McCONSTRUCT MAGAZINE - Quick Ten With Cherise Czislowski COVID-19 is an opportunity to reset our environmental future The Great Conflict: Office ...

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                                                         CONSTRUCT MAGAZINE
                                                                 ISSUE TWO 2020

Quick Ten With Cherise Czislowski
COVID-19 is an opportunity to reset our environmental future
The Great Conflict: Office versus Field


                      Are you getting what you ordered? (and what you PAID for?)
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                                                                                              CONSTRUCT MAGAZINE
                                                                                                                     ISSUE TWO 2020

  02 National President’s Message
  06 Ceo’s Column

  08 Quick Ten With Cherise Czislowski
  10 Vale - The Distinguished Australian

  12 Brothers In Artisan Carpentry And Old World Joinery

  14 Bam Claims World’s First Electric Road Roller
  14 Dutch Construction Vehicle Maker Riwal Is Using Its Equipment To Reunite Families Separated
     By The Coronavirus Pandemic.

  16 The Great Conflict: Office Versus Field
  18 Covid-19 Is An Opportunity To Reset Our Environmental Future

                                                               An introduction to the Australian Institute of Building
        is published by The Australian Institute of Building
                                                               The Australian Institute of Building (AIB) is incorporated by Royal Charter and
                                                               is the preeminent professional body for building professionals in Australia and
                                                               the Asia-Pacific region. The AIB has a long and proud history of supporting and
              PO Box 705 Jamison ACT 2614
                                                               serving the building profession. For more than sixty years the Institute has
              Email:                 worked with the building and construction industry, government, universities and
              Telephone:     +61 (0)2 6253 1100                allied stakeholders to promote the building profession, support the development
              Website:                        of university courses in building whilst promoting the use of innovative building
                                                               techniques and a best-practice regulatory environment.

                                                               The AIB is proudly supported by:
The            magazine is produced by
Ontime Publications. For advertising rates
please contact Steve Moxey on 0400 473 200

                                                                                                    The Australian Institute of Building   cm      1
A message from
                                                                  the President
                                                                          BY DAVID BURNELL, FAIB
                                                                          National President, Australian Institute of Building

    Welcome to the second edition                     the current isolation restrictions is a new   So, I hope you are looking forward to
    of Construct Magazine for 2020.                   date for the Award presentation event for     opportunities to utilise our AIB resources
                                                      each Chapter.                                 available online. I would encourage
    While we started the year against
                                                                                                    all members to ensure we have your
    a background of the country                       We are still actively engaged with both
                                                                                                    current contact information on file so we
    recovering from ‘bushfire impacts’                Federal and State regulators around
                                                                                                    can quickly advise on the Professional
                                                      building matters (using remote meeting
    the COVID-19 outbreak really                                                                    Excellence presentations as soon as
                                                      attendance), and we have been invited
    changed our world in March as it                  to support regular information back
                                                                                                    government guidelines are relaxed
    took hold amongst our community.                                                                enough to allow groups to meet. I would
                                                      to Government on how COVID-19 is
                                                                                                    encourage you to continue to support
    With a range of restrictions                      continuing to interrupt normal building
                                                                                                    the AIB throughout 2020 by paying your
    Australia wide, many businesses                   operations.
                                                                                                    annual subscription, and this allows us to
    including the AIB have had to                     Our engagement and advocacy roles in          represent your views and interests as we
    undertake a change to normal                      2020 are also actively working on your        work with Government on the rebuilding
    operations.                                       behalf with a number of stakeholders          plans and pathway back to normal
                                                      over the next six months with:                construction outputs before the end of
    We were still able to implement our                                                             2020.
    annual Professional Excellence Award              • AIB involvement with the ABCB
    program and Chapters have your                    in supporting Codes Board review              Stay safe and adopt the most current
    completed submissions in hand and are             formulating responses to parts of the         guidelines as Australia enters the
    progressing with judging of entries. Our          Shergold-Weir report;                         recovery phase of COVID-19 into June
    Annual Awards system offers the industry                                                        2020, and I look forward to meeting with
                                                      • AIB helping with BCC (Building Codes
    an opportunity to highlight outstanding                                                         you at a future AIB event when we can
                                                      Committee) to provide industry comment
    construction practice and innovation                                                            next meet in person.
                                                      and advice on technical matters within
    during the last 18 months, both
                                                      the rolling review of the NCC;
    around the country and internationally.
    Leading construction and management               • AIB nominating some members
    companies who have nominated this                 to support BREP committee work on
    year will still have a chance to celebrate        the six pillars to drive building reform
    the great projects they have worked on.           changes in NSW in support of the Office
    The only detail we can’t lock in under            of the Building Commissioner.                 David Burnell FAIB

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2   cm   The Australian Institute of Building

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                                                                                                                 over 25 years.
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                      Kordon is licensed and                                                                     repellent.
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So great is the termite threat in Australia             the material between two building elements
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      Technical Enquiries: 1800 804 479 Kordon® is a Registered Trademark of the Bayer Group                                          © 2019
CEO’s column
                                                              GREG HUGHES, CEO,
                                                              Australian Institute of Building

                                                    virus. I know I also speak on behalf of       ensure that we ultimately deliver an event
                                                    the National President in expressing our      to celebrate the successes in our industry.
                                                    positive thoughts with regard to the way      You will appreciate that at the time of
                                                    that the building and construction industry   writing this, heavy government restrictions
                                                    continues to keep moving forward. With        were in place with regard to the holding of
                                                    some sites now working over more days of      events, however we will continue to work
    Firstly, can I pass on my very best wishes      the week to minimise interaction as well as   with the relevant event venues in working
    to those who either have been directly or       the practising of safe distancing, we sense   through the issues that we are confronted
                                                    that the industry will pull through this.     with.
    indirectly affected by COVID–19. As we
    push through with the imposed, ongoing          However, in saying all of this, what we       Finally, despite the challenges that we have
    pandemic restrictions and generally living      can’t do is become complacent or as           endured already this year with drought,
    what resembles little of what was some          commentators have been saying – take          fires and now COVID-19, nothing is more
    four or five months ago, I think we must        our foot off the brake too quickly. You may   important than your family and loved ones -
    continually put things into perspective and     have read that Singapore was a world role     remember to safe distance and wash those
    consider ourselves ‘lucky and fortunate’ in     model for COVID-19 management and now         hands!!
    so many respects.                               cases are rapidly rising due to an outbreak   Take care everyone..
                                                    in the construction industry. It is a grim
    While many of us are feeling the effects
                                                    warning for our industry not to become
    of reduced or even a loss of jobs in some
    instances, nothing compares to the utter
    devastation and importantly, significant        For those people who have entered our
    loss of life that others in various parts       Professional Excellence Awards, rest
    of the globe have endured with the              assured that we are working hard to           Greg Hughes

