ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services

Page created by Angela Guerrero
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
                                                                                                                February 2023

            T H E I N S I D E R ’ S G U I D E T O FAY E T T E S E N I O R S E R V I C E S ’ L I F E E N R I C H M E N T C E N T E R
                                                                                     FAYETTEVILLE | PEACHTREE CIT Y

Jokes On You
You’ll be rolling on the floor laughing during this night of
side splitting fun at our annual Comedy Night and Dinner!

Bite into Mardi Gras
Treat the taste buds with a delicious Mardi Gras lunch
and celebration right here at Fayette Senior Services.

Easy As Pie
This easy and delicious Meringue pie is one you’ll be
baking over and over again, it’s just that good!

      Live Well. Age Well.
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Fayette Senior Services
                                   invites you to

                         Hosted by Trilith
        Enjoy an elegant evening at the Reel People Care Gala at Trilith on Friday, March 3, 2023.
        Walk the red carpet and feel like a star at this wonderful fundraiser event supporting local
       nonprofits in Fayette County. Fayette Senior Services is excited to announce that we are one
       of the participating charities. Through your ticket purchase, you will be directly supporting
                             Fayette Senior Services transportation program!

           Individual tickets available for $275. Corporate sponsorship packages are available.
                  For more information or to be put on a reservations list, please contact
                          Morgan Lanier at mlanier@fayss.org or 770-769-8430

                                  Fayette Senior Services Presents:

                     St. Patrick’s Day
                       Peachtree City | 203 McIntosh Trail | 770.461.0813
                            Thursday                          $15 | Ticket
                            March 16                       Pre-registration
                         5 p.m. to 8 p.m.                      required
    Event Sponsored By:

2 | February 2023                                                                770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services

                                                                           Not All Heroes Wear Capes 10
                                                   Meet Meals On Wheels Volunteer and 2022 Hero Award
                                                    recipient Katie Salisbury, who truly makes a difference!

                                                                         Pie Only Have Eyes For You 11
                                                  This pie is bursting with a sweet, creamy and tasty filling
                                                   and topping that will melt in your mouth with each bite.

                                                                                Join in the Punch Line 15
                                                          It’s all about the laughter as our comedian has you
                                                           in stitches during The Laugh Track Comedy Night.

                                                                                 A Taste of Mardi Gras 15
                                                     Grab a bite of the ‘Big Easy’ with these delicious lunch
                                                     options from our kitchen crew to celebrate Mardi Gras.

                                                                            in every issue
                                                                                        About FSS           4
    President’s Day...................February 20, 2023
    Memorial Day................................May 29, 2023                  Supportive Services           5
    Independence Day..........................July 4, 2023
    Labor Day.............................September 4, 2023
                                                                                    Meet Our Staff          6
    Thanksgiving.......................November 23, 2023                Membership & Center Info          6-7
    Thanksgiving.......................November 24, 2023
    Christmas............................December 25, 2023                           Coming Soon            8
    Holidays ....................... ...December 26, 2023
    Holidays ....................... ...December 27, 2023                   Free Stuff - Every Day!    12-13
    Holidays ....................... ...December 28, 2023
                                                                                    Special Events         15
    Holidays ....................... ...December 29, 2023
                                                                              Classes & Programs       18-29

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                         February 2023 | 3
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Members can enjoy Fayette Senior
                                                                                 Services Life Enrichment Center
                                                                                 activities in two great locations.
                                                                                 Membership includes both of our
                                                                                 locations and we encourage
                                                                                 everyone to take advantage of all
    Since 1978, Fayette Senior Services, Inc., (FSS) an independent,             we have to offer at each place!
  nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization, has been providing a wide array of life
  enriching services to Fayette County residents age 50 and better. Fayette      Fayetteville Location:
  County, Georgia, is home to one of the fastest growing senior populations      4 Center Drive
  in metro Atlanta – and the age 50+ population segment is projected to grow     Fayetteville, GA 30214
  an astonishing 450% by 2040. This statistic alone makes our mission — to       Phone: 770-461-0813
  make a meaningful difference in the emotional, social, and physical well-      Fax: 770-461-2448
  being of older adults — all the more critical. By fostering independence,      M-F 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  improving quality of life, and enhancing the community connection, the         (Same complex as the Fayette
  programs and services we provide are an essential part of our community.       County Justice Center)

    Not-for-profit FSS enjoys a unique public/private partnership with           Peachtree City Location
  Fayette County government. Through this agreement we provide a variety         The Gathering Place:
  of supportive services such as Meals On Wheels, Transportation, In-home        203 McIntosh Trail
  Personal Care/ Homemaker Services, Care Management, Information                Peachtree City, GA 30269
  Assistance, and more. We could not do that without our government              Phone: 770-461-0813
  partners; however, we believe it is our responsibility to complement the       M-F 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  public support to ensure we can continue serving Fayette’s seniors for         (Same complex as the
  generations to come. Therefore, we feel it’s important to note that less       Frederick Brown Jr. Amphitheater)
  than half of our revenue comes from sources other than federal, state,
  and local governments.
                                                                                 Visit us at our website:
    Fayette Senior Services is recognized as a model of sustainability and
  social entrepreneurship among peer organizations and non-government
  funders. Although we are proud of this recognition, we could not do all
  that we do without the support from charitable donors, center members,         BOARD OF DIRECTORS
  volunteers, grantees, and the community that so generously supports our        CHAIRMAN | Dan Vano
  fundraising efforts.
                                                                                 VICE CHAIRMAN | Stephen Childs
   The aging transition can be paved with a broad spectrum of challenges.
  However, it can also prove to be rich with opportunities. The key to “aging    TREASURER | Kim Schnoes
  well” is knowledge. When it comes to addressing those unique needs,
  Fayette Senior Services Life Enrichment Center is the one-stop shop for        SECRETARY | Martha Teal
  empowering older adults to live well and age well.
                                                                                 DIRECTOR | Rev. B.A. Jackson

    Our Life Enrichment Centers in Fayetteville and Peachtree City are           DIRECTOR | Bob Reeves
  uniquely different from traditional senior centers. Our beautiful facilities
  are a vibrant place where adults age 50+ come to socialize with friends,       DIRECTOR | Carol Davis
  enjoy a great meal in our Ultimate Café, re-energize their bodies, exercise
  their minds, and lift their spirits.                                           DIRECTOR | Sharon Brooks

                                                                                 DIRECTOR | Donnie Davis
    To make sure our programs and activities are within easy reach to more
  seniors, we are proud to have established a community partnership with         DIRECTOR | Paige Muh
  the city of Peachtree City. We also offer many programs and activities in
  Peachtree City at the Gathering Place (next to “The Fred” Amphitheater).       DIRECTOR | Bubba Ruppe

                                                                                 DIRECTOR | Lynn Black
    We are proud to be making life better in our community.
    The Fayette Senior Services Staff

4 | February 2023                                                                       770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
When You Need a Little Help From Some Friends...
 We offer supportive services that make a meaningful
 difference in the emotional, social, and physical well-
 being of older adults by preserving their independence,
 improving their quality of life, and connecting them to
 the community.

