2021 Sustainability Report - AWS

Page created by Annie Watson
2021 Sustainability Report - AWS

2021 Sustainability Report - AWS
In this
  report     from Chairman
             & Managing

             2                4
             Sustainability   About
             at a glance      this report

5            6                8
Section 1:   Our              Section 2:
About GWA    brands           Innovation
                              in water

12           17               23
Section 3:   Section 4:       Section 5:
Our people   Environment      Ethical and

             26               28
             Section 6:       Section 7:
             Community        Governance
                              and risk
2021 Sustainability Report - AWS
Introduction from
Chairman & Managing Director
We are pleased to present GWA’s third                         During the year we continued to deliver innovative and
                                                              sustainable products and solutions which are detailed in
Sustainability Report.                                        this report.

Despite the impact of COVID-19 on our operations over the     In addition, COVID-19 has driven a requirement for hygiene
past year, sustainability remains fundamental to the way we   and touchless solutions in bathrooms. GWA has responded
conduct our business.                                         to the increasing requirements for sustainable hygiene
                                                              solutions in the built environment through the launch of
Indeed, part of our response to the challenges posed by the
                                                              new anti-bacterial solutions in sanitaryware. We are also
pandemic was a clear focus on our sustainability agenda
                                                              progressing new ranges of touchless fixture solutions for
during the year.
                                                              residential and commercial bathrooms.
Our priority through the pandemic remains the health,
                                                              Sustainable sourcing continues to be an area of focus and
safety and wellbeing of our people and in continuing to
                                                              we lodged our first Modern Slavery Statement in 2021,
provide a safe operating environment for everyone at GWA
                                                              detailing our assessment and approach to risks of modern
and visitors to our sites.
                                                              slavery across our workplace and supply chain.
GWA has a rich pedigree in contributing to more sustainable
                                                              While the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed some of our
communities through our operations and in providing
                                                              sustainability initiatives in FY21, we continued to make
superior products and solutions for people to enjoy and
                                                              progress in key areas of our sustainability agenda which
sustain water, our planet’s most precious resource.
                                                              are reflected in this report.
Our approach to sustainability continues to be based
                                                              We would like to acknowledge and thank the team at
around two central objectives:
                                                              GWA for their continued contribution over the past year,
•	Operating in a sustainable manner across our business      particularly in ensuring the health and safety of everyone
   by managing our resources as efficiently as possible       across our business. Our continued progress in our
   and by acting in a socially responsible manner;            sustainability agenda is testament to the ongoing efforts
•	Providing leading edge products and systems                of our people.
   that contribute to sustainability by making life
   better through sustainable water saving solutions
   for the built environment.
This report details the initiatives we have launched across
the business to support these two objectives.
We continue to implement measures across our operating
facilities targeted towards reducing our operational
footprint in the key environmental areas of energy, water
and waste reduction.                                                                 Darryl D McDonough
GWA is a low user of energy and water and a low emitter of
carbon emissions at our controlled sites compared to other                              10 September 2021
industry sectors. While we continue to implement measures
to improve our environmental footprint, we remain focused
on those areas of sustainability where we believe we can
make the most impact. Primarily, this includes sustainable
water solutions for the built environment.

                                                                                         Urs B Meyerhans
                                                                                        Managing Director

                                                                                        10 September 2021

                                                                                  GWA GROUP LIMITED | 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 1
2021 Sustainability Report - AWS

at a glance

                                                                                          WATER SOLUTIONS
                                                                                          AND INNOVATION
                                                                                          GWA contributes to environmental
                                                                                          sustainability through the
                                                                                          development of products and
                                                                                          systems which deliver water efficient
                                                                                          and water saving solutions in the
                                                                                          built environment.

                                                                                                  Focus on water
                                                     OUR PEOPLE                                   efficiency with over
                                                     We remain committed to providing             80% of Caroma taps 5
                                                     a safe, challenging and rewarding            or 6 star WELS (Water
                                                     environment for our people to                Efficiency Labelling and
                                                     support them reaching their                  Standards Scheme) rated
                                                     potential, which in turn helps GWA
                                                                                                  while 95% of Caroma
                                                     reach its goals.
                                                                                                  sanitaryware products
                                                                                                  are 4 star rated
                                                            Focus on the health,
                                                            safety and wellbeing of               Intelligent and touch-free
                                                            employees, contractors,               IoT water management
                                                            visitors to our sites                 solution, Caroma Smart
                                                            during the COVID-19                   Command® now installed
                                                            pandemic                              in 127 sites — up from
                                                                                                  49 in prior year
                                                            Delivery of a broad
                                                            suite of training and                 Launch of the Caroma
                                                            development courses                   Smart Command®
                                                            and programs covering                 Eco-Valve which
                                                            compliance, products,                 remotely prevents,
                                                            systems, functional skills            stops and isolates leaks
                                                            and leadership                        before they cause harm
                                                                                                  to a commercial building
                                                            All GWA sites accredited
    We act in a socially                                    to ISO45001 (global best              Launch of bathroom
    responsible manner and                                  practice safety standard)             hygiene solution,
    leverage our market leading                             with safety policies and              Caroma GermGard®
    position to provide a range of                          procedures updated in                 an antimicrobial formula
    products, practices and systems                         line with standard                    applied to products
    that contribute to sustainability                                                             which kills 99.9% of
                                                            Gender diversity                      harmful bacteria and
    by making life better through
                                                            improvement with                      the spread of germs and
    superior water saving solutions
                                                            43% female composition                makes cleaning easier
    for the built environment.                              of GWA’s workforce —
    Selected highlights over the                            up from 42% in prior year
    past year include:

2021 Sustainability Report - AWS
GWA continues
                                      to operate with
                                                                                  GWA partners with community-

ENVIRONMENTAL                         at our forefront                            based and charitable organisations

