Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI

Page created by Harvey Hicks
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Lancashire Hotpot
December 2020

     With Best Wishes
    for Christmas and
       the New Year.

Lancashire Federation of Women’s           Institutes
                          Lancashire Hotpot December 2020 I 1
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Federation News
                                                                                                            this idea and
                                                             From the Chairman                              putting it into

                                                                     ello everybody.
Federation Chairman:          Jackie Hobson                                                                 Finally, I hope
Federation Secretary:         Liz Kerr
                                                                    Well, who would have thought            you all manage
Administrator:                 Diane Jenkins                another lockdown! Survived the panic            to have
Tel:                           01772 459020                 buying on loo rolls and pasta and much          Christmas,
Write:                        LFWI Offices
                                                            more. I hope everyone has managed to            it will be
                               8 Croston House              stay safe and Covid free. I share all your      different. I am
                               Lancashire Business Park     frustrations about not meeting, can we          hoping my
                               Centurion Way
                                                            have a refund on subscriptions and will         “bubble” will be
                               PR26 6TU                     we survive? In short, the answer is - we        able to get back
Office Opening Hours:          Tues – Thurs,                will meet again face to face, refunds           from Chester, fingers crossed. Am I going
                               10.00am – 3.00pm
                                                            unfortunately are not on the cards as           to do Christmas if he cannot come?
                              lancashire                    Lancashire and National still have had to       Of course!
                           pay overheads. Yes, we will survive, we
Editor:                       Netta Brodrick
                              01772 422978
                                                            are the WI!! If your WI is Zooming and          Tree too big for the room, all the
                              you cannot zoom, if you have an email           trimmings, I am not going to be beaten,
                                                            address or a mobile phone you could still       but can I get a real tree? I might have to
On the Cover:       
                                                            join in Zoom – if you have a problem give       fly under the radar to get one.
Display Advertising:                                        me a ring, I am not a technology expert,
Laurence                      01536 334218                  but I will try. (01772 721648).                 Stay safe everyone, enjoy Christmas. If
                                                                                                            you know someone who is alone just give
Design by:                                                  At Lancashire we are thrilled that so many      them a ring it will make all the difference.
Amanda                        01536 334226                  members are joining our “Lancashire
Printed by:                    Lanceprint                   At Home” events, these are proving
                                                            very popular and we have had so many
                                                                                                            Christmas Wishes.

                                                            interesting sessions. A big thankyou to
                                                            Liz and Diane in the Office for exploring

                        Hall, Park & Gardens
   Three new exhibitions to see                                                                 welcomes WI groups throughout the year

                                                                                                              Wonderful historic Hall
                                                                                                         Friendly & knowledgeable guides
                                                                                                                  Fabulous food
                                                                                                             Unique Christmas theme
                               Watercolours from the Towneley Collection

Impressions a printmaking response

                                                                                                        Hall, tearoom & gardens open entry for
                                                                                                   visitors every wednesday 15th April-25th August.

                                              Maxine Bristow Textile Barriers

   Book a COVID secure visit (groups up to 6

   Hall open 12 - 4.45pm
   Saturday to Tuesday (last admission 4pm)

   Adults: £5.00 for a 12 month pass
   Children and students: FREE

            /Towneley              01282 477130

2 I Lancashire Hotpot December 2020
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Federation News & Events
Recollections of a                               Science Notes.                                                   Pam Coates, LFWI Science Rep

Denman Ambassador.
                              Kay Hopkinson

When I look back over my 12 years as             Dried Fruit.                                     fibre, vitamins and minerals of fresh
Denman Ambassador for Lancashire                 Your recipe says sultanas, currants or           grapes. The variations between the three
the most prominent memory was of                 raisins, but what is the difference?             are slight. All are high in natural sugar and
fun and laughter on our frequent visits                                                           contain antioxidants. The downside is that
to Denman. I organised six Federation            They are all types of dried grapes: raisins      the Vitamin C content is reduced from the
Trips and five Designer Taster Weekends.         and sultanas are soft, sweet and juicy           fresh grapes.
Our own bedroom at Denman was also               whilst currants have a tangy taste.
refurbished twice during my time as                                                               Studies suggest that a diet high in fibre-
Ambassador. Apart from going to Denman           Raisins are a type of grape dried for three      rich fruits and vegetables may help reduce
on Ambassador Conferences I also went            weeks. The grapes darken as they dry             the risk of high blood pressure, heart
on a few courses myself. I visited a lot of      which gives them their dark colour. As a         disease and diabetes.
WIs to promote the College being made            range of grape varieties is used the size,
very welcome and meeting some lovely             shape and colour may vary, you will notice       Remember that dried fruit as a healthy
WI ladies. Many of these WIs were in             a difference in size and colour if the raisins   option is high in calories and sugar.
areas that I had never visited before, so I      are from Australia or California.                In the kitchen dried fruit is very versatile :-
learnt a lot about Lancashire’s geography
helped by my trusty Lancashire A-Z and           Sultanas are made from green seedless            •    add to salads, rice dishes, stews etc
latterly by my Sat Nav. I was devastated         grapes. They are coated in an oil-based          •    add to a cheese platter
when I heard the news of the closure and         solution prior to drying to speed up the         •    mix into yoghurt
sad that I won’t be able to encourage our        process: This is why they are lighter in         •    add to your porridge or breakfast
Lancashire members to go to Denman               colour than raisins or currants. You can              cereal
anymore. It was such a special place,            obtain Australian sultanas which are             •    mix into muffins and cakes
and I was so fortunate to be asked to be         dried without the solution, which are            •    add to savoury dishes - curries, meat
Ambassador doing a job that I enjoyed so         darker in colour and quite often referred             balls, chutneys etc
much. I worked alongside five different          to as ‘natural’. In America the grapes are
Federation Chairman when we went on              treated with sulphur dioxide to retain a         I hope you had fun making your Christmas
Federation Trips and they were all lovely        lighter colour.                                  cakes, puddings and Mincemeat.
to be with. The closure of Denman will                                                            Store the
leave a huge hole in my WI life and I            Currants are tiny, dried grapes, dried for       dried fruit in
would like to thank everyone who came            up to three weeks.                               a dry cool
on the trips making my job such an easy                                                           place in a
and enjoyable one, also my thanks to all         During the drying process the grapes             sealed bag
those WIs I have visited and friends I have      shrink, leaving a small nutrient-dense           or lidded
made through my role.                            dried fruit, which contain four times the        container.

