Help us shape the future - Blesma

Page created by Neil Lewis
Help us shape the future - Blesma
Stay safe from
                                                 vaccination scams
                                                Spot Covid-19 fraud p06

                                                 Get expert help to
                                                plan for your future
Bulletin Members’ Newsletter Spring 2021       Paying for social care p09

            Help us shape
             the future
        A new study aims to understand the experiences
            of families living with loss of use of limb

Inside: Why keeping a diary can be good for your health
Help us shape the future - Blesma

                                            efg Bulletin
                                              Spring 2021
                                                                          It is with great pride and delight   Currently, two recurring themes are Winter fuel
                                                                          that I welcome you all to this       payments and Covid vaccinations. We are acutely aware
                                                                          edition of the Bulletin as the       that many Members are having difficulty obtaining Winter
                                                                          new Director Independence            payments and I hope Liz’s advice on p28 will help. By
                                                                          and Wellbeing. As a veteran          now, those on the priority lists should have been called
                                                                          with 30 years’ service, and a        to have their vaccinations. If you have concerns over how
                                                                          family history in the Army that      to get to a vaccination appointment, please contact
                                                                          goes back three generations          your Support Officer.
                                                                          to when my grandfather lost             It is with deep sadness that I must announce that we
                                                                          an arm at the Somme, I feel          will not be holding Members’ Weekend in June. The
                                            a deep connection and sense of duty to Blesma. I look              decision was not taken lightly, and has been based on
                                            forward to doing all I can to support you. I am aware that         the way the new UK variant of Covid has spread and the
                                            I have Heather Betts' wonderful legacy to sustain and              likelihood that, by June, most of us will probably still not
                                            nurture. One of those responsibilities is the information          have been fully vaccinated. I am aware how much this
                                            and content of the Bulletin. I hope you find the mix of            weekend means and have started contingency planning
                                            news, updates and articles on our support and services             for an event in October. We will update you in the
                                            in this edition relevant, stimulating and informative.             coming weeks. The AGM will still take place
     A new film tells the story                Our team have been very active since the start of               in June, virtually, in a similar format to last year. All
                                            the year putting in place a large menu of creative and             Members are encouraged and very welcome to attend.
 of World War II spy Virginia Hall          inclusive virtual activities. The great thing about being
                                            online is the opportunity to make new friends within
                                                                                                                  Finally, a heartfelt thank you to all those who completed
                                                                                                               the Blesma Survey. Your comments are now helping us
                                            the wider Blesma family. Those who have yet to venture             shape our plans for what else we can offer you as we
The lead actress talks to Blesma Magazine   online and are considering doing so, please chat to                go forward into 2021. Please remain safe and vigilant.
                                            your BSO or Outreach Officer who will be able to                      With my very best wishes to you all.
     in the Spring issue. Out in April      help. You will be surprised just how easy it is to connect         Ian G Harper
                                            with loved ones, fellow Members and other communities.             Director Independence and Wellbeing

                                                                                                                     IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                                                     PROSTHETICS UPDATE                               04
                                                                                                                     RESEARCH                                         08
                                                                                                                     PAYING FOR CARE                                  12
                                                                                                                     STAFF NEWS                                       14
                                                                                                                     ACTIVITIES                                       16
                                                                                                                     BRANCH NEWS                                      24
                                                                                                                     BENEFITS AND SOCIAL CARE                         26
                                                                                                                     CONTACT DETAILS                                  30

                                                                                                                                                    S PR I NG 2021 / 03
Help us shape the future - Blesma

What to do with that                                                                                                                                                                                which could have an impact on
                                                                                                                                                                                                    your prosthetic limb’s socket fit.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Set goals or targets

unwanted 2021 diary                                                                                                                                                                                 Make a note if you have managed
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to achieve what you wanted. This is
                                                                                                                                                                                                    helpful to motivate you day to day.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Looking back on where you were
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and seeing improvement is good,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    even if it is by small degrees. Be
              he start of a new year                                                                                                                                                                sure to set SMART goals (Specific,

  T           is often a time when we
              to look forward to what
              we will be doing once
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Measurable, Achievable, Relevant
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and Timed).
the days begin to last a bit longer                                                                                                                                                                 The point of all of this is that you
and get a bit warmer. It is also a                                                                                                                                                                  can share relevant details with your
time when many set themselves                                                                                                                                                                       clinician/prosthetist/physiotherapist
new goals or targets. Much is made                                                                                                                                                                  etc.
of New Year’s Resolutions, but
many are forgotten by the time                                                                                                                                                                      The above list is not exhaustive
we get to February. Many of you                                                                                                                                                                     and the beauty of your diary is that
will have bought or been gifted a                                                                                                                                                                   it is yours. It might help others to
2021 diary, and I have a suggestion                                                                                                                                                                 help you, but overall, it is about
for how you can make use of that                                                                                                                                                                    giving you something to focus on
diary to help you during the year.                                                                                                                                                                  and use to reflect on your situation
   A diary is a good way to make                                                                                                                                                                    and make positive changes. The
a note of what you have done, not                                                                                                                                                                   detail you include is personal too,
just record events to come. I am                                                                                                                                                                    add as little or as much as you feel
sure you are all aware of important                                                                                                                                                                 is useful.
historical diaries such as that of                                                                                                                                    Giving clinicians concise
                                                                                                                                                                                                       You may like the idea of a hand-
Samuel Pepys around the time of                                                                                                                                     facts from a diary will help    written diary but using digital
the Great Fire of London. Anne                                                                                                                                       them with your treatment       technology is also possible using
Frank’s diary gave a glimpse into                                                                                                                                                                   your smartphone, iPad, tablet or
the life of a young Jewish girl hiding                                                                                                                                                              computer. The advantage of using
from German occupation in                treatment. It can help you to see       SOME TIPS ON WHAT YOU                  Activities                             uneven ground using a prosthesis     digital media is that it should be
Holland. Sue Townsend’s Secret           where there are changes, what might     MIGHT WISH TO MAKE A                   Note any difficulties you have in      caused pain in the front of your     easier to share with others when
Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾            have influenced those changes, and      NOTE OF IN YOUR DIARY                  carrying out activities you would      stump, and on looking you saw        needed and you might be able to
tells of the troubles of fictional       whether they have been positive                                                normally be able to do without         a red mark on the skin in the same   add other information such as
teenager Adrian. But what has            or negative. This, in turn, will give   General health and wellbeing           an issue. Have you found an            area. Or perhaps you noticed that    links to online information or
this got to do with living with          you a clear and documented series       Simply make a note of your mood,       alternative way to perform the         your shoulders hurt when you woke    photographs (useful for recording
limb loss. loss of use of limb, or       of events that provides an element      any aches and pains, or general        activity (this might not be the best   up on a particular day and you       physical changes or injuries).
any long-term condition?                 of understanding and control.           sense of health and wellbeing on       solution so it is useful to make a     had used your wheelchair more
   I advocate that anyone living            This information can also be         any given day. Note any changes        note of what you are now doing).       the day before.                      If you have a question or would
with a long-term health condition        very helpful for the clinicians who     from the day or week before.           Mobility Aids/Prostheses               Changes in medication                like advice about prosthetics,
should keep a diary. A day-to-day        are trying to help you. Time with       Physical condition                     Has your use of a mobility aid or      Note down any changes to your        please contact BSO (Prosthetics)
account of how you are feeling or        clinical teams is precious and is       Note any physical differences in       prostheses changed, and if so,         medication. Some medication can      Brian Chenier on 020 8548 7080,
how your condition is affecting you      often very limited. By being able       relevant parts of your body such as    how? What were you doing when          cause side effects that might        at
can be very useful. It can help you      to provide concise and accurate         sores (including pressure sores/       you noticed the change and what        impact on your mobility or other     or visit
to identify patterns that, over time,    information from a diary you            spots), swelling or changes in shape   was it that you noticed or felt.       conditions. For example, some
might lead to better diagnosis or        can help them to help you.              (relevant for residual limb/stump).    For example, perhaps walking on        medication might cause swelling

