Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London

Page created by Nicholas Hardy
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London
King’s College London

Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall
14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London
A message from the Chair
of Council

On behalf of King’s         These ceremonies are important
College London it is my     occasions in the life of King’s and especially
                            significant for all the graduands celebrating
great pleasure to welcome   their achievements with family and friends.
you to this graduation      I am delighted that there will be so many
ceremony and to extend      supporters here and I know that we are all
a special welcome to        immensely proud of all those who are
                            graduating today.
those on whom we will           King’s maintains strong and ever-
be conferring degrees.      growing links with its alumni at home
                            and abroad. In the course of my travels,
                            I look forward to meeting many more of
                            those whose lives and careers have been
                            influenced by their education and
                            experiences at this great university.
                                I offer heartfelt congratulations to all
                            our graduates and, on behalf of everyone
                            at King’s, greatly look forward to
                            maintaining an enduring and rewarding
                            association in the future.

                            The Rt Hon the Lord Geidt
                            gcb gcvo obe qso fkc
                            Chair of Council

                                                                                     Graduation ceremonies
                                                                             Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London
King’s College London

        King’s College London is one of England’s oldest     structure of DNA; understanding autism and
        and most prestigious universities, founded within    developing life-changing therapies; informing air
        the tradition of the Church of England by King       pollution awareness and policy – these are some
        George IV and the Duke of Wellington in 1829.        of the ways that we are having a transformational
            For almost 200 years, our community has been     impact on society.
        deeply rooted in the belief that learning and            We have more than 31,000 students (of whom
        research should serve society. We seek to inspire    nearly 12,800 are postgraduates, with 1,000
        and support those who will rise to the challenge     students enrolled in online masters courses) from    Reggie
        of solving the world’s most pressing problems.       150 countries worldwide, meaning students are        The silver replica of the King’s
                                                                                                                  mascot, Reggie the Lion, which
            When the University of London was                part of a truly international community. Our
                                                                                                                  is used at university ceremonial
        established in 1836, King’s became one of its two    8,500 members of staff collaborate with students     events such as degree ceremonies,
        founding colleges. Over time, it has grown and       so that they get the most out of their degree.       was presented to King’s in 1959 ‘in
        developed through many mergers, including            Many academics are also researchers working          appreciation of many happy years’
                                                                                                                  by Robert John Stewart McDowall
        those with Chelsea and Queen Elizabeth Colleges      within and influencing their industries, giving      (1892-1990) who was the King’s
        in 1985; with the Institute of Psychiatry in 1997,   students access to the latest thinking within a      College London Halliburton Professor
        and with the United Medical and Dental Schools       contemporary context.                                of Physiology from 1923 to 1959.
        of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals in 1998.               King’s is proud of our illustrious alumni.
            These mergers brought institutions with their    Twelve people from King’s and its associated
        own distinguished reputations and traditions.        institutions have been awarded the Nobel Prize,
        The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology &            including Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
        Neuroscience is closely associated with the South    for his role in South Africa’s anti-apartheid
        London and Maudsley NHS Trust, which                 campaign, and Professor Michael Levitt for
        includes the famous Bethlem Hospital dating          his joint work in developing multiscale models
        from the 13th century. The original King’s           for complex chemical systems. Other notable
        College School of Medicine was founded in 1831,      alumni include British sprinter and world-record
        while St Thomas’ Hospital dates from the 12th        holder Dina Asher-Smith, biophysicist Rosalind
        century; medicine has been formally taught there     Franklin famous for her work in X-ray
        since the 16th century and at Guy’s since the        spectroscopy, and acclaimed children’s writer
        early 18th century. The Florence Nightingale         Sir Michael Morpurgo.
        Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care          We’re proud of our distinguished international
        descends directly from the world’s first             reputation in the humanities, law, science,
        professional school of nursing, founded by           psychiatry, medicine, dentistry, nursing, and the
        Florence Nightingale in 1860.                        social sciences. Our four Thames-side campuses
            Since the 1990s King’s academics have been       in central London, and at Denmark Hill, place us
        involved in the education of the UK Armed            at the centre of leading global conversations in
        Services, and the Defence Studies Department is      policy, government, law, culture, religion,
        based in the Joint Services Command and Staff        business and medicine. But we’re also truly part
        College in Shrivenham, Wiltshire.                    of the boroughs we live in. We use our expertise
            King’s has enjoyed financial and academic        to identify challenges affecting our communities
        autonomy since 1994, while remaining part of the     and collaborate with them to address local issues,
        University of London. Since 2008, it has awarded     examples which can then be used across the UK
        its own degrees.                                     and throughout the world.
            King’s vision is to make the world a better          Today, we seek to define the university of
        place. Research that led to the discovery of the     the future.

Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London
Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London
A message from the President & Principal

        A very warm welcome to      Today marks a defining moment in the             place where they can translate their
        you all to King’s January   lives of our new graduates. Not only is it       learnings into tangible solutions that might
                                    the culmination of intense periods of            one day benefit the world beyond King’s.
        2019 degree ceremonies.     study, it is a day to acknowledge their          At the end of the day, our graduates are
                                    personal resilience in acquiring a degree        the embodiment of the character, wisdom
                                    and celebrate the exciting futures that          and global thinking needed to succeed in
                                    await them.                                      life and have a transformative impact on
                                        What defines a King’s graduate? What         the world.
                                    makes them stand out from their peers?               It is with great pride that I warmly
                                        Our students are those who answer the        welcome new graduates into our
                                    call to tackle society’s greatest challenges,    188,000-strong alumni network, leaders
                                    both today and in the future. They chose         both at home and abroad. Today, you join
                                    a university that prides itself on its service   a community of trailblazers who have gone
                                    to society, and dedicated their study to         on to rewrite the political landscape,
                                    asking real-world questions through the          transform the media, business and academic
                                    lens of research. Although King’s has a          industries, and deliver life-changing
                                    rich tradition and almost 200 years of           contributions in the fields of health, law,
                                    history behind it, our graduates are change-     international aid and the arts.
                                    makers determined to go into the workforce           I send you my very best wishes for the
                                    and push the boundaries of established           bright future that awaits you and for your
                                    conventions. They take their in-depth            continuing relationship with King’s.
                                    knowledge and apply their critical               Congratulations, I hope you will all enjoy
                                    judgement to forge new ways of thinking.         the ceremony today.
                                    King’s takes great pride in the achievements
                                    and qualities of our graduates, who set a
                                    high standard for the next generation to go
                                    above and beyond.
                                        Graduation is a significant moment for       Professor Edward Byrne ac
                                    our community, providing a valuable insight      President & Principal
                                    into how we are fulfilling our commitment
                                    to Vision 2029, our strategic roadmap to
                                    make the world a better place.
                                        Our graduates form a valuable part of
                                    King’s, which prides itself on driving a
                                    holistic approach to answering the biggest
                                    questions of today. They want to make an
                                    impactful contribution to society. King’s
                                    unique location at the heart of London
                                    presents a distinctive opportunity for our
                                    graduates to draw on the city as a living
                                    classroom. A place where they can connect
                                    with pioneering organisations and people,
                                    work with local communities to identify
                                    and address real-world challenges, and a

Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London
Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London
News in brief

        Students achieve podium                        of African scholars and analysts to generate    estimates of air and noise pollution across
        places and personal bests at                   cutting-edge research into security and         London to assess potential links with new
        2018 European Championships                    development in Africa. Focused on driving       dementia diagnoses. Drawing on
        Past and current students achieved             the internationalisation of the university,     approximately 131,000 anonymised patient
        exceptional results at the 2018 European       ‘Funmi is facilitating King’s work in Africa,   health records, academics estimated
        Championships. Alumna Dina Asher-              including a project in Nigeria to develop the   patients’ exposure to air pollution based on
        Smith, who studied History at King’s, won      next generation of African leaders to           their home postcodes. Although the
        gold in the 100m, 200m and 4x100m relay,       influence positive future change.               researchers stressed that many factors may
        beating her own British record to win the                                                      be involved in the development of dementia
        100m and achieving the joint fastest time      World’s largest autism grant                    and that the observational study could not
        in the world for 2018. Not only was Dina       to improve quality of life                      establish that air pollution was a direct
        the first woman to run the 200m in under       An international consortium academically        cause of the disease, they argued that
        22 seconds in 2018, she also became the        led by the Institute of Psychiatry,             improving air quality in cities should be
        first woman in almost thirty years to secure   Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s             a public health priority.
        a sprint treble at a major championship.       has received a 115 million Euro grant to
        Psychology student Imani-Lara Lansiquot        better understand autism. More than 1 in        Archival records bring new
        also won gold in the 4x100m relay and          100 people are autistic, and many struggle      meaning to the theatrical
        finished the 100m final with a personal-best   with additional health problems such as         depiction of George III
        time. Recent Geography graduate Laviai         epilepsy, anxiety and depression that           The Georgian Papers Programme recently
        Nielsen won her 400m semi-final with           drastically reduce their quality of life. The   hosted two distinguished actors of British
        a personal-best time, finishing fourth in      grant, which is the largest ever to be given    stage and screen. Michael Jibson (Hamilton)
        the final.                                     for research into neurodevelopmental            and Mark Gatiss (The Madness of George III),
                                                       conditions, will be used to investigate         whose portrayals of King George III have
        King’s leader ranked 7th                       the causes of autism and develop new            received critical acclaim, recently visited
        of the most influential and                    therapies to help improve the quality of        the Royal Library at Windsor Castle to
        powerful black people                          life for autistic people. The grant brings      view special selections of the remarkable
        in Britain                                     together autistic people and their families,    Georgian documents held by the Royal
        Vice President & Vice Principal                academic institutions, charities and            Archives. Both actors were given an
        (International) Professor ‘Funmi Olonisakin    pharmaceutical companies to study autism        exclusive tour of the archive and came away
        has ranked 7th on the annual Powerlist,        and address problems that matter the most       with a greater insight into the complex
        which honours men and women of African         to autistic people.                             character of the monarch they both play on
        and African-Caribbean heritage in Britain                                                      stage. Following Michael and Mark’s visits,
        who are changing lives. Also acknowledged      Research suggests a link                        the Georgian Papers Programme have
        were significant figures including the         between air pollution                           launched two digital exhibitions linking
        Duchess of Sussex Meghan Markle, rapper        and dementia                                    key moments and themes from both
        Stormzy and boxer Anthony Joshua.              A recent study has found that air pollution     theatrical productions with material from
        ‘Funmi has been associated with King’s for     may increase the risk of developing             the archive, enabling fans to learn more
        over 25 years. Following her postgraduate      dementia and is one of the first studies to     about the period of history depicted in both
        study in War Studies, she was the Office of    examine links with the neurodegenerative        shows and making the rich archive
        the United Nations Special Representative      illness. As part of a coalition of London       accessible to diverse audiences.
        of the Secretary-General for Children and      universities working to understand the
        Armed Conflict. On returning to King’s,        impact of air quality on quality of life,
        ‘Funmi founded the African Leadership          researchers from King’s Environmental
        Centre, which supports the next generation     Research Group used carefully calculated

Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London

Outstanding results for King’s                    Dentists can play a vital                                   Art and science collide in the
Maths School students                             role in the detection of                                    heart of the city
The King’s College London Mathematics             eating disorders                                            In September 2018, Science Gallery
School returned its highest ever A-level          New data published in the British Dental                    London opened its new permanent home
maths results for the 2017-18 academic year.      Journal could play a significant role in                    on Guy’s campus. The first of its kind in
For the first time, female A-level students       enabling dentists to detect eating disorders,               the UK, the gallery is a flagship project for
outperformed their male counterparts and          leading to earlier diagnosis and treatment.                 the university and presents an opportunity
secured a higher proportion of top grades         King’s researchers recommended that                         to explore issues of global significance in
across all science, technology, engineering       dentists be aware of the very specific oral                 creative ways. Through innovative
and mathematics (STEM) subjects taught.           indicators of anorexia nervosa and bulimia,                 installations, unique exhibitions and a
Students on average performed more than           as early physical and psychological signs of                diverse events programme designed for and
one whole grade better in each subject than       both conditions can be subtle and difficult                 with young people, contemporary King’s
predicted by their GCSE performance,              to detect. Eating disorders affect an                       research is considered through the lens of
placing the school in the top 0.5 per cent of     estimated 725,000 people in the UK at a                     science and art. The student body and
schools in terms of value added.                  cost of around £15 billion per annum. The                   young people who study, live and work in
                                                  report authors believe that the early                       the neighbouring boroughs of Lambeth and
King’s researchers present key                    identification of the signs of the developing               Southwark play a key role in the gallery’s
findings to the United Nations                    conditions, coupled with referrals to GPs,                  direction, which will collaborate with
Security Council                                  may lead to both better health outcomes for                 researchers, artists and scientists to shape
Academics from the International Centre for       the patient and savings for the NHS.                        each season.
the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) recently
presented to the United Nations Security          Increase in probable Post                                   Introducing solids earlier may
Council, sharing new insights into the            Traumatic Stress Disorder                                   help babies sleep for longer
gender and age of foreign nationals affiliated    among British military                                      A study by King’s and St George’s,
with Islamic State (IS). The researchers          A recent King’s study suggests that the                     University of London has found that babies
found that the number of foreign women and        conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan may have                  introduced to solid foods early slept longer
minors who travelled to Syria and Iraq and        led to an increase in the rate of probable                  and woke less frequently compared with
became affiliated with IS has been                Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)                       infants who were exclusively breastfed. The
significantly underestimated and under-           among members of the UK Armed Forces.                       report mentioned that maternal wellbeing
analysed, with initial estimates suggesting       The research identifies for the first time                  was also positively affected by introducing
that women and minors make up to 25 per           that the risk of PTSD for veterans deployed                 solids earlier. Although the current advice
cent of all foreign IS-affiliates. Their report   in conflicts is substantially higher than for               is that mothers should try to exclusively
was discussed at the United Nations               those still serving. Results published in                   breastfeed until around six months of age,
Security Council briefing in August 2018,         the British Journal of Psychiatry estimate                  75 per cent of British mothers introduce
and also presented at a joint meeting hosted      that 6 per cent of current and ex-serving                   solids before five months, believing that it
by the United Nations Counter-Terrorism           military personnel in 2014-16 had probable                  reduces the number of times infants wake
Committee Executive Directorate                   PTSD, a figure that has risen by 2 per cent                 throughout the night.
(UNCTED) and the UK Mission to the                since the period of 2004-6. Senior authors
United Nations (New York). Researchers            emphasised that more research is needed
urged the Council to give urgent and              to explain the rise, but suggest one possible
immediate attention to understanding and          reason PTSD is more common among
rehabilitating these groups to prevent them       veterans is that personnel who are
from becoming displaced or posing                 mentally unwell are more likely to leave
significant international security threats.       the armed forces.

                                                                                                                                                Graduation ceremonies
                                                                                                                                        Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Graduation ceremonies - King's College London Royal Festival Hall 14, 21, 22, 23 & 29 January 2019 - King's College London

        Procession                         MEMBERS OF ACADEMIC STAFF                            VICE PRESIDENTS & PRINCIPALS
                                                                                                Provost/Senior Vice President (Health) &
        The organ will play and the        SENIOR OFFICERS                                      Executive Director of King’s Health Partners
        company is requested to rise       Director of Students & Education                     Professor Sir Robert Lechler PhD FRCP FRCPath
        while the procession enters the    Tessa Harrison BA PGDip FAUA                         FMedSci FKC
        Hall and remain standing until                                                          Provost/Senior Vice President (Arts & Sciences)
        the Chair of Council is seated.    DEANS OF FACULTY                                     Professor Evelyn Welch MBE BA PhD FRHS FRSA FKC
        The procession has 12              Arts & Humanities                                    Senior Vice President (Quality, Strategy & Innovation)
        categories: in those with plural   Professor Marion Thain MPhil PhD                     Chris Mottershead BSc MSc
        components the procession          King’s Business School                               Vice President & Vice Principal (Education)
        will comprise those able to be     Professor Stephen Bach                               Professor Nicola Phillips BA MSc PhD FAcSS
        present and will not necessarily   Dentistry, Oral & Craniofacial Sciences              Vice President & Vice Principal (International)
        constitute full membership.        Professor Mike Curtis BDS MA PhD FDSRCS (Eng)        Professor ‘Funmi Olonisakin
                                           PGCAP PGDipAP NTF                                    Vice President & Vice Principal (London)
                                           Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience   Baroness Bull
                                           Professor Ian Paul Everall                           Vice President & Vice Principal (Research)
                                           The Dickson Poon School of Law                       Professor Reza Razavi
                                           Professor Gillian Douglas LLD FBA FLSW FAcSS         Vice President & Vice Principal (Service)
                                           Life Sciences & Medicine                             Professor Jonathan Grant PhD
                                           Professor Richard Trembath FRCP FMedSci
                                           Natural & Mathematical Sciences                      MEMBERS OF COUNCIL
                                           Professor Michael Luck PhD
                                           Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care                 CHAIRMAN OF THE KING’S COLLEGE LONDON
                                           Professor Ian Norman PhD RN FEANS FAAN               ALUMNI ASSOCIATION
                                           FRCN FKC                                             Dr Barrie S Morgan FKC
                                           Social Science & Public Policy
                                           Professor Frans Berkhout PhD                         TEACHING AWARD WINNERS 2017-18

                                           PRESIDENT OF THE STUDENTS’ UNION                     SUPERVISORY AWARD WINNERS 2017-18
                                           Ahad Mahmood
                                                                                                NEW PROFESSORIAL APPOINTEES 2017-18
                                           DEAN OF KING’S COLLEGE LONDON
                                           The Reverend Canon Professor Richard Burridge        PRESIDENT & PRINCIPAL
                                           MA PhD FKC                                           Professor Edward Byrne AC DSc MD FRACP FRCPE
                                                                                                FRCP FTSE

                                                                                                CHAIR OF COUNCIL
                                                                                                The Rt Hon the Lord Geidt GCB GCVO OBE QSO FKC

Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
The opening address                               The closing address
The President & Principal                         The Chair of Council

Presentation of the Jelf Medallists               The Company rises for the National Anthem
Jelf Medals are awarded to undergraduate          and remains standing until the Procession has
students nominated by King’s faculties as         left the Hall.
having made a significant academic and
social contribution to King’s community.          Music
This endowment was established to                 Processional:
commemorate the services to King’s by the         Trumpet Tune Henry Purcell (1659-95)
Reverend Richard Jelf, who was Principal          Prelude to Te Deum Antoine Charpentier (1643-1704)
of King’s from 1844 to 1868.
Presentation of graduands                         Suite in D George Frideric Handel (1685-1759)

Presentation of Teaching Excellence               Musicians:
Award winners 2017-18                             Dr Simon Desbruslais BMus PGDip MMus DPhil
The Teaching Excellence Awards are awarded        Mr Richard Hills MA (Oxon) FRCO
to members of academic staff of King’s, in
recognition of their outstanding contribution     Light refreshments will be served after the
to the teaching and learning experience of        ceremony in the foyers of the Royal Festival Hall.
the students, and nominated by the students

Presentation of Supervisory Excellence
Award winners 2017-18
The Supervisory Excellent Awards are
awarded to members of academic staff of King’s,
nominated by students and staff of King’s, in
recognition of their outstanding contribution
towards supervisory practice and the experience
of our doctoral students.

