ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers

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ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
Thursday, August 13, 2020                                     COMMUNITYNEWS.COM.AU

                                 TO THIS

        FROM                          FROM WORKING PORT TO WORKING BREWERY
        THIS                          AND MORE, THIS IS SHAPING AS FREMANTLE’S
                                      MOST HISTORIC CHANGE YET.
                                      FULL STORY PAGE 3

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
2            NEWS                                                                                                                                  August 13, 2020

             NEWS ....................................................................... P1-11
             BOOKS ...................................................................... P12
             THEATRE .................................................................. P13
             STAGE ........................................................................ P16
             FILM ........................................................................... P17
             ZEST FOR LIFE FEATURE................................... P18-19
                                                                                                    A real talon for fishing
                                                                                                    THE freshest fish is on the menu
             REAL ESTATE ..................................................... P20-21               at the high-rise haunt of a nesting
                                                                                                    osprey pair.

             TRADES DIRECTORY ........................................ P22-26
                                                                                                      Award-winning            Melville
             EMPLOYMENT ........................................................ P26                Gazette photographer Andrew
             CLASSIFIEDS ........................................................... P26            Ritchie captured one of the birds
                                                                                                    coming home with lunch in Cot-
             MOTORING .............................................................. P26
                                                                                                    tesloe last Tuesday.
             SPORT ....................................................................... P27        However, hungry and pestering
                                                                                                    crows hampered the bird’s arrival
                                                                                                    and delivery of the mullet at the
                                                                                                      Such spectacular examples of
             Editorial Director:                             Amanda Keenan                          nature in action could soon be on
             News Production:                                         Matt Zis                      offer to bird watchers closer to
             Design:                                              Carly Pilton                      home, with the recent addition of
             Features Editor:                       Arylene Westlake-Jennings                       an osprey nesting pole in Alfred
             Digital Editor:                                 Alison Middleton                       Cove.
             General inquiries:                                    9237 1000
             Ben Smith                                                         9237 1436
             (Cockburn, East Fremantle)
             Adam Poulsen                                                       9237 1534
             (Melville, Fremantle)
             David Baylis, Andrew Ritchie

             Group Sales Director:
             Max Wilson                                                    0420 927 511                 
             Business Development Manager:
             Carol Edwards                                               0433 887 349
             Contact Centre/Trades:
             Rick Edwards                                                      9237 1442
             Distribution:                                                08 9237 1630
             Published by: Community Newspaper Group
             50 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.
             Printed by Colourpress
             54 Hasler Road, Osborne Park WA 6017.

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
August 13, 2020                                                                                                                                                           NEWS                 3

Here’s cheers! Gage Roads to headline new-look port                                                                                                                 Premier’s
                                                                                                                                                                    bold call
Drop near the ocean
Josh Zimmerman                   Maritime Museum — will          Ports lease after an expres-     use were actually inspired        rah-framed and weather-
                                                                                                                                                                    on port
                                                                                                                                                                    FREMANTLE Port could
                                                                                                                                                                    one day be replaced with
                                 become the “spiritual home”     sion of interest process that    by the Victoria Quay sheds.”      board exterior.                 hospitality offerings, hotels
VICTORIA Quay’s A Shed           of Gage Roads 16 years after    sought to attract a tourism         Since it was founded in           Premier Mark McGowan         or even a film studio, Pre-
will be transformed into a       the company produced its        landmark.                        2004, Gage Roads has grown        welcomed the redevelop-         mier Mark McGowan says.
brewery, restaurant and bar      first brew at a nearby Palmy-      Gage Roads Brewing chief      to produce more than 14 mil-      ment of A Shed into a              The Westport Tastforce’s
showcasing one of Freman-        ra factory.                     operating officer Aaron          lion litres of beer annually,     “world-class tourist destina-   recommendation to build a
tle’s biggest recent success        The 3000sq m venue will      Heary said he hoped to have      which includes the contract       tion”.                          new container port in Kwi-
stories: Gage Roads Brew-        operate seven days a week       the venue up and running by      to supply Optus Stadium.             It comes after the Depart-   nana by 2032, which will
ing.                             and host a working micro-       the end of 2021.                    Mr Heary said he was par-      ment of Communities relo-       bring to an end Fremantle’s
   It is the first major step    brewery producing special          “We’ve never been open to     ticularly excited about the       cated to Fremantle this year,   120-year history as a work-
towards a planned revital-       release beers, a children’s     the public before except by      new      micro-brewery      —     shifting about 1500 public      ing port, drew immediate re-
isation of the port precinct     play zone and an alfresco ar-   special appointment and          which he called an “innova-       servants to the heart of the    actions      ranging     from
in a bid to strengthen Fre-      ea overlooking the strip of     we’ve been looking to build a    tion brewery” — as well as        port city in Kings Square.      opportunity to disappoint-
mantle’s credentials as a        ocean between Fremantle         tap room venue for the past      plans to dedicate guest taps         It is envisioned Victoria    ment and fierce anger.
drawcard for locals and tour-    and Rottnest Island from        18 months so when A Shed         to craft beers from WA.           Quay’s C and D Sheds will be       Fremantle Mayor Brad
ists.                            which Gage Roads took its       became available it was the         The brewery will be            leased for commercial pur-      Pettitt reiterated that Fre-
   The nearly century-old A      name.                           perfect fit,” Mr Heary said.     themed to suit the site’s nau-    poses and port-owned prop-      mantle should be retained as
Shed — currently used as            The brewery has been            “The white box on our bot-    tical history while keeping       erties along Fleet Street and   a working container port,
storage for the neighbouring     awarded the Fremantle           tles and cans and the font we    the nearly 100-year-old jar-      Slip Street redeveloped.        even when more ships use
                                                                                                                                                                    Kwinana’s outer harbour.
                                                                                                                                                                       “For more than 120 years
                                                                                                                                                                    the inner harbour has been
                                                                                                                                                                    central to Fremantle’s iden-
                                                                                                                                                                    tity as a port city, and the
                                                                                                                                                                    employment and activity
                                                                                                                                                                    associated with the oper-
                                                                                                                                                                    ations of the inner harbour
                                                                                                                                                                    are a critical component of
                                                                                                                                                                    the Fremantle region’s econ-
                                                                                                                                                                    omy,” Mr Pettitt said.
                                                                                                                                                                       Mr McGowan said a mas-
                                                                                                                                                                    ter planning process would
                                                                                                                                                                    first need to take place to
                                                                                                                                                                    determine what the future
                                                                                                                                                                    holds at the historic Fre-
                                                                                                                                                                    mantle facilities.
                                                                                                                                                                       “It will take some years
                                                                                                                                                                    but proper hotels, hospitali-
                                                                                                                                                                    ty, film studios, life activa-
                                                                                                                                                                    tion is exactly what these
                                                                                                                                                                    areas are suited for and
                                                                                                                                                                    exactly what Fremantle is
                                                                                                                                                                    about,” he said.
                                                                                                                                                                       While the Westport rec-
                                                                                                                                                                    ommendation after a two-
                                                                                                                                                                    year investigation was not a
                                                                                                                                                                    surprise, the next stages of
                                                                                                                                                                    planning will determine if
                                                                                                                                                                    the transition of freight to
                                                                                                                                                                    Kwinana occurs in one step
                                                                                                                                                                    by 2032 or over a phased peri-
                                                                                                                                                                    od with both ports sharing
An artist’s impression of the Gage Roads brewery set to go inside Victoria Quay’s A Shed.                                                                           freight for about 15 years.
                                                                                                                                                                       Maritime Union of Aus-

