Zakat as a Tax Credit for Raising Indonesian Tax Revenue
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International Journal of Zakat Vol. 4(1) 2019 page 77-87 Zakat as a Tax Credit for Raising Indonesian Tax Revenue Any Setianingrum; Penny Rahmah Fadhilah Universitas Yarsi Aam Slamet Rusydiana ABSTRACT This study aims to select the most appropriate treatment of zakat and tax to maximize Indonesia taxation of the given three alternatives. The first alternative is zakat and taxes are not correlated. Second, zakat is used as deductions of taxable income. Third, zakat is used as a tax credit. The basic considerations for determining the rank of these three models are from the aspects of benefits, the costs, and the risks. The analytical tool used is ANP (Analytic Network Process). The research respondents are some experts and stakeholder of zakat and tax in Indonesia. Based on the result of this research, the first rank is zakat as a tax credit with a weight of 0,469. The second alternative is zakat as the deduction of Taxable Income with a weight of 0,385. The third or last alternative is zakat and tax has no direct relationship with the weight of 0,146. Based on this research, to increase tax revenue in Indonesia, zakat as a tax credit is advisable. Keywords: Zakat, tax, credit, ANP, Indonesia INTRODUCTION been arising about a double burden for Muslims, which ultimately lead to Approximately 70 percent of the counterproductive in increasing public Indonesian State Budget revenue is participation and the amount of zakat from taxes. The government will and tax income. continue to increase the tax revenue Indonesia currently manages target until the tax ratio reaches 20 zakat only as a net cost reduction (Law percent. The current Indonesia’s tax No. 38 of 1999). The regulation only ratio is 13.6 percent from the Gross includes zakat income as a cost, Domestic Product, which is too low consequently avoidance of double compared to other Asian countries, such burden only effective maximum of 35 as Malaysia, which has reached 20 percent. That means the Muslim percent, and 33 percent in developing taxpayers have to win a double charge countries. The number of registered of 65 percent (Wajdi, 2008). taxpayers (WP) is also still small, i.e., 4 Philosophically, zakat is not the cost of million people in 2007 compared to 210 getting, collecting, and maintaining million residents (Gusfahmi, 2007; income. This is in line with PSAK 101 Muktiyanto & Hendrian, 2008). This concerning the presentation of Sharia significant tax source is in the hands of Financial Statements in Indonesia, the Muslim population who are also obliged to pay zakat. So, the issue has
78 International Journal of Zakat Vol. 4(1) 2019 where zakat is not involved in the Puerto Rico is practiced as a tax credit, income statement (Kusumawati, 2005; which is reduced by up to one percent, Alchudri, 2010; Kurnia & Hidayat, which the upper limit raises to a 2009; Rahman, 2001; Purwanto, 2009). maximum of 50 percent of a person’s In practice, it is hard to apply Law No. total income. From such a simulation, 38/1999, because 52 percent of the policy will boost the acceptance of taxpayers do not know that zakat or charitable donations, far exceeding the religious donation is a deduction of potential loss of state tax revenues. In taxable income (Muktiyanto & other words, the value of this charitable Hendrian, 2008, Fidiana & Ngumar donation will be higher than the amount (2015). of tax lost by corruption and other leaks On the other hand, according to (Boris, Cordes & Soto, 2010). the government’s point of view, there is Based on the above description, no economic relation in terms of the there are three practices of essential subject and the object of zakat and policy between tax obligations and taxes, so there is no such double burden zakat, namely the first is zakat as tax for Indonesian Muslims, since the tax is credits, the second is zakat as a duty as a citizen, while zakat is a deductions of taxable income and the religious obligation. While the parties third is taxes and zakat is not who use the paradigm have the same interrelated. With the vast potential of objects and functions on the zakat and zakat in Indonesia reaching 2 percent of taxes, argue that the tax credit is one of GDP (Ahmad, 2010), while the the best policies (Gusfahmi, 2007; collected zakat only reaches 1.5 percent Hafidhudhin, 2011; Hasan, 2006; (IMZ, 2010), it is necessary to point the Hamidiyah, 2007; Muktiyanto & accuracy in