Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to - the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific

Page created by Roberto Wagner
Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to - the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific
Standing Up to the
Challenge: Response to
the COVID-19 Pandemic
in Asia and the Pacific
Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to - the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific
The views expressed in this publication are those of the
author(s) and do not necessarily represent the views of
UN Women, the United Nations or any of its affiliated

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Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to - the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific
Standing Up to the
Challenge: Response to
the COVID-19 Pandemic
in Asia and the Pacific

December 2020
Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to - the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific

INTRODUCTION                                                           5

EARLY DAYS: HEALTH FIRST                                               9

RIGHTS ALWAYS: ESCALATING VIOLENCE, SCALED-                           13

GEARING UP: PUTTING WOMEN AND GENDER AT                               17

Coordinating action                                                   18

Giving leading national roles to women and gender                     22

Mobilizing civil society                                              22


BUILDING BACK BETTER: RECOVERY AND                                   30

                                                                               Standing Up to the Challenge:   4
                                                    Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to - the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific
PHOTO: UN WOMEN/Fahad Abdullah Kaizer


                                     Standing Up to the Challenge:   5
          Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to - the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific
UN Women’s response to COVID-19 in Asia and the                the Lockdown: The Gendered Effects of COVID-19 on
Pacific began as soon as the first case was reported. Long     Achieving the SDGs in Asia and the Pacific.” The report
experience, including in previous health crises, suggested     built on rapid assessments in 11 countries that UN Women
that the gender dimensions would quickly come to the           initiated within a week of the declaration of the pandemic.
fore. It was not that more women would fall ill or die – in    The assessments captured specific differences between
fact, it soon became apparent that more men would lose         women and men as the crisis unfolded.
their lives to the virus. But women’s vulnerability to the
pandemic would be far greater in many other ways.              “Unlocking the Lockdown” eliminated a longstanding
                                                               blind spot – the dearth of sound evidence on gender for
More job and income losses. Greater unpaid care work           shaping international and national crisis responses. In
around homes. Rising threats to mental health. Rates of        diverse countries, its findings have become the basis for
violence against women and girls that soared so high           directing relief supplies, keeping women’s crisis shelters
during lockdowns that they were described as a second          open as essential services, supporting women’s small
pandemic.                                                      businesses, and targeting social protection schemes first
                                                               to those experiencing multiple and intersecting forms of
Gender discrimination has propelled all of these issues and    vulnerability, such as from gender, race and age.
more, because it is baked into societies, economies and
political systems. The pandemic has only made its degree       Beyond helping countries and the international
and persistence more obvious, repeatedly demonstrating         community define the issues women face, UN Women
gender inequalities that undermine individuals and             has also been well placed to act on these issues given its
families, handicap crisis response and limit hopes for         sustained efforts to achieve gender equality, and women’s
recovery.                                                      empowerment and resilience. Existing programmes, in
                                                               many cases, eased the shift into an emergency response,
Actions to reduce inequality and realize women’s human         providing women and girls with a foundation to call for
rights cannot wait until later, but must take place now, as    action on their pandemic-related needs, sustain social
a matter of urgency, both to solve the current crisis and to   cohesion in their communities or use skills to refashion
“build back better”. UN Women is a constant advocate for       their livelihoods.
gender issues and gender-responsive solutions for women
across Asia and the Pacific, recognizing that women are        UN Women’s longstanding engagement in the region also
both bearing the brunt of crisis and on the front lines of     helped ensure that it could bring neglected issues to the
responding to it.                                              top of regional and national agendas, including women’s
                                                               overlooked and disproportionate burden of unpaid care
This report presents some highlights from the first year       work. Through new and existing partnerships with the
of the pandemic. It traces what UN Women did to secure         private sector, a record number of companies have agreed
access to emergency hygiene and other supplies, sustain        to integrate gender equality principles in their operations
life-saving essential services for escalating cases of         moving forward. These collaborations have also spurred
violence against women and girls, integrate gender into        innovations in gender data collection that use technology
international and national crisis response strategies, and     to overcome hurdles imposed by lockdown measures.
make women’s economic empowerment, both in terms
of paid and unpaid labour, a fulcrum for resilience and        Through years of experience, UN Women has seen much
recovery. It must be mentioned that UN Women is not            of what women and girls need to respond to and recover
working alone, but the results achieved are possible thanks    from a crisis. It has repeatedly witnessed how outcomes
to partnerships with national and international actors,        for communities and nations follow outcomes for women
from grassroot feminist networks and community-based           and girls, because so much depends on gender equality
organisations, to ministries and national departments          and women’s empowerment. The challenge now is to
to research institutions and academia to national and          further develop and scale up what has proven effective.
international non-governmental organizations and UN            If COVID-19 has shown the value of being adaptable and
agencies.                                                      prepared, the lessons learned need to be fully applied to
                                                               cope with the impending climate crisis. Women and girls
One of the most important contributions UN Women made          cannot wait, and neither can their region nor the world.
early on, setting the stage for much that would follow,
was the publication of the world’s first comprehensive
report on the gender impacts of COVID-19, “Unlocking

                                                                                     Standing Up to the Challenge:   6
                                                          Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
Standing Up to the Challenge: Response to - the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacific
Figure 1:
          Highlights of UN Women’s engagement in the response to date

          1. CHINA: Partnered with the Mulan Club, one of China’s                    2. MYANMAR: Engendered the COVID-19 Government response
          influential associations of women entrepreneurs to orchestrate             through technical assistance and coordination support to
          social media and outreach campaigns to mobilize companies to               Government and women’s rights organizations and networks.
          respond to COVID-19 in line with the Women’s Empowerment                   Coordinating support to female returning migrants, including
          Principles (WEPs). Within the first few weeks of epidemic in               cash for work, strengthening referral mechanisms to survivors
          China, funded by the Rockcheck Puji Foundation, China office               of violence against women and girls, conducting anti-
          has adopted a two-year project “Supporting Women to Recover                discrimination and anti-stigma information campaigns and
          from Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19” to support women-                 extending psychosocial support to female migrants.
          owned small and medium sized enterprises building future
          resilience and promoting women’s role and leadership in Hubei              3. VIET NAM: Extended small cash grants to 3,500 impoverished
          province and Tianjin.                                                      people in Tran Van Thoi district hit by COVID-19 and a protracted
                                                                                     drought, in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture
                                                                                     Organization of the United Nations (FAO).

