Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...

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Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...


Access a broad range of tax and accounting
information resources for today’s professionals.
   1800 074 333
Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
2020 Mid-Year
Tax Publications
Content and analysis you can trust

Reach the answers you need – fast.

Perfectly timed for the mid-year tax return period, The
Australian Tax Handbook Tax Return Edition 2020
covers the wide spectrum of Australian income tax
law plus related taxes such as FBT and GST and
includes key coronavirus measures.
This is the 81st print edition of the Handbook. It includes
all key tax developments to 30 June 2020. The content is
highly relevant, easy to access and practical.

What’s New
• JobKeeper scheme for employers and other business
• Cash flow boost for SMEs that are employers
• Instant asset write off thresholds temporarily extended
• Accelerated rate of depreciation for post-11 March
  2020 depreciating assets first used by 30 June 2021
• Various ATO concessions for taxpayers affected by the                       Online Subscription         Book
                                                                              Code: 41412860              Code: 42775135
  COVID-19 crisis
                                                                              Price: Contact Us           Price: $ 199.00 incl GST
• Claims for expenses by people working at home
  because of the COVID-19 crisis simplified                                       Enquire Now                  Order Now
• It will be easier for affiliates of small business entities
  to access the restructure rollover.

                                                                                                    Work from anywhere with
                                                                                                    online access to your
                                                                                                    trusted publications.
                                                                                                    Speak to us to find the
                                                                                                    right plan for you.

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Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
SUPERANNUATION                                                              AUSTRALIAN GST
HANDBOOK 2020-21                                                            HANDBOOK 2020-21
Despite ongoing reforms, superannuation remains a tax                       The Australian GST Handbook 2020-21 comprehensively
effective investment structure to achieve wealth creation                   explains the operation of the GST system, covering all
and retirement objectives.                                                  aspects of the GST legislation and its relationship with
                                                                            other taxes, including income tax and CGT.
To guide clients through the maze of tax,
superannuation and social security provisions,                              Practical explanations highlight the impact of GST on
accountants and other professional advisers need a                          day-to-day transactions, with special focus on key areas
working knowledge of the latest changes.                                    such as real property and claiming input tax credits. Solid
                                                                            understanding of all areas is facilitated by overviews and
Current to 1 July 2020, the Australian Superannuation                       worked examples. It has a depth of coverage and analysis
Handbook 2020-21 is an essential companion for                              not matched by other GST guides.
tax practitioners to help comply with the latest
                                                                            Written with both practitioners and students in mind, the
superannuation regulatory requirements.
                                                                            GST Handbook covers the full gamut of GST issues that
                                                                            readers will face. The 2020-21 edition is up-to-date to 1
What’s New                                                                  August 2020.
• Coronavirus measures – early release; pension
  drawdowns                                                                 What’s New
• Latest contribution rules; carry forward of unused caps                   • Restriction on use of cash: proposed measure (effect on
• Pension transfer balance cap and reporting obligations                      GST)
                                                                            • ATO disclosure of tax debts to credit bureaus
• SMSF borrowings – recent changes and ATO
  compliance focus                                                          • Expansion of estimates regime to GST (PCG 2020/2)
                                                                            • Finalised ruling on connected to Australia rule for
• Estate planning for death benefits – tips from recent
                                                                              intangibles (GSTR 2019/1)
                                                                            • Updated legislative instrument on margin scheme
• Ongoing implementation of Royal Commission                                • Combatting Illegal Phoenixing legislation passed (GST
  reforms.                                                                    consequences)
                                                                            • Cases: Melbourne Apartment (sale of apartment by
                                                                              charity was GST-free); Travelex (ATO loses appeal).

Online Subscription                                                         Online Subscription
Code: 41412857                                                              Code: 41412850
Price: Contact Us                                                           Price: Contact Us

   Enquire Now                                                                  Enquire Now

Book                                                                        Book
Code: 42774345                                                              Code: 42775133
Price: $180.00 incl GST                                                     Price: $170.01 incl GST

    Order Now                                                                    Order Now

