February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online

Page created by Peggy Carroll
February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
Mass Schedule                             February 20, 2022
Saturday       5:00 pm
Sunday         7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am
Sunday       9:00 am on WOSH 1490AM
  Facebook livestream
  (@straphaelcatholicchurch) or go to
  raphael.org/media/live for links to our
  Facebook and YouTube pages
Weekday Masses
Monday - Wednesday          8:00 am
Thursday & Friday           7:15 am
Saturday      3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Tuesday       4:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Wednesday 8:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday     8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Our Catholic School: Lourdes Academy
      www.lourdes.today    426-3626
             PASTORAL TEAM
Pastor              Fr. Tom Long
Parochial Vicar     Fr. Kevin Ripley
Pastoral Associate  Betty Schwandt
Deacons             Greg Grey, John Ingala,
                    Mark Leafgren
Please make your donations online at:
PLEASE REMEMBER St. Raphael Parish in
your Will and Estate Planning.

As friends and followers of Jesus, we are devoted
to fostering households and communities of
discipleship through the mission and ministry of
the Catholic Church.
February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
Dear Parishioners,                                       ALTAR SERVER TRAINING
It's less than two weeks until Lent begins! This is      We are looking to train students in middle school
the time to start thinking about how you might           (grades 6+) and high school, and adults to be altar
begin Lent well with prayer, fasting, and                servers. We will offer three options for training
almsgiving. We hear a strong call to Christian           sessions: Sunday, February 20, 3:30-4:30 pm and
perfection from Jesus in the Gospel today and            Wednesday, March 23 6:15-7:15 pm. All sessions
that will continue next Sunday. "Perfection" here        will last about an hour. We ask that a PARENT stay
refers to how life in Christ perfects the Law that       for the training session, as we will also discuss the
                                                         scheduling of servers that is both family-friendly and
governed God's people in the past. The new law
                                                         will work for the parish. Parents may also wish to
is the perfect law of love. Will we fail here and        serve with their middle or high school child
there? Yes, but as disciples we are called to make
decisions, and "decision" means "to cut away
from." We are called to place our love in what                               2022 Lenten Friday Fish Frys
matters most, and that is the Lord and our
neighbor.                                                                          March 4, 11, 18, 25
                                                                                        April 1, 8
                                                                                   4:30 pm — 7:00 pm
A good number of people have told me they want
to visit Blessed James Miller's grave. It is located
behind the old St. Martin Catholic Church east of        Volunteer Sign up boards will be in the
Stevens Point, and the Miller family plot is the first   Gathering Space starting this weekend!
one behind this little white country church. The
cemetery is quite well-maintained. The address
                                                         The intercessory prayer team will be available to pray with
you need is: 6704 WI-66, Custer, WI 54423.
                                                         you after the 5pm Mass on Saturday and 7:30am and 9am
                                                         Masses on Sunday mornings.
Many people in our parish are preparing to
                                                         The intercessory prayer team will pray with
receive Sacraments this Easter. It is beautiful to       you for special intentions that you might
see how the Holy Spirit is working in our                have for yourself, family, friends, or to pray
community. Please pray for the students                  with you to thank God for His many
preparing for First Communion, those kids and            blessings.
adults preparing to receive all three Sacraments
of Initiation at the Easter Vigil, those Catholics                          Ash Wednesday Masses:
(high schoolers and beyond) preparing to be                                      March 2, 2022
Confirmed, and for those preparing to enter the                                8:00am, 12:00pm,
Catholic Church from other Christian
backgrounds. God is good!
                                                                              2:00 pm (Ashes only)
                                                                                4:30pm, 6:15pm
Lastly, I am planning to go to the Esto Vir Men's
Conference on March 19 at the Shrine of Our
Lady of Good Help. Men, please consider coming!                      The Rosary is prayed each week-
Wives, please encourage them! There is also a                        day at St. Raphael church. Monday,
Women's Conference on March 12 in Chilton, but                       Tuesday & Wednesday at 7:25am
first consider attending the Called and Gifted                       before the 8am Mass, Thursday &
                                                                     Friday at 7:45am after the 7:15am
charism discernment workshop we have here at
church that day.
                                                          The Rosary is also prayed at 10am every
                                                          Wednesday at Fr. Carr’s.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in His
loving arms,