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4     cm     The Australian Institute of Building

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Just because we are socially                   WoodSolutions website – follow this link to       the WoodSolutions Mid-rise Advisory Team,
isolating, which for the lucky ones            see the latest: https://www.woodsolutions.        these relaxed and informal chats provide
                                                  invaluable insights into everything from
means working from home, doesn’t               webinars-s1. If you are chasing formal CPD        biophilic design to a complete paradigm shift
mean we should stop accessing                  points, you will have to attend the live event.   of the construction industry. If you haven’t
new information and ideas. In fact,                                                              heard of Katerra, now might be a good time
                                               Run on the Zoom platform, many of the
it’s quite the opposite. Without the           one-hour webinars have a panel or a Q&A           to Google it.
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normal workplace we run the risk of            Webinar topics to the end of May include:         Talks podcasts: https://www.woodsolutions.
becoming stale and bored.                      Costing mid-rise residential projects,   There are also links to
                                               Acoustic Design of Mid-rise Timber                Android and Apple subscription sites.
Fortunately, WoodSolutions have the ideal
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                                               Construction - Latrobe University Case            can rely on them for independent and
Held every Tuesday at 11am AEST, the first     Study, Fast Tracking CLT Construction with a
WoodSolutions webinars have attracted                                                            generic information. WoodSolutions is a
                                               Latrobe University Case Study.
hundreds of guests, with audiences                                                               program funded by the industry services
growing as the word gets around. Topics        WoodSolutions Timber Talks podcasts have          company Forest and Wood Products
are chosen to appeal both to specialist        been heard by more than 17,000 people and         Australia (FWPA) and the Australian
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    ACRS certification of welded
    steel sections to AS/NZS 5131
    exploding the myths.
        P Sanders, Executive Director, ACRS

    With growing use of structural                Here Philip Sanders, Executive Director        certification, and breaching supply
    steels, it is understandable that             of ACRS, explodes four dangerous myths         requirements if ACRS certification
                                                  recently encountered in the supply of          is specified. (Note: ACRS Stage 2
    misconceptions might arise about              structural steels and structural welded        certification is not required in general
    different types of certification,             sections misstating ACRS certification to      steelwork fabrication not involving
    the role of product certification             AS/NZS 5131, and which has resulted            structural welding. In that case, ACRS
    in particular, and comparative                in unverified and nonconforming steels         Stage 1 (mill) certification is valid on
                                                  arriving on construction sites.                its own, as there is no change to
    acceptability of steel and
                                                  Myth 1: “ACRS only certifies steel mills,      metallurgical properties.)
    steelwork certified by different
                                                  so I used other certification for the          Myth 2: “ACRS is not JAS-ANZ
    schemes applicable to structural              structural welded sections.”, or “I only use   accredited to certify to AS/NZS 5131, so I
    steelwork construction. ACRS is               ACRS certified steels in fabricating my        used other certification to AS/NZS 5131.”,
    receiving an increasing number                welded sections, so I don’t need ACRS          or “I’ve been given welded steel sections
    of inquiries about ACRS 2-stage               Stage 2 certification.”                        with other certification that’s equivalent to
    certification system and its role in          Fact:     ACRS certifies both steel mills      ACRS”.
    steel fabrication.                            and the structural welded sections made        Fact:     ACRS is JAS-ANZ accredited to
                                                  from that steel to AS/NZS 5131 and             AS/NZS 5131. Also, different certification
                                                  other associated standards, and both           schemes assess to different scopes and
                                                  certificates are required.                     levels of rigour. You need to verify any
                                                  ACRS has issued certification for welded       claim of “equivalence” very carefully and
                                                  beams since 2012, and other fabricated         specifically accept the differences. So
                                                  welded sections (e.g. to AS/NZS 5131)          does the engineer and customer.
                                                  since 2018, as part of a fully integrated,     So, whist this myth looks like a valid
                                                  2-stage system designed to ensure              technical reason which might seem
                                                  conforming steels are used in the as-          persuasive at first sight – after all there are
                                                  built structure. You cannot do this by         different means of certifying steel – the
                                                  only certifying “at mill gate” (What ACRS      argument is false for two reasons.
                                                  calls “Stage 1”), as fabrication of welded
                                                  sections may turn even ACRS Stage 1            Firstly, the ACRS Scheme was accredited
                                                  certified steels into nonconforming steel.     by JAS-ANZ to AS/NZS 5131 in January
                                                  ACRS “Stage 2” certification of welded         2018 – the first scheme to be accredited,
                                                  sections is therefore essential.               and AS/NZS 5131 is listed on the relevant
                                                                                                 ACRS certificates - all of which show the
                                                  Any break in the ACRS “chain of
                                                                                                 JAS-ANZ logo.
                                                  certification” of Stage 1 and Stage
                                                  2 certification means the welded               Secondly, providing any “third-party
                                                  sections cannot claim reliance on ACRS         certification” (e.g. to ISO 9001) with

