WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces

Page created by Kent Stewart
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces

                                                                  OF HISTORY
                                                                  A World Expo is a large international exhibition
                                                                  designed to unveil future-shaping innovations,
                                                                  showcase the achievements of nations and promote
                                                                  cultural exchange.

                                                                  Buildings and products first revealed at World Expos
                                                                  include the Eiffel Tower, the Seattle Space Needle,
                                                                  the typewriter, the television and even Heinz
                                                                  Tomato Ketchup.

                                                                  To date, 33 cities have hosted a World Expo,
                                                                  from London to Osaka and now Dubai.

                                                                                                    E X P O 2020 D U BA I
                                                                     A GROUNDBREAKING WORLD EXPO
                                                                        FIRST                                     1 COUNTRY,                                25M
                                                                      WORLD EXPO
                                                                    IN THE MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA
                                                                                                                  1 PAVILION
                                                                                                                 A WORLD EXPO FIRST

                                                                                                                                                      70% INTERNATIONAL
     EDITION YET IN ITS 168-YEAR HISTORY                              AND SOUTH ASIA REGION

   His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai   BE THERE FOR

                                                                  THE WORLD’S                                                   From 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021,
                                                                                                                                be there at the World's Greatest Show,
                                                                                                                                Expo 2020 Dubai. A once-in-a-lifetime

                                                                  GREATEST SHOW                                                 celebration where no two days are ever
                                                                                                                                the same!

                                                                                                                                Witness global superstars perform in the
                                                                                                                                world’s largest 360-degree projection dome,
                                                                                                                                or marvel at one of the magical daily parades.
                                                                                                                                Discover dishes crafted by the most celebrated
                                                                                                                                chefs from around the world. All whilst exploring
                                                                                                                                192 mind-blowing Country Pavilions packed
                                                                                                                                with game-changing innovations by the world’s
                                                                                                                                brightest minds.
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces
E X P O 2020 D U BA I

SITE MAP                 Route 2020 Metro Station                                                                                        Opportunity District

                         Dubai Exhibition Centre                                                                                                 Al Wasl Plaza

                        Mobility District

                                                                                                                                        Sustainability District

                                                                             OPPORTUNITY                        MOBILITY                 SUSTAINABILITY
                        EXPO 2020
                        THEME & SUBTHEMES
                        From 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021,
                        the largest event ever staged in the Arab world
E X P O 2020 D U BA I   is set to welcome 192 participating countries
                        and millions of visitors from across the globe.

CONNECTING              Under the theme of ‘Connecting Minds,
                        Creating the Future’, Expo 2020 is guided

                        by the belief that innovation and progress
                        are the result of people and ideas coming
                        together in original and unique ways.

CREATING                Participating nations will showcase their
                        innovations, achievements and aspirations
                        at Expo 2020 while exploring the three

THE FUTURE              subthemes of Opportunity, Mobility
                        and Sustainability.
                                                                          Unlocking the potential within   Creating smarter and more        Respecting and living
                                                                          individuals and communities        productive movement          in balance with the world
                                                                               to shape the future         of goods, people and ideas             we inhabit
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces
A WO R L D O F                  Each of the three Thematic Pavilions
                                       will offer fascinating and thought-
                                       provoking experiences that reflect
                                       their given subtheme.                            CO U N T RY PAV I L I O N S

                        Opportunity Pavilion
                        Architect: AGi Architects

                        Ever wondered how you can create genuine change?

                        The Opportunity Pavilion will take visitors through a journey
                        of self-discovery and awakening, demonstrating everyone’s
                        ability to make a difference in creating a better world
                        for tomorrow.

                        The experience will enable visitors to understand the global
                        challenges facing humanity, through the framework of the
                        Sustainable Development Goals.

                        Finally, the Opportunity Pavilion provides a call to action,
                        asking every visitor to become a part of a global mission
                        to create a better future for everyone.

                        Terra – the Sustainability Pavilion
                        Architect: Grimshaw Architects
                        The future of our planet hangs in the balance
                        - here’s where you come in

                        Tiptoe underneath a dense forest as the roots communicate
                        with one another, risk the planet’s future in a game of high-
                        stakes pinball and learn how, despite the madness of human
                        consumption, it’s not too late for us to save the world.

                        Discover the innovative global projects that are creating
                        new paths of sustainability, and pledge to help preserve
                        our planet for future generations.

