Assessment & Grading Philosophy and Practices 2018-19 - *How our work together has and continues to create a new landscape of learning at the high ...
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High School Assessment & Grading Philosophy and Practices 2018-19 *How our work together has and continues to create a new landscape of learning at the high school
High School Through student and faculty surveys and work from the Grading & Assessment Committee last spring, positive directions and common questions still being raised since implementing changes in 2014-15 are ready to be shared. Answers are provided so that we will have a better common understanding of expected practices.
Essential Question: How confident are we that the grades students get are more: • accurate • consistent • meaningful, and • supportive of learning? If grades do not meet these four conditions of quality they are “broken,” i.e., ineffective. 3 High School
To work toward assessment and grading being more ACCURATE we are no longer... ○ blending behaviors with achievement in final grades ○ relying simply on an accumulation of points divided by the number and weight of categories in a grading program ○ Using extra credit and 0’s inflating and deflating achievement *responses from faculty feedback in 2017-18 4 High School
To work toward assessment and grading being more MEANINGFUL, we are... ○ Aligning assessment types and questions to Standards and their associated Learning Targets ○ Giving more feedback that is timely and specific to growth *responses from faculty feedback in 2017-18 High School 5
To work toward assessment and grading being more CONSISTENT High School ○ Course teams using collaboration time to work together on instructional strategies, developing common assessments with associated rubrics/scoring guides and moderating student work
To work toward assessment and grading being more SUPPORTIVE of LEARNING, we have... ○ not included formative work in a final grade - allows for more risk-taking and move to gaining a more High School intrinsic value for learning (has led to motivational issues - how do we address that?) ○ involved students more in the grading process and self-reflection ○ provided exemplars and shared rubrics ahead of assessments ○ considered the fact that learning is not always linear - more opportunities to demonstrate proficiency
REPORTING OUT ● Ongoing feedback on High School schoology has streamlined grade reporting ○ Q1 and Q3 report cards gone ● Approaches to Learning formalized and reported at Q1 and Q3 (feedback on how to grow if inconsistent or rarely shown)
As per our Grading and Assessment philosophy and practices, professional judgment is used by educators Questions/Clarifications - in course development from commonly asked by faculty curriculum planning to and/or students classroom instruction and the assessment of learning (formative and summative). Q: There is a lack of Teachers use their own clarity/consistency in how education and experience, grades are determined. What ongoing professional factors can be used in our development as well as “professional judgment”? ongoing collaboration with their colleagues to help shape the learning of their students. High School 9
“One of the hallmarks of being professional is that members of a profession make decisions based on evidence and their Questions/Clarifications - specialized knowledge and commonly asked by faculty experience. In general, when and/or students a person challenges a professional on one of his or Why professional her decisions, the judgment? professional defends it by citing the evidence and reasoning that led him or her to the decision.” High School - Ken O’Connor 10
Professional judgment is used on a daily basis when working with students in areas such as: ● most appropriate instructional and learning strategies; ● how to differentiate based on student High School need; ● how and when to check for understanding; ● when to use student reflection and self-assessment; ● scores or marks on an individual assignment or assessment; ● when to reassess for understanding.
Professional judgment is also used when determining a final course grade. Teachers determine final course grades based upon: ● The most consistent pattern of performance against course Standards High School and the associated Learning Targets primarily from grades on summative assessments throughout the course. ● Most accurate measures of central tendency of summative scores (Mode, Median, Mean, Line of Best Fit...).
● growth over time and recent achievement. ○ Because learning is developmental, achievement over time as well as more recent performance is important to High School consider. However, this does not mean looking solely at the most recent one or two grades. ○ If specific learning targets were not met early in the course but were mastered later, the later grades are a more accurate representation of achievement.
● level of rigour and timing of a summative assessment. ○ No summative is formally weighed any more or less than another. However, because there is a natural increase in High School knowledge/skill expectations as a course progresses, later assessments and the performance on them will often cover learning targets at a deeper level of understanding than was expected on assessments at the beginning of the course.
● Performance on formative work that provides extra evidence of proficiency toward the Standards and associated Learning Targets and/or is necessary for class preparation. ○ Researchers and authors such as O’Connor, Guskey, William and others indicate formative work can be considered in final grade determination IF the formative work: ■ helps grade determination for students caught between final course grades (not punitive throughout the course) ■ the formative work is targeted (aligned to summative expectations), and provides extra evidence in proficiency of the Learning Targets for the unit.
● Formative work can always be marked (e.g 3 out of 5…but the verbal/written feedback showing a way forward is most effective for growth). ● Schoology categories for formative feedback ○ Homework – practice (should be High School differentiated - not a “one size fits all” and is not considered in final grade determination) ○ Homework – class prep (in borderline cases can be considered in final course grade determination IF tied to learning targets) ○ Classwork (in borderline cases can be considered in final course grade determination - IF tied to learning targets)
● correlation with the most appropriate High School High School Grade Descriptor language.