Answers on page 15

1.    London’s Trafalgar Square Christmas tree is traditionally given     12.   From earliest to latest date which order were cards, trees
      by which country?                                                         and crackers introduced to the British Christmas?
2.    The song White Christmas was first performed in which               13.   Which famous scientist was born on Christmas Day
      1942 film?                                                                in 1642?
3.    In which modern country is St Nicholas’s birthplace and             14.   Which song topped the UK charts at Christmas 1957 and
      home town?                                                                in a medley version in1978?
4.    Who is officially credited as the author of Auld Lang Syne?         15.   ‘Christmas Crackers’ was the first Christmas edition of
5.    Who was the first British Monarch to broadcast a Christmas                which popular UK comedy series?
      message to the Nation?                                              16.   What was the first artificial Christmas tree made from?
6.    How many ghosts are there in A Christmas Carol?                           a) goose feathers, b) cardboard, c) stiffened silk
7.    Which gift did Melchior bring for the baby Jesus?                   17.   Who was George’s guardian angel in the film ‘It’s a
8.    How many gifts were given in total in The Twelve Days                     Wonderful Life’?
      of Christmas?                                                       18.   Which Christmas plant originally came from Mexico?
9.    From which continent does the turkey originate?                     19.   How many of Santa’s reindeer have names beginning
10.   A spray of Glastonbury... is sent to the Queen for the royal              with D?
      table on Christmas Day?                                             20.   How did Good King Wenceslas like his pizzas?
11.   In which year did the Post Office first issue Christmas Stamps?

                                                                                        Lancashire Hotpot December 2020 I 3
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Sub Committees
 Culture & The Arts                                                                     ACWW

H                                                                                       A
        ere are some Winter reading          hospital ward on New Year’s Day. This              s we could not have our
        recommendations from friends         is French’s first book for five years              planned Afternoon Tea and
        and fellow members.                  and could be her best yet.                         Fashion Show in the Midland
                                                                                        Hotel in April, it has been re-arranged
 A member who has roots in the North         If you like short, sharp thought           for April 29th 2021. Let’s hope that by
 East was drawn to an author who lives       provoking stories then try “Help           then life will be back to normal. This
 in Ponteland and writes about the local     Yourself” Curtis Sittenfeld. The author    date is actually ACWW day so is really
 area. The author, called J L Ross, writes   has a wry humour and insight into          appropriate. As it is also the day when
 gripping thrillers and I’m told they are    modern times.                              “Women Walk the World” perhaps we
 hard to put down. The first book in                                                    could even plan a group walk down
 the series is called ‘Holy Island’ and      Just a few ideas for the Winter days.      the promenade in Morecambe! In
 is available in supermarkets so keep a                                                 the meantime, do keep up whatever
 look out for her books.                     Happy Christmas to all                     support you can eg. collecting stamps
                                             Lancashire members                         or other items for recycling, and spare
 ‘Because of You’ is a real tear jerker                                                 a thought for women all over the
 written by Dawn French about two                                   Mary Gibson and     world, many of whom live in poverty in
 women who gave birth in the same                               The C & A committee     multigenerational households or single
                                                                                        room households and don’t enjoy
                                                                                        the freedoms that most of us have.–
 Climate Change                                                                         especially if they do not have gardens
                                                                                        or countryside to work in and enjoy.

         uring the past few months,          In June the Climate Coalition group,                                    Ruth Gibbons
         many of us have realised the        of which the Women’s Institute is a                                      ACWW Rep
         importance of the physical and      founding member, sent the Prime
 mental health benefits to be found          Minister a letter containing a seven
 in the natural environment. This may        point action plan urging him to ensure     Shows
 have been through our daily walks,          that investment in Covid-19 recovery

 finding new areas nearby, visiting          is in line with the UK’s climate goal of         he 2021 schedule ‘Lancashire
 parks or enjoying time in our own           net zero greenhouse gases by 2050.               Love it!’ will be carried over to the
 gardens. We need to protect this            Christmas will soon be with us but               2021 Show. The only changes to
 for future generations and the term         were you aware that the during the         the 2020 schedule are the dates,
 ‘Green Recovery’ is being discussed         Christmas period, 750,000 tons
 more. It is important that, as the          of waste (1.4M tons of CO2) and            The next Show will be held on
 economy is rebuilt, we invest in            equivalent to three weeks of normal        Wednesday 22nd & Thursday 23rd
 industries and infrastructures that         waste, are produced?                       September 2021.
 turn the tide on Climate Change by
 embedding the core principles of a          Keep enjoying the wonderful                The Show Sub-committee missed
 clean and sustainable energy future.        countryside around you, be mindful of      greeting you all at the show this year.
 This is Green Recovery and not just         our carbon footprint and help protect      We missed seeing everything you have
 returning to the old normality.             our world for generations to come!         baked, grown, created, painted or
                                                                                        sketched. On a positive note, we have an
                                                                                        additional 12 months to finish our entries.
 Leisure Activities                                                                     Maybe enter a few more classes too!

                                                                                        As craft clubs, monthly meetings and

       he Leisure Activities Sub-            We hope that our event planning for        courses have been cancelled, a big void
       Committee hope that YOU ALL           2021 will take place and that we will      opened up only to be filled by the internet
       have been keeping well during         have the pleasure of your company at       and social media. They have exploded
 the enforced restrictions we have had       our events. We have missed you all.        with video demonstrations of just about
 imposed on us since March.                                                             everything. If you have any queries
                                             Just like the other Committees we are      please contact me or any member of the
 Despite these restrictions, because         always looking for new members to join     show committee.
 of the Covid virus, we have still           us. If you are interested please contact
 been working, on your behalf, from          the office for further details.            ‘Stay calm and Craft’.
 the comfort of our homes using our
 computers with software that enables                                  Joan Randall,                                Dawn Threllfall
 us to see and hear each other.                                           Chairman                  

4 I Lancashire Hotpot December 2020
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Around the WIs
                                            Each course is about an hour, on              “Vegetarian Cookery was an excellent
At Home with LFWI                           Zoom, and some of the subjects                demo. Easy to follow and all the
                                            on offer are quite different to those         ingredients within everyone's reach.”

       ue to the situation which            physical events we would normally
       has evolved, all our planned         have put on for members. The interest         “What a truly wonderful flower
       events this year had to be           shown was such that a programme               arranging demonstration I
postponed. The advent of Zoom, and          was then put together for November            have enjoyed this afternoon.
the Denman At Home programme, led           and December, moving forward                  Congratulations to everyone who
us to look at other ways of offering        into 2021. The varied programme               enables these events to happen.
services to our members. The Board          includes historical talks, cooking            Well done the WI, please pass on
of Trustees, at their September             demonstrations, introduction to guided        my thanks to all concerned.”
meeting, agreed for the office team to      meditation, crafting demonstrations
investigate the possibility of setting      such as journal decorating, and flower        “I enjoyed the talk/demo and
up a digital product, enabling us to        arranging with a twist. There was             afterwards my brain was buzzing
display courses in a similar way to         even a virtual Lancashire Day when            with ideas. Some projects have to be
Denman at Home, which members               we learnt about the Pendle Witches.           finished and a book bought before
could purchase on-line, through our         There is something for everyone and           I can start on my own journal!”
existing website. Through a variety         as we move forward into early 2021
of contacts, and a not inconsiderable       more courses/talks will be added.             Thanks to everyone who signed up for
amount of hard work, a programme            We’ve had a lot of positive feedback          At Home with LFWI courses since they
was set up for October, and it’s fair to    so far, including: “Thanks also for           came into being and particular thanks
say that things took off very quickly.      organising such a variety of topics.          must go to Liz Kerr and Diane Jenkins,
So many members were eager to try           Something for everyone.” “Hampton             who have put in so much time and
and bring a little WI normality back        Court Ghosts was fascinating and              effort into setting everything up on
into their lives.                           certainly sold the Ghost Tours.”              our behalf.

