Page created by Larry Castillo


Where else but Edinburgh Napier?                  Career development / enhancement

Edinburgh Napier University is a modern,          Flicking through any jobs paper, it is clear
vibrant university, based in Scotland’s           that more and more employers are asking
inspiring capital. We offer more than 125         candidates to have a degree. By building
degrees in three faculties:                       on your college qualifications, you could
ŸŸ The Business School                            be as little as two years away from having
                                                  an honours degree. Even if a job doesn’t
ŸŸ Faculty of Engineering, Computing &            specifically ask for additional qualifications,
   Creative Industries                            you will find that having a degree can help
ŸŸ Faculty of Health, Life & Social Sciences      give you:
                                                  ŸŸ Faster career promotion;
Students who have come from college
                                                  ŸŸ Greater responsibility;
to study at Edinburgh Napier say it’s an
excellent place to study – we are a very          ŸŸ Greater choice when it comes to future
supportive, enthusiastic, forward-thinking          jobs; and
university that always puts its students first.
                                                  ŸŸ Greater earning potential.

Why go to University?
                                                  Social / Personal
You may not have considered going to
                                                  Going to college and completing an HNC or
university until now but going to university
                                                  HND is a big accomplishment for anyone.
could open a number of doors for you.
                                                  Maybe you’ll catch the bug and decide
                                                  to take your education further. Going to
Every student has their own reasons why
                                                  university allows you to:
they have chosen to come to university but
these can be generally classified as:             ŸŸ Study a certain subject area in detail;
                                                  ŸŸ Make new friends;
1) Financial
                                                  ŸŸ Increase your confidence; and
2) Career development / enhancement               ŸŸ Improve your employability.

3) Social / Personal

                                                  Flexibility of learning
                                                  At Edinburgh Napier we realise that
                                                  no two students are the same and that
Going to university could increase your
                                                  everyone has different study habits,
earning potential. A 2010 study showed that
                                                  family commitments and lifestyles. As
a university graduate is likely to earn at
                                                  such we have a range of different study
least £100,000 more than a non-graduate
                                                  options. Many of our degree courses are
during their working life (The Push National
                                                  offered part-time, via distance learning or
Student Debt Survey, 2010).
                                                  completely online.
Part-time                                      Part-time study - full-time facilities

You will study the same modules, and           Whichever part-time option you choose,
complete the same course work as a full-       you’ll have full access to all of our study
time student, but over a longer period of      resources and IT facilities, including libraries
time. You’ll generally come in to University   (open seven days a week), free secure Wi-Fi
for one day or one/ two evenings per           on all sites, and the Jack Kilby Computing
week. A four-year Honours degree will take     Centre, which is open 24/7 in trimester 1
around six years to complete part-time.        and 2 – our main teaching trimesters.


Identical in duration and content to a part-   The online library service puts the libraries’
time course, this option replaces campus       collections at your fingertips, allowing you
attendance with specially developed printed    to carry out routine tasks like renewing
and online learning materials. You can study   books and searching the catalogue at a time
at your own pace, in your own time.            that suits you. We have a huge and ever-
                                               growing collection of electronic journals
Blended                                        and other resources, available on campus or
                                               off. And we also have strong links with other
This part-time option combines online          libraries throughout the city, if you’re doing
learning with attendance at the occasional     more specialist Honours or research work.
seminar or workshop on campus. It’s ideal
if you want to organise your own time, but     Our links with colleges
remain part of the on-campus learning
environment.                                   Edinburgh Napier has excellent links with
                                               colleges all across the country. We work
Local                                          closely with these colleges to allow students
                                               with an HNC or HND to gain advanced entry
Some courses are even taught at local          onto a number of courses. This usually
colleges. You could enrol as an Edinburgh      means an HNC will give you entry into
Napier student, but might not need to          the second year of a degree at Edinburgh
travel.                                        Napier while an HND will give you entry into
                                               the third year.

  to Edinburgh Napier                               4th Year (Honours Degree)
                                                    3rd Year (Ordinary Degree)
                               HND                  2nd Year
                               HNC                  1st Year
                               Access               Dependent on satisfying
                                                    individual entry requirements
Articulation                                   Part-time / distance learning courses:

Recruitment from colleges is one of the        If you are a Scottish student studying a
distinguishing features of Edinburgh Napier    part-time higher education course and your
University. Articulation arrangements          income meets the requirements then you
are supported by formal articulation           may be eligible to apply for a Part-time Fee
agreements which are negotiated annually       Grant. The level of grant available will be
with partner colleges.                         linked to the number of credits you study.
                                               For further information or to apply, contact

                                               Coming from England,
                                               Northern Ireland & Wales:

                                               From September 2012, UK students from
                                               outside Scotland starting undergraduate
                                               courses will be asked to pay higher fees
                                               than previously at Scottish universities, in
                                               line with changes in England and Wales.

