MV2040 Action Plan Community Facilities - Moonee Valley ...

Page created by Theodore Deleon
MV2040 Action Plan Community Facilities - Moonee Valley ...
MV2040 Action Plan
Community Facilities
MV2040 Action Plan Community Facilities - Moonee Valley ...

Action Plan –
Community Facilities
WHAT ARE COMMUNITY                                     WHAT ARE COMMUNITY HUBS?
FACILITIES?                                            Hubs can be large and contain services (Council
A community facility is the combination of a           and non-Council), which serve a municipal/
service or activity and the building or space          sub-municipal catchment or smaller in size and
in which it is delivered. This characterisation        cater for smaller catchments. They may include
recognises the benefits when both elements             indoor and outdoor spaces for a wide range of
come together and community buildings are              inclusive services and activities.
activated.                                             In essence, hubs:
                                                       ▪▪ meet the functional needs of communities
                                                          and support positive health and wellbeing

                 +               =
                                                       ▪▪ offer spaces for people to meet and
                                                          participate in community life, and in doing so
     Building          Service         Community
                                                          provide a vibrant focal point and platform for
                                         facility         interaction and cohesion
                                                       ▪▪ provide for the co-location of services and
                                                          community organisations to share resources,
A building may accommodate single or multiple
                                                          increase the level of service integration,
community facilities that may provide one or
                                                          utilisation and participation
a number of functions. For example, a library
building may accommodate library services              ▪▪ provide for the co-location and integration
exclusively, serving a core function of education         of facilities that optimise the use of land and
and learning, or it may also have variously               support infrastructure.
sized meeting rooms and an exhibition space            Community hubs typically:
supporting services linked to education and            ▪▪ are highly accessible for pedestrians, cyclists
learning, artistic and cultural expression and            and people using public transport
social interaction.
                                                       ▪▪ include a range of activities that share
                                                          buildings and spaces
WHY DO COMMUNITY FACILITIES                            ▪▪ have clearly defined models of ownership,
MATTER?                                                   funding and management
Community facilities are vital for service delivery,   ▪▪ create opportunities for users to access more
place-making and social interaction. They offer           than one service from one location
a space for people to meet and participate in          ▪▪ encourage collaboration between co-located
community life, while enlivening neighbourhoods           services
and supporting positive health and wellbeing           ▪▪ optimise the use of facilities, buildings and
outcomes.                                                 outdoor spaces
                                                       ▪▪ minimise encroachment of open space areas
                                                          through the consolidation of stand-alone facilities.

2                                                                    MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
MV2040 Action Plan Community Facilities - Moonee Valley ...
Council oversees a network of approximately 200        Future Council community facility provision is
buildings across 120 Council-owned facilities.         based on a community hub model. This is in line
                                                       with wider community facility planning trends
Council manages most of its community facilities,
                                                       towards the clustering of community infrastructure
while some are managed by tenants under
                                                       in activity hubs. Council proposes a large or small
occupancy agreements. Council also manages
                                                       integrated hub in each of the 13 neighbourhoods.
community facilities it does not own through,
for example, delegated authority granted from          The scope of this action plan focusses on Council-
the State Government to manage Crown land.             owned and managed facilities only. Our future
In addition, a number of Council services are          work will include Council-owned facilities that are
delivered through privately leased buildings.          managed by others, and non-Council assets open
                                                       to the community.
Council’s community facilities are part of a broader
network delivered by other tiers of government,
the private and not-for-profit sectors. Schools,
churches, law and order, and medical facilities are
examples provided by other agencies.

 Core function                                 Building type

 Childhood development                         ▪▪ childcare facility
                                               ▪▪ occasional care facility
                                               ▪▪ playgroup facility
                                               ▪▪ long day care facility
                                               ▪▪ maternal and child health facility
                                               ▪▪ kindergarten facility
                                               ▪▪ traffic school

 Education and learning                        ▪▪ library

                                               ▪▪ community arts facility
 Artistic and culture expression
                                               ▪▪ performances and exhibitions facility

 Civic administration                          ▪▪ civic centre

 Social interaction                            ▪▪ community centre
                                               ▪▪ neighbourhood house
                                               ▪▪ community hall
                                               ▪▪ neighbourhood centre

 Recreation and leisure                        ▪▪ major recreation facility
                                               ▪▪ community sports pavilion
                                               ▪▪ multi-purpose pavilion
                                               ▪▪ Scouts/Girl Guides hall
                                               ▪▪ Men’s Shed

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                      3

The MV2040 Strategy (the Strategy) is Council’s long-term plan for
improving the health, vibrancy and resilience of our city over the next two
decades. It has been prepared to shape the type of city and neighbourhoods
we want to live in.
The world is changing rapidly and, to enable us             BUILDING BLOCKS FOR A HEALTHY
to keep pace, the ideas and concepts presented
in the Strategy are designed to be bold,
inspirational and transformational.                         We all deserve to live in a city where we are not
                                                            just surviving, we are thriving. These are the
                                                            building blocks of our healthy city:
                                                            ▪▪ A fair city that values diversity, where everyone
MOONEE VALLEY - A HEALTHY CITY                                 feels safe, is included, is healthy and has access
In 2040 Moonee Valley is a great place to live,                to services and housing.
work and visit, strengthened by a network of                ▪▪ A thriving city with access to jobs, lifelong
20-minute neighbourhoods. Our neighbourhoods                   learning, vibrant and dynamic activity centres.
allow all people, at all stages of life, to live locally,
                                                            ▪▪ A connected city of accessible, active and
accessing most of their needs close to their
                                                               sustainable transport choices.
                                                            ▪▪ A green city that is ecologically healthy and
Our neighbourhoods are beautiful, sustainable
                                                               environmentally responsible.
and hold strong community connections which
enable citizens and the environment to be healthy           ▪▪ A beautiful city that celebrates its identity,
and resilient.                                                 heritage and open spaces.

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4                                                                          MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
FOCUS ON NEIGHBOURHOODS                             Based on State Government directions, our
                                                    city has been mapped into 13 20-minute
Council is moving to a neighbourhood planning       neighbourhoods. These neighbourhoods are
approach for our planning and service delivery.     defined by the ability to reach day to day needs
This approach will help us create a more            and services such as shops, open spaces,
inclusive, vibrant and healthy city.                schools, community facilities, public transport
Plan Melbourne 2017-2050 focuses on improving       and some jobs within a 20-minute walk.
Melbourne’s health and liveability through the      Each of our 13 neighbourhoods has a distinctive
creation of 20-minute neighbourhoods. They          character and identity, with individual challenges
must:                                               and opportunities for improving liveability. We
▪▪ be safe, accessible and well connected for       know that a one size fits all solution does not
   pedestrians and cyclists                         work, and the benefit of neighbourhood planning
                                                    is that we can identify local priorities and tailor
▪▪ offer high-quality public realm and open space
                                                    responses to improve the health and vibrancy of
▪▪ provide services and destinations that support   all parts of our city. It means prioritising health
   living locally                                   and wellbeing outcomes through our planning,
▪▪ facilitate access to quality public transport    and delivering services and infrastructure
   that connects people to jobs and higher-order    necessary to foster community pride and
   services                                         connection.

▪▪ deliver housing/population at densities that
   make local services and transport viable
▪▪ facilitate thriving local economies.

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                5

The following MV2040 strategic directions, objectives and actions set
the framework for the MV2040 Action Plan – Community Facilities.

