4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014

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4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
Arup’s quarterly review of
innovation, design and ideas.
Issue 9 | September 2014

4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
04 The aviation industry:
               responding to increased threat levels

    06 Taking the stress out of
                the work commute

    10 Moving urban environments
                to the Ecological Age

    16 Smart data enables better                             I believe it is important that we
                                                              regularly stop and consider whether
                                                                                                       future. You can watch the discussion
                                                                                                       I had around sustainable development
                                                                                                                                                I hope you enjoy this issue.
                disaster response                             we could be doing things differently
                                                              or better. This is not to say that we
                                                                                                       with the Y20 Co-Chair, Holly
                                                                                                       Ransom, below.
                                                              throw out the old for the new, but to

    17 Why more freight
                                                                                                       Finally, in this issue we also feature
                                                              look at how we can refine what we
                                                                                                       the great work we have done for the
                                                              know already works to adapt better to
                                                                                                       federally funded ‘Smart Grid, Smart
                                                              new challenges and opportunities.
                will go by train                              In this issue we are certainly
                                                                                                       City’ project and the Sydney Water
                                                                                                       backed Future of Urban Water 2050        Peter Bailey
                                                              attempting to do this – from how our     report in our news section. Both have

    18 How can good urban
                                                                                                                                                Chair and CEO, Arup Australasia
                                                              aviation industry adapts to changing     the potential to positively influence
                                                              security challenges, to pop-up offices   how and what we design, build
                                                              as a solution to growing pressure        and consume in terms of our
                design reduce crime?                          on our infrastructure and how we         limited resources.
                                                              can move our urban environments

    20 Urban greening for
                                                              towards the Ecological Age.
                                                              The ability to influence and adapt
                                                              are key attributes for businesses,
                health and wealth                             government and leaders. In this
                                                              spirit, I was privileged to work
                                                              with the Y20 as part of their video

    22 News                                                  series to cover some of the topics
                                                              our youth consider to be top priority
                                                              for our world’s current and future
                                                              leaders – and which will feed into
                                                              the G20 when they visit in Brisbane
                                                              this November.
                                                              With such dedicated and impressive
                                                              young people helping to drive
                                                              discussions and influence policy
                                                              around our most pressing issues I
    Published by Arup in Australasia:                         can’t help but feel confident in our
    Level 10, 201 Kent Street Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia.
    Editor – Therese Raft | Graphic Design – Amy Meldrum
    Front cover image: © iStockphoto.com

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4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
The aviation industry: responding
to increased threat levels
Stacey Peel

The recent announcement by                should this change the impact could be    organisations can be innovative and        36 people – and fears that the close        system and the effectiveness of the      Development of new and existing
Prime Minister Tony Abbott                significant given the number of people    learn from their own and others’           proximity of so many people to              systems working with each other.         technology to achieve the same or
                                          using Australia’s airports; Sydney        attack experiences.                        Mumbai’s major airport could afford                                                  better outcomes whilst streamlining
of Australia’s increased                  Airport alone handled 37.9 million
                                                                                                                                                                           In Australia this will mean increased
                                                                                                                               opportunities for a similar style attack.                                            the security process, a focus on the
national terrorism alert from             passengers in 2013, with Melbourne
                                                                                    Tripoli International Airport in Libya                                                 cooperation and sharing between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    customer service element of the
medium to high reiterates that                                                      was the target of a raid by fighters       While Australian airports are               organisations like ASIO, OTS, airport
                                          Airport catering for 30 million                                                                                                                                           security interface with passengers and
                                                                                    from the Islamic Fajr Libya coalition      operating in a very different               and airline operators, as well as the
Australia remains an attractive           passengers in the 2012 / 2013
                                                                                    in the lead up to the 13th Anniversary     environment to Libya and Pakistan,          implementation or ramping up of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of great importance minimising the
target to terrorist groups.               financial year
                                                                                    of September 11, with 11 commercial        the industry is in agreement: it is         robust security measures including
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    attractiveness of aviation as a target
                                          The lack of specific details of the                                                                                                                                       through changes in processing of
Without specific information to                                                     aircraft registered as missing.            difficult to predict with accuracy how      increased vigilance by the broader
                                          threat to justify the increase of the                                                                                                                                     passengers and the infrastructure that
focus preventive security measures,                                                 Depending on the reports you read          an attack might manifest necessitating      airport community, and dedicated
                                          alert level could reinforce the view of                                                                                                                                   supports their journeys.
the additional preparation, planning                                                the potential threat from these stolen     broader proactive preventative              staff to perform security checks.
and vigilance can and does have           some that increased aviation security     aircraft ranged from low to high –         security measures against an as yet                                                  Regardless of one’s view of the
                                                                                                                                                                           Travellers will notice, and will need
an impact on the wider community          is an unjustified inconvenience to        and certainly raised concerns about        undefined risk event. Underpinning                                                   necessity or success of aviation
                                                                                                                                                                           to factor in, additional security
when it is applied broadly at public      passengers and a baseless cost to         a similar September 11 style-attack,       all of this is the need and desire to                                                security, the ideal situation for the
                                                                                                                                                                           measures. For instance, some airports
infrastructure such as airports.          industry; at the extreme end of the       particularly considering the timing of     keep people and cargo moving safely                                                  industry and the broader community
                                                                                                                                                                           with direct flights to the USA
                                          attitude spectrum it could be seen as a   the assault.                               through the aviation sector with                                                     is a safe and efficient aviation
The Department of Infrastructure                                                                                                                                           tightened screening of mobile phones
                                          waste of money and/or a conspiracy.                                                  minimal discomfort, inconvenience                                                    sector. Achieving that ideal situation
and Regional Development’s                                                          In recognition of the increasing threat,                                               and accessories from July this year in
                                                                                                                               and cost.So how does the industry                                                    continues to challenge the industry
Office of Transport Security (OTS)        However, when it comes to                 we are seeing preventative measures                                                    response to intelligence reports.
                                                                                                                               face this challenge?                                                                 as it seeks to balance the need for
called for a review of procedures at      security the aviation industry            being applied by international airports
                                                                                                                                                                           We can expect a potential increase and   safety and efficiency against a threat
major airports including security         faces a complex challenge.                around the world. In recent months         Aviation security is made up of
                                                                                                                                                                           refocus of security measures as the      which is innovative, adaptive and
measures around unrestricted public                                                 India’s federal government asked           a network of complex systems.
                                          The industry is a target because it is                                                                                           threat evolves and the requirements      often unknown.
areas, increased vigilance around                                                   officials to consider relocating and       These include threat information
                                          characterised by attributes attractive                                                                                           and policies of a global network of
unattended and suspicious items, and                                                rehousing the 90,000 slum dwellers         and analysis (intelligence), risk                                                    Stacey Peel is a Senior Aviation
                                          to terrorists such as opportunity for                                                                                            airport and airline operators, and
increased frequency of face-to-photo                                                living around Chhatrapati Shivaju          management, national and operational                                                 Security Consultant based in Arup’s
                                          mass casualties, symbolic targets,                                                                                               the nations in which they operate,
identification checks for staff working                                             International Airport in Mumbai. This      policy, physical security and                                                        Canberra office.
                                          economic impact, creation of public                                                                                              anticipate and respond to that
in security restricted areas. While                                                 is in response to the Taliban assaults     security culture. The success of the
                                          anxiety and emotive media coverage.                                                                                              evolution. Industry continues to         Image: © iStockphoto.com
such measures currently don’t directly                                              Pakistan’s airports and airline in         entire system is dependent on the
                                          The threat is one which seeks to                                                                                                 apply effort, however to minimise
impact on passengers’ journeys,                                                     early June of this year which killed       effectiveness of each as a standalone
                                          exploit vulnerabilities, as terrorist                                                                                            the adverse impact on travellers.

