Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

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Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb
Column                         Insight                   Plus
THE WORLD                  2   SOFTWARE FACTORY     12   TOP JOBS

JUNE 2018   |   Issue 42

Software Asset Management:
Strategise to mitigate risk
Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb
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Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

                                                                                                              Column                              Insight                   Plus

                                                  usiness software is an asset that touches upon a
                                                                                                              USING GAMING TO SAVE                MAPPING THE MODERN        COMPANY NEWS
Publisher                                                                                                     THE WORLD                       2   SOFTWARE FACTORY     12   TOP JOBS

JOVAN REGASEK                                     company’s ability to strategise, control, secure and                        ultimately run its operations.
                                               So the results of a recent Software Asset Management (SAM)     JUNE 2018   |   Issue 42

Editorial Director                          survey are thought provoking to say the least.
RANKA JOVANOVIC                                According to the results, while the majority of respondents                          have a defined IT strategy in place, more than a third admitted
                                            to being concerned about the lack of adequate SAM tools
Editor                                      deployed in their organisation.
CHRIS TREDGER                                  And a note to decision makers: not having an effective SAM                       strategy can result in a higher liability with vendor software
                                            licensing compliance. Therefore, a dedicated SAM team that
Sub Editors                                 fully understands the risks and benefits of having an efficient
HEIDI HURWITZ                               SAM system in place is essential.
SIMON FOULDS                                   Software is a dominant theme in this issue. Andrea Lodolo,
                                            CTO at CA Southern Africa tackles the question How can
Production Manager                          business be rewritten by software?                                Software Asset Management:
                                                                                                              Strategise to mitigate risk
SINDISO KHUPE                                  We also feature insight from John McLoughlin, MD at J2                         Software about the realities of phishing and its impact on
ZACK HOOSEIN                                Enjoy the read!
ANA GOLIJANIN                               Chris Tredger
Circulation Manager


Business Development Director
CARYN BERMAN                              2                                                                                         SURVEY
                                                                                                                                         Software Asset
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Copyright ©2014 by ITWeb Limited.
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                                              USING GAMING TO CHANGE THE WORLD                                2                          Hardware                                      20
                                                                                                                                         Channel                                       20

                                                                                                                     June 2018            |                                        01
Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

Using gaming to
save the world
 Problem-solving, tactical gaming behaviour can transform societies if
                     it's applied in the real world.
                                                 plays Overwatch after hours, to the mom          on to their potential as e-learning tools,
                                                 who unlocks a new Candy Crush level while        especially when it comes to digital upskilling.
                                                 waiting in the supermarket checkout line.        Games like CryptoKitties are introducing
                                                 Just as social media and mobile shaped the       newbies to the intricacies of blockchain and
                                                 way we engage with the world, so is gaming.      smart contracts using virtual cat trading.
                                                                                                  Numerous educational games aim to teach
                                                 Sowing the seeds for change                      children coding skills through play.
                                                 When McGonigal first suggested the                  And while games get a lot of flak for
                                                 enormous power of games during her TED           supposedly promoting violence, they're
                                                 talk in 2010, there were laughs of disbelief     an ideal vehicle for teaching empathy and
                                                 from the audience. But what she was              conflict resolution. So-called empathy games
                                                 suggesting was not a particularly new idea.      like This War of Mine use immersion to put
                                                 After all, gaming has played an important        players in the shoes of non-combatants in
                                                 cultural role for millennia.                     war-torn areas, driving home the realities
                                                    Next time someone tries to act as if          they face in ways that other media might
                                                 gamification is a new concept, point them        struggle to convey.
                                                 to Mancala, played across Africa in various         These are generally known as serious
                                                 forms. The world's oldest game was first         games, which aim to not just entertain, but
                                                 developed as an agricultural record-keeping      solve real-world problems as well.
                                                 system and a way of teaching people how to          Perhaps the answer to our water shortage
                                                 sow seeds. Locally, we have popular cattle-      problem will one day be solved by projects
LEE NAIK, CEO of TransUnion Africa
                                                 herding board game Morabarbara, which            like Chezo Serious Gaming Hub. The Kenyan

M        y son has saved the world more times
         than I can count. He doesn't own a
unicorn company, nor has he invented a life-
                                                 was used thousands of years ago to train
                                                 young warriors how to plan cattle raids.
                                                    Using games to solve problems runs deep
                                                                                                  innovation space hosts gaming workshops
                                                                                                  and hackathons to design and develop water
                                                                                                  management games, and incubate local
saving innovation. But he, along with two        in Africa's blood. If anyone is poised to        business ventures ready to tackle urban
billion-plus other people around the world,      unleash the potential of gaming in bettering     water issues. It's one of many initiatives
likes to play games.                             societies, it's us.                              worldwide that could transform the water
   It's a marvel to watch. He's resilient and       We've come a long way from the days of        sector and drastically change behaviours.
committed to the tasks ahead of him. He          using seeds as playing pieces. According
thinks strategically to solve problems. He       to McGonigal, people have spent 1.75             Multiplayer mode activated
learns from failure and adapts his tactics       billion minutes on Candy Crush, equating         And just in case you think you need an
accordingly. It's the kind of behaviour that     to the efforts of over 3.5 million full-time     expensive game development team or
can transform societies if it's applied in the   employees. For comparison's sake, the            programming experience to use games to
real world.                                      largest non-governmental employer in             solve problems, I'll point to Block by Block.
   I'm not the only one who thinks gaming        the world, Walmart, has only 2.3 million         This UN project includes poor communities
holds the key to world-changing behaviour.       employees.                                       in the design of their own public spaces using
Jane McGonigal, whom I had the pleasure             The average gamer spends 10 000 hours         the popular game Minecraft.
of watching at last year's BCX Disrupt           gaming before they reach the age of 21. That's      In trying to solve the world's most wicked
conference, believes gaming is one of the        thousands of hours spent learning how to         problems, we're going to have to embrace
most powerful forces in existence to make a      run farms, execute military tactics, learn       different perspectives on a global scale, both
better world.                                    magic, design castles and build nations. Now     by better understanding the challenges people
   Don't believe her? Consider that gaming       imagine just a fraction of that effort being     face and involving those affected in the design
is a $100 billion industry, with almost half     spent on solving a problem like Cape Town's      of their own solutions. Games offer one of
of that coming from mobile. And Africa and       water shortage.                                  the most effective ways of doing so. Don't
the Middle East's gaming population is the                                                        get left behind; find ways of incorporating
fastest growing in the world. No longer just     Let's get serious about gaming                   gaming tools, interfaces, design choices and
the domain of kids with consoles, everyone       Building on the tradition of Mancala (and        ecosystems in your own organisation. It's
is a gamer in some way, from the CEO who         Encarta), more organisations are cottoning       time to power up. Are you ready?