04 / B LE S MA B U LLETI N                                                                                                                                                                                         S PR I NG 2021 / 05
Help us shape the future - Blesma
HEALTH AND WELLBEING                                                                                                                                                                                                            ACTIVITIES

Vaccination scam alert                                                                                                                                        Members’ Weekend
                                                                                                                                                              2021 postponed due
                                                                                                                                                              to COVID-19
          pportunistic scammers           “It’s not only texts, beware of cold   Suspicious text messages should        Protect: Contact your bank
 O        are using the COVID-19
          vaccine to attempt to con
                                          calls and emails regarding the
                                          vaccine as scammers are also
                                                                                 be forwarded to 7726. This free-
                                                                                 of-charge number enables your
                                                                                                                        immediately if you think you’ve
                                                                                                                        fallen victim to a scam and report
people out of funds and personal          asking people to pay for it over the   provider to investigate the origin     it to the police.
data. These scammers have so far          phone. Remember, the vaccine is        of the text and take action if found
been active in North East England         free of charge and there is no way     to be malicious.                       REMEMBER
and Wales, but all of us are at risk.     to jump the queue by paying for                                               –T he NHS, the police, and your
   Dyfed Powys Police Economic            a priority slot,” said DC Jordan.      ALWAYS                                   bank will never ask you to
Crime Team has become aware               “If you receive one of these calls,    Stop: Think for a moment before          withdraw money or transfer it
that criminals have been sending          hang up and block the number.          parting with money or information        to a different account. They will
texts and emails attempting to lure          If you have received an email       – it could keep you safe                 also never ask you to reveal your
people to apply for the COVID-19          that you are not sure about, you       Challenge: Could it be fake?             full banking password or PIN
vaccine.                                  can forward it to the Suspicious       It’s ok to reject, refuse or ignore    –D
                                                                                                                          o not click on links or
   “The text is made to look like it      Email Reporting Service (SERS)         any requests. Criminals will often      attachments in unexpected
comes from the NHS and states;            at              try to rush or panic you.               or suspicious texts or emails
‘We have identified that you are                                                                                        –C
                                                                                                                          onfirm requests are genuine
eligible to apply for your vaccine’                                                                                      by using a known number or                     t is with a great sadness        slowly get on top of this crisis and
and advises you to follow a link to
get more information and ‘apply’,”
                                                                                                                         email address to contact
                                                                                                                         organisations directly
                                                                                                                                                                 I      that we must announce
                                                                                                                                                                        that the annual Members’
                                                                                                                                                                                                         enjoy more freedoms in time. We
                                                                                                                                                                                                         will be in contact with those of
said DC Gareth Jordan from the                                                                                          –A
                                                                                                                          lways check the URL (web           Weekend has had to be postponed            your who are set to attend in due
Cyber Crime Unit.                                                                                                        address) of a website. It may        because of the coronavirus crisis.         course. Please keep abreast of
   “If you follow the link, you are                                                                                      be handy to write the correct           The event was scheduled to take         Blesma’s news in our various
taken to a convincing looking, but                                                                                       one down for future reference,       place in June, and the Association         publications for the latest updates.
fake, NHS website that asks for                                                                                          as the changes fraudsters make       felt optimistic about the date at the         Blesma’s AGM will still be going
your personal details.                                                                                                   can often be minor. For example,     time of the last Bulletin’s publication.   ahead virtually in June. You will
   “After entering your details, it                                                                             is the correct URL        Unfortunately, the changing nature         find a letter of invitation enclosed
then requests bank/card details to                                                                                       for the NHS website, but a           of the virus and the increase in the       in this copy of the Bulletin, and
‘check your identity’. But as with                                                                                       fraudster may create a convincing    transmission rate leaves us with           also on the Blesma Connects app.
all scams, if you look a little closer,                                                                                  looking website with a URL           no option other than to delay this            If you would like to attend, but
you will see it is not real. In this                                                                                     of                    year’s event, for now.                     will require some assistance using
instance, the website address is                                                                                        –T
                                                                                                                          he NHS doesn’t need your              The decision is not one that            the technology needed to join,
not”                                                                                                          bank details and will never          has been taken lightly, but we are         please contact your BSO. We
   As multiple vaccines are now                                                                                          ask for them in an email or          looking to conduct an event in             sincerely hope to see you there!
being approved for use in the                                                                                            text message                         October when Covid restrictions               Though this news is not the
UK, this type of fraud attempt                                                                                                                                have hopefully eased.                      news we wished to deliver, please
will continue as criminals look                                                                                         If you are concerned about               The Association hopes Members’          rest assured that we are working
to take advantage of the vaccine                                                                                        COVID-19 fraud, please visit:         Weekend can be rescheduled for             hard to make the next Members’
roll out. It is also likely that they                                                     26%                                 the Autumn, and plans to hold              Weekend one to remember as
will begin to target other areas,                                                                                       publications/coronavirus-covid-       an event for Members in October            soon as we are able to gather
so it’s important to stay alert.                                                                                        19-fraud-and-cyber-crime              as the vaccine roll-out means we           again safely.

06 / B LE S MA B U LLETI N                                                                                                                                                                                              S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 / 07
Help us shape the future - Blesma
RESEARCH                                                                                                                                                                                                                        RESEARCH

