Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...

Page created by Tyler Ellis
Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...
+ Dental plans that will make you smile

Oregon 2021
Individual & family plans — Beacon
Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...
Welcome to Moda Health        Table of contents
and Delta Dental of Oregon,
the place you go when you     � Medical plans
want more than a health         Overview  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 4
plan — because better               How your health plan works  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 6
health and a healthy smile      Medical networks .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 8
                                Picking a medical plan .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .10
are about so much more
                                Benefit tables .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
than just the plan details.
                                    Gold plans .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
                                    Silver plans .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .14
                                    Bronze plans .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .16
                                High-deductible health plans .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .18
                                    Overview .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
                                    Benefit table .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .19
                                Limitations and exclusions .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 21
                                Plan premiums  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22
                                    Overview .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22
                                    Rating areas .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 23
                                    Plan premiums .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 24

                              � Dental plans
                                Overview  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 32
                                Dental network .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 33
                                Benefit tables .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 34
                                Plan premiums  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 37

                              � Member care resources
                                Member website  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 38
                                Online health tools .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 38

                              � Tips and terms
                                Answers to questions  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 42
                                Glossary  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 44

Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...
Medical plans

    Better plans
    for the real you.
    You have a lot to think about when choosing the right medical benefits for you and               Beacon EPO Network                            How to select an in-network PCP
    your family. Our exclusive provider organization (EPO) plans connect you with your               The Beacon EPO Network is designed to offer   As part of your enrollment, an in-network
    primary care provider (PCP), who works closely with the rest of your care team                   a personalized care experience that helps     PCP must be selected for each applicant.
    (other providers, specialists, etc.) to help you achieve better health and wellness.             members, like you, find their way to better   To choose an in-network PCP, go to
                                                                                                     care, value and health. The Beacon EPO        modahealth.com/shop to search for a
                                                                                                     Network offers access to a community of       Beacon EPO provider to confirm that your
                                                                                                     quality providers that you can choose from:   PCP is in-network. Once you’ve selected
    To help you manage your health, you           Choose an                                            • Asante Health System                      your provider(s), enter the name in the
    will be required to select an in-network
    PCP. By establishing a relationship with      in-network provider                                  • Bay Area Hospital                         subscriber and dependent information
    a PCP, we can work together to achieve
    your health and wellness goals based
                                                  All plans are connected to the Beacon EPO            • Columbia Memorial Hospital                sections of the member application.
                                                  Network. There are no out-of-network
    on your history and preferences.              benefits with an EPO plan except for medical         • Curry General Hospital
    Our plans support your personal healthcare    emergency services and retail pharmacy               • Mid-Columbia Medical Center
    needs through partnerships between            services. Your healthcare provider and               • OHSU
    you, Moda Health, and your in-network         specialists must be in the Beacon EPO
                                                  Network or you will be responsible for the
                                                                                                       • Portland Adventist Medical
    providers. Once you’ve selected a PCP,                                                               Center (OHSU partner)
                                                  full cost of out-of-network services.
    our plans use the Beacon EPO Network to                                                            • Providence Medford
    provide cost-effective, coordinated care      If you have children you want to cover who
    on your journey to better overall health.     live outside of Oregon but in the US, they may
                                                                                                       • Tillamook Regional Medical Center
                                                  be eligible for out-of-area benefits if they are     • Tuality Community Hospital
                                                  students age 18 to 26 or if you have a qualified       (OHSU partner)
                                                  medical child support order (QMCSO). In              • Willamette Valley Medical Center
                                                  Oregon, all of your enrolled family members        The Beacon EPO Network is available
                                                  must use the Beacon network to be covered.         for residents of Clackamas, Clatsop,
                                                  As a member, you choose from a list of quality     Columbia, Coos, Curry, Hood River, Jackson,
                                                  in-network providers to access care that’s         Josephine, Multnomah, Tillamook, Wasco,
                                                  right for you. Moda Health does not require        Washington and Yamhill counties.
                                                  a referral for in-network specialist care.

            All plans are connected to
            the Beacon EPO Network.
            There are no out-of-network
            benefits with an EPO plan
            except for medical emergency
            services and retail pharmacy
            services. Your healthcare
            provider and specialists
            must be in the Beacon
            EPO Network or you will be
            responsible for the full cost
4           of out-of-network services.                                                                                                                                                        5
Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...
Know your medical plan

    How your health
    plan works
    Knowledge is power. When you get to know your plan, you can get the most out                    HDHP plans                                         Deciding on a plan
    of your benefits. As your partner on the journey to better health and wellness,                 Our high-deductible health plans (HDHP) are        Plans vary by premiums, deductibles, copays
    we’re here to help you feel your best and empower you to live your best.                        compatible with a health savings account           and coinsurance. Understanding these
                                                                                                    (HSA). Having an HDHP gives you the flexibility    factors can help you pick the right plan.
                                                                                                    and choice to use tax-free funds for eligible      Generally, you’ll pay more for covered
                                                                                                    healthcare expenses. You can use HSA tax-          doctor visits and other services with a
    Preventive care matters                            TruHearing                                   free dollars to pay for deductibles, coinsurance   lower-premium plan. A higher-premium plan
    Regular checkups are vital to staying              Hearing aids are costly. Using TruHearing    and other qualified expenses not covered by        shares more of those costs, so you’ll pay
    well. And, when you feel good, it’s                makes them more affordable. Eligible         your health plan. Simply check to see if your      less out-of-pocket for care. Metallic levels
    easier to create healthy moments.                  members can get a routine hearing            financial institution has an HSA option.           (listed below) can help you narrow down
    Preventive care services include:                  aid exam and hearing aids through                                                               what you’ll pay each month for coverage.
      • Preventive health exams                        TruHearing. To schedule an appointment,
                                                       please call 866-202-2170.
      • Well-baby care
      • Women’s annual exams                           CirrusMD
      • Many immunizations                             Text a doctor
      • Colorectal cancer and other screenings         Enjoy fast and private access to a
                                                       dedicated doctor in under a minute — at
    Medication tiers offer ways to save                no cost to you*. With the CirrusMD app,
    All of our medical plans include prescription      all you need is Internet access to:
    benefits. These benefits connect you with
    our Preferred Drug Program, a way to save
                                                         • Connect with a doctor via text, 24/7,
                                                            without appointments or time limits
    money on safe and effective prescription
    medications. Through the program, plans              • Ask urgent or general health questions
    cover prescriptions by these medication              • Message, share photos or video chat
    tiers: value, select, preferred, non-                • Get peace of mind, even at 2 a.m.
    preferred, preferred specialty, and non-
    preferred specialty. Each tier has a copay
                                                         • Come back to conversations or
                                                            follow up as often as you’d like
    or coinsurance amount set by the plan.
                                                       Moda Health members can sign up for
    To see medication tier coverage amounts,           CirrusMD at modahealth.com/cirrusmd.
    check the plan benefit tables in this brochure.    Members can download the CirrusMD                                                                    Metallic levels
    You can visit modahealth.com/pdl and choose        app from the App Store or Google Play.
    “Individual/Family” to search medications and                                                                                                           � Gold plans typically have higher
    find out your medication tiers and your costs.     *For Individual members on Oregon                                                                      premiums, but they cover more,
                                                       Standard Plans, your cost is the same                                                                  too — about 80 percent of the
    Pediatric vision and dental care                   as for a PCP office visit copay.                                                                       total average cost of care.
    Vision care is limited to members under age 19.                                                                                                         � Silver plans sit somewhere
    Embedded pediatric vision coverage comes                                                                                                                  in the middle, covering
    with all Moda Health individual plans in Oregon.                                                                                                          around 70 percent of the
                                                                                                                                                              total average cost of care.
    In plans that offer it, embedded pediatric
    dental care is limited to members under age 19.                                                                                                         � Bronze plans provide a little
                                                                                                                                                              less coverage — about 60
                                                                                                                                                              percent of the total average
                                                                                                                                                              cost of care — but have
                                                                                                                                                              lower monthly premiums.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                     7
Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...
Medical networks