 Meals On Wheels
   Meals on Wheels is a needs-based
 program for homebound or semi-homebound
 seniors who are unable to provide                                  and affordable door-to-door transportation
 themselves with regular nutritious meals                           options. Wheelchair assistance available.
 due to physical or financial challenges. The
 service also connects homebound seniors to                         In-Home Personal Care/Homemaker
 the community through daily social contact,                        Services
 which also helps to ensure their well-being.                         This service enables older adults to
                                                                    remain living independently by providing
 AniMeals                                                           compassionate care from trained personnel
   To many homebound seniors, having a pet                          who perform simple homemaker and/
 is a source of companionship and comfort.                          or personal care tasks, such as light
 The AniMeals™ program is designed to give                          housekeeping or assistance with bathing.
 our Meals On Wheels clients a little help                          Delivered with the utmost personal respect
 with the cost of pet food to make sure that                        and dignity, our services can also bring
 maintaining that important bond isn’t an                           much needed respite to caregivers.
 added burden.
                                                                    Care Management
 STAR Program                                                          Our professional staff of social workers
 (Seniors Together After Retirement)                                helps older adults make informed decisions
   Our STAR program offers individuals 60                           to enhance independent living and quality of
 and older an opportunity to come together                          life. Our Care Managers offer consultations,
 for socialization, recreational activities,                        assessments, and follow-up to assist
 health and wellness classes, and a nutritious                      individuals and families in planning and
 meal in our Ultimate Cafe. Transportation to                       care. We also provide invaluable support to
 and from the Center may also be available                          caregivers.
 to eligible participants.
                                                                    Medical Equipment Lending
 Transportation                                                       We lend gently-used medical equipment
   For older adults who no longer drive,                            to individuals, families and caregivers.
 getting to essential medical appointments,                         Equipment is loaned on a first-come first
 to the pharmacy, to church or to the grocery                       served basis.
 store can be a challenge putting their health
 a n d w e l l - b e i n g a t r i s k . We p r o v i d e s a f e

  Eligibility requirements apply for some programs. Some services may be provided free of charge or based on a
  sliding scale of income. Tax deductible donations welcome for services. Contact us at 770-461-0813 for more information.

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                                     February 2023 | 5
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Meet Our Staff!
         ADMINISTRATION                                CARE
         Nancy Meaders
                                                       MANAGEMENT                                       Membership
         President & CEO                               Natalie Hynson
                                                       Care Manager                                     Our nominal annual membership
         Dan Gibbs                                                                                      fee helps Fayette Senior Services
         Director of Operations                        Iris Harris
                                                       Care Manager                                     (FSS), a non-profit 501(c)(3)
         Morgan Lanier                                                                                  organization, sustain its operations,
         Program Development                           Angie Hotard
         Coordinator                                   Care Administrator                               programs and services in order for
         Deana Wright                                                                                   us to maintain our beautiful facilities
         PTC Center Coordinator                        TRANSPORTATION                                   and continue to offer great programs
         Marilyn Walker                                                                                 and café services at a great value to
         Member Services PTC                           Jeff Wix                                         our members. For more information
                                                       Transportation Manager
         Paul Hives                                                                                     about FSS, please contact the
         Technology Development                        Adrianne Bellantoni                              center administrator.
                                                       Transportation Coordinator
         Lynne Leatherman                              Roger Grandt
         Finance Officer                                                                                Membership Dues: $30 for Fayette
         Amber Oliver                                                                                   County residents ($90/out-of-
         Center & Volunteer                            Jane Rode                                        county)*. Membership applications
         Coordinator                                   Driver
                                                                                                        must be made in person and are
                                                       Jan Perkins                                      available at the reception desk
         THE ULTIMATE                                  Driver
         CAFÉ                                                                                           in both FSS locations. We regret
                                                       Dennis Duke                                      that we cannot accept mail-in
         Bonnie Kanofsky                               Driver
                                                                                                        applications. Photo ID/Proof of
         Executive Chef                                Harold Gunnin Jr.                                residency required.
         Ashley Loggins                                Driver
         Executive Chef                                Cheryl Hembree                                   Volunteers are eligible for a FREE
         Pedro Cruz                                    Driver
                                                                                                        membership after 75 hours of
         Sous Chef                                     Terry Billingsley                                service per 12 months. Fayette
         Candice Bailey                                Driver
                                                                                                        Senior Services accepts VISA,
         Kitchen Manager                               Chris Parker                                     MASTERCARD and DISCOVER
         Maria Marin                                   Driver
         Café Assistant                                Paula Byram
         Hunter Bailey                                 Driver                                           *No one is excluded for inability to
         Café Assistant                                Sabrina Bazydlo                                  pay. Complimentary memberships
         Callum Nichols                                Driver                                           can be arranged with a care
         Café Assistant                                Laurie Brasher                                   manager. Please call Iris Harris
         Carol Rowell                                  Driver                                           Care Manager, 770-461-0813 ext.
         Café Assistant                                Bob Corleto                                      116 for information or arrange for a
                                                       Driver                                           confidential meeting.
         MEALS ON WHEELS                               John Felbinger
                                                       Driver                                            As we create more opportunities to
         Natalie Hynson
         Meals On Wheels                               Wesley Richardson                                enrich the lives of older adults in the
         Coordinator                                   Driver                                           community, your rewards of being
         Arnold Powell                                 Phil King                                        a Fayette Senior Services Member
         Meals On Wheels                               Driver                                           grow as we do. Your membership will
                                                       Alan Simmons                                     be honored at both our Fayetteville
         Rebecca Bardo                                 Drive                                            and Peachtree City locations.
         Meals On Wheels
  Advertising Information. We appreciate the support from our advertisers, which helps defray the cost of printing our newsletter. For information about FSS
  advertising and other sponsorship opportunities, please contact Morgan Lanier at 770-461-0813 or mlanier@fayss.org. *The appearance of advertising
  in Fayette Senior Services, Inc. newsletter, website, classes, programs, or other promotional materials is neither a guarantee nor an endorsement by
  Fayette Senior Services, Inc. of the product, service, or company or the claims made for the product in such advertising.

6 | February 2023                                                                                                       770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Membership Has                                                      The Fitness
  Its Rewards                                                           Center
                                                                         - Fayetteville -
  Just show your FSS membership card at                                  Monday-Friday
  these retailers and receive discounts:                               7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
                                                            The fitness center is open to members for
                                                            only $10 per month. Our fitness center is
  BLB Handyman Services                                      a great place to get fit, enjoy friends &
  Ben Bosworth                                                      maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  (678) 777-0871

  Receive a 10% discount off services with a valid FSS              The Ultimate
  membership card. Ben is a local fireman and the
  owner and operator of BLB Handyman Services, LLC.
  Serving Fayette and Coweta county.
                                                                         - Fayetteville -
                                                            Our dining services are for members only.
  TRINITY Services of                                       It’s one of the many benefits of member-
  Georgia, Inc                                               ship! Members may bring guests to the
  Electrical contractor/Low-Voltage Contractor              café, but we ask that all guests sign in at
  Ben Miller                                                       the front desk before dining.
  (770) 402-0181

  Helping to meet your residential, industrial and
                                                                      Monday through Friday
  commercial electrical needs. 10% off all parts involved              8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
  with service work with valid FSS membership card.           Hot breakfast item served every day
                                                              Enjoy a choice of continental breakfast
  Tom’s Pest Control Co.                                                        items
  (770) 487-9506                                             (cereal, muffins, bagels, fruit, juice, milk).
                                                                   Pricing is á la carte, plus tax.
  Receive 10% off all services from Tom’s Pest Control          Coffee and tea are complimentary.
  Co. with a valid membership card.
  TCBY                                                                Monday through Friday
  532 Crosstown Drive in Peachtree City.                                11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  (770) 631-9803                                            Choose from two chef-prepared hot entrees,
                                                            side dishes, soup du jour, small garden-fresh
  10% off your purchases when you show a valid FSS           salad, choice of desserts or fruit. Pricing is
  membership card.                                          á la carte, plus tax. Beverages are included
                                                                       with any meal purchase
  Jolly Technologies                                                (iced tea, coffee, and water).
  (678) 653-5169

  Receive $10 discount/hour (total: $65/hour) off
  services for computer maintenance when you show a
  valid FSS membership card.

  Visiting Guests
    We welcome visitors to our center, but ask all
  guests check in at the reception desk. This allows              2023 CPR/AED TRAINING SPONSORED BY:
  us to give our guests a tour, answer questions, and
  track the number of visitors to our center. Group
  Reservations: We welcome groups to visit our center
  for a tour and lunch, but to better serve you, please
  call 770-461-0813 in advance to set up with our staff!
  Guest is not a substitute for membership! If a member-
  eligible guest has more than two visits to our center,
  we ask they become a member to continue enjoying
  the center.