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4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
Taking the stress out
    of the work commute
    Paul Stanley

                            You are probably reading                    If we harness the opportunities of          Understandably there is some
                            this article at your desk in an             digital technology to reshape how           fear around decentralising the
                                                                        we work can we achieve better               workforce. Surely people will become
                            office which is some distance               results and balance for our workers         disconnected and might use their
                            away from your home base.                   without having to wait patiently            time ‘at work’ inefficiently. Yahoo!
                            Maybe you are tired and                     for infrastructure funding to come          controversially cancelled their work
                            stressed from the commute                   through?                                    from home scheme in 2013 citing that
                            in to work.                                 I say, yes. One way this could be
                                                                                                                    it wasn’t right for Yahoo! at the time.
                            Would your trip be better on a new          achieved is to change the company           However, a pop-up office could be
                            motorway lane, or a new route entirely,     office into a decentralised collective of   used by all staff living in a local area
                            or perhaps a sexy new ‘generation’          individual pop-ups – closer to home,        and still encourage inclusiveness,
                            tram? Or alternatively, is your dream       rather than centralised monoliths.          creativity and team work. These
                            to roll out of bed, grab a coffee at your                                               pop-up offices could be dedicated to
                                                                        This is the next step beyond what
                            local café and stroll to work?                                                          the one company or part of a larger
                                                                        have been revolutionary strategies
                                                                                                                    collective of people co-sharing
                            With as much as an estimated                in workplace design and culture –
                                                                                                                    workspace – the beauty of the concept
                            AU$700bn shortfall of infrastructure        such as Activity Based Working (no
                                                                                                                    is that it can be adapted to the needs of
                            investment in Australia to meet future      allocated desks) and flexible work
                                                                                                                    any person or group of people.
                            demand we may be waiting a while            options which include working from
                            for those better networks and systems.      home or alternative hours. These have       This concept has been successfully
                            However, I can’t help but question the      been successfully implemented by            used by start-up companies and
                            scale of the infrastructure required        organisations such as Google, The           entrepreneurs who co-locate with
                            and what it says about how as a             GPT Group as well as Arup.                  other organisations – turning what
                            society we cling to an ‘old school’ 9 –                                                 could be stale spaces into hot-beds for
                            5 commuter existence.                                                                   networking and creativity without the
                                                                                                                    overheads of traditional offices.

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4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
Employee attraction and retention           20 people across three pop-up                the lunch break. Redefining how we        This is not to say that there is no        Certainly as our infrastructure comes
    is a key benefit here. With talent          offices. Each pop-up office                  work could help redefine how we live.     further requirement for corporate          under more pressure to accommodate
    pools shrinking, and a more diverse                                                                                                offices – they are still important         larger populations moving into our
    workforce including parents, older
                                                could have a different feel and              If the numbers aren’t there for
                                                                                                                                       meeting places for employees and           city centres – and with the backlog o
    workers and workers commuting               can be co-created by the staff               dedicated corporate pop-up offices
                                                                                                                                       clients to generate ideas and engender     f development required to keep
                                                working there.                               then collaborative workspaces can
    from the fringes of large cities, it is a                                                                                          a sense of belonging. One argument         up with demand – we need to be
                                                                                             provide similar benefits. The ability
    real benefit to have location options       My ideal pop-up office has a café                                                      against pop-up offices could be that       thinking differently about how we
                                                                                             to bounce ideas off outside and
    to access and retain the best workers       feel – lots of natural timber, industrial                                              the main or corporate office helps to      work. Pop-up offices could be part
                                                                                             objective parties, to learn about new
    regardless of where they may live.          brick walls, lots of white boards and                                                  create and shape a collective brand        of the solution.
                                                                                             ways of doing things, tools, software
                                                a warm, vibrant feel. But this is what                                                 identity – it reflects who ‘we’ are –
    Being able to interact with and learn                                                    and opportunities is not only good                                                   It’s an interesting idea, can you
                                                I find inspirational, and someone who                                                  whereas multiple pop-up offices with
    from a variety of people is also a real                                                  for the company but good for the                                                     see it working?
                                                prefers a minimalist scene may find                                                    different looks and feels could dilute
    benefit for people who would like the                                                    employee’s professional development
                                                that the pop-up office 15 minutes                                                      this persona. My personal response         Paul Stanley is an Associate
    flexibility to work closer to home but                                                   and satisfaction.
                                                down the road is a better fit for them.                                                to this would be that it should be the     Principal and Transport Planner
    want a clear division between their
                                                                                             Further, the technology is already        work that we do, not the place that        based in Arup’s Melbourne office.
    work and home life.                         Access to active transport, the ability      here. We are connected 24/7 by our        we work, that defines the corporate
    Surely large organisations                  to walk or ride to work, is highly           smart devices, with laptops and tablets   identity – and that this could easily be   Image: © Julia Robbs
                                                motivating to people who want to free        providing great functionality and
    have employees across a large               themselves from being dominated by
                                                                                                                                       woven into the fabric of pop-up offices    Graph: © Arup
                                                                                                                                                                                  Image: © Craig Garner
                                                                                             often just as much juice as clunky        regardless of where they are located.
    enough geographic spread                    their car. Creating pop-up offices in
                                                                                                                                                                                  Video: Coworking: The benefits of collaborative
                                                                                             desktop computers. These devices can                                                 workspaces © SBS World News and The Conversation
    – to the north, south, east                 vibrant neighbourhoods allows people         be synced to a central IT server every
                                                                                                                                       I think pop-up offices offer
    and west – that there would                 to immerse themselves in the local           evening to capture information and
                                                                                                                                       supplementary workspaces that can
    be a demand for these types                 community, try the local cafes and                                                     contribute to the dynamism of the
                                                                                             data. Costs for leases or co-locating
                                                restaurants, frequent the local shops,                                                 workplace and provide options and
    of spaces. Say you have 60                                                               would be more negotiable and flexible
                                                                                                                                       opportunities for workers looking for
                                                stop in to visit the kids at the local day
    people living in an area –                                                               outside of our city centres
                                                                                                                                       alternatives to the daily commute.
                                                care centre or run some errands over
    maybe you would then have

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4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
Moving urban environments
     to the Ecological Age
     Greg King