                                                                                     4. INDONESIA: Assisted the Ministry of Women Empowerment
                                                                                     and Child Protection to develop and implement a human rights-
                                                                                     based and survivor-centred protocol for systematically handling
                                                                                     cases of gender-based violence (GBV) and the trafficking of
                                                                                     women migrant workers during the pandemic.
                                                                                     5. THAILAND: Provided policy recommendations on a stimulus
     7.           8.                                                                 package, advanced through a partnership between the Ministry
                                                                                     of Social Development and Human Security, the International
                              2.                                                     Labour Organization (ILO), the International Organization for
                                                                                     Migration (IOM) and UNICEF to develop protection schemes
                                                                                     to assist at least 12 million vulnerable individuals, particularly
                                        5.                                           women in the informal sector.
                                             3.          11.

                                                                                     6. AFGHANISTAN: Developed guidelines, in partnership with
                                                                                     UN partners and national health officials, for women’s shelters
                                                                                     to operate safely across the nation.




          7. PAKISTAN: Addressed gender dimensions of humanitarian                                          13.

          work, in collaboration with the National Disaster Management
          Agency, to advance women’s participation and leadership
          in disaster risk reduction and to launch campaigns against
          gender norms that increase women’s vulnerabilities during the              10. PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Implemented awareness programmes
          pandemic.                                                                  for a core group of 20 members of women market vendor’s
                                                                                     association in Koki Market and equipped them to educate other
          8. NEPAL: Established a gender equality and social inclusion               market vendors and customers on avoiding infection.
          checklist for mandatory isolation facilities, together with
          the Ministry of Women, Children and Senior Citizens, which                 11. PHILIPPINES: Hosted working session with the national
          became a tool to monitor standards of safety and dignity, and              House of Representatives Committee on Women and Gender
          the availability of essential services for women, girls, children,         Equality and the Philippine Commission on Women to define
          people with disabilities, and LGBTQI people, and guidance in               legislative priorities for the 18th Congress as it deals with the
          screening for risks of GBV as cases surged under lockdowns.                pandemic. Issues raised have informed the revision of the long-
          Supported 3,000 women and excluded groups in seven districts               term Philippine Development Plan and the COVID-19 Recovery
          across four provinces of Nepal with comprehensive relief                   Plan.
          package with cash and in-kind assistance.
                                                                                     12. TIMOR-LESTE: Brought in diverse women’s networks,
          9. BANGLADESH: Supported 800 most vulnerable women of                      together with support from the ILO, to monitor the government
          two districts, who were affected by both COVID-19 and the                  Monetary Support Programme to ensure it would cover women
          recent cyclone Amphan and floods, with cash-based assistance               most in need, and systematically reached to more than 400
          transferred via mobile phones, as well as awareness raising                most vulnerable individuals.
          messages to provide essential public health information to keep
          them safe during the pandemic. Engaged with both Rohingya                  13. FIJI: Worked closely with the Fiji Ministry of Women,
          women in Cox’s Bazar refugee camps and women in host                       Children, and Poverty Alleviation to convene government
          communities in mask production activities, and community                   representatives, international and national NGOs, donors and
          outreach and communication on COVID-19 prevention. Continues               UN entities to share experiences early in the pandemic with
          to provide dignity kits, critical GBV, sexual reproductive and             gender-responsive approaches to issues such as disseminating
          health rights (SRHR) and other life-saving services in Multi-              health and safety information and extending psychosocial
          Purpose Women Centres and through women police helpdesks                   support. Insights gained are being used to bolster the response
          to Rohingya community, as well as support widows, LGBTQI and               to COVID-19 and prepare for the next cyclone season.
          female sex workers impacted by the pandemic.

                                                                                                    Standing Up to the Challenge:               7
                                                                         Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
COVID-19 AND VIOLENCE AGAINST                               • Violence against vulnerable groups drew
                                                               scattered attention: In Nepal, cases of sexual
                                                               violence against Dalit women made the
                                                               headlines while in the Philippines, there was
COVID-19, much like most other crises, has                     increased discourse against rises in abuse of
increased the risk of violence against women and               overseas domestic workers. In other countries,
girls (VAWG). Disruptions of support services for              attention to vulnerable groups, such as migrants
victims, living under mobility restrictions, increased         and LGBTQI people, remains low in the online
unemployment rates, and economic insecurity                    discourse.
resulting from the pandemic, all create heightened          • Help-seeking searches increased: Malaysia had
risks, especially if victims are confined at home              the highest increase (70%) followed by Nepal
with their abusers. Ad-hoc reports and warnings                (47%), Thailand (29%), and Singapore (29%).
from service providers have long highlighted that
VAWG might have been on the rise since the onset
of COVID-19, but little data has been available to         Not everyone found the information they needed:
demonstrate this to date, as risk of infection halted      Local support services do not always come
face-to-face survey operations and other data              up in searches. In some countries, such as the
production activities.                                     Philippines, top search results lead to relevant local
                                                           services and information, while in others, such as
To gather insights on VAWG trends, UN Women                Indonesia the top results are foreign. In addition,
partnered with UNFPA, and ILO to conduct          service providers do not always achieve high levels
big data analysis on this topic, which examined            of engagement in social media, and often fail to
people’s search behavior in social media platforms         share key contact information for survivors.
and search engines in eight countries. Key findings
include:                                                   The crisis, overall, has highlighted the potential of
                                                           online technologies to both compile and search
 • VAWG rose: This is strongly manifested online,          VAWG related information. However, much remains
    as search queries related to VAWG, including           to be done in terms of leveraging this potential,
    physical, sexual and psychological violence,           from furthering the use of big data for gaining
    all rose during the period considered (October         key insights, to promoting online engagement
    2019-September2020). For example, searches             strategies for service providers and digital literacy
    related to physical violence (which include            across the board. To retrieve data and further
    keywords such as “physical abuse signs”,               details, please visit:
    “violent relationships”, and “cover bruises on
    face”) in Malaysia, Philippines, and Nepal, grew
    by 47 per cent, 63 per cent, and 55 per cent,

 • Online misogyny also increased: Instances of
    trolling, using images without consent or sexual
    harassment online also increased since the onset
    of the crisis. In Thailand, online misogyny rose
    by 22,384 per cent, in the Philippines, by 953
    per cent.