Zoom Monthly Meetings                       Many members have kept busy with their         flourish. In July, Sally Mabey gave a
                                            crafting and another has made 5 quilts.        very entertaining talk entitled “From
                                            Some have made items for the NHS.              Eggheads to Mastermind” about the
RIBBY WITH WREA WI uses Zoom as a           Skype and Zoom have been used by               Glamorgan Poppies WI team’s winning
substitute for their usual meetings and     many members to keep in touch with their       appearance on Eggheads and her own
events. Following a career in fashion,      families. Generally, spirits are very high.    appearances on Mastermind. Another
local resident, Susie Carey set up her      BELMONT WI members have been                   speaker. to entertain the members
own business which is called “Sorted        keeping in touch since lockdown,               was Misba Khan, talking about the “All
etc.” Susie provides a service to help      using WhatsApp with many photos and            Female Expedition to the North Pole”
people to declutter their wardrobes,        articles sharing what members have             that she undertook two years ago. The
she will come to your home with a           been up to during this period. Most of         Book Group Zoom meetings continue
rail and two bags. The end result is a      the pictures will then be put into our         to be popular and well attended.
closet of clothes that fit you and that     WI photo Album for posterity. It was           BUCKSHAW VILLAGE WI hosted the
you want to keep, a bag of clothes to       realised that many members were not            WI Wanderers website to enjoy a talk
donate to a charity shop and a bag of       being reached, so in June the first            by Susan Douglass from the Friends
clothes that she will sell for you. Susie   of their Lockdown Newsletters was              of Winkley Square, Preston. The
told us that this process often has a       introduced and sent to each member             various past residents of the Square
therapeutic effect, the decluttering        together with Hotpot. Members are              have been researched by Susan, her
of the wardrobe seems to promote a          being asked to contribute photos,              talk focussed on Henrietta Mary Miller
better frame of mind. In place of the       articles and quizzes for the magazine.         (1852 – 1926) her early life, marriage
summer outing the ladies had a Zoom         28 members of BRETHERTON WI                    and love in the Victorian era. This was
talk on Bees and Beekeeping from            managed to get on to a Zoom meeting            a period during which women became
John Kelso, all the way from County         for an excellent talk on 'The History          their husband’s property once married
Tyrone where he was visiting family.        of Gin’ by Dr Kate Vigurs. They held a         and females had no recourse in law to
During lockdown WARTON CRAG WI              raffle for a lovely bunch of flowers to be     their own finances. Henrietta married
kept in touch with other members by         delivered later. Their Annual Meeting and      young, giving birth to her first child
having a twice weekly online quiz. There    fifth birthday celebration attended by 31      just seven months after the wedding.
were also a couple of competitions          members and Ruth Grimley their Adviser.        Her husband, Sutherland Dumbreck
(gardens and recipes) and an effort to      SADDLEWORTH WI was delighted to                was physically and emotionally
record for THEIR archives 'How the          welcome Alison Marsden of “Gardening           abusive. They eventually divorced
lockdown affected you and yours'. One       by Design” in Kent, Alison an approved         and she remarried Guthrie Hylton
member has kept them amused with            RHS speaker guided them through                Jessop. Susan gave an interesting
her stories as she is on lockdown in        the aspects to consider to give a new          and engaging talk which was
Tasmania and can't get home.                plant the best situation in which to           well received.

                                                                                 Lancashire Hotpot December 2020 I 5
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Around the WIs
 Community Champions
 COTTONOPOLIS WI hosted a joint               Through their crafting skills, FAB WI         BRETHERTON WI
 meeting with Helen Pankhurst of              have supported their local hospital by        Reached out to
 Coalition for Greater Manchester             making knitted mask extenders, blankets       village residents
 Women 2028. The initiative is                for the bereavement suite and “traffic        with offers of help
 committed to seeing a better future for      light” beanie hats and buddy squares          with shopping
 the women of Manchester. Its’ areas          for the neonatal ICU. In addition, an         and other various
 of focus will be education, safety,          online auction fundraiser meant that          necessities
 health and culture, participation and        staff at Royal Oldham Hospital were           for those who
 employment. Helen spoke about the            gifted supplies of chocolates, biscuits,      were sick or
 work of the Coalition and the fight for      crisps and coffee for their ‘wobble room’     quarantined. With
 gender equality locally by 2028.             plus hand creams and lip balms to help        the assistance of
                                              deal with the toll taken by the constant      the headteacher
 Cottonopolis WI look forward to              wearing of PPE. Oldham Foodbank and           of the local
 working alongside GM4women2028 as            Pennine Animal Sanctuary were also able       school, vulnerable
 it moves forward.                            to add to their funds at this critical time   families were identified and supplied
                                              thanks to members’ generosity.                with supermarket vouchers to ensure
                                                                                            that nobody went hungry during
                                                                                            the pandemic. When money for this
 There has been needle and thread                                                           wonderful initiative started to run low,
 a-plenty at GREAT HARWOOD WI as                                                            Bretherton submitted a successful
 members have made facemasks, aprons                                                        bid to the Lancashire Community
 and re-useable bags to raise money for                                                     Fund, which enabled them to continue
 East Lancs Hospice and, latterly, poppy                                                    their work right through to the end
 facemasks in aid of the British Legion                                                     of September. To further keep spirits
 Poppy Appeal. Their masks have been                                                        high, members organised a village
 sold through local retail outlets and have                                                 Scarecrow Festival (including a mapped
 been winging their way as far afield as                                                    trail!), which proved hugely popular
 Wales and Canada.                                                                          and, undeterred by the weather, 42
                                                                                            wonderful, book-themed scarecrows
                                                                                            stood resplendently on show over an
                                                                                            entire week – and let’s not forget ‘The
                                                                                            Phantom Knitter’ (aka a Bretherton
                                                                                            WI crafter) who secreted knitted
                                                                                            rainbows around the village that proved
                                                                                            so popular they became another
                                                                                            fundraising initiative for the local
                                                                                            foodbank. On top of all that, scrubs
                                                                                            have been sewn for Royal Preston
                                                                                            Hospital; microwave pouches knitted
                                                                                            and sewn for Blackpool Hospital’s
                                                                                            Oncology Unit; household items
                                                                                            gathered together for the local women’s
                                                                                            refuge and, not forgetting our spikey
                                                                                            friends, a donation collection point for
                                                                                            Chorley Hedgehog Rescue.