Presentation of new Professors 2017-18

Response on behalf of the students

                                                                                                               Graduation ceremonies
                                                                                                       Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Academic dress

        Until 2008 King’s graduates wore the            Undergraduate, first degree and master’s
        academic dress of the University of London      level graduates wear a black gown, and a        King’s faculty colours
        which, like all academic dress, is based        black hood attached to the gown on each
        on mediaeval costume. Graduates of the          shoulder with a King’s lion button. The         • Faculty of Arts & Humanities green
        University of London have been formally         hood is bound with the faculty colour, with     • Faculty of Dentistry, Oral &
        presented to the Chancellor of the              the binding extending over the shoulders.         Craniofacial Sciences fuchsia
        University since 1849, and the first public     For master’s level graduates the sleeve vents   • Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology &
        presentation ceremony of the University         of the gown and the cape of the hood are          Neuroscience deep red
        was held in King’s Great Hall in 1850. From     also bound in the school colour.                • The Dickson Poon School of Law silver
        1903 to 1992 this University ceremony was           Master of Philosophy (MPhil) graduates      • Faculty of Life Sciences &
        continued in the Royal Albert Hall, and         wear a black gown, and a black hood               Medicine orange
        King’s first held its own ceremony in 1989.     attached to the gown on each shoulder with      • School of Bioscience Education orange
        In 1995, the University of London granted       a King’s lion button. The sleeve vents, cape    • GKT School of Medical
        its constituent colleges the power to confer    and cowl are bound in blue with the binding       Education purple
        degrees on behalf of the University. In 2007,   extending over the shoulders.                   • Faculty of Natural & Mathematical
        in line with the evolution of the University        Research degree (PhD/MD(Res))                 Sciences coral
        of London into a federation of colleges each    graduates wear a dark red gown, and a           • Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing,
        awarding their own degrees, King’s              dark red hood attached to the gown on             Midwifery & Palliative Care lilac
        successfully petitioned the Privy Council       each shoulder with a King’s lion button.        • Faculty of Social Science &
        to be granted degree-awarding powers in         The sleeve vents, cape and cowl are bound         Public Policy gold
        its own right. These powers were first used     in blue with the binding extending over
        in 2008.                                        the shoulders.
            One of the more noticeable impacts of           Specialist doctors (EdD/DClinPsy/
        securing its own degree-awarding powers         DHC/DrPS/DThMin) graduates wear
        was the need for King’s to design its own       a blue gown, and a blue hood attached to
        academic dress, and we are most grateful        the gown on each shoulder with a King’s
        to Dame Vivienne Westwood for the major         lion button. The sleeve vents, cape and cowl
        role she played in the design and also to       are bound in dark red with the binding
        Ede & Ravenscroft for their expertise in the    extending over the shoulders.
        production of the academic dress. The new           Graduates who have completed the
        gowns and hoods have colours which reflect      Associateship of King’s College also wear
        King’s faculties and levels of degree, and a    an epitoge, embroidered with the King’s
        unique feature of the gowns is the King’s       lion ‘Reggie’, buttoned to the left shoulder.
        lion button on each shoulder.                   The AKC is King’s original qualification,
            The various officers of King’s wear their   first awarded in 1835. It provides an
        official robes, and members of the academic     opportunity to think about fundamental
        staff wear the academic dress of the            questions of theology, philosophy and ethics
        university from which they graduated,           in a contemporary context, alongside
        which includes that of other universities       degree studies.
        in Britain and around the world.

Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Congratulations class of
        2019 – welcome to your
        global alumni community
        As you embark on your career                      committees. Recently, events have taken          From the Chair of the King’s College
        or further study, the alumni                      place in Mexico, Canada, Indonesia, Spain        London Alumni Association (KCLA)
        team is here to support you                       and Belgium!
        through a variety of                                                                               On behalf of our Alumni Association (KCLA),
        opportunities and benefits.                       King’s Connect Mentoring                         I would like to congratulate you today and
        To share these with you we                        This programme will connect you with             welcome you to the King’s alumni community.
        need your contact information                     fellow King’s alumni and students across         I know this is a very proud day for you and
        and consent!                                      the world! When you join King’s Connect,         your families as you leave King’s with your
                                                          you will receive access to an online             King’s degree, a qualification which gives you
        Don’t miss out! Update your contact details       mentoring platform where you can make            a great start on the next part of your life’s
        with us online, over the phone, or via email.     connections and develop your network.            journey. Staying in touch with King’s will help
        Come chat with us at the Alumni Stand,            As a mentee, you can receive professional        you build on the benefits you have already
        pick up your King’s pin badge and learn           advice, guidance and insights from other         gained as well as being an enjoyable and very
        about the benefits of staying connected           members. If you choose to become a               fulfilling experience as you embark on your
        with King’s.                                      mentor, you can also share your professional     careers or further study.
                                                          knowledge, experiences and insights with             The Alumni Association represents all
        You can contact the Alumni Office on              other members. You will also receive             alumni in the affairs of King’s and works very or +44 (0) 20 7848 3053 and,    bespoke mentoring-themed newsletters,            closely with the University’s Alumni Office to
        of course, you can visit the alumni website at    and will be invited to exclusive mentoring-      ensure that alumni stay in touch and get to For information on how      themed events.                                   experience all that is on offer for life after
        we will use your details please see our privacy                                                    King’s. This includes cultural, sporting and
        policy:        Leadership Mentoring                             academic activities that we would like alumni
                                                          Programme                                        to continue to participate in. Our alumni
        Some of the benefits you can                      Each year approximately 100 students             Council organises a series of events;
        look forward to include:                          and alumni participate in the Leadership         lectures, dinners and debates drawing on
                                                          Mentoring Programme. This bespoke                the strengths of the cosmopolitan
        Alumni events                                     programme hand-matches King’s students           community that is King’s.
        The alumni team organises a variety of            and recent graduates with alumni mentors,            The KCLA are keen to ensure that alumni
        events, from panel sessions on topical            to provide tailored support and advice that      stay involved with King’s after graduation
        subjects to webinars featuring practical          will help them achieve their goals during        and we encourage you to stay in touch.
        advice. Whether you want to learn how to          their studies and as they enter the world
        get your new job, hear the latest on Brexit       of work.                                         Dr Barrie S Morgan FKC
        from King’s experts, or just need an excuse                                                        Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Department of
        to meet with old friends, there’s an event        Access to King’s, libraries                      Geography 1967–88 & External Relations,
        for you in our busy, year-round schedule.         and online journals                              1988 –2002 (Director, 1992–2002)
                                                          Sign up for an alumni library card and get       Chair, King’s College London
        Global Networking opportunities                   lifetime membership for all five campus          Alumni Association
        We host networking events all over the            libraries. You can register for exclusive
        world, so you can reconnect and meet new          alumni access to online academic journals,
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Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
At the time of going to print, the following students were expected to attend
the Royal Festival Hall graduation ceremonies.

