Today Current Affairs for Competitive Exams - Current Affairs 2021 Online-Current Affairs 2021 ...

Page created by Harry Carroll
Today Current Affairs for Competitive
    Exams - Current Affairs 2021 Online –
                           02nd September 2021
Morgan Stanley maintains India GDP growth
                                                Sri Lanka declares economic emergency
estimate of 10.5%
                                                 Sri Lankan President Gotabaya Rajapaksa
 Morgan Stanley has maintained its estimate
                                                  has declared an economic emergency to
  of India's GDP growth at 10.5 percent for
                                                  contain soaring inflation after a steep fall in
  FY2022 versus the general consensus of 9.2
                                                  the value of the country's currency caused a
                                                  spike in food prices.
 GDP grew 20.1 percent year-on-year in the
                                                 The military will oversee the action which
  quarter ending June 2021.
                                                  gives power to officials to ensure that
 On a two-year CAGR basis, real GDP              essential items, including rice and sugar, are
  contracted 4.7 percent in QE June versus        sold at government-guaranteed prices or
  plus 2.3 percent in QE March.                   prices based on import costs.
Star Health launches new cancer care policies   Actor Siddharth Shukla passes away
 Star Health and Allied Insurance has           Actor and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth
  announced the launch of two new variants of     Shukla passed away in September 2021.
  its specialty products – Star Cancer Care
                                                 Sidharth Shukla began his career as a model
  Platinum Insurance Policy and Star Cardiac
                                                  and made his acting debut with a lead role in
  Care Platinum Insurance Policy.
                                                  the television show ‘Babul Ka Aangann
 These products are designed to address the      Chootey Na’.
  needs of people who are diagnosed with
                                                 He also participated in reality shows, including
  cancer and cardiac conditions.
                                                  Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 6, Fear Factor, and Bigg
 There are no premedical tests required to       Boss 13.
  avail of these policies.
                                                 He was also a part of the film Humpty Sharma
IIM Kozhikode to offer supernumerary seats to     Ki Dulhania.
students                                        J-K LG Sinha inaugurates 'Saath' initiative
 The Indian Institute of Management             Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor
  Kozhikode (IIM-K) has announced                 Manoj Sinha launched Rural Enterprises
  supernumerary seats for international           Acceleration Programme titled 'Saath' for Self
  students to boost diversity in the campus.      Help Group (SHG) women on 1 September
 The move from IIM-K comes after two of its      2021.
  management programs made a debut in 101+       There are 48000 SHGs in Jammu and
  rank group in the sub-sectoral QS World         Kashmir.
  University Rankings 2020.
                                                 Four lakh women are connected to these
 The supernumerary will be created in three      SHGs.
  flagship programs including its two
  years MBA.