6    cm    The Australian Institute of Building

supplier test certificates is not product
certification, and is not independent
verification of steel to any Standard.
Also, whilst other schemes may certify
to AS/NZS 5131, none do what ACRS
does, nor does ACRS do what these
schemes do, because AS/NZS 5131 is a
unique standard covering the full range
of structural steelwork supply from steel
manufacture to delivery and erection.
Just as the ACRS independent, expert,
product verification scheme for welded
sections does not replace broad-range,
fabricator schemes, these in turn do
not replace ACRS Stage 1 certification
(steel mill) and ACRS Stage 2 certification
(welded sections).
ACRS’ consumer-oriented scheme
includes in both stages, independent
sample selection, testing, reporting,
and verification of sites, processes, and
products by ACRS’ qualified, technical
assessors, and independent review of
every report by an expert panel.                and Bluescope, and premium overseas             Fact:     With ready availability of ACRS
                                                suppliers such as Nippon Steel, Posco,          approved steels, there is no expected
Myth 3: “I can’t find ACRS certified steels
                                                and Hyundai.                                    delay in supply.
(or, “ACRS steel is more expensive”). So,
I used other steel the supplier said meets      Additionally, ACRS certification does not       JIT procurement offers many advantages.
AS/NZS Standards.”                              increase the “cost” of steel supply; quality    However, JIT is not an excuse to ignore
                                                does. So, whilst you might find cheaper         the specification.
Fact:     ACRS certified firms are reported
to supply over 70% of structural steels         steel, will you accept steel that may be        If the specification issued months ago
supplied to AS/NZS standards. So, ACRS          noncompliant?                                   requires ACRS certification, then looking
certified materials are widely available.       Myth 4: “My project uses just-in-time           to source steel only at very short notice
                                                procurement. So, even though ACRS               is not meeting a reasonable duty of care.
ACRS issues 200 certificates, covering
                                                                                                Putting steel procurement on the critical
almost 300 sites, in 24 countries, and over     certification is in the specification, I have
                                                                                                path and locking-in suppliers with a
80 steel companies. ACRS certification          to take whatever steel I can get to keep
                                                                                                proven capacity to deliver ACRS certified
includes local suppliers including Infrabuild   the project moving.”
                                                                                                steels is both a realistic option and a
                                                                                                reasonable expectation – especially when,
                                                                                                as noted above, most steel available
                                                                                                locally is ACRS certified, and ACRS
                                                                                                certification does not add to the cost of
                                                                                                conforming steels.

                                                                                                  For more details about ACRS Stage 2
                                                                                                 certification of welded sections, contact
                                                                                                  ACRS at:

                                                                                                   The Australian Institute of Building   cm   7

    Quick Ten with
    Cherise Czislowski
    Each edition, Construct                         going down the path of a desk-job in          you encourage female students to
                                                    consulting! I joined Lendlease in late 2006   enter and stay within the industry?
    Magazine features a snapshot
                                                    as a Site Engineer on the International
    of a significant contributor to the             Terminal (Brisbane Airport) Expansion
                                                                                                  So much is being done to bring about
    Building and Construction sector.               Project, essentially skipping the “Graduate   positive change in the Building and
                                                    Program” in recognition of the 3-years        Construction Industry – both in terms of
    This edition, we talk with Cherise              industry experience I had gained during       gender equality and workplace flexibility.
    Czislowski, Construction                        my studies.                                   I do not believe you can successfully
    Manager at Lendlease Brisbane                                                                 achieve one without the other. I have
                                                    2. What is the best aspect of being a         witnessed first-hand and been the
    who specialises in subcontracting,              Construction Manager at Lendlease?            beneficiary of many of those changes –
    construction, value engineering,                                                              particularly since first becoming a Mother
                                                    I enjoy leading the delivery of a Project
    cost management, and                            from start to finish. I have an (overly)      in 2012.
    procurement.                                    active mind and thrive on being               I am currently delivering the new
                                                    challenged. There’s always a problem          Science Learning Centre for Brisbane
    1. What inspired you to enter the               that needs solving and I never cease to
                                                                                                  Girls Grammar School (BGGS) – I also
    Building and Construction Industry?             be amazed by the creativity and ingenuity
                                                                                                  happen to be a former student of the
                                                    of those around me – it’s often quite
    I chose to study Civil Engineering because                                                    School. In collaboration with BGGS,
                                                    inspiring and keeps me motivated to be
    I was strong in Maths, Physics and                                                            we are actively engaging with students
                                                    at my best day in day out. I’m growing
    Drama at High School. I thought this                                                          to create learning opportunities during
                                                    as a leader and I genuinely get a kick
    odd combination of strengths sounded            out of developing others and fostering a      construction. It is these types of initiatives
    compatible with a career focused on using       positive Team Culture on Site. Of course,     being shown by Clients and industry
    science and demonstrating creativity to         it would be remiss of me not to mention       leaders like Lendlease, which will make
    solve real world problems.                      that the overwhelming sense of pride          all the difference. We need to hear
    I participated in a 3-Year Cadetship            you get when you walk your Project on         and see more success stories in terms
    Program with Baulderstone Hornibrook,           Completion is a large part of what keeps      of female longevity and leadership to
    which involved juggling Part-Time work          me going back for more.                       encourage more women into building and
    on Site with the demands of 2nd, 3rd &                                                        construction, so I thank the AIB for asking
                                                    3. Why did you join the Australian            me to share mine.
    4th Year Uni. Once I had a taste of what
                                                    Institute of Building and what is
    it was like to work on Site, I was never                                                      5. What would you like to see change
                                                    the most rewarding aspect of your
                                                    membership?                                   in the Building and Construction
                                                    After years of being on the outside looking
                                                    in, I decided it was time to become a         At Lendlease, we are asked to ‘judge
                                                    member. Project work is demanding             each other and ourselves on the
                                                    and can be all consuming – I’ve often         difference we make, not the hours it
                                                    struggled to find the time or energy for      takes’. I’m passionate about workplace
                                                    extra-curricular involvement. I’ve reached    flexibility in construction and looking at
                                                    a stage, however, in my career where I’m      new ways this can be achieved, whilst
                                                    more exposed to the impact of building        benefiting KPI’s as opposed to causing
                                                    policy on our industry and I would like       detriment. I am currently working with a
                                                    the opportunity to have my voice heard        (female) Foreman who is a single parent
                                                    beyond the Site hoarding. It is my hope       and a Site Engineer who values keeping
                                                    that my membership with the AIB will          fit and catching up with mates. My Site
                                                    open new doors and help me to broaden         Manager travels an hour to and from
                                                    my professional network.                      work each day, has 2 daughters and his
                                                    4. The Building and Construction              wife runs her own business. We are a
                                                    Sector is a male dominated industry.          lean team of 4, each with our own set of
                                                    How can the industry elevate its              circumstances requiring careful thought
                                                    female demographic and how would              and consideration

