PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

Page created by Francisco Walker
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Park West
February 2019

                                                             Camera Club

                     This Issue
                    Volume 82 • Issue 4
                Club News…………………..….…2 - 21
                Photography News……………..22 - 30
                Exhibits, Workshops, Etc…….…31 - 33
                Schedule of Activities…….….….34 - 41
                Complete Index………………………42

                   complete listings on last page

February 2019                      1
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
Park West Camera Club                                               Club Officers
The Park West Camera Club is an independent            President              Ed Lee
not-for-profit corporation. Guests are always
                                                       V. President           Michael Schleiff

The PWCC newsletter, Photo Notes, is published         Corres. Sec.           Helen Bohmart Pine
every month by and for the members of the Park         Rec. Sec.              Christine Doyle
West Camera Club. Subscriptions are included
with Club membership. Yearly subscriptions are         Treasurer              Maria Fernandez
available to non-members by e-mail at no charge.
                                                       Pres. Emeritus         Chuck Pine
Printed issues are available at PWCC meetings.

Submissions of full-length articles or smaller                            Committee Chairs
items of photographic or general interest are
always accepted. The staff of Photo Notes              Archive                Inactive
reserves the right to edit any submissions             Competition            John Brengelman
which are published.                                                          Hedy Klein
Photo Notes is optimized for viewing digitally.
                                                       Field Trip             Susan Sigrist
                                                                              Paul Grebanier
             Contact Information
                                                       Gallery                Karen Corrigan
                   House                  Marty Smith

                  E-Mail Address                       Membership             Marlene Schonbrun
                                                      Elena Pierpont

             Club Mailing Address                      Newsletter             Chuck Pine
     319 West 16 Street, #1 NY, NY 10011               Program                Marilyn Fish-Glynn
           Photo Notes Mailing Address                 Social                 Natalie Manzino
     680 West End Avenue, #5D, NY, NY 10025
                                                       Website                Michael Schleiff
                                                                              Christine Doyle

                                                       Workshop               Jan Noordin

                                                       Cover Photo
                                                    Jellyfish for Lunch
                                                  by Chuck Pine ©2019

 February 2019                                                 2
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB   President’s Message                      In the past we have had             I have enlisted Jean Miele,
                                            guest photographers such as         a former speaker and judge at
       It is always great welcoming         Sandra Carrion, a member of         PWCC, to be our portfolio
       new members. However, it             the Soho Photo Portfolio            reviewer for February 25th.
       takes a while for a “newbie” to Committee, who critiques                 This event is filled, but if there
       learn the “lay of the land” and potential members who wish               is demand by the members, we
       discover all that PWCC has to to join the co-op gallery. She is might be able to use the ”Snow
       offer. The other day, I received also a leader of B&H’s Portfo-          Day” we set aside in April for
       an email inquiry about the           lio Development Program.            another. I will be checking with
       club's Portfolio nights:                 Members who participate         our four current portfolio
            I see in a few weeks there is a in our portfolio nights submit a submitters, and if there's an
       member portfolio review at our       selection of at least 12 images     issue, consult the waiting list.
       meeting. I've never been involved (prints or PDIs) that follow a             Be sure to check out
       in anything like that and don't      theme and are unified by sub-  for
       really know what it is for and how ject, color or monochrome,            the latest news and this issue
       to prepare. I suspect that some of   meaningful relationships,           of Photo Notes for upcoming
       the other new members may have sequence and order of images, events and field trips.
       the same lack of knowledge (al-      and other factors for an                Stay warm!
       though I haven't spoken to any       impactful portfolio. The goal of
       about this). Since tomorrow night the half hour review is to see
       is a competition and time is valu- how well the images hold up          Ed
       able, can I suggest that perhaps a as a group, the whole being
       quick e-mail, at least to new mem- greater than the sum of the
       bers to explain what is going on     individual images.
       and how to participate would be
       helpful? Thanks.                                                Photo Notes
            Our Portfolio Nights began
       several years ago when the Ex-          Publisher:        Ed Lee
       ecutive Committee, and others,          Editor:           Chuck Pine
       suggested a more hands-on               Committee:        Will Aimesbury, Bill Apple, Madeleine
       way to help our members take               Barbara, Elsa Blum, Ann Broder, Ruth Formanek,
       their photography to the next              Gladys Hopkowitz, Hedy Klein, Paul Perkus, Elena
       level. Some of our judges have             Pierpont, Helen Pine, Judy Rosenblatt, and Puneet Sood
       also suggested having a num-
       ber of “projects” that we are           Contributors: Bill Apple, Joel Bernstein, John Brengelman,
       interested in, things such as              Sarah Corbin, Christine Doyle, Paul Grebanier, Ed Lee,
       street photography, portraits,             and Chuck Pine
       animals, and myriad other                        Photo Notes is produced on a MacBook Pro
       potential subjects in our world.                 using iWork Pages and Adobe Photoshop.
       In short, things we enjoy                All uncredited images are royalty-free clip art or otherwise
       shooting, and are always on                           believed to be in the public domain.
       the lookout for, and thus
                                                     Credited images remain the sole property of their
       working on our potential
                                                          copyright holders—all rights reserved.

February 2019                                                          3
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
       Images of the Month
       February 2019
                    by John Brengelman

       Wall by Nicole Dosso

       Honor PDIs
       Orchids in the Shower by John Brengelman
       A Dancing Star by Dzan Harba
       Woman by Natalie Manzino
       Lalibela Students by Larry Rubin
       Corcovado Rio bycHoward Stevens

                                                                © Nicole Dosso

                                                   Sand Dune by Howard Stevens

                                                   Honor Prints
                                                   Freedom by Oggy Doytchinov
                                                   Black Crown Night Heron by Elena Pierpont
                                                   Red Glow by Elena Pierpont

                   Sand Dune
               © Howard Stevens

 February 2019                                    4
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
       Cumulative Point Totals
       through February 2019                                     PDIs
             by John Brengelman
                                   Congratulations to our        Nicole Dosso        64
       Prints                      winners and honorable         Florence Forman     62
                                   mentions!                     George Hansen       62
       Paul Grebanier      78                                    Chuck Pine          62
       Sarah Corbin        72      Thanks to all who entered     Harriet Josephs     59
       Paula Paterniti     62      and competed this month       John Brengelman     54
       Florence Forman     60      and to all who helped         Paul Grebanier      54
       Elena Pierpont      60                                    Larry Sapadin       54
                                   make the competition run
       Oggy Doytchinov     56                                    Julie Foehrenbach   50
                                   so smoothly.
       Larry Rubin         54                                    Hedy Klein          48
       John Brengelman     52                                    Natalie Manzino     48
                                   And, a special thanks to
       George Hansen       50                                    Howard Stevens      48
                                   our judge, Robert Herman,
       Bill Apple          44                                    Bill Apple          44
                                   for a job well done.          Christine Doyle     44
       Howard Stevens      36
       Alice Somma         22                                    Will Aimesbury      42
                                   For the rest of us, there’s
       Marvin Fink 14cDon Mac-                                   Elena Pierpont      42
                                   always next month!
       Leod                 8                                    Larry Rubin         42
       Natalie Manzino      8                                    Janet Susin         42
       Ruth Yashpan         8                                    Paula Paterniti     40
       Marty Smith          4                                    Michael Schleiff    40
                                                                 Marty Smith         40
                                                                 Punnet Sood         40
                                                                 Joan Slatkin        36
                                                                 Alice Somma         36
                                                                 Remy Deyglum        34
                                                                 Rita Russo          34
                                                                 Joel Bernstein      32
                                                                 David Francis       30
                                                                 Mark Kinn           30
                                                                 Dottie Mills        30
                                                                 Jay Bitkower        28
                                                                 Susan Rauch         28
                                                                 Jerry Vogel         22
                                                                 Susan Genaro        18
                                                                 Carole de Beer      16
                                                                 Ruth Yashpan        16
                                                                 Karen Corrigan      14
                                                                 Dzan Harba          14
                                                                 Virginia Lawrence    8
                                                                 Don MacLeod          8
                                                                 Indran Naidoo        6