                                      by managing
                                                                                  to support their endeavours which
IMPACT                                                                            is in line with our vision of making
GWA has an active program             our resources                               life better.
to minimise our impact on the
environment by operating in a         efficiently.                                        Partnership with
sustainable manner and managing
                                                                                          The Smith Family
our resources as efficiently
                                                                                          — supporting the
as possible.
                                                                                          educational outcomes
                                      ETHICAL AND                                         of 60 disadvantaged
       The consolidation of the
       distribution network in
                                      SUSTAINABLE                                         children in drought
                                                                                          affected areas in Australia
       Australia/NZ from 14 to 5      SOURCING                                            with $125,000 donated
       facilities has resulted in a   GWA’s commitment to conducting                      over the past 3 years
       reduction in water, waste      its business in an environmental
       and energy consumption         and socially responsible manner                     Sponsorship of
                                      also extends to the expectations                    Sustainable Coastlines,
       Improvement in key             we maintain of our manufacturing
                                                                                          assists to remove 30,000
       environmental metric —         supply partners to operate to the
                                                                                          litres of rubbish annually
                                      same exacting standards.
       total carbon emissions                                                             from New Zealand
       from GWA’s controlled                                                              beaches and waterways
       facilities of 1,869 tonnes            Audits in FY21 of 2
       CO2e, a reduction of                  (FY20: 2) major                              Support of Wigan and
       11.8% on the prior year               Asian supply partners                        Leigh Hospice, Macmillan
                                             representing a combined                      Cancer Support and
       All Australian sites have             12% of GWA supplier                          Fareshare in the UK
       installed a Caroma Smart              spend with no modern
       Command® intelligent                  slavery issues identified                    Support of KidsCan in
       bathroom system for
                                                                                          New Zealand raising
       monitoring and control                No material breaches of                      $40,000 for vulnerable
       of water use, and                     ethical sourcing policies                    children in need with
       improved hygiene                      were identified                              food, clothing, and
                                                                                          health products
       GWA continues its Partner             First Modern Slavery
       Membership with the                   Statement released in
       Australian Packaging                  August 2020 and lodged
       Convenant (APC) which                 with the Australian
       guides the recyclability of           Border Force
       our packaging options
                                             Implemented policy
                                             against slavery and
                                             trafficking in persons
                                             including progress with
                                             risk mitigation actions

                                                                          GWA GROUP LIMITED | 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 3
2021 Sustainability Report - AWS
About this report

This is GWA’s third stand-alone                               GWA also continues to reference the Task Force on
                                                              Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the
Sustainability Report. The structure of the                   United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in
Sustainability Report is outlined below:                      this report, particularly as they relate to the risks and
                                                              opportunities to climate change.
1. About GWA
2.	Innovation in water sustainability                        STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT
3. Our people                                                 GWA is committed to building and maintaining strong
4. Environment                                                relationships with our stakeholders. In preparing this report,
5. Ethical and sustainable sourcing                           GWA has consulted with various stakeholders to identify
6. Community                                                  key risks and opportunities relevant to our business.
7. Governance and risk management                             Stakeholders most relevant to our operations with whom
This report includes data for the period 1 July 2020 to       we continue to engage include:
30 June 2021 unless otherwise stated.                         •   Our people
The environmental data included in this report for water,     •   Institutional and retail shareholders
waste and energy is for GWA-operated sites and does not       •   Governance advisers
include data for sites which are not controlled or operated   •   Customers
by GWA (e.g. manufacturing supply partners).                  •   Manufacturing supply partners
                                                              •   Debt markets/lenders
GWA has not formally adopted the Global Reporting             •   Insurers
Initiative (GRI) framework for this report. However, in       •   Regulatory authorities
preparing this report GWA continues to reference the          •   Unions
relevant core principles of the GRI reporting system as it    •   Industry groups
relates to our sustainability practices and performance       •   Others
across our business.
2021 Sustainability Report - AWS

About GWA

GWA is a leading innovator, designer and
supplier of product solutions, services                        OUR BRANDS
and intelligent technology focused on the
delivery of sustainable water solutions for
bathrooms, kitchens and laundries.
We own and distribute market-leading brands and
state of the art product solutions across our ranges of
sanitaryware, tapware, showers, basins, baths, kitchen
sinks, laundry tubs, bathroom/kitchen accessories
and valves. We have an intelligent bathroom system
incorporating IoT smart water management solutions.
GWA operates and has sale and distribution facilities
across its primary markets of Australia, New Zealand,
United Kingdom and China.
We are highly respected within the building industry for
innovation, water efficiency and safety, product reliability
and quality, technical expertise and superior service.
We maintain quality and cost efficient long-term supply
agreements with selected, exclusive manufacturing
partners across Asia and Europe. GWA has an
experienced senior management team in R&D, design,
brand building, customer engagement, supply and

                             Our                               Our                        cultural
                             purpose                           strategy                   pillars
                             Making everyday water             To be the trusted and      We are one team.
                             experiences extraordinary         integrated solutions       We are customer focused.
                             — today, and for tomorrow.        partner in the delivery
                                                               of sustainable water       We care for each other.
                                                               solutions for bathrooms,
                                                               kitchens and laundries.
2021 Sustainability Report - AWS
Our brands

                                              AUSTRALIA’S BATHROOM BRAND
                                              With over 78 years of innovation, Caroma
                                              believes that quality bathrooms are a balance
                                              of form, function and aesthetics. Caroma
                                              designs bring to life a guiding vision of creating
                                              sustainable-luxury with superior technology and
                                              performance. Design that enables enjoyable
                                              bathroom experiences that both complement
                                              and elevate your lifestyle, from an energising
                                              morning start to an indulgent, relaxing moment
                                              of luxury, all underpinned by sustainability.
                                              Designing for Australians and New Zealanders,
                                              from all walks of life, with different tastes and
                                              needs. We have a wide range of classic to
                                              artisanal styles, smart designs and sustainable
                                              innovations providing you with everything you
                                              need to create the sanctuary of your dreams.

       At Methven we are all about making water
       amazing. Creating amazing water experiences is
       what we do every day at Methven and have done
       since 1886. Today, Methven is world renowned
       for beautifully designed, award winning showers,
       taps and valves. Over the years we have
       learned how to harness the power of water to
       cleanse, calm, refresh and invigorate. And it’s
       this expertise — combined with our passion for
       design and innovation — that fuels our ongoing
       mission to create amazing water experiences,
       just for you.

2021 Sustainability Report - AWS
                                   THOUGHTFULLY ENGINEERED
                                   Never compromising on design and always
                                   focused on quality, for 70 years Dorf has pushed
                                   the boundaries of what’s possible in tapware.
                                   Influenced by artisans across Australia — who
                                   in turn are inspired by the beauty, creativity and
                                   individualism of the world around them — Dorf
                                   delivers an exceptional water experience, the
                                   Australian way.

Since 1941, CLARK has worked tirelessly to make
Australian kitchens and laundries more appealing
and practical. CLARK, now extending into the
Bathroom space, offers a variety of versatile
and stylish designs to suit even the smallest
of Bathroom spaces, no matter how tight the
budget. The Australian in-house design team
and like-minded collaborators have designed
and engineered a range of products right
here in Australia that are thoughtfully simple
and refreshingly smart, bringing pleasure and
enjoyment to customers every day.

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2021 Sustainability Report - AWS

        Innovation in
        water sustainability

        GWA has a proven long-standing history
        in developing innovative solutions for
        water. This is reflected in our continued
        pioneering approach in innovation and
        design delivering state of the art water
        saving solutions for the built environment.