    Life's better in
    the network
    Health happens, whether at home or on the road. We want to                                           Our pharmacy network
    make sure you stay covered, no matter where you go. So we’ve                                         Members get the best benefit by using the
    made it easy for you to find in-network coverage.                                                    Navitus pharmacy network. Pharmacies
                                                                                                         in this network are contracted to offer
                                                                                                         prescriptions at agreed-upon prices.
                                                                                                         Filling a prescription at an out-of-network
    All plans include the                             If you have children you want to cover who         pharmacy may cost you more. We also offer
                                                      live outside of Oregon but in the US, they may
    Beacon EPO Network                                be eligible for out-of-area benefits if they are
                                                                                                         mail-order pharmacy services through
                                                                                                         Postal Prescription Services (PPS).
    The medical plans in this brochure provide        students age 18 to 26 or if you have a qualified
    you access to providers in the Beacon EPO         medical child support order (QMCSO).
    network. This network includes a group            Children who qualify for this coverage may use
                                                                                                         Travel with peace of mind
    of licensed medical professionals, clinics,       the First Health network for better benefits.      While traveling outside of Oregon, members
    pharmacies, labs and hospitals. These                                                                can receive emergency or urgent care
                                                      In Oregon, all of your enrolled family members
    providers offer quality care and services                                                            through the First Health Network. Traveling
                                                      must use the Beacon network to be covered.
    to our individual members who live within                                                            for the purpose of seeking care does not
    the Beacon Network service area. When                                                                qualify for the travel network benefit.
    you shop for a plan, make sure the Beacon
                                                      Beacon EPO Network
                                                                                                         Outside the United States, members may
    EPO Network serves your area. The map             The Beacon EPO network provides customized         access any provider for emergency care. This
    shows the network coverage area.                  care for members that want to manage               care is subject to balance billing. This means
                                                      their health in close partnership with a           that you may be responsible to pay in full any
    There are no out-of-network benefits with
                                                      PCP. The Beacon EPO network includes               amount that your benefits do not cover. Other
    an EPO plan except for medical emergency
                                                      a community of primary care providers,             care received outside the U.S. is not covered.
    services and retail pharmacy services , and
                                                      specialists and our partner health systems
    for some out-of-area children. Your healthcare                                                       The travel network is not available if
                                                      working together with Moda Health to
    provider and specialists must be in-network for                                                      you are temporarily residing outside
                                                      provide quality care at affordable costs.
    the plan you choose or you will be responsible                                                       of the primary service area unless you
    for the full cost of out-of-network services.                                                        meet the eligiblity and documentation
                                                                                                         requirements for an out-of-area child.

                                                                                                         We’re here to help! Please see the
                                                                                                         back cover for our individual sales
          How to select a                                                                                and services contact information.
          Beacon PCP
          As part of your enrollment,
          an in-network PCP must be
          selected for each applicant.
          Be sure to check to see if your
          current provider is included in
          our Beacon EPO network.
          To choose an in-network PCP, go to
          modahealth.com/shop to search
          for a Beacon EPO network provider
          or confirm that your PCP is in
          the Beacon EPO network. Once
          you’ve selected your provider(s),
          enter the name in the subscriber
          and dependent sections of
8         the member application.                                                                                                                         9
Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...
Picking a medical plan

     How open
     enrollment works
     The open enrollment period for 2021 individual and family medical plans                           Follow these simple steps to enroll
     ended on Dec. 15, 2020. However, there is a new open enrollment period for
     2021 individual medical and dental plans from February 15, 2021 to May 15,
     2021. You can enroll in a plan or switch to a different plan during that time.
     If you miss this new open enrollment period and experience a life change,
     you might qualify for special enrollment. For example, having a baby, getting
     married or divorced, losing health coverage or moving to a new state may
     make you and those you want to cover eligible. Visit the Learning Center at                       Confirm                        Find the                      Enroll at
     ShopModaPlans.com to find out more about open and special enrollment.                             your eligibility               plan you like                 ShopModaPlans.com
                                                                                                       You must currently reside      Browse and compare our        To enroll during the new
                                                                                                       in the service area, and       2021 plans in this brochure   open enrollment period,
                                                                                                       live in the service area for   or at ShopModaPlans.com.      beginning Feb. 15, 2021,
     Eligibility                                        After you enroll                               at least six months out of     The website also              visit ShopModaPlans.com
     Subscribers must currently live and have a         Once you’re enrolled, use the ID number        the year, to be eligible to    explains how health            to enroll in 2021 Moda
     fixed, permanent home address in the service       you’ll receive in your welcome letter to       enroll. Eligible members       plans, healthcare reform      Health plans. Even if
     area to be eligible to enroll. You must live in    log in to your Member Dashboard at             include you, your legal        and federal financial         you qualify for federal
     the service area for at least six months of the    modahealth.com. There, you can find in-        spouse or registered           assistance work — so          financial assistance, visit
     year. Eligible members include you, your legal     network providers, select or change your       domestic partner and any       take a look! For free print   us at ShopModaPlans.com
     spouse or registered domestic partner and          PCP, access health resources and review your   children up to age 26. For     copies of plan summaries      to view our plans before
     any children up to age 26. Coverage is not         Member Handbook to get familiar with your      dependent students age         of benefits and coverage      you go to HealthCare.gov.
     available to a person who lives in the service     plan. When your first bill is ready, you can   18-26 attending school         (SBCs), please call us.       All plans are available
     area to get health coverage or for another         also manage billing and payment options        or dependents with a           You may also view our         through Moda Health
     temporary reason such as getting treatment.        through eBill using your Member Dashboard.     QMCSO living inside the        Member Handbooks              or HealthCare.gov.
                                                                                                       US but outside of OR,          at modahealth.com.
     If you have children you want to cover who                                                        out-of-area services                                         If you make changes
     live outside of Oregon but in the US, they may                                                    are covered subject                                          to your medical plan,
     be eligible for out-of-area benefits if they are                                                  to certain restrictions.                                     you must reselect your
     students age 18 to 26 or if you have a qualified                                                  Coverage is not available                                    dental plan or you will lose
     medical child support order (QMCSO).                                                              to a person who resides                                      your dental coverage.
     In Oregon, all of your enrolled family members                                                    in the service area for                                      Be sure to enroll
     must use the Beacon network to be covered.                                                        the primary purpose of                                       before the new open
                                                                                                       obtaining health coverage                                    enrollment period ends
     There are no out-of-network benefits with                                                         or receiving treatment.
     an EPO plan except for medical emergency                                                                                                                       on May 15, 2021.
     services and retail pharmacy services,
     and for some out-of-area children.
     Individuals who are enrolled in Medicare
     (Part A or Part B) or Medicare Advantage
     cannot enroll in a Moda Health individual
     medical plan, regardless of age. Learn
     more about Medicare at cms.gov, or visit
     modahealth.com/medicare to see our
     Medicare options available in Oregon.

10                                                                                                                                                                                                 11
Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...
2021 Medical plan benefit table
                                                           Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                                                                             Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                     Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                      Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500
                                                                 Gold (Beacon)
                                                       In-network you pay     Out-of-network you pay    In-network you pay     Out-of-network you pay   In-network you pay       Out-of-network you pay    In-network you pay     Out-of-network you pay

 Calendar year costs
 Deductible per person                                      $1,500                    Not covered             $250                     Not covered            $1,000                     Not covered            $1,500                    Not covered
 Deductible per family                                      $3,000                    Not covered             $500                     Not covered            $2,000                     Not covered            $3,000                    Not covered
 Out-of-pocket max per person                               $7,300                    Not covered            $7,000                    Not covered            $6,500                     Not covered            $6,500                    Not covered
 Out-of-pocket max per family                               $14,600                   Not covered           $14,000                    Not covered           $13,000                     Not covered            $13,000                   Not covered

 Care & services
 Preventive care visit                                      $0/visit                  Not covered            $0/visit                  Not covered            $0/visit                   Not covered            $0/visit                  Not covered
 Primary care provider (PCP) office visit                  $20/visit                  Not covered           $20/visit                  Not covered            $15/visit                  Not covered           $25/visit                  Not covered
 Specialist office visit                                   $40/visit                  Not covered           $40/visit                  Not covered           $30/visit                   Not covered           $50/visit                  Not covered
 Urgent care visit                                         $60/visit                  Not covered           $20/visit                  Not covered            $15/visit                  Not covered           $25/visit                  Not covered
 Virtual care visit                                        $20/ visit                 Not covered           $10/visit                  Not covered            $10/visit                  Not covered           $10/visit                  Not covered
 Outpatient diagnostic X-ray & lab                    20% after deductible            Not covered      25% after deductible            Not covered      15% after deductible             Not covered      25% after deductible            Not covered
 Emergency room visit                                 20% after deductible     20% after deductible    25% after deductible      25% after deductible   15% after deductible       15% after deductible   25% after deductible      25% after deductible
 Ambulance                                            20% after deductible     20% after deductible    25% after deductible      25% after deductible   15% after deductible       15% after deductible   25% after deductible      25% after deductible
 Inpatient/outpatient Care                            20% after deductible            Not covered      25% after deductible            Not covered      15% after deductible             Not covered      25% after deductible            Not covered
 Outpatient mental health/chemical dependency visit        $20/visit                  Not covered           $20/visit                  Not covered            $15/visit                  Not covered           $25/visit                  Not covered
 Physical, speech or occupational therapy visit            $20/visit                  Not covered           $40/visit                  Not covered           $30/visit                   Not covered           $50/visit                  Not covered
 Acupuncture and spinal manipulation services             Not covered                 Not covered           $20/visit                  Not covered            $15/visit                  Not covered          Not covered                 Not covered