                                               Lady luck strikes in Freo                                                                                            tralia WA branch secretary
                                                                                                                                                                    Christy Cain argued Fre-
                                                                                                                                                                    mantle had capacity to oper-
                                                                                                                                                                    ate for another 50 years and
  A FREMANTLE newsa-              more than $1 million in pri-      “They were a combina-         they like the thought of         their prize.                     an automated port at Kwina-
  gent’s “favourite numbers”      zemoney for his customers.     tion of my favourite num-        sharing the prize.”                A married couple from          na would replace permanent
  have helped five of his cus-      The newsagent chose the      bers and some at random,”          Each ticket is now worth       Kwinana said they were           jobs with “robots”.
  tomers scoop more than          numbers himself before         Mr Kokwai said.                  $215,673 but in the first 48     “absolutely ecstatic” since         Fremantle Chamber of
  $200,000 each in Lotto win-     selling them to five people       “Lots of my customers         hours after the draw only        finding out about their win.     Commerce CEO Danicia
  nings.                          as part of a syndicate.        love to play syndicates          one of the ticket holders          They said they had been        Quinlan said Fremantle,
    Lee Kokwai, of Somes            They were matched in         because it increases your        had come forward, with           shopping at the store for a      which now needed a plan to
  Newsagency, has scored          Saturday’s draw.               chances of winning and           four others yet to claim         decade.                          retain its historic Port con-

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
4         NEWS                                                                                                                                                                     August 13, 2020

Time runs out for
apartment block
Ben Smith and                      Acting City of Melville        altered the development’s         tions.
Aaron Corlett                    chief executive Alan Ferris      impact on the surrounding            The council and the WA         Nelson Rodrigues Jardim.
                                 confirmed the current devel-     area.                             Planning         Commission
THE hourglass has run out
for a mooted $7 million
apartment block in Apple-
cross after it was formally
                                 opment application was out
                                 of time in the absence of a
                                 decision to approve the
                                 extension of time request.
                                                                    The site was within the
                                                                  Canning Bridge Activity
                                                                  Centre Plan (CBACP), which
                                                                  had changed dramatically
                                                                                                    approved       changes
                                                                                                    August to lot boundary set-
                                                                                                    backs, height controls and
                                                                                                    updated definitions for the

                                                                                                                                      Bella thief jailed
denied an extension of time        In the request, a letter       since the original develop-       H4 zone of the CBACP,             FREMANTLE man Nel-             his friends and while it
to start construction, de-       from Hotchkin Hanly Law-         ment      application    was      where the planned develop-        son Rodrigues Jardim has       sounded fun at the time,
spite an argument that           yers stated their client         approved, and City officers       ment was to be located.           been jailed for nine           he realises now it was
COVID-19         restrictions    applied for a building licence   argued the proposal would            Among the conflicts creat-     months for the theft of the    dumb,” Mr Ayoub said.
caused the land owner to         on February 14 but a delay       be unlikely to receive devel-     ed in this revisited applica-     much-loved statue Bella.          “No stable accommoda-
miss their deadline.             meant it could not start work    opment approval now.              tion were the third and             Jardim (41) initially        tion and no direction
   A Joint Development           before the COVID-19 pan-           JDAP third specialist           fourth floor were 4m away         pleaded not guilty to          leads to this type of
Application Panel (JDAP)         demic caused a state of          member Diana Goldswain            from a common boundary,           stealing but on Tuesday        offending for Mr Jardim.
last month narrowly denied       emergency to be declared         sided with City of Melville       when there needed to be an        reappeared in Fremantle           “He is very remorseful
the Tweeddale Road land          four weeks later.                councillors Nicholas Pazolli      8m setback, and the lift plant    Magistrate’s Court and         and very apologetic… He
owner’s request for extra          The lawyers pointed to         and Steve Kepert as the pan-      was 4.3m above the roof deck      reversed his plea.             is sorry to the citizens of
time to get started on their     advice from Planning Minis-      el voted 3-2 to refuse the        when it needed to be 3m.            Defence lawyer Mal-          Fremantle and Perth gen-
once-approved four-storey        ter Rita Saffioti that new       request on July 31.                  In his rationale for voting    colm Ayoub said Jardim         erally.”
complex.                         provisions introduced as           Cr Pazolli said the com-        in favour of a time exten-        was at “rock bottom” and          The statue – which was
   When plans for the 10-        part of the Government’s         munity had expressed sig-         sion, JDAP presiding mem-         injecting meth on a daily      purchased in 2009 but has
dwelling building were first     COVID-19 response allowed        nificant concerns over the        ber Clayton Higham said he        basis when he made off         since been valued at
given the green light in 2018,   for building approvals to be     development for some time         did not believe the change in     with the $48,000 Depart-       $100,000 – was never reco-
one condition was that           automatically extended by a      and the impact upon the           setbacks would not signifi-       ment      of     Transport-    vered, but is being
works “substantially com-        further two years and said       amenity if they approved the      cantly diminish the amenity       owned       statue   about     remade and will soon be
mence” within two years.         the extension application        application would be unde-        of the river and felt the         3.20am on October 9.           replaced     by    original
   An extension request was      had been submitted mainly        sirable.                          request did pass the test.          CCTV footage captured        sculptor Greg James.
received on May 1 but both       “as a matter of precaution”.       His thoughts were echoed           During public consulta-        the moment he unbolted            Magistrate Peter Malo-
the Melville council and the       A key reason that Mel-         by Cr Kepert, who said he         tion,     Melville     council    the 150kg metal statue         ne said given its value the
five-member JDAP have            ville’s planning officers rec-   felt the requirements in the      received 36 written submis-       from a bench near Bath-        theft was too serious to
now refused that, meaning        ommended the JDAP refuse         Canning Bridge Activity           sions with 34 supporting and      ers Beach House, placed it     impose a suspended sen-
only a successful appeal to      the extension was their con-     Centre Plan were already          two against the develop-          in a trailer attached to his   tence and the “point of
the State Administrative         cern that recent changes to      generous and there was little     ment, although one of those       bicycle and rode away.         last resort” had been
Tribunal could salvage the       the local area’s planning fra-   appetite from the communi-        represented four property           “He was encouraged by        reached.
approval.                        mework had significantly         ty to supersede the limita-       owners.

