February 2022 - Bethlehem United Church of Christ
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The Bethlehem STAR I will begin this month with colleagues in Orlando at the DART Clergy Conference. DART stands for Direct Action & Research Training and is the parent organization to our local CAJE (Congregations Acting for Justice and Empowerment) group. I last attended this conference just about six weeks before the world shut down, and so many of the hopes and dreams we had as we departed from that week in 2020 were tabled indefinitely. I look forward to returning to spend some time reengaging with colleagues from all around the country reflecting on what our faith calls us to do related to justice. How can we not just talk about justice, but actively seek justice for those who do not have what they need to be healthy and whole? How can we work to dismantle systems of injustice that are baked right into the foundations of our country and its politics? How can we delicately navigate the political landscape without slipping into partisanship? How can we avoid paralysis when faced with problems that are so vast and complicated? These questions are important, but what is not in question is our responsibility as people of faith to do the work of justice. Why? Because throughout Scripture God calls God’s people to act justly and punishes God’s people when they mistreat the poor and disenfranchised. Jesus’s ministry is marked by crossing boundaries and lifting up those whom society pushed to the margins. Ours is a God of justice! This is the God we have yoked ourselves to! So, we’ll have to find a way through the tricky terrain of justice work, because it is our calling, too. I look forward to having more to share with you when I return! (cont.) 2
The Bethlehem STAR February is Black History Month. What book are you planning to read to fill in the gaps of your education? My goal is to finally read The New Jim Crow—a book I’ve been meaning to read for years. Make a plan to read some- thing that will expand your understanding of what life has been like and is like for African Americans. I’d love to hear about what you’re reading! ~ Pastor Emily In January, the children in Sunday School learned important stories about Jesus’s childhood. They discussed the day Mary and Joseph took Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem to be named and while there, encountered Simeon and Anna. They empathized with Mary and Joseph when Jesus was lost after the Passover Festival. Additionally, they read about Jesus’s baptism in the Jordan River and the beginning of his ministry. As we dive into the February curriculum, our children will be exploring the days that Jesus walked this Earth, learning about the miracles he performed and his ministry. These stories are rich and memorable for children. They lend themselves to discussion, activity, and crafts. We look forward to engaging with the children and helping them to grow in their faith through these lessons. On Sunday, February 13th, from 9:00-11:15 am, we will hold February Faith Fest, albeit 2022 style. The Children/ Youth Ministry Team (CYMT), along with our Sunday School teachers, are planning a special morning full of learning, fun, and community building. Stay tuned for 3 further details on this event!
The Bethlehem STAR We are very thankful to all of our Deacons and Elders for their service to our church family. The Officers this year are Anna Walls as Treasurer, Cory Kuhlenschmidt as Vice President, Diana Schnakenburg as President, and Tim Courtney, who has stepped into the role as Financial Secretary. We are looking forward to a wonderful 2022. In 2022, your Council will be reinstating our "Council Chats". Two to three Council members will be available to chat with any members immediately following Sunday's worship service the LAST SUNDAY of EACH month. On February 27, we will be available in the Welcoming Area immediately following Sunday worship. Staff Pastor: Emily Slade Minister of Visitation and Membership: Deborah McBride Office Administrator: Sharon Burks-Maier Director of Publications: Kristen Molander Creative Director: Troy Vaupel Organ and Music Director: Sheri Schenk Interim Chancel and Bell Choir Director: Wayne Jones Contemporary Music Director: Sarah Loane Bookkeeper: Chris Champion Custodian: Rick Chandler Groundskeeper: Marvin Durnil cont. 4
The Bethlehem STAR 2022 Lay Leadership Church Council Elders: Larry Byers Kim Johann Joe Kaufman Suzy Picking David Powell Tracey Stevens Deacons: Jen Blackburn Cory Kuhlenschmidt Tim Courtney Tom Longwell Debbie DeLong Diana Schnakenburg-Meddles Kelley Felt Anna Walls Jordan French Lillian Zausch, Youth Deacon Wayne Gander Pam Hirsch Wayde Jones Personnel/Executive Committee Church Council President: Diana Schnakenburg-Meddles Church Council Vice President: Cory Kuhlenschmidt Treasurer: Anna Walls Financial Secretary: Tim Courtney Secretary: TBD Committee Chairs Spiritual Council (Elders): Suzy Picking Finance: Gerri Klass Property Committee: Dan Carwile Memorial and Special Gifts Committee: Alan Crab Endowment: Debbie Kuebler Cemetery Board: Rick Klass Outreach: Susan Worthington Altar Guild: Elaine Hodoval Pastoral Relations: Paula Courtney 5