                        Terra - the Sustainability Pavilion will also be home
                        to extraordinary architecture that has been developed
                        using the latest green building technologies.

                                                                                        UAE Pavilion                          Designed in the shape of a falcon in flight,
                                                                                                                              the pavilion will tell the history of the nation
                        Mobility Pavilion                                                                                     as a connected global hub, and showcase
                                                                                        Santiago Calatrava                    the vision of its leaders to create a peaceful

                        Architect: Foster + Partners
                                                                                                                              and progressive society with ambitious plans
                        How people, goods, ideas and data move                          Key features:                         for the future.
                        - and what it all means                                         Spread over four storeys totalling
                                                                                        15,000 sqm, the UAE Pavilion will
                        Proceed through the past, present and future of movement,
                                                                                        showcase the very best of Emirati
                        from ancient exploration to artificial intelligence.
                                                                                        culture and feature a dedicated
                                                                                                                                   THE UAE PAVILION
                        The journey begins aboard the world’s largest elevating         hospitality space on the top floor.     INTRODUCES THE WORLD
                        platform, which takes you to the House of Wisdom in
                        ninth-century Baghdad before you head on to meet
                                                                                                                                  TO THE NATION’S RICH
                        nine-metre-tall historical giants of Mobility.                                                        CULTURE AND BRIGHT FUTURE

                                                                                                                                   *All images and content are for illustrative purposes only, subject to change.
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces
D I S T R I C T PAV I L I O N S                                                                                                                                                                                           *All images and content are for illustrative purposes only, subject to change.

Austria Pavilion                                                    Bahrain Pavilion                                                      Luxembourg Pavilion                                                  Monaco Pavilion
Theme: Every Good Idea Begins with the Right Question               Theme: Density as opportunity                                         Theme: Resourceful Luxembourg                                        Theme: Monaco 360° - a World of Opportunities
Austria is a nation reimagining ideas. This is reflected            Explore how Bahrain’s geography has defined its development.          Discover the nation’s efforts to connect human,                      Inspired by the Rock of Monaco, this gem-like, polygonal
in its decision to use 9,000-year-old soil to build its pavilion,   With limited land available, Bahrain has always evolved,              natural, technical, industrial and financial resources.              pavilion will take visitors on a multi-sensory journey through
which comprises 47 truncated cones.                                 encouraging trade, entrepreneurship and innovation.                                                                                        mirrored exhibition spaces, replicating the sights and smells
                                                                                                                                                                                                               of the French Riviera.

Belarus Pavilion                                                    China Pavilion                                                        Morocco Pavilion                                                     Norway Pavilion
Theme: Forest of Future Technology                                  Theme: Building a Community with a Shared Future                      Theme: A Kingdom of Inspiration                                      Theme: Norway as a World-Leading Ocean Nation
Belarus is exploring the themes of innovation, investment           for Mankind - Innovation and Opportunity                              The pavilion architecture combines modernity and tradition           The Norway Pavilion will allow you to explore the deep
and the individual at its pavilion, which recreates the look        The China Pavilion will be one of the largest at Expo 2020            with a building that, while being at the forefront of construction   blue sea and learn about the importance of ocean
and feel of the nation’s primeval forests.                          Dubai. It will symbolise hope and a bright future.                    techniques, is inspired by ancestral methods using earth,            conservation – all without changing into a wetsuit.
                                                                                                                                          like in some Moroccan villages.

Emirates Airlines Pavilion                                          India Pavilion                                                        Saudi Arabia Pavilion                                                Switzerland Pavilion
Theme: Seeding the Future of Commercial Aviation                    Theme: Future is India                                                Theme: The Sky is the Limit                                          Theme: Belles Vues
                                                                                                                                          The pavilion, resembling a huge window opening up from
Experience the future of air travel in terms of cabin interiors,    A place that define the country’s potential to become                                                                                      Visitors can ‘hike’ through thi s pavilion, which will show the
                                                                                                                                          the ground and soaring into the sky, will offer visitors an
composite materials of the future, next-generation aircrafts        a global power through its ‘Five Ts’ – Talent, Trade,                                                                                      country's cultural values and progressive ideas in a structure
                                                                                                                                          immersive journey showcasing Saudi Arabia’s transformation.
attempting to reduce emission. Learn, experiment and engage         Tradition, Tourism and Technology. Enjoy food festivals,                                                                                   inspired by Bedouin tents. Experience a theatre emerging
with future technologies and innovations interactively.             literary shows, music and dance performances.                                                                                              from a sea of fog, evoking the Swiss mountains.