     Currently the world is in a              This concept of ‘city-wide retrofit’    With road corridors and open space
     period of transition from                has the potential to give large scale   areas generally managed by only a
                                              benefits to urban environments.         few organisations the retrofit process
     the industrial age to a more
                                                                                      can be achieved in a realistic
     sustainable future. This new             One aspect of urban areas that should
                                                                                      manner with a manageable number
     future has been termed by                be explored more thoroughly is road
                                                                                      of stakeholders. Relating to road
                                              corridors and open spaces. These
     retired Arup Director Peter              areas make up a significant component
                                                                                      reserves the stakeholders could
     Head as the ‘Ecological                  of the urban environment, both in
                                                                                      include the local council, several
     Age’, and occurs when                    terms of their function and the land
                                                                                      utility companies, any community
     humans are living within the                                                     groups and the general community as
                                              area they take up.
                                                                                      a single stakeholder group.
     capacity of their surrounding            With modern Geographic Information
     environments.                                                                    A recent example of where this kind
                                              Systems (GIS) technology, it is now
                                                                                      of city-wide thinking has been applied
     The 2014 United Nations report on        possible to efficiently analyse urban
                                                                                      is Moreton Bay Regional Council –
     urbanisation estimates that 54% of the   environments to determine the
                                                                                      Australia’s third largest council with
     world population lives in urban areas    potential for city-wide retrofit.
                                                                                      one of the fastest growing populations
     in 2014, compared to 30% in 1950.        Most councils/governments maintain      in Australia. The Moreton Bay
     This figure is expected to increase to   multiple datasets relating to assets    Regional Council Community Plan
     66% living in urban areas by 2050. As    and features within road corridors      2011 – 2021 targets investment in
     the world’s population becomes more      and open space areas. By splitting      active transport (walking and cycling)
     urbanised, transitioning urban areas     this data into individual road          and outlines a holistic approach to
     to the ecological age is becoming        corridors, intersections and open       achieve a more connected community
     increasingly important.                  space, each area can be spatially       with residents embracing more
     So far, there has been a lot of work     assessed to determine its suitability   sustainable travel and behaviour.
     done looking at individual buildings     for retrofit works. This analysis can
                                                                                      Much of the information to assess
     to make them more sustainable            provide urban planners and elected
                                                                                      the viability of city-wide retrofit
     (both the design of new buildings        officials with the information they
                                                                                      initiatives already exists – by
     and renovating existing buildings).      need to make the big decisions and
                                                                                      collecting and analysing this
     However with the combined size           investments that will transition
                                                                                      information local councils around
     of urban areas around the world, a       urban environments towards the
                                                                                      Australia can generate real health,
     more holistic city-wide approach is      ecological age.
                                                                                      environmental and economic
     also required.                                                                   benefits for their local communities.
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4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
Diagram 2: An example of
                                                                                                                                                                                   how an environmental corridor
                                                                                                                                                                                   can be integrated into an existing
                                                                                                                                                                                   urban area.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Diagram 3: Within the road
                                                                                                                                                                                   corridor environmental features
                                                                                                                                                                                   can be added to establish the
                                                                                                                                                                                   corridor as an environmental link.

Diagram 1: Active transport priority
corridors will create a network of
safe and reliable transport options in
our busy urban centres. Focussing on
minor arterial and local roads (with
lower traffic volumes) provides the
opportunity to implement a connected
active transport network.

Making our urban areas                    such as dedicated bike lanes and         roads and local roads – will               Creating places for people                 a development, it is certainly possible
work harder                               racks, and pedestrian zones              provide for a connected and                and nature                                 to create a corridor by retrofitting
                                          and pathways.                                                                                                                  existing road corridors to provide
Getting people moving                                                              continuous active transport                Significant amounts of land in urban
                                                                                                                                                                         continuous connection between
                                          Apart from a reduction in congestion     network and a genuine                      areas are designed for a single
                                                                                                                                                                         existing natural areas.
Traffic congestion in urban areas is      there are also associated health                                                    purpose – as transport corridors
estimated to cost $20.4 billion by                                                 alternative to private vehicles.
                                          benefits from walking or cycling.                                                   for private vehicles, recreational         To do this, those significant
2020. This is startling when statistics   The Australian Government’s Active       The criteria to look for are moderate      areas or surplus land to urban uses.       environmental areas and potential
from the Australian Government’s          Travel report quantifies that for each   traffic volumes, the road surface that     There is huge potential                    linkages will need to be identified.
Active Travel report demonstrates that    kilometre walked, our economy            is sufficiently wide to accommodate        for these areas to be retrofitted to       The aim here is to locate road
1 in 7 adults drives less than 5km to     benefits around $2.12, and for each      active transport and traffic lanes, and    support additional functions that          corridors with adequate space for
work or study – a trip that could be      kilometre by bike, our economy           good connections between nodes.            improve the quality, amenity and           revegetation. GIS provides the
accommodated by cycling or walking.       accrues around $1.43 – these could       Most local councils maintain spatial       aesthetics of our urban areas.             platform to identify overall corridor
To address this, we are seeing            be associated with less time off work,   datasets for assets, features and                                                     connections and the individual roads
                                                                                   infrastructure networks within road        Environmental corridors could be
increased attention and emphasis on       less time at clinics and hospitals and                                              embedded into the urban fabric             that will form each corridor. In terms
active transport infrastructure by        potentially fewer instances of chronic   corridors. By using GIS technology                                                    of their layout environmental corridors
                                                                                   it is possible to spatially analyse each   instead of being relegated to isolated
many local governments to encourage       medical conditions.                                                                 fragments. One of the key concepts of      don’t have to be a straight line link.
better transport options, improved                                                 road corridor segment for potential as                                                The corridors can be implemented to
                                          Using GIS to identify a                  an active transport corridor.              conservation work is to ensure natural
                                                                                                                                                                         avoid higher density areas or any other
health and reduced traffic congestion.                                                                                        areas are connected, allowing fauna to
                                          network of road corridors to                                                                                                   unsuitable areas. This gives a lot of
This essentially means enabling easy                                                                                          move freely and easily between areas.
                                          be active transport priorities                                                                                                 flexibility to implement environmental
access to active transport facilities
                                          – focussing on minor arterial                                                       While dedicated areas and crossings        corridors within existing urban areas.
                                                                                                                              are best established at the beginning of

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4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
Stormwater purification                            The spatial analysis of urban               Urban food production                               footprint of our produce and provide      environmental constraints, flood
                                                        areas using GIS can assist                                                                      additional revenue for communities.       boundaries and terrain.
     Another way in which we can                                                                    Growing urban populations are
     improve our urban areas is to look                 with the placement and sizing               putting pressure on agricultural land.              As well as converting some open           This data is held by various state
     at stormwater runoff. Runoff collects              of swales.                                  As urban populations continue to rise               space areas into dedicated agricultural   government departments and
     various pollutants and then flows                                                              the amount of food that needs to be                 areas, crops could be established in      local councils. Over recent years
     into surrounding waterways,                        Watershed catchments and sub-               produced must rise as well.                         open space areas while maintaining        governments have undertaken
     damaging delicate aquatic eco-                     catchments can be easily defined                                                                access for the community for              comprehensive iniatives to make their
     systems. Using road corridors                      within GIS and then the land uses           There is potential to use some                      recreational uses. For example fruit      data available. This covers a wide
     and open spaces for bio-filtration                 within each catchment can be                of the secondary open space                         trees could be established in such a      range of datasets including what is
     swales – vegetation (grasses) and                  determined. Then the analysis of            areas that aren’t suitable                          way as to provide a seasonal crop,        listed above and a lot more. Making
     porous materials that filter stormwater            road corridors, creek corridors and         for urban development or                            but to also be used as landscaping        use of available data can potentially
                                                        open spaces can be done to identify
     runoff on its way to local waterway
                                                        potential locations for swales.
                                                                                                    desirable for recreational                          for open space areas. This allows an      identify many sites throughout urban
     systems – is another smart use of                                                              activities (e.g. flood plains)                      area to have multiple uses within         areas for agricultural uses.
     existing urban infrastructure.                     There are various types of swales,                                                              the urban environment.
                                                                                                    to grow crops.                                                                                Incorporating relevant datasets into a
     Different land uses will generate                  and the effectiveness of a swale is                                                             The criteria that will determine          spatial model will allow potential sites
                                                        determined by its size and design. But      This will allow urban areas to
     different types and quantities of                                                                                                                  sites suitable for food production        to be found efficiently.
                                                        with adequate analysis within GIS           become more self-sufficient with their
     runoff pollutants. Just randomly                                                                                                                   include undeveloped areas, soil types,
                                                        watershed, catchments can be defined        food production, reduce the carbon
     placing swales around an urban area
     won’t provide an efficient solution to             and swales given optimal locations.
     mitigate runoff impacts.