 02                          | June 2018
Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

Blue Pencil achieves
B-BBEE Level 3 accreditation
Blue Pencil is proud to announce that the final piece of the puzzle
in its restructure has been completed. Blue Pencil was recently
awarded its Level 3 B-BBEE Contribution Certificate. "With the
change in the market, we had to go back to the drawing board
and realign the business, but still remain focused on our vision
of retaining our status as one of the top SAP services partners in
South Africa," says MD Graham Henderson. "Achieving our Level
3 [certificate] reaffirms our commitment to creating sustainable
employment... It is now more important than ever to be part of
building the ICT sector in South Africa.”

                                  Retaining leadership                 The Oliver Top Empowerment accolade
                                  position                             Datacentrix, an ICT solutions company, received a highly commended
                                  Xerox continues to hold a            certificate of excellence within the Top Empowered ICT Award
                                  leadership position for channel      category at the 17th Annual Oliver Top Empowerment Awards held in
                                  managed print services (MPS)         Johannesburg on 12 April. The overall winner of the ICT section was a
                                  for its broad and accessible         Datacentrix customer - Multichoice. The Oliver Top Empowerment
                                  portfolio. This is according to      Awards is Africa's most established platform for recognising leaders in
                                  the latest European-focused,         broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE).
                                  worldwide market landscape 
                                  report by analyst research group
                                  Quocirca. "Xerox has one of                                              Comprehensive
                                  the most advanced and mature                                             threat protection from
                                  channel partner ecosystems                                               Infoblox, McAfee
                                  in the industry," says Louella                                            Infoblox has announced its
Fernandes, associate director, Quocirca. "What set’s Xerox apart                                            partnership with McAfee will
is its business development program, which offers extensive                                                 now offer organisations an
marketing, sales, training, operational support and resources for                                           increased level of sophisticated
channel partners."                                                                                          threat intelligence, as well                                                                                             as faster response time to
                                                                                                            combat cyber threats. Today's
Innovative smart casino solutions                                                                           complicated threat landscape
Dallmeier, a worldwide acknowledged solutions provider for the         is no match for organisations protected only by disparate point
casino industry, is presenting its new and innovative smart casino     security tools; the lack of interoperability and data or threat
solutions at this year’s G2E Asia show hosted at the Venetian          intelligence sharing between systems and solutions prevents
Macau during May, as it establishes itself as a complete turnkey       companies from effectively responding to the ever-increasing
solutions provider. Konrad Hechtbauer, project and application         number of attacks. Fuelled through behavioural analytics, machine
development director of Dallmeier and MD of Dallmeier                  learning and up-to-date threat intelligence data at the DNS layer,
International says, "Asia, and especially Macau, is our key market     the comprehensive solution can identify potentially infected devices
for the casino industry and we are glad to reveal our newly released   and block DNS-based data exfiltration, including zero-day attacks.
technologies to the Asian operators first."                  
                                                                       ZTE participates in EANTC’s
                                  Unite cloud solution                 interoperability test
                                ConnectWise Unite, a cloud             ZTE South Africa has revealed that the ZTE, a major international
                                management solution is now             provider of telecommunications, enterprise and consumer
                                available to technology teams          technology solutions for the mobile Internet, has announced
                                across the globe. "What we've          that its data products have participated in the public multi-
                                done with ConnectWise Unite is         vendor interoperability test organised by the European Advanced
                                give our partners the ability to       Networking Test Centre (EANTC). The multi-vendor interoperability
                                access these disparate solutions       test held by EANTC aims to verify the capabilities of the vendors'
                                from a single pane of glass and        equipment in supporting the advances in EVPN, SDN, and PCEP
                                greatly simplify the complexity        features. The test results were released at the MPLS+SDN + NFV
                                that comes from dealing with the       World Congress 2018 on April 10th in Paris, France. Test results show
growing number of solutions they use," says CEO Arnie Bellini .        that ZTE data products feature excellent interoperability.                                          

                                                                                                         June 2018   |                   03
Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