 February 2019                                    5
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
       Future Field Trips               Summer
                                           Dates: July 5—14, 2019
       Mid-Spring                           Trinidad and Tobago
           May 24th- 27th, 2019
       Rhode—The Ocean State—Island         We are going to paradise—
                                        specifically to Trinidad and
           Rhode Island is the smallest Tobago. This two-island nation
       state in area, the seventh least is the southern-most of all the
       populous, and the second most Caribbean islands lying just off
       densely populated. It has the    the coast of Venezuela.
       longest official name of any
                                        Reo We’ll be shooting land-

       state: the State of Rhode Island scapes, seascapes, wildlife, and

       and Providence Plantations.      the human inhabitants, their
                                        towns, villages, etc. For the
                                        birders, there are hundreds of
                                        species, including many found
                                        only on these islands. Looking
                                        for hummingbirds? Over two
                                        dozen of ‘em abound, and
                                        most can be found on the back
                                        porch where we’ll be staying in
           Included in the itinerary        On Tobago, we’ll be at an
       will be: a cruise around Narra- exclusive beach resort with
       gansett Bay to visit, view, and  glass-bottom boats, scuba,
       photograph lighthouses and       snorkeling, and more.
       mansions; a trip to the Roger        To top it off, we’ll be there
       Williams Park Zoo; and plenty at the height of the season
       of time to drive through the     when the female leatherback
       state, do some shopping and/ sea turtles come ashore to lay
       or antiquing.                    their eggs. We might even
                                        glimpse the hatchlings as they
                                        scramble to the ocean.
                                            The price is $2,500 plus in-
                                        ternational airfare (non-stop
                                        from JFK is under $600). The
                                                                            For more info, e-mail
                                        single supplement is only $300
                                                                             or call
                                                                            Chuck at 212-932-7665.
                                            The deadline for signing-up
                                        for this trip has been extended!      Make your $250 deposit
                                        We’ll be accepting deposits         check out to PWCC and
           Prices and details will be   through the end of February.        mail it to Chuck Pine at 82
       available in next month’s issue      Don’t miss out!                 Burgundy B, Delray Beach,
       of Photo Notes.                                                      FL 33484.

 February 2019                                              6
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

 February 2019   7
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club

 February 2019   8
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
       Club Participation Nites        canceled this past winter. But,
                                       if we don’t need to make any-
       This coming year there will be thing up, tonight will be Theme
       four programs which require     Night: Pick-A-Number. You pick
       member participation. Here’s a a number, 3 let’s say, and then
       quick rundown on these fun      you shoot images that depict
       and educational activities:     that number in some way. Like
                                       three ducks in a row, or three
       • January 28th—Theme Night: bathing beauties, or… Just
       Dealer’s Choice Tonight, in-    make sure all of your submis-

       stead of the Club choosing a
              t h er                   sion use the same number.

          Been ne that!
       theme, you make your own
       choice. Anything you’d like to
       show us. Just make sure it is a
       concise theme presented in 12
       or so images. Your best work,                    Cotton Candy Falls
       of course!                                       ©2018 Chuck Pine

                                                                             • April 22nd—Our final par-
                                                                             ticipation night for the year
                                                                             will be Theme Night: Celebrate
                                                                             Earth Day Today is Earth Day.
                                                        Red Diesel
                                                     ©2018 Chuck Pine        Let’s celebrate it by bringing in
                                                                             images of our planet. Land-
                                                                             scapes, wildlife, plants, etc.—
                                                                             but let’s try to keep the hand-
                                                                             of-man out of the picture.
                                                                             Again, up to a dozen or so im-
                                                                             ages in the proper format.
       • February 11th—Theme Night:
       Pick-A-Color In this iteration    Show Us Your Work
       of a theme night we ask mem-
       bers to choose a color and then   Park West schedules so
       shoot images which contain        many field trips/photo
       that color in a major way. This   shoots/and workshops                * Also for your photo sharing
       might be a way to use the         each and every month. Let           pleasure, PWCC will have
       ”Spot Color” techniques from      us see what you’ve done             another members’ Portfolio
       Expanding Visions 22 a few        on Club activities.                 Review night. The scheduled
       years ago. Be sure to use the         Submit your favorites to        date is February 25th. If you
       same color in all your images.    Photo Notes for publication.        wish to share your portfolio,
                                         Size them as for competition        submit your name and theme
       • April 8th—Tonight is sched-     (72 ppi, 1400 x 1050 pixels)        to either President Ed Lee or
       uled to be the make-up night if   and e-mail them to us at            Workshop Committee Chair
       any of our competitions were                         Jan Noordin.

 February 2019                                                      9
PHOTO NOTES - Park West Camera Club
CLUB   PWCC 2018-2019 Schedule

        2    Chuck Pine Picnic
        3    No Meeting (Labor Day)
       10    No Meeting (Rosh Hashanah)
       17    Welcome Back                              March
       24    Business Meeting #1                        4    Competition #6 (Nir Arieli)
                                                       11    Workshop (Table Top & Lightbox)
       October                                         18    Guest Speaker (Kathy Baca)
        1    Competition #1 (Bina Altera)              25    Business Meeting #3
        8    Workshop (Winning Images/C&H Pine)
       15    Guest Speaker (G Greenstein & P Stahly)   April
       19-21 Weekend Field Trip (Mystic & More)         1      Competition #7 (TBA)
       22    Portfolio Review                           8      Comp Make-Up/Theme Night (Pick-A-#)
       29    Halloween Portraits and Party             15      Guest Speaker (Bina Altera)
                                                       22      Theme Night: Celebrate Earth Day
       November                                        29      Club’s Night Out
        5   Competition #2 (Sandra Carrion)
       12   Theme Night (Pick-A-Letter)                May
       19   Guest Speaker (Meryl Meisler)               6      Competition #8 (TBA)
       26   Business Meeting #2                         9      Expanding Visions 25
                                                       13      Guest Speaker (Joyce Vulver)
       December                                        16      Expanding Visions 25
        3   Competition #3 (Ron Terner)                20      Business Meeting #4
       10   Guest Speaker (Ron Wyatt)                  23      Expanding Visions 25
       17   Holiday Party                              24-27   Weekend Field Trip (Rhode Island)
       24   Winter Holiday                             27      No Meeting (Memorial Day)
       31   Winter Holiday                             30      Expanding Visions 25

       January                                         June
        7    Competition #4 (Sara Signorelli)           3      Year-End Competition (TBA)
       14    Workshop (Photoshop Ninja 2—D Atlas)       6      Expanding Visions 25
       21    Guest Speaker (Allan Baillie)             10      Otto Litzel Dinner
       28    Members’ Presentations                    13      Expanding Visions 25
                                                       17      ExCom Planning Meeting
       February                                        20      Expanding Visions 25
        4    Competition #5 (Robert Herman)            24      Summer Meeting
       11    Theme (Night: Pick-A-Color)               27      Expanding Visions 25
       12    Print Workshop
       18    Guest Speaker (Jean Bubley)               Field trips, classes, additional workshops,
       25    Portfolio Review                          and the 2018 summer schedule will be pub-
                                                       lished as the information becomes available.

