Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...

Page created by Erik Castillo
Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
Los Angeles County Professional   Volume 48
                                              September 2021
   Peace Officers Association      Issue 7

Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
We have devoted ourselves                                                                   Workers’ Compensation
and our staff to providing                                                                   Employment Litigation
the highest level of personal                                                                        Personal Injury
services to our clients                                                                       LACERA Retirements

Please contact our firm for                                                               Located in the Van Nuys
a free consultation                                                                         Historic Library Building
Phone (818) 788 1700                                                                               14555 Sylvan Street
Fax    (818) 788 1705                                                                        Van Nuys, California 91411

 Making a false or fraudulent workers’ compensation claim is a felony subject to up to five years in prison or a fine up to
             $50,000 or double the value of the fraud, whichever is greater, or both imprisonment and fine
Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
PPOA Office
188 E. Arrow Highway
San Dimas, CA 91773
(323) 261-3010
(800) 747-PPOA                                                                                                      STAR & SHIELD
POPA Federal Credit Union                   SEPTEMBER 2021
(800) 369-7672
Star & Shield is the official
publication of the Los Angeles
County Professional Peace
Officers Association (PPOA).
Opinions expressed by
individual Board members
or contributing authors in this
publication do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the
entire Board.
The Board of Directors meets
on the second Wednesday
of each month in the PPOA
offices at 10 a.m.
                                       14                                                          18
Star & Shield subscription: $12
Executive Editor: Tab Rhodes          Leadership                            Also Inside
✪ Executive Board

Tab Rhodes                            4 Thirty-Three Years and Still        8 Surviving Retirement:              18 United States Police
President                             Going...                              Tips for a Healthy                   and Fire Championships
Jim Blankenship                       | Tab Rhodes                          Adjustment
Vice President                                                                                                   19 Retiree Events
Rosario “Tony” Coleman                6 This Too Shall Pass                 10 HR-218: Retiree                   20 Rookies Roost
Secretary                             | Jim Schallert                       Qualification Procedures
Robert Maus                                                                 12 Remembering Deputy                24 Calendar of Events
Treasurer                                                                   Marshal Henry Wong                   25 End of Watch
✪ Directors
                                                                            14 Supporting Health and             26 Using Retirement
                                                                            Fitness for Members                  Savings for Your Child’s
Joel Barnett
Nancy Escobedo                                                              16 PPOA Members Spotted              College Expenses
Henry Jimenez
Joyce Kato
                                                                            on the Socials                       27 Classifieds
Christopher Lee
Jose Rios
Tony Romo
Jim Schallert

✪ PPOA Affiliations
                                       PPOA ON THE WEB
California Coalition of Law
Enforcement Associations (CCLEA)
California Peace Officers’ Memorial                                                                           UNIFORM STORE
Foundation (CPOMF)                                                                                            Get great discounts on uniforms
Coalition of Los Angeles County                                            ERCOM hearing in PPOA              and other products at
Unions (CCU)                                                               conference center        
Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
International Foundation
of Employee Benefit Plans
Los Angeles County Federation
of Labor
Los Angeles County Organization
of Police and Sheriffs (LACOPS)
Marine Engineers’ Beneficial
Association, AFL-CIO
National Conference of Public
Employee Retirement Systems                  @lappoa          LAPPOA          LACOUNTY_PPOA              LA County PPOA                PPOA App
Public Employees Staff
Organization (PESO)
Southern California Alliance                                                                        ®
                                                                                         911MEDIA is a division of Trade News International, Inc.
of Law Enforcement (SCALE)            Published by
                                                                                         For advertising call (818) 848-6397 |

                                      Paid advertisements appear in PPOA publications, including print and digital formats. The inclusion of
                                      third-party advertisements does not constitute an endorsement, guarantee or recommendation by PPOA,
                                      and we make no representations or warranties about any product or service contained therein.
Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
LEADERSHIP                      Message From the President

                                             Thirty-Three Years and Still Going…

                                              s I write this article, I realize                                            numbers, but retirees are also increasingly
                                              this month represents my 33rd                                                leaving the state of California. In fact,
                                              year with the Department,                                                    retired PPOA members living out of state
                                              having graduated from Class                                                  increased by 17%, including the top
                               #248. More and more of my friends and                                                       five most popular destinations: Arizona
                               classmates have joined the ranks of “The                                                    (140), Nevada (95), Idaho (47), Texas
                               Retired.” Conversations with these retired                                                  (45; new to the list and pushing Oregon
                               members often include quotes such as “Best                                                  out of the top five) and Washington
                               job you ever dreamed of ” and “How did I                                                    (41). Regardless of where members
                               have time to work?”                                                                         retire, they travel, start businesses or raise
                                   Those of us still in the workforce,                                                     grandchildren (sometimes children), and
                               especially those of us in the 50-plus age                                                   a very valued few even continue their
                               range, understand the pressures all too well.                                               involvement with PPOA, for which we
                               Not only do we have the stress of work,                                                     are extremely grateful.
                               but let’s add to it the family pressures of                   Tab Rhodes                       I am very grateful for the opportunities
                               adult children who fail to launch or the                      PPOA President                the Sheriff ’s Department and PPOA
                               responsibilities of taking parents to their                  Lieutenant, LASD               have provided during my career. When
                               medical appointments. These weights                                                         I retire (no timeline planned yet), I look
                               exacerbate and exaggerate the desire to retire                                              forward to the next chapter that many
                               as the number of days on the countdown clock ticks down                 of you exemplify. Traveling, spending time with family and
                               ever so slowly.                                                         friends, and exploring interests you never had the time for
                                   The retirees I have spoken to communicate that their                while working and raising a family all sound fantastic.
                               newfound freedom allows them to address these burdens                      To those retired, thank you for your service. Please stay
                               and so much more. They embrace the next chapter of                      healthy, enjoy your retirement and, as my father says, “Take
                               life, whether it is traveling, becoming a farmer, writing               the County for every dime they owe you.”
                               a book, starting a new career or helping others through
                               volunteer work. Without the stress of “the job,” they look
                               younger and healthier than ever before. They inspire me to
                               balance my life now, allowing for creativity and activity in
                               preparation for my own retirement.
                                   Every generation says this, but I would challenge any of
                                                                                                       THE RETIREES I HAVE SPOKEN TO COMMUNICATE
                               the predecessors. The stressors of a career in public safety            THAT THEIR NEWFOUND FREEDOM ALLOWS THEM
                               have never been greater than today. A worldwide pandemic                TO EMBRACE THE NEXT CHAPTER OF LIFE.
                               and the polarization of politics in our nation, state and
                               county, as well as the anti-law-enforcement sentiment, all
                               create a difficult mindset, decreased productivity and undue
                               stress. My discussions with representatives of LACERA
                               and our workers’ compensation attorney partners represent                  To those remaining active, thank you for all you do in
                               extraordinary numbers of members who either are impaired                these historically unprecedented times. Stay safe, hold your

