working days (working days are
       Monday to Friday). Note the NCI letter DOES
       NOT include your address

•      INIS have confirmed that due to Covid-19 they
       will accept the NCI Visa letter that is emailed
       to students, which you must print and bring to
       your appointment.         Also there is no
                                                                                     Remember - we need at least two working days to
       requirement for the letter to be dated within 7                               produce the letter
       days of the appointment.
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
Attend the appointment                                                                             Student Visa stamped in passport

 INIS Appointment Verification - printed
 NCI Visa letter – printed
 NCI Fees receipt - printed
 Passport
 Medical Insurance       (If you have bought your medical insurance from your home Country, you
                                                                                                   Sample IRP Card – Irish Residency
  should ensure it covers all your needs and includes hospital cover. Next year when you renew     Permit posted to students address
  your visa you must have insurance from an Irish Provider.)

 Credit/Debit Card to pay fee of €300
 Proof of funds *(see next slide)
At the appointment your passport will be stamped with the Stamp 2 Visa and
the Irish Residency Permit (IRP) card is posted to you within 10/15 working
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
Proof of funds required for some students
At the INIS appointments, students who are already resident in Ireland and students from non-visa
required countries (Brazil, Malaysia, Taiwan etc) must provide proof they have €3000 to support
themselves with one of the following.

•    A recent Bank Statement from an Irish Bank Account in the students name
•    A recent Bank Statement from a bank account in your home country that is in your name and you
     must also have a bank card for the same account.
•    A recent statement from a pre-paid Credit or Debit card
•    Education Bond – did anyone get an Education bond?
The Essentials Welcome for international students Autumn 2020 - National College of Ireland
Transfer Mate Education Bond
Student visa - Frequently Asked Questions
•   What if I can’t get an appointment?
•   Can NCI book an appointment for me?
•   Is the IRP card different to the GNIB card?
•   If I get an appointment for the next day can I get my NCI letter immediately?
•   Does the NCI letter need to be dated within a week of my appointment?
•   Can I get my IRP card posted to a temporary address e.g. Hostel, short-term
•   Can I get my IRP card posted to my family or friends house if I am living there for
    a while?
•   Do I need to carry my IRP card with me at all times?
•   What if I lose my card?
Any other questions on
    Student Visa?
Opening a Student Bank Account
There are a number of national banks in Ireland offering student bank accounts.

•      KBC - Grand Canal, Dublin 2

•      Allied Irish Bank (AIB) – Mayor Square IFSC

•      Bank of Ireland (BOI)

•      Ulster Bank

•      Permanent TSB

KBC and AIB have a branch close to NCI. They are familiar with NCI and new
international students opening a bank account. A lot of bank branches including AIB
Mayor Square are cashless, so you can transfer funds electronically or with a bank
draft/cheque to your bank account.
Opening a Student Bank Account
                                                                                       The only exception is
                                                                                       KBC / Grand Canal
What you need to open a bank account in Ireland

1.   Long-term Address – e.g. student residences or private rented apartment. An       This branch will
     Airbnb or Hostel/Hotel are not accepted                                           accept the NCI letter
                                                                                       emailed to the
                                                                                       student with an
2.   Passport for Proof of ID                                                          embedded signature

3.   NCI Letter for Proof of address & proof you are a full-time student               Students can sign up
                                                                                       for KBC with their
                                                                                       app and visit this
All banks require that the NCI letter is printed and physically signed by NCI so the   branch
NCI letter must be posted to your address.
Mydetails login

•     Easier to edit your address from a laptop – we don’t recommend editing from a mobile

•     Login with your username (e.g. x12345678) & password

•     Edit your ‘HOME’ & ‘MAILING’ Address

•     It is always important to keep your address and contact details up to date, especially
      when graduating as transcripts posted to you.
MyDetails Login                                          Update the home & mailing address
                                                                  Click your photo and you
                                                                  can edit your details
                                                                  Address format:
                                                                  Apt 1, 75 Elm Mount Road,
                                                                  Dublin 9,
                                                                  D09 X5D0.
                                                                  Find any Eircode (post code in Ireland) on

                                                                  Mobile Phone number must
                                                                  be entered with the full
                                                                  international country code
Request a bank letter
•   Before completing the ‘letter request form’, make sure you have
    updated your ‘Home’ & ‘Mailing’ address on MyDetails Login.

•   Select ‘Other’ and tick ‘Bank letter’, confirming the Bank and
    Branch that you want to open your bank account with e.g. AIB in
    Mayor Square or Bank of Ireland in Palmerston

•   Most banks have an appointment system for opening accounts –
    with smaller branches such as AIB Mayor Square you could be
    waiting a few weeks.

•   For KBC, Grand Canal we will email the letter to you. For all other
    banks we will post the letter to you. We are not in the office every
    day, so you need to allow at least 10 working days to receive your
    bank letter.
Bank Account - Frequently Asked Questions

•   Which bank is best?

