Page created by Arthur Thomas

                                                   Mining and Energy

                                               Strong Union. Safer Workplace.        VOL 83 NO. 1

Black Lung                                                100%
                                                                         Maintain adequate
                                                                         ventilation and sprays
                                                                         Be aware of dust
                                                                         sources in your
                                                                         Avoid operating
                                                                         of dust sources
                                                                         if possible
                                                                         Wear respiratory
                                                                         PPE correctly
                                                                         Attend your regular
                                                                         medical assessments
                                                                         Get a chest x-ray
                                                                         when advised

   Protecting against
airborne dust exposure
     in coal mines

                         ‘Protecting against airborne dust exposure in
                         coal mines’ is now available to download from
General President Tony Maher Reports
Save Dave campaign highlights
injustice of our industrial laws
                                                                                                         know they have also received letters
                                                                                                         from leading Federal MPs. There is a
                                                                                                         petition that members can sign on our
                                                                                                         website as well as a host of videos
                                                                                                         supporting Dave.
                                                                                                              The absurdity and injustice of
                                                                                                         Dave’s sacking by a callous and
                                                                                                         vindictive mining company not only
                                                                                                         damages South 32’s reputation, it puts
                                                                                                         its social licence to operate at risk and
                                                                                                         that is not good for our mining industry
                                                                                                         as a whole.
                                                                                                              The public increasingly understands
With Federal Labor Leader Bill Shorten in Canberra on Budget Day, from left to right: Federal Labor MP
Stephen Jones, South West District Secretary Lee Webb, Bill Shorten, Dave McLachlan, South West
                                                                                                         that when a worker is unfairly
Vice-President Bob Timbs and Federal Labor MP Sharon Bird.                                               sacked, the repercussions can have
                                                                                                         a devastating effect on their family

      he recent vindictive sacking                   mates are devastated by South 32’s                  too. Dave’s wife Joan and his mum
      of our Appin Lodge President                   vindictive and callous attack on Dave.              Ruth, along with the rest of his family,
      and Central Councillor Dave                         His sacking is completely against              are playing a magnificent role in
McLachlan is a perfect illustration                  Australia’s community standards and                 highlighting the wider consequences of
of just how stacked Australia’s                      values. The CFMEU has launched a                    this injustice.
industrial laws are in favour of                     national campaign calling on all fair-                   Our Union is legally fighting Dave’s
big business and against ordinary                                                                        unfair dismissal. We are also prosecuting
                                                     minded Australians who support a Fair
workers and why they need to be                                                                          South 32’s Appin managers for their
                                                     Go to stand with Dave and demand
changed.                                                                                                 failure to meet their legal obligations
                                                     South 32 immediately reinstate him.
     Dave led a 10-minute novel protest                   As Common Cause goes to press,                 to supply the work clothes and laundry
before the start of day shift on 7                   the Save Dave campaign is gaining                   service as per the agreement.
March at South 32’s Appin colliery. Our              momentum every day featuring                             It is South 32 who should
members held a meeting dressed in                    prominently on TV, radio and front                  be copping the rap for breach of
helmets, boots, shirts and undies in a               pages throughout the Illawarra.                     agreement and failure to respect its
light hearted gesture to highlight the                    During the federal Budget week,                employees. Dave’s sacking is a clear
company’s year-long refusal to honour                Dave and supporters took the                        cut case of workplace mistreatment.
its legal obligation to supply the workers           campaign to our national political                  We’re urging everyone to get behind
with new work clothes and a laundry                  leaders in Canberra. Among those who                the Save Dave campaign and calling
service. Point made, they donned their               met Dave to support his reinstatement               on South 32 executives to end this
dirty company work clothes and were on               are Labor Leader Bill Shorten, Senator              injustice and give Dave his job back.
the job 10-minutes later.                            Jacqui Lambie as well
     In a massive over-reaction, South               as many more Federal
32 has singled out Dave for the                      MPs.
severest punishment and sacked him.                       The Union movement
     Dave has worked at the Appin                    throughout Australia is
Colliery for 16-years and has an                     rallying behind the Save
unblemished work record. He has                      Dave campaign with new
never been disciplined or ever warned.               ACTU Secretary Sally
     For the past 10-years Dave has                  McManus appearing in
been the Lodge President at Appin                    a TV Ad calling on the
and a leader in ensuring the colliery                public to Save Dave.
had been one of the most industrially                     As General
harmonious and productive in the coal                President of our Union, I
industry.                                            have written to the CEO
     Dave is a 30-year veteran of the coal           and Chairman of South
mining industry, a local, hard working               32 calling for Dave’s
family man. His family and his work                  reinstatement. We             Save Dave led Wollongong’s May Day march.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                                                 COMMON CAUSE         3
General Secretary Andrew Vickers Reports

Fair Go needed to win community
respect and trust, not mining
companies spin
BHP spends millions in new publicity
campaign to rebrand itself

          ining companies operating             He went on to say…. “around              Promise you will not spend tens
          in Australia are among           the world everyone is talking about       of millions of dollars in future to
          some of the richest and          the lack of trust in corporations.        politically intervene and undermine
most profitable in the world. They         Companies like ours face huge             governments that seek no more than
are also among the most ruthless           challenges in the Western world,          ensure you pay your fair share of tax
and greedy corporations that               trust has been lost in companies          from massive profits and royalties.
have gorged themselves at the              like ours and if we are going to              Treat your workers and their
expense of their workforces and            reverse that we have got to get out       unions with the respect they deserve
the Australian public. Many are            and change the way in which the           and stop backing conservative
starting to realise that they are          community looks at us and thinks          political parties imposing repressive
increasingly on the nose with the          about us”, he said.                       industrial laws that strip workers of
public and that it may be time to do            And that’s the problem. BHP, or      basic rights and conditions.
something about it.                        any other greedy mining corporation,          These are just a few simple steps
    So what to do? Change ways and         will not change “the way in which         BHP could take on its journey to win
become a better corporate citizen by       the community looks at us and thinks      the respect and trust it says it wants.
adopting the principles of a Fair Go       about us” if it does not change how       Throwing millions at rebranding your
for workers and the public? Not on         it acts!                                  company with a new logo on a new
your life!                                      Let’s give them some free advice     masthead won’t cut it.
    Their natural instinct is to try and   here about winning the respect and            BHP and all other mining
spin their way out of it. Bring in the     trust of its workers and the community.   companies should be judged by
whitewash. Spend big to promote                 For starters, go back to being an    what they do and how they act. It
a new more caring image in the             employer of direct labour rather than     is not about a superficial rebranded
public’s eye, just as BHP Billiton         relying so heavily on contractors and     image. It is about real character and
is now attempting to do with its           labour hire. BHP runs the highest         substance. It is about becoming a
announcement of a multi-million            contracting rate of major mining          good corporate citizen.
dollar advertising and promotional         companies – in the order of 70% of
campaign in an effort to rebrand           its workforce, rather than the average
itself.                                    30-40%.                                     Common Cause is published
    Having trashed its reputation in            Stop aggressively cutting wages        by Tony Maher for the Mining
recent years, the giant multinational      and conditions by shifting to more          and Energy Division of the
                                           vulnerable contract and labour hire         Construction, Forestry, Mining and
is dropping the Billiton from its name                                                 Energy Union (CFMEU).
and reverting to BHP.                      workers. Get real about reaching an
    The company is telling the             overdue fair EA with your workforce         Editor: Paddy Gorman
media that the rebranding campaign         in Central Queensland.                      Phone: (02) 9267 1035
is designed to rebuild trust and                A good start to rebuilding public      Web:
respect within the community. “To          trust would be to stop hammering
                                                                                       Pictured on cover are sacked
be successful we absolutely need           regional communities by inflicting          Appin Lodge President Dave
the support of our communities and         100% FIFO operations on them that           McLachlan with his wife
our stakeholders, and the reality is       lock out locals from permanent jobs         Joan and South West District
                                           on their doorsteps.                         Secretary Lee Webb.
we need permission to operate at all                                                   Designed & Printed by Breakout
different levels”, BHP’s chief external         Stop robbing Australia of billions
affairs officer Geoff Healy has told       in tax via your ‘marketing hub’ in          Phone (02) 9283 0123
the media.                                 Singapore.