 Prescription medications1
 Value                                                        $10                          $10                 $2                           $2                   $2                          $2                   $2                           $2

 Select                                                       $10                          $10                 $10                          $10                 $10                          $10                  $10                          $10

 Preferred                                                    $30                          $30                40%                         40%                  40%                           40%                 40%                         40%

 Non-Preferred                                                50%                          50%                 50%                          50%                 50%                          50%                  50%                          50%

 Preferred Specialty                                          50%                     Not covered             40%                      Not covered             40%                       Not covered             40%                      Not covered

 Non-Preferred Specialty                                      50%                     Not covered              50%                     Not covered              50%                      Not covered              50%                     Not covered

 Metallic level                                                           � Gold                                           � Gold                                            � Gold                                           � Gold
 Exchange                                                                In and Out                                       In and Out                                        In and Out                                       In and Out
 Provider network                                                      Beacon Network                                   Beacon Network                                    Beacon Network                                   Beacon Network
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           These benefits and
 Travel network                                                     First Health Network                             First Health Network                             First Health Network                              First Health Network               Moda Health policies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           are subject to change
                                                       Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,       Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,       Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,        Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,      in order to be compliant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           with state and federal
 Service area                                          Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,       Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,       Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,        Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,      guidelines. This
                                                         Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill            Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill            Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill             Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill         brochure provides
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           summaries of various
 Additional benefits (not covered out-of-network)     Pediatric vision: Exam $0/visit; Hardware 0%          Accident benefit: No cost share for              Accident benefit: No cost share for                Pediatric vision: Exam $25/visit;          health plans and is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           not a contract. If there
                                                                                                              the first $1,000 within 90 days                  the first $1,000 within 90 days.                 Hardware 25% after deductible              is any discrepancy
                                                        Specialty pharmacy: $500 cost sharing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           between the summaries
                                                         maximum per 30-day prescription fill                Pediatric vision: Exam $20/visit;                Pediatric vision: Exam $15/visit;                                                            and the contract, it is
                                                                                                             Hardware 25% after deductible                    Hardware 15% after deductible                                                                the contract that will
                                                                                                            Pediatric dental: Preventive 0%;                 Pediatric dental: Preventive 0%;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           1 Copay amounts are
                                                                                                            Other dental 25% after deductible                Other dental 15% after deductible                                                               per 30-day supply.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
Oregon 2021 Individual & family plans - Beacon - Moda ...
2021 Medical plan benefit table
                                                            Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                                                                             Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                      Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500
                                                                  Silver (Beacon)
                                                       In-network you pay       Out-of-network you pay    In-network you pay       Out-of-network you pay    In-network you pay       Out-of-network you pay

 Calendar year costs
 Deductible per person                                      $3,650                     Not covered             $3,000                     Not covered             $3,500                     Not covered
 Deductible per family                                      $7,300                     Not covered             $6,000                     Not covered             $7,000                     Not covered
 Out-of-pocket max per person                               $8,550                     Not covered             $8,000                     Not covered             $8,000                     Not covered
 Out-of-pocket max per family                               $17,100                    Not covered            $16,000                     Not covered            $16,000                     Not covered

 Care & services
 Preventive care visit                                      $0/visit                   Not covered             $0/visit                   Not covered             $0/visit                   Not covered
 Primary care provider (PCP) office visit                  $40/visit                   Not covered            $35/visit                   Not covered            $35/visit                   Not covered
 Specialist office visit                                   $80/visit                   Not covered            $70/visit                   Not covered            $70/visit                   Not covered
 Urgent care visit                                         $70/visit                   Not covered            $35/visit                   Not covered            $35/visit                   Not covered
 Virtual care visit                                        $40/ visit                  Not covered             $10/visit                  Not covered             $10/visit                  Not covered
 Outpatient diagnostic X-ray & lab                    30% after deductible             Not covered       35% after deductible             Not covered       35% after deductible             Not covered
 Emergency room visit                                 30% after deductible       30% after deductible    35% after deductible       35% after deductible    35% after deductible       35% after deductible
 Ambulance                                            30% after deductible       30% after deductible    35% after deductible       35% after deductible    35% after deductible       35% after deductible
 Inpatient/outpatient Care                            30% after deductible             Not covered       35% after deductible             Not covered       35% after deductible             Not covered
 Outpatient mental health/chemical dependency visit        $40/visit                   Not covered            $35/visit                   Not covered            $35/visit                   Not covered
 Physical, speech or occupational therapy visit            $40/visit                   Not covered            $70/visit                   Not covered            $70/visit                   Not covered
 Acupuncture and spinal manipulation services             Not covered                  Not covered            $35/visit                   Not covered            $35/visit                   Not covered

 Prescription medications1
 Value                                                        $15                          $15                    $2                          $2                     $2                          $2
 Select                                                       $15                          $15                   $20                          $20                   $20                          $20
 Preferred                                                    $60                          $60                   40%                          40%                  40%                           40%
 Non-Preferred                                                50%                          50%           50% after deductible       50% after deductible    50% after deductible       50% after deductible
 Preferred Specialty                                          50%                      Not covered               40%                      Not covered              40%                       Not covered
 Non-Preferred Specialty                                      50%                      Not covered       50% after deductible             Not covered       50% after deductible             Not covered

 Metallic level                                                            � Silver                                           � Silver                                           � Silver
 Exchange                                                                 In and Out                                         In and Out                                         In and Out
 Provider network                                                       Beacon Network                                     Beacon Network                                     Beacon Network
 Travel network                                                     First Health Network                               First Health Network                               First Health Network
                                                       Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,         Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,         Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,
 Service area                                          Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,         Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,         Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,
                                                                                                                                                                                                               These benefits and Moda Health
                                                         Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill              Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill              Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill           policies are subject to change in
                                                                                                                                                                                                               order to be compliant with state
 Additional benefits (not covered out-of-network)     Pediatric vision: Exam $0/visit; Hardware 0%            Accident benefit: No cost share for                  Pediatric vision: Exam $35/visit;           and federal guidelines. This
                                                                                                                the first $1,000 within 90 days.                   Hardware 35% after deductible               brochure provides summaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                               of various health plans and
                                                                                                                Pediatric dental: Preventive 0%;                                                               is not a contract. If there is
                                                                                                                                                                                                               any discrepancy between the
                                                                                                               Other dental 35% after deductible                                                               summaries and the contract, it
                                                                                                                                                                                                               is the contract that will control.
                                                                                                                Pediatric vision: Exam $35/visit;
                                                                                                                Hardware 35% after deductible                                                                  1 C
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  opay amounts are per 30-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 day supply.

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
2021 Medical plan benefit table
                                                           Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                                                                                    Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000
                                                                 Bronze (Beacon)
                                                      In-network you pay        Out-of-network you pay          In-network you pay         Out-of-network you pay

 Calendar year costs
 Deductible per person                                      $8,550                    Not covered                      $7,000                    Not covered
 Deductible per family                                     $17,100                    Not covered                     $14,000                    Not covered
 Out-of-pocket max per person                               $8,550                    Not covered                      $8,500                    Not covered
 Out-of-pocket max per family                              $17,100                    Not covered                     $17,000                    Not covered

 Care & services
 Preventive care visit                                     $0/visit                   Not covered                      $0/visit                  Not covered
 Primary care provider (PCP) office visit                  $50/visit                  Not covered                     $85/visit                  Not covered
 Specialist office visit                                  $100/visit                  Not covered                     $120/visit                 Not covered
 Urgent care visit                                        $100/visit                  Not covered                     $85/visit                  Not covered
 Virtual care visit                                        $50/visit                  Not covered                     $10/visit                  Not covered
 Outpatient diagnostic X-ray & lab                    0% after deductible             Not covered             40% after deductible               Not covered
 Emergency room visit                                 0% after deductible         0% after deductible         40% after deductible          40% after deductible
 Ambulance                                            0% after deductible         0% after deductible         40% after deductible          40% after deductible
 Inpatient/outpatient Care                            0% after deductible             Not covered             40% after deductible               Not covered
 Outpatient mental health/chemical dependency visit        $50/visit                  Not covered                     $85/visit                  Not covered
 Physical, speech or occupational therapy visit            $50/visit                  Not covered                     $120/visit                 Not covered
 Acupuncture and spinal manipulation services            Not covered                  Not covered                   Not covered                  Not covered