    FAIR                  QEENTE BOORDUP

    STRATEGIC DIRECTION 2: A city with a dynamic network of accessible community
    facilities and services

         TARGET: Moonee Valley is a city where all residents report being satisfied
         or very satisfied with the number and condition of the community facilities
         and services in their neighbourhood

    2.2 Provide an accessible     2.2.1 Develop a network of integrated community hubs co-located
    network of community          with other services in activity centres, close to public transport,
    facilities                    physically accessible and convenient for local access
                                  2.2.2 Seek opportunities to leverage community facilities as
                                  catalysts for urban and economic renewal
                                  2.2.3 Provide flexibly designed public facilities and associated
                                  infrastructure appropriate for multi-uses and users, and adaptive to
                                  population and demographic changes
                                  2.2.4 Explore alternative financial and procurement options,
                                  including partnership arrangements with local providers and
                                  surrounding local councils to maximise funding opportunities to
                                  deliver high-quality facilities and services

6                                                                   MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
THRIVING                                       BANDINGITH

  STRATEGIC DIRECTION 6: A city with opportunities to learn and work

        TARGET: Moonee Valley is a city where residents have equitable access to lifelong learning,
        development and employment opportunities

  6.3 Provide dynamic               6.3.1 Deliver a network of dynamic, adaptable community hubs
  libraries as part of              that provide spaces for learning, collaboration, community
  community hubs                    connection, leisure and arts
                                    6.3.3 Make physical and digital library collections accessible in all
                                    neighbourhoods, through the community hubs or other community
                                    and sporting facilities
                                    6.3.4 Locate co-working hubs in/adjacent to community hubs
                                    6.3.5 Create and support dynamic study spaces for children and
                                    young people for peer-to-peer learning

 STRATEGIC DIRECTION 8: A city with things to see and do

        TARGET: Across Moonee Valley there is increased participation and value placed
        in the arts, sport, culture and local community-run events

  8.3 Support and extend            8.3.1 Extend the reach of the arts across the municipality, by
  the reach of our arts sector      ensuring appropriately equipped multi-purpose facilities for
                                    neighbourhood arts,exhibitions and creative industries
                                    8.3.2 Cater for professional and community arts exhibitions,
                                    performances and other activities, in quality and adaptable facilities

  8.4 Support a network             8.4.2 Prepare for new and emerging trends in sports, recreation
  of leisure, recreation            and leisure, through the planning for and use of facilities
  and sporting opportunities        8.4.4 Increase partnerships between clubs, organisations and
  for all                           Council to ensure sustainable delivery models for sports and
                                    8.4.5 Improve the multipurpose nature of our sport, recreation and
                                    leisure assets to maximise usage
                                    8.4.6 Consider establishing highball facilities to meet the demand
                                    for indoor sport opportunities

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                      7
Community facilities network


                                                                                                                                 Tullamarine Fwy
                                                                                                                                                           FIELDS                           STRATHMORE

                                                                                                             Matthews Av
                                                              Calder                                                                                                                                     Mo

                                                                                                                                                                                                            ee Po

                                              Milleara Road

                                                                                                                                                    Calder Freeway                                                         Cree
                                                                                           KEILOR ROAD /
                                                                                          ESSENDON NORTH

                                                                                                                                                        Kei                                        STRATHMORE
                                                                                                                                                                                      Woodland St

                                                                                                                         Hoffmans Ro

                                                                                   Rosehill Road

                                                                                                      H                                                                             Ale
                                                                                                                                   NIDDRIE /
                                                                                                                                ESSENDON WEST
                                                    MILLEARA                                                                                                                             der


                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Pascoe V

                                                                                                                               Buckley Stre
                                                                                                                                                   et                                                    ESSENDON
          ng River

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ale Road

                                       ary R


                                                                                                                                                                                                                           P                       Moonee
                                                                                                                                                                                 Road                                                             Racecourse
                                                                                                                                                                                               PONDS           Puckle                             Dean Street
                                  AVONDALE                                                                                                                                                                     Street
                                   HEIGHTS                                                                                                                                Maribyrnong
                                                                                                                                                                                           Road     F


                                                                                                                                                                                                  ASCOT VALE
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Ascot Vale

     Council community facility (function)                                                Community hub category
                     Children’s development
                     Social interaction                                                              Major hub
                     Recreation and leisure
                     Civic administration                                                            Minor hub
                     Education and learning
                     Artistic and cultural expression
                                                                                                     Sports ground
     Non-Council major community facility                                                            Open space
          Education - primary school
          Education - secondary school
          Education - primary / secondary school
                                                                                                     Road network
          Education - tertiary

                                                                                                     Rail network
          Education - special needs
                                                                                                     Train station
      H Hospital                                                                                     Tram network                                                                                                                 0                 0.5              1 km
      F Fire station                                                                                 Neighbourhood boundary
      P Police station                                                                               Moonee Valley City Council boundary

8                                                                                                                                                                       MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES

Delivering MV2040
- Community Facilities
The following table sets out the actions Council will undertake to deliver the
community facilities aspects of MV2040.

 THEME              #      ITEM                               TIME        $     NOTES
                    1      Pursue partnership                 Ongoing     $     Partnership
                           arrangements to develop                              priorities will be
                           new, upgrade or share                                local schools,
                           existing facilities to assist in                     community
                           meeting local demand                                 organisations,
                                                                                the private sector
                                                                                and neighbouring
                    2      Improve data collection on         Ongoing     $
                           the use, condition, fit-for-
                           purpose and accessibility
                           of community facilities,
                           particularly those managed
                           by other parties
                    3      Explore opportunities              Ongoing     $
                           to procure land for the
                           development of community
                    4      Consolidate and continue           Ongoing     $
                           to develop Council’s ‘place-
                           based approach’ to meet
                           community needs across 13
                    5      Implement a centralised            2018-2020   $
                           program for managing
                           bookings on all Council-
                           managed community

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                              9
THEME   #    ITEM                            TIME             $          NOTES
         6    Explore options to              Ongoing          $
              encourage broader
              community use of leased
              facilities, including bowls
              clubs, Scouts and Girl
              Guides halls and tennis clubs
         7    Prepare a maintenance and       2019-2040        $
              improvement program to
              address building condition,
              fit-for-purpose and
              accessibility deficiencies
         8    Explore opportunities           Ongoing          $
              with identified schools to
              negotiate community access
              to school facilities suitable
              for community use
         9    Undertake a feasibility         2018-2020        $
              analysis and site
              identification for a new
              highball facility within the
         10   Undertake detailed design       2022-2023        $$
              for highball stadium
         11   Construct highball stadium      2023-2025        $$$$

         12   Undertake planning              Ongoing          $$
              and feasibility for key
              catalyst projects (involving
              community facilities)
              identified in the MV2040
         13   Continue facilitation of the    Ongoing          $
              Facility Asset Management
              Group to execute actions in
              the Moonee Valley Facility
              Asset Management Plan and
              oversee Council’s strategic
              planning of community

10                                                      MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
 THEME              #      ITEM                            TIME        $       NOTES
                    14     Review future use of the        2022-2025   $
                           Moonee Valley Transfer
                           Station and operations depot
                           which includes a reduced
                           footprint or relocation to
                           support implementation
                           of the Maribyrnong River
                           Cultural Precinct vision
                    15     Undertake planning for          2025-2026   $
                           new community hub in
                           Aberfeldie Park
                    16     Develop a new facility          2027-2029   $$
                           consolidating JA Fullarton
                           Community Sports Pavilion
                           and the Northern Dog
                           Obedience Club pavilion
                           to service the eastern oval.
                           Explore opportunities to
                           amalgamate the Moonee
                           Valley Athletics Centre into
                           this project
                    17     Review future use of the        2019-2021   $
                           Beaver Street Early Years
                    18     Undertake maintenance of        2019-2020   $
                           the Incinerator Gallery
                    19     Prepare a feasibility study     2018-2021   $
                           for a community arts facility
                           as part of the Maribyrnong
                           River Cultural Precinct
                    20     Plan for and undertake          2038-2040   $$$$$
                           remedial conservation work
                           on the Incinerator Gallery
                           that considers opportunities
                           for the gallery as part of a
                           vibrant events destination
                           around the Maribyrnong
                           River Cultural Precinct
                    21     Implement the vision for the    2032-2040   $$$$
                           community facilities in the
                           Maribyrnong River Cultural
                    22     Upgrade the Moonee              2027-2029   $$
                           Valley Athletics Centre and
                           explore opportunities to
                           amalgamate the facility with
                           the Aberfeldie Park multi-
                           purpose pavilion project