Caring and Coping 2:                                                                                                                                           Military veterans
                                                                                                                                                               to be ‘included’
Invitation to participate                                                                                                                                      in Census 2021
          lesma Members who have                                                                                      be willing to be interviewed                       he 10-year census is
  B       suffered life-changing
          injuries that have resulted
                                                                                                                      for approximately 60 minutes. You
                                                                                                                      will also need to be interviewed
                                                                                                                                                                 T       almost upon us and,
                                                                                                                                                                         for the first time, people
in the loss of use of limb/s are to                                                                                   for an hour. Interviews will take        will be able to say if they are
be invited to take part in a new                                                                                      place individually by telephone          a veteran of the Armed Forces.
research project.                                                                                                     call, or electronically (such as on         The census, run by the Office
   Blesma is partnering with the                                                                                      Zoom or FaceTime) by the VFI             for National Statistics, is a once-in-
Veterans & Families Institute (VFI)                                                                                   research team.                           a-decade survey that gives us the
at Anglia Ruskin University on the                                                                                       The session will enable you           most accurate estimate of all the
new project. Caring and Coping 2:                                                                                     to talk about your experiences           people and households in England
The Family Experience of Living                                                                                       and problems, and how you may            and Wales. It has been carried out         statistician at the ONS. “That’s
with Loss of Use of Limb/s aims                                                                                       have overcome them, and will             every decade since 1801, with the          why it is so important everyone
to better understand the everyday                                                                                     be used to inform the support            exception of 1941.                         takes part – including those who
experiences of Members and their                                                                                      and provisions that Blesma can              Among the new questions that            have previously served in the
families living with loss of use                                                                                      provide to you and your family,          will be included in the census will        Armed Forces, – and we have
of limb.                                                                                                              and that of the wider membership.        be one asking people whether they          made it easier for people to do
   The new research project                                                                                              All interviews will be recorded       have served in the Armed Forces            so online on any device, with
has been developed as a direct                                                                                        (audio only) and your identity will      to support commitments made                help and paper questionnaires
response to Caring and Coping 1:                                                                                      not be referred to in the reporting      by central and local government            for those who need them.”
The Family Experience of Living                                                                                       of the study. All information you        under the Armed Forces Covenant               Census 2021 will be the first
with Limb Loss . In this research                                                                                     provide will be anonymised and           – the deal between the country             run predominantly online, with
one of the issues identified was                                                                                      kept as confidential.                    and those who serve it.                    households receiving a letter with
how living with limb loss is very                                                                                        Personally identifiable information      One of the greatest challenges          a unique access code in March,
different from living with the loss      Blesma will invite up to 15 families to take part in the research study      (for example, names and places)          in addressing need is knowing              allowing them to complete the
of use of a limb or limbs.                                                                                            will be removed from the data.           where it is in the first place. A better   questionnaire on their computers,
   This research will be important        Telic or Operation Herrick           biologically related to you (parents   The project has gained research          understanding of the numbers,              phones or tablets. However, paper
not only because it will allow           –Y
                                           our loss of limb use occurred      and siblings, for example) or who      ethics approval at Anglia Ruskin         locations, and age ranges of our           questionnaires will also be
Blesma to enhance service delivery        during service but NOT as            are related through partnership or     University.                              Armed Forces veterans will                 available on request.
to the membership, but it will also       a result of a combat injury          marriage. It also includes friends                                              therefore help the government,                The census will include
benefit the work of other charities      –Y
                                           our loss of limb use occurred      and the people who form your           If you would like to be part of this     NHS and service charity sectors            questions about your sex, age,
that support veterans and their           after transition out of the          support network. The important         research or wish to find out more        target resources and expertise             work, health, education, household
families, as well as statutory health     military                             aspect is that the people you          about the study, please contact          where they are needed most.                size and ethnicity. Census day is
and social care providers.               –Y
                                           ou are able to invite up to four   choose are active in supporting        Maria on              “A successful census will               21 March 2021. Results will be
   In the first phase of the research,    members of your family network       you and your health and wellbeing.     to discuss the project in more           ensure that everyone from local            available within 12 months,
Blesma is inviting up to 15 families      to participate                         If you are interested in taking      detail. If then you wish to proceed,     government to charities can put            although personal records will be
to participate. The Association                                                part in this project, and you fit      interview times will be set at your      services and funding in the places         locked away for 100 years, kept
would like to hear from you if:          By ‘family’, Blesma means those       the criteria, we invite you to         convenience. A detailed feature          they are most needed. This could           safe for future generations.
–Y our loss of limb use is as a         who are active in supporting          identify up to four members of         on the research project will             mean things like doctors’ surgeries,
  result of military service but is      your overall health and wellbeing.    your ‘family’ (they must be aged       appear in the Spring 2021 issue          schools and new transport routes,”         For more information, visit
  NOT associated with Operation          This could include those who are      18 years or over) who would each       of Blesma Magazine                       said Iain Bell, deputy national  

08 / B LE S MA B U LLETI N                                                                                                                                                                                               S PR I NG 2021 / 09
Help us shape the future - Blesma
NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                                               NEWS

Blesma jackets                                      Duck raises more than                                               Will you represent                                Blesma Prize Draw
available online                                    £100 for the Association                                            Team Blesma?                                      winners announced!
                                                            uackers, the personalised Blesma-themed wooden                      lesma is looking for a team of gaming            hree lucky winners have been announced in the
                                                     Q      duck, was the prize up for grabs in Blesma Member            B      Members to represent the Association in    T     annual Blesma Prize Draw. This year, for the first
                                                    Lorraine Tilston-Brookes’ online lockdown raffle.                   esports tournaments and play alongside some       time, the drawing of the prizes was livestreamed from
                                                       “I’d seen the ducks pop up on the South Sea Duck                 of the greatest gamers in the military world.     the Blesma office via Facebook.
                                                    Facebook page and thought they would make a fantastic                  It doesn’t matter if you are an avid gamer        Abbie-Louise of Blesma Chelmsford began by thanking
                                                    Christmas present. I’d seen them designed and painted in            or are just getting started, the Association is   the Prize Draw’s corporate sponsors for providing the cash
                                                    different regimental uniforms, nurses’ outfits, and even            looking to assemble a varied team to represent    prizes for the draw. AQ Branding donated the third-place
                                                    as ballerinas,” said Royal Air Force Veteran Lorraine, who          it in a range of tournaments. So whether you      prize of £200, Bolt Burdon Kemp the second-place prize
                                                    suffered a life-changing spinal injury in 1983. “I bought a         are an Xbox, Playstation, PC or a Nintendo        of £250, and Centro PLC the phenomenal £1,000 first prize.
                                                    few for a couple of friends, but as I can’t do much physically      player, you are welcome to take part.             A huge thank you to our sponsors for their generosity.
                                                    to raise money for Blesma, it got me thinking about what               Being a part of the team will mean joining        The 2020 Prize Draw raised £6,200 which will go to
                                                    I could do. I decided to personalise the duck in Blesma             the Game on for Blesma community on Discord,      supporting Blesma’s vital work, so thanks to everyone
                                                    gear and hold an online raffle using”              a forum dedicated to bringing Blesma gamers       who bought a ticket!
                                                       Lorraine advertised the raffle through Facebook and              together, whether they be Members, Staff or
                                                    some ex-Forces groups and sites she belongs to, with the            Supporters. You will also be able to take part    THE WINNERS OF THE BLESMA
                                                    Blesma duck proving to be a storming success – she was              in gaming tournaments and friendly matches,       2020 PRIZE DRAW ARE:
                                                    able to sell 111 tickets at £1 each.                                representing Blesma against other charities       3rd Place: Ticket number 43917
                                                       “The whole event was easy to organise. I sent a photo of         and organisations.                                2nd Place: Ticket number 60321
                                                    the design – a white Blesma T-shirt and the blue baseball              Members who join the Blesma esports team       1st Place: Ticket number 34772
       reviously the reserve of the Association’s   cap – to South Sea Ducks to design and the Raffall website          will receive a unique Game On For Blesma
 P     staff, Blesma’s much sought-after            was also fantastic. I didn’t have to worry about issuing            hoodie and T-shirt, and if you just fancy a       A Blesma Member has become the first Make a Smile
waterproof jacket is now available to buy from      numbers, tickets or handling the money as it was all taken          casual game this is also a great way to meet      player to win the £10,000 rollover. If you want to support
the Association’s online shop. These high-quality                                        care of. People loved the      other Members.                                    Blesma and be in with a chance of winning, check out the
jackets have proved popular with Members                                                 duck and I got a few              The Association has received invitations to    Make a Smile Lotto. You can choose which charity to
and so have now been made available to buy.                                              messages about him!”           take part in Call of Duty tournaments against     support, and buy a ticket for as little as £1. Find out more
   Blesma relies on public donations to provide                                            The lucky winner of the      the British Army and Royal Air Force teams.       at
high levels of practical, emotional and financial                                        raffle was Blesma Member,
support to Members and their families. Any                                               David Chandler. “The
                                                                                                                                                                          Thanks for answering
                                                                                                                        To find out more about joining the esports
purchase of Blesma merchandise is a statement                                            duck is great! I entered       Team, please contact the Activities Team
of your support for Blesma, and a fantastic                                              the raffle and shared it on
way to raise awareness.                                                                  social media to try to raise
                                                                                                                        by emailing
                                                                                                                                                                          the Blesma Survey
                                                                                         awareness of Blesma and
BLESMA JACKET PRICE £40.00                                                               the great work they do,”
• Waterproof • Insulated                                                               said David.                                                                      W econtributed
                                                                                                                                                                               would like to say a huge thank you to all those who
                                                                                                                                                                                         to the Blesma Member Survey included
• Windproof • Fleece lined                                                                                                                                              in the last edition of this Bulletin. The results are in, all
• Cool machine washable (40 degrees)                                                                                                                                     suggestions and thoughts have been carefully considered,
• Main fabric: 100% polyester, Lined: 100%                                                                                                                               and the wheels are already in motion in implementing the
   polyester, Padding 100% polyester                                                                                                                                      feedback we have received.
• Fold away hood • Zip and Velcro fastening                                                                                                                               The ways in which your input will aid the Blesma offer
• External zip pockets, one internal pocket                                                                                                                              and enhance existing experiences will be published in more
                                                                                        Quackers, Lorraine’s                                                              detail in the Summer issue of Blesma Magazine.
Check out the new jackets, along with                                                   bespoke South Sea                                                                   We will be sure to keep you updated as we continue to
all the other great Blesma merchandise at                                               Duck, raised more                                                                 consider how the survey results can inform our offering                                                   than £100 for Blesma                                                              and support to the membership.

