Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress

Page created by Suzanne Hopkins
Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress
Official Show Preview

Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress
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Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress

 James Foster
                                                 Welcome to the
 Sales Director:
 Dan Emmerson
 Simon Ward
       Ward, Andy Taylder
                                                 27th ITS World Congress
 Production Manager:                                 am thrilled to welcome the ITS Community                      industry community, we believe it is an excellent
 Nick Bond                                           to the 27th ITS World Congress in Hamburg                     opportunity to show our gratitude towards
 Webmaster:                                          from 11 to 15 October after nearly two years                  our partners. I am very excited to meet many
 Sarah Biswell                                   apart. I really look forward to discussing the latest             Ertico partners participating in the exhibition
 Office Manager:                                 intelligent transport solutions face-to-face with                 and live demos and our partners Volkswagen,
 Kelly Thompson                                  international ITS experts, professionals, public                  Yunex Traffic, Here and Continental sponsoring
 Internet, IT and                                and private sector leaders, researchers, engineers,               the Congress. Seeing so many big names in
 Data Services Director:                         and students, representing all corners of the ITS                 the industry shows great support to the ITS
 James Howard
                                                 industry at the ITS World Congress in Hamburg.                    community, and I am very excited to experience
 Publisher/Managing Director:                       This year is a very special year for Ertico as we              their innovative mobility solutions in person.
 Andrew Barriball
                                                 are celebrating 30 years of innovation. In fact,                     This year, the ITS World Congress profiles
 Editorial Director:                             since 1991, Ertico has coordinated and worked on                  the changing face of mobility, with real-world
 Geoff Hadwick
                                                 dozens of European projects, undertaken a central                 examples of electric vehicle implementation,
 CEO:                                            role in public consultations and policy agendas                   shared transport and autonomy taking centre
 Roger Adshead
                                                 while establishing long-term relations with key                   stage, promising delegates the opportunity to
 Email:                                          players worldwide. Every three years, Ertico has                  Experience Future Mobility Now, as its theme
                                                 the privilege of organising the ITS World Congress                suggests. From October 11-15, 2021, everything in
                                                 in Europe. This year, it takes place in cooperation               Hamburg will revolve around intelligent mobility,
                                                 with the European Commission, the local Host ITS                  and the six congress topics chosen this year will
 Tel: +44 1322 612055
 Fax: +44 161 603 0891                           Hamburg 2021 and ITS America and ITS Asia-                        attentively allow participants to 'Experience Future
                                                 Pacific.                                                          Mobility Now'. From the latest technologies,
 Reader Enquiry Service:
 Dartford Office                                    To celebrate 30 years of innovation, the ITS                   innovative solutions for cities and citizens, third
 Tel: +44 1322 612055                            World Congress will bring a piece of the future                   mobility dimension, to the integration of different
 Email:                            to current times and experience what smarter,                     forms of transport into a single, on-demand
 Published by                                    cleaner and greener mobility looks like. Ertico                   service. This and much more will be presented to
 © Route One Publishing Ltd 2021                 will, of course, have a large stand displaying                    create an unforgettable experience.
                                                 our ongoing activities (5G Loginnov, 5G Meta,                        Make sure to visit the Ertico stand (B5.135), at
                                                 5G-MOBIX, CroCo, Carmen, Ensemble,                                any time during the week to discuss smart and
                                                 TM2.0, TN-ITS, SHOW, SolutionPlus, Modales,                       sustainable future mobility with the team.
                                                 eCharge4Drivers, MaaS Alliance, FENIX, ADASIS,                       I look forward to meeting you face-to-face after
 No part of this publication may be
 reproduced in any form whatsoever without
                                                 SENSORIS, ACADEMY and City Moonshot).                             all this time!
 the express written permission of the              Since the ITS World Congress is an ideal channel
 publisher. Contributors are encouraged          to foster cooperation with the international                      Jacob Bangsgaard, CEO, Ertico – ITS Europe
 to express their personal and professional
 opinions in this publication, and accordingly
 views expressed herein are not necessarily
 the views of Route One Publishing Ltd.          5-8 Highlights                      9 Demos                      11-28 Products              29 Exhibitor list
 From time to time statements and claims
                                                 General highlights of the           and tours                    and systems                 A-Z listing of exhibitors
 are made by the manufacturers and their         event and details of the            This year’s demos            A selection of some of      with stand numbers
 representatives in respect of their products    conference programme                and tours, encompass         the new products and
 and services. Whilst reasonable steps are                                           land, sea and air – and      systems that will be on
 taken to check their accuracy at the time
 of going to press, the publisher cannot be
                                                                                     everything in between        display in Hamburg
 held liable for their validity and accuracy.
                                                 Cover Image: © Simon Jakubowski |

Published by                                                                                                   27th ITS World Congress Hamburg | PREVIEW                  3
Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress
OIML R134-certified low and high speed
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Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress

  Highlights of
  the Congress
         he ITS World Congress, organised by      in the ITS World Congress's unique setting.      become a reality, and of course, the results,
         Ertico – ITS Europe and co-organised     At the ITS World Congress in Hamburg,            incorporating the perspective from both
         by the European Commission, is           participants will discover the latest smart      cities and the ITS community.
supported by the German Federal Ministry          mobility solutions from top mobility experts,       Together with national and international
of Transport and Digital Infrastructure           CEOs, CTOs and key decision-makers that          partners, the Hanseatic city of Hamburg
and hosted by Germany's largest port city,        shape the future of ITS.                         will present the latest trends in digitisation,
Hamburg.                                             The high-level programme includes the         mobility and logistics at the ITS World
   The Congress has drawn an impressive           prestigious opening and closing ceremonies       Congress. The organisers and host kindly
list of high-level speakers who will discuss      as well as the three plenaries (Ensuring         thank the Congress Partners for their
the six key themes highlighted throughout         Sustainable Mobility; Delivering safe,           support: Yunex Traffic, Volkswagen, DB
the Congress: Automated and Connected             efficient and integrated solutions; Navigating   Bahn, Google Cloud, Here, L3 Pilot, Bosch,
driving, Mobility as a Service, Intelligent       data marketplaces in Smart Cities) and six       Continental, Diconium, Mobileye, Sopra
Infrastructure, Goods journey from ports          executive sessions covering the six Congress     Steria, Volocopter, ZF Group, Graphmasters,
to customers, New Services from new               topics. This high-level programme will be        5GAA, HVV, Lufthansa and Moia.
technologies and Solutions from Cities and        attended and include addresses by major
Citizens.                                         personalities as well as high-level industry     Innovative mobility concepts
   "This will be one of Europe's largest          executives, public officials and academia        The exhibition halls, the Congress Centre
face-to-face events this year," says Lisa         from around the world, who will share their      Hamburg (CCH) and selected locations
Boch-Andersen, organiser of the ITS World         experiences and views on ITS achievements.       throughout Hamburg provide the largest
Congress Hamburg 2021 and director of                                                              industry meeting on these topics. The World
communications and events at Ertico -             Two global forums                                Congress aims to make innovative mobility
ITS Europe. "Contributions from the ITS           The ITS World Congress is also hosting a         concepts tangible and present an outlook on
community will be showcased in 180                high-level ITS World Congress Summit             future developments in the Hanseatic city.
technical sessions, alongside high-level          in the presence of Ministers and Industry        The city of Hamburg also invites participants
plenaries and executive presentations, three      leaders and forums from the three respective     to the ITS World Congress 2021 Public Day
regional forums, 30 demonstrations and 19         regions; Asia-Pacific, the Americas and          to Experience Future Mobility Now on the
technical visits. For the first time this year,   Europe. For the first time, two global forums    ground.
we will have two global forums, and as usual,     will also be dedicated to the very popular          Moreover, the demonstration programme
an innovative start-up programme focused          topics on Mobility as a Service, and second,     is the largest ever seen at a World Congress,
on matchmaking will form part of the              given the importance of Hamburg's role as        pushing the boundaries of technical
programme. Of course, the most important          an international port, freight and logistics.    possibilities within the six Congress themes.
element is people – that's what ITS is all           This year's ITS World Congress in             The best-rated demonstration will be given
about."                                           Hamburg will also feature a designated           the Best Demo Award based on the votes of
                                                  exhibition area and dedicated programme          Congress participants. If you are interested
The latest smart mobility                         sponsored by the Ertico Start-up Initiative      in the future of mobility, then the ITS World
solutions                                         with the theme: Connect, Innovate, Grow.         Congress is an unmissable opportunity.
Being part of the ITS World Congress 2021         Ertico will also host two separate sessions
helps shape the future of smart mobility          on the work that has been done through           ▶For any registration-related questions
and shows where you think the ITS sector is       the City Moonshot initiative, focusing on        please contact the Registration Team
heading. It is an opportunity to network with     the methodology side, such as the origin of      at: +32.2.320.2535 or registrationits@
the international smart mobility community        the initiative, the procedures followed to

Published by                                                                             27th ITS World Congress Hamburg | PREVIEW               5
Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress

Highlights of the packed programme
The ITS World Congress gathers an                     Search for 'ITS Congress' in your app store.        director of the Sauti Kuu Foundation; as
impressive number of ITS stakeholders from            At the heart of the Congress, the programme         well as Hajime Amano, secretary general
the public and private sectors to learn from          offers delegates an unparalleled opportunity        at ITS Asia-Pacific, Dr. Angelos Amditis,
each other about the latest innovations in            to learn about the latest ITS technologies          chairman of Ertico – ITS Europe, Laura
products, services and related practices in           and new mobility concepts. Six key themes           Chace, president and CEO of ITS America
smart mobility.                                       are highlighted throughout the congress:            and Harry Evers, managing director at ITS
   This year, the ITS World Congress                  Automated and Connected Driving; Mobility           Hamburg 2021.
launched a Congress App on 20 September               as a Service; Intelligent Infrastructure;              Congress partners will be present and
for participants to keep up-to-date with              Goods Journey from Ports to Customers;              include Michael Peter, CEO of Siemens
information and programme straight from               New Services from New Technologies; and             Mobility (Yunex) and also Dr. Anjes
a smartphone. The app will provide the                Solutions from Cities and Citizens.                 Tjarks, senator for transport and mobility
possibility to plan the programme, network               The official Opening Ceremony,                   transition at the city of Hamburg as well
with all attendees and book meetings in               addressed by major personalities, will take         as a virtual address from Adina-Ioana
the B2B networking area as well as to book            place on Monday 10 October. Keynote                 Valean, European Commissioner for
a demonstration. Conference participants              speeches will be made by Dr. Peter                  Transport at the European Commission
can rate all sessions they attend by first            Tschentscher, First Mayor at the City of            DG MOVE.
registering for those sessions on the app.            Hamburg; Dr. Auma Obama, founder and                                                 Continued

                                                                                                            Covid Measures
                                                                                                            Ertico - ITS Europe as the organiser
                                                                                                            and ITS Hamburg 2021 as Host and
                                                                                                            co-organiser of the ITS World Congress
                                                                                                            in Hamburg (11-15 October 2021) have
                                                                                                            presented a Covid prevention plan to the
                                                                                                            Hamburg authorities which has now been
                                                                                                            pre-approved in 2G format.
                                                                                                               Under the 2G format, all attendees will
                                                                                                            need, either to be fully vaccinated with
                                                                                                            one of the 4 EU recognised vaccinations
                                                                                                            (Moderna, Pfizer/BioNTech, Janssen/
                                                                                                            Johnson&Johnson and Oxford/
                                                                                                            AstraZeneca) or have proof of full
                                                                                                            recovery from Covid 19 (presentation
                                                                                                            of a valid vaccination certificate and/
                                                                                                            or proof of Covid-19 recovery). The ITS
                                                                                                            World Congress team wants to reassure
                                                                                                            you that we will implement the latest
                                                                                                            technology and scientific advice to create
    The Host City                                                                                           a safe and secure environment. Those
                                                                                                            who wish to visit a 2G event must prove
    The Hanseatic City of            the city’s economy and            include smart parking                their ‘vaccinated’ or ‘recovered’ status and
    Hamburg is one of the            hence the quality of life in      sensors, traffic-light phase         provide a photo ID - more about the 2G
    most competitive regions         the city continues to grow.       assistants and on-demand             format at this link:
    in Germany and Europe. As        In 2035, almost two million       shuttles. In addition, the port
                                                                                                                                                           © Eldar Nurkovic |

    a central logistics hub, it is   people are expected to live in    develops and implements
    the place to be for the ITS      Hamburg.                          intelligent logistics solutions.
    community in October 2021.          In Hamburg, future             At the Altenwerder Container
       More than 1.8 million         mobility is not just a vision.    Terminal, for example,
    people live at the most          In line with the city’s ITS       automated guided vehicles
    important European               strategy, more than 35            transport containers to
    transport axis between           projects already explore the      designated locations.
    Scandinavia, Western,            potential of digital trends          The Congress showcases
    Eastern and Southern             for the transport industry        the latest ITS achievements
    Europe. Thanks to its            today. Hamburg is one of          from Hamburg and the
    outstanding infrastructure,      the first German cities to test   region in line with its
    qualified specialists,           autonomous and connected          strategic mobility plan,
    innovative companies, and        vehicles on a manufacturer-       giving a keen insight into
    research institutes known for    independent course right in       the available business
    their cutting-edge research,     the city centre. Other projects   possibilities in the area.