The Bethlehem STAR Our Youth will participate in the 30 Hour Famine on February 25-26 to create awareness about hunger in our community and around the world. On Friday, the youth will begin their fast right after lunch, and gather at church that evening, where we will begin our 30 Hour Famine activities. The kids will stay the night at church. On Saturday, we will begin our day with the CNOY (Coldest Night of the Year) walk followed by more activities. We will attend the Saturday evening service, and the kids will break their fast with dinner after the service. We look forward to a great turnout, as we gather to learn more about the many that go daily without the simplest food that we often take for granted. Just a reminder there will be no Sunday School for the youth on February 27. The 30-hour famine will include all youth (7th-12th grades), so feel free to invite a friend to join us! Rev. Chad Abbott’s visit has been rescheduled for the weekend of February 19th-20th. He will be bringing the message in both our worship services. Rev. Abbott is the Conference Minister of the Indiana-Kentucky Conference of the United Church of Christ. We look forward to hosting him and sharing the joy of the ministries of our church with him! 6
The Bethlehem STAR On February 26, United Caring Services (UCS) is hosting the Coldest Night of the Year (CNOY), a 1 & 3-mile winter walk (with a self-organized virtual option), hosted in support of United Caring Services’ mission and work in Evansville, IN with people experiencing homelessness, hurt, and hunger. EVENT GOAL: raise $22,500 by February 26, 2022! Here is your direct link to join as a walker and donate to the UCS Community of Caring Team. https://secure.e2rm.com/registrant/TeamFundraisingPage.aspx? teamID=970580 General information (the how-tos) is available on the UCS website https:// www.unitedcaringservices.org/cnoy/ Cub Scouts Fundraiser - Don’t Miss It! Please help support our pack and troop's many activities and camps throughout the year by participating in our Country Meats fundraiser. Please see the following link https://cub- scout-pack-346.square.site/ where you can pick from 14 awesome meat stick flavors. The sticks are only $1.50 each. We have three convenient ways to purchase — order and pay online and the sticks will be delivered to you within one week, contact Cheryl Hubbert at 812-454-1063 to take your order/payment and arrange delivery, or the Scouts will be at church after worship on Sunday, February 6th to sell sticks and have orders available for pick up. The Scouts thank you in advance for your support. 7
The Bethlehem STAR During the Sundays in February, we will be collecting underwear and socks for the students that come to Hangers - The EVSC Clothing Resource. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Purchase items listed below and place them in the bins located by the entrance door in the Welcoming Area, by the elevator on the children’s level, or in the vestibule by the church office. OR We will gladly shop if you prefer not to. Monetary donations can be given to Linda Goebel or a check may be payable to Eosin (indicate Undie Sunday) and placed in the offering plate by the doors. WHAT HANGERS NEEDS New Girls underwear (sizes 6-16) Sports bras (XS-XL) Training bras (AKA bralettes) (any size) New Women’s underwear (sizes 5-7) NEW Boys boxer briefs (sizes 5 -14/16) NEW Men's Boxer Briefs (size small, medium, & 2XL) Thank you in advance for your support. Nothing says you care like new underwear! 8
The Bethlehem STAR Solar Array Update The savings for the year have been $9,130. This is the highest savings in one year since the system was installed. Our total savings thus far is now $42,348.57. The system continues to work well and in the last year we had no kWh charges for 9 of the 12 months. For those who are interested, there are detailed postings of the monthly performance in the office across from the church office. You might like to celebrate a special occasion, honor a special person, or maybe you just enjoy seeing live flowers on the altar! Dates are first-come, first-serve, so reserve early! To reserve a weekend, email (judy@bethlehemucc.org) or call Judy Koch at (812-867-5403). February March April May 13, 20, 27 6, 13, 20 3, 10, 17, 24 1, 8,15 ,22, 29 We’d love to have you join us for a fellowship meal on Sunday, February 13 immediately following worship, in the Fellowship Hall. You will have an opportunity to meet some of our church leadership, meet some other new(-ish) folks to Bethlehem, and learn a little bit more about our church and our denomination. Please RSVP to the church office or email Pastor Emily at emily@bethlehemucc.org. 9