4   COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                 VOL 83 NO.1
for killing
should go to
Dirty deals letting
mining bosses off
the hook for workers
deaths                                   Queensland District President Steve Smyth.

       ur Union’s Queensland             these companies and their bosses to           mining bosses.
       District has hit out angrily      account,” he said.                                  “The dirty deal over the death of
       at State politicians over              Anglo had three fatalities at their      Ian Downes follows closely on the
dirty deals being done with mining       mining operations in the period of May        recent disgraceful paltry fine handed
bosses that allow them off the hook      2014 to February 2015 and not one             down to Anglo American after the
when they have contributed to the        person has been held accountable              company pleaded guilty to the death
death of a worker.                       to date, despite the fact Anglo had           of another Grasstree miner, Paul
    The latest shameful deal was         pleaded guilty to one charge, which           McGuire.
struck on 11 May by the Queensland       led to the death of Mr Downes.                      “Anglo was given a get out of
Government and mining giant Anglo             Steve Smyth said while the family        jail free card last year and literally
and allowed three mining bosses to       and workmates mourn the loss of a             got away with murder in the case of
walk free after their involvement in     loved one, friend and colleague, the          Paul McGuire’s death because of the
the fatality of coal mineworker Ian      Queensland Government has rubbed              absolute inadequacies in the present
Downes in December 2014.                 salt into the wound by accepting this         system. That Anglo could plead guilty
    Ian received fatal injuries when     “dirty deal” and allowing these bosses        for disregarding safety obligations that
the mine wall failed and fell on         to walk free.                                 resulted in the death of Paul McGuire
him at Anglo American’s Grasstree             “Yet again justice for a life has been   and be given a paltry fine of only
underground mine in Central              denied. The Queensland Government             $137,000 was an offense to every
Queensland. Charges were                 and its Departments should be standing        worker in this country.
brought against three mine               up to industrial homicide, not excusing             “The failure to again punish Anglo
bosses and Anglo Coal (Capcoal           it. The Queensland Government and             for its role in the death of another of
Management Pty Ltd).                     its Departments need to be held               its miners sends a clear signal that
    Queensland District President        accountable for their role in protecting      mining companies hold no respect for
Steve Smyth said that the                bosses that have killed a worker”,            the lives of their employees and that
Government should never have             he said.                                      the Government allows them to get
accepted a deal that allowed the three        Stephen Smyth said that the Union        away with it is a disgrace.
mine bosses to walk free.                is more concerned than ever about the               “While the Union expresses our
    “If you kill a worker, you should    lack of accountability for the lives of       deepest condolences to Ian’s family,
go to jail – it’s that simple,” said     mineworkers. “These dirty deals are           friends and work mates, we will
Mr Smyth. “These guys will now be        being struck at a time when we are            continue to fight this injustice. We
free to continue managing mines          discovering more and more victims             will continue to campaign for laws
without having to face justice and       of Black Lung and other dust related          that respect the lives and rights of
be held accountable for their poor       diseases in our mines.                        workers and we say very simply that
management that led to the death              “We have a right to expect               we won’t rest until mining bosses are
of Ian Downes.                           the Government of the day and its             held to proper account for lives lost in
    “The Queensland Government           Departments put the lives of workers          our industry. When you kill a worker,
and its Departments need to stop         and the welfare of our families ahead         you should go to jail”, said Stephen
protecting big business and hold         of the greedy corporate interests of          Smyth.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                               COMMON CAUSE        5
Our Union
welcomes Qld
new laws but
much more
needed on
Black Lung
                                           Pictured from left are: Black Lung victim Steve Mellor, Internationally acclaimed Black Lung specialist Dr Bob
                                           Cohen from the US, Black Lung victim Percy Verrall and Queensland District President Stephen Smyth.