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                11
THEME              #      ITEM                                 TIME              $          NOTES
                    23     Build a new facility at Clifton      2032-2036         $$$        Subject to
                           Park Club Hub                                                     external funding
                    24     Complete the design to               2027-2029         $
                           extend the multi-purpose
                           pavilion at Clifton Park
                           (incorporating Scouts)
                    25     Construct the multi-purpose          2029-2031         $$$
                           pavilion at Clifton Park
                           (incorporating Scouts)
                    26     Explore opportunities                2019-2020         $
                           to develop a new multi-
                           purpose pavilion that
                           consolidates sporting uses at
                           Maribyrnong Park
                    27     Complete detailed design             2021-2022         $
                           for a new multi-purpose
                           community pavilion at
                           Maribyrnong Park
                    28     Construct a new multi-               2022-2024         $$$
                           purpose community pavilion
                           at Maribyrnong Park

FACILITIES                                                   FUTURE NEEDS
A range of sport, recreation, arts and cultural              With minimal residential population growth
facilities are clustered in the Maribyrnong River            projected for Aberfeldie, demand for community
cultural precinct of Aberfeldie, attracting visitors         facilities, particularly in the Maribyrnong
from across the region. Council plans to revitalise          River cultural precinct, is likely to be driven by
the precinct by enhancing the river environment              visitors from surrounding neighbourhoods and
and maximising opportunities for participation in            municipalities.
arts and culture, sport and recreation.
                                                             There is significant opportunity to optimise
The heritage Incinerator Gallery forms a unique              and diversify the use of existing facilities at
arts and cultural hub within the precinct.                   Aberfeldie Park, Clifton Park and Maribyrnong
Containing an exhibition space and spaces for                Park by managing facility bookings.
arts and cultural services, the building is not
                                                             Increased demand for multi-purpose pavilions is
fit-for-purpose and is in poor condition.
                                                             anticipated in line with increased participation
Sporting facilities are concentrated at                      across all key outdoor sports and demand for
Maribyrnong Park, Aberfeldie Park and Clifton                multi-purpose spaces. Newly developed or
Park. Facilities in these parks are predominantly            upgraded community sports pavilions should seek
single-purpose and many are in poor-to-average               to consolidate facilities and increase the supply
condition. In poorest condition is the JA Fullarton          of multi-purpose spaces. This would achieve
Pavilion in Aberfeldie Park. This facility also fails        efficient use of land and increase utilisation.
to meet sporting code guidelines.
                                                             The Incinerator Gallery plays an important role in
Beaver Street early years centre provides                    arts and cultural services for the municipality. Its
maternal and child health and kindergarten                   upgrade and management are essential to achieving
services and spaces for early years’ activities              the Maribyrnong River cultural precinct vision.
such as playgroups. The facility is poorly located
                                                             Review the future use of the Beaver Street early
with limited access to public transport, open
                                                             years centre to optimise service delivery and use.
space and complementary early years’ services.

12                                                                        MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
KEILOR ROAD /                                                                   Location map
     Aberfeldie                                                                                                              ESSENDON NORTH

                                                                                                                                                                                                         0       2 km

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Neighbourhood (not suburb)

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Moonee Valley City
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Council boundary

                                                                                                  NIDDRIE /
                                                                                               ESSENDON WEST                               Beaver Street Early Years Centre

                                                                                                                                            Review future use of this facility
                                          Clifton Park
                                     multi-purpose pavilion

                               Extend the multi-purpose pavilion
                               (incorporating scouts)                                                                     Clifton Park club hub                                        Moonee Valley athletics centre

                                                                                                                Build a new facility (subject to                                     Upgrade the multi-purpose
                                                                                                                external funding)                                                    pavilion, including opportunities to
   MILLEARA                                                                                                                                                                          amalgamate the centre into the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Aberfeldie Park multi-purpose
                                                              Buckley Stre                                                                                                           pavilion project
                                                                               Clifton Park
                                                                                Scout Hall         Aberfeldie
                                                                                                  Community        Our Lady of the
                                                                        Clifton Park               Bowls Club      Nativity School                                                                                    Incinerator Gallery
                                                                       Multi-Purpose Clifton                                                                                    Resurrection
                                                                          Pavilion                                        Ave Maria                                                House
                                                                                      Park                                 College                                                                               Incinerator Gallery
                                                                                           Essendon                                                                                                              maintenance
                                                                                                                                    Beaver Street
                                                                                Afton Street

                                                                                          Tennis Club Aberfeldie

                                                                                                      Primary School                   Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                    Waverley St
                                                    M ar

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Plan for and undertake
                                                                                                                  Fawkner Stre

                                                                   Afton Street                                                                                                                                remedial conservation work.
                                                  ib y r n o n g

                                                                   Conservation                                                                                                                                Consider opportunities for the
                                                                     Reserve                                                   JA Fullarton                                                                    Incinerator gallery as part of a
                                                                                                                    Northern Multi-Purpose                                                                     vibrant events destination
                                                                                                                   Obedience Pavilion          Moonee Valley
                                                                                                                                                                                                               around the Maribyrnong River
                                                         River                                                     Dog Club                   Athletics Centre
                                                                                                                                                                                                               cultural precinct
                                                                                                  Aberfeldie Park West
                                                                                                                                            SES Building
                                                                                                     Multi-Purpose        Aberfeldie
                   Aberfeldie Park multi-purpose                                                        Pavilion             Park                Mens Shed
                                 pavilion                                              TheB                                                       Abefeldie
                                                                                              eva                    Operations Depot         Incinerator
                                                                                                 rd                                         Arts Complex
                  Develop a new facility consolidating                                                             and Transfer Station
                  the JA Fullarton multi-purpose                                                                                                   Maribyrnong Park
                  pavilion and the Northern Dog                                                                       Essendon                        Tennis Club
                  Obedience Club pavilion to service the                                                            Rowing Club
                  eastern oval. Explore opportunities to                                                                                          Maribyrnong   Park MOONEE PONDS
                  amalgamate the Moonee Valley                                                                    Essendon Fish                       Bowls Club
                                                                      Operations depot and                      Protection Society
                  athletics centre into this project
                                                                         transfer station                        and Anglers Club                     Maribyrnong Park
                                                                                                                                       Maribyrnong Multi-Purpose
                                                              Review future use of the depot which                                         Park            Pavilion
                                                              includes a reduced footprint or
                  MARIBYRNONG                                 relocation to support implementation
                                                              of the Maribyrnong River cultural                                                 Ascot Vale           Maribyrnong River
                                                              precinct vision                                                                   Trugo Club            cultural precinct

                                                                                                        Maribyrnong Park                                                                                     Prepare a feasibility study for
                                                                                                                                                                                                             a community arts facility
                                                                                                       multi-purpose pavilion                                                                                     H
                                                                                                 Explore opportunities to develop a
                                                                                                 new multi-purpose pavilion that
                                                                                                 consolidates sporting uses at                                              ASCOT VALEImplement the vision for
                                                                                                 Maribyrnong Park
                                                                                                                                                                                                             community facilities in the

                Council community facility (function)                      Project timeline                                   Population density per hectare (1)                                      Sports ground
                Childhood development                                                                                                 54 - 82                                                         Open space
                Recreation and leisure                                                                                                                                                                Watercourse
                Civic administration                                                      Short term                                                                                                  Road
                Artistic and cultural expression                                                                                                                                                      Neighbourhood boundary
                                                                                          Medium term
                Non-Council major community facility

                Education - primary school                                                Long term
                                                                                                                                                                               0                        250               500 metres
                Education - secondary school
                SES building
                                                                                                                                   Source: 1) Census (2016) at Mesh Block level for density above 54 persons per hectare.