 February 2019                                                 10
CLUB   Competition Rotation                Committee Liaisons                Photo Notes Deadlines

       The members of the Club, at         The Executive Committee           Issue              Deadline
       the May business meeting,           (ExCom) has decided to con-
       voted to change one of the                                            March 2019         March 4
                                           tinue for this coming year
       rules regarding our monthly         with the committee liaison        April 2019         April 1
       competition. We will go back        model to spread the respon-       May 2019           May 6
       to alternating the order of the     sibility among the entire Ex-     Summer 2019        June 3
       prints and PDIs in our eight        ecutive Committee.
       monthly competitions begin-            Here’s how it’ll work:             The sooner articles and
       ning in October 2019. Here’s        Each of the ExCom mem-            items are submitted to Photo
       the schedule:                       bers (the five elected officers   Notes, the quicker the editing
                                           plus the President Emeritus)      and revision process can begin.
          Month        First Shown         will be assigned committees       Competition scores and cumu-
                                           as liaison. Each committee        lative points are submitted as
          March        PDIs                chair or co-chair will report     soon after the competitions as
          April        Prints              to the ExCom through this         possible, usually one to three
          May          PDIs                liaison. In this manner, it is    days following the submission
          June         Prints              felt that communication will      deadline. The draft copy of
                                           flow much more smoothly,          Photo Notes will be sent to the
                                           in both directions, between       editorial staff as soon as possi-
                                           the committees. In addition,      ble once all items are in place.
       How I Did It!                       any concerns raised by the        The staff will then have two to
                                           ExCom will be passed along        three days to edit and return
                                           to the committee chairs
       Do you have an image on                                               their comments.
                                           through the liaisons.
       which you worked,… and it
                                              Here are the committee
       came out great?!? One you’re
                                           liaison assignments for the
       really proud of? Then why
                                           2018-2019 Club year:
       not share it with the Club?
           Please send us a short          Competition           Mike
       write-up of what you did to         Field Trip           Chuck
       take and/or process your im-        Gallery              Helen
       age. Of course, include the         House              Christine          Once the Photo Notes issue
       finished image (and a ‘before’      Membership           Helen        is complete, it is sent to the
       shot would be nice, too).           Newsletter           Chuck        Website Committee to be post-
           Send your efforts to us at      Program            Christine      ed online. As soon as this is ac-
                           Social                   Ed       complished, an e-mail is sent
                                           Website               Mike        to all Club members and other
                                           Workshop                 Ed       Photo Notes recipients inform-
                                                                             ing them that the PWCC news-
                                                                             letter is now available for

 February 2019                                                       11
                                                                           Portrait Tip

                                                                           If there are two of them, don’t
                                                                           make them the same!
                                                                               By having two of them, I
                                                                           am talking about hands,
                                                                           wrists, elbows, shoulders, and
                                                                           so on.
                                                                               Keep in mind that we have
                                                                           two ears and two eyes as well.
                                                                           In a portrait, tilt the head so
                                                                           that the eyes and ears aren’t
                                                                           on the same level. Tilt the
                                                                           shoulders for the same reason.
                                                                               These tips are designed for
       Glimpses                  © Sarah Corbin
                                                                           people portraits, but the same
                                                                           idea can/should be applied to
       PWP (Professional Women             On the Level                    pets, wild animals, etc.—even
       Photographers) is having a                                          though it might be more diffi-
       photo exhibit entitled Glimpses     One problem that many           cult to get your cocker spaniel
       of Our World. It is being held at   judges find with images is      to tilt her head, it’s worth the
       the Salmagundi Club, 47 Fifth       that they are not level—in      effort and the wait.
       Avenue, now through the 16th
                                           other words, the horizon
       of February.
           Six PWCC members are            is not parallel to the top or
       represented in this show: Rain      bottom of the frame. How
       Bengis, Madeleine Barbara,          do you prevent this from
       Carole DeBeer, Marjorie Gurd,       happening to your shots?
       Florence Forman, and Sarah
       Corbin (whose B&W image,
                                                                       make sure the camera is
       Reflection of Herd, appears
       above.                                                          on the level.
           For more information on                                        If you have neither of
       PWP, visit their website at                                     these, slip a portable spirit
                           Most modern cameras level into the hot shoe of
           Please support your fellow
                                           have an internal level that your camera. Use it to
       PWCCers by going to see this
       exhibition before it closes.        can be switched on. Use it make sure your camera is
                                           to make sure the camera is on the level.
                                           on the level.
                                              Many tripods have a
                                           built-in bubble level on
                                           the tripod head. Use it to

 February 2019                                                   12
CLUB   PWCC’s Yahoo Group                                PWCC Flickr Group
                                                                                         by Paul Grebanier
       Do you have an idea to go out shooting but
       don’t want to go alone? Have a question about     Did you know that there is a way for PWCC
       Photoshop, or your camera, or some technique,     members to share their pictures with other
       but don’t have someone to ask? Know of a          members and the world? Probably not! Eight
       great photo op or workshop that you’d like to     years ago, a “Park West Camera Club” Group
       share with your fellow Club members? What         was set-up on the “flickr” picture sharing and
       are you to do?                                    social networking site, just for such a purpose.
           Ta Da! The Club’s Yahoo group is the an-      Unfortunately, the idea never really caught on
       swer to your questions. You can communicate       at that time. The weeds of neglect and disrepair
       with other PWCC members about these and           have overgrown the site. But the structure is
       more. All you have to do is sign up for the       still there—awaiting rehabilitation.
       group. It’s easy and it’s free.                        What a waste!
           All you have to do is send an e-mail to the
       Club at We will respond
       with an e-mail from the group website, and…
       you’re in.
           If you have a (free) Yahoo e-mail account
                                                             When we go on field trips and attend other
       you can go to the group site. There you can see
                                                         PWCC events and take pictures, how do we
       all prior e-mails, post pictures, post links to
                                                         easily share them? We don’t! How do we get
       other websites of interest, and more. If you
                                                         feedback on these images? We can’t! The Solu-
       don’t have a Yahoo account, you can only send
                                                         tion? Join our flickr group with many other
       and receive e-mails.
                                                         members, and actively add to and comment on
                                                         the images to be viewed there.
                                                             For those who are not flickr members al-
                                                         ready, you should know that the site allows
                                                         members to store and share their pics with mil-
                 We belong!                              lions of other members throughout the world–
                                                         and also with non-members. Uploading pic-
                                                         tures and making comments is easy. Groups of
                                                         images and people that share an affinity are
                                                         also easily created and can be shared by any-
                                                         one. The site is free to join. But if you really be-
                                                         come an active member, showing over 200 pics,
                                                         full membership costs $25 a year.
                                                             To view the Park West Camera Club Group
                                                         site, go to 
                                                             To join flickr so you can add pics to the
                                                         group, and also to make and receive comments,
                                                         go to  or click on the “join
                                                         group” button shown on the Group front page.
                                                             Hope to see you there soon!