                                    User overview                         Over-the-counter trading
                                 DebiCheck by NuPay, has been             Buying and selling shares through matching mechanisms, whether
                                 designed by the banks and is             automated or not, are functions that are regulated by the Financial
                                 done in accordance with the              Services Board. When the Financial Services Board announced that
                                 prescribed industry standards.           existing over-the-counter trading (OTC) market operators are
                                 Though DebiCheck is a new                trading illegally, Singular Systems, upgraded its Equity Express
                                 payer authorisation process,             system to allow companies to remain unlisted, while giving their
                                 it allows debit orders to be             shareholders a legal framework to trade shares on an OTC basis.
                                 processed early in the morning.          The OTC Express provides these companies with a legal mechanism
                                 Ken Vermaak, manager -                   to trade their shares freely among investors over-the-counter and
                                 compliance and billing at                without any FSB regulatory issues.
                                 NuPay, says it will shoulder the
Ken Vermaak, NuPay               burden of change and make the
transition to DebiCheck as smooth as possible for our users.              Visionary within the Gartner                                                     Magic Quadrant 2018
                                                                          Gartner has recognised Panda Security as one of the Visionaries in the
Cisco backs ITWeb Security Summit 2018                                    new edition of its Magic Quadrant of Endpoint Protection Platforms
Network hardware giant Cisco featured strongly at the ITWeb Security      (EPP) 2018, for the completeness of vision of its cyber security solutions
Summit 2018 held at Vodacom World, in Midrand, from 21 to 25 May.         and its ability to execute. Global trends such as Threat Hunting and
The five-day premier event centred on meeting the cyber security          Investigation, or the 100% Attestation service, which drastically reduce
challenge in an evolving threat landscape. Cisco used the platform to     security threats in the endpoint, are the main strengths that Gartner
share its insights and knowledge to help CISOs and other information      recognises in Panda to position it in the Visionaries quadrant.
security practitioners to evaluate the security tools and solutions
available to them, and to properly assess their organisation's security
posture. The summit featured an impressive line-up of top local and       BLI Winter Pack 2018 winners
international security professionals, including Mikko Hypponen, April     Five of Kyocera Document Solutions multi-function A3 business
C Wright, Jason Street and Eleanor Weaver.                                printers from its TASKalfa range, have won the Buyer's Laboratory                                                           (BLI) Winter Pick 2018 award in the Copier MFP category. George
                                                                          Mikolay, BLI's senior product editor says, "These products proved
International AI expert to headline ITWeb                                 to be stellar players from which mid- to large-size businesses will
Artificial Intelligence 2018                                              certainly benefit.”
Aimee van Wynsberghe, assistant professor of ethics and         
technology at Delft University of Technology, in the Netherlands,
and co-founder and president of the Foundation for Responsible            New appointment
Robotics, will present a keynote address at ITWeb Artificial              Kyocera Document Solutions has appointed Takuya Marubayashi
Intelligence 2018. Van Wynsberghe is a member of the 4TU centre           as president of the organisation's Europe, Middle East and Africa
for ethics and technology, where she heads the robotics task force,       operations from 1 April 2018. Marubayashi has been with the
and is a member of the board of the Institute for Accountability          company since 1999 and is no stranger to its operations as the
and Internet Democracy. She serves as a member of the Advisory            company drives its digital transformation and advances its efforts
Board for the AI and Intelligent Automation Network, and has              to be at the forefront of the document solutions industry.
been named one of the top 400 influential women under 38 in the 
Netherlands.                                                                                                            Infoblox
Transforming medical device                                                                                                Cherif Sleiman
manufacturers’ experience                                                                                                  as SVP
By rethinking the way their organisations handle labelling,                                                                International
and taking advantage of the latest technology within label                                                                 Business
management, Medical device manufacturers (MDMs) can comply                                                               Infoblox, the network
with industry regulations, cut costs, improve quality and create                                                         control company that
more efficient operations. NiceLabel offers a next-generation label                                                      provides Actionable
management system that enables UDI-compliant labelling and                                                               Network Intelligence,
empowers MDMs to digitally transform their business. Medical                                                             announced Cherif
records which include a printed bar code label are a more reliable        Sleiman’s appointment as senior VP International Business,
way of ensuring that each patient's record is uniquely identified         responsible for driving business growth in international markets.
and tracked. By undergoing this transformation, MDMs are able to          In this expanded role, he will lead all businesses outside the
increase agility while reducing operational costs and ensure their        Americas and continue to report to Bill McCarthy, executive VP,
future industry success.                                                  Worldwide Field Operations.                                                  

 04                          | June 2018
Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

                                         Redefining                           Eliminating non-compliance labelling fines
                                         business growth                      As companies struggle to meet industry requirements for barcode
                                         RubiBlue, an intelligent business    compliance, businesses are turning to data validation solutions
                                         solutions provider, has redesigned   to eliminate barcode errors, refused shipments and costly fines.
                                         its core values to redefine          Printronix Auto-ID has introduced the ODV-2D, a fully integrated
                                         business growth and enhance its      solution with the ability to print and validate 1D and 2D barcodes. Built
                                         business culture. The organisation   on the robust T8000 printer platform, ODV-2D includes a built-in
                                         underwent a lengthy process to       data validator that grades each barcode to ISO standards, overstrikes
                                         refine these values that are now     the entire label of rejected barcodes, reprints new labels and stores a
                                         embedded and fundamentally           detailed report of each transaction. This new solution validates up to
                                         influence its mindset. As MD         50 barcodes per label and ensures 100% barcode accuracy.
                                         Chris Ogden says, “The culture
                                         of an organisation defines how it
                                         engages with its customers.”
Chris Ogden, RubiBlue          

Sage Enterprise Team in SA
Sage participated in the IDC CIO Summit 2018 South Africa, as part
of its commitment to reaching out to local customers and supporting
its business partner network. Two Sage business partners - Argon
Business Solutions and Parity Software - were among this year’s
sponsors at the summit. "It was a great opportunity for us to meet
some of South Africa's leading CIOs and talk to them about our vision
for enterprise management in the cloud," says Matthew Kibby, vice-
president, Enterprise Africa & Middle East at Sage.

                                             Modified Cash
                                             template launched
                                             CaseWare Africa, a division      IOT collaboration agreement
                                             of AdaptIT, has launched a       Software AG has announced a collaborative partnership with
                                             template for the Modified        Telef'onica to deliver a solution for digital transformation and
                                             Cash standard. Stephan           IoT in the B2B market in Spain. At the core of the collaboration is
                                             van der Merwe, product           Software AG's Cumulocity IoT platform, which operates across
                                             manager, CaseWare Africa,        cloud, on-premises and edge, and provides service providers with
                                             says the new template was        a comprehensive, end-to-end IoT solution. This approach ensures
                                             developed by themselves          any app or device - regardless of underlying technology or vendor
                                             has as its main benefit the      source - will operate seamlessly across Telef'onica's network.
                                             automation of the onerous
                                             process associated with
                                             generating statements.           Building futures
Stephan van der Merwe, CaseWare Africa         Syrex, leading provider of virtualised and hybrid network
                                                                              infrastructures and solutions, sponsored the Bryanston Country
                                                                              Club Easter Festival 2018. The club's annual Easter egg hunt this
                                                                              year benefitted the children from Noah's Ark Daycare who enjoyed

                                                                              a fun-filled day. Noah's Ark Daycare also received a R10 000
                                                                              donation from Syrex towards building a new classroom.

                                                                              Smartvue Corporation acquired
          To read the FULL company releases, visit                            Johnson Controls has acquired Smartvue, a leading IoT and video

                                                     provider which empowers cloud video surveillance and IoT video
                                                                              services. The addition of the Smartvue cloud-based video platform
             Contact for any sales enquiries.               will enhance Johnson Controls' offering of an end-to-end, smart
                                                                              cloud-based solution.

