Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116

Page created by Dwayne Mccoy
Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
This publication is produced
                     cover     at the Pillager School for the whole
       Pillager community. If you have local news, please contact
        Sue Van Hal at (218) 746-2105 for submission information.

Back  toearly
    This  School     Before
               edition         Labor
                       of the PAW     Day
                                  PRESS has Details
important information about the MAY REFEREN-
Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
We invite you
                                                                         to join us for a special Open House
                                                       In the Early Childhood Center (ages 0-5)
                                                            ►►Early Childhood is September 3, 4:30-7:00 p.m.
                                                  Little Huskies Child Care, Family Education, School Readiness, children birth to five

                                                                           In the Elementary School (K-4)
 Small class sizes, specialist schedule including PE, music, technology, youth sports program, increased MCA proficiency rates, after school care

                                                                                     In the Middle School (5-8)
                                                                          PRIDE Time, Health, 7-period day, Metier program, increased electives
                                    **ALL new MS students (gr.5-8) and 5th Grade Orientation in the MS gym 5:00-5:30
                                                                     **6th Grade Orientation in the MS gym 6:00-6:30

                                                                                        In the High School (9-12)
                                 College in School, cross-curricular instruction, Freshman Academy, FFA and Agriculture program,
                                                                    new course offerings in FACS and Health, CTE and 7-period day.
                                                          **Freshman Academy Information Q & A in the HS office 6:00-6:30
                                                              **New HS student (gr.9-12) meeting in the HS office 5:30-6:00

                             Tuesday, August 27 — 4:30-7:00 p.m.
      For all students and their parents in Kindergarten - grade 12
                                                             Elementary Classrooms open for visits.
                                                    Technology Information available for all parents.
Fornshell Bus Service will be available to answer any questions regarding school bus transportation.

                                                          Pillager Public Schools
                              323 East 2nd Street South, Pillager                                   
Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
District Superintendent, Mike Malmberg
As the new school year begins, I want to thank all of you for the many ways you work with us all year long on
behalf of our school. All of us at Pillager School value the partnership we have with you and appreciate your
support and involvement. Pillager School is a great place to be and we are extremely proud of our staff and
students. With the recent referendum passing last May to add classrooms, maintenance, and an auditorium,
our facility will be one that will serve our community with great pride well into the future.

Our District continues to expand our curriculum by adding new courses and increase the purchase of new curriculum and
technology. Expanding CTE (Career and Technical Education) offerings such as Agricultural and FACS (Family and Consumer
Science) has been a top priority of our middle and high school curriculum. Our staff and district also continues the large task of
standardized grading and reporting to help ensure our students success by improving our classroom instruction and informing our
families of relevant and much needed feedback to better meet the needs of our students. The elementary report card will look
quite different beginning this year.

Small Change in Student School Day for 2019-2020
There will be a small change in the school start and dismissal times for the upcoming school year.
  The school day will start at 8:20 am and will dismiss at 3:10 pm.
The additional minutes allow for more instructional time with the Middle School and High School moving to a seven period day
versus the current six period day that we have used in the past. The seven period day will allow for another section of general
classes that will help lower class sizes and will also allow for more elective offerings. We ask that students not be dropped off prior
to 8:05 am. If you are in need of daycare, Fun Stop is available (gr.K-4) to help all families in need of childcare.

School Calendar Change
At the regular scheduled board meeting in June, the board approved a revised school calendar for 2019-2020. With the
referendum passing in May, the Construction Manager has advised the District that having an extra week in late May of 2020, will
ensure completion of the remodeled areas in the elementary and middle school for the start of school in the fall of 2020. We
realize that starting school prior to Labor Day is not an ideal situation for everyone and that some people will love the schedule
and some people will not. The decision was not taken lightly and several different options were studied with representatives that
included staff and parents. The group came to a consensus on the revised calendar presented to the board for approval.
  The first day of classes for students will be Wednesday, August
  28. There will be classes on Thursday, but then NO SCHOOL on
   Friday and Monday to allow for a long weekend for Labor Day.
We appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding with this change as we look to enhance our school to provide an even

   Monday, 9/23                Tuesday, 9/24            Wednesday, 9/25          Thursday, 9/26          Friday, 9/27      Saturday, 9/28
  4:30 JV Football          boys Powder Buff           First Special Olympic    4:45 C, JH, JV    Parade                5K Race
                            Volleyball tournament in   Unified Flag Football    Volleyball
  Coronation                the HS gym                 Tournament on the                          1:30     Volleyball
                                                       Varsity Football field                                           6:00 Hall of Fame
  Razzle-Dazzle Girls                                                                             4-6 pm MS Dance       Induction Banquet
  Powder Puff                                                                                     7:00    Football
  Tournament under                                                                                9-11 pm HS Dance
  the lights on the
  varsity football field.

Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
High School Principal, Jason Savage

                As I begin my third year as a Principal in Pillager, and second year as the grade 5-12 Principal, I find the one
                constant is CHANGE. The 2019-20 school year will bring a host of positive changes to our middle and high
                school students, including numerous new course offerings and new staff members.

   We will be reestablishing both an Agriculture and FACS (Family and Consumer Science) program to better assist our
    students for life beyond high school.
   The high school and middle school will replace the six-period day with a seven-period day allowing us to reduce core class
    sizes and increase elective offerings.
   We will continue with PRIDE TIME at both the high school and middle school, but the format will look a little different. Middle
    school will have a 50 minute PRIDE TIME at every grade level, and high school will focus on the 9th graders with the PRIDE
    Academy. The changes for the 2019-20 school year will bring great opportunities for growth for those who embrace it.

As we open up the 2019-20 school year, there will be a consistent theme in my presentations to staff and students at Pillager
Secondary (MS/HS) That theme will be the science of happiness and that we are ALL in charge of our happiness. The following
information is taken from the author of the Happiness Advantage, Shawn Achor.

Studies show that these six daily happiness exercises are proven to make anyone, from a 4-year old to an 84-year old happy, or
happier, Achor says. Students and staff will be asked to voluntarily do the following:

Gratitude Exercises
    1. Write down three things you're grateful for that occurred over the last 24 hours. They don't have to be profound. It
    could be a delicious cup of coffee or the warmth of a sunny day.
    2. The Doubler. Take one positive experience from the past 24 hours and spend two minutes writing down every detail
    about that experience. As you remember it, your brain labels it as meaningful and deepens the imprint.
    3. Fun Fifteen. Do 15 minutes of fun cardio activity, like gardening or walking the dog, every day. The effects of daily
    cardio can be as effective as taking an antidepressant.
    4. Meditation. Every day take two minutes to stop whatever you're doing and concentrate on breathing. Even a short
    mindful break can result in a calmer, happier you.
    5. The conscious act of kindness. At the start of every day, send a short email or text praising someone you know. Our
    brains become addicted to feeling good by making others feel good.
    6. Deepen Social Connections. Spend time with family and friends. Our social connections are one of the best predictors
    for success and health and even life expectancy.