       n the 70th anniversary of the       coal miners.”                                          system missed diagnosing many of
       historic Miners Federation               Under the new regulations, all                    the Black Lung victims.
       campaign to eradicate the           new coal mine workers will undergo                         Minister Lynham said: “More
deadly Black Lung disease from             a health assessment, including                         than 2,000 coal mine worker chest
Australia’s coal industry, our CFMEU       respiratory function and chest x-ray                   x-rays have been read first by an
has welcomed the Queensland                examinations, on entry into the                        Australian radiologist, and then sent
Government’s introduction of new           industry, allowing doctors to detect                   to be read by US-based National
laws to tackle its re-emergence.           changes that may occur over time.                      Institute for Occupational Safety and
     Just as our Union led the             Above-ground coal miners will also                     Health approved readers. This system
campaign in 1947 against Black Lung,       be subjected to a chest x-ray and                      ensures every worker’s chest x-ray is
today we are leading the charge to         respiratory function test at least once                examined independently by at least
not only finally eradicate the deadly      every 10-years. If they have worked                    two medical experts”.
disease but fighting for justice for the   underground, it will be conducted                          While these are welcome moves,
victims of Black Lung and other dust       every 5-years.                                         the CFMEU will continue to campaign
related diseases.                               Companies will also be required                   for much more to be done in 2017
     It was our CFMEU in 2015 that         to provide dust-monitoring data to                     including:
exposed the re-emergence of Black          the Mines Inspectorate every three                     • A 10c levy on all coal produced in
Lung in Queensland’s coal mines and        months. An Advisory Committee                            Queensland to support current
has since led the campaign against         of union, industry and Government                        and future victims of Black Lung
it, so it pleasing to report the latest    representatives will review the data                     disease.
positive response of the Queensland        and it will be published online.
                                                                                                  • A significant reduction in legal dust
Labor Government.                               With the new laws, Black Lung
                                                                                                    levels in coal mines.
     On 1 January reforms to work          will become a notifiable disease,
health and safety regulations became       which means companies are required                     • Stronger laws to fight the deadly
law providing better protection for        to report known cases to the                             disease.
mineworkers. They ensure:                  Queensland Mines Inspectorate. Coal                        The CFMEU also expects that
• Making it compulsory for companies       mine workers retiring permanently                      recommendations to come from the
  to publish dust levels publicly.         can now ask their employer for a                       Queensland Parliamentary Inquiry into
• Compulsory health checks for both        retirement examination, including                      Black Lung and other dust related
  underground and above-ground             respiratory function and chest x-ray                   diseases be immediately acted upon
  miners to ILO standards.                 examination.                                           as well as the recommendations also
                                                Chest x-ray examinations will                     made by the Senate Inquiry and the
• Compulsory reporting of Black Lung       be performed in accordance with                        Sim Inquiry.
  cases to the Government.                 International Labour Organisation                          It is fitting that as we mark the
    In announcing the new laws             guidelines, an initiative pushed                       70th anniversary of our Union’s
Queensland Mines Minister Anthony          strongly by our Union.                                 campaign to eradicate Black Lung,
Lynham said Black Lung “is a                    Another positive development our                  that 2017 takes its place in history
disease that does not belong in the        CFMEU drove is for a new system                        as the year we finally achieve it and
21st century and I am determined           of reading x-rays to the world’s best                  provide proper care and compensation
to continue to work with industry,         practice levels after some shocking                    for all those innocent victims of dust
unions, and doctors to protect our         and disastrous failures in the previous                related diseases in our coal industry.

6   COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                                      VOL 83 NO.1
Our Union’s Save Dave campaign led the May Day march in Wollongong. Pictured here are Dave McLachlan with his wife Joan and South West District
Secretary Lee Webb. In the background proudly waving our Union flag is Dave’s work mate Brett Reeves.

Keeping up with our Union’s                                                                          bequeathed to us. We can best add to
                                                                                                     this by remembering that nothing we

industrial and community news
                                                                                                     have today was ever freely given by
                                                                                                     an employer. Everything we have was
                                                                                                     fought for and hard won.
                                                                                                          We encourage our members to go
                                                                                                     visit our website regularly and check

       well-informed rank and file                of our members being informed                      out the news, videos and events
       is the key to our Union’s                  about the challenges we face and by                reported there. Use your devices to
       success in campaigning for                 encouraging action in support of any               join us on Facebook and follow us
better industrial rights and benefits             member or section of our Union that                on Twitter. You’ll not only be better
as well as world’s best practice                  is threatened by the unfair and unjust             informed but also proud of what the
health and safety standards and our               actions of employers. As our forebears             great people who make up our Union
engagement in issues that affect our              wisely proclaimed on our banners                   do on a regular basis.
families and mining communities.                  through the ages – An Injury to One
     In a rapidly evolving media                  is an Injury to All – United we Stand
landscape, our members can best keep              Divided we Fall – Touch one Touch all.
track of the important issues that form                These are more than mere slogans.                For all our latest news
our industrial and community campaigns            They are proven truisms that have                     Go to our website
through our social media platforms as             framed our campaigns and actions            
listed in the box on this page.                   and remain as relevant today and
                                                  they were over 100-years ago when                     Join us on Facebook CFMEUMining
     While our Union values its internal
communications, we know that the                  mineworkers throughout Australia’s                    Follow us on Twitter @CFMEU_ME
success of our many campaigns                     regions united to form the powerful
hinges on informing members and                   national Union we are today.
the public about our values and issues                 The challenge of our generation
through the mainstream press, TV                  now is to build on the rich historical
and radio.                                        legacy that our predecessors
     The lifeblood of our Union is our
rank and file. Historically, the key to
our successes has been winning public
support on issues like Black Lung, a
Fair Go in the workplace, Steady Jobs,
decent conditions and standards in
our communities and much more.
     We have had many notable
achievements and the common
denominator in them all has been
solidarity – standing together and
being prepared to fight for our rights.           Fighting from the front. Queensland President Steve Smyth addressing a community meeting in
     This is built on the firm foundation         support of the German Creek miners in Central Queensland.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                                                 COMMON CAUSE          7
CFMEU delivers another major victory against

  n another major breakthrough
  for casual labour hire contract
  coal mineworkers, our Union has
won significant pay and entitlement
benefits for SCM workers at South
32’s Appin Colliery. It consolidates
new benchmark standards set
by the Delta workers in their
recent breakthrough there against
    NSW South/West Vice-President
Bob Timbs said that after a hard fought
10-week campaign that saw them out
the gate for 3-weeks on protected
action, some 50 SCM contract labour
hire workers have won major pay
increases along with big improvements
in other entitlements, including job
    “The SCM workers are now
back on the job with the in-principle
agreement awaiting some tidying
up before going to a vote”, said Bob
Timbs. “The pay increases are at least    Protesting contract miners joined by 94-year old Union legend Fred Moore.

8   COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                      VOL 83 NO.1
as good as those the Delta workers      for forced casualization – all other      at South 32’s Appin Colliery not only
won ranging between $10,000-            employees can opt for a fixed 2-year      sets new standards in the NSW South
$24,000 per year and a big boost        permanent term”.                          West District. The gains can become
in their bonus. The other gains in          Bob Timbs said that the SCM           the benchmark for the thousands of
entitlements and conditions are also    workers deserved great credit for         other vulnerable casual workers being
comparable to the new benchmark         having the guts to fight. “They have      ruthlessly exploited by labour hire and
Delta deal.                             fought bloody hard to secure these        contracting companies who, in turn,
    “We are especially pleased with     gains. It has not been easy for these     are being screwed by the big mining
the gains against casualization in      miners and their families but our         companies that control Australia’s coal
favour of security of employment. At    Union has backed them all the way         industry.
least one-third of the SCM employees    and we are delighted that their will to       It shows what determined and
will now move from casuals to           fight for a Fair Go has been realised.    united action by workers backed by a
permanent employment. Further,          They deserve nothing less”, he said.      strong militant Union like our CFMEU
there will no longer be any provision       This battle against casualisation     can achieve together.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                         COMMON CAUSE        9
South West District Vice-President Bob Timbs addressing protesting contract miners fighting for a Fair Go. District Secretary Lee Webb is pictured on his left.