     Diagram 4: An example of a bio-filtration swale. They can fit within road
     corridors to catch runoff before it enters local waterway systems.

                                                                                                    Diagram 6: Within an urban area there are
                                                                                                    potentially many areas that could be suitable for
                                                                                                    food production.

                                                        Diagram 5: Example of where swales can be
                                                        placed throughout the city water network.

                                                                                                    To achieve ecological age                           rather than continuing to expand and      With the development of GIS
                                                                                                    principles, humans need to                          put increasing pressure on already        technology, projects of this nature can
                                                                                                                                                        straining resources and infrastructure.   now be planned and scoped efficiently.
                                                                                                    be living in alignment with                                                                   It is within reach to retrofit complex
                                                                                                    natural systems, not resisting                      Improving the amenity, liveability
                                                                                                                                                                                                  urban environments by giving each
                                                                                                    against them which was the                          and interconnection of our urban
                                                                                                                                                                                                  road corridor and open space area a
                                                                                                                                                        areas is one important benefit of a
                                                                                                    way of the industrial age.                          city-wide retrofit – but there are also
                                                                                                                                                                                                  secondary use.
                                                                                                    Focussing on the significant road                   economic benefits from additional         In short, retrofitting our urban areas
                                                                                                    corridors and open spaces in our                    revenue streams and reduced health        will make communities more vibrant
                                                                                                    urban areas for retrofit has real merit.            and absenteeism costs. Improved           and desirable to visit, work and live in.
                                                                                                    With urban populations around the                   environmental outcomes for wildlife
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Greg King is a GIS Consultant based
                                                                                                    world growing rapidly, it makes                     and conservation areas will help to
                                                                                                                                                                                                  in Arup’s Brisbane office.
                                                                                                    sense to use our available spaces                   protect the ecological integrity of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Image: © Wikicommons
                                                                                                    more efficiently and effectively                    local areas.                              Diagrams: © Arup

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4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
Why more freight
                                                                                                                              will go by train
                                                                                                                              Darren Briggs

                                                                                                                              As cities around the world                vehicles are banned or must pay more        Outside peak times, there is certainly
                                                                                                                              restrict freight vehicles’ access         to enter. Germany alone has over 40         capacity for this. It’s also a very
                                                                                                                                                                        such zones.                                 reliable and fast way of getting into
                                                                                                                              to their centres, I think we’ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    city centres, which is why there are
                                                                                                                              see a radical change to the               All this will make it harder for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    already companies in the UK with
                                                                                                                              way goods are delivered.                  logistics industry to deliver into cities

Smart data enables
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    viable businesses doing it. Manchester
                                                                                                                                                                        as it has until now. They’ll be under
                                                                                                                              Don’t be surprised if trains              pressure to use electric vehicles in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    to London by road might take four
                                                                                                                              and electric bikes are soon                                                           hours, or five on a bad day. Jump on a

better disaster response
                                                                                                                                                                        cities, which won’t have the range to
                                                                                                                              playing a big part in the                 reach as many destinations in cities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    train and you (or your parcel) can be
                                                                                                                              supply chain that brings                                                              there in two hours.
                                                                                                                                                                        from regional distribution centres. So
Tim Mote                                                                                                                      parcels to your door.                     they’ll have to rethink their approach.     TNT did a trial where they brought
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    a freight train full of parcels into
                                                                                                                              What’s driving trucks out of cities?      What will this mean? I think we’ll see
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    London’s Euston station. The
                                                                                                                              In Europe and the US, cities are          longer-distance haulage distribution
An essential part of resilience           from Twitter and the television news.      Drawing on our experience of the
                                                                                                                                                                        get bigger, with a much greater use of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    challenge with doing this for real is
                                                                                     built environment, Arup is developing    pedestrianising their centres. They’re
in the face of natural disaster           But these couldn’t tell him what the                                                becoming friendly for cycling –           container trains, big trucks and ships.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    that many passenger stations haven’t
                                                                                     exactly this sort of system – called
is responding quickly. And                impact on the bank’s building would                                                 something that heavy goods vehicles       Within cities, the opposite will happen:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    been designed with freight in mind
                                                                                     Hazard Owl. After combining real-                                                                                              or the facilities have been removed as
that’s where smarter data can             be, so he couldn’t plan exactly what
                                                                                     time information about natural           certainly are not. And they’re            delivery vehicles will get smaller.
                                          actions they’d have to take to keep                                                                                                                                       passenger numbers increased.
help businesses.                                                                     disasters with details of your assets’   also increasingly imposing access         The growth of port centric logistics,
                                          working. Should he tell his staff to not                                            restrictions, with Europe leading the                                                 Other countries, such as Germany and
Today there is a plethora of real-                                                   vulnerability, it recommends actions                                               where goods are sorted at the port they
                                          come into work? Would they need to                                                  way in low-emission zones.                                                            France, are putting more of their high-
time information available from                                                      based on your business’s specific risk                                             arrive at prior to being distributed,
                                          make repairs? Would they need to set                                                                                                                                      value freight on their rail networks.
national and international scientific                                                management plans.                        Many cities are being choked by their     will further improve access to rail and
                                          up temporary servers elsewhere?                                                                                                                                           The German city of Dresden even has
organisations, covering everything                                                   These actions might include alerting     traffic (pollution in Oxford Street in    water networks. Logistics facilities
                                          What he needed, and what businesses                                                                                                                                       a cargo tram system, and Amsterdam
from earthquakes to wildfires.                                                       your employees by email, backing up      London was recently measured at           on the perimeter of cities will then
                                          around the world need, is a system                                                                                                                                        has trialled the same approach.
Thanks to the internet and mobile                                                    and shutting down your data servers      three times over the EU limit – the       facilitate the transfer from bulk
technology, these feeds can alert you     that combines real-time information                                                 highest in the world according to         containers to city containers.              China is facing huge problems with
                                                                                     or carrying out structural inspections
immediately to danger.                    about the hazard with details of how                                                the Sunday Times). This is putting                                                    congestion on its roads; you can
                                                                                     of your buildings. So when a natural                                               We’re already seeing companies doing
                                          vulnerable your assets are. These                                                   pressure on mayors to legislate                                                       find yourself in traffic jams that last
But they don’t give you the full story.                                              disaster strikes, you know exactly how                                             this – firms like Gnewt who deliver
                                          details could be something as simple                                                polluting vehicles out of their city                                                  for days. So the reliability that the
Exactly what is the risk the impending                                               it will affect you and what you should                                             in London already have a sustainable
                                          as the exact location of all your                                                   centres, not least because the EU is                                                  rail network provides offers a huge
disaster poses to your business? And                                                 do to reduce your risk.                                                            business delivering goods with electric
                                          buildings, so you can easily see which                                              looking to levy fines on cities that                                                  advantage when it comes to freight.
what exactly should you do to reduce      ones are in the path of an approaching     What data do you think you                                                         vehicles because this is what their
the risk? The information available                                                                                           transgress.                               clients want. Plus it’s actually easier     With countries in the Middle East also
                                          cyclone, for example.                      need to help your business
needs to be put into a context that                                                  become more resilient?                   While it’s politically difficult to ban   to get around a city on an electric         investing in rail for freight as well as
helps you act.                            Or it could be more complex. For                                                    cars from city centres, it’s easier       delivery bike than it is in a truck.        for passengers, it is clear that rail has
                                          example, the risk information action       Tim Mote has a PhD in Geology            to legislate for goods vehicles.                                                      an increasingly important part to play
Take one example from a client we’re      system could connect to a detailed         and is a seismic specialist based in                                               I’d also expect this shift to mean rail
                                                                                                                              And because they’re significant                                                       in the future of logistics.
working with. When an earthquake          BIM model of each asset. Then you          Arup’s Sydney office.                                                              carrying more freight, although not
occurred offshore near Wellington in                                                                                          contributors to nitrogen dioxide and      necessarily in a traditional way. For       Continue the conversation at
                                          could receive warnings if a predicted                                               particulate emissions, public opinion
New Zealand over the weekend, the                                                    Continue the conversation at                                                       example, I’m currently working on a         Arup Thoughts.
                                          event like a cyclone or hurricane                                                   tends to support cities that create
operations manager of a global bank                                                  Arup Thoughts.                                                                     study looking at how passenger trains
                                          exceeds an asset’s design limits.                                                   low-emissions zones where polluting
was alerted from real-time updates                                                   Image: © Arup                                                                      could be used to move freight.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            17
4 Arup's quarterly review of innovation, design and ideas - Issue 9 | September 2014
How can good urban
     design reduce crime?
     Rachel Armitage