6           PREVIEW | 27th ITS World Congress Hamburg                                                                                 Published by
Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress
conv enien t tr avel l i n g
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              Watch our webinar series

Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress


   On Tuesday, 12 October the ITS World            more efficient services available to all. The    Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the Americas will
Congress Summit will discuss questions             plenary will also look at achievements           take place, and for the very first time, two
on financing models, modal transportation          in deploying ITS to address these issues,        dedicated global forums – one on mobility as
shifts, public acceptance of a faster transition   review the expected benefits from emerging       a service (MaaS), and another on freight and
to sustainable mobility, harmonising               solutions and look at some of the common         ports given Hamburg's important role as an
standards and regulations in the ITS sector,       global challenges on defining sustainable        international port.
amongst other topics. High-level industry          mobility, how to deploy ITS to decarbonise          The Technical Programme is the result of
executives, public officials, and academics        mobility while addressing climate change         the call for contribution process earlier in
worldwide will draw from their experiences         and maintaining quality services for citizens.   the year. It has delivered 180 highly focused
and views on ITS achievements and discuss             The second plenary on 'Delivering safe,       sessions that promote advances in state of
key topical policies, opportunities, and           efficient and integrated solutions' takes        the art and ITS deployment. The sessions
challenges during six executive sessions, all      place on Wednesday 13 October at 10:30           include tailor-made special interest sessions,
dedicated to the six Congress topics.              am and the focus of the discussion covers        technical/research papers and business
                                                   mobility for all, logistics services, traffic    presentations.
1. Where are all the C/AVs?                        management, and automation. Integrating             Participants can also look forward to a
   (Tuesday 12 October at 11:00)                   mobility for travellers and goods is critical    dynamic exhibition showcasing the latest
2. Future Mobility, Future City                    to ensuring that the transport in a region,      innovative solutions and a creative young
   (Tuesday 12 October at 14:00)                   city and locality is efficient and effective.    start-up area where tomorrow's minds
3. Digital evolution or digital revolution         This plenary will look at what is being done     will pitch their big ideas to Ertico partners,
   (Tuesday 12 October at 16:00)                   globally to integrate mobility services to       German industry and companies in the
4. Smart traffic management: removing the          bring about efficiency and effectiveness         mobility sector under the theme 'Connect,
   roadblocks (Thursday 14 October at 11:00)       gains and ask some questions about the           Innovate, Grow'. Under this motto, the start-
5. Implementation of Green Intelligent             ways forward.                                    up programme will include mentoring tours
   Transport Systems (Thursday 14 October             The third plenary covers the topic of         and matchmaking opportunities for start-
   at 14:00)                                       'Navigating data marketplaces in Smart           ups from around the world
6. Achieving traffic safety: "herd immunity"       Cities', which takes place on Thursday 14           ‘Start-ups, with their creativity and
   with vaccinated AVs (Thursday 14 October        October at 10:30 am, will focus on data          adaptability have the potential and
   at 16:00)                                       marketplaces, digital infrastructures, and       knowledge to help us bring new solutions
                                                   connectivity. This plenary discusses the         for tomorrow’s journey and are essential for
  Three plenaries will highlight the               role of such data marketplaces for mobility      the future of the European economy. We are
overarching theme of Experiencing Future           ecosystems and the challenges in meeting         looking forward with great interest to see
Mobility Now. The first plenary on 'Ensuring       various stakeholder demands.                     what this vibrant start-up community with
Sustainable Mobility' takes place on                  The ITS World Congress in Hamburg will        its new products, services and ideas will
Tuesday 12 October at 10:30 am, focusing           offer stakeholders and the ITS community         bring to the ITS Community in Hamburg,’
on the benefits for cities, industries, public     the ultimate platform to experience the          said Jacob Bangsgaard, Ertico CEO.
authorities and citizens, highlighting the         most recent ITS innovation and potential
developments in the mobility of people             for networking. There will be six engaging       • Additional key activities include 30
and transport of goods using technologies          executive sessions offering the views of         Demonstrations, 19 Technical Visits and four
that have hugely benefited society with            global high-level executives throughout          Hamburg tours. Visit the overview of the
accessible, equitable, inclusive, safer and        the week. Forums from the three regions of       programme.

                                                                                                                                                © Erik Lattwein |

8         PREVIEW | 27th ITS World Congress Hamburg                                                                            Published by
Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress

  land, sea and air
  - and everything in between

        emonstrations and technical tours         Transition Demonstration Tours can be             that can be used in an integrated manner and
        have always been a core component         booked free of charge by ITS Congress             helpfully complement each other.
        of ITS World Congresses. The              Participants via the ITS Congress App or             Future Rail Experience Tour will look at the
programme being put on in Hamburg is              on-site in the Demonstration Hall B2. Start       digitalisation of rail traffic and the automation
nothing short of breathtaking. It presents        and end location of each tour will be Hall B2,    of last-mile feeder services making transport
highlights of the current technical               Boarding Area.                                    in Hamburg more intelligent, smart and
possibilities within the framework of the ITS        The City of Hamburg is working                 comfortable. Experience future mobility now
themes in an interactive way for the visitor      intensively on the digitalisation of mobility     on a highly automated journey from Hamburg
and is not to be missed.                          to make transport safer, more efficient,          Dammtor railway station to Hamburg-
   At ITS World Congress in Hamburg,              and more environmentally friendly and to          Bergedorf, where the fully automated
demonstrations will take place in front           make it meet Hamburg's needs. During the          deployment of trains will be demonstrated.
of the exhibition hall, inside and outside        Digitalising Urban Traffic Tour in the heart of
Hamburg Messe and on the public road at           Hamburg, participants will experience how         Urban Air Mobility
our test track. Demonstrations will also offer    intelligent infrastructure and digitisation of    With the new Congress topic 'New services
a unique opportunity to bring government,         urban traffic can help to make traffic more       from new technologies', the ITS World
public and media attention to their brands        environmentally-friendly and comfortable.         Congress will emphasise the importance
and products.                                                                                       of urban air mobility innovation to the
   There will be 30 demonstrations in and         The Logistics Experience                          ITS community. Unmanned systems can
around the Hamburg Messe, five urban              The Logistics Experience tour will show           extend existing services, whether they are
air mobility (UAM) flight demos at the            projects on the water, underwater, on land        bound on land, sea or air. This new topic is
HomePort and more sea-drones. There will          and up in the sky focused on ITS logistics        just as fascinating for the established ITS
also be the L3Pilot, 5GCroco/5GLoginnov           solutions. The group will be picked up for a      community as it is for the citizens of the Free
and SynCoPark related to automated driving,       bus ride through the harbour.                     and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. As an urban
while PrioBike and BiDiMoVe improve safety           During the ride, there will be two             air mobility model city, unmanned aviation is
and comfort for bicycles.                         narrative threads via tablets in the bus          also an important aspect for Hamburg from a
                                                  and a tour guide, explaining both the front       strategic point of view.
Mobility Transition                               end and the back end of Hamburg's ITS                The ITS World Congress includes 19
Demonstration Tours                               strategy from the fields of port and logistics    technical visits with an exclusive opportunity
The four Mobility Transition Demonstration        at Kattwykbridge and HHLA Container               to explore the most advanced ITS technical
Tours highlight around 60 of Hamburg's            Terminal Altenwerder – CTA. Visitors take         developments into real-life operations.
most innovative ITS schemes, including            the "ITS ferry" at Elbe river back. (Please       Technologies will be shown in available
Hamburg's ITS Anchor Projects. They have          note: Booking for this tour closes Friday 1       locations, in and around Hamburg and all
been designed around 'Digitising Urban            October.)                                         over Germany: the ITS Team will organise
Traffic', 'Logistics Experience', 'Hamburg           The Hamburg Sets the Pace Tour, where          transfers to the sites. Technical visits also
sets the Pace' and 'Future Rail Experience'       everybody should have access to a mobility        require long-distance transfers to the assigned
and will run Tuesday-Friday during ITS            service within five minutes until 2030,           location, which will be scheduled before
Congress hours. Please note, only the main        focuses on multimodal, reliable, and              or after the ITS World Congress days, to
projects demonstrated in each Mobility            customer-centric transportation. The road         give delegates the possibility to attend the
Transition Demonstration Tour are listed. All     tour offers the chance to visit Hamburg's         technical visit they choose without missing
of these projects will also be presented at the   efforts for a modern mobility mix with public     the activities planned in the general Congress
ITS Hamburg stand in Hall B4. The Mobility        transport, on-demand and sharing services         programme.