Science studies show us that by re-training our brain to see the positive in our lives, we can significantly increase our own
happiness/life satisfaction. You may ask why a school would be concerned about this. Studies also show that students and
employees are 33% more productive if they are HAPPY!

Have a great 2019-20 school year!                                                                          Congratulations to
GO HUSKIES!!                                                                                                   Mark Sandin
                                                                                                                for his recent
                                                                                                             retirement from
                                                                                                             Pillager School
                                                                                                            after 23 years of
                                                                                                                teaching and
                                                                                                                  serving our
                                                                                                             students as the
            Ag and FACS return                                                                                    K-12 Media
         to Pillager School this fall!                                                                             Specialist.

Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
District Receives Great News on                                                                                        High School
    Sale of General Obligation                                                        11th Annual Reality Store
     School Building Bonds                                           Wednesday, October 23: The
At the regular July board meeting, the board approved the            "Reality Store" is a fun, hands-
sale of bonds for the upcoming building project that was             on, "real-life" simulation for high
approved last May by residents of the District.                      school juniors and seniors at
Representatives from Ehlers, which serves the district as a          Pillager School. The purpose of
financial consultant, reported that the District had a great         this event is to provide students
day at the market, as there were nine companies that bid             with a taste of reality through an
                            the general obligation school            educational role-playing
     The referendum         building bonds. The winning bid          simulation relating to making financial choices.
  was projected to cost went to UMB Bank in Kansas City,
                            Missouri, with an interest rate bid of   Each high school junior and senior is given, at random, a career, a
     a resident with a
                                                                     salary and a family life situation. They are told they are the head of
     home valued at         2.9323%. The projected interest          the household at age 25. Then off they go to the high school gym to
       $150,000 an          rate that was used in the pre-           experience "real life" and make some challenging financial decisions.
    estimated $7 per        advertising of the project was an
          month.            estimated 4.3%. The lower interest                  Community volunteers are needed at the booths.
                            that the district received was due to            Volunteers will initial the student's checklist to verify that he
 With the lower interest the sound financial policies that are       has visited the booth. Volunteers can assist the student in
    rate we received,       in place in the district along with      considering different options on how much he will spend, but
   the actual cost will having a solid fund balance in               ultimately the student makes the final decision.
     now be only $5         reserve. The referendum was                      If you are interested in helping, contact Ann Hutchison
      approximately.        projected to cost a resident with a              at or call (218) 746-2164.
                            home valued at $150,000 an
estimated $7 a month. With the lower interest rate we
received, the actual cost will be approximately $5 a month                      ALC (Alternative Learning Center)
now. The district and the residents will save an estimated
$4,000,000 over the length of the 22 years of the loan               ALC through Freshwater Education District will be offered after school at
making the project an even better value for the length of the        the Pillager High School. This is for students who are behind credits
time that the building will serve the students and the               and need to make them up in order to graduate.
ALSO GOOD NEWS…                            Change in Ag2School       Classes will be held on Tuesdays after school depending on student
During this session the legislature brings added savings             scheduling needs. Students already enrolled should attend on Tuesday,
passed the Ag2School credit from                                     Sept 3 at 3:20 in room 354.
                                                 for farmers!
40% to 50% this coming year and
                                                                      If you have any questions regarding ALC you may contact
will eventually increase it to 70% by the year 2023. Which                    Ann Hutch at 218-746-2164 or email at or
in turn will result in reduced school taxes for farmers and                   Sue Turner at 218-746-2116 or email at
timber land.

                                       Our Pillager High School will again be offering AVID classes, this year to all eighth graders.
                                       AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a nationally recognized program that
                                       equips teachers and schools with what they need to help students succeed on a path to col-
                                       lege and career success. For one period a day, students in this course will receive additional
                                       academic, social, and emotional support that will help them succeed in other more rigorous

   AVID students will learn how to learn. Note-taking, studying, and organizing assignments are all skills that must be learned and
   practiced and students in AVID will be guided through their high school years with the skills to become more college- and ca-

   For more information, contact Principal Jason Savage or Mr. Matt Moen.
Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
In order to best meet the unique needs of our
                                                                                        9th grade students, Pillager will be providing
                                                                                            a   Freshman PRIDE
                                                                                       Throughout each week, freshman students
                                                                                       will benefit from a rotation of classes focused
                                                                                       on organization & notetaking, health &
character education, math skill assistance, English class assistance, and a check and connect day to check grades and
consistently connect with one teacher. The freshman year has proven to be a pivotal moment in time that can significantly
positively or negatively affect a student’s attendance, discipline record, and credit accrual. The Freshman PRIDE Academy
promises to help students thrive throughout this exciting, yet challenging, year and prepare them to succeed throughout the rest
of their high school career.

             PRIDE Hour
       for the Middle School
All middle school students will have the opportunity to
participate in a PRIDE Hour each day this school year. During PRIDE Hour, students will enjoy character education lessons
related to a variety of topics. Students will also have several options to choose from throughout this time. Students can use this
time to complete homework, if needed. This is also a perfect time to complete missing work, relearn material, or retake a test. A
wide variety of enrichment options will also be available related to all content areas. For example, students can use PRIDE
Hour to prepare for the annual Husky Spelling Bee, work on a Science Fair project, prepare for a Math Masters competition,
study for the 8th grade National Geographic Geography Bee, perfect a work of art, or simply read their favorite book. Certainly,
PRIDE Hour will be a tremendously beneficial time for all students.

                                                                                                    Metier continues its goal of
                                    Band                                                            finding the truest, happiest, and
                                                                                                    greatest versions of students in
                                    Concert                                                         a career field that makes them
                                                                                                    come alive in the Pillager
                                    October 28                                                      Middle School this year.

                                                                                                     Incoming 5th and 6th grade

Middle School Musical                                                                                Wayfinders will find their recipe
                                                                                                     for passion by learning how
                                                                      they play, flow, and love with dynamic, hands-on, game-
Auditions—Oct. 11                                                     based lessons and activities.

Practice begins—Oct. 21                                               7th and 8th grade Flowblazers will hear, do, and be six new
                                                                      career fields to see which one makes them come alive. The
                                                                      six are: Natural Resources, Engineering, Law, Business, Mili-
The Teen Reading Advisory Club                                        tary, and Construction.
(Grades 6-12) will have their first meeting on
                                                                      Sourcewell's Metier program is looking forward to a wonderful
Tuesday, September 10th. If you like to read and
                                                                      '19-'20 school year offering a wide range of college and ca-
want to join in the conversation, meet in Mrs.                        reer readiness experiences for middle school students on the
Bordwell's room at 3:15. Now you can follow us on                     way to their Metier, the job and life they love and loves them
Instagram: @pillagertrac                                              back.

Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
on school website)

                        NEW STAFF TO PILLAGER SCHOOLS
                                                                            Kayla Thompson, HR Director
I grew up in Baudette, MN. Upon graduating from high school I attended North Dakota State University in
 Fargo, ND for a 4 year degree in Management with an emphasis in Human Resources. I moved to Pillager
   with my fiance (Billy Johnson, a former Husky) upon graduating college and I LOVE it here. I enjoy being
outside, spending time with my nieces & nephews, and taking my golden retriever on long walks. I am ex-
                                                                   cited to be working for a great school!

                                                                                    Jayme Finstad, Special Ed
  I grew up in Rogers, MN. I am married and have three kids. My husband and I are moving our family up
     to Motley this summer. We are looking forward to being closer to family and enjoying everything the
      Lakes Area has to offer. I taught special education in Anoka for the past six years. I am thrilled to be
                                                            joining the Pillager school district team this Fall!

                                                                          Elizabeth Busch, Early Childhood
   I grew up in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, then attended school at the University of Minnesota Crookston
 where I played college soccer and went for my Early Childhood and Elementary degree. Then I moved to
  Green Bay, Wisconsin for a bit to support my Packers. (I’m a BIG Packer fan so I can’t wait to teach the
   preschoolers the “GO PACK GO” chant.) I taught Kindergarten for 2 years in Fisher, Minnesota before
  coming to Pillager. I’m currently engaged and will be getting married in the summer of 2020. I’m super
                                                                   thrilled to be part of the Pillager team.

                                                                       Tatum Sheley, Middle School Math
   I was born and raised in Backus, Minnesota and went on to attend Bemidji State University where I also
 played basketball. This will be my second year teaching. My hobbies include being a sports fanatic, travel-
ing, and playing overly competitive board games with my family and friends. I’m so excited and grateful to
  be back in the Brainerd Lakes Area. I’ve heard such great things about the community. I’m thankful to be
                                                                                 joining the Pillager team!

                                                                      Audrey Schleper, Agricultural Education
 I grew up in Upsala, MN, and graduated this spring from the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities with a
bachelor’s in Ag Ed and a minor in agronomy. I enjoys trail riding – including at Pillsbury State Forest – and
    am very excited to start teaching at Pillager. It’s a little daunting to start a new program as a first year
 teacher, but I can’t wait to work with all the faculty, staff, and students to build something that will serve
                                                                                them and the community well!

                                                                                          Kent Janicke, Elem./MS PE
  I grew up Northwest Mn and have lived and worked in Roseau County pretty much my whole life. I have taught 24
years and have coached numerous sports ranging from HS to College. I have three daughters and two grandchildren.
   I enjoy fishing, hunting, and most outdoor activities. I am excited to become part of the staff at the Pillager school
                                                                   district as well as a resident to the local community.

                                                                          Conner Uselman, Special Education
          I will be teaching middle school EBD this year. I live in Pillager and graduated from here in 2014.
   After high school I went to St. Cloud State where I graduated in 2017. I was involved in sports when in
       high school and coached basketball here last season as well as served as a long term sub last year.
       When I’m not at school, I enjoy camping, hunting, fishing and spending times with family/friends.
My favorite thing to do in the summer is fishing in Canada. Both of my parents also work at the school and
                                                                         my brother also graduated from here.

Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
Elementary Principal, Josh Smith
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the 2019-2020 school year! Each year brings excitement and new
challenges. There is no question that this school year will be no different, but the opportunity to work with the
students and staff of Pillager Elementary School is something that isn’t taken for granted and I’d like to begin
by thanking you for the trust you place in us to care for and teach your children!

The show of support from the Pillager community in approving the bond referendum last spring will create
even more opportunities for excellence moving forward. Thank you for your commitment to support the
amazing things that the Pillager School District and Pillager Elementary School offers this community! The additional spaces will
not come without some growing pains, but the minor discomforts along the way will be worth it once completed. Again, thank
you for your support!

School will begin before Labor Day this year with the first student day on Wednesday, August 28. This will make Wednesday,
May 20, 2020 the last day of school and allow for construction to begin as soon as possible in order to take full advantage of the
Minnesota summer. For some families, this may be one of the discomforts I mentioned earlier. We understand and, again, thank
you for understanding the thought behind this decision.

Another change that elementary students and families will notice is the transition from a traditional report card to a standards
referenced report. Information was made available to parents during conferences last spring and will continue to be made
available into the upcoming school year. There is also more information in this newsletter and posted on the school district
website. As always, you can contact me with questions as we move forward throughout this process.

Change can be difficult. Change can be messy. Change can be one of the most powerful influences for positive growth if we
allow it to be! How we approach change says a lot about our character and this is a life skill we hope to instill in your children as

Imagine if we went to our doctor and our care was handled using the same procedures and tools that were used fifty years ago
despite the advances in research and best practice. Would we be satisfied? Pillager Elementary School will continue to provide
a high quality education that is based on healthy, positive relationships with students and families. We will also continue to adjust
our work based on what is best for kids which makes change necessary at times. As the Elementary Principal, I truly appreciate
your ongoing support and faith in the fact that the overall safety and success of students is our primary objective!

In closing, I am anxious to begin another fantastic school year and look forward to working with the amazing students, staff, and
families who make Pillager Elementary School such a rewarding place to be!

                                                                                    You are likely to notice new
                                                                                    faces at Pillager Elementary
                                                                                    School this year. We are
  Pillager Elementary School is fortunate to be able to offer a co-teaching model   excited to welcome these
  of instruction in grades 2-4. What is co-teaching? In simplified terms, co-       individuals and we are
  teaching consists of two teachers working together in the same class to           certainly excited to see the
  provide the best support for students. Co-teachers collaborate using the six
  most effective options for working together in a classroom: one teach/one
                                                                                    positive impact each of
  observe, one teach/one support, team teaching, alternative teaching, parallel     them bring to the students, faculty, and community of
  teaching, and station teaching.                                                   Pillager!
  Co-teaching teams in 2019-2020 are:                                               Elizabeth Busch, School Readiness
  Grade 2: Mrs. Whitlock and Mr. Davoli
  Grade 3: Mrs. Thom and Mrs. Houle
                                                                                    Kent Janicke, Physical Education
  Grade 4: Ms. Wentzel and Mr. Kristenson                                           Cortney Kroska, Second Grade

Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
WIN (What I Need) Time
                             Pillager Elementary School has scheduled What-I-Need time for every student. Your child will be provided with targeted
                             instruction by a highly qualified teacher.
                             During WIN time, different instructional strategies will be used to meet your child’s needs. The teachers track your
                             child’s progress over time to monitor their success throughout the year. Groups are flexible and may change based on
                             your child’s progress.

