Hidden History of Cleveland Sports - Dover Public Library

Page created by Earl Mcgee
Hidden History of Cleveland Sports - Dover Public Library
                                             the newsletter of Dover Public Library

 IN THIS ISSUE                                Bruce Drennan
 Director's Notes................2
 Board Profile.....................3          Live and In Person
 One Book...........................4         Saturday, September 4 at 2:00 PM
                                              in the Community Room
 Kids....................................9    Well-known sportscaster Bruce Drennan is leaving the studio
 Friends ............................10       at SportsTime Ohio and coming to the Dover Public Library!
                                               Drennan will share his personal experiences and opinions that
                                               have come from decades of covering the sports beat in northeast Ohio. Call the
         HOURS                                library at 330-343-6123 or visit www.doverlibrary.org/register to register.
   Monday - Thursday:
   9:00 AM - 7:00 PM                                                   Hidden History of Cleveland Sports

    Friday - Saturday:
                                                                       Tuesday, September 7 at 6:30 PM
    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
                                                                       in the Community Room
       Closed Sunday
                                                                       Award-winning journalist Marc Bona joins us to share his
                                                                       latest book Hidden History of Cleveland Sports , in which he
                                                                       chronicles more than a century of unremembered tales.
     CONTACT                                                           Bona’s research has taken him from basketball to boxing,
Director                                                               from hockey to Heisman, and beyond. A book signing will
Jim Gill                                                               follow the presentation. Call the library at 330-343-6123 or
director@doverlibrary.org                                              visit www.doverlibrary.org/register to register.
Fiscal Officer
Jamie Rieger
                                              Trivia Night
                                              Wednesday, September 8 at 6:30 PM
                                              in the Community Room
    BOARD OF                                  Are you a trivia buff? Join us for a fun evening of trivia! Bring your
                                              own team or come make up a new one with other participants.
                                              Teams will consist of two to six players. Everyone is welcome!
Robert Gerber, President
                                              Snacks and prizes will be provided. Registration is not required.
John Hoopingarner, VP
Paula Fritz, Secretary
Dan Fuller
                                                                                                   Dover Public Library
Sarah Lehman
                                                                                                    525 N. Walnut St.
Bob Scanlon                                                                                         Dover, OH 44622
Courtney Shanower                                                                                    330-343-6123
D             Director's Notes
        I             by Jim Gill
        R                                     "Here, in the dread tribunal of last resort, valor contended against valor.
        E                                                 Here brave men struggled and died for the right
        C                                                        as God gave them to see the right."
        T                                                                                    -Adlai E. Stevenson I
        R                                    One of the best-kept secrets in our community is an organization known
        '                                    as the Tuscarawas Valley Civil War Round Table. Founded over 25 years
        S                                    ago by Dan Cooley, former Dover Public Library Director, and Jeff
                                             Schrock of Sugarcreek, the Round Table is committed to educating the

        N             community about the American Civil War through the preservation of Civil War heritage and
                      through the remembrance of those who struggled for their cause. Ever since Appomattox,
        O             historians, military tacticians and amateur scholars have been fascinated by the Civil War. The
        T             Round Table wants you to know that you are welcome! Each month, a different speaker will
        E             provide an engaging and informative look at a particular aspect of the War Between the States.
        S             Meetings are held on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30 PM in the library's Community
                      Room during the months of January-May and September-December. New members are always
                      welcome, as well as ideas for future presenters and programs. Please don't hesitate to contact me
                      if you have any suggestions. More books have been written about the American Civil War than
                      any other event in history, and it is an honor to play a part in the preservation of that story. The
                      Round Table kicks off on Thursday, September 9 at 6:30 PM and features Steve Ball who will
                      present "The Music of the Civil War." Hope to see you then!

"Music of the Civil War" Presented by Steve Ball
Thursday, September 9 at 6:30 PM in the Community Room
This program shares some of the most popular tunes of the Civil War from both sides of
the conflict. The music is presented in a chronological format, with the story of each song,
and what is happening in the Civil War at the same time. The program covers some of the
popular patriotic tunes, melancholy ballads of home, and a bit of army humor as well.
Music of the Civil War shares both music and history with insight to both soldiers and
musicians of the period.

                                    Bestow a Book
                                    Our lives are filled with people, moments, and occasions which we wish to
                                    commemorate. Bestow a Book gives you the opportunity to present a gift that
                                    will be opened time and time again as part of the collection of the Dover
                                    Public Library. A book plate inside the cover will share your memory with the
                                    community. Each Bestow a Book title costs $25. Please contact Jim Gill at
                                    330-343-6123 or email at director@doverlibrary.org for more information.

