2021 Housing Brochure - Amazon AWS

Page created by Rene Sandoval
2021 Housing Brochure - Amazon AWS
2021 Housing Brochure
2021 Housing Brochure - Amazon AWS

                 6 Anchorage,
                   Alaska                  8 Branson,
                                             Missouri               12 Kohala

14 Lancaster,
   Pennsylvania           16       Mont-Sainte-Anne,
                                   Québec              18 Myrtle Beach,
                                                          South Carolina      21 New

                 24    Orange Beach,
                       Alabama             27     Rapid City,
                                                  South Dakota      31 Tucson,

            33 Cincinnati, Ohio/
               Northern Kentucky           34 Fort Myers,
                                              Florida                      35 Woodbury,

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2021 Housing Brochure - Amazon AWS
Welcome to the
                  Feast of Tabernacles
              2021 Festival Housing Guide

  “You shall dwell in booths for seven days.” With          The establishments have been asked to not accept
  those words in Leviticus 23, we are reminded of the       reservations prior to the agreed-upon time.
  temporary dwellings that we all will live in during         Those with disabilities, health problems or other
  the Feast of Tabernacles.                                 special needs that require specific types of facilities
     As families, we talk about and plan where we           may make early housing reservations, beginning
  want to go for the Feast and where we want to stay.       Monday, May 17. (Check with your local Feast adviser
  We look forward to this time of the year. In order to     for guidelines.) Some sites may require a password in
  make it a positive and memorable experience, we           order to make early reservations.
  do not leave details till the last minute. We save our      When making your reservations, identify yourself
  second tithe, we plan our budget, and we look to the      as a member of the “Church of God, a Worldwide
  Festival housing brochure to see what is offered at       Association.” In some cases, the housing locations
  the various sites.                                        will use the acronym “COGWA.” Be sure to give your
     As you and your family make your plans and             arrival and departure dates, be prepared to give a
  prepare to select and reserve housing for 2021, we        deposit, and be sure to ask for a confirmation number.
  recommend you review all available housing at the           Please take notice of the maximum number of
  site you will be attending.                               occupants allowed in a room and do not exceed
     To assist you in this endeavor, we have included       that number. Reserving a room for four people and
  websites for the housing establishments listed in this    then putting six to seven people in the room is not
  brochure. Please check out those websites, as they        allowed. It causes extra work for the housekeeping
  will allow you to preview the facilities secured by the   staff and violates the agreements we have made.
  Church and the amenities offered at each. This will         PLEASE make only one housing reservation at
  greatly assist you in avoiding unpleasant surprises,      one Feast site. Making duplicate reservations blocks
  such as extra charges and incidental costs.               housing from others looking for housing. If your plans
     We encourage you to consider the choices at several    to attend a site change, be sure to cancel your housing
  sites that serve as anchor facilities for our daily       reservations as soon as possible to free up housing.
  Festival services. In many, if not most, cases, the                                                     Jon Pinelli
  Church benefits greatly with reduced meeting space                                         Festival Planning Team
  charges when members stay on-site at these facilities.
     Of course, if you do not find the housing you
  desire, you may find what you are looking for via an
  online search. The housing options we have listed
  are properties that desire to work with the Church by
  providing a discounted rate for attendees.
     As you make your housing arrangements, please
  remember these important reminders:
     In general, please do not attempt to make
  reservations prior to the opening day and time
  for reservations, which is Monday, May 24, at 10
  a.m. in the time zone of the site you are attending.

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2021 Housing Brochure - Amazon AWS
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What if I have a large family and need a larger          Q. What about “extra fees” that appear on my bill in
   facility, such as a house, to have enough space.            addition to the basic room charge?
   Can I rent “outside” our housing list?
                                                            A. Some facilities have extra charges for things
A. If there is no satisfactory housing on our housing          such as “resort fee,” or “fee for Internet service in
   list, you are certainly free to rent something else.        sleeping rooms” (in some facilities, the Internet is
   Most of the large, home-type facilities are “one of a       free only in the public areas). Most of these should
   kind,” and it would cause more potential problems           be listed in the housing brochure, but it is good
   than it would solve for us to list a large number of        to ask about any extra fees that the facility charges
   one-of-a-kind facilities. And once such a facility          when making your room reservation. When in
   was reserved, it would be a waste of time for any           doubt, ask, so you aren’t surprised when you
   other members who tried to reserve the facility.            check out.

Q. What if I’m torn between two different housing           Q. I have found an establishment that I feel would
   properties (maybe even at two different sites).             be a great fit for our housing block. How do I go
   What is wrong with reserving them both until                about giving this input to the right person?
   I decide and then releasing the one I decide
   not to use?                                              A. At times, members may find a facility that we
                                                               may have overlooked or that may be under new
A. This situation probably happens more often than             management. There are a couple of ways you can
   most would think. It causes difficulties on more            give input in this area. First, since we may already
   than one level. First, it removes a room from the           have our room blocks set for this year, you can
   available block that may eventually go unused if            write in your suggestion on your copy of the
   you cancel just before the Feast. Second, it may            Housing Survey, which is passed out at each site.
   cause a facility to assume it is full and turn down         The Festival coordinator for that site will see it
   possible bookings only to later have one or several         and can follow up on it. Second, you can email the
   cancellations by people who had double-booked               suggestion to the Festival coordinator for that site
   rooms. This causes us problems when we go to                or to a member of the Festival Planning Team. But
   book blocks of rooms for the following year.                either way, please do not try to negotiate with the
                                                               establishment on behalf of the Church.
Q. My extended family is all attending the same site,
   yet we find we are paying different tax rates on         Q. I have several ideas on areas that I feel would
   our rooms. Why is that? It seems confusing!                 make wonderful Feast sites. How do I go about
                                                               giving input on possible locations?
A. Some Feast sites have facilities in different
   communities, each with different lodging tax             A. We are always keeping our eyes open for possible
   rates. Some facilities have a “county tax,” while           Feast sites. Our main criteria for site selection is
   others have a “county tax” and a “city lodging tax.”        desirable locations within a reasonable distance
   Generally, the difference isn’t that great, but it may      of the majority of our people in a region. We will
   be 4 to 5 percent different.                                occasionally have a specialty site on a one-time or a

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2021 Housing Brochure - Amazon AWS
periodic basis, but due to manpower and expense, we       Q. What do I do if I check into a facility selected from
   mostly focus on regional sites across the United States      the housing guide and, after checking in, I find
   and regional sites in the international areas as well.       the conditions to be totally unacceptable?
     The Festival Planning Team is always open to
   suggestions for possible future sites and welcomes        A. While this situation seldom happens, it is a
   input from interested members. If you know of                possibility. Before you actually occupy the room,
   a specific facility in a particular area, feel free to       go back to the management and tell them the
   mention it in an email to a member of the Festival           conditions are totally unacceptable and ask for
   Planning Team. But please do not contact the                 either another room that is acceptable or for a
   facility directly or discuss possible terms with the         refund. Most facilities will work with you. In the
   facility, as if you are representing the Church. Doing       event that you still have a situation, feel free to
   so can cause confusion. Send in your ideas, and we           contact the Festival coordinator for the site or, if
   will look at and consider them in light of current           you know his name, the housing officer. Either of
   needs, contracts and other relative conditions.              them will be able to help you with the situation.