6 I Lancashire Hotpot December 2020
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Around the WIs
                                                                          Community Champions
                                               A team of neonatal knitters from        GRINDLETON WI has some truly
                                               SADDLEWORTH WI produced                 breath-taking statistics from their
                                               18 baby blankets and nearly             70 strong group of sewing, delivery
                                               200 bonding squares for Royal           and logistical volunteers… 1800m
                                               Oldham Hospital. Ladies very            of fabric sewn and over 1.6 miles of
                                               generously donated not only their       elastic deployed meaning that 4500
                                               time but also all the materials and     masks, over 450 headbands, 850
                                               a warm thank-you was received           washbags and 316 sets of scrubs
                                               from the Ward Manager of the            were made in the Ribble Valley and
                                               hospital’s Maternity Department.        distributed entirely free of charge.
                                               With the knitters knitting, the
                                               bakers baked and 550 “cakes of
                                               kindness” were made for those           Finishing on a festive note,
                                               who had significantly helped their      DOVESTONE WI bring us “Secret Santa
                                               communities during lockdown,            on Steroids”! In a bid to ensure families
                                               including pharmacies, refuse            using the local foodbank also get a gift
                                               collectors, Oldham Mountain             at Christmas – no matter how small –
                                               Rescue, to name just a few of the       Dovestone WI members, led by Chief
                                               local heroes.                           Elf Jess Moreland, have launched a
                                                                                       Give A Gift donation station. Members
                                                                                       of the community will be anonymously
How I Spent My Time in Lockdown                                                        donating gifts which will then be sent
                                                                                       to the Dovestone WI elves to be sorted,
                                                                                       wrapped, labelled and then magically

        ormally a very busy person,       The choir consists of more 25,000            transported to families that really need
        Liz Farr, from ATHERTON           people, from the UK and across the           them. Hundreds of gifts – don’t know
        WI, struggled having time on      world. It was a fantastic experience         who’s giving them, don’t know who’s
her hands in lockdown so, as well         - happy, sad, funny and emotional at         receiving them!
as finishing off knitting, cross stitch   times. Gareth promised to continue
and rug making projects, she and          with weekly rehearsals and, when the
her daughter, Victoria, joined Gareth     pandemic is over, to arrange for the
Malone’s Great British Home Chorus.       choir to meet for a concert – probably
                                          in 2021 in a very large venue!
It was fantastic to be coached by
Gareth Malone. Starting with half-hour    SALFORD ANGELS WI salute their
sessions every weekday, they moved        member, Margaret O'Hare, as a
to a longer, weekly session. Gareth       community champion. As one of their
worked from his ‘shed’ in his garden,     older members, Margaret started
where he has his piano, keyboards         to shield even before the lockdown
and computer. They started with ‘You      was imposed and has remained at
are my Sunshine’ and, after that,         home alone since then. She decided
learned many songs, including ‘I’m        to write a daily blog about being
Still Standing’ by Elton John. They       alone under lockdown which is
also sang songs for pleasure and held     forwarded weekly to the whole WI.
a virtual concert for VE day, singing     The blogs have been hilarious, with
‘We’ll Meet Again’ and other songs with   anecdotes about eating scones and
the theme of hope. Gareth announced       chocolates for breakfast, not fitting
that a TV programme would be made         into her clothes anymore and giving
about the choir, inviting all members     strong views on the handling of the
to apply, but Liz couldn’t take this up   pandemic. She has also shared
because filming was done in peoples’      her feelings of fear, isolation and
homes and her husband was shielding.      loneliness, with which all could identify.
The programme was shown in                Margaret has helped WI members
June (The Choir – Singing for             stay in touch and receives lots of
Britain). Decca also released all the     responses to her weekly email. She
choir’s songs, accompanied by the         has really made everyone laugh and
London Symphony Orchestra.                kept spirits up during a difficult time.

                                                                                Lancashire Hotpot December 2020 I 7
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Around the WIs
Our First
Thanks to the good weather through the summer months many WIs were able to
hold some socially distanced al fresco activities!

                                                                                                           Congratulations to CABUS WI member, Clara
                                                                                                           Thompson, who recently celebrated her 100th
                                                                                                           birthday. Clara joined the WI in October 1947
                                                                                                           when the institute was formed. A very different first!
For HUTTON & HOWICK WI their first walk of 2020 was the challenge of Longton
Marsh with the occasional stile, the reward was lunch at the Dolphin!

                                                                                                           Bowling was the only LADYBRIDGE WI activity to
                                                                                                           take place during Bolton’s brief relaxation from
                                                                                                           the full lockdown in August. By early September, all
                                                                                                           group sports activities ceased again!

 ‘We met again! The cry from TATHAM FELLS members who met in a beautiful local garden. Time
 spent exploring winding paths, hidden grottos and the lake, was followed by a chat over their own          Lunchtime picnic at Lytham Green provided the
 afternoon tea. They were joined by two prospective new members. What a wonderful introduction              backdrop for WARTON WI members first face to
 to the WI.                                                                                                 face meeting since March. It was a great success!

                                                         Members of SOUTHPORT SCARLETS WI were out and about with a visit to Levens Hall to admire the
                                                         topiary and the Walking Group went on an adventurous ramble through Cuerden Park.

 THORNTON WI Walking Group were just getting back into step when the new local restrictions put a stop to their walks. A few days previously, five members
 had enjoyed a walk along the banks of the River Wyre and a chat over a brew outside the café. For a change, the sun was shining, this was a first as most of
 their walks were in the rain. Although they don’t know when they can walk together again their boots and waterproofs are ready and waiting!

8 I Lancashire Hotpot December 2020
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Around the WIs
                                                                    Craft Gallery

CROSTON WI members’ fingers have been busy
crafting and one member, has been making
bunnies & selling them for charity, while others have
found a use for empty tins!

Members from WARTON CRAG WI have also been
very busy during the lockdown and have sent photos
of a variety of crafts!