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                                                                                                                                                        13
 THEME   #    ITEM                            TIME             $          NOTES
         29   Undertake concept planning      2021-2022        $
              for a new integrated
              facility at AJ Davis Reserve
              to support sport and
              community uses, amalgating
              the two existing buildings
              and aligning with the AJ
              Davis Reserve master plan
         30   Complete detailed design        2024-2026        $
              for a new integrated
              facility at AJ Davis Reserve
              to support sport and
              community uses, amalgating
              the two existing buildings at
              AJ Davis Reserve
         31   Build the new AJ Davis          2026-2028        $$$
              Reserve multi-purpose
              pavilion to support sport and
              community uses, amalgating
              the two existing buildings at
              AJ Davis Reserve including
              removal of existing buildings
         32   Plan for a new McNamara         2028-2029        $
              Avenue precinct community
              hub, including various sized
              multi-purpose spaces,
              including consideration of
              Ratcliff Hall
         33   Complete detailed design        2030-2032        $$
              for a new McNamara
              Avenue precinct community
              hub, including various
              sized muli-purpose spaces,
              including consideration of
              Ratcliff Hall
         34   Construct a new community       2037-2040        $$$$$
              hub in McNamara Avenue
         35   Demolish the old community      2020-2021        $
              sports pavilion at Hansen
         36   Advocate for additional         Ongoing          $
              community facilities at
              Westfield Airport West

14                                                      MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
FACILITIES                                         FUTURE NEEDS
Community facilities are predominantly located     Over the medium to long term, consolidation
in the southern regions of the Airport West        of facilities and services into a new community
neighbourhood. At the northern peak of the         hub on McNamara Avenue could facilitate a
neighbourhood is the Airport West Activity         revitalisation of the McNamara Avenue shopping
Centre which is a regional attractor and           strip.
employment hub offering 4,500 jobs.
                                                   Newly developed or upgraded facilities should
Community facilities in Airport West are           seek to increase the supply of various sized
generally in poor condition and spread across      multi-purpose spaces. Demographic and health
multiple locations. Across the neighbourhood,      data analysis suggests increasingly these spaces
community facilities are poorly integrated with    will be required for health services. Additional
services and infrastructure in the main shopping   long day care and kindergarten services are also
strip on McNamara Avenue.                          identified as a need in the neighbourhood.
There is strong demand for multi-purpose spaces    Projected increases in outdoor sports
at the Ratcliff Community Hall and the Bowes       participation requires the provision of high
Avenue Community Hall. Both facilities are         quality, multi-purpose pavilions. These facilities
operating at near capacity.                        must achieve land efficiencies and maximise
                                                   utilisation by co-locating activities and sharing
The multi-purpose pavilion at AJ Davis Reserve
                                                   spaces where possible.
does not comply with sporting code guidelines.

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                 15
Location map
     Airport West

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 0       2 km

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Neighbourhood (not suburb)

                                                                                                                                     Westfield activity centre                        HUME                            Moonee Valley City
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Council boundary
                                                                                                                        Advocate for additional community
                                                                                                                        facilities at the shopping centre

                                                                                                                                                                                                                S TRATHMORE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   HE I G HTS

                                           Hansen/Etzel Reserve
                                          multi-purpose pavilion

                 BRIMBANK          Demolish the community sports
                                   pavilion at Hansen Reserve
                                                                                                                        Moore Road

                                                                                                     Parer Road

                                                                                                                                                                                      Tullamarine Freew

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  E S S E NDON

                                                                              Hansen and Community Hall                                                                                                                              F I E LDS
                                                                              Etzel Reserve
                                                   Hansen Etzel Reserve                                                                                             Matthews
                                                   Multi-purpose Pavilion
                                                                                      Hansen Etzel Reserve      Airport West
                                                                                          Community          Early Years Centre
                                                                           Airport West Multi-purpose
                                                                           Tennis Club     Pavilion     St Christopher’s
                                                                           Roberts Ro        (old)          School

                                                                                                                                                                                                                McNamara Avenue

                                                                                                                                                                                                             precinct community hub

                                                        AJ Davis Reserve                      Airport West                                                                                     Plan for a new community hub,
                                                      Multi-purpose Pavilion                   Child Care                                                                                      incorporating various sized

                                                               AJ Davis                                                                                                                        multi-purposes spaces. including at
                                                                                                                                                                                               Ratcliff Hall.
                                                                                                                                           Bowes Aven

                                                               Reserve         AJ Davis Reserve
                                                                                  Scout Hall              Essendon East
                                                                                                      Keilor District College

                 AJ Davis Reserve                                                              Primary School                                                                                                                      Essendon
               multi-purpose pavilion                                                                                                             Bowes Avenue                                                                       Fields
                                                                                                                                                 Community Hall                                                                     Airport
      Build a new integrated facility to support                                                                               r Fre
      sport and community uses, amalgamating                                                                                        eway
      the two existing buildings

                                  KEILOR EAST

            Council community facility (function)                        Project timeline                            Socio-economic disadvantage (1)                                                        Sports ground
            Childhood development                                                 Immediate                                  High                                                                           Open space
            Social interaction                                                                                                                                                                              Watercourse
                                                                                                                     Population density per hectare (2)
            Recreation and leisure                                                Short term                                                                                                                Tram line
                                                                                                                                       54 - 82                                                              Road
            Non-Council major community facility                                  Medium term
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Neighbourhood boundary
            Education - primary school

                                                                                  Long term
            Education - secondary school                                                                                                                                       0                               250              500 metres

                                                           Source: 1) Census (2011) SEIFA index (decile) at Statistical Area Level 1; 2) Census (2016) at Mesh Block level for density above 54 persons per hectare.

16                                                                                                                                                        MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
 THEME              #      ITEM                             TIME        $       NOTES
                    37     Plan for a new Ascot Vale        2023-2025   $       This may occur
                           community hub within the                             in partnership
                           Union Road Activity Centre.                          with the State
                           Explore opportunities to                             Government and
                           consolidate facilities in the                        Wingate Avenue
                           community hub including                              Community
                           the existing library services,                       Centre as part of
                           neighbourhood centre and                             the Ascot Vale
                           children service centres                             Housing Estate
                    38     Complete detailed                2025-2027   $$
                           design for a new Ascot
                           Vale community hub in
                           partnership with funding
                    39     Construct the new Ascot          2028-2030   $$$$$
                           Vale community hub in
                           partnership with funding
                    40     Advocate for external            Ongoing     $
                           funding to develop new
                           facilities at Riverside Golf
                           and Tennis Centre
                    41     Plan a new multi-purpose         2018-2019   $
                           community pavilion for
                           Fairbairn Park to service the
                           southern part of Fairbairn
                           Park and courts at Riverside
                           Golf and Tennis Centre
                    42     Complete detailed design         2019-2020   $
                           for a new multi-purpose
                           community pavilion for
                           Fairbairn Park to service
                           southern part of Fairbairn
                           Park and courts at Riverside
                           Golf and Tennis Centre
                    43     Construct a new Fairbairn        2020-2022   $$
                           Park multi-purpose
                           community pavilion to
                           service southern part of
                           Fairbairn Park and courts at
                           Riverside Golf and Tennis
                    44     Plan a new community             2027-2028   $
                           facility at Walter Street

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                         17
THEME             #      ITEM                             TIME              $         NOTES
                   45     Complete detailed design         2029-2030         $
                          for the new community
                          facility at Walter Street
                   46     Construct the new                2030-2031         $$$
                          community facility at Walter
                          Street Reserve

FACILITIES                                               FUTURE NEEDS
Ascot Vale has a large and diverse range of              There is an opportunity to consolidate several
community facilities. They include large-scale           stand-alone facilities into a new community
facilities such as the Ascot Vale Leisure Centre,        hub, centrally located on Union Road. The
Riverside Golf and Tennis Centre (both servicing         new hub must respond to demand pressure
regional catchments) and the Wingate Avenue              from the proposed Ascot Vale housing estate
Community Centre (not Council-owned).                    redevelopment, including increased demand for
                                                         multi-purpose spaces for affordable services and
There are also a number of smaller facilities that
                                                         a substantially enlarged library (including a co-
are mostly single-purpose and in poor condition,
                                                         working space).
including the Ascot Vale Library, Coronation
Kindergarten, Ascot Vale maternal and child              In response to increasing outdoor sports
health facility, the Flemington Street Children’s        participation rates, Fairbairn Park and the
Centre and the Ascot Vale Neighbourhood                  Riverside Golf and Tennis Centre have potential
Centre.                                                  for further significant improvements to outdoor
                                                         sporting infrastructure, including new multi-
Recent investment into the Ascot Vale Leisure
                                                         purpose pavilions. Such development will
Centre and Fairbairn Park multi-purpose pavilion
                                                         progress the transformation of this area into a
(middle) has broadened the community benefits
                                                         high-quality regional sporting precinct.
these are able to provide.