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                     February 2023 | 7
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Coming Soon...                                        Miriam’s Fitness Corner
                    March 2023                                          For the Love of Cod
 St. Patrick’s Day Celebration                        Love is in the air and hearts are plastered everywhere. It
 Peachtree City | Thursday, March 16                  must be February - National Heart Month. That’s my cue
 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. | $15                               to remind you to take extra good care of your own heart.
 Top of the morning to ya! Share some Irish Luck      Heart health should always be a top priority because our
 at this St. Patrick’s Day event. It will leave all   heart is THE most important muscle. One thing that can be
 who don’t attend green with envy. Sponsored by       done to improve heart health is increased Omega-3 intake.
 Aberdeen Fine Properties, State Farm Agent Mark      Omega-3s are essential fatty acids (aka “the good fat”)
 Gray, and Kaiser Permanente.                         that can be added to the diet through supplements and/
                                                      or by consciously choosing foods that are a good source.
                                                      Our bodies cannot produce it, therefore we must ingest it.
                    April 2023                        Fish, such as Salmon and Cod, along with other seafood
 Sounds of Spring                                     are extremely rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential
 Fayetteville | Thursday, April 27                    fatty acids yield health benefits that will blow your mind. For
 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. | $15                         example, Omega-3 has been linked to the prevention of
 Enjoy the beautiful weather and a private concert    heart disease and strokes. There is evidence that it plays a
 performed by The Southern Crescent Chorale.          protective role in fighting cancer and controlling lupus and
 This event will be held outside, so bring your       eczema. Research has also shown it improves cholesterol
                                                      and that its anti-inflammatory properties can slow hair
 chairs! Sponsored by State Farm Agent Mark Gray.     loss, ease lower back and joint pain caused by rheumatoid
                                                      arthritis and osteoporosis AND help relieve depression. In
                    June 2023                         other words, if you are not getting your Omega-3s, you need
 Boot Scoot & BBQ                                     to be. See list below for suggested food sources or visit your
 Fayetteville | Friday, June 23                       local natural food supplement store today. Either way, for the
 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. | $15                               love of Cod - just add it to your diet already. (Note: If taking
 Put on your boots and enjoy a wonderful BBQ          blood thinners or other heart-related prescriptions, consult a
 dinner along with a night full of dancing for a      physician before taking supplements)
 boot scootin’ good time! Sponsored by Somerby,       Foods rich in Omega-3: Salmon, Cod, Herring, Mackerel,
 Humana and Kaiser Permanente.                        Sardines, Tuna, Cod Liver Oil, Fish Oil, Trout, Swordfish,
    *All events are subject to change in date/time    Walnuts, Avocado, Edible Seaweed, Soybeans, Sunflower
             Stay tuned for more details!             Seeds, Flaxseed Oil, Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds.

Need Directions?
How to get from FSS Fayetteville to FSS Peachtree City.
                                                                                    1. Head west on Center
                                                                                    Drive towards GA-85/
                                                                                    Glynn Street S.

                                                                                    3. Continue Straight onto
                                                                                    Melear Way.

                                                                                    3. Turn Right onto GA-85/
                                                                                    Glynn Street S.

                                                                                    4. Turn left onto GA-54
                                                                                    S/E Lanier Ave.

                                                                                    5. Turn left onto S.
                                                                                    Peachtree Parkway

                                                                                    6. Turn right onto
                                                                                    McIntosh Trail

                                                                                    Destination will be on the left

8 | February 2023                                                                     770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
The Way the Cookie Crumbles...
    These delicious cookies were submitted at the cookie contest at
    our annual Fayetteville Christmas Party! Both were delicious and
    we suggest making a batch... or ten...to try. Don’t forget to share!

        Orange Balls
        Submitted by Pam Davis                        •   Add pecans and mix well
                                                      •   Roll into bite size balls
                                                      •   Roll the balls in the coconut
        •   1 (6 oz) can frozen orange juice
            concentrate                               Makes approximately 100 balls
        •   4 cups powdered sugar, sifted
        •   1 cup chopped pecans                      Will keep for several weeks in tight container
        •   1/2 cup margarine, softened               in freezer!
        •   1 (12 oz) box vanilla wafers
        •   1 cup fine grated coconut

        •   Roll wafers with rolling pin until fine
        •   Mix by hand: wafers, butter, sugar
            and juice

                                                          Pumpkin Cookies
    •       1 cup pumpkin                                 Directions:
    •       1 cup Crisco Oil                              •   Mix together pumpkin, Crisco oil,
    •       1 cup sugar                                       sugar, egg, salt, baking soda, vanilla
    •       1 egg                                             and cinnamon
    •       1/4 tsp salt                                  •   Slowly mix in the flour
    •       1 tsp baking soda                             •   Fold in bag of chocolate chips
    •       1 tsp vanilla                                 •   Put small spoonfuls on a greased
    •       1 tsp cinnamon                                    cookie sheet
    •       1 cup flour                                   •   Bake at 350 degrees for about 8-10
    •       12 oz bag of chocolate chips                      minutes, until the bottom is light
                                                          Makes about 8 1/2 dozen cookies.

                                                                         Submitted Darla Hayes

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                    February 2023 | 9
ENRICHMENT - Fayette Senior Services
Dear Volunteer, You Make a Difference!
 Buffalo Bill’s Won’t You Come Out Tonight                                       Written By: Amber Oliver

                                                               Katie attended Buffalo State and then
                                                        the University of Buffalo to obtain her master’s
                                                        degree. Her degrees in elementary education
                                                        and special education resulted in her teaching
                                                        K, 1st, and 2nd grades as well as special
                                                        education in both the public and private school
                                                        sectors. She has shared her love of knowledge
                                                        by teaching in NY, PA, CT, and GA. Though she
                                                        no longer teaches, she has not officially retired.
                                                        Katie works part time as an activities assistant
                                                        at the Benton House in Newnan. She loves her
                                                        job there for the same reasons she loves MOW.

                                                               Katie and her husband Joe have been
                                                        married 25 years. They met in college while
                                                        working at the same restaurant. They have
                                                        resided in PTC for 15 years. As Joe is a big
                                                        golfer, it played a role in how they landed here
                                                        in Fayette County. They have 1 daughter, Marin,
         When I saw Katie Salisbury, one of our         who is a freshman at Georgia State University.
  MOW volunteers, featured in The Citizen as a
  recipient of the Fayette Chamber of Commerce                  As a family, they enjoy spending time at
  2022 Hero Award, I knew she had to be our             their home on Lake Martin. They take the boat
  Spotlight Volunteer for February. Katie was           out year round, however, November through
  honored as an unmasked hero in our community          April they often find themselves the only ones
  for her work with Meals on Wheels. She told           on the lake except for the devoted fishermen.
  me that she is honored to spend time with our         In addition to lake life, Katie is a lifelong Buffalo
  MOW team like Natalie, Arnold and Rebecca.            Bills fan; as painful as that can sometimes be.
  But we feel it is we who are so fortunate to have     She is hoping for a Super Bowl win this year.
  her as a FSS volunteer.                               Go Bills!
         Katie delivers meals on our MOW Route                 Katie takes “hero” to a whole new level
  #6 every Wednesday. But like most of our              with our Meals on Wheels clients. She goes
  MOW volunteers, she doesn’t stop there. She           far beyond delivering a meal. She spends time
  delights in shopping for MOW patrons who are          with her clients, discovering their needs and
  homebound, she helps take care of pets, and           then meeting those needs with seemingly small
  is a visiting angel for those who have to be          tasks that are so big to them. It comes naturally
  admitted to the hospital. She extends herself         to Katie to give back. She never hesitates to
  and her kindness above and beyond.                    reach out and lend a helping hand and jump in
                                                        where needed, selflessly giving her time to help
         She grew up in Buffalo, NY with 3 sisters      meet the needs of seniors in Fayette County.
  and 2 brothers. Katie is the youngest of 6 kids.      We are so lucky to have Katie as a part of
  Her dad was a mechanical engineer, but her            our volunteer team. You’re a hero in our eyes
  mom had the harder job - staying home with all        always, Katie! Thanks for all you do and the
  the kids. At 15 years old, she got her first job at   lives you impact each day!
  the local drug store in a shopping plaza behind
  her house. She actually had to count back
  change manually! All 5 of her siblings worked                                                 2023
  at the drug store at some time or another.                                                  Volunteer
10 | February 2023                                                                  770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
From Our Kitchen To Yours
 Meringue Pie
  Enjoy this delicious recipe to try at home from the kitchen of the Fayette Senior Services’ family!