CFMEU defeats another shonky labour hire attack

     he CFMEU has repelled                             ‘agreement’ in the Commission                         a shot duck and not a risen Phoenix!
     another attempt by a                              we opposed it. However, the                               This is another important win
     shonky labour hire outfit to                      Commissioner ruled in Sparta’s favour                 for the Union in the face of an
further lower the bar on rights                        and the CFMEU immediately appealed                    onslaught by ruthless cost-cutting
and conditions in the coal mining                      to a Full Bench of the Commission.                    labour hire companies in our industry
industry by exploiting vulnerable                          Fortunately, the Full Bench saw                   that are being used by the big
contract workers.                                      the shonky deal for what it was and                   mining companies in an attempt to
    In an important win in the Fair                    sent it back to the Commissioner who                  further casualise the coal industry
Work Commission, our Union                             then reversed her original decision                   and undermine the benefits and job
successfully appealed against an                       and Sparta’s ‘national agreement’ was                 security of the entire workforce.
earlier decision that would have
granted Sparta Mining Services Pty
Ltd the right to register a ‘national
agreement’ that set a new low for
labour hire contract workers in the
industry, with a wage rate just 4%
above the bare Award.
    Basically, Sparta’s ‘agreement’
was struck with just three employees.
These workers had been employed by
Sparta Mining until the company went
broke owing money. Sparta went
out of existence on a Friday and like
a Phoenix it rose from the ashes on
the following Monday, this time with
the letter n removed from the name
of the company to become Sparta
    The ‘new’ company struck a
shonky deal with the same three
employees and was back in business
intending to use its cut-throat
conditions to harvest new work in the
Queensland and NSW South West
coal mines.
    When our Union heard that Sparta
had applied to register its new national               With the support of our Union, contract workers are fighting back.

10    COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                                               VOL 83 NO.1
We back
coal industry
programme to
promote mental
health and

                                          Mates in Mining Project Manager Andrew McMahon.

       hanks to a 3-year, $520,000        determined to be in the front line of             the NSW Minerals Council as Director
       grant from the Coal Services       supporting workers in our industry in             of Health and Safety. He helped
       Health and Safety Trust,           tackling mental health problems and               guide the industry on investigating
MATES in Mining, an industry              fostering wellbeing to prevent the                mental health issues, publishing the
programme to promote mental               scourge of suicide tragedies.                     industry’s landmark Mental Health
health and wellbeing, has kicked               The Australian mining industry has           and Wellbeing Blueprint. He is a
off in earnest in 2017. Our Union’s       been undertaking research focussed                passionate suicide prevention and
Northern Mining & NSW Energy              broadly on mental health and                      mental wellbeing advocate.
District Secretary Grahame Kelly          wellbeing in the industry for several                 MIM has hit the ground running
has been appointed by the Central         years and collectively (CFMEU and                 – supporting existing mine sites
Executive as our representative           companies) have decided to embark                 and fielding enquiries from across
on the Mates in Mining Steering           on the MATES journey, following in                Australia.
Committee, which will oversee the         the footsteps of the highly successful                Grahame Kelly is calling on
roll out of the initiative across the     MATES in Construction (MIC).                      CFMEU members who may know
industry with a focus on prevention            The mission of the NSW based                 a mining or resources site that may
of suicide.                               Coal Services Health and Safety                   be interested in the MATES model
    Grahame presented a                   Trust (HST), is to seek out, nurture              to contact Andrew (amcmahon@
detailed report to our recent 2017        and apply quality research for the      , visit the
Central Council AGM that was              benefit of coal miners and mining                 website at
unanimously endorsed by all District      communities. So it was a natural fit              au or hop over and like and share the
representatives.                          for them to provide funding to MIC,               MATES in Mining Facebook page.
    He spoke of the need for              which enables the appointment of
the Union to play a leading role          a full time Project Manager, further
in addressing mental health and           implementation at mine sites and the
wellbeing issues and suicide              creation of a sustainable MIM entity.
prevention. He emphasised the                  MIC has been working with the
need for the Union and employers to       mining industry for the last five years.
develop a committed partnership to        Firstly trialling the General Awareness
support those suffering from stress       and Connector training on several
and strain that often spark tragic        mine sites and more recently the
outcomes.                                 full rollout of the MATES model at
    Grahame told Common Cause             Glencore’s Glendell and Claremont
that the Union was aware of several       mine sites.
cases of suicide in the workforce              MIC have appointed Andrew
over the past few years. “Mental          McMahon as the MATES in Mining
health is an issue that cuts across all   Project Manager. He comes with a
industries, professions and sections      strong background having worked for               Northern Mining & NSW Energy District
of our community. Our CFMEU is            the Minerals Council of Australia and             Secretary Grahame Kelly.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                                      COMMON CAUSE       11
Mt Owen and Saxonvale CFMEU Lodge representatives with Ronald McDonald House staffers. From left – Jason Marshall, Adam Bennett, Brad Bates,
Rohan Bingham (RMH) , Les Schefe, Isha Doyle (RMH), Keith Gibbs and Ben Slade.

Mt Owen and Saxonvale CFMEU Lodges back
stricken kids

        ur Union members at the                   and Bayswater are also sponsors at                Bates told Common Cause.
        Mt Owen and Saxonvale                     Ronald McDonald House.                                 Since opening the doors in 1991,
        Lodges in the NSW Northern                     Ross Bingham CEO of the Ronald               close to 1,000 families call Ronald
District are now proud sponsors                   McDonald House in Newcastle                       McDonald House home each year.
of Newcastle’s Ronald McDonald                    said they are “so grateful for the                Communal areas of the House are
House (RMH) that provides a                       continued support of the CFMEU.                   as much about sharing journeys
‘home away from home’ to families                 The guys are so enthusiastic and                  as they are about sharing facilities,
of children receiving hospital                    supportive of what we do for the                  with families, staff and volunteers
treatment for serious and life                    families here at the house and we                 providing a caring and supportive
threatening conditions – whether                  really value the relationship that has            environment.
from disease, injury or a congenital              formed over many years”.                               Brad Bates told Common Cause
condition.                                             Our CFMEU members assist                     that the facility “is a fantastic place
    Mt Owen Lodge Secretary Brad                  in other ways too. Just before last               to go to see how much care and
Bates told Common Cause that the                  Christmas members of the Mt Owen                  support is offered for the families that
Ronald McDonald House features                    and Saxonvale Lodges went to Ronald               visit there. I’d encourage Lodges to
12 comfortably furnished family                   McDonald House to cook for the kids               visit the House and join those of us
bedrooms and six self-contained units             and families.                                     CFMEU members who are already
located in a peaceful bushland setting                 “The day was a great success with            sponsors. They deserve all the
on the grounds of the John Hunter                 all being so appreciative and we intend           community support they can get”,
Children’s Hospital                               on making this an annual event”, Brad             he said.
    “The staff are wonderful and
provide a great atmosphere where
the routines of home life can continue
as much as possible through stressful
and difficult times for the children
and their families”, said Brad. “Our
Lodge is proud to be a sponsor of a
room that helps to make it possible
for families to stay together at a
time when they need each other the
    Besides the CFMEU members
at Mt Owen and Saxonvale, our
other Northern District Lodges at Mt
Thorley Warkworth, Drayton, Anvil Hill            Getting busy in the litchen.

