Foundation House Times - Foundation House at Northgate

Page created by Laurie Schroeder
Foundation House Times - Foundation House at Northgate
February 2021

                     Foundation House Times
                                                              A not-for-profit retirement community
As we are all spending more and more time online in video chats, it is important we are seen and heard as
much as possible. Here are some tips and tricks to try and optimize your calls from Valerie of the Senior Care
Industry NetCast:

   LIGHT YOUR FACE: It’s best to start with lighting because that will dictate where you are sitting. Open up
    your shades and let the natural light pour in, but don’t let all that light hit your back. Face your brightest
    source of light (usually a window). It’ll look better for you and everyone else on the call.

   RAISE YOUR CAMERA: There is one, and only one, acceptable camera angle: head-on and at eye level.
    Your table is almost certainly going to be lower than your face, and that means people are going to get
    an unflattering look up at you. Use a set of books, a stool, or a higher table to make sure your camera is
    at the same level as your eyes. You don’t want people to feel like they are looking up or down at you.

   TEST YOUR VIDEO BEFORE THE CALL: You want to show up to your meeting already looking good so that
    you’re not adjusting your surroundings, screen brightness, angle, or hair, live for everyone to see. Zoom
    has an option for showing you a preview of your video before the call starts. If you select this option, a
    video preview will pop up before you enter a call to check how everything looks.

   FIND A QUIET PLACE (AND YOUR BEST HEADPHONES): Most of us don’t have a great deal of control over
    audio, but you’ll sound better if you take a call in a quiet place. Also keep in mind that your headphones
    might have a better mic than your computer. Most videoconferencing apps have a tool in their settings
    for testing your mic, and I recommend collecting all the mics in your house (headphones often have one
    built in) and testing them out to find the one that sounds clearest.

   GET COMFORTABLE: Much like being in a physical meeting, once you join a call, you shouldn’t be getting
    up and moving around. Start with a comfortable place to sit or stand for a long period of time. Although I
    like to sit on my bed, I found that sitting crossed leg for more than 20 minutes is not comfortable for me,
    so I moved my video call setup to my standing desk. If you are using a laptop, have a charger plugged in
    and ready for when your battery gets low. I also like to bring a water bottle and cup of coffee to my

                                                Mobile Library
                                             Monday, February 1st
                                              Monday, March 1st
Mobile Library will be visiting FH on the first Monday of every month (between 9:00 am-12:00 pm). Please
return all library materials to the red bins outside of the Activities office and we will return them for you.
When we receive the library materials (books, DVDs, etc.) on Monday morning, we will let you know if there
are items available for you to pick up at the Front Desk. Place your holds with the Seattle Public Library
online, by phone, or using a yellow request slip (can be found at the Activity Table—submit to the Front
Desk). If you have any questions about Mobile Library, please call Activities at ext. 106.
Foundation House at Northgate · 11301 3rd Ave NE · Seattle, WA 98125 · (206) 361-2758            February 2021 · 1
Foundation House Times - Foundation House at Northgate
     Please Keep In Mind: We are still in Phase 1...           effects or adverse reactions for 15-20 minutes. It is
In November, King County Public Health Department              definitely helpful to bring down your insurance infor-
issued a letter guiding all long term care facilities to im-   mation just in case. Please consult with your own doc-
plement Phase 1 of the Long Term Care Safe Start Plan.         tors for more information or to address your concerns
During Phase 1, outdoor visitation is limited to two (2)       around vaccines.
visitors per day and indoor visitation is limited to end
of life or, if a resident is unable to participate in out-                         Housekeeping
door or remote visits, an essential support person is          Housekeeping will be temporarily resuming for North
allowed to visit once daily only for a compassionate           building residents. South building residents—
care reason. In addition, group activities are restricted      housekeeping will resume once we have gone 14 days
and communal dining is not recommended. We will                with no new confirmed positive cases. In the mean-
also be discontinuing outside services such as Foot            time, feel free to put out trash or recycling on your
Care and the Hair Salon for the time being. Just a re-         scheduled housekeeping days to be picked up. If you
minder to everyone that anytime you are outside of             have any questions, please call the Front Desk.
your apartments in public space, please wear your
masks! Thank you all for your cooperation and flexibil-                            Food Containers
ity.                                                           For now, we are pausing collection of all food contain-
                                                               ers and bags. You are welcome to hold onto them until
                  Weekly COVID Testing                         we resume collecting. If you’d like to dispose of them,
We will be conducting community-wide testing every             the plastic containers and bags are all recyclable.
week until we go 14 days without any confirmed posi-           Styrofoam soup and salad containers however, should
tive results. Please stay tuned for details on individual      be thrown in the garbage. Feel free to dispose of gar-
testing dates and procedures! We encourage you to go           bage and recycling in garage or parking lot containers.
about your day normally—go out for a walk, run an er-
rand, or take a doctor appointment! If we miss you                              Foot Care/Hair Salon
that’s okay, we will touch base with you later in the          Foot Care services and the Hair Salon are temporarily
day. If the day will not work for you altogether, please       suspended as we navigate the outbreak here at FH. We
let Pam or Patricia know and we will work on finding           will consider resuming services once we have had no
another date and time to administer your test. If you          new confirmed positive cases for 14 days. Taking into
have any questions, call ext. 102 or email Pam at              account our current position—we are hopeful these Thank you!                    services may be able to resume later in February.