The Bethlehem STAR Save the Date! We are thrilled to announce an all-church complimentary lunch on Sunday, March 13 immediately following worship. This Pi(e) Day celebration will be catered by an Evansville favorite, Be Happy Pie Company. Look for more details in upcoming emails and the March Star newsletter! *Debbie Havens is coordinating dessert pie donations. If you would like to contribute, please contact her at dkhavens49@gmail.com or 812-480-7060. 10
The Bethlehem STAR 2021 Was World’s 6th-Warmest Year on Record This article, by the NOAA (National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration) U. S. Department of Commerce, is the temperature report of the Earth for year 2021. You can view it here https://www.noaa.gov/news/2021-was-worlds-6th- warmest-year-on-record Take a look! Have you noticed the colorful bulletin board outside the church office? Thanks to the time and talents of Barb Steedman and Susan Worthington, we can enjoy a new board every month with upcoming events. Would you like something added for February or a different month? Please contact Barb Steedman (bsteedman@wowway.com) or Susan Worthington (stevesusanworthington@gmail.com). 11
The Bethlehem STAR Eden Theological Seminary is committed to strengthening the life of the church in community by making accredited, accessible, and affordable theological education available to all. We engage critically in the call to faith formation. We support the Progressive Christian Movement in a radically inclusive learning environment rooted in justice. Our alumni have led congregations, organizations, and faith communities in transformative ways for 172 years. Students, pastors, laypersons, and seekers from all denominations and walks of life are welcome to join the next LIFE@Eden course. Learn more about this program and all our offerings at https://www.eden.edu Action item: Is there someone you can encourage to pursue ordained ministry? Could that someone be you? Good Samaritan Home: We have lots to celebrate at the Good Sam. The recent financial push to purchase a new transport van and repair the Home’s cooling system is almost complete, with $1,919 of our $48,000 goal to go. Many thanks to the churches and associations that have given. In addition, the Home is marking our 60th anniversary this year. Our first residents entered the Home on January 15th, 1962. As part of the 60th-anniversary celebration, charter members may now enroll in the Samaritan Society, an exceptional group of donors who leave a legacy gift to the Home. Check us out at https:// goodsamhome.orgAction item: Donate your unused costume jewelry to our Auxiliary for bingo prizes. Better yet, join our Auxiliary; men are welcome too! continued 12
The Bethlehem STAR Habitat for Humanity of Evansville has provided 20 families with decent, affordable homes in 2021, despite increased costs, supply shortages and volunteer challenges caused by the pandemic. Families benefitted from a rigorous homeownership curriculum which included money management, maintenance, neighborhood relations and additional classes to prepare them for home ownership. In December 2021, Habitat dedicated our 549th home for a wonderful family that had been struggling with poor living conditions. We will be building the next UCC/DOC sponsored home in 2022! Our goal is to build the 600th home by December 2023! Habitat for Humanity of Evansville has received Charity Navigator’s highest rating of 4 Stars. Donors can give with confidence that your gifts are put to beneficial use. Help us provide a hand-up to families working to provide a home for their children. Action item: consider becoming a member of the Perigo-Prickett Society, a planned giving opportunity to invest in our community’s future. More on this and all things Habitat at https://evansvillehabitat.org/. United Caring Services: This year we have renovated the Day Shelter restrooms and showers, many thanks to the churches who gave to this project; tripled the coverage of the White Flag program as a pilot expansion to offer the service every night during the winter, currently this program is threatened because we need more staff; served over 3,000 people across all programs; and improved and expanded our respite care program. We are always in need of staff, right now we need to hire 3-4 care team members. Address/Email Updates Linda Gilbert 4143 E. Fox Run Drive Vincennes, IN 47591 13