12   COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                                    VOL 83 NO.1
As Hazelwood closes, National Executive pays
tribute to workers outstanding service

        n Friday the 31st of March,          planned for the future.                    responsibility and a shared cost.
        the Hazelwood Power Station              We are sure that if governments             This Victorian Partnership
        in Victoria’s Latrobe Valley         had taken notice of the CFMEU’s push       Agreement with the State
officially closed, bringing to an            for Just Transition earlier, we would      Government, power station operators
end a long history of outstanding            have a better outcome today.               and workers was possible because you
service to the community. To                     We must acknowledge what’s             came together through your union to
mark the occasion, our Union’s               been achieved here - we have an            ensure no-one is left behind with the
General President Tony Maher on              Australia-first agreement in the Worker    Hazelwood closure.
behalf or the CFMEU Mining and               Transfer Scheme. While it is far from           Workers at Hazelwood should be
Energy National Executive, paid the          perfect it is a remarkable achievement     proud they have set a precedent that
following tribute:                           after the company reneged on plans         will benefit thousands of other workers
    Today is a very sad day for all          to stay open to 2025 and walked out        around the country.
Hazelwood workers, their families and        giving only four months notice.                 Let’s be clear about why we are
the wider mining community in the                Make no mistake - the fight here       here today: the Federal Government
Latrobe Valley.                              in the Latrobe Valley is not over. We      – including Malcolm Turnbull – turned
    The Hazelwood power station has          will be fighting under this Agreement      its back on mining and energy
supplied power and jobs to Victorians        to get every job possible out of this      communities across Australia.
for generations and, even with the           scheme for Hazelwood workers.              Considering State governments are
Worker Transfer Agreement, the whole             We must also continue fighting for     responsible for this essential service –
community will feel the impact of this       all workers across the country because     we now look to them for a solution.
closure.                                     private owners of the coal fired                We congratulate the Victorian
    The Executive today pays                 power stations around Australia have       District leadership, delegates and
tribute to all workers resilience and        announced they will all close as they      members for their solidarity and
determination to get a better deal after     reach their expected design life.          determination: Trevor Williams, Geoff
Hazelwood closes – you have stood                What we’ve learnt from the             Dyke and Peter Waanders have
up and fought when governments,              Hazelwood experience is that               demonstrated strong leadership in
investors and business would                 Governments can’t let private              difficult times. Special mention has
otherwise have done nothing.                 companies dictate the timetable for        to be made of Mark Richards and the
    You are the victims of short-sighted     closures. Governments should step in       other Hazelwood workers who have
companies who have spent the past            to protect the interests of consumers,     done a superb job in the media being
twenty years since privatisation taking      workers and their communities. Private     the public face of the workforce and
profit while failing to invest; and short-   employers should also be compelled         community.
sighted governments who have looked          to hire all redundant workers until the         Workers United will never be
the other way when they should have          pool is exhausted. It should be a shared   Defeated.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                                COMMON CAUSE       13
Pictured from left to right at Hole 11 tee-off dedicated to the South Bulli mine are Russell Vale Golf Club Captain Alan Sellars, former Miners Federation
General Secretary Barry Swan, mining Union legend Fred Moore, Wollongong Lord Mayor Gordon Bradbery, Federal Labor MP Sharon Bird, Russell Vale Golf
Club President Robyn Crowe and State Labor MP Ryan Park.

Russell Vale Golf Club                                                                                      Nebo reunion
dedicates its course to                                                                                     brings outstanding
history of local coal mines                                                                                 veterans together

                                                                                                                  he Nebo Colliery in our

  n a move that combines the best                         Barry Swan told Common Cause                            NSW South West District
  of the Illawarra’s sporting and                    that a plaque featuring a picture of                         has an outstanding
  historical traditions, the Russell                 each individual mine along with a short                history as one of the most
Vale Golf Club has dedicated each                    history of the operation was mounted                   militant and highest achieving
of its 18-holes on the course to                     on a stand at the tee-off point for                    Lodges in our Union. This year,
honouring a local coal mine in its                   each hole.                                             veterans held their second
area.                                                     “It was a wonderful initiative of                 reunion and relived many of
    Former Miners Federation General                 the Russell Vale Golf Club to celebrate                the campaigns they fought
Secretary Barry Swan was invited                     the contribution that local coal mines                 together and celebrated many
to assist by way of researching the                  have made to the development and                       of the victories they won.
history of Illawarra coal mines. From                prosperity of our community and the
this research, 18 of the names of                    local region”, said Barry.
Illawarra’s historic coal mines would be                  “It will serve as a constant
selected to become a feature at each                 reminder of the role our coal industry
of the course’s individual golf holes.               has played and it is fitting that it be
This naming concept was initiated by                 situated on a lovely Golf Course that
former Mine Mechanics Association                    itself has been constructed on part of
member Barry Johnson and Russell                     the reclaimed site of the former South
Vale Golf Club captain Alan Sellars,                 Bulli Colliery”.
the Sellars family being synonymous                       Federal Labor MP Sharon Bird,
with the history of coal mining in the               who comes from a long line of
Illawarra.                                           Illawarra coal miners, said it was
    There was a large turnout for the                wonderful to see two of the most
official naming of the 18-holes at the               celebrated passions in the region,
Russell Vale Golf Club on 24 February                sport and history, combined in this
with members of the Club joined by                   initiative.
many others in the community. Among                       “We are all proud of our coal
those who spoke were Federal Labor                   mining history and the Russell Vale                     Pictured from left to right among those
                                                                                                             former Nebo miners who attended are:
MP Sharon Bird, State Labor MP Ryan                  Golf Club deserves great credit                         Trevor Catt, the legendary Fred Moore and
Park and Wollongong Lord Mayor                       for helping keep it alive in our                        former Lodge President Roy Gersbach.
Gordon Bradbery.                                     community”, she told Common Cause.