18                                                                   MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
Location map
          Ascot Vale

                                                                                                                                                                                                              0       2 km

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Neighbourhood (not suburb)
                                                                                 Walter Street Reserve                                                         MOONEE PONDS                                        Moonee Valley City
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Council boundary
                                                                                 multi-purpose pavilion

                                                                          Develop a new facility

           Fairbairn Park
    multi-purpose pavilion (south)
                                                                         Maribyrnong                                                             F
   Develop a new facility                                                            Road
                                                   Fairbairn Park
                                                   Sea Scout Hall     North West
                                                                      Day Hospital   H Ascot Vale
                                   Essendon Fairbairn Park North The Endoscopy Centre Maternal and Child
                                  Canoe Club Multi-purpose                              Health Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                   Ascot Vale Road
                                    Fairbairn Park Middle                                    St Mary’s School
                                    Multi-purpose Pavilion                                                    Ascot Vale Library
                                       Fairbairn                                                                 Coronation
                                         Park                    Fairbairn Park South                                                    Ascot                       Vale
                                                                Multi-purpose Pavilion                          Kindergarten
   MARIBYRNONG                                                                                Walter Street Reserve
                                          Riverside Golf                                      Multi-purpose Pavilion        Ascot Vale
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ascot Kindergarten

                                        and Tennis Centre                              Walter                         Neighbourhood Centre



                                                                                                                                    Union Road


                                                                                                      Ascot Vale

                                                                                                    Leisure Centre

                                                                                               Str                   Park

                                           by                                            arl

                                             rno                                                                   Ascot Vale West
                                                ng                                                                 Primary School
                                                     Riv                                                 ad
   Riverside Golf and Tennis Centre                     er                                             Ro
        multi-purpose pavilion                                                                   La                                                             FLEMINGTON

  Advocate for government funding to
  develop a new facility                                                                                                                                             Union Road activity centre community hub

                                                                                                                                                                     Plan for a new community hub within the Union
                                                                                                                                                                     Road Activity Centre. This may occur in partnership
                                                                                                                                                                     with State Government and Wingate Avenue
                                                                                                                              MELBOURNE                              Community Centre as part of the Ascot Vale
                                                                                                                                                                     Housing Estate redevelopment.
                                                                                                                                                                     Explore opportunities to consolidate facilities in
                                                                                                                                                                     the community hub including library services,
                                                                                                                                                                     neighbourhood centre, and local children’s services

                                                                                                                                                                    Deliver community hub


                   Council community facility (function)                   Project timeline                             Socio-economic disadvantage (1)                                     Sports ground
                   Childhood development                                            Immediate                                     Very high                                                 Open space
                   Social interaction                                                                                                                                                       Watercourse
                   Recreation and leisure                                           Short term                                                                (2)                           Train station
                                                                                                                        Population density per hectare
                   Education and learning                                                                                       54 - 82                                                     Train line
                                                                                    Medium term
                                                                                                                                83 - 146                                                    Tram line
                   Non-Council major community facility                                                                                                                                     Road
                                                                                    Long term                                   147 - 280
                   Education - primary school                                                                                                                                               Neighbourhood boundary
             H     Hospital

                                                                                                                                                                       ´      0                         250

                                                               Source: 1) Census (2011) SEIFA index (decile) at Statistical Area Level 1; 2) Census (2016) at Mesh Block level for density above 54 persons per hectare.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        500 metres

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                                                                                                                                                     19
 THEME   #    ITEM                           TIME            $          NOTES
         47   Plan for the redevelopment     2019-2019       $          This forms stages
              of the existing Avondale                                  3 and 4 of the
              Heights Community Hub                                     Avondale Heights
              to provide an increased                                   Community
              number of multi-purpose                                   Precinct vision
              spaces for service delivery                               and master plan
              and community hire                                        2012
         48   Undertake detailed design      2019-2020       $
              for Avondale Heights
              Community Hub
         49   Construct Avondale Heights     2020-2021       $$$
              Community Hub
         50   Prepare a master plan and      2022-2023       $
              management plan for Doyle
              Street Reserve, and explore
              opportunities to consolidate
              facilities on the site,
              particularly Nancye Kirchner
              Neighbourhood Centre and
              Doyle Street Street Reserve
         51   Undertake detailed design      2026-2027       $
              for the new integrated
              community facility at Doyle
              Street Reserve
         52   Construct the new              2027-2029       $$
              integrated community
              facility at Doyle Street

20                                                    MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
FACILITIES                                          FUTURE NEEDS
With the first two stages of the Avondale Heights   Providing a range of multi-purpose spaces to
Community Precinct Vision and Master Plan, 2012     support affordable services for older, culturally
complete, the Avondale Heights Community Hub        diverse and disadvantaged residents will be
includes a library and learning centre, gymnasium   the focus in this neighbourhood. Access to
stadium, and an early years centre. The hub         additional multi-purpose spaces may address
also functions as a municipal emergency relief      the high levels of social isolation experienced in
centre. The final master plan stages will provide   the neighbourhood by supporting activities and
additional multi-purpose rooms, car parking,        opportunities for social interaction.
undercover walkways, utilities and improved
                                                    Continuing to deliver the Avondale Heights
outdoor spaces. Early years services delivered
                                                    Community Precinct Vision and Master Plan
from the Rhonda Davis community centre,
                                                    will help realise the vision for this precinct and
including the toy library and playgroups, will be
                                                    provide an increased number of multi-purpose
relocated to the hub’s early years centre.
                                                    spaces for service delivery and social interaction.
Doyle Street Reserve has several stand-alone        This will enable the programming of this site to
facilities, including the Nancye Kirchner           be extended to include new activities for early
Neighbourhood Centre, Scouts hall, community        years activities, arts, culture and leisure as well as
sports change rooms and a tennis club pavilion.     co-working and events.
Limited public transport options in the             A planned process will provide the opportunity to
neighbourhood can make accessing community          consolidate facilities at the Doyle Street Reserve,
facilities difficult.                               while increasing the provision and utilisation of
                                                    multi-purpose spaces and minimising building
                                                    footprints. A stronger link between the Doyle
                                                    Street Reserve and the Avondale Heights
                                                    Community Hub could be created.
                                                    Council must continue to advocate for public
                                                    transport improvements in Avondale Heights to
                                                    support increased access to community facilities,
                                                    jobs and other essential services.

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                  21
Avondale Heights                                                                                                                                                                    Location map

                                                                                                                                                                                     0       2 km

                                                                                                                                                                                          Neighbourhood (not suburb)
                                                                                        Avondale Heights                                                                                  Moonee Valley City
                                                                                         community hub                                                                                    Council boundary

                                                                             Continue redevelopment of the
                                                                             existing community hub to provide an
                                                                             increased number of multi-purposes
                                                                             spaces for service delivery and                                                                                        ABERFELDIE
                                                                             community hire. This forms stages
                                                                             three and four of the Avondale
                                                                             Heights Community Precinct Vison
                                                                             and Master Plan, 2012

                                                                                                          St Martin de Porres
                                                                   is Av
                                                               Nancye Kirchner
                                                            Neighbourhood Centre

                                                                                      Doyle Doyle
              BRIMBANK                                               Avondale          Multi-purpose
                                                                                          Sports Pavilion

                                                                      Reserve      Doyle Street
                                                                                    Scout Hall
                                                                                                           ary R

                                                                     Avondale Heights
                                                                       Tennis Club

              Doyle Street Reserve
                                                                         Avondale Heights                    Avondale Heights
            multi-purpose pavilion and                                   Early Years Centre                  Learning Precinct
                 Nancye Kirchner                                 Clarendon St
             Neighbourhood Centre
                                                                                                        Avondale Heights
          Prepare a master plan and                                                                     Learning Precinct
          management plan for the Doyle                                       Avondale Primary
          Street Reserve, and explore                                             School
          opportunities to consolidate                                                                                                     Canning Reserve
          facilities on the site, particularly
          Nancye Kirchner neighbourhood
          centre and Doyle Street Reserve                    Canning Street                                            Canning Street Reserve
          multi-purpose pavilion                                                                                      Community
                                                                                                                                        Pavilion      et

           Implement the plan

                                                                                                                 iv e



              Council community facility (function)            Project timeline                             Socio-economic disadvantage                                     Sports ground
              Childhood development                                                                                                                                         Open space
                                                                        Immediate                                         Very high
              Social interaction                                                                                                                                            Watercourse
              Education and learning                                    Short term                                                                                          Road
              Recreation and leisure                                                                        Population density per hectare                                  Neighbourhood boundary
                                                                        Medium term                                 54 - 82
              Non-Council major community facility

                                                                        Long term
              Education - primary school
                                                                                                                                                                     0              250              500 metres

                                                      Source: 1) Census (2011) SEIFA index (decile) at Statistical Area Level 1; 2) Census (2016) at Mesh Block level for density above 54 persons per hectare.

