2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business

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2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business
2020 - 2021 Catalog

     Sanford, ME

      Published: March 2020
2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business
Sanford, Maine

                                     Harris School of Business
                                         890 Main Street
                                              Suite 100
                                        Sanford, ME 04073
                                       Tel: (207) 490-0509
                                      Fax: (207) 490-3242

                                     Programs Offered
                                        Massage Therapy
                                  Professional Medical Assistant

                                    Hours of Operation
              Monday - Thursday              Friday                         Saturday
              8:00 am - 7:00 pm        9:00 am - 5:00 pm               9:00 am - 12:00 pm

                                       This campus is accredited by:
                 Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training (ACCET)
                                         1722 N Street NW
                                      Washington DC, 20036
                                         Tel: (202) 955-1113
                                        Fax: (202) 955-1118

2   harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business
Table of Contents
About Harris School of Business Schools
     History & Mission Statement................................................................................................................................................5
     General Information...........................................................................................................................................................6
     Benefits of Harris School of Business.................................................................................................................................8
Admissions Information
     Transfer Credit Policy......................................................................................................................................................11
Tuition & Financial Aid Information
     Financial Aid......................................................................................................................................................................13
     Cancellation and Refund Policy..........................................................................................................................................15
     Academic Policies...............................................................................................................................................................18
     Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy......................................................................................................................20
Student Information
     Student Conduct Policy.......................................................................................................................................................23
     Family Educational Rights and Privacy....................................................................................................................................30
     Student Services......................................................................................................................................................................31
     Grievance Procedure.............................................................................................................................................................34
Programs of Study
     Massage Therapy........................................................................................................................................................................37
     Professional Medical Assistant...................................................................................................................................................38
Course Descriptions
     Massage Therapy...................................................................................................................................................................40
     Professional Medical Assistant..........................................................................................................................................42
Additional Information
     Schedule of Tuition & Fees.........................................................................................................................................................44
     Campus Calendars................................................................................................................................................................45
     2018 - 2019 Advisory Board.........................................................................................................................................................47
     Additional Requirements by Program..............................................................................................................................48
     Certification, Licensing, Registration, or Examination Eligibility and Requirements by Program..................49

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2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business

Harris School of Business is an accredited school       The administration, staff and faculty look forward
with a 50-year history of providing career focused      to assisting you in attaining your career goals. We
education in the areas of allied health, business       hope you enjoy your educational experience while at
and computer technology, including legal and            Harris School of Business.
accounting. We specialize in comprehensive,
accelerated programs, which prepare our students        Sincerely,
for interesting and challenging positions in their
chosen fields of study.

There was a time when a college degree was
the only key to this success; today, the situation
is different. It is not necessary to spend several      Dr. Nicholas V. Hastain
years in college in order to be a part of one of the    CEO
fastest growing career fields. Our students at Harris
School of Business study only the subjects they
need for their careers. When you think about it, a
Harris School of Business education makes sense,
especially today when time and money are so

Our 50 years of success are a result of the
successful graduates who have benefited from our
programs - the history of their achievements forms
the foundation on which today’s students set their
goals. The administration, staff and faculty look
forward to assisting you in attaining your goals. We
hope you enjoy your educational experience while at
the Harris School of Business.

4       harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business
History & Mission Statement

History                                                Mission Statement
The company which became Harris School of              Harris School of Business is committed to providing
Business was founded by Mrs. Ethel S. Harris, a        students with the necessary skills and attitudes
native of Camden, NJ in 1959 after her physician       for securing employment in their fields of training.
husband died at a young age, leaving her a widow       Through the combination of professional faculty,
at 37 with three small children. Fortunately before    focused support services, and modern, well-
marrying her husband, Mrs. Harris had graduated        equipped facilities, Harris School of Business strives
from a business school and worked in Washington,       to foster pride, dignity and self-respect in its student
D.C., as a secretary in various government             body. Fundamental to its mission is the emphasis
departments during World War II. With her              on individual advising and guidance. The faculty
knowledge of office skills and the help of friends,    and staff seek to empower students with industry
she started her own business, founding Harris          specific knowledge, which will gain them both the
Employment Service in 1959. The Harris School of       respect and means of rewarding self-support. Harris
Business, as an institution of higher learning, was    School of Business provides students with a solid
founded in 1965 when it became apparent that           educational foundation on which to build their future
many job-seekers and applicants to her employment      professional development.
service needed training or review instruction to
become more employable.                                                 Institutional Objectives
                                                       •   Provide curricula that meet the current standards of
After serving the community as a family-owned              the industries we serve
business since 1965, Premier Education Group, L.P.,
                                                       •   Provide an environment that will foster academic and
acquired the school in May 2003; and in November
                                                           personal development
2003, the school relocated to One Mall Drive, Suite
700, Cherry Hill, NJ, a high-rise office building at   •   Help students develop proper work habits,
                                                           professional attitudes, and increased confidence
the Cherry Hill Mall. This purchase was followed
by an expansion in 2005 and 2006 to Linwood,           •   Provide a clean, attractive and well-managed facility
NJ; Hamilton, NJ, and Wilmington, DE, with further         for the student, staff and faculty
expansion into Stratford, NJ, Dover, DE, Upper         •   Assist graduates in securing entry-level positions that
Darby, PA in 2008, and Danbury, CT and Melbourne           will lead to fulfilling their career objectives
Florida in 2013. The school’s longevity in the         •   Provide business, industry, government, and
community and excellent reputation with employers          professionals with well-trained personnel
are two of the reasons why an education from Harris
School of Business opens doors of opportunity for      To assist students in achieving their objectives,
its graduates.                                         Harris School of Business maintains a creative and
                                                       innovative group of faculty and staff members who
                                                       are chosen for their specialized skills. Students are
                                                       sure of receiving personal attention in classes where
                                                       communication between student and teacher, as
                                                       well as between student and student, may flourish.
                                                       Emphasis on individual growth is an essential part of
                                                       our educational program.