Fr. Kevin Ripley

February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
                                                       Stewardship of Sharing
                                                       Week Ending 02/13/2022
Saturday, February 19
                                                       Praying at Mass                                    1,170
Oshkosh Area Food Pantry Collection
7:00 am       Fit Shepherds
                                                       Envelope Collection                       $       22,343
2:00 pm       Altar Server Training                    Loose Collection                          $        1,269
3:30 pm       Reconciliation                           EFT                                       $          657
5:00 pm       Mass                                     On-Line Giving                            $        5,116
Sunday, February 20                                    Total Weekly Collections                  $       29,385
Oshkosh Area Food Pantry Collection
Burrito Sunday                                        Year to date giving (actual)   $                  851,885
Morning Masses at 7:30, 9am, 11am                     Year to date giving (budgeted) $                  879,616
2:30 pm       Daughters of Mary
3:30 pm       Altar Server Training
5:00 pm       Mass
6:00 pm       Aftershock
                                                   Weekend Mass Updates:
Monday, February 21                                                   Saturday             Sunday              Total
 8:00 am      Mass
 6:00 pm      Prayer Shawl Meeting                                    5:00        7:30   9:00   11:00   5:00
 6:00 pm      Journey through Church History         January 1/2      202        164     311    263     175    1,115
                                                     January 8/9      216        152     262    240     128    1,001
 6:30 pm      Scouts
                                                     January 15/16    264        136     299    198     165    1,062
Tuesday, February 22                                 January 22/23    175        146     246    256     162      985
  8:00 am     Mass                                   January 30/31    210        167     313    252     207    1,149
  2:00 pm     Grief Support                          February 5/6     197        177     294    284     162    1,114
  4:30 pm     Grades 1-5 RE Classes                  February 12/13   293        189     306    284      98    1,170
  4:30 pm     Parent Session #2
  4:30 pm     Middle School Edge
  4:30 pm     Reconciliation                                                    We are collecting NEW
  6:15 pm     Catholicism 101                                                   hygiene and cleaning
 Wednesday, February 23                                                         items for local crisis
  8:00 am     Mass
                                                                                agencies through The
  9:30 am     Women’s Spirituality
  4:30 pm     Grades 1-5 RE Classes
                                                                                Family Radio’s annual
  4:30 pm     Parent Session #2                                                 “Help for the Homeless”
  6:15 pm     Middle School Edge                                                hygiene drive, Feb. 20–
  6:15 pm     Parent Session #2                                                 March 6. Please place
  8:00 pm     Grades 9-10 RE Classes                 your donations in the Help for the
  8:00 pm     Confirmation Class                     Homeless collection box located in the Gathering
 8:00 pm      Reconciliation                         Space by March 6. Or make a financial donation
Thursday, February 24                                for the purchase of supplies for our community at
  7:15 am     Mass                                   TheFamily.net. Supplying these items to local
  6:00 pm     Mixed Choir Rehearsal
                                                     shelters will help them direct their limited funds to
Friday, February 25
 7:15 am      Mass
                                                     provide qualified staff, counseling, food, and
Saturday, February 26                                shelter to those they serve. Most urgently
7:00 am       Fit Shepherds                          needed items are laundry soap, kitchen size
3:30 pm       Reconciliation                         trash bags (shelters go thru LOTS of these),
5:00 pm       Mass                                   shampoo, cleaning supplies, diapers, toilet
Sunday, February 27                                  tissue, and feminine care. Your donations will
Morning Masses at 7:30, 9am, 11am                    remain in this community. Note: Food Share
9:00/11:00am Pre/K RE Classes
3:00 pm       Families of Faith
                                                     (formerly Food Stamps) does not cover the cost of
5:00 pm       Mass                                   non-food items such as soap and diapers. Thank
6:00 pm       Aftershock                             you! More info. at thefamily.net or 800-236-9364.

                                               FEBRUARY 20, 2022 SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | 3
February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
RE Updates
•         Parent Session 2 will take place on Feb. 22 at 4;30 and Feb. 23 at 4:30 and 6:15. Details were emailed to
          families on Feb. 16.
•         Families of Faith will take place on Sunday, Feb. 27, 3-5pm
•         Mardi Gras takes place Tuesday, March 1, 5:30-7:30. See the bulletin for details on how to register.

February is the month dedicated to the Holy Family. Here are                  One person can make
some ways to grow with your family in faith for the coming                        a difference,
                                                                                     Jesus did!
•        February 22 is the Feast of the chair of St. Peter,
         where we remember Peter as the first pope and
         honor those we succeeded him as Bishop of Rome.
         Here are two ways your family can celebrate:

•        As a family, read Mt 16:13-20 where Jesus gives
         Peter the Keys to the Kingdom. Then use the picture
         on this page to color the Keys of St. Peter.