                                               At Edinburgh Napier you will pay tuition
                                               fees of £6,500 per year - a total of £26,000
                                               if you study for four years. This is the
                                               equivalent of paying £8,666 per year for a
                                               three-year degree in England or Wales. Or
                                               if you meet the criteria to join us in second
Worried that you don’t know how much
                                               or third year, you will pay only £19,500 or
going to university will cost you or how
                                               £13,000 in total.*
you might pay for it all? Don’t be! There
are several sources of funding available
                                               Students from the rest of the UK (RUK)
and if you find it confusing at this point,
                                               can apply for a tuition fee loan so you won’t
rest assured that Edinburgh Napier has
                                               have to pay anything back until you’re
people on hand to help - even if you haven’t
                                               earning a full-time wage. More information
registered on your course yet!
                                               about funding is available:

Tuition Fees                                   ŸŸ for English students at Student Finance
                                                  England –
Full-time Undergraduate:                ;
                                               ŸŸ for Northern Irish students at Student
If you are a Scottish student coming to
Edinburgh Napier and you haven’t done a          Finance NI –
degree before then you don’t have to pay; and
tuition fees. The Students Awards Agency       ŸŸ for Welsh students at Student Finance
for Scotland (SAAS) will pay these for you:       Wales –
                                                                         *Correct at time of printing.
Sources of Funding                              RUK Bursary

Student Loan                                    The aim of the RUK Bursary is to
                                                help ensure students from financially
As well as getting any fees paid for you, you   disadvantaged backgrounds and whose
may also be eligible to apply for a student     home is in the rest of the UK (RUK), eg
loan. The student loan is means tested and      England, Northern Ireland or Wales, are still
dependent on your personal circumstances.       able to accept a place at Edinburgh Napier
You only start paying back your student         University and complete their studies
loan after you graduate and you’ll pay back     successfully.
just nine per cent of any salary you earn
over £15,795.* You will not have to pay back    Students who have been assessed as having
your loan over a fixed period.                  to pay fees at RUK levels by Edinburgh
See:                              Napier University are likely to be eligible to
                                                apply provided they satisfy other conditions
Young Students’ Bursary (YSB)                   related to family income. Students whose
                                                family income level is less than £25,000
If you are a Scottish student and under the     may be eligible for £2,000 per year and
age of 25 when you start your course you        students whose family income level is
can apply for a Young Students’ Bursary.        assessed as between £25,000 and £42,600
This is also means tested and subject to        may be eligible for £1,000 per year.*
personal circumstances. The YSB is money
that you are awarded that you do not need       You must already be a matriculated student
to pay back. This bursary normally replaces     of Edinburgh Napier University to apply.
part of the student loan so you have less to    Application forms will be available at
pay back later.                                 matriculation.

Independent Students’ Bursary (ISB)
                                                Email for
                                                further information.
If you are an independent student when
you start your course you may be eligible       Nursing and Midwifery courses
to apply for the Independent Students’
Bursary. This Bursary is means tested and       If you are thinking of applying for a nursing
subject to personal circumstances. This         or midwifery course, you can apply for a
Bursary normally replaces part of the           non-means-tested bursary. You will need to
student loan and therefore reduces the          apply for this bursary annually but once you
amount of money you have to pay back            graduate you will not need to pay it back.
later. See:                     Applications are made through SAAS:
Student loans, YSBs and ISBs are paid
directly in to your bank account in monthly     Additional funding
instalments. You have to apply to SAAS for
these for each year you study:                  As well as student loans and bursary                                 funding as above, there is a wide range of
                                                other financial support available to you
*Correct at time of printing.                                             *Correct at time of printing.
ŸŸ Tax credits                                  ŸŸ Part time students may be eligible for
ŸŸ Council Tax reduction/exemption                 some help towards essential childcare
                                                   costs through the Edinburgh Napier
ŸŸ Edinburgh Napier University
                                                   Discretionary Fund:
   Discretionary Fund (provides help to
  matriculated students who run into
  financial difficulties when studying at the   For more detailed information about
  University – includes potential help with     funding for childcare provided by Edinburgh
  travel costs). See:                           Napier University please visit:  or
                                                call Edinburgh Napier on 08452 60 60 40.
ŸŸ Disabled students’ allowance
ŸŸ Scholarships                                 Support