Published by                                                                             27th ITS World Congress Hamburg | PREVIEW                9
Official Show Preview - ITS World Congress

Cubic Transportation Systems
delivers a full suite of ITS
Solutions for:

– Optimising roadway capacity
  in your community

– Creating safer streets
  for all road users

– Improving the movement of people
  and freight from place to place
  without incident

Visit booth B5301 to upgrade
your roadways.


There’s a lot to see on the Swarco stand
       warco is looking forward to being                                                                cutting-edge and highly energy-efficient
       back at an in-person event after                                                                 optic system the Swarco customers are
       18 months of pandemic-related                                                                    used to.
exhibition lockdown. On its stand, Swarco                                                                  Swarco is a world market supplier of traffic
will present the full spectrum of its                                                                   controllers and also presents the ITC-3
capabilities in sustainable urban mobility                                                              controller that can interface with all major
management. This ranges from smart traffic                                                              traffic management systems on the world
lights and controllers via parking solutions                                                            market while the controller also features
to the new Swarco MyCity software suite                                                                 its own high performance adaptive control
to manage urban traffic and environment                                                                 algorithm called Smart Green.
with a single, device-independent control                                                                  Apart from contributions to the
platform. The Green Wave for micromobility                                                              conference programme and being part
will be on display, as will the new Combia                                                              of EU-funded research projects, Swarco
LED traffic signal generation with smart              Swarco will premiere CubiLED, a novel             will offer demo drives on the 9 km test
add-on features. Visitors will also learn             LED variable message sign generation              track for automated and interconnected
how to design intersections in a more                                                                   driving (TAVF) in the public urban traffic
environmentally friendly way. The keyword              A premiere on the exhibition stand will          area of Hamburg. Swarco demonstrates an
in this context is Swarco X-Line. Traffic            be the novel LED variable message sign             ‘individual green wave’ application based
planning, engineering and consulting                 generation called CubiLED. This new                on a Traffic Light Forecast (TLF) service in
expertise will be represented at the stand in        product gives flexibility to road operators        the context of Environment Sensitive Traffic
the same way as the future-oriented topic            who need dynamic signage on a smaller              Management (ESTM).
of Cooperative, Connected and Automated              scale with less demanding configurations.          ▶Stand: B5.120
Mobility (CCAM).                                     The new VMS builds on the patented       

  DLR to bring prototype of the U-Shift vehicle concept to the show
                                                                              the first drivable prototype at       controlled and is being
                                                                              ITS World Congress 2021 in            automated in the current project.
                                                                              Hamburg.                              The first version of the passenger
                                                                                 This concept’s main feature        capsule is equipped with seven
                                                                              – it separates the drive unit,        fixed seats and one folding seat.
                                                                              referred to as the ‘driveboard’,         The first U-Shift prototype
                                                                              from the pod-shaped                   gives DLR researchers the
                                                                              superstructures for passengers        opportunity to gain initial
                                                                              or cargo. The U-shaped                experience with this disruptive
                                                                              driveboard houses all technical       vehicle concept and its diverse
                                                                              components and systems. This          application scenarios. The goal
                                                                              makes it autonomous, electric,        is to make tomorrow’s mobility
                                                                              and quiet when on the move.           more sustainable, efficient, and
                                                                              To maximise efficiency, the           comfortable while enabling new
                                                                              driveboard can be operated            products, services and business
                                                                              around the clock. The pods,           models to emerge.
                                                                              which are much cheaper to             ▶Stand: B5.220
  On-demand shuttle, flexible            (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und     manufacture, can be         
  distribution centre for parcels or     Raumfahrt; DLR) is breathing         designed for a wide variety
  mobile shop – with the disruptive      new life into the urban mobility     of applications.
  vehicle concept U-Shift, the           and logistics of tomorrow. As a         The driveboard rd is
  German Aerospace Centre                highlight, DLR will be showing       currently still remote-

Meet the Cross Zlin specialists
Cross Zlin is an international specialist in         proposal will be interoperable with the software
ITS and smart cities projects, traffic control,      or hardware they already have in place and
                                                                                              nd can
parking, Weigh in Motion, road telematics and        be customised to suit the given application.
road weather status. The company says it will           Systems by Cross Zlín have been installed
field a team of specialists in Hamburg capable       in locations from Japan to Brazil, Norway to
of discussing a potential project of any scale,      Tanzania with the aim of keeping traffic moving,
covering all the bases - from A to Z.                whatever the local conditions.
   The company says an important factor for          ▶Stand: B7.014
clients is the knowledge that any state-of-the art

Published by                                              27th ITS World Congress Hamburg | PREVIE
                                                                                                IEWW                                                11

                                                                                                               Efkon integrates
                                                                                                               DSRC into
                                                                                                               vehicle interior
                                                                                                               While millions of DSRC
                                                                                                               on-board units installed
                                                                                                               worldwide are mounted
                                                                                                               behind the vehicle’s

  Cubic’s Gridsmart Protect:                                                                                   windshield, Efkon has
                                                                                                               developed a solution allowing
                                                                                                               seamless integration of the

  providing safety for all                                                                                     technology into the vehicle
                                                                                                               interior, which it will present
                                                                                                               in Hamburg.