10 / B L E S M A B U L L E T I N                                                                                                                                                                                    S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 / 11
Help us shape the future - Blesma
CARE                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CARE

Paying for care - Forces                                                                                                                                                                                 So why is such a solution much-
                                                                                                                                                                                                         underused? The simple answer
                                                                                                                                                                                                         is that only a regulated financial

MoneyPlan can help                                                                                                                                                                                       adviser who has passed a
                                                                                                                                                                                                         designated exam on long-term
                                                                                                                                                                                                         care insurance recognised by
                                                                                                                                                                                                         the regulator (the Financial
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Conduct Authority) is authorised
                                                                                                                                                                                                         to advise and facilitate access to
          hen it comes to paying           entirely to the treatment, control       exception of Constant                                                                                                such products. Most of the general
W         for care, either at home
          or in a residential care
                                           or prevention of a disease, illness,
                                           injury or disability, and the
                                                                                    Attendance Payments
                                                                                  • The first £10 per week of
                                                                                                                                                                                                         public do not have a relationship
                                                                                                                                                                                                         with such an adviser or know
or nursing home, most people are           aftercare of someone with these          War Widows and War Widowers                                                                                          where to find one.
shocked when they first discover           conditions.                              pension                                                                                                                 Fortunately, many of the
the costs involved. A recent survey           In practice, this means that        • War Widows and Widowers                                                                                             volunteers who give pro-bono
of more than 9,000 elderly care            for many veterans, including             special payments                                                                                                     guidance via Forces MoneyPlan
homes by health and social care            those with dementia, they will be      • The value of any ex-gratia                                                                                          are qualified (known as CF8: Long
market experts Carterwood                  expected to pay for their social         payments made on or after 01                                                                                         Term Care Insurance from the
revealed a UK average self-funded          care. Given the costs involved, for      February 2001 by the Secretary                                                                                       Chartered Insurance Institute) and
nursing home costs £1,142 a week.          many this can decimate their life        of State in consequence of a                                                                                         can discuss the generic advantages
   The main reason for this lack of        savings, and in some cases, require      person’s, or person’s spouse or                                                                                      and disadvantages of all ways of
appreciation of the costs involved         the sale of the family home.             civil partner’s, imprisonment or                                                                                     paying for care, including the use
is a lack of understanding of the             For veterans requiring social         internment by the Japanese                                                                                           of an Immediate Needs Annuity.
distinction between ‘healthcare’           care support, either in respect of       during the Second World War                                                                                          Whilst they cannot give advice in
and ‘social care’. The difference          funding for a care home place or       • A gallantry award such as the         no local authority places available,    individual in care, at a fixed rate   terms of a personal recommendation
is significant when it comes to            for care at home, the means test         Victoria Cross Annuity or              or is a self-funder only residence,     of interest, repayment of which       under the Forces MoneyPlan
determining the availability of            will assess what is termed ‘eligible     George Cross Annuity                   it is likely that family or friends     is deferred until a later date such   scheme, understanding options
financial support.                         capital and income’ to determine                                                must pay the difference – known         as the death of the person in care.   when it comes to paying for care
   Across the UK, healthcare is the        the extent of any local authority      For those who end up paying for          as a ‘third party top-up’. In the          When it comes to peace of mind,    is a critical first step in minimising
responsibility of the NHS and is           support.                               their own social care, often referred    worst-case scenario, if such a top-     another much-underused means          the negative impact that paying for
free at the point of need. Social             For those living in England         to as ‘self-funders’, many simply        up is not available, the person in      of payment is called an Immediate     care can have on overall financial
care, in contrast, is the responsibility   with capital in excess of £23,250,     pay the costs out of their income,       care may have to move to another        Needs Care Annuity. This is simply    wellbeing.
of the local authorities in England,       in most cases they will be expected    liquidating capital assets including     care home, possibly in a different      an insurance policy offered by           Furthermore, if having received
Scotland and Wales, and Health             to pay for their social care until     property as they go along until          location, with all the upheaval and     a few specialist insurers that        free guidance, a recipient wants to
and Social Care Trusts in Northern         such time as their capital falls       such time as all their money has         distress that can cause.                works in much the same way as         pay the Forces MoneyPlan adviser
Ireland, and is ‘means tested’ due         below this level, at which point       gone.                                                                            an annuity in retirement does. In     for further advice, including a
to an expectation that those who           their remaining capital and income        Whilst the local authority will       So what can be done to                  return for a one-off set premium,     personal recommendation as to
are able to pay for their social care      will be taken into account to          step in at this point, it is important   avoid running out of money?             the policy undertakes to pay          the best way a person can pay for
should do so.                              determine ability to pay.              to understand that it is only likely     The first thing to appreciate is that   a regular income towards an           their care, then that is, of course,
   Whilst there is no formal                                                      to pay the care provider a set local     there are many different ways that      individual’s care costs for the       an option, but only where the
definition of ‘social care’, it is         For veterans, some capital and         authority rate, typically below what     care fees can be paid. For example,     rest of their life. The level of      recipient proactively seeks it.
often described as dealing with            income are disregarded from            care providers charge self-funders       since April 2015 and following the      premium depends on things such
‘activities of daily living’, in other     the ‘means test’ including:            (as the current care system is           introduction of the Care Act 2014,      as the person’s age, health, and      Please contact your BSO if you
words; help that is needed to carry        • Guaranteed income payments          largely propped up by this cross         local authorities in England are        the expected level of current and     are interested in getting in touch
out day-to- day activities such as            made to veterans under the          subsidy between higher fees from         required, subject to eligibility        future care fees. It is currently     with Forces MoneyPlan
eating, washing, dressing, using              Armed Forces Compensation           self-funders and lower fees for          criteria, to offer a loan (often        the only way many can guarantee
the toilet and bathroom, and                  Scheme                              local authority placements).             referred to as a deferred payment       payment of care fees for life,
mobility issues. In contrast, a            • War Pension Scheme payments           If the care home that someone is      agreement) to meet care costs,          thereby protecting remaining
healthcare need is one related                made to veterans with the           in when they run out of money has        secured on the home of the              assets from future care fees.