                                                                                                                 June 2018   |                     05
Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

Lacking software asset
management savvy
Non-compliance and limited visibility of software deployments
                     are top concerns.
                                                                                                                      Furthermore, a third of respondents said
                                                                                                                   their organisation had not been audited
                                                                                                                   by a software vendor in the past three
                                                                                                                   years. Out of the 46% organisations that
                                                                                                                   have been audited by a software vendor,
                                                                                                                   29% said they had identified license
                                                                                                                      According to industry research,
                                                                                                                   companies who do not manage their
                                                                                                                   software effectively tend to unknowingly
                                                                                                                   over-purchase software licenses or
                                                                                                                   inadvertently be out of compliance. They
                                                                                                                   also fail to negotiate their software license

                                                                                                                   SAM policy
                                                                                                                   Without putting a SAM policy in place
                                                                                                                   ensuring staffs know what is expected of
                                                                                                                   them, the roll-out becomes disjointed,
                                                                                                                   slowing down an organisation’s SAM
Not having an effective SAM strategy can result in a higher liability with vendor software licensing compliance.   process.
                                                                                                                      The majority of respondents (63%) said

L    ocal businesses could be putting
     themselves at risk due to a lack of
adequate software asset management tools
                                                          achieving production targets, controlling
                                                          costs, and meeting corporate and
                                                          organisational goals.
                                                                                                                   they have a documented policy in place
                                                                                                                   that defines the process for procurement
                                                                                                                   of software that is easily accessible by all
and processes.                                               Only 14% of respondents said they                     personnel.
   This is according to ITWeb’s Software                  do not have a clear IT strategy in place.                   In terms of using visibility technology
Asset Management (SAM) Survey, which                      When it comes to defined organisational                  to help companies view and manage the
was recently conducted in partnership                     structure, roles and responsibilities for                entire end-to-end processes, 45% said
with Deloitte and Snow Software.                          SAM, 91% say they do have these, with 7%                 they are using automated reporting,
   The survey examined the state of SAM                   saying they do not.                                      while 7% were using internal audits with
in local businesses and how some of the                      Not having an effective SAM strategy                  another 7% using other forms of visibility
SAM challenges – ensuring compliance,                     can result in a higher liability with vendor             technology.
controlling software and licensing costs,                 software licensing compliance; therefore a                  As for SAM governance risk and
and reducing complexity – are being                       dedicated SAM team that fully understands                compliance programmes, 59% were using
addressed.                                                the risks and benefits of having an efficient            centralised contract repository, while 29%
   While the majority (78%) of respondents                SAM system in place is essential.                        were reporting to the executive board on a
have a defined IT strategy in place,                         While many organisations see a move                   quarterly basis.
more than a third (35%) admitted to be                    to the cloud as a key component to their
concerned about the restrictive or lack of                digital transformation strategy, 27% of                   WHO RESPONDED?
software asset management tools deployed                  professionals surveyed admitted to not
in their organisation.                                    yet making the move to cloud, while 63%                   33% of respondents were in middle
   A further 27% were concerned about                     had migrated. Another 83% said they                       management level, 29% were made up of staff
software non-compliance, while 22%                        are adequately prepared for the risks                     in non-management IT positions, and 21% were
were concerned about limited visibility of                associated with moving to cloud, and 14%                  in executive management positions – working
                                                                                                                    across several different industries within local
software deployments.                                     were not sure of their ability to mitigate                organisations.
   Managing assets effectively is key to                  risks.

 06                              | June 2018
Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

 IT STRATEGY?                                            SOFTWARE PROCUREMENT PROCESS?

                                                                         Don’t know
           Don’t know


                                                                  No                                                Yes


       • Yes                                 78%                  • Yes                                       63%
       • No                                  14%                  • No                                        23%
       • Don’t know                          8%                   • Don’t know                                14%

 VIRTUALISED?                                            PLATFORMS?

                                Don’t know

   Not at all




     •   Partially                           56%
     •   Completely                          25%           20
     •   Not at all                          13%
     •   Don’t know                          5%

                                                                   Yes           No              Don’t know

xx                      | June 2018
07                       | June 2018                                             June 2018   |                        07
Software Asset Management: Strategise to mitigate risk 2 12 - ITWeb

ICT ENVIRONMENT?                                             RELATION TO SOFTWARE ASSET MANAGEMENT

 35%                                                                           Other

Lack of software asset management
tools deployed

Software non-compliance

 22%                                                         Quarterly reporting                         Centralised
                                                             to Executive Board                          contract repository
Limited visibility of software

Other                                                         • Centralised contract repository           59%
                                                              • Quarterly reporting to Executive Board    29%
                                                              • Other                                     13%
        0        10     20         30         40   50






            Automated   Internal           Other    Forums
            reporting    audits

                                                                                       June 2018   |               xx
 08                       | |June
Software Asset Management
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Predicting CX success
The customer experience is best when it's up close and personal.

                                                    the customer having to contact the company            of implementing a new channel may not see a
                                                    multiple times, repeating requests to different       return on investment that makes that channel
                                                    departments. This loop of communication is            worthwhile. Rather than have a chatbot just
                                                    confusing for the customer, and the company           because it's a current trend, for example, why
                                                    is also haemorrhaging vital data if its channels      not look at working with an app that mirrors
                                                    aren't integrated.                                    the company's Web site, only with increased
                                                                                                          interaction options? App development,
                                                    JoJo tank of data                                     depending on the complexity of the interface,
                                                    Think of data as a resource that's as essential to    can be costly, so extensive research should
                                                    communication channels as water is to human           be done to forecast the potential uptake of a
                                                    life. If it's not stored in one place, its uses are   new channel that's being introduced into the
                                                    limited.                                              communications portfolio.
                                                       Not all customers are entirely digital.               The goal, or at least the ideal, of omni-
                                                       Taking all data and storing it centrally           channel, is useful in theory, but the reality
                                                    means the company can then work more                  most companies achieve is a multichannel
                                                    effectively with it. Accessing the data for           environment with multiple moving parts. The
                                                    process and customer analytics can provide far        flow between these is guided by processes
                                                    better insights that in turn lead to enhanced         that must be efficient, allowing for fewer pain
                                                    processes, optimised efficiency and the               points. Reducing pain points takes painstaking
 Wynand Smit, CEO of INOVO                          resultant CX. It's not a finite task; data can        analysis, but it yields value in creating a more
                                                    find ways of 'leaking', so for the sake of the        seamless channel environment.
                                                    customers, centralised data must be secure.