                     Feast of Tabernacles 2021
                                         KEY DATES
                   April 11, 2021                                           June 28, 2021
     Registration for assigned sites begins                  Activity information posted to website

                   May 17, 2021
       Early housing reservations begin                                  Sept. 21-27, 2021
   (see local Festival adviser for guidelines)                           Feast of Tabernacles

                   May 24, 2021                                            Sept. 28, 2021
      General housing reservations begin                                     Last Great Day

              General registration for
        U.S. and international sites begins
                                        APRIL 25
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2021 Housing Brochure - Amazon AWS

         For the first time in its 11-year existence, the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, is
         pleased to announce plans for the Feast of Tabernacles to be held in Anchorage, Alaska.
         Often referred to as the “Last Frontier” and “Land of the Midnight Sun,” the Feast in Alaska
         promises to be a memorable experience.
           Ted Stevens International Airport is located 6 miles from Hotel Captain Cook. Over 40 air
         carriers serve the airport. Renting a car is highly recommended to get in and around the city.
           Daily services will be held at two locations. For the first seven days, we will be at the
         luxurious Hotel Captain Cook. Located in downtown Anchorage, this beautifully appointed
         hotel will have ballroom space for 500. The hotel will be offering standard rooms as well as
         junior suites at very reasonable prices. Due to scheduling conflicts, for the final day of the
         Feast and Last Great Day, we will be at the Egan Convention Center. The Center is located a
         short five blocks from the Hotel Captain Cook.
           Plans are still being developed for group activities, but rest assured, they will promise
         to take in the splendor and beauty of Alaska. Plenty of personal time will be provided for
         families to enjoy much of what the area affords in terms of sightseeing, wonderful meals and
         unique shopping.
           Fragrance-controlled room available: Yes.
           Tax rate for accommodations: 7.5 percent.
           Closest airport: Ted Stevens International Airport (ANC), 6 miles.
                                                                                                 Jon Pinelli

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Please note: As of this time, we still do not have signed contracts for the
                  meeting facilities. This is in part due to ongoing coronavirus meeting
                  restrictions in Anchorage. We expect to have confirmation that the Alaska
                  site is a go by April 1. We will add housing information once we receive the
                  signed contracts.

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         Branson, Missouri, will again welcome the Church of God by hosting the Feast of Tabernacles for
         the 26th year in a row. The site is always popular for all ages.
            The Branson area, in the beautiful, hardwood-forested hills of the Ozarks, is a wonderful setting
         for God’s Feast. The fall scenery can be spectacular, and the hills, lakes, forests and streams
         present an almost millennial setting. Wildlife can be seen in many areas—a very short distance
         from the theater and near many of the housing establishments and entertainment areas.
            For those who want to be more active, Branson has something for everyone—ranging from
         first-class shopping and amusement parks to live music shows, golf courses, museums and the
         Promised Land Zoo.
            Two new attractions are WonderWorks Branson, an “amusement park for the mind” with
         48,000 square feet of “edu-tainment,” and the Wonders of Wildlife museum and aquarium in
         nearby Springfield. As well, Wild Animal Safari and National Tiger Sanctuary are less than 45
         minutes away.
            Housing in Branson is some of the most economical of any Festival site. Establishments range
         from first-class hotels, condominiums, houses and cabins to more economical motels. Virtually
         all housing facilities have, at the minimum, mini fridges and microwaves.
            Services will again be held at the White House Theatre. This location offers several unusual but
         appreciated conveniences, including a large lobby for visiting before and after services and the
         West Wing conference center for other activities.
            Fragrance-controlled room available: Yes.
            Tax rate for accommodations: 7.5 to 11.8 percent, depending on location.
            Closest airport: Springfield-Branson (SGF), 55 miles.
                                                                                                Mike Blackwell

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Baymont Inn                                                        $45     flat rate, 1-4 people
wyndhamhotels.com/baymont                                          Note: These rates are available three nights before and
2719 W. 76 Country Blvd.                                           after the Feast based upon availability. One night’s room
Branson, MO 65616                                                  deposit is required within 10 days of a reservation to hold
                                                                   any room. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled
$50     flat rate, 1-4 people                                      two days before check-in. You must state if you need
                                                                   ground-level unit.
Note: These rates are available three nights before and after
the Feast based upon availability. Rates do not include tax. One   Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
night’s room deposit is required within 10 days of a reservation   nearby, laundry facilities, king or queen beds, air-conditioning,
to hold any room. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is       refrigerator, microwave, continental breakfast included.
canceled two days before check-in. Applicable taxes: 11.4%.
                                                                   Distance from meeting hall: 1 mile
Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped,              Grand Plaza Hotel
steep grades or many steps, king or queen beds, air-               417-336-6646
conditioning, elevator, refrigerator, free Wi-Fi, microwave,       grandplazabranson.com/
coffeemaker, hot breakfast included.                               245 N. Wildwood Drive
                                                                   Branson, MO 65616
Distance from meeting hall: 0.8 mile
                                                                   $69.95		         flat rate, 1-4 people
Branson King Resort and Suites                                     $79.95		         mini suite, 1-4 people
888-320-8550                                                       Note: These rates are available three days before and after
bransonkingresort.com                                              the Feast based upon availability. One night’s room deposit
450 S. Hwy. 165                                                    is required within 10 days of a reservation to hold any room.
Branson, MO 65616                                                  Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled two days
                                                                   before check-in. Applicable taxes: 11.6%.
$44     flat rate, 1-4 people
                                                                   Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
Note: These rates are available three nights before and after      nearby, laundry facilities, king or queen beds, air-
the Feast based upon availability. One night’s room deposit        conditioning, refrigerator, microwave, continental breakfast
is required within 10 days of a reservation to hold any room.      included.
Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled two days
before check-in. Applicable taxes: 12.7%.                          Distance from meeting hall: 0.6 mile

Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping            Hotel Grand Victorian
nearby, laundry facilities, steep grades or many steps,            417-336-2935
outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning, suites,        800-334-8751
elevator, free Wi-Fi, continental breakfast included.              hotelgrandvictorian.com
                                                                   2325 W. 76 Country Blvd.
Distance from meeting hall: 1.8 mile                               Branson, MO 65616

Classic Motor Inn                                                  $69     flat rate, 1-4 people
classicmotorinn.com                                                Note: These rates are available three days before and after
2384 Shepherd of the Hills Expressway                              the Feast based upon availability. One night’s room deposit
Branson, MO 65616                                                  is required within 10 days of a reservation to hold any room.

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Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled two days   hold any room. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is
before check-in. Applicable taxes: 11.6%.                      canceled two days before check-in.

Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent,                 Amenities: Shopping nearby, laundry facilities, king or
shopping nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for              queen beds, air-conditioning, continental breakfast
handicapped, pets allowed with $40 one-time fee,               included.
steep grades or many steps, indoor pool, king or queen
beds, microwave, refrigerator, air-conditioning, suites,       Distance from meeting hall: 1.4 miles
elevator, free Wi-Fi, hot breakfast included.
                                                               Radisson Hotel Branson
Distance from meeting hall: 0.9 mile                           417-335-5767
Hunter’s Friend Resort                                         120 S. Wildwood Drive
417-338-2849                                                   Branson, MO 65616
huntersfriendresort.com                                        $97     hotel room, 1-2 people
118 Myrtle Lane                                                $127    king suite, 1-2 people
Branson, MO 65616
                                                               Note: These rates are available three days before and
$45		             motel room, 1-2 people                       after the Feast based upon availability. One night’s room
$52		             efficiency, 1-2 people                       deposit is required within 10 days of a reservation to
$82-$90		         2-bedroom apartment, 2-8 people              hold any room. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is
$134		            3-bedroom condo, 2-8 people                  canceled seven days before check-in. Applicable taxes:
$95		             cleaning fee for condo                       13.3%.

Note: These rates are available three days before and          Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
after the Feast based upon availability. One night’s room      nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped, king
deposit is required within 10 days of a reservation to         or queen beds, indoor pool, suites, elevator, free Wi-Fi, air-
hold any room. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is      conditioning, hot breakfast included.
canceled 2 days before check-in. Applicable taxes: 9%.
                                                               Distance from meeting hall: 0.9 mile
Amenities: Shopping nearby, waterfront (some), king or
queen beds, outdoor pool, air-conditioning, maid service       Thousand Hills Resort
once a week, pets allowed with a $25 one-time fee.             417-243-2245
Distance from meeting hall: 9.3 miles                          thousandhills.com
                                                               245 S. Wildwood Drive
Oak Grove Inn                                                  Branson, MO 65616
866-430-2692                                                   $120    1-bedroom condo, 1-4 people
bransonoakgroveinn.com                                         $153    2-bedroom condo, 2-6 people
215 Gretna Road                                                $220    3-bedroom condo, 2-8 people
Branson, MO 65616                                              $250    4-bedroom condo, 2-8 people
                                                               $123    1-bedroom cabin
$45       flat rate, 1-4 people                                $168    2-bedroom cabin
                                                               $215    2-bedroom cabin, plus loft
Note: These rates are available three days before and
after the Feast based upon availability. One night’s room      Note: These rates are available three nights before
deposit is required within 10 days of a reservation to         and after the Feast based upon availability. One

Page 10                                                                                                Feast of Tabernacles 2021
night’s room deposit is required within 10 days of a
reservation to hold any room. Deposit refunded in full
if reservation is canceled four days before check-in.
Applicable taxes: 11.6%.

Amenities: Restaurants on premises or adjacent, shopping
nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped,
indoor pool, outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-
conditioning, suites, free Wi-Fi, elevator (at some
locations), mid-week maid service.

Distance from meeting hall: 1.3 miles

    feast.cogwa.org                                        Page 11
Kohala Coast,
  We will be returning to the Big Island of Hawaii this year for the Feast, meeting at the Fairmont Orchid, a hotel
  and resort about a half hour north of the city of Kona. This is a very popular resort area on the “dry side” of the
  Big Island.
     This area north of Kona, on the west side of the largest of the Hawaiian Islands, is the world-famous Kohala Coast.
     We will be returning to the four-star Fairmont Orchid, which hosted us in 2017 and 2019. The Fairmont Orchid
  is located on over 33 acres of lush, tropical, oceanfront grounds that include not only the resort with its seven
  restaurants, but also a private bay with a children’s beach, two championship golf courses, a fitness
  center, spa, 10 tennis courts, pools, gardens and coastal hiking trails through a historical park.
     We are expecting between 300 and 400 to attend the Feast on the Big Island this year. All of our services and
  meetings will be held in the ballroom at the resort, where we have reserved a large block of rooms at deeply
  discounted rates.
     The hotel is offering us complimentary meeting space for our services and activities if most attendees stay at the
  hotel. Those staying at the hotel will help save the Church thousands of dollars in rental fees, and we appreciate your
  support in reserving rooms and staying at the hotel during the Feast.
     There is plenty to do and see on the Big Island—sightseeing, shopping, fine dining, ocean water sports and
  beaches abound. Organized Feast activities will include Family Day on the beach, a teen beach party, a young adult
  kayaking and snorkeling excursion, a family sailing and snorkeling adventure, and a Hawaiian luau.
     You will find plenty of helpful information and pictures on our Facebook page—COGWA FOT – Kohala Coast, HI.
  We look forward to seeing you on the Big Island! Aloha!
     Fragrance-controlled room available: No.
    Tax rate for accommodations: 14.4 percent.
    Closest airport: Kona (KOA), 23 miles.
                                                                                                          Dave Register

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Staying at the Fairmont Orchid Hotel helps the Church
receive complimentary meeting space and resort discounts.
Thank you for helping us out by reserving rooms at the

Additional housing, including condominiums and homes,
may be available in the area. However, these are all privately
owned, and we are unable to negotiate reduced group
rates. If you would like additional information on housing
options, you may contact the Festival coordinator, David
Register, at david.register@cogwa.org.

Fairmont Orchid Hotel
808-885-8888 fax
1 N. Kaniku Drive
Kohala Coast, HI 96743

$225		            hotel room, 1-2 people
$280		            hotel room with ocean view, 1-2 people
$25		             extra person
free		            children 17 and under

Note: All reservations must be made on or before July 31,
2021. Rates available three nights before and after the Feast.
The cost of one night is required as a deposit within 10 days
of reservation. Deposit refunded in full if canceled 30 days
before check-in. Applicable taxes: 14.6%.

Amenities: Restaurants on premises or adjacent, shopping
nearby, equipped for handicapped, waterfront available,
outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning, suites,
elevator, free Wi-Fi, online reservations. Self-parking is free.
Resort fee is waived with room.

Distance from meeting hall: on-site

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          We’re pleased to be returning to Lancaster’s only top-rated luxury hotel—Eden Resort & Suites. Church
          services will be held in the luxurious Crystal Ballroom.
            For housing, we’ll have standard rooms (two queen beds) and a variety of suites. All rooms have a
          refrigerator, microwave and coffer maker.
            Resort dining includes Garfield’s (family atmosphere), Arthur’s Terrace (casual and fine dining) and
          the Encore Lounge, which offers a full range of drinks.
            Off-site dining includes Pennsylvania Dutch restaurants, buffets, fine dining, bakeries and much more. See
          the Lancaster Visitor’s Guide—Where to Eat.
            For group activities, plans are developing for a new off-site Family Day activity, with exciting potential
          for all ages (details forthcoming). Also, a block of tickets is reserved at the Sight & Sound Theatre for a
          showing of Queen Esther!
            Additional nearby family-friendly attractions, if available,are the Biblical Tabernacle Reproduction,
          Civil War History and the Underground Railroad, Lancaster Central Market (food and music), The
          Green Dragon (farmers’ market, Fridays only), Strasburg Rail Road, Amish Farm and House, Turkey Hill
          Experience (ice cream!), Bounce Kraze, Dutch Wonderland (family theme park, ages 3+), Hersheypark
          (which includes the Boardwalk water park and ZooAmerica) and Sky Zone Trampoline Park. For more
          details, see Discover Lancaster (the visitor’s guide can be downloaded using the link at the bottom of
          the web page).
            Fragrance-controlled room available: No.
            Tax rate for accommodations: 11 percent.
            Closest airports: Harrisburg (HIA), 30 miles; Philadelphia (PHL), 65 miles; Lehigh Valley (ABE), 68
          miles; Baltimore-Washington (BWI), 85 miles.
                                                                                                            Kevin Epps