                                                                                Standing Up to the Challenge:   8
                                                     Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
PHOTO: UN WOMEN/Louie Pacardo

Early days:
health first

                                      Standing Up to the Challenge:   9
           Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc

COVID-19 began as a health crisis, although it soon became      Rapid assessments conducted by a women’s rights
much more, spiralling into every area of life. In the early     organization in 10 districts of Pakistan informed UN
days of the pandemic, UN Women backed immediate                 Women’s distribution of essential food items and
actions specifically geared towards safeguarding the            hygiene supplies to home-based workers and other highly
health and lives of women and girls, including establishing     vulnerable women. In Nepal, as soon as it became apparent
gender-responsive measures in quarantine centres and            that there was a global shortage of personal protective
securing access to protective equipment and information.        equipment (PPE), and the poorest countries could not
                                                                compete for increasingly expensive supplies, UN Women
Quarantine centres were one early priority as millions          engaged hundreds of women home-based workers to
of migrant workers, including many women, began                 begin producing masks and channelling them into supply
streaming back to their home countries. In Nepal, UN            chains, with the added benefit of enabling women to
Women joined the Ministry of Women, Children and                sustain their livelihoods. In Fiji, the Salvation Army Fiji
Senior Citizens to establish a gender equality and social       Family Care Centres in Suva, Lautoka and Labasa were
inclusion checklist for mandatory isolation facilities. It      able to continue to provide essential services safely to
became a tool to monitor standards of safety and dignity,       women and girls after UN Women funded, procured and
and the availability of essential services for women, girls,    distributed critical Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),
children, people with disabilities, LGBTQI (lesbian, gay,       ensuring the communities, specifically women and girls
bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex) people, and          could continue to receive essential services in a COVID-19
other vulnerable and excluded groups. The checklist             safe manner. Similar efforts took place in Myanmar
guided screening for risks of gender-based violence as          for women affected by conflict and returning migrant
cases surged under lockdowns.                                   workers, who produced masks procured by government
                                                                and humanitarian agencies. In the Rohingya refugee
The model for the checklist emerged from a UN Women             camps in Bangladesh, UN Women was the first to shift
partnership with UNICEF and the Government of Viet              its livelihood support activities with refugee women so
Nam, which applied a similar approach in 392 quarantine         they could begin producing reusable masks and sanitary
centres across that country. It included instructions on safe   napkins. UN Women also provided technical advice to
living and proper hygiene, nutritional intake, measures         other humanitarian organizations so that they could do
to prevent violence and sexual abuse, and resources for         the same.
psychological counselling. Similar initiatives took place in
Cambodia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Timor-Leste                     UN Women mobilized behind the earliest assessments of
                                                                the consequences of the pandemic for women and girls,
In Papua New Guinea, UN Women collaborated with the             generating evidence to make responses more targeted
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the Ministry         and effective. In April, rapid assessments of women market
of Health to train health workers in quarantine centres on      vendors in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea found a low
a code of conduct respectful of human rights and dignity.       level of understanding of COVID-19, even as they played
People returning from abroad were greeted in the centres        essential yet risky public roles in sustaining food supplies.
with a UN Women-sponsored booklet outlining their               Awareness programmes for a core group of 20 members
rights in quarantine and detailing information on services      of the vendor’s association in Koki Market equipped them
for gender-based violence. Training for health-care workers     to educate other market vendors and even customers on
in India equipped 10,000 nurses in government and private       avoiding infection; the effort was subsequently scaled up
hospitals with new skills for COVID-19 treatment.               to six Port Moresby markets. In Morobe Province, the most

                                                                                      Standing Up to the Challenge:    10
                                                           Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
populated part of the country, UN Women partnered with          UN Women has maintained a steady drumbeat of advocacy
the provincial COVID-19 Emergency Committee, Health             for actions in Afghanistan to close gender gaps, including
Authority and the Lae Safe City Network of Women to             to provide separate spaces for women in all health-care
set up information sessions for women’s groups, youth,          facilities, ensure that PPE distribution includes civil society
schools, NGOS and faith-based organizations. Participants       organizations, and secure agreement from the Ministry
were taught how to share what they learned with their           of Public Health that in every COVID-19 centres in every
peers and communities.                                          province, a room will be dedicated as a quarantine space
                                                                for survivors of violence against women, which may reach
In Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, early concerted           women who cannot access health services. To broaden
efforts by UN Women ensured women market vendors                access to information, while also highlighting women’s
were able to continue vending at the markets whilst             leadership, UN Women kicked off the creative Salam for
maintaining social distancing and keeping safe. A tool was      Safety campaign. It featured images of women asking
developed and disseminated to provide guidance to local         Afghans to use the traditional “salam” greeting with a
governments on their planning processes for COVID-19 in         hand on the chest rather than making physical contact. It
municipal markets. The rapid planning tool has been used        inspired a broader regional campaign for “safe greetings”,
by 14 municipal councils for Fiji and several in Solomon        all with traditional hand gestures encouraging social
Islands and Vanuatu to develop COVID-19 response plans          distancing.
for market vendors and the municipalities. This tool is
now being turned into a guidance note for other markets         Early efforts of UN Women in the Pacific on COVID-19
internationally.                                                awareness saw the printing and distribution of WHO
                                                                COVID-19 awareness communication materials to all 15
UN Women conducted rapid assessments in the early days          municipal markets across Fiji in coordination with the
of COVID-19 across 21 municipal markets in Fiji, Solomon        Ministry for Local Government, Housing and Community
Islands and Vanuatu. The assessments revealed that              Development, municipal councils and women market
vendors’ ability to go to the market was greatly affected,      vendors. Short videos demonstrating alternative greetings
particularly by restrictions put in place to encourage social
distancing. Of those who continued to vend, 44.67 per
cent of vendors worked the same hours and days, 36 per
cent reduced the number of days they were in the market
and 19.33 per cent reduced both the number of days and
hours they spent at the market. In Fiji, UN Women worked
together with UNICEF to distribute additional WASH
supplies for women market vendors and municipal councils
to ensure the women vendors had access to sanitation and
health supplies at the markets and the municipal councils
were able to keep the market environment clean and
sanitized. UN Women procured and distributed temporary
tents to markets across Fiji to promote social distancing
and also safely manage the influx of new market vendors
who resorted to market vending as a means of alternative
livelihood due to massive job losses experienced in the
tourism industry.