                                                        Lancashire Hotpot December 2020 I 9
Lancashire Hotpot - Lancashire Federation of Women's Institutes With Best Wishes for Christmas and - Bretherton WI
Around the WIs
Denman College – Happy Memories

      ince the closure and sale          Sheila Ellis LITTLE THORNTON WI            Straight from the oven biscuits at
      of Denman College was              likened it to staying in someone’s         morning break, the splendid work
      announced we have received         Country House, like many members           of other students. Evenings spent in
many reports of happy days spent         she has done a variety of interesting      the bar and lounges, where laughter
at Denman. Because of a shortage         and informative courses... The added       prevailed and last but not least, the
of space it is not possible to           bonus was meeting WI members               concert on the final night.
reproduce them in their entirety.        from all over England and Wales who
                                         immediately become your friends.           Val Andrews ST.ANNES ON SEA
Gill Stamp ST.ANNES ON SEA WI has                                                   WI. I have been fortunate in having
been many times working her way          Janet Curran ST.ANNES ON SEA WI            enjoyed the excellent hospitality
through the Denman Brochures...          heard so much about Denman when            and tutelage offered by Denman on
When she won the LFWI bursary            she joined the WI that she determined      several occasions. I have looked with
she kindly shared it with me so          to go. She enjoyed it so much that she     awe and admiration at the wonderful
that we could learn about Murder,        has been back a number of times, in        things produced by other very talented
Mayhem and Sex in Medieval               spite of one horrendous trip when she      people... Shirley Thornton touched
churches – absolutely hilarious.         spent the return journey sitting on her    on the revue held on the last night of
                                         sewing machine. She refers to herself      the LFWI courses, I am sure modesty
Liz Williams, LADYBRIDGE WI asks         as a ‘Denman addict’. Janet is now an      prevents her from mentioning her
“where do I begin”. Every visit,         enthusiastic member of the Denman at       “Oscar” winning performance of “Petey
and there have been many, has its        Home set.                                  the Snake”. I have enjoyed the Musical
highlights. Liz’s last one being the                                                course strutting their stuff and the
Federation visit in 2019. The magic      Susan Grant BOOTHSTOWN &                   vicissitudes of buying a swim suit, and
was still there and will continue in     WORSLEY WI was devastated, as              making a Christmas pudding testing
the friendships that were forged. A      were so many, when she heard that          the alcohol the while. All free – what
heartfelt thank you Denman, from Liz.    Denman was to close. She had been          more can you ask.
                                         on a number of courses and met
Pauline Bearcock, HOGHTON WI             many wonderful people. On a visit          There is an atmosphere of tranquillity
writes of the lovely memories she        last year Susan picked a seed from a       about the place. On my last visit
has and of meeting up with complete      Passionflower in the garden... and it      I was sitting on the lawn and the
strangers with whom, it turned out she   grew. Now she has a living reminder of     bell ringers were practicing. It was
had links. What a small Denman world.    her happy times at Denman.                 a beautiful evening and I know that
                                                                                    had I been a poet I could not have
Patricia Forder                          Tracey Garvey ELSWICK WI whilst            done that moment justice, but as the
HUTTON &                                 enjoying the Denman experience             street vendors tell us – once it’s gone
HOWICK WI                                commented on the inconvenience of          it’s gone.
extolled the virtues                     the journey for members of the LFWI.
of the cookery                           That of course is the beauty of the
school, better                           LFWI trips they were practically door to
equipped than                            door service.
many a domestic
kitchen, and used most successfully      Shirley Thornton LYTHAM GREEN WI
when she went on a jam making course     has a great fondness for Denman and
back in 2009, returning home with        was looking forward to enjoying many
18 jars of jam. Pam was not resident     more courses. Alas it is not to be. She
in the College and was delighted         shared the role of College Chairman on
and amazed to find that when they        several occasions and lists a number
arrived at 9.30 am there was a mouth-    of things which left a permanent
watering array of pastries, biscuits     memory. Helpful and friendly staff.
and small cakes. So very Denman!

Pam Aspden CROSTON WI was a
lucky Bursary winner using it on a
literature course, including three
novels, Northanger Abbey, The
Uncommon Reader, and Cold Comfort
Farm. Thus illustrating not only the
excellence, but the diversity of the
Denman courses.

10 I Lancashire Hotpot December 2020
Around the WIs
                                              lockdown was eased, the Committee            About 65% of members use Zoom,
Lockdown Activities                           organised outdoor get-togethers on           so a series of online meetings with
                                              the local playing fields, which were         speakers were planned, which the

        uring lockdown, PARBOLD WI,           well attended.                               Committee hopes will provide a
        assisted by volunteers from the                                                    varied, interesting programme. When
        village, delivered essentials,        The Committee kept in touch                  smaller groups could meet, the hall
mainly medical supplies, to members           throughout the lockdown via Zoom,            manager did a sterling job ensuring
of the community who needed it.               and, looking ahead, conducted a survey       it was Covid-safe, allowing Knit and
Local businesses also arranged free           of members’ views on holding meetings        Natter and the Book Club to return. In
delivery services, which were much            in the WI Hall. Since then, additional       September the Friends of Parbold WI
appreciated. During this period, Lyn          restrictions have been placed on social      held an outdoor, socially distanced,
Field, from the craft group, handcrafted      gatherings in West Lancashire, meaning       takeaway coffee and cake morning.
a personal card for each WI member,           full meetings were not easy because of       This was a great success, raising
which was a real morale booster. Once         social distancing rules.                     funds for Macmillan.

On-Line Addict                                concise instructions and plenty of good      However, what Spikey Jean didn’t say
                                              tips, from stuffing the doll, to what type   was that, once you know how to make
Hayley Dell,                                  of fabric worked best for the T-shirt, and   them, it can become a little bit addictive!
SWINTON WI                                    how to fold the headscarf. There were        So, the following morning sitting with
President, attended                           plenty of opportunities to ask questions     coffee in hand, she decided to recycle
a Denman At Home                              and using the Zoom ‘speaker view’            her WI Life and Hotpot Magazines. She
workshop entitled                             option made it an almost ‘one to one’        is now planning to do the same with the
‘Make Do and                                  experience. Hayley is very pleased with      next few issues until she’s made a vase
Mend - Make Your                              her first attempt, and thinks her doll       full - next project sorted!
Own Land Girl Doll’,                          is ‘a bit like me – imperfect - and I like
as she had seen the                           that!’ She would encourage anyone to
dolls on Facebook                             try a Denman At Home course. Many
and enjoys sewing.                            LFWI members have now heard of the
Online booking was                            WI Wanderers. Hayley Dell loves it, and
simple, the confirmation email contained      is often spoilt for choice, sometimes
the pattern and instructions, and all she     zooming two or three events a day. Her
had to do was print them off – all for a      favourites are always the craft ones and
fiver! In a light-hearted session with lots   she recently attended Spikey Jean's
of laughter, tutor Claire gave clear and      Kusudama Flower session.