 This Saath initiative will stress mentoring and     directions issued by RBI contained in the
  market linkages of products created by these        Reserve Bank of India – (Know Your
  women.                                              Customer (KYC)) Direction, 2016".
                                                     This action is based on the deficiencies in
Cristiano Ronaldo breaks men’s scoring record
                                                      regulatory compliance.
 Cristiano Ronaldo broke the men’s                 BNP Paribas appoints Sanjay Singh as the new CEO
  international scoring record before adding a
  second goal as Portugal be at visiting Ireland     French bank BNP Paribas has announced the
  2-1 in World Cup qualifying.                        appointment of Sanjay Singh as CEO of India.
 Ronaldo grabbed his 110th goal in the 89th         He will be succeeding Aymar de Liedekerke
  minute on 2 September 2021 to move ahead            Beaufort, who has been nominated to become
  of former Iran striker Ali Daei.                    the Head of Territory, India.
 Six minutes into stoppage time, Ronaldo            Sanjay Singh joined BNP Paribas Securities
  made it 111 in 180 games.                           India as Head of Global Markets and Deputy
                                                      CEO India eight years ago.
UN funds allocate $10 million for fuel crisis
response                                            ‘Rajiv Gandhi’ dropped from name of Orang
                                                    National Park
 The United Nation's humanitarian funds have
  allocated USD 10 million to respond to the         The Assam government has announced that
  fuel crisis in Lebanon and help avert the           the Rajiv Gandhi Orang National Park will be
  deterioration of the country's humanitarian         known as the Orang National Park.
  situation.                                         It is located in Darrang and Sonitpur districts
 The Under-Secretary-General for                     of Assam.
  Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief          The development comes weeks after the
  Coordinator, Martin Griffiths allocated USD 4       Centre dropped former Prime Minister Rajiv
  million from the UN Central Emergency               Gandhi’s name from the Khel Ratna award.
  Response Fund (CERF) to respond to the fuel        The existing national parks in Assam are
  crisis.                                             Kaziranga, Manas, Dibru-Saikhowa, Manas,
Wipro appoints Mohammed Areff as Country Head         and Orang.
and MD                                              Bangladeshi vaccine scientist wins Ramon
                                                    Magsaysay award
 Wipro has announced the appointment of
  Mohammed Areff as the country head                 A Bangladeshi vaccine scientist and a
  and Managing Director (MD) for the Middle           microfinance pioneer from Pakistan
  East.                                               are among the five recipients of the Ramon
 Areff has over two decades of experience with       Magsaysay Award 2021.
  various multinationals in the Middle East and      The award is regarded as the Asian version of
  has held lead roles in spearheading client          the Nobel Prize.
  transformations across various industries.         Apart from Dr. Firdausi Qadri from
 In his most recent role, Areff was the Regional     Bangladesh and Muhammad Amjad Saqib
  Director of Microsoft Gulf.                         from Pakistan, the other winners are Filipino
RBI imposes ₹25 lakh penalty on Axis Bank             fisher and community environmentalist
                                                      Roberto Ballon, etc.
 The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has imposed
                                                    THE World University Rankings 2022 released
  a monetary penalty of ₹25 lakh on Axis Bank
  Limited for violation of rules.                    The Times Higher Education (THE)
 The penalty was imposed for “contravention          has announced the results of the THE World
  of/non-compliance with certain provisions of        University Rankings 2022.

 The UK’s University of Oxford – which led the        The existing rakes of Rajendra Nagar – New
  way in the global search for a Covid-19               Delhi Rajdhani Special Express, are being
  vaccine – retained top spot for sixth                 replaced with brand new Tejas-type sleeper
  consecutive year.                                     coaches.
 IISc Bangalore, is India’s best-ranked               The new train will have special smart features
  institution, maintaining its position in the 301-     for enhanced passenger safety and comfort.
  350 band for a third consecutive year.
                                                      Max Verstappen wins Belgian Grand Prix
India’s month-long Presidency of UNSC ends
                                                       Max Verstappen has won the Belgian Grand
 India's month-long Presidency of the powerful         Prix.
  United Nations Security Council (UNSC)               The race was shortened to last one hour with
  ended on 31 August 2021 with substantive              only half points awarded to the winner, who
  outcomes on key global issues.                        needed to complete only two laps to earn
 The event was the first time when there was a         points.
  comprehensive debate on the holistic concept         Verstappen's sixth win of the season was the
  of maritime security.                                 16th of his career and stopped Hamilton
 India is currently a non-permanent member             earning a record-extending 100th win, while
  (for a two-year term) of the 15-nation UNSC.          also trimming his overall lead from eight
                                                        points to three.
61st Foundation Day of NCERT: 1 September 2021
                                                      GST Council meeting to be held on September 17
 Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan
  addressed the 61st Foundation Day of the             The meeting of the GST Council will be held
  National Council of Educational Research and          on 17 September 2021.
  Training (NCERT) on 1 September 2021.                Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
 NCERT is an autonomous organisation of the            will chair the 45th meeting of the GST Council
  Government of India which was established in          at Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh.
  1961 as a literary, scientific, and charitable       The previous meeting of the GST Council was
  Society under the Societies Registration Act.         held via video conferencing on 12th June
 It has its headquarters in New Delhi.                 2021 during which tax rates on various Covid
                                                        essentials were reduced till 30th September
World Coconut Day: 2 September
 World Coconut Day is observed every year on         ITPO CMD LC Goyal gets extension till September 1,
  2 September.
 The first World Coconut Day was celebrated
  on September 2, 2009, by the Asia Pacific            L C Goyal, Chairman and Managing Director
  Coconut Community (APCC).                             of the India Trade Promotion Organisation
 The theme for the year 2021 is "Building a            (ITPO), has been granted a one-year
  Safe Inclusive Resilient and Sustainable              extension till September 1, 2022.
  Coconut Community Amid COVID-19                      Goyal, who had briefly worked as the Union
  Pandemic & Beyond".                                   home secretary, was on August 31, 2015,
 The coconut palm is often called the ‘tree of         appointed the ITPO chief.
  life’ owing to its versatile use.                    This is his fifth extension on the post.
                                                       ITPO is the premier trade promotion agency
Indian Railways starts new Rajdhani Express
                                                        of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
 Indian Railways has started to run Rajendra
                                                      BBC's first Hindi news reader Rajni Kaul dies
  Nagar Terminal (Patna) – New Delhi Rajdhani
  Express with new upgraded Tejas rake from 2          Rajni Kaul, a distinguished broadcaster who
  September 2021.                                       became the first woman to read a news