                                                    •   3 egg whites
                                                    •   3/4 cups sugar
                                                    •   20 Ritz crackers, crushed
                                                    •   1 cup pecans, chopped
                                                    •   1/2 pint whipping cream

                                                    •   Beat egg whites until stiff
                                                    •   Slowly add sugar, beating to form stiff
                                                    •   Fold in crushed crackers and chopped
                                                    •   Spread in an ungreased 8 inch pie pan.
                                                        Using the back of spoon, make the
                                                        sides higher than the middle of the pie
                                                    •   Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes
                                                    •   Let cool
                                                    •   Whip the cream and add about a 1/4 cup
                                                        of sugar to the cream
                                                    •   Spread in the center of cooled pie
                                                    •   Refrigerate

   Photo by jules via Flickr                                       Enjoy
     Join us in the Ultimate Cafe in
   Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.
      Hot breakfast item served each day
       (a la carte pricing plus tax)

             Monday through Friday
               11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m.
           (a la carte pricing plus tax)

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                              February 2023 | 11
       As a member, there are many membership benefits available to you, including a variety of FREE
     activities…every day! Not big on classes or group activities? No problem! Many members enjoy the use
     of both Fayetteville and Peachtree City locations to relax, read a book, meet friends, or just grab a cup
     of coffee. In addition, we always have a schedule of free programs on the calendar (see our monthly
     events section). It pays to be a member!

       Some fitness classes are free to center members while some have a fee. We also have a fitness center
     housing many workout machines and equipment, however, an orientation must be done prior to start-
     ing. *Please check with your doctor before starting any new fitness program. “We Card!” Please help us
     preserve your member benefits…be prepared to show your member ID card when asked. Thank you.

                                 Free in Fayetteville
     Mondays                            Wednesdays                         Fridays
     Sit and Get Fit:                   Sit and Get Fit:                   Sit and Get Fit:
     10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.              10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.              10 a.m. to 10:40 a.m.
     Canasta:                           Canasta:                           Pinochle:
     8 a.m. to 12 p.m.                  8 a.m. to 12 p.m.                  8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
     Regular and Hand & Foot            Blood Pressure Check:              Canasta:
     Advanced Bridge:                   10 a.m. to 11 a.m.                 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
     2nd Monday of month                Rummikub:                          Mexican Train
     10 a.m. to 3 p.m.                  12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.            Dominoes:
     Mexican Train                                                         12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
     Dominoes:                                                             Scrabble:
     12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.                                                  12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
     Sit and Stitch:                                                       Bid Whist:
     1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                   Thursdays                          1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
     Monday Bridge:
     1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                   Canasta:
     Chess Club:                        8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
     1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.                Uno:
     Bid Whist:                         10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
     1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.                Blood Pressure Check:                Calling all
                                        10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                                        Sit and Stitch:
                                                                            pool sharks!
     Tuesdays                           1 p.m. to 4 p.m.                        Practice your skills
                                                                               and have fun playing
     Uno:                                                                 billiards. Join this fun group
                                        1:15 p.m. to 4 p.m.               of friends who have made
     10 a.m. to 12 p.m.                                                   the pool room their second
     Scrabble:                                                            home! Enjoy some friendly
     12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.                                                 competition and banter any
     Tuesday Bridge Club:                                                 day of the week during our
     1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.                                                    regular business hours.
     Phase 10:
                                                                           Men & women welcome!
     1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
12 | February 2023                                                                    770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
Free in Peachtree City
        The Gathering Place location in Peachtree City has a room located in the building right next door
     to it. Some classes are held in that room throughout the week. Please call 770-461-0813 to check or
                       stop by the front desk and we will point you in the right direction.

  Mondays                                   Wednesdays                                  Thursdays
  Morning Stretch:                          Morning Stretch:                            Intermediate Social
  9 a.m. to 10 a.m.                         9 a.m. to 10 a.m.                           Bridge Free Play:
  Blood Pressure Checks:                    Marathon Bridge:                            11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                   2nd Wednesday of month
  Intermediate Social                       10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  Bridge Free Play:
  12 p.m. to 4 p.m.
                                            Social Duplicate Bridge:
                                            1st, 3rd, and 4th Wednesday
  Canasta:                                  10 a.m. to 3 p.m.                           Morning Stretch:
  12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.                      Mahjong:                                    9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
                                            12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.                        Mahjong:
                                                                                        12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  Tuesdays                                                                              1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
                                                                                        Game Day:
  Happy 2Soms:                                                                          1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
  3rd Tuesday of month
  2 p.m. to 4 p.m.                                   Turn the
  This group meets monthly                            Pages!
  to play bingo.
                                               Check out the collection of
                                               books and magazines from
                                               all genre. Available for pick
                                                up at both our Peachtree
                                                City and Fayetteville loca-
                                              tions! Have some you aren’t
                                              using? We are currently ac-
                                                 cepting book donations.

  We enjoyed having Desperado the Parrot join us for a program   Some of our members made Santa’s nice list this year

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                                   February 2023 | 13
Rules, Regulations & Cancellation Policies
    Register early! Many of our classes are extremely popular and fill up quickly! All classes have a
    class-size limit that varies with each class. All classes – free or fee-based – require registration
    unless otherwise noted. Any applicable fees must be paid at the time of registration, or you
    are not considered registered for the class.

    REGISTRATION: Please stop by the Fayetteville or Peachtree City location or call the Center
    receptionist to register for classes. All fees are payable in advance – cash, check, or credit

    CANCELLATIONS: Fayette Senior Services reserves the right to cancel any class due to
    insufficient registration or at the instructor’s request. If cancellation is necessary, anyone
    already registered will be notified and receive a full credit to their account. Please note that
    some classes have specific registration deadlines.

    WAITING LIST: All classes, activities, trips, and special events are offered on a first-come,
    first-served basis. If a class or activity is full, you may be placed on a waiting list.

    REFUNDS: Refunds will be issued if registration is cancelled by the participant up to 5 working
    days prior to the start date. Any event costs incurred will be deducted from the requested
    refund in addition to a 10% administration fee. No refunds awarded after that deadline.
    Refunds will be issued in the form of an FSS credit towards future program registration or
    membership dues.

    CLASSROOM PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS: Participants must be mobile as well
    as physically, mentally, and medically able to participate without disruption in any class or
    activity. Fayette Senior Services reserves the right to evaluate participants to determine an
    individual’s participation ability. Some classes require a medical release and/or a fitness
    readiness questionnaire.