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Eden Resort & Suites                                           two nights before and one night after the Feast. Applicable
866-801-6430                                                   taxes: 11%.
717-569-4208 fax
edenresort.com                                                 Amenities: Restaurant adjacent, shopping nearby, laundry
222 Eden Road                                                  facilities, equipped for handicapped, pets allowed, indoor
Lancaster, PA 17601                                            pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning, full kitchen (no
                                                               oven/stove, induction burner cooktop per requests), suites,
$139.95* 2-queen room (sleeps 4)                               elevator, free Wi-Fi, online reservations, housekeeping only
$139.95* king deluxe/standard, handicapped accessible          on weekdays, hot breakfast included (COVID permitting).
          (sleeps 2)
$164.95* 2-room queen suite (sleeps 8)                         Distance from meeting hall: 1.5 miles
$164.95* 2-room queen suite, handicapped accessible
          (sleeps 6)                                           Spruce Lane Lodge and Cottages
$195.95** studio king villa, with kitchen (sleeps 4)           717-393-1991
$199.95** 1-bedroom villa suite, with kitchen (sleeps 3, 		    717-394-9654 fax
          plus a crib)                                         sprucelanecottages.com
$334.95** 2-bedroom, 2-bath penthouse, with kitchen 		         2439 Old Philadelphia Pike
          (sleeps 8)                                           Lancaster, PA 17602

*Rates above are for 1 to 2 adults. Add $10 per night for      $77.50     cottage, 1-4 people
each additional adult. Children 17 and under are free.
                                                               Note: Rates apply two nights before and after the Feast.
**Neighboring villas and penthouses via on-site sidewalk.      Located by the Smoketown Airport (small planes), which
                                                               is closed in the evenings. Some rooms only have hanger
Note: Rates apply two nights before and after the Feast.       hooks instead of closets. Applicable taxes: 11%.
On June 20, one room night will be charged to your credit
card as the deposit. This charge is nonrefundable. On          Amenities: Restaurants nearby, shopping nearby, laundry
Aug. 8, an additional 30% of your total stay will also be      facilities nearby (Smoketown Laundromat), equipped for
nonrefundable. Applicable taxes: 11%.                          handicapped, king or queen beds, refrigerator, microwave,
                                                               air-conditioning, free Wi-Fi.
Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped, indoor   Distance from meeting hall: 6.3 miles
pool, outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning,
suites, elevator, free Wi-Fi, online reservations.

Distance from meeting hall: on-site

Home2 Suites by Hilton – Lancaster
717-290-1301 fax
1584 Fruitville Pike
Lancaster, PA 17601

$124       1 king bed studio suite (sleeps 4)
$124       2 queen beds studio suite (sleeps 6)

Note: Use group name “COGWA.” Rates above will only apply
to reservations made on or before Sept. 2, 2021. Rates apply

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    Note: Until further notice, only residents of Canada will be allowed to register for Mont-Sainte-Anne. Current travel
    restrictions do not allow nonessential travel to Canada. We hope that this situation will change soon, and we will
    update the Feast web page if travel restrictions are loosened.
      We are planning to return to Mont-Sainte-Anne, Québec, for the Feast this year, meeting at the Château Mont-
    Sainte-Anne resort half an hour northeast of the historic city of Québec. Fall colors, expansive mountain vistas
    and deep canyons make this a beautiful place to keep God’s Feast. Services will be held in English and in French,
    alternating each day between the two languages, with translation available.
      The Château Mont-Sainte-Anne, which recently became a Marriott property (Delta Hotels by Marriott), boasts an
    on-site restaurant, indoor pool, spa and fitness center. The hotel offers several types of rooms, suites and condos to
    match your accommodation needs and budget. Most room types include kitchenettes, while the spacious condos
    include full kitchens. A handful of local restaurants and grocery stores are within a short drive. Numerous off-site
    housing options are available nearby as well.
      During the Feast, you can discover Old Québec, which dates back to the 17th century and is full of historic
    landmarks, unique restaurants, boutiques and sightseeing opportunities. For the naturalist, the Cap Tourmente and
    the Canyon Sainte-Anne are a short drive from the Festival site, and the expansive Jacques-Cartier National Park is
    within reach. The nearby Montmorency Falls stands a full 99 feet higher than Niagara Falls. You can experience this
    stunning cascade via a cable car ride, a suspension bridge over the falls or a long staircase to the base of the falls.
      If you have questions, please contact Daniel Harper at daniel.harper@cogwa.org.
      Fragrance-controlled room available: Yes.
      Tax rate for accommodations: 18.9 percent.
      Closest airport: Jean Lesage International Airport (YQB), 36 miles.
                                                                                                              Daniel Harper

Page 16                                                                                             Feast of Tabernacles 2021
Please note that in addition to these housing options, several budget
motels are also available within 5 miles of the Feast site. Due to
the current U.S.-Canada border closure, we are unable to secure
negotiated rates at this time.

For the up-to-date conversion rate from USD (US$) to CAD (CA$),
please see xe.com/currencyconverter/convert/?Amount=1&From

Château Mont-Sainte-Anne (soon to be a Delta Hotel by Marriott)
418-827-5211 (Canada only)
800-463-4467 (U.S. and Canada)
500 Boulevard du Beau-Pré
Beaupré, QC G0A 1E0

Note: For rates and information, please consult the bilingual website.
We have not negotiated rates with this location.

Distance from meeting hall: on-site

Hébergement Mont-Sainte-Anne
800-463-7775 (U.S. and Canada)
1000 Boulevard du Beau-Pré
Beaupré, QC G0A 1E0

Note: This group of condos is within walking distance of the Feast
site hotel, the Château Mont-Sainte-Anne. For rates and information,
please consult the bilingual website. We have not negotiated rates
with this location.

Distance from meeting hall: 0.1 mile

Chalets Mont Sainte-Anne
800-463-4395 (U.S. and Canada)
1 Rue du Beau-Soleil
Beaupré, QC G0A 1E0

Note: This group of condos is within walking distance of the Feast
site hotel, the Château Mont-Sainte-Anne. For rates and information,
please consult the bilingual website. We have not negotiated rates
with this location.