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Help us shape the future - Blesma
BLESMA STAFF                                                                                                                                                                                                       BLESMA STAFF

Meet our new                                                                                                        KIRSTY ALLARD
                                                                                                                    COMMUNITY AND EVENTS
                                                                                                                    FUNDRAISING OFFICER
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Happy 100th
staff members                                                                                                       Can you tell us a little bit
                                                                                                                    about your background?                                                        C
                                                                                                                                                                                                        ongratulations and happy
                                                                                                                                                                                                        birthday to the following
                                                                                                                    After I graduated from uni, I took                                           Members who were born between
                                                                                                                    up an events internship within the                                           01 January and 15 March 1921,
                                                                                                                    arts sector. I worked on events at                                           and who have recently celebrated
CHRISTINE LANDESS                                                            everyone, I am itching to get back     Cancer Research part time before                                             their 100th birthday.
BSO NORTH EAST                                                               to normal life and get out on the      entering my first full-time events                                           Braham Myers MBE MA
                                                                             road to meet our Members for a         role at the Stroke Association. To                                           William Hollands
Tell us a bit about your                                                     cuppa and a chat.                      broaden my experience, I then took                                           Phyliss Lewis
work background?                                                                                                    a short-term contract working on                                             Irene Raveney
After studying for a degree in                                               Tell us a little about yourself?       an international conference in the                                           Nancy Key
psychology, I have always worked                                             I am fortunate to live with my         Netherlands, and before joining                                              Grace Smith
in the charity sector. I spent                                               family on the North Yorkshire          Blesma I was working on a short-
many years working in homeless                                               coast and during lockdown we           term contract for a luxury party
services in London, starting out
as a resettlement officer working
                                                                             have been able to walk our dog on
                                                                             the lovely local beaches and moors.
                                                                                                                    planning company.
with rough sleepers, and ending
up managing hostels and support
                                                                             I enjoy cooking and pottering in
                                                                             the garden, however, my lockdown
                                                                                                                    How did you come to Blesma?
                                                                                                                    I missed working in a charity
                                                                                                                                                          putting on their own events in aid
                                                                                                                                                          of Blesma. Normally, I would be        poetry
services for prolific offenders and                                          vegetable patch was not a huge         environment, which is something       attending third-party events and
people with addiction problems.                                              success – I’ve never seen such         I have found to be different from     cheer points as well as meeting        HMS Victory
Along the way, I was privileged                                              small carrots! In normal times, I      every other area of events I have     community fundraisers and              For the raw boned lad
to meet many fantastic and                                                   enjoy walking, art and architecture,   worked in. I am from Chelmsford       hosting cheque presentations –         Big hands, so red and rough
inspiring people who overcame          What does your role entail?           as well as thinking about where to     and the role was exactly what I was   something I am sure I will             Press-ganged into service
huge challenges and adversity,         I am still learning the full extent   go next in my campervan, but most      looking for. Both my granddad         experience when things go back         His life at sea was tough.
and I always have the hope and         of my role as a Blesma Support        evenings you will find me on the       and my uncle served in the Army,      to normal.
belief that things can change          Officer – it seems huge! However,     settee watching some soothing TV.      so Blesma’s work resonated with                                              To be a ‘powder monkey’
for the better.                        for me the main focus is to make                                             me. Coming to Blesma has been         Tell us about yourself?                Was his allocated lot,
                                       sure I am able to provide the best                                           the best decision I have made,        I have figure skated since I was       Cramped quarters down below
So, how did you come to                support and advice to Members                                                everyone is lovely and it’s a great   eight years old and still like to go   Scant rest, in a swinging cot.
be working at Blesma?                  whenever it’s needed. I also enjoy                                           work atmosphere – everyone            once a week (when I can), to have
Before I joined Blesma I worked        supporting and developing staff                                              seems to truly care about their       some fun spinning on the ice.          Blows from the Bosun’s ‘persuader’
at RBL for eight years where           and volunteers, so I am keen to                                              work.                                 I also do aerial circus classes and    Kept him working like a dog
I managed the Northern Outreach        look at that too. I feel honoured                                                                                  play squash. I recently got engaged    Every sinew straining,
Team. The RBL Outreach Team            to be part of Blesma, it is such a                                           Tell us about your role?              to my fiancé Nick, so most of my       Revived with tots of grog.
provides face-to-face support to       well-respected organisation. Like                                            I am the Community and Events         spare time at the moment is spent
vulnerable veterans and because                                                                                     Fundraising Officer, so I work with   wedding planning. We are about         Accustomed now, to salty air,
I am not a veteran, I had a steep                                                                                   my colleagues to manage internal      to move back to Chelmsford, so         The creak and slap of sails,
learning curve. I quickly became       “I am still learning the full extent                                        events, such as the Remembrance       any other free time will soon be       Shouts and curses from the deck,
aware that the military has a unique                                                                                11K and the upcoming Pick Your        taken up decorating our new home.      Lashing cat o’nine tails.
language that uses lots of TLAs         of my role as a BSO - it seems huge!                                        Peak challenge. I also look after
(three letter acronyms!). In many
ways the role is similar to a BSO
                                        For me, the main focus is to make                                           third-party events such as the
                                                                                                                    London Marathon, the Mount
                                                                                                                                                                                                 In his Majesty’s Navy
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Sworn ‘till his last breath.
and I very much enjoyed being           sure I am able to provide the best                                          Toubkal Trek and the London to                                               At the height of savage battle
out and about meeting veterans                                                                                      Brighton Cycle. I also look after                                            To meet a watery death.
and their families.                     support and advice to Members”                                              community fundraisers who are                                                Valerie Eastop

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Help us shape the future - Blesma