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Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
THE ESSENTIAL SMSF                                                          AUSTRALIAN TRUSTS
GUIDE 2020-21                                                               TAX HANDBOOK
Providing practical guidance on the ongoing operational                     The Australian Trusts Tax Handbook is a practical guide to
and administrative issues of an SMSF, The Essential                         the rules relating to the taxation of trusts.
SMSF Guide 2020-21 covers the broad range of SMSF
                                                                            It is streamlined to meet the needs of practitioners
issues including the taxation implications of the
                                                                            and advisers and brings together all the key trust tax
investment rules, designing a pension and the payment
                                                                            provisions and concepts, with plain English explanations,
of benefits.
                                                                            definitions, examples, case studies, sample trust deed
To help readers understand the wider nature of SMSFs,                       clauses, tips and alerts.
the Guide covers related topics such as bankruptcy                          There are also step-by-step guides to calculating the
and the financial planning process for SMSF Trustees;                       income and net income of a trust; streaming capital
and includes a practical toolkit containing over 90                         gains and franked distributions; making effective trust
documents and templates, including relevant ATO and                         distributions; and drafting distribution minutes.
ASIC documents.

Endorsed by Chartered Accountants Australia and New                         What’s New
Zealand, The Essential SMSF Guide 2020-21 is a must                         New commentary on:
have guide for a comprehensive, yet highly practical                          • charitable trusts
insight.                                                                      • managed investment trusts
                                                                              • disclaimers
What’s New                                                                    • the character of trust income
• Impact of the superannuation changes in the 2019                            • trust split arrangements
  Federal Budget including details of ATO administrative                      • the CGT small business concessions.
  guidance                                                                  Commentary updates include legislative changes and other
• Details about accessing the new downsizer                                 new developments in the taxation of trusts, including:
  contributions                                                               • denying foreign residents access to the CGT main
• Commentary on latest Court and Administrative                                 residence exemption
  Tribunal cases including commentary on the                                  • the Commissioner’s discretion to extend the two-year
  Aussiegolfa case                                                              period for disposing of a deceased’s dwelling
• Latest ATO rates and thresholds.                                            • taxing family trust circular distributions at penalty rates.

Online Subscription                                                         Online Subscription
Code: 41412996                                                              Code: 41528332
Price: Contact Us                                                           Price: Contact Us

   Enquire Now                                                                  Enquire Now

Code: 42775134
Price: $199.00 incl GST

    Order Now

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Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
AUSTRALIAN CGT                                                              DESKTOP TAX RATES &
HANDBOOK                                                                    TABLES 2019-20
Authored by Chris Evans, Ann Kayis-Kumar and Tim                            Desktop Tax Rates & Tables 2019-20 is a handy guide
Russell, the Australian CGT Handbook continues                              that can be customised to carry your branding,
to be a well-respected, topic-based book offering a                         providing you with an effective promotional tool.
comprehensive coverage of the Australian capital gains                      An indispensable aid for quick access to the most
tax provisions, together with realistic examples, crucial                   commonly used tax rates, Medicare levy rebates,
practical tips and warnings.                                                depreciation, FBT, superannuation and more, it is
                                                                            updated to include rates current to 1 June 2020.
The publication’s accessible style benefits practitioners
when advising clients on the most common and complex
                                                                                                            Online Subscription
CGT problems and helping them make sense of the
                                                                                                            Code: 42648087
provisions in a practical and relevant manner.                                                              Price: Contact Us
Current to 30 June 2020, the Australian CGT Handbook is
the definitive guide to the CGT provisions as they operate                                                     Enquire Now
in Australia.

What’s New
• Full coverage of the legislation, now enacted, that
  removes the entitlement to the main residence exemption
  for foreign residents and modifies the principal asset test
  in relation to taxable Australian real property
• Enhanced commentary on the application of the main
  residence exemption for Australian residents in the
  context of the increased need to work from home in the
  light of the COVID-19 lockdown
• The latest updates on other legislative changes, cases                    TAX RATES & TABLES
  and Tax Office rulings affecting CGT
• New Tax Office guidance on data matching initiatives                      A reference guide that combines comprehensive
  and an up to date analysis of the CGT compliance focus                    coverage of Australian tax rates, Tax Rates & Tables
  of the Tax Office                                                         offers a wealth of practical information and tools.
                                                                            Focused on both tax returns and tax planning, it
• Commentary on recent cases involving CGT, including                       includes rates for both the 2019-20 and 2020-21
  the Greensill case.                                                       financial years, where available.

                                                                            The clear, succinct and easy-to-use rates and tables
                                                                            are logically organised in subject groups. Concise
                                        Online Subscription                 explanations and commentary of developments
                                        Code: 41412892                      through the year are provided.
                                        Price: Contact Us

                                                                                                            Online Subscription
                                           Enquire Now                                                      Code: 41412988
                                                                                                            Price: Contact Us

                                                                                                               Enquire Now

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Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
Thomson Reuters’ Tax Guide is the cost-effective way to
enhance your client relationships. Give your clients fast,
timely access to key tax data in one concise resource
and highlight your commitment to making their working
life easier.