                               by injuries on duty or are in the retirement process.                   heads high and represent our noble profession to the best of
                                   You get the picture. And if you are still active but at             your abilities.
                               the tail end of your career, you really get the picture.
                               Friends and colleagues who have already retired will tell
                               you that the motivation to retire gets stronger as you begin
                               to envision your next chapter in life. That optimism is
                               natural. Unfortunately, the motivation for thousands of
                               cops nationwide who have been hastily retiring lately is not
                               because of what the future holds as much as it is because of
                               what the current job is up against.
                                   Not only are potential retirees increasing in annual
Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
LEADERSHIP                        Message From the Board

                                                                           This Too Shall Pass

                                               ello, friends! It’s been a while since                                                maybe his decisions are based on some fact or
                                               my last article. I hear from some of                                                  knowledge that us mere mortals are not privy to.
                                               you who tell me stories of how you                                                    Regardless, there is an active recall movement in
                                               survived the COVID lockdown —                                                         the works and we will see how that goes.
                               some even learned to cook after decades of Jack                                                           The governor is also facing a recall in short
                               in the Box or King Taco on the hood of your                                                           order, and we will see how that goes. We all have
                               car! Many of you spent the past year getting to                                                       strong opinions and I will just say that we need
                               know your better halves even more when the golf                                                       leadership for everyone, not just one side of the
                               courses, beaches, theaters and even hiking trails                                                     aisle.
                               were closed. And just when it appeared that it                                                            I have received calls about CCWs, and we
                               was safe to go back in the water, Delta hit, so we                                                    hopefully fixed the 49 state qualifications issue.
                               are creeping down the same trail again. This is                                                       (The Department was great here when we
                               not what retirement was supposed to be about!                                                         needed them to step up, and they did.) I know
                                  As retirees who always put others first, I                                                         many of you are concerned about the cap on the
                               imagine you are still doing the same: sucking it                      Jim Schallert                   Blue Cross plans still being at a million dollars
                               up, and taking care of others as you can. This too                  PPOA Retiree Liaison              for so many years. It seems that for some reason
                               shall pass is what I keep telling myself.                               LASD retired                  the County CEO and the Board just have
                                  During the past year, we have seen a district                                                      not entertained the fix. We are hoping recent
                               attorney who is incredibly unpopular with                                                             rumors out of LACERA indicate they may
                               those who prefer justice over what some are saying is “downright                be putting something together as a proposal to the County. This
                               crazy” make some decisions that baffle our minds, as cops who                   impacts all County retirees, not just PPOA or ALADS members,
                               actually did the job and dealt with victims. I cannot claim to                  so there may be a huge number of retirees affected. Let’s just hope
                               have personally seen Jesus or any other divine entity in my life, so            the County doesn’t come up with a harebrained solution that looks
                                                                                                               good on paper but in reality cuts our benefits. Bottom line, we
                                                                                                               were guaranteed health insurance once we retired. It was not based
                                       SUPPORT YOUR                                                            on where we choose to live. We have already seen current active
                                                                                                               members’ health care decimated for their families, and their pensions

                                       FOUNDATION                                                              are a whole new ball game, all while the County continues to bring
                                                                                                               in incredible revenues and chooses to support other questionable
                                                                                                               welfare programs by taking benefits from its own employees.
                                                                                                                  The Department has begun hiring again. Last year the attrition
                                            Did you know that when you shop on
                                                                                                               was well over 400. I am not sure if that is a record, but it has to be
                                            Amazon, a portion of what you spend could                          close. Seems like I get more calls from active members asking about
                                            benefit the Star & Shield Foundation? Visit                        how the 457 plan works, etc., so they can retire as soon as possible.
                                   and select the Star &                             The public is definitely not supportive of law enforcement the way it
                                            Shield Foundation as your charity. Each time                       has been in the past. We seem to go from hero to zero with changes in
                                            you place an order, 0.5% of the purchase                           the wind nowadays or depending on who has the loudest tweet. Gone
                                                                                                               are the days of “Let’s see what the investigation shows” and in are the
                                            proceeds will help support families of fallen
                                                                                                               days of cancel, cancel, cancel!

                                            officers as well as those truly in need.                              I am hearing good things about the Retiree Roundup moving
                                                                                                               forward, and that is great news. I hope to see many of you there!
                                                                                                                  In closing this short reintroduction article, I really hope you
                                                                                                               and your families have made it through the COVID mess as
                                                                                                               best as possible. Being part of what is considered a vulnerable
                                                                                                               group myself on a few levels, it was not a fun year. But so far, we
                                                                                                               have made it through and look forward to once again enjoying
                                            Go to and click on the Amazon Smile                   retirement to the fullest.
                                            link to help the Star & Shield Foundation make an even                If anyone has any concerns about retiree issues, please email me
                                            bigger difference.                                                 and we will look into what we can.
                                                                                                                  Take care, until next month!
Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
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Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
RETIREE REPORT                         Health & Wellness
                                                                                                                                  By Medina Baumgart, Psy.D., ABPP,
                                                                                                                                 LASD Psychological Services Bureau

                               Surviving Retirement:
                               Tips for a Healthy Adjustment
                                  Editor’s note: This article is reprinted by
                               permission from the August 2021 issue of
                               American Police Beat.

                                           etirement involves much more
                                           than financial well-being and
                                           medical coverage. What about
                                           the stuff no one likes to talk
                               about … feelings?! After all, you are human.
                               The reality is that retirement involves a
                               degree of psychological and emotional
                               adjustment. What happens when you sign
                               your retirement paperwork and are no
                               longer a peace officer? Not surprisingly, your
                               signature doesn’t mean that you are now
                               well-adjusted to civilian life.
                                  Retiring from a career in law
                               enforcement poses unique challenges to
                               your psychological, emotional and physical
                               health compared to other professions.
                               In addition to being part of the law
                               enforcement family, police work involves          indicated that they continued to experience       law enforcement culture. Staying
                               significant lifestyle changes related to shift    critical incident stress reactions, not only      connected with others can help buffer
                               work, sleep deprivation, dietary changes,         before they retired, but also afterward. The      against isolation, depression and
                               exposure to traumatic events, and the             most frequently endorsed stress reactions         stress. Although you may be tempted
                               biological ups and downs of adrenaline and        among this retiree group were intrusive           to surround yourself with people
                               cortisol produced throughout your career.         memories, frequent recall of the incident,        who understand law enforcement
                               Police work also impacts your relationships       anxiety, panic, depression, anger and             culture, this can limit your social
                               with family and friends. When you retire,         sleep difficulty. Despite the adjustment-         resources after retirement and might
                               your usual routine and lifestyle abruptly         related challenges experienced by this            lead to increased feelings of loss and
                               change. All of these changes will result          group of sworn retirees, the vast majority        isolation. Additionally, you could
                               in a period of adjustment that is normal          reported feeling satisfied with the quality       risk reinforcing cynical thinking and
                               and often temporary. The key is knowing           of their retired life. This finding suggests      unhealthy behaviors after retirement that
                               what to expect and having the tools and           that, although there may be a period of           can impact your overall physical and
                               resources needed to prepare for and adapt         discomfort during the initial adjustment          psychological health.
                               to these changes.                                 to retirement, most people will eventually      • Consider volunteering and/or finding
                                  In a 2018 survey of sworn retirees             settle into retired life.                         a part-time job. This will keep your
                               at a large law enforcement agency,                   So what are some things you can do to          mind sharp, keep you active and can