Sustainable design is part of the GWA DNA. In 2019 the
Caroma Design Team was awarded the prestigious The
Good Design Team of the Year from Good Design Australia.
We contribute to environmental sustainability through the
development of products and systems which deliver water
efficient and water saving solutions for residential and      CASE STUDY
commercial premises.                                          GWA DRIVES IMPROVED BATHROOM
We are committed to investing in local innovation hubs in     HYGIENE SOLUTIONS
Australia and New Zealand and providing our teams with        Protecting bathroom users from the spread of harmful
the resources and technology to strongly support our          bacteria and illness and ensuring cleanliness and hygiene
innovation outcomes. GWA has two centres of excellence        in public or shared bathroom spaces is now more
including:                                                    important than ever, particularly in the context
                                                              of COVID-19.
• Caroma Innovation and Distribution Centre at Prestons
  in NSW; and                                                 As public or shared bathrooms are high traffic
• GWA Experience and Distribution Centre at Avondale in       spaces, they carry with them a higher risk of bacterial
  New Zealand.                                                spread. It is therefore important that fixtures and
                                                              systems be put in place that can help reduce risk
RESEARCH TEST RIGS                                            of bacteria transmission and drive more hygienic
In support of GWA’s commitment to the creation of             outcomes for users.
innovative sustainable designs and systems that conserve      In response, one of GWA’s key product innovations
water, two state of the art research test rigs have been      during the year has been the launch of Caroma
developed at the Caroma Innovation and Distribution           GermGard®.
Centre at Prestons, NSW. The rigs will be used as working
research laboratories where actual operating system           Caroma GermGard® protection is a unique, proprietary
conditions can be replicated for both commercial buildings    antimicrobial formula that kills a minimum of 99.9%
and residential applications enabling new plumbing            bacteria it comes into contact with, when applied
technologies and systems to be explored and validated.        to products. This technology not only helps prevent
The rigs comprise:                                            the spread of bacteria but also makes cleaning even
                                                              easier, making it ideal not only for households and
• Commercial test rig with varying building and bathroom      commercial premises, but also care applications such
  product layouts connected to clear drainline pipework       as hospitals, aged care facilities and accessible or
  over four levels where the influence of new plumbing        ambulant bathrooms.
  technologies and systems in buildings can be evaluated;
  and                                                         Caroma GermGard® is tested to JIS Z 2801:2010
• Domestic test rig over 60 metres in length with four
                                                              Antibacterial Products — Test for Antibacterial Activity
  clear drainline configurations where the influence of new   and Efficacy, which is recognised internationally
  plumbing technologies and systems in domestic long          for testing the response to harmful bacterial
  run applications can be evaluated.                          Staphylococcus aureus (“Staph”) and Escherichia coli
                                                              (“E Coli”).
The rigs provide a unique advanced capability for GWA to
                                                              Caroma GermGard® protection is now available on
produce the next generation of sustainable technologies
                                                              Caroma Care Support Grab Rails, Caroma Toilet Seats
and systems for Australia and New Zealand.
                                                              and Urbane II Pans. GermGard® antimicrobial formula
                                                              is also integrated into the specially designed rubber
                                                              seals on Caroma Care Support Grab Rails, making
                                                              cleaning the concealed flange easier and preventing
                                                              infection while providing support for people in need.

                                                                              GWA GROUP LIMITED | 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 9
Our history of delivering
        innovative solutions

        1980                         1986                          2004                         2006                        2009
        FLUSH TOILET                 SINGLE PIECE SINK             SHOWER                       URINAL                      TOILET SUITE

        In 1980, Caroma              During the 1980s, Clark       Unlike conventional          In 2006, the Caroma         The Caroma Profile 5
        developed the first          was the first in Australia    showers, the award-          Cube 0.8L Smartflush®       toilet was Australia’s
        Dual Flush toilet which      to successfully launch        winning Satinjet®            Urinal technology was       first 5 Star toilet suite
        saved approximately          Monobloc sinks made           uses unique twin-jet         the first to achieve the    featuring a cistern with
        32,000 litres of water       from a single piece of        technology to create         maximum 6 Star Water        a dual-flush push button
        per household per            stainless steel.              optimum water droplet        Efficiency Labelling        and spout combination.
        annum due to the                                           size and pressure, with      Scheme (WELS) rating        The design enables the
        introduction of full/half                                  over 300,000 droplets        for water conservation,     same water to be used
        flush technology which                                     per second.                  leveraging technology       for two purposes, fresh
        allowed homeowners and                                                                  to maximise water           water is first used for
        businesses to have the                                                                  efficiency by eliminating   hand washing and then
        option of an 11L (full) or                                                              unnecessary false           flows into the cistern to
        5.5L (half) flush.                                                                      flushing.                   ultimately flush the toilet.

          1980s                          1990s                          2000s

        1985                         1993                          2005                         2009                        2009
        AUSTRALIA’S FIRST            FIRST REDUCED                 CAROMA                       PATENTED ORBITAL®           CAROMA’S INVISI
        SINGLE LEVER MIXER           FLUSH DUAL FLUSH              SMARTFLUSH® TOILET           CONNECTOR                   SERIES II TOILET
        TAP                          TOILET 6L/3L
                                                                   In 2005, Caroma’s            Designed to overcome        In 2009, Caroma
        Dorf was the first tap       A major step change           Smartflush® technology       major issues around         launched the Invisi Series
        brand in Australia to        to reduce global water        won the Australian           plumbing set-out            II range and won the
        introduce a single-lever     usage, Caroma launches        International Design         connections, extending      Australian International
        mixer – Flickmixer.          a range of 6L full/3L         Award and Home               set-out up to a 50mm        Design Award.
        Still today, the name        half flush toilet suites.     Beautiful Product of the     radius. A solution
        ‘Flickmixer’ is regularly    Significantly reducing the    Year. Caroma Smartflush®     that solves common
        used to refer to any         traditional 11L (full)/5.5L   further reduces water        installation issues and
        mixer tap.                   (half) flush systems          consumption to only 4.5L     saves time for plumbers;
                                     with matching reduced         (full) or 3L (half) flush.   a flexibility welcomed by
                                     flush pan technology.                                      the plumbing community.
                                     The technology won
                                     the Australian Design
                                     Award together with
                                     the Powerhouse
                                     Museum Award.