Italy Pavilion                                                      Japan Pavilion                                                        Ukraine Pavilion                                                     UK Pavilion
Theme: Beauty Connects People                                       Theme: Join. Sync. Act.                                               Theme: Smart Ukraine: Connecting Dots                                Theme: Innovating for a Shared Future
This pavilion will celebrate beauty as the connecting               Get inspired to put the ‘Join.Sync.Act.’ message into action,         Smart living, smart thinking and smart feelings will come together   The pavilion will offer an awe-inspiring glimpse into the future,
element between creativity and knowledge.                           and discover the vibrant art, culture and technology of the           at the Ukraine Pavilion, as the nation demonstrates how bright       exploring everything from the commercialisation of space
                                                                    Far Eastern nation, which will host Expo 2025 in the city of Osaka.   ideas and the latest innovations can help create a better future.    to artificial intelligence.
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces
D I S T R I C T PAV I L I O N S                                                                                                                                                                                               *All images and content are for illustrative purposes only, subject to change.

Australia Pavilion                                                   Belgium Pavilion                                                        Poland Pavilion                                                      Republic of Korea Pavilion
Theme: Blue Sky Dreaming                                             Theme: Smart and Green Belgium 2050                                     Theme: Creativity Inspired by Nature                                 Theme: Smart Korea, Moving the World to You
Celebrating Australian diversity and collaboration, this pavilion    The Belgium Pavilion will draw on renewable resources to                The tree-like structure, which references the large-scale            The structure will explore the ways that mobility is set to change
envisions infinite possibilities founded on 60,000 years             feed its energy needs, smart technologies to feed its plants            migration of birds from Poland to the Arab world, explores           our lives, featuring the best of Korean art, style and technology.
of innovation. Navigate the universe with the world’s                and the country’s world-class cuisine to feed its guests.               the nation’s diverse global connections, as well as its role         The nation’s modern culture, including its world-famous K-pop
first astronomers.                                                                                                                           as a leading producer of goods.                                      music, will also be on show.

DP World Pavilion                                                    Finland Pavilion                                                        Russia Pavilion                                                      Thailand Pavilion
Theme: Making Trade Flow                                             Theme: Sharing Innovative Competences                                   Architect: Tchoban SPEECH, Simpateka Entertainment Group             Theme: Mobility for the Future
Centred around a five-storey waterfall installation, this pavilion   Finland will showcase its many areas of excellence,                     Showcasing Russia’s extensive knowledge in various fields,           Covered on the outside by a curtain of over 500 woven artificial
invites visitors to discover the future of logistics through         from education and sustainable technologies to health                   the pavilion will take visitors to the next level, where they will   flowers, the Thailand Pavilion will present the nation’s warm
cutting-edge technologies and a 270-degree experience                and wellbeing, as well as the natural beauty that attracts              be able to experience the possibilities of tomorrow.                 hospitality and its capabilities in digital innovation and technology.
of the transformative power of data.                                 travellers from around the world.

France Pavilion                                                      Latvia Pavilion                                                         Turkmenistan Pavilion
Theme: Light, Lights                                                 Theme: Connecting minds, creating more breathable futures               Theme: Power of Five
The pavilion’s theme explores light as an enabler of progress,       The design of the pavilion means it unfolds as one open surface,        Native to Turkmenistan and symbolising national pride,
a vehicle for connections and a source of heat and creativity.       creating a distinct climate inside its own limits. It will be a space   Akhal-Teke horses will play a prominent role in this pavilion
                                                                     that is continuous, unobstructed and accessible for all and will        experience that promises to immerse the senses.
                                                                     present new tools and ideas for improving indoor climates.

Oman Pavilion                                                        Peru Pavilion
Theme: Oman - Opportunities over Time                                Theme: Timeless, Always Peru
Reflecting the country’s rich past, five zones within                A sensory experience through one of the cradles of mankind
the pavilion will explore how frankincense has been playing          and one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, featuring
an important role in Omani life for over 5,000 years.                real-time construction of the last Incan bridge and experiential
                                                                     gastronomy with Peruvian superfoods.
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces
D I S T R I C T PAV I L I O N S                                                                                                                                                                               *All images and content are for illustrative purposes only, subject to change.