                               40% indicated that they experienced               better prepare yourself for the emotional and     foster a sense of purpose helping others
                               unexpected issues adjusting to retired life.      psychological adjustment to retirement?           or giving you a structure/routine. If
                               Of this group, half reported experiencing          • Start engaging in outside law                  possible, take at least six months to allow
                               emotional and psychological reactions,                 enforcement activities and hobbies.          your body and mind to adjust before
                               including loss of identity and purpose,                This might take some experimentation,        starting post-retirement work.
                               disbelief, anxiety, depression, boredom and            but try to be open to different            • Take inventory of how you view
                               difficulty relaxing. Regarding work-related            experiences and activities. It may help      yourself. Explore the many parts of
                               critical incidents, one out of every four              to think about things you used to do or      your personal identity: cop, friend,
                               respondents indicated that traumatic stress            things you have always wanted to try.        spouse, mentor, educator, son/daughter,
                               reactions emerged after their retirement,          • Start forming friendships with                 parent, etc. Begin spending more time
                               and nearly one-third of all respondents                people who are outside of the                improving the parts of your identity
Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
outside of the job so that other aspects of your identity are well
                                                                             WHOM TO CALL
 • Do your homework. Take the time to do your own research to
    better understand the emotional and psychological adjustment to
                                                                             WHEN A SPOUSE DIES
                                                                             When a spouse dies, the last thing you need is confusion
    retirement. There are several online resources and books on this         about whom to contact. Filing this checklist may help keep a
    topic that you can find by doing an internet search. Talk with           sorrowful event from becoming even more painful. The order
    other retirees about their experiences adjusting to retirement.          in which you place the calls is not important.
 • Consider attending counseling to resolve any existing issues
    or concerns, and/or learn additional tools and skills to                   ➜   PPOA: (800) 747-7762          ➜   Doctor of deceased
    facilitate a healthy adjustment to retired life. Oftentimes, cops          ➜   Sheriffs’ Relief:             ➜   Insurance companies
    will begin reflecting on their careers as they near retirement                 (800) 544-4772                ➜   Three major credit
    — the good and the bad. This can evoke different emotions                  ➜   LACERA:                           bureaus (Equifax,
    and thoughts about self, others and the world. Confidential                    (800) 786-6464                    Experian and TransUnion)
    counseling can help you process your career and identify                   ➜   Social Security               ➜   Auto registration and
    any issues that need more specific attention, as well as teach                 Administration:                   insurance
    you additional coping skills to navigate the retirement                        (800) 772-1213                ➜   Utility bills
    adjustment. It may also help to identify other supportive                  ➜   Department of Veterans        ➜   Credit cards and loan
    resources in case you need them.                                               Affairs:                          companies
   When the big day comes, ask a trusted partner to be                             (800) 827-1000
                                                                                                                 ➜   Church
there when you drop off your gear and sign your retirement                     ➜   POPA Federal
paperwork. Grab a cup of coffee or a bite to eat after. As with                    Credit Union:                 ➜   Employer of deceased (if
other aspects of life, there may be some trial and error and                       (800) 369-7672                    he/she was employed)
growing pains as you adjust to retirement. Take it one day at a                ➜   Banks and credit unions       ➜   Mortgage company
time until you establish your new routine.
   Dr. Medina Baumgart is an organizational psychologist with the             Don’t forget to call extended and distant family members
Psychological Services Bureau of the Los Angeles County Sheriff ’s            and friends as well. If you are simply too overwhelmed,
Department and a board-certified specialist in police and public safety       you can avoid hurting others’ feelings by asking someone
                                                                              to do this for you.
psychology. Correspondence concerning this article should be sent to her
via email at

         Fraternal Order of Police                        L.A. County Professional               Retired Employees of L.A. County
                                    Peace Officers Association             
              (615) 399-0900                                                        (626) 308-0532
                                                               (800) 747-PPOA
           L.A. County District                                                                          Retired LASD Deputies
            Attorney’s Office                             L.A. County Sheriff’s                 
                                                                                                       Sheriffs’ Relief Association
              (213) 974-3512                        
                                                       General info: (213) 229-1700
         L.A. County Employees                                                                               (800) 544-4772
                                                       CCW renewal: (323) 526-5500
         Retirement Association
                                                          Annual qualification:
                                                                                                                                                STAR&SHIELD | SEPTEMBER 2021

                                                                                                          U.S. Department of
                                                             (323) 267-2730                                  Veterans Affairs
              (800) 786-6464
                                                        POPA Federal Credit Union
           L.A. County Medical                                                                                (800) 827-1000
                                                             (800) 369-7672                            U.S. Government Resources
              (323) 343-0512

Retiree REPORT - Volume 48 Los Angeles County Professional - Los Angeles County Professional Peace Officers ...
RETIREE REPORT                      News You Can Use

                               HR-218: Retiree Qualification Procedures
                                  Please note that HR-218 qualifications may    visiting from out of state or
                               be limited due to public health orders.          Northern California, you