•        Say the Prayer for Pope Francis on page 6 of the
         bulletin each day this week.

            Come Join Us for Mardi Gras!

    What: Parish Mardi Gras Celebration
    Who: All members of our St. Raphael
    When: Tuesday, March 1, 5:30-7:30
    •  5:30- Dinner: Sloppy Joes, sandwich buns, and mac
       and cheese (provided by the parish)
    •     6:00- Celebrate Jesus- Music by Franki Moscato
    •     7:00- Eucharistic Procession and Adoration
    •     7:30- Leave in reflective silence
    How to Register:
    • Please Register online via SignupGenius no later
      than Friday, February 25 so we know how much
      food to order.
    •     The link for registration can be found on the parish
          website (https://raphael.org/resources/events)
    •     Questions: Contact Jessie Adrians
    Volunteers are also needed. Details on how to volunteer
    can be found in SignupGenius.

February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
Sunday Aftershock!                                 Love Begins Here
                                                                  Love Begins Here is an opportunity for middle
                               Join us at 6pm                     and high school students to become
                           Sunday, February 20, 2022              missionaries in their local community. Inspired
                                                                  by Saint Mother Teresa's call to begin love in
                                                                  one's own community, LBH invites us to
                        This Sunday, we are talking about         encounter Jesus in an intimate way through
                              the Chair of St. Peter!             service, community and fun! This will be an
                         Let's get poppin' with the popes!        overnight mission trip that will follow Diocesan
                                                                  safety policies, and frees up the house for
  Spring Retreat is April 1-3! We will meet at St. Raphael,       parents to have their own mini vacation in the
                                                                  summer. Ask Father Kevin about his favorite
  then to depart to the Green Lake Conference Center for the      memories of serving with LBH!
  weekend. The retreat will conclude 5pm Mass on Sunday.
                                                                  Dates for Saint Raphael:
  Cost is $70 per child. Financial assistance is available.
                                                                  -Middle School (Grade past year): July 10-13,
  Contact Michael Wilms at Michael.wilms@raphael.org.             located in Oshkosh at Saint Raphael. Cost is
  Deadline to sign up is Monday, March 14. All High School        $100 for the week if signed up before April 1.
  Students are invited to join and bring a friend. This retreat   -High School- June 26-30th, Located in Antigo,
  will give students an opportunity to encounter Peace in a       will be bringing a group from Saint Raphael.
  new way as we journey together in Lent towards Jesus at         Cost is $125 for the week if signed up before
  Easter. Students will not want to miss this trip!               April 1.
                                                                  Check out the website for more information
                                                                  and to register your child!
                             The following child                  https://www.gbresources.org/
                        was baptized at St. Raphael               lbhregistration.html
                               this weekend:                      Register on website, make checks out to
                                Ella Noelle,                      St Raphael
                   daughter of Michael & Candace Beckett          Contact michael.wilms@raphael.org for more
                      Welcome, Little One!

    Baptism Preparation Classes
Infants accept the faith through the faith
of their parents. St. Raphael the
Archangel     Parish       offers   group
sessions to prepare parents for the
baptism ceremony and for leading their
children in a life of faith. Sessions are
held twice per month, all year round.
Please call or email to register for the
Baptism Preparation group session and
to schedule your child’s baptism.
Contact Jill Eaton at 920-233-8044, ext
222 OR jill.eaton@raphael.org to get
signed up today.

            Hospital Visits
Are you or a loved one in the hospital and
would like a visit? Please call the parish office
at 233-8044 and let us know so we can
arrange for one of the priests or our Pastoral
Associate to come see you!

                                                    FEBRUARY 20, 2022 SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | 5
February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
The 2022 Esto Vir Conference
            Registration is Now Open
Due to capacity restrictions last year, we were unable
to have the conference we were all used to. However,
this year all men are invited to join us on St Joseph’s
feast day, Saturday, March 19 2022, at the Shrine of
Our Lady of Good Help for this years Esto Vir Men’s
We are committed to help contribute to Bishop
Ricken’s call to form 1,000 Missionary Disciples in the
Diocese of Green Bay. This conference will showcase
two exceptional speakers who will help teach and
equip you with the tools to be ready to lead others to
know, love and serve Jesus.
•    Fr. Nathan Cromly from the Saint John Leadership
     Institute will speak to us about our role as leaders,
     both in our families and in the workplace.
•    John Bishop, a leader in FOCUS’ Formation
     Department, will speak about our calling, as
     Catholic Men, to be Missionary Disciples
For more information and to register:

                 Imelda Hofmeister
                    Jordyn Giese
                 Marcia Macdonald

JOINING OUR PARISH - If you are interested in
becoming a member of St. Raphael Parish, ask a
parish staff person, deacon or priest before or after
Mass for a New Parishioner Folder, or call the parish
office. After reviewing the folder, set up an appointment
to meet with Fr. Kevin or Fr. Tom. We would love to
welcome you as a parish member!