Childcare                                       At Edinburgh Napier, we believe every
                                                student is an individual with their own
As at college, there is help and support        needs. There is substantial support on offer
available to provide formal, registered         – we will help and support you from your
childcare for parents who are studying.         initial application, while you are a student
Examples of childcare financial support are:    here, and after you graduate. Our support
ŸŸ Lone parents can apply for a Lone            is available to you in a number of different
   Parent Grant from SAAS:                      ways.
                                                Academic support
ŸŸ Nursing, midwifery and social care
   students who are parents and are eligible    Coming to university can be challenging.
   for a non means tested bursary may           Edinburgh Napier has created a number of
   be eligible for the Childcare Grant for      academic support systems designed to ease
                                                you into your studies. These include:
                                                ŸŸ Academic Skills workshops, for example
ŸŸ Lone parents who are studying on a full
                                                   on writing essays and reports, Harvard
   time undergraduate course at Edinburgh          referencing, or giving oral presentations.
   Napier University may be eligible to
                                                ŸŸ One-to-one academic support
   apply for the Lone Parent Childcare             appointments with a Student Learning
   Grant:                                          Adviser.          ŸŸ Essay and Referencing Doctor drop-in
ŸŸ The Edinburgh Napier University                 sessions.
  Childcare Fund – to be eligible you must      ŸŸ Orientation programmes in Week 1 and
  be studying on a full time undergraduate         the previous week, giving you a chance
  course (not available to students in             to learn about studying at university,
  receipt of a non-means-tested bursary            introducing you to Edinburgh Napier’s
                                                   facilities, and, most, importantly, giving
  for study on nursing, midwifery and
                                                   you a chance to make friends before the
  social care courses).
                                                   hustle and bustle of classes begins.
Student Support                                  How to find out more…

Similar to college, you’ll find Edinburgh        Visit Edinburgh Napier
Napier has a range of student support
services that can provide help and advice to     If you’re interested in coming to study
you on a number of topics, including:            at Edinburgh Napier we would always
                                                 encourage you to visit us. Each year the
ŸŸ Money matters
                                                 University arranges Open Days for
ŸŸ Accommodation                                 potential students. You’ll be able to:
ŸŸ Counselling                                   ŸŸ Get information about all our courses;
ŸŸ Special needs and disabilities                ŸŸ See the excellent facilities that Edinburgh
                                                    Napier has to offer;
No matter what you need help with, we may
                                                 ŸŸ Speak to current students and staff;
be able to give you some advice or at least
point you in the right direction. All you need   ŸŸ Tour our Student Accommodation;
to do is ask!                                       and much, much more.

Napier Students’ Association                     Edinburgh Napier also runs a number of
                                                 subject specific information sessions. For
The Napier Students’ Association (NSA) is        more information including dates of our
run by current Edinburgh Napier students         upcoming information sessions and Open
and is there to support students in a            Days please log on to:
number of ways, including arranging fun,
social activities, such as Freshers’ Week,
and running the sports clubs and societies.

NSA also offers advice and representation        For further information, please contact
to students when things don’t go to plan.        the Edinburgh Napier Information Office:
ISAS, the Independent Student Advice
Service, can provide you with free and           Call: 08452 60 60 40
confidential welfare and education advice.
                                                 +44 (0) 131 455 2801

Full-time                     Part-time, distance learning
                                                              or blended learning

                                UCAS is the centralised       For all of the above types of
 How do I apply?                application service for all   courses you apply direct to
                                full-time undergraduate       Edinburgh Napier.

                                To fill out the UCAS online   Please go to our website and
 Where do I get an              application form, please go   fill out an online application
 application form?              to:              form:

                                If you are choosing just one No fee.
                                course to apply to, UCAS will
 Does it cost anything to       charge you £12. The charge
 apply?                         is £23 to apply for up to five

                                When choosing more than
 Need to know information       one course there is no need
                                to put your application in
                                any particular order.

*Correct at time of printing.
Contact us

       Please call 08452 60 60 40, or visit:

Edinburgh Napier University is a registered Scottish charity. Reg. No. SC018373. Ref.1851, June 2012.
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