  vulnerable road users                                                                                           Technically, the small,
                                                                                                               barely visible electronic
                                                                                                               device is installed behind the
                                                                                                               windshield and connected

       afety is the most              pedestrian, no matter how              Protect is intended for           to the control unit located in
       fundamental need at            quickly or slowly they move         intersections where there            the interior via a standardised
       intersections, but existing    through the intersection, giving    is a need for VRU safety             cable harness. It contains a
in-ground detection and               back the remaining phase time       and analytics, but where             display as well as a slot for
approach-based systems simply         to vehicle traffic when possible.   intersections may already have       using contactless payment
don't do enough to protect our           The system uses touchless        other functioning detection or       cards. The display shows the
vulnerable road users (VRU).          pedestrian actuation to             don't even require traditional       credit on the pre-paid card.
That's why Cubic Transportation       provide additional VRU safety       detection. This solution was         During the passage through
Systems created Gridsmart             by eliminating the need for         designed to be accessible for        a toll station, the toll amount
Protect which the company will        pedestrians to remember a ped       every community, regardless          due is debited and displayed.
be demonstrating in Hamburg.          button or touch an unsanitary       of controller or detection           Efkon has developed
   Gridsmart Protect keeps            surface to cross an intersection.   technology.                          the patented module for
vulnerable road users safe by         Leveraging this feature can also       A simple software upgrade         production in Asia.
tracking pedestrians and cyclists     build a more inclusive user         is all it takes to transition from
as they enter, travel through, and    experience for the disabled and     Gridsmart Protect to the full
exit the intersection. Outputs        even detect an ‘all clear’ when a   Gridsmart System functionality
from Protect allow traffic            pedestrian leaves after placing     when the need arises.
managers to extend clearance          a call. Cubic says it's safety by   ▶Stand: B5.301
times to accommodate each             design; efficiency by default.

  Movable and
                                                                                                                  Major automobile
  from Spie                                                                                                    manufacturers, for example
                                                                                                               Toyota, install the modules
  Netherland-headquartered                                                                                     directly during production.
  Spie, a specialist in traffic                                                                                Aftermarket integration is
  management solutions, will                                                                                   supported as well. Efkon
  use the ITS World Congress                                                                                   says its solution is a forward-
  to introduce its Veva movable                                                                                looking step towards free-
  barrier and the Cado emergency                                                                               flow tolling and is enjoying
  barrier. According to Spie, both                                                                             increasing popularity and
  devices provide added safety                                                                                 acceptance by the customers.
  for road users and maintenance                                                                                  Efkon is presenting the
  staff. They also rapidly help                                                                                integrated DSRC module and
  ensure the consistency of traffic                                                                            other innovative products for
  flows.                                                                                                       electronic tolling, tachograph
  ▶Stand: B5.511                                                                                               and enforcement in Hamburg.                                                                                           ▶Stand: B5.005                                                                               

12        PREVIEW | 27th ITS World Congress Hamburg                                                                        Published by
Lanternn by Valerann

  Reduce       Decrease       Increase         Improve
Congestion     Emissions    Sustainability      Safety


Parifex will show three                                                                                         An instant
                                                                                                                system from
road control innovations                                                                                        Instant System

        arifex, a leading solution   well as the Nomad, a multi-          lane monitoring.                      Instant System, a France-
        provider in project          infringement sensor designed to         The Nano-Cam range can             headquartered company that
        management for speed         fit in the urban infrastructure.     be used in multiple situations        provides white label Mobility
enforcement and smart cities,           The Double-Side Vigie off-        in order to manage road traffic       as a Service (MaaS) will be
will highlight three innovations     road system can detect various       safety. This light, compact,          in Hamburg to present its
including 3D-Lidar technology:       speeding vehicles on different       and easily transportable              mobile application.
the Double-Side Vigie, an extra-     lanes simultaneously and             sensor is easy to set up on              This offers intermodal/
urban speed control system;          collect data such as vehicle         existing infrastructure or            multimodal real-time and
the Nano-Cam, an innovative          classification, dimensions,          mounted on a tripod. Through          predictive journey planning
sensor for mobile real-time          distances. The device controls       the camera, the Nano-Cam              and passenger information.
data collection and speed            through front and rear pictures      enables speed enforcement             It also provides real-time
enforcement such as vehicle          of the vehicle allowing              in any environment and in             guidance, ticketing for public
counting and classification; as      motorcycle control and multi-        a 360-degree view. It can             transport and booking and
                                                                          collect highly accurate data          payment for alternative
                                                                          in real time, such as speed,          mobility services (including
                                                                          dimensions, direction, distance       bike sharing, e-scooter
                                                                          of any static or moving objects.      sharing, car sharing, ride
                                                                             Meanwhile, the Nomad can           hailing, carpooling).
                                                                          detect multiple violations such          The solution also features
                                                                          as speeding, red light crossing,      a back-office system allowing
                                                                          safety distance, classification       communication with users
                                                                          and vehicle identification            (notifications and messages),
                                                                          through its double direction          mobility flow analysis and
                                                                          tracking system. The device           the generation of mobility
                                                                          can be installed on any street        packages.
                                                                          furniture and its 3D-Lidar               Instant System says it
                                                                          sensor enables an easy set-up         provides platforms and
                                                                          and accurate control.                 passenger information
The Parifex                                                               ▶Stand: 7.015                         applications to more than 70
Nano-Cam                                                                                   local authorities and public
                                                                                                                transport operators.
                                                                                                                ▶Stand: B5.508
  The essence of Peek                                     Emergency vehicles en route to an incident have
                                                          to cross intersections through red lights. Crossing
  Traffic’s GreenFlow                                     of these intersections is slow and unsafe. Giving
                                                          them a green light on the route saves time and
                                                          therefore lives. This is the essence of GreenFlow
                                                          from Peek Traffic by Dynniq, and the power of
                                                          C-ITS which will feature in Hamburg.
                                                             GreenFlow connects individual vehicles
                                                          with traffic lights. This enables communication
                                                          between road users with traffic lights they are
                                                          approaching. The driver receives feedback on
                                                          the result of the priority request and obtains
                                                          information about the traffic lights they are
                                                          approaching, such as time-to-red, time-to-green,
                                                          or a speed advice to ensure that they can drive
                                                          through the green light without stopping.
                                                             Peek says this technology is a very innovative
                                                          instrument to many cities, municipalities and
                                                          provinces and offers many possibilities for
                                                          implementing traffic policy, while stimulating
                                                          a safe and fast traffic flow. In addition, the
                                                          company’s priority services have specific
                                                          applications for specific road users.
                                                          ▶Stand: B5.101

14        PREVIEW | 27th ITS World Congress Hamburg                                                                          Published by
Imagine the comfort and efficiency increase for the entire mobility
ecosystem when travelers, roadside equipment and roads would be
connected, sharing info, status and plans, continuously and in real-time.
Monotch makes all of this happen. We make traffic talk.

