Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...

Page created by Albert Moore
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
Rising 10th-12th
Course selection
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
School Counselors

April Milam                    Mia Monroe           Bethany Ball
Last Names A-C                 Last Names I-M       Last Names Sj-Z
april.milam@wcs.edu            mia.monroe@wcs.edu   bethany.ball@wcs.edu

Kelsey Tarr                     Joyce Hollins
Last Names D-H                  Last Names N-Si
kelsey.tarr@wcs.edu             joyceh@wcs.edu
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...

Principal: Sarah Lamb, sarahl2@wcs.edu

Assistant Principals:
Jewell Mason: Last Names A-D, jewell.mason@wcs.edu
Milton Nettles: Last Names E-K, milton.nettles@wcs.edu
Kimberly Eaton: Last Names L-R, ceeann.eaton@wcs.edu
Greg Glass: Last Names S-Z, gregory.glass@wcs.edu
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
Course Selection Overview

▸   1/28: Course selection forms distributed, this presentation published
▸   2/5- 2/8
     ○ Students enter course requests in Skyward.
          Instructions here: https://www.powtoon.com/w/eYPGjOfmoQ5/1/m
    ○   Students and parents complete course selection google form:
▸ February/March: Counselors review course requests and four year plans with
  all 9th and 10th graders.
▸ Ongoing SM2: Counselors review course requests, four year plans, transcripts,
  and post-secondary plans with 11th graders through junior meetings.
▸   Students can access registration information in Schoology
     ○ SHS Counseling Group          Resources      2021-2022 Course Selection
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
Course Request Form

▸   Forms distributed in homeroom 1/28
▸   Forms include teacher
▸   Students and parents review
    recommendations and enter course
    selections including electives and
    alternates using completed form
▸   Students and parents complete
    registration by submitting
    2021-2022 SHS Course Request Form
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
Course Override Form

▸   Complete form to override teacher
▸   Student, Parent and Teacher must sign
    the Override Form
▸   Return form to school counselor or
    Mrs. Neal in the counseling office.
▸   Expectation is for student to remain in
    the course for the entire year
    regardless of performance
▸   Forms due by May 21st
▸   Form available in Schoology
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
Seventh Course Requests

▸   Complete form to request a 7th
    course in place of study hall
▸   Requests will be approved based on
    class size and availability.
     ○ Some courses may not be
         approved until the beginning of
         the 2021-22 school year.
▸   Forms due by May 21st
▸   Form available in Schoology
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
PE Waivers

▸   All students are required to
    complete 1 credit of Lifetime
▸   The additional ½ credit requirement
    for PE can be waived through
    participation in a state approved
▸   Students must complete the PE
    waiver to waive the PE credit.
▸   Form available in Schoology
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
Graduation Requirements

English       Math           Science        History         Wellness      Personal     Fine Art       World        Elective
4 credits     4 credits¹     3 credits      3 credits       1.5 credits   Finance .5   1 credit       Language     Focus 3
                                                                                                      2 credits⁴   credits³

English I     Algebra I      Biology        World History   Lifetime      Personal     Visual Art     Spanish      Humanities/
English II    Geometry       Chemistry or   US History      Wellness      Finance      Theatre        French       Fine Arts
English III   Algebra II     Physics        Government/     PE II or                   Chorus                      Math/Science
English IV    Adv. Math      Lab Science    Economics       Weights²                   Band                        AP
                                                                                       Piano                       CCTE
                                                                                       Music Theory

                           All students must enroll in six academic courses each year.
   ¹All students must be enrolled in a math course each year of high school.
   ² The PE II requirement may be waived with documented equivalent time of physical activity in TSSAA
   interscholastic athletics, Marching Band, or Dance.
   ³ Students must earn three credits in the SAME elective focus area.
   ⁴ Students must earn two credits in the SAME world language.
Rising 10th-12th Course selection 2021-2022 - Williamson ...
CCTE at Summit

Students take THREE credits from one
 ▸   Coding/Cybersecurity
 ▸   Culinary Arts
 ▸   Digital Art and Design
 ▸   Early Childhood Education
 ▸   Engineering: Project Lead the Way
 ▸   Marketing
 ▸   Medical Science
 ▸   TV & Film Production

                                         Learn more in this video created by SHS TV & Film students!
Course Levels

▸ Standard
▸ Honors
   ○ Courses may be paced to cover standards more quickly, in greater depth,
      and/or require greater depth of understanding on assessments.
   ○ Add 3 points to semester grade and .5 point to GPA weight
▸ AP
   ○ College level coursework standardized by CollegeBoard
   ○ Add 5 points to semester grade and 1 point to GPA weight, must sit for
      exam semester two for weighting benefits
   ○ College credit may be awarded by colleges and universities dependent on
      AP exam score
▸ WCS Program Planning Guide 2020-2021
▸ WCS Scope and Sequence
Course Levels