             Upcoming COVID Vaccine Clinics                                           Doctor Rides
Our second vaccine clinic has been confirmed for               We will give doctor rides on Wednesdays or Thursdays
Wednesday, February 3rd, starting at 9:00 am. We are           between the hours of 8:00 am-3:00 pm. Please keep in
still waiting for confirmation on our third and final clinic   mind we are currently only transporting to more
to take place on Wednesday, February 24th. If this is          “essential” healthcare appointments. These are all ap-
your first dose, we will plan on providing your second         pointments to maintain your body and overall wellbe-
dose during the third clinic on Wednesday, February            ing. That is a pretty broad range, so feel free to ask if
24th. Please stay tuned for additional details and pro-        your appointment might qualify.
cedures. On the day of the clinic, we will be calling resi-
dents to come down individually (please do not call the                        Catholic Communion
Front Desk). Vaccine check in and administration will          Unfortunately, there will be no Catholic Communion
be located in the 3rd Dining Room. There will be an ad-        this month due to Phase 1 COVID guidelines. Please
jacent area set up in the 2nd Dining Room so that we           stay tuned for updates on the next tentatively sched-
can monitor all who received the vaccine for any side          uled date on Wednesday, March 3rd.

 Foundation House at Northgate · 11301 3rd Ave NE · Seattle, WA 98125 · (206) 361-2758                  February 2021 · 2
Foundation House Times - Foundation House at Northgate
We've got a lot of options here at FH. For now, you can            plants in the area. In this virtual talk, David will
catch these activities on Zoom - we would definitely               describe the pre-settlement botanical landscape
recommend using a tablet or computer, but you can                  of Seattle by examining modern clues, such as
also join us by telephone. Please let us know if you'd             neighborhood names, big stumps, and big trees,
like help getting connected!                                       that provide hints for telling this story and for
                                                                   showing the complexity and beauty of Seattle                                                       150 years ago. Meeting details to come.
(206) 337-9723
                                                                  Virtual Escape Room—Moriarty’s Parlor: Tues-
   Current Events with Jacob Bolotin: Tuesdays, Feb-              day, February 23rd at 2:00 pm. Pre-pandemic,
    ruary 2nd and 16th at 3:00 pm. Jacob Bo-                       escape rooms were a really unique experience
    lotin covers world affairs, foreign policy, and na-            where you started out trapped in a room with a
    tional and local issues in this one-hour discussion.           group (of your choosing) that contained hidden
    Meeting ID: 814 5696 8067                                      clues and puzzles you needed to use in order to
                                                                   escape... The online version takes place at home
   Contemporary Ethics with David Smith: Thursday,                on our computers. Our theme “Moriarty’s Parlor”
    February 11th at 10:30 am. This is our last week of            is inspired by the Sherlock Holmes mystery se-
    Contemporary Ethics! Meeting ID: 929 0918 0962                 ries. Together we will be exploring and gathering
                                                                   clues from multiple places on the web, so the
   New Testament with David Smith: Thursday, Feb-                 event is best done on a computer with Internet.
    ruary 25th at 10:30 am. Tune in for David’s new                There is a group limit of 7, so we would like to
    lecture series. An academic analysis of the New                know how many might be interested in playing.
    Testament. This is not a “Bible study” and will not            Sign up at the Activity Table! Meeting details to
    be taught from a religious point of view. We will              come.
    use historical, literary, and philosophical methods
    to shed light on the oral traditions and written              Singalong with Miriam Anderson: Mondays at
    sources behind the texts, the development of the               2:00 pm. There are so many positive benefits to
    New Testament canon, scribal work, and the mean-               singing and music in our lives. Join us every week
    ing(s) of these texts. You are encouraged to bring             - we sing everything from folk to oldies pop and
    the Bible of your choice to each session. Meeting              jazz numbers! Meeting ID: 847 5177 2846