    Some of the members of The Noteworthys performing at FSS   Members June and Darla celebrating the holidays together

14 | February 2023                                                                          770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
Special Events

    Photo by Ti_Kawamoto via Flickr

     You’re the Chocolate                         A Bite Out of Mardi             The Laugh Track
     To My Strawberry                             Gras Luncheon                   Comedy Night
     FAYETTEVILLE                                 PEACHTREE CITY                  FAYETTEVILLE
     Friday, February 3                           Friday, February 17             Thursday, February 23
     1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.                       11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.        5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
     $5                                           $10                             $15
     Member exclusive                             Member exclusive                Members and non-members
     Pre-registration required                    Pre-registration required       Pre-registration required

     You never need an excuse                     The countdown to Mardi          A night of laughs awaits
     for a delicious chocolate                    Gras is on! Although we         as a hilarious comedian
     covered strawberry, but if                   won’t have a big parade         brings his talents live to
     you feel you do, there is no                 and celebration like in some    all of us at Fayette Senior
     better time than Valentine’s                 of the most spirited towns,     Services. Enjoy a delicious
     Day! Treat yourself to some                  we can have our very own        and wonderfully prepared
     delicious and beautiful                      little celebration at Fayette   dinner by our kitchen crew
     strawberries. Join Scoops                    Senior Services. Throw          before relishing in some
     Fayetteville as they teach                   on your green, purple and       family-friendly humor that
     us the art of making these                   gold, grab some beads           will have you out of your
     tasty delights. Decorate                     and join us for a delicious     seats and rolling on the
     six strawberries to eat or                   Mardi Gras themed lunch!        floor laughing. A perfect
     take home using a variety                    Enjoy traditional tastes        evening out for some light
     o f d i ff e r e n t t e c h n i q u e s ,   of jambalaya, white rice,       hearted fun.
     chocolates, and toppings.                    shrimp po’ boys, Cajun
     Not only will you have some                  corn and beignets.
     to enjoy but also will learn
     the secrets to continuing
     to make them any time you
     get the craving!

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                         February 2023 | 15
            Sunday             Monday                            Tuesday                       Wedn

                                                                                           Quilting Day:

                                                                                           Fayette Coun

                                                                                             Life is Hea

                      5                              6        Garden Club pg. 23    7            Quilting
                                                                                                 UFO p

                           Safe and Sound pg. 22              Reflexology pg. 27             Love Potio

                                                         Breathe In, Breathe Out pg. 27    Coffee with a
                          Map Your Emotions pg. 22
                                                         The Chinese New Year pg. 23        and Adjustm

                     12                            13        Act Your Age pg. 28
                                                                                  14        Murder in P
                              Fraud Alert pg. 23                                                City pg
                                                          Lunch & Learn: From the
                             Scrub-A-Dub-Dub              Bottom of My Heart pg. 28       Joint the Move
                            Soap Making pg. 24                 Volunteer Open
                                                                House pg. 24              Computer Assis

                     19                            20          Book Club pg. 25   21          Quilting D
                                                                                              A Purpose
                                                              1-on-1 Medicare
                           CLOSED                            Consultations pg. 25          Don’t Put All
                                                                                            in One Bas
                                                               When Life Hands            Steps to Succ
                            President’s Day                   You Lemons pg. 25
                                                                                           Hearing Aid C
                                                          Painting Workshop pg. 18           Maintenan

                     26                            27         The Hidden Risks
                             Sing It Loud, Sing It           of Retirement pg. 26
                            Proud: Karaoke pg. 25
                                                          Understanding Alzheimer’s
                           Balance It Out: Balance          and Dementia pg. 26
                            Assessments pg. 29
                                                         Computer Assistance pg. 26

16 | February 2023                                                       770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
ry 2023
nesday                    Thursday                          Friday                                 Saturday

 UFO pg. 18
               1                             2                                       3                                         4
                   What’s for Lunch? pg. 22
                                                        Let It Go pg. 22
on pg. 21            A Gut Feeling pg. 27
                                                  You’re the Chocolate To
                     What the Shell pg. 22         My Strawberry pg. 15
art pg. 27

g Day:
pg. 18         8      Movie Day pg. 21
                                             9                                  10                                        11
ons pg. 23                                             Breaking Through
                    Express Lunch pg. 26                the Wall pg. 23
a Cop pg. 23
                                                     Beat Belly Bloat pg. 28
 s Repair             Mental Note pg. 27
ments pg. 27

         15          Dementia Caregiver
                                         16             Cornhole pg. 24         17                                        18
g. 24               Support Group pg. 24               A Bite Out of Mardi
                                                      Gras Luncheon pg. 15
ement pg. 28       I Beg Your Garden pg. 24
                                                         Exercise Your
                                                       Gym Rights pg. 28
 stance pg. 26     The Grape Escape pg. 24
                                                       Batik Painting pg. 18

Day: With
 e pg. 1822           Book Club pg. 25
                      Movie Day pg. 21
                                         23                                     24                                        25
                                                       Movie Day pg. 21
 l Your Eggs         Express Lunch pg. 26
sket pg. 25                                             Brain Games for
cess pg. 29           The Laugh Track                  Brain Health pg. 29
                     Comedy Night pg. 15
 Cleanings &       Fayette County SPLOST                Car Wash pg. 25
nce pg. 28            Information pg. 21

                                                            January 2023                                March 2023

                                                 S      M   T    W     T    F    S       S    M    T      W     T    F    S

                                                 1      2   3     4    5    6    7                         1    2    3    4

                                                 8      9   10   11    12   13   14      5    6    7       8    9    10   11

                                                 15    16   17   18    19   20   21      12   13   14     15    16   17   18

                                                 22    23   24   25    26   27   28      19   20   21     22    23   24   25

                                                 29    30   31                           26   27   28     29    30   31

      770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                              February 2023 | 17
February Program Schedule
                                            time to work on a personal     Batik Painting
                 Needlework                 project with others. Must
                                            provide your own sewing        PEACHTREE CITY
                                            machine. Some quilting         Friday, February 17
       Crochet                              experience required, not for   9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                                            beginners.                     $30 | Includes materials
       FAYETTEVILLE                                                        Pre-registration required
       Pre-registration required            Quilting Day:                  Instructor: Karen DeFelix
       Instructor: Nancy Crow               With a Purpose
                                                                           Learn to use the Batik
       Crochet classes will be back         FAYETTEVILLE                   process of using wax as
       in March! Contact Nancy at           Wednesday, February 22         a resist. Using watercolor
       icrochet2@bellsouth.net with         9 a.m. to 3 p.m.               and paper, combined with
       questions.                           $15 | Materials not included   the wax, these will create a
                                            Pre-registration required      beautiful and unique piece.
       Quilting Day:                        Instructor: Darlene Hubble     The finished painting can be
       UFO                                                                 framed in the customary way
                                            Inspire yourself by creating   or displayed using only a
       FAYETTEVILLE                         a quilt for charity, family    mat around it so light comes
       Wednesday, February 1                or even yourself. This will    through, giving it a stained-
       9 a.m. to 3 p.m.                     develop a positive frame of    glass look. No previous
       $15 | Materials not included         mind for a great time spent    experience needed.
       Pre-registration required            quilting. This class is not
                                            instruction based, just free
       Instructor: Darlene Hubble
                                            time to work on a personal
       Ta k e t i m e t o f i n i s h u p   project with others. Must
       projects. Search your quilt          provide your own sewing
       area and grab your oldest            machine. Some quilting         Peachtree City
       UFO to get it finished. This         experience required, not for   Beginner I Line Dance
       class is not instruction             beginners.
       based, just free time to work                                       PEACHTREE CITY
       on a personal project with                  Creative Pursuits       Tuesday
       others. Must provide your                                           11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
       own sewing machine. Some                                            $15 | Month
       quilting experience required,        Painting Workshop              Instructor: Stella Joshua
       not for beginners.
                                            FAYETTEVILLE                   For those who are new to line
       Quilting Day:                        Tuesday, February 21           dance. Learn the basic dance
       UFO                                  10 a.m. to 12 p.m.             steps, dance terminology,
                                            $35 | Includes materials       and some of the popular
       FAYETTEVILLE                         Pre-registration required      party, reunion, and reception
       Wednesday, February 8                Instructor: Kathy Brewer       dances.
       9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
       $15 | Materials not included         Paint a picture by following   Peachtree City
       Pre-registration required            along step-by-step with        Beginner II Line Dance
       Instructor: Darlene Hubble           the instructor – you’ll be
                                            surprised by what you’re       PEACHTREE CITY
       Take time to finish up projects.     capable of! See the front      Tuesday
       Search your quilt area and           desk for a sample picture.     12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.
       grab your oldest UFO to get          This month, paint a            $15 | Month
       it finished. This class is not       gorgeous dogwood branch        Instructor: Stella Joshua
       instruction based, just free         and flowers.