 February 2019                                                    13
       Member Portfolio

       Joel Bernstein, and his wife
       Carol, are two of PWCC’s
       newest members, joining the
       Club after taking Expanding
       Visions 24 last season. In this
       portfolio, Joel takes the
       plunge as an active member,
       and exhibits a deep passion
       for water and the serenity it

                                                               All images
                                                            © Joel Bernstein

 February 2019                             14
       PWCC Website                                                              How To Upload Images to
                   by Christine Doyle                                            Your Image Library:

       Park West Camera Club has                                                 • After you log in, click on
       a new website that is interac-                                            the My Account tab and
       tive and very user-friendly.                                              select My Image Library.
            By creating an account                                               • Scroll down and press the
       and signing on to the web-                                                “Upload Images” button
                                               upper right hand corner
       site, members will be able to                                             • Scroll down and press the
                                               (below the PWCC logo).
       create and update their own                                               “Select” button. This will
                                               • On the login page, scroll
       personal galleries and share                                              open your hard drive library.
                                               down to the bottom you will
       their work. (You can create                                               • Select images to be added
                                               see a box marked “Member-
       multiple galleries if you                                                 from your hard drive. (Mul-
                                               ship Information and Mem-
       like.) The gallery template                                               tiple images can be added at
                                               bership Request.” Press the
       comes with privacy settings                                               the same time by pressing
                                               “Membership Information”
       that you control.                                                         multiple files.)
            We encourage members to                                              • Press “Open” in your hard
                                               • On the next page, press the
       take advantage of this feature                                            drive window. This will be-
                                               “Create a new User Ac-
       and to make their galleries pub-                                          gin loading your images.
                                               count” button.
       lic so that visitors to the website                                       • After your images are up-
                                               • Scroll down to the box
       can see the great work that our                                           loaded press “Save Images
                                               marked “Login Name.” We
       members are doing, in addition                                            and Proceed to Edit Page”
                                               recommend you use your
       to the monthly competition                                                button.
                                               email address as your login
       winners and honors images.                                                • At the Edit Page you can
                                               name, but the choice is up to
            All members are encour-                                              make changes to your image
                                               you. Press “Next” after en-
       aged to join the website.                                                 titles. When done, press
                                               tering a login name.
       While the website contains                                                “Save any changes and
                                               • On the next page you will
       links to videos on a variety                                              return to the original page.”
                                               be asked to create a pass-
       of topics that will help guide                                            You can now go to your
                                               word and reminder question
       you through many of these                                                 Gallery and upload your
                                               for that password. Please do
       processes, here are some de-                                              images.
       tailed instructions on how to           • On the next page you will
       get started:                                                              How To Create a Member
                                               be asked for some personal
                                               information. You only need
       How To Create a Member
                                               to fill in the lines where “re-
       Account:                                                                  • After you log in, click on
                                               quired” is indicated.
                                                                                 the My Account tab and se-
                                               • An email will be sent to the
       • Enter into your browser                                                 lect My Galleries.
                                               webmaster to approve your
       the following address:                                                    • Scroll down to Member’s
                                               request. The webmaster will
                                                           New Gallery” button (on the
                                               message will be sent back to
       • On the home page, press                                                 right).
                                               you that you can access the
       the “Login” button in the
                                               website as a member.

 February 2019                                                      15
CLUB   • An online form will open.        right), then at the next page   • After your images are up-
       Here you can customize             press either “Display Recent    loaded press "Save Images
       your gallery, e.g., by adding      Uploads” or “Display All        and Proceed to Edit Page"
       a Title or Description, and        Images” (depending on how       button.
       adjust additional settings,        recently the images were up-    • At the “Edit New Images
       such as                            loaded).                        in Gallery” page, you can
         - Gallery Visibility             • When you finish selecting     review and edit the image
           (Private, Organization         images for your gallery,
                                                                          titles. When done, press the
           Access, or Public)             press the “Finished Marking
                                                                          “Save any changes and
         - Transition (set how the        Desired Images” button.
                                                                          return to original page”
           images will move)              • This will take you to your
         - Options on what to             gallery page, where you can
           display (Image Title,          change the order of the im-     • This will take you to your
           Author, Captions,              ages by clicking and drag-      gallery page, where you can
           Thumbnails, etc.)              ging. When finished, press      change the order of the im-
       • Press the “Update Gallery        the “Save updates to image      ages by clicking and drag-
       Options” button to save your       order” button.                  ging. When finished, press
       settings and preferences.                                          the “Save updates to image
       • PLEASE NOTE THAT                 YOU CAN ALSO ADD IM-            order” button.
       BE APPROVED BY WEB                 APPROVED GALLERY:               Cold Weather Photo Tip
       FORE YOU CAN ADD                   • After your new gallery is     Changing lenses in freezing
       YOUR IMAGES. You will be           approved, open the gallery      temperatures always puts
       notified once your gallery is      into which you want to up-      your equipment at risk. There
       approved.                                                          is always the risk of conden-
                                          load images.
       • The website has a section                                        sation as you take off a lens
                                          • Press the “Edit and Upload
       for images taken during                                            and mount another. Same
                                          Images” button (on the
       PWCC field trips (“PWCC                                            goes for blowing snow.
                                          right), then at the next page
       CLUB OUTINGS”). Galleries                                              To avoid this predicament,
                                          press the “Upload Images
       for field trip images are cre-                                     bring a zoom lens. This will
                                          Into This Gallery” button.      make lens changes redundant
       ated in the same way as
                                          • Scroll down and press the     and keep your gear free from
       member galleries.
                                          “Select” button (bottom left    internal moisture.
       How to Add Images to Your          of the page). This will open
       Gallery:                           your hard drive library.
                                          • Select images to be added
       • After you log in or after        from your hard drive. (Mul-
       uploading images to your           tiple images can be added at
       Image Library, open the            the same time by pressing
       gallery where you want to          multiple files.)
       display them.                      • Press “Open” in your hard
       • Press the “Edit and Upload       drive window. This will be-
       Images” button (on the             gin loading your images.

 February 2019                                               16
       Dealer’s Choice

       On Monday night, January
       28th, the Club held a Theme
       Night. The theme was titled,
       Dealer’s Choice, in which all
       members could show a con-
       cise portfolio with images of
       their choice.
           Here are some of those

                                                      Manchester, Vermont
                                                       © Paula Paterniti

               Washington, DC
              © Natalie Manzino
                                                                            © Marvin Fink

 February 2019                                      17

                                            © Joel Bernstein

                 © Joan Slatkin

                                  Anzo Borego Desert State Park, CA
                                        © Virginia Lawrence

 February 2019                    18

                      Viet Nam
                 © Marlene Schonbrun

                                       © Dinorah Capota

                                                          Kensington Gardens
                                                           © Paul Grebanier

 February 2019                   19

                                                                            Women’s March 2019
                                                                             © Christine Doyle

       Capital of Architecture

       Rio de Janeiro in Brazil has
       been named the world cap-
       ital of architecture for 2020
       by UNESCO—making it the
       first city to ever receive
       this designation.
           The UN’s cultural
       organzation announced the
       honor this week. It was
       established along with the
       International Union of                  Museum of Contemporary Art
       Architects. The designation
       is part of an effort to pre-
       serve architectural heritage                     Oscar Niemeyer Popular Theatre
       in cities and create a forum
       to discuss issues related to
       culture, architecture, and
       social development.
           As the Capital of Archi-
       tecture, Rio will also hold
       the UIA’s World Congress,
       an event that takes place
       every three years.