                                                                                can contact the range at
                                            he purpose of this article is to    (323) 267-2730 to arrange
                                            inform retired LASD sworn           a special appointment.
                                            personnel of the current               HR-218 testing is also
                                            Department procedures to certify    conducted during the
                               them under the Law Enforcement Officers          annual Retiree Roundup
                               Safety Act of 2004. This federal law allows      in Laughlin; however,
                               honorably retired law enforcement officers       the Department will not
                               to carry a concealed firearm nationwide, but     provide ammunition in
                               requires annual proficiency certification.       Nevada.
                               The LASD Weapons Training Unit has                  Retired personnel who
                               developed a firearms test for those retired      successfully complete the
                               members who wish to take advantage of the        firearms proficiency test
                               privileges afforded to them under the law.       will immediately be issued                      continue carrying in California only,
                                  (Active-duty personnel should refer           a certification card, which is valid for        they must renew their CCW permit
                               to Sheriff ’s Bulletin #523 and the Field        one year from the date of certification.        through Personnel Administration as
                               Operations Support Services Newsletter,          Retirees must carry this card with their        currently required, not through the
                               Volume 4, Number 25, for further                 Department identification.                      Weapons Training Unit.
                               information.)                                                                                 • Only LASD retirees can be HR-218
                                                                                ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                          certified at the Biscailuz Center
                               ANNUAL QUALIFICATION                             • The Sheriff has directed that the             Armory or at the annual Retiree
                                   The Department firearms proficiency            firearms proficiency test and annual          Roundup in Laughlin.
                               test for retirees assesses general firearms        certification be provided at no cost       • HR-218 allows for LASD retirees
                               safety and proficiency in handling and             to LASD retirees. You may need to             living in other states to be certified
                               firing weapons. It is available to any retired     bring your own ammunition. Due                by that state if the state offers
                               LASD deputy who retired in good standing.          to changes in California law, the             such a test. Retirees living out of
                               California residency is not required, but          Department is no longer allowed to            state should contact their local law
                               the retiree must possess a valid LASD              sell ammunition.                              enforcement agency to determine if
                               identification with CCW endorsement.             • Retirees who do not wish to carry a           such a test is available.
                                   The Biscailuz Center Armory has                concealed firearm outside of California      Any questions regarding the contents of
                               HR-218 testing by appointment every                do not have to qualify under the          this article may be directed to the Biscailuz
                               Thursday at 10:15 a.m. For retirees                federal law. However, if they wish to     Center Armory at (323) 267-2730.

                                                                                The DMV Confidentiality of Home Address covers LASD retired peace
                                                                                officers holding a valid California driver’s license. The Request
                                                                                for Confidentiality of Home Address (INV 32) forms are no longer

                                                                                available for pickup at local DMVs. They are available only through

                                      DMV                                       qualifying agencies.

                                CONFIDENTIALITY                                 LASD retired peace officers can request the INV 32 form by contacting:

                                                                                L.A. County Sheriff’s Department
                                                                                Personnel Operations — EPTS Support Unit
                                                                                211 West Temple Street, 4th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012
                                                                                Attn: DMV Confidentiality Coordinator, (213) 229-1731 — Jean Marie Lewis


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IN MEMORIAM |                               |   End of Watch

                               Remembering Deputy Marshal Henry Wong
                               HISTORY OF DEPARTMENT

                                  Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from A Tradition of Service   Whittemore responded that Henry’s hair interfered with the wearing
                               by Retired LASD Commander Jay Sewards.                                      of the uniform cap. Not one to back down, Henry went down to

                                                                                                           the marshal supply and found the biggest uniform cap available. He
                                           hroughout a 35-year career in law enforcement, one would        wore it when he returned to administration.
                                           expect to meet a lot of interesting people, and because            It looked ridiculous but complied with all department
                                           of the nature of the work, it was not uncommon to               regulations. Captain Whittemore was not amused but never
                                           experience tragedy.                                             brought up Henry’s hairstyle again; however, he was not a fan of
                                   Commenting on the former, one of the most interesting                   Henry and kept close tabs on him.
                               deputies I encountered was Deputy Henry Wong, the firstborn                    It was well known that Henry had connections in the Los Angeles
                               son of the Wong family. In Asian culture, firstborn children                Jewelry Mart and was able to get substantial discounts on jewelry.
                               were expected to become role models for their younger siblings              On one occasion, Marshal Mahon asked Henry to accompany him
                               by displaying high achievement, strong confidence, and good                 to the Jewelry Mart. Captain Whittemore noticed Henry leaving the
                               behavior. I am sure this was true for Henry.
                                   Law enforcement is not generally seen by the Asian community
                               as an honored profession, and the recruitment of Asian officers
                               was always a challenge for police departments. Asian communities
                               often mistrust law enforcement because of cultural differences. I
                               am sure it was not easy for Henry to choose a career in the force,
                               as he came from a very wealthy and influential Chinese family that
                               owned several restaurants and the Garfield Bank.
                                   I am sure there was pressure from the family for Henry as the
                               firstborn son to take over the family businesses. Despite all these
                               issues, Henry became a deputy marshal.
                                   Well-liked by his fellow deputies, he loved being a peace officer.
                               Henry was the type of guy whom others enjoyed being around. He
                               seldom took a day off, and he would donate his vacation time to
                               others in need.
                                   As strange as it sounds, he rarely cashed his county paycheck;
                               he considered it petty cash. I recall on several occasions he had to
                               be reminded by the department that his paychecks were only valid
                               for one year from the date of issue. I can tell you, this was never a
                               problem for most of us who were living from check to check.
                                   I only share this to give you, the reader, an understanding
                               of how much Henry loved the job. And, as you might expect,
                               he had a lot of contacts in the community — it seemed that

                               everyone knew Henry.
                                   When Henry was assigned to administration, he worked for a
                               captain who took exception to his hairstyle. Henry wore his hair
                               in a pompadour, combed into a high mound in front. It met all
                               department regulations requiring male deputies to maintain their
                               hair in a cut above the ears and not beyond the uniform shirt collar.
                                   But Captain George Whittemore was not fond of it, to say the
                               least. (Captain Whittemore wore his hair “high and tight,” similar to
                               a military cut.) He directed Henry to get a haircut. Henry advised
                               the captain that his hair was in compliance with department rules
                               and regulations, and he had no intention of changing it. Captain
End of Watch        |