‘Knotting matters’
to these Members
          embers in the South West                                          Cobra Bar bracelet using the
 M        have been taking part
          in a series of decorative
                                                                            techniques we’d used for the Zip
                                                                            Pull and for Paracord Pals.
knotting workshops via Zoom. The                                               “Workshops four and five looked
workshops have been delivered                                               at a couple of Christmas tree
by Phil Cook, a decorative knot-                                            decorations, the first being a tree
tyer with more than 25 years’                                               based on yet another Solomon bar.
experience. The classes have                                                The other was a snowflake based
become so popular, with word                                                on a series of snake knots (the
spreading to Members from other                                             design was one from WhyKnot’s
areas who have started to attend.                                           YouTube Channel). It took a while
Phil has written a piece about the                                          to master the Christmas tree, so
Blesma workshops that will be                                               we squeezed in workshop five in
included in Knotting Matters          Learning the ropes – literally!       December to do the snowflake.
magazine, part of the Guild of                                              I found it interesting that the
Knot Tyers who generously funded      “For the second workshop we made      snowflake proved so much easier
materials for the course.             Turk’s Head knots! Ambitious,         than the tree for everyone to
   “Considering the fabulous times    eh? Not at all. Following written     master – a great note to finish
I had working with Blind Veterans     instructions, Members slid their      2020 on!
in Llandudno a few years ago,         knots off a tube to make a coaster.      “The series of workshops last
I jumped at the chance to work        In workshop three we would be         year proved to be a wonderful
with Blesma,” said Phil. “I knew      making a poppy from the same          experience, and we’re now well
that veterans have a ‘can do’         Turk’s Head knot in time for          into 2021 workshops. I’m looking
attitude, so I was confident this     Remembrance Day. We finished          forward to the day when the
would be fun! New challenges          off the workshop with a perennial     pandemic is over, and I can meet
here, though, because workshops       favourite – Paracord Pals – and       some of my new friends in person.
were held remotely via Zoom.          everyone was able to follow along        “I’m eternally grateful to Sarah
   “It was important that each        really well.                          Payne, Outreach Officer South
workshop produced a finished             “For workshop three – the all-     West, for inviting me to get
project, so I decided a Solomon       important poppy tying session –       involved with such a fabulous
Bar would be appropriate, because     I had in mind three different ways    bunch of folks, and for organising
square knotting is fairly easy,       for Members to tie the knot for the   and running all the Zoom
and forms the basis for so many       centre of the poppy, depending        meetings.”
projects.                             on how easy or tricky they were       Phil ‘The Rope’ Cook
   “We made a simple Zip Pull in      finding the knots so far.             Knot Tyer
the first workshop, which could          “For those who got there quicker
also be used as a key fob. As         than others, I needed something in    If you are interested in taking
usually happens with Solomon          reserve to occupy them. Seeing as     part in a Knot Tying workshop,
Bars, some managed to produce         we’d already made a Solomon Bar,      please contact Sarah Payne
a twisted version!                    I issued a challenge to make a        on

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Help us shape the future - Blesma
ACROSS THE REGIONS                                                                                                                                                                                           ACROSS THE REGIONS

Self care, scones and
small hares in Scotland
Following on from the acupressure
demonstration that Alex Gilmartin
gave us back in September, we
started 2021 with a series of
shiatsu/acupressure workshops.
   The sessions, led by Jenny White
from Edinburgh Shiatsu, were
hosted on Zoom and were also
recorded for Members who were
unable to make it on the day.
Jenny has been working through a                                                                                        Competition winner
series of procedures and exercises                                                                                      Johnny Britton and his
to help with stress, anxiety, pain,                                                                                     prize scones (right)
and so much more. Members have
reported that they have used the
techniques successfully between                                                                                       had some interesting discussions
sessions to help with Phantom                                                                                         about how a residual limb
Limb Pain, cramps, insomnia                                                                                           responds to these exercises.
and more.                                                                                                                “It is always a lot of fun working
   “I’m a shiatsu practitioner based                                                                                  with the Blesma Members, and
in Edinburgh and I have been               Online sessions have helped with Members’ stress, anxiety and even pain    there are always smiling, happy
working with Blesma since the                                                                                         faces (and a few yawns) at the
beginning of the New Year,” says           “In these online sessions with       and emotional stresses and strains.   end of the sessions.”
Jenny. “Shiatsu is a touch therapy         Blesma, we have worked on a          In each session, I make time for a       Member Ian Reid is one of the
based on energy psychology and             range of techniques to calm, relax   Question and Answer session and       Members who has been enjoying
traditional Chinese medicine. As           and energise the body and mind.      a request slot, so the following      the sessions. “I have been doing
well as offering one-to-one sessions,      We use acupressure points for a      session is bespoke and relevant       the self care workshop with Jenny
I deliver ‘self care in difficult times’   range of physical aches and pains,   to the group’s needs, and we’ve       who has been so supportive and
workshops in a range of community                                                                                     helpful. The way she teaches
settings and to various organisations.                                                                                makes learning easy and fun. She
   “My aim has always been to              “We have worked on techniques to                                          listens to our questions and makes
empower people to gain tips and                                                                                       sure we are getting the most out of
techniques for their own health              calm, relax and energise the body                                        the techniques which are great          BAKING COMPETITION                     competition, Members’ wife, Diane
and wellbeing. I have friends who
are veterans and I have delivered
                                             and mind. We use acupressure                                             and do work very well. A big
                                                                                                                      thanks to Blesma and to Jenny.”
                                                                                                                                                              Outreach Officer Emma organised
                                                                                                                                                              a competition for Members to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Reid, was in charge of the judging
                                                                                                                                                                                                     and crowned Johnny Britton (top)
sessions in this community, so I             points for physical aches and pains,                                                                             make scones at home and send           the winner.
was delighted when Emma got in                                                                                        For more about Jenny visit              in pictures of their finished bakes.     “There was a great selection of
contact with me.                             and emotional stresses and strains”                                            The winner of the previous baking      scones in the competition,” said

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ACROSS THE REGIONS                                                                                                                                                                                  ACROSS THE REGIONS