22                                                                                                                                      MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
 THEME              #      ITEM                              TIME              $         NOTES
                    53     Explore opportunities to          2021-2023         $
                           expand the Montgomery
                           Park Early Years Centre
                    54     Complete detailed design          2024-2025         $
                           for the expansion of the
                           Montgomery Park Early
                           Years Centre
                    55     Extend the Montgomery             2026-2028         $$
                           Park Early Years Centre
                    56     Collaborate with                  2022-2026         $
                           stakeholders to increase
                           community access and use
                           of Windy Hill. Improve the
                           quality of infrastructure to
                           meet the long-term needs,
                           and to increase the supply
                           of multi-purpose spaces
                           for service delivery and
                           community use
                    57     Undertaken detailed design        2028-2032         $$$$$
                           and construction to realise
                           the community vision for
                           Windy Hill

FACILITIES                                                FUTURE NEEDS
Windy Hill, an icon of Essendon, accommodates             There is opportunity for Windy Hill to deliver
a number of sport and recreation services.                greater community benefits. Ensuring that lease
Located on Crown land, the facility is in poor            arrangements support greater community access
condition and lacks connectivity with the                 and a diversity of use would help realise this
local shopping precinct at Essendon Junction.             opportunity. Improving the condition of facilities
Despite its size and prominence in the local area,        at Windy Hill, the connection with Essendon
community access to the facility is restricted.           Junction and the surrounding land use would
                                                          further enhance benefits to the community.
Concentrated around Montgomery Park are
several Council-managed community facilities              While Essendon is under-supplied with Council
including the Montgomery Park early years                 community facilities of all types, it is within
centre and the Essendon Traffic School.                   close proximity to community infrastructure in
                                                          neighbouring activity centres (North Essendon,
While there is an under-supply of Council
                                                          Moonee Ponds and Niddrie/Keilor Road).
facilities of all types in the Essendon
neighbourhood the range of non-Council                    The significant under-supply of multi-purposes
facilities, particularly on private school and            spaces can be addressed by increasing the supply
church land is substantial. The adjacent                  of and diversity in new and upgraded facilities.
Moonee Pond Activity Centre offers a range
                                                          The proposed extension and consolidation of
of community facilities of local and regional
                                                          stand-alone early years facilities at Montgomery
                                                          Park will respond to strong demand for
                                                          early years services including kindergarten,
                                                          playgroups, maternal and child health and
                                                          family support services. It will service a regional
                                                          catchment including Aberfeldie, Essendon North
                                                          and Moonee Ponds.

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                   23
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Location map
       Essendon         Essendon                                                                         STRATHMORE
                          Fields                                                                           HEIGHTS

                                                                                                                                                                                                         0       2 km
                                                                                                   Windy Hill                                                                                                 Neighbourhood (not suburb)

                                                                                   Work with stakeholders to:                                                                                                 Moonee Valley City
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Council boundary
                                                                                    • increase community access and use
                                                                                    • improve quality of infrastructure to
                                                                                       meet long-term needs
                                                                                    • increase supply of multi-purpose spaces
                                                                                      for service delivery and community use
             KEILOR ROAD /
            ESSENDON NORTH

                                                                                    Deliver community hub
                                                                                                                                                                                     Montgomery Park
                                                                                                                                                                                     early years centre

                                                                                       Glass Street                                                                       Deliver an expanded Montgomery Park
                                                                                                                                                                          early years functions to meet long-term
                                                                                                                            Glenbervie                                    kindergarten and MCH needs in this part
                                                                                                                                                                          of the municipality’s catchment

                                                                                                       Windy  Hill Hill Essendon
                                                                                                        Multi-purpose Croquet Club
        NIDDRIE /                                                                                          Pavilion
                                                             St Thereses                                                   Brewster Stre                                                             MORELAND
     ESSENDON WEST                                             School                                                                   et
                                            Lincoln Road

                                                                                                                                                 Pascoe Va

                                                                                        Windy Hill          Windy Hill
                                                                                      Fitness Centre
                                                                                                                            Primary School                                      M                  ds Creek
                                                                                                                                                                                    oo          Pon
                                                                                                                                                          le Road

                                                                                                               Essendon Bowls Club                                                       n ee
                                                                                                   Penleigh and Essendon                                                  Montgomery Park
                                                                                                      Grammar School                                                       Kindergarten
                                                                                                     Essendon Campus     Fletche          r Street                                                   Montgomery Park
                                                                                                                                                                            Montgomery               Children’s Centre
                                                           Buckley Stre   Essendon                                                                                                Park
                                                                                                                                        Kangan Batman

                                                                   St Columbus                                                          Institute of TAFE                            Essendon Traffic
                                                                                                                                       Essendon Campus

                                                                      College                                                                                                            School


                                                              Lowther Hall Anglican
                                                                Grammar School

                                                                                                                                                                    MOONEE PONDS



                 Council community facility (function)                Project timeline                             Socio-economic disadvantage (1)                                                Sports ground
                 Childhood development                                         Immediate                                     Very high                                                            Open space
                 Recreation and leisure                                                                                                                                                           Watercourse
                                                                               Short term                                                                           (2)                           Train station
                                                                                                                   Population density per hectare
                 Non-Council major comunity facility                                                                                                                                              Train line
                                                                               Medium term                                 54 - 82
                 Education - primary school                                                        F                                                                                              Tram line
                                                                                                                           83 - 146
                 Education - primary / secondary school                                                                                                                                           Road
                                                                               Long term                                   147 - 280
                 Education - secondary school
                                                   H                                                                                                                                              Neighbourhood boundary
                 Education - tertiary

                                                                                                                                                                             ´       0                250               500 metres

                                                             Source: 1) Census (2011) SEIFA index (decile) at Statistical Area Level 1; 2) Census (2016) at Mesh Block level for density above 54 persons per hectare.

24                                                                                                                                             MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
 THEME              #      ITEM                                  TIME              $         NOTES
                    58     Upgrade the Crown Street              2018-2019         $
                           Stables facility including
                           installation of an external lift
                    59     Upgrade the Canterbury                2019-2020         $
                           Street Stables facility
                    60     Plan for a new Flemington             2018-2019         $
                           community hub at Debneys
                    61     Design the new Flemington             2019-2021         $$
                           Community Hub
                    62     Construct the new                     2021-2023         $$$$$
                           Flemington Community Hub
                    63     Upgrade Flemington                    2018-2019         $
                           Library facility including
                           replacement of lift

FACILITIES                                                    FUTURE NEEDS
Community facilities in Flemington are heavily                A growing population and the poor performance
utilised, with many operating at capacity despite             of existing facilities is driving demand for a
their poor condition. The Flemington Community                new Flemington community hub at Debneys
Centre has significant condition, functionality               Park. A new community hub could consolidate
and capacity issues, and Flemington Library is                existing services and support place-making as
undersized. Access improvements and upgrades                  a vehicle for community integration. Demand
are required at both Crown Street Stables                     analysis suggests a new community hub could
Community Hall and Canterbury Street Stables                  consolidate the existing community centre and
Community Hall. Debneys Park multi-purpose                    community sports pavilion on site, and include:
pavilion does not meet sporting guidelines and
                                                              ▪▪ multi-purpose spaces to accommodate
the facility’s functionality is limited due to a lack
                                                                 affordable training, development, health
of social/multi-purpose space.
                                                                 services, and co-working spaces
Considerable demand on services and facilities,
                                                              ▪▪ an enlarged library
particularly the Flemington Library, is driven from
residents in neighbouring Kensington which is                 ▪▪ ancillary sport and recreation spaces
part of the City of Melbourne.                                ▪▪ a large multi-purpose hall that is suitable
                                                                 for highball sports, performing arts, other
                                                                 recreation uses and events
                                                              ▪▪ a community kitchen.
                                                              Upgrades and access improvements to the
                                                              Crown Street Stables Community Hall and
                                                              Canterbury Street Stables Community Hall will
                                                              ensure their highest functional uses are achieved.