                                                                            Learn more at

Houston Radar to feature SpeedLine
Pro and Tetryon solutions
        S-based Houston Radar,
        a leading supplier of
        Doppler and FMCW
radars for the traffic industry
with customers in over 55
countries, will feature three
major product innovations –             85th percentile and headway              central location. The products        Houston Radar says it is also the
SpeedLane Pro, Tetryon traffic          parameters in up to 16 lanes             are designed to seamlessly            smallest and most convenient
cloud server, Armadillo Tracker         on the road in all weather               integrate out of the box to enable    radar-based stats collection box.
and the Armadillo Crossfire.            conditions. The SpeedLane won            rapid deployment of customers’        The device collects individual
   Houston Radar SpeedLane              the 2016 Intertraffic Award in the       traffic data on the web.              time-stamped vehicle counts,
Pro is an industry-leading true         Traffic Management Category.                The Armadillo Tracker, a           speeds and class per direction
dual-beam, ultra-low power                 The product is complemented           highly portable, fully integrated     in up to two adjacent lanes,
side-fire radar. It is designed to      by Houston Radar’s Tetryon               multi-lane bi-directional traffic     making it a perfect fit for traffic
accurately detect lane, speed,          traffic server; a customisable           statistics gathering device, is a     monitoring and speed study
and class of individual vehicles        cloud server used to aggregate           leading non-intrusive collector       applications.
and compute per lane volume,            data from multiple SpeedLane             used around the world that is         ▶Stand: B5.013
occupancy, gap, average speed,          Pro and Armadillo units in one           designed to replace road tubes.

                                                                 A chance to weigh up Intercomp’s wheel
                                                                 and axle weighing scales and applications
                                                                 Intercomp Company manufactures fixed and portable scales and sensors
                                                                 which incorporate strain gauge technology for static and Weigh in Motion (WIM)
                                                                 applications. This technology, on display in Hamburg, enables accurate, stable,
                                                                 and reliable measurements of wheel and axle weighing applications.
                                                                    For WIM applications using installed scales, Intercomp’s in-ground strain gauge
                                                                 strip sensors for low- and high-speed WIM (HS-WIM), and the LS-WIM axle scale
                                                                 each maintain OIML R134 weigh-in-motion certifications. These fixed WIM scales
                                                                 and sensors give product options delivering stable and accurate readings at
                                                                 speeds ranging from 3mph (5km/h) to 80 mph (130km/h.)
                                                                    Portable scales will be on display as well, with wireless LS788-WIM portable
                                                                 scales for static and WIM use, and the LP788 low-profile portable scales with
                                                                 both OIML R76 and NTEP certifications. The latest portable scale indicator, the
                                                                 TS30 CPU with intuitive touchscreen interface, will be available for attendees to
                                                                 experience. Bringing new capabilities to wheel load scales, Intercomp will unveil
                                                                 the LTR788 dual-platform scale, which allows for weighing each tyre individually in
                                                                 dual tyre configurations. This enables service inspections of individual tyre ratings
                                                                 and tyre anomalies to be detected with a low-profile portable digital scale.
                                                                 ▶Stand: B5.010

  Sensors for road and rail infrastructure
  Sick will be in Hamburg to              for traffic profiling traffic. These
  highlight its wide range of sensors     measure, detect, classify, count,
  and sensor system solutions for         check vehicles, and monitor other
  road and rail infrastructure with       (vulnerable) road users in 3D. They
  particular emphasis on Lidar-           determine the number of axles
  based sensors/systems and air           on trucks for vehicle classification
  quality measurement devices for         and measure vehicle dimensions
  tunnels. Also to be featured will       to address loading errors.
  be the company’s light curtains         ▶Stand: B7.700
  and Lidar sensors and systems 

16        PREVIEW | 27th ITS World Congress Hamburg                                                                                   Published by

                                                                                                           VRU PROTE
                                                                                                                      N DETECTIO
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                                                                                                                     T   ECTION

                                                                                                     STOP BAR IC

                                                                                                    DILEMMA Z
                                                                                                             ONE PROTE

                                                                                                    QUEUE LEN
                                                                                                              GTH ESTIM

                                                                                                   ADVANCE D

Visit us at ITS World Congress - October 11-15, 2021 - Hamburg, Germany - Hall 5, Booth 006

Jenoptik – Driving Future
Mobility at ITS World Congress
       enoptik Light & Safety will      user charging. The TraffiTower         effective tool to reduce air
       present innovative and           can be operated autonomously           pollution.
       industry-leading solutions       for weeks independently of a              With experience from one
from various application areas          connection to the power grid. All      of the largest toll projects in
around traffic monitoring, public       applications are supported by          the world, Jenoptik will also
safety and road-user charging.          a powerful back office that uses       highlight its expertise and
With a presence in more than            artificial intelligence to analyse     competence in all aspects of
80 countries and supported by a         the multitude of data collected        road-user charging.
strong partner network, Jenoptik        in real time and reports hazard           With innovation as the driving
says it has supplied and installed
over 30,000 systems worldwide.
                                        alerts, rule violations and other
                                                                               force, Jenoptik Light & Safety is
                                                                               a global leader whose intelligent
                                                                                                                    Stainless steel
   Visitors to the stand will be           Also being highlighted in           solutions are constantly evolving    will transport
able to see the multifunctional         Hamburg will be Jenoptik's             and helping to make roads
TraffiTower, which flexibly             clean air solutions that help          and communities safer, reduce        society to a
and modularly combines                  communities and governments            congestion and emissions, and
applications including speed            effectively reduce emissions in a      meet the challenges of future
and red-light monitoring,               variety of ways. These solutions       mobility.                            future
automatic number plate                  provide traffic managers with          ▶Stand: B4.EG110
recognition (ANPR) and road-            a valuable and highly cost-                           Outokumpu will illustrate
                                                                                                                    why stainless steel, best
                                                                                                                    known for providing strength
                                                                                                                    and corrosion resistance for
                                                                                                                    railcars and road tankers,
                                                                                                                    is a superb material for
                                                                                                                    sustainable transportation
                                                                                                                    at the centre of the circular
                                                                                                                    economy. As visitors to
                                                                                                                    the event will see, the high
                                                                                                                    strength and formability
                                                                                                                    of Outokumpu’s new Forta
                                                                                                                    H-Series offers exciting
                                                                                                                    possibilities to help car and
                                                                                                                    bus designers create stronger
                                                                                                                    and lighter structures that
                                                                                                                    boost energy efficiency
                                                                                                                    and increase crash safety.
Discover PSI’s smart city ecosystem                                                                                 Potentially, the weight of a
                                                                                                                    bus might be cut by 1,000 kg.
The PSI Group will present intelligent and integrated       support, software from PSI optimises traffic            The heat protection properties
software solutions for the sustainable city of tomorrow     flow control, electric network management and           of the material are ideal for
at this year’s ITS World Congress. The focus will be        operational processes in bus and streetcar depots.      electric vehicle batteries,
on how AI- and cloud-based software can help to             The basis is value-added analysis of business process   while its non-magnetic nature
operate urban infrastructures in a reliable, intelligent,   data through self-learning processing of historicised   helps build highly efficient
and sustainable way. PSI's solution includes software                                     data using artificial     electric motors.
developments for predictive traffic management,                                           intelligence methods.        Outokumpu adds that
smart utility grids, integrated depot and                                                ▶Stand: B5.002             stainless steel is also set to
charging management for e-vehicles,                                                    play a vital role in the growing
automated rail transport and                                                                                        hydrogen economy – which
efficient airport baggage                                                                                           is seen as the fuel of the
handling.                                                                                                           future. It will enable the mass
   With KPI-based                                                                                                   production of the bipolar
decision                                                                                                            plates at the heart of fuel
                                                                                                                    cell stacks, as well as vital
                                                                                                                    elements such as the tank
                                                                                                                    and piping that holds the
                                                                                                                    hydrogen fuel under pressure.
                                                                                                                    ▶Stand: B7.220