 Prescription medications1
 Value                                                       $20                           $20                           $2                            $2
 Select                                                      $20                           $20                          40%                          40%
 Preferred                                            0% after deductible         0% after deductible         40% after deductible          40% after deductible
 Non-Preferred                                        0% after deductible         0% after deductible          50% after deductible         50% after deductible
 Preferred Specialty                                  0% after deductible             Not covered             40% after deductible               Not covered
 Non-Preferred Specialty                              0% after deductible             Not covered              50% after deductible              Not covered

 Metallic level                                                          � Bronze                                                   � Bronze
 Exchange                                                                In and Out                                                 In and Out
 Provider network                                                      Beacon Network                                             Beacon Network
 Travel network                                                    First Health Network                                       First Health Network
                                                      Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,                Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,
 Service area                                         Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,                Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,
                                                        Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill                     Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill
 Additional benefits (not covered out-of-network)     Pediatric vision: Exam $0/visit; Hardware 0%                     Pediatric vision: Exam $85/visit;
                                                                                                                       Hardware 40% after deductible

                                                                            These benefits and Moda Health policies are subject to change in order to be compliant
                                                                            with state and federal guidelines. This brochure provides summaries of various health
                                                                            plans and is not a contract. If there is any discrepancy between the summaries and the
                                                                            contract, it is the contract that will control.

                                                                            1 Copay amounts are per 30-day supply.
16                                                                                                                                                                   17
High-deductible health plan (HDHP)
                                                                                                                                                  Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900

     Tax advantages
                                                                                                                                                  In-network you pay     Out-of-network you pay

                                                                                                 Calendar year costs
                                                                                                 Deductible per person                                  $6,900                   Not covered

     with an HDHP                                                                                Deductible per family
                                                                                                 Out-of-pocket max per person
                                                                                                 Out-of-pocket max per family
                                                                                                                                                                                 Not covered
                                                                                                                                                                                 Not covered
                                                                                                                                                                                 Not covered

                                                                                                 Care & services
     Our health savings account (HSA)-compatible, high-deductible EPO health plans               Preventive care visit                                 $0/visit                  Not covered
     (HDHP) give you flexibility and choice. You have the freedom to choose any financial        Primary care provider (PCP) office visit         0% after deductible            Not covered
     institution for your HSA. You can use HSA tax-free dollars to pay for deductibles,          Specialist office visit                          0% after deductible            Not covered
     coinsurance and other qualified expenses not covered by your health plan.                   Urgent care visit                                0% after deductible            Not covered
                                                                                                 Virtual care visit                               0% after deductible            Not covered
                                                                                                 Outpatient diagnostic X-ray & lab                0% after deductible            Not covered
     Calendar year costs                           Eligibility
                                                                                                 Emergency room visit                             0% after deductible      0% after deductible
     Deductible                                    Anyone can enroll in a Moda Health
                                                   HDHP, even if you do not have an HSA.         Ambulance                                        0% after deductible      0% after deductible
     If you have subscriber-only coverage, you
     must meet the per-person deductible. If       To be eligible to participate                 Inpatient/outpatient Care                        0% after deductible            Not covered

     your plan covers more than one person,        in an HSA, you must:                          Outpatient mental health/
                                                                                                                                                  0% after deductible            Not covered
     you must meet the per person deductible          • Use a financial institution              chemical dependency visit
     only until the total family deductible is          that has an HSA option                   Physical, speech or occupational therapy visit   0% after deductible            Not covered
     satisfied before benefits are payable.           • Be covered by a Moda Health HDHP plan.   Acupuncture and spinal manipulation services        Not covered                 Not covered
                                                        Please see the Moda Health Beacon
     Out-of-pocket maximum                              Bronze HSA 6900 plan on page 19.         Prescription medications
     After you meet the per-person or per-            • Not be covered under another non-        Value                                            0% after deductible      0% after deductible
     family out-of-pocket maximum, the plan             HSA-compatible medical plan
     pays 100 percent of covered care for the           (including your spouse’s plan)           Select                                           0% after deductible      0% after deductible
     remainder of the year. If your plan covers
     more than one person, the per-person
                                                      • Not be enrolled in Medicare              Preferred                                        0% after deductible      0% after deductible
     maximum applies only until the total family      • Not be claimed as a dependent            Non-Preferred                                    0% after deductible      0% after deductible
     out-of-pocket maximum is reached.                  on someone else’s tax return
                                                                                                 Preferred Specialty                              0% after deductible            Not covered

                                                                                                 Non-Preferred Specialty                          0% after deductible            Not covered

                                                                                                 Metallic level                                                     � Bronze
                                                                                                 Exchange                                                           In and Out

                                                                                                 Provider network                                                 Beacon Network

                                                                                                 Travel network                                               First Health Network
                                                                                                                                                                                                  These benefits and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Moda Health policies
                                                                                                                                                  Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry,      are subject to change
                                                                                                 Service area                                     Hood River, Jackson, Josephine, Multnomah,      in order to be compliant
                                                                                                                                                    Tillamook, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill         with state and federal
                                                                                                                                                                                                  guidelines. This
                                                                                                 Additional benefits                                                                              brochure provides
                                                                                                                                                      Pediatric vision: 0% after deductible       summaries of various
                                                                                                 (not covered out-of-network)                                                                     health plans and is
                                                                                                                                                                                                  not a contract. If there
                                                                                                                                                                                                  is any discrepancy
                                                                                                                                                                                                  between the summaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and the contract, it is
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the contract that will

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19
Limitations and exclusions for medical plans
     These are some common limitations and exclusions for our Moda Health individual and
     family medical plans. For a full list of limitations and exclusions per plan or for copies of
     plan summaries of benefits and coverage (SBCs), please call us at 855-718-1767.

     Limitations                                                 Exclusions
     − Acupuncture and spinal manipulation is limited            − Acupuncture (on some plans)
       to $1,000 annual maximum when covered                     − Care outside the United States,
     − Ambulance transportation is limited to 6 trips              other than emergency care
       per year (except for Standard Metal plans)                − Charges above the maximum plan allowance
     − Authorization by Moda Health is required for              − Cosmetic services and supplies (exception
       all medical and surgical admissions and some                for reconstructive surgery if medically
       outpatient services and medications                         necessary and not specifically excluded)
     − Biofeedback limited to 10 visits per                      − Court-ordered sex offender treatment
       lifetime, for tension or migraine                         − Custodial care
       headaches or urinary incontinence
                                                                 − Dental examinations and treatment
     − Coordination of benefits — when a member                    except for accidental injury, and
       has more than one health plan, combined                     pediatric coverage on some plans
       benefits for all plans is limited to the maximum
       plan allowance for all covered services
                                                                 − Experimental or investigational treatment
     − Dental — Pediatric only. Subject to frequency             − Infertility (services or supplies for treatment
                                                                   of, including reversal of sterilization)
       and age limits when covered.
     − Hearing aids limited to once every 3 years.               − Injury resulting from practicing for or
                                                                   participating in professional athletic events
       Hearing tests limited to twice per year under
       age 4 and once per year age 4 and older.                  − Instruction programs, except as provided under
                                                                   the outpatient diabetic instruction benefit
     − Hospice respite care limited to 30 days
       lifetime maximum, up to five days in a row                − Massage or massage therapy
     − Infusion therapy — Some medications require               − Naturopathic supplies, including herbal,
       use of an authorized provider and/or supplier               naturopathic or homeopathic medicines,
       to be eligible for coverage. Outpatient hospital            substances or devices and any other
       setting is not covered for some medications.                nonprescription supplements
     − Medicare — Any expense that is actually paid              − Obesity (all services and supplies except those
       under Medicare, or would have been paid                     required under the Affordable Care Act)
       under Medicare Part B if you had enrolled in              − Optional services or supplies, including those for
       Medicare, will have benefits reduced by the                 comfort, convenience, environmental control or
       amount Medicare paid or would have paid.                    education, and treatment not medically necessary
     − Prescriptions — If you use a brand medication when        − Orthognathic surgery except when
       a generic equivalent is available, you will have to pay     medically necessary to repair an accidental
       the nonpreferred cost sharing plus the difference           injury or for treatment of cancer
       in cost between the generic and brand medication.         − Out-of-network providers, except
       Prescriptions are limited to a 30-day supply for retail     for medical emergency care
       and most specialty pharmacy and 90 days for mail          − Services or supplies available under any city,
       order and participating retail pharmacies. Some             county, state or federal law, except Medicaid
       medications that are often used to treat complex          − Services you provide to yourself
       chronic health conditions must be dispensed               − Services provided by a member of your immediate
       through an exclusive specialty pharmacy provider.           family other than services by a dental provider
     − Preventive care — Cost sharing may apply to services      − Spinal manipulation (on some plans)
       not required under the Affordable Care Act
                                                                 − Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)
     − Rehabilitation and habilitation benefits limited to       − Vision surgery to change the
       30 inpatient days and 30 outpatient sessions per
                                                                   refractive character of the eye
       calendar year. May be eligible for up to 60 days
       after acute head or spinal cord injury (except for
       Standard Metal plans) or 60 outpatient sessions for
       treatment of neurologic conditions. Limits apply
       separately to rehabilitative and habilitative services.
     − Skilled nursing facility limited to 60 days per year
     − Transplants must be performed at the authorized
       transplant facility to be eligible for coverage
     − Vision exam and glasses or contacts covered
       once per year for members under age 19

