Page created by Ronald Jennings
                ENTRY DEADLINE: MARCH 17, 2023

        Enter your wines and compete for gold, silver and bronze medals in 50 categories
  awarded by a panel of experienced wine judges. You can gain international recognition for your
 winemaking skills and get valuable feedback on your wines from the competition’s judging panel.

                       Entry Deadline: March 17, 2023
                    5515 Main Street • Manchester Center, VT 05255
                    ph: (802) 362-3981 ext. 106 • fax: (802) 362-2377
                         email: competition@winemakermag.com
            You can also enter online at: www.winemakercompetition.com
SPECIAL BEST OF SHOW MEDALS will be awarded thanks to our award sponsors:
                           Gene Spaziani
                        Grand Champion Wine
                WineMaker of the Year                                                  Best of Show Red

                    Retailer of the Year                                               Best of Show White

                      U-Vint of the Year                                           Best of Show Dessert

                       Club of the Year                                       Best of Show Country Fruit

                          LALLEMAND BREWING
                    Best of Show Mead                                            Best of Show Sparkling

             Best of Show Estate Grown                                     Best of Show Kit/Concentrate

Category Medals (gold, silver, and bronze) will be awarded thanks to our category sponsors:
  1.    White Native American Varietal        18. Other White Vinifera Varietals            34. Red Table Wine Blend
  2.    White Native American Blend           19. White Vinifera Bordeaux                       (Any Grape Varieties)
  3.    Red Native American Varietal              Style Blends                              35. Blush Table Wine Blend
  4.    Red Native American Blend             20. Other White Vinifera Blends                   (Any Grape Varieties)
  5.    Blush/Rosé Native American            21. Cabernet Franc                            36. Grape & Non-Grape
  6.    Red or White Native American              Five Star Chemicals & Supply, Inc.            Table Wine Blend
        Late Harvest and Ice Wine             22. Cabernet Sauvignon                        37. Apple or Pear Varietals or Blends
  7.    White French-American                 23. Merlot                                    38. Hard Cider or Perry
        Hybrid Varietal                           Vinmetrica                                39. Stone Fruit (Peach, Cherry, Blends, etc.)
  8.    White French-American                 24. Shiraz/Syrah                              40. Berry Fruit (Strawberry,
        Hybrid Blend                              Bader Beer & Wine Supply                      Raspberry, Blends, etc.)
  9.    Red French-American Hybrid            25. Pinot Noir                                41. Other Fruits
        Varietal                              26. Sangiovese                                42. Traditional Mead
  10.   Red French-American Hybrid            27. Zinfandel                                 43. Fruit Mead
        Blend                                 28. Other Red Vinifera Varietals                  Moonlight Meadery
  11.   Blush/Rosé French-American            29. Red Vinifera Bordeaux Style Blends        44. Herb and Spice Mead
        Hybrid                                30. Other Red Vinifera Blends                 45. Flower or Vegetable
  12.   Red or White French-American              Label Peelers Beer & Winemaking           46. Port Style
        Late Harvest and Ice Wine                 Supply                                    47. Sherry Style
  13.   Chardonnay                            31. Blush/Rosé Red Vinifera                   48. Other Fortified
  14.   Pinot Grigio/Pinot Gris               32. Red or White Vinifera                     49. Sparkling Grape, Dry/Semi-Dry
  15.   Gewürztraminer                            Late Harvest and Ice Wine                     or Sweet
  16.   Riesling                              33. White Table Wine Blend                    50. Sparkling Non-Grape
  17.   Sauvignon Blanc                           (Any Grape Varieties)
1. Entry deadline for wines to arrive is        Example: K. Jones, 9, 75% Baco Noir, 25%
March 17, 2023                                  Foch, 2020. If you are using a wine kit for                  KEY DATES
Wines are to be delivered to:                   ingredients please list the brand and prod-
Battenkill Communications                       uct name as the wine ingredients. Example:
5515 Main Street                                K. Jones, 22, Winexpert Selection Interna-           Entry deadline for wines to
Manchester Center, VT 05255                     tional French Cabernet Sauvignon, 2021. A                arrive in Vermont:
Ph: (802) 362-3981                              copy of the entry form, listing each of your               March 17, 2023
                                                wines entered, must accompany entry and
2. Send ONE (1) BOTTLE per entry. Still         payment.                                                    Wines judged:
wines must be submitted in standard 750 ml                                                                 April 21-23, 2023
wine bottles. Ice wines or late harvest wines   6. It is entirely up to you to decide which
can be submitted in 375 ml bottles. Meads       of the 50 categories you should enter. You
and Hard Ciders can be submitted in 12 oz.      should enter each wine in the category in
                                                                                                    Results first announced at the
or 22 oz. beer bottles. Sparkling wines must    which you feel it will perform best. Wines             WineMaker Magazine
be in champagne bottles with proper clo-        must contain a minimum of 75% of desig-                     Conference in
sure and wire or crown cap. All bottles must    nated type if entered as a varietal. Varietals            Eugene, Oregon
be free of wax, decorative labels and           of less than 75% must be entered as blends.                  June 3, 2023
capsules. However, an identification label      To make sure all entries are judged fairly,
                                                                                                     (Results posted on winemakermag.com)
will be required on the bottle as detailed      the WineMaker staff may re-classify an entry
in rule #5.                                     that is obviously in the wrong category or
                                                has over 75% percentage of a specific vari-
3. Entry fee is $30 U.S. dollars (or $30        etal but is entered as a blend.                  ries. The Grand Champion award is given to
Canadian dollars) for each wine entered.                                                         the top overall wine in the entire compe-
Each individual person is allowed up to         7. Wine kits and concentrate-based wines         tition.
a total of 15 entries. You may enter in         will compete side-by-side with fresh
as many categories as you wish. Make            fruit and juice-based wines in all listed        12. The Winemaker of the Year award will
checks payable to WineMaker. Only U.S. or       categories.                                      be given to the individual whose top 5 scor-
Canadian funds will be accepted. On your                                                         ing wine entries have the highest average
check write the number of entries (no more      8. The origin of many Native American            judging score among all entrants.
than 15 total) and the name of the entrant      grapes is unknown due to spontaneous
if different from the name on the check.        cross-breeding. For the purposes of this         13. The Club of the Year, Retailer of the
Entry fees are non-refundable.                  competition, however, the Native Amer-           Year and U-Vint of the Year awards will be
                                                ican varietal category will include, but is      based on the following point scale:
4. All shipments should be packaged to          not limited to, the following grape families:    Gold Medal (or any Best of Show medal):