office and asked where he was going and when he would be back.            Commander Johnson never knew how Henry had played
Marshal Mahon happened to be leaving at the same time.                 him. It was just another example of Henry’s irreverence; only he
    Henry responded, “I am going with Jack. I will be back when        could get away with such antics.
I get back.” And so it went with Henry and his favorite captain           As I said earlier, tragedy and loss are, unfortunately, part of
— he was known to be somewhat irreverent when it came to the           the job. On the evening of September 2, 1988, Deputy Wong
department brass.                                                      was working off-duty security at an Alhambra restaurant when
    As the fleet manager, it was Henry’s responsibility to maintain    he was confronted by Kien Vinh Ly. Wong ordered Ly out
the department’s vehicles. On one occasion, Commander Johnson          of the restaurant for creating a disturbance and threatening
directed Henry to replace a hubcap that was missing from the           patrons. As the restaurant was closing, just before 2 a.m., Ly
left front wheel of the commander’s vehicle. As you might expect,      returned and shot Wong. Henry’s partner, Tim Perkins, also a
Henry, being Henry, ignored the commander. After all, Henry            deputy marshal, heard the shots and came to assist him. When
had more pressing matters, like code 7, or as he would often say,      Deputy Perkins arrived, the suspect had fled. Perkins requested
“Driving around in Chinatown.” Commander Johnson noticed that          medical assistance and comforted his partner. Henry reportedly
Henry had not replaced the hubcap for several days. It went on for     said to Perkins, “Tim, it hurts. Tell Judy I love her.”
some time. He summoned Henry to his office and ordered him to             Deputy Henry Wong died a short time later at a local
immediately replace the hubcap. When Commander Johnson left            hospital, age 40. He was the first deputy marshal to be shot
for the day, he was pleased to see that Henry had, in fact, replaced   to death in the history of the Los Angeles County Marshal’s
the missing hubcap of the left front wheel of the commander’s          Department.
vehicle. Unbeknownst to the commander, Henry had removed the              I can still remember Henry’s funeral. It was attended by
hubcap from the right front wheel and reattached it to the left. Be    hundreds of family, friends, and law enforcement officers
careful what you ask for; you might just get it.                       from as far away as New York City. Deputy Jim Vogts spoke
    Some time later, the commander noticed that the hubcap was         at the service, and I will never forget his words: “Henry loved
missing from the right front wheel of his vehicle. He contacted        everybody, and everybody loved Henry.”
Henry, telling him, “You will not believe it, but the right front         A fitting tribute to a unique and special friend of so many.
hubcap is now missing.”                                                He will be missed.

                                                                                                                                            STAR&SHIELD | SEPTEMBER 2021

A S S O C I AT I O N N E W S                    Showing Support

                               Supporting Health and Fitness for Members

                                         POA staff members delivered a treadmill and sanitizers
                                         to the LASD gym at Antelope Valley College last
                                         month. In a continuing effort to support members,
                                         PPOA’s Star & Shield Foundation teams up with New
                               Life Cardio Equipment (NLCE) each year to secure a limited
                               number of treadmills and ellipticals for employee gyms at units
                               throughout the county. The machines are purchased by the
                               Foundation at discounted pricing and delivered by PPOA to
                               units in need of new exercise equipment.
                                  PPOA has also arranged for NLCE to extend special
                               pricing to any PPOA member interested in purchasing cardio
                               equipment for personal use at home. Call New Life Cardio for
                               more info: (323) 345-7216.

                                              VA Loans, FHA Loans,                     How we help you
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     17TH ANNUAL
PPOA Retiree Luncheon
    November 9, 2021
     Sheraton Fairplex, Pomona

      RSVP to (323) 261-3010

                                                STAR&SHIELD | SEPTEMBER 2021

A S S O C I AT I O N N E W S     Above and Beyond

                               PPOA Members Spotted on the Socials

                                           e are proud to see PPOA members and their
                                           partners being acknowledged for their dedication
                                           to the communities they serve. Images courtesy
                                           of social media.

Above and Beyond

            We need your personal
                                      1 Your email address is not on file with PPOA, or
                                                                                                    STAR&SHIELD | SEPTEMBER 2021

            (non-LASD) email
PPOA        address! If you have
            not received an email
                                      2 We have only your County email address (PPOA sends
MEMBERS                               membership-wide email blasts to personal addresses only).
            blast from PPOA in
            the last 30 days          Either way, we need your personal (non-LASD) email address
            (we’ve sent a handful),   so that we can disseminate important news to you as quickly
            that means:               as possible. Please email your address to and
                                      reference “email updates” in the subject line.

A S S O C I AT I O N N E W S                      Above and Beyond

                               United States Police and Fire Championships

                                          ongratulations to all of the first responders who
                                          competed in 50 different sports at 35 venues
                                          throughout San Diego County in June for the U.S.
                                          Police and Fire Championships. We want to give a
                               special shout-out to the PPOA members who excelled, including
                               Custody Assistant Victor Fernandez, who earned a silver medal
                               with the LASD soccer team, and Custody Assistant Joshua
                               Lopez, who brought home a bronze medal in grappling.

                                                            The LASD silver-medal-winning soccer team

                                                                                                                               Custody Assistant Victor Fernandez playing defense against NYPD

                                           O L
                                        U T

                                     NEW, USED,                                                          RATES
                                      OR REFI 1                                                        AS LOW AS
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                                                         APPLY ONLINE OR BY PHONE
                                                       WWW.POPAFCU.ORG 800.369.7672
                                                                                                        Insured by
                               RESTRICTIONS MAY APPLY.
                               PAYMENT  EXAMPLE: FOR EVERY $1,000 BORROWED FOR A TERM OF 48 MONTHS WITH A 1.99% APR, THE
                               APPLIES TO NEW, USED, AND REFINANCED VEHICLES ONLY. MAXIMUM FINANCING IS UP TO 125%                       Custody Assistant Joshua Lopez (center) with Deputy
                               100% OF KELLEY BLUE BOOK VALUE.                                                                             Christian Prieto and Custody Assistant Derek Hum

RETIREE EVENTS                                                           4 simple steps TO PLANNING AHEAD.

Law Enforcement Serra Retreat      PPOA 17th Annual
October 1–3 at Serra Retreat       Retiree Luncheon
House, Malibu                      November 9 at Sheraton
Open to active and retired         Fairplex, Pomona, 12 p.m.
                                   Free for retired PPOA members
Prescott AZ Area Retired Law       + 1 guest each
Enforcement Luncheon               RSVP to or
October 5 at Lone Spur Café,       (323) 261-3010
Info:               North Central Texas LASD
                                   Retired HR-218 Qualifier            1. Reflect ON WHAT’S MOST                        3. Secure YOUR PREARRANGEMENTS.
                                                                           IMPORTANT IN LIFE.
L.A. County Marshal Old-Timers     March 18, 2022, at
Luncheon                           Denton County S.O.                  2. Record YOUR WISHES AND OPTIONS.               4. Share YOUR CONVERSATION WITH
                                                                                                                          YOUR LOVED ONES.
October 6 at Rodrigo’s Mexican     Weapons Training Facility
Grill, Artesia                     9 a.m.
12 p.m.                            Info:
                                                                     WHY PLAN AHEAD?
Retired Female Deputies Social     LASD Retiree Roundup              › Ease financial burden for your loved ones.               Call Mark Ortega today
                                                                     › Secure peace of mind.
Club Annual Meeting                April 3–6, 2022, at Riverside     › Eliminate emotional overspending.
                                                                                                                                 for a complimentary,
                                                                                                                               no-obligation appointment
November 5 cocktail reception      Resort & Casino, Laughlin         ROSE HILLS® IS A PLACE TO REMEMBER.
(5–8 p.m.) at Ventanas             Info:             > World-class chapels, facilities and service.
                                                                     > An unparalleled selection of memorial
Restaurant & Bar, Pasadena                                            properties, including custom designs.
November 6 luncheon at Noor        LASD Homicide Bureau              > Providers of compassionate care to the
                                                                      community since 1914.
Restaurant, Pasadena               100th Anniversary
Block of hotel rooms reserved at   Luncheon                          Get started with a free Personal Planning Guide.
The Westin, Pasadena               June 2, 2022
RSVP by November 1 to              Details TBA or (775) 751-8451