8     cm     The Australian Institute of Building
with respect to flexible work practices.       commitment to decarbonisation –                  9. What advice would you give to
The job must get done, but I am                which will require greater supply chain          other women team leaders who are
motivated to ensure we are all ready to roll   engagement and innovation right across           thinking of submitting a project into
straight onto the next one at the end.         the world. Smart Cities and Digital Twins        the Professional Excellence Awards
6. What do you think will be some of           are already here and 10 years ago BIM            next year?
the Building and Construction trends           was just starting to be more widely
                                               used in construction in Australia – so it’s      The same advice I would give to male
in 2020?
                                               exciting to think about where technology         team leaders! Just do it. Get the Team
2020 is unlike any year we have seen           will take us this next decade.                   involved in the submission – not only are
before. The challenges we are facing and                                                        you distributing some of the work, but it
will continue to face into the foreseeable     8. We are excited you have submitted
                                                                                                is a great way of getting people to reflect
future, as a result of COVID-19, are           the Sunshine Plaza Ambience project
                                                                                                on all the positives. Some might call it
unprecedented and the Building and             in this year’s Professional Excellence
                                               Awards! What do the AIB Awards                   therapeutic! Be sure to provide lots of
Construction industry has had to respond
swiftly to implement innovative solutions      mean to you and your team?                       examples – management plans, staging
to ensure Sites remain operational.                                                             diagrams, innovative techniques.
                                               The Sunshine Plaza Ambience Upgrade
This includes measures to demonstrate                                                           10. What is your proudest moment in
                                               Project is one of the highlights of
compliance with social distancing rules,
                                               my career to date. We delivered a                your career so far and why?
new conditions of entry, changing the way
in which we consult with the workforce,        broad ranging scope under logistically
                                                                                                There are so many proud moments in
an increased focus on general hygiene          challenging circumstances – including
                                                                                                construction – being part of a winning Bid
and cleaning and how we deal with              works off a barge over Cornmeal Creek,
                                                                                                Team, topping out a structure, witnessing
emergencies and first aid.                     all within an operational Shopping Centre.
                                                                                                the installation of a bespoke element
                                               The Professional Excellence Awards are
7. Where do you see the Building and           unique in that they seek to recognise            following a lengthy design process,
Construction in the next ten years?            excellence in Project Delivery, in addition      achieving Practical Completion on time.
It will be interesting to see how the          to Project Outcomes. This Project was as         If I had to pick one, becoming a first-time
economic impacts of COVID-19 shape             much about the method of execution as it         Construction Manager at the age of 25
this next decade. Pipeline work is already     was the end product, so it made sense to         as part of the $1.76 billion Gold Coast
shifting in some sectors. Beyond these         nominate for an AIB Award and celebrate          University Hospital Project is something I
impacts, I think we will see an increased      our efforts as a Team.                           will always be very proud of.


                                                                                             VOTE TODAY ON THE AIB FACEBOOK PAGE
                                                                                                                 CLOSES 15 SEPTEMBER 2020

                                                                                                   The Australian Institute of Building   cm   9

     The distinguished Australian
                                                      When the last financial meltdown occurred,
                                                      the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), May had
                                                      already begun to work with colleagues on
                                                      the stability of the banking system. Their
                                                      review, the Ecology of Bankers, published
                                                      in the journal Nature seven months before
                                                      the collapse of Lehman Brothers, explained
                                                      how to understand the vulnerabilities in
                                                      the financial system, and suggest ways
                                                      to mitigate them. May is credited as
                                                      having avoided some of the more dire
                                                      consequences of the GFC for the UK.
                                                      Lord May highlighted major projects, both
                                                      building and infrastructure, for which funding
                                                      was going to be more likely to be obtained
                                                      – as Damian Rogers AM FAIB noted, ‘he
                                                      (May) provided a master class on capital                  Damian Rogers AM FAIB (left) with
                                                      financing’. Clearly a man driven by the                   Lord May OM AC HonFAIB (right)
                                                      facts Lord May, spoke of the both the fiscal
          Robert McCredie May Hon FAIB                and physical effects of climate change –
                                                      highlighting how our industry could play its      -   Foreign Member of the United States
       Professor Robert Lord May of Oxford            part, noting that as constructors we were             National Academy of Sciences in 1992;
                                                      already quite efficient, but noted that further
     OM AC Kt PFRS FAA HonFAIB DistFRSN                                                                 -   Election to the Academia Europaea in
                                                      real gains could be made in design. Sticking
                    FTSE                                                                                    1994;
                                                      to demonstrable facts, the most striking
                                                      observation was the correlation between
     Born in Sydney to Irish immigrants, May                                                            - Distinguished Fellow of the Royal
                                                      global population growth and global
     completed his PhD in physics at the young                                                          Society of New South Wales;.
     age of just 23. He served as a Professor at
                                                                                                        -   He was appointed to the Order of Merit
     Sydney, Princeton, Oxford universities and       A pragmatic man who believed humankind
                                                      shapes its own fate, May dismissed Adam               in 2002
     the Imperial College London. Lord May
     was recognised with a series of important        Smith’s Wealth of Nations, concept of the         -   Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy
     positions and awards including being             ‘unseen hand’ - the unobservable market               of Engineering 2005..
     appointed a UK peer in 2001, working in the      force that helps the demand and supply of
     House of Lords on economic affairs, and as       goods in a free market to reach equilibrium       -  Lord May became only the 7th ever
     one of only two Australians to be elected        automatically’ - as being unobservable               Honorary Fellow of the Australian
     as the President of the Royal Society of         because ‘it is not bloody there!’                 Institute of Building in 2009.
     London. He remained fiercely and proudly
                                                      May’s directness to get to the facts was          -   He received honorary degrees from
     Australian, maintaining strong connections
                                                      noted in The Guardian in its obituary that            several universities including: Uppsala
     to his homeland, and was elevated to a
                                                      May, whilst Chief Scientist of the UK, he was         (1990), Yale (1993), Sydney (1995),
     Companion of the Order of Australia (AC) in
                                                      the first person to use the word ‘bullshit’ to        Princeton (1996), and Zürich (2003).
                                                      a Ministers of the Crown during a Cabinet
     The Hindmarsh Group generously supported         meeting.                                          In addition he was awarded: the Weldon
     Professor Robert Lord May to return to                                                             Memorial Prize by the University of Oxford
                                                      He is survived by Judith and their daughter,      (1980); an Award by the MacArthur
     Australia and present a series of talks as
                                                      Nome – who are in our thoughts.                   Foundation (1984); the Medal of the Linnean
     part of the Australian Institute of Building’s
     eminent speakers’ program and was                We join both Rowan Hindmarsh FAIB (CEO            Society of London (1991), the Marsh
     inducted as an Honorary Fellow of the AIB,       of the Hindmarsh Group) Dr Susan Pond             Christian Prize (1992); the Frink Medal by
     by Damian Rogers AM FAIB, with Professor         AM FRSN FTSE (Vice President of the Royal         the Zoological Society of London (1995);
     Shane West FAIB and adjunct Professor            Society of NSW, and formerly Vice President       the Crafoord Prize (1996); the Balzan Prize
     Simon Butt FAIB.                                 of the Australian Academy of Technological        (1998) for Biodiversity; the Copley Medal by
                                                      Sciences and Engineering) – when we say           the Royal Society (2007) and the Lord Lewis
     These were:
                                                      ‘Australia will miss him’.                        Prize by the Royal Society of Chemistry
     - At the University of Technology Sydney,                                                          (2008).
                                                      His recognition in addition to the above
     ‘Climate Change: Facts, Uncertainties
                                                      included:                                         David Burnell FAIB
     Appropriate Actions in the Aftermath of
     Copenhagen’,                                     -   Knight bachelor in 1996                       National President