O      ne doesn't need to be a prophet to see
       the opportunities that exist for enhanced
channel communication, but common sense is
                                                    The marketplace has shifted to digital,
                                                                                                          Think like the customer
                                                                                                          Feedback is a great tool for monitoring
                                                                                                          effectiveness in the channel environment. It
crucial. It's a little more complex than "keeping   which provides fantastic opportunities to             allows the company to hear the voice of its
it simple", but a similar principle applies:        reach customers right where they are. Take            customer and respond accordingly. It also
reduce channel noise by integrating services so     the tourism sector, for example: travellers           gives the company insights into the operational
more seamless operations can be achieved.           are using their devices across their travel           capabilities and performance of its team,
    Customer experience (CX) is best when it's      experiences, from researching to booking and          providing an opportunity to adapt processes
personal and up close: between the front- and       then paying for trips and experiences. When           and give training where necessary. It also
back-office, a company may have so many             they get to their destinations, they're utilising     ensures, in general, that CX isn't limited to
layers that affect CX that the many touch           their devices to record their holidays, and           mechanical, digital or technological processes,
points (and pain points) can create a wall of       occasionally, to interact with brands.                but allows for human development and
noise that's difficult to penetrate. If customers      Bring your own device is becoming almost           understanding of the role humans play as the
have to go through 50 touch points to get           essential, but bear in mind this comes with a         face of CX.
the service they're looking for, it becomes         caveat: not all customers are entirely digital.          A complaint can lead to customer-driven
intimidating just dealing with the business.        Again, using the travel sector as an example,         service in the contact centre, if the company
The fewer steps it takes to achieve successful      those travelling may opt to leave devices at          walks the complaint back through the
interactions (sales, customer service), the         home, lose devices or contact the company             processes that led to the dissatisfaction and
more likely the company is to retain its            while on the go; can they still go old school         takes steps to remove the pain points.
customer base.                                      and reach a company by voice calls to get what           There are changes that can be made with
    Instead of simplifying the channel              they need done? Access is important to bear           relative ease to achieve enhanced CX. A little
environment, companies may make the                 in mind and improving this via the company's          like that lightbulb that has been out for a year,
mistake of making it more complex by adding         channels is a necessary task.                         all a company needs to do is pay attention to
channels to existing ones without integrating                                                             the problem and replace it, and the outcome
processes. This can result in mystified             Everybody's doing it...                               is brighter. In the same sense, CX requires
customers wondering why services offered            Some customers' needs are highly specialised;         attention, but depending on the changes made,
over voice calls are not the same as ones offered   they won't necessarily require 12 channels to         the company could be delivering enhanced
over e-mail or chat, for example, leading to        get their customers what they want. The costs         services within a short space of time.

 10                           | June 2018

Have you gone phishing?
Layered security measures must go beyond the perimeter and anti-virus to
               protect companies against phishing attacks.
                                                  entertainment, the fact is most corporate            This time is used to gather information,
                                                  devices are used for many different purposes.     learn about the user, see what sites they
                                                                                                    are accessing and use this information to
                                                  Beyond the click                                  leapfrog to a more powerful position before
                                                  Because people are using these machines           delivering the real attack. It may takes days,
                                                  outside of the controlled environment, it         weeks or even months. Cyber thieves have
                                                  is no longer good enough to only provide          infinite patience.
                                                  corporate coverage. Today, staff make use            So, while companies have deployed
                                                  of file-sharing services and free-to-use          enhanced protection on their corporate
                                                  e-mail services to do their personal business.    e-mail system where these clicks will
                                                  All employees receive invoices, handle tax        be blocked, the user does not have that
                                                  returns and send personal information to          protection when tricked via Gmail.
                                                  banks or government departments. So, when
                                                  a user falls prey to a fake invoice or SARS       What can be done?
                                                  refund e-mail and clicks on that link in his/     The truth is, without visibility of the end
                                                  her Gmail account, s/he doesn't know that         point, with the user working at the device,
                                                  what has happened will hurt the business.         there is a heightened risk. The phish may
                                                  The prevalence of the digital world means         not immediately encrypt files because,
                                                  people now have no choice but to know what        rather like bellbottom trousers, this is so last
 John McLoughlin, MD, J2 Software                 happens beyond the click.                         season. The new attackers are there to learn
                                                     Recently, there has been an increase in        and siphon. When they learn, they have
                                                  invoice or refund-related attacks. Cyber          more power, and with more power, they

S    o, the company's security perimeter is
     tight, right? Its corporate e-mail has
advanced threat protection. It has deployed
                                                  criminals never keep office hours and are
                                                  innovating all the time. Whether it comes
                                                  around tax season or other events, they work
                                                                                                    have a bigger payday. This could be the entire
                                                                                                    network or highly sensitive IP.
                                                                                                       Layered security measures must go beyond
an anti-virus system. That means all is good      hard to get people to fall into their traps.      the perimeter and anti-virus. Anomaly
and it is time to hang up the sign: gone          When a user gets the refund confirmation          detection and immediately identifying
fishing, with not a care in the world.            or tax invoice that just won't open, s/he hits    changes are a crucial part of a comprehensive
    This might be an effective approach in a      the link to follow instructions. This innocent    security strategy. Anomalies can only be
world where the people using the devices          looking document can be laden with threats.       picked up once it becomes known what
never leave the office, and only have access      The innocent user has been sucked in and          activity is actually taking place, no matter
to information when seated safely behind          is sent to malicious sites, to enter personal     where they are. More attention has to
the firewall. It would be great if they never     information or install a seemingly innocent       be given to understanding behaviour in
searched for anything online and also             Web application.                                  order to better understand and identify
never saw a Web-based advert or used any             Malicious Web sites can contain malware        inconsistencies.
personal e-mail service such as Outlook.          or applications that can be loaded with              Layered defence, while vital, is also not
com or Gmail. If all of the foregoing is the      key-loggers and software designed to spy.         always going to save the company if the
case - rest easy and happy fishing.               The prevalence of password re-use on every        various layers are not bound together. Don't
    But, it never is the case.                    site and platform also means there is a           be fooled, because it will not help when
    The reality of the modern business is quite   massive probability that users have the same      an alarm is triggered by a tripwire and
far removed from this scenario. When looking      password for Facebook, Internet banking           everybody is focused only on the electric
at computer usage in SA and the rest of the       and corporate logins.                             fence. A consolidated view with built-in
continent, the vast majority of computer             Now that they are hooked, it is simply a       intelligence and up-to-date global feeds will
users have access only to the machine             case of the phishermen reeling in their catch.    ensure the alarm systems are always armed
provided by their employer. A very small             The modus operandi has changed; modern         and the response team is always prepped.
percentage have the luxury of personal home       phishermen now practice a great deal of              With visibility, behavioural monitoring
devices and, because of this, virtually every     patience. The infection no longer means           and immediate response, powered by
corporate security policy allows for personal     immediate action - there are now prolonged        automation, companies can rest easy
use of company equipment. Whether it              periods of reconnaissance. The attacker will      knowing that even when they are caught
is for Internet banking, school projects or       monitor the user before moving in for the kill.   fishing, they are not the trophy.