14    COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                                           VOL 83 NO.1
Mount Thorley
Lodge members
rally to support
Troy Miles and
                                          Troy and Nicole Miles with their three sons Toby, Bailey and Zac.

       he strength of solidarity that     way he has handled this tragedy has                    to do what we can to assist. We all
       binds mineworkers together         inspired us all. His wife Nic and sons                 know that if any of us ever needed
       in challenging times is well       have been so strong and supportive.                    his help, Troy would be there for us.
illustrated by our CFMEU Mount                “While Troy has had made                           It is what being in a proud Union like
Thorley Warkworth Lodge’s support         progress he has a tough road ahead                     the CFMEU is all about – looking after
for their stricken workmate Troy          but his CFMEU mates at our mine will                   each other and always being there”,
Miles and his family.                     be with him, Nic and the family                        Edan told Common Cause.
    Troy was involved in an horrific
road accident last year that has left
him as a Quadriplegic. His injuries
were substantial and extensive and
Troy mustered every ounce of his
formidable spirit and resolve to keep
fighting for life. That he survived and
is improving is due to not only his
courage and determination but to the
love and support of his wife Nic and
sons Toby, Bailey and Zac.
    In his brave fight Troy was
also backed by his fellow CFMEU
mineworkers at his Northern District’s
Mount Thorley Warkworth Lodge
who, driven by Lodge Vice-President
Edan Price, hosted a race at the
Maitland Greyhounds on Australia Day
                                          Lodge Vice-President Edan Price presenting winners cup to Michelle Sultana with for her greyhound
to raise funds for Troy and his family.
                                          Struggle Street as some of the Mount Thorley Warkworth Lodge members look on.
    Edan Price told Common Cause
that they have now raised more than
$12,000 from the day.
    “It was a great day. Entry was
free to our Union members and family
who wore a CFMEU shirt. We had
great entertainment and activities for
the kids including a jumping castle,
ice blocks, drinks and face painting
and we ran raffles and prizes all day.
There was lots for the adults to do too
but the highlight of the day was the
running of The Troy Miles Cup, which
was won by a classy greyhound called
Struggle Street”.
    Edan told Common Cause that
he was proud and delighted with the
                                          Retired Mount Thorley member Solly from the Clubhouse          Retired Lodge President Rusell Trappel
support Troy’s fellow Union members       Hotel Singleton who raised over $300 for the signed            along with long serving Vice-President
gave. “Troy’s a great bloke and the       Newcastle Knights jersey.                                      Borax.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                                            COMMON CAUSE           15
The new ACTU leadership team of Sally McManus and Ged Kearney with supporters.

New ACTU Secretary Sally McManus’s call
to fight unjust industrial laws

     he following is an extract from            TV that our current industrial laws are           In 1938 wharfies refused to load
     a speech given by new ACTU                 wrong. I told her that it should not be      pig iron that was to be sent to Japan.
     Secretary Sally McManus to                 so hard for workers in our country to        People broke the law to oppose
the National Press Club in Canberra             take industrial action.                      apartheid.
recently. It was televised live                     I believe in the rule of law, but laws        There was resistance to
throughout Australia:                           must be fair and just and right. When        conscription.
    Australia’s workplace laws are              laws are unjust no, I don’t think there’s         Indigenous workers walked off
broken. Our minimum wage has fallen             a problem with breaking them.                stations to demand equal pay.
                                                    The right to strike is a human                The Green Bans saved the beauty
to a dangerously low level. Wage theft
                                                right. It’s our government that is out       of Sydney.
is a new business model for too many
                                                of step, not the Australian trade union           And then there were all the
                                                movement.                                    illegal strikes by generations of union
    Inequality in our country is the
                                                    The United Nations has declared          members that led to the very living
worst it has been for 70 years and 679
                                                strike action to be a right. The             standards we all enjoy.
of our biggest corporations pay not
                                                International Labour Organisation                 There are now 745,000 people
one cent of tax.
                                                declares Australia to be at odds with        without a job in our country. It is
    Our strike laws are out of step with        international conventions. Professor         particularly bad in regional areas and
international law.                              Andrew Stewart, an Australian                for young people.
    Our bargaining laws are inadequate          expert on labour law, says: “The                  There are more than one million
and unable to deal with the new and             ILO for the past 20 to 30 years has          people looking for more hours of work
ever changing business models being             told governments of both political           every week. 40% of workers don’t
adopted by the big end of town.                 persuasions that we are in breach of         have access to any paid leave.
    Now, the Fair Work Commission               international labour standards.”                  The new jobs being created are
makes decisions to cut the wages                    Yet our government and some              almost entirely part-time or casual.
and conditions of some of our lowest            major media institutions have a                   Underpayment of wages in the
paid workers. And the mechanisms                meltdown when workers stand up for           retail, farming, food processing, and
we have had to improve our living               themselves.                                  hospitality sectors are costing people
standards are no longer working.                    The question of what is a just           tens of thousands of dollars in what
    In short, the very wealthy have             or an unjust law and when it is ok           amounts to stolen wages. And every
too much power in our country and               to challenge unjust laws has been            week we hear of further scandals
ordinary Australians – working people           debated for a very long time. In our         where workers are underpaid.
– do not have enough.                           movement we take the examples of                  Wage growth is the lowest it’s been
    I told 7.30’s Leigh Sales on ABC            our heroes to heart.                         since records have been kept. Even the