20                                                                                                                      21
Plan premiums

     Calculate what
     you pay each month
     As your healthcare partner and your guide to accessing quality care, we’re
     here to help you understand the amount you pay each month for coverage.                              Rating Area 1 page 24
                                                                                                          This area includes Clackamas, Multnomah,
                                                                                                          Washington and Yamhill counties.
     What affects your premium?                         How your premium could change
     The plan, your age and the ages of your            2021 premiums are effective Jan. 1, 2021,
     dependents affect your premium amount.             through Dec. 31, 2021. Your premium could
     If you have more than three dependents             change during the plan year if you add a family   Rating Area 5 page 26
     under age 21 on the plan, you will only be         member through a special enrollment. If that      This area includes Clatsop, Columbia,
     charged a premium for the first three. Child       happens, in most cases the new premium is         Coos, Curry and Tillamook counties.
     dependents ages 21 through 25 will each            effective the first of the month following the
     have a premium based on their age. For             special enrollment event. Your premium may
     medical plans, your rating area, or where          also change if you remove a family member.
     you live, also matters. The maps on page           Having a birthday during a plan year won’t
     23 show the rating area locations and              affect your current premium. When you
     list the counties in each rating area.             renew your plan in January, your premium will     Rating Area 6 page 28
     If you qualify for federal financial assistance,   reflect the current plan amount for your age.     This area includes Hood River and Wasco counties.
     it may cover some of your premium. To find
     out what you’d pay with this assistance,           Yearly premium updates
     visit the Marketplace at HealthCare.gov.           We adjust premiums for individual and
                                                        family plans each year. You’ll receive
                                                        a renewal notice 90 days prior to the             Rating Area 7 page 30
                                                        new plan effective date explaining any            This area includes Jackson and Josephine counties.
                                                        changes to your plan and premium.

22                                                                                                                                                             23
Medical plan premiums for rating area 1
     This area includes Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington and Yamhill counties.

      Age                                              0 – 20          21     22      23      24      25     26      27     28     29     30     31     32     33     34     35       36       37       38       39       40       41
     � Moda Health Oregon Standard Gold (Beacon)        $251          $395    $395    $395    $395    $397   $405   $414   $430   $442   $449   $458   $468   $474   $480   $483     $486     $489     $493     $499     $505      $515

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                      $253          $399    $399    $399    $399    $401   $409   $418   $434   $447   $453   $463   $472   $478   $485   $488     $491     $494     $497     $504     $510     $520

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                     $254          $399    $399    $399    $399    $401   $409   $418   $434   $447   $453   $463   $472   $478   $485   $488     $491     $494     $497     $504     $510     $520

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500                     $242          $381    $381    $381    $381    $383   $391   $400   $415   $427   $433   $442   $451   $457   $463   $466     $469     $472     $475      $481    $487     $497

     � Moda Health Oregon Standard Silver (Beacon)      $220          $346    $346    $346    $346    $347   $354   $362   $376   $387   $392   $401   $409   $414   $420   $422     $425     $428     $431     $436     $442     $450

     � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500                   $208          $327    $327    $327    $327    $328   $335   $343   $355   $366   $371   $379   $387   $392   $397   $400     $402     $405     $407      $413    $418     $426

     � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                   $223          $351    $351    $351    $351    $352   $359   $368   $382   $393   $398   $407   $415   $421   $426   $429     $432     $435     $437     $443     $449     $457
     � Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                        $168          $265    $265    $265    $265    $266   $271   $277   $288   $296   $300   $307   $313   $317   $321   $323     $325     $328     $330     $334     $338     $345
        Bronze (Beacon)
     � Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000                  $170          $267    $267    $267    $267    $268   $273   $280   $290   $299   $303   $309   $316   $320   $324   $326     $328     $330     $333      $337    $341     $348

     � Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900              $180          $283    $283    $283    $283    $284   $290   $297   $308   $317   $322   $328   $335   $339   $344   $346     $349      $351    $353     $358     $362     $369

      Age                                             42        43      44      45     46      47      48     49    50      51    52     53     54     55     56     57      58       59       60       61       62       63      64+
      � Moda Health Oregon Standard Gold (Beacon)     $524     $536    $552    $571    $593   $618    $646   $674   $706   $737   $772   $806   $844   $882   $922   $963   $1,007   $1,029   $1,073   $1,111   $1,136   $1,167   $1,185

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                   $529     $542    $558    $576    $599   $624    $653   $681   $713   $745   $779   $814   $852   $890   $931   $973   $1,017   $1,039   $1,083   $1,122   $1,147   $1,178   $1,197

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                  $529     $542    $558    $577    $599   $624    $653   $681   $713   $745   $779   $814   $852   $890   $931   $973   $1,017   $1,039   $1,084   $1,122   $1,147   $1,179   $1,197

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500                  $505     $517    $533    $551    $572   $596    $624   $651   $681   $711   $744   $778   $814   $850   $890   $929   $972     $993     $1,035   $1,072   $1,096   $1,126   $1,143

      � Moda Health Oregon Standard Silver (Beacon)   $458     $469    $483    $499    $519   $540    $565   $590   $617   $645   $675   $705   $738   $771   $807   $843   $881     $900     $938     $971     $993     $1,021   $1,037

      � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500                $433     $444    $457    $472    $491    $511   $535   $558   $584   $610   $638   $667   $698   $729   $763   $797   $833     $851     $888     $919     $940     $965     $981

      � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                $465     $476    $490    $507    $527   $549    $574   $599   $627   $655   $685   $716   $749   $783   $819   $855   $894     $914     $953     $986     $1,009 $1,036     $1,053
      � Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                      $351     $359    $370    $382    $397   $414    $433   $451   $473   $494   $517   $540   $565   $590   $617   $645   $674     $689     $718     $744     $760     $781     $794
         Bronze (Beacon)
      � Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000               $354     $362    $373    $385   $400    $417    $436   $455   $477   $498   $521   $545   $570   $595   $623   $651   $680     $695     $724     $750     $767     $788     $801

      � Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900           $375     $384    $396    $409    $425   $443    $463   $483   $506   $528   $553   $578   $605   $632   $661   $690   $722     $738     $769     $796     $814     $836     $849

     Premiums effective Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         25
Medical plan premiums for rating area 5
     This area includes Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry and Tillamook counties.