The Bethlehem STAR Thank you so much for helping to make the Children's Christmas Market a success! The kids had so much fun shopping for their friends and families. I loved watching my own children give their gifts. They were so proud and experienced the joy of giving first hand. Thanks for making this possible for them! Margaret Eberhart Children’s Ministry Director Dear Bethlehem Members, Thank you for your prayers, your cards, your calls, and the beautiful altar flowers. They all worked to brighten my days. I appreciate them all. Thank you for thinking of me. M. Gale Blalock Greetings, Please accept the enclosed donation checks in appreciation for our use of your Welcome Center for the Evansville North Civitan Club Christmas party on December. The Welcome Area is the perfect venue, very warm and welcoming, for such gatherings. Thank you for your support of the Evansville North Civitan Club. Gloria Miller, President & Phyllis Corn, Secretary 14
The Bethlehem STAR Thank you for praying for me and for the gift card. I really appreciate everyone thinking about me even while I’m at college. Caleb Spurling Dear Bethlehem Friends, Your donation to the Good Samaritan Home means so much to the residents who call Good Sam their Home -- all because of you! Please accept our heartfelt thanks for your gift of $1,007.50 that you made on 1/15/2022. Every act of your generosity helps further the mission - "to provide a caring community in an atmosphere of Christian love and concern." Bethlehem was there from the beginning. On January 15, 1962, the first residents were welcomed to the Home, thanks to your church and other UCC churches in southwest Indiana. Your gift helps celebrate our 60th Anniversary together. Thank You for sixty years of faithful partnership. Gratefully, Rev. Michael Erwin, Chaplain and Gift Coordinator Dear Bethlehem Family and Campus Connection, Thanks for the gift card. It means a lot to know people are thinking of me even when I’m far from home. Jacob Spurling 15
The Bethlehem STAR On behalf of Lincoln and the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corporation (EVSC), I wish to thank you for the generous gift of $390.00 for Lincoln Food Pantry. Rest assured that your donation will be gratefully used for the purpose you intended. Your generosity helps to expand the experience for our students and teachers. On behalf of the EVSC students and teachers of Lincoln School, we thank you for your gift. Sincerely, Principal Tijuanna Tolliver Dear Friends at Bethlehem, It’s hard to believe that the holidays have come and gone, and we’re well into the new year! We don’t want to let this opportunity go by without a thank you, not only for your very generous recent donation of $938.50, but for your faithful support of the Weekday ministry. Many ministries, businesses, and organizations have been struggling since the pandemic began, but thanks to the blessing of friends like you, we’ve been able to reformat our program, and continue ministering to the children in our community. We can’t thank you enough for your generosity and prayers that lift us up and make this happen. May God bless you abundantly in 2022. Daphne Owen, Development Specialist Weekday Christian Education 16
The Bethlehem STAR Let’s fill the mailboxes February 01 Barb Steedman February 19 Charlie Griffith of our February 01 Meredith Perry February 19 Kyle Hodoval Special February 02 Theresa Cravens February 23 Colin Mattingly Seniors on February 04 James Dus February 24 Sydney Traylor their birthdays. February 05 Xander Gray February 26 Quentin Stahl February 06 Marvin Peter February 28 Dianne Bromm February 07 Linda Goebel February 28 Bethany Slade February 07 Paisley Damm February 29 Tripp Champion February 07 Grant Moore February 29 Lauren Crab February 08 Oliver Damm February 09 Marvin Durnil On average, sixty church family members February 10 Lois Parker celebrate a birthday every month. The February 10 Diann Schlensker monthly Star list is of our friends eighteen and younger and the young at heart, February 13 Wyatt Hoffman seventy and older. You can find a complete February 14 Jane Jackson listing of January-December birthdays at February 14 John Small www.bethlehemucc.org/estar. Please February 16 Ken Karmire contact the church office if you would February 16 Rose Worthington appreciate a paper copy of the list. February 06 Debbie & Kenan Schultheis February 20 Ann & Quentin Stahl February 15 Marty Meddles & Diana February 21 Cindy & Fred Heseman Schnakenburg-Meddles February 23 Ann & David Goodman February 17 Geena & Josh Davis 17 February 25 Brandon & Danielle Hayes
(812) 867-2497 (Office) Email — church@bethlehemucc.org Web Site—www.bethlehemucc.org Office Hours 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM Monday-Thursday Please contact the church office if you are aware of any address changes. OUR VISION STATEMENT: Striving to welcome all who seek God; to grow in faith; and to love neighbor as self through action.
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