18         PREVIEW | 27th ITS World Congress Hamburg                                                                             Published by
A Better Weigh.
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                                                   WIM STRIP SENSORS
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 Visit Us at ITS World Congress Booth B5-010

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   2V platforms play a crucial
   role in the easy integration
   and bi-directional data
exchange between roadside
equipment, road users, and
mobility services. Dutch
ITS specialist Monotch has
developed a neutral V2X multi-
stakeholder platform called
TLEX (Traffic Live EXchange)
that connects data, transactions
and services to improve traffic
                                      Full-fledged TLEX data platform
flow and road safety. The
company will use Hamburg to
showcase a multitude of the
                                      offers tangible C-ITS benefits
tangible benefits of the platform     and proprietary protocols) is          platform with open interface               or congested locations, grant
that accommodates all use             applied in small projects as well      which supports a multi-vendor              access to emergency services,
cases to their distinct needs and     as large-scale deployments.            C-ITS eco-system is perfect                provide access control in city
functions.                            In the Netherlands Monotch             for cities and road authorities            areas and even for enforcement
   Monotch says TLEX is an            manages all the intelligent            who are dissatisfied with rigid            purposes. Recent measurements
example of a highly scalable          traffic signal controllers and         project-oriented solutions. It             in projects indicate a 10%
system which is specifically          road side equipment data on the        provides a digital backbone for            reduction of travel time for
designed to send and receive          TLEX platform. In Scandinavia          new connected services and                 prioritised transport, 2% fewer
massive volumes of data with          TLEX is successfully tested in         the benefits are countless. Most           incidents with emergency
ultra-low latency, secured and        Copenhagen and Trondheim               prominent TLEX I2V benefits                vehicles and a significant 15%
privacy safeguarded ((ISO27001        and is currently used in the           are informing road users in                waiting time and emission
and GDPR compliant). The              NordicWay programme                    real-time, improving traffic flows         reduction for traffic passing an
ready-to-use platform with lots       to facilitate the Swedish              and giving priority to designated          intersection.
of available interfacing and many     interchange network.                   traffic. But TLEX can also be              ▶Stand: B5.103
protocol options (ETSI protocols         The vendor-independent              used to warn about hazardous     

  Kistler to showcase                                        Heavy traffic can become a serious strain on infrastructure and road safety, so
                                                             measurement technology expert Kistler has created a comprehensive solution to
  KiTraffic Plus WIM system                                  monitor vehicles. The company will showcase its modular KiTraffic Plus system that
                                                             reliably detects overloaded trucks, flat tyres, and registers vehicle dimensions, without
                                                             stopping traffic flow. Appropriate measures can then be enforced to safeguard roads.
                                                                Weigh in Motion (WIM) measurement chains form the basis for KiTraffic Plus. They
                                                             consist of piezoelectric quartz sensors, which are embedded in the road, measurement
                                                             peripherals and corresponding software. If required, Kistler can also equip the system
                                                             with supplementary measurement technology from third-party suppliers, such as
                                                             cameras for automatic licence plate recognition, measurement technology that records
                                                             vehicle dimensions,  s, or ssystems for speed control. KiTraffic Plus features a versatile
                                                             software package that provides       access to live data for pre-selection during traffic
                                                             controls. It also records
                                                                                 cords thet status of the vehicle including all measured parameters,
                                                             overview image and  nd ind
                                                                                          ications of violations. Kistler says initial reactions from
                                                             Switzerland show that tthe   he new system meets an urgent demand: KiTraffic Plus has
                                                             already been introduced     d at several locations for the pre-selection of overloaded vehicles.
                                                             Stand: B7.002

Helius and Sora Lidar units on show
US-headquartered Cepton               says Helius has been deployed          a wide
Technologies will be showing          by its partners worldwide in           range
Lidar units – the Helius and the      enabling various applications,         of indoor
Sora Series.                          including monitoring road and rail     and outdoor
   Helius combines Cepton's state-    intersections to record accidents      environments, 24/7, making it a
of-the-art, patented, MMT Lidar       and near misses, improving the         versatile solution for smart cities.
technology with edge computing        safety of vulnerable road users           Meanwhile, the Sora series              such as road tolling, vehicle and
and advanced perception               and optimising traffic flow. The       Lidars are best-in-class 380 Hz            container scanning and similar
software to provide intelligent       device delivers fully anonymised       frame rate sensors that enable             applications.
perception for smart infrastructure   data to maximise privacy               high fidelity object profiling at          ▶Stand: B7.135
applications. The company             protection and performs well in        high speeds, for applications    

20        PREVIEW | 27th ITS World Congress Hamburg                                                                                     Published by

You need to weigh
up WIM systems
thoroughly, says TDS
       raffic Data Systems             are several manufacturers               the requirements of OIML                R134-1 (Class F/10), but also
       (TDS) will use the ITS          of WIM systems, only very               R134-1. The system fulfils the          the speed range from 5 km/h
       World Congress to focus         few fulfil the requirements             requirements of OIML R134               to 120 km/h for heavy goods
on Weigh in Motion (WIM)               of OIML R134. The problem,              Class F/10. This corresponds to         vehicles required by the
systems for enforcement and            even within the EU, is that             a maximum measuring error               German TLS 2012 standard,
tolling applications. But more         certifications of certain               of ±5% (initial verification) or        Technical Conditions of
than that, the company is              metrological institutes are             ±10% (in-service inspection).           Supply for Roadside Remote
addressing the issue of device         not recognised by other                    “Traffic Data Systems was            Stations (temperature range:
certification - in cases where         metrological institutes.                the first manufacturer in the           -30°C/+75°C at up to 85%
customers opt for the wrong /             Weiss states that there is no        world to have a certified and           relative humidity). For light
improper certification, WIM            confusion with certification            verifiable low and high-speed           goods vehicles, the certified
systems will not be legal for          for TDS’ WIM systems. For               WIM system with only three              speed range is 5 km/h to 140
enforcement and tolling.               instance, the TDS TMCS-IP /             rows of sensors,” Weiss proudly         km/h.”
  As Florian Weiss, CEO of             WIM-DSP 32 has been certified           states. “This not only covers           ▶Stand: B4.EG240
TDS points out, although there         by METAS in accordance with             the requirements of OIML      