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2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business
General Information
Statement of Legal Control                                 faith report of conduct prohibited under Title IX.
                                                           These prohibited forms of conduct are unlawful,
Harris School of Business is owned by Premier              undermine the character and purpose of the school,
Education Group, L.P.; registered limited partnership in   and will not be tolerated.
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Dr. Nicholas V.
Hastain is the President & CEO and Beatrice W. Bast,       The Campus Director is designated as the School’s
W. Roderick Gagne and The Elizabeth Brennan Family         Title IX Coordinator to coordinate compliance with
Trust #2 FBO of Elizabeth L. Gagne and Philip Gagne,       this policy. Please contact your Campus Director
and Premier Education Group, GP Inc. are limited           to raise concerns or file a complaint. All grievances
Partners.                                                  or complaints will be responded to within ten (10)
                                                           business days and will be handled directly and
Statement of Non-Discrimination                            equitably. Students who do not feel comfortable
                                                           sending a complaint to their Campus Director, or
In keeping with its long-standing traditions and           who feel their complaint has not been adequately
policies, Harris School of Business considers              addressed by the Campus Director should forward
students, employees, and applicants for admission          their concerns to April Lupinacci, Vice President of
or employment, and those seeking access to                 Compliance and Licensure at the corporate offices
programs on the basis of individual merit. The             of Premier Education Group:
School does not discriminate on the basis of race,
                                                                              545 Long Wharf Drive
color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender
                                                                                      5th Floor
identity, national or ethnic origin, age, status as an                        New Haven, CT 06511
individual with a disability, protected veteran status,                        Tel: (203) 672-2300
genetic information, or other protected classes as                             Fax: (203)285-3889
required by law (including Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972)                                        Please note that submitting a false report or providing
                                                           false or misleading information in bad faith or with a
The school’s policy is consistent with federal, state,     view to personal gain in connection with an incident
and local regulations governing non-discrimination         is prohibited and subject to disciplinary sanction.
and harassment including, but not limited to Title         This does not apply to reports made or information
IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (as                 provided in good faith, even if the facts alleged in the
amended). Title IX of the Education Amendments             report are determined not to be accurate. The School
of 1972, and its implementing regulations, which           is committed to protecting the privacy of people
prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in             involved in a report under this policy. With any report
education programs or activities operated by               or complaint, the School will make reasonable efforts
recipients of Federal financial assistance. Sexual         to protect the privacy interests of persons involved
harassment of students, which includes acts of             in a manner consistent with the need for a careful
sexual violence, is a form of sex discrimination           assessment of the allegation and reasonable steps
prohibited by Title IX. Harris School of Business          available to eliminate the reported conduct, prevent
seeks to maintain a safe learning and working              its recurrence, and address its effects. The School
environment. To that end, the school prohibits             prohibits retaliation against any person who exercises
Sexual Misconduct, which includes Sexual or                any rights or responsibilities under this policy. Any act
Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault,                   of retaliation may be a separate violation of this policy
and Sexual Exploitation. Conduct which is also             and is subject to disciplinary action.
prohibited is Relationship Violence, Stalking, and
Retaliation against an individual for making a good

6       harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business
Facility Descriptions & Locations                           Licensing & Accreditation
The Sanford campus is located in the heart of this small    The Sanford campus is licensed by the State of
city, in the historic Mid-Town Mall adjacent to the Mill    Maine Department of Education.
Falls just off Route 109 in Sanford, Maine. Situated        License #170020
about thirteen miles west of Exit 19 of the Maine
Turnpike. We are just 30 minutes south from Portland,       Harris School of Business is institutionally
ME, and 30 minutes north of Portsmouth, NH.                 accredited by the Accrediting Council for Continuing
                                                            Education & Training (ACCET) a national accrediting
Our campus features access to Gateway Park where            agency approved by the U.S. Department of
on warm days, you might find students having a              Education.
picnic on the lawn by the water falls. There are many
local eateries, coffee shops and a bakery to have
lunch or pick up a snack.

Our facility includes two medical assisting clinical
labs, two computer labs, two lecture classrooms, a
massage clinic, a student library, an open concept
lunchroom for student dining with microwaves and a
student refrigerator. The students are provided with
lockers for belongings.

Our massage clinic comprises four individual client
bays and one private room. The massage clinic is
open to the public, and serves as a hands-on training
facility for our massage therapy students during
their internships.

Our medical assistant labs are equipped with
equipment including a software enabled EKG
system, outpatient medical equipment, phlebotomy
models, hands on practice supplies for all laboratory
classes, as well as other technology and equipment
used in the healthcare field.

The Philadelphia, PA campus at 2371 Welsh Road,
Floor 2, Philadelphia, PA 19114, is a branch campus
of the Sanford campus.

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2020 2021 Catalog - Sanford, ME Published: March 2020 - Harris School of Business
Benefits of Harris School of Business

Continuous Enrollment                                    Instruction
Program enrollment is on-going, and new students         The student/teacher ratio for the Harris School of
are able to start programs of study at the start of      Business programs is 30:1 in all lecture courses, 25:1
each academic term, with some limitations for            in all laboratory courses.
class sizes (too many or too few enrollments may
delay the start of classes). This allows students the    The classroom size for the Harris School of Business
opportunity to start programs every five weeks.          holds a maximum of 30 students.