                                                                                                                                                           STAR&SHIELD | SEPTEMBER 2021

                                                                                                                                                    By Greg Torres,
                                                                                                                                  PPOA Public Relations Coordinator

                               Catching Up With Retired PPOA Members

                                           he pandemic has thwarted               more impressive considering he devoted          fine citizens of Los Angeles County. I’m
                                           countless retiree get-togethers        34 years to the County before retiring          gonna guess each of those 15 days after
                                           over the last year and a half, so we   from Employee Support Services. He              the 35 years felt like an eternity! The
                                           are pleased to offer the following     now lives the good life in Missouri, where      Nevada resident, who now enjoys traveling
                               updates we’ve received from your fellow            he can often be found golfing, singing,         throughout the U.S., summed up his
                               PPOA members since our last Retiree Report         bicycling or sharing his faith as a chaplain.   career succinctly: “LASD was a damn
                               12 months ago:                                     I’m not sure what kind of music the             good life for me.” Steve can be reached at
                                  Robert Renteria is new to the world             retired sergeant likes to sing, but it sounds
                               of retirement. He finished his 29th and            like Ray found the right harmony for life
                               final year of service to the County in             in the Show-Me State. He can be reached
                               January 2021, but the rookie retiree is            at
                               clearly off to a solid start. The former               Gary Thompson retired as a sergeant
                               Aero Bureau sergeant concluded his                 at Men’s Central Jail in 1998. The U.S.
                               questionnaire with these four words:               Navy veteran has experienced much in his
                               “Boating and doing great.” From                    23 years of retirement, including the loss
                               the skies to the seas, I’d say Robert is           of his beloved wife, who was his faithful
                               navigating life at just the right pace. He         travel companion for RV treks, vacation
                               can be reached at            cruises and a memorable 50th D-Day
                                  Ray Terhorst is currently enjoying              anniversary at a cemetery in Europe.
                               his 20th year of retirement — a feat even          Through it all, Gary has continued to
                                                                                  move forward and has the email address
                                                                                  ( to prove it!
                                                                                                                                                             Denise Oglesby
                                                                                      William Ridgley retired as a sergeant
                                                                                  from TST in 2008 and, at some point
                                                                                  since that glorious                                 Denise Oglesby retired as a lieutenant
                                                                                  transition, pulled up                           at HQ Detective Bureau-Narcotics Bureau
                                                                                  stakes and moved                                in 2016. Those who worked with her will
                                                                                  to Idaho. The U.S.                              probably not be surprised to learn life has
                                                                                  Air Force veteran                               not slowed at all in her first five years of
                                                                                  now enjoys history,                             retirement. Her words: “I continue to stay
                                                                                  exploration, reading                            physically fit by participating in running/
                                                                                  and travel. I’m                                 weightlifting/swimming and bike riding.
                                                                                  guessing he chooses                             I stay active with my 3 Aussies who enjoy
                                                                                  travel destinations                             their daily walks/runs. I belong to a trail
                                                                                  in which each of              William Ridgley   running group and run different trails on
                                                                                  those interests can be                          the weekends… Recently, I hiked the John
                                                                                  appreciated simultaneously! William can         Muir Trail with a girlfriend. It was 22 days
                                                                                  be reached at          and 219 miles to include Mt. Whitney on

                                                                                      Steve Skrnich retired from COPS             the 3rd day. Beautiful trail and met a lot of
                                                                                  Bureau in 2015 after dedicating 35 years,       people from around the world.”
                                                                                  15 days and 9 hours of service to the               Denise also shared this about her
                                                             Ray Terhorst
                                                                                                                                  gratitude for a memorable 34-year
                                                                                                                                  career: “I will miss the many laughs
                               Rookies Roost is a column that chronicles the lives of some of the most interesting                on the job. I worked ELA Station as
                               people we know: retired PPOA members. It first appeared in Star & Shield magazine                  a young deputy with some of the best
                               in 1973, and we are grateful to those who have authored the column over the years,                 street cops on the department. I had
                               including Ev Carter, Lee Mealy and Bob Lindsey. From time to time, PPOA sends surveys              some great partners and shared many
                               to retired members, and we appreciate so many of you who have taken the time to share              adventures with them. I worked Narco
                               your stories with us over the years. You can email Greg Torres at                for 12 years as a detective and every day
was interesting as we never knew when we would get home. My                 veteran enjoys retirement in sunny Southern California and can be
best assignment in narcotics was working the LAX Narco Task                 reached at
Force with LAPD and the DEA. One of the best kept secrets                      Mike O’Shea retired as a lieutenant at Narcotics Bureau in
on the job. I had a great career & I worked the jobs I wanted.”             2019. The two years since then have been focused on the pursuit
Denise can be reached at                                 of his two main interests (other than his wife, of course!): boating
   Don Ott put in a solid 35 years of work for the County and               and traveling. Mike, there’s a lot of water on this planet, but if
has followed that up with (so far) 31 years of retirement! Throw in         you happen to bump into retired Sergeant Robert Renteria (fellow
15 years of service in U.S. Army and Army Reserves, and I’d say             boating enthusiast mentioned in this article), please tell him we
Don has earned the right to recline and put his feet up. Instead, he        said “ahoy.” Mike can be reached at
continues to keep busy with part-time employment at a local gun                Richard B. Olson retired from Lennox Station in 1980. For
shop and traveling with his family to trapshooting                                      those of you who are mathematically challenged like
pistol competitions. In fact, the retired sergeant says                                 me, that was 41 years ago (confirmed by counting
he has been “all over the U.S. visiting native ruins and                                all my fingers and toes, twice!) Talk about retirement
other points of interest such as caves and caverns.”                                    done right. The U.S. Army veteran has been a PPOA
Sounds like Don’s schedule is full of the things he                                     member since 1955, worked almost his entire 28-year
enjoys most, and that is a worthy retirement! He can                                    career at Lennox Station and “was one of two deputies
be reached at                                                     first assigned to the Marina day car before it was a real
   Norm Prell retired as a deputy at HQ Robbery                                         station.” Richard now lives in Northern California and
                                                                       Norm Prell
in 1990 after 31 years of service. The U.S. Navy                                        can be reached at

               MEMBERS CAN WIN!