determining the most Hendrian, 2008; Fidiana & Ngumar, effective treatment of zakat and taxes 2015; Ma'mun, 2017; Suprayitno et al. (Setianingrum, 2016). Early research is 2013). It is also supported by a conducted to find out which treatments successful practice in Malaysia, where are the best input to increase public zakat and religious donations are treated financial revenue in both sectors while as tax credits, or tax deductions up to strengthening the redistribution function 100 percent. that is the government’s obligation. The key to success in the From the background above, the implementation of zakat as a tax credit following are some of the research in Malaysia is also caused by the questions; internal management, which is from the 1. What are the criteria and sub- state sultanate, where the community criteria for consideration in the cannot freely implement the selection of tax and zakat as an management of zakat. In other words, integrated policy? the role of government is very 2. Which relationships can occur dominant. While in Indonesia, the case between one policy criterion is on the contrary; people are more with other policy? predominant in managing zakat, while 3. How to weight each of the zakat the government regulates only the and tax as an integrated policy? management (Setianingrum (2016)). 4. Which is the best alternative of The policies applied in Malaysia tax and zakat as an integrated also occurs in Puerto Rico. The policy based on the criteria and acceptance of charitable donations in sub-criteria considered?
Zakat As a Tax Credit for Raising Indonesian Tax Revenue 79 The above research questions deduction of PFM (Taxable Income) is are answered in this paper by using the also not included in the SPT-OP. The analytic network process approach. current law related to zakat as a reduction of PFM needs to be done LITERATURE REVIEW immediately, because it is not in accordance with the accounting science Bönke, Massarrat-Mashhadi, & Sielaff integrated in sharia, and in literature (2012) employed regression analysis to review also shows that the concept of investigate charitable giving in the zakat calculations performed partially, Germany welfare state, suggested; that which only see from the aspect of sharia in general tax incentives made by the only (Alchudri, 2010; Rahman, 2001; Germany government can change the Setianingrum, 2014). behavior of individuals positively in charitable giving. In the tax system in METHODOLOGY Malaysia, the tax credits other than prepaid taxes can also be credited with The analytical tool used is the ANP RM 350 for individuals whose incomes approach network approach Benefit are under 35,000. All zakat fitrah, and Cost Risk (BCR) and processed by religious obligations and some amounts using software ‘Super Decision’ and paid to the government. Unlike Microsoft Excel. The data used is the Malaysia’s policy, the application of tax primary data obtained from the in-depth credits in the tax system in Indonesia is interview with experts, practitioners, only prepaid tax paid in the current and academics, who are the stakeholder year, such as income tax article 25 and tax and zakat. Followed by filling the foreign fiscal (Wadji, 2008). questionnaire at the second meeting Suprayitno et al. (2013) used with the respondents. The respondents panel data from 11 countries in selected in this survey were seven Peninsular Malaysia in 2001-2009, with experts; one person from National Amil fixed effect model analysis, revealed Zakat Board (BAZNAS), one person that zakat has a positive and significant from the Fiscal Policy Board, five impact on tax revenues. The hypothesis academics and researchers. that zakat will reduce tax revenue was ANP has four axioms that rejected. In other words, the zakat theoretical basis, among others: integration policy based on sharia law 1. Reciprocal; This axiom states and taxes under the income tax law, that if PC (EA, EB) is a where zakah is paid 100 percent tax comparative pair value of deductible. This gives a positive elements A and B, seen from its correlation to the acceptance of both parent element C, indicating sectors, as well as facilitate the how many times more elements government to control and reduce the A have what belongs to element avoidance and evasion of taxes. B, then PC (EB, EA) = 1 / Pc In Indonesia, on the instructions (EA, EB). For example, if A is for filling the SPT-OP (Annual Tax five times larger than B, then B Return tax object), zakat on income is is 1/5 of magnitude A. calculated at 2.5 percent rate, whereas 2. Homogeneity; states that the the SPT-OP uses the date of the year of elements that are compared in Lunar, meaning the rate is 2.575 percent the ANP framework structure (Kusumawati, 2005). Moreover, in line should not have too much with PSAK 101, zakat post as a difference, which can lead to