▸ Dual Enrollment
   ○ College credits taken through a local college, most commonly Columbia
      State Community College
   ○ Open to juniors and seniors
   ○ Grade awarded as P/F on high school transcript with no GPA value
   ○ Must complete application and required paperwork
   ○ Composition 1010/1020 offered on SHS campus
   ○ Join us on 2/18 at 6PM for Virtual Dual Enrollment Night to learn more!
Entrepreneurship and innovation Center

What is the EIC?                              How to Apply
The EIC offers a unique                        The application includes short
opportunity for students in                   answer questions, teacher
10th-12th grades to gain                      recommendation, and an
hand-on experience in                         interview.
entrepreneurship and
innovation by starting a                      To apply visit the EIC Google
business, launching a product,                Site through the button on
or offering a service.                         your Classlink dashboard.

The 10,000 sq. ft.                            EIC Google Site is only visible
open-concept facility is                      to WCS students from their
located at the Franklin High                  MyPlace account. Parents will
School Annex, but services all                not be able to visit the EIC
10 high school in WCS.                        Google site.
Accepted students attend the
EIC part-time each day.
WCS Online

▸ All 9th-12th grades WCS students are eligible to take a combination of online
  and traditional classes. WCS Online classes could be offered through
  Schoology or Edgenuity.
▸ See course offering here: WCS Online Course Offerings 2021-22

▸ Students who opt to go fully online through WCS Online when the district
  offers that option will have their schedules evaluated and a full offering of
  online courses (offered through Schoology or Edgenuity) will be made
  available to those students exclusively.
Diploma Types
Tennessee Standard Diploma           Awarded to all students who have met graduation requirements as set forth by the State of
                                     Tennessee and the Williamson County Board of Education.

Tennessee Diploma with Honors        Awarded to students who score at or above all of the subject area readiness benchmarks
                                     on the ACT or equivalent score on the SAT will graduate with honors. The benchmark
                                     scores are: English 18, Mathematics 22, Reading 22, Science 23.

Tennessee Diploma with Distinction   Awarded to students attaining a B average and completing at least one of the following:
                                      ● Earn a nationally recognized industry certificate
                                      ● Participate in one of the Governor’s Schools
                                      ● Participate in one of the state’s All State musical organizations.
                                      ● Be selected as a National Merit Finalist or Semifinalist
                                      ● Attain a composite score of 31 or higher on the ACT
                                      ● Attain a score of 3 or higher on at least two AP exams by the end of the junior year.
                                      ● Earn 12 or more semester hours of transcripted postsecondary credit.
                                      ● Earn statewide recognition or award at a skill or knowledge based state tournament,
                                          convention, or competition hosted by a statewide student organization, and/or
                                          qualify for national recognition by a national student organization

Williamson County Honors Diploma     Awarded to students who have completed the core curriculum and a minimum of 14
                                     credits at the honors, AP, or dual enrollment* level, 4 years of science, 3.75 GPA. High
                                     school credits earned in middle school will be counted as honors if they were taken as
                                     honors level courses.
Graduation Recognition- Latin Honors

▸   WCS uses a Latin honors system in place of class rank
     ○ Summa Cum Laude: 4.25+
     ○ Magna Cum Laude: 4.00-4.24
     ○ Cum Laude: 3.76-3.99
Graduation Honors and Other Recognition

▸ Volunteerism Distinction
   ○ Recognizes students who complete at least 10 hours of community
       service each semester the student is in attendance at a public high
   ○ Report hours here: https://forms.gle/7VfLtqMe5biqyCtr5
▸ Seal of Biliteracy
   ○ Recognizes students who have attained a high level of proficiency in
       speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition
       to English. Apply with world language teacher or counselor.
▸ Work Ethic Distinction
   ○ Recognizes students who have met the work ethic diploma standards
       and completed the work ethic distinction application. Apply with
       CCTE teacher or counselor.
Planning Your Schedule

▸ Meet graduation requirements
   ○ Students will review four year plans and transcripts in homeroom.
▸ Consider extracurricular involvement, employment and outside
   ○ Build balance in your schedule and give yourself time for life outside of
▸ Consider goals for college admission and scholarship
   ○ Rigor of course load is an important factor for highly selective colleges
      and scholarships.
▸ Consider goals for diploma type and other graduation recognition.

Last day to change course requests is May 21st.
Join Us On Zoom!

▸   If you have questions after viewing this presentation please join one of our
    Q&A sessions via Zoom.
▸   Submit your questions here: Registration Questions Form
▸   Join any session that works for you:
     ○ 2/1 @ 6:30pm: https://wcs.zoom.us/j/86302251992
     ○ 2/2 @ 6:30pm: https://wcs.zoom.us/j/89911441918
     ○ 2/3 @ 12pm: https://wcs.zoom.us/j/85426991536
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