UN Women skilfully deployed the tools of information and
advocacy in diverse countries, based on its longstanding
presence and knowledge of local concerns. A series of
short but information-rich “gender alerts” in Afghanistan,
for example, helped keep gender issues at the top of
international and national response agendas. Among
other issues, the alerts stressed that already scarce
resources were flowing into COVID-19 at the expense of
services for survivors of violence against women and girls.       PHOTO: UN WOMEN/Iliesa Ravuci

                                                                                     Standing Up to the Challenge:      11
                                                          Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
options ie. ‘joining palms and saying ‘Namaste’ as opposed    For International Women’s Day on 8 March, UN Women
to a hand shake’, hand washing demonstrations were also       in China kicked off a mass social media campaign,
produced with women market vendors and uploaded               #AMessagetoHer, to highlight women’s contributions to
on various social media platforms to provide a localised      the COVID-19 response and the need to address women’s
touch. The public announcements systems provided by           concerns going forward. Reaching up to 56 million views,
UN Women at the municipal markets were also utilised          the campaign highlighted the many women who stepped
to relay COVID-19 awareness and health and hygiene            forward as medical workers and volunteers, including a
messages to market vendors and the general public             cadre of women farmers previously trained by UN Women
frequenting the municipal markets.                            on leadership skills. With confidence and skills to break
                                                              gender barriers that prevent women from taking on
                                                              public roles, they were the first to rally their neighbours to
                                                              apply social distancing standards and check temperatures
                                                              among people moving in and out of their villages.

   WOMEN SAFELY QUARANTINE                                        A FEARLESS DETERMINATION TO
   WITH OTHER WOMEN                                               CARE FOR PATIENTS

   “Initially, we had 21 people in the                            “Now I’m not afraid of seeing COVID-19
   quarantine centre, including men. [But]                        patients. I know that it’s my job and if
   it became challenging to manage both                           we don’t do this, no one else will. I have
   men and women in the same quarantine                           a passion for my work knowing I can save
   centre, due to their different needs. So we                    their lives. But for emergency doctors,
   asked the Government to [approve this as]                      nurses and other staff, self-protection
   a women-only quarantine centre with a                          is very important as we are the first
   female security team.”                                         responders.

   —Lily Thapa, founder of Women for                              “I ask people to not be afraid of COVID-19,
   Human Rights, an organization in Nepal                         rather be prepared to fight it while
   that offered office space in 21 districts as                   observing precautions and keep praying
   quarantine centres                                             that this ends sooner rather than later. Now
                                                                  with personal experience, I’m confident
                                                                  that I’ll be in a better position to identify
   “We are all very happy to be here, as we
                                                                  and care for COVID-19 patients and help
   feel safe. All the staff are female and that
                                                                  them. I’ll now be advocating for testing of
   makes us feel comfortable.”
                                                                  every patient coming into the emergency
   — Mithu Tamang, 30, a migrant stranded in                      department.”
   Kuwait for more than two months before
   a chartered flight brought her back to Ne-                     — Farheen Sarwat, 49, a Senior Emergen-
   pal, where she considered herself lucky to                     cy Staff Nurse in Rawalpindi, Pakistan who
   quarantine at a Women for Human Rights                         has cared for COVID-19 patients since the
   centre                                                         beginning of the pandemic, and survived
                                                                  her own bout with the disease

                                                                                    Standing Up to the Challenge:     12
                                                         Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
PHOTO: UN WOMEN/Fahad Abdullah Kaizer

Rights always:
escalating violence,
scaled-up response

                                      Standing Up to the Challenge:   13
           Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
UN Women knew that COVID-19 would unleash not just
one pandemic, but two – the first an infectious disease and      UN Women, in partnership with ILO, focused on supporting
the second skyrocketing violence against women and girls         women migrant workers who experienced violence during
as lockdowns confined people at home. UN Women’s rapid           the COVID-19 pandemic, in both countries of origin and
assessments alerted the region and individual countries          destination. In the countries of origin, UNW and partners
to this alarming rise as soon as it began.                       focused on providing direct support to returnee women
                                                                 migrant workers who had to repatriate due to the loss
Women have a right to live free from violence, and whatever      of jobs, incomes and travel restrictions. In Indonesia and
the circumstances, that right must be fulfilled. UN Women        Myanmar, the programme supported quarantine centers
made it a priority to directly fund counselling and shelters     for returnee women migrants by providing PPE kits with
for survivors of gender-based violence, and extend mobile        information materials on available helplines and services
and online services to surmount movement restrictions.           to be contacted in case of violence and by building the
Putting PPE in the hands of front-line responders helped         capacity of the staff on prevention of sexual abuse and
sustain life-saving support. UN Women drew on newly              exploitation. UN Women also supported shelters and
developed guidance on gender-based violence in crisis            hotlines for survivors in Viet Nam and Indonesia to ensure
situations as well as experiences from past crises to            they could remain operational during the pandemic and
respond quickly and keep lifelines intact.                       could safely provide services. In countries of destination,
                                                                 the programme invested in strengthening helpline services
In five Pacific island countries, as lockdowns took effect, UN   for women migrant workers. In Thailand and Malaysia, UN
Women immediately surveyed crisis centres, confirming a          Women supported major helpline services to provide
major increase in calls to their helplines reporting gender-     quality services to all women, including women migrant
based violence. Working together with crisis centres and         workers and to refer cases to health facilities, police or legal
national women’s machineries, funding was provided               support organizations.
to support continued operations, and training helpline
operators, health workers, and Red Cross volunteers to           As part of the support to hotlines, UNW organized the first
respond to gender-based violence. With remote service            webinar of a series of round tables on “Remote Service
delivery a critical challenge in countries spread over           Provision for Women Migrant Workers: Global and Local
many small outlying islands, UN Women and its partners           Knowledge Sharing”, providing a learning opportunity on
used online technology such as Zoom and Facebook to              promising practices in remote service provision especially
connect. Partner organisations used similar technology           during the COVID-19 pandemic where the importance
to connect survivors to assistance and promoted helpline         of the remote service has been emphasized. Based on
numbers through easily accessible infographics and SMS           the outcome of the webinar series, a technical brief on
via mobile companies. Phone credits and free use of mobile       “Technology based remote service provision” is being
hotspots eased access for women struggling to afford             produced.
basic necessities.
                                                                 Papua New Guinea’s national domestic violence helpline
In Fiji, Tonga and Vanuatu, a tropical cyclone hit at the        was swamped with triple the usual number of calls in May,
same time, as countries were preparing for COVID-19,             June and July. As emergency restrictions eased, UN Women
adding to the challenge. With support from UN Women,             worked with shelters so they could operate fully and safely,
the Vanuatu Women’s Centre quickly mobilsed after                and continue offering counselling, shelter, medical care,
the cyclone, and undertook socially distanced mobile             security, home visits and life skills training. A six-month
counselling visits, making 30 physical visits to three areas     supply of food and PPE sent to 13 shelters around the
– Malampa, Sanma and Pentecost.