2015                          2018                           2019                           2021
METHVEN AURAJET®              CAROMA SMART                   CAROMA                         CAROMA
SHOWER                        COMMAND®                       ADJUSTABLE                     GERMGARD®
                              TOUCHLESS                      FLUSHPIPE
The award-winning                                                                           Caroma GermGard®
Aurajet® technology           INTELLIGENT                                                   protection is a unique,
                                                             For behind the wall
delivers a full-bodied        BATHROOM SYSTEM                concealed toilet suites        proprietary antimicrobial
spray with maximum                                           the pans require precise       formula that kills a
body contact. Delivers        In October 2018, Caroma                                       minimum of 99.9%
                                                             placement of the flush
a highly efficient            announced the next                                            bacteria it comes into
                                                             water inlet. Any variation
shower with 20% more          evolution in sustainable                                      contact with, when
                                                             from specified floor levels
spray force and twice         water management with                                         applied to products.
                                                             will require expensive
the amount of water           the launch of Caroma                                          This technology not only
                                                             rectification work to
contact on skin than a        Smart Command®, a                                             helps prevent the spread
                                                             install the toilet pan.
conventional Methven          comprehensive touchless                                       of bacteria but also
                                                             Caroma’s new adjustable
shower.                       intelligent IoT solution for                                  makes cleaning easier.
                                                             flushpipe allows plumbers
                              commercial bathrooms.
                                                             to quickly realign the
                              In 2019 Caroma Smart
                                                             water inlet without
                              Command® – won the
                                                             visible damage to
                              Good Design Award
                                                             bathroom walls, saving
                              Best in Class from Good
                                                             on significant rectification
                              Design Australia.
                                                             costs and on-site time.

                2010s                                                        2020s onward...

2016                          2018                           2020                           2021
CAROMA                        METHVEN VJET®                  CAROMA SMART                   METHVEN KIRI MK2
CLEANFLUSH® TOILET            SHOWER                         COMMAND®                       LOW FLOW SHOWER
                                                             INTELLIGENT SHOWER
Caroma Cleanflush®            The award-winning                                             Methven launched Kiri
uses patented rimless         VJet® technology allows        AND ECO-VALVE                  MK2 Low Flow Shower
technology combining          the user to activate a                                        into the Australian
                                                             Caroma Smart Command®
Caroma’s unique flush         seamless spray transition                                     market in 2021. With a
                                                             launched two new
and flow innovation to        – from a firm, invigorating                                   WELS 5 star, 5.5L/min
                                                             products as part of its
improve hygiene and           shower spray, to a gentle,                                    rating and the inclusion
                                                             water solutions system.
cleaning effectiveness        enveloping warmth and                                         of award-winning
                                                             The Intelligent Shower’s
whilst still leveraging the   everything in between.                                        Satinjet® technology, this
                                                             control mechanism,
lowest water per flush        Crafted from high grade                                       product delivers superior
                                                             shower display and ‘smart
usage available. In 2016,     stainless steel which is                                      performance and comfort
                                                             diversion of pre-warmed
Caroma won the Best           both stylish and durable.                                     whilst saving water and
                                                             water’ can reduce a
in Class, Good Design                                                                       energy, and supports the
                                                             building’s water usage.
Award for the Cleanflush®                                                                   sustainability goals of
                                                             The Eco-Valve can prevent
technology toilet range.                                                                    commercial end of
                                                             major and minor leaks
                                                                                            trip facilities.
                                                             within a building and as
                                                             such save water.

                                                                                     GWA GROUP LIMITED | 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 11

Our people

GWA recognises that our people are critical                  The Code of Conduct is reviewed annually and updated
                                                             to ensure that it reflects current good practice and to
to our success.                                              promote the ethical behaviour of all employees.

We are committed to providing a safe, challenging and        OUR ONGOING RESPONSE TO COVID-19
rewarding environment for our people to support them
                                                             As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, GWA’s sustainability
reaching their potential, which in turn helps GWA reach
                                                             agenda is focused on the health, safety and wellbeing
its goals.
                                                             of our staff, visitors and contractors to our sites as we
We continue to conduct our business with the highest         continue our role as an essential supplier to the plumbing
standards of personal and corporate integrity consistent     and construction sectors.
with our Cultural Pillars.
                                                             Our focus has been on saving lives and livelihoods and we
Our Code of Conduct continues to guide the behaviour         aligned our motto of “stay calm, stay focused, stay safe” to
of our people and demonstrates the commitment of the         our Cultural Pillars.
Group to ethical practices.
                                                             We quickly mobilised to enable all office-based staff to
Meanwhile, our Cultural Pillars outline the company values   work from home. Our warehouse staff were considered
and set the tone for the behaviours that are expected in     essential workers and continued to work during lockdowns
relation to how we operate and conduct business in order     with reassurance in our relentless adherence to COVID-19
to achieve the Group’s objectives.                           safe practices and protocols.
Our Cultural Pillars remain at the heart of everything we    We established intranet sites for staff to access all
do and there is an expectation that everyone behaves         COVID-19 resources including safety facts, training videos,
consistently with these Cultural Pillars.                    wellness tools and resources, and access to our employee
The Code of Conduct complements the Group’s risk             assistance program (EAP). The EAP program has been an
management and internal control practices. The Code of       important resource to assist staff and their families with
Conduct is supported by the Group’s Whistle Blower Policy    mental health and wellbeing during the pandemic and
and system of reporting activity suspected of breaching      associated lockdowns.
the Code of Conduct.
Our training during COVID-19 was heavily focussed on            •   Safety Homecoming training is now into its fourth
mental health and wellbeing and included topics such as:            year and continues to be rolled out to all employees
                                                                    across Australia, New Zealand and for the first time
• Working safely from home
                                                                    to the United Kingdom. The roll-out into China was
• Building resilience and mental and physical wellbeing
                                                                    delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Safety
• Managing through change
                                                                    Homecoming is designed to develop and drive safety
• R U OK? workshops
                                                                    behaviour engagement for staff at all levels. The intent
• COVID-19 safety — mask wearing and hand washing
                                                                    is to acknowledge and celebrate safe demonstrated
We created a Wellness Hub on the GWA intranet site where            behaviour whilst engaging and addressing
we shared resources from meditation techniques, healthy             at-risk behaviour;
eating recipes, financial tips and exercise suggestions to      •   Improved monitoring of driver behaviour and safety
support mental and physical wellbeing. This supported a             was a clear focus. Reporting on telematics devices by
range of other initiatives including regular wellness check-        Ctrack and insights from fleet management are readily
ins and team-based activities to support connectedness.             available to drivers and management. This has seen an
We continue to closely monitor and adjust our business              improvement in driver behaviour and a reduction in
operations as required and in accordance with the latest            road accidents;
Government and regulatory health and safety advice.             •   Mental health ambassadors were identified and
                                                                    appointed across the business and trained in mental
WORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY                                           health first aid as part of our continuing focus on
                                                                    the wellbeing of staff including metal health issues
GWA’s focus remains on ensuring that we provide a safe
                                                                    associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. R U OK?
workplace for our employees, contractors, visitors and
                                                                    training was also rolled out throughout the organisation;
customers, while driving a positive safety culture and
                                                                •   The New Zealand Methven factory was successfully
actively reducing and mitigating risk.
                                                                    scaled down without injury or serious incident. The
“We care for each other” is a Cultural Pillar of the                high-risk work of dismantling and moving the machinery
organisation that drives our objective to ensure everyone           was well planned and executed allowing the project to
is safe, every day. The GWA management structure for                be conducted in a safe and compliant manner;
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) continues to be               •   The New Zealand Avondale distribution centre was
centrally led by the Head of Risk, Safety and Compliance.           temporarily relocated to Highbrook while work was
This executive addresses the Board and Executive                    conducted to convert the previous factory to a larger
Leadership Team (ELT) on a regular basis to discuss all             distribution centre as part of integrating the Caroma and
matters relating to WHS. This provides an opportunity for           Methven businesses. The entire Highbrook distribution
updates, scope discussions and to monitor progress of the           centre has now been moved to Avondale. The project
WHS strategy and performance.                                       was completed with safety as the highest priority and
The ELT members regularly review key risk areas aligned             completed with zero injuries or serious incidents; and
with our business risk profile. These include chain of          •   The Methven Heshan, China factory was sold during
responsibility, health and wellbeing, environment                   FY21 which lowers the Group’s overall WHS risk.
and waste.
During FY21, GWA continued to make substantial progress
on implementing our safety strategy. This strategy focuses          CASE STUDY
on leadership and behavioural aspects of safety together            ZERO MEDICALLY TREATED INJURIES
with identifying and mitigating physical risks in our               IN FY21
operations. The increased focus on cultural and behavioural
                                                                    For the second successive year, GWA has maintained a
drivers has resulted in an improvement in most of the
                                                                    MTIFR (medically treated injury frequency rate) at zero.
Group’s lead and lag indicators of safety performance.
GWA has steadily improved its safety performance over the           This result has been achieved from a continued focus
last 12 years, but has seen an increase in lost time injuries       on safety culture and behavioural change at all sites
during the year due to manual handling incidents. We have           across the GWA network, including Australia, New
implemented customised training strategies to address the           Zealand, China and the United Kingdom.
root cause of the injuries.                                         At each site we are focusing on preventative measures,
Key achievements during the year included:                          including hazard reduction and near miss reporting
                                                                    to drive cultural change in the way we interact at our
• GWA meets the requirements to ensure the health
                                                                    sites which has led to this result for the second year in
  and safety of its workers under WHS legislation
                                                                    a row.
  and continued the external auditing process for
  WHS compliance at its sites. During FY21, the Group               The roll-out of Safety Homecoming training is
  commenced the transition from Australian safety                   continuing to deliver a major improvement in safety
  standard AS4801 accreditation to the new international            culture across the business.
  safety standard ISO45001, and all GWA sites were                  The implementation of site specific activities such
  accredited to this new standard;                                  as daily tool-box meetings, site audits and root-cause
• GWA completed the review and update of all safety                 analysis of incidents is assisting in driving the ongoing
  policies, procedures and tools to bring these in line with        behavioural change to deliver this improved result.
  ISO45001 international safety standards. This has been
  a significant task to standardise operating procedures to
  deliver a consistent and measurable approach to safety
  across the Group;