     and then:                                        -   election the Fellowship of the Royal
                                                          Society of London in 1979;
     - At the University of Canberra, ‘Re-                                                              Thanks to Damian Rogers AM FAIB and
     Thinking the Dynamics of Financial               -   Fellow of the Australian Academy of           Robert Whittaker AM FAIB for providing the
     Networks’,                                           Science in 1991;                              historical information and photo

10     cm     The Australian Institute of Building

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     Brothers in artisan carpentry
     and old world joinery
     Interviewed by Todd Lane

                                                                                                       come off either side of the main pitch,
                                                                                                       are like those on churches, where most
                                                                                                       of the seating is housed. The underside
                                                                                                       of the main pitch is called the ‘knave’,
                                                                                                       because it looks like the hull of a ship.
                                                                                                       I just love the history involved. Another
                                                                                                       thing I love about this style of building is
                                                                                                       that it attracts people who are passionate
                                                                                                       and care about the soul and aesthetics
                                                                                                       and energy of a building, which means
                                                                                                       that I get to work with like minded people.
                                                                                                       It differs from other types of carpentry in
                                                                                                       most ways, especially in the the tools and
                                                                                                       materials you need. We use chisels and
                                                                                                       chainsaws mostly, so not exactly like the
                                                                                                       builders from the days of yore.
                                                                                                       Q4. What are some of your favourite
                                                                                                       aspects of the job?
                                                                                                       Well, like I said, my favourite parts are
                                                                                                       definitely the people I work with and
                                                                                                       the honesty and history of the practises
                                                                                                       that we are using. Also, as the barn we
                                                                                                       have just completed is 9 metres to the
                                                                                                       underside of ridge, the scale of it mean
                                                                                                       that the amount and lengths of timber we
                                                                                                       get to order is thrilling. Plus we get to
                                                                                                       use big scale tools, like the big foots that
                                                                                                       we put on the chainsaws that essentially
     Q1. What inspired you to create                                                                   turn them into a skill saw. We also use
     Brotherwood and what is the story                                                                 skill saw’s ‘Sasquatch’, which we had to
     behind the company?                                                                               import from the states. That’s exciting to
     Brotherwood was created off the back                                                              me. Furthermore I love that at the end of
     of the barn build at Coorabell. Our client                                                        the day you have something unique to
     there gave me the opportunity to build                                                            leave behind that will be there for a long
     and design a huge barn and pretty                                                                 time after you go.
     much gave me total creative freedom.                                                              Q5, What advice would you give to a
     This dream build was coupled with the                                                             prospective carpenter that wanted to
     assembly of a dream team. All the nicest                                                          learn artisan carpentry?
     and most talented blokes just seemed            Well this isn’t necessarily artisan work, it is
     to appear before me like some sort of                                                             If its what you really want to do, just do it.
                                                     just the use of ancient building practises,
     miracle, which allowed all the different                                                          Don’t compromise with work that doesn’t
                                                     and I suppose that is what I love about it
     pieces and specialty parts of the build                                                           speak to your soul, don’t wait around for
                                                     too. Everywhere used to be built in this
     to come together. We have loved the                                                               someone to teach you, or take you on as
                                                     way, and to me it just makes sense, it is
     process so much that Brotherwood was                                                              an apprentice, or give you permission.
                                                     honest. All types of building stem from this
     born, in the hopes we could do it again                                                           Teach yourself, there are so many
                                                     style, from way back to the 11th century.
     and get another job like this. Since this                                                         resources online now days. If you are
                                                     Some of the really old, grand cathedrals
     build was completed we have had a lot of                                                          making stuff that you love, that is unique
                                                     around the world were built like this, from
     interest from all over, which I am thrilled                                                       and honest to you then the interest and
                                                     wood before the were rebuilt in stone. If
     about.                                                                                            money will come.
                                                     you look at the design of traditional barns,
     Q2. What do you love about artisan              like the design we have used at Coorabel
     carpentry and how does it differ to             it is like how these ancient Cathedrals           p. 0455 904 235
     conventional carpentry?                         were. The ‘aisles’; the scillion rooves that      e.