                                                                                       Standing Up to the Challenge:       14
                                                            Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
country helped overcome shortages. When it became clear
that transport for survivors to reach the shelters was an
issue, UN Women developed vouchers for taxi drivers and
mobilized ambulances for women requiring emergency
assistance. Funding for the national domestic violence
helpline ensured it could expand services and staffing to
meet demand.

UN Women worked with United Nations partners and
national health officials to develop guidelines for women’s
shelters to continue operating safely across Afghanistan.
UN Women helped them access PPE and cleaning and
disinfectant supplies, and created a tracking tool to
monitor and effectively respond to COVID-19 cases within

Partnerships with provincial governments in Pakistan
scaled up protections for women in crisis centres as well as       PHOTO: UN WOMEN/Louie Pacardo
workplaces. In Balochistan, new protocols defined essential
services to be provided in all women’s crisis centres across
the province. Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa’s provincial Office of
the Ombudsperson for Protection against Harassment              UN Women and UNFPA in Cambodia backed a
of Women in the Workplace launched a resource toolkit           simplification of referral pathways that connect survivors
summarizing existing laws and redress mechanisms for            of gender-based violence to the spectrum of health, legal
gender-based violence, and providing tools for managing         and other services they may require. A partnership with
tense work environments in the midst of the pandemic.           Child Helpline Cambodia enhanced training for hotline
At a national level, UN Women restructured some existing        operators, including to respond to cases among women
programmes on ending violence against women to                  migrant workers. An app put information on referrals, risks
respond to the crisis, working with the United Nations          of violence and safe migration in the hands of women
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to train police,              migrants, and was designed to be accessible among
developing guidelines on precautionary measures, and            migrants with low literacy.
hosting webinars for policymakers on the gender impacts
of COVID-19 and considerations for law enforcement.             UN Women worked closely with Fiji, Kiribati and Solomon
                                                                Islands to update referral pathways and emergency
In Indonesia, UN Women assisted the Ministry of Women           phone tree in response to COVID-19 to ensure enhanced
Empowerment and Child Protection to develop and begin           coordination and continued access to essential services for
implementing a human rights-based and survivor-centred          women and girls. For Solomon Islands, referral pathways
protocol for systematically handling cases of gender-based      for all its provinces were also updated. In addition, Samoa
violence and the trafficking of women migrant workers           developed Community Response and Referral Guidelines,
during the pandemic. A similar effort is underway in Viet       a set of basic guidelines for responding to cases of GBV
Nam.                                                            and child welfare report during COVID-19.

In the Philippines, UN Women created a team of psychosocial     A UN Women-supported initiative in India developed
support experts and social workers to link with a new task      WhatsApp chat bots and apps to assist survivors, such as
force of government and non-governmental institutions           the MyAmbar App. It provides comprehensive information
to scale up psychological first aid for survivors, working      covering helpline numbers and service providers. UN
through front-line service providers, such as the police.       Women joined UNFPA and the World Health Organization
UN Women supported women activists and advocates as             to help one-stop service centres, helplines and women’s
they banded together to address the spike in online (and        safety centres in five states learn to apply global standards
offline) exploitation of women and children. In May, the        for essential services as part of a strengthened response
Bantay Bastos Group, a private Facebook Group created by        to violence against women and girls during COVID-19.
Every Woman and the Young Feminists Collective to track
and report posts that promote violence, sexism and rape         In Bangladesh, UN Women has guided multiple
culture on social media, reported 45 accounts to Facebook       forms of outreach urging prevention. A network of 14
and five cases to the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Division of   community radio stations broadcast regular public service
the Philippine National Police.                                 announcements to an audience of 7 million people, while
                                                                texts to a registry of nearly 17,000 imams made prevention