                                                                                                             June 2018   |                     11

Mapping the modern
software factory
It is crucial to tap into the modern software factory for growth
                       and business survival.
                                                 predict problems before they happen? How           • Understanding customer needs and better
                                                 do I enable continuous delivery, frictionless          aligning IT with the business.
                                                 security and agile across my business, from           What it comes down to is the ability
                                                 mobile all the way to mainframe? Most              to exploit the digital world and all of its
                                                 importantly, what is my business's potential       opportunities to the hilt!
                                                 to grow and compete if the apps it is delivering      Of course, a company's next question
                                                 to customers do not deliver the service today's    is: "How do I create a modern software
                                                 consumer, with so many choices, demands?"          factory?"
                                                    A company should be asking itself all of the       Creating a modern software factory is
                                                 foregoing, otherwise the answer to the last        no easy feat as it involves far more than
                                                 question will be zero growth and a decline in      just technology and processes. It demands
                                                 business, as consumers hop between suppliers       a highly agile and collaborative working
                                                 and are brutal in their lack of forgiveness for    environment, which in turn requires the
                                                 poor experiences; they do not come back.           right people, culture and structure.
                                                    Disruption has arrived; it's everywhere.           The key principles that underpin the
                                                    So, now that the message is clear: what does    modern software factory:
                                                 a company do to get into the picture?
 Andrea Lodolo, CTO at CA Southern Africa
                                                 Thriving on change                                 Delivering exceptional experiences to
                                                 Change and the possibility of it can scare the     customers means being able to respond

D     isruption has arrived; it's everywhere.
      A bank is no longer just a bank, it is
a purveyor of data, digital devices, and,
                                                 hell out of many businesses. The company has
                                                 a model that works, the business turns over
                                                 nicely and is reflecting reasonable growth in
                                                                                                    rapidly to their needs. Methodologies such
                                                                                                    as agile, DevOps and continuous delivery are
                                                                                                    essential to this capability.
of course, also financial services. A taxi       a pretty slow economy. But, that's no longer
company that is not a taxi company is            good enough; all businesses are in a highly        Automation
another example: it doesn't own a solitary       competitive race to win business, and even         The software development life cycle must be
car, other than the driverless variety           more so in a strained economy. Today, the          fully automated. This calls for consistent and
deployed in parts of the USA; nor does it        most competitive firms are built to change,        standardised ways of working, capturing
employ drivers. It's an app... or is it? Well,   actually to thrive on it and adopt an approach     feedback from users and other stakeholders,
actually, it is a business that has been         of "be the change you wish to see". These          and communicating it to developers.
rewritten by software.                           are the companies built on software that
   Almost all companies today use software-      allows them to thrive in a climate of constant     Insights
based solutions for traditional systems such     disruption, short innovation cycles, and ever-     Developers need processes to monitor, sense
as ERP, logistics, etc, and these systems        changing customer expectations.                    and respond effectively, and they need the
need to be managed. Once again, these               Research conducted by CA Technologies, in       analytical tools to enable them to receive
have become legacy-type applications             partnership with Freeform Dynamics, reveals        feedback, improve software and track the
that have been around for years. What has        important insights about those businesses          impact of the changes they make.
changed is that companies worldwide are          that are not just building, but mastering,
increasingly using software to drive their       the modern software factory. Not only do           Security
businesses forward and provide a competitive     'masters' demonstrate a staggering 70%             As cyber risks intensify and development
edge. They are either building these new         higher profit growth and 50% higher revenue        becomes more automated, security must
capabilities internally or outsourcing this      growth, they also lead on a host of key            be integral to software creation, not just
software development. This development is        business indicators, including:                    a feature that's bolted on at the end of the
referred to as software factories.               • Exploitation of new software driven              development process.
   So, the crux of the matter is not to ask:        technologies;                                      In my next Industry Insight I will present
"Why do I need a modern software factory",       • Better leadership decisions due to use           the principles on which the modern
but rather, to ask: "How can I get my business      of analytics, yielding valuable customer        software factory is founded, and how to
to build, test and deliver amazing apps that        information; and                                implement them.