     Whose job is it to prevent                  Natural surveillance is one such           4. Management and maintenance –             The impact of individual measures can       This just scratches the surface. In
     crime? The police? The                      design change. By ensuring that                creating a positive image and ensuring   be striking. For example, we found          my book, I detail a vast amount
                                                 properties face the street and that            that future maintenance is easy          that properties overlooked by between       of research that illustrates the
     courts? Certainly. However,                 sightlines are clear of overgrown trees,   5. Defensible space – a clearly defined      three and five other properties             effectiveness of CPTED. So surely our
     I’d argue that crime prevention             high walls and fences, you remove                                                       experienced 38% less crime than those       duty as planners, designers, architects,
                                                                                            ownership, purpose and role enhances
     is also the responsibility                  hidden-from-view areas where crime         feelings of territoriality amongst           not overlooked.                             builders, police and researchers is
     of planners, architects,                    could be committed unseen.                 residents and legitimate users.              Crime can ruin lives, but it also
                                                                                                                                                                                     to use this evidence to ensure that
     developers and managers of                  This is one of the five overarching                                                     carries a significant financial cost – so
                                                                                                                                                                                     housing everywhere is built with
                                                                                            Does this approach really work?
     public space. And they can                  principles of CPTED, which are:            In the UK, these principles underpin         reducing crime saves money. In fact,
                                                                                                                                                                                     CPTED principles in mind.
     use simple evidence-based                   1. P
                                                     hysical security – securing           the police-led award scheme                  it’s been calculated that implementing      Given the evidence, can you think of a
     design measures to do it.                      buildings and spaces to an              Secured by Design (SBD). Evaluations         Secured by Design pays for itself in        reason why designers, architects, and
                                                                                            of the scheme, including one on              two years, and that’s only taking into      planners shouldn't design buildings
     Crime prevention through                       appropriate level
                                                                                            which I worked in 2011, have                 account costs associated with burglary      with crime prevention in mind?
     environmental design (CPTED) is an          2. S urveillance – allowing both
                                                                                            shown that it does.                          and criminal damage.
     approach that reduces crime through the         formal and informal surveillance                                                                                                Continue the conversation at
     design and manipulation of the built (and       by users of a space, creating a        We found that non-SBD properties             This is why the benefits of CPTED           Arup Thoughts.
     sometimes the natural) environment.             feeling of unease amongst non-         in West Yorkshire experienced                are being recognised globally. In New       Image: © iStockphoto.com
     This doesn’t mean fortification – locks,        legitimate users                       a burglary rate of 22.7 per 1,000            South Wales, Australia, developments
     bolts, high walls, fences and barriers –                                               dwellings. This compared to just 5.8         the local council considers pose a
                                                 3. Movement control – limiting
     but subtle design changes, ideally at the                                              per 1,000 for the sample of properties       crime risk must have a crime risk
                                                     access, exit and through movement
     pre-planning stage.                                                                    where Secured by Design principles           assessment. And The Netherlands
                                                                                            had been applied.                            has one of the most comprehensive
                                                                                                                                         approaches to embedding CPTED
                                                                                                                                         within the planning process.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                         19
Urban          Private developers are being
               pushed to incorporate urban
                                                          benefit on wellbeing – increasing
                                                          happiness, boosting productivity and
                                                          even making us more resilient to
                                                                                                   While this is all hugely positive, I
                                                                                                   call for planners to push harder for
                                                                                                   pervasive greening that inhabitants
                                                                                                                                            state’s aims have migrated towards
                                                                                                                                            promoting a knowledge economy –
                                                                                                                                            making the city a place in which smart
                                                                                                                                                                                      standard façade contractor to install
                                                                                                                                                                                      as well as being low maintenance and
                                                                                                                                                                                      having a low environmental impact.

greening for
               greening into their projects,              physical illness.                        can see and appreciate. There’s a huge   people want to live. Unsurprisingly,      Crucially, it involves growing plants
               but too often this results in                                                       social benefit to greening that isn’t    both cities lead the way in green         from seed in-situ so there’s no need to
               green roofs that most of us                Cities are well attuned to these

health and
                                                                                                   captured through engineering and         wall uptake – the wall at the Musee       grow plants in greenhouses off site.
                                                          drivers and implement a range of
               will never see. I’d love to                grants, mandates and incentives for
                                                                                                   environmental criteria. Maybe it could   de Quai Branly in Paris was opened
                                                                                                                                                                                      I hope that this will make green walls
               see a stronger emphasis on                                                          be a remedy to some of our economic      in 2008 and Singapore is planning

                                                          greening, but generally the focus                                                                                           more accessible, and more common,
               green initiatives that a city’s            is on biodiversity or storm water
                                                                                                   woes. Some cities certainly think so.    a 300m green tower by the architect
                                                                                                                                                                                      and that cities and their planning
               occupants can enjoy: street                                                                                                  Jean Nouvel.
                                                          attenuation. Berlin has mandatory        The mayor of Paris seems to                                                        departments will make developers
Ralph Wilson   planting, window planting and              requirements for the ratio of            understand this argument, as does        Of course there are barriers,             think harder about incorporating
               green walls.                               ‘ecologically effective surface’ to      the government of Singapore. Paris       particularly with green walls. They       greening that you and I can enjoy as
                                                          total envelope area on new buildings.    has few parks and performs poorly        can be expensive, require careful         we wander their streets.
               The drivers for urban greening             Chicago allows development at higher     in the World Health Organization’s       maintenance, and the reputational
               are well understood. As well as                                                                                                                                        Continue the conversation at
                                                          densities if 50% or more of a roof       Urban Green Space Index, so has          risks of a green wall turning brown
               benefits for biodiversity, storm water                                                                                                                                 Arup Thoughts.
                                                          surface area is covered by vegetation.   released large amounts of funding for    are considerable. It’s no surprise that
               attenuation, air cleansing and urban       And Cologne, along with many other       green initiatives. Likewise Singapore,   developers often hide their greening
                                                                                                                                                                                      Image: © Simon Wood, Coutesy of Frasers Property
                                                                                                                                                                                      and Sekisui House
               heat island mitigation, there’s a strong   cities, offers reductions in storm       the ‘Garden City’, first placed an       up on a roof.
               human element. There’s a large             water drainage connection charges for    emphasis on urban greening during
               body of evidence to suggest that a                                                                                           At Arup, our Ventures team are
                                                          buildings with green roofs.              industrialisation to project a message
               connection to nature has a positive                                                                                          developing a new green wall concept.
                                                                                                   of stability for investment. Now the
                                                                                                                                            It aims to be simple enough for a