Competence with Confidence                               Measurement of Instruction
At Harris School of Business, success is based           The unit of measurement of instruction is semester
on competence. Courses are designed with                 credits. One semester credit equals a minimum
built- in benchmarks that determine progress and         of 15 clock hours classroom (lecture/didactic), or
monitor performance. Students are tested for their       30 clock hours of laboratory, or 45 clock hours of
understanding of the subject before advancing to         internship/externship. A clock hour is defined as 60
the next. Knowledge and skills are presented in          consecutive minutes of which a minimum of 50
appropriate time blocks that builds level-by-level, so   minutes is dedicated to instruction.
that students achieve competence and confidence
as each one is developed. Through our unique
system, students will succeed with confidence,
knowing that they are truly competent in the areas
they have mastered.

8       harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
Basic Requirements                                             Acceptance
To qualify for admission into any certificate-training         Upon completion of the required documents for
program, applicants must successfully complete                 admission, the applicants are notified in writing of
the initial interview process and receive a positive           their acceptance.
recommendation from the school’s Admissions
Director or Campus Director.                                   Procedures for the Enrollment of
Basic Admissions Requirements:                                 Students with Special Needs
•   A minimum age requirement of 17 and in possession          Harris School of Business does not make
    of a High School Diploma or GED. (Veterans must            preadmission inquires regarding whether applicants
    provide a copy of their high school diploma or GED         have a disability. Harris School of Business
    equivalent.) Harris School of Business accepts             programs do not have requirements that screen out
    attestation of High School or GED completion for           people with physical or mental handicaps or learning
    admittance.                                                disabilities. If an applicant has an obvious disability
•   An admissions interview                                    such as mobility, sight or hearing impairment, the
•   Professional Medical Assistant and Dental Assisting        applicant will be given the institution’s confidential
    students must celebrate their 18th birthday prior to       disability declaration form and voluntarily disclose
    the start of externship                                    the disability. No applicant is required to do this.
•   $25.00 application fee                                     The only instance when the institution may impose
                                                               screening criteria is when admission presents a clear
•   Basic command of the English language
                                                               safety risk to self or others and these criteria are
•   Completed enrollment agreement                             based on actual risk assessment, not stereotypes or
•   Professional Medical Assistant and Dental Assisting        assumptions. The Campus Director is responsible
    applicants are required to have their Medical Form         for the determination of risk and decision for
    completed by a physician prior to the start of clinical    admission. Every student accepted into a school
                                                               program has the opportunity to voluntarily and
                                                               confidentially disclose/declare a handicap/disability/
Admissions Examination                                         special need(s) and as result, allows for disability
Harris School of Business requires all entering                verification and resulting appropriate academic
students to have an assessment of their levels of              accommodations. These accommodations
learning. The Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam (SLE)            can occur through a combination of school,
identifies an individual's capacity for learning, as well      governmental, public and private, voluntary and
as the ability to apply knowledge.                             confidential services available to them.

Minimum Passing Scores:                                        In order to accommodate students with physical
                                                               handicaps, Harris School of Business’ Sanford
     Massage Therapy 				15
     Professional Medical Assistant 		 13
                                                               campus is equipped with ramps at the entrance
                                                               into the building and throughout the first level.
                                                               These students will also be scheduled to take all
                                                               coursework on the first level of the school.

                                                        2020-2021 Catalog I Sanford, ME I harrisschool.edu            9
Felony Disclosure                                    Equal Opportunity & Affirmative
Please be advised that if you have been convicted    Action Policy
of a felony, you may not be eligible for certain     Harris School of Business is committed to a policy of
clinical experiences, externships, internships, or   equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in relation
certifications associated with our educational       to race, religion, sex, age, national origin, marital
programs. Those with non-felonious criminal          status, sexual orientation, or disabled status.
backgrounds may also find it difficult to secure
employment within a health care setting.

10     harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
Transfer Credit Policy

Transfer of Credit within Premier                              c. All skills assessments must be documented
                                                                   and graded
Education Group Campuses                                  E. Course was completed no more than 5 years
Premier Education Group (“Premier”) students                   prior to date of request. Courses older than this
may be granted transfer credits towards their total            may or may not be accepted for transfer, and
program hours/credits where the transfer credit                an appeal justifying the recognition of these
is from one of Premier school to another Premier               courses must be submitted.
school (e.g., transferring from Branford Hall to Harris
                                                          Transfer of Credit from an Institution
A. The Education Department at the school will            other than a Premier School
   review transcripts to determine what hours/
   credits, if any, can be transferred. Students that     Like other higher education institutions, Premier
   returns or transfers into a new program or new         may accept credits from other schools or colleges
   program version may be granted transfer credit         as long as the institution is recognized by the US
   towards the total program hours/credits from           Department of Education. The Prospective students
   one Premier school to another.                         may be granted transfer credit up to 25% of the total
                                                          program credits from an outside institution.
B. Transfer credits will count as hours/credits
   attempted and completed for Satisfactory
                                                          A. The Education Department at the school will
   Academic Progress (SAP) calculation and in the
                                                               review transcripts to determine what hours/
   Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). This
                                                               credits, if any, will be granted. This determination
   means a passing grade and non passing grade
                                                               must be made before the student starts. Note
   will be part of the SAP and CGPA calculations.
                                                               that transfer hours/credits will not be included
C. PEG Courses that are being transferred from one             in the calculation of eligibility for Federal Title IV
   enrollment at the school to a new enrollment                financial aid.
   due to program changes, schedule changes,
                                                          B.   The student must submit:
   and reentry/reenroll activity will show on the
   transcript with the original grade earned,                  a. Official Transcript (signed with the school
   including “F” and “W”’s and will also calculate                 seal)
   for GPA and SAP using the original grade. This              b. A catalog of the institution, which describes
   includes same school codes.                                     the courses for which transfer hours/credits
D. Skill Assessment Test. Premier students                         is sought.
   returning one year or more will be required to         C. Hours/credits will be considered for transfer
   take a skills assessment test, even if the student          hours/ credits toward graduation if the following
   only needs to complete an externship. All Skill             criteria are met prior to starting school:
   Assessment tests will be documented and                     c. Official transcript and catalog with course
   graded. If the student fails the test, the student              descriptions are reviewed
   will audit or re-take the course.
                                                               d. Course is adjudged equivalent in content,
   a. Medical Assistant - Hands on Skill                           hours and credits
                                                               e. A Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 (C) or
   b. All other programs will have a written Skill                 better was achieved