                           Academic progress toward grade level standards in Kindergarten through 4th grade will be monitored in a
                           number of ways. An assessment tool that will be used is Star360. STAR assessments are computer-adaptive
                           tests which continually adjust the difficulty of each child’s test by choosing each test question based on the
                           child’s previous response. On average, students will complete the STAR tests in approximately 20 minutes.

Students will also be assessed throughout the school year using Jan Richardson’s “Next Steps in Guided Reading” framework. These
assessments will be given by classroom teachers and our Title I staff.

                                                            ENVoY stands for
                                                            Educational Non-Verbal Yardsticks.
                                                           It is a systematic approach of using non-verbal skills to manage students with
                                                           influence rather than power. Seven patterns of non-verbal skills have been
                                                           identified in teachers who have excellent classroom management. Teachers who
                                                           systematically utilize the full range of non-verbal management skills are able to
                                                           reinforce consistent and fair parameters while preserving their relationships with
each student, regardless of unique learning styles or cultural backgrounds.

Pillager staff have worked on high levels of systematic implementation around relationship driven, equitable communication and classroom
management practices that support a positive school culture. This work encompasses much more than ENVoY implementation which is
why Pillager Elementary School has earned Catalyst Demonstration School status!

While ENVoY was the launching point, Pillager staff have implemented and invested in:
     Time devoted to writing and implementing a belief based, comprehensive school-wide behavior plan
     Small group communication strategies and certifications
     One-on-one communication strategies and certifications
     Training multiple internal coaches in the Catalyst Approach to giving feedback
     Training and implementing S.A.F.E. Cafeteria strategies and earning team certification
     Training and implementing S.A.F.E. Recess strategies and earning team certification
     Creating physical environments that are easy to navigate, welcoming and organized
     Focused efforts on the ongoing implementation of S.A.F.E. Hallway strategies
     Over 20% of staff earning Demonstration Teacher status (hosting guests from across the region and state in their classrooms
    while demonstrating ENVoY strategies)

            Elementary School Morning Procedures
                Elementary students will be able to enter the building through Door G at 8:00 a.m., but they must go directly to the cafeteria
                 until 8:05 whether they are eating breakfast or not.
                Supervision will be provided in the cafeteria until teachers are available at 8:05. We are asking that parents arriving with
                 their children before 8:05, either drop their children off (students will go to the cafeteria) or wait in the vestibule until 8:05.
                The elementary office is a busy place, especially before and after school! Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
                Lastly, we encourage you to consider letting your children walk themselves to class as we continue to foster independence
                 in each of them. You can trust that this is more difficult for the parents than it is the students! :) Again, thank you for your
                 cooperation. You can contact Josh Smith at 218-746-2110 or by email at if you have questions.

Back to School Before Labor Day - important information about the MAY REFEREN-Pillager School District #116
Introducing Standards-Based Grading                                                          This grading system will begin
                                                                                                                   this fall at Pillager Elementary.
                                 Pillager School

What is a Standard?
A “standard” is a statement of what a student should know and be able to do at each grade level and course. They are aligned with local, state,
and national expectation, and allows for consistency of instruction across school and districts.

What is Standards Based Grading?
Standards Based Grading (SBG) allows parents and students to see exactly which skills and knowledge the student has acquired and which skill still
needs more development. Pillager SBG will consist of three levels: M (Mastery of Learning Target or Meets Standard), P (Partial Mastery of Learning
Target, or Partially Meets Standard), or D (Does Not Meet Standard). An ‘X” indicates a learning target or standard that is not being assessed in that
marking period.

Only Learning Counts!
In SBG, only learning counts toward reflection of your child’s understanding of that standard or learning target. Behavior and study skills (non-academic
indicators regarding students) will be reported separately from academic grades. A student’s final grade only reflects the work in the essential standards
that the student has been working to master. Some academic areas (PE, Music) may have non-academic areas as part of the local, state or national

What can Pillager parents expect?
   Parents of Elementary School students (grades K-4) will see the new Standards Based Grading this fall (2019).
   Parents of Middle School students (grades 5-8) will transition to Standards Based Grading in the fall of 2020.
   High School students will remain on the current grading system due to GPA requirements, etc. for colleges.

Students may be mastering skills and standards at different rates. Expect more personalized learning, opportunity for students to retest on standards and
skills they have not yet mastered, and differentiation.

Calendar and Conferences
Beginning this year we will only be reporting in two semesters (instead of quarters). Elementary-wide Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled for
January 21 and 23 (4-7:30pm) at the end of the first semester. As needed conferences will also be held on November 26 and March 10.

                                Thank you for your patience and support as we make these exciting educational changes!

             Book Fair: October 21-25                                                     Fall Fun Fest

                                                A large display is set up in the     The Class of 2021 would like
                                              Media Center during ”Book Fair”        to invite you to
                                               week. Students are able to look
                                               through the hundreds of books         Fun Fest
                                              available during their library time.
                                                                                     Friday, October 25
                                                   The display is also open
                                               during Fun Fest on Friday night
                                                                                                 6:00-8:00 p.m. in the Middle School gym
                                                  so parents can help their
                                                    children pick a book.             There will be games, a haunted house, food, and more!
                                                                                        This is an annual family event ... all are welcome.
                                                   All proceeds from sales             Children are welcome to dress up in their Halloween
                                                    are used to purchase                  costumes! If you are interested in having a booth,
                                                         library items.                             contact Ann Hutchison at 746-2164.

Our next meeting is scheduled for
Monday, August 5th at 6 pm in the Media Center.
PTO would like to thank the 2018-2019 board members,
Joanna Buresh and Kristina Lee for all their hard work during               How do I get connected to my child’s school?
this past school year. We are also excited to announce and                           Pillager Elementary PTO
welcome our new board members for the 2019-2020 school
                                                                            How do I get to know my child’s teacher better?
            President: Angie Gehrke                                                  Pillager Elementary PTO
            Vice-President: Nicki Fink                                                      I don’t have a lot of free time,
                                                                            but I’d like to get to know other parents from our school.
             Secretary: Lorie Winger
                                                                                     Pillager Elementary PTO
             Treasurer: Nicky Pexsa
Please reach out and welcome them! If you would like to be              I’m not much of a leader-type, (or maybe I am?) but I wouldn’t
involved with the PTO The next meeting is scheduled for                 mind helping out sometimes with activities for my kids.
Monday, August 5th at 6 pm in the Media Center. For more                             Pillager Elementary PTO
information, you can contact the PTO on facebook or
                                                                           The Pillager Elementary PTO is looking for elementary parents
at To help support the PTO and                         who don’t have much time but want to be connected.
their fundraising efforts to raise money for the needs of the
students, staff and school, watch for the Homecoming shirt                   Visit our website  
order forms that will be sent home during Open House.                        Email address:   

                                                    THANK YOU
  On behalf of the staff of Pillager Elementary School, I would like to recognize the members of the Pillager Elementary PTO.