 February 2019                                        20
CLUB   Scam Alert                             Photo Cartoon
                                                of the Month
       I recently received the
       following e-mail:

            I,m Sandra Donnel, i saw your
       profile on the internet, are you
       available in February for my fami-
       ly reunion party,(5 hours cover-
       age).Do yo accept credit card?
       leave your phone number
       Sandra Donnel

           Sounds interesting, does
       it not? Would you jump at
       the chance to make a few                You won’t believe where that old
       hundred extra bucks? And
                                               guy keeps pictures. In his wallet!
       get a free meal or two, as
       well? Who wouldn’t be
       interested?                            Cold Weather Tip                  Another
           Me, that’s who! And                                                  trick is to
                                              Your batteries lose power
       neither should you be.                                                   stick a toe-
                                              much faster in cold weather.
           Here’s why…                                                          warmer
           First of all, there are too                                          packet to the
       many mistakes—spelling,                                                  camera, right
       grammar, punctuation, etc.                                               over the battery
       Sure, they could be simply                                               compartment door.
       typos. But there are so many
       of them
           Second, I absolutely do                                     Wanna See More?
                                                  There is a simple
       not have any kind of profile           technique you can use
       on the Internet. I’m not on            to keep your batteries   Please submit some of your images
       Facebook, Instagram, Twit-             from losing power        from recent PWCC field trips, work-
       ter, Flickr—nowhere at all.            faster than normal.      shops, or from your travels around
           Finally, if it sounds too          Keep them in one of      the City. Prepare them as for a Club
       good to be true—it isn’t!              the inside pockets of    competition (resolution set to 72 ppi;
           Don’t get drawn in by              your jacket. That way    horizontal dimension not to exceed
       this kind of scam (or any              they stay nice and       1,400 pixels; and vertical dimension
       other kind, for that matter).          warm, and handy, to      not to exceed 1,050 pixels).
       As the saying goes, caveat             be used whenever
                                                                           Submit your images to
       emptor—”let the buyer be-              they are needed.

 February 2019                                                      21
PHOTOGRAPHY   Depth of Field                        This “mush” turns up all                 I first tripped over clarity
                                  by Bill Apple over communication: snow on              when learning how to write for
                                                TVs, static on radios, obfusca-          a living. Short Anglo-Saxon
              A Unified Theory?                 tion in print, politics and fast-        words, I learned, are better
                                                talkers. ”What we’ve got here            than Latinate. "Fix it,” an
              Physicists since Einstein,        is a failure to communicate,”            editor once bellowed my way.
              maybe before, have sought a       one of the great movie lines of          He wanted me to change
              “unified” theory, so far-reach- all time (from Hud). Missing               something. He did not say,
              ing it explains everything,       clarity is one of the biggest            “Repair it!” That would have
              from the teensiest subatomic      tragedies, in life and in art.           been mushy.
              particle to the universe.             But what is clarity? The                 Further, short sentences
                  Not to worry—above my         best dictionary clues come               (and paragraphs) just work
              pay grade. But it did get me      from “clarify”: to free from             best for your reader. Simple
              thinking about photography        impurities (like “refine”), to           syntax—crisp, declarative sen-
              and other art. Is there some-     make something easier to un-             tences—punch above their
              thing—some thing—that good derstand (“comprehensible”).                    weight. And best to write
              art shares in common, perhaps Like moths to flames, humans                 mainly with nouns and verbs,
              hidden in plain sight?            are drawn to the refined and             sprinkling the adjectives and
                  I won’t keep you in           the comprehensible, whether              adverbs as sparingly as salt.
              suspense. It’s clarity, I think,  in people, pictures, plays,              Meat and potatoes.
              and it applies to performing      novels, movies, and music.                   Decades ago I learned a lot
              arts and good writing too. It’s Life’s too brief for an indi-              about communication—in many
              what everyone craves and          gestible diet of mush.                   modes—from a skinny yet
              what improves most artwork.                                                      [continued on next 2 pages]

                  Indeed, we seem repulsed       Mount Fuji Duane Michals pioneered photo sequences around 1970:
              by clarity’s opposite: “mush,”     cartoon-like story panels, handwritten captions. This 15-panel set,“Take One
              let’s call it, the bleary-eyed     and See Mount Fujiyama,” 1972, starts with Michals in bed, reading.
              state your camera’s focus dis-     Suddenly, a packet of green pills is pushed under his door—he swallows one
              patches as you turn the focus      and gets high. A big, naked woman then arrives, perhaps hallucination. The
              ring. Before Autofocus, there      final three panels, above, bring the photographer’s out-of-focus jockey shorts
              was that thrill, focusing man-     —“Mount Fuji”—into relief. You don’t know the joke till the end, when things
              ually, as you made blurs turn      clear up. The caption under the leftmost panel, Michals still in bed:
              crisp. (See “Mount Fuji,” this     “Suddenly, in the darkness, he began to see the snow-covered peak of Mt.
              page.)                             Fujiyama.” (See

    February 2019                                                                    22
PHOTOGRAPHY   muscular little volume,             parentheses, dashes, shorter
              “Writing That Works,” by            bursts of fire.
              Kenneth Roman and Joel                  How does all this relate to
              Raphaelson, ad men from Don         photography? Just as most peo-
              Draper’s day. If you’d like         ple flee verbal obfuscation and
              practical pointers on writing       soggy sentences, they too flee
              well enough to accomplish           the muddled, indecisive, poor-
              things, track down a copy.          ly executed photographs, the
              (Ken Roman, once Ogilvy &           pictures that they don’t know
              Mather’s CEO, is still kicking.     quite what to make of.
              You might enjoy his recent              In a sense, good photos re-
              op-ed, on the moniker “The          semble good jokes. If you need
              Big Apple”: )                      —comedy isn’t your strong
                   Consider an early chapter,     suit. And if your pictures de-
              titled: “Don’t mumble—and           mand poring over, viewers’           Simply Good Late January’s po-
              other principles of effective       eyes raking the surface,             lar vortex hit the upper Midwest first
                                                                                       and worst. This photo, spotted on
              writing.” It opens with H.L.        searching randomly for mean-
                                                                                       page one of the Wall Street Journal,
              Mencken: ”[Most people] write       ing, the photograph probably         ticks all boxes: simple, clean, crisp,
              badly because they cannot           is not working. Rethink, re-         clear, compelling composition. It’s a
              think clearly.” Then continues      frame, redo, edit, fix. In short,    news photo, but it could be fine art
              with well-known essayist (and       refocus for clarity.                 too. Even the colors help. Source:
              the author of “Charlotte’s              But how? A few principles:       Joshua Clark / The (Appleton, Wisc.)
              Web”) E.B. White: “When you                                              Post-Crescent / AP.
              say something, make sure you        ‘Record Shots.’ Keep them
              have said it. The chances of        and travel snaps down. It’s         been compromised. Be deliber-
              your having said it are only        great to shoot the kids (or         ate, planned, cool-thinking, in-
              fair.” A revelation.                grandkids), the Eiffel Tower, a     novative. Go boldly where no
                   Clarity, that’s rule no. 1.    sunflower, but can you add          photographer has gone before.
              Brevity, that’s no. 1a. Brevity’s   something fresh? Maybe, but
              the soul of wit, after all, in      odds go against you. Get such    KISS. Keep it simple, stupid.
              writing and in art.                 shots “out of your system,” as   Consider closely the artwork
                   By contrast, Henry James       more than one PWCC judge         that emanates from the finger-
              was one long-winded novelist.       has advised members. Then        tips of babes: refrigerator art-
              His 217-word sentence holds         onto something better.           work. Kids draw simple, un-
              the record, words enough to                                          cluttered things: houses, trees,
              lose readers fast. Why so ver-      Tamp Down Emotion. Emo-          dogs. They’re not going for
              bose? It’s said that James          tion is a cheap, calculated grab unicorn tapestries with com-
              wanted his writing to reflect       for attention. It may overcome plex, layered, Hells-a-Poppin’
              people’s haphazard thinking:        a photographer at home or        iconography in every corner.
              stray ideas, associations, enter-   abroad, clouding his or her vi- Practice childlike simplicity to
              ing the mind at will. But, real-    sion. You won’t know whether declutter. (See “Simply Good,”
              ly. Writers must make it easy       you’re shooting gems or gooey this page.)
              on readers—with commas,             clichés because your psyche’s           [continued on next page]

    February 2019                                                                23
PHOTOGRAPHY   Mono-a-Mono. Simplicity
              often emerges as color is
              stripped away (unless color is
              key to the shot—fire engines!).
              Had color entered photo-
              graphs from photography’s
              beginnings, it might have set
              the art back by decades.
              Consider the gray scale your
              friend. It pushes a shot’s
              graphic design to the fore.