                                                                                      CONTACT: ROBERT RECIO (909) 262-9622
                       IT PAYS TO READ
                                                                                        CENTRAL FORD: (562) 927-7888 X126

       Every issue of Star & Shield will feature a different hidden
       word. The word will be used only once in the entire magazine
       — your challenge is to find it!
       Members who find the hidden word and register through our
                                                                                                                                                    STAR&SHIELD | SEPTEMBER 2021

       website ( by the end of this month will be entered
       into a drawing for one of three $100 prizes. Contest ends
       September 30, 2021, at 11:59 p.m. PT.

                    This month’s hidden word is:
                   To make worse or more severe

          Online registration only. Please do not
        call the PPOA office to register for contest.

PPOA Committees and Staff

                               ✪ 2021 STANDING COMMITTEES                                                    ✪ STAFF MEMBERS

                               Associations              Insurance                631 Negotiations           Wayne Quint Jr.               Art Reddy
                               › Chairman Rhodes         › Chairman Lee           › Chairwoman Kato          Executive Director            Legislative Consultant

                               Bylaws                    Legislative              632 Negotiations           Richard Escalante             Shannon Schreck
                               › Chairman Coleman        › Chairman Reddy         › Chairwoman Kato          Field Representative          Receptionist

                                                                                                             Clare Franco                  Kevin F. Thompson
                               Communications            Membership               Retiree Liaison            Administrative Assistant      Intake Representative
                               › Chairwoman Escobedo     › Chairman Romo          › Chairman Schallert

                                                                                                             Lang, Hansen, Giroux          Greg Torres
                               Delegates                 612 Negotiations         Scholarship                and Associates                Public Relations Coordinator
                               › Chairman Blankenship    › Chairman Rhodes        › Chairman Romo            Legislative Representatives
                                                                                                                                           Maricela Villegas
                               Elections                 614 Negotiations                                    Teresa M. O’Neil              Executive Administrative
                               › Chairman Blankenship    › Chairman Lee                                      Labor Representative          Assistant

                                                                                                             Violet Perez                  Venise Wallace
                               Finance                   621 Negotiations                                    Administrative Assistant      Sr. Labor Representative
                               › Chairman Maus           › Chairman Blankenship

                                           FOLLOW LAPPOA ON FACEBOOK
                                                                                                         In addition to breaking news and
                                                                                                         announcements, the “LAPPOA” Facebook
                                                                                                         page features more than 2,000 photos
                                                                                                         and videos from events, graduations,
                                                                                                         memorials, dedications, ceremonies
                                                                                                         and other noteworthy occasions. We’re
                                                                                                         honored to document the diligent work
                                                                                                         of PPOA members and meaningful
                                                                                                         moments for our law enforcement family.

        Law Enforcement Serra Retreat

                                  October 1–3, 2021
The weekend of October 1–3, 2021, marks the 75th anniversary of the Sheriff’s Department law enforcement retreat at
the Serra Retreat house in Malibu. Retired Commander Tom Vetter took great pride in organizing and mentoring the law
enforcement Serra Retreat group for over 60 years. On January 16, 2021, sadly, Tom passed away from COVID-19. Tom was
excited about planning the big 75th anniversary of our group’s attendance at the retreat house. The planning committee is
planning a special weekend to honor Tom and a life well lived, both personally and professionally, as well as celebrating all
of his contributions to the Serra Retreat and our special group.
The retreat house is open for retreats and following the state and CDC guidelines regarding cleaning protocols, social distancing
and mask wearing. All home-cooked meals and voluntary presentations will be conducted in the open air. The retreat house is a
38-acre Franciscan facility located on a hilltop in Malibu. Keep in mind, outside patios are surrounded by immaculately maintained
gardens, pathways and trails throughout the property, with breathtaking views overlooking the hills and the beautiful Pacific Ocean.
The retreat staff has made adjustments to the room assignments in order to meet standards set by the state and CDC. Each
couple or individual will have a private bedroom and bathroom. Because of safe distancing, there will be fewer rooms available.
Attendance will be based on confirmed commitments.
When attending, you have opportunities to go on quiet walks and enjoy the beautiful scenery in the Malibu Hills. You may
also choose to quietly reflect and enjoy the beautiful setting by relaxing in the informal environment, or you may just need
sleep and great home-cooked meals. Positive, uplifting presentations are also offered to everyone on a voluntary basis. Many
retreatants enjoy walking or running down to the beach.
Those of you who are attending the retreat will begin your experience by checking in anytime after 1500 hours on Friday,
October 1. Try to avoid traffic by leaving early. Friday’s dinner will be served from 1700 to 1900 hours to accommodate late
arrivals. Checkout time will be approximately 1200 hours on Sunday, October 3.
The Serra Retreat house is located at 3401 Serra Road, Malibu, 90265. Serra Road is located between Sweetwater Canyon
Road and Cross Creek Road, directly off the Pacific Coast Highway. It is south of the old Malibu Sheriff's Station and across
from Malibu Lagoon State Park.
All religious denominations are invited. This retreat is open to all members, both sworn and professional staff, active and retired,
from all Los Angeles County law enforcement agencies. Spouses, relatives and friends are also welcome to attend.
For further information regarding the cost and reservations, please contact any of the following:

      Patty Norris                      Jay Sevoian                      John Valencia                       Gino Reale
    (818) 381-7698                    (661) 992-4369                    (951) 316-3633                     (661) 425-1219
      Chuck Norris                    Andy Thompson                        Leo Bauer                      Tony and Shiela
    (818) 381-7649                    (714) 293-5898                    (661) 388-9650                       Martins
                                                                                                          (562) 753-1963
  Michelle Emeneger                     Chickee and                      Ingrid Jefferys
   (714) 293-3891                       Norm Nelson                     (909) 234-8151
                                      (562) 760-0875
                                                                                              These events and more can be found on PPOA’s
                                                                                                online calendar at Do you know
                                                                                                of a Department-related event we can help
                                                                                               promote? Email details to

                               Congratulations to the following PPOA members
                                                                                          September 18                  San Dimas Canyon
                               for winning the “Find the Hidden Word” contest in          LASD Motorsports Fifth        Golf Course
                               Star & Shield. If your name is listed, that means          Annual Car Show               Contact:
                               your entry was drawn as one of the winners for             Cerritos Sheriff’s Station
                               that month’s issue. Please call Greg Torres at (323)       9 a.m.–2 p.m.                 October 7
                               261-3010 to claim your $100 check.                         Contact:                      PPOA Delegates Meeting
                                                                                      Almansor Court, Alhambra
                                  CONTEST WINNERS                                                                       Must RSVP by 9/17/21:
                                                                                          October 2           
                                                                                          LASD Community Advisory
                                        $100 PRIZE WINNERS                                Council Car Show              November 13
                                        (August issue — the hidden word                   STARS Center, Whittier        Officer Anthony Thompson 5K
                                             appeared on page 21)                                                       Run/Walk
                                                                                          10 a.m.–3 p.m.
                                                                                          Contact:    L.A. Harbor College
                                      Christian Marmita, Custody Assistant
                                            Julie Orloff, Sr. Criminalist                                               Hosted by Families Against
                                        Refugio Quevedo, Crime Analyst                    October 4                     Wrong-Way Drivers
                                                                                          L.A. Sheriff’s Athletic       Info:
                                                                                          Association Golf Tournament