                                                                                   GWA GROUP LIMITED | 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 13
SAFETY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS                                                                       Following the improvement trend in the TIFR since FY18
                                                                                                            and a significant reduction in FY20, GWA experienced
        GWA measures a range of balanced safety performance
                                                                                                            an increase in the rate from 0.9 in FY20 to 4.3 in FY21,
        indicators. We continuously identify, implement and
                                                                                                            primarily as a result of an increase in manual handling
        monitor our activities to ensure we eliminate unsafe acts
                                                                                                            injuries. We are renewing our focus on behaviours and have
        and practices.
                                                                                                            implemented customised training strategies, revised our
        These activities, identified as proactive ‘LEAD’ indicators,                                        standard operating procedures and trained staff to address
        include the number of safety interactions conducted,                                                the root causes to reduce manual handling injuries.
        hazards reported, site inspections and actions closed. GWA
                                                                                                            GWA recorded a Medically Treated Injury Frequency Rate
        also measures key ‘LAG’ indicators that measure lost time
                                                                                                            (MTIFR) of 0.0 for FY21.
        and medically treated injuries, hours lost due to injury and
        total injuries which represent a combination of lost time                                           GWA is committed to maintaining the positive safety
        and medically treated injuries.                                                                     culture in the Group and our ongoing proactive approach
                                                                                                            to identifying and mitigating safety risks. Workplace safety
        LEAD INDICATORS                                                                                     remains an ongoing focus for the Board and the executives
        During FY21, GWA’s safety performance measured by Lead                                              of the Group.
        indicators is detailed below:
                                                                                                            DEVELOPING A HIGH PERFORMANCE
         Metric                                                                   Result in FY21            CULTURE
         Safety Interactions Conducted                                                              100%    GWA fosters a high-performance culture through programs
         Recorded Safety Events                                                                      418    and practices that encourage our people to perform at
         Hazards Closed                                                                             100%    their best while upholding our Cultural Pillars.

         Actions Closed                                                                             100%    Fundamental to this philosophy is our belief that every
                                                                                                            person in the business is a leader and we expect everyone
         Site Inspection Completion                                                                 100%
                                                                                                            to act as one team with a common purpose aligned with
        LAG INDICATORS                                                                                      our Cultural Pillar, “We are on one team”. Since 2018, GWA
                                                                                                            has partnered with AON (now Kincentric) for our Making
        During FY21, GWA’s safety performance measured by Lag
                                                                                                            Life Better Employee Survey. For our most recent survey
        indicators is detailed below:
                                                                                                            in FY20, we had a 90% participation rate and our Group
         Metric                                                                   Result in FY21            engagement score was 61% which is above the median for
                                                                                                            companies in Australia and New Zealand.
         LTI FYTD                                                                                     5.0
                                                                                                            To emphasise our belief that everyone is a leader,
         LTIFR Rolling                                                                                4.3
                                                                                                            employees that completed the survey received their
         MTI FYTD                                                                                     Nil   own, individual engagement report which showed their
         MTIFR Rolling                                                                                Nil   personal engagement score and actions to improve their
                                                                                                            own engagement.
         TI FYTD                                                                                      5.0
         TIFR Rolling                                                                                 4.3   To reinforce a high-performance culture, all non-EBA
                                                                                                            employees have been included in an incentive bonus plan.
                                                                                                            Payment is based on business results, achieving personal
                                                                                                            Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and ensuring behaviour
                                                                                                            is aligned to our Cultural Pillars. This has resulted in a
          25                                                                                                strengthened performance management process to ensure
                                                                                                            alignment to the Group’s overall strategy.