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
August 13, 2020                                                                                                                                                          NEWS                  5

Call to overhaul                                                       RECORD DONATIONS FROM ALL SAINTS STUDENT SLEEP OUT
council rates system
Peter de Kruijff

COUNCIL elections will be
held once every four years
                                  majority of votes,” the
                                  report said.
                                     Election candidates would
                                  need to disclose if they were
                                                                   SLUMBER SUCCESS
                                                                   ALL Saints College in Bull
and the first-past-the-post       a member of a political par-     Creek had the most stu-
system abolished if recom-        ty. Donors and candidates        dents take part in last
mendations from a sweeping        should have to co-sign every     week’s     Anglicare     WA
review are adopted.               gift declaration and new reg-    School Sleep Out.
   The system which deter-        ulations installed to cover        Across Perth, a record
mines annual ratepayer bills      crowd funding platforms.         350 students raised a record
should also be reviewed by           The panel has suggested       total for Anglicare WA’s
the Economic Regulation           existing rate exemptions         Street Connect youth ou-
Authority (ERA) and mini-         and the entire system of bill-   treach program through
mum service delivery tar-         ing residents should be          the annual sleep out, which
gets set, according to a new      reviewed by the ERA.             is normally held at a cen-
report from a panel tasked           WA’s       Valuer-General     tral destination such as
by Local Government Minis-        should also take a look at       Optus Stadium but was
ter David Templeman with          their role in how bills are      unable to be this year due to
finding ways to overhaul          calculated by seeing if the      COVID-19 restrictions.
laws governing the third tier     current system of reviewing        That didn’t stop 59 stu-
of government.                    land values every three          dents from camping out
   Mr Templeman said the          years, a figure which is cru-    Friday night in the All
State Government would            cial to how ratepayers are       Saints’ school grounds and
closely consider the 65 rec-      charged annually by local        raising $19,340 for the
ommendations in the prepa-        governments, is still the best   Street Connect program,
ration of a new Local             way of operating.                which supports vulnerable
Government Act Green Bill.           The Local Government          young people experiencing
   Currently elections are        Standards Panel, which           or at risk of homelessness.
held every two years, with        deals with internal com-           WA organiser Kelly Keall
half of the councillors up for    plaints from local govern-       said digital innovation had
a vote each time.                 ments, should be replaced        ensured the fifth annual
   First-past-the-post, a sys-    with a new “Office of the        sleep out could not only go
tem in which preferences          Independent Assessor” that       ahead but raise a six-figure
are not taken into account,       would receive, investigate       amount.                         All Saints College students Cara Brown, Stephanie Mischke and Ashleigh Tsang.
should be replaced with           and     assess     complaints      “As in previous years,
optional preferential voting,     against elected members          each student was given the        “The students were given      out the support of family.       Anglicare WA CEO Mark
according to the report.          and undertake inquiries.         identity of a vulnerable        difficult choices to make in      “Most of the young peo-      Glasson said it cost more
   “The     first-past-the-post      Troubled councils could       young person who may be         unfamiliar settings, such       ple we support come from       than $500,000 annually to
system can often lead to out-     have a “monitor” appointed       sleeping rough or at risk of    as accessing finances, deal-    difficult environments and     keep Street Connect on the
comes that do not adequate-       to them to support them          homelessness and were           ing with peer pressure,         have little support, unlike    road. He said students
ly        represent         the   through governance issues        given a series of interactive   managing their mental           the students participating       in this year’s Sleep Out
community’s preferences,          if a new “early intervention”    online activities to com-       health or simply trying to      in the sleep-out for whom it   should be incredibly proud
with successful candidates        framework based on a Vic-        plete,” she said.               get a bed for the night with-   only lasts a night.”           of themselves.
being elected without a clear     torian model was adopted.

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
6         NEWS                                                                August 13, 2020

 Dolly’s time to shine
 Adam Poulsen

 MELVILLE resident Edith
 ‘Dolly’ Brown celebrated her
 107th birthday on Saturday.
    Ms Brown was joined on
 Monday by family and
 friends at Aegis Kitchener
 Gardens Retirement Village,
 where she has lived since
 she turned 100.
    Nephew Peter Rachow (69)
 was among the guests who
 enjoyed     the   customary
 birthday cake and a concert
 by Ms Brown’s favourite
 vocalist and dancer, Adam
    Mr Rachow said a love of
 exercise had contributed to
 his aunt’s long and eventful
    “She grew up in Dalkeith
 before they even had roads,”
 he said. “They had a couple
 of homemade yachts and
 they used to go sailing at the
 Claremont Yacht Club.
    “She worked at Drabble’s
 Hardware in Claremont
 before it became trendy. It
 was right in the heart of Bay
 View Terrace.”                   Edith 'Dolly' Brown on her 107th birthday.
    Born Edith Lilian Orontes     Picture: Aegis Aged Care Group
 Stonham on August 8, 1913,
 Dolly is now the oldest resi-    upon his return. Mr Brown      said. “In her later years she
 dent in her village.             died about 1980, aged in his   got into aerobics.
    Before the outbreak of        70s, Mr Rachow said.             “She did that for many
 World War II she worked at         The couple never had chil-   years, which is why she’s
 Drabble’s with childhood         dren and Ms Brown went on      lasted so well; she always
 sweetheart Kenneth ‘Mick’        to outlive her brother Fre-    stayed fit and was always on
 Brown.                           derick and sister Florence,    a diet. The staff here have
    Mr Brown served with the      who is Mr Rachow’s mother.     also kept her going because
 Navy, survived the war, and        “Dolly always had a caring   they’ve been absolutely fan-
 the couple were married          personality,” Mr Rachow        tastic.”