Azerbaijan Pavilion                                              Brazil Pavilion                                                      New Zealand Pavilion                                         Philippines Pavilion
Theme: Seeds for the Future                                      Theme: Together for Diversity                                        Theme: Care for People and Place                             Theme: Bangkóta: Philippine Coral Reef
The nature-inspired pavilion, which has a leaf-shaped            Recreating the Amazon Basin, the pavilion will have a water          The theme reflects the Maori value of the deep kinship       The natural, organic shape of the coral reef, or Bangkóta,
roof, will encourage visitors to consider the impact of their    feature that visitors can walk through (or around) as they           between people and the environment. Experience its culture   will draw visitors to the Philippines Pavilion into defined,
individual choices and invest in the future to restore balance   take in the sights, sounds and scents of Brazil’s riverside areas.   and values, cuisine and design throughout the pavilion.      free-flowing, open spaces, reflecting how Filipino culture
to our natural world.                                                                                                                                                                              embraces openness and meaningful encounters.

Canada Pavilion                                                  Czech Republic Pavilion                                              Singapore Pavilion                                           Spain Pavilion
Theme: The Future in Mind                                        Theme: Czech Spring                                                  Theme: Nature. Nurture. Future.                              Theme: People and Places
Admire the wooden structure surrounding the pavilion             View new technology that promises to transform a desert into         Showcasing Singapore’s urban innovations, the net-zero       Exploring everything from historical innovation and adventure
and a 360-degree immersive theatre showcasing Canada’s           an oasis. The pavilion will also boast a large-scale installation    energy pavilion explores our journey towards liveability     to biodiversity and organ transplants, the Spain Pavilion
story. This pavilion has stunning night-time views.              that shows the nation’s long history of glassmaking.                 and resilience.                                              offers a diverse experience with a town square atmosphere.

Germany Pavilion                                                 Malaysia Pavilion                                                    Sweden Pavilion
Theme: Campus Germany                                            Theme: Energising Sustainability                                     Theme: Co-Creation for Innovation
                                                                 This carbon net-zero pavilion will showcases the country’s           Learn how Sweden is building smart cities, developing
Visitors can wear cutting-edge connected devices as they
                                                                 commitment and ongoing progress in balancing                         the next generation of travel, innovating life sciences
venture through themed areas featuring a wonderful array
                                                                 socio-economic progress with environmental concerns,                 and developing a bio-circular economy.
of creative environmental ideas with real-life results.
                                                                 and also treat visitors to vibrant cultural shows.

Montenegro Pavilion                                              Netherlands Pavilion
Theme: Montenegro - Blessed by Nature                            Theme: Uniting Water, Energy and Food
Immerse yourself in Montenegro’s rich cultural history,          Brimming with sustainable solutions, the Netherlands
explore its sustainability-driven future and admire              Pavilion will harvest water, energy and food through
its wild beauty.                                                 innovations including a cone-shaped vertical farm.
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces

JAW-DROPPING                                                                                                  SPECIAL                      At Expo 2020 Dubai, we celebrate
                                                                                                                                           on a global scale. Whatever the occasion,

& AWE-INSPIRING                                                                                               DAYS
                                                                                                                                           we will wow you with mega-concerts,
                                                                                                                                           celebrities and major activities.


                                                                                                       C A L E N DA R

                                                                                                                    DIWALI FESTIVAL

                                                                                                                    OF LIGHTS
                                                                                                                    Saturday 14 November

                                                                                                                    UAE NATIONAL DAY

                                                                                                                    Wednesday 2 December

         192                                 60 +                          200 +                                    CHRISTMAS

                                                                         DINING OUTLETS
                                                                     FROM AROUND THE WORLD                          Friday 25 December
In 192 Country Pavilions, explore      World-class performers         The world’s most celebrated
a world of culture, entertainment,       and artists will create       chefs will craft dishes from                 NEW YEAR’S EVE
     innovations and ideas.          unbelievable wow-moments,        all corners of the globe using
                                     complemented by storytellers      ingredients that will delight                Thursday 31 December
                                      and innovators bringing the              and surprise.
                                     magic to life through parades
                                             and festivals.
                                                                                                                    CHINESE NEW YEAR
                                                                                                                    Friday 12 February