                FY09 FY10 FY11       FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21



                                                                                                            DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION
                                                                                                            (COULD BE STOCK)















































DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION                                        The result of this review identified any variations in pay
                                                               across similar roles were attributed to non-gender related
GWA recognises and celebrates the value and contribution
                                                               variables. Gender pay equity reviews are built into the
each individual brings to the workplace and appreciates
                                                               annual remuneration review process and will remain an
the value of attracting and retaining employees
                                                               ongoing focus for GWA.
from different backgrounds. GWA is committed to
creating a working environment that is fair, flexible and      The measurable objectives to increase gender diversity
supportive of all our staff and that promotes personal         are assessed annually and are reported in the Corporate
and professional growth.                                       Governance Statement which is available on the Group’s
                                                               website at www.gwagroup.com.au under Corporate
GWA embraces and celebrates diversity in the
                                                               Governance. The objectives and supporting actions include:
workforce which contributes to business success
and benefits employees, customers, consumers and               1.	INCREASE THE PERCENTAGE OF FEMALES
shareholders. Leveraging diversity in the workplace                EMPLOYED BY GWA WITH A MINIMUM 30% TARGET
fosters engagement, enhances creativity, improves                  FOR BOARD COMPOSITION
decision making and increases productivity to deliver          •	Ensure the recruitment process and practices continue
a strong competitive advantage.                                   to comply with equal opportunity principles.
We remain committed to promoting diversity and inclusion       Women comprise 43% of GWA’s overall workforce for the
through the implementation of policies and initiatives         reporting period. For the prior year, female composition
 to achieve a diverse workforce. The Group’s Diversity         of the global workforce was 42%. The Group’s focus
and Inclusion Policy is available on the Group’s               on diversity and inclusion has been recognised by
website at www.gwagroup.com.au under Corporate                 employees and is demonstrated by increased scores in
Governance Policies.                                           our latest engagement survey which was two percentage
We understand that each individual is unique and               points above the Australian norm. The current female
we recognise individual differences. These differences         representation on the Board is close to the minimum 30%
can include skills, experience, thought, gender,               target as outlined in the table below.
age, disability, ethnicity, cultural or socio-economic         In June 2021, the Group lodged its 2021 Australia
background, religion, sexual orientation, political or         Workplace Gender Equality Report with the Workplace
ideological beliefs as well as other dimensions such           Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) in accordance with the
as lifestyle and family responsibilities.                      Australian Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Act).
                                                               The Group notified its employees and employee
                                                               organisations of the lodgement of the report and
  At GWA we are committed to:
                                                               advised how it may be accessed. The Group also allowed
  •   a workplace which is free from discrimination,           employees and employee organisations to make comments
      harassment, bullying, victimisation and vilification;    on the report. The report is available on the Group’s
  •   treating employees fairly and with respect;              website at www.gwagroup.com.au under Gender Equality
  •   a workplace culture that is inclusive and embraces       Reporting. The Group received notification from the WGEA
      individual differences;                                  that it is compliant with the Act.
  •   equal employment opportunities based on ability,
                                                               The following table is a summary of GWA’s Australian
      performance and potential;
                                                               workplace profile at 31 March 2021 as reported to the
  •   awareness in all staff of their rights and
      responsibilities with regards to fairness, equity and
      respect for all aspects of diversity;                     Title                                                  % Female
  •   flexible work practices and policies to support
                                                                Board of Directors                                           29%1
      employees and their changing needs;
  •   attraction, retention and development of a diverse        Key Management Personnel                                      0%2
      range of talented people;                                 Senior Managers/Other Managers                               32%
  •   equitable frameworks and policies, processes and
                                                                Total Management                                             37%
      practices that limit potential unconscious bias.
                                                                Total Non-Management                                         45%
                                                                Overall Total                                                43%
In 2012, the Board established a number of measurable
objectives to promote and encourage increased gender           Note:

diversity within the workforce as outlined below. The          1 33% of GWA’s non-executive directors are female.
Board will continue to work on increasing the percentage       2	KMP for WGEA reporting includes the Acting CEO, Chief Financial
                                                                  Officer and Company Secretary roles with the other non-KMP
of females employed by GWA including committing to a              executives included in Management.
minimum 30% target for Board composition in line with the
Principles and Recommendations of the ASX Corporate
Governance Council having regard to business needs,
the best available candidates and all facets of diversity in
addition to gender.
GWA has made significant progress in recent years to
address gender pay equity anomalies and have addressed
these as part of the annual salary review process. In
February 2021, a gender pay equity review was performed
in the Australian business.

                                                                                   GWA GROUP LIMITED | 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 15
                                                                         GWA remains committed to investing in its people and
                                                                         developing leadership skills to create the leaders for
        •	Continue to promote awareness of current flexible             the future. Our leadership programs are designed to
           work practices to existing employees and potential            provide our people with the knowledge, skills and support
           candidates;                                                   to enable them to perform at their best. In FY21 we
        •	Investigate and implement any additional flexible             introduced the target for employees to have at least 20
           work arrangements appropriate to the needs of                 hours of training during the year.
           employees to support personal circumstances.                  Across the business, we had 14,194 training courses
        Across GWA we continue to review employment policies             completed with 169 online courses on offer spanning
        and practices to ensure that, among other things, flexibility    compliance, technical and soft skills development.
        is offered to attract and retain talent. GWA fully supports      We maintain a range of leadership and development
        and encourages flexible working arrangements and many            programs that are aligned to our purpose of making life
        employees take advantage of different ways to get the            better with superior solutions for water and the Good
        job done including working from home or working                  to Great Journey which was communicated across the
        flexible hours.                                                  organisation in August 2018.
        The existing wide use of flexible work practices enabled         GWA continues to operate development programs at two
        the Group to quickly respond to the COVID-19 pandemic            levels:
        with all office-based staff having the ability to work from
                                                                         •   Group-wide programs for all employees;
        home. GWA also provided additional tools and training
                                                                         •   Business-specific training programs to develop
        during the pandemic to ensure that staff were supported
                                                                             particular skills relevant to specific areas of the business
        to work remotely as part of our ongoing focus on their
                                                                             or key target groups across the business such as
        safety and wellbeing. In the latest employee survey, 77% of
                                                                             frontline sales leaders.
        employees felt that they “have the flexibility to modify their
        work schedule to address personal situations” which is two       GROUP-WIDE PROGRAMS
        percentage points above the Australian average.
                                                                         Great Beginnings: Onboarding and induction blended
        In addition to a number of employee benefit programs,            learning program including information on the business
        a purchased leave plan is also in place which allows             history, strategy, customers, innovation, sales and
        employees to “purchase” additional leave of up to four           marketing as well as a Waterworks teambuilding activity
        weeks per year via salary sacrifice.                             aligned to our purpose (building a water purification unit
        3.	SUCCESSION PLANNING AND HIGH POTENTIAL                       for donation to people in need).
            EMPLOYEE DEVELOPMENT                                         H20: short, online courses which help people with skills on
        GWA ensures a diverse group of high potential employees          How 2 Operate (excel, Salesforce, Microsoft teams, etc.).
        are identified as part of the Group’s succession planning        Good 2 Know: Lunch and learn on a variety of topics such
        process and actively developed for career progression. The       as cyber security, career development, product training.
        Group’s recruitment and development strategy continues
                                                                         Great Conversations: 1-2 hour sessions with internal and
        to focus on attracting, developing and retaining a diverse
                                                                         external thought leaders. A number of these sessions have
        pool of talent to deliver our growth strategy.
                                                                         been targeted for female talent.
        GWA has regular talent reviews to strengthen our
                                                                         iLead: Management training programs with training for
        succession plans. These talent discussions include career
                                                                         4 levels of leadership (Leading Yourself, Leading Others,
        development actions which are regularly reviewed.
                                                                         Leading a Department/Function, Leading the Business).
        Managers are aware of their responsibility to develop talent
                                                                         In FY21 we launched a number of new leadership courses
        and in the last survey, 81% of Managers responded
                                                                         including Situational Leadership II and Personal Excellence.
        “I am accountable for developing high performers” which is
                                                                         In total 245 employees attended leadership programs
        a strong score for Australian organisations.
                                                                         during the year.
                                                                         Learning Festival: An annual multi-week event focused on
                                                                         supporting a learning culture. The FY21 Learning Festival
                                                                         held in November 2020 featured 20 live events, 32 on
                                                                         demand courses with over 1,000 learning seats.