  This dedicated group of parents contribute their time and organize resources that make our school a great place to work and
   learn! Their efforts often go unnoticed and underappreciated, but it is important that they get the recognition they deserve!

          Thank you, PTO, for all you do for the students and staff of Pillager Elementary School! ~ Mr. Smith and staff

                                                                                                              It’s really easy.
                                                                                                      It’s the exact same Amazon.

                                                                                                 Access Amazon at,
                                                                                                  then choose your preferred charity to
                                                                                                       receive .05% of the profits.
  Already love Amazon? How about using AmazonSmile! The same great Amazon
 you love but with .05% of the profitbe being automatically donated to a local charity.            Many local charities are available.
                                                                                             Why not choose the Pillager School PTO or the
                                                                                               Pillager Family Council (Family Center)?

                                                                             Now accepted in the District office or online
                                                                              for registration fees and lunch accounts

Athletics / Activities
              Fall Coach Line-up
                                                              Fall Athletic Registration Meeting
Football: Paul Peterson                                       (There will not be a formal registration meeting. Online registration is available.
                                                              Fall sports will have their own meetings with the coaches.)
I will be entering my fifth year with the                     All registration forms and paperwork for
Pillager Huskies Football Family,                             physicals are available on the Pillager School website.
fourth year as Head Coach. “We are
very excited about the opportunity we                         (see the left panel of the home page for the online reg. link)
have this season and to see where
this football journey will take us                                                          Monday, August 5
because day by day, we get better and better. Go
Huskies!"                                                                             in the High School Commons
Assistants: Jim Bentson, Chris Berent, Jacob Box, Josh
Brown, Eric Fornshell, Rob Freelove, Bryan Hutchison,         For all students grades 7-12 who plan to participate in a fall sport during the
Kent Janicke, Dan Johnson, Chad Koel, Randy Posner            2019-20 school year. (Sixth graders are included for Cross Country.)

                                                              5:30-7:00         Registration tables open / FANCARDS for sale ($50.00)
                     Volleyball: Nikki Bramer                                   Athletic Department available for questions.
                     I am excited to be back coaching         5:30-7:00         Physicals available from Lakewood Health System ($15.00)
                     and doing what I love. My assistant      7:00              ** JH/JV/V breakout sessions for CC,VB, and FB
                     coaches and I are excited about the                        (Grades 7-12 ***plus 6th grade for XC)
                     group of girls returning and coming
                     up. We saw so much love and
                                                              ** Break-out sessions lead by coaches will cover fall sport policies, rules,
                     dedication to volleyball over the JO
                                                              activities handbook, schedules, and etc. MSHSL league policies and
                     season and with working with the
                                                              expectations will also be covered.
                     girls over the summer. We are
                     looking forward to a fun season!
                                                              **To schedule your physical, please stop by the middle school gym locker
                      Go Huskies!
                                                              room hallway between 5:30-7:00 p.m. (Signs will be posted).
Assistants: Tricia Engholm and Katie Burgau
                                                              Checks for physicals made payable to Pillager School.
JR High - Tatum Sheley and Lonnie Stokes
                                                              Reminder that all athletes (starting in 7th grade) must have a completed physical every
Cross Country:                                                three years in order to be eligible to participate. Athletes may not participate in practice
Terry Hollingsworth                                           without a current physical, forms turned in, and all fees paid.
Terry Hollingsworth is no stranger to
Pillager. He has coached at Pillager                          Questions? Call: Pillager School Activities Director Wade Mortenson (746-2160) or email
in several different sports since                   
1992. He has helped with Cross
Country since its beginning in 2001
and became head coach in 2005.                                  Parent Night—Senior Night                             Start-up date and times for
Terry expects another great year
building on last year’s successes!                             Football:                                                      Fall Sports
Assistant: Kelly Savage                                        Parent Night - September 6
                                                               Senior Night - October 16                              August 12
                                                                                                                              9-12 grade football (12:05 am)
                                                               Volleyball:                                                    9-12 grade volleyball (8 am)
                                                               Parent Night - October 10                                      6-12 grade CC (8 am)
                                                               Senior Night - October 7                               August 19 @ 8:00 am
                                                                                                                              JH football:
                                                                                                                              JH volleyball
SALT SALE: Pillager Football Team Fundraiser                                                                          August 20 @ 3:15pm
                                                                                                                              5/6 volleyball
   Buy your Softener Salt from us!! $7.00 per bag. We will deliver!!                                                          5/6 football equipment day
                    Sale begins Monday, August 15            Order Deadline: September 9                              September 4 @ 3:15 pm
                    Delivery/pick-up: Friday, September 13 2019 @ Pillager High School;                                       Grades 3,4 volleyball
                            Arrangements can be made for delivery with athlete!!!!!                                           Grades 3,4 football (FLAG)
                    Contact any football player or contact the high school office 746-2113                                    Grades 2-5 cross country
                 **All extra proceeds go towards our Football Letterwinners/Camp Account.

Athletics / Activities
                                                                                                  Cross Country Invitational
Again this year a special FANCARD will be available for purchase for
$50. This card will serve as a discount card to local business AND will
be your ADULT ACTIVITY PASS to all Pillager School athletics and             September 19 will be the tenth annual varsity CC meet at Pillager
activities! The great thing about this program is that some of this          School. It will be at the Pine Beach West Golf Course at Maddens.
money will go directly back to athletics. Cards will also be available at
games and from the office.                                                   There will be five races:
                                                                             3:45 p.m.           Open to any elementary students and/or
                                                                                                 family runners. This will include our Youth
Students K-12: FREE
Adults:        $5.00 each game or FANCARD
                                                                                                 Sports team of 2nd-5th graders.
Over 65        Free with senior pass                                         4:00 p.m.           Jr. High Girls, Jr. High Boys, Varsity Girls,
                                                                                                 Varsity Boys. The girls run 4000 meters
ACTIVITY PARTICIPATION FEES                                                                      (2 1/2 miles) and the boys run 5000 meters
Musicals, One Act, and Speech: $40                                                               ( 3.1 miles). Most of the conference schools
Youth Sports:               $40                                                                  are coming to run with us.
JH (7th-8th grade):         $50
C/JV/V (grades 9-12):       $75                                              This would be great race to show our support to the XC team!
Family Max:                 $300