•   Can I open multiple bank accounts?

•   Can NCI book an appointment slot for me?

•   Can I collect my bank letter from NCI?

•   Do I need to lodge a certain amount of money to open an account?

•   Do I have to have my long-term accommodation to open my account?

•   Can I open an account if living in Student Accommodation?
Any other questions on opening a student
             bank account?
Getting a Tax Number i.e. PPSN
(Personal Public Services Number)

•   The awarding body for NCI is QQI (Quality and Qualifications Ireland) and they require all
    students to have a PPSN to graduate and receive their parchment.

•   A PPSN is also needed to work in Ireland as it is required for tax purposes. It is issued by the
    Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, from an INTREO Centre.

•   The nearest INTREO Centre to NCI is on Parnell Street in Dublin 1
Getting a Tax Number i.e.
PPSN (Personal Public Services Number)
What you need:
 Long Term Address
Passport - your proof of ID
NCI PPSN Letter – your proof of your address and it
confirms the reason why you need a PPSN.

Complete the letter request form and email it to Your letter will be emailed
to you within 2 working days.
Getting a Tax Number i.e. PPSN
(Personal Public Services Number)
Generally you must register at to book an appointment. Due to Covid-19 the appointment
system is currently not available, and you must email your application and documents to the Government
Go to the Government website at
 Complete the Reg 1 Form and email to with the following documents
 NCI PPSN Letter -this confirms the reason why you need a PPSN and is proof of your address.
Passport – this is your proof of ID

A letter confirming your PPS number will be posted to your address. The website and phonelines confirms
they are very busy processing new PPSN requests so you will be waiting a few weeks – please be patient.
When you receive your PPS number you must update your record by emailing
Tax Number i.e. PPSN – Frequently Asked Questions
 Do I need to have the IRP card to get my PPS number?

 Does it take long to get a PPS number?

 What if I forget to inform NCI with my PPS number?4

 The Reg1 Form askes for a witness to also sign the document – who can act as a witness?
Any other questions about getting your PPS
Working in Ireland
International students on a valid stamp 2 visa are permitted to reside in the State and to avail of a work
concession for casual work without a work permit.

Casual Work = 20 Hours a week
Full time = 40 hours a week and students can only work full-time at Christmas & Summer
     •      Christmas from 15 December to 15 January
     •      Summer from 1 June to 30 September

To work students must have:
1. Registered with immigration (INIS) and have their passport stamped with their Student Visa
2. PPS number
Working in Ireland
Sometimes employers are unsure if Non-Eu nationals on a
student visa can work without a work permit.

INIS (Irish National Immigration Service) have a note for
employers on their website that employers can check.

You can request a casual work letter by completing
the letter request form and email it to   Your letter will be
emailed to you within 2 working days.
Working in Ireland when you graduate
Students can only apply for the Third Level Graduate Scheme visa (1G) when they:
•   successfully complete their studies
•   and after the official publication of the final results.

The final results for one year Post Graduate Programmes (Masters and Higher Diploma) will be October
There is no opportunity to move to the 1G visa earlier. So it is very important that students set the right
expectations with potential employers on when they can start work full-time.
Any other questions about working in
Your attendance matters
•   NCI require it to identify students who may be at risk or struggling
•   NCI are required to ensure international students are engaged
    and attending classes
•   You student visa requires that you attend a minimum of 80% of
    your classes
                                                                           Attendance is taken by swiping
                                                                           your student card with a card
Due to Covid-19 most of your classes will be online                        reader in the classroom

•   When you do have Face to Face classes you should
    swipe your attendance with the card reader.                            You will hear a ‘bing’ sound and
                                                                           your name will appear on the
•   Scan in only – no need to scan out of the class                        scanner
If your card is not read correctly
• You will see an error message ‘UNKNOWN USER’ or ‘BADGE EXPIRED’
• Report to Jennifer Bolton in Learning & Teaching on ground floor (give your student # and card
• You need to get your card fixed

If you are sick and miss a live online class.
This semester, all classes will be recorded so if you miss your ‘live online class’ due to illness you
can still catch up.
Any Questions on
Travel & Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. There is no physical
border but this may change with BREXIT

Depending on your passport you may need a visa for the UK

When travelling you will need your IRP card when returning to the
Republic of Ireland

On either side of the border you may be stopped and asked for
documents by immigration officials.
Travelling home or to other countries
Due to Covid-19 the current government guidelines are for non-
essential travel. During the current public health emergency
NCI will not provide students with letters for visas for non-
essential travel.

•   However, if you decide to go against government advice and
    travel outside of Ireland make sure to bring your IRP card as
    you need this to re-enter Ireland.

•   You don’t need a visa to travel to your home country.
International Support Team

If you need to book a meeting with a member of the team, please email international
support and we will arrange a meeting on MS Teams.
Any Questions?
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