                                                  2020-2021 Catalog I Sanford, ME I harrisschool.edu              11
f.   Course was completed no more than 5 years
          prior to date of request
                                                             Transfer of Credit From an Institution
D. All courses transferred from another institution
                                                             Other Than a Premier School
     will be marked with a “T”                               Like other higher education institutions, Premier may
                                                             accept credits from other schools or colleges as long as
Notes for Credit Transfers (both from a                      the institution is accredited by an agency recognized by
Premier school or from a USDOE recognized institution)       the US Dept. of Education. The Prospective students
                                                             may be granted transfer credit up to 25% of the total
A. Students will be charged on a pro-rata credit for         program credits from an outside institution.
     tuition based on number of hours remaining in
     the program.
B. Any courses for which a student requests
     transfer credit must have been completed within
     the past 5 years.
C. Students may appeal the transfer credit decision
     by writing to Premier’s Education Specialist at:
                  Premier Education Group
                 545 Long Wharf Drive, 5th Fl
                    New Haven, CT 06511

Transfer of Credit From Harris School
of Business
The school makes no representation or guarantee
regarding transfer of credits to other institutions.
Acceptance of transfer credit is always at the
discretion of the receiving institution. Students
planning to attend another institution should check
the policy of that institution regarding transfer credits.
In the event a student is considering transferring to a
new institution the school will provide guidance and
assistance. This may include a review of charges and
financial aid refunds, as well as providing transcripts,
applicable syllabi, and catalogs.

12        harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
Financial Aid
While students, and their parents when appropriate,
share the primary responsibility for financing a post-
secondary education, a number of federal and state            Federal Stafford Loans: Enables an undergraduate
financial aid programs are available to supplement            or graduate student enrolled at least half time to
the family contribution where need exists. Within             borrow from William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan
the limits of its resources, Harris School of Business        Program. Students can get a loan regardless of
will award financial assistance to students with              income, but the federal government pays the
need in the form of federal and state grants, and             interest only on need-based loans. Stafford loans
loans. Students will be offered financial aid subject         carry a fixed interest rate, and are typically the most
to the availability of funds and course enrollment.           affordable type of student loans. Under certain
All application materials may be obtained from the            conditions, repayment may be deferred until six
Financial Aid Office. Students must reapply each              months after graduation.
                                                              Federal PLUS Loans: Parents of dependent
Eligibility                                                   undergraduates may borrow Federal Direct PLUS
                                                              Loans up to the cost of education. The interest
To be eligible for financial aid from federal or state
                                                              rate is fixed. There are various deferment options
sources, students must meet the following criteria:
•   Be accepted into a certificate program
•   Be a United States citizen, permanent resident of the     Other Options
    United States or other eligible non-citizen
                                                              Tuition Payment Plans: A tuition deposit of 25% is
•   Maintain satisfactory academic progress
                                                              required by the first day of class. Two plans are
•   Not be in default on any federal loan program             available for paying the balance of tuition.
•   Not owe a refund on a federal grant
                                                              1.   Full payment of tuition on or before the date classes
•   Have a social security number                                  start.
•   Male students must be registered with Selective           2. Payment of tuition balance in monthly installments.
•   Be able to demonstrate financial need                     Information regarding tuition payment plans are
                                                              included in the application procedure as part of the
The school participates in many types of financial            Financial Aid interview.
aid programs. Two basic types of financial aid are
offered:                                                      Veterans Administration Funds: Veterans and
•   Grants, which require no repayment                        dependents of veterans should check with State
•   Loans, which a student may repay after graduation         approving Agencies to determine eligibility.
                                                              Questions about VA Benefits, contact the GI Hotline:
                                                                          Agency for Veterans’ Education Programs:
Federal Pell Grant: Funds are available to eligible                             University of Maine System
students attending approved schools. This need-                                          PO BOX 335
based federal grant varies in amount per academic                                      10F Cross Road
year and is determined on completion of FAFSA.                                      Winthrop, ME 04364
                                                                                     Tel: (207) 377-4661

                                                      2020-2021 Catalog I Sanford, ME I harrisschool.edu              13
Veterans and dependents of veterans should be              The FBR Grant will be awarded up to cover a percentage
contacting the Buffalo Regional processing office for      of the difference between your current unfunded, unpaid
payments or eligibility questions                          balance and the direct costs of your program (tuition,
                                                           fees, books and supplies). You will then have the option
                         VA Regional Office                to either reduce each remaining monthly payment
                            PO Box 4616                    amount by this percentage or continue paying at the
                      Buffalo, NY 014240-4616              current amount and complete the payment plan ahead of
                                                           the original schedule. Your Financial Aid office will explain
                                                           the two options so you can choose what best meets your
GI Bill®/Post 911 Eligibility                              needs. This award is contingent upon your graduation
Professional Medical Assistant and Massage                 from the program. Should you withdraw and/or fail to
                                                           graduate, the grant funds will be refunded back to the
Therapy Program are approved by the Post-
                                                           grant funds account to be awarded to another future
Secondary Education Commission Division of                 student and you will become responsible for paying your
Veterans State Approvals.                                  full balances with your own funds.