February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
Reflecting on the Scriptures
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who abuse you,
to the person who strikes you on one cheek offer the other one as well, from the person who takes your cloak
do not withhold even your tunic, lend expecting nothing back, stop judging, stop condemning, forgive, give.”
Whoa! Is it even possible to live up to these words? Today’s Gospel can cause us to feel inadequate,
defeated, challenged, and despairing. Why? Because each of us is aware of our weaknesses, shortcomings,
and doubt that we’ll ever be able to live up to love in the way Christ asks of us.
The truth is that most Christians fall dramatically short of what Jesus asks of us. To those who oppose us or
hurt us, we are much more likely to respond, “Go to hell!” Unbelievers peering in from the outside of the glass of
Christianity observe that as “Christians”, we are certainly not Christ-like. Mahatma Gandhi discerningly
observed. “I like your Christ; I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” It’s the
ultimate challenge to not hate those who oppose us, to not hate our enemies, to continue to have gracious and
forgiving hearts in the face of misunderstanding, bitter opposition, jealousy, anger, hatred, mistreatment. In our
humanness, our natural instinct is to return hurt for hurt, to not let it go, but to harbor feelings. In the end, we
hold ourselves hostage in a miserable state.
Jesus Himself lived the ultimate model of how we are to respond to hatred, to abuse, to our enemies. Jesus, in
being taken hostage in the garden turned the other cheek, did not return blow for blow, did not harbor anger and
bitterness toward his persecutors. Rather, Jesus goes so far as to say, “Father forgive them; they know not
what they do”.
So, I ask myself if I have taken this very direct instruction from Jesus to “Love your enemies” seriously. Or are
these words just nice thoughts from Jesus that I don’t apply to myself? If I am courageous enough to hold
myself accountable, how am I going to authentically love my enemies, to lend and not be concerned about my
worldly goods, to forgive people who don’t “deserve” my forgiveness?
This transformation in me is the inner work of God. If I desire to be as loving and forgiving as the One who loves
me, I need to spend more time with Him. To enjoy the company of Jesus, who loves me without judgment, is to
become more like Him. To ponder the Stations of the Cross, of how Jesus was betrayed by friends, of how he
didn't return insult or violence on those who were flogging him is to learn self-control and to refrain from
returning hurt with more hurt. I come to the Table to receive Jesus, to be transformed into the loving,
compassionate, forgiving image of Jesus. Then, and only then, will I be a true Christian, an authentic witness of
Christ in the world.
Betty Schwandt

                                                                               This week’s Memorial Candle is
                                                                                    burning in memory of
                                                                                        Alice Coniff

                   Please pray for:                                             This week’s Sanctuary Candle
                                                                                 is burning in celebration of
                 Mark Husman                                                          Chuck Steinert
             who died on February 14