Distance from meeting hall: 0.2 mile

feast.cogwa.org                                                          Page 17
Myrtle Beach,
                                South Carolina
          We are excited to once again have the Feast in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Now a
          thriving metropolis, Myrtle Beach began as a getaway for employees of the lumber
          industry in Conway, South Carolina, who would take the train to “New Town” on their
          free weekends. The area continued to grow, and it was finally incorporated as a town
          in 1957. A contest to name it resulted in “Myrtle Beach,” after the area’s southern wax
          myrtle shrubs.
            Today Myrtle Beach is known as the golf capital. Currently, there are 87 premier golf
          courses throughout the area. It is also considered to be one of America’s most popular
          vacation destinations. The area boasts a wide variety of motel and condo units as well as
          limitless restaurants and shopping adventures.
            The biggest draw to the area is miles of coastline along the Atlantic Ocean. With that
          come opportunities to play in the sand, collect seashells and catch some waves.
            Myrtle Beach is also a large draw for those who enjoy a variety of entertainment venues,
          such as the oceanfront Myrtle Beach Boardwalk, a new SkyWheel, Ripley’s Aquarium,
          several live shows in theaters, miniature golf courses, jet skiing and parasailing. There are
          350 acres of shopping, restaurants and other attractions at Broadway at the Beach.
            Services will be held at the Crown Reef Beach Resort and Convention Center (2913 S. Ocean
          Blvd., Myrtle Beach, SC). This facility includes an on-site hotel with kitchenettes for those who
          need or desire that.
            Fragrance-controlled room available: No.
            Tax rate for accommodations: 7 percent.
            Closest airport: Myrtle Beach (MYR), 3 miles.
                                                                                               Mark Winner

Page 18                                                                                         Feast of Tabernacles 2021
The housing options below reflect considerably discounted          5308 N. Ocean Blvd.
pricing that helps the Church secure lower-priced meeting          Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
space. If, however, you cannot find what works for you and
your family on this list, there are other options available that   $95        ocean-view 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo: 1 king
can be found in an Internet search.                                           bed, 2 full beds, sleeper sofa, 2-8 people
  The following rates are inclusive per night, including fees      $117       oceanfront 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo: 1 king bed,
and taxes, with no hidden or surprise expenses. To avoid                      1 queen bed, sleeper sofa, 2-6 people
being charged the daily $10 parking fee, please have your          $166       oceanfront 3-bedrrom, 2-bath condo: 1 king bed,
Vacation Myrtle Beach Resort Parking Pass displayed in a                      2 twin beds, sleeper sofa, 2-8 people
visible area on the dash or mirror of your vehicle.                $184       oceanfront 4-bedroom, 3-bath condo: 1 king bed,
  Each of these full-service oceanfront resorts offers its own                1 queen bed, 4 twin beds, sleeper sofa,
unique amenities. Some resorts also offer one-, two- and three-               2-10 people
bedroom units, so there is something to fit everyone’s needs.
                                                                   Note: When calling to make reservations, mention the
Crown Reef Beach Resort and Waterpark                              group reference No. 331137.
crownreef.com                                                      Amenities: Private balcony, full kitchen, laundry facilities
2918 S. Ocean Blvd.                                                (in-room washer and dryer), air-conditioning, king or queen
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577                                             beds, free Wi-Fi, daily housekeeping

$85.88     oceanfront room, queen beds, refrigerator,              Distance from meeting hall: 6.2 miles
           1-4 people
$92.66     oceanfront queen efficiency: 2 queen beds,              Landmark Resort
           1-4 people                                              843-448-9441
$92.66     oceanfront king efficiency: 1 king bed + sleeper        landmarkresort.com
           sofa, 1-4 people                                        1501 S. Ocean Blvd.
$101.70    oceanfront 2-bedroom, 1-bath suite: 2 queen             Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
           beds, sleeper sofa + murphy bed, 2-8 people
$107.35    oceanfront 2-bedroom, 1-bath king suite: 1 king         $211       ocean-view 3-bedroom, 2-bath penthouse: 1 king
           bed, sleeper sofa + murphy bed, 2-6 people                         bed, 4 queen beds, 2-10 people
                                                                   $252       oceanfront 3-bedroom, 2-bath penthouse: 1 king
$260       ocean-view 3-bedroom, 3-bath beach house                           bed, 4 queen beds, 2-10 people
$200       one-time cleaning fee for beach house
                                                                   Note: When calling to make reservations, mention the
Note: When calling to make reservations, mention the group         group reference No. 3545470.
reference No. 369750. Rates include access to the indoor
waterpark. For availability of 3-bedroom, 3-bath beach             Amenities: Private balcony, waterfront, indoor pool, outdoor
houses, please call 843-282-4131.                                  pool, full kitchen (refrigerator, stove, oven, microwave,
                                                                   coffeemaker, dishwasher and granite countertops), free Wi-
Amenities: Private balcony, full kitchen, shopping nearby,         Fi, laundry facilities.
fitness center, indoor pool, outdoor pool, waterfront, king or
queen beds.                                                        Distance from meeting hall: 1.3 miles

Distance from meeting hall: on-site                                Palace Resort
Beach Colony Resort                                                palaceresort.com
843-286-5598                                                       1605 S. Ocean Blvd.
beachcolony.com                                                    Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

feast.cogwa.org                                                                                                         Page 19
$89        angle ocean-view 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo: 1              $330       oceanfront 5-bedroom, 4-bath condo, up to
           queen bed, 2 twin beds, queen sleeper sofa,                         10 adults and 4 children
           2-6 people
$95        angle oceanfront 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo: 1 		           Note: When calling to make reservations, mention the
           queen bed, 2 twin beds, queen sleeper sofa,              group reference No. 331137.
           2-6 people
                                                                    Amenities: Full kitchen (refrigerator, range, dishwasher
Note: When calling to make reservations, mention the group          and microwave), private balcony directly facing the ocean,
reference No. 262071. Units include two bedrooms with               free Wi-Fi.
balconies. All units individually owned; decor in units may vary.
                                                                    Distance from meeting hall: 6.3 miles
Amenities: Private balcony, indoor pool, outdoor pool, full
kitchen (stove, oven, microwave, refrigerator, dishwasher           The Caravelle Resort
and coffeemaker), laundry facilities, free Wi-Fi, fitness center.   843-918-8000
Distance from meeting hall: 1.2 miles                               6900 N. Ocean Blvd.
                                                                    Myrtle Beach, SC 29572
Palms Resort
843-626-8334                                                        $135       Carolina Dunes oceanfront 2-bedroom, 2-bath
palmsresort.com                                                                condo, 2-6 people
2500 N. Ocean Blvd.                                                 $110       Sea Mark Tower (not oceanfront) 3-bedroom,
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577                                                         2-bath condo, 2-8 people

$148       oceanfront 3-bedroom, 2-bath condo: 1 king bed,          Note: When calling to make reservations, mention the
           1 queen bed, 2 twin beds                                 group reference No. 816693. All units individually owned;
$182       oceanfront 3-bedroom, 2.5-bath penthouse 		              decor in units may vary.
           (2-story): 1 king bed, 2 queen beds
                                                                    Amenities: Private balcony, full kitchen (refrigerator, stove,
Note: When calling to make reservations, mention the                dishwasher and microwave), laundry facilities (in-room
group reference No. 151155.                                         washer and dryer), air-conditioning, king or queen beds,
                                                                    refrigerator and microwave.
Amenities: Private balcony, waterfront, laundry facilities (in-
room washer and dryer), full kitchen (stove, oven, microwave,       Distance from meeting hall: 7.6 miles
refrigerator, coffeemaker and basic utensils), free Wi-Fi.