                                                                                                                    WOMEN’S DAY
                                                                                                                    Monday 8 March
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces
ENTERTAINMENT                                                                                                     AN EXPO FOR
60+ L I V E E V E N T S A DAY                                                                                     EVERYONE
                                                                                                                  Whether you are a fun or adventure seeker,
                                                                                                                  an architecture lover, a culture enthusiast
                                                                                                                  or a foodie – Expo 2020 is for everyone.
                                                                                                                  Expo 2020 offers a once-in-a-lifetime
                                                                                                                  celebration for all - no matter your industry,
                                                                                                                  age, country of origin, culture or interests.
                                                                                                                  Visitors will experience warm Emirati
                                                                                                                  hospitality at its finest and the very best
At Expo 2020 Dubai, there will always be something                                      ADVENTURISTS & PIONEERS   of what each of the 192 participating
to get excited about, with a jam-packed programme
                                                                                                                  countries has to offer. Local journeys will
of live performances including world-famous stars,
                                                                                                                  offer inspirational fun for students and a special
comedy greats, local talents and touring attractions.
                                                                                                                  edutainment programme will be available
                                                                                                                  for companies and incentive groups.
Each day will see over 60 live events take place
across the site, from daily parades to authentic
and vivid national celebrations highlighting
participating countries.

Night owls are also well-catered for at Expo 2020.
After sunset, the site will come alive with dazzling
pyrotechnic displays, concerts by headline artists
and futuristic performances from an array
of artists.

                                                                          LITTLE ONES               FOODIES

                                    GLOBAL THEATRE         PARADES


       MUSIC PERFORMANCES                               A-LIST CONCERTS

                                         BALLET          DANCE SHOWS      STUDENTS          BUSINESS TRAVELLERS                        TECHIES & INNOVATORS
WINTER 2019 EDITION - SeePlaces
We are celebrating 192 National Days during

                                                                                                   NATIONAL DAYS
A WO R L D O F                                       Expo 2020 Dubai. This is your opportunity

CELEBRATIONS                                         to experience a new culture every day.