This handy PDF booklet allows you to add value to a
broad range of clients, encouraging them to turn to you
– not your competitors – for advice. Packed with helpful
tax information, Tax Guide 2020 becomes a powerful
promotional tool when distributed free of charge to your

Tax Guide is available in your choice of three annual

STANDARD COVER: a cover designed by Thomson
Reuters, and features the 2020-21 calendar -
downloadable from Checkpoint
PERSONALISED COVER: a Standard cover
downloadable from Checkpoint, and an emailed PDF
file, with your company logo, your practice details on the
second page, and the 2020-21 calendar
CUSTOMISED COVER: a Standard cover downloadable
from Checkpoint, and an emailed PDF file that is
entirely designed to your firm’s liking. Designed in
colour with your practice details on the second page,
this cover gives you the choice of completely controlling
your marketing brand.                                                       Online Subscription
                                                                            Standard:      42648084
Updated annually in June, the 2020                                          Personalised: 42661341
edition features:                                                           Customised: 42661340
                                                                            Price: Contact Us
• A summary of key Coronavirus measures, including
  JobKeeper payment, Cashflow Boost, and                                        Enquire Now
  Depreciation measures
• Developments to Watch in 2020-21
• 2019-20 and 2020-21 (where available) tax rates,
  tables, rebates and thresholds
• 2020 Tax Calendar.

                                                                            Are you a member of a

                    MEMBER                                                  professional association?
                                                                            If so, you may be entitled to a discount on some of

                    DISCOUNT                                                these products. Simply contact your professional
                                                                            association for discounts available to you, and to
                                                                            obtain your promotional code.

To order visit
Get Answers: 1800 074 333 or or contact your Business Development Manager
Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
2020 Tax
Secure your new edition of our
gold standard publications

Published continuously since 1955, The Australian Tax
Handbook is a convenient volume covering the full
spectrum of income tax law and related taxes. It features
                                                                             Code: 42706242
clear overviews, concise explanations and worked                             Price: $ 191.50 incl GST
examples to make the tax system easier to understand
and apply in practice.                                                       eBook
                                                                             Code: 42706282
The 2020 edition has a logical chapter arrangement                           Price: $191.50 incl GST
focusing on making working life easier for practitioners                     Book + eBook Bundle
and highlights all the important changes over the last 12                    Code: 42706274
months. With clearly set out core tax principles supported                   Price: $249.00 incl GST
by numerous worked examples. The traditional strength                        SAVE $134.00!
in providing greater depth of coverage ensures The                           Annual Renewal
Australian Tax Handbook remains the premier tax research                     Code: 30136176
book available to today’s market.                                            Price: $191.50 incl GST
                                                                             Online Subscription
What’s New in 2020                                                           Choose 3 titles on
• Small business - instant asset write-off threshold                         Price: $1,980.00* incl GST
  increased to $30,000 and extended until 30 June 2020
• Directory penalty provisions extended to cover GST,
  LCT and WET
• Access to small business CGT concessions restricted
                                                                                   Order Now
  where partnership interest assigned
• Residency - significant Full Federal Court case on the
  meaning of permanent place of abode Superannuation
  guarantee amnesty for historical SG non-compliance.

Checkpoint Online Subscriptions                                                                 Create a Checkpoint Pack with what
In a digital era where information is freely available and                                      you need in 2 easy steps:
unmonitored, avoid spending your time scrolling through                                         1. Choose 3 titles,
blogs and websites not specific to what you need, to then                                       2. Choose number of users.
having to further verify the information.                                                       Price starts from $1,980*
Having a source of authoritative and current information
you can trust is essential. Checkpoint enables you to find               Whether in the office, in meetings or on the go – your tax
answers and to quickly understand how those answers apply                subscription services can be on hand whenever and wherever
to the unique circumstances of your client or business, in one           you need to find trustworthy answers.
convenient location.
                                                                         *Pricing valid until 30 November 2020, for a single user licence.