Faculty of Arts &               Emily Bouroudjian                 Jessica Finucane                Ruiling Jiang                Rebecca Lesley MacRae
                                Florence Elizabeth Bradshaw       Rizki Amelia Fitriyani          Chaoyi Jin                   Nika Mahnič
Humanities                      Fay Breed                         Valentina Fontana               Chen Jin                     Javier Maldonado
                                Charlotte Barbara Maria Britton   Jonathan Alan Spence Ford       Gabriella Maria Jones        Shihui Mao
Doctoral Level Award            Helen Orla Brooker                Toby Benedict James Forshaw     Rhian Wyn Jones              Belinda Martin Porras
Joseph Edward Attard            James Lawson Broun                Brittany Nicole Fortner         Devika Kaushal               Lisa Karin Matson
Francesca Bologna               Jacopo Bruni                      Elena Foschi                    Lucinda Mary Kelly           Sameenah Maungoo
Samuel Brooker                  Emily Sandra Buckley              Lucy Emma Franks                Joseph Kerridge              Robbie David McCarthy
Francesca Anne Brooks           Anna Maria Bunn                   Tasha Mai Fullbrook             Toslima Khatun               Nelson Grace McKeown
Eun-Hee Cha                     Matilde Burelli                   Mengxue Gao                     Lydia Rose Werry Kilbey      Siobhan Mary McLoughlin
Steven Baillie Cosnett          Lauren Jacqueline Burnett         Ravier Tamayo Gardon            Yoojin Kim                   Dengkeqi Meng
Michael Alexanda Coxhead        Hope Alexandra Butler             Rawdah Fawzy Abdulfadeel        Etan Kinsella McLennan       Natalia Mesa Freydell
Paul Dean                       Roberto Campos Ruiz                 Gawaher                       Arianna Marie Kiriakos       Nicola Claire Meyrick
Anna Diamantouli                Beatrice Cannelli                 Eirini Georgoulaki-Misegianni   Philippa Louise Knipe        Kalliopi Michail
Nesrine El Akel                 Elisabetta Caria                  Elena Girda                     Julia Charlotte Koenig       Johannes Gerrit Middeljans
Alessandra Esposito             Charlotte Louise Chambers         Guzel Girfanova                 Jimin Koo                    Sandra Catherine Miles
Amy Louise Patricia Evans       Jae Ho Chang                      Francesca Rae Glace             Julia Kornau                 Ashleigh Monagle
Laura Catherine Forster         Angie Yan Chi Chao                Sofia Goncalves Serra           Lisa Maria Koschitz          Ciara Mongey
William Laurence Garrood        Theo Pierre Michel Chastanier     Shicheng Gong                   Klara Dorothea Kostal        Naomi Morris Omori
Sara Alys Hale                  Anthony Charles Thomas            Shidi Gong                      Yuanyuan Kou                 Philip Andrew Stewart
Thomas James Hurst                Chater                          Rafal Goszczurny                Andrew George Kourris          Morrison
Patrick Garnett Johnson         Anqi Chen                         Patrick Charles Francis Grady   Robert Jozef Kozak           Hannah Morrow
Georgia Kouta                   Chen Chen                         Annabella Davis Grant           Yasmine Kyriakos-Saad        Laura Lee Morton
Cinthya Lana Cardoso Oliveira   Junjun Chen                       Eliza Lucy Greenwell            Timothy Carl Emmerich        Liam Timothy Callum Mullally
Catriona Watkins Livingstone    Mo Chen                           Matthew Greenwood                 Laczko-Schroeder           Alys Anne Murray
Christian Kjellstrom Melby      Qiuyang Chen                      Daniel Griffin                  Dominic Sylvia Lauren        Emily Annie Florence Murray
Taichi Miura                    Xin Chen                          Yangyang Gu                     Arthur Marie Xavier Claude   Emma Camille Noemie
Clare Marie Moriarty            Yaochong Chen                     Emma Guarnieri                    Le Pargneux                  Nabi-Bourgois
James William Morland           Yuting Chen                       Katja Gujord                    Ching Charlotte Lee          Shyamala Radha Natarajan
Penny Ann Newell                Ziying Chen                       Christian Martin Gunther        Jaehee Lee                   Isabel Alexandra Neelands
Christopher John Noble          Cheuk Yau Cheng                   Danni Guo                       Yeongseo Lee                 Olivia Claire Neilson
Imachibundu Oluwadara Onuzo     Yanxiao Cheng                     Xinyue Guo                      Yuna Lee                     Rosemary Annabel Neilson
Maria Rizou                     Teresa Francis Cherukara          Yi Guo                          Mimi Calypso Leicester       Conrad Ian Newman
Sophia Satchell-Baeza           Sneha Choudhury                   Ying Guo                        Wong Zhuan Neng Leslie       Holly Alba Lilian Nicholas
Tonguc Seferoglu                Eleni Christopoulou               Ziqi Guo                        Haotong Li                   Eirini Nikopoulou
Benjamin James Swift            Tara Daisy Citro                  Charlotte Guslund               Huihui Li                    Katie Rebecca Noble
Panagiotis Theodoropoulos       Jessica Louise Clarke             Amanda Lynn Gwinnup             Linjuan Li                   Alexandra Tess Noe
Elizabeth Anne Welch            Noelle Marie Conrad               Barney Samuel Hagan             Mengnan Li                   Craig John Talbot Norman
                                Imogen Clair Crarer               Steven Hajiyianni               Wanting Li                   Jessica Norman
                                Ruizhe Cui                        Caroline Elizabeth Halls        Xiaoyi Li                    Amy Victoria Norris
Postgraduate                    Chhaya Dabas                      Catriona Rose Hamilton          Xinni Li                     Sudaporn Obom
Alishae Ather Abeed             Noor Daldoul                      Hugh Neil Charles Hammond       Yuening Li                   Kate Elizabeth O’Connor
Aikaterini Adamopoulou          Gillian Davies                    Kim Harding                     Zixi Li                      Eliza Akua Asantewaah
Ann Lucy Afflerbach-Berman      Rosalyn Anne Davies               Emily Jane Harries              Yaqi Lian                      Odire-Boadi
Sarah Anisa Ahmed               Yiwen Deng                        Melanie Claire Harrison         Yuchi Liang                  Claire Louise O’Flynn
Mia Lily Mae Ahmet              You Deng                          Laura Hart                      Linlu Liao                   Zeynep Ada Okumus
Aun Ali                         Ziyang Deng                       Taylor Cathleen Harwood         Qingqiu Liao                 Elizabeth Simms Byrd Oliphant
Maxine Ali                      Clemence Constance Benedicte      James Hatherill                 Yue Liao                     Ross O’Mahony
Nabiyah Ali                       Marie Deveau                    Ilona Emilia Hautamaa           Chieh-Er Lien                Caitlin Faye O’Malley
Maitha Bader Rashed Dafoos      Elizabeth Irene Dewar             Kendra Bailey Hayes-Pang        Hanxu Lin                    Sofia Orellana Drago
  Almehairi                     Julie Diebold                     Kun He                          Junya Lin                    Ellen Ann Ormesher
Robert Henry Charles Amis       Angela Toni Difede                Mengxue He                      Tong Lin                     Jake Demetrios Orros
Noah Franziskus Anderson        Manuel Dileva                     Yongchun He                     Wei Yi Lin                   Laura Justina Osadciw
Melina Maria Andreou            Emily Doctor                      Philip Andrew Heartfield        Yanjun Lin                   Chloe Osborne
Naiad Victoria Angel            Megan Lucy Dympna Doherty         Amelia Suzanne Hellyer          Yihan Lin                    Rosalind Kate Palframan
Laura Mary Antone               Stephanie Donowho                 Sophie Alice Hemmings           Yueqing Lin                  Yuting Pan
Natalia Apostolopoulou          Sabina Dosani                     Joshua Henshaw                  Binyu Liu                    Eleonora Passelli
Ria Ariani                      Natasha Leah Douglas              Veronika Hepperle               Chang Liu                    Alexis Danielle Patterson
Helen Atkinson                  Luke Peter Dowding                Sin I Ho                        Chengyu Liu                  Elizabeth Jane Perkins
Katie Bailey                    Magdalena Drafiova                Andrew Richard Charles          Pei Liu                      Theresa Henriette Peuker
Laura Jane Bailey               Chunlei Du                          Holland                       Xixuan Liu                   Cecile Kim Van Pin
James Nicholas Baker            Nicole Margaret Dwan              Kacper Sebastian Holubek        Xuan Liu                     Zoe Anne Pinto
Angelica Louise Baker Ottaway   Lucy Caroline Eden                Tina Maria Homann               Yang Liu                     Serafima Pishchikova
Ellen Katherine Ball            Timothy John Robert Eden          Thomas James Hother             Yili Liu                     Michael David Powell-Davies
Katie Susan Ball                Samandar Edrisi                   Yonglu Hou                      Yue Liu                      Jenny Brown Prince
Nicholas Graham Ball            Josceline Grace Edwards           Wenlin Hu                       Britta Johanna Lorenz        Rosalyn Claire Pringle
Kate Bauer                      Sel Ertas                         Wilson Hui                      Yinlei Lou                   Christopher Harry Purdon
James Beattie                   Nicole Hilary Ettlinger           Nurul Imania                    Ziyi Lu                      Grace Ann Purdy
Yinon Beeri                     Clara Lucie Marie Facchetti       Huda Imtiaz                     Gregorio Lucena Scarpella    Aine Nuala Purkiss
Marcus James Bell               Steven Francis Fachada            Laura Kathryn Jacobs            Magdalene Anne Lugowski      Libin Qiu
Marcelle Elise Bellehumeur      Anu Leenastiina Falck             Sofie Thoft Illemann Jaeger     Taoyuan Luo                  Nuo Qiu
Helen Marie Bench               Ludovica Fallanca                 Steven Jerome Jager             William James Andrew Henry   Xiaowei Qiu
Raghav Bhardwaj                 Gaia Morgana Silvia Fantini       Geoffrey Christopher David        Lyon Tupman                Caitlin Sara Andrew Quinlan
Martha Biggins                  Catherine Teresa Ann                James                         Jianwei Ma                   Henna Qureshi
Henrikas Bliudzius                Fernandes                       Ramya Jegatheesan               Xinying Ma                   Arjun Adair Rai-Roche
Alexander Jack Pierre Boitier   Stephen William Fielding          Nuo Jia                         Alison MacDivitt             Kuizhen Rao
Corinna Angelica Ortensia       Kathryn Louise Barrett Finch      Ting Jia                        Caitlin Bea MacNamara        Harry Charles Montague
  Bordoli                                                                                                                        Reddish