                                                                                     Standing Up to the Challenge:     15
                                                          Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
messages a feature of sermons in local mosques. Young          With billions of people initially sheltering at home,
women who won an innovation competition organized              and many women trapped with abusive partners, UN
by UN Women in 2019 developed social media messages            Women tapped into Twitter to make sure domestic
focused on domestic violence and safety for survivors,         violence survivors across Asia and the Pacific could get
which reached more than 29,000 people. In Cox’s Bazar,         lifesaving information. If a Twitter user searched for terms
UN Women has engaged in community outreach through             like “abuse”, “sexual assault” or “domestic violence”, a
door-to-door visits and focused groups across 13 refugee       notification in their language would flash across the
camps, as well as provided psychosocial support through        screen, urging them to seek help if needed, followed by a
Multi-Purpose Women’s Centre via referral ways.                hotline number and Twitter handle. The prompt is available
                                                               in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Republic
With support from UN Women, Tonga and Solomon Islands          of Korea, Singapore, Thailand and Viet Nam.
also did public outreach via radio, as well as via social
media. Kiribati produced over 20 different Information,
Education and Communication (IEC) materials with key
messages, while Fiji promoted its national domestic                THE SHADOW PANDEMIC:
violence helpline and child helpline via over 200,000              HELPLINE CALLS SOAR BY 150
printed IEC materials, social media cards, and 27 radio            PER CENT
and 18 television adverts in the three national languages,
in partnership with the Ministry of Women, Children and            “Families were fighting over the rationing of
Poverty Alleviation. As aside from the COVID-19, Fiji faced        food; neighbours were stealing from each
two major cyclones during 2020, all IEC materials were             other’s plantations; domestic violence was
used throughout the year. The reach of all IEC materials           rife as couples were forced to stay in close
was wide as UN Women worked with national radio and                proximity to each other during lockdown,
television stations covering the whole of Fiji, as well as         and with the daily struggle for food and
government and CSOs as dissemination partners.                     other necessities, stress and anger were
                                                                   the usual triggers of violence.”
Public services announcements broadcast widely through
media in Nepal helped reach around 8.7 million people              —Silliniu Lina Chang, President of the
with timely and clear information about the pandemic and           Samoa Victim Support Group
available services, including responses to gender-based

                                                                                       PHOTO: UN WOMEN/Naw Su

                                                                                     Standing Up to the Challenge:    16
                                                          Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
PHOTO: UN WOMEN/Nadira Islam

Gearing up: putting women
and gender at the centre of
the pandemic response

                                         Standing Up to the Challenge:   17
              Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc

Every country in Asia and the Pacific has been compelled        consortium of humanitarian organizations to respond to
to take measures to contain the spread of the virus and         concerns women in the camps articulated. For example,
manage the many related consequences, from job losses           strict social norms dictated that women could not go to
to food insecurity. Much has depended on having response        isolation and treatment centres used by men. This barrier
plans and mechanisms in place to protect people from            increased the danger to women’s lives, and could have
immediate harm, orchestrate different interventions and         led to serious outbreaks given crowded conditions in the
build a bridge to recovery.                                     camps. The centres were revamped accordingly to apply
                                                                gender-responsive operating protocols and checklists.
To be effective, responses to the crisis must fully integrate
gender into every aspect, through explicit strategies that      The Gender Hub also worked with diverse humanitarian
uphold the rights of women and girls and meet their             organizations to set up gender-responsive action plans
distinct needs. UN Women has been a leading regional            related to health, education, water and sanitation, and
champion for gender-responsive planning, both within            nutrition and food security. Another significant step came
the international and humanitarian communities, and             when UN Women and the Office of the United Nations
through strong partnerships with national governments           High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) signed the
and civil society.                                              first agreement globally to guarantee gender-responsive
                                                                management of the camps. Moving forward, all aspects
                                                                of site management, capacity-building, monitoring and
Coordinating action                                             community engagement will require a central focus on
                                                                gender equality and the participation and leadership of
UN Women has brought together United Nations                    women and girls.
development and humanitarian partners as well as donors
of international assistance to marshal broad support            During the lockdown in the camps, UN Women sustained
for gender-responsive measures during the COVID-19              the delivery of critical services for women and girls through
pandemic. It has consistently ensured that women and            five Multi-Purpose Women’s Centres. These continued
girls engage with international actors to define priority       offering sexual and reproductive health information,
resources and forms of assistance.                              referrals and case management for gender-based violence,
                                                                psychosocial counselling and information on COVID-19.
Even before the pandemic, UN Women managed the                  Livelihood programmes shared seed packages for
Gender Hub in the congested Rohingya refugee camps              homestead gardens and offered training to help women
in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh. The Hub provides expertise        start producing reusable masks.
to keep gender at the forefront of humanitarian action.
When the pandemic hit, it coordinated a rapid gender            Special police help desks for women and children also
analysis and successfully advocated for all humanitarian        continued to function, managed by 10 trained women
actors to make gender equality and the empowerment              police officers, and offering 24/7 response services for
of women and girls central to the COVID-19 prevention           gender-based violence cases. Six UN Women gender
and response plan. With the Gender in Humanitarian              officers and 40 trained Rohingya women volunteers
Action (GiHA) Working Group, the Hub mobilized a broad          were seconded to leadership structures in 13 camps; they

                                                                                      Standing Up to the Challenge:    18
                                                           Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
systematically referred cases of gender-based violence,         excluded groups as part of informing their responses to
trafficking and sexual exploitation and abuse to protection     the pandemic.
services. They also routinely consulted with Rohingya
women leaders and their networks, and then raised               The framework provides an important opportunity
their issues and concerns with camp authorities and             to build back better on a foundation of inclusion and
humanitarian actors. A new working group on gender-             social consensus, and guides interventions by all United
diverse populations was formed to promote the rights and        Nations organizations over 18 months. Key measures
inclusion of transgender people in the pandemic response.       include stemming the loss of livelihoods, addressing
It is led by Bandhu, a local NGO that advocates the rights of   discrimination and inequalities, and strengthening social
LGBTQI people, with support from UN Women and UNHCR.            cohesion. UN Women’s quick action also ensured that
                                                                gender equality and social inclusion standards feature
The United Nations country team in Nepal is developing          across Nepal’s humanitarian planning, including a
a socioeconomic response framework to guide ongoing             COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan and a Monsoon
relief and recovery efforts, and UN Women took the helm         Emergency Preparedness Plan. These strengthen access to
of the Social Cohesion and Community Resilience pillar          timely information, services, resources and opportunities
to ensure that it includes the perspectives of diverse and      for vulnerable women and girls.
often marginalized people, including women, conflict
survivors, sex workers, Madhesi women and LGBTQI                UN Women broadened the scope for gender responsiveness
people. Through the GiHA task team, which serves as             in Afghanistan by working with a team of international
a constructive virtual dialogue platform, honouring             humanitarian organizations to revise the response plan;
diversity of voices and enabling greater coherence for          it now features substantial commitments to gender and
coordination for gender equality, UN Women convened             social inclusion. In Myanmar and Viet Nam, UN Women
more than 1,000 representatives of the Government, civil        supported the United Nations system in applying a
society organizations, development partners and United          gender equality marker to track gender responsiveness
Nations agencies to hear the concerns of women and              in pandemic-related programmes and funding proposals.