12     cm     The Australian Institute of Building


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     BAM Claims World’s First Electric Road Roller
     Dutch contractor Royal Bam                      repetitive heavy lifting or prolonged       incredible achievement and a fine
     has completed work on what                      excavation, and does not require a long     example of the expertise and can-do
                                                     driving range.                              mindset of our people.
     it claims is the world’s first fully
     electric road roller.                           The electric vehicle’s carbon emissions     “From the initial idea during a strategy
                                                     are reduced by approximately 236kg          session, it’s taken us just one-and-a-
     The 10-to-12-tonne vehicle was                  per day, a reduction of 42,000kg a          half years to make the electric road
     developed from an older model over a            year compared with a petrol or diesel-      roller a reality.”
     year and half, and has been deployed            powered roller. A full charge takes three
                                                                                                 Bam plans to use the roller on more
     on site in the Dutch city of Almere.            to five hours, and will last eight hours.
                                                                                                 projects in the future, and is working
     A roller is a relatively easy vehicle to        Koob Bovenhuis, BAM Infra Materieel’s       on creating a fully emission-free paving
     electrify as it does not have to perform        manager, said: “This has been an            train.

     Dutch construction vehicle maker Riwal is using
     its equipment to reunite families separated by the
     coronavirus pandemic.
     Dutch government closed                         Since the inaugural visit, Riwal has
     nursing homes to visitors in an                 helped other people to visit relatives in
     attempt to stem the spread of                   nine nursing homes in the Netherlands.
     Covid-19. A man called Cor de                   Glenn Verburg, Riwal Benelux’s
     Graag, who wanted to visit his                  manager, said: “At Riwal, we were
     mother in a nursing home in                     already thinking about how we could
     Dordrecht, contacted Riwal to                   help people efficiently and safely in
                                                     these times.
     ask if it could help him.
     A Riwal employee undertook a risk               “Mr de Graag’s request came at exactly
     analysis to determine if a scissor lift         the right time. We are pleased that we
     platform could elevate a visitor while          can provide some relief during this time    to these requests, but only if we can
     keeping them 1.5m away from their               and have already been approached by         guarantee the safety of all involved. That
     host.                                           various care homes. We are open             is our highest priority.”

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14     cm     The Australian Institute of Building

   A new era for showers in Australia
   Thermostatic showers
   popular in the UK and many
                                         The shower is turned on with a
                                         simple twist of the right handle,
                                         using a quarter turn ceramic
                                                                                      more water efficient, as water
                                                                                      is not wasted while manually
                                                                                      adjusting temperatures. There
                                                                                                                                   no pipework or tiling alterations.
                                                                                                                                   It can be fitted vertically or
                                                                                                                                   horizontally and is suitable for

   European countries for
                                         disc valve. The temperature is               are no electrics; it is simply               all tap spacings between 230mm
   nearly 30 years are now
                                         controlled by rotating the left              a far more efficient way of                    down to 80mm apart. These are
   available in Australia through        handle and limited to 38°C as                mixing hot and cold water.                   RK-CT100 without slide rail and
   Therm-Oz Showers Pty Ltd.             a safety feature by an override                                                           handset kit, and RK001 supplied
                                                                                      The Therm-Oz thermostatic
                                         stop button. Depressing this                                                              with slide rail and handset kit.
   The Australian standard for                                                        shower valve is available with
Therm-Oz        thermostatic       showersafety button   allows the
                                                      It mixes        userto
                                                                  water     to a set constant                         For new building projects the valve is
   this type of shower valve                                                          or without the chrome slide rail,            Therm-Oz Showers is a WA based
                                         rotate to a higher   temperature
                                                      temperature,       even if other     taps,hose
                                                                                                   toilets            supplied with     a fixing  bracket,   ensuring
valve    has ais 5-year
   (AS4032.4)     now in the guarantee,                                               handset,           and soap dish.            company,    supplying  nationally
                                         up to 45°C maximum,
                                                      etc   are in oruse.
                                                                           Cool-Touch       technology                correct   pipe  spacing.     Product   NB-CT100
WaterMark        approved
   WaterMark scope       and the Licence
                                 AS/                                                  There are many choices of shower             to the plumbing merchants      of
                                         the handle in   the opposite
                                                      ensures     a  low  surface    temperature        that          valve   and bracket     only, NB001     valve,is a
   NZS3500.4:2018      Plumbing  code.                                                kits  and  combinations      available       Australia.  Therm-Oz   Showers
WMK26224, made to AS4032.4                  and forwill
                                         direction      a cooler shower.
                                                           not exceed 20°C when       suchoperating
                                                                                             as overheadatrain heads  bracket, slide    rail and
                                                                                                                                   Member          handset
                                                                                                                                              of the         kit.
                                                                                                                                                     Master Plumbers
included      in AS/NZS3500.4:2018
   The Therm-Oz      thermostatic        Cool-Touch38°C.       A safer
                                                       technology         choice forwith
                                                                     ensures            your    home as
                                                                                             a diverter  for ait handset.          Association, Assistive Technology
   shower valve    is fully WaterMark                                                                                 Suppling Australian plumbing merchants
Plumbing       Code.                     a low surfaceprevents
                                                         temperatureany of
                                                                         chance of scalding and is                                 Suppliers Australasia and was
   approved, Licence WMK26224                                                         For new building projects the   nationally, a Member of the Master
                                         the valve, safe  to touch
                                                      water          or hold
                                                               efficient.   No electrics, simply a far                             a finalist in the HIA Housing
   and can be legally installed,                                                      thermostatic shower valvePlumbersis         Association,      Assistive
                                         while showering.
                                                      moreThe      surface
                                                              efficient   way of mixing       water.                               awards WA 2018 in the Industry
   with a five-year guarantee.                                                        supplied with a fixing bracket  Technology     Suppliers     Australasia,   HIA
                                         temperature will not exceed                                                               and Product Innovation category.
                                                      The Renoat Kit                  that allows
                                                                         replaces two-tap           the positioningand finalist in the HIA Housing awards
   A thermostatic shower mixes           20°C when   operating        38°C.
                                                      showers over to thermostatic    of the shower
                                                                                                with on the wall, WA 2018 inThis     theisIndustry
                                                                                                                                            a new eraand
                                                                                                                                                      for showers
   water to a set constant               Therm-Oz isno  ideal for families            giving the correct     spacing for
                                                           pipework      or tiling alterations.     Fit               Innovation in   Australia, whether you
   temperature, even if other            with young children, the elderly             pipes. These are NB-CT100                    are building, reconfiguring
                                                      horizontally or vertically, suitable for tap
   taps, toilets or washing              as well as those who require                 without slide rail and handset               or renovating, please visit
   machines are in use.
                                                      spacings between 230mm - 80mm apart.
                                         assistive care while still giving            kit, and NB001 supplied with                 the Therm-Oz website.
                                                      Product RK-CT100 valve and fixings                              Phone 0439 196 441
                                         that desired European styling for            slide rail and handset kit.
   If the cold-water supply to the                    only, RK001       valve, fixings, slide rail and                             For more information,
                                         family bathrooms     and ensuites.
   shower were to fail, the shower                    handset kit.                    Therm-Oz also offers a Reno          Kit      Phone 0439 196 441
   will instantly shut off, preventing    This new product is a safer                  that replaces any two-tap manual             Email
   any chance of scalding.               choice for your home and                     shower over to thermostatic with             Website