     Lanternn lights                                      Valerann has launched an innovative, state-      provide our clients certainty and allow
                                                          of-the-art traffic management software           them to position themselves at the
     up roads for                                         solution.                                        epicentre of the booming smart mobility
                                                             Lanternn by Valerann enhances traffic         ecosystem”.
     Valerann                                             management through its real-time data               By helping to smooth traffic flow, the
                                                          fusion engine that analyses real-time and        company believes this will also contribute
                                                          historical data, using artificial intelligence   to improvements in road safety and air
                                                          (AI) and machine learning to give road           quality.
                                                          authorities certainty on the events and             Valerann says the product adds
                                                          trends which are impacting their assets.         “significant value to the control centre at all
                                                             Currently deployed in control centres         levels to include operational management,
                                                          around the world, the system integrates          logistics as well as long-term process and
                                                          data from all major sources including from       infrastructure implementation”.
                                                          roadside, vehicles and road users.                  As a modular, easily-upgradeable,
                                                             “The ability to use state-of-the-art AI       tailored solution, Lanternn by Valerann
                                                          techniques to filter, cross-validate and         fuses indications from multiple sources
                                                          contextualise this data in an intelligent way    into one alert using contextual data to
                                                          is crucial for real-time traffic management,”    verify detections. It also leverages historical
                                                          says Valerann co-founder and CEO, Gabriel        data to automate response process
                                                          Jacobson.                                        planning and recommendation for courses
                                                             “By unlocking those benefits through          of actions.
                                                          our proprietary data fusion engine, we 

     IAV’s autonomous mobility
     For more than a decade, IAV has     driverless vehicles.                   second key element
     been developing technologies           IAV says that for urban driving     – integrated safety
     for urban automated transport       scenarios the company offers           vehicle layer – will
     and the results are implemented     flexible, scalable perception          combine any SDS
     in various vehicles running all     data fusion software to combine        system layer with
     over the world. The company’s       on-board sensors as well as            rolling chassis and
     integrated solution, Heat, is       infrastructure information from        overall vehicle management
     fully operational in Hamburg        different sources, formats and         to achieve safe driving.
     Hafencity, one of the most          timings for precise situational        ▶Stand: B5.235
     challenging environments for        awareness and prediction. The

22         PREVIEW | 27th ITS World Congress Hamburg                                                                                   Published by

 Innovative toll systems                                                                                          ALPR cam
                                                                                                                  the size of a
 secure the future of mobility                                                                                    credit card
                                                                                                                  German company Carrida
                                                                                                                  Technologies will unveil
                                                                                                                  its brand new Carrida Cam
                                                                                                                  Dragon+, a ready-to-use
                                                                                                                  and standalone camera that
                                                                                                                  features on-board licence
                                                                                                                  plate recognition. It can also
                                                                                                                  determine the specific make
                                                                                                                  and model of cars and classify
                                                                                                                  different types of vehicles,
                                                                                                                  such as car, delivery vehicle,
                                                                                                                  truck and bus. This enables
                                                                                                                  detailed traffic statistics and is
                                                                                                                  powered by AI-features of the

         ne of the most                can learn more about mobile           classification into different        well-proven Carrida SDK.
         important future              toll control vehicles from            vehicle classes. In addition, the
         mobility issues deals         Vitronic: 102 of them are             technology used can an recognise
with how to manage the                 currently already in use as part      licence plates in four
                                                                                                 ur directions.
increased volume of traffic in         of the electronic toll collection     Even at high vehiclee speeds,
cities. So, among other things,        system of the National Tax            the system achievess a very high
versatile, flexible and user-          Administration in Poland. In          recognition rate and d allows
friendly tolling systems are in        this application, detection,          the inspector to concentrate
demand. Vitronic’s presentation        identification and classification     on the suspicious cases
in Hamburg will therefore              of vehicles to be checked is          identified. The
focus on traffic technology            carried out automatically from        system transmits
solutions that, among other            a moving vehicle.                     the captured data
things, enable the sustainable            The heart of the control           to the electronic toll
financing of alternative mobility      vehicles is the enforcement           collection system,
concepts.                              bar. This is a mobile, fully          where it could be
   Future-oriented toll                automatic licence plate reading       compared with a database.
technologies enable automatic          and classification system. It         ▶Stand: Stand B5.230  .230
control of both mobile and             enables research
                           As a comprehensive    automatic number            VITRONIC at the ITS  S World
stationary units. Attendees            plate recognition
                        undertaking, L3Pilot  offers the (ANPR) and          Congress 2021!                          Compared to the
                        opportunity     discuss
                                  ty to d scuss with
                                                   t                                                              company’s proven and
                        leading experts
                                  perts in the field of                                                           cost-effective Carrida Cam
                        automated d driving from both                                                             Basic+, the new device
  Fiware powers up smartindustry and
                                  nd academics.                                                                   provides three-times higher
                                                                                                                  performance, while still
  cities with networked                                                                                           maintaining the ultra-
                                                                                                                  compact size, hardly bigger
  mobility                                                                                                        than a credit card. The
                                                                                                                  new model is available
  For the very first time, Fiware is joining                                                                      with different optics and
  forces with EDAG to be a major partner                                                                          the company says it can
  at the ITS World Congress 2021. From                                                                            be deployed in unlimited
  its key role in the Smart MaaS project to                                                                       ALPR applications, from
  the selected cities in the Smart Cities Made                                                                    access control and parking
  in Germany initiative - that are using Fiware                                                                   to safety, security, and law
  tech to create their smart city platform and then                                                               enforcement, to tolling, traffic
  build smart digital solutions on top of it - to its                                                             management and smart city
  involvement with Gaia-X as Day-1 member and use                                                                 applications.
  cases provider, Fiware is an active player when it     Smart Parking, Wolfsburg - that are contributing to         The new device perfectly
  comes to intelligent transportation systems.           Gaia-X. This project strives to create a trustworthy     matches the powerful Carrida
     To highlight how the integration of existing        data infrastructure for Europe, achieving a more         SDK ALPR-Engine and enables
  technologies can provide users with further            efficient management of the transport network for        real-time data streaming via
  choices, create new services, and support jobs and     passengers and business is vital.                        standard network protocols.
  growth in the transport sector, Fiware will bring      ▶Stand: B5.225                                           ▶Stand: B5.505
  two concrete use cases - Smart MaaS, Kiel, and                                     

Published by                                                                                27th ITS World Congress Hamburg | PREVIEW              23
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