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                        25
Location map

                                                                                                                                                                                                      0       2 km
                                          MOONEE PONDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Neighbourhood (not suburb)

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Moonee Valley City
                           F                                                                                                                                                                               Council boundary

                                                                                                         Ormond Road

                         ASCOT VALE                                             Ascot Vale
                                                                             Primary School                                          Essendon Hockey
                                                                                                       Ascot Vale                         Centre
                                                                                                     Special School

                                                                                                                 Baroda Street



                                                                                                                                                            e Po


                                                                                                                                                                nd s
                                                                                            Kent Street           Primary School

 Canterbury Street Stables


                                                                                              Farnham Street
                                                  Ascot Vale

     community hall                                                                        Neighbourhood Centre            Children’s Centre

 Upgrade the facility                                                                                                             School
                                                                                                    Mount Alexander
                                                                                                      7-12 College
                                                                    Canterbury Street
                                                                                                    St Brendan’s                           DebneysDebneys  Park
                                                                                                                                                    Park Community

                                                                                                       School                                 Multi-purpose Pavilion
                                                                                                                                               Sports Pavilion

                                                                                                                              Debney Meadows

                                                                                                                                              Debney’s          Flemington

                                                    Crown Street                                                               Primary School                                               Flemington community hub

                                                       Stables                                                                                 Park         Community Centre
                                                                                                                 Wellington Str

                                                                                                                                            Moonee Valley                                 Develop a new facility at Debneys
                                                                                                                                              Mens Shed                                   Park in partnership with
                                                              Racecourse Ro                                                       Hopetoun                                                state government.
                                                                           ad                                                 Early Years Centre

                                                                                                                                                                                          The facility may include:
                                                                                                                                                                                            • large flexible hall /exhibition/

                                                                                                                                                                                              performing/high-ball space
                                                                                                    Flemington Library                                                                        (equivalent of two courts)
                                                                                                                                                                                            • multi-purpose pavilion
                                                                                                                                                                                            • community centre/library/
                                              Crown Street Stables                                                                                                                            co-working spaces
                                                community hall                                                                                                                              • flexible community activity
                                        Upgrade the facility including                                        Flemington library                                                          The new hub will consolidate
                                        installation of an external lift                                                                                                                  existing community facilities on
                                                                                                         Upgrade facility including                                                       site
                                                                                                         replacement of lift



                    Council community facility (function)                        Project timeline                                      Socio-economic disadvantage (1)                       Sports ground
                    Childhood development                                                  Immediate                                           Very high                                     Open space
                    Social interaction                                                                                                         High                                          Watercourse
                    Recreation and leisure                                                 Short term                                                                                        Train station
                    Education and learning                                                                                             Population density per hectare                        Train line
                                                                                           Medium term
                    Non-Council major community facility                                                                                       54 - 82                                       Tram line
                    Education - primary school                                             Long term                                           83 - 146                                      Road
                    Education - secondary school                                                                                               147 - 280                                     Neighbourhood boundary

                    Education - special needs
                                                                                                                                                                                      0            250               500 metres

                                                                      Source: 1) Census (2011) SEIFA index (decile) at Statistical Area Level 1; 2) Census (2016) at Mesh Block level for density above 54 persons per hectare.

26                                                                                                                                                               MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
 THEME              #      ITEM                                TIME              $          NOTES
                    64     Plan to establish the precinct      2018-2021         $
                           for future recreation and
                           leisure needs, including
                           a highball stadium and
                           improved links to the
                           Valley Lake recreation
                           areas. Explore partnership
                           opportunities within the
                           precinct including with
                           neighbouring schools
                    65     Implement the Quinn Grove           2022-2025         $
                           Reserve Precinct Plan
                    66     Improve access to Milleara          2022-2025         $
                           Integrated Learning and
                           Development Centre and
                           Italian Community of Keilor
                           Association for broader
                           community use
                    67     Redevelop East Keilor               2018-2021         $$$$$
                           Leisure Centre

FACILITIES                                                  FUTURE NEEDS
The East Keilor Leisure Centre is a valued                  Research points to the increasing role aquatic
community facility in poor condition and                    centres play in providing health and recreation
operating at capacity. The facility services a              activities for individuals, groups and families.
regional catchment of approximately 50,000 to               Forecast population growth will see demand for
70,000 persons.                                             East Keilor Leisure Centre increase, justifying the
                                                            need for expansion and upgrade of this facility.
Co-located with the East Keilor Leisure Centre at
Quinn Grove Reserve are two small stand-alone               The redevelopment of the East Keilor Leisure
facilities, the East Keilor Scouts hall and the East        Centre provides an opportunity to establish
Keilor Tennis Club pavilion.                                the Quinn Grove Reserve precinct as a vibrant
                                                            recreation and leisure community hub, including
Community access to the Italian Community
                                                            consolidation of existing facilities and provision of
of Keilor Association facility is limited due to
                                                            complementary Council services. Opportunities
existing lease arrangements.
                                                            to partner with the Essendon Keilor College (East
                                                            Keilor campus) should be explored.
                                                            Increase access to the Italian Community of
                                                            Keilor Association facility for broader community
                                                            use through a review of lease arrangements.

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                       27
Location map
     Keilor East

                                                                                                                                                          AI RPORT WEST                       0        2 km

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Neighbourhood (not suburb)

                                                                                                                                                                                                    Moonee Valley City
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Council boundary

                                                                                                                                                                           Quinn Grove
                                                                                                                                                                          Reserve Precinct

                                                                                                                                                                   Develop a new East Keilor Leisure
                                                                                                                                                                   Centre and develop a precinct plan
                                                                                                                                                                   for the Quinn Grove Reserve. The
                                                                                                                                                                   precinct plan will establish this
                                                                                                                                                                   location for future recreation and
               BRIMBANK                                                                 Calder                                                                     leisure needs, including a highball
                                                                                               Freewa                                                              stadium and improved links to the
                                                                                                                                                                   Valley Lake recreation areas. Explore
                                                                                           Penleigh and Essendon                                                   partnership opportunities within the
                                                                                              Grammar School                                                       precinct including with the
                                                                                             Keilor East Campus                                                    neighbouring schools

                                                                                                                        Rachelle Roa d
                                                                                                                                                                  Implement the Quinn Grove

                                                                                                                                                                  Reserve precinct plan
                                                                        Milleara Ro

                                                                                                   Keilor East
                                                                                   Clarks Road
                                                                                                                                                          St                         KEI LOR ROAD /
                                                                                            Keilor Heights                                                  eel
                                                                                            Primary School                                                        e Creek           ESSENDON NORTH

                                               Milleara Integrated                                                                           Valley
                                                                                          East Keilor                                         Lake
                                           Learning and Development                     Leisure Centre
                                               Centre for Children                                                                       East Keilor Tennis Club
                                                                            Essendon East Keilor
                                                                                District College
                                   Keilor Park Dr                            East Keilor Campus
                                                                                                       Quinn Grove

                                                                                                                     East Keilor
                                                                     Milleara Italian                                Scout Hall
                                                                   Community Centre


                                              MILLEA RA
                                                                                                                                                        Rosehill Ro
                                                       MILD and ICKA facilities
                                                                                                                                                                                                NI DDRI E /
                                                 Improve access to these facilities                                                                                                                 H WEST
                                                 for broader community use


               Council community facility (function)             Project timeline                              Socio-economic disadvantage (1)                                        Sports ground
               Childhood development                                        Immediate                                   High                                                          Open space
               Recreation and leisure                                                                                                                                                 Waterbody
                                                                                                               Population density per hectare (2)
                                                                            Short term                                                                                                Watercourse
               Non-Council major community facility
               Education - primary school                                   Medium term                                54 - 82
                                                                                                                                                                                      Neighbourhood boundary
               Education - primary / secondary school                                                                  83 - 146
                                                                            Long term

               Education - tertiary
                                                                                                                                                                                0            250              500 metres

                                                       Source: 1) Census (2011) SEIFA index (decile) at Statistical Area Level 1; 2) Census (2016) at Mesh Block level for density above 54 persons per hectare.