                                                 FEBRUARY 20, 2022 SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | 7
February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
“Do to others as you would have them do to you.”
The Golden Rule. Sometimes we forget that this
old adage is taken from Luke’s Gospel. In fact,
this may be one of those gems that we can take
with us into the workplace without having to worry
about people complaining about our “religiosity”.
But do we?
When Paul’s boss at the garage is out of town
Paul rarely comes in before 9:30 A.M., but when        "He who grants me to endure the fire will enable me
he sees Ted, one of his mechanics, coming in at        also to remain on the pyre unmoved, without the
9:15 he self-righteously snaps “You’re late!” Sue,     security you desire from nails."
a hair stylist, calls her doctor on Tuesday morning
for an appointment and becomes indignant when          This quote comes from a Saint born just three years
she’s told that there is nothing available until       after Peter and Paul were martyred and who grew up
Friday, but that afternoon when Mary Ann calls for     as a disciple of St. John. It is from St. Polycarp, born in
a haircut Sue informs her in no uncertain terms        69 AD, and his martyrdom in 156 AD is the first
that she has nothing available for at least two        recorded martyrdom in Church history after the New
weeks and that she should have called earlier!         Testament was finished.
Greg spends 15 minutes helping Mrs. Forsythe           When he was 86 years old, the Romans finally began
pick out exactly the right color of paint at the       coming after him to take his life. It is not exactly known
hardware store where he works only to have Mrs.        what it was that instigated the pursuit, but one could
Forsythe complain because she has to wait five         surmise that Polycarp's connection to an apostle, his
minutes in the check-out line.                         position as a bishop, and his ability to make converts
Traffic jams, busy-signals, overbooked                 would not appease the Romans. He fled after some
appointment calendars, long lines at the check-out     persuading to a home outside of Smyrna (where he
counter - these things happen all the time in our      was bishop), but as he prayed about it, he was given a
busy, hurry-up, 21st century world. What makes         strong conviction by the Lord not to flee any more. He
these examples unusual is how Ted, Mary Ann            said, "I must be burned alive." He did not resist being
and Greg respond to being treated so poorly. Ted       arrested after that, trusting in God's will.
apologizes to Paul and explains that he has been       When the time came for his execution, the soldiers tried
delayed by traffic. Mary Ann asks Sue when she         to nail him to the stake—believe it or not—he instructed
might be able to fit her in. And Greg even offers to   them that he wouldn't need to be held down! Rather,
throw in a free paint brush to make up for Mrs.        "Leave me as I am. For he who grants me to endure
Forsythe’s inconvenience.                              the fire will enable me also to remain on the pyre
Why did they do that? Why didn’t they get mad or,      unmoved, without the security you desire from nails."
better yet, get even? Jesus said, “Do to others…”      This supernatural ability left a great impression on
right? Well, not exactly. Jesus said, “Do to others    Christians and non-Christians alike.
as you would have them do to you,” not “Do to          St. Polycarp, pray for us!
others before they do to you.” It seems that there
are two versions of this particular gem. The
question is – which version do we choose to take
with us into the workplace?
                                                                            Every so often someone will call
Vinal Van Benthem                                                           and request a Prayer Shawl.
                                                                            Prayer Shawls are knit and/or
                                                                            crocheted by women in our
                                                                            parish. Each is crafted with
                                                                            prayer, soft yarn (provided,
                                                                            along with a variety of patterns)
         Saturday 3:30 to 4:30 pm                       and love. If you would like to request a Prayer
         Tuesday 4:30 to 5:30 pm                        Shawl, please call the office at 920-233-8044.
        Wednesday 8:00 to 8:30 pm

February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
Thought for the day…Remember
                                                           that today is the tomorrow that you
                                                           worried about yesterday.
                                                           ~Dale Carnegie

What wonderful participation in our first CFM Service
Project, gathering “immediate need” items for the
Day by Day Warming Shelter! Currently through your
generosity we have collected:
•   1450 Plastic Cups
•   740 Styrofoam Cups
•   105 Rolls of Paper Towels
•   321 Hand/Feet Warmer Packets
•   98 Pairs of Gloves, Mittens, Hats and Scarves

Thank you for answering
the call to make a
difference    in   our


Dcn. Mark

                                             FEBRUARY 20, 2022 SEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | | 9
February 20, 2022 - Parishes Online
Mass Intentions                                       Readings for the week of February 20, 2022
Saturday, February 19                                 Sunday:      1 Sm 26:2, 7-9, 12-13, 22-23, Ps 103:1-2,
5:00 pm     Norman & Patricia Binder †                             3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 [8a], 1 Cor 15:45-49,
Sunday, February 20 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time                    Lk 6:27-38
7:30 am        Chuck Hayes †                          Monday:      Jas 3:13-18, Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15,
               Chuck Steinert †                                    Mk 9:14-29
9:00 am        Mark Nelezen †                         Tuesday:     1 Pt 5:1-4, Ps 23:1-3a, 4, 5, 6,
11:00 am       Bea Galow †                                         Mt 16:13-19
5:00 pm        Gerald Altman †                        Wednesday: Jas 4:13-17, Ps 49:2-3, 6-7, 8-10, 11,
Monday, February 21                                                Mk 9:38-40
8:00 am        Omar Kutz †                            Thursday:    Jas 5:1-6, Ps 49:14-15ab, 15cd-16,
Tuesday, February 22 Chair of St. Peter the Apostle                17-18, 19-20, Mk 9:41-50
8:00 am        Mary Fink †                            Friday:      Jas 5:9-12, Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8-9, 11-12,
Wednesday, February 23 St. Polycarp                                Mk 10:1-12
8:00 am        For our parishioners                   Saturday:    Jas 5:13-20, Ps 141:1-2, 3 and 8,
Thursday, February 24                                              Mk 10:13-16
7:15 am        Lucas Valdez †
                                                      Next Sunday: Sir 27:4-7, Ps 92:2-3, 13-14, 15-16
Friday, February 25                                                [cf. 2a], 1 Cor 15:54-58, Lk 6:39-45
7:15 am        Kelly Ryan †
Saturday, February 26                                 ©LPi
5:00 pm†    Ethel McHugh †
            Bill Behring †
Sunday, February 27 8th Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:30 am        Alice Coniff †
9:00 am        Richard Schumacher †
11:00 am       Dennis Schwab †
5:00 pm        For our parishioners

