Governor Information Pack 2020-21 - "Inspire not to have more but to be more"

Page created by Mildred Figueroa
Governor Information Pack 2020-21 - "Inspire not to have more but to be more"
“Inspire not to have more but to be more”

         Information Pack
Governor Information Pack 2020-21 - "Inspire not to have more but to be more"
Inspire - Aspire - Achieve …through respect, responsibility and courage


We are looking for willing volunteers who have some time that they could spend
supporting our school to provide a quality service to the community of Westbury Leigh.
Westbury Leigh started as a small village school in 1895 and moved into the new site in
2004 From then on we have continued to grow in strength and numbers. The school
has the capacity for 420 pupils from Reception to Y6, currently 347 pupils are on roll.
There is a flourishing pre-school “Cygnets” on site and most of the children move
into our school. We work closely with them to ensure children have a strong induction
into school.
The school is well situated in beautiful grounds that are well resourced for sport and
outdoor learning. There is a range of specialist IT equipment, musical instruments and
sports equipment alongside everyday subject resources. We have a well-stocked school
library, a garden area and our very own farm which is home to a range of animals. We
have a wide range of excellent practitioners who are well placed to support and help
develop new staff joining the team. We believe that we are all learners and that this
never stops, no matter how experienced we are.
Across the school we have strong support teams, who work together to ensure high levels
of provision for children and staff. The admin team lead our administrative duties
including the electronic registers and dinner money. All letters and communications go
through the office. Teaching Assistants are allocated for teaching and learning support
across year groups based on the needs of learner. Teachers manage the impact of their
work both in the classroom and sometimes with groups of children on short intervention
programmes. Catering and cleaning is managed by the school ensuring a high level of
Our philosophy is centred around quality learning experiences that build on children's
individual needs. We use a creative and thematic curriculum to deliver stimulating enquiry
based learning that engages and challenges all children. English and Maths lessons
develop core skills, which are applied within a topic context where possible. Learning to
learn skills are taught within lessons alongside knowledge ensuring children have
opportunities to find out for themselves, solve problems and investigate their own
solutions. We believe learning is a journey for all of us that is made more exciting
through practical hands on experience, real life contexts and a range of stimuli.
In Feb 2019 the school was rated as requires improvement by Ofsted; in 2015 it had
received a good rating and an outstanding SIAMs report.
The school has 22% SEND and 12% FSM with 21% pupil premium; 4% have EAL with the
majority being polish. The school is Church of England and operates as part of Salisbury

Governor Information Pack 2020-21 - "Inspire not to have more but to be more"
Inspire - Aspire - Achieve …through respect, responsibility and courage

                                   VISION AND VALUES

Our Dream:                                                          Our Spirit:
“Aspire not to have more but to be                                  Inspire – Aspire - Achieve

Our aims:                              Strategic Vision               Our character:
      be ambitious in all                 2019-22                         •   To respect all members
      we do, envision                                                         of our school community
                                                                              in working together to
      things we can’t
                                                                              achieve our aims.
      imagine yet, try our
                                                                              “Do to others, as you
      best and take pride
                                                                              would wish them to do to
      in our own and                                                          you” - Luke 6:31
      others achievements                                                 •   To be courageous in
      support and value                                                       aiming high in
      each other,                                                             everything we do,
                                         We believe that the
      celebrate                        future of our world is in              demonstrating
      individuality and               the hands of our children               resilience and
      work together in                and their voice and place               consideration when
      achieving our goals                within this should be                faced with a challenge.
      appreciate and look                nurtured, heard and                  “Be strong and
      after our                               respected.
                                                                              courageous. Do not be
      environment and the                                                     frightened, and do not
      community in which               “Don’t let anyone look
                                                                              be dismayed, for the
                                      down on you because you
      we live                                                                 Lord your God is with
                                             are young,
      be curious, to fire                                                     you.” - Joshua 1:9
                                       but set an example for
      nurture our                                                         •   Taking responsibility by
                                      the believers in speech,
      imaginations, to be               in conduct, in love, in               being in the right place,
      resourceful and to                faith and in purity.”                 at the right time, doing
      reflect on the                       1 Timothy 4:12                     the right thing in order
      wonder of learning,                                                     to contribute to the
      and make a                                                              success of the school
      difference in our                                                       “For each will have to
                                                                              bear their own load.” -
      amazing world
                                                                              Galatians 6:5

    At Westbury Leigh Church of England Primary School
    we are inspired to flourish, aspire to great things
    and achieve beyond expectation.
    With God’s love we all grow as individuals,
    we are courageous, responsible and show respect in all we do.