   ARGENTINA                     HAITI                           CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC           GUINEA-BISSAU         MONTENEGRO           MAURITIUS
   21 October 2020               18 November 2020                13 December 2020                   12 January 2021       11 February 2021     12 March 2021
   UGANDA                        LAOS                            KYRGYZSTAN                         CABO VERDE            GUINEA               BOTSWANA
   22 October 2020               18 November 2020                14 December 2020                   13 January 2021       13 February 2021     13 March 2021
   UKRAINE                       SENEGAL                         SWEDEN                             PORTUGAL              SERBIA               ZIMBABWE
   23 October 2020               19 November 2020                15 December 2020                   14 January 2021       15 February 2021     14 March 2021
   UNITED NATIONS                FINLAND                         BANGLADESH                         DJIBOUTI                                   CAMEROON
   24 October 2020               20 November 2020                16 December 2020                                         KENYA
                                                                                                    15 January 2021       16 February 2021     15 March 2021
   MALDIVES                      OMAN                            BHUTAN                             GRENADA
   25 October 2020               21 November 2020                17 December 2020                                         KOSOVO               PHILIPPINES
                                                                                                    15 January 2021       17 February 2021     16 March 2021
   AFRICAN UNION                 BELARUS                         MALI
   25 October 2020               22 November 2020                                                   CHILE                 THE GAMBIA           IRELAND
                                                                 17 December 2020                   16 January 2021       18 February 2021     17 March 2021
   BRUNEI                        LEBANON                         BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA
   26 October 2020               23 November 2020                18 December 2020                   THE BAHAMAS           SOUTH SUDAN          HUNGARY
                                                                                                    17 January 2021       19 February 2021     18 March 2021
   LESOTHO                       ITALY                           NIGER
   27 October 2020               24 November 2020                18 December 2020                   SÃO TOMÉ & PRÍNCIPE   MYANMAR              HOLY SEE
                                                                                                    17 January 2021                            19 March 2021
   ST VINCENT & THE GRENADINES                                                                                            20 February 2021
                                 ESWATINI                        JORDAN
   27 October 2020               25 November 2020                19 December 2020                   NICARAGUA                                  ESTONIA
                                                                                                    18 January 2021       SWITZERLAND
                                                                                                                          21 February 2021     20 March 2021
   SEYCHELLES                    SURINAME                        GHANA
   28 October 2020               25 November 2020                20 December 2020                   MALTA                                      MARSHALL ISLANDS
                                                                                                    19 January 2021       REPUBLIC OF
   LEAGUES OF ARAB STATES                                                                                                 NORTH MACEDONIA      20 March 2021
                                 BAHRAIN                         SOLOMON ISLANDS
   29 October 2020               26 November 2020                21 December 2020                   CHINA                 22 February 2021
                                                                                                                                               CZECH REPUBLIC
                                                                                                    20 January 2021                            21 March 2021
   EGYPT                         LATVIA                          TOGO                                                     SAINT LUCIA
   30 October 2020               27 November 2020                21 December 2020                   PERU                  22 February 2021
                                                                                                                                               DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
                                                                                                    21 January 2021                            OF THE CONGO
   ALGERIA                       FIJI                            TAJIKISTAN                                               GERMANY
   31 October 2020               28 November 2020                                                                         23 February 2021     22 March 2021
                                                                 22 December 2020                   SINGAPORE
   ANTIGUA & BARBUDA                                                                                22 January 2021                            UZBEKISTAN
                                 DOMINICA                        DANISH BUSINESS COUNCIL                                  CYPRUS
   01 November 2020              29 November 2020                23 December 2020                                         24 February 2021     23 March 2021
   MICRONESIA                                                                                       23 January 2021                            NAMIBIA
                                 ZAMBIA                          REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO                                    TRINIDAD & TOBAGO
   01 November 2020              29 November 2020                23 December 2020                                                              24 March 2021
                                                                                                    BOLIVIA               24 February 2021
   ORGANISATION OF               BELIZE                                                             24 January 2021                            TUVALU
                                                                 PALESTINE                                                KUWAIT
   ISLAMIC COOPERATION           30 November 2020                24 December 2020                                                              24 March 2021
   02 November 2020                                                                                 CAMBODIA              25 February 2021
                                 LIBERIA                         MOROCCO                            24 January 2021                            GREECE
   PANAMA                        30 November 2020                26 December 2020                                         TANZANIA             25 March 2021
   03 November 2020                                                                                 EL SALVADOR           26 February 2021
                                 KAZAKHSTAN                      BURUNDI                            25 January 2021                            PAKISTAN
   MADAGASCAR                    01 December 2020                27 December 2020                                         DOMINICAN REPUBLIC   26 March 2021
   04 November 2020                                                                                 INDIA                 27 February 2021
                                 UAE                             KIRIBATI                           26 January 2021                            JAMAICA
   TONGA                         02 December 2020                28 December 2020                                         BENIN
   04 November 2020                                                                                                                            27 March 2021
                                                                                                    SLOVAK REPUBLIC       28 February 2021
                                 BADEN WÜRTTEMBERG               GEORGIA                            27 January 2021                            GUATEMALA
   GUYANA                        03 December 2020                                                                         PAPUA NEW GUINEA
   05 November 2020                                              29 December 2020                                                              29 March 2021
                                                                                                    CANADA                28 February 2021
   MALAWI                        SAMOA                           IRAN                               28 January 2021                            VIETNAM
   05 November 2020              03 December 2020                29 December 2020                                         ROMANIA              29 March 2021
                                                                                                    FRANCE                01 March 2021
   NIGERIA                       RUSSIA                          ASEAN                              29 January 2021
                                 04 December 2020                30 December 2020                                                              SOMALIA
   06 November 2020                                                                                                       ETHIOPIA             30 March 2021
                                                                                                    AUSTRALIA             02 March 2021
   VENEZUELA                     THAILAND                        YEMEN                              30 January 2021
                                 05 December 2020                01 January 2021                                                               SIERRA LEONE
   07 November 2020                                                                                                       BURKINA FASO         31 March 2021
                                                                                                    CUBA                  03 March 2021
   NETHERLANDS                   TURKMENISTAN                    SRI LANKA                          01 February 2021
                                 06 December 2020                03 January 2021                                                               CÔTE D’IVOIRE
   08 November 2020                                                                                                       MOLDOVA              01 April 2021
                                                                                                    SPAIN                 03 March 2021
   AZERBAIJAN                    GABON                           TUNISIA                            02 February 2021
   09 November 2020              07 December 2020                04 January 2021                                                               GULF COOPERATION
                                                                                                                          PARAGUAY             COUNCIL
                                 USA                             SUDAN                              SOUTH KOREA           04 March 2021        02 April 2021
   COMOROS                                                                                          03 February 2021
   10 November 2020              08 December 2020                05 January 2021
                                                                                                                          COSTA RICA           URUGUAY
                                 HONDURAS                        BARBADOS                           ANGOLA                05 March 2021
   COLOMBIA                                                                                         04 February 2021                           03 April 2021
   11 November 2020              09 December 2020                06 January 2021
                                                                                                    BELGIUM               CROATIA              ARMENIA
   AUSTRIA                       PALAU                           CHAD                                                     06 March 2021        04 April 2021
                                 09 December 2020                06 January 2021                    05 February 2021
   12 November 2020
                                                                                                    NEW ZEALAND           POLAND               TIMOR-LESTE
   MONACO                        IRAQ                            MALAYSIA                                                 07 March 2021        05 April 2021
   13 November 2020              10 December 2020                07 January 2021                    06 February 2021
                                 SAN MARINO                      SAUDI ARABIA                       MOZAMBIQUE            ALBANIA              VANUATU
   BRAZIL                                                                                                                 09 March 2021        06 April 2021
   15 November 2020              10 December 2020                08 January 2021                    07 February 2021
   ST KITTS & NEVIS              EQUATORIAL GUINEA               INDONESIA                          SLOVENIA              NEPAL                SYRIA
   16 November 2020              11 December 2020                09 January 2021                    08 February 2021      09 March 2021        07 April 2021