      Age                                              0 – 20          21     22      23      24     25     26     27      28     29    30      31     32     33     34       35       36       37       38       39       40        41
     � Moda Health Oregon Standard Gold (Beacon)        $266          $419    $419    $419    $419   $421   $429   $439   $456   $469   $476   $486   $496   $502   $509      $512     $515    $519     $522     $529     $536     $546

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                      $269          $423    $423    $423    $423   $425   $433   $443   $460   $474   $480   $490   $501   $507   $514      $517    $520     $524     $527     $534      $541     $551

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                     $269          $423    $423    $423    $423   $425   $433   $444   $460   $474   $480   $490   $501   $507   $514      $517     $521    $524     $527     $534      $541     $551

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500                     $257          $404    $404    $404    $404   $406   $414   $424   $439   $452   $459   $469   $478   $484   $491     $494     $497     $500     $504     $510      $517    $526

     � Moda Health Oregon Standard Silver (Beacon)      $233          $366    $366    $366    $366   $368   $375   $384   $398   $410   $416   $425   $434   $439   $445     $448     $451     $454     $457     $462     $468     $477

     � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500                   $220          $347    $347    $347    $347   $348   $355   $363   $377   $388   $393   $402   $410   $415   $421     $424     $426     $429     $432     $437     $443      $451

     � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                   $236          $372    $372    $372    $372   $374   $381   $390   $404   $416   $422   $431   $440   $446   $452     $455     $458     $461     $464     $470     $476     $484
     � Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                        $178          $281    $281    $281    $281   $282   $287   $294   $305   $314   $318   $325   $332   $336   $341     $343     $345     $347     $350     $354     $358     $365
        Bronze (Beacon)
     � Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000                  $180          $283    $283    $283    $283   $284   $290   $297   $308   $317   $321   $328   $335   $339   $343     $346     $348     $350     $353     $357     $362     $368

     � Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900              $191          $300    $300    $300    $300   $302   $308   $315   $326   $336   $341   $348   $355   $360   $365     $367     $369     $372      $374    $379     $384      $391

      Age                                             42        43      44      45     46      47     48     49    50      51    52     53     54     55     56      57       58       59       60       61       62       63       64+
      � Moda Health Oregon Standard Gold (Beacon)     $555     $569    $585    $605    $629   $655   $685   $715   $748   $782   $818   $855   $895   $935   $978   $1,021   $1,068   $1,091   $1,137   $1,178   $1,204   $1,237   $1,257

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                   $561     $574    $591    $611    $635   $661   $692   $722   $756   $789   $826   $863   $903   $944   $987   $1,031   $1,078   $1,101   $1,148   $1,189   $1,216   $1,249   $1,269

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                  $561     $574    $591    $611    $635   $661   $692   $722   $756   $789   $826   $863   $904   $944   $987   $1,031   $1,078   $1,102   $1,149   $1,189   $1,216   $1,249   $1,269

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500                  $536     $549    $565    $584    $606   $632   $661   $690   $722   $754   $789   $825   $863   $901   $943   $985     $1,030   $1,052   $1,097   $1,136   $1,161   $1,193   $1,212

      � Moda Health Oregon Standard Silver (Beacon)   $486     $497    $512    $529    $550   $573   $599   $625   $655   $683   $715   $748   $782   $817   $855   $893     $934     $954     $995     $1,030   $1,053   $1,082   $1,098

      � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500                $459     $470    $484    $501    $520   $542   $567   $591   $619   $647   $677   $707   $740   $773   $809   $845     $883     $902     $941     $974     $996     $1,023   $1,040

      � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                $493     $505    $520    $537    $558   $582   $608   $635   $665   $694   $726   $759   $794   $830   $868   $907     $948     $969     $1,010   $1,046 $1,069 $1,098       $1,116
      � Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                      $372     $381    $392    $405    $421   $438   $459   $479   $501   $523   $548   $572   $599   $626   $654   $684     $715     $730     $761     $788     $806     $828     $842
         Bronze (Beacon)
      � Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000               $375     $384    $395    $409    $424   $442   $463   $483   $505   $528   $552   $577   $604   $631   $660   $690     $721     $737     $768     $795     $813     $835     $849

      � Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900           $398     $408    $420    $434    $451   $469   $491   $512   $536   $560   $586   $613   $641   $670   $701   $732     $765     $782     $815     $844     $863     $887     $900

     Premiums effective Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021

26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          27
Medical plan premiums for rating area 6
     This area includes Hood River and Wasco counties.

      Age                                              0 – 20           21     22      23      24     25     26     27      28     29    30      31     32     33       34       35       36       37       38       39       40       41
     � Moda Health Oregon Standard Gold (Beacon)         $276          $435    $435    $435    $435   $437   $445   $456   $473   $487   $494   $504   $514    $521    $528      $531    $535     $538     $542     $549     $556     $566

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                       $279          $439    $439    $439    $439   $441   $450   $460   $477   $491   $498   $509   $519   $526      $533     $537    $540     $544     $547     $554      $561    $572

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                      $279          $439    $439    $439    $439   $441   $450   $460   $477   $491   $498   $509   $520   $526      $533     $537    $540     $544     $547     $554      $561    $572

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500                      $266          $419    $419    $419    $419   $421   $430   $440   $456   $469   $476   $486   $496   $503     $509      $513     $516    $519     $523     $529     $536     $546

     � Moda Health Oregon Standard Silver (Beacon)       $241          $380    $380    $380    $380   $382   $389   $399   $413   $426   $432   $441   $450   $456     $462     $465     $468     $471     $474     $480     $486     $495

     � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500                    $228          $360    $360    $360    $360   $361   $368   $377   $391   $403   $408   $417   $426    $431    $437     $440     $442     $445     $448     $454     $460     $468

     � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                    $245          $386    $386    $386    $386   $388   $395   $405   $420   $432   $438   $448   $457   $463     $469     $472     $475     $478      $481    $487     $493     $503
     � Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                         $185          $291    $291    $291    $291   $292   $298   $305   $316   $326   $330   $337   $344   $349      $353    $356     $358     $360     $363     $367     $372     $379
        Bronze (Beacon)
     � Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000                   $186          $294    $294    $294    $294   $295   $301   $308   $319   $329   $333   $340   $347   $352     $356     $359      $361    $364     $366      $371    $375     $382

     � Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900               $198          $312    $312    $312    $312   $313   $319   $327   $339   $349   $354   $361   $369   $373      $378     $381    $383     $386     $388     $393     $398     $406

      Age                                             42        43       44      45     46      47     48     49    50      51    52     53     54     55      56       57       58       59       60       61       62       63       64+
      � Moda Health Oregon Standard Gold (Beacon)     $576      $590    $608    $628    $652   $680   $711   $742   $777   $811   $849   $887   $928   $970   $1,015   $1,060   $1,108   $1,132   $1,180   $1,222   $1,249   $1,284   $1,305

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                   $582      $596    $613    $634    $659   $686   $718   $749   $784   $819   $857   $896   $938   $979   $1,024   $1,070   $1,119   $1,143   $1,192   $1,234   $1,262   $1,296   $1,317

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                  $582      $596    $614    $634    $659   $686   $718   $749   $784   $819   $857   $896   $938   $979   $1,025   $1,070   $1,119   $1,143   $1,192   $1,234   $1,262   $1,296   $1,317

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500                  $556      $569    $586    $606    $629   $656   $686   $716   $749   $782   $819   $856   $896   $935   $979     $1,022   $1,069   $1,092   $1,138   $1,179   $1,205   $1,238   $1,257

      � Moda Health Oregon Standard Silver (Beacon)   $504      $516    $531    $549    $570   $594   $622   $649   $679   $709   $742   $776   $812   $848   $887     $927     $969     $990     $1,032   $1,069   $1,093   $1,123   $1,140

      � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500                $477      $488    $503    $519    $540   $562   $588   $614   $643   $671   $702   $734   $768   $802   $839     $877     $917     $936     $976     $1,011   $1,034   $1,062   $1,079

      � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                $512      $524    $539    $558    $579   $604   $631   $659   $690   $720   $754   $788   $824   $861   $901     $941     $984     $1,005 $1,048     $1,085   $1,109   $1,140   $1,158
      � Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                      $386      $395    $407    $420    $437   $455   $476   $497   $520   $543   $568   $594   $621   $649   $679     $709     $742     $758     $790     $818     $836     $859     $873
         Bronze (Beacon)
      � Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000               $389      $398    $410    $424    $440   $459   $480   $501   $524   $548   $573   $599   $627   $655   $685     $716     $748     $764     $797     $825     $844     $867     $881

      � Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900           $413      $423    $435    $450    $468   $487   $510   $532   $557   $581   $608   $636   $665   $695   $727     $760     $794      $811    $846     $876     $895     $920     $935

     Premiums effective Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             29
Medical plan premiums for rating area 7
     This area includes Jackson and Josephine counties.