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
August 13, 2020                                                        NEWS              7

        Mussel in on forum
        RESIDENTS keen to learn more             where full-scale reefs, which are to
        about the Swan-Canning Estuary           be spread over about 10ha, would be
        Mussel Reef Project are invited to a     constructed.
        community forum later this month.           “It’s part of our testing phase to
          The three-year project aims to         help us understand where the mus-
        improve water quality and fish           sels are going to survive and grow
        stocks in the Swan-Canning Estuary       the best,” she said.
        by constructing a series of natural         “Community engagement is real-
        limestone reefs that will provide a      ly important for us because that’s
        base on which mussels can grow.          the reason we’re putting the reef in;
          Sixteen reefs between Applecross       it’s for the whole of community to
        and Bicton were constructed last         enjoy a healthier estuary.”
        month, including the one pictured.          The project is a collaboration be-
          The next step, expected to go          tween The Nature Conservancy,
        ahead in coming weeks, is to ‘seed’      Murdoch University, UWA, Recfish-
        the pilot reefs with about 3.5 million   west and the State Government.
        juvenile mussels sourced from the           The forum will be at 6pm on
        Harvest Road Oceans mussel farm          August 27 at the Royal Freshwater
        in Cockburn Sound.                       Bay Yacht Club in Peppermint
          Project manager Fiona Valesini         Grove. RSVP via fiona.valesini@
        said the trial would help determine by Thursday, August 20.

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
8         NEWS                                                                 August 13, 2020

        Script written

 Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettitt, left, with Screenwest Industry Advisory Group
 memberJohn Fairhead and acclaimed director Ben Elton. Picture: Adam Poulsen

 Adam Poulsen                        Mr Fairhead, an assistant     have stated they would come
                                  director who has worked on       here straight away if this
 A DISUSED industrial site        films including Jasper Jones     was available.
 in O’Connor is being touted      and Drift, said the site —         “The space is needed now
 by film industry movers and      which is owned by the City of    and the rest of the world is
 shakers as the ideal location    Fremantle — could be quick-      looking towards Australia to
 for a major screen produc-       ly activated to host projects    come and shoot because
 tion hub.                        currently in development.        we’re COVID-safe.
    Professional Film Crew           “The first stage of works,      “What makes it even more
 Association of WA vice-pres-     which is making the site         impressive is the support
 ident John Fairhead was          secure and able for people to    from the Fremantle Council
 among a host of directors,       come in, could happen            towards this.”
 producers and actors who         potentially by the end of this     Mr Fairhead was refer-
 visited the unassuming           year,” he said.                  ring to City of Fremantle’s
 warehouse at 2 Jones Street         “This could be a produc-      Film Friendly City Policy,
 on Tuesday to assess its suit-   tion base — and there are
 ability as a production base.    screen productions that                  CONTINUED PAGE 9

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
August 13, 2020                                                         NEWS                9

for movie hub
      There are
productions that
have stated they
would come here
straight away if
this was available.
John Fairhead

adopted in August last year
as part of its vision to estab-
lish a thriving local film and
television industry.
   Under the policy the City
would waive or reduce film-
ing permit fees, provide
parking for production veh-
icles, help find temporary
office space for production
crews, and provide a single
point of contact to help film     This industrial site in O'Connor is being touted as an ideal
productions with approvals,       location for a screen production hub. Picture: Adam Poulsen
among other measures.
   Mr Fairhead said WA had        State Government to con-        struction                 and
plenty of home-grown talent       tribute funding.                transportation,” he said.
but had always struggled            Fremantle Mayor Brad            “Plus we’re already home
with “maintaining a sustain-      Pettitt said the City offered   to a number of film-based
able and consistent level of      “a great mix of locations,      production companies and
production activity”.             from beautiful heritage         have a lot of talented and
   “The absence of produc-        buildings to big industrial     creative people.”
tion facilities… has been an      warehouses, funky shops           Also impressed with the
impediment to the growth of       and cafes and the river and     O’Connor site was British
the industry here,” he said.      ocean”.                         comedian, author, playw-
   “Fremantle is brilliant:         “Establishing a film hub      right, actor and director Ben
it’s got so much to offer in      in Fremantle represents a       Elton, known for his work on
terms of support business-        great opportunity for local     cult TV shows such as Black-
es… and you’ve got proxim-        businesses that could pro-      adder and The Young Ones.
ity to coastline.”                vide services ranging from        “Let’s get ‘action’ shouted
   He said the next step          accommodation and cater-        as soon as we can,” Elton
would be convincing the           ing right through to set con-   said.

ANCHORS AWAY - Community News ePapers
10             NEWS                                                                  August 13, 2020

 War on plastic
 Michael Palmer                                                         Camps in the USA, people
                                                                        around the world have
 MORE than 300,000 West                                                 shown they want to make a
 Australians took part in this                                          difference by participating
 year’s Plastic Free July.                                              in Plastic Free July.”
   The event was founded by                                                Ms        Prince-Ruizsaid
 Fremantle local Rebecca                                                research showed nine out of
 Prince-Ruiz 10 years ago to                                            10 participants in Plastic
 reduce the amount of plastic                                           Free July created long-term
 waste in the environment.                                              habits.
   Ms Prince-Ruiz said the             Rebecca Prince-Ruiz.                “Plastic Free July isn’t
 high number of people                                                  about drastic change, it’s
 involved showed their desire          people would register for        about being more conscious
 to be part of the solution and        this year’s challenge,” she      of the single-use plastics
 avoid landfill waste.                 said.                            that are used day-to-day and
   “Given the use of some                “But from families in          swapping them for better
 single-use plastic for many           Perth to a plastic-free picnic   choices, such as switching to
 takeaway items and for                in Scotland, dive clean-ups      bar soap or avoiding plastic
 health care has increased             in Sydney Harbour and an         packaging when purchasing
 this year as a result of the          elephant park in Laos, from      vegetables,” she said.
 COVID-19 pandemic, we                 community groups in Hun-            Visit www.plasticfreeju-
 were concerned that fewer             gary to Campus Action  

                    Fireworks fizzle out
      THE City of Canning’s tra-       gram for 2020-21 in favour       while the City of Perth
      ditional New Year’s Day          of smaller neighbourhood         considered cancelling the
      fireworks display on the         events.                          Australia Day Skyworks
      Shelley foreshore will not         Because of the size,           before public and political
      go ahead next year if coun-      nature and risks associat-       pressure caused an about-
      cillors accept a staff rec-      ed with such an event,           face.
      ommendation to cancel the        which last year attracted          Canning Mayor Patrick
      event over coronavirus           about 16,000 people, the         Hall was mindful that
      concerns.                        City would need to appoint       money spent by council
         City      staff      cited    an external events man-          was ratepayers’ money
      uncertainty around social        agement company no later         and it would be foolhardy
      distancing requirements,         than September 1 for it to       to run headlong into an
      increased health risks and       go ahead.                        event that may have to be
      a likely $170,000 cost as rea-     The Town of Bassen-            cancelled.
      sons to drop the fireworks       dean has already pulled            “It is a small sacrifice
      extravaganza       from      a   the plug on its planned          and I am certain the fire-
      scaled-down events pro-          Australia Day fireworks,         works will be back in 2022.”