              Simpler Mono? The New
              Yorker recently asked, “Does
              the Paint World Need Another
              White?” about a new boutique
              shade called Elliyah (described
              as “a perfect glass of two-per-
              cent” milk). Ansel Adams
              succeeded, masterfully, with
              only about 10 gray-scale
              “zones.” His work wasn’t too
              shabby either. (See “The Color
              White,” this page.)

              Big, Bold, Crisp. Viewers are
              drawn to big photographs.               The Color White Benjamin Moore offers 164 white paints among
                                                      more than 3,500 hues. Here are bestsellers, with names like: “Distant
              (Size, at PWCC competitions,
                                                      Gray” versus “Calm,” “Navajo White,” or “Dove Wing.” A different white,
              seems to matter.) Maybe it’s            Elliyah, debuted recently from the British paint boutique, Farrow & Ball
              that extreme enlargements               (named after the inventor’s 10-year-old daughter). Ansel Adams did just
              help the myopic. Maybe we’re            fine with 10 or so shades ranging from black to white.
              genetically predisposed to
              attend to oversized objects, lest
                                                  perspective. All are fascinating,      good writing: pointed and
              they kill us. You do want crisp
                                                  but wear thin if overworked.           concise. Then, again, let’s
              photos, so check your capture
                                                  More convention, less inven-           recall just what photography
              routinely for tack sharpness at
                                                  tion is a good rule: If you need       means: It’s Greek for writing
              100 percent magnification. Any
                                                  to rely on a glitzy technique,         with light.
              softness should give you
                                                  your subject may be too weak
              pause, unless the photo’s
                                                  to stand on its own legs.
              subject is softness (cotton-
              candy clouds, anyone?).
                                                     The more I think about it,
                                                  good photography is really
              Avoid Gimmicks. Bizarro
                                                  very much like no-nonsense
              tints, HDR, impossible tricks of

    February 2019                                                                   24
PHOTOGRAPHY    Gallery Watching                   Bokeh                          subject was kept four feet from
                              by Ruth Formanek                                   the camera and six feet in front
                             and Judy Rosenblatt Don’t you just love it when     of the background.
                                                  the background in your im-         The survey revealed that
                Due to the weather, and a lack    age melts away giving it a     the average person is not able
                of any photo exhibitions          soft creamy look? Photogra- to find differences in the blur
                which we felt were worthy of      phers love it and that’s why of images taken at different
                review, this will be no gallery   we spend thousands of dol- apertures even when they are
                watches this month.               lars for wide aperture lenses. specifically looking for it. What
                    Look for us next month in     Most people love it and        this means is that it doesn’t
                Photo Notes with some all new     that’s evident by the increas- really matter if you take a shot
                reviews and suggestions on        ing popularity of “portrait    at f/1.4 or f/2.8. There is no
                what to see in the world of       mode” on modern smart-         need to spend too much cash
                photography gallery shows.        phone cameras. But at the      on an ultra-fast, expensive
                                                  end of the day, bokeh is just prime lens. Moreover, the
                                                  background. Should be we       study also showed that people
                                                  obsessed over it?              actually prefer (by more than 8
              Conversions                            A controlled experiment     to 1) to have some amount of
                                                was performed to find out,       detail in image backgrounds.
              Most of us are familiar with      one way or another, if bokeh         The participants of the
              the process of converting our     (very shallow depth of field     study immediately paid atten-
              RAW files into JPEGs. But         with blurry, out-of-focus back- tion to how sharp the subjects
              what about the other way          grounds) makes a difference in appeared. Background blur
              around? Until now, its been       a photograph.                    was not a priority for them.
              impossible. Not anymore!              The objective was to find    While bokeh can be important
                  A very interesting new        out at what point an average     at times, it is more essential to
              photo editor has just been        non-photographer can tell the have the subject sharp from
              released by TopazLabs. It’s       difference in photos with        front to back. Bokeh should
              called Topaz JPEG to RAW A.I. different apertures. To achieve not necessarily be a photo-
              (The A.I., of course, stands for consistent results from varying grapher’s top priority!
              artificial intelligence.) J-to-R— subjects and locations, the
              as I’ll call it—uses machine
              learning to do what was previ-
              ously impossible: turn JPEGs
              into high-quality RAW files for
              a better editing experience.
                  There’s normally no way of
              recovering lost detail. J-to-R is
              currently the only machine-
              learning powered software
              capable of doing this.
                  You can download a free
              trial copy at 

    February 2019                                                       25
PHOTOGRAPHY                                                                   2019 PSA Conference

                                                                              The 81st Annual Conference of
                                                                              the Photographic Society of
                                                                              America is scheduled for Sep-
                                                                              tember 25th-28th, 2019, in
                                                                              Spokane, WA. This is the
                                                                              northern limit of the Palouse—
                                                                              where the Club had its 2018
                                                                              summer field trip.
                                                                                  If you missed our trip, but
                                                                              are amazed by the images of
                                                                              the members who attended,
                                                                              why not add this PSA event to
                                                                              your calendar?

              Flickr Changes                        SmugMug is turning its             There’s also new Premier
                                                attention to better serving        Customer Service—Pro users
              After Verizon-owned Yahoo         paying customers, which            will now receive priority as-
              sold Flickr to SmugMug in         makes sense because Smug-          sistance from a new dedicated
              April last year, it seemed likely Mug’s own photo hosting            support team.
              that changes would be coming service doesn’t have a free plan            Finally, Flickr is partnering
              to the service. The first major   at all. The Yahoo sign-in that     with other companies to offer
              changes just took place: Flickr was introduced after Yahoo           discounts to Pro members—
              has downgraded its free plan      acquired Flickr will be phased     companies like Adobe soft-
              and upgraded its pro plan.        out and Yahoo accounts will no     ware, SmugMug portfolios,
                  Prior to this change, Flickr  longer be required for access.     Peak Design bags and gear,
              users on the free plan were           Photos are now displayed       and more.
              given 1 terabyte, of free storage at 5K resolution for any screen,       Flickr Pro costs $50 per
              space at full resolution. Since 1 from smartphone to jumbo-          year, “hands down the best
              terabyte can hold 20,000 files    tron, SmugMug says. That’s up      deal in photography,” Smug-
              weighing 50MB each (which is to 5120×5120 pixels, or 26              Mug says.
              way more than most photos),       megapixels (6 times larger than
              the new limit of 1,000 files is   Flickr’s previous limit of 4MP).
              clearly a downgrade for photo- Videos can now be 10 minutes
              happy Flickr photographers.       long, up from 3 minutes.

      February 2019                                                         26
              Affordable Destinations

              Looking for somewhere to go
              and photograph? Here’s a list
              of destination in the U.S.A.
              which are both quite photo-
              genic and affordable.

                                                    Lake Geneva, WI

                                                                            Traverse City, MI

              Greenville, SC

                                                  Cheyenne, WY

              Astoria, OR

                                                  Hot Springs, AR

                                                                           Albuquerque, NM

              Pensacola, FL

                                              Lexington, VA

                                                     Field trip, anyone?