Third Party Payers
Organizations may sponsor students by                      Tuition & Fees
authorizing the payment of tuition and fees.               A complete listing of the current programs and
Students must submit to the Business Office                course tuition and fees is included in this catalog.
a letter of authorization or a purchase order              Payments may be made in the form of a personal
from the sponsoring organization at the time of            check, a certified check, a money order, or a bank
registration. Bills will be forwarded to the appropriate   check. Visa, MasterCard and Discover may also
organization. Payments from the organization will be       be used to pay tuition. A student whose training is
due and payable in 30 days.                                being paid for by a governmental program or other
                                                           funding source must provide a letter of authorization
                                                           from the funding source. Books and materials
Financial Burden Relief (FBR) Grant*                       will not be issued until all fees are paid. Students
                                                           enrolling in any of the career training programs are
The student must be currently attending the Sanford
campus of Harris School of Business and must have
                                                           expected to pay for tuition and materials according
applied for, been awarded and accepted all eligible        to the prearranged payment plan agreed upon
Federal Financial Aid resources available, must have a     at the time of enrollment. If students are unable
balance owed to the school for the direct costs of the     to meet their financial obligations, provisions for
program after all Federal and other outside financial      late payment may be set up at the discretion of
resources are applied and must have agreed to and          the Financial Aid Director. All outstanding student
signed a payment plan with the school. The student         account balances must be paid in full prior to
must then complete an application and submit it to the     graduation or upon termination. Certificates of
financial aid office, and must have made a payment in      graduation or completion will not be issued to
December of the current year and/or be current with your   the student until all outstanding monies are paid.
student payment obligations.
                                                           Delinquent accounts that prove not to be collectible
                                                           may be submitted to a collection agency for

*    Based on availability of funding.
14         harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Tuition & Other Charges - Period of                       Institutional Refund & Cancellation
Obligation                                                Policy
Following the start of classes, the institution will      The school will provide a full refund of all monies
establish a ledger of tuition and other charges           paid if the student cancels the enrollment
incurred by the student, as shown on the front side       agreement within 72 hours (until midnight of the
of the enrollment agreement. Tuition charges, as          third day excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal
outlined below, will be applied in one or more parts      holidays) of signing it. If the student pays any fees in
called periods of obligation, depending on the length     advance of the first class session, and if the 72-hour
of the program. The period of obligation set by the       cancellation privilege period has passed, and if the
school is 450 instructional hours. Programs less          student decides not to attend the program by not
than 450 hours will have tuition charged in full in       showing for classes, or if the enrollment is rejected
one part, while programs longer than 450 hours            by the school, the school will refund all monies paid
but equal to or less than 900 hours will have tuition     less the application fee.
charges applied across two periods of obligation,
while programs greater than 900 hours will have           If it becomes necessary for the class to be canceled
tuition charges spread across three or more periods       or delayed prior to the start of classes, the student
of obligation depending on how many 450-hour              will have the option of accepting the delay and
periods are needed. The institution, for the sake of      joining the next scheduled class start or requesting
clarity, will create a ledger card detailing the entire   a full refund of all monies paid, including non-
cost of the program with each period of obligation        refundable application fee.
clearly marked so that the students can understand
and verify the full and complete cost of the program      In the event of withdrawal by the student after
as shown on the front side of this agreement. For         expiration of the 72 hour cancellation privilege or
the benefit of the student the institution will secure    dismissal by the school, the school shall retain the
financial aid or complete financial planning to cover     application and registration fees, the non-refundable
all periods of obligation. The student is obligated to    cost of the textbooks required by the classes
pay the charges attributed to the period of obligation    attended and issued to and used by the student,
at the beginning of each period of obligation unless      and a prorated portion of tuition and laboratory
other financing arrangements have been made. By           fees/ other, based upon the last day of attendance
way of an example, a program with tuition costs of        and the number of program hours the student was
$9,100 that is 910 hours in length will have three        scheduled for through the last day of attendance.
periods obligation. The first two periods of obligation
will be 450 hours in length, and appear on the ledger     The pro-ration is calculated as follows, from the last
card as $4,500 charges, while the last period of          date of attendance:
obligation will be 10 hours in length and cost $100.      A. If the departure from the program occurs during the
By way of an example, if a student attending a               first week of class or 7 calendar days, tuition charges
900-hour program was scheduled for 450 hours                 withheld will not exceed 10 percent of the stated
of classes and began the 451st hour, the student             tuition to a maximum of $500.00.
would be obligated for tuition charges relating to the
first and second period of financial obligation.