No - Group marks or scores are permissible for formative feedback but a group grade can not be considered as part of an Questions/Clarifications - individual’s personal commonly asked by faculty summative grade. and/or students Cooperative learning is Can I include group essentially a learning grades in a summative activity, not an assessment assessment grade? tool to reflect the achievement of each student. High School 18
Yes - our goal is to see demonstration of learning. We will track if the attendance behavior becomes an issue. Questions/Clarifications - However, it needs to be commonly asked by faculty and/or students made clear that makeup is at the TEACHER’S Do I have to give absent convenience and not the students an opportunity to student’s. An alternative take the summative? assessment should always be given. High School 19
Yes - A new code “U” will be used for any student Questions/Clarifications - who is absent for commonly asked by faculty a summative and/or students assessment. We Can we have a way of tracking students who are will be able to absent for summatives? track for patterns and intervene High School earlier. 20
At course end, an “IE” becomes the equivalent to an “F”. Essentially the Questions/Clarifications - student never commonly asked by faculty and/or students demonstrated We give students an ‘IE’ for achievement toward not completing a summative learning but what eventually does that turn into and when? targets/standards assessed. High School 21
Depends, an incident for a student should NOT necessarily preclude them from getting an “A” for the course. It is another factor Questions/Clarifications - in professional judgment commonly asked by faculty and may need discussion and/or students with Sue and/or Brent as What happens when a student each case is individual. cheats - does it impact year long Tough paradigm to shift but grade (no ‘A’ because they are cheating is a behavior and not consistent?) students should be issued a disciplinary consequence, not a grade consequence. High School 22 *Integrity policy
Our published policy states that “Feedback and grades are to be entered within a 1, 8 day cycle unless the nature of the work/assessment makes this not possible Questions/Clarifications - because of the need for commonly asked by faculty individual conferencing and/or students before posting, a retake, etc. When do I need to have If this is the case, it must be feedback recorded in clearly communicated and it Schoology should never exceed 2, 8 day (comments/marks/grades)? cycles. Students want more consistency with the policy across the school - one of High School their biggest concerns. 23
Yes, was shared...we need to make sure the Questions/Clarifications - time is used in a commonly asked by faculty and/or students meaningful way. At Can we have a mid-year mid-year ALL classes modified schedule again to must meet for the spread out the workload for teachers/students? time period assigned High School 24
Yes and No, The schoolwide assessment philosophy states that the purpose of assessment is to support student Questions/Clarifications - learning. Accordingly, the commonly asked by faculty and/or students High School recognizes that there is value in Can we have conditions for offering multiple reassessment and do we opportunities for always have to have students to demonstrate reassessment options? understanding throughout a course until proficiency is obtained. High School 25
Therefore, reassessments may be offered covering a discrete set of skills and content but not necessarily if they will be assessed recursively. If a student has met proficiency for a standard/target, reassessment may not be necessary. Opportunities for reassessment may also be subject to timely and High School successful completion of formative work and evidence of preparation for reassessment. In all cases, teachers will use professional judgment in determining when reassessment is appropriate and will administer consistently within their course teams. Clear communication of reassessment guidelines will be published in Schoology and students will be notified when reassessment is not possible.”
● Re-assessment is not a “given” and is a privilege that is earned by doing the appropriate formative work during the unit and demonstrating an effort at re-learning material Questions/Clarifications - before re-assessment. commonly asked by faculty Reassessment is always at and/or students the teacher’s discretion. This school-wide philosophy ● It is most appropriate to is research-backed and based be reassessing targets that on the work of the G & A were not met, not simply committee two years ago. reassessing everything. Some clarifications: This reassessment can take many forms both verbal and written. High School 27
● There is no “averaging” of the original and the reassessment grade. However, both can be recorded in the students’ portfolio to show growth. ● Course teams MUST be Questions/Clarifications - consistent in the administration commonly asked by faculty of reassessment. and/or students ● Formal reassessment is not This school-wide philosophy necessary if the tested skills/knowledge is recursively is research-backed and based assessed and/or if the on the work of the G & A reassessment is happening committee two years ago. through the formative process Some clarifications: (eg. writing drafts which are receiving feedback before a final High School draft, practice quizzes…) 28
Yes, this was mentioned often...teachers want more times to share school-wide practices that are working for them re: grading, models for tracking Questions/Clarifications - commonly asked by faculty summative grades, reassessment and/or students practices, formative work Can we have more sharing completion strategies…one of good practices from Wednesday meeting each month different departments and set aside for full faculty levels? collaboration time or possibly Monday morning check-ins for High School this. 29
High School Assessment & Grading Philosophy and Practices 2018-19 *How our work together has and continues to create a new landscape of learning at the high school
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