To order visit
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Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
AUSTRALIAN TAX                                                                                                         VOLUMES 1-4
LEGISLATION 2020                                                                                                       Code: 42706245
                                                                                                                       Price: $444.00 incl GST

Australian Tax Legislation 2020 consolidates all essential                                                             eBook
                                                                                                                       Code: 42706285
income tax and related legislation and amendments in
                                                                                                                       Price: $444.00 incl GST
force as at 1 January 2020 in convenient volumes.
                                                                                                                       Book + eBook Bundle
Set out in an easy-to-follow, logical layout, with history                                                             Code: 42706277
                                                                                                                       Price: $578.24 incl GST
notes to aid interpretation of tax laws, you can choose
                                                                                                                       SAVE $309.76!
from either the 3-volume income tax legislation set, the
                                                                                                                       Annual Renewal
4-volume set which includes tax and superannuation or                                                                  Code: 30141974
purchase volume 4 (superannuation) separately.                                                                         Price: $444.00 incl GST
                                                                                                                       Online Subscription
Features                                                                                                               Choose 3 titles
                                                                                                                       on Checkpoint
• Concise history notes for all recent amendments to
                                                                                                                       Price: $1,980.00* incl GST
  tax and related legislation
• Logical, convenient organisation with fully                                                                               Order Now
  consolidated index (volume 3) and superannuation
  index (volume 4), and subsection headings where
                                                                                                                       VOLUMES 1-3
• Structured layout and accessibility for users                                                                        Book
                                                                                                                       Code: 42706244
• Various acts including ITAA 1936 and ITAA 1997, Tax
                                                                                                                       Price: $324.50 incl GST
  Administration Act 1953, Superannuation Industry
  (Supervision) Act 1993, International Tax Agreements
                                                                                                                       Code: 42706284
  1953 and Australia’s Double Tax Treaties.                                                                            Price: $324.50 incl GST
                                                                                                                       Book + eBook Bundle
                                                                                                                       Code: 42706276
                                                                                                                       Price: $422.24 incl GST
                                                                                                                       SAVE $226.76!
                                                                                                                       Annual Renewal
                                                                                                                       Code: 30133057
                                                                                                                       Price: $324.50 incl GST

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                                                                                                                       VOLUME 4

                                                                                                                       Code: 42706243
                                                                                                                       Price: $166.50 incl GST

            DISCOUNT                                                                                                   Code: 42706283
                                                                                                                       Price: $166.50 incl GST
                                                                                                                       Book + eBook Bundle
                                                                                                                       Code: 42706275
         Are you a member of a                                                                                         Price: $216.32 incl GST
                                                                                                                       SAVE $116.68!
        professional association?                                                                                      Annual Renewal
                                                                                                                       Code: 30127890
 If so, you may be entitled to a discount on some of                                                                   Price: $166.50 incl GST
  these products. Simply contact your professional
  association for discounts available to you, and to                                                                        Order Now
            obtain your promotional code.

                                                                            *Pricing valid until 30 November 2020, for a single user licence.

To order visit
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Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
                                                                            YO U M AY ALS O BE IN T EREST ED IN

GST LEGISLATION                                                             AUSTRALIAN CGT
PLUS 2020                                                                   HANDBOOK 2019-20
GST legislation is complex and difficult to apply and                       The Australian CGT Handbook 2019-20 continues to
interpret, even for experts and there is sometimes                          be a well-respected topic-based book that helps you
insufficient guidance for many of the important provisions.                 understand and keep on top of the ever-changing and
GST Legislation PLUS 2020 addresses the shortfall. It is                    complex CGT regime.
the must-have resource for those who need to understand
and interpret the GST law, and need to find the right                       The publication’s accessible style benefits practitioners
information fast.                                                           when advising clients on the most common and complex
                                                                            CGT problems and helping them make sense of the
What’s New in 2020                                                          provisions in a practical and relevant manner.

• Totally new set of GST Regulations, with revised                          What’s New
  numbering and structure
                                                                            • Full coverage of all 2019 CGT Budget changes and the
• Transitional GST Regulations replaced
                                                                              latest updates on previously announced legislative
• Legislative determinations on corporate credit card                         measures, including proposed changes to: the
  statements and digital currency conversion                                  availability of the CGT discount to MITs and AMITs; and
• New legislative rules for online hotel bookings by                          the principal asset test in the foreign resident regime
  overseas based operators                                                  • Analysis of the circumstances of foreign resident
• New provisions dealing with electronic invoicing                            beneficiaries of Australian resident trusts that make
• Totally revised rulings on the connected to Australia tests                 capital gains
• New Cases covering: carrying on an enterprise;                            • New Tax Office guidance on data matching initiatives
  liquidator’s claims for input tax credits; share trader v                   on share transactions, and an up-to-date analysis of
  share investor; no documentation for margin scheme.                         the CGT compliance focus of the Tax Office.