                                                                                                                 Crafty Members in                                                           North West
                                                                                                                 NI produce beautiful                                                        are treated to
                                                                                                                 knits for Members                                                           afternoon tea
                                                                                                                        he Blesma NI crafters have                                                  SO Mike Downes and
                                                                                                                  T     been getting their knitting                                           B     Outreach Officer Kirsten
                                                                                                                 needles and crochet hooks out                                               Morrissey spread Christmas
                                                                                                                 again! Members and Widows have                                              cheer in December as they sent
                                                                                                                 been involved in a project to                                               Afternoon Tea boxes to various
                                                                                                                 handcraft lap and shoulder                                                  Members across the North West.
                                                                                                                 blankets in the Blesma colours for                                             “It was so nice of them to
                                                                                                                 their fellow Members. Some                                                  think of me,” said Royal Navy
                                                                                                                 incorporated all three Blesma                                               veteran Gary Thomas, whose wife
                                                                                                                 colours in their knits while others                                         Christina is an NHS worker. Gary
                                                                                                                 used the vibrant red and baby blue                                          has been shielding since March
                                                                                                                 to make their blankets unique. In                                           and had been unwell in 2020.
                                                                     Needle felting is just one of the           all, 20 blankets were made and                                                 Usually, Gary volunteers with
                                                                     online workshops Scottish Members           there was even a request for a pair                                         his NHS Trust, speaking with
                                                                     have enjoyed during lockdown                of Blesma gloves; not daunted by      for her photo to be published         vascular patients and those
                                                                                                                 this challenge, they were duly        as a reminder of Blesma’s lifelong    receiving palliative care.
Diane. “Everyone did an amazing       hosted an online workshop for          my new-found skills and taught      crafted.                              care. Here are just a few of the         “Christina and I had massive
job producing the scones. I think     Members in Scotland to try making      my daughters how to needle felt!       Due to Covid-19 restrictions,      messages Fiona received following     smiles on our faces for days
these friendly competitions have      a felted hare. This was a fun          These are fantastic activities to   the group were unable to meet         delivery of the blankets:             afterwards. We were blown away!
been great to get involved in while   activity and the time just flew by.    take part in.”                      up, as they have done previously,        • “This will be very useful to     Things like that make you realise
we’ve been trying to keep ourselves      “The Outreach activities are          Needle felting master and         to enjoy a celebratory lunch and      me as I do feel the cold. What a      there are nice people and good
going through this very difficult     very enjoyable, and taking part in     host of the workshop Michelle       for the ladies to showcase and        wonderful surprise to have such a     things going on in this world.
time due to the Covid pandemic.       the many different craft sessions      Winslow said: “I feel really        share their wonderful work.           lovely gift sent to me– thank you.”   A massive thank you to Mike,
   “I was honoured to be asked by     that are on offer has been such a      privileged to be asked to work         With the colder months getting       • “Thank you for sending the        Kirsten and Blesma for all they
Emma to judge this competition.       welcome distraction over the last      with Blesma. I thoroughly enjoyed   nearer, Outreach Officer Fiona        absolutely beautiful blanket. It is   do for us.”
I had been planning to enter the      12 months,” said Member Wayne          spending time with the group        Morrison collected the blankets       so well crafted, and the colours
competition myself but didn’t get     Williams. “I like to see my family’s   teaching them the techniques of     from people’s doorsteps and posted    are really good. Please pass on
around to it. However, seeing all     reaction to the items I’ve attempted   needle felting; we had such good    them to their grateful recipients.    how much it is appreciated.”
these amazing scones has made         to make! After the needle felting      fun and everyone produced a         Inside each parcel was a note to        • “Thank you very much and
me determined to get my utensils      workshop, I enjoyed passing on         great final outcome.”               explain who had crafted it, along     please thank the lady who did all
out and make some myself as soon                                                                                 with a hope the blanket would         the work on it.”
as I get a chance. Well done to all                                                                              bring a little warmth, some             • “Thank you for caring.”
our Blesma family!”                   “The Outreach activities are very                                         comfort ,and to serve as a small
                                                                                                                 reminder that Blesma was there        The crafty ladies have started on
MEMBERS LEARN THE                       enjoyable, and taking part in the                                        to continue to offer support.         their next knitting project: hats,
Having seen how popular needle
                                        many different craft sessions that                                       Sadly, Margaret Livingstone
                                                                                                                 (pictured above) one of our
                                                                                                                                                       scarves and gloves for a homeless
                                                                                                                                                       charity that provides support on
felting has become both inside          are on offer has been a welcome                                          Widows in residential care,           the streets of Northern Ireland.
and outside of Blesma, Michelle                                                                                  has since passed away, but her          Great work crafters, you are
from Winslow School of Art,             distraction over the last 12 months”                                     daughter has given permission         making a real difference!

20 / B LE S MA B U LLETI N                                                                                                                                                                                 S PR I NG 2021 / 21
STAFF                                                                                                                                                 ACTIVITIES

                                                                                                                      “Blesma has been
                                                                                                                       a big part of my life
A fond farewell to                                                                                                     since I became a

BSO Paul Findlay                                                                                                       Member in 2009.
                                                                                                                       I feel so fortunate
                                                                                                                       to have served
                                                                                                                       the Members”
         n 05 February, BSO Paul       use FaceTime for the first time –        What is your new job
 O       Findlay departed Blesma
         after working for the
                                       despite them saying they would
                                       never use technology – to seeing
                                                                                going to be?
                                                                                I’m going to work for the Football
                                                                                                                      Paul Findlay
Association for nearly six years.      people get out of their comfort          Association. My job will be to
Before he left, we grabbed him         zone but grow as individuals on          work within grass roots football
for a quick Q&A.                       some of the activities we have been      where I will help the FA to strive
                                       on. Seniors Weeks are probably           to unite communities and improve
How have you found                     some of the most fun times I’ve          the health of the nation through
your time at Blesma?                   had in my life!                          our beautiful game. I’m just
The five-and-a-half years I have                                                absolutely thrilled to be given the
spent at Blesma have been really       How are you feeling about                opportunity by the FA to go in and
emotional. I have seen Members         leaving the Association?                 make a difference to people’s lives
at rock bottom go on to achieve        It was the hardest decision I have       in a different way than I have done
the most unbelievable things in        ever had to make professionally.         at Blesma.
their personal and professional        Blesma has been such a big part of
lives. I’ve sadly lost more Members    my life since I became a Member          Any final messages?
than I care to even imagine, some      in 2009 and I feel so fortunate to       Thanks to everyone within Blesma
to old age, others to mental health    have been given the opportunity to       who has supported me throughout
and other illnesses. That never got    serve and support the Members.           my time here. I would especially
easier because we do really get to     But I felt that the time was right       like to say a huge thank you to
know our Members.                      for me to move on, and I was made        the Members who have always
   Blesma is not just a grant-making   an offer that was too good to be true.   welcomed me and embraced me,
charity; it is an organisation that       I feel so many people spend their     and been patient when it’s not
puts the Members at the heart          days in a job they hate or that they     always been easy to get things
of everything we do. We become         are not passionate about – I’ve not      done. I would just hope that they
a part of their family and they        been there. I’ve loved my time as        show the same compassion and
become a part of ours. When we         a BSO, and supporting veterans           support to my successor when they
see people struggle we struggle        is one of my two major passions.         are appointed, because whoever
alongside them, and we celebrate       I feel extremely lucky that I’ve been    that may be, they are a very lucky
when they achieve something.           able to pivot into my other passion,     person to be inheriting such an
That’s been the hard part; the         which is football.                       amazing region.
emotional connection you have             I’m nervous and excited, but very
with the Members – but it’s also       sad to be leaving the Association.       For Members living in the London
one of the best bits of the job.       But I’m a Member myself so this          and South East area who require
                                       isn’t goodbye, it’s until we meet        support, please contact London
Any highlights that stand out?         again at the next bar, or Members’       and South East Outreach Officer
There are so many that I’m not         Weekend, or activity. This isn’t the     Jess Linge on outreachlse@
even sure I could pick a top five.     end of my association with Blesma. or call 07741 845793
There’s everything from helping        It’s the start of my association as
a Member who is in their 90s           a Member again.