August 13, 2020                                                         NEWS                 11

Cycle of outback life
Ben Smith

DAVE Cashman is gearing
up for a 1000km bike ride to
raise funds for youth men-
toring programs in Laverton
after seeing first-hand its
positive effect on the com-
  Last year was his first
involvement with the event,
which starts in Toodyay and
extends to Laverton via Mt
  Once the peloton has
reached its destination, rid-
ers spend two days teaching
local children about bike
  Mr Cashman said last
year’s ride opened his eyes
to the distinct differences be-
tween life in Perth and in
many small country towns.
  “For some of these kids, if
they didn’t have a bike they
simply couldn’t get to school
because there was no other
means, which is a tragedy,”
he said.
  “It’s such a simple thing
that a bike could change a
kid’s life and give them op-
portunities that they would       Dave Cashman in last year’s Perth-Laverton Cycling Classic.
not otherwise have.”
  “The fundamental pur-              Mr Cashman’s financial       which subjected riders to an
pose behind the ride is to try    accounting business Cash-       average 151km per day, was
to help Laverton get their        management,       which    is   just as enjoyable as the men-
own self-sustaining bicycle       based in Bibra Lake, will be    toring in Laverton.
program up and running, set       one of the sponsors of this       “Being able to help other
up their own little bike club     year’s      Perth-Laverton      riders learn skills and tricks
and racing calendar, teach        Cycling Classic, which starts   that would help them, you’d
locals how to be able to get a    in September.                   just feel the sense of achieve-
group of bikes going and             Mr Cashman said the ride     ment every day as you get to
maintain them.”                   itself, a seven-day trek        that campsite,” he said.

12         BOOKS                                                                                                                     August 13, 2020

Royal fairytales come true
Tanya MacNaughton                purest intentions and          travel here, but such is life.       “Serenity Press loves
                                 always showed up, even         We commissioned cakes to          fairy tales and this one just
ASKING the right person at       though our first phone call    be made for her that looked       blew my socks off.              Serenity Press
the right time is all Serenity   came at the most               like the books.”                     “The Duchess loves           founder Karen
Press director and founder       inconvenient time. I’m a          McDermott said each new        seeing her words come to           McDermott.
Karen McDermott needed           mum of six and was away        release was filled with           life. She’s already sold          Picture: Diana
as a catalyst to sign Sarah,     in Bunbury on holiday with     kindness and offered a lot        millions of books around             Henderson
Duchess of York, to the          five of my kids, aged from     for children to learn about,      the world and is ready to do
Perth independent                four to 13, when the call      featuring wonderful               it again. She has a very
publishing company.              was scheduled for one          characters for kids to            creative mind and it’s a
  McDermott, who won an          evening. I told them the       connect with as well.             very nice connection.”
Ausmumpreneur award in           situation and asked to            “The Enchanted Oak Tree           The Duchess Serenity
2016, was at an event where      please excuse any              is a beautiful story about        collection is available
the royal family member          background noise.”             friendship and awareness,”        through
was a guest speaker.                McDermott launched the      she said.                         and
  “I’m Irish so I grew up        first three children’s books
knowing all about The            in the Duchess Serenity
Duchess and her family,”         Collection — The
McDermott said.                  Enchanted Oak Tree, Genie
  “My thought process was        Gems meets Arthur
‘she used to write Budgie        Fantastic and Genie Gems:
the Little Helicopter, I         Mission to Devon — via a
wonder if she’d like to do a     live-streamed interview
book with Serenity Press?’       with the Duchess on
  “So I took action and sent     July 31.
an email to her agent after         More books are
finding them on Google. I        scheduled for release with
can’t remember what I            20 per cent of all net sales
wrote but it must have been      going to charitable
wonderful because her            foundation Sarah’s Trust.
team connected with me              “She was going to come to
and there was a series of        Australia and New Zealand
phone calls and interviews       on tour to promote the
for a vetting process and        books,” McDermott said.
then we secured the deal.           “I think she’ll have a
  “I came to her with the        library by the time she can    The Duchess on camera during the launch.

August 13, 2020                                                    THEATRE                  13

Music in the mind
A MUSICAL about mental
health is making its way to
Melville Theatre.
   Written by Tom Kitt and
Brian Yorkey and directed
by Craig Griffen, Next to
Normal focuses on a mother
struggling with worsening
bipolar disorder and the
effects managing her illness
has on her family.
   Diana Goodman has tried
to balance sanity, happiness
and her commitments over
the past 16 years but her dis-
order takes a turn for the
worst and her husband, chil-
dren and doctor try to help       Oliver Clare plays Henry and Georgia McGivern is Natalie in
her through the struggle.         the musical Next to Normal.
   The show takes audiences
into the minds and hearts of      depressive and anxiety dis-      ing on the show naturally
each character, presenting        order 11 years ago and it’s      brings up a lot of difficult
the family’s story with love,     still something I struggle       emotions for me.
sympathy and heart.               with and seek help for to this      “Navigating those emo-
   Next to Normal has three       day.                             tions and re-directing them
Tony Awards and a Pulitzer          “I wanted to have the op-      into the work is a tough
Prize to its credit and was       portunity to put some of my      thing to do.
named one of the year’s 10        personal experience onto            “Next to Normal is also a
best shows by US critics on       the stage in a piece that        very intense show for the
its debut.                        wasn’t afraid to go to the       cast – they have to go to some
   “It’s a rare production        dark places these issues can     dark places throughout the
that isn’t afraid to tackle       take us.”                        show, all while singing a
heavy themes,” Griffen said.        Last year, he picked up        non-stop score with a rock
   “While we’re certainly         several nominations and the      band playing along with
much more willing to dis-         technical       achievement      them.
cuss mental illness now than      award for his work as direc-        “Supporting            them
10 years ago, it’s definitely     tor, designer and puppet-        through that is really one of
something we still need to        builder on The Lion, The         my biggest roles while
keep pushing out into the         Witch and The Wardrobe at        directing the show.”
open, shine a light on and        the Koorliny Arts Centre.
sweep away social judg-             “With Next to Normal, the      Next to Normal plays 8pm
ments that leave so many ill      subject matter is obviously a    August 21, 22, 27, 28, 29,
people without care.              difficult thing to handle,”      September 3, 4 and 5 with a
   “I have a personal connec-     Griffen said.                    2pm matinee August 30.
tion to the subject – I was di-     “Coming into it with my        Call TAZTix on 9255 3336
agnosed with a both a             personal experiences, work-      for tickets.