  PHOTO: UN WOMEN/Fahad Abdullah Kaizer

                                                                                     Standing Up to the Challenge:   19
                                                          Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
In Myanmar, UN Women provide technical guidance to
ensure gendered actions and a gender-responsive UN
framework for the immediate socio-economic response
                                                                    MORE DIFFICULTIES FOR
to COVID-19 in Myanmar, referred to as the UN-SERF,                 REFUGEES, BUT WOMEN STAND
also the response and contribution to the Government                UP TO THE CHALLENGES
of Myanmar’s COVID-19 Economic Relief Plan (CERP). In
recognition of this, the Government of Myanmar, through             “The pandemic has made life in the camps
the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry, while               harder. Food prices have increased and
acknowledging the gender gaps in its Country Economic               there are shortages. [But] as a volunteer,
Relief Plan, requested the assistance of UN Women                   I get the chance to attend meetings and
Myanmar to further engender its COVID-19 responsive                 trainings where I can enrich my knowledge
and monitoring frameworks. In collaboration with the                and skills… and help protect my community
Government of Australia and the Asian Development                   from COVID-19. As I am working with UN
Bank in Viet Nam, UN Women drew together an advisory                Women, I have an official identity and
group that devised a country gender equality profile. It is         dignity. My family and community respect
intended to boost the visibility and strength of gender             me.”
equality advocacy by international partners, including
through the use of statistical data and qualitative analysis,       — Nurussafa, a 25-year-old Rohingya
and gender mainstreaming in United Nations strategies.              woman volunteer in Camp 5 in Cox’s
                                                                    Bazaar, Bangladesh, who shares COVID-19
Research initiatives, highlighting the gendered impact              prevention information and links women
of COVID-19 on women across the region were advanced                and girls to women-friendly spaces
by UN Women in all countries, in partnership with
organizations such as CARE, UNICEF, UNFPA, International
Rescue Committee and many others. In Afghanistan,
UN Women partnered with the International Rescue
Committee, civil society organizations, and a mobile
network operator to conduct a Rapid Assessment Survey
across Afghanistan. The survey is part of a regional project
run by UN Women to understand the differential impact
of the pandemic on individuals across the Asia Pacific              SOLIDARITY SUSTAINS WOMEN
region. Over 8,000 responses received in Afghanistan– the           IN A DOUBLE CRISIS
highest in the region.
                                                                    “This is the time for us to have solidarity, to
For Asia and the Pacific as a whole, UN Women has steered           share strategies, to share our challenges,
the Issue-Based Coalition on Human Rights, Gender                   to share our concerns, and to support each
Equality and Women’s Empowerment, in creating an online             other. We have to look after each other.”
repository of more than 200 resources for integrating
human rights and gender in international assistance as              — Shamima Ali, coordinator of Fiji
well as national socioeconomic frameworks. In South-East            Women’s Crisis Centre, which in addition
Asia, UN Women worked with UNICEF and UNODC to                      to services for survivors of domestic
develop communications materials explaining the role                violence provided food, medicine and
of law enforcement in protecting women and children                 other essentials during the combined crisis
during COVID-19. Translated into Burmese, Khmer, Lao, Thai          of COVID-19 and a tropical cyclone
and Vietnamese, the materials were widely disseminated
through the UNODC Border Liaison Offices, a network of
support for better border management in the subregion.

                                                                                      Standing Up to the Challenge:   20
                                                           Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
FROM DISASTER TO DISEASE,                                  In Papua New Guinea, UN Women co-chairs the
                                                           protection cluster, a network of 20 organizations
                                                           active on crisis response, with the government
                                                           Community Development Department. By mapping
COVID-19 has bolstered ongoing efforts in Asia             the COVID-19 activities of all members, the cluster
and the Pacific to manage risks and be prepared            helped produce a national COVID-19 disaster
for crises, whether they come from an enormous             management plan; UN Women worked to ensure
storm or a tiny virus. Even before the pandemic,           gender issues featured throughout the plan. The
UN Women had assisted countries in developing              cluster also created a code of conduct and agreed
these capacities, and so they were prepared to face        to integrate protections against sexual exploitation
disease outbreaks that overlapped with natural             and abuse in all COVID-19 response plans, setting
disasters.                                                 a precedent for future disaster relief and response
                                                           strategies. UN Women provided emergency
In the Pacific island countries, having faced a            training on these issues to all protection cluster
series of natural disasters over the years, crisis         organizations and United Nations entities, and
centres had experience in rapidly adapting coping          activated a task force of focal points within the
strategies, with the added support of UN Women.            United Nations country team.
The strategies enabled them to keep services
going. This proved particularly critical when, in the      The start of the pandemic coincided with another
midst of the pandemic in April, four countries were        disaster in Bangladesh, the super cyclone Amphan.
hit hard by Tropical Cyclone Harold.                       At the southern tip of the country, one of the
                                                           worst affected areas, UN Women supported local
In March in Fiji, the Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre           women’s groups and leaders as they swung into
had already anticipated a greater need for their           action, helping people to evacuate and providing
services and began gearing up accordingly. They            accurate information. The groups supported 250
promoted helpline numbers and successfully                 women, including widows, women with disabilities
advocated to be declared as essential services that        and women heads of households, to make almost
could keep operating. After the storm devastated           43,000 masks and protective gear. The women
parts of the country, they worked together to pool         learned new skills and earned some income, all
resources and keep counselling widely available,           while practising social distancing and helping to
and they provided clients with food, medicine and          protect their communities. The experience has
other essentials that were not always available in         made a powerful case for women’s leadership
evacuation centres. Similar efforts took place in          and skills as front-line responders, and offers an
Tonga and Vanuatu. These centres gave priority             example for future responses to crisis.
to not only client safety, but also staff safety, with
strategic planning to work remotely.                       In Bangladesh, the 2020 monsoon floods were
                                                           among the worst in 20 years. With the GiHA
UN Women also worked with the Fiji Ministry                Working Group, UN Women conducted a rapid
of Women, Children, and Poverty Alleviation to             assessment showing that the flooding, a crisis
convene government representatives, international          in itself, had also aggravated the upward trend
and national NGOs, donors and United Nations               in gender-based violence due to the COVID-19
entities to share experiences early in the pandemic        lockdowns.. Widespread anxiety and insecurity
with gender-responsive approaches to issues such           were feeding the risk of violence. Up to 60 per cent
as disseminating health and safety information             of people reported psychological depression and
and extending psychosocial support. Insights               trauma. These insights shaped the humanitarian
gained are being used to bolster the response to           response to put a consistent emphasis on meeting
COVID-19 and prepare for the next cyclone season.          women’s needs, especially the needs of women
In addition, UN Women is part of the national              heads of households.
Gender-Based Violence Working Group, under the
Safety and Protection Cluster, led by the Ministry of      UN Women collaborates with the National Disaster
Women, Children and Poverty Alleviation, the Fiji          Management Agency in Pakistan to address gender
Women’s Crisis Centre, and UN Women and works              dimensions of humanitarian work in food security,
in partnership with frontline service providers, who       logistics, health, nutrition, water and sanitation,
are signatories to the Fiji National Service Delivery      and protection. The agency has agreed to advance
Protocol for Responding to Cases of GBV, and               women’s participation and leadership in disaster
other key stakeholders to address GBV. UN Women            risk reduction more broadly, in addition to the
also co-leads the Safety and Protection Cluster            COVID-19 response, and to launch campaigns
with UNICEF. The Ministry of Women, Children and           against gender norms that increase women’s
Poverty Alleviation is the lead of the Safety and          vulnerabilities to crisis.
Protection Cluster, as well as the GBV Working