                                                                                                                                              Graduation ceremonies
                                                                                                                                      Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Claire Alexandra Richie          Wanxin Xu                      Zoe Elsebe Josepha Maria Van   Yue Cai                        Xuecong He
            Lucy Emma Ricketts               Xiaohang Xu                     Hovell Tot Westerflier        Adrien Emmanuel Cambonie       Yue He
            Sarah Anne Rolufs                Yaolin Xu                      Paul Waiting                   Muxi Cao                       Petra Heger
            Larissa Joy Rosendale            Yingjia Xu                     Christian Charles White        Yu Cao                         James Daniel Hirst
            Joe Oliver Rosslyn               Zijia Xu                                                      Erin Louise Carey              Sirapussorn Hirunworawuttikul
            Emma Patricia Rowland            Jiaqi Yang                     King’s Business                Minkuan Chang                  Phyllisa Li Hsia Hoe
            Anna Rozehnalova                 Qianxiong Yang                                                Chong Hua Chen                 Shan Hong
            Lea Mavo Rozencwajg              Qingqing Yang                  School                         Cong Chen                      Wanyu Hou
            Rachael Michel Sablik            Tolga Yanik                                                   Feiya Chen                     Endrit Hoxha
            Christopher John Salt            Yuan Yao                       Doctoral Level Award           Jiawei Chen                    Huiting Hu
            Eleni Sanida                     Yuqi Ye                                                       Jiaxin Chen                    Jingzhe Hu
            Ben Sayle                        Wei Yen                        Stefanie Jirsak                Jingyi Chen                    Shuang Hu
            Kelly Marie Scandone             Hannah Kwek Yi Ling            Max Josef Schreder             Junzhu Chen                    Xueqi Hu
            Katrin Martha Irma Schubert      Yue Ying                       Alexandra Elizabeth Stroleny   Rulin Chen                     Yiwen Hu
            Gabriela Secova                  Weinan You                                                    Shihan Chen                    Yuanjie Hu
            Andrea Elizabeth Selitto         Lu Yu                          Postgraduate                   Wandan Chen                    Yue Hu
            Richard John Senior              Yingting Yuan                  Amirah Binti Abd Rahman        Xiaoling Chen                  Yuman Hu
            Jounghyun Seo                    Marzena Joanna Zdrojkowska     Muhammad Danial Qidran Bin     Xiyu Chen                      Hsiao-Han Huang
            Brittany Serafin                 Jing Zeng                         Abdul Wahab                 Xu Chen                        Limin Huang
            Daniel Hugh Shanahan             Yu Zeng                        Annette Abraham                Yang Chen                      Sijie Huang
            Harrison Arthur Sharkey          Yuchen Zeng                    Raghav Agarwal                 Yingche Chen                   Waner Huang
            Lauren Abbie Shaw                Siwei Zhang                    Anu Agarwal Alias Kedia        Yu Chen                        Yakun Huang
            Jolyon Frederick James Sheate    Xiaoyue Zhang                  Arshya Aggarwal                Zhuo Chen                      Yu-Ting Huang
            Xinyue Shen                      Xinyan Zhang                   Ali Ahmadli                    Yee Tung Vivian Cheng          Zongrui Huang
            Menghan Shi                      Xiyu Zhang                     Filipp Aizikovits              Yehor Cherniev                 Pauline Hublart
            Meher Shiblee                    Yiying Zhang                   Aycan Akgunes                  Anish Chibba                   Sayed Mohamed Jaafar
            Robyn Lauren Shooter             Yuanyuan Zhang                 Khadija Ebrahim Al Abbas       Nichakarn Chinweerapunt          Mohamed Shubbar Husain
            Anastasia Siapka                 Cenwei Zhao                    Mahdi Al-Alawi                 Arabelle Faye Chuang           Giulia Anna Elena Ineichen
            Katherine Alicia Margaret        Yuanchang Zheng                Kelsey Allyson Alandy          Yu Qing Shermaine Chung        Praseed Jagannathan
              Singleton                      Xueting Zhou                   Manal Abdulhamid Alattar       Martino Francesco Colombo      Rebecca Amy James
            Tallulah Beatrice Smart          Zihan Zhou                     Lisa Alberti                   Aline Cordeiro Mourao          Liang Ji
            Yunxiu Song                      Yingjie Zhu                    Ahmad Salem Ahmad              Jason Ian Crosswaite           Wei Ji
            Andrea Isabel Sotelo Guadalupe   Zuying Zhu                        Alkhaza’leh                 Hanwen Cui                     Ru Jia
            Claire Elisabeth Spiller                                        Rosie Alexandra Allen          Lingyu Cui                     Feiran Jiang
            Alexander George Stanley         Undergraduate                  Feline Scherfig Allentoft      Yajie Cui                      Qi Jiang
            Serena Starr                     Tamanna Aktar                  Anoud Abdulaziz Abdullah       Yuchen Cui                     Qianyu Jiang
            Antrea Stavrou                   Tanjima Jeni Akther               Alsaab                      Olivia Hephzibah Cummins       Yi Jiang
            Craig Laurence Stevens           Norhan Saifeldin Basheer Ali   Bothaina Altamimi              Zhengyang Dai                  Jiayi Jiao
            Juliana Floriene Stewart         Jemma Olivia Amos              Ran An                         Aslam Dakri                    Tingting Jie
            Samuel Robert Sean Storey        Holly Jane Anderson            Xiaowei An                     Mallika Rajendraprasad Darak   Jiuchen Jing
            Alexandra Oriane Strauss         Tanisha Abhijit Avarsekar      Sanjana Rynjah Anand           Rares-Andrei Dascalasu         Napas Jira
            Eva Beate Stromsted              Sajal Azam                     Thanyaporn Anantasilp          Philip James Davis             Eleanor Johnson
            Yuki Sugiyama                    Jake Bolger                    Kristin Marie Anderson         Chiara De Saram                Georgina Alice Jones
            Jingwen Sun                      Sandhir Chahal                 Vasiliki Andreadi              Manisha Dhutti                 Neha Joseph
            Xiaotong Sun                     Alice Elizabeth Ann Chapman    Dany Samuel Angel              Lorelei Rose Dickenson         Bojana Josifovska
            Fanni Szentivanyi                Lauren Cathlene Nancy          Kenji Anzai                    Hien Khanh Dinh                Ben Brian Lacsamana Kalaw
            Adam Anderson Tait                 Cuthbert                     Kashish Aswani Khudabadi       Stefani Dionysiou              Ioannis Kalfas
            Enqi Tang                        Paleeka Davda                  Jose Manuel Athie Meza         Xiaowei Dong                   Ioanna Kalozoumi Paizi
            Xin Tao                          William Harry Davis            Thea Cathrine Børresdatter     John Edward Drake              Qiao Kang
            Barbara Taylor                   David De Almeida                  Aursnes                     Yejie Du                       Thanyathip Kangwankai
            Ben Taylor                       Charlene Tanyshka De Alwis     Yanik Aus Der Beek             Henna Maya Dungar              Philip Karam
            James Michael Taylor             Andre De Souza                 Almir Avdic                    Danit Edelsburg                Georgios Karathanasis
            Ruby Uchechi Taylor              Laura Deering                  Nina Avvanzini                 Simone Erharter                Yerkezhan Karentayeva
            Sasha Nicole Thomas              Oliver Evans                   Constance Christina Bagley     Antonia Fahle                  Viktoria Karolova
            Harriet Mary Thompson            Peter Fielding                 Sobia Baig                     Yating Fan                     Ammar Samad Khan
            Laura Halliday Thompson          Rachel Diana Mary Finan        Ilia Bakali                    Qianqian Fang                  Anusha Khan
            Tara Charlotte Thorpe            Celestine Fraser               Natthasit Banchoetsakun        Lorenza Fedele                 Awais Hassan Khan
            Sanela Tomlinson                 Wallis Alexandra Gray          Chirag Bansal                  Xue Fei                        Aurora Horn Kive
            Merilin Toomra                   Victoria Vilma Mary Louise     Michel Baroudi                 Li Feng                        Sefa Koku
            Matthew Alexander Trapp            Hamilton                     Ece Baskesen                   Yong Feng                      Pawel Kononczuk
            Eleanor Lily Trent               Elizabeth Mary Hardman         Tarandeep Kaur Bassi           Marina Isabel Basco Ferrer     Boglarka Kovacs
            Sebastian Daniel Tsai            Alexandra Christalina Hind     Isha Batra                     Axel Fonte                     Desislava Atanasova Kozareva
            Jiayuan Tu                       Peter Alan Hopkins             Anatole Louis Jean Baudin      Hanci Fu                       Kirsten Helen Kreger
            Kyung Uh                         Ayesha Hussain                 Rhea Bawa                      Linjie Fu                      Niran Kumar
            Andrej Uhnak                     Tamanna Islam                  Shyaina Bedi                   Pui Hing Fung                  Darryn Alexander Kupratis
            Catalina Magdalena Urtubia       Rob Hamish Johnston            Barbara Beresova               Khoudia Taree Gadio            Kin Chun Lam
              Figueroa                       Ajeet Kaur-Sucha               Gregoire Platone Georges       Mohit Rajiv Gaikwad            Joanna Nicole Laskus
            Matthew David James Van Well     Ellie Jane Kevill                 Bersier                     Gemma Elizabeth Gallant        An-Chi Lee
              Groeneveld-Greenfield          Astrid Marie Isabelle Landon   Nicola Stefanie Betz           Shan Gao                       Elizabeth Lee
            Amber Leigh Vesty                Oliver David Lane              Prerna Bhalla                  Kritika Garg                   Lok Yee Lee
            Madeleine Jane Wagner            Sophia Charis Lawrence         Radhika Bhatia                 Mei Ge                         Chanon Leelanuwatkul
            Chaoyu Wang                      Kathy Bethany Linford          Ruman Singh Bhatti             Shenhao Ge                     Stephane Lemay
            Dian Wang                        Yu Luo                         Cheng Bi                       Yanxi Ge                       Alexei Leon
            Doudou Wang                      Pauline Markina                Denise Biddle                  Elisa Gedwien                  Kai Pong Leong
            Xinyue Wang                      Ka Ho Kelvin Ng                Federica Bindi                 Nikolaos Georgiadis            Bo Li
            Xuan Wang                        Felicity Pippa Louise          Noorzureen Elianie Binti       Mihael Georgiev                Jia Li
            Xuanye Wang                        Nosworthy                       Zolkefli                    Helena Christina Georgiou      Jiamin Li
            Xueqing Wang                     Abigail Odell                  Jennifer Anne Birch            Ashley Madeline Gibbs          Lisha Li
            Yue Wang                         Gabriella Rose Parry           Eralda Bisha                   Sheena Gillett                 Mengxi Li
            Zeyu Wang                        Lydia Rimmer                   Mari Nilsen Bjoernoe           Jekaterina Gritsinina          Ronghui Li
            Zoe Louise Marie Watelet         Emily Elizabeth Rutherfoord    Niamh Alison Blair             Charlyn Gruhn                  Selina See Wei Li
            Victoria Charlotte Watts         Kian Sadoughi-Yarand           Agnes Alain Bletard            Tasa Grujic                    Xinrong Li
            Ling Wei                         Rhea Sahans                    Natalia Anna Bochenek          Yu Guan                        Xinyan Li
            Kristen Candis Wellborn          Martin Aeneas Carl Wilhelm     Laurencia Boedidarmo           Julia Guertler                 Xiyuan Li
            Molly Fiona Whyte                  Schlombs                     Hannah Borg Costanzi           Elif Gultekin                  Xueyan Li
            Laurie Diane Wiegler             Gabriela Sepulveda Portillo    Matija Borscak                 Felisa Gunawan                 Yani Li
            Catriona Alice Wilson            Pooja Charlotte Singh          Sonia Milena Brilli            Beini Guo                      Yaxuan Li
            Hannah Louise Wilson             Oliver James Strong            Jack Edward Brocksom           Fudian Guo                     Yifan Li
            Sarah Jayne Wisialowski          Emily-Kate Ballard Stuart      Samuel Adri Budiman            Manita Gurung                  Yifan Li
            Emily Mary Josephine Wood        Anna Catherine Taylor          Thao Thu Bui                   Guiming Han                    Jiayu Lian
            Biying Wu                        Sophie Marielle Thomas         Jasmine Frances                Yan Han                        Hanbing Liang
            Yangdi Wu                        Oscar Timothy Townsend            Butler-Burnham              Manfei He                      Ying Liang
            Yulun Wu                           Green Tercel                 Anna Buylakova                 Nanxi He                       Yuan Liang
            Kevin Xu                         Julian Dong Wolfgang Tran      Yayu Cai                       Ruining He                     Rachel Kwan Yee Lim
            Pingshuang Xu                    Yusuf Ur-Rehman                Yingying Cai                   Xin He                         Haiyan Lin

Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Xian Lin                           Qi Qi                           Derya Topcu                    Dongmei Yu                 Postgraduate
Yi-Han Lin                         Hanjing Qin                     Una Topic                      Han Yu                     Rawan Hussein H Abed
Chang Liu                          Saifei Qiu                      Eleni Trypatsa                 Justin Yu                  Marwah Afeef
Guanli Liu                         Jiaxin Qu                       Tommaso Turri                  Yangzi Yu                  Ali Reza Afrasiabi
Jianlin Liu                        Jingyou Qu                      Emmanuelle Tamaratari          Yingdan Yu                 Mahdi A. A. M. H. Alattar
Junqing Liu                        Lorena Quintao Alvares Morais     Ugbomah                      Zhuojun Yu                 Eyad Mohammed S
Mengjiao Liu                       Juuli Pauliina Rajalahti        Elena Valentinova Valkova      Wei-Che Yuan                 Alduwayghiri
Mengyuan Liu                       Zahra Karim Rajwani             Victor Hugo Vallarta Lopez     Xiaomeng Yuan              Fahad Yagob Almazrou
Muxi Liu                           Pierre Rakotovao                Anastasia Valti Spanopoulou    Ruslan Yusibov             Lina Mostafa E Alqobaly
Pu Liu                             Wen Ran                         Sara Van Es                    Seifeldin Aly Shawkat      Eman Mohammed A Alsharafi
Shaoqiang Liu                      Farrukh Raza                    Vighnesh Varma                   Mohamed Zakaria          Reem Alshehri
Shuwei Liu                         Benjamin Thomas Hamblin         Avika Vasapong                 Zhihua Zang                Humza Mohammed Sulaman
Yi Liu                               Reed                          Remedios Vegas Rodriguez       Tianyu Zhan                  Anwar
Pui-Yu Melissa Lo                  Charlotte Leversby Reksten      Iana Konstantinovna Velichko   Bokun Zhang                Vinish Aravindakshan
Viral Pankaj Lodhiya               Yi Ren                          Ajay Venkataraman              Chen Zhang                 Abdulaziz Adel A Bakhsh
Chuwen Long                        Janel Ridley                    Ishita Verma                   Huiyan Zhang               Ian John Blewitt
Gloria Lopez Marin                 Paschalis Rozos                 Aneta Vichova                  Jingyi Zhang               Sabeen Aymen Bokhari
Bingqing Lu                        Benjamin Kim Ryan               Lorena Mihaela Vlasceanu       Kefei Zhang                Lily Emma Dewhurst
Jiayi Lu                           Artem Saakyan                   Victor Georgiev Voutov         Kelan Zhang                Izabela Teresa Gajda
Lin Lu                             Shavkat Sadinov                 Karina Plamenova Voykova       Lingyi Zhang               Ana Catarina Pereira Da Cunha
Minyang Lu                         Emiko Katherine Saltzgaber      Pui Yin Wan                    Qian Zhang                   De Pinho Goncalves
Jiangqi Luo                        Joseph Paul Sanger              Ge Wang                        Qianyu Zhang               Batoul Ieddi
Assietou Ly                        Shelly Sarawagi                 Hanxiao Wang                   Shunshun Zhang             Alan Edward Knight
Zhuo Lyu                           Ann-Christin Schiller           Huayi Wang                     Xiaoqi Zhang               Vanessa Thom Le
Ning Ma                            Julie Laura Schneider           Jia Wang                       Ying Zhang                 Awais Malik
Xiaoman Ma                         Andrea Scott                    Jiahao Wang                    Zhe Zhang                  Shabbir Yusuf Merchant
Zhijie Ma                          Nikita Sethu Menon              Jie Wang                       Keqin Zhao                 Aditi Bela Mondkar
Doriane Madec                      Arshia Shafiei                  Ke Wang                        Qing Zhao                  Jose Antonio Nunes Da Costa
Rachel Madhani                     Bhavika Shah                    Mengyao Wang                   Yijun Zhao                   Monteiro Eusebio
Froogh Shahid Mahmood              Mansi Mehul Shah                Qing Wang                      Shanmei Zhen               Neha Patel
Quang Thanh Mai                    Vama Tejas Shah                 Yao Wang                       Ziyao Zheng                Tengyang Qiu
Donat Maloku                       Sabrina Shahawi                 Yijin Wang                     Jingling Zhong             Andreea Salcianu
Qiqi Mao                           Yuan Shen                       Yu Wang                        Luping Zhong               Muhammad Kh M S Sh M
Andreea-Diana Marinescu            Weichen Sheng                   Yu Wang                        Yuting Zhong                 Saleh
Stephanie Elizabeth Mathew         Gaohui Shi                      Yue Wang                       Qianfeng Zhou              Dominic Francis Blessley Sinson
Takahiro Matsuzaki                 Yu-Hsin Shih                    Yueyi Wang                     Sien Zhou                  Soundarya Srinivasan
Hanne Louise Mauritzen             Tiffany Sika-Dufie              Yutong Wang                    Xingchen Zhou              Ayeshah Fadhel Tifooni
Caitlin McCreight                  Carlo Silvano                   Yuxuan Wang                    Xinyi Zhou                 Borislav Aleksandrov Tsanevski
Samantha McLaughlin                Abhinav Pratap Singh            Sin Tung Wat                   Yifan Zhou                 Harriet Bethany Tweedale
Wanpeng Mei                        Navin Jonathan Singh            Arpa Wattanavit                Yuxuan Zhou                Bobby Abraham Varghese
Runsi Meng                         Sanjana Sanjay Singh            Wei Wei                        Hongzhi Zhu                Anna Veli
Yiyang Meng                        Saachi Murli Singla             Qirui Wen                      Jiayu Zhu                  Saurab Singh Virdi
Anna Malwina Mere                  Vrinda Singla                   Anna Maria Wojciechowska       Shenshen Zhu               Viktoria Weber
Sophie Messner                     Prianka Sisodiya                Nicole Hoi Yen Wong            Yu Zhu                     Shuntaro Yamada
Jia Min                            Zhenjiang Song                  Chen Wu                                                   Brooke Jody Zaidman
Jiawen Mo                          Melis Merve Soysal              Junjie Wu                      Undergraduate
Anshika Modi                       Elliot Benjamin Spain           Shuang Wu                      Muhammad Abdullah          Undergraduate
Nordhania Binti Mohd Zin           Veronia Spaine                  Yifan Wu                       Anurav Agrawal
Caitlin Elizabeth Monaghan         Sarah Anna Elisabeth Stavling   You Wu                                                    Sukhpreet Singh Dubb
                                                                                                  Ta Wei Chen
Anusha Munegowda                   Sabrina Stefaner                Zhong Xuan Wu                  Rayaan Johan Grahne
Egesta Murataj                     Macallister Ann Steffenhagen    Ziyang Xia                     Shagun Gupta               Institute of Psychiatry,
Michael Tendwa Mwaitirwa           Justin Baron Stennicke-         Shuying Xie
Harold Nakam                         Ronsholdt                     Feng Xu
                                                                                                  Alan Yi Lun Hong           Psychology &
                                                                                                  Henry Napier Malcolm
Jing Nan                           Jovan Stojkovski                Ni Xu                          Aram Garren Nahabedian     Neuroscience
Aparna Narayanan                   Juliana Stylianou               Yangyi Xu                      Harry Charles Alexander
Konstantin Alexander Nellessen     Hui Su                          Yiqiu Xu                        Palmer
Hongmei Ni                         Fangmengmei Sun                 Yuanyuan Xu
                                                                                                                             Doctoral Level Award
                                                                                                  Oliver Petersen-Buckley    Deborah Agbedjro
Yuanyuan Ning                      Ruiqi Sun                       Yue Xu                         Yuting Shu
Juveria Mohammed Nisar             Xiaojun Sun                     Jia Xue                                                   Thomas Stephen Ainscough
                                                                                                  Ali Umudov                 Angeliki Argyriou
Eniola Esther Oluwole              Yangjie Sun                     Qianju Xue                     Takamasa Usui
Aki Ono Yoshikawa                  Zhengqi Sun                     Qing Xue                                                  Rebecca Elizabeth Arnold
                                                                                                  Yamini Yadav               Ziada Ng’Ombo Laurel Ayorech
Rebeca Rosalia Ortega              Anandita Suneja                 Xiaohua Yan                    Yiwen Zhang
  Fernandez                        Francesca Suraci                Chuan Yang                                                Elizabeth Rosemary Baker
Athanasios Palianastasis           Xueying Tan                     Danqing Yang                                              Giulia Bellesi
Jiannan Pan                        Ragini Tandan                   Ke Yang                        Faculty of Dentistry,      Emily Jayne Clarke
                                                                                                                             Marco Colizzi
Yue Pan                            Lin Tao                         Min Yang                       Oral & Craniofacial        Clementine Jane Edwards
Jaimini Pattani                    Wy Jun Teoh                     Shiming Yang
Begum Pekmezci                     Aimon Termsinvanich             Xue Yang                       Sciences                   Mehul Elliott-Joshi
Phuong Luu Ly Pham                 Ru Ting Rachel The              Yimao Yang                                                Amy Louise Gillespie
Magdalena Poltorak                 Gesthimani Theodosoglou                                                                   Katie May Hazelgrove
                                                                   Yulei Yang                     Doctoral Level Award       Maxine Howard
Tracy Alexandra Prieto             Allison Marylou Eugenia         Yunzheng Yang                  Manoharan Andiappan
  Barragan                           Theunissen                    Wenqi Yao                                                 Cheryl Dawn Jordan
                                                                                                  Antonia Pia Cumine         Chandrika Gunawardane
Sugandha Priya                     Fan Xin Thio                    Yuxi Yao                       Ewa Monika Kania
Camille Isabelle Jeanne            Samantha Jane Thomas            Tatsiana Yeudakimovich                                      Kambakara Gedara
                                                                                                  Naomasa Kawashima          Nazia Karsan
  Prulhiere                        Palihenage Minuri Jithmini      Linyuan Yi                     Rose-Anna Grace Pushpass
Marie Celine Christine Prulhiere     Tissera                       Hang Yin                                                  Charandeep Khaira
                                                                                                  Ramya Ranganathan          Emmeline Lagunes Cordoba
Jessica Rebecca Puls               Jack Charles Tomlinson          Yeon-Sun Yoon                  Andrew Trathen             Leanne Lu