      RO LLY
    PP U
   A F

                                                                                                         Valves                                    AS4032.4:2014
                                                                                                                                                   Lic WMK26224
                                                                                                                                                     SAI Global

                                    A NEW SAFER
                                           A NEWCHOICE
                                                  SAFERFOR YOUR GUESTS

                                                                  RFACE TEM
                                                            LOW S               Available with or without
                                                                                                                            handset & slide rail

                                   Ideal for Renovations
                                   & New Build Projects


                                                                                                                       The Australian Institute of Building        cm      15

                                                                                                         Field – makes certain to install work well.
                                                                                                         All the project parties are managed or

     The Great Conflict:                                                                                 influenced by the field staff. Superintendents
                                                                                                         and other project supervisors make certain
                                                                                                         the company’s labor, materials, equipment
                                                                                                         and other field expenses are coordinated on

     Office versus Field                                                                                 the job.
                                                                                                         • Style – Informal. Verbal communication is
                                                                                                         sometimes desired. Reading reams of paper
                                                                                                         is not preferred. Wants labor, material and
                                                        been around since man has built for a profit.
         By Matt Stevens Ph.D                                                                            equipment resources gathered days before
                                                        Office – ensures that a contractor gets the      they need them, so can schedule work with
                                                        next project, builds this project profitably     confidence. Can work out small details later
     Who started the great conflict                                                                      as long as most everything is in place. Clear
                                                        and gets paid for it. To do this, they need to
     between the field and the office?                  track everything. Paperwork is a legal and       and up to date information about pending
     Why do some organizations have                     practical requirement.                           change orders, requests for information, and
     field processes that work nicely                                                                    material delivery dates is desired. They also
                                                        • Style – Formal. Written communication          want preferred crews on the job consistently.
     with their office counterparts and                 is, many times, desired. If it is not written
     others have a mild war going on                    down, it did not happen. Wants detail of all     • Background – less documented
                                                        processes and events documented. The             education and more informal training
     between them? Is it normal and                                                                      (“college of hard knocks”).
                                                        building process is ongoing and is high
     what can be done about it?                         pressure, but the office needs information
                                                                                                         The field and office in many companies
     Being mindful of what Stephen Covey stated         now.
                                                                                                         have conflicting styles of managing projects
     in his book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective      • Background – More documented                   but, common roles – make positive things
     People, “Begin with the end in mind” is            education and more formal training (“certified   happen on the job and for the construction
     critical. In other words, keeping a worthy         smart”).                                         firm. The styles (formal or informal,
     goal primary drives good behaviours and
     eliminates bad ones.
     The “end in mind” or goal for many
     construction people is to complete work
     well so; they may proceed onto other work.
     Projects that satisfy clients provide for a
     secure construction business. Well-built
     projects lead to other opportunities that
     grow companies and careers. Again, as
     long as the goal is central to what a person
     or organization is thinking, the work will be
     constructed well and on time.
     All superior construction firms focus on four
     1. Safe projects
     2. Quality work
     3. On-time completion
     4. Competitive cost to the client
     The processes and people who produce
     these ensure their company has a certain
     future. Any action or method that is contrary
     to these outcomes makes for uncertainty.
     These outcomes have to be central to any
     organization and their professional thinking.
     All formally organized contractors have field
     and office operations. Each executes critical
     functions in the ongoing life of a construction
     firm. However, they have conflict historically.
     Whether due to personality differences
     or process requirements, they don’t get
     along in some ways. It may be because
     of style, demands or just perceptions, but
     it can be tragic to construction firms. Any
     internal conflict is controllable; however, left
     unaddressed threatens the revenue dollar
     with slower turns and higher costs.
     The field and the office are separate but
     equal. Critical in their own right and cannot
     be eliminated. The functions they serve have