                                                                         BUSINESS-SPECIFIC TRAINING PROGRAMS
                                                                         Supply Chain/Operations: Warehouse management
                                                                         system training.
                                                                         Sales and Customer Service: In FY21 we launched our
                                                                         Sales Academy with first phase featuring product training
                                                                         across Caroma Smart Command®, sanitaryware and
                                                                         tapware products.
                                                                         GWA’s leadership and development programs are
                                                                         supported by our Learning Management System, iLearn.




GWA acknowledges climate-related risks and                     The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
opportunities within its business operations. The              address global challenges including those related to
manufacture of bathroom and kitchen products consume           poverty, inequality, climate, environmental degradation,
resources and energy and therefore GWA is indirectly           prosperity, peace and justice.
exposed to carbon emission regulations which may impact        GWA continues to reference the UN 2030 Agenda
input pricing in the manufacturing process.                    for Sustainable Development and Sustainable
Another effect of climate change relates to scarcity of        Development Goals. While in a broad sense, each of the
water. The World Economic Forum (WEF) 2020 Global              17 goals are important to our business, GWA references
Risk Report classified water scarcity as one of the five       3 goals specifically:
highest risks in terms of impact. This represents an
opportunity for GWA regarding the development of water-
saving products and technology.                                GOAL 1: ENSURE ACCESS TO CLEAN
GWA is a low emitter of greenhouse gas emissions,
                                                                      WATER AND SANITATION FOR
however, we appreciate the ongoing need to reduce                     ALL
our greenhouse gas emissions and encourage our                             GWA maintains a strong pedigree and history
manufacturing supply chain partners to do the same. We                     in developing innovative solutions for water
are committed to further improving our disclosures in          with Caroma developing the world’s first dual flush toilet
reference to the key recommendations of the TCFD.              in 1980 with the introduction of full flush/half flush water
The TCFD framework for disclosure of climate change risks      saving technology. This is reflected in our continued
and opportunities includes two main categories of climate-     innovative approach in new product development and
related risks including:                                       commercialisation in delivering water saving solutions
                                                               for our customers.
• risks related to transition; and
• risks related to physical impacts.                           We contribute to environmental sustainability through
                                                               the development of products and systems which deliver
We continue to assess transition risks including policy        water-efficient and water-saving solutions in the built
and legal risks; technological risks and market or             environment. This is relevant for both residential and
reputational risks which may be applicable to our business.    commercial premises. For example, Caroma’s Dual and
The physical risks emanating from climate change include       Smart flush technologies continue to save on average
risks to our assets and interruption of our business           32,000 litres per year for each toilet in which they are
from increased activity in weather-related perils such as      used — the equivalent of one Sydney harbour saved
Cyclones, Earthquakes, Floods and Bushfires.                   each and every year.
We assess these risks as part of our internal due diligence
procedures in establishing new company sites and
engaging new suppliers to the business to ensure risks are
properly assessed and managed. In addition, our property
and business interruption insurer assess these risks as part
of their annual review of our controlled locations and those
of our key suppliers.
We conduct periodic detailed site risk assessments and
reviews of risk mitigations and contingency plans as part
of our internal audit program and utilising the expertise of
external advisers as required.
GWA ensures that perils are adequately insured with
reputable insurers, robust limits and breadth of cover
based on advice from our insurance broker.

                                                                                 GWA GROUP LIMITED | 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 17
                                                                         CAROMA SMART COMMAND® SAVING
                                                                         WATER AT THE GLASS HOUSE OFFICE
                                                                         BUILDING MACQUARIE PARK NSW
                                                                         Caroma Smart Command® is an ecosystem of intelligent
                                                                         products that enable building managers to monitor and
                                                                         control water use in near real-time and make smarter
                                                                         decisions that reduce maintenance costs, while improving
                                                                         hygiene and up-time.