                                                                                                                                             Graduation ceremonies
                                                                                                                                     Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
Nicholas Peter Magill            Anna Frances Byrne               Samuel Ghatan                     Whitney Wing Yee La              Kristine Amalie Osterman
            Lindsey Marwood                  Isobel Callaghan                 Mark Joseph Ghirardello           Alzbeta Labusova                   Petersen
            Anna Sofia Fredrika Musil        Ryan Steven Callan               Toni Gibbs-Dean                   Francis Lammas                   Anais Magali Philippe Hostie
            Gennaro Pagano                   Joshua Anthony Cane              Ko Ae Evelyn Gilbert-Bair         Martin Langen                    Jessica Phipps
            Heather Frances Porter           Simone Josephine Capp            Vasiliki Maria Gkofa              Dunya Latif-Aramesh              Hugh John Pickering-Carter
            Freya Rumball                    Jessica Andrea Sy Cardona        Katarina Glomazic                 Emily Lawless                    Kara Victoria Pirttijarvi
            Emily Dawn Smith-Woolley         Erin Carson                      Jyoti Gogna                       Leila Nakigozi Lawton            Maria Chrysovalanti Pitharouli
            Daniel Adam Solomon              Charlotte Elizabeth Cartwright   Ane Goikolea Vives                Stefan Dawit Lay                 Aarti Polavarapu
            Gursimran Thandi                 Claudia Regina Cecconi           Rebecca Ann Louise Goode          Seong Hoon Lee                   Rebeka Popovic
            Chieh-En Tseng                     Marcotti                       Elizabeth Rose Goodearl           Chelsea Emelia Lewis             Judy Shruthi Rao Posina
            Rong Ye                          Lok Yiu Narelle Chan             Shagana Gopalakrishnan            Tsz Yan Li                       Hannah Bibi Potticary
                                             Odalys Adriana Chano             Lauren Ami Gray                   Jenny Elsa Liss Lisshammar       Emma Charle Samantha Proctor
            Postgraduate                     Laura Alexandra Chappell         Hannah Mabella Green              Ethlyn Nicole Lloyd-Morris       Josephine Clarissa Purnomo
            Rona Abazi                       Nandita Chaudhary                Rebecca Evie Green                Jennifer Lonji Lubwa             Amar Singh Rai
            Fahad Abid                       Shabani Chaudry                  Ksenija Diana Grivska             Kirstie Louise Lovegrove         Georgia Sophie Raingold
            Mary Aboasu                      Dusna Chauhan                    Ian Bryant Groves                 Sze Wai Ma                       Jivesh Ramduny
            Rhea Gayatri Abrol               Xinwei Chen                      Leher Gumber                      Ana Patricia Macedo Pimenta      Aditi Rana
            Safiya Adams                     Wing Yan Joanne Cheung           Mcquinn Gumus                     Shona MacKie                     Yazmin Rashid Manesh
            Deborah Olusefunmi Adetunji      Tugce Melisa Sau Chuong          Brandon Gunasekera                Katherine Anna Duncan            Joanna Helen Alma Reed
            Meis Nawaf Adwan                 Eva Hilde Ive Claeys             Daisy Rachel Gunn                   Maguire                        Samantha Catherine Reynolds
            Mary Abena Agyapong              Catherine Helen Clifton          Newsha Elizabeth Hajiloo          Ayesha Mahmood                   Timothy James Riley
            Muntaha Ahmad                    Edward John Coates               Anthony Lawrence Hall             Charlotte Mair                   Lauren Mary Ritchie
            Sahar Ahmed                      Madeleine Anne Cobbin            Stephanie Michelle Hall           Prabhjot Singh Malhotra          Anna Roach
            Faatma Isse Aidarus              Stacey Jay Bridges Collis        Daniel John Halls                 Laura Siba Mani Solanes          Kathryn Joanne Roberts
            Lorraine Ann Ainscough           Larisa Ioana Coman               Marwa A.I. Hamdan                 Shanooha Mansoor                 John Edward Robins
            Erfan Akbraian                   Eilis Maria Conroy               Harry Kenneth Hemantkumar         Rand Mansour                     Eleanor Dido Robinson
            Melika Akhbari                   Charlotte Rose Cooper              Hanuman Sing                    Sophia Elizabeth Maria Theresa   Sarah-Catherine Rodan
            Shah Alam                        Nina Catherine Coughlan          M Tasdik Hasan                      Maprayil                       Claudia Roses Novella
            Maria Francisca Aldunate Lobo    Fiona Sioned Coutts              Tilly Alice Hawkins               Luke Antony Marlow               Kezia Rachel Ross
            Jose Andres Alepuz Guillen       Joanne Louise Culver             Sheryl Hayfron                    Anna Martin                      Pollyanna Arlene Rouse
            Hafiza Ali                       Robert Daly                      Emily Phillada Hedges             Jack Laurence Martin             Simon Roux
            Sabriha Tamanna Ali              Yasemin Dandil                   Anna Katharina Hengstschläger     Rosanna Porzia Martinez          Sophie Aishling Ryan
            Sumayya Rajabal Alidina          Dayana Marinova Daneva           Eloise Marie Hewston              Natasha Caroline Martland        Samirah Sadik
            Akmal - Alikhon Aliev            Chinelo Whitney Daniels-         Abigail Louise Higgins            Rebecca Nicole Martland          Lucas Gerard Sadoff
            Sharifah Amirah Sofea Aljffri      Ifekwe                         Michelle Annette Higgins          Jesse Karma Masih                Vanessa Charlotte Sagnay de la
            Amjad Ibrahim A Altokhis         Maryam Zaryaab Dar               Victoria Emily Higgs              Ava Mason                          Bastida
            Sema Altuntas                    Saloni Nilesh Dattani            Ceyda Hisarkaya                   Urooba Masood                    Anam Saifullah
            Anum Anwar                       Francesca Davis                  Ava Elizabeth Hodson              Julie Ann Masters                Sharjeel Ahmad Sajid
            Ashley Roberta Awo Ohenebia      Elana Adrianne Day               Sam Hollandt                      Joseph Mathew                    Rimsha Saleem
              Appiah                         Zachary William De Jode-         Helen Anne Hollingdale            Loriane Mbayo                    Mahek Jasmin Salman
            Maria Fernanda Arroyo Segovia      Richards                       Anamul Hoque                      Alice McAulay                    Sek Ping San
            Rowan Norster Arthur             Sophie Louise Dean               Zarrin Tasnim Hossain             Ciara McConaghy                  Jessica Rose Sanderson
            Tiffani Asiama-Southgate         Zoe Ashlea Delaney               Shweta Hota                       Elicia McGregor                  Avni Savani
            Sophia Aslam                     Harley Dempsey                   Dawei Hou                         Amber McKenzie                   Rachel Charlotte Anne Scott
            Jacqueline Siobhan Aston         Qigang Deng                      Kate Marie Howard                 Emma Marie Elizabeth             Cecilia Serrano De Haro Perez
            Taliya Anneline Stephanie        Devanshi Desai                   Savanna Bailey Howard               McKenzie                       Shamilah Serwanga Nakiyemba
              Atukorala                      Kiran Dhillon                    Jessica Josephine Hughes          Joyce Elizabeth Meloni           Bintay Zahra Shah