Distance from meeting hall: 4.2 miles

South Wind on the Ocean
5310 N. Ocean Blvd.
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

$206       oceanfront 2-bedroom, 2-bath condo, up to
           6 adults and 2 children
$217       oceanfront 3-bedroom, 2-bath condo, up to
           8 adults and 2 children
$307       oceanfront 4-bedroom, 3-bath condo, 2-8 people

Page 20                                                                                                  Feast of Tabernacles 2021
New Braunfels,
    New Braunfels is a small town of approximately 90,000 people located in the hill country of Texas, just 30 miles
    northeast of downtown San Antonio. Its German heritage is evident in the city’s history, culture and cuisine.
    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, New Braunfels was the third-fastest-growing city in the United States from
      Services will be held in The Village Venue located in New Braunfels’ Freiheit Village. This will be the first time
    for us to use this facility for the Feast of Tabernacles. The facility was built in 2017 and features state-of-the-art
    audiovisual technology, breakout rooms and an elegant decor. Often used for weddings, this facility is also an
    outstanding place for corporate meetings and conventions. Premier shopping, restaurants and housing surround the
      Nestled among the convergence of two rivers, New Braunfels offers many recreational opportunities that
    include water. Whether it is enjoying the famous Schlitterbahn Water Park and Resort, wakeboarding without a
    boat at the Texas Ski Ranch, floating one of the rivers, or swimming in the largest spring-fed pool in Texas—there
    are plenty of ways to get wet!
      For those interested in history, there are seven museums to visit and the historic district of Gruene (a district
    within the city of New Braunfels) to explore. And for dining, there are many restaurants nearby where visitors
    can sample German dishes, Texas barbecue and contemporary fare.  
      If you’d like to venture beyond the local area, San Antonio is just 30 miles south on Interstate 35. There you
    can tour the historic Alamo, wander the River Walk, go up the Tower of the Americas, visit SeaWorld and
    enjoy Six Flags Fiesta Texas theme park.
      The daily high temperature in New Braunfels in September generally ranges between 86 and 93 degrees F.
      Fragrance-controlled room available: Yes.
      Tax rate for accommodations: 13 percent
      Closest airport: San Antonio (SAT), 36 miles.
                                                                                                                   David Treybig

feast.cogwa.org                                                                                                              Page 21
Comfort Suites                                                   elevator, free Wi-Fi, online reservations. Excellent value on
830-643-1100                                                     the Guadalupe River.
830-643-1112 fax
choicehotels.com/texas/new-braunfels/comfort-suites-             Distance from meeting hall: 2.6 miles
1489 IH 35 North                                                 Fairfield Inn & Suites
New Braunfels, TX 78130                                          830-626-3133
$69.37     1 king bed, 1-2 people                                new-braunfels/
$69.37     2 queen beds, 1-2 people                              1465 IH 35 North
$10        extra person                                          New Braunfels, TX 78130

Note: Rates available three nights before and after the Feast.   $69        run of the house (5+ nights)
Deposit refunded in full if canceled two days before check-      $89        run of the house (fewer than 5 nights)
in. Credit card to hold any room. Not eligible for rewards.
Rate includes 13% room tax.                                      Note: Reservation link: marriott.com/event-reservations/
Amenities: Shopping nearby, outdoor pool, king or                vlink. Rates available three nights before and after the Feast.
queen beds, air-conditioning, suites, elevator, free Wi-Fi,      The cost of one night is required as a deposit within 10 days
housekeeping service once per week, microwave and fridge,        of making a reservation to hold any room. Deposit refunded
breakfast included.                                              in full if reservation is canceled three days before check-in.
                                                                 Applicable taxes: 13%.
Distance from meeting hall: 2.5 miles
                                                                 Amenities: Shopping nearby, laundry facilities, outdoor pool,
Courtyard New Braunfels River Village                            king or queen beds, air-conditioning, suites, elevator, free
830-769-8380                                                     Wi-Fi, online reservations, hot breakfast included.
830-626-4701 fax                                                 Distance from meeting hall: 2.5 miles
river-village/                                                   Homewood Suites by Hilton
750 IH 35 North                                                  830-627-4424
New Braunfels, TX 78130                                          hilton.com/en/hotels/satcrhw-homewood-suites-new-
$109       run of the house (5+ nights)                          620 Oxford Drive
$129       run of the house (fewer than 5 nights)                New Braunfels, TX 78130
+$30       view of the river
+$60       suite                                                 $109       king studio suite, 1-2 people
                                                                 $119       2-queen studio suite, 1-4 people
Note: Reservation link: marriott.com/event-reservations/         $129       1-bedroom king suite, 1-4 people
svlink. Rooms based on availability. Rates available three       Note: Reservation link: homewoodsuites.hilton.com/en/hw/
nights before and after the Feast. Deposit refunded in           groups/personalized/S/SATCRHW-C-CG9-20210918/index.
full if reservation is canceled three days before check-in.      jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG. When booking from the Hilton
Credit card to hold any room. Applicable taxes: 13%.             home page, select Special Rates and enter group code:
                                                                 CG9. Rates available three nights before and after the
Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping          Feast. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled
nearby, waterfront, outdoor pool, equipped for                   one day before check-in. Credit card to hold any room.
handicapped, king or queen beds, air-conditioning, suites,       Applicable taxes: 13%.

Page 22                                                                                              Feast of Tabernacles 2021
Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping            canceled 14 days before check-in. Cancellation less than
nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped, in           14 days before check-in results in loss of deposit. Since
walking distance, outdoor pool, king or queen beds, full           each condo is individually owned, units will vary in quality
kitchens, air-conditioning, suites, elevator, free Wi-Fi, online   and furnishings. See the website for photos of each unit.
reservations, hot breakfast included.                              Applicable taxes 13%.

Distance from meeting hall: 0.2 miles                              Amenities: Shopping nearby, laundry facilities, waterfront,
                                                                   outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning, elevator,
New Braunfels Leasing & Property Management                        free Wi-Fi, no maid service, online reservations.
830-643-0658 fax                                                   Distance from meeting hall: 4.9 miles
471 Main Plaza, Suite B
New Braunfels, TX 78254

$125       1-bedroom condo/home, 1-4 people
$150       2-bedroom condo/home, 2-6 people
$175       3-bedroom condo/home, 2-8 people
$90        cleaning fee for 1 bedroom
$100       cleaning fee for 2 bedrooms
$110       cleaning fee for 3 bedrooms

Note: Reservation fee of $40 plus processing fee of 0.03% of
total. Rates available three nights before and after the Feast
based on availability. Deposit of 30% of total required with
reservation. Balance due two weeks prior. If canceled up to
14 days before check-in, deposit will be refunded less $75
cancellation fee. Applicable taxes 13%.