                                                  2020-2021 Catalog I Sanford, ME I harrisschool.edu              15
ACCET Refund Policy
B. After the first week of class and through 60 percent
   of the period of financial obligation, charges retained
   will not exceed a pro-rata portion of tuition for         A. If the departure from the program occurs within three
   the training period completed, plus 10 percent of            class days, tuition charges withheld will not exceed
   the unearned tuition for the period of training not          10 percent (10%) of the stated tuition to a maximum
   completed, up to a maximum of $1,000.00. After               of $500.00. (In the State of Delaware, there is a limit
   60 percent of the period of financial obligation is          of $100.00 retained tuition.)
   completed, the school may retain the full tuition for
                                                             B. After the first week of class and through 50
   this period of obligation.
                                                                percent (50%) of the period of training and financial
C. For subsequent periods of financial obligation,              obligation, charges retained will not exceed a pro-rata
   charges retained will not exceed a pro-rata portion          portion of tuition for the training period completed,
   of tuition charged for the period of obligation. The         plus 10 percent of the unearned tuition for the period
   proration is based on the number of hours scheduled          of training not completed
   through the students last day of attendance
                                                             C. After 50 percent (50%) of the period of training and
   divided by the total number of hours in the period of
                                                                financial obligation is completed, the school may
   obligation. After 60 percent of the period of financial
                                                                retain the full tuition.
   obligation is completed, the school may retain the
   full tuition for this period of obligation. Students
   are responsible for full payment for any previously       Return of Title IV Funds
   completed periods of obligation.
                                                             The return of Title IV funds as prescribed in Section
We will return refunds within 45 days of date                484B of the HEA Amendments determines the
of determination of withdrawal or cancellation.              amount of Title IV aid a student has earned at the
The date of determination used for withdrawal or             time a student withdraws. The amount of the Title
cancellation will be:                                        IV aid a student has not earned is then returned to
                                                             the Title IV programs. It is a proportional calculation
1.   Withdrawal
                                                             based on the date of withdrawal through sixty
     a. Date the school received notification from a         percent (60%) of the payment period. The formula in
        student of their intent to withdraw, or
                                                             brief is as follows:
     b. The last date of attendance, if student is
        dismissed or expelled by school, or                  1. The school will determine the withdrawal date and
                                                                the percentage of the payment period attended
     c. 14 days following last day of attendance in the
        event the student has not communicated their         2. The school will determine the amount of Title IV aid
        intent to withdraw and has failed to attend             for which the student was eligible.
        classes for 14 consecutive days.                     3. The school will compare the amount of aid earned
2. Cancellation - In the case of a cancellation of              to the amount disbursed. If the amount disbursed
   enrollment due to a failure to attend or class delay         exceeds the amount earned, this amount of Title IV
   or cancellation request, the date of notification or         aid must be returned.
   originally scheduled start date is used, whichever is

The tuition charges will be attributed on the basis
of periods of financial obligation, as stated above,
which is equivalent to 450 hours of training or the
balance of training hours remaining in the program
if less than 450 hours. In no case will the period of
obligation for students extend more than 12 months,
and in most cases the period of financial obligation
(450 training hours) will be between 15 and 40
weeks in length.

16       harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
In conformance with Federal regulations, the policy
of Harris School of Business is to distribute the
proceeds of return to Title IV calculation to the
origination sources in the following order, up to the
net amount disbursed:
•   Unsubsidized Direct Stafford Loan
•   Subsidized Direct Stafford Loan
•   Federal Direct PLUS Loan
•   Federal Pell Grant Program
•   Federal SEOG

Please note, students are responsible for any
balance owed to Harris School of Business as a
result of the repayment of Federal aid funds.

To obtain a refund of unearned tuition, students
are requested to complete a Student Withdrawal
Request, available from the school office.

                                                 2020-2021 Catalog I Sanford, ME I harrisschool.edu   17
Academic Policies

General Student Information                                   Grade
                                                                      Percentage   Grade Point
                                                                      Equivalent    Equivalent
All students are expected to behave in the
professional and courteous manner that is expected             A       93-100         4.0
in a business environment. Fellow students,                    A-      90-92          3.67
instructors and administrative personnel should be
                                                               B+       87-89         3.33
treated respectfully.
                                                               B        83-86         3.0

Term Evaluations                                               B-      80-82          2.67

At the end of each term, students are asked to                 C+       77-79         2.33
complete a confidential evaluation form. Comments              C        73-76         2.0
are considered as part of the course/program review            C-       70-72         1.67
and quality assurance/improvement process.
                                                               D+       67-69         1.33

Grading                                                        D       63-66           1.0
                                                               D-      60-62          0.67
Students are graded to evaluate their progress in
terms of proficiency expected as employees within              F        0-59          0.0
their respective fields. Grades may be determined              S          -             -        Satisfactory Extern
through homework, class work, tests, quizzes,
                                                               W          -             -           Withdrawal
attendance, and final examinations. Students are
evaluated at the end of each grading period by their           T          -             -             Transfer
course instructor. All course grades are recorded in           P          -             -           Proficiency
the student academic record. Students are provided
a printed report of grades at the end of each course.
Students may request a grade report at any time          Graduation Requirements
from the Education Department and request a              Students enrolled in all programs are awarded
status report for current courses from the instructor.   certificates upon successful completion of all
                                                         program and graduation requirements. Program and
Letter grades are assigned numerical equivalents         graduation requirements are as follows:
so that each student's progress may be reflected in      1.     Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0
terms of a grade point average (GPA). The GPA is
                                                         2. Successful completion of all program courses and
a weighted average calculated by multiplying the
                                                            externships (i.e., students who receive a course
term credit hours for each course by the grade point
                                                            grade of "F" for any course must repeat and pass the
equivalent received for that course, summing the            applicable course)
results, and dividing the sum by the total term credit
                                                         3. All fees and charges are paid
hours. Grades, grade point equivalents, and sample
GPA calculations are as follows:                         4. All resource materials borrowed from the school are
                                                         5. Minimum attendance requirement of 80% of overall
                                                            program scheduled hours