18 | February 2023                                                                 770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
For those who have had at      Free Moves                      breathing exercises and
      least six months of Beginner   Line Dance                      meditation as well as
      I Line Dance. This class                                       movement with emphasis
      develops more complex          FAYETTEVILLE                    on your body that many
      dances, steps, and turns.      Fridays                         traditional floor yoga poses
                                     10 a.m. to 12 p.m.              focus on.
      Beginner Line Dance            FREE
                                     Members exclusive               Yoga: Fayetteville
      FAYETTEVILLE                   Pre-registration required
      Tuesday                                                        FAYETTEVILLE
      12 p.m. to 1 p.m.              Enjoy a morning of dancing      Friday
      $15 | Month                    during this self-led group.     8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
      Instructor: Eddie Huffman      Gather together to move         $20 | Month
                                     to the music. This is just      Instructor: T. Michael
      Keep those line dancing        a casual dance and not
      moves sharp! This class        instruction based. No           A form of mind-body exercise
      is designed for those who      teacher will be present, just   that combines standing,
      have at least six months       members who love dancing!       sitting, and balancing
      experience in dancing.                                         postures to bring strength,
      Dancing is the best activity                                   flexibility, and calm.
      to keep your mind sharp and
      focused. Take the quarterly
                                                Fitness              Yoga: Fayetteville
      step workshop too in order                                     Zoom Live Session
      to enhance your experience,    Cardio, Core & More
      learn proper dance steps                                       Via Zoom from your home
      and line dance etiquette.      PEACHTREE CITY                  Friday
                                     Thursday                        8:45 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
      Improver Line Dance            12 p.m. to 12:50 p.m.           $20 | Month
                                     $10 | Month                     Instructor: T. Michael
      FAYETTEVILLE                   Instructor: Miriam Jones
      Tuesday                                                        This will feature the Yoga
      11 a.m. to 12 p.m.             If early morning workouts       class live via Zoom so you
      $15 | Month                    aren’t your thing, this is      can participate in the same
      Instructor: Eddie Huffman      the class for you! Miriam       great class in your home.
                                     feels your pain and is
      Keep advancing and             happy to reciprocate! Join      Yoga: Peachtree City
      become a line dance expert     for a fun and different mix
      in no time. For those who      of effective, yet easy-to-      PEACHTREE CITY
      have had at least 12 months    follow exercises that will      Thursday
      of Beginner Line Dancing.      strengthen your body and        9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
      When you reach the             enhance your mood. Bring        $20 | Month
      Improver level, you are on     a mat.                          Instructor: Renee Morris
      your way to learn a myriad
      of new and fun challenging     Chair Yoga                      A form of mind-body exercise
      dances. Remember line                                          that combines standing,
      dancing is excellent for       PEACHTREE CITY                  sitting, and balancing
      mind, body and social          Tuesday                         postures to bring strength
      networking. Reach out          10 a.m. to 11 a.m.              and flexibility.
      and connect to workshops,      $25 | Month
      seminars, and open dance       Instructor: Kathryn Martin      Tai Chi Club
      parties in order to reach
      your maximum capacity.         A great yoga workout            FAYETTEVILLE
                                     that incorporates gentle        Tuesday
                                     stretches and builds            2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
                                     awareness through               Thursday (no 3rd Thursday)

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                            February 2023 | 19
10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.                  feeling stronger and more                          $10 | Month
      FREE                                   energized. Each workout                            Instructor: Miriam Jones
      No pre-registration required           is designed to improve
                                             endurance, strength,                               A series of simple and easy
      This self-lead group meets to          f l e x i b i l i t y, c o o r d i n a t i o n ,   to follow stretch combinations
      practice their form together.          core, and brain function.                          to improve your balance,
      This is not instruction                Modifications always                               coordination, and range of
      based and previous Tai Chi             provided.                                          motion.
      experience is needed. Tai
      Chi provides a safe, gradual           Intermediate                                       Stretch for Movement:
      way to improve flexibility,            I Aerobics:                                        Zoom Live Session
      increase circulation, reduce           Zoom Live Session
      stress, strengthen bones,                                                                 Via Zoom from your home
      lower blood pressure, and              Via Zoom from your home                            Wednesday
      increase overall fitness.              Tuesday and Thursday                               9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
                                             8:40 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.                             $10 | Month
      Power Aerobics                         $20 | Month per class                              Instructor: Miriam Jones
                                             Instructor: Miriam Jones
      FAYETTEVILLE                                                                              This will feature the Stretch
      Tuesday and Thursday                   This will feature the                              for Movement class live via
      7:40 a.m. to 8:30 a.m.                 Intermediate I Aerobics                            Zoom so you can participate
      $20 | Month                            class live via Zoom so you                         in the same great class in
      Instructor: Miriam Jones               can participate in the same                        your home.
                                             great class in your home.
      These super fun, up-tempo                                                                 Stretch for Movement
      total body workout sessions            Intermediate                                       Pre-recorded Sessions
      are designed to strengthen             II Aerobics
      your muscles and core while                                                               FAYETTEVILLE
      simultaneously improving               FAYETTEVILLE                                       Monday
      balance, coordination, and             Tuesday and Thursday                               9 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.
      flexibility. Prepare to be             9:40 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                            $10 | Month
      safely challenged as no                $20 | Month                                        Instructor: Miriam Jones
      workout is ever the same.              Instructor: Miriam Jones
      Yo u ’ l l g a i n e n e r g y a n d                                                      Grab an extra day of this
      friendships. Each Thursday             This total body workout will                       great stretch class. We’ll
      workout includes floor work            leave you feeling stronger                         feature one of Miriam’s
      so bring a mat that day.               and more energized. Start                          previously recorded stretch
      Modifications provided.                your morning off twice a                           for movement sessions
                                             week with Miriam as she                            on our projector screen. A
      Intermediate                           provides a great session                           series of simple and easy to
      I Aerobics                             intended to get you                                follow stretch combinations
                                             moving and feeling better                          to improve your balance,
      FAYETTEVILLE                           throughout each week.                              coordination, and range of
      Tuesday and Thursday                   Each workout is designed                           motion.
      8:40 a.m. to 9:30 a.m.                 to improve endurance,
      $20 | Month                            s t r e n g t h , f l e x i b i l i t y,           Walking Group:
      Instructor: Miriam Jones               coordination, core, and                            Fayetteville
                                             brain function. Modifications
      Whether you’re a fitness               always provided.                                   FAYETTEVILLE
      enthusiast or dread the idea                                                              Wednesday
      of exercise, this is the class         Stretch for Movement                               2 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.
      for you. Take the routine                                                                 FREE
      out of fitness. These total            FAYETTEVILLE                                       No pre-registration required
      body workouts are never                Wednesday
      the same and will have you             9:45 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.                            Meet inside the FSS lobby

20 | February 2023                                                                                       770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
to increase your success by       11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.                  1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
    walking with a partner(s).        FREE                                   FREE
    150 minutes per week of           Member exclusive                       Members and non-members
    cardiovascular activity           Pre-registration required
    promotes heart health and                                                FAYETTEVILLE
    lowers the risk of many other     Mahjong is a fun and popular           Thursday, February 23
    ailments. Improve physical        game of strategy and skill             1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
    fitness with a dose of cardio.    with a lot of social time              FREE
    Self-led group.                   thrown in! This tile-based             Members and non-members
                                      game works the mind and
    Walking Group:                    makes for a fun afternoon              In preparation for the March
    Peachtree City                    with friends. Join some of             2023 SPLOST vote, attend
                                      our regular mahjong ladies             this SPLOST education
    PEACHTREE CITY                    as they teach the basics to            seminar at Fayette Senior
    Thursday                          this game. If you are new to           Services. During that vote,
    10 a.m.                           Mahjong or need a refresher,           you will be asked to support
    FREE                              join to learn new skills.              the projects proposed on the
    No pre-registration required                                             2023 SPLOST for Fayette
                                      Fayette County                         County including over
    Meet at the Gathering Place       SPLOST Information                     $1,000,000 to support Fayette
    to check in and then take                                                Senior Services projects.
    advantage of the paths            PEACHTREE CITY                         We will discuss the details
    around the center to add          Wednesday, February 1                  of Fayette Senior Services
    social interaction with a dose
    of cardio. Self-led group.