bulletin in Hindi on BBC nearly 60 years ago,         Payments Interface (UPI) has logged more
  passed away in Faridabad in September                 than 3 billion transactions for the second
  2021.                                                 consecutive month in a row in August 2021.
 She was the first woman to join BBC Hindi as         On a month-on-month basis (MoM), UPI’s
  a staffer and became the first woman to read          volume of transactions was up 9.5 per cent in
  a news bulletin in Hindi on the network in            August 2021, and the value of transactions up
  1961.                                                 5.4 per cent.
 She had also worked with All India Radio
                                                      ICICI Bank crosses ₹5-trillion m-cap
  (AIR) in New Delhi.
Health Ministry partners with Google                   The market value of private sector lender
                                                        ICICI Bank on 1 September 2021 crossed the
 The Union Health Ministry has partnered with          Rs 5-trillion mark.
  Google to enhance people's access to the             ICICI Bank is the second lender after HDFC
  COVID-19 vaccine.                                     Bank and the seventh Indian firm to achieve
 The Ministry has taken the significant initiative     this milestone.
  to enhance access to #COVID19 vaccine:               HDFC Bank is the only lender valued higher,
  Search 'covid vaccine near me' on Google,             at Rs 8.74 trillion.
  Check availability of slots, and more, Use           Earlier, Reliance Industries, TCS, HDFC
  'Book Appointment' feature to book a slot.            Bank, HDFC Ltd, Hindustan Unilever Ltd and
 In addition to English, users can also search         Infosys Ltd have hit this level.
  in 8 Indian languages.
                                                      Maharashtra Govt to set up medical colleges under
Himachal Pradesh CM launches State Food               PPP
Commission's website
                                                       Maharashtra government on 1 September
 Himachal Pradesh (HP) Chief Minister Jai              2021 decided to set up new medical colleges
  Ram Thakur on 1 September 2021 launched               and super-speciality hospitals across the state
  the website of the state's food commission.           on a public-private partnership (PPP) basis.
 The website was launched on the occasion of          A high-powered committee headed by the
  the first foundation day of the Himachal              state chief secretary would examine the
  Pradesh State Food Commission.                        provisions of the scheme to be made
 The main objective of the website is to spread        applicable to the health sector and give
  awareness about the right to food in the state.       approvals accordingly.
Govt appoints J B Mohapatra as Chairman, CBDT         IMF raises India's SDR allocation to $17.86 billion
 The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet            The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has
  has approved the appointment of J B                   sharply increased its allocation of Special
  Mohapatra as Chairman of the Central Board            Drawing Rights (SDR) to India to $17,86
  of Direct Taxes (CBDT).                               billion, in line with the country's existing quota
 Mohapatra, a 1985-batch Indian Revenue                in the fund.
  Service (Income Tax) officer, is currently a         SDR is an alternate reserve currency floated
  member of the board that frames the policy            by the IMF, which the member countries can
  for the Income Tax department.                        freely exchange between themselves instead
 He has been holding the additional charge of          of relying on the currency of any one
  CBDT Chairman since May 31, 2021.                     particular country.
UPI logged more than 3 bn transactions in August      India's m-cap to GDP ratio hits 13-year high of 122%

 The National Payments Corporation of India’s
  (NPCI's) flagship payment platform Unified