Distance from meeting hall: varies

River Run Condominiums
830-629-0712 fax
500 N. Market Ave.
New Braunfels, TX 78130

$650       1-bedroom condo, 1-4 people
$800       2-bedroom condo, 2-6 people
$875       larger 2-bedroom condo, 2-6 people
$950       3-bedroom condo, 2-8 people
$85        cleaning fee for 1 bedroom
$95-$100   cleaning fee for 2 bedrooms
$100       cleaning fee for 3 bedrooms

Note: Prices for eight-night stay. Deposit of $250 required
at booking. Deposit refunded less $100 if a reservation is

feast.cogwa.org                                                                                                          Page 23
Orange Beach,
          The southeast region will host the Feast of Tabernacles in Orange Beach, Alabama, with
          services in the Orange Beach Event Center, located in the Wharf district. The Wharf has many
          fine restaurants, shopping, a marina and lots of outdoor activities, including an escape room,
          Ferris wheel and a newly added zip-line attraction. For more information on the Wharf, you
          can visit alwharf.com.
            In addition to our regular services, we will host teen and young adult drop-ins, a golf
          scramble, Family Day activities at the Orange Beach Sportsplex, our much-anticipated senior
          luncheon and a teen outing.
            There are multiple beach locations—stretching across several miles—that offer parasailing,
          diving, deep-sea fishing, glass-bottom boats, dolphin tours, beach volleyball and a host of
          other Gulf-related activities.
            If your interest isn’t beautiful white sand, then just minutes from the beach are several
          theme parks, a zoo and Wade Ward Nature Park with its scenic wetlands boardwalk.
            We encourage you to visit gulfshores.com for more information on the attractions, restaurants and
          things to do in this coastal paradise.
            If your plans call for a beach venue for this year’s Feast of Tabernacles, we welcome you to
          Orange Beach, Alabama!
            Fragrance-controlled room available: No.
            Tax rate for accommodations: 13 percent. (Be sure to read details on each property listed
          in the housing information. Some Orange Beach accommodations include taxes and fees in
          their rates.)
            Closest airport: Pensacola, Florida (PNS) 30 miles.
                                                                                          Phillip Sandilands

Page 24                                                                                         Feast of Tabernacles 2021
Kaiser Realty by Vacasa                                        Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, laundry
503-961-9715                                                   facilities, waterfront, indoor pool, outdoor pool, king or
888-346-1799                                                   queen beds, air-conditioning, suites, elevator, free Wi-Fi,
vacasa.com/go/partners/kaiser-realty                           no maid service.
P.O. Box 10130
Portland, OR 97296                                             Distance from meeting hall: 7.6 miles

$110-$185		       1-bedroom condo, 1-4 people                  Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham Gulf Shores
$115-$275		       2-bedroom condo, 2-6 people                  251-298-8800
$145-$385		       3-bedroom condo, 2-8 people                  wyndhamhotels.com/microtel/gulf-shores-alabama/
$185-$580		       1- to 4-bedroom home                         microtel-inn-and-suites-gulf-shores/overview
                                                               3600 Gulf Shores Parkway
Note: Group code: ALOBGRP012. Rates apply three nights         Gulf Shores, AL 36542
before and after the Feast based on availability. Rates
quoted do not include taxes, fees or parking pass. All         $59            standard, 1-4 people
reservations must be made on or before July 31, 2021.
A deposit of 50% of the reservation total is required at       Note: Rates apply two nights before and after the Feast
time of booking. Deposit is refunded less the booking          based on availability. All reservations must be made on or
fee if reservation is canceled 30 days prior to check-in.      before July 31, 2021. Applicable tax: 13%.
Applicable taxes: 13%.
                                                               Amenities: Shopping nearby, laundry facilities, equipped
Amenities: Shopping nearby, laundry facilities, waterfront,    for handicapped, outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-
outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning,            conditioning, suites, elevator, free Wi-Fi, free breakfast.
elevator, free Wi-Fi, online reservations, no maid service.
                                                               Distance from meeting hall: 4.4 miles
Distance from meeting hall: varies
                                                               Young’s Suncoast – The Wharf
Caribe Resort                                                  251-968-2839
251-980-9000                                                   251-968-5139 fax
888-607-7020                                                   youngssuncoast.com/complexes/the-wharf
cariberesort.com                                               23101 Canal Road
28103 Perdido Beach Blvd.                                      Orange Beach, AL 36561
Orange Beach, AL 36561
                                                               $167.86        1-bedroom, 1-bath condo, 1-4 people
$226.77        2-bedroom, 2-bath condo, 2-6 people             $211.98        2-bedroom, 2-bath condo, 2-6 people
$275.72        3-bedroom, 3-bath condo, 2-8 people             $242.21        3-bedroom, 3-bath condo, 2-8 people
$304.14        3-bedroom, 3.5-bath + media condo,
               2-8 people                                      Note: Rates are available two nights before and after
$207.55        cleaning fee for 2-bedroom                      the Feast based on availability. All reservations must be
$230.15        cleaning fee for 3-bedroom                      made on or before July 31, 2021. Monthly rates available
$247.10        cleaning fee for 3-bedroom + media              upon request. Reservation policy: $99 nonrefundable
                                                               deposit due at time of registration. Balance due 30 days
Note: All taxes and fees are included. Rates apply three       prior to arrival.
nights before and after the Feast based on availability.
All reservations must be made on or before July 31, 2021.      Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
Reservation policy: 25% deposit required at time of            nearby, waterfront, within walking distance, outdoor pool,
booking. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled   king or queen beds, air-conditioning, elevator, free Wi-Fi,
15 days before check-in.                                       online reservations, no maid service.

feast.cogwa.org                                                                                                      Page 25
Distance from meeting hall: 0.3 mile

Springhill Suites
251-943-6650 fax
4673 Wharf Parkway W.
Orange Beach, AL 36561

$112-$142		 king suite, 1-2 people
$127-$157		 double queen suite, 1-4 people

Note: Rates apply two nights before and after the Feast
based on availability. All reservations must be made on
or before July 31, 2021. No deposit required to hold any
room. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled
30 days before check-in. ADA rooms available. Applicable
tax: 13%.

Amenities: Restaurants on premises or adjacent, shopping
nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped,
waterfront, outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning,
suites, elevator, online reservations, free Wi-Fi, free breakfast.

Distance from meeting hall: adjacent

Young’s Suncoast – Orange Beach Villas
251-968-5139 fax
24198 Canal Road (off of Lindsey Lane)
Orange Beach, AL 36561

$192.27         3-bedroom condo, 2-8 people

Note: Rates are available two nights before and after the
Feast based on availability. All reservations must be made
on or before July 31, 2021. Monthly rates available upon
request. Reservation policy: $99 nonrefundable deposit due
at time of registration. Balance due 30 days prior to arrival.

Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
nearby, laundry facilities, waterfront, outdoor pool, king or
queen beds, air-conditioning, free Wi-Fi, no maid service.