28                                                                                                                                                    MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
 THEME              #      ITEM                           TIME        $       NOTES
                    68     Plan for a community hub in    2019-2022   $       The hub may
                           the Keilor Road/Essendon                           include a library,
                           North neighbourhood.                               multi-purpose
                           Explore partnership                                spaces to
                           opportunities with key                             accommodate
                           stakeholders to develop the                        the needs of
                           hub                                                all services
                                                                              operating from
                                                                              the existing
                                                                              Hub and
                                                                              Bowes Avenue
                                                                              Community Hall,
                                                                              and a co-working
                    69     Complete design for the        2029-2030   $$
                           new Niddrie Library and
                           Community Hub
                    70     Construct the new Niddrie      2030-2032   $$$$$
                           Library and Community Hub
                    71     Explore opportunities to       2032-2040   $
                           consolidate and relocate
                           activites to the new Niddrie
                           Library and Community Hub
                           (once delivered) from Doutta
                           Galla Community Hall
                    72     Explore opportunities to       2022-2040   $
                           accommodate demand
                           for community hire at
                           Woodlands Park House

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                        29
FACILITIES                                            FUTURE NEEDS
Central to the Keilor Road Activity Centre, Keilor    Future demand in Niddrie will require a
Road is a thriving shopping strip. Elongated in       significantly enlarged library and additional multi-
form it does not contain a strong central attractor   purpose spaces. To accommodate community
to bring people together and define its identity.     and health services, as well as the library, a new
                                                      community hub will be developed. This centrally
At the periphery of the shopping strip on
                                                      located community hub could create a civic heart
Matthews Avenue, the Niddrie Community
                                                      to the shopping precinct and neighbourhood.
Hub has the anchor tenant cohealth providing
community health services. A neighbourhood            The makeup of services and facilities in the new
centre community hall and a youth recording           community hub could see the rationalisation
studio are also part of the community hub.            of some existing neighbourhood facilities and
The Niddrie Library operates from a leased
building on Keilor Road and is significantly          There is sufficient existing demand for an
undersized.                                           additional larger multi-purpose space at the
                                                      Woodlands Park House. The Settlers Cottage, a
A small cluster of community facilities are
                                                      timber cottage stemming from the gold rush era,
located north of Keilor Road and include the
                                                      will also be relocated to Woodlands Park with
Doutta Galla Community Hall, North Essendon
                                                      scope for community use.
Kindergarten, Doutta Galla Tennis Club and
Doutta Galla Bowls Club. The Doutta Galla
Community Hall, while large, has limited
community appeal due to a lack of parking and
play equipment, poor accessibility and proximity
to residential properties.
The Lincoln Road early years centre
accommodates a toy library service and
playgroup activities. The centre is stand alone
and in average condition.
Elsewhere in the neighbourhood are small
facilities located within open space including a
small house in Woodlands Park that is popular
for small group hire, and two community halls
(Girl Guides hall and Scouts hall) in Cliff Allison

30                                                                 MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
Location map
     Keilor Road / Essendon North                                                                                                                     STRATHMORE

                                                                                                                                                                                                0       2 km

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Neighbourhood (not suburb)
                                                Niddrie Library and community hub
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Moonee Valley City
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Council boundary
                                              Develop a community hub in the Keilor
                                              Road precinct, that may include:
                                                • library
                                                • multi-purpose spaces to accommodate
                                                  the needs of all services operating
                      AIRPORT WEST                from the existing Niddrie community
                                                  hub and Bowes Avenue Community
                                                • co-working space
                                              Explore partnership opportunities with key                                                   Essendon
                                              stakeholders to develop the hub                                                                Fields

                         ham              Niddrie Community
      Stee                   Roa                  Hub                                                                                                                                 Woodlands Park House
          l                     d                                                                                      Calder Freeway
         e Creek

                                                                                                                                                                               Explore opportunities to
                                              Niddrie Library              1                                                                   Doutta Galla                    accommodate demand for

                                                                                                                                               Tennis Club                     community hire

                                                                                                                              Doutta Galla 2

                                                                                                                             Community Hall                                   STRATHMORE

                                                                                 Hoffmans Road

                                                                                                                          d                              Doutta Galla
                                                                                                                                                         Bowls Club
                                                                                                                                   North Essendon
                                                                                                                                                      Essendon North
                                                                                                                                                      Primary School
                                                                                                       Market Street                                                                                  Park
                                                                                                                                                                                      Woodlands Park

                                                                                                                                                                        Lincoln Road
                                                                                                                                                                         Toy Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Cliff Allison
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Mt             Girl Guides Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                     Lincoln Road

                                                                                         NIDDRIE /
                                                                                      ESSENDON WEST                                                                                             Lincoln             Cliff Allison

                                                                                                                                                                                                Park                    Reserve

                                                                                                                              Doutta Galla Community Hall
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Cliff Allison
     MILLEARA                                                                                                                                                                                               Scout Hall
                                                                                                                        Explore opportunities to consolidate and
                                                                                                                        relocate activities to the new Niddrie
                                                                                                                        library community hub (once developed)



              Council community facility (function)               Project timeline                               Socio-economic disadvantage (1)                                 Sports ground
              Childhood development                                        Immediate                                       High                                                  Open space
              Social interaction                                                                                                                                                 Watercourse
              Recreation and leisure                                       Short term                                                                  (2)                       Train station
                                                                                                                 Population density per hectare
              Education and learning                                                                                     54 - 82                                                 Train line
                                                                           Medium term
                                                                                                                         83 - 146                                                Tram line
              Non-Council major community facility                                                                                                                               Road
                                                                           Long term                                     147 - 280
              Education - primary school                                                                                                                                         Neighbourhood boundary

                                                                                                                                                              ´        0               250                  500 metres

                                                      Source: 1) Census (2011) SEIFA index (decile) at Statistical Area Level 1; 2) Census (2016) at Mesh Block level for density above 54 persons per hectare.

MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES                                                                                                                                                                                             31
 THEME   #    ITEM                           TIME            $          NOTES
         73   Explore opportunities to       2022-2025       $          Once stage
              consolidate and relocate                                  3 and 4 are
              activities undertaken                                     constructed
              in the Rhonda Davis
              Community Centre and
              Neil Heinz Community Hall
              to the Avondale Heights
              Community Precinct Hub
         74   Develop a community vision     2023-2025       $          Exploring
              and master plan for JH Allan                              opportunities
              Reserve                                                   to create an
                                                                        community hub
                                                                        including local
                                                                        services in the
                                                                        new facility,
                                                                        consider the
                                                                        demand for
                                                                        additional multi-
                                                                        purpose rooms
                                                                        including wet/
                                                                        dry spaces,
                                                                        and develop
                                                                        partnerships with
                                                                        key stakeholders
         75   Implement the JH Allan         2035-2040       $$$
              Reserve community vision
              and master plan, including
              the community hub
         76   Develop a new multi-           2018-2020       $$
              purpose pavilion at Overland

32                                                    MV2040 ACTION PLAN COMMUNITY FACILITIES
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