                                                      Parish Staff (email staff: First.last@raphael.org)
                                                      Business Manager…...……………………….Mark Lindekugel
                                                      Coordinator of Liturgy/Music………….………...Karen Moehn
                                                      Director of Religious Education………….…….Jessie Adrians
   Lourdes Academy, our Catholic School               Coordinator of Social Communication…….…...Sara Erickson
                                                      Executive Secretary……………………...…...Deb Ransbottom
   John Dinegan      President                        Facilities Manager.……………………………...Howard Frank
   Amy Geffers       Elementary School Principal      Youth Ministry Grades 6-12………………. …..Michael Wilms
   David Mikesell    Middle & High School Principal   Religious Education Secretary……………..Anne Glowcheski
                                                      Accounts Receivable………………..….…...Anne Glowcheski
                                                      Administrative Assist……………………………….. ..Jill Eaton
Parish Leaders:                                       Pastoral Care Facilitator………….…………………. Jill Eaton
Trustee-Secretary: Ed Jeziorny                        RE Coordinator (Gr. 1-5)………………….........Jenifer Jensen
                                                      RE Coordinator (Gr 6-12)…………………….. .Michael Wilms
Trustee-Treasurer: Ken Wolf
                                                      Sunday School Coordinator……….……………….Ruby Kilde
Finance Council Chair: Jerry Stephens                 Family Outreach Coordinator.......…………...Kathy Baehman
Parish Council Chair: Laura Lemancik                  Youth Ministry Assistant .……………………..Kathy Baehman

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   THE                                Parishioner

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Mark & Susie’s
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  571 N. Main                   231-1980                                                                                                                            920-420-8054                               920-236-7801
                                                                       Contact Mike Kaczmarek
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Complete Family Dentistry
                 Life, Annuity, Auto, Home, Business                     to place an ad today!                                                                                                             New Patients Welcome
                    Ed Jeziorny, FICF
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                  ed@lakeshorefinancial.net                             or (800) 950-9952 x2953                                                                             Parish Member                     (920) 231-7160
                   30+ years of experience
                                                                                                                                                                  2200 Old Omro Road, Oshkosh, WI 54904
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                                                                       4711 County Rd GG
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                                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                                        St. Raphael the Archangel, Oshkosh, WI                                            B 4C 01-0559
Packer Valley                                                                                                     Serving Businesses
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                                                                                                      Member FDIC and                                                                           Proudly Supporting
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930 Witzel Ave., Oshkosh • 920-203-3391                                                                                                     DAVID DODGE
       M-F 9-5:30, Sat-Sun 9-2
                                                                                                                                            Owner/Parish Member
                                                                                                                                               Oshkosh, WI        920-379-0114
                                                                      Contact Mike Kaczmarek
                                                                        to place an ad today!
                                                                      mkaczmarek@4LPi.com                                                                                                          Residential • Commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                         New Construction • Remodels • Repairs • Service
22-01-022C-1 (01/22)                                                   or (800) 950-9952 x2953                                                                                                 712 Ohio St., Ste. B, Oshkosh
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  1901 Osborn Ave. • Oshkosh, WI                                                                                                                                                                 920-252-2575
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                                                                                                                                                                                                         923 S. Main Street
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                                                                                                                                                Ruth A.A.Marx,
                                                                                                                                            Michelle    Marx, D.D.S  D.D.S.
                                                                                                                                                  2530 West
                                                                                                                                                     2530 W.99th Avenue
                                                                                                                                                    Oshkosh, WI
                                                                                                                                                             WI 54904
                                                                                                                                               ~~ Premier
                                                                                                                                                  Premier Family Dentistry
                                                                                                                                                          Family  Dentistry

                                            For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com                            St. Raphael the Archangel, Oshkosh, WI                                                      A 4C 01-0559
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