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       21

New Butler                               Part of the 7.5km extension of Perth's
                                         existing northern Joondalup line, the
                                                                                  “On many levels, the station's design
                                                                                  is progressive and it’s a credit to
                                                                                                                            Quay Quarter                           Sydney’s waterfront, opening it to
                                                                                                                                                                   the CBD and providing a new range
                                                                                                                                                                                                              “Circular Quay is Sydney’s gateway,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              but it has lacked relevance in recent
station a credit to                      new station has taken more than three    the PTA in terms of the Authority’s       Sydney architecture                    of premium commercial, retail and          years – Quay Quarter is a precinct
architectural vision                     years to plan and build, with the
                                         PTA’s stringent safety, access,
                                                                                  willingness to accept and encourage
                                                                                  this new approach to station design.”
                                                                                                                            competition winner                     residential space.                         worthy of a place alongside the
                                                                                                                                                                                                              world’s most famous harbour.
22 Sep 2014                              functional and layout requirements
                                                                                  – Alistair Avern-Taplin, Buildings
                                                                                                                            announced                              Arup has been working with
                                                                                                                                                                   AMP Capital since project
                                                                                                                                                                                                              To work with AMP Capital in such a
Perth's new multimillion dollar          integral to the design.                                                            25 Sep 2014                                                                       fully integrated way and consult on
                                                                                     Leader in WA, Arup                                                            inception, providing a full
Butler train station and bus terminal,                                                                                                                                                                        the project from start to finish is a
                                         Alistair Avern-Taplin, Arup’s                                                      AMP Capital has named Danish           multidisciplinary engineering
                                                                                  The station is set to be a particularly                                                                                     unique opportunity.”
officially opened 21 September, sets     Buildings Leader in WA, said the                                                                                          service for the 110,000m2 precinct
                                                                                  highly trafficked area, with more than    architects 3XN as the winner of its
a new standard of design for railway     collaborative approach has resulted                                                                                       development. The firm has guided           – Robert Saidman, Principal
                                                                                  2,000 commuters forecast to use the       design competition for the landmark
stations in Western Australia.           in a highly successful, aesthetically                                                                                     the project through feasibility studies,      and Sydney Building Services
                                                                                  facility on average every working day.    Quay Quarter Sydney development in
This state-of-the-art facility has       pleasing station which is hallmarked                                                                                      submission of the Stage 1 DA,                 Leader, Arup
                                                                                                                            Circular Quay.
                                         by a striking roof form.                 Read the online version.                                                         informing the client brief and
been a collaborative project,                                                                                                                                                                                 Quay Quarter Sydney spans Young,
                                                                                  Image: © Arup / Karen Scarborough         The winning design reimagines the      design competition.
commissioned by Perth's Public           “This structure really does set a new                                                                                                                                Bridge and Loftus streets in Sydney’s
                                                                                                                            existing AMP Capital 50 Bridge
Transport Authority (PTA), and           standard of design for metropolitan                                                                                       We will continue to provide all            historic centre.
                                                                                                                            Street tower as a series of stacked,
brought to fruition by Coniglio          train stations in Perth, it's a credit                                                                                    engineering consulting services
                                                                                                                            juxtaposed forms – or ‘vertical                                                   Read the online version.
Ainsworth Architects, with               to the vision of architects Coniglio                                                                                      to AMP Capital and the architects
                                                                                                                            villages’ - which rotate to maximise                                              Image: © 3XN
global engineering consultancy           Ainsworth, and the team at Arup is                                                                                        through to completion, including the
                                                                                                                            views of the surrounding area,
Arup providing structural                very proud to have assisted them to                                                                                       environmentally sustainable design of
                                                                                                                            including the iconic Sydney Harbour.
engineering services.                    achieve the functional requirements                                                                                       the development.
                                                                                                                            The new Quay Quarter Tower sits
                                         necessary, without compromise.”                                                    amidst a broader precinct that will
                                                                                                                            revitalise a significant portion of

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                23
Arup expertise                             innovative solutions sympathetic to
                                                the heritage building fabric. The air
     brings new life to                         conditioning system utilises full fresh
     heritage Macquarie                         air through a raised access floor, and
                                                features chilled beams, and cooling
     Group headquarters                         units integrated into trading desks.
     11 Sep 2014                                This delivers superior performance,
                                                while freeing the ceilings from bulky
     50 Martin Place, the new                   ductwork and allowing the original
     global headquarters of Macquarie           architectural form to be expressed.
     Group, demonstrates how heritage           This system is the first of its kind in
     properties can be successfully and         Australian commercial property.
     sustainably modernised.
                                                “To take such a distinctive property
     The redeveloped landmark now               and fully modernise its working
     features expansive and engaging            environment in a manner sympathetic
     environments, contemporary                 to its heritage status was a complex
     workplace facilities and, as               task. The atrium in particular
     Australia’s largest heritage building      required a holistic approach from all
     to attain the 6 Star rating from           our disciplines to achieve the desired
     Green Star, world-class sustainability.    environment, and close collaboration
     Importantly, this was achieved with        with the project team to deliver
     minimal impact upon the heritage           Macquarie’s vision.”
     quality of the building.
                                                – Andrew Pettifer, Project Director
     As lead engineering consultant for            and Arup NSW Region Leader.
     the project, Arup provided building
     services, ESD, fire engineering, and       “Macquarie acquired 50 Martin
     lighting and audio-visual system           Place in 2012 and in doing so, made
     design. A multi-disciplinary service       a commitment to preserve and
     that helped inform design and              reinvigorate this historic building
     materials of the refurbished property.     to meet the needs of its clients
                                                and people. Fundamental to this
     The central atrium engages the outside     commitment was a focus on enhancing
     world in a building which, due to its      performance through connectivity,
     heritage façade, has fewer external        collaboration and sustainability. We
     windows than a modern building. In         decided to work with Arup because of
     concert with the magnificent glass         its track record in delivering complex
     dome roof, the atrium increases            projects to the highest standards.”
     access to daylight. The form of the
     atrium expansion required extensive        – Will Walker, Head of Business
     modelling to maximise this feature.           Services, Macquarie Group.

     The wide expanse, draws fresh              The property, originally built as the
     air across the working floors and          headquarters of the Government
     exhausting it through the new              Savings Bank of New South Wales,
     roof structure. The open edges of          features a distinctive terracotta and pink
     the atrium void and its inter-floor        granite Beaux-Arts façade. Constructed
     stairs encourage team interaction          in 1928, the trading hall was once one of
     and collaboration.                         the largest in the world.