18      harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
Re-Entry into the Same Program                             enrolling. The student will be responsible for a new
                                                           enrollment fee, lab fee, books and supplies fee and
To re-establish eligibility to return to school a          any increase in the tuition. See the Campus Director
student must apply for re-admission and receive the        for additional information regarding the school's re-
approval of the Campus Director and the re-entry           enrollment policy and procedures.
                                                           Leave of Absence
Re-Entry into a New Program                                The school does not have a leave of absence policy.
When a student re-enters to begin a program
other than the one he/she was in when originally
dismissed, the student enters as a "new" student
with the exception of courses that transfer to the         Fourteen (14) consecutive days of absence resulting in
new curriculum. Transfer of credits will be limited        interruption of training may require a student to drop and
to courses with grades of "C" or above. When               reenter at a later date. Students should meet with
calculating the student's projected graduation date        financial aid personnel to discuss the impact on
and minimum requirements to finish within 1.5 times        their financial aid awards. The student may return
the projected program graduation date, the amount          to the program at a later date with the approval of
of time used before dismissal will be included. Only       the Director of Education. An interview, educational
one curriculum change will be permitted.                   assessment, and possible written test will occur to
                                                           determine at what point in the program a student
Student Returning Within 180 Days                          might reenter. If it is determined that the amount of
                                                           learning lost while being away from study requires
from Their Last Date of Attendance                         a student to repeat a prior course, then the student
A student who returns to school within 180 days to         will be provided with this information prior to
the same program will not be charged any additional        restarting classes.
fees. Also, they will not be responsible for any tuition
increase that may have occurred.                           Appeal & Reinstatement
                                                           Students who are terminated may appeal the
Students who return to the same program at the
                                                           school's decision through the appeal process.
same school campus within 180 days are considered
                                                           A written request should be submitted to the
to be in the same payment period they were in at
                                                           Campus Director outlining the desire to appeal the
the time of the withdrawal for purposes of student
                                                           decision with a complete, thorough description of
awards. The student retains his or her original
                                                           any mitigating circumstances or conditions that
eligibility for that payment period.
                                                           should be considered by the school administration.
                                                           Students who choose not to appeal termination
Student Returning After 180 Days from                      decisions may apply for reinstatement no earlier
Their Last Date of Attendance                              than 30 days from the date of withdrawal. All
If a student returns to the same program after 180         students who are reinstated may be accepted
days, or transfers into a new program at the same          conditionally. Students who were previously
school campus, or transfers to a different school          dismissed for violation of attendance standards
campus, then the student starts a new payment              must maintain a minimum attendance rate of
period for purposes of calculating their program           90% for the first two consecutive weeks of the
costs and financial aid. The institution treats the        new enrollment period in order to remain in school.
credits remaining in the program as if they are the        Students who were dismissed for unsatisfactory
student's entire program. Also, the student will           grades must have at least one satisfactory grade
have their earned hours reevaluated to determine           posted upon completion of the first academic term
the amount of hours that are transferable upon re-         of the new enrollment.

                                                   2020-2021 Catalog I Sanford, ME I harrisschool.edu              19
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy
Process Overview & Responsibilities                        Qualitative Measure
Premier Education Group schools employ proactive           Students are expected to maintain a cumulative
strategies for effective instruction, advisement,          grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.0 at the
tutoring and intervention that effectively support         mid point of each academic year and at graduation.
each student’s academic achievement and advance
students toward their career goals. Students               Quantitative Measure
are expected to maintain Satisfactory Academic
                                                           Students are expected to complete their program
Progress (SAP) and progress toward graduation.
                                                           within 150% of the published length of the program.
Students are graded at regular intervals.
                                                           Quantitative progress is measured at the midpoint of
                                                           each academic year.
The Education Department is responsible for
calculating SAP for each enrolled student according             Credit Hour
to the SAP standards outlined in this policy. The               An example would be a Medical Assistant program
Financial Aid Office will review calculated SAP for             that awards 40 credits; the maximum number of
each student to determine eligibility for financial aid.        credits a student can attempt and still graduate is
                                                                60 based on 150% of the program.
Same As or Stricter Than
Premier Education Group Schools employ an early            Quantitative progress is calculated by dividing the
intervention plan aimed at helping students achieve        cumulative number of credit hours the student has
their best. To that end, the Education Department          completed by the cumulative number of credit hours
monitors academic success at the end of each term          attempted. For transfer students, credits accepted
and intervenes as appropriate to assist students at        for transfer towards the students program will count
risk of not meeting SAP standards. Students who            towards both the credit hours earned and credit
are at risk are evaluated at the end of each term and      hours attempted categories. Pace is measured at
are counseled by the Education department. The             midpoint of each academic year as follows:
Education department works with at risk students           •   Upon completion of half the credit or clock hours and
to develop an academic plan. At risk students must             weeks in an academic year (whichever is greater),
be placed on a Plan for Academically Successful                cumulative pace must be equal to or greater than 67%
Students (PASS) that will help them achieve the            •   Upon completion of the remaining credit or clock
standards necessary to meet SAP standards by                   hours and weeks in the remainder of the academic
their next official evaluation point. Official SAP             year or remaining portion of a program, cumulative
calculations are evaluated only to coincide with the           pace must be equal to or greater than 67%
evaluation points outlined in the SAP policy.
                                                           Evaluation Periods
The SAP policy is applied to all students regardless       To ensure that students are making sufficient
of receipt of Tile IV Financial Aid. Students must         progress both quantitatively and qualitatively, SAP
maintain SAP to:                                           is officially evaluated at each mid point and end of
•    Remain in their enrolled program                      each academic year.
•    Remain eligible for Title IV Financial Aid
•    To be eligible for graduation