             SPRING SPORTS AWARDS                                                 Support                 GOLF AWARDS
                                                                                  our kids                MVP                   Abby Koel
TRACK/FIELD               Girls                         Boys
                                                                                     by                   Most Improved         Kennady Clyne
Most Valuable Sprinter    Jordyn VanVickle              Tucker Peterson          attending                Hardest Worker        Ethan Kocur
Most Valuable Distance Allie Watson                     Carson VanVickle           their                  Coaches Award         Evan Imgrund
Most Valuable Field       Julia Johnson (Jumper)    Ben Oie                      games this               All Conference        Abby Koel
                          Amelia Williams (Thrower)                                                                             Bailey Knoblauch
Most Improved             Mari Williams                 Sam Moyer
Husky Award               Mariah Ramsey                 Luke Woidyla                                     SOFTBALL              BASEBALL
Boys All Conference: Carson VanVickle, Luke Woidyla, Ben Oie,                    Most Valuable Player    Ella Kilchesky        Sam Jensen
Tucker Peterson, Hunter Gjovik, Spencer Schaefer, Gage Kersten,                  Most Improved Player    Brooklyn Rudrud       Griffin Decker
Boys All Conference (Honorable Mention): Luke Woidyla, Judah                                                                   Blake Clark
Beard, Jack Bentson, Carson VanVickle, Zacc Gilbertson, Eric Klein, Ben
Oie, Quintin Laveau, AJ Gratke, Tucker Peterson                                  Husky Award             Samantha Bennett
Boys Academic All State: Carson VanVickle, Luke Woidyla, Hunter                  PRIDE Award             Skyler Uselman
Gjovik, Ben Oie, AJ Gratke, Quintin Laveau, Tim Moyer
Boys All State: Tucker Peterson                                                  Spirit Award            Savannah Sprau
Boys All State (Honorable Mention) Ben Oie
                                                                                 Silver Slugger                                Brady Wermter
Boys TEAM Academic All-State: Gold
Boys TEAM- Section 7A-True Team Champions                                        Golden Glove                                  Erik Peterson
                                                                                 Park Region All                               Sam Jensen
Girls All Conference: Julia Johnson, Jordyn VanVickle, Mariah Ramsey,
Amelia Williams, Danielle Kocur, Tatum Scull, Grace Conklin, Jessa
Kimman, Mari Williams, Macyn McBroom                                             Park Region All                               Ty Swenson
Girls Park Region Conference Overall MVP: Julia Johnson                          Conference Honorable                          Cade Barrett
Girls Park Region Conference Field MVP: Jordyn VanVickle                         Mention
Girls Park Region Conference Thrower MVP: Amelia Williams
Girls State Qualifier: Jordyn VanVickle
Girls Academic All-State: , Jordyn VanVickle, Amelia Williams, Mariah
Ramsey, Tatum Scull
                                                                                                   Clay Target Results:
                                                                                                We finished first in our conference
Park Region Conference Coach of the Year: Terry Holllingsworth
                                                                                      and we also sent nine students to nationals in Michigan.
                                                                                            Watch news letter for beginning of February
                                                                                           for meeting date to register for 2020 season.

Pillager Youth Sports is now a part of the Athletic department.
Registration fees will be a part of the same family max as the high
school ($300 per family per year).

The Head Coach of each Youth Sport will be a part of the school-wide
coaching staff and chosen by the Varsity coach of each sport.
Parents are invited to join as volunteer assistant coaches.

All Pillager students get free entrance to all school athletics and
activities FREE again this year.

                    August 5
           Registration Night:                     Volleyball                                          Football
       For all 3 sports, grades 2-6                                                                    3rd-4th grade FLAG Football
                                                   3rd-4th grade
            (2nd for XC only)                                                                           Monday, Wednesday 3:15-4:45
                                                    Monday, Wednesday 3:15-4:45
  Registration table open 5:30-7:00 if              Meet in the elementary gym                         Meet on the Varity softball field in back.
                                                    Saturday morning games (some travel)               Saturday morning games/practice (times
  you have questions, OR registration                                                                       to be announced). Some travel required.
                                                        Sat practice-Elem. gym 9:00-10:15 am
    can be done online (see below).                                                                     Season: September 4-October 12
                                                    Season: September 4-October 12

Cross-Country                                      5th-6th grade
                                                                                                       5th-6th grade TACKLE Football
                                                                                                        Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 3:15-5:00
2nd-5th grade       Cost: $40                       Tuesday, Thursday          3:30-5:00               Meet on the Varity softball field in back.
 Monday, Wednesday 3:15-4:45                       Meet in the elementary gym                         No Saturday morning games or practices,
 Season: September 4-October 9                     Saturday morning games (some travel)                   games will be during the week (TBD)
 Meet in HS commons                                    Sat practice-Elem. gym 10:15-11:30 am           Season: August 20-Oct. 8
 Photo Day—September 9                             Season: August 20-October 12                       Equipment distributed on first day (Aug 20)
 Involved in local XC meet (Sept. 19)
     and Pillager 5K run (Sept. 28)
(6th graders are a part of JH team)                 Cost: $40 for either volleyball program               Cost: $40 for either football program

                see the left side bar on school website (

Youth Sports Registration                                                                                       $40 registration fee
Name                                                                    Registering for:              3rd-4th FB         5th-6th FB         CC
                                                                                                      3rd-4th VB         5th-6th VB
Grade / Teacher                                                         Contact Phone #

Child’s Birthdate                                                       Email for Alert Now

Check if parent is interested in being an assistant coach              Health issues that would affect participation:

Date Registration Received: _______________          Cash / Check received: $_______________

Release of Liability                               (This form MUST be signed before registration is complete.)
In consideration of your accepting my child or ward’s entry, I herby waive and release any and all rights and claims that I, my child/ward may have
against Pillager Public Schools, its servants, agents, or employees, for any and all injuries and other damages arising out of or connected with par-
ticipation in the activity. I further agree and consent to emergency treatment for my child/ward by a physician or hospital, in the event that I cannot
be reached. This waiver is in effect while my child/ward is participating in Youth Sports at Pillager Schools.

Adult Signature ________________________________________________________________________                            Date ____________________

Athletics / Activities

         Midnight Madness                             Monday Night Moms Clinic                              Home Game Themes:
The MSHSL allows football practice to begin on
                                                              August 19 — 6:30 p.m.                              Sept 6 Parent’s Night
  August 12, so we are starting at just after
                                                                                                       Sept 13 Tackle Hunger Night, Youth/Flag FB
 midnight in the early morning of August 12!!
                                                 Here is a special night for moms to learn about the   Sept. 27 Homecoming, Tackle Cancer Night
   First Practice at 12:05 AM on August 12
                                                  game of football. Taught by football coaches and      Oct. 16 Senior Night / VIT (Very Important
         Practicing under the lights —
                                                                  players. No cost.                                  Teacher) Night
             spectators welcome.