16      STAGE                                                                                          August 13, 2020

       Stage set for
     Parisian sparkle
     Tanya MacNaughton                Boyd, who lived in            their hometown,”
                                    Paraburdoo during his           Australia’s Got Talent
     CABARET de Paris               childhood, brought Cabaret      finalist Boyd said.
     producer and illusionist       de Paris to Perth four years       Featuring everything
     Michael Boyd feels             ago for a sold-out season at    synonymous with a
     “incredibly blessed” to be     His Majesty’s Theatre.          Parisian cabaret —
     calling Perth home after         Not only will the show be     showgirls, feathered
     relocating from Melbourne      in a bigger venue this time     costumes and variety acts
     with his 13-year-old           with more dancers and acts,     — Cabaret de Paris is a slice
     daughter, Chloe.               but it will feature a WA cast   of the French capital while
       Two weeks of hotel           who all had to stop             we are unable to visit.
     quarantine and three                                              Boyd will also return to
     COVID-19 tests later, he was                                   the stage, his illusion         Illusionist
     reunited with his                                              career inspired by his          Michael
     circus-performer Perth                                         magician grandfather who        Boyd.
     partner Richard and is in                                      used to tour Australia with
     the midst of planning his                                      a half silent movie/half
     Parisian-style cabaret show                                    magic show in the 1930s.
     at Crown Theatre Perth for                                        “I’ll be back making
     October 16.                                                    people appear and
       “I was granted my pass                                       disappear, I’ll be slicing
     on a Thursday to travel                                        them in eight, because we
                                    Cabaret de Paris.
     here, by the Friday the                                        don’t just cut them in half
     rules had changed again        performing overseas —           anymore, and there will be
     and I was asked to reapply,”   from the Moulin Rouge to        levitating,” he said.
     Boyd said.                     cruise ships — and return          “It’s such a visual show
       “I worried I wasn’t going    home.                           with no complicated plot
     to get it and I packed the       “They’re all world-class      that moves fast with
     container (costumes/props)     performers desperate for        unexpected twists and
     not knowing whether I was      work because they haven’t       turns.”
     going to get through the       been able to do what they          Tickets at
     border or not.”                love and now they can, in

August 13, 2020                                                        FILM              17

Daniel Auteuil as Victor and Doria Tillier as Margot.

A beautiful time
LA Belle Epoque is a period                                     theatre experience
in France between the late        LA BELLE EPOQUE               transports those who can
19th century and World War        (M)                           afford it to any time period.
I characterised by peace,         DIRECTOR: Nicolas                While some choose to go
prosperity and innovation.        Bedos                         to 1700s France or drink
   However, Victor (Daniel        STARRING: Daniel              with Ernest Hemingway,
Auteuil) is fed up with the       Auteuil, Fanny Ardant,        Victor wants to revisit the
current La Belle Epoque,          Doria Tillier                 day he met Marianne in a
frustrated by his wife            ᗂᗂᗂ 1⁄2                       bar in Lyon in 1974.
Marianne (Fanny Ardant)           NOW SHOWING                      Such a quaint concept
and successful son                REVIEW BY:                    could be on the nose, but
Maxime’s (Michael Cohen)          Lucy Rutherford               the execution of the “time
obsession with modernity.                                       travel” is well thought
   His constant grumblings      from his job as a cartoonist.   through and entertaining.
lead Marianne to finally          Victor takes the                 The comedy never
kick him out so she can be      opportunity to indulge in a     overwhelms the romance
with her lover Francois         gift from his son, one night    though and while the
(Denis Podalydes), who          at the “time travel”            fractious relationships may
happens to be the owner of      business of Maxime’s            seem particularly ‘French’,
the newspaper that, after       friend Antoine (Guillaume       at its heart La Belle Epoque
going online, sacked Victor     Canet). This immersive          is a love letter to love.


Driven by a
love of cars
Keren Bellos                    fully-staffed workshop in a    began in 1978, for example
                                broken down steam car.         — he spent three years
FROM cruising the Alps in         “Jay had gone to buy         restoring a 1954 Cadillac
a Caddy to converting a fire    burgers for Per and the        Fleetwood.
station’s truck, 62-year-old    boys and while we were            He and his girlfriend, who
self-confessed petrol head      standing there, here comes     later became his wife, then
Peter Jingryd says it is his    Jay getting towed and not      drove the sedan across
cars that keep him              looking happy,” Mr Jingryd     Europe, a couple of “frozen       American Car Club of WA president Peter Jingryd with some of his pride and joy; a 1951
feeling young.                  said.                          Swedes” venturing through         Chrysler Imperial coupe (left) and a 1940 Ford coupe. Picture: Michael Wilson
  The American Car Club           “He had about 100 cars       Denmark, Germany and
of WA president has even        and 200 motorbikes,            Austria to Italy for a            windows, beds, a sunroof       turning, black-and-gold        hobby and we help each
thrice set foot inside US       everything from a 1930         summer holiday.                   and kitchen.                   1933 Ford Roadster, 1951       other to try to keep
comedian Jay Leno’s “Big        Packard to a Volvo that           “It was quite funny, the         Before emigrating to         Chrysler Imperial coupe        costs down.”
Dog Garage” in California,      ex-US Secretary of State       two of us in a 6m-long            Australia in 1989, Mr          that is his only right-hand      For the past five years, he
getting an up-close look at     Colin Powell used to own.”     Caddy and the Italians in         Jingryd parted with all his    drive conversion and 2012      has served as president of
the famous vehicle                Mr Jingryd’s obsession       small Fiats,” Mr Jingryd          pride and joy, planning to     Chevrolet Silverado he uses    the American Car Club of
collection that’s off limits    with American cars dates       said.                             buy more here.                 to travel to the business he   WA, which celebrated its
to the public and               back to his teenage years in      “We also went to the             Now, a six-car garage in     co-owns, Advance               40th anniversary last year
reportedly worth about          Sweden, when its economy       Cadillac castle in France         Perth’s northern suburbs       Formwork.                      and has 75 members who
A$72 million.                   was in full swing, old rides   and bought some Cadillac          plus a factory unit house a      “My favourite is the last    enjoy monthly meet-ups
  On his latest visit three     were cheap and US popular      wine.”                            collection of nine vehicles,   one I’ve done up,” Mr          and car runs involving up
years ago, he went to see       culture greatly influenced        His collection grew to five    which includes a 1966 Buick    Jingryd said.                  to 120 vehicles.
his panel beater mate Per       the younger generation.        classics, including a former      LeSabre convertible, best        “I don’t know how many         “Anyone with a passion
Blixt’s restoration of a 1958     Swept up in his home         fire department’s 1955 Ford       for cruising the coast with    cars is enough and I don’t     for American cars is
Chrysler 300D and caught        country’s car craze — take     F250 panel van, where he          the top down and The           even want to think about       welcome and we have lots of
the former talkshow host        the Power Big Meet classic     removed the water tank and        Beach Boys’ tunes blaring.     how much I’ve spent but, in    knowledge to share,”
being towed back to the         car show in Lidkoping that     added side pipes, porthole          There’s also a head-         the end, I have mates in the   he said.