    Personal Training                   The Center Box Office
    Scheduled by request only           Member exclusive | Pre-registration required
    $50 | Session (1 hour)              PEACHTREE CITY
    Instructor: Miriam Jones and        Thursday, February 9 | 1 p.m.
                                        Downton Abbey: A New Era (2022) | PG
    T Michael
                                        Starring: Hugh Bonneville, Jim Carter, Michelle Dockery. The Crawleys
                                        and their staff welcome a movie crew and their glamourous stars to
    If you are searching for a          Downton for the filming of a new silent movie, while other members of
    more structured setting to get      the family go on a grand adventure to a villa in the south of France to
                                        uncover a mystery about the Dowager Countess and her past.
    the most of your workout, this
    one-on-one training is for you!     PEACHTREE CITY
    Learn methods to working out        Thursday, February 23 | 1 p.m.
    specifically designed to help       Ticket to Paradise (2022) | PG-13
    you reach your goals. Access        FAYETTEVILLE
                                        Friday, February 24 | 1 p.m.
    to fitness center during            Ticket to Paradise (2022) | PG-13
    session. Call Miriam at 404-
                                        Starring: George Clooney, Julia Roberts. Love is in the air on Bali as
    644-6598 to set up session.         recent college graduate Lily prepares to wed a local guy and her friend
                                        Wren finds herself falling for an island doctor. But Lily’s parents – now
                                        divorced – are speeding to the island to put a halt to the festivities.

             Special Interest
                                        They travel to Bali to stop their daughter from making the same mistake
                                        they think they made 25 years ago.

                                        Movie sponsored by:
    to Mahjong
    Wednesday, February 1, 8,
    15 & 22

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                          February 2023 | 21
proposed projects and other          What the Shell                 Pre-registration required
      highlights of the City and
      County proposals. Your vote          PEACHTREE CITY                 Downsizing comes with
      will determine the progress          Thursday, February 2           many pros and cons. Overall
      of Fayette County over the           1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.         if you have the thought in
      next six years on numerous           FREE                           your head, it may just be
      important projects in our            Members and non-members        worth it! Andrea Farley with
      community so join us in              Pre-registration required      Dream Real Estate discusses
      discussing the details.                                             the many benefits to
                                           Join Dennis Chase, Fish        downsizing your home from
      AARP Tax                             and Wildlife Management        less maintenance, reducing
      Aid Assistance                       expert, as he takes us         the cost of living, and more
                                           through the life cycle of      manageable upkeep. It may
      PEACHTREE CITY                       his recent snapping turtle     just be that you are eager for
      Tuesdays and Thursdays               hatchings. During the 2022     a change, want to simplify
      February 2 thru April 18             turtle nesting season,         your life, start a new phase
      9 a.m. to 1 p.m.                     Dennis encountered a           of life or move closer to family
      FREE                                 nesting snapping turtle.       or friends. All provide great
      Members and non-members              He’ll share his experience     reasons to consider a smaller
      Pre-registration required            dealing with that snapping     living space!
                                           turtle and the many babies
      AARP is here to offer free           that he helped hatch. Learn    Map Your Emotions
      t a x a i d t o assi st u s w i th   about conservation and
      personal income returns.             discover many new facts        FAYETTEVILLE
      Bring last year’s tax return         and information pertaining     Monday, February 6
      and other tax documents              to snapping turtles.           1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
      necessary for your 2022                                             FREE
      filing. This is your chance          Intermediate Bridge            Members and non-members
      to meet one-on-one with an                                          Pre-registration required
      AARP representative to get           FAYETTEVILLE
      help filing taxes. Must have         Tuesdays and Fridays           In reaching our senior years,
      an appointment to attend,            February 3 thru February 28    we’ve been given the gift of
      no walk-in appointments              9 a.m. to 11 a.m.              many diverse experiences
      available.                           FREE                           to help aid in making our life
                                           Member exclusive               choices. What options tend
      What’s for Lunch?                    Pre-registration required      to be the most important
                                                                          and practical for a healthy
      PEACHTREE CITY                       If you have some experience    emotional journey as we
      Thursday, February 2                 with the game of bridge, but   age? Retired psychologist Dr.
      11:30 a.m.                           need some refreshing, this     James Hughey shares what
      FREE                                 is the course for you! Jane    specific and useful emotional
      Member exclusive                     King and Wayne King will be    choice options we have that
      Pre-registration required            teaching this intermediate     can be important in your
                                           bridge class. Review bridge    own personal life journey in
      Meet us at a local restaurant        basics and master ways to      regards to your experience
      for an afternoon out with            take your bridge game to       of changing and developing
      great friends! FSS will make         the next level.                your state of mind. If you’d
      reservations and everyone                                           like, listen to his podcasts
      will meet there to enjoy             Let It Go                      online prior – www.pfpl.us.
      time with others. Must be
      registered to attend due to          PEACHTREE CITY                 Safe and Sound
      reservation numbers. This            Friday, February 3
      month, lunch will be at Nic &        1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.         PEACHTREE CITY
      Norman’s in Senoia.                  FREE                           Monday, February 6
                                           Members and non-members        1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

22 | February 2023                                                                 770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
FREE                            celebration marks the         scents. Learn the basics of
      Members and non-members         transition between zodiac     aromatherapy. Create your
      Pre-registration required       signs, 2023 being the Year    own natural air fresheners
                                      of the Rabbit. Join Cory      using essential oils. Made with
      With a growing number of        Gambardella with Somerby,     several beneficial ingredients,
      people aging in place, the      who lived in Singapore for    these natural, chemical-
      importance of home safety       6 years, as she brings her    free air fresheners will be
      increases as we age. Being      experience to life during     sure to provide the perfect
      aware of our surroundings       her time there. Learn         combination to keep your
      and preparing in advance        the taboos related to the     home smelling lovely. Choose
      can help. The Peachtree         Chinese New Year, how         from 12 different scents to
      City Police Department          it got its name, how it’s     make your favorite. Make 3
      joins us to share tips for      celebrated and many more      different sprays to take home
      staying safe in our homes,      interesting facts.            with you.
      provides details on knowing
      when to call as well as more    Coffee with a Cop             Breaking Through
      information about current                                     the Wall
      Peachtree City crime rates.     FAYETTEVILLE
                                      Wednesday, February 8         FAYETTEVILLE
      Garden Club                     10 a.m. to 12 p.m.            Friday, February 10
                                      FREE                          1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
      FAYETTEVILLE                    Members and non-              FREE
      Tuesday, February 7             members                       Members and non-members
      9:30 a.m.                       Pre-registration required     Pre-registration required
      Members and non-members
      No pre-registration required    The Fayetteville Police       Break through the 1870s
                                      Department will be joining    brick wall and explore the
      If you have a green thumb,      us for some morning coffee.   possible ways to research
      love gardening and are          Ask any questions you may     African Americans who are
      interested in volunteering,     have or just say hello when   descendants of enslaved
      join the garden club! Learn     you drop in at any point      people. It can be very difficult
      about ongoing projects and      during this time to have      for many African Americans
      ways you can get involved.      a chance to share a cup       to find their ancestors beyond
      For more information,           of coffee and meet some       the 1870 census. Many African
      contact Amber Oliver at         of Fayetteville’s local law   Americans do not appear by
      aoliver@fayss.org.              enforcement.                  name on any censuses before
                                                                    t h e C i v i l Wa r. G e n e a l o g y
      The Chinese                     Love Potions                  expert Jan Bryant provides
      New Year                                                      techniques and strategies of
                                      PEACHTREE CITY                using other documents and
      FAYETTEVILLE                    Wednesday, February 8         websites to find our ancestors.
      Tuesday, February 7             1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
      1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.          $15                           Fraud Alert
      FREE                            Members and non-
      Members and non-members         members                       PEACHTREE CITY
      Pre-registration required       Pre-registration required     Monday, February 13
                                                                    1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
      The Chinese New Year is a       Love is in the air! Or even   FREE
      huge festival that celebrates   if it isn’t, come and make    Members and non-members
      the beginning of the new        some ‘love potions’ with      Pre-registration required
      year on the traditional         us! Tana Lee, President
      lunisolar and solar Chinese     of the Holistic Chamber       Consumer fraud is at an all-
      calendar and is one of the      of Commerce, helps us         time high, and has a habit
      most important holidays in      keep our homes fresh          of targeting senior citizens.
      the Chinese culture. This       with amazing smelling         These deceptive business