 12                          | June 2018
Gartner’s Top 10
Strategic Technology
Trends for 2018
                             Intelligent                                                                               Mesh                                                                               Digital

       #1 AI Foundation                                                                         #4 Blockchain                                                                    #7 Digital Twins

    #2 Intelligent Apps                                                                      #5 Event-Driven                                                             #8 Cloud to the Edge
      and Analytics

 #3 Intelligent Things                                                                         #6 Continuous                                                                  #9 Conversational
                                                                                               Adaptive Risk                                                                      Platforms
                                                                                                 and Trust

     Join us at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2018 to
     learn about Gartner’s technology trends, if they
     will work for you and how to implement them.                                                                                                                                 #10 Immersive
     Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2018                                                                                                                                                   Experience
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                                     Archiving as a Service               How Common Criteria Certification
                                     Archiving has come a long way        helps with document security
                                     since the day of the dial-up         Everyone is concerned about data; whether it's your company's
                                     modem, says Danie Marais,            intellectual property, a customer's address, employee social
                                     director of product management       security numbers, bank account numbers, etc. Handling customer
                                     at Redstor. The company’s new        data is a priority for companies, as customers entrust organisations
                                     tool, Archiving as a Service now     to handle their personal information in a secure manner. Whether
                                     allows businesses to effectively     it's printing and mailing monthly bank statements or quarterly
                                     put its data into a controlled       retirement financial reports, to providing a medical benefits
                                     environment that creating insight,   package with a health assessment, it all comes down to trust,
                                     backup, disaster recovery and        says Carro Ford, content marketing strategist at Xerox. The above
                                     accessibility on-demand.             also holds true for securing documents that contain personal or
                                                 confidential data that need to be printed, scanned, copied or faxed.
One driver, many printers,
choice with pull print                                                                                      Women in tech can
The Pull Print Driver is a single driver that can be used with your                                         overcome challenges
Xerox printer fleet, giving you the choice of what printer to use to                                        The tech world is changing,
print your job, says Cheryl Otstott, social media project manager:                                          and the role and contribution
Forums and At Your Service blog at Xerox. The Pull Print Driver                                             of women is changing too,
allows you to "push" your job to a queue at your network server                                             says Melani French, executive
and then "pull" it at the Xerox printer convenient to you. The Xerox                                        head: Business Enablement,
Pull Print driver allows users of popular "Pull Printing" solutions to                                      DVT Academy. French believes
use one single, configurable print driver for their printing needs,                                         women in the tech industry need
with compatible Xerox printers and multifunction printers.                                                  not use their energy trying to                                                                                             overcome outdated, stereotypical
                                                                                                            thinking – they should be their
STEM skills crucial                                                                                         unique, authentic selves.
The basic education sector in South Africa needs to increase the          Melani French, DVT Academy
number of institutions that focus on critical subjects such as science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) says Richard Firth,
CEO of MIP Holdings. “An issue to overcome is that STEM subjects          Tackling security in hyper-connected world
are viewed as difficult and therefore are not popular among leaners,”     The rapid growth of devices and associated attacks aimed
adds Firth, “overcoming this hurdle is critical to improving skills and   at mismanaged or unpatched devices, in conjunction with
therefore making future generations an employable commodity.”             unsuspecting users, is proving difficult to keep up with. J2                                                             Software has launched a range of solutions geared to meet these
                                                                          challenges. "Every day new devices are being added to the
New head at Software AG                                                   corporate environment, bringing new threats and vulnerabilities in
Kholiwe Makhohliso has been appointed as Country Leader for               the picture. This is why we push for visibility of an organisations'
Software AG South Africa effective 1 April 2018. Makhohliso takes         entire environment and this must go beyond the corporate
over from Mohamed Cassoojee who decided to leave the business at          network in our modern, hyper-connected society," says J2
the end of February. Makhohliso has 22 year’s business experience         Software MD John Mc Loughlin. "Without visibility, you will not
behind her and her passion, drive, enthusiasm, and commitment             even know if something has been lost.”
bodes well in driving the company forward.                      
                                                                          Cisco, Xerox boost cyber security
                                       Affordable business                for printers on the network
                                       software                           Xerox maintains partnerships with security leaders like Cisco and
                                       One Channel CEO Bernard Ford       McAfee to ensure it keeps its customers' data, documents and
                                       says cloud ERP is more flexible    devices safe, says Tracey Koziol, senior VP, Workplace Solutions
                                       because it can be accessed from    Business Group, Xerox. Cisco's Identity Services Engine (ISE) now
                                       anywhere with any Internet-        comes with profiles of more than 200 Xerox printers, high-end
                                       enabled device. "This means        production presses and multifunction devices, including its
                                       business owners have the ability   portfolio of 29 new ConnectKey-enabled VersaLink and AltaLink
                                       to make good business decisions    workplace assistants. This enables the Cisco ISE to automatically
                                       no matter where they are, be it    detect Xerox devices on a network, cueing network managers to
                                       from a laptop, tablet or mobile    dial in the appropriate security controls, and to employ Cisco ISE as
                                       phone," he says.                   a convenient facility for monitoring printer and MFP activities.
Bernard Ford, One Channel CEO     

 14                             | June 2018

                                          Real-time                     ITWeb, VMware security survey: a first in SA
                                          incident                      ITWeb, in partnership with VMware, recently conducted a
                                          response                      comprehensive information security survey, the first of its kind in
                                           Johnson Controls has         South Africa. Those attending ITWeb Security Summit 2018 were
                                           introduced the newest        given a sneak preview of the results. The full research report is
                                           version of its victor        exclusive to survey respondents, and will be compiled by ITWeb's
                                           Video Management             research team and released in June 2018. "The objective of this
                                           System and VideoEdge         survey is to gauge the current state of cyber security readiness in
                                           Network Video Recorders      South Africa, by polling the very people who are in charge of their
                                           (NVRs) from American         company's security: CISOs and equivalent C-level executives," says
                                           Dynamics. Tyco Security      Ranka Jovanovic, ITWeb's editorial director.
Products says the video management system provides enhanced   
video intelligence and analytics to greatly improve the efficiency of
security personnel and daily business operations.                                                              Is your data safe in                                                                                   the cloud?
                                                                                                               Control and security don't
Security solution for SMEs                                                                                     necessarily go hand-in-hand,
It’s particularly important that video security solutions are easy                                             and how data is accessed is
to install and smooth to operate, especially for SMEs. This is why                                             more important than the
Dallmeier offers VideoNetBox 3, which can be configured quickly                                                physical location where it is
and simply as a complete video security solution for up to 16                                                  stored. “Cloud providers have
HD video streams. The appliance combines the proven SMAVIA                                                     to be compliant and secure
recording and analysis software with compact, fan-less, energy-                                                before they can move any data
efficient server hardware. With VideoNetBox 3, shops, petrol                                                   and GDPR is making this more
stations, and small businesses can build solutions quickly and simply                                          of a reality,” says Nicolas Blank,
based on the proven Dallmeier camera and recording technology.                                                 group CEO of NBConsult.                                                       Nicolas Blank, NBConsult     