16     cm      The Australian Institute of Building

detailed oriented or not) just cloud the         Superior firms know the faster the cycle than       Working well with your opposite whether
communication and therefore, hurts the           your competitor, the better the competitive         in the field or the office is the point. This is
successful completion of the project.            edge. Each person cannot do everything to           unemployment insurance.
                                                 speed it up but does several things to keep
However, as a quick antidote to a                that cycle fast.                                    So look around and be observant of
poisonous field and office relationship, more                                                        people. As a friend of mine said, “Be an
communication and exposure to each other         It is clear in all studies that people want to      anthropologist”. You might be surprised how
(not less) will make each side work better       do an excellent job whether they are in the         poorly people work together. It cannot be
with the other. Said differently, people face    field and office. Rarely if ever have I heard       tolerated. The good news is that improving it
                                                 someone say, “I want to go to work to be            only raises your firm’s current performance.
to face with each other act more civilly than
                                                 demoted, lose the respect of others and
over the phone.                                                                                      In our 4% average net profit before tax
                                                 take a cut in pay.”
In those companies where each of these                                                               industry, all construction firms cannot
                                                 So, some in our industry may have to follow         allow anything but full cooperation in these
parties’ work well together, there is superior   a Texas client’s advice, “be a bull chewing
communication and therefore, fewer project                                                           competitive times.
                                                 barb wire”. Meaning smile, whatever conflict
problems. Each side “gets it”. Any odd           may come your way. In other words, keep
personalities and unusual work habits are        the conversation going, moving forward and
tolerated. All members realize that the          be pleasant.
“main thing is the main thing” – that is, the
company’s success.                               It is important to add, skilled and active
                                                 professionals have a certain future.
In profitable firms, I have observed that all    Experienced and proven construction
members understand the business cycle of         people have more opportunities than others,
construction contracting:                        no matter the economy. In contrast, any
                                                 construction firm does not have a certain
1) Acquiring work,                               future in our risk-filled industry, no matter the
2) Installing work,                              name brand or the depth of funding. Both
                                                                                                     Matt Stevens, Ph.D. is the Associate Dean of
                                                 are not unlimited.
                                                                                                     Engagement at Western Sydney University.
3) Getting paid for that work, while
                                                 So, the big picture for any one’s career is         He teaches and researches construction
4) Tracking all the above                        to be a team player and do a great job.             contracting issues.

           Build your                                                                Subscribe for more information now!

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                                                                                                         The Australian Institute of Building    cm     17

     COVID-19 is an
     opportunity to reset
     our environmental future
            Dr Laura Schuijers, University of Melbourne |

     You may have seen some of the                  Right around the time of the Global            differently.
     discussions around environmental               Financial Crisis.
                                                                                                   It’s forced us to alter our behaviour in
     silver linings to the coronavirus              Many countries actually met their Kyoto        significant ways, not all of which will
     (COVID-19) crisis.                             targets on account of the economic             necessarily reverse after restrictions are
                                                    downturn, but the effect on emissions          lifted.
     The overall environmental narrative is         trajectories was only temporary.
     inconsistent, as policy and energy experts                                                    In future, we may see less unnecessary
     express differing opinions over how to         Hitting emissions targets for a short-term     interstate and international travel after
     interpret what’s happened so far.              period is nowhere near as important as         experiencing success with remote online
                                                    engineering a society and economy that         meetings, conferences, and even court
     Certainly, there have already been short-      can sustainably and prosperously run off       hearings.
     term benefits.                                 low or zero net emissions into the future.
                                                                                                   How fast the planet warms will be
     We are seeing short-term benefits as a         This goal has been embraced across             crucial for liveability
     result of COVID-19 shutdowns including         Australia. All of our states and territories
     improvements in air quality. Picture:                                                         Through this and the country’s bushfire
                                                    have committed to a net zero economy by
     Shutterstock                                                                                  crisis that preceded it, Australians have
                                                    2050, and a nationwide target, supported
                                                                                                   already shown a willingness to buy locally,
     Local air and water quality have               by many including the Business Council of
                                                                                                   supporting farmers and neighbourhood
     dramatically improved in several areas         Australia, was being debated right before
     that have implemented shutdowns.               COVID-19 effectively bookmarked the
                                                    issue.                                         Along with hand sanitiser and toilet
     Emissions have dropped, and worldwide,                                                        paper, the likes of vegetable seeds, craft
     the demand for coal and oil is lower           Don’t blame the pangolin (or any
                                                                                                   materials, sourdough starter, and humble
     than it has been in a long time ¬– due in      other animal) for COVID-19
                                                                                                   forms of entertainment like puzzles
     large part to the decline in demand from       While some people have argued that we          and board games, have experienced a
     transport and slowdown in manufacturing.       need to either stop focusing on economic       dramatic surge in popularity as people
     Reports of animals coming out to breed         growth or at least decouple growth from        reconnect with forgotten notions of self-
     and play while humans are locked inside        fossil fuel emissions, shutting down the       sufficiency and simplicity.
     are being celebrated, and the profile of       economy and grounding people indoors
                                                                                                   With many shops closed, people are
     the illegal wildlife trade issue has been      is neither a desirable nor sustainable way
                                                                                                   purchasing pre-loved goods from those
     raised.                                        to do this.
                                                                                                   in their local community through online
     COVID-19 drop in pollution to be               COVID-19 response measures have                marketplaces.
     short-live                                     been extreme and might be considered
                                                                                                   Through this, we have already overcome
                                                    “draconian” if we weren’t facing a public
     But we need to be careful about                                                               an important barrier to behaviour change.
                                                    health catastrophe to justify them.
     extrapolating these benefits or claiming                                                      Business looks very different to what it did
     an environmental win. The unprecedented        The curtailment of basic freedoms has led
                                                                                                   only six months ago, and business-as-
     situation we are facing at the moment is       to serious mental health and wellbeing
                                                                                                   usual is about as stubborn as it comes.
     still unfolding, and much will depend on       impacts.
     what happens next.                                                                            We can absolutely take advantage of this
                                                    We can’t tackle climate change the same
     Benefits need to be sustainable                way that we are approaching coronavirus.
                                                    Nonetheless, the COVID-19 crisis offers a      A pivot point for the clean energy
     Let’s take a look back to recent history.
                                                    critical opportunity for the environment in    transition
     In 1997 the international Kyoto Protocol       two key respects.
                                                                                                   After having broken down, we get to
     was drawn up, which saw many countries
                                                    Behaviour change barrier broken                rebuild, and we have choices in the way
     commit to reducing greenhouse gas
                                                                                                   that we do this.
     emissions, and its first commitment            First, the response to COVID-19 has
     period began in 2008.                          demonstrated what can be done                  Some of these will be dictated by the

18    cm     The Australian Institute of Building
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