            Nadine Azmy Ibrahim              Sukriti Dhingra                  Kathryn Victoria Hughes           Mizanoor Rahman Miah             Rabia Shahab
            Hajer Bachi                      Mihail Deanov Dimitrov           Camille Kaitlyn Hunt              Andreas Michaelides              Amy Helena Shakeshaft
            Raha Bagher Niakan               Lora Dimitrova                   Tammy Gail Hunt                   Ayesha Sunil Mirchandani         Diana Shamsutdinova
            Emma Bailey                      Dionne Marissa Dockery           Holly Hunter-Brown                Emilie Benedikte Robert          Natasha Sharapova
            Blessing Bakare                  Tugce Dolen                      Alaina Rochelle Husbands            Moeyens                        Shanice Sharma
            Kerryann Dawn Baker              Ella Donnelly                    Ruhana Ruma Hussain               Waliwu Mohammed                  Yitong Shen
            Jack Paul William Bakewell       Niamh Doody                      Hannah Lisa L Iannelli            Che Ling Michelle Mok            Suman Sherwali
            Sema Balaban                     Adamantia Douri                  Charlotte Elizabeth Irving-       Jason Montgomery                 Rachel Sherwell
            George Baldwin                   Daniel Dowling                     Curran                          Vanessa Kamila Moratti Rosa      Alice Rosa Fiol Sibley
            Farideh Banafshei                Eleanor Caitlin Drew             Alex Isac                         Carmen Moreno Gonzalez           Laura Maria Helene Sichlinger
            Rashida Rebekah Baptiste         Elizabeth Claire Driscoll        Rebecca Abigail Itlas             David Martin Moss                Morgana Federica Signorini
            Rona Bareli                      Ana Filipa Madancos Duarte       Samehra Jabeen                    Marco Muccio                     Jess Ceri Simmonds
            Julia Elisabeth Momrak           Dana Dubravska                   Nishat Tasnim Jaigirdar           Aimen Muddassar                  Natalie Louise Simon
              Baumann                        Matthew Eddington                Margit Jakabfi                    Alfonce Mutinda Munuve           Clare Josephine Simons
            Flavio Beke                      Nicole El Hawi                   Sajhira Binte Jalil               Syed Ali Muqtadir                Ranjini Sircar
            Nadja Bekele                     Wafa Elhaj                       Cara Louise James                 Hannah Elizabeth Murphy          Pattida Sisukkham
            Holly Victoria Bemrose           Grace Alana Elowe                Paige Elizabeth James             Palwasha Najeeb                  Megan Skelton
            Ruth Bergin                      Andres Estrade Vaz               Annabel Bethany Jardine - Blake   Wang Nan                         Abigail Smakowski
            Nicol Bergou                     Onah Violet Zimuzor Chinyelu     Bradley Scott Jermy               Zeynep Nas                       Natasha Snowden
            Isabel Zara Bernard                Ezukanma                       Martha Alice Jesson               Sarah Ann Nelson                 Neelam Dipak Solanki
            Harjit Bhangra                   Matthew Francis Raymond          Abbeygail Tabitha Jones           Saya Niwa                        Artem Sominov
            Krishna Shreeram Bhat              Faires                         Pratichi Piyushkumar Joshi        Zohal Noori                      Ailing Song
            Harsimran Kaur Bhatia            Ildiko Farkas                    Banusa Kandasamy                  Jennifer Clare Norman            Valentini Spyridou
            Muhammad Haniff Bin              Francesca Feletti                Ayesha Naya Kataria               Dixie Pamela Noruschat           Hannah Erika Stange
              Abdullah                       Edward Andrew Fenby              Jack Kennett                      Serena-Louise Rosalind Jhade     Gavin Robert Stewart
            Bruna Estefania Binasco Galvan   Sade-Louise Fergus               Laura Keyes                         Nowbath-Nelson                 Simon Strakaty
            Shiza Bint Jahanzeb              Lucy Camilla Ferguson            Seyran Khalili                    Anne Wanjiku Grace Nyachae       Aikaterini Strouza
            Annie Sophia Bird                Vanessa Sofia Fernandes          Roveena Faramerz Khambatta        Catherine Anyango Odhiambo       Stephan Stylianou
            Megan Emily Bland                M.A Vinuri Semini Fernando       Daaniyah Khan                     Alice O’Grady                    Long Su
            Marina Bobou                     Joseph Ferris-Moore              Ghafaria Bibi Khan                Adegboyega Ogunwale              Vanessa Cristina Suarez
            Benjamin Bolnick                 Deirdre Finneran                 Mareya Ali Khan                   Nada Ayman Ali Okasha              Contreras
            Martha Elizabeth Bourne          Na’Ilah Reema Firdaws            Sharmin Akhtar Khan               Marwa Yehya Khaled Omar          Priyanka Suneja
            Matthew William Bowdler          Marie Karen Folan                Ayesha Khatun                     Jessica Oyenmwenosa Osarugue     Abhyuday Kumara Swamy
            Alice May Bowen                  Isabelle Francesca Foote         Lujain Abdullah J Khoja             Oshodin                        Zora Syed
            Julia Elizabeth Bowen            Dayne Alexander Forrest          Young Ah Kim                      Aisha Omar Osman                 Aleksandra Magdalena Szpak
            Lucy Ann Bradford                Luke Samuel Foulser              Eleftherios Kipoulas              Stephanie A A Ossei              Adriana Magdalena Szynwelska
            Maria De Montserrat Bravo        Le-Anne Frankson                 Daniel John Kirk                  Mohamed Oumar                    Ali Talib
              Castano                        Margot Elizabeth Frayne          Sarah Helena Klapisch             Sumeyye Ozkaya                   Jinni Che-Heng Tang
            Natasha Emily Brisbane-Nash      Victoria Grace Gabb              Tarryn Klotnick                   Georgios Papadogkonas            Gina Tatchell
            Eileen Sally Brobbin             Khaoula Gafsi                    Dimitrios Kochylas                Danai Papaioannou                Anoushka Rajendra Tauk
            Katrina Jayne Brooker            Alberto Gamboa Lorente           Entela Kolitsi                    Terouz Pasha                     Jennifer Charlotte Tavener
            Kirsten Marys Brown              Qian Gao                         Rafaella Konstantinou             Shivani J Patel                  Clare Rosemary Taylor
            Lauren Christine Bruha           Emily Ann Gardner                Afroditi Kostara                  Budpradap Pathaphithong          Poppy Taylor
            Johanna Bullen                   Richard Howard Gaskill           Ioanna Kouremenou                 Alexandra Emily Patterson        Keren Teichmann
            Fatima Mariam Bundu              Dominic Edward James             Ioanna Kourouzidou                Emily Jayne Pearson              Jessica Faye Teimourian
            Zoe Burgess                        Gatward                        Natalia Kassiani Kouzoupi         Elif Peksevim                    Catarina Isabel Telo
            Matthew Elliot Burrows           Selina Jasmin Geppert            Rasa Kubiliute                    Matthew Percival                 Alyssa Kay Mun Than
            Emma Rachel Butler               Maximilian Paul Hans Gerhold     Burcu Kuter                       Itzia Perez Morales              Sundeep Kaur Thethy

Graduation ceremonies
Royal Festival Hall, January 2019
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