20       harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
Outside of the formal SAP calculations, students             Appeals
are academically evaluated at the mid-pint of each
academic term and are provided grades at the end of          Students may appeal a determination they are not
each academic term. An academic term, as defined             making SAP to the Director of Education to account
elsewhere in this catalog, is generally 5-6 weeks            for mitigating circumstances (i.e. family member’s
during the Day shift and 10-12 weeks during the              death, illness etc.). To be eligible for an appeal,
Evening shift.                                               the Education Department must determine that
                                                             the student will be able to meet SAP standards by
Failure to Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress           the end of the academic year and develop a PASS
                                                             plan which, if followed ensures the student will be
Upon determination that a student has not met                making SAP by the specified point in time. Students
the SAP requirements, they will be assigned one of           who successfully appeal a SAP determination will be
three statuses. In all cases, these students will need       placed on SAP probation and will remain eligible for
to meet with an academic advisor to discuss their            aid for the remainder of the academic year. Students
PASS plan.                                                   who do not successfully appeal remain ineligible for
                                                             aid. Students may only appeal once per program.
Warning/Financial Aid Warning Status                         Students must submit a written appeal to the
Students who fail to meet either the qualitative             Director of Education within 7 calendar days after
or quantitative standards outlined above at the              the beginning of the term. The Director of Education
first evaluation point of an academic year will be           will respond to all appeals within 7 days of receipt of
automatically placed on warning/financial aid                a request for SAP appeal. As with any Professional
warning for the remainder of the academic year.              Judgment decision, appeals are only considered
The student will receive notification of this status         on a case-by-case basis, to account for unusual
and will be encouraged to meet with the Director of          circumstances.
Education to discuss their PASS plan. Students on
warning will remain eligible for financial aid for the       Documentation
remainder of the academic year. Students can not             As with any use of Professional Judgment,
be placed on financial aid warning for more than one         adequate documentation is critical. A student who
payment period.                                              appeals must submit information explaining why he
                                                             or she failed to meet SAP Standards, and what has
SAP Not Met                                                  changed in his or her situation which will allow him
Students who do not meet the SAP benchmarks for              or her to make SAP by the next evaluation point.
a second consecutive evaluation will be placed in
a “SAP Not Met” status. They are ineligible for Title        Academic Success Plans - Re-Establishment of SAP
IV Aid. The student must meet with the Director of           Students who successfully appeal a determination
Education within 7 days to avoid potential dismissal.        that he or she is not meeting SAP standards must
                                                             work with the Director of Education to develop
SAP Probation                                                an Academic Success plan. Academic Success
Students in a “SAP Not Met” status will be notified          plans must be developed on a student-by-student
in writing and given the opportunity to appeal.              basis and designed in such a way that, if followed,
Successful Appeal will change their status to “SAP           the student will be meeting SAP standards by the
Probation” and they will regain Title IV eligibility.        next evaluation period. Plans may be as simple
                                                             as a mathematical calculation that specifies the
                                                             percentage of coursework the student must
                                                             complete or as detailed as a course by course plan
                                                             toward certificate completion.

                                                     2020-2021 Catalog I Sanford, ME I harrisschool.edu          21
Regaining Eligibility                                    Audited Courses/Review Classes
A student not making SAP may re-establish                Students auditing courses and/or reviewing classes
eligibility for aid and SAP by meeting qualitative and   will not earn a grade. Audited courses and review
quantitative components of the SAP policy.               classes are not counted as hours attempted or
                                                         achieved and are not graded.
Categories of Students
Students who are not recipients of Title IV aid are
required to meet the standards of the SAP policy to      Pass/Fail courses will be counted toward the
remain in their enrolled program.                        quantitative progress only.

Impact of Grades                                         Completion of Diploma/Certificate Requirements

Failing Grades                                           A student who has completed all of the coursework
                                                         for his or her diploma or certificate but has not
Grades of F are counted as hours attempted but           received the diploma or certificate can not receive
not achieved and have a 0.00 value toward GPA.           further financial aid for that program.
Repetitions of courses are counted as hours
attempted. However, both the original credit hours       Notices
and subsequent repetitions must be calculated
as credits attempted in the successful course            Updates to the Title IV Satisfactory Academic
completion percentage. A student may only fail           Progress Policy will be published in updates to the
and repeat the same course once unless there             Financial Aid Policy and Procedures Manual, school
are extenuating circumstances that prevent the           catalog, and other manuals as applicable.
student from successfully completing the course.
Extenuating circumstances will be determined by          Transfer/Proficiency Credits
the Campus Director and the VP of Accreditation          Transfer and Proficiency credits, will be counted as
and Regulatory Affairs. Repeated courses may             hours attempted and hours earned, but will not be
adversely affect a student’s academic progress in        counted in the CGPA.
terms of the maximum time frame, which is 150% of
the published length of the program.                     Remedial/Non-Punitive Grades
                                                         The school does not offer remedial classes or
                                                         classes with non-punitive grades.
Withdrawals are counted as attempted but not
achieved. A student must withdraw from the entire        The school does not offer extended enrollment.
program; a student cannot withdraw from a course.
Students who withdraw from a program before
the end of the term will be given a grade of “W”.
Premier Education Group schools do not assign
“Incomplete” grades to individual classes. When the
student is given permission to reenter the program,
the determination is first made that the student will
complete the program within the 150% timeframe.
When a student reenters the program with less
than a 2.0 CGPA, he/she will be put on Academic

22       harrisschool.edu I Sanford, ME I 2020-2021 Catalog
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