     Arup engineers retrofitted the             Read the online version.
     structure with a range of building         Image: © Peter Bennetts

     services designed to offer efficient and

24                                                                                      25
Arup highlights                          Leadership Group (C40) and Arup
                                         in partnership with ICLEI-Local
                                                                                    combined with a rapid demographic
                                                                                    shift towards towns and cities. If we
impact of climate                        Governments for Sustainability,            don’t design tomorrow’s infrastructure
change action                            United Cities and Local Governments,
                                         UN Habitat, the UN Secretary-
                                                                                    to lower carbon and more resilient
                                                                                    standards, we face some dire
24 Sep 2014                              General’s Special Envoy for Cities         outcomes. I believe we can do better.
New report created with the C40          and Climate Change and the World           This is why I want Arup to be an
Cities Climate Leadership Group          Resources Institute.                       agent for change, helping to create
shows cities could curb 13GtCO2e in                                                 the standards we need to deliver a
                                         “The new report shows that C40
greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.                                                   healthier, wealthier and more secure
                                         cities alone have doubled climate
                                                                                    future for all.”
Arup Group Chairman, Gregory             action just in the last two years. If we
Hodkinson, joined more than 120          continue at this rate, we could save       – Gregory Hodkinson, Arup Group
Heads of State and the UN Secretary      GHG emissions totalling 13GtCO2e              Chairman
General, Ban Ki-moon, at the UN          against the business as usual scenario
                                                                                    In recent years, Arup has worked
Climate Summit in New York as part       by 2050. Clearly, there is momentum
                                                                                    with many groups such as the C40,
of a series of activities taking place   for change.”
                                                                                    the Clinton Climate Initiative, the
during Climate Week.                     – Paula Kirk, Energy and Climate          Rockefeller Foundation and the World
He led the Arup team at the launch          Change Leader, Arup                     Economic Forum to provide practical
of a new report highlighting some of                                                tools for change and a strategic
                                         According to the report, some
the actions cities around the world                                                 roadmap toward a more resilient and
                                         228 global cities, representing 436
are taking to reduce greenhouse gas                                                 sustainable future.
                                         million people, have already set GHG
emissions (GHGs).                        reduction goals.                           Read the online version.
The ‘Global Aggregation of City          “What we have is population growth         Image: © C40

Climate Commitments’ report was          that could see almost two billion
produced by the C40 Cities Climate       more people on the planet by 2050

                                                                                                                             The Homebush Bay                           Arup has guided the 300m bridge
                                                                                                                                                                        through early conceptual design,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                environment. Arup’s holistic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                involvement has helped us shape the
                                                                                                                             Bridge breaks ground                       environmental impact statements,        best outcomes for the Rhodes and
                                                                                                                             03 Sep 2014                                and detailed design and construction    Wentworth Point communities.”
                                                                                                                                                                        over a 10 year period. The bridge has
                                                                                                                             The Homebush Bay Bridge,                                                           – James Naylor,
                                                                                                                                                                        fixed tie in points to align with the
                                                                                                                             linking the suburbs of Rhodes                                                         Project Director, Arup
                                                                                                                                                                        upcoming town centre development
                                                                                                                             and Wentworth Point, officially            at Wentworth Point, requiring a         Representing a forward thinking
                                                                                                                             broke ground on Monday, 1                  form that angles over the bay and       approach to infrastructure, the project
                                                                                                                             September, marking the ceremonial          raised connections to integrate with    is being delivered under a Voluntary
                                                                                                                             commencement of construction.              buildings and walkways. Long spans      Planning Agreement between the
                                                                                                                             The AU$43m bridge will cater for           were chosen to reduce the necessary     NSW Government and the Wentworth
                                                                                                                             pedestrian and cycle traffic, public       supporting piers, maintaining rowing    Point Landowners Alliance Group.
                                                                                                                             buses and emergency services, with a       lanes and preventing the unnecessary    The bridge, expected to be completed
                                                                                                                             future provision for light rail. It will   disturbance of Homebush Bay’s bed.      in early 2016, promotes the sustainable
                                                                                                                             also provide residents of Wentworth                                                growth of two of Western Sydney’s
                                                                                                                                                                        “A project of the complexity of the
                                                                                                                             Point with access to Rhodes railway                                                fastest growing communities.
                                                                                                                                                                        Homebush Bay Bridge represents
                                                                                                                             station – shortening the distance from     a unique engineering opportunity        Read the online version.
                                                                                                                             7km to 1km.                                – a standalone, long span bridge        Image: © Rick Graf
                                                                                                                                                                        in a highly constrained urban

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    27
Study set to shape                           You can download the full report here.      “Australia is the driest populated
                                                                                         continent, and due to the challenges
                                                                                                                                  “There is a key role for Sydney
                                                                                                                                  Water and their peers in driving this
                                                                                                                                                                            broader opportunities presented by
                                                                                                                                                                            water utilities in the generation of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the future. We are excited by emerging
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      opportunities to do things differently
future of urban water                        Each scenario sees the industry
                                             move in a new direction with
                                                                                         of our climate Sydney Water has          evolution and overseeing the more         energy and the recovery of resources      and be at the forefront of creative
management services                          various opportunities for customers,
                                                                                         successfully undertaken water
                                                                                         efficiency and conservation programs
                                                                                                                                  complex water delivery systems that
                                                                                                                                  are on the horizon.”
                                                                                                                                                                            from wastes.                              solutions that respond the full range
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of customer needs. This Arup study
                                             infrastructure and governance. Some                                                                                            According to Arup, the expertise
01 Sep 2014                                                                              to manage demand. As our largest                                                                                             is an exciting step towards securing
                                             incorporate modest changes such                                                      – Daniel Lambert, Australasia Water      and technology that Sydney Water
A ground-breaking study into future                                                      city and one facing unique challenges                                                                                        innovative and efficient management
                                             as the introduction of products and                                                     Leader, Arup                           and other Australian water utilities
scenarios for urban water management                                                     however, it is imperative that Sydney                                                                                        of our water resources for the next
                                             services using smart-water metering,                                                                                           will develop in making the transition
                                                                                         continues to remain at the forefront     Estimates are that Sydney faces rapid                                               several decades.”
launched today at a Committee for            real time monitoring, smart phone                                                                                              to new models in future represents
                                                                                         of innovative thinking as to what        urbanisation with an additional 1.3
Sydney, Sydney 2054 workshop will            apps and related technology. Overall,                                                                                          intellectual property that could          – Kaia Hodge, Manager Liveable City
                                                                                         the future of water supply may look      million people predicted to move
help cities in Australia and across          water bills could become lower as                                                                                              support new domestic and export              Programs, Sydney Water
                                                                                         like. This thinking should consider      into the city over the next decade.
the world address key pressures that         customers are more empowered to                                                                                                revenue streams.
                                                                                         demand, operating models and             Population growth will boom with                                                    The Committee for Sydney workshop
pose challenges to safe, secure and          reduce consumption.
                                                                                         adoption of technological innovation     urban renewal projects around             Sydney Water Manager Liveable             at which the report was launched is
sustainable supply of water.
                                             Others suggest more extensive changes       to ensure value is able to be realised   corridors and hubs that have access       City Programs, Kaia Hodge, said the       part of a series of workshops feeding
The study, led by Arup and Sydney            such as self-management of water            by the community.”                       to public transport, and major job and    planned study underscored Sydney          in to their Sydney 2054 initiative
Water, draws on a range of future            supply by local communities, a greater                                               housing growth in Western Sydney.         Water’s determination to be at the        which aims to shape a vision for
scenarios in mapping how water supply                                                    – Daniel Lambert, Australasia Water
                                             role for private industry in building and                                            As a result, Sydney Water is exploring    forefront of planning for and driving     Sydney at half century and to inform
in Sydney and other major cities could                                                      Leader, Arup
                                             operating site-specific water systems,                                               options for future supply models that     water management solutions for large      policy between now and then.
look in 25 years in the face of population   differentiated customer billing.            “Jointly with Sydney Water, Arup         complement the existing centralised       urban centres.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Read the online version.
growth, increasing scarcity of water and                                                 has been able to consider and assess     system to provide affordable and
                                             Arup’s Australasia Water Leader,                                                                                               “Water underpins the liveability of
continued budget pressures.                                                              scenarios that could transform the       timely servicing options that support                                               Image: © Arup
                                             Daniel Lambert said the joint planning                                                                                         our city. It is not just about plumbing
‘The Future of Urban Water:                                                              operating model for water utilities.     urban planning and design aspirations.
                                             study was one of the most imaginative                                                                                          our houses. It is also about how water
Scenarios for Urban Water Utilities                                                      Arup believes our population will
                                             and forward-looking of its type                                                      While the scenarios and trends            realises the look and feel of our city,
in 2040’ report highlights over 100                                                      be best served if water authorities
                                             undertaken by any water utility, and                                                 identified in the Arup/Sydney Water       and supports its future prosperity.”
social, economic, environmental,                                                         migrate towards a hybrid model which
                                             would help Australian water utilities                                                study offer a glimpse into the hybrid
                                                                                         incorporates greater decentralisation                                              “We recognise that there are big
political and technology trends,             to plan for and effect change on a local                                             model of water management that could
                                                                                         and autonomous management of                                                       changes ahead for the industry
outlining four key scenarios which           and global scale.                                                                    take shape in Sydney in the face of
                                                                                         water supply, greater participation                                                and that it is vital for us to take a
will guide the long term planning of                                                                                              demographic and economic pressures,
                                                                                         of additional service providers and                                                leadership role that is proactive in
Sydney Water.                                                                                                                     they also offer the potential for wider
                                                                                         smarter management of the water grid.                                              responding to change and planning for
                                                                                                                                  application. They also touch on the