    Husky Pup Football Clinic                                Meet the Huskies                                      Husky Bowl
           Tuesday, August 20                                       6:30 p.m.                                 August 20 at 7:00 p.m.
              5:30-6:30 p.m.                           August 20 (same night as Pup Clinic)              This is Maroon/Gold Inter-squad
           free for grades K-4.                                                                                    Scrimmage)

The Pillager Huskies Fishing Team had a great summer.
With 24 student anglers, they were able to have a great summer league with plenty of
competition. The summer league is a multi-species event that has anglers recording their
catches and points earned. For example, A 12 inch largemouth is worth one point. The
boat captains, who volunteer their time, can take the students after bass (largemouth and
smallmouth), walleye, northern pike, bluegill or crappie. Final scores have not been
tabulated as of this writing. Look for final results in another publication. We fish every other
Tuesday night all summer, and have monthly meetings where new skills are
taught. James Linder taught the team all about swimbaits one night. Another night we
covered knots and casting. Anglers of all abilities, grades 6-12, are welcome to join the league. The team will have a winter
competition to keep these anglers on the fish. In addition to fishing we have been active helping out in the community. We
helped the Lions with their fish fry as they have been great in their support of the team. We also helped Mills Fleet Farms kids
fishing day. You may have seen some anglers in the Pillager Parade too. Check us out on Facebook at Pillager Huskies
Fishing Team.

                                                       New for the 2019-2020 School Year.
                                                       We are happy to announce a great opportunity for our
                                                       students. We have partnered with Little Falls to offer
                                                       some additional activities
                                                       Fall 2019:                              Winter 2019-2020:
                                                       Girls Tennis (Grades 7-12)              Dance (Grades 7-12)
                                                       Girls Swimming (Grades 7-12)            Gymnastics (Grades 7-12)
                                                                                               Boys and Girls Nordic Skiing (Grades 7-12)
*A shuttle van/bus may be an option depending on number of students involved.

*For more information, please Contact the Activities Office (218) 476-2096

*This partnership will also allow us some more Community Ed offerings. Please visit Little Falls Community
Ed for more details:

Notes from the Nurse                                                  Title 1 — “It’s for Everybody!”
Kindergarten students need copies
of their pre-school screening
information, birth certificate,
and original copy of immunization
record. Most kindergartners will need a
5th DPT and a 4th Polio shot to enter
school. All kindergartners also need
to have documentation of Hepatitis B
vaccination before they enter Kindergarten.
These items must be on file at the school
                                                                         Title I is a federal grant for schools that helps support students who
on or before the first day of classes.                                   need additional help. Our Title I funds are used to help reduce
                                                                         the number of reading groups, class sizes, etc.
All students enrolled in grades 7-12 must have evidence of a             Title teachers, as well as all teachers at Pillager are highly trained, li-
TD booster given at or after 11 years of age. They also need to          censed and working in their area of expertise.
have documentation of two doses of MMR vaccine. Contact the
school nurse for more info (746-2114).                                   We invite parents and community members to be involved with Title I. If
                                                                         you would like to help review and write grants or be involved in the
Please check the school website for information about wellness           planning of Title I or Title IIA, please contact our Local Educational
guidelines and Over the Counter and Prescription authorization           Agency (LEA) Mr. Josh Smith or our Title I teacher, Mrs. Wendy Hall.
                                                                         We encourage parents to be involved in their child's education here at
                                                                         Pillager Elementary School. All students in Pillager Elementary are able
              Before and After School                                    to receive services under the School Wide Title I Plan. We use data
                                                                         from our testing to determine strengths and needs of our students.
Parents, please note that students should not be in the school
building before 8:05 a.m. (see page 9 for information for                We want all parents to be aware of the many opportunities to be on
                                                                         school committees. This includes a Title I committee. The Title
Elementary students.)                                                    I committee will annually review the "Ten Elements" of school-wide
The school is closed to all children after school unless they are        planning as they work on the Title I plan.
in a supervised after-school activity or enrolled in “Fun Stop.”
Please know that they will be asked to leave the school to either        The district-wide Parental Involvement Policy procedures have been
go outside or home.                                                      developed jointly with parents of children participating in Title I pro-
                                                                         grams. The school will distribute this policy to all parents of students
                                                                         participating in Title I, Part A on or before September 20 of the present
                                                                         school year.

                                                                         If you have any questions concerning Title I, please feel free to see the
                                                                         LEA for Title I, Mr. Smith at 746-2110.

                CALL FOR INFORMATION
        5:30-9:30 p.m. $10.00 In the Media Center
      Course Prerequisites: Minimum of 15 students
     Students should have completed the 8-hour initial
    course through the MN Safety Council before taking
       this course for insurance discount purposes.
      Registration forms are online, or call 746-2105
                                                                                           SUPPORT OUR SCHOOL’S
                                                                                              ACTIVITIES, ARTS,
BOOSTER CLUB GOLF                                                                              AND ATHLETICS
                                                                                     JOIN THE BOOSTER CLUB!
                                                                                 Contact Wade Mortenson for info.
Call 746-2115                                                         or (218) 746-2096
for more info
Sponsored by Sylvan Township and
                                                                                                   Pillager School Community Education

A lecture series highlighting the historical moments of Sylvan, Rosing, Fairview and May Townships and the Cities of Pillager and East Gull Lake, other-
wise known as “The Pillager Gap”. These are the moments that give the residents of the “Gap” our sense of pride in our historical culture and the breath-
taking environment in which we live.
The series will be presented on the fourth Tuesday of each month throughout the summer at 6:30 pm. Presenters are listed below; most evenings will also
have a panel discussion following the presentation. Refreshments will be served. Open all area residents. Freewill Donation.

Tuesday, July 30              Early Non-Native Settlers              Mike North, presenter
Mike North presents on the first non native inhabitants in the Pillager Gap. Covering from about
1800 up through 1870 Mike will talk about the early newcomers to the central Minnesota area.
Fur traders, loggers, miners, farmers and merchants start pushing into the area previously occu-
pied by the Indian population. It seems the plot thickens and the relationships previously be-
tween Indian nations now becomes much more complicated.

Tuesday, August 27 Red River Ox Cart Trails                          Ron Miles, presenter

Ron Miles will present the Red River Ox Cart Trails and in particular the last trail, the woods trail, which
provided commerce and communication from Pembina on the north to St Paul and St Peter on the
south. This trail took advantage of the glacial corridor the “Pillager Gap” and our back yards.

Tuesday, September 24                  The 1862 Uprising                         Don Wedll, presenter
Don Wedll will present a detailed account of the 1862 uprising. This presentation will provide insight
into the complex relationships and alliances leading up to the uprising and the resulting impact on the
Indian Nations and their relocation to the reservations. Part of this discussion will include the rise of Hole
In The Day The Younger who rose to an unprecedented position of leadership, and his untimely death by
assassination along the Gull River.