Our Lockdown Recipes

  n spite of lockdown flour shortages,        contain a mixture of metric/imperial         Method
  many BUCKSHAW VILLAGE WI                    measurements and Gas/Electric oven           Preheat oven to Gas Mark 8.
  members continued the WI tradition          settings. (A handy conversion guide
of baking, and shared photos of their         is included.)                                Mix together the flour, sugar and
creations. They therefore decided                                                          baking powder. Rub the butter in,
to create a collection of members’            Christine’s Grandma Wild’s Scones            then add the sultanas. Mix together
lockdown recipes. As well as being            I chose this recipe as it is one my          the egg, vanilla and milk. Add to
fun, it formed part of their archive of       Grandma made for a celebration and           the dry ingredients forming a loose
members’ activities and challenges            when there was a crisis. I make them         dough – using an extra dash of milk if
during historic times and members             every Friday and have continued              needed.
were asked say why they had chosen            during lockdown.
their recipe(s). (See Christine’s                                                          Turn out onto a floured surface. Form
Grandma’s recipe below)                       Ingredients                                  into a flat, round shape about 1 inch
                                              2oz butter                                   high, press flat with your hand and
The recipes were overwhelmingly               2oz caster sugar                             cut into approx. 6 rounds – don’t
a reminder of pre-lockdown happy              8oz self raising flour                       handle too much or roll out.
memories. Where known, the original           1 egg
source was included, but, as some             4 tbsp milk                                  Put the cut-out scones on a greased
are from old handwritten collections,         1½ tsp baking powder                         baking tray and bake for 10 mins until
this wasn’t always possible. For              2oz sultanas                                 golden and well risen.
authenticity, the recipes are included        Drop of vanilla extract
as submitted by members, so                                                                                                     Enjoy.

                                                                                    Lancashire Hotpot December 2020 I 11
Around the WIs
                                             Newsletter advised postponed or
On the First Day of Lockdown                 cancelled events, and hoped ‘normal
                                                                                            For those living alone, shopping
                                                                                            trips, Zoom, emails and phone calls
                                             service’ would be resumed by October           spread cheer.

      he usual monthly meeting on the        at the very latest!!! Well?????
      second Tuesday in March saw                                                           The Newsletter became more
      HOGHTON WI enthusiastically            Six months down the line and 26                adventurous with pictures, jokes,
planning a large fund-raising event for      Newsletters later, it’s a very different       recipes, quizzes, book reviews,
‘Nightsafe’, a charity for homeless 16       story. However, thanks to her dedication       Federation news, and plans to get
-25 year olds in Blackburn. On the third     and members’ contributions an exciting         together. However, Boris had a spy in
Tuesday it was a very different story!       weekly Newsletter wings its way. At            the camp as every plan they had to get
                                             first these were filled with activities to     together in a socially distanced way was
In ‘normal times’ Secretary Lorraine         help the cause. Members were making            stopped before reaching fruition.
compiles a monthly Newsletter for            scrubs and other items for the NHS,
members, listing events and activities,      flags and small hearts for those in            Were they downhearted? oh, no!!
even delights to come ! On this              hospital and aprons and goodies to sell        They are making it all work well and
memorable third Tuesday an interim           at a sometime later coffee morning.            remain optimistic.

                                           for the archive. For the second year
A – Z in Lockdown                          HOOLE WI Knit and Natter ladies
                                                                                          BLACKPOOL WI members have been
                                                                                          keeping themselves busy with a
AUGHTON WI are supporting the              have planted ten plant troughs,                variety of activities:
local Food Bank by opening the Hut,        mainly dressed in red and white in
(their own meeting hall) as a drop-        Hoole Village. Members and friends                                        Lynn Crouchley
                                                                                                                     and her husband
in centre for bags of required food        have been busy knitting for Hospital                                      found a speedy
items. With so many people and             Baby Units and members have been                                          and eco-friendly
their families in need of help at this     given Chocolate Bunnies and little                                        way of delivering
                                                                                                                     copies of Hotpot to
difficult time, they were hoping for a     pots of ‘Sunshine Jam.                                                    Blackpool members.
great response!
                                           MILNROW & DISTRICT WI celebrated
As a thank you to local NHS workers,       their 4th birthday with a Zoom party
BARLEY WI ladies have created              and each member received a plain
colourful planters to decorate the         calico shopping Gift Bag containing
                                                                                                                        Members and next-
WI garden in Barley. Also colourful        sweets, a Victoria sponge recipe
                                                                                                                        door neighbours,
‘yarnbombs’ have been crafted to           and a letter with decorating details.                                        Christine Lambe
decorate trees and bushes. Many            Inspired by the NFWI ‘Summertime                                             and Barbara
                                                                                                                        Kirkman, held their
local businesses have been extremely       tWIst Festival’ RAINHILL WI hosted                                           own sunflower
generous with sponsorship.                 their own socially distanced festival                                        competition
                                                                                                                        which was a
                                           which covered all seasons in one                                             close run thing.
                                           afternoon. Committee meetings are                                            Christine won by
                                                                                                                        a flowerhead and
                                           held at WITHNELL FOLD WI through
                                                                                                                        a half.
                                           Zoom, and monthly drop in quiz and
                                           bingo afternoons. Socially distanced
                                           walks and afternoon teas at Withnell
                                           Fold Cricket Club were enjoyed. For
Ladies of BILLINGTON, LANGO                the 2018 Craft and Produce show
& DISTRICT WI have been busy               one member had made a hedgehog
knitting little hats, cardigans and        and winning
quilts for Blackburn Birthing Centre,      a naming
and for the Serenity Suite at Burnley      competition
Hospital. Christine Seedall, their own     gave Billy
‘sewing bee’,                              his name. He
made a beautiful                           is now their
heart for every                            mascot with
member.                                    a life of his
                                           own and a                                      At the start of lockdown in early April, when all
In August                                  photo album is                                 the garden centres were closed, Rita Mahoney’s
members of HEATH CHARNOCK WI               being formed                                   garden was in her words ‘looking very sad.’ Rita
                                                                                          sent for some seeds which she planted in pots,
received packets containing card and       to record his                                  tended lovingly. They were eventually trans-
craft materials with a remit to each       adventures, namely all their institutes        planted into the garden and the photo shows
                                                                                          the colourful results. The project helped Rita feel
make a lockdown card or picture            events, on staycations with members,           positive at a difficult time, as she said, “when the
this resulted in some lovely pictures      even a trip to Wales.                          world is in turmoil, nature carries on as usual.”