B               Bob Scanlon
      O               Dover Public Library Board of Trustees Member


                                                   Wife Beth
      D                                            Two Daughters: Breanne & Kathleen
                                                   Four Granddaughters
                                                   And our rescue dog Chloe.
      R                                            What made you decide to join the Board of Trustees

                                                   of Dover Public Library

                                                   I have been a Trustee for more than 20 years. I was

      F                                            originally invited to participate because of my affiliation
                                                   with WJER Radio. Now that I'm retired they're trying to
      I                                            figure out another reason to keep me!
      E               What do you like most about the library        ?
                      It serves all members of our community. Equally. There are many different reasons why
                      people walk through our doors or visit our website. Director Jim Gill and the talented
                      individuals who work here are constantly developing new reasons to come to the library.
                      Both board and staff are part of a team effort to engage and serve our community. Jim Gill
                      often refers to the library as the new town square for the digital age.

Who are your favorite authors      ?
James Lee Burke; Daniel Silva; Peter Robinson; Joe Lansdale; Louise Penny; Michael Connely; Elizabeth George;
John Sandford and of course Linda Castillo. The dedication in Linda's latest book ( Fallen) is a tribute to the
relationship she has with this library and the people of this community. (By the way, Linda will be returning for
an evening at the library on November 4. Come join us. Like all of our programming... it's free!)

What do you do in your spare time      ?
Kayaking and hiking; playing with audio electronics.

What would people be surprised to know about you            ?
Surprised to know: In the early 70's I dropped out of college and
went hitchhiking with a friend across the western states. Sleeping
bags and fishing poles. Every time we opened a car door, a new
adventure began. When we decided to return home, we were in
Oregon. We became stranded outside a tiny town in the center of
the state. Spent nine hours attempting to get a ride with no
success, slept in a field overnight, and started again the next
                                                                               Bob Scanlon and Linda Castillo
morning. About noon a car stopped. It was a man going to Yellow
                                                                                         July 2019
Springs, Ohio. It turned out the wait was worth it for the ride.

O                One Book, One Community

                         One Book, One Community is a grassroots reading movement that aims to bring people
                         together by giving them a shared experience. When we all read the same book, we all have

                         something to talk about. One Book, One Community’s goal is to break down the barriers
                         between different groups of people and to strengthen Tuscarawas County!

                         About the Book

        B                "Just Smile and Say Hello" is Trang Moreland's
                         inspirational true story of growing up in poverty in

        O                Vietnam and her journey to success as a
                         businesswoman in America. "You’ll be swept far

                         away to a little hut with a dirt floor where my family
                         and I lived for many years. You will venture into
                         our rice paddy where I would swim in a bomb

        K                crater left over from the Vietnam War. You’ll learn
                         about my brother and sister’s arranged marriages.
                         You will meet my mother, and learn of her
                         struggles. Then, you’ll journey with me to America,
                         a strange place far away that spoke a language I did
                         not know. You will learn how, with very little
                         money, I was able to go to trade school and become
                         a successful business owner."

                                                                          An Evening with Author
About the Author                                                          Trang Moreland
Trang Moreland grew up in southern Vietnam. At the                      Date: Monday, November 1st
age of 21, she immigrated to the United States. After                   Time: 7:00 PM
overcoming language and cultural barriers, she was able                 Location: Founders Hall
to finish trade school and become a successful business                 Kent State University -
owner. Her present business is Trang's Rentals. Trang is                Tuscarawas
also a published author, inspirational speaker, and Vice
President of the Tuscarawas County Writer's Guild.
Trang and her husband Jay live in Ohio and have two                               Writing Contest
adult children. She donates to many local benefits and
charities and provides school supplies for children in her               Writing contest for adults & teens
native country.                                                          Theme: "My Journey"
                                                                         In 3,000 words or less, tell about your journey.
                                                                         Fiction or non-fiction will be accepted.
                                                                         First place prize: $75
                                                                         Second place prize: $50
 Visit tuscliteracy.org for a full                                       Third place prize: $25
 schedule of programs and events.                                        Deadline: October 8, 2021
                                                                         Sponsored by Tuscarawas County Writers Guild
P   Tuesday Night Book Club
R   Just Smile and Say Hello
    by Trang Moreland

O   Tuesday, September 14 at 6:30 PM
    at the Dover Public Library
G   Join our book club for an evening of refreshments and conversation.