                                                                         An innovative range of intelligent tapware, showers,
                                                                         urinals and Invisi toilets have been developed to
                                                                         seamlessly integrate with Caroma’s Smart Command®
        CASE STUDY
                                                                         These intuitive products incorporate the latest in touch-
                                                                         free technology for optimal hygiene for a more efficient
        SANITARYWARE AND TAPWARE                                         bathroom design which reduces cleaning
        Design and construction professionals play a critical            and maintenance.
        role in Australia’s future by implementing sustainable
                                                                         Caroma Smart Command® enabled bathrooms allow
        water management in building design. Showers, taps and
                                                                         building managers to precisely track every detail and
        toilets are the biggest consumers of water in the average
                                                                         collect data in real time, from water usage per appliance,
        Australian home.
                                                                         to the number of activations. This data can be accessed
        The Water Efficiency Labelling Standards (WELS) is               locally from a mobile app or integrated to an existing
        a mandatory, national and federal government-run                 Building Management System (BMS) or cloud platforms.
        water efficiency labelling scheme. WELS requires the
                                                                         At one facility, the Glasshouse office building in
        registration and labelling of showers, taps, toilets, urinals,
                                                                         Macquarie Park NSW, there are a total of 449 Caroma
        clothes washers, dishwashers and flow controllers. This
                                                                         Smart Command® fixtures and fittings installed across the
        scheme aims to encourage wise water usage by informing
                                                                         building. The installation of Caroma Smart Command®
        customers about the water efficiency of a product at the
                                                                         fixtures was able to demonstrate a 22% bathroom water
        point of sale. WELS provides transparent water efficiency
                                                                         saving (237,800L) which contributed to 6% of the overall
        information and star ratings for regulated products.
                                                                         building water saving.
        An inefficient showerhead can use approximately
                                                                         The savings were identified from:
        15L-25L of water per minute. For a standard four-person
        household, replacing a showerhead that flows at 15L/             • leak detection 48%
        min with a WELS 3-star showerhead at 9L/min saves                • optimised smart fixtures 36%
        approximately 70kL each year. In the same scenario, a            • behavioural changes 16%
        WELS 4-star shower at 6L/min will save approximately
                                                                         Caroma Smart Command® also results in improved user
        105kL each year.
                                                                         experience. As a result of near real-time data, Caroma
        Flow rates for taps are included on water rating labels — a      Smart Command® ensures bathrooms operate to their
        high WELS star rating equates to less water consumption.         maximum potential. The building’s tenants can enjoy
        The best-performing water efficient taps have a WELS             a touchless experience that provides a new level of
        6-star rating, with a flow rate of 4L per minute or less.        cleanliness and hygiene.
        GWA continues to focus on upgrading its sanitaryware             This resulted in a Hygiene Index of 1.6. This score
        and tapware products to higher WELS ratings to target            is the combination of hand washing duration and
        greater water efficiency and enable residential and              the relationship between sanitaryware and tapware
        households to use less water.                                    activations. A score of 1.0 is considered ‘good’. It also
                                                                         resulted in a 7% improvement in hand washing duration
        Over 80% of Caroma taps are 5 or 6 star WELS rated
                                                                         by deploying behavioural change suggestions within
        while 95% of Caroma sanitaryware products are 4 star
                                                                         the bathrooms.
        WELS rated.
                                                                         As of 30 June 2021, Caroma Smart Command® has been
                                                                         installed in 127 sites across Australia and New Zealand,
                                                                         with a solid bank of additional projects in the pipeline for
                                                                         FY22. 40 sites have been migrated to the cloud platform.

GOAL 2: BUILD RESILIENT                                               GOAL 3: MAKE CITIES INCLUSIVE, SAFE,
INFRASTRUCTURE, PROMOTE                                               RESILIENT AND SUSTAINABLE
SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIALISATION                                                       GWA’s rich heritage in designing and
AND FOSTER INNOVATION                                                               delivering water saving and efficient products
              GWA is committed to designing and                                     and systems continue to assist cities and
              developing new products and systems in                                communities achieve sustainability goals,
              Australia and New Zealand for our customers,            particularly in the area of water efficiency.
              and with quality and performance that
exceed stringent local standards and contribute to water              CASE STUDY
efficiency in the built environment.                                  CAROMA SMART COMMAND® ECO-VALVE
GWA has two centres of excellence; our Caroma                         The Caroma Smart Command® Eco-Valve remotely prevents,
Innovation and Distribution centre at Prestons, NSW which             stops and isolates leaks before they cause harm to a
includes a state of the art 2,000 square metre innovation             commercial building.
centre and our GWA experience and distribution centre at
                                                                      The Eco-Valve will isolate the flow of water when
Avondale, New Zealand. Both facilities are purpose built
                                                                      it detects one or more of the following configurable
research and development sites which are committed
to innovation and design excellence. They specialise in
water efficient products and systems that enhance the                 • Exceeds continuous water volume — where a pre-
bathroom, kitchen and laundry environments. GWA’s                       configured volume of water is exceeded e.g. a tap not
design and innovation centres are at the forefront of                   turning off.
global innovation, designing everything from the world’s              • Exceeds maximum flow rate — where the valve
first two button dual flush and reduced flushing systems                identifies a sudden excess of water flow e.g. burst pipe.
to patented shower experiences.                                       • Exceeds continuous flow time — where there is
                                                                        constant water flowing through the valve for an
CASE STUDY                                                              extended period e.g. toilet outlet valve running on.
                                                                      • Self-learning micro leakage — monitors pipeline static
                                                                        pressure reduction over time to learn usual patterns
During the year, Methven launched Kiri MK2 Low Flow                     and identify outliers.
Shower into the Australian market. With a WELS 5 star,
                                                                      CAROMA SMART COMMAND® ECO-VALVE
5.5L/min rating and the inclusion of award-winning Satinjet®
technology, this product delivers superior performance and
                                                                      IN PRACTICE
comfort whilst saving water and energy.                               In a Sydney commercial office tower, the Caroma Smart
                                                                      Command® eco-system was deployed with two Eco-
With Satinjet® technology, twin-jets collide to
                                                                      Valves protecting both the male and female amenities.
create optimum droplet size and pressure, delivering
                                                                      At approximately 3:30pm the pipe downstream from the
thousands of tiny droplets per second.
                                                                      Eco-Valve protecting the female amenities burst, resulting
Kiri MK2 Low Flow offers significant water and financial              in an excess of water leaking, which if left unchecked
savings opportunity across both commercial and                        could quickly cause a great deal of damage to the
residential premises.                                                 building and significant water wastage.
In commercial end of trip applications, in the place of a             The Eco-Valve detected the abnormality when the pre-set
typical 7.5L/min shower, almost 1/3 less water could be               limit for water volume was exceeded under the first leak
used per year with a Low Flow (5.5L/min), resulting in a              detection protocol, prompting the Eco-Valve to shut and
13% potential water saving.*                                          instantly notifying the on-site maintenance plumber of
In a residential setting, the Kiri MK2 Low Flow can                   the leak who was able to begin works to rectify the issue
potentially save 11,680 litres of water annually.**                   when the water shut-off.
* S
   ource: Caroma Smart Command Sustainability Case Study |           In addition to stopping the leak, the Eco-Valve sent alerts
  Sustainability case study Report — Norman Disney & Young —          to the Facilities Manager and Caroma Smart Command®
  Aug 2019
                                                                      team via the cloud to inform of the events which lead to
** Based on the assumption that one single person showers for 8
    minutes per day Source: National Water Usage Report –Australian   the Eco-Valve closure.
    Bureau of Statistics — 2017-2019

                                                                                     GWA GROUP LIMITED | 2021 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT | 19
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