12 I Lancashire Hotpot December 2020
Around the WIs
                                             She used to say she knew Lancashire          Netta found the Shows Sub-committee
Netta Brodrick – Face to Face                better in the dark than in the daylight,     great fun.
                                             and all this travel down country lanes

   recently spent                            was done without a sat nav or a mobile
   a lovely couple                           phone. Visiting Tatham Fells one dark
   of hours with                             night, she thought it would be beautiful
Netta in her                                 in the day but then couldn’t find it in
beautiful garden                             daylight! Netta has always worked to
in the sunshine,                             involve younger people in the WI and
chatting about                               represented County at Young Farmers’
her time in the                              clubs, encouraging them to join the WI
WI. I’ve known                               as their next step - quite a few are now
Netta for four                               WI members.
years and, whilst
I knew that she                              Netta’s most memorable moment came           Readers will be unsurprised to hear
was well known across the WI and was         when she met the Queen at the opening        that Netta progressed to the become
a positive, ideas person, who welcomed       of the Denman Home Economics                 Federation Chairman. Then, as now,
new ideas to keep Hotpot magazine            Demonstration Kitchen. Unusually, the        the annual meeting moved around the
current and responsive to members,           Queen arrived late, having stopped en        county, and was held at places like
our chat revealed so much more about         route to visit the widow of Airey Neave,     Ashton Hall, Lancaster, Whittingham
this remarkable lady, who has given so       a cabinet member who had just been           Hospital and Lowton Hall. Netta is
much to LFWI and has helped to make it       assassinated by the IRA. Netta recalls       also proud to have been the first
what it is today.                            that the Queen wore a mustard coloured       Chairman to have worn the unique LFWI
                                             coat and beret. The WI dress code was        Chairman’s badge.
After relocating to                          ‘good clothes and a hat’, and, ever
the north-west, Netta                        resourceful, Netta and her travelling        Netta took over Hotpot Editorship in
joined HOOLE WI                              companion stopped in a layby to get          1986 and oversaw its development
in 1967. As a young                          changed en route!                            from a newsletter to a magazine. She
mother, she would                                                                         has thoroughly enjoyed leading the
have a meal ready for                        Talking of dress codes, there was also       Editorial Sub-committee, which used
Alan, her husband, on                        one for the Annual Meeting at the Albert     to write, edit and compile everything,
his arrival home from                        Hall - hats were obligatory. She had to      measure column widths and set the
work, then he took                           make her own way there and back and it       print layout. (Today’s members of the
over the childcare and off she would         was quite daunting, but Netta made the       Editorial Committee don’t know they are
go to her meetings. Gradually, she got       most of these experiences.                   born!) Editor of Hotpot is still a time-
more involved, joining the Committee                                                      consuming role, but modern technology
and becoming Secretary, Treasurer and        Netta served on the International Sub        and a professional print company do
President. Netta enjoys drama and was        committee, which organised study days        help. Netta’s mantra is that Hotpot must
a member of Hoole’s active concert           and overseas holidays linked to the          reflect LFWI and all of its members,
party, which produced lots of shows and      countries being studied. This was the        be responsive to members’ requests
variety events for over 60s and disabled     start of the Tours and Excursions Sub-       and welcome contributions from all
peoples’ clubs. She also performed in        committee and sparked a project on the       WIs about their activities. Sometimes,
‘A History of Women of Lancashire’ at        Solomon Islands, which became part of        additional articles are needed at short
the Charter Theatre.                         the International Sub-Committee’s remit.     notice to fill the space, but that doesn’t
                                                                                          happen often and, if it does, Netta
Netta was invited to join the LFWI Board     The Shows Sub-committee, which               always has an idea up her sleeve.
of Trustees as Denman Rep, and in            organised the WI Show (now the County
this role visited many Wis, promoting        Show) also flourished under Netta’s          After ‘retiring’ from Hotpot, Netta
Denman, encouraging WI members to            leadership. In her true style, she brought   intends to perfect crochet and spend
go, and keeping track of their visits. She   creative new ideas and the event was         time in her greenhouse and garden,
was also on the speaker circuit giving       extended from one day to the two-day         nurturing and propagating new plants.
talks on her adventures on: a trip to        event we now have. The Shows Sub-            She will also continue singing in her
Ireland in a horse drawn caravan; old        committee also organised the LFWI            choir (on Zoom for now) and I’m sure
remedies; and ‘where my membership           flower arranging competition, exhibits       she will continue to keep very busy.
card has taken me’.                          and teas at the Royal Lancs Show             Netta – the Editorial Sub-committee
                                             when it took place in Chorley. Another       will miss you so much as our friend and
As VCO – Voluntary County Organiser          highlight was ‘Follow the Rainbow’, a        inspirational editor. We will do our best
(now Adviser), Netta was prepared            Flower Festival at Hoghton Tower.            to keep alive your spirit of ‘have a go
to travel anywhere helping to set up         Each LFWI area was invited to take part,     and it will be wonderful’ and continue to
new WIs, giving the outlying villages        there were beautiful displays and it was     take Hotpot from strength to strength in
as much attention as the larger towns.       a lovely event.                              your honour.

                                                                                 Lancashire Hotpot December 2020 I 13
Summertime Challenges                          The chance to watch the sun go down        what we’ve been doing, so maybe their
                                                over the sea from a different vantage      creativity will reach beyond the WI.
                                                point, It was lovely to have the change    Communication - They have been
                                                of scene and to finally see different      very conscious that many members
                                                faces, whilst remaining safe. Various      don’t have access to the internet,
                                                seven day challenges were also held        so they have tried to keep in touch
                                                with a theme posted every day for the      and have activities which are not
                                                week, which involved things as varied      internet -based. Members kept in
                                                as a heart made with a dog lead, writing   touch monthly, more or less, by paper
                                                with lentils, chalk, pebbles and flour,    newsletters, in addition to electronic

        uring the late summer months,           and images, in words or pictures, of our   versions, and yes, this has sometimes
        THURNHAM WI have been invited           heroines. The biggest project, which is    meant posting out letters. Newsletters
        to visit gardens belonging to five of   now nearing completion, is the lockdown    often contain contributions from
 their members who opened them for the          wall-hanging. Everyone was invited to      members, a quiz and a topical
 exclusive WI Open Gardens event at the         take part by contributing something        wordsearch along with some of the
 beginning of September. They also had          which spoke of their lockdown: staying     LFWI Blog content (the only way
 a Walking Church Yard Quiz, which was          safe, birds, VE Day, friends, poems,       some members could see it) and LFWI
 held over a week, so that members could        views and a great deal more. A local       news. Zoom committee meetings and
 go singly or in family groups whenever         gallery, King Street Studios and Gallery   WhatsApp to share photos connected
 the weather was good.                          in Lancaster has expressed interest in     with the creative challenges.