     Call the library at 330-343-6123 to reserve your copy of the book.
    October 12 2021: Nomadland by Jessica Bruder

A   Chautauqua Book Club
M   Just Smile and Say Hello

S   by Trang Moreland
    Thursday, September 30 at noon at Deis Hill Park
    Join America's oldest continuous book club! Call the library at
    330-343-6123 to request a copy of this month's title, then join us in the
    great outdoors and wide-open spaces of Deis Hill Park.
    October 28: Feast Your Eyes by Myla Goldberg

    East Central Ohio Forestry Association: Jim Gresh
    Wednesday, September 1 at 7:00 PM in the Community Room
    The ECOFA monthly meeting takes place on the first Wednesday of the month at the
    Dover Public Library and is followed by a presentation of interest to local foresters. This
    month, join us as Jim Gresh, a retired Timken Co exec and property owner, presents his
    story. He returned to college to earn a degree in Forestry ecology and has studied and
    implemented a European style of management on his properties. This method involves
     harvesting more frequently and in smaller board feet amounts than methods normally
    used in our area. Registration is not required.

    Prattle & Purl
    Saturdays, September 4 & 18 at 10:00 AM in the Community Room
    Our stitching circle is back! Bring your projects to work on and share with the group.
    Registration is not necessary and all skill levels and crafters are welcome!

    Writers Critique Group
    Thursday, September 16 at 6:00 PM in the Lounge
    Meet with other writers to critique each other's work and to receive support and
    encouragement. Participants are asked to bring a short story, poem or sample of one's
    current project. For more information, contact the Dover Public Library at 330-343-6123.

P                               How Covid-19 Made Me
                                Recreate My Business
R                               Monday, September 13 at 6:30 PM

O                               in the Community Room
                                Susan Cramer Stein will talk about the challenges that Covid-19

G                               created for her as a photographer and how she addressed each
                                challenge in order to re-create her business. She will show images

R                               that she was able to capture under the restrictions of the pandemic.
                                Call the library at 330-343-6123 or visit

                                 www.doverlibrary.org/register to register.

       Blue Rock Station
M      Saturday, September 18 at 2:00 PM on Zoom

S      Take a virtual visit to Blue Rock Station in the foothills of
       the Appalachian Mountains in southeast Ohio. Annie
       and Jay Warmke welcome us to their home - Ohio’s first
       Earthship. Annie will give us a virtual tour of the
       Earthship and the surrounding 40-acre property. Blue Rock Station is a living laboratory
       where people can learn about sustainable living concepts and options. Go to
       www.doverlibrary.org/register or email Sherrel at srieger@doverlibrary.org to receive a
       Zoom invitation.

            National Parks
            and Other Great Places to Visit in the U.S.
            Monday, September 20 at 6:30 PM
            in the Community Room
            Join Fred Wyman as he takes us from coast to coast to show us many interesting places
            in the United States and British Columbia. He will show slides and share stories of his
            adventures in national parks in Arizona, California, Utah, Washington, Montana,
            Nevada, Virginia, West Virginia, Vermont and Pennsylvania. Call the library at
            330-343-6123 or visit www.doverlibrary.org/register to register.

          Public Meeting Spaces Now Available
      Need a space for your non-profit group or a studying session?
The Dover Public Library has four meeting spaces that you can reserve!
Visit http://www.doverlibrary.org/meetingspaces/ for more information.

P               Smart Retirement
                    Wednesdays, September 22 and 29 at 6:30 PM

    R               in the Community Room
                    Do you have questions about where and how to invest your retirement assets? Rather than

    O               entering retirement guessing the answers to life-changing financial questions, join Hudson
                    investment advisors James C. Sexton III and Gage Paul for a two-part series that

    G               concentrates on critical retirement and investment issues. Call the library at 330-343-6123
                    or visit www.doverlibrary.org/register to register.

    R                                September 22: Your Retirement and Your IRA

                                     Learn about new IRA rules and the proper way
                                     to transfer 401(k)s, 403(b)s, how to deal with

                                     IRA pension rollovers and the new ROTH

    S                                September 29: Sound Investing for Retirees
                                     As more and more people approach retirement,
                                     the need for a solid understanding of basic
                                     investment concepts increases. Get answers to
                                     your questions answered at this program!