80 International Journal of Zakat Vol. 4(1) 2019 greater errors in determining the 4. Dependence condition; it is assessment of the supporting assumed that the arrangement elements that influence the can be composed into the decision. components that form the cluster 3. Priority; i.e. the absolute part – The stages in the ANP weighting by using the interval method as of figure 1. scale [0.1] and as a measure of relative dominance. Figure 1. The Stage of Research Literature Review Questionnaire Phase 1 Indepth Interview Model Construction Model Construction ANP Model Validation ANP Questioner Preparation Pair-wise Phase 2 Expert Researcher Questioner Test Pair-wise Practitioners Model Quantification Survey Pair-wise Synthesis & Data Analysis Phase 3 Result Analysis Result Validation Resut Interpretation Source: Saaty and Sodenkamp (2008); Yuksel and Dagdeviren (2007); Cheng and Li (2004); Gencer and Gurpinar (2006); Saaty and Thomas (2001); Taslicali and Ercan (2006). The model quantification stage Synthesis is the opposite of uses the question in the ANP analysis. If analysis means to unravel questionnaire in the form of pairwise material or abstract entity into its comparison between the elements in the elements, then synthesis means to cluster to find out which of them is combine all parts into becoming one. greater (dominant) and how big the Because complexity, it is an essential difference is through numerical scales decision situation, or forecast, or 1-9. The data is then collected and allocated resource, often involves too inputted through super decision much dimension for the human to be software to be processed to produce able to conduct synthesis intuitively. output in the form of supermatrix. The Therefore, we need a way to be able to results of each respondent will be synthesize from multi-dimension. Even inputted on a single ANP network. though AHP/ANP facilitated analysis, the more important function in
Zakat As a Tax Credit for Raising Indonesian Tax Revenue 81 AHP/ANP is its ability to help us in therefore A mean unit rank. With measuring and synthesis of several multiple A and weight vector w, factors in the hierarchy or network. No other methodology has synthesis facility Aw = nw (3.1) like AHP/ANP. To obtain the scale of the matrix ratios, If A1, A2, A3, ..., An is n element the system below must be solved: for a matrix in a hierarchy. Comparison of pair of elements (Ai, Aj) that we need (A-nI)w = 0 (3.2) to do reflected by A = (aij), matrix n x n, which I, j = 1, 2, 3, …, n. Define a set of In practice, using ANP methods numerical weight w1, w2, w3, ..., wn in research varies widely in various which reflected comparison obtained, so fields, as delivered by Sipahi & Timor it can be written as follows: (2010), Lee (2010) and Ho (2008). In Islamic economics and finance research, A1 A2 An ANP applications can be seen on A1 w1 / w1 w1 / w2 ... ... w1 / wn Rusydiana & Devi (2018), Ascarya w2 / wn (2011), Setianingrum (2015), Rusydiana A2 w2 / w1 w2 / w2 ... ... & Firmansyah (2017), and also A = . ... ... ... ... ... Rusydiana (2016). To maintain the level . of consistency index and facilitate the ... ... ... ... ... interview process with the respondents, An wn / w1 ... ... ... wn / wn the author uses the ANP questionnaire format developed from the original format of the questionnaire from the Because every line is fixed SuperDecision software. This multiplication from the first row, questionnaire format is as of table 1. Table 1. ANP Questionnaire Framework Criteria → Alternatives 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tax and Zakat not related Zakat as reduction of PFM Zakat as a Tax credit Source: Prepared by authors. RESULTS AND FINDING identification of the above problems and solutions, then the network structure of The construction of the ANP model is ANP based on the BCR criteria on the based on theoretical and empirical issue of choosing the model of zakat review literature, and questions asked to and tax harmonization policy in the zakat experts and academics and Indonesia as follows: public policy. Based on the