withstand considerable handling and must        Aestivalis, Labrusca, Riparia and Rotundifo-     3 points
be shipped freight pre-paid. Line the in-       lia (muscadine).                                 Silver Medal: 2 points
side of the box with a plastic trash bag and                                                     Bronze Medal: 1 point
use plenty of packaging material, such as       9. For sparkling wine categories, dry/semi-          The amateur club that accumulates the
bubble wrap, around the bottles. Bottles        dry is defined as 3% residual sugar.                     entries will win Club of the Year. The home
have proven reliable in the past. Every                                                          winemaking retail store that accumulates
reasonable effort will be made to contact       10. Contest is open to any amateur home          the most overall points from its customers’
entrants whose bottles have broken to           winemaker. Your wine must not have been          wine entries will win Retailer of the Year.
make arrangements for sending replace-          made by a professional commercial wine-          The U-Vint or On-Premise winemaking fa-
ment bottles. Please note it is illegal to      maker or at any commercial winery. No            cility that accumulates the most overall
ship alcoholic beverages via the U.S. Postal    employee of WineMaker magazine may               points from its customer’s wine entries will
Service. FedEx Air and FedEx Ground will        enter. Persons under freelance contract          win U-Vint of the Year.
destroy all amateur wine shipments so do        with Battenkill Communications are eligi-
not use either of these services. Private       ble. No person employed by a manufacturer        14. The Best of Show Estate Grown award
shipping companies such as UPS with             of wine kits may enter. Winemaking supply        will be given to the top overall scoring wine
company policies against individuals ship-      retail store owners and their employees are      made with at least 75% fruit grown by the
ping alcohol may refuse your shipment if        eligible. Judges may not judge a category        entrant. Both grape and country fruit wines
they are informed your package contains         they have entered. Applicable entry fees         are eligible.
alcoholic beverages. Entries mailed inter-      and limitations shall apply.
nationally are often required by customs                                                         15. All entrants will receive a copy of the
to provide proper documentation. It is the      11. All wines will be judged according to        judging notes for their wines. Medalists will
entrant’s responsibility to follow all ap-      their relative merits within the category.       be listed by category online.
plicable laws and regulations. Packages         Gold, silver and bronze medals within each
with postage due or C.O.D. charges will be      category will be awarded on point totals         16. All wine will become the property of
rejected.                                       and will not be restricted to the top three      WineMaker magazine and will not be re-
                                                wines only (for example, a number of wines       leased after the competition.
5. Each bottle must be labeled with the         may earn enough points to win gold). The
following information: Your name, category      Best of Show awards will be those wines          17. All decisions by competition organizers
number, wine ingredients, vintage.              clearly superior within those stated catego-     and judges are final.
DON’T W A I T — E NT E R NO W!                                                               EN TRY FOR M
                                                                                                         Please note that you can also
Deadline: March 17, 2023                                                                                 enter online at:
Entry Fee: $30 (U.S.) or $30 (Canadian) per wine entered                                                 winemakercompetition.com
Number of entries _____ x $30 (US) or $30 (CD) = $________Total
(limit of 15 entries per person)                                                                         Remember that each winemaker can enter up
q Enclosed is a check made out to “WineMaker”                                                            to 15 wines. If entering more than eight wines,
in the amount of $_________.                                                                             please photocopy this entry form. Entry shipment
                                                                                                         includes ONE BOTTLE of wine per entry. 750 ml
Name___________________________________________________________________________                          bottle required for still wines. Ice or late harvest
Address_________________________________________________________________________                         wines can ship in 375 ml bottles. Still meads can
                                                                                                         ship in 12 oz. or 22 oz. beer bottles. Sparkling
City________________________State/Prov______Zip/Postal Code____________________                          wines must ship in champagne bottles with proper
Telephone_______________________________________________________________________                         closure and wire or crown cap.
                                                                                                         Send entry form and wine to:
Winemaking Club:________________________________________________________________                         Battenkill Communications
Winemaking Retailer:_____________________________________________________________                        5515 Main Street
                                                                                                         Manchester Center, VT 05255
U-Vint / On-Premise Store:________________________________________________________                       Ph: 802-362-3981 • Fax: 802-362-2377
                                                                                                         E-mail: competition@winemakermag.com
  Wine Ingredients and Percentage: Please list fruit varieties and percentages used
  in each wine. Example: “75% Baco Noir, 25% Foch.” If you are using a wine kit
  for ingredients, please list the brand and product name as the wine ingredients.                       If entered online at winemakercompetition.
  Example: “Winexpert Selection International French Cabernet Sauvignon.”                                com, please print a copy of your entry form
                                                                                                         and send it along with your wine.
Wine 1 Entered:                                                                       Wine 5 Entered:
Category Number__________________________________________________________             Category Number_________________________________________________________
Category Name____________________________________________________________             Category Name____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________          ____________________________________________________________________________
Wine Ingredients and Percentage                                                       Wine Ingredients and Percentage
_____________________________________________________________________________         _____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________          ____________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________         _____________________________________________________________________________
Vintage ____________________________________________________________________          Vintage ______________________________________________________
Are at least 75% of the ingredients grown by you? q yes q no                          Are at least 75% of the ingredients grown by you? q yes q no
q I feel it necessary to decant this wine_______hours before serving.                 q I feel it necessary to decant this wine_______hours before serving.