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                February 2023 | 23
practices cause consumers          Enjoy refreshments, meet        for the coming gardening
       to suffer financial or other       with other volunteers,          s e a s o n . K i m To a l w i t h
       losses that often are not          learn about upcoming            Fayette County Extension
       able to be returned. Cindy         events, current volunteer       shares tips to help you be
       Liebes, former Regional            opportunities, and get          successful this year with
       Director of the Southeast          center news and updates.        your edible gardens.
       Office of the Federal Trade
       Commission, will unveil            Murder in                       Dementia Caregiver
       some of the top frauds             Peachtree City                  Support Group
       and scams targeting older
       individuals. Get tips to help      PEACHTREE CITY                  PEACHTREE CITY
       recognize, respond and             Wednesday, February 15          Thursday, February 16
       recover if you find yourself       1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.          1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
       as a victim.                       FREE                            FREE
                                          Members and non-                Members and non-members
       Scrub-A-Dub-Dub                    members                         No pre-registration required
       Soap Making                        Pre-registration required
                                                                          For more information,
       FAYETTEVILLE                       Join Peachtree City resident    contact Lynnette Dunn at
       Monday, February 13                and newly acclaimed local       770-506-1538 or by email
       1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.             author Walker Chandler          at lynnette.dunn@piedmont.
       FREE                               to speak on his newly           org.
       Members and non-members            released book Murder in
       Pre-registration required          Peachtree City. This fiction-   The Grape Escape
                                          based book has hints of
       Scrub-a-dub-dub, let’s             Peachtree City throughout       PEACHTREE CITY
       get squeaky clean! Soap            it. Hear what inspired          Thursday, February 16
       making is a fun craft that’s       Walker to write. Discover       2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
       easy to master. It’s useful        more about the book writing     $20
       in creating scents you love        and publishing process and      Member exclusive
       and you can get as creative        hear excerpts from some         Pre-registration required
       as you’d like for your own         of his favorite parts of the
       personal use or giving as          book from which he’ll read!     Wine connoisseur Eric
       gifts. Ellie Connolly shares                                       Trout, will be on hand to
       her expertise in soap making       I Beg Your Garden               pass along all his expertise
       during this demonstration.                                         about wines. Join in the fun
       Learn the steps that go into       FAYETTEVILLE                    for a monthly educational
       making a loaf of soap from         Thursday, February 16           program related to different
       start to finish. Ellie will even   1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.          wines, regions, countries,
       provide a bar of soap for          FREE                            and more. Get information
       everyone to take home!             Members and non-                on the monthly choice and
                                          members                         become a wine expert in
       Volunteer                          Pre-registration required       no time. This month, learn
       Open House                                                         about Pinot Noirs.
                                          Don’t wait until the weather
       FAYETTEVILLE                       is warmer. Surprisingly,        Cornhole
       Tuesday, February 14               now is the best time to start
       2 p.m.                             getting ready for your spring   PEACHTREE CITY
       Members and non-members            and summer vegetable            Friday, February 17
       No pre-registration required       gardens. Whether it is          11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
                                          purchasing seeds, getting       FREE
       If you are an FSS volunteer        your soil tested, or looking    Member exclusive
       or are interested in               in your yards for a new         Pre-registration required
       becoming one, join us              space, you’ll discover
       for our monthly meeting!           new ways you can prep           Bring out your competitive

24 | February 2023                                                                  770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG
side or join for fun and           of Hearing Heartbeats                      one-on-one with Medicare
      socialization, either              b y J a n - P h i l l i p S e n d k e r.   beneficiaries and their
      way you’ll have a blast!           Please reach out for                       families. Georgia Cares is
      Competitive league cornhole        March book choice. For                     a State Health Insurance
      champion Denny Danylchak           more information, please                   Assistance program that
      shares his love for the game       contact Meghan Caton at                    provides free, non-biased
      and brings it to us at FSS.        megcaton@gmail.com.                        information about Medicare.
      Enjoy times with friends
      while sharpening your skills       Don’t Put All Your                         P“age” Turners
      and mastering the game             Eggs in One Basket                         Book Club
      of cornhole during these
      monthly cornhole games!            PEACHTREE CITY                             FAYETTEVILLE
                                         Wednesday, February 22                     Thursday, February 23
      When Life Hands                    1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.                     1:30 p.m.
      You Lemons                         FREE                                       FREE
                                         Members and non-                           Member exclusive
      FAYETTEVILLE                       members                                    No pre-registration required
      Tuesday, February 21               Pre-registration required
      1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.                                                        February book: The
      FREE                               Understanding the sector                   Four Winds by Kristin
      Members and non-members            balance of your financial                  Hannah. March book:
      Pre-registration required          portfolio may reveal risks                 Everything is Normal by
                                         and opportunities. The                     Sergey Grechishkin. For
      Living life to the fullest is no   US stock market had                        more information, please
      easy task, but can be a big        a banner year in 2021,                     contact Heidi Williams at
      step in discovering a path         but unfortunately turned                   jmwhome8332@gmail.com.
      that will lead you to your         downward on the second
      greatest sense of happiness        trading day of 2022 and                    Car Wash
      and accomplishment.                kept sliding into a bear
      Living life to the fullest is      market after that. Although                FAYETTEVILLE
      about being 100% yourself,         sector funds offer flexibility             Friday, February 24
      connecting with other people       in fine-tuning your portfolio,             9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
      who add value to your life,        it’s important to resist                   $40
      living in the moment, and          the temptation to chase                    Member exclusive
      fully embracing the now            performance and move                       Pre-registration required
      and the things you love.           assets without a more
      Join Lifestyle Coach Miriam        comprehensive strategy.                    Splish splash your car was
      Jones as she shares tips           Brandon Jordan with Arch                   taking a bath! Hector Antonio
      to help you put to better          Advisory reviews this past                 with Roll N’ Shine will be on
      practice living life to the        year and discusses sectors                 site for your convenience to
      fullest and bring out a sense      – are yours overweight,                    bring your car in for a wash,
      of joy you may never have          underweight or just right?                 inside and out, while you
      known you had!                                                                wait comfortably in FSS.
                                         1-on-1 Medicare                            Roll N’ Shine has the right to
      A Novel Idea                       Consultations                              turn down cleaning service
      Book Club                                                                     for extremely dirty interior.
      PEACHTREE CITY                     Tuesday, February 21                       Sing It Loud, Sing
      Tuesday, February 21               10 a.m. to 2 p.m.                          It Proud: Karaoke
      1:45 p.m.                          FREE
      FREE                               Members exclusive                          FAYETTEVILLE
      Member exclusive                   Pre-registration required                  Monday, February 27
      No pre-registration required                                                  1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                                         A representative with                      FREE
      February book: The Art             Georgia Cares will meet                    Member exclusive

770-461-0813 | FAYSS.ORG                                                                            February 2023 | 25
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