                                                                                      Exclusive Deal for
                                                                                      PPOA Members

                               SA F E G U A R D                                       Working in law enforcement comes with enough
                                                                                      risks — the last thing you need is to bring

                                                                                      the risk back home to your family. That’s why

                                YO U R P R I
                                                                                      removing your private information from the
                                                                                      internet is crucial. LEO Web Protect is a privately
                                                                                      owned corporation operated by active and retired
                                                                                      law enforcement officers. Their sole mission is
                                                                                      to assist peace officers, judges, public defenders

                                                                                      and their families in removing their private
                                                                                      information from the internet. PPOA members are
                                                                                      entitled to a significant discount by using the link
                                                                                      below. The annual cost is normally $99.99 per
                                                                                      year, but PPOA members pay only $80.64.

                                                                                      For more information:

PPOA extends sincere condolences to the families of the following members
who passed away in June and July:

Retired Lieutenant                      Retired Deputy                                Retired Deputy
Derry Benedict                          Thomas Brown                                  Raymond Salazar
EOW: June 9, 2021                       EOW: June 23, 2021                            EOW: July 4, 2021
Academy Class #122                      Academy Class #93                             Academy Class #61
Email condolences to the                U.S. Navy veteran                             U.S. Navy veteran
family:                                                         Email condolences to the
                                        Retired Captain                               family:
Retired Deputy                          Hugh McDonald
Kenneth Grigsby                         EOW: July 2, 2021                             Retired Sergeant
EOW: June 11, 2021                      U.S. Navy veteran                             Rudy Lovio
Academy Class #123                      Email condolences to the                      EOW: July 14, 2021
Email condolences to the                family:                  Academy Class #116
family:                                                            Email condolences to the family:
                                        Retired Sergeant                    
Retired Deputy                          Paul Mondry
Bruce Bregger II                        EOW: July 2, 2021                             Retired Deputy
EOW: June 22, 2021                      Academy Class #165                            Robert Fender
Academy Class #175                      U.S. Marine Corps veteran                     EOW: July 22, 2021
                                                                                      Academy Class #142
                                        Retired Deputy                                U.S. Army veteran
                                        Larry Quirol Jr.                              Email condolences to the
                                        EOW: July 2, 2021                             family:
                                        Academy Class #273

      Retired Lieutenant                          Retired Deputy                           Retired Captain
         Derry Benedict                           Thomas Brown                             Hugh McDonald
          (EOW: 6/9/21)                          (EOW: 6/23/21)                             (EOW: 7/2/21)

                                                                                                                         STAR&SHIELD | SEPTEMBER 2021

                           Retired Sergeant                          Retired Deputy
                                Paul Mondry                        Raymond Salazar
                             (EOW: 7/2/21)                            (EOW: 7/4/21)

MONEY                 MATTERS

                                                                                                                                      By POPA Federal Credit Union

                               Using Retirement Savings for Your Child’s
                               College Expenses

                                            2020 survey from Sallie Mae and Ipsos asked
                                            American families how they would cover college
                                            expenses. Fourteen percent of parents responded
                                            that they would dip into retirement savings to help
                               with their child’s tuition costs. This high number is a sign that
                               families are keeping education a high priority. Of course, families
                               who do this have all the best intentions in mind; however, their
                               efforts are poorly managed. Here’s why.
                                  1. In general, early withdrawals from retirement
                                     accounts are liable for a 10% tax penalty in addition
                                     to any normal taxes due. It is financially prudent to
                                     allow retirement savings to grow on their own and
                                     preserve their tax-deferred status. Pulling money out
                                     early does more harm than good.
                                  2. You can borrow for college, but you can’t borrow for
                                     retirement. When parents reach retirement age, time
                                     has run out to save more money. Once savings are used
                                     for other expenses, they are gone forever and all the tax
                                     incentives for saving all these years go with it.
                                  3. How many semesters can you cover with retirement
                                     savings? Savings will run out faster than you think. If
                                     savings can only pay for a few semesters, how will the
                                     tuition get paid in the later semesters?
                                  From a college planning perspective, parents should not
                               rely on retirement savings to pay for tuition. The right source
                               for college savings would be a 529 plan, with tax incentives          someone else pays for something on your behalf, the intrinsic
                               for saving money for college. However, it takes several years         value of that good or service is easily ignored. However, when
                               of saving to build up any substantial 529 account.                    you personally pay for something, you know firsthand what
                                  If a family has been unable to save money in a 529 plan,           value is exchanged. It is no different with college students.
                               then they should look into student loan options to cover the          It is wonderful when someone else can pay for tuition, but
                               rest of the bill. One option is the Parent Plus loan offered          when a student pays for tuition using their own resources,
                               by the Direct Loans Program. The Parent Plus loan offers a            they tend to take that education much more seriously. Quite
                               fixed rate and is a popular option with many families. The            simply, you appreciate things when you invest your own
                               loan is only in the parent’s name and begins full repayment           resources in them, and less so when someone else does the
                               immediately while the student is in school.                           paying.
                                  A private student loan is another alternative. Using a                 Parents, you can best help your children by discussing and
                               private loan enables the student to pay for college now and           researching colleges and majors with them that will provide a

                               handle repayment over time. Rather than depending on                  solid career and future.
                               the parents to use retirement money, the student takes an                 Here at POPA FCU, we have a partnership with Sallie
                               active role in handling their own tuition. Parents can co-sign        Mae to help make higher education a reality. Additionally, we
                               with their children to help get them credit-approved while            offer a K–9 $avers account for kids ages 0–17 and a Bulldogs
                               in school. Many private lenders allow for the co-signer to            checking account with debit card for teens 14–17 years old.
                               be released from the loan if the primary borrower makes a             There is even a Bulldogs Visa credit card with a credit limit
                               certain number of payments on time.                                   up to $1,000, should you feel that your teen is ready to start
                                                                                                     building their credit early (parent or guardian must be a
                               WHO IS PAYING THE BILLS?                                              co-applicant).
                                 People take a different approach to making financial                    Call POPA Federal Credit Union at (562) 229-9181 or
                               decisions based on who is actually paying the bill. When              visit us at for more information.
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