      February 2019                                 27
PHOTOGRAPHY   Using Your Camera                                                                    mode and enter
                                by Chuck Pine                                                      the shutter speed
                                                                                                   and f-stop. (3) Re-
              Silhouettes on the Shade                                                             position the cam-
                                                                                                   era to place the
              ”Silhouettes” is a song made                                                         subject into a
              famous by the doo-wop group,                                                         pleasing position.
              The Rays, in 1957. It was later                                                      And, finally, (4)
              covered by Herman’s Hermits,                                                         take the shot.
              The Four Seasons, The Crests,
              Frankie Lymon, Bob Dylan and
              the Band, The Ronettes, and             In order to get the silhouet-       A partial silhouette is
              quite a few other groups.           ted subject as dark as possible     similar to a full/complete
                  But, I digress!                 (in other words, black), it must    silhouette except that some
                  ”A (photographic) silhou-       be greatly underexposed. The        of the subject’s details are
              ette is the image of a person,      simplest way to do this is to (1)   visible in the image [see the
              animal, object, or scene repre-     take a meter reading from the       photo of the elephant].
              sented as a solid shape of a        (brighter) background. To do
              single color, usually black,        this, you must select a meter-
                                                                                               All images
              with its edges matching the         ing mode that ”sees” only a
                                                                                              © Chuck Pine
              outline of the subject. The inte-   small portion of the image—
              rior of a silhouette is feature-
              less (usually and/or mostly),
              and is typically presented on a
              light(er) background.” —
              Wikipedia definition (paren-
              theses, mine).
                  Enough, already. How do
              you shoot one using just your

                                                      spot metering on most
                                                      cameras, and/or partial
                                                      metering on Canons. (2)
                                                      Lock in this exposure—
                                                      usually by holding the
                                                      shutter release button
                                                      halfway down. You can
                                                      also do this if you switch
                                                      to the manual metering

    February 2019                                                           28
              PhotoShopping                    Access either of the            Use the three sliders to
                              by Chuck Pine Exposure tools as mentioned     adjust your image. How do
                                            above…                          you know when you’ve got it
              Exposure Adjustment                                                right? When it looks
                                                                                 good to you, that’s how!
              An Exposure Adjustment
              corrects the tonal values or                                             For this image of a
              lightness of images (especially                                     Brazilian dance troupe,
              HDR/ High Dynamic Range                                             I moved the Exposure
              images). You can find the                                           slider slightly to the
              Exposure tool in two places                                         right and the Gamma
              in Photoshop: (1) Images >                                          Correction slider to the
              Adjustments > Exposure; and                                         left. I did not use the
              as an Adjustment Layer.                                             Offset slider at all for
                  These allow you to edit                                         this image.
              three settings: Exposure (this                                           To create the special
              adjusts the highlights of your      The Exposure Dialog Box   effect image at the bottom, I
              image while ignoring the         will appear…                 used the Offset slider and
              darker areas of your image);                                                merely moved it to
              Offset (this darkens or lightens                                            the left.
              the shadows and midtones of
              your image while ignoring the
              lighter areas); and Gamma
              (adjusts the image’s gamma,
              or midtone, values).

                 Here’s an image that needs
              some tonal adjustments …

                             Before                                          After

    February 2019                                                 29
              Photo Shopping
                               by Chuck Pine

              Lights, Camera, Action

              GoPro makes the best action
              cameras available today, in-
              cluding the GoPro Hero5                                             Polaroid Cube Action Camera
              Black. They have set the stan-                                                  $30
              dard for what to look for when
              it comes to these handheld
              rugged devices. Buying GoPro
              cameras will set you back quite    Yuntab 1080P Action Camera
              a bit, though, but they’re not                 $24
              the only name in town. A
              number of manufacturers have
              entered this burgeoning mar-
              ket with their own high-quali-
              ty, low-cost action cams. Here’s
              a peek at some of them…

                                                                              VTech KidiZoom Action Camera

                                                                              None of these cameras have
                                                                              the quality (nor the price tag)
              Fitfort 4K Action Camera     Ion Air Pro LiteAction Camcorder   of the GoPro cameras, but they
                         $44                              $100                do have an advantage over
                                                                              their costlier brethren—you
                                                                              can buy one for under a hun-
                                                                              dred bucks, use it for a short
                                                                              time, and then just forget about
                                                                              it if it’s not your thing.

                                                                              I do not, nor does anyone else
                                                                              in the Club, make a profit
                           Campark 4K Action Camera                           from the sales of these items.
                                     $44                                      Chuck

    February 2019                                                  30
                              B & H Event Space

                              B&H Photo offers free work-
                              shops. Here are a few of the
                              upcoming offerings:

                                                                                   Friday, February 22
                                                                                   Wwildlife Through the Lens
                                                                                   Speaker: Richard Bernabe

                              Tuesday, February 12
                              Diversity Underwater
                              Speakers: Larry Cohen
                              & Olga Torrey

                                                                        Tuesday, February 19
                                                                        The Empty World
                                                                        Speaker: Nick Brandt

                                                                        Check out 
                                                                        for details; as well as a complete list of other presen-
                                                                        tations; and to register for the course(s) of your
                                                                          Please note, they do accept walk-ins for events that
                                                                        have not reached capacity.
                                                                          The Event Space is on the second floor of the B&H
                                                                        Super Store, located at 420 9th Avenue, at 34th Street.

           February 2019                                                         31
                              Happy Birthday NANPA

                              To celebrate its 25th year of
                              providing a guiding light to
                              nature photographers, NAN-
                              PA (the North American Na-
                              ture Photographers Associa-
                              tion will be holding its annual
                              nature photography summit
                              in Las Vegas, NV, later this
                                  NANPA is North Ameri-
                              ca’s premiere nature photog-
                              raphy organization. NANPA
                              promotes the art and science
                              of nature photography as a        Easy Pyramids                     the country was named the
                              medium of communication,                                            fastest-growing destination
                              nature appreciation, and envi-    In an effort to ease congestion   for travellers in 2017 by the
                              ronmental protection. NANPA       from the main transport hub       United Nations World
                              provides information, educa-      in Cairo, a brand new airport     Tourism Organization. The
                              tion, inspiration, and opportu-   has opened on the outskirts       government also introduced
                              nity for all persons interested   of Egypt’s capital city. The      an e-Visa that’s obtainable
                              in nature photography.            Sphinx International Airport      online in advance of your
                                  To get all the info on this   is open for a trial period but    travel.
                              upcoming event, go to their       is it is expected to be totally       Lonely Planet named
                              website at  You’re sure            Egypt seems to be            as its best value destination,
                              to learn a lot, meet some very    emerging from the political       as world-class ancient sites
                              interesting people, and take      turmoil in the aftermath of       from Luxor to Aswan are ac-
                              some fantastic images.            the Arab Spring of 2011, and      cessible for just a few dollars.

           February 2019                                                                32
                              Where in the world?

                              These three images were all taken
                              in the same country. Can you
                              guess where they were shot?
                                  Send your responses to
                               Please use
                              ”Where in the world?” in the
                              subject line of your e-mail.
                                  Those who submit correct
                              answers will be announced in
                              next month’s issue of Photo Notes.