   MONGOLIA                      NAURU                           MAURITANIA                         RWANDA                AFGHANISTAN          SOUTH AFRICA
   16 November 2020              11 December 2020                11 January 2021                    09 February 2021      10 March 2021        08 April 2021

   NORWAY                        JAPAN                           BULGARIA                           UNITED KINGDOM        LITHUANIA            BIE DAY
   17 November 2020              12 December 2020                12 January 2021                    10 February 2021      11 March 2021        09 April 2021
A WORLD OF                                                                                                          THEMATIC
  60+ L I V E E V E N T S A DAY
                                                                                                                      Our best-in-class Business Weeks
                                                                                                                      will feature global leaders and game
                                                                                                                      changers including TED-style talks,
                                                                                                                      exhibitions, forums and workshops.


  Expo 2020 will set a new benchmark for the
  region’s MICE industry, offering a wide variety                           C A L E N DA R
  of unique spaces for business visitors to grow
  their networks.
                                                                                         CLIMATE FOCUS WEEK
  Located on the doorstep of Expo, the state-of-                                         1 – 7 November
  the-art Dubai Exhibition Centre (DEC) comprises

  45,000 sqm of programmable space and will be                                           URBAN DEVELOPMENT & CITIES
  directly connected to the Dubai Metro 2020 link.
                                                                                         FOCUS WEEK

  During this time there will be no better place
                                                                                         22 – 28 November
  on the planet to host a business event and
  network with government entities, corporations,                                        TRAVEL & EXPLORATION

  educational institutions, thought leaders                                              FOCUS WEEK
  and industry associations.
                                                                                         1 – 7 December
  Expand your business horizons at Expo 2020.
                                                                                         UN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
                                                                                         GOALS FOCUS WEEK
                                                                                         8 – 14 January

                                                                                         HEALTH & WELLNESS
                                                                                         FOCUS WEEK
                                                                                         22 – 28 January

                                                                                         INNOVATION FOCUS WEEK

                                          CONFERENCES                                    1 – 7 February

                                                                                         AGRICULTURE & LIVELIHOOD
                                                                                         DEVELOPMENT FOCUS WEEK
                                                                                         22 – 27 February

                                                            SEMINARS                     WOMEN & GIRLS FOCUS WEEK
                                                                                         8 – 14 March

                                                                                         WATER FOCUS WEEK
                                                                                         22 – 28 March

E X P O 2020 D U BA I
A WO R L D O F                      CULINARY EXPERIENCES
DINING &                                     UNIQUE FOOD HALLS

GASTRONOMY                                                                   Spread across four distinct spaces,
                                                                             our Food Halls invite visitors to
                                                                             engage with food like never before
                                                                             via the Family Circle, Asian Quarter,
                                                                             Signature Stars and Urban Bloc,
                                                                             which combines energy, music,
                                                                             games and great food.

                                   FUTURE OF FOOD
                                   Immersive and innovative
                                   dining featuring augmented
                                   reality and virtual reality will
                                   be a fundamental part of the
                                   gastronomic experience
                                   at Expo 2020 Dubai.

                                             EXPO CULINARY EXPERIENCE RESTAURANTS
                                                                           Enjoy the rich and authentic flavours
                                                                           of the world with a menu as diverse
                                                                           as our 192 participating countries.
                                                                           The restaurants offer exciting dining
                                                                           options for groups looking to satisfy
                                                                           curious visitors for lunch, dinner
                                                                           and light bites alike.