16   COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                         VOL 83 NO.1
Reserve Bank has expressed concern          representative much harder by tipping                 saying we need to increase wages.
wages are not growing fast enough.          more power to employers.                              But we are the Australian trade union
     Our ability to have a dignified             And while the government talks                   movement and when wages are under
retirement is at significant risk, with     tough on unions, it refuses to take                   attack, we stand up.
an estimated $3.6 billion each year         on what is euphemistically called tax                      We fight back.
being taken from workers in unpaid          minimisation which costs us billions of                    The only thing that will stop these
super. At the same time, the Turnbull       dollars each year.                                    cuts and actually raise wages, protect
Government is looking for any                    Those billions are our childcare,                people’s rights and ensure we have
opportunity to hand over our super          our education, our hospitals and                      good, steady jobs is workers ourselves
to the big banks                            our pensions. All forsaken by this                    banding together in our unions.
     And our health, education and tax      Government as it allows corporations                       It’s that coming together in a union
systems are under huge pressure as          to avoid paying their fair share of tax.              which gave us the weekend, public
a result of tax dodging by companies             The stories of profitable household-             holidays, superannuation, Medicare
and the very wealthy.                       name companies paying zero dollars in                 and penalty rates in the first place.
     The notion of a “fair go” is under     tax seem to come out every week. Yet                  That list could go on and on.
attack from the wealthy and powerful.       under this government we cannot get                        It was the power of working
We are now a country full of stressed       a royal commission or a federal ICAC                  people, standing shoulder to
people worried about our jobs and           or even a properly funded and staffed                 shoulder and saying “no more” to
wondering why things have not turned        Australian Tax Office to begin to look                exploitation that ended the Master and
out as we thought they should in            into the problem.                                     Servants Act, indentured servitude,
Australia.                                       But it isn’t just large public                   WorkChoices and bans on married
     We cannot accept one rule for the      corporations. Australia’s wealthiest                  women in the public service.
rich, another for the rest of us.           individuals get in on the scheme too.                      Whether you’re behind a desk,
     Big corporations and the wealthy            According to the ATO, one in five                on a building site or a mine, in a
are accumulating more power and             privately owned Australian companies                  classroom, a factory, at a hospital, in
influence. They have reinforced the         with more than $100 million in revenue                a café or a shop. Wherever you work,
advantages they enjoy and have tried        paid no tax in 2015 - not one cent.                   you are not alone.
to weaken those who might try and                And 40 millionaires paid more than                    Our union movement has
shift the balance back towards working      a million dollars to minimise their tax               achieved so much that our rights
people.                                     bill. One million dollars each. And by                can sometimes seem inevitable or
     Particularly they have targeted        the way, that million spend on dodging                eternal. They are not. They were won
unions.                                     tax is also tax deductible.                           by generations of working people in
     This is what the Trade Union Royal          These corporations and the                       their unions. Brave people, courageous
Commission, the ABCC and the laws           extremely wealthy are deciding that                   people. Working people.
that the Federal Government has             we shouldn’t have as much money for                        The times compel the Australian
pursued and will try to pursue are all      schools, hospitals, community services                union movement to make a decision.
about.                                      and pensions.                                              We could meekly accept the taking
     But this is the reality: some               Australian unions were an essential              away of rights that those before us
industries are dangerous. Construction,     part of making the rules which                        fought for. We could say growing
truck driving, mining are difficult,        underpinned our once excellent living                 inequality and mass job insecurity are
dangerous jobs where people die.            standards. Now Australian unions will                 just inevitable and there is nothing
They leave their homes and they             lead a movement to rebuild them.                      much we can do. Or we could say, no
never return.                                    It is almost unimaginable that                   more. Not on our watch. We will not
     Families lose husbands, sons,          hundreds of thousands of workers                      be bystanders. We will campaign to
wives, daughters, aunties and uncles.       are facing a penalty rate pay cut at                  tip the scales back towards everyday
Communities lose their neighbours           a time when even Scott Morrison is                    Australians.
and friends. Parents lose their children.
     And some companies cut corners
to save money and to save time. If
we do not have strong unions, the
more corners they will cut. This puts
people’s lives at risk.
     This is why union officials don’t
prioritise paperwork or wait 24-hours
when they hear something is so
dangerous a worker could be killed.
     They go directly to that worksite
and they do what they can to stop
people being killed. They put saving
lives first. The fact they have to break
the law to do so is a national disgrace.
     This is what the ABCC is designed
to do: make doing the job of a union        Sally with activists in the Unions’ Build a Better Future campaign.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                                           COMMON CAUSE       17
Taffy Smale, left, pictured with former Miners Federation General Presidents Walter (Pincher) Smart, centre, and Bob Kelly.

Union loses another giant with the passing of
Bill ‘Taffy’ Smale, former Miners Federation
General Secretary by Paddy Gorman

       ur Union has lost another                     his wife Mary and young daughter                      determination to organise and fight.
       giant with the passing of                     Dianne, Taffy migrated to Australia in                Nebo was a tough underground
       former Miners Federation                      1952. On arrival in Sydney he heard                   mine owned and operated by BHP
General Secretary Bill (Taffy) Smale                 that the coal mines in the Illawarra                  subsidiary Australian Iron and Steel
on 13 Febrary, aged 93.                              were looking for good workers and                     (AIS). Its management came through
    Taffy, as he was known to all his                so he made his way down south and                     the company ranks. They were
friends and Comrades, rose through                   got a job at the Nebo Colliery. There                 ruthless and gave the workers no
the ranks as a Lodge and District                    he met the man who was to remain                      quarter in the pursuit of company
President to be elected as General                   his best friend and Comrade for the                   profits.
Secretary of the Miners Federation                   rest of his life – a determined young                     Fortunately, the Miners Federation
in 1973, a position he held until                    militant named Fred Moore.                            members were even more determined
his retirement at the end of 1982.                        Fred lived in a modest home in                   and never took a backward step,
Throughout those years he was                        Dapto with his wife May and three                     which meant a lot of time out the
involved in some of the most pivotal                 young daughters and Taffy was taken                   gate in industry disputes, many of
struggles and campaigns that won                     in to help him find his feet. Months                  them related to mine safety. Unity and
many of the conditions and benefits                  later, Mary, Dianne and Mary’s Mum                    Solidarity were the cornerstones of the
we enjoy today.                                      followed Taffy to Australia and they                  Nebo Lodge, in the mine and out in the
    Taffy was born in South Wales                    lived with the Moore family while they                community too.
in 1924. His politics as a young man                 set about building their own home                         Nebo became one of the most
were shaped by the sharp anti-fascist                close by. Fred Moore recalls that in                  respected and militant pits in the
struggles of the 1930s. With the                     the spirit of the times, “half the Nebo               Miners Federation with a strong
outbreak of the Second World War,                    pit got stuck in and helped Taffy build               presence of Communist Party
Taffy joined the RAF and served with                 his house”.                                           members, including Taffy and Fred.
distinction flying dozens of missions,                    Taffy, like Fred, was a natural                      Schooled in this environment,
many as a navigator.                                 born leader, a great orator who                       Taffy rose through the rank and file to
    In search of a better life for                   backed it with the commitment and                     become Lodge President, a member