 India’s current market capitalization (m-cap)        Union Information and Broadcasting (IB)
  to GDP ratio is 122 per cent of India’s latest        Minister Anurag Thakur on 1 September 2021
  annualized gross domestic product (GDP).              inaugurated the first BRICS Film Technology
 It is the highest since December 2008, when it        Symposium.
  had hit an all-time high of around 150 per           The focus of the BRICS symposium is to
  cent.                                                 acknowledge the service sector and
 The combined m-cap of nearly 3,500                    technicians working for the film industry.
  companies listed and actively traded on the          India is preparing to host the 13th BRICS
  BSE reached a new high of Rs 250 trillion.            summit in 2021.
                                                       BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China,
Punjab CM launches 'Innovation Mission Punjab'
                                                        and South Africa.
 Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on 1                 NMCG signs MoU with SAIARD on integrated river
  September 2021 launched 'Innovation
                                                      basin management
  Mission Punjab' (IMPunjab).
 It is a public-private partnership that brings in    National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) on
  global investors and experts to catalyze              1 September 2021 signed a Memorandum of
  startups.                                             Understanding (MoU) with South Asian
 The Mission would mobilize a global pool of           Institute for Advanced Research and
  ambassadors and partners for investment,              Development (SAIARD).
  mentorship, and market access.                       Both NMCG and SAIARD would work
                                                        together to create and enhance capacity
Indo – Kazakhstan Joint Military Exercise KAZIND-
                                                        building on integrated river basin
                                                        management, with a focus on geospatial
 The India – Kazakhstan joint military exercise        technology in riverine ecosystems.
  “KAZIND-21” commenced on 1 September                APY total enrolments crosses more than 3 crore
  2021 at Training Node Aisha Bibi,
  Kazakhstan.                                          The enrolments under Atal Pension Yojana
 This is the 5th Edition of the Annual bilateral       have crossed 3.30 crore as of 25th August
  joint exercise of both Armies and would               2021.
  continue till 10th September 2021.                   APY is a guaranteed pension scheme of the
 Both the contingents would share their                Government of India and is administered by
  expertise and skills in the field of counter-         Pension Fund Regulatory and Development
  terror operations.                                    Authority.
                                                       Under the scheme, a subscriber would
First-ever nation-wide quiz on sports and fitness
                                                        receive a minimum guaranteed pension of
 Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports            Rs.1,000 to Rs. 5,000 per month, depending
  Shri Anurag Singh Thakur on 1 September               upon his contribution, from the age of 60
  2021 launched the Fit India Quiz, which is the        years.
  first-ever quiz on fitness and sports, in New       Department of Rural development sign an MoU
                                                      with DAHD
 The nation-wide quiz would give a chance to
  compete on a national platform and an                The Department of Rural Development (DRD)
  opportunity to win a total cash prize of more         signed a Memorandum of Understanding
  than Rs 3 crores for their schools.                   (MoU) with the Department of Animal
                                                        Husbandry and Dairying (DAHD) on 1
IB Minister inaugurates BRICS film technology
                                                        September 2021.
                                                       The MoU is aimed at leveraging the SHG
                                                        platform for rural economic growth through

the convergence of the DAHD, DRD, and                   This is significant as the world’s largest coal
  National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM).               miner uses over 4 lakh kilolitres of diesel per
                                                           annum with an annual expense of over Rs.
Indian Army to participate in "Zapad 2021"
                                                           3,500 crores.
 Indian Army would participate in Exercise               The move would help CIL reduce its carbon
  ZAPAD 2021, a Multi Nation exercises being               footprint drastically and achieve sustainable
  held at Nizhniy, Russia from 03 to 16                    goals.
  September 2021.
                                                         Smriti Irani inaugurates NUTRI GARDEN at AIIA
 ZAPAD 2021 is one of the theatre-level
  exercise of the Russian Armed Forces and                Union Minister for Women and Child
  would focus primarily on operations against              Development Smriti Zubin Irani on 1
  terrorists.                                              September 2021 inaugurated NUTRI
 Over a dozen countries from the Eurasian and             GARDEN to mark the beginning of Poshan
  South Asian Regions would participate in this            Maah 2021 at All India Institute of Ayurveda
  event.                                                   (AIIA).
                                                          Plantation drive and distribution of plants
CIL starts pilot project to replace use of diesel with
                                                           having health and nutritional benefits were
                                                           carried out for patients and health care
 National miner Coal India Ltd (CIL), Ministry            workers like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Musli,
  of Coal has initiated the process of retrofitting        and Yashtimadhu.
  Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) kits in its

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