Distance from meeting hall: 1.6 miles

Page 26                                                              Feast of Tabernacles 2021
Rapid City,
                                  South Dakota

                  Once again, we are holding the Feast in the beautiful Black Hills of South
                  Dakota, a premier family destination. Rapid City was a very popular site in
                  2018, and over the years many brethren have expressed a desire to return. We
                  are happy to make that desire a reality again this year.
                    The Best Western Ramkota Hotel in Rapid City will serve as our host facility
                  again this year, allowing hundreds to enjoy a beautiful, millennial setting.
                    There is an amazing amount of natural beauty in Rapid City, with lots of
                  family activities, educational and historic adventures, and three national parks
                  within a short distance.
                    Housing ranges from first-class hotels to extended-stay properties. There are
                  also some cabins and rental homes available 30 to 45 minutes away. Daytime
                  temperatures at the end of September are generally in the high 60s and 70s.
                    Attendance will be limited to about 750 people, and we expect the site to fill
                  up. Come join us in the beautiful Black Hills. You won’t be disappointed. We
                  look forward to seeing you in Rapid City, South Dakota!
                    Fragrance-controlled room available: To be determined.
                    Tax rate for accommodations: 9 percent, plus a $2 per night city
                  occupancy fee.
                    Closest airport: Rapid City Regional Airport (RAP), 11 miles.
                                                                                 Mark Whynaucht

feast.cogwa.org                                                                                      Page 27
Ramkota Best Western Hotel                                       Canyon Lake Resort
605-343-8550                                                     605-343-0234
tinyurl.com/rapidcity-best-western-ramkota                       canyonlakeresortsd.com/
2111 N. Lacrosse St.                                             2720 Chapel Lane
Rapid City, SD 57701                                             Rapid City, SD 57702

$89.99		         2 queen beds, 1-4 people                        $79        motel room with kitchenette, 2 queen beds, 1-2
$139.99		        executive suite, 1-4 people                                people (max. 4)
                                                                 $149       2-bedroom cabin, 2-4 people (max. 6)
Note: Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled one    $179       large 2-bedroom, 2-4 people (max.6)
day before check-in. Rates are available two days before and     $209       3-bedroom cabin, 2-6 people (max. 8)
after the Feast based on availability. Occupancy tax of $2 per   $10        extra person
night. Applicable taxes: 9%.                                     Free       children 12 and under
                                                                 $429       Cattail Lodge, 5-bedroom, 2-bath house, up to
Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping                     12 people
nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped, pets
allowed, indoor water park and lap pool, hot tub, cribs and      Note: Deposit refunded in full if reservation is canceled 14
rollaway beds available, microwave, refrigerator, king or        days before check-in. For stays of five or more nights, there is
queen beds, air-conditioning, elevator, free Wi-Fi, exercise     a 40% discount per night. Applicable taxes: 9%.
facility, dry cleaning available, free parking.
                                                                 Amenities: Laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped,
Distance from meeting hall: on-site                              waterfront, air-conditioning, free Wi-Fi.

AmericInn & Suites                                               Distance from meeting hall: 6.9 miles
livhotelgroup.com/stay/rapid-city-hotels/americinn/              Foothills Inn
1632 Rapp St.                                                    605-348-5640
Rapid City, SD 57701                                             thefoothillsinn.com
                                                                 1625 N. Lacrosse St.
$99        standard king, 1-4 people                             Rapid City, SD 57701
$99        double queen, 2-6 people
                                                                 $79-$109 1-2 people
Note: One night’s room deposit required at time of               $12      extra person
reservation. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is          Free     children 17 and under
canceled seven days before check-in. Rates are available
two days before and after the Feast based on availability.       Note: One night’s room deposit required at time of
Occupancy tax of $2 per night. Applicable taxes: 9%.             reservation. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is
                                                                 canceled two days before check-in. Rates available three
Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping          nights before and after the Feast based on availability.
nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped, pets       Occupancy tax of $2 per night. Applicable taxes: 9%.
allowed, indoor pool, sauna and hot tub, king or queen
beds, air-conditioning, elevator, free Wi-Fi, hot breakfast      Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
included. One-room suites with kitchenettes. Includes            nearby, equipped for handicapped, pets allowed, seasonal
discounted passes to WaTiki Indoor Waterpark ($8 per pass).      outdoor pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning, elevator,
                                                                 free Wi-Fi, free parking, refrigerators and microwaves,
Distance from meeting hall: 0.5 mile                             continental breakfast included. Cribs available upon request.

Page 28                                                                                              Feast of Tabernacles 2021
Distance from meeting hall: 0.2 miles                           two burner stove, dishwasher. Hotel has courtyard,
                                                                basketball court, putting green, grill and patio.
Grand Gateway Hotel
605-342-1300                                                    Distance from meeting hall: 1.6 miles
605-342-0663 fax                                                Microtel Inn & Suites
grandgatewayhotel.com/                                          605-348-2523
1721 N. Lacrosse St.                                            tinyurl.com/rapid-city-microtel-inn
Rapid City, SD 57701                                            1740 Rapp St.
                                                                Rapid City, SD 57701
$89-$299 flat rate, 1-4 people
Free     children 17 and under                                  $70        queen suite, 1-2 people
                                                                $80        2 queen beds, 2-4 people
Note: One night’s room deposit required at time of              $100       family suite, 2-6 people
reservation. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is
canceled two days before check-in. Rates are available          Note: One night’s room deposit required at time of
three days before and after the Feast based on availability.    reservation. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is
Occupancy tax of $2 per night. Applicable taxes: 9%.            canceled three days before check-in. Rates available three
                                                                nights before and after the Feast based on availability.
Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping         Occupancy tax of $2 per night. Applicable taxes: 9%.
nearby, equipped for handicapped, pets allowed, indoor
pool, king or queen beds, air-conditioning, elevator, free      Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
Wi-Fi, fitness center, online reservations.                     nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped, pets
                                                                allowed, indoor pool, queen beds, microwave, refrigerator,
Distance from meeting hall: 0.2 mile                            air-conditioning, expanded breakfast included.

GrandStay Residential Suites Hotel                              Distance from meeting hall: 0.6 miles
855-455-7829                                                    Quality Inn & Suites
605-342-8264 fax                                                605-348-2221
grandstayhospitality.com/find-a-hotel/locations/rapid-city/     rapidcityqualityinnandsuites.com
overview                                                        1550 N. Lacrosse St.
660 Disk Drive                                                  Rapid City, SD 57701
Rapid City, SD 57701
                                                                $70        2-queen standard, 1-4 people
$99        1-bedroom suite, 1-4 people                          $80        2-queen deluxe, 1-4 people
$109       2-bedroom suite, 2-6 people
                                                                Note: One night’s room deposit required at time of
Note: One night’s room deposit required at time of              reservation. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is
reservation. Deposit refunded in full if reservation is         canceled one day before check-in. Occupancy tax of $2 per
canceled seven days before check-in. Rates available three      night. Applicable taxes: 9%.
nights before and after the Feast based on availability.
Occupancy tax of $2 per night. Applicable taxes: 9%.            Amenities: Restaurant on premises or adjacent, shopping
                                                                nearby, laundry facilities, equipped for handicapped, indoor
Amenities: Shopping nearby, laundry facilities, equipped        pool, queen beds, air-conditioning, suites, elevator, free Wi-
for handicapped, pets allowed, indoor pool, queen beds,         Fi, online reservations.
air-conditioning, suites, elevator, free Wi-Fi, hot breakfast
included, equipped with kitchen, refrigerator, microwave,       Distance from meeting hall: 0.4 miles

feast.cogwa.org                                                                                                       Page 29
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