 From the Archives

Christmas Celebrations in the WI                - parties were not considered to be        One committee record documented
Ruth Grimley, Hon. Archivist.                   one of the objectives, so speakers         ‘The next meeting is the Christmas
                                                were booked and advertised in              Do. Invitations to be sent! '
It's been rather hard delving into              programmes: the last days of
the archives to find about Christmas            Sawley and Whalley Abbey; The              WIs held carol services, WI choirs
in Lancashire Federation of WIs                 Hoghton Rapier Sword Team;                 held memorable concerts, some WIs
when the archive is shut, you are               German Christmas Customs; Duties           had parties for evacuated children
wearing a mask and your glasses                 of a Small Hostess; In Search of           during the war years, and they
are steamed up, not to mention the              the Golden Eagle; Yesterday's              donated and decorated Christmas
ever present faint whiff of hand gel.           Fashion;and Tow Paths, are just            trees for villages, teamed up with
Something I think will be familiar to           a few subjects that educated               other WIs to share the festive
you all, even it's only trying to look          and informed members at past               season. Refreshments
at your shopping lists. But LFWI has            December meetings. For many                were served, perhaps
been through tougher times than this            years, my own WI teamed up with            a glass of mulled
and if one thing was certain from               a neighbouring WI to produce a             wine and or a warmed
the records I did manage to read,               pantomime to entertain members at          mince pie, though
WIs weren’t going to let anything               a joint December meeting, fulfilling       more often a buffet supper was
get in the way of them having a                 the drama element of the objectives,       arranged and served by the host WI.
Christmas celebration at any point              followed by a Jacob’s Join.
during our 100 years history.                                                              This 2020 festive season will hold
                                                Many WI programmes featured                great challenges for all our Wis. For
Members were recovering from                    a Jacob’s Join supper or a                 the first time in 100 years, we will
World War I, living through the                 social half hour with a Christmas          not be able to meet up, talk face
depression years, helping to feed the           theme - some even dared go as              to face and share things with each
nation during World War II, housing             far as saying Christmas Party.             other as we have done in the past.
evacuated children, coping with                 Competitions to be judged included         Despite any problems there may
rationing, and declining membership             4 mince pies, Christmas table              have been, we have always had
- and now a pandemic. Thankfully,               decorations, decorated candles,            each other’s company and support.
numbers increased, urban WIs were               cake decorations, the funniest
formed and a further resurgence of              Christmas cracker joke, most               Whilst doing the searches for this
the WI took place in the late 1990s.            attractively wrapped Christmas             article, what struck me was the
It's also worth noting that lots of             present, handmade paper doily              hospitality, warmth and kindness
the events mentioned in this article            etc. WIs didn’t just keep to their         shown to other WI members and
carried on until last Christmas 2019.           own monthly meeting; they made             the ingenuity shown in trying to put
                                                arrangements with other WIs in             together memorable events for fellow
Throughout the years, WIs tried to              their groups or invited other WI           members. This year will stretch us – I
stay within the objectives of the WI            members to attend their meetings.          wonder what we will come up with!

14 I Lancashire Hotpot December 2020
Subscription Extension                      Diary Dates

        he NFWI was obviously very         The following Zoom events are scheduled for December 2020 and January 2021.
        concerned about the disruption
        the lockdown period had on          At Home with LFWI Programme                           Date             Time
WI meetings and activities and your         Christmas Cook along with Heather Williams            2 December       7.00pm
membership experience this year.            Gillian Walnes Perry MBE, talk on Anne Frank          3 December       2.00pm
Consultations were held with all
                                            Christine Ramsay, Festive Flower Arrangements         5 December       2.00pm
federations to discuss ways in which
this could be acknowledged in our           Peter Lawrence – Around the Cotswolds                 7 December       7.00pm
membership subscription this year. As       Christmas Cook along with Heather Williams            11 December      10.00am
a result, a three-month extension to
this year’s membership subscription         Siobhan Clarke – A Royal Christmas                    16 December      7.00pm
was offered. The next renewal date
                                            At Home with LFWI Programme                           Date             Time
for membership subscriptions will
be 1 April 2021. In addition, from this     Vegetarian Chef Alex – Comfort Food
                                                                                                  12 January       2.00pm
point onwards, membership renewals          cooking demo
will always be in April. This is to
                                           Each event costs £5.00 and should be booked via the website
acknowledge the feedback many of
you shared with us during the recent
                                           When you purchase the talk you will receive an order acknowledgement showing a small cloud
Strategic Vision consultation about the    and a request to download your file. Click download to save the Zoom link, don't forget to check
challenges of the January payment          your Spam/Junk Folder. The host will allow entry from 15 minutes before the start time.
date and how you wished to see this
changed in the future. We hope the         Please note that you DO NOT need a PayPal account to purchase our events. You will be given
additional three months will provide       the option to pay by debit/credit card. As a back-up you will be sent the link again when the
some compensation to acknowledge           event closes.
the disruption you will have experienced
this year.

Lancashire Federation                                                            Tributes
comes to Blackpool
                                                                                 BLACKPOOL WI – Gladys Marshall, a dear friend

                                                                                 and talented member.
       he 25th September 2020
                                                                                 ECCLESTON WI – Miriam Wadge, a loyal long
       was the day all Lancashire
                                                                                 serving committee member.
       members were going to
                                                                                 FENCE & DISTRICT WI – Marianne Lonsdale, a
celebrate our Centenary. The
                                                                                 lovely lady. Member for many years.
switch-on of our Bench was
                                                                                 LADYBRIDGE WI – Norma Little, a popular member
organised. Valerie from Treales
                                                                                 remembered for her Scouse humour and delicious
WI and our Charman Jackie
were ready with posh frocks,
                                                                                 OVER HULTON WI – six members. Beryl Shaw,
even bubbly at the ready.
                                                                                 Milly Healy, Edith Holden, Jean Bonney, Connie
Suddenly only six could attend
                                                                                 Brodrick, a founder member, Olive Walker, former
in the light of new restrictions
which would have left some
                                                                                 PEARLS OF POULTON WI – Pat Wolsoncroft, a
very disappointed members.
                                                                                 founder member a lovely lady.
The decision was taken, and the
                                                                                 WARTON CRAG WI – Gill Easterby, a long standing
event was cancelled – another
                                                                                 and well thought of member.
blow for us all. However, on
the day, Blackpool Council did                                                   Each of these members will be sadly missed in her WI.
                                                                                 We send condolences to all their WI Friends and Families.
us proud, they Illuminated an
arch across the promenade
saying “Celebrating 100 Years               Coffee Break Quiz Answers
of the Lancashire Federation
of Women’s Institutes. “A big                    1. Norway, 2. Holiday Inn, 3. Turkey, 4. Robert Burns, 5. George V, 6. Four,
Thank You to Blackpool. All                   7. Gold, 8. 364, 9. North America (domesticated in Mexico), 10. Thorn, 11. 1966,
our Centenary Events had to                      12. Trees 1800, Cards 1843, Crackers 1861, 13. Isaac Newton,
be postponed so let us think                 14. Mary’s Boy Child, 15. Only Fools and Horses, 16. a) Goose feathers,
of this September 2020 as the                     17. Clarence Odbody, 18. Poinsettia 19. 3, 20. Crisp & Even.
beginning of our Festivities
bring on 2020 Plus One!                                Please do not reproduce any articles in the magazine without the
                              Jackie                               permission of the Federation Secretary.

                                                                                     Lancashire Hotpot December 2020 I 15
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The World of James Herriot... where it all started
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