18   COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                                      VOL 83 NO.1
of the NSW Southern District’s Board      Australian coal. While this presented       Board. In pursuit of joint venture
of Management and in 1965 he was          the Union with new opportunities            partners to develop the mine, both
elected to the Miners Federation’s        through increased industrial and            Taffy and Bill showed great knowledge
Central Council. The respect he won       economic clout, the advantages that         and an understanding of the detail
saw him elected District President        could be won depended on strong and         involved in the mining industry that
in 1969.                                  united leadership.                          left many government and business
     Taffy continued to provide                For Taffy that meant real vision       leaders stunned. But neither Taffy
astute leadership for a strong and        backed by militancy. Along with Evan        or Bill ever lost sight of where they
determined rank and file that faced       Phillips and Northern District President    came from and what they were there
many challenges, including the            Bill Chapman that challenge was             for – to serve the rights and interests
decades long drawn out fight for a 35-    thrown down in January 1975 when            of coal mineworkers and their
hour week that the Union won in 1970      workers at the Nymboida Colliery            communities.
and was finally introduced in 1971.       were dismissed with no pay and                   Taffy played a key role in the
     In 1972, Taffy led the Union         benefits when the owners decided to         Miners Pension, which had been
in supporting the world’s first           close the mine.                             established in 1941 as the first
underground coal mine work-in at the           The rest, as they say, is history.     of its kind for blue collar workers
South Clifton Colliery in the Southern    After taking over and working-in at         in Australia. Since then, all coal
District. Against all odds, the work-in   the mine, Taffy was among those             mineworkers had to retire when they
resulted in a much fairer deal for the    chief negotiators who arranged the          reached the age of 60. Taffy and the
mineworkers facing retrenchments          transfer of Nymboida’s ownership to         Union fought to have earlier optional
and provided the platform for             the Miners Federation. He was there         retirement introduced and they won it
improved benefits for many other          every step along the four-and-a-half        in two stages, first optional retirement
workers in years to come.                 year journey in which the Nymboida          at 58-years of age and then at 55.
     The 1970s were testing years         miners successfully ran the pit and              Towards the end of 1982 when
for the Miners Federation not only        in the process secured the United           he was 58-years old, Taffy retired to
in the industrial arena but in the        Collieries replacement lease in 1979.       spend time with his beloved wife
community too. Although proud of          Since then, thousands of mineworkers        Mary and grown up daughters Dianne
his service in the War, Taffy had seen    and many more throughout our mining         and Karen. Mary Smale was an
the devastation it inflicted on tens      regions in Australia have benefited         outstanding activist in her own right.
of millions of victims and became a       directly from the wonderful Nymboida        She had been a leader of the Miners
leading activist in support of World      legacy.                                     Women’s Auxiliary, a champion of
Peace. He was a staunch opponent               When Evan Phillips retired in          women’s rights and a key activist
of the Vietnam War and with the           1978, Taffy was joined in the national      in many of the socially progressive
Federation played a very active role      office by his old friend and fellow         movements in the Southern District.
in fighting the conservative Federal      Communist Bob Kelly as General                   When she came to Sydney with
Government’s involvement in it.           President.                                  Taffy in 1973, Mary became a leader in
     Indeed, the Union was to play an          In July 1979, they were both           the Union of Australian Women (UAW)
important role in mobilising support      particularly hit when the Southern          where she played a particularly strong
for the election of the Whitlam           District’s Appin coal mine exploded         role in the fight for women’s equality
Government in 1972 on a platform          taking the lives of 14 miners. Taffy        and in the Peace Movement. Mary
that included many industrial and         and Bob knew many of those killed           worked full-time in the NSW office of
socially progressive polices.             and their families too. When the Wran       the Building Workers Industrial Union
     In 1973 Taffy moved to the           Government commissioned Judge Alf           (BWIU – now part of the CFMEU
national stage when he was elected        Goran to conduct an Inquiry into the        Construction Division).
General Secretary of the Miners           disaster, Taffy Smale was appointed              Taffy was followed as General
Federation to succeed the retiring        as one of the two Assessors to              Secretary by another Southern District
Bob Cram.                                 conduct the Inquiry with Judge Goran.       rank and file leader Barry Swan, who
     In those days, the Miners            It is no exaggeration to say that Taffy’s   added to the rich contribution of his
Federation had only two full-time         knowledge contributed enormously            predecessors both in this vital national
national officials – the General          to the Inquiry’s recommendations            position and then as the coal industry
President and General Secretary.          that led to a much safer laws and           employees representative on the Joint
When Taffy took office he joined          standards in NSW coal mines. It is a        Coal Board.
another Welsh-born Communist Evan         legacy that has seen no more major               Taffy and Mary retired to the
Phillips who was General President        disasters in NSW near the scale of          Central Coast where they entertained
and had previously been a NSW             Appin.                                      family and friends until Mary’s sad
Northern District President.                   When the Wran Labor                    passing in September 1987.
     Under their leadership, the          Government gave the Miners                       Taffy is survived by his two
Federation continued to go from           Federation its replacement coal             daughters, Dianne and Karen, and a
strength to strength. The OPEC Oil        lease in the NSW Hunter Valley, Taffy       wonderful group of grandchildren, as
Crisis of 1973-1974, saw a surge in       joined Northern District President          well as his second wife Mary. To them
the price of oil internationally and a    Bill Chapman as the first two Union         all, we extend our sincerest sympathy
rush by the big multinationals into       Directors on the United Collieries          on their sad loss.

VOL 83 NO.1                                                                                              COMMON CAUSE       19
Sad loss of Frank McCarron

      ur Union is saddened
      by the recent passing
      of distinguished retired
Northern District miner Frank
McCarron, aged 92.
    Frank was a former Miners
Federation Central Councillor, a
member of our Union’s Northern
District Board of Management and
President of the Liddell Miners
    He came from a long line of
outstanding Miners Federation
activists. His Dad, Frank, was a
Rothbury veteran and one of 10,000
Northern District coal miners
who were locked out of work for
15-months from 1929 to1930 for
fighting against savage wage cuts.
    His grandfather William
Morgan was a Northern District
representative on the Miners
Federation’s first Central Council.       Frank McCarron, pictured when he was President of the Miners Federation Liddell Lodge in the
    Frank followed his distinguished      Northern District.
family predecessors in contributing
enormously to the struggles of coal       continued the family’s proud mining                     Frank’s wife Eunice died 37-years
mineworkers and our communities           traditions and even today Frank has a               ago and he later married Shirley who
particularly in the 1970s and 1980s       grand nephew working at the South                   survives him. On behalf of the entire
including the Nymboida miners             West’s Appin Colliery – the fifth                   Mining and Energy Division of the
takeover as well as the Kemira and        generation of the family spanning the               CFMEU, we extend our deepest
Preston miners stay-down strikes.         first century of our Union as a national            condolences to Frank’s family and
    Frank’s nephew Phil Patten            organisation.                                       friends on their sad loss.

Colouring-in Winners
Congratulations to the following winners of the Summer 2016
colouring-in competition who each receive a special prize:

Chloe Baskerville            11           New South Wales
Charlotte Dean               3            New South Wales
Ruby Ison                    8            New South Wales
                                                                                  Taleah Clark                        Wyatt Laycock
Taleah Clark                 7            New South Wales
Ave Tregea                   10           Queensland
Wyatt Laycock                7            Queensland
Luca                         6            Queensland
Lily Round                   8            Tasmania
Mitch Leslie                 7            Victoria
Isabelle Kay                 8            Western Australia                       Ava Tregea                             Lily Round

20     COMMON CAUSE                                                                                                             VOL 83 NO.1
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