Infoblox addresses DNS
cyber security blind spot                                                 ENTERPRISE
Infoblox, the network control company that provides Actionable
Network Intelligence, has announced significant enhancements to         Aruba introduces innovations in
its ActiveTrust Cloud offering. It now leverages advanced analytics     AI-powered analytics, assurance
to expand detection of potential zero-day threats and prevent           Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, advanced its
the loss of data, the ability to distribute threat intelligence to      Mobile First Architecture with the introduction of new innovations
other security products in the network, and ensures content on          in AI-powered analytics and assurance to enable autonomous
the network conforms to corporate policies. In this latest release,     networking, as well as partnerships to deliver smarter workplace
organisations are able to strengthen their protection across their      experiences. To help IT organisations enhance the user experience
entire security ecosystem with advanced machine learning, as            and ensure business resilience as they continue to adopt mobility,
well as distribute actionable threat intelligence across existing       IOT and cloud, Aruba has introduced NetInsight, an artificial
security solutions on the network. ActiveTrust Cloud is delivered       intelligence (AI) based analytics and assurance solution for
as a service.                                                           optimising network performance. Aruba has added a new category                                                        of smart digital workplace partners to the ArubaEdge Technology
                                                                        Partner Program, including corporate real estate (CRE) leaders,
  TECHFORUM                                                             connected furniture companies, and technology vendors.
                                  Open all channels to
                                  learning                              Blue Pencil personal and consulting services
                                  Richard Firth, CEO of MIP             Blue Pencil Professional Resource Services has been servicing
                                  Holdings, believes the Film           the consulting market for the past 14 years, bringing skilled
                                  and Publications Board has            consultants and customers together for ad hoc SAP projects or
                                  become an anachronism. "Today,        permanent placements across various industries. As the economy
                                  government needs to open up the       shifts and the need for the right skills at the right time is critical,
                                  channels so South Africans can        Blue Pencil has been able to tap into its database of reliable skilled
                                  access all the learning content       consultants to meet the needs and expectations of its growing
                                  out there, not shut them down.        client base. The company uses a permanent team of creative
                                  And documentaries definitely          designers and SAP Solution Manager consultants to assist with
                                  play a role in learning too."         vetting and support of graduates in the new roles.
Richard Firth, MIP Holdings               

                                                                                                           June 2018   |                    15

Configure and customise security                                                                                A preferred
Tyco Security Products says the latest version of exacqVision video                                             partnership
management system from Johnson Controls, adds innovative                                                        SPI and the Omnicom Media Group
features that enable users to individually configure and customise                                              have entered into a new agreement,
their system, while providing strong security to protect against                                                in which IRI will serve as the
cyber attacks. With a simple click and drag of a mouse, users create                                            preferred consumer packaged
a customised video wall layout, including custom icons on maps,                                                 goods data provider for Annalect,
delivering more meaningful information, which can facilitate faster                                             the Omnicom Media Group data
and more intuitive responses.                                                                                   and analytics division that supports                                                                                    all Omnicom agencies.

                                                                               INDUSTRY SOLUTIONS
                                        Help with capacity
                                        planning                                                                        CEG adopts
                                        Redstor, a leading UK-                                                          Embrace as
                                        headquartered SaaS business,                                                    preferred ERP
                                        has launched a free Storage                                                     system
                                        Analyser that shows                                                            The Capital Equipment
                                        organisations how much of                                                      Group (CEG), a division
                                        their expensive primary storage                                                of Invicta Holdings, has
                                        is potentially going to waste.                                                 adopted Embrace as the
                                        Available to as a download, the                                                preferred ERP. "Embrace
                                        Web-based Storage Analyser                                                     has proven to be the
                                        reveals what space would be          right choice for controlling costs, optimising the use of people,
                                        freed up if inactive data was        maximising revenue and making investment decisions that help
                                        offloaded to the cloud.              grow the company," states Geoff Balshaw, CFO, CEG Group.
Paul Evans, Redstor

                                       IOT                                   Remembering #KnysnaFires
                                        Comsol is an ideal partner to give   In June 2017 Knysna was set ablaze resulting in landlines and cellular
                                        you the flexibility of leveraging    networks not operational in most parts. Altech Fleetcall, a commercial,
                                        a hybrid approach to your IOT        national trunked radio operator, was leading the efforts to connect the
                                        needs. Its extensive experience      emergency teams. On Saturday 10 June, Altech contacted Comsol to
                                        in radio frequency networks          assist with connecting Fleetcall's Site at Brenton Towers (Knysna) to
                                        enables the company to build you     its Overport main hub (in Durban). Comsol and Fleetcall immediately
                                        a resilient LoRaWAN network          designed a plan of action and by 3pm on Sunday 11 June, less than 24
                                        for your private needs, while        hours after the initial call, services were up and running.
ensuring if you need to expand to any part of Comsol's public network,
you have the flexibility to do so with ease.
Dirty secrets of network firewalls
Sophos has announced the findings of its global survey: ‘The dirty           Intelligent apps get to work in 2018
secrets of network firewalls’, which revealed that IT managers               EOH says in our workplace, IAs are already in use. Consider
cannot identify 45% of their organisation's network traffic. In fact,        the way the latest version of Outlook prioritises your mail into
nearly one in four cannot identify 70% of their network traffic. The         'focused' and 'other'. But, these are simple features. The real art
lack of visibility creates significant security challenges for today's       is achieved through intelligent collaboration. Consider LinkedIn
businesses and impacts on an effective network management.                   Navigator, the recent launch by Microsoft and LinkedIn. It is a
"If you can't see everything on your network, you can't ever                 result of the convergence of cloud-based services, big data and IOT.
be confident that your organisation is protected from threats.               Combining the features of Office 365, Dynamics 365, and LinkedIn,
IT professionals have been flying blind for too long, and cyber              all supported by the cloud, Microsoft uses the power of IOT and
criminals take advantage of this," says Brett Myroff, MD of Sophos           machine learning to draw its users' attention to deals that have a
distributor, Netxactics.                                                     higher propensity to close versus those that are at risk.                                               

 16                           | June 2018
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