      Age                                              0 – 20          21     22      23      24      25     26     27      28     29     30     31     32       33       34       35       36       37       38       39       40       41
     � Moda Health Oregon Standard Gold (Beacon)        $294          $463    $463    $463    $463    $464   $474   $485   $503   $518   $525   $536   $547     $554     $562     $565     $569     $573     $576     $584     $591     $602

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                      $297          $467    $467    $467    $467    $469   $478   $489   $508   $523   $530   $541   $553     $560     $567      $571     $574    $578     $582     $589     $597     $608

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                     $297          $467    $467    $467    $467    $469   $478   $490   $508   $523   $530   $541   $553     $560     $567      $571    $575     $578     $582     $590     $597     $608

     � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500                     $283          $446    $446    $446    $446    $448   $457   $468   $485   $499   $506   $517   $528     $535     $542     $545     $549     $552     $556     $563     $570      $581

     � Moda Health Oregon Standard Silver (Beacon)      $257          $404    $404    $404    $404    $406   $414   $424   $440   $453   $459   $469   $479     $485     $491     $494     $498      $501    $504      $510     $517    $527

     � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500                   $243          $383    $383    $383    $383    $384   $392   $401   $416   $428   $434   $443   $453     $458     $465     $468      $471    $474     $477     $483     $489     $498

     � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                   $261          $411    $411    $411    $411    $412   $421   $430   $446   $460   $466   $476   $486     $492     $499     $502     $505     $508      $512     $518    $525     $535
     � Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                        $197          $310    $310    $310    $310    $311   $317   $324   $337   $346   $351   $359   $366      $371    $376     $378      $381    $383     $386      $391    $396     $403
        Bronze (Beacon)
     � Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000                  $198          $312    $312    $312    $312    $314   $320   $327   $339   $349   $354   $362   $369     $374     $379     $382     $384     $387     $389     $394     $399     $407

     � Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900              $211          $332    $332    $332    $332    $333   $339   $347   $360   $371   $376   $384   $392     $397     $402     $405     $408     $410      $413     $418    $424     $432

      Age                                             42        43      44      45     46      47      48     49    50      51    52     53     54      55       56       57       58       59       60       61       62       63      64+
      � Moda Health Oregon Standard Gold (Beacon)     $613     $628    $646    $668    $694   $723    $756   $789   $826   $863   $903   $944   $988   $1,031   $1,079   $1,127   $1,179   $1,204   $1,255   $1,300   $1,329   $1,365   $1,388

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 250                   $619     $634    $652    $674    $701   $730    $764   $797   $834   $871   $912   $953   $997   $1,042 $1,090     $1,138   $1,190   $1,216   $1,268   $1,312   $1,342   $1,379   $1,401

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1000                  $619     $634    $653    $675    $701   $730    $764   $797   $834   $871   $912   $953   $997   $1,042 $1,090     $1,138   $1,190   $1,216   $1,268   $1,313   $1,342   $1,379   $1,401

      � Moda Health Beacon Gold 1500                  $591     $605    $623    $644    $669   $697    $730   $761   $797   $832   $871   $910   $953   $995     $1,041   $1,087   $1,137   $1,161   $1,211   $1,254   $1,282   $1,317   $1,338

      � Moda Health Oregon Standard Silver (Beacon)   $536     $549    $565    $584    $607   $632    $661   $690   $722   $754   $790   $825   $864   $902     $944     $986     $1,031   $1,053   $1,098   $1,137   $1,162   $1,194   $1,212

      � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3500                $507     $519    $535    $553    $574   $598    $626   $653   $683   $714   $747   $781   $817   $853     $893     $932     $975     $996     $1,038   $1,075   $1,099   $1,130   $1,148

      � Moda Health Beacon Silver 3000                $544     $557    $574    $593    $616   $642    $672   $701   $734   $766   $802   $838   $877   $916     $958     $1,001   $1,047   $1,069   $1,115   $1,154   $1,180   $1,212   $1,232
      � Moda Health Oregon Standard
                                                      $410     $420    $433    $447    $464   $484    $506   $528   $553   $577   $604   $632   $661   $690     $722     $755     $789     $806     $840     $870     $890     $914     $929
         Bronze (Beacon)
      � Moda Health Beacon Bronze 7000               $414     $424    $436    $451    $468   $488    $511   $533   $558   $582   $610   $637   $667   $696     $729     $761     $796     $813     $848     $878     $897     $922     $936

      � Moda Health Beacon Bronze HSA 6900           $439     $450    $463    $479    $497    $518   $542   $566   $592   $618   $647   $676   $708   $739     $773     $808     $845     $863     $900     $932     $952     $979     $995

     Premiums effective Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021

30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               31
Dental plans

     Quality coverage
     for your smile
     Healthy teeth are happy teeth. With our individual and family Delta Dental                      Dental coverage options                          Delta Dental network
     of Oregon plans, you’ll have access to quality in-network dentists.                             We offer three types of dental plans.            goes where you go
                                                                                                     Choose the one that is right for you.            Each Delta Dental of Oregon plan comes with
                                                                                                                                                      a Delta Dental network. It includes thousands
                                                                                                     Delta Dental PPO   SM
     Dental benefit highlights                     Tools for better oral health                                                                       of dentists with statewide and national access.
                                                                                                     This plan offers a broad range of both
     Our Delta Dental of Oregon plans connect      To get started, visit DeltaDentalOR.com and                                                        In-network dentists agree to accept our
                                                                                                     services and providers. You receive in
     you with great benefits. You can count on:    log in to your Member Dashboard. If you don't                                                      contracted fees as full payment. This means
                                                                                                     network benefits when seeing a Delta Dental
                                                                                                                                                      they don’t balance bill — the difference
       • No waiting periods for Class 1 services   have a Member Dashboard account, you can          PPO Network dentist. For out-of-network
                                                                                                                                                      between the allowed amount and the dentist’s
                                                   create one. Look for Dental tools. Dental tools
       • Savings from in-network dentists          help you manage your dental health, such as:
                                                                                                     benefits, you can save money by seeing
                                                                                                     providers in the Delta Dental Premier ®
                                                                                                                                                      billed charge. This can help you save on out-
       • Cleanings every six months                  • Scheduling for virtual checkups               Network. In both cases, providers accept
                                                                                                                                                      of-pocket costs. If you see providers outside
       • Predetermination of benefits if             • Scheduling for emergency virtual consults     the Delta Dental contracted fee, so there will
                                                                                                                                                      the network, you may pay more for care.
         requested in a pretreatment plan                                                            be no additional balance billing charge.
       • Fast and accurate claims payment            • Viewing your benefits dashboard                                                                Delta Dental PPO Network

       • Superior customer service                   • Using a cost calculator                       Delta Dental EPO plan                            This is one of the largest preferred provider
                                                                                                                                                      organization (PPO) dental networks in
                                                   And much more.                                    This plan gives you a higher level of benefits
     Our dental plans also include useful                                                                                                             Oregon and across the country. It includes
                                                                                                     than the PPO plan, but you must see Delta
     online tools, resources and special                                                                                                              more than 1,300 participating providers in
                                                                                                     Dental PPO-contracted providers to receive
     programs if you need a little extra                                                                                                              Oregon and offers access to over 114,000
                                                                                                     a benefit. This exclusive provider option
     attention for your pearly whites.                                                                                                                Delta Dental PPO dentists nationwide.
                                                                                                     does not pay for services provided by a
                                                                                                     Premier or non-contracted dentist. Care          Is my dentist in the network?
                                                                                                     from providers outside this network is not
                                                                                                     covered, except for emergency services.          Visit DeltaDentalOR.com to see if your
                                                                                                                                                      dentist is in our network or search for a
                                                                                                     Delta Dental PPO Bright Smiles plan              dentist. Choose a dental network and look
                                                                                                                                                      for participating dentists in your area.
                                                                                                     This PPO plan is available for all individual
                                                                                                     members, but benefits only cover children
                                                                                                     under age 19. You receive in-network
                                                                                                     benefits when seeing a Delta Dental PPO
                                                                                                     Network dentist. For out-of-network benefits,
                                                                                                     you can save money by seeing providers
                                                                                                     in the Delta Dental Premier Network. In
                                                                                                     both cases, providers accept the Delta
                                                                                                     Dental contracted fee, so there will be
                                                                                                     no additional balance billing charge.