Governor Information Pack 2020-21 - "Inspire not to have more but to be more"
Inspire - Aspire - Achieve …through respect, responsibility and courage

                                    SCHOOL PRIORITIES
Strategic Priorities 2017-22

1) To provide the highest quality of education for all; teaching and learning is the
   starting point for all schools to ensure that all children make excellent progress
   irrespective of their needs or starting point and this is reflected in achievement.
   (outcomes in the top 20% of schools)

2) Be guided by our values to develop a school founded on an inspirational ethos;
   supporting individuals in their growth as responsible citizens. (involved and shaping
   their communities)

3) To create a curriculum that promotes achievement, engagement and independence;
   educating our children for a rapidly changing future by providing a curriculum which
   equips them with the knowledge, skills and understanding for the future. (rich, broad
   and meaningful knowledge)

4) Seek out progressive partnerships between WLPS children, staff, local and wider
   communities; to develop further leading edge practices and innovations, we must work
   both formally and informally with a wide range of stakeholders. (engaging and working
   with partners in our community for positive impact)

   School Improvement Priorities 2019-20:

   Target 1:
   Improve challenge for all so every child makes good progress
   RRS #28

   Target 2:
   The revised curriculum promotes a high engagement in learning with impact on outcomes
   RRS #30

   Target 3:
   Improve learning to learn skills to accelerate progress
   RRS #29

Inspire - Aspire - Achieve …through respect, responsibility and courage

We strongly encourage our children to have a voice and help shape their community,
here is what they have to say about joining our school…
                            Are you a respectful and responsible person?

                              Do you have spare time on your hands?

                         Would you consider becoming a school governor?

                                        Well look no further!

At Westbury Leigh Primary School we have             If you are responsible, caring and helpful person then
vacancies for new school governors. We have          Westbury Leigh School is the place for you. At
very well behaved children and an excellent          Westbury Leigh school we like being good role models
behaviour policy. Every child sparks                 and helping our teachers. We like super school trips
happiness and our teachers work hard to              and splendid sports days. We also have a fantastic
make our lessons fun and engaging.                   farm and amazing food. We are lucky to have very
                                                     caring leadership team; fundraising events and
If you are passionate about helping children
                                                     welcome days which we open up to parents. We are an
then join us on our learning adventure.
                                                     eco-friendly school as we want an excellent future for
Written by                                           all our students.

Brendan Y6                                           If you would like to join our family then contact the
                                                     governing body now for more information.

                                                     Written by

                                                     Emily Y6

Inspire - Aspire - Achieve …through respect, responsibility and courage

 At Westbury Leigh we are looking for a                 Our school will be great for you because
 respectful, responsible and                            we have terrific children who are
 understanding person to become a school                fabulous role models; outstanding
 governor. At our school we have                        staff; a fantastic farm; forest school
 outstanding students who are great role                and a very caring leadership team. We
 models. We are a community school who                  also involve the community in our
 enjoy inviting the local community to                  school by involving them in activities
 our events.                                            and events.
 If you are interested in becoming part of              If you are interested in becoming part of
 our school community then contact the                  our family at Westbury Leigh then
 governing body now.                                    please contact the governing body.

 Written by                                             Written by
 Ella Y6                                                Nicol Y6

  For more information on the role of school governor then please contact our
Clerk Sarah Andrews for more information on
          how to join us. Our Vice-chair of governors Allison Murray will be happy to share her experiences with
              you of what it is like to be a governor at our school.

              “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young,
                      but set an example for the believers in speech,
                        in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”
                                       Timothy 1:4

                             Westbury Leigh CE Primary School
                                    Sandalwood Road
                                       BA13 3UR
                                     01373 822230
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