                    The Ancient Art of Flint Knapping
                    Thursday, September 23 at 6:00 PM
                    in the Community Room
                    Archeologist Larry Wonderley will show artifacts as he explains how the Native Americans
                    crafted flint into arrowheads. Wonderley will display the different tools used in the process
                    of flint knapping and he will demonstrate their use. Participants are encouraged to bring
                    artifacts for Wonderley to identify. People of all ages will enjoy this interesting program. Call
                    the library at 330-343-6123 or visit www.doverlibrary.org/register to register.

Murder in Stark County, Ohio

Thursday, September 30 at 6:30 PM on Zoom
Join author Kimberly Kenney as she talks about her 2020 book Murder in Stark County, Ohio ,
in which she uses contemporary local newspaper accounts to tell the story of eight Stark
County murders, unfolding the grisly details while honoring the lives cut short by violence.
 Call the library at 330-343-6123 or visit www.doverlibrary.org/register to register.

T   Teen Tuesdays
    Tuesdays at 3:00 PM in the Community Room
                                                                                Tuesdays at
    September 14 through December 14
    Teen Tuesdays are back with weekly afterschool programs! Join us
    for video games, random crafts, STEAM activities, art challenges,
                                                                                 3:00 PM
    and much more! All Teen Tuesdays are free and open to teens in

    grades 6 -12. Limited refreshments will be served. Teen Tuesdays
    are sponsored in part by a 21st Century Afterschool Learning Grant
    with Dover High School. Registration is not necessary.

N                   Ultimate Chicken Horse
                    September 14
                    Discover a fun game where you create the level and race to the finish with

                    your friends.

                    3D Printing Pens
                    September 21
                    Join us to create awesome 3D artworks with the Mobile STEAM lab's
                    collection of 3D printing pens.

                    September 28
                    Learn a simple slime recipe then make it your own at this STEAM event.
                    Caution: this event could get messy; dress accordingly.

         STEAM Stop
         Friday, September 17, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM in the Teen Room
         Join us every other Friday to get creative with a piece of the Mobile STEAM Lab! Our
         first session will feature the popular 3D Printing Pens. STEAM Stops are open to
         Tweens and Teens ages 8 and up. Registration is not required. Contact Liz Strauss at
         330-343-6123 for more information.

                   Dover Public Library Teen Subscription Box
                                          For Teens in Grades 6-12
                 Sign up each month to receive a themed box featuring a book, a movie, and
                    a magazine to return to the library, plus a special craft kit, a collectible
                                             keychain, and more!
                    Sign-ups for the Spooky October box begin September 15 at 3:30 PM.
                       Go to http://www.doverlibrary.org/departments/teen-programs/
                                     teen-subscription-box/ to get started!

K     Wednesday Story Times
      Wednesdays, Sept. 8, 15, 22, 29
                                                   Saturday Story Time
                                                   Saturdays, Sept. 18 & 25 at 10:00 AM

      10:00 AM for 3 and under
      1:00 PM for 4 and older

                   Touch a Truck
                    Saturday, September 11, 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
      There will be many amazing trucks to explore and a food stand sponsored by the Friends of

      the Library.

                     Talk Like a Pirate Day
                     Saturday, September 18
      Come to the Children's Room and go on a treasure hunt throughout the library to get some

                     Book Club Meeting
                     Thursday, September 30, at 3:00 PM
      Join our new book club for ages 9 - 11. We will have our first meeting in the reading corner
      of the new and improved Storyroom. We will discuss what books we will read and how
      often we will meet. Bring a friend!

    Reading Dragons are Back!
    And they brought friends. This year we added griffins and unicorns to our collectible card game.
    What is Reading Dragons? This program is our way of rewarding young readers. For every 30
    minutes you read you get to choose a new card. Pick up your reading tracker in the Children's
    Room. This program runs throughout the school year.

    Luna the Library Dog
    Watch our website and Facebook page for information on Luna the Library Dog to find out
    when she is coming to visit the library.

    1000 Books Before Kindergarten
    This program rewards children ages 0 - Kindergarten for reading or being read to. Sign your
    child up in the Children's Department for a reading folder and a prize.

Join the Friends!

   “The Mission of the Friends of the Library is to enhance the Dover Public Library so that it
     may fulfill its literary, educational, technological, community and cultural purposes.”

    Do you love your library? Make a difference by joining the Friends!

                                        Now OPEN!

Find new and gently used books at the Friends of the Dover Public Library Book Cellar Bookshop,
located in the library basement! Call the library at 330-343-6123 for more information.

             HOURS: Wednesdays & Saturdays 9:00 AM to Noon

You can also read