October 29 The Gull River Lumber Company Jeremy Jackson, presenter
In its day, one of the most up-to-date mills in Minnesota, the Gull River Lumber Company had a huge impact
on the population growth of the area as it stripped a large area of the virgin timber. Located on the Gull River
on the south side of the current highway 210 in an area now under water, flooded by the Sylvan Dam. In its
short life in the 1880s and 90s this mill had an impact on the growth of Sylvan, Pillager and the surrounding
area with much of the lumber heading west to build the treeless Red River Valley.

                                                                                    The weight room is open
                                         Information is                                various hours for
                                         now available                                 students and the
                                                                                      community through
                                          about how to
                                                                                          August 22.
                                        order a Pillager
                                         Huskies letter                           7:30-8:30 am
                                                                                  Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday
                                          jacket on the
                                        Athletic page of                          5:30-6:30 pm
                                           the website.                           Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday

                                                                                  7:30-8:30 pm
                                                                                  Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
 Please stay connected to your student’s progress and lunch account information by accessing this information
 online. You can get to this information from the school website through the link on the left side of the home page
 —OR — through the web address below.

                                     Parents                                Students
                                          Click here                                                                    Click here

 Make sure you have the correct SCHOOL YEAR                                                                         Make sure you have the correct SCHOOL YEAR

      User name: parent’s last name in lowercase                                                                    User name; Last two digits of your graduating
                                          letters                                                                   year, first initial of first name, last name.
                                                                                                                    Ex: 17jdoe
    Enter your password. (If you do not remember
    your password, please speak to a secretary to                                                                   Password: Lunch number, first initial of first
                                        access it.)                                                                 name last name. Ex: 1234jdoe

        After you click “login” you may look at your                                                                After you click “login” you may look at your ab-
   child’s absences, tardies, report card, progress                                                                 sences, tardies, report card, progress report and
      report and lunch account info. You may also                                                                   lunch account info. (Online registration is not
             update your address, phone, or email.                                                                  available at this time.)

                                      ACT test registration deadline                                                          NHS Blood Drive
                                    for the Saturday, September 14
                                      test date is Friday, August 16.
                                        Please go to to
                                                                                   October 2                        9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

          All seniors who have not taken the ACT and who are                   .
   planning on attending a four year college are encouraged to                                     Community members, parents, and students interested
    register for the September ACT. Students who have taken                                  in donating blood can contact Ms. Prax at to
  the ACT, but who would like to take it again should also sign                                  reserve your donation spot. This event is sponsored by the
                               up for the September ACT Test.                           National Honor Society in conjunction with the American Red Cross.

                                                             School Leadership
                          1                       2                      3                       4                     5                        6

1 - Becky Bennett             2– Brian Grimsley           3 - Shawn Hunstad              4- Scott Mudgett           5- Sara Nagel            6—Steve Uban
12328 Upper Sylvan Rd. SW     12423 43rd Ave SW           13710 13st Avenue SW           13129 25th Ave SW          11059 Richmond rd SW     10504 Orchard Pk Ln SW
Pillager, MN 56473            Pillager, MN 56473          Pillager, MN 56473             Pillager, MN 56473         Pillager, MN 56473       Pillager, MN 56473
(218) 851-7527                (218) 746-4207              (218) 828-4268                 218) 820-9935              (218) 746-4478           (651) 247-1335
Policy, Budget                Facilities, Activities      Budget, Personnel              Personnel, Facilities,     Curriculum, Policy       Activities, Curriculum

Administration Team
Superintendent              Elementary Principal       MS / HS Principal     Director of Curriculum       Assistant Principal         Assistant Principal
Mike Malmberg               Josh Smith                 Jason Savage          Dave Olson                   Erin Anderson               and Activities Director
746-2100                    746-2110                   746-2117              746-2103                     746-2115                    Wade Mortenson 746-2096  
Transportation Information
                                                  Parents, please call the bus garage by 7:00 a.m. if your child/children will not be riding the bus for the
                                                  day. This will help the buses stay on schedule!

                                           Fornshell Bus Service will be in the office for Open House, August 28 from 4:30-7:00 p.m. to answer any
   Our transportation services are handled
                                           question regarding school bus transportation.
          by Fornshell Bus Service.
                                                  Special note: Students are allowed only ONE designated bus stop in the morning and ONE designated
                                                  bus stop in the afternoon. These stops must be registered through Fornshell Bus and Pillager School.
                (218) 746-3770

        Online info: School Website                              Transportation information forms were due by July 1.
   Use “services” tab on top of home page                 No bussing is guaranteed without a completed bus form. Please mail
                                                       forms to Fornshell Bus Service or the Pillager School as soon as possible.
Bus Safety on the roads:
 Parents and district residents need to understand state laws in regards to school buses.
 When school is in session, buses will be stopping on all forms of roads: state highways, county roads, city streets and township roads. When buses
    stop, it means that a child is being picked up or dropped off. Red flashing lights mean that you must stop. It is illegal to pass a bus on either side
    while meeting or following the bus when the red lights are flashing.
Bus Safety at school:
We also ask that you follow the bus safety in the area around the school building.
 The one way streets and driving restrictions have been developed for the safety of kids. The parking lot on the south side of the school is a one way
    parking lot. Please enter from the east end only and exit from the west end only. This helps the flow of traffic off of East Second St. as it is one way.
Each student in kindergarten through grade ten receives bus safety training every year. All students take a written and practice test.
As adult drivers, please be good examples. Thank you for your help in making school a safer place for kids.

                                                                     Allergy Alert
                          Based on studies in the United States approximately 1 out of 125 children have a peanut allergy. Allergies to pea-
                          nuts, shellfish, and eggs, along with other allergies have increased in the last decade. Therefore, it seems that it is
                          likely that we will have students with food allergies in our school system.

                          We have implemented a PEANUT-FREE ZONE in our Elementary cafeteria. A table will be set aside for students
                          with peanut and other food allergies. Students may sit at this table with friends if their breakfast or lunches do not
                          include peanuts, peanut oil, or other known food allergies. Our goal is to keep all students safe!

 Look for us online:                              Like us on facebook:                             Pillager Public School                     Pillager Area Lions Club                           Pillager Area Fire & Rescue                     Pillager Huskies Booster Club                              Pillager Area Family Center                               Pillager Fair
                                                  Pillager PTO
                                                  Pillager Minnesota History                           The school has a new
                                                  Pillager Baseball
                                                  Pillager Huskies Football Family                     phone system. Please
                                                  Pillager Huskies Fishing Team
                                                  Pillager Clay Target League
                                                                                                       be patient as we
                                                  Pillager Youth Baseball                              learn how to use it.
You can also read