                                                                                                                                                            Enroll in a dental plan
                                                                                                                                                            To enroll in a dental plan, please
                                                                                                                                                            see “How open enrollment
                                                                                                                                                            works” on page 10.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                      33
2021 Dental plan benefit table
                                                                                                                        Delta Dental PPOSM                                                                       Delta Dental EPO                                                                Delta Dental PPO Bright Smiles
                                                                                                      Ages 0 – 18                                         Ages 19+                                Ages 0 – 18                                 Ages 19+                                    Ages 0 – 18                                  Ages 19+
                                                                                          In-network,           Out-of-network,             In-network,         Out-of-network,        In-network,       Out-of-network,          In-network,        Out-of-network,          In-network,         Out-of-network,          In-network,        Out-of-network,
                                                                                            you pay                you pay                    you pay              you pay               you pay            you pay                 you pay             you pay                 you pay              you pay                 you pay             you pay

 Calendar year costs
 Deductible per person                                                                                                               $0                                                                                     $0                                                                                      $0
                                                                                                      $350 for one member / $700 for two or more members                                        $350 for one member / $700 for two or more members                                      $350 for one member / $700 for two or more members
 Out-of-pocket max per person (ages 0 – 18)
                                                                                                                      (in-network only)                                                                         (in-network only)                                                                       (in-network only)
 Annual benefit max (age 19+)                                                                                                    $1,000                                                                                  $1,500                                                                                     N/A

 Class 1

 Exams and X-rays                                                                              0%                      40%                     25%                     50%                 0%              Not covered                0%               Not covered                 0%                   40%                          Not covered

 Cleanings                                                                                     0%                      40%                     25%                     50%                 0%              Not covered                0%               Not covered                 0%                   40%                          Not covered

 Periodontal maintenance                                                                       0%                      40%                     25%                     50%                 0%              Not covered                0%               Not covered                 0%                   40%                          Not covered

 Sealants                                                                                      0%                      40%                     25%                     50%                 0%              Not covered                0%               Not covered                 0%                   40%                          Not covered

 Topical fluoride                                                                              0%                      40%                     25%1                    50%1                0%              Not covered                0%1              Not covered                 0%                   40%                          Not covered

 Class 2

 Space maintainers                                                                            75%                      75%                  Not covered             Not covered           30%              Not covered            Not covered          Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

 Restorative fillings2                                                                        75%                      75%                     40%                     50%                30%              Not covered                30%              Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

 Class 3

 Oral surgery3                                                                                75%                      75%                     50%                     50%                50%              Not covered                50%              Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

 Endodontics3                                                                                 75%                      75%                     50%                     50%                50%              Not covered                50%              Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

 Periodontics3                                                                                75%                      75%                     50%                     50%                50%              Not covered                50%              Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

 Restorative crowns3                                                                          75%                      75%                     50%                     50%                50%              Not covered                50%              Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

 Bridges3                                                                                 Not covered             Not covered                  50%                     50%             Not covered         Not covered                50%              Not covered            Not covered           Not covered                      Not covered

 Partial and complete dentures3                                                               75%                      75%                     50%                     50%                50%              Not covered                50%              Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

 Anesthesia3                                                                                  75%                      75%                     50%                     50%                50%              Not covered                50%              Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

 Orthodontia4                                                                                 75%                      75%                  Not covered             Not covered           50%              Not covered            Not covered          Not covered                75%                   75%                          Not covered

                                                                                         Delta Dental                                      Delta Dental                               Delta Dental           All other           Delta Dental            All other           Delta Dental            All other
 Provider network                                                                                              All other providers                             All other providers                                                                                                                                                        N/A
                                                                                         PPO Network                                       PPO Network                                PPO Network            providers           PPO Network             providers           PPO Network             providers
                                                                                                                 Delta Dental                                    Delta Dental                                                                                                                      Delta Dental
                                                                                                                   Premier                                         Premier                                                                                                                       Premier Network:
                                                                                       Delta Dental PPO                                   Delta Dental PPO                             Delta Dental                             Delta Dental                                 Delta Dental
 Balance bill                                                                                                    Network: No                                     Network: No                                    Yes                                         Yes                                         No                                N/A
                                                                                         Network: No                                        Network: No                              PPO Network: No                          PPO Network: No                              PPO Network: No
                                                                                                               Nonparticipating:                               Nonparticipating:                                                                                                                 Nonparticipating:
                                                                                                                     Yes                                             Yes                                                                                                                               Yes

1 Covered once in a 12-month period if there is recent history of periodontal     3 12-month exclusion period for ages 19 and over if member does not have 12                            These benefits and Delta Dental of Oregon policies are subject to change in order to be compliant with state and federal guidelines. This brochure provides
  surgery or high-risk of decay because of medical disease or chemotherapy          continuous months of prior dental coverage with no more than a 90-day                                summaries of various health plans and is not a contract. If there is any discrepancy between the summaries and the contract, it is the contract that will control.
  or similar type of treatment.                                                     break in coverage from the end of the old policy to the effective date of the
2 Six-month exclusion period for ages 19 and over if member does not have           2021 Delta Dental policy.
  12 continuous months of prior dental coverage with no more than a 90-day        4 Only medically necessary orthodontia to treat cleft palate is covered.
  break in coverage from the end of the old policy to the effective date of the
  2021 Delta Dental policy.

34                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              35
Limitations and exclusions for dental plans
     These are some common limitations and exclusions for our Delta Dental of Oregon individual
     and family dental plans. For a full list of limitations and exclusions per plan or for copies of plan              Dental plan premiums for Oregon
     summaries, please see back cover for our sales and service team contact information.
                                                                                                                        These premiums apply to members who live anywhere in Oregon.

     Limitations                                                Exclusions
     Class 1                                                    − Anesthetics, analgesics, hypnosis and most               Age       2021 Delta Dental PPO            2021 Delta Dental EPO   2021 Delta Dental
     − Bitewing X-rays once in a 12-month period                  medications, including nitrous oxide for adults                                                                               Bright Smiles
     − Exam once in a six-month period                          − Charges above the maximum plan allowance                 0-18                $36                               $40                $36
     − Fluoride once in a six-month period under age            − Charting (including periodontal, gnathologic)
       19 and once every 12 months if there is recent           − Congenital or developmental malformations               19-21                $27                               $29
       history of periodontal surgery or high risk of           − Cosmetic services
       decay due to medical disease or chemotherapy             − Duplication and interpretation of X-rays or records     22-24                $27                               $29
       or similar type of treatment for age 19+                 − Experimental or investigational treatment               25-29                $27                               $29
     − Full-mouth or panoramic X-rays                           − Hospital costs or other fees for facility
       once in a five-year period                                 or home care except for emergency                       30-34                $29                               $31
     − Interim caries arresting medicament application            care for members under age 19
       is covered twice per tooth per year. Many                − Implants                                                35-39                $32                               $35
       restorations are not covered within 3 months of
       interim caries arresting medicament application.
                                                                − Instructions or training (including plaque control      40-44                $33                               $36
                                                                  and oral hygiene or dietary instruction)
     − Prophylaxis (cleaning) or periodontal maintenance        − Orthodontia (exception for treatment                    45-49                $34                               $37
       is covered once in any six-month period. Additional
                                                                  of cleft palate under age 19)
       periodontal maintenance is covered for members                                                                     50-54                $37                               $40
       with periodontal disease, up to a total of 2             − Over-the-counter night guards
       additional periodontal maintenances per year.              and athletic mouth guards
                                                                                                                          55-59                $42                               $44
     − Sealants limited to unrestored occlusal surface          − Rebuilding or maintaining chewing surfaces
       of permanent molars once per tooth in a five-year          (misalignment or malocclusion) or stabilizing teeth     60-63                $45                               $48
       period except for evidence of clinical failure           − Self treatment
     Class 2 and Class 3                                        − Services or supplies available under any city,           64+                 $47                               $50
     − Athletic mouth guard covered once in any 12-month          county, state or federal law, except Medicaid
       period for members age 15 and under and once             − Teledentistry, translation or sign language
       in any 24-month period age 16 and over                     services are not covered as separate charges
     − Bridges once in a seven-year period age 19 and over      − Temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ)
     − Crowns and other cast restorations                       − Treatment not dentally necessary
       once in a seven-year period                              − Treatment before coverage begins
     − Crown over implant once per lifetime per tooth.            or after coverage ends
     − Dentures once in a seven-year period age 16 and over
     − IV sedation or general anesthesia only with surgical
       procedures. Oral anesthesia only for members
       under age 19 used during an in-office procedure.
     − Night guard (occlusal guard) covered at 100 percent
       once in a five year period, up to $150 maximum.
       Repair and reline of occlusal guard are covered
       once every 12-month period. One occlusal guard
       adjustment is covered every 12-month period.
     − Periodontal surgical procedures by the same
       dentist at the same site are covered once in
       a 3 year period for members 19 and over.
     − Porcelain crowns on back teeth are limited
       to the amount for a full metal crown.
     − Scaling and root planing is limited to once
       per quadrant in any 2-year period

                                                                                                                        Premiums effective Jan. 1, 2021, through Dec. 31, 2021

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                37
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