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Arup Principal and Project Director,      • Grid applications – grid-side               Cost Benefit Assessment Report.
                                                                                                                              Dr Richard Sharp, said the cost-benefit      monitoring and control technologies         The report pinpoints the technologies
                                                                                                                              analysis was a rigorous examination          to reduce network operating costs           most likely to deliver a more efficient
                                                                                                                              of the Smart Grid, Smart City project        and support the future                      and effective electricity network,
                                                                                                                              that would feed into the ongoing             planning and implementation                 and outlines 23 recommendations
                                                                                                                              reform of regulations governing              of lower-cost networks;                     for implementation of smart-grid
                                                                                                                              electricity supply and distribution.                                                     technology across the national grid.
                                                                                                                                                                        • Customer applications – residential
                                                                                                                              “We estimate total net benefits across       electricity consumption, reliability,       The findings have also underpinned
World-first study of                      Energy Efficiency Initiative, Smart
                                          Grid, Smart City is one of the largest
                                                                                   the project and developed a business
                                                                                   case for implementing the most             the grid in the order of AU$28bn             customer behaviour and responses            development of a sophisticated set
smart-grid technologies                   and most ambitious commercial-           effective of these at a national level.    if the most promising smart-grid
                                                                                                                              technologies were to be implemented
                                                                                                                                                                           to feedback technologies and pricing
                                                                                                                                                                           models. This included an electric
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       of interfacing models – believed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to be the most advanced of their
released in Australia                     scale trial deployments of smart-grid
                                          infrastructure and applications ever
                                                                                   They found the largest economic            nationally. That’s money that can            vehicle trial and investigations into the   kind in the world – that will be
                                                                                   benefits came from technologies that       be applied to other infrastructure           interoperability of electricity metering    made available to all industry
28 Jul 2014                               undertaken in the world.
                                                                                   improved the overall reliability of        and services, or shaved off bills for        with gas and water metering;                participants to guide implementation
A comprehensive cost-benefit analysis     Centering on the use of information      the network. Notably, Fault                households or business.”                                                                 of smart-grid technology.
– the first of its kind in the world –    and communications to improve the        Detection Isolation and Restoration                                                  • Distributed generation and
has identified up to AU$28bn in net       efficiency of electricity generation,    (FDIR) technologies which allowed          “For example, at the household level,        distributed storage – distributed           “Industry participants now have
economic benefits that could flow to      distribution and usage, the trials       for rapid detection and repair of          we can use technology to change              generation and distributed storage          at their disposal a suite of proven
Australia if smart-grid technologies      were led by NSW network company          network faults was found to have           electricity usage patterns so as to          within electricity grids, at the level      technologies to make electricity
were to be implemented across             Ausgrid with support from industry       potential to deliver billions of dollars   dampen demand at peak periods,               of small communities; and,                  supply more efficient and less
Australia’s electricity system.           and government partners including        in benefits if used nationally.            reducing capacity requirements over                                                      costly. The challenge now is for
                                                                                                                                                                        • Supporting information and
                                          IBM Australia, GE Energy Australia,                                                 the long term.”                                                                          relevant jurisdictions and regulatory
The analysis conducted by a                                                        The consortium also found the trial of                                                  communication technology
                                          Grid Net, the CSIRO, TransGrid and                                                                                                                                           authorities to work together so that
consortium led by project design and                                               in-home electronic and online tools for    “Given the right mix of technologies,        platforms – integration of various
                                          Energy Australia.                                                                                                                                                            retailers and distributors and other
engineering firm Arup unveiled at an                                               monitoring and adjusting electricity       a smart grid is achievable. This             high-speed, reliable and secure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       participants have the flexibility to
industry briefing in Sydney today was     In its cost-benefit analysis, Arup and   usage in near-real time, coupled           means we get more out of our existing        data communications network and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       adapt and deploy these technologies
commissioned to examine the results of    consortium partners Energeia, Frontier   with ‘smart’ meters and alternate          electricity infrastructure, and can          associated IT systems with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       where it is of benefit to consumers.”
the Smart Grid, Smart City project – a    Economics and the Institute of           pricing models, gave households            stage investment in new infrastructure       electricity distribution network,
trial of smart-grid technologies in NSW   Sustainable Futures (UTS) quantified     unprecedented control over when            over longer periods.”                        including interoperability with the         – Dr Richard Sharp, Principal, Arup
over a four-year period from 2010.        the potential economic benefits          and how much electricity they                                                           National Broadband Network.
                                                                                                                              – Dr Richard Sharp, Principal, Arup                                                      * The full report can be downloaded
Backed by AU$100m in Federal              from the mix of smart-grid devices,      consumed. This led to a smoothing of                                                 The Arup-led analysis of data                  from the Information Clearing House.
                                                                                                                              Technologies and applications trialled
Government funding as part of its         customer-feedback technologies and       consumption over the daily cycle and                                                 gathered in the Smart Grid, Smart
                                                                                                                              in Smart Grid, Smart City included:                                                      Read the online version.
                                          dynamic electricity tariffs trialed in   reduced call on the grid at peak times.                                              City trial is captured in the National
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Image: © iStockphoto.com

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