82 International Journal of Zakat Vol. 4(1) 2019 Figure 2. Construction Model of ANP Source: Prepared by authors. This study aims to select the best of choosing the zakat and tax zakat and taxation treatment as an integration model in Indonesia, the most incentive to increase tax and zakat in critical benefit is the participation of the Indonesia from 3 existing models. The community in the development fund first treatment alternative is zakat and (0.197). Followed by an increase in the tax are not interrelated, the second is number of muzaki and tax subjects zakat as deductions of taxable income, (0.195), the ensured rights of the poor and the third is zakat as tax credits. The by the government (0.188), and the primary considerations for determining effectiveness of empowerment of public the ranking of these three treatments are finances for poverty (0.179). aspects of benefits, costs, and risks. The Meanwhile, two other benefits have a analytical tool used is the ANP relatively small value of the increase of (Analytic Network Process) approach of tax management and zakat by good network Benefit Cost Risk (BCR). The corporate governance (GCG) and the criteria of these three aspects were shariah side (0.125) and increased extracted from the literature study, honesty of zakah and tax objects Forum Discussion Group, and in-depth (0.116). Below is a detailed picture of interviews with the respondents. the priority element in the benefit Based on the calculation, from aspect. the aspect of benefit in the framework
Zakat As a Tax Credit for Raising Indonesian Tax Revenue 83 Figure 3. Priority Aspects of Benefit Benefit Aspects 0,179 0,197 0,195 0,188 0,116 0,125 Effectiveness Community Increased Increased GCG for Right of the of public participations number of honesty of Zakat-Tax poor by finance for in Muzakki and Zakat-Tax government poverty development Tax subject objects funds Source: Prepared by Authors Based on the results of the respondents were human resources calculations obtained from the total (HR), information technology (IT) respondents, from the cost aspect in the means of infrastructure (0.622) framework of choosing the zakat and followed by socialization costs (0.378). tax integration treatment in Indonesia, The following is a detailed picture of which became cost or the most the priority element in the cost/cost considerable cost according to aspect. Figure 4. Priority Aspect of Cost Cost Aspects 0,622 0,378 HR and IT Cost Socialization Cost Source: Prepared by Authors Based on the calculation result the area of authority, allocation, and from all respondents, from the aspect of others (0.636) followed by risks of risk in the framework of choosing the possible corruption, abuse of power and zakat and tax integration policy model, moral hazard (0.364). The following is a which become the most significant risk, detailed picture of the priority element or risk according to the respondent is in risk/risk aspects. related to zakat conflict risk and tax on
84 International Journal of Zakat Vol. 4(1) 2019 Figure 5: Priority Aspect of Risk Risk Aspects 0,636 0,364 Conflict betwen Zakat-Tax Corruption, abuse of power, moral hazard Source: Prepared by Authors After obtaining priority result The next option in the from each aspect Benefit, Cost, and framework of choosing the model of Risk, then we get alternative priority in zakat and taxation policy in Indonesia is choosing the model of zakat and tax zakat as a deduction of taxable income integration policy in Indonesia. This is (PKP) with a weight of 0.385. While the the principal analysis obtained from the last alternative in the framework of respondents’ answers. Based on the choosing the model of zakat and calculations derived from the total taxation integration policy in Indonesia respondents, considering the benefit, is that zakat and taxes have no direct cost and risk aspects in the framework relationship with the weight of 0.146. of choosing the best integration policy The following is a detailed picture of model as an incentive to increase in the alternative priority selection of the zakat and tax revenue in Indonesia, zakat and tax integration policy models which is the main alternative is zakat in Indonesia. alternative as tax credit with the weight of 0.469. Figure 6: Alternative Priorities Alternatives 0,469 0,385 0,146 1Tax&Zakat isnt related 2Zakat as PKP 3Zakat as Tax credit deduction Source: Prepared by Authors
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88 International Journal of Zakat Vol. 4(1) 2019
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