August 13, 2020                                                 THE RICHARDSON ADVERTISING FEATURE         19

Helping                                                                                       The Richardson.

live life to
the fullest
THE Richardson by Oryx         engage in social interaction
Communities is challenging     in your community include:
people’s perceptions of        • Volunteering
aged care through the          • Joining a social sports
creation of a premier home       team
that encourages and            • Joining a book club
supports residents to          • Taking your dog to a dog
continue to live their           park and meeting other
best life.                       pup parents
  By focusing on               • Joining a team for the
independence, connections        weekly trivia night at your
and a healthy mind and           local
body, our older loved ones
can continue to thrive.        Healthy food and exercise
                               Maintaining a balanced,
Independence                   healthy diet is essential for
Having independence is no      everyone and as we age,
less relevant or valuable as   getting the right nutrition
we age and at The              can have a significant
Richardson, residents are      impact on our health.
supported to live their life     Residents at The
whichever way they choose.     Richardson have the hard
  Encouraging residents to     work done for them, with a
engage in daily activities     delicious menu of healthy
and tasks nurtures             meals designed in
independence and               consultation with a
preserves dignity.             dietitian and cooked on-site
  As an ‘ageing in place’      by executive chef Javier.
residential aged-care            It is not just about
provider, The Richardson       looking and feeling good;
provides all levels of         keeping physically and
support to residents from      mentally active is critical
minimum assistance to a        for the general health and
high level of care and         well-being of older loved
support and palliative care.   ones.
  With registered nurses         Together with a heated
and qualified carers on site   pool and gymnasium, daily
24-7, a resident at The        exercise classes are on offer
Richardson can age safely      at The Richardson to
in place without having to     ensure residents’ strength
move.                          and mobility is maintained.
                                 Physiotherapists and
Socialise                      occupational therapists are
Humans are inherently          on site to provide additional
social, with social            therapeutic support to
interaction delivering         residents and GPs,
proven health benefits.        podiatrists, speech
   In the greater              therapists and dieticians
community, older citizens      are all available to provide a
may experience less            full care team.
opportunity to socialise.        With residences such as
   However, living with        The Richardson giving
like-minded people in          ageing citizens
residential care can provide   opportunities to make the
residents with the regular     move even sooner rather
conversation and               than later, it is no wonder
interaction they need to       the perception of
live well.                     residential aged care is
   The dynamic lifestyle       changing.
program on offer at The          If you require support or
Richardson guarantees          wish to speak to someone
residents enjoy diverse        about your situation or that
social activities on a daily   of a loved one, call The
basis.                         Richardson on 9381 2800 or
   Some simple ways to         visit

Strictly luxury
     5        3       2
12B Strickland Road,
Contact the agent
Agency: Harcourts
Contact: Eric Hartanto on
0421 272 152

OFFERING more than
400sq m of living on a 509sq
m block, this Ardross
residence is somewhat
  But it is also the superior
finishes and fittings that
make it a standout.
  Spanning two levels, the
family-friendly floorplan
offers five bedrooms, three
bathrooms, multiple living      fireplace, lies a stunning        master suite at the rear and    airconditioning, security
areas and a seamless            meals/kitchen zone                enjoy a walk-in robe, lavish    system and video intercom
connection to the               featuring a stone-topped          ensuite that includes a spa     are also among the
landscaped outdoors.            island bench/breakfast bar,       bath, and private veranda       residence’s highlights.
  There is a stylish            tiled splashbacks, glossy         flanked by a fish pond.           Surrounded by other
ground-floor front lounge       cabinetry, a concealed               Comprising a lounge          premium homes, it is near
room under a timber-lined       walk-in pantry, high-end          area, four bedrooms —           parks including Shirley
ceiling that opens via          appliances and wine fridge        three plus built-in robes       Strickland Reserve and
bi-fold doors to the porch —    with a glass door.                and one with an ensuite —       Deep Water Point Reserve,
just the place to relax while      It spills out to an alfresco   and family bathroom, the        Westfield Booragoon, Mt
watching the world go by.       dining area enhanced by a         top floor caters to younger     Pleasant Primary School,
  Past a home office and        built-in barbecue, sink and       family members.                 Ardross Primary School
another living space, which     fridge.                              A double garage, ducted      and Applecross Senior
can be warmed by a gas             Parents can retreat to the     reverse-cycle                   High School.

August 13, 2020                                      RESIDENTIAL                          21

       Perth’s land
      rush hotspots
Natalie Hordov                  1990. There were 3322 lots      Serpentine Jarrahdale also
                                sold, a 126 per cent increase   provided excellent value
BUYERS looking to build a       on the 1999 sold in the         with large lots in the area at
new home flocked to the         March quarter.                  an average price of $190,000.
City of Swan for land in the      Chief executive Tanya            Ms Steinbeck said the
June quarter 2020, with         Steinbeck said the home         tight timeframes for the
Vale in Aveley, Ellenbrook      building stimulus measures      stimulus packages caused a
and Brabham the top three       had clearly had a               rush of potential buyers
areas for sales activity.       significant impact on the       seeking new land to build a
   The region saw the           Perth market but land           home, but the initial influx
highest number of sales for     remained affordable.            had settled down somewhat
any local government area,        “While demand has             and the industry had
with just more than 1000        surged, average prices for      ramped up quickly to meet
lots sold during the three      new land have remained          demand.
months for an average price     relatively steady at               “The good news is there
of $228,000, according to the   $226,400,” she said.            is still a decent level of
UDIA WA.                          “New land prices have         supply,” she said.
   The City of Wanneroo         risen just 0.8 per cent over       “UDIA WA’s survey
was the next most popular       the quarter and 2 per cent      shows that there are about
region with 800 sales at an     since the same time last        7500 new lots either on the
average price of $215,000.      year.”                          market or under
   Land sales surged across       The City of Rockingham        construction; this is more
Perth during the quarter,       was the most affordable         than enough to meet
reaching the highest levels     location in the June quarter    demand as long as we can
seen since the UDIA began       with an average price of        get approvals in a timely
its land market survey in       $173,000, while the Shire of    manner.”