Book                                                                        Book
Code: 42706241                                                              Code: 42651452
Price: $194.50 incl GST                                                     Price: $193.00 incl GST
eBook                                                                       eBook
Code: 42706281                                                              Code: 42651787
Price: $194.50 incl GST                                                     Price: $193.00 incl GST
Book + eBook Bundle                                                         Book + eBook Bundle
Code: 42706273                                                              Code: 42651793
Price: $253.00 incl GST                                                     Price: $250.00 incl GST
SAVE $136.00!                                                               SAVE $136.00!
Annual Renewal                                                              Online Subscription
Code: 30125030                                                              Choose 3 titles on
Price: $194.50 incl GST                                                     Checkpoint
Online Subscription                                                         Price: $1,980.00* incl GST
Choose 3 titles on
Price: $1,980.00* incl GST

    Order Now                                                                     Buy Now

                                                                            See more titles from the 2019 Mid-Year Annuals range
                                                                            Content and analysis you can trust.

                                                                            *Pricing valid until 30 November 2020, for a single user licence.

To order visit
Get Answers: 1800 074 333 or or contact your Business Development Manager
Checkpoint Publications 2020 - THOMSON REUTERS CATALOGUE - Access a broad range of tax and accounting information resources for today's ...
XYZ Model
Financial Accounts
The industry standard for financial
reporting in Australia

XYZ Model Financial Accounts provides                                       2020 SPECIAL PURPOSE
step-by-step guidance and detailed
disclosure checklists to give you the
                                                                            FINANCIAL REPORTING
confidence you can adopt the mandatory                                      Designed specifically for non-reporting entities
financial reporting standards and critical                                  to comply with Act and Regulation requirements,
                                                                            interpretive commentary and disclosure checklists for
information for the preparation, review and                                 mandatory Australian Accounting Standards applicable
presentation of financial reports for reporting                             to non-reporting entities.
and non-reporting entities.
                                                                                                                 Online Subscription
                                                                                                                 Code: 42662783
                                                                                                                 Price: $788.32 incl GST

What’s new in the 2020 Updates                                                                                       Order Now
As 30 June 2020 approaches, major new Accounting
Standards will come into play. The 2020 updates                                                                  Book
incorporate pronouncement up to 20 December                                                                      Code: 42719914
2019 and include the following financial reporting                                                               Price: $759.00* incl GST
developments relevant to entities in the for-profit and
not-for-profit sectors:                                                                                              Order Now

• Application of 3 prominent standards; Leases (AASB
  16), Income of Not-for-Profit Entities (AASB 1058) and
  Revenue from Contracts with Customer (AASB 15), as
  applicable to not-for-profit entities, to manage the                      2020 GENERAL PURPOSE
  impact and comply with regulators, particularly those
  with public accountability.                                               FINANCIAL REPORTING
• Application of AASB1058: Income of Not-for-Profit                         Designed specifically for reporting entities in the for-
  Entities and AASB 15: Revenue from Contracts with                         profit and not-for-profit private sectors and entities that
  Customers which are now mandatory for all not-for-                        produce general purpose financial statements to comply
  profit entities.                                                          with Act and Regulation requirements, interpretive
                                                                            commentary and disclosure checklists.
• Updates on AASB 16: Leases, now mandatory for
  both for-profit and not-for-profit entities, impacting
                                                                                                                 Online Subscription
  financial reporting and in many instances changes to
                                                                                                                 Code: 42662784
  contract terms and renegotiation of lease agreements.                                                          Price: $426.40* incl GST
• Coverage of ATO requirements on general-purpose
  financial statements for significant global entities to                                                            Order Now
  achieve compliance.
• Preparers of 30 June 2020 financial reports are                                                                Book
  expecting regulators to review the adequacy of                                                                 Code: 42719915
  disclosures on how these Standards are to affect                                                               Price: $411.00 incl GST
  the entity when adopted, particularly those entities
  operating in industries that are expected to be                                                                    Order Now
  significantly impacted by the new Standards.
                                                                            *Pricing valid until 30 November 2020, for a single user licence.