                                                                               Standing Up to the Challenge:   21
                                                    Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
Giving leading national roles to women and                    violence had increased and subsequently agreed to include
gender                                                        gender training in the national pandemic response plan
                                                              rolled out to state governments. It requested UN Women
National governments across the region lead the response      to develop gender-responsive results and monitoring
to the pandemic, and UN Women has worked closely with         frameworks for the national COVID-19 Economic Relief
them, often drawing on longstanding and close ties with       Plan.
women leaders and national gender institutions. UN
Women helped to integrate gender in response plans,           In the Philippines, UN Women hosted a working session
strengthen the quality of plans through better data and       with the national House of Representatives Committee
training, and jump-start the process of defining priorities   on Women and Gender Equality and the Philippine
for women and girls in the longer-term recovery stage.        Commission on Women to define legislative priorities
Nepal’s Supreme Court issued a landmark judgment              for the 18th Congress as it deals with the pandemic.
prioritizing women’s rights and the representation of         Issues raised have informed the revision of the long-term
women in planning, managing and monitoring the                Philippine Development Plan and the COVID-19 Recovery
national COVID-19 response. The judgment recognized the       Plan.
Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Checklist developed
by UN Women and humanitarian partners for steering the        A position paper issued with the Bangsamoro Women’s
response to COVID-19.                                         Commission informed parliamentary debates in the
                                                              Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
In Papua New Guinea, U N Women provided                       and drew attention to five core policies to mitigate the
recommendations for key national and international            adverse impacts of the pandemic on women. The Regional
actors on promoting women’s leadership throughout             Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, launched in
the pandemic response, and supported the Autonomous           October, recognized added burdens from the pandemic on
Region of Bougainville in bringing women leaders into the     women living in conflict-affected areas. It emphasized the
COVID-19 task force. Partnerships with women politicians      goal of eliminating all forms of violence against women,
mobilized them to take part in radio broadcasts to raise      including violence caused by armed conflicts or linked to
awareness of gender-based violence, as well as to reach       the pandemic.
out to constituents to share information on the pandemic.
An eight-week training programme helped gender focal          In June, UN Women brought together ministers for gender
points from governments across the region understand          equality or women’s affairs from Australia, Bangladesh,
how to integrate gender in the COVID-19 response.             Cambodia, Fiji, Myanmar and the Republic of Korea to
                                                              share country-level experiences and innovative practices
Engagement with national women’s institutions in              in the COVID-19 response, and affirm the importance
Timor-Leste helped them improve data to track violence        of incorporating gender perspectives. They were joined
against women. UN Women also ensured violence against         by senior government representatives from Japan, the
women became a core issue in the joint United Nations         Philippines and Thailand. This demonstrated broad
socioeconomic impact assessment of the pandemic.              commitment to gender equality as well as regional
Findings from the exercise were used to guide continued       cooperation in making gender central to building back
action under the National Action Plan on Gender-Based         better.

In Fiji, as a member of the COVID-19 Response Gender          Mobilizing civil society
Working Group, UN Women provided guidance on a
gender-responsive national recovery package with detailed     Across Asia and the Pacific, UN Women’s deep-seated
plans to address gendered impacts in important economic       relationships with women’s advocates and civil society
sectors, such as agriculture and tourism, as well as in       organizations powered early advocacy to fully align
health care.                                                  COVID-19 responses with women’s rights and needs. UN
                                                              Women galvanized attention to gender issues as soon
Through UN Women’s collaboration with the national            as they became apparent, mooted solutions to reach the
gender machinery in Myanmar, Women’s Day in July was          most vulnerable groups of women and girls, and got the
dedicated to the gendered impacts of COVID-19. Events to      word out so that women could protect themselves and
mark the day as well as extensive media coverage catalysed    obtain needed support.
a national debate calling for women’s leadership, and for
the response and recovery efforts to put women at the         In Timor-Leste, amid mounting financial pressures on
centre. The Government acknowledged that gender-based         activist groups, UN Women drew on the EU-UN Spotlight

                                                                                    Standing Up to the Challenge:   22
                                                         Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia and the Pacifc
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