Wine 2 Entered:                                                                       Wine 6 Entered:
Category Number___________________________________________________________            Category Number__________________________________________________________
Category Name____________________________________________________________             Category Name____________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________         ____________________________________________________________________________
Wine Ingredients and Percentage                                                       Wine Ingredients and Percentage
_____________________________________________________________________________         _____________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________         ____________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________         _____________________________________________________________________________
Vintage ______________________________________________________                        Vintage ______________________________________________________
Are at least 75% of the ingredients grown by you? q yes q no                          Are at least 75% of the ingredients grown by you? q yes q no
q I feel it necessary to decant this wine_______hours before serving.                 q I feel it necessary to decant this wine_______hours before serving.

Wine 3 Entered:                                                                       Wine 7 Entered:
Category Number__________________________________________________________             Category Number__________________________________________________________
Category Name____________________________________________________________             Category Name____________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________          _____________________________________________________________________________
Wine Ingredients and Percentage                                                       Wine Ingredients and Percentage
_____________________________________________________________________________         _____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________          ____________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________         _____________________________________________________________________________
Vintage ______________________________________________________                        Vintage ______________________________________________________
Are at least 75% of the ingredients grown by you? q yes q no                          Are at least 75% of the ingredients grown by you? q yes q no
q I feel it necessary to decant this wine_______hours before serving.                 q I feel it necessary to decant this wine_______hours before serving.

Wine 4 Entered:                                                                       Wine 8 Entered:
Category Number___________________________________________________________            Category Number__________________________________________________________
Category Name____________________________________________________________             Category Name____________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________         ____________________________________________________________________________
Wine Ingredients and Percentage                                                       Wine Ingredients and Percentage
_____________________________________________________________________________         _____________________________________________________________________________
____________________________________________________________________________          _____________________________________________________________________________
_____________________________________________________________________________         _____________________________________________________________________________
Vintage ______________________________________________________                        Vintage ______________________________________________________
Are at least 75% of the ingredients grown by you? q yes q no                          Are at least 75% of the ingredients grown by you? q yes q no
q I feel it necessary to decant this wine_______hours before serving.                 q I feel it necessary to decant this wine_______hours before serving.

Enter online at: winemakercompetition.com
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