Top tech is out of touch
IT hasn’t taken long for                                                                              integrated into existing
COVID-19 to have an effect on                                                                         touchscreens and interactive
cars, with Jaguar Land Rover                                                                          displays, as long as the correct
announcing it has developed a                                                                         sensory data is available to
new contactless touch screen                                                                          support the machine learning
to reduce spreading viruses.                                                                          algorithm.
  Working with the University                                                                           Cambridge University
of Cambridge, the patented                                                                            department of engineering
‘predictive touch’ technology                                                                         Professor Simon Godsill led
uses artificial intelligence and                                                                      the project and said despite
sensors to predict a user’s                                                                           how common touchscreens
intended target on the                                                                                were in vehicles, they had
touchscreen without touching                                                                          many flaws.
a button.                                                                                               “Touchscreens and other
  The AI determines the item                                                                          interactive displays are
the user intends to select on                                                                         something most people use
the screen early in the action                                                                        multiple times per day but
of pointing, speeding up the                                                                          they can be difficult to use
interaction.                       Jaguar Land Rover’s predictive touch technology.                   while in motion, whether
  A gesture tracker uses                                                                              that’s driving a car or
vision or radio                    tracker, to infer the user’s        It also says the tech can      changing the music on your
frequency-based sensors to         intent in real time.              overcome difficulties in using   phone while you’re running,”
combine contextual                   On top of limiting the spread   touchscreens when on a poor      he said.
information such as user           of germs, JLR says the feature    road surface, where vibrations     “We also know that certain
profile, interface design and      can halve the time it takes to    can make it hard to select the   pathogens can be transmitted
environmental conditions,          use a touchscreen, meaning        correct button.                  via surfaces, so this
with data available from other     less time with eyes off the         The technology is              technology could help reduce
sensors, such as an eye-gaze       road.                             software-based, so it can be     the risk.”

August 13, 2020                                                                                                                                        SPORT                    27

Sharks hunted at home
Jordan McArdle                    game-high three majors,
                                  including two in the space of
PERTH broke an 11-year            three minutes in the third
hoodoo at New Choice              quarter.
Homes Park with a six-point         Matt Rogers, Marshall
win over the fast-finishing       Jones (two goals apiece) and
East Fremantle on Saturday        Fraser McInnes were lively
to continue their unbeaten        across half-forward, while
start to the season.              top-10 draft fancy Logan
  Three wins from as many         McDonald (two) was also
starts in a shortened season      prominent.
has the red legs well-placed        It was a see-sawing con-
to end another drought            test, with the Sharks start-                                                    A game of walking netball at Melville Leisurefit.
twice as long — playing in        ing slowly before hitting
the finals.
  But there were some ner-
vous final-quarter moments
                                  their straps midway through
                                  the opening term.
                                    The home side’s ex-AFL
                                                                                                                  Just a walk on the court
before the Demons prevailed       on-ball brigade of Jarrad                                                       A NEW version of netball for          “I gave up playing netball
10.4 (64) to 8.10 (58).           Jansen, Snadden and Ear-                                                        those looking to play at a         years ago after a knee recon-
  Stand-in skipper Michael        dley had a huge say in the                                                      slower pace or perhaps nurs-       struction and wasn’t able to
Sinclair, who was best afield     momentum shifts.                                                                ing injuries has started up        get back on the court, apart
with a brilliant display in the     They were one point away                                                      once more on the courts of         from coaching,” Angela
midfield, had the chance to       early in the third quarter                                                      Perth.                             said. “Now I can play again –
put the game to bed but hit       and trailed by a similar mar-                                                     Sisters Angela and Erica         it’s fantastic and you can
the post from point-blank         gin late in the match.                                                          Brock      started     running     still work up a sweat, so it’s a
range.                              Despite the blustery con-                                                     Walking Netball sessions in        good way for people to keep
  His team’s 23-point lead        ditions, it was a prolific first                                                Perth last year after the con-     fit.”
swiftly diminished to single      term with 10 goals scored                                                       cept began in the UK a few            Erica said the casual
digits with two goals in as       and Sharks speedster Milan                                                      years earlier.                     nature of the game made it
many minutes to Cam Ear-          Murdock’s poster the only                                                         While the games took a           perfect for people wanting to
dley and Tom Bennett.             blemish from either side.                                                       break due to the pandemic,         make new friends while
  Sharks utility Jordan             The Demons kicked seven                                                       the easing of restrictions         staying active.
Snadden then slammed one          straight before their first                                                     has allowed the walking net-          “Walking Netball is a
into the woodwork from 20m        point.                                                                          ball leagues to start up again     great way to get fit and is ad-
out and Tim Bockman was             Rogers was this week sus-                                                     and the sisters are hoping to      aptable for all skill levels,”
unable to convert a long-         pended for three weeks for a                                                    entice new players to the          she said.
range set shot in the final       high bump that floored Mor-                                                     court in Melville.                    Welcome Back Netball
minute after a high-flying        gan Davies early in the sec-                                                      A modified version of net-       will be playing Walking Net-
grab.                             ond quarter.                                                                    ball played without running        ball games at LeisureFit
  For the Demons, the load          Defender-turned-forward                                                       or jumping, the game is            Melville on Thursdays at
was shared in attack with         Lachlan Bailey looked right                                                     aimed at people who have           6.15pm. Games are played on
newbie Kieran Delahunty,          at home in attack for the                                                       previously sustained inju-         a drop-in casual basis in
the cousin of Sandover            Sharks, with several con-                                                       ries or feel they are too old to   Melville, Jolimont and Crai-
medallist Lachlan, booting a      tested marks inside 50.            Michael Sinclair was impressive for Perth.   join a regular game.               gie.


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