                              Last month’s destination was
                              another easy one—The
                              Netherlands (we also accept-               Photo Notes is looking for images for this
                              ed Holland). The correct                   ”Where in the World?” column. If you would
                              answer was submitted by                    like to stump and/or amaze your friends and
                              Joan Slatkin.                              fellow Club members, submit 4 or 5 images of
                                 Congrats!                               your destination to 
                                                                             Please size your images as for competition:
                                                                         72 ppi; maximum width of 1,400 pixels; and
                                                                         maximum height of 1,050 pixels.
                                                                             Thank you for your participation

                     February 2019                                              33

                           For all the details, see the Schedule of Activities on the following pages.

                 February 2019                                       34
                         Schedule of Activities

                         The Park West Camera Club
                         meets every Monday night
                         (with some exceptions for
                         holidays and a curtailed
                         summer schedule). Please join
                         us at a meeting or on one of
                         our other scheduled activities.
                             All Club Monday night
                         meetings take place at the Soho
                         Photo Gallery located at 15
                         White Street, between West
                         Broadway and Church Street/
                         Avenue of the Americas (6th
                         Avenue) unless indicated
                         otherwise in the listings below.   Mon & Tue, February 11 & 12
                         Following the schedule of ac-         Photo Op—Dog Show
                         tivities are detailed directions   The 143rd Westminster Kennel
                         to each of our meeting sites.      Club Dog Show will be held at
                             Check the PWCC Website         Madison Square Garden over
                                    these two days. Over 2,500
                         for late-breaking details on all   dogs will be competing for the
                         meetings and other Park West       title of Best in Show and other
                         Camera Club activities.            awards. There are daytime
                             Meetings begin at 7 p.m.       sessions (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and
                         sharp unless otherwise indi-       evening sessions (6 p.m. to 11
                         cated below.                       p.m.) on both days. Tickets
                             An asterisk (*) preceding      may be purchased on-line at      color. For example, you choose
                         the date indicates an official       ‘red,” you shoot an apple and
                         PWCC activity. Other listings      or at the door (a tad more ex-   other ”red” subjects; OR you
                         include: Photo Events which        pensive). If you love dogs, this choose ”blue” and you shoot
                         may be of interest to photog-      show’s the one for you!          the sky and other ”blue”
                         raphers; and Photo Ops which                                        things. Choose any color and
                         offer opportunities to take        * Monday, February 11            shoot away. Finally, bring up to
                         photographs.                         Theme Night—Pick-A-Color a dozen images on a USB flash
                                                            Tonight is your chance to share drive to tonight’s meeting.
                                                            your images with the Club.
                                                            The theme is a new one for us! * Tuesday, February 12
                                                            First, you pick any color of the          Print Workshop
                                                            spectrum. Next, you go out       All Club members are invited
                                                            and shoot things that are your to bring a dozen or so prints
                                                            chosen color or contain that for this Club event. Bring them

         February 2019                                                             35
SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES                                                   Street,            women were anchored by
                                                                         continues          home and family, Bubley was a
                                                                         onto East          thriving professional, traveling
                                                                         Broadway,          throughout the world, photo-
                                                                         and finally        graphing stories for magazines
                                                                         curves up          such as LIFE and the Ladies'
                                                                         through Sara       Home Journal and for presti-
                                                                         Roosevelt          gious corporate clients that
                                                                         Park.              included Pepsi-Cola and Pan
                                                                                            American World Airways.
                                © Nancy Sirkis
                                                                                                                  work is still
                                                                                                                  widely ex-
                         for an honest, but gentle                                                                hibited, and
                         critique of your work. This                                                              it is found
                         workshop has limited space.                                                              in the per-
                         You must sign up in advance                                                              manent col-
                         with Elsa Blum at 516-621-3215                                                           lections of
                         or  to                                                              the Library
                         get the time and location for                                                            of Congress,
                         this session. The workshop                                                               the Stan-
                         leader is photographer and                                                               dard Oil
                         ICP printing instructor,                                                                 Collection
                         Nancy Sirkis.                                    © Esther Bubley
                                                                                                                at the Uni-
                                                                                                 versity of Louisville, the
                                                          * Monday, February 18             Pittsburgh Photographic Li-
                                                           Guest Speaker—Jean Bubley        brary Collection at the
                                                         Tonight’s guest photographer       Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh,
                                                         is Jean Bubley, the niece of       the National Portrait Gallery,
                                                         Esther Bubley, a documen-          the International Center of
                                                         tary photographer who was          Photography, the Brooklyn
                                                         noted for her sober, no-frills     Museum of Art, and the Mu-
                                                         portrayal of post-World War        seum of Photographic Arts in
                                                         II middle America. A pro-          San Diego among many other
                                                         tégée of Roy Stryker at the        locations. Jean is the director of
                                                         U.S. Office of War Informa-        her aunt’s archive and has
                                                         tion and subsequently at           spent her life keeping Esther’s
                         Sunday, February 17            Standard Oil Company (New           images in the public eye. Learn
                          Photo Op—Chinatown Parade Jersey), Esther (1921-1998) was         more about Esther’s work and
                                                       a preeminent freelance photog-       Jean’s efforts at  Tonight’s curtain
                         in Chinatown is held today
                                                       of American photojournalism,         raiser is a past Club secretary
                         starting at 1 p.m. The parade
                                                       from 1945 to 1965. At a time         and current chair of the Social
                         starts at Canal and Mott
                                                       when most post-war American          Committee, Natalie Manzino.
                         Streets, heads down Mott

                 February 2019                                                      36
SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES                                                                            * Monday, February 25
                                                                                                    Competition Entry Deadline
                                                                                                  Please note that PDI entries are
                                                                                                  due by midnight tonight for
                                                                                                  next week’s Club competition.

                               © Nick Brandt

                                                                                                  Thursday, February 28
                         Tuesday, February 19                                                       Photo Event—Sierra Photo
                                Photo Event—                                                       The New York City Sierra
                               NY Photo Salon                                                      Club’s Photography Commit-
                         The New York Photo Salon is                                               tee is holding its meeting
                         a forum offering the finest                                               tonight. The program for this
                         photography. Their mission is                                             evening will be three separate
                                                               * Monday, February 25
                         to build and maintain a                                                  presentations by Photo Com-
                                                                     Portfolio Review
                         community of photographers                                               mittee members: Linda Calvet
                         in the City. Tonight’s meeting        Tonight is the second portfolio    (Finding the Extra in the
                         is a special presentation by          review night of the Club’s year.   Ordinary), Lynne Cashman
                         photographer Nick Brandt.             Four PWCC members will             (Rhythm and Color Inspire
                         Nick is a British photographer        present concise portfolios of up   Intimacy), and Peter Post
                         whose themes relate to the            to a dozen images of their         (Photographing Wildlife). The
                         disappearing natural world—           work. These may be in the          meeting, which is open to the
                         before it is destroyed by             form of prints or PDIs. The        public, begins at 6:30 p.m. and
                         mankind. This special presenta-       purpose of this review is to de-   is held at the Metropolitan
                         tion is at the SVA Theater, not the   termine how well the images        Opera Guild, on the 6th floor
                         usual location! The SVA Theater       hold up as a group—not to cri-     of the Rose Building at Lincoln
                         is at 333 West 23rd Street The        tique individual images (al-       Center. The address is 70
                         presentation begins at 6:30           though some comments of this       Lincoln Center Plaza. It’s
                         p.m. Admission is free, but           nature will sneak into the dis-    located on the north side of
                         seating is limited. For more          cussion from time to time). We     West 65th Street, between
                         info, google ”NY Photo Salon”         will hire professional photo-      Broadway and Amsterdam
                         to see their Twitter, Tumblr, or      graphic educator as our critic     Avenue, closer to Amsterdam.
                         Instagram pages.                      for this portfolio review.         From the street, take the stairs,

                 February 2019                                                           37
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