    ID: 929 0918 0962
                                                                  Crafting Group with Elisabeth Mitchell: Mondays
   “Dinosaurs of the Royal Tyrrell Museum” with Da-               at 11:00 am. Every week we join Elisabeth for
    vid Kaynor: Tuesday, February 9th at 11:00 am.                 different, small crafting projects. It is a nice chill
    Widely considered the finest dinosaur museum in                time to sit and create with others. Meeting ID:
    the world, this is a must see museum for any lover             830 4861 4731
    of paleontology. Inside you will see T Rex, Stego-
    saurus, Triceratops and much, much more.                      Trivia: Fridays at 2:00 pm. This is a lively one
    Meeting ID: 851 9384 2297, Password: 720590                    hour trivia session where we w ill test your trivia
                                                                   chops! We cover geography, history, arts and lit-
   “Secrets of Seattle’s Botanical Past” with David               erature, and more! Meeting ID: 829 2171 1019
    Williams: Thursday, February 18th at 1:00 pm. If
    you asked early citizens of Seattle which natural             Foundation House Chat: Thursdays at 2:00 pm.
    feature best symbolized the region, few would                  An opportunity to virtually meet and catch up
    have hesitated in responding “Douglas firs.” These             with other residents and staff. Meeting ID: 821
    trees were everywhere, but they were not the only              5795 8931
Foundation House at Northgate · 11301 3rd Ave NE · Seattle, WA 98125 · (206) 361-2758                    February 2021· 3
Foundation House Times - Foundation House at Northgate
We would like to extend great gratitude to all of you                                         FHN STAFF
who have Referred-a-Friend to Foundation House in
                                                                                           Executive Director
the past! With vaccines administered and new begin-                                         Pamela Williams
nings ahead, please let Lynn know of any friends who
you think would enjoy living here by calling ext. 103 or                                 Personal Care Director
                                                                                             Patricia Sharp
emailing After your
friend has lived here for 90 days, you will receive a                                   Director of Dietary Services
$500 rent credit!                                                                             Steve George
                                                                                        Director of Maintenance
                                                                                              Matt Morgan
                                                                                         Community Relations
                     Check out the Foundation House at Northgate Facebook                   Lynn Creasy
                     page! We share all kinds of fun photos, articles, updates, and        Activities Director
                     more…                                                                   Shayna Wong

This month's column is submitted on behalf of Anony, in the spirit of Anony.

By Emily Dickinson                                                                      Residents:
                                                                                        Barbara M.         2/1
“Hope” is the thing with feathers                                                       Chuck M.           2/3
That perches in the soul,                                                               Mary B.            2/4
And sings the tune without the words,                                                   Frieda K.          2/15
And never stops at all.                                                                 Edna P.            2/17
                                                                                        Char P.            2/21
And sweetest in the gale is heard;                                                      Ann R.             2/22
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird                                                        Employees:
That kept so many warm.                                                                 Matt M.            2/3
                                                                                        Pam W.             2/19
I’ve heard it in the chilliest land
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.


Foundation House at Northgate · 11301 3rd Ave NE · Seattle, WA 98125 · (206) 361-2758              February 2021 · 4
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