                                   MASTERCLASS KITCHEN
                                   Visitors interested in learning how
                                   to cook new dishes inspired by global
                                   techniques and ingredients are
                                   well-catered for at the Expo 2020
                                   Dubai Masterclass Kitchen and
                                   the Expo 2020 Connecting Minds
                                   Demonstration Kitchen.

No matter where in the world                 LOCAL FAVOURITES
you are from, and whatever your
favourite flavours, you are sure                                                  Explore food inspired by
to find a special F&B experience                                                  the merging of culture and
at Expo 2020 Dubai.                                                               ingredients that are unique
                                                                                  to the UAE.
                                           Discover global cuisines,
                                           innovative culinary experiences,
                                           future-shaping food tech, old
                                           classics, new favourites, street
                                                                              TO BUDGET-FRIENDLY DINING EXPERIENCES

EVERY PALATE & BUDGET                      bites and gourmet delights
                                           across more than 200 food
                                           and beverage outlets.

                                                                                   FOOD TRUCKS                  BISTRO CAFÉS      GRAB & GO

                                                                              I N D U LG E YO U R S E LF
                                                                              IN A WORLD OF FINE DINING

                                                                                     CELEBRITY                  LIVE CULINARY     FINE DINING
                                                                                       CHEFS                        SHOWS        RESTAURANTS

                                                                              SURPRISE YOURSELF

50+                                      30+
                                                                              WITH FUTURISTIC DINING CONCEPTS

                                         DINING CONCEPTS
American | Greek | Argentinian |         IN DUBAI
Indian | Australasian Fusion | Italian
Brazilian | Japanese | British |
Lebanese | Caribbean | Levant
Fusion | Chinese | Mexican | Emirati |
Peruvian | Euro Fusion | Spanish |
French | Thai
                                                                                     ROBOTICS             AUGMENTED REALITY     VIRTUAL REALITY
T H E WO R L D ' S G R E AT E S T S H OW                                                        EXPO 2020 DUBAI LOCATION
KEY INFORMATION                                                                                 Conveniently located between Abu Dhabi and Dubai


20 October 202 0                            Sat - Wed
- 10 April 2021                             1 0:00am - 1: 0 0 am

                                            Thur - Fri
                                            1 0:00am - 2 : 0 0 am

1-Day Ticket                                3-Day Ticket
ACCESS FOR 1 DAY                            ACCESS FOR 3 DAYS                                   GETTING TO EXPO 2020
AED 120 (USD 32)                            AED 260 (USD 70)                                           METRO TRAINS                   EXPO RIDER
SPECIAL ADMISSION*                          SPECIAL ADMISSION*                                         High frequency service         Expo 2020 shuttle buses
AED 60 (USD 16)                             AED 130 (USD 35)                                           to and from the Expo           operating across Dubai
                                                                                                       2020 site and the Route        and the UAE
                                                                                                       2020 Metro Station

Monthly Pass                                Season Pass                                                TAXI/E-HAIL                    PRIVATE VEHICLE
ACCESS FOR 30 DAYS                          ACCESS FOR THE FULL 6-MONTHS
                                                                                                       Four Taxi/E-Hail pick-up/      Parking is available, with
GENERAL ADMISSION                           GENERAL ADMISSION                                          drop-off locations             a free shuttle bus service
AED 350 (USD 94)                            AED 595 (USD 161)                                                                         to the main arrival gates.

AED 175 (USD 47)                            AED 297 (USD 80)

Season Pass                                 Season Pass
Premium                                     Ultimate
                                                                                                GETTING AROUND                        PEOPLE MOVER
AED 895 (USD 242)                           AED 1,295 (USD 350)                                 EXPO 2020                             Free shuttle bus service
                                                                                                                                      operating around the
SPECIAL ADMISSION*                          SPECIAL ADMISSION*                                  EXPO 2020 IS A CAR-FREE ZONE          perimeter of the Expo
AED 597 (USD 161)                           AED 997 (USD 269)                                   BUILT FOR WALKABILITY                 2020 site


All tickets / passes are free of charge for children age 0-5. The same applies for persons
of determination (special needs) and seniors (+65), except for Premium Pass (AED 300/USD 81)
and Ultimate Pass (AED 700/USD 189)

*Student of any age, youth age 6-17 and companion for person of determination (special needs)
For the latest news, information and ticket updates,

visit                    Expo2020Dubai
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