To order visit
Get Answers: 1800 074 333 or or contact your Business Development Manager
XYZ Model
Financial Accounts
The industry standard for financial
reporting in Australia

2020 REDUCED                                                                2020 DECEMBER
DISCLOSURE FINANCIAL                                                        REPORTING &
REQUIREMENTS                                                                UPDATE
Designed to keep users up to date with the latest                           Designed to assist preparers through the December
disclosure requirements and other critical information                      reporting period, as well as prepare you for the next year
for preparing RDR financial statements. This publication                    and beyond. The interpretive commentary, guidance and
provides a range of information, including:                                 model financial reports have been updated for relevant
                                                                            legislative and accounting pronouncements, relevant to
• Discussion on RDR and recent developments affecting                       entities with a 31 December reporting year end.
  Tier 2 entities;
• Flowcharts to determine how RDR are applied;
• RDR-specific model financial accounts incorporating
                                                                                                                       Online Subscription
  updated presentation and disclosures for the annual
                                                                                                                       Code: 41413002
  reporting period ending 30 June 2020;                                                                                Price: $1,197.27* incl GST
• Disclosure checklists of all RDR and other financial
  reporting requirements typically applicable to Tier 2                                                                    Order Now
• Discussion on financial reporting requirements to                                                                    Book
  assist financial statement preparers moving into Tier 1                                                              Code: 42719917
  or Tier 2;                                                                                                           Price: $962.01 incl GST
• Model financial accounts for a range of entities,
                                                                                                                           Order Now
  including unlisted public companies, private
  companies and incorporated associations, prepared
  using RDR.

                                    Online Subscription
                                    Code: 41413003
                                    Price: $472.44* incl GST

                                        Order Now                                                         Purchase all XYZ Model
                                                                                                          Financial Accounts titles
                                    Book                                                                  together, contact us for
                                    Code: 42719902                                                        Package options.
                                    Price: $372.00 incl GST

                                        Order Now

                                                                            *Pricing valid until 30 November 2020, for a single user licence.

To order visit
Get Answers: 1800 074 333 or or contact your Business Development Manager
Financial Reporting                                                         AASB 16 LEASE
                                                                            ACCOUNTING TOOLKIT
Solutions to assist                                                         AASB 16 Leases impacts almost all businesses that

in accounting                                                               rent or lease assets. Previously only finance leases were
                                                                            required to be recognised on a balance sheet. AASB 16
                                                                            Leases extends this to operating leases, removing the
compliance for                                                              distinction in treatment between the two.

the preparation of                                                          Online Subscription
                                                                            10 Lease Bundle
                                                                            Code: 42639216
                                                                                                          Online Subscription
                                                                                                          50 Lease Bundle
                                                                                                          Code: 42639215
financial reports.                                                          Price: $2,000* incl GST       Price: $4,000* incl GST

                                                                                Order Now                    Order Now

XYZ MODEL                                                                   ACCOUNTING Q&A
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS                                                          BULLETIN
GENERATOR PLUS                                                              Using a real-life accounting issue faced by an
                                                                            accountant-in-practice the week before, the Accounting
An intuitive financial statements preparation Excel®-                       Q&A Bulletin gives you the fully explained approach
based toolkit to streamline the preparation of compliant                    to understanding and dealing with that financial
and presentation-ready financial reports.                                   reporting issue.

The set-up of each model financial report reflects the                      Online Subscription
                                                                            Code: 42605215
templates contained in the XYZ Model Financial Accounts                     Price: $550.00* incl GST
suite of publications, ensuring your presentation-ready
financial reports comply with Australian Accounting                             Order Now

Standards and ASIC requirements.

Online subscription in the following 3 options:                             TAX EFFECT
June & December Update
Code: 41413006
                                                                            ACCOUNTING TOOLKIT
Price: $2,963.59* incl GST                                                  Achieve effective AASB 112 compliance with an easy to
                                                                            use Excel based toolkit that simplifies the calculation of
June Update                                                                 relevant tax balances, taking into account issues such as
Code: 42634013                                                              recognition exceptions, asset revaluations, investments
Price: $1,746.35* incl GST                                                  in subsidiaries, branches and foreign operations.
December Update                                                             The Tax Effect Accounting Toolkit accounts for under/
Code: 42605216                                                              over-provision of income tax and includes a full note
Price: $1,679.18* incl GST                                                  disclosure function and reconciliation worksheets for
                                                                            property, plant and equipment

                                                                            Online Subscription
                                                                            Code: 41412987
    Order Now
                                                                            Price: $1357.95* incl GST

                                                                                Order Now

*Pricing valid until 30 November 2020, for a single user licence.

To order visit
Get Answers: 1800 074 333 or or contact your Business Development Manager
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