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BRANCH NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                        BRANCH NEWS

An update from                                                                                                        be dependent on all things
                                                                                                                      Covid-19 related.
                                                                                                                         One Branch Member, Phyllis,
                                                                                                                                                                                                 she had a lovely birthday. She
                                                                                                                                                                                                 remembers us all and sends her
                                                                                                                                                                                                 love. Ron, Gwen’s late husband,

around the Branches                                                                                                   celebrated her 102nd birthday in
                                                                                                                      January and the Branch Members
                                                                                                                      send her their warmest wishes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 was our Branch Chair until he
                                                                                                                                                                                                 passed away. Is Gwen the oldest
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Branch Committee Member ever?
                                                                                                                         We continue to stay in touch                                               I popped down to the nursing
                                                                                                                      with staff from Blesma HQ (BSO                                             home and delivered a card and
                                                                                                                      Kevin Long, Outreach Officer                                               goodies from us all, which Gwen
BOURNEMOUTH BRANCH                                                                                                    Darren Fuller and Martin Gwillim,                                          loved. Pat has kindly found us
Well, who would have thought it?                                                                                      National Outreach Coordinator)        Gwen Watts and her late husband      a photo of Gwen and Ron (left).
Almost one year later and here we                                                                                     and recently sent our Members the     Ron at a past Branch lunch           Ron had just finished singing ‘If
are again, gazing out of the window                                                                                   Blesma Eastern newsletter with                                             you were the only girl in the world
at a storm as Force 7 rain lashes                                                                                     events kindly organised by Darren.    Blesma is still functioning and it   and I were the only boy’ at one of
down, with nothing to do but wait                                                                                        We, like all other Branches, are   is heart warming to see that it is   our lunches. Tear forming stuff.
for the jab. I have kept in contact                                                                                   missing our face-to-face gatherings   supporting the Members and              Blesma Magazine included
with the membership throughout                                                                                        but rest assured, we’ll be back       Widows, albeit in a virtual format   an article about Janet (Wilkes)
the year and, for most of the time,                                                                                   together as soon as it is safe for    without physical contact.            another of our Branch Widows.
all were optimistic that Covid                                                                                        us all to do so.                         Blesma Chelmsford has been        Janet has written an excellent book,
would play itself out and we could                                                                                       Branch Members are asked to        incredibly helpful to this Branch,   After The Blossom . It is a lovely
all get on with our lives. Sadly,                                                                                     get in touch with any member          for which we are most grateful.      account of her life and it brought
this has not happened, but Blesma                                                                                     of the committee if they have any     We are sorry to hear that our        back many memories for me of
Members being what they are,                                                                                          problems and we will see what         BSO Paul Findlay (below) has         my childhood and beyond. All
are still hanging in there.                                                                                           we can do to help.                    left Blesma for pastures new (see    proceeds from the book have
   Christmas came and went quite                                                                                         We wish all the Blesma family      more on p24).                        been donated by Janet to Blesma
unnoticed, but we did send a card      Bournemouth Branch Dinner 1959                                                 well as we continue to work our          Our lovely Gwen (Watts) is now    and I urge you to buy it.
to all the membership and we                                                                                          way through this extraordinary        95 years old. The nursing home          Elsewhere, Branch supporter
joined with BSO Steve Fraser           No 15 (now the office). Archie           GREAT YARMOUTH &                      time. Stay safe and well.             gave her a party and a cake, and     Jean Wood was downsizing and
and Outreach Officer Sarah Payne       Miles, the founder,                      LOWESTOFT BRANCH                      Helen Cullen                          although no visitors were allowed    had a tabletop sale on her drive.
to provide M&S afternoon treat         is standing next to him. Standing        Welcome to the Great Yarmouth &       Honorary Secretary                    in, Gwen said when I rang that       She very kindly donated the money
boxes to those Members who             next to him is Pat Sweetzer, her         Lowestoft Branch Spring update.                                                                                  raised to our Branch.
were alone at Christmas. They          late husband Jack is peeping over        The Branch continues to stay in       SUTTON, MERTON                                                                 We have enjoyed a remarkable
were widely appreciated.               her shoulder.                            touch via regular letters to update   & DISTRICT BRANCH                                                          relationship with the bowling
   At the last Remembrance Service        As the Branch cannot convene          Members on plans to get together      I do hope that you are all well                                            fraternity for 70 years and cannot
we attended at the WMH (2019)          to elect a new committee, we have        when it is safe to do so. Many        and managing to cope with the                                              thank both the men’s and ladies’
we wished Elsie, wife of our           decided to remain in post until the      Members will be receiving             extraordinary circumstances we                                             teams enough for the contributions
founder, Archie Miles a happy          election can be held. Brendan has        invitations to have their Covid-19    are living with. Our Branch sadly                                          they have made to us.
100th birthday. I am happy to say      informed me that our bookings for        vaccinations, which will hopefully    has not met since February last                                                I thought it important to let you
that Elsie has celebrated her 101st    2021 have been reserved at the           help everyone get back to             year and we are again locked                                               know that although we are caught
birthday and is still going strong.    Miramar and, God willing, we will        something resembling normal life.     down. The Christmas lunch                                                  up in a world pandemic, life goes
Her son, John, sent me this photo      enjoy each other’s company once             We plan to hold the 2021 Branch    planned for 09 December was                                                on and, as the saying goes: “When
(above) of the Branch in 1959. Elsie   again. Portsmouth have booked a          AGM by post and all Committee         cancelled. It has been suggested                                           the going gets tough, the tough get
is the lady circled in red towards     date – 15 July – for the Solent Lunch.   and Events members have agreed        that perhaps, all being well, we                                           going”.
the back of the photograph. Fred          Please note the Limb Centre           to carry on supporting the Branch     could have a Branch Lunch at                                                  We are only a phone call away.
Shirley, the first Member I visited    has changed its phone number to          for another year, providing Branch    Easter. We will contact our                                                Annie MacMillan
as a novice Welfare Officer in 2001    0300 0194 363.                           Members agree.                        Members when the current                                                   Sutton, Merton & District Chair
is next to her. The Member on the      Peter Sherston-Baker                        We hope to be able to celebrate    situation improves and it is
end with one arm was the               Chairman                                 the 75th anniversary of the           considered safe for us to meet
Chairman Bob Trevitt who lived in                                               Branch in August, but this will       up again.

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BENEFITS AND SOCIAL CARE                                                                                                                                                                           BENEFITS AND SOCIAL CARE

Spotlight on Benefits                                                                                                is not available within Universal Credit. From 27
                                                                                                                     January 2021, the restriction preventing claimants
                                                                                                                     with a severe disability premium has been lifted.
                                                                                                                                                                              benefits. Benefit claimants will receive an award
                                                                                                                                                                              letter from mid-March onwards advising of their

and Social Care                                                                                                      Under the new regulations, these claimants may
                                                                                                                     receive an additional amount of Universal Credit
                                                                                                                     (a ‘transitional severe disability element’) as part
                                                                                                                                                                              Some benefits to highlight:
                                                                                                                                                                                tate Pension will increase by 2.5% in line with
                                                                                                                     of their award if they meet the eligibility criteria.     all other benefits and will be increased in line with
                                                                                                                                                                               the Consumer Prices Index, which was 0.5% in the
                                                                                                                     Legacy benefits that may include a severe                 relevant reference period. This includes working
         elcome to the Bulletin’s regular section on      For more information, including more details on            disability premium are:                                   age benefits, benefits to help with additional needs
W        the benefits system. As well as highlighting
         some useful information regarding the
                                                          eligibility or to report that you have not received
                                                          your payment, contact The Winter Fuel Payment
                                                                                                                     – Income related Employment and Support Allowance
                                                                                                                     – Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance
                                                                                                                                                                               arising from disability, and carers’ benefits amongst
benefits system, on occasions we will be raising          Centre on 0800 731 0160.                                   – Income Support
awareness of some health and social care matters.            You can also get more information on the                – Housing Benefit                                        The Scottish Government is responsible for the
If you would like to discuss your benefit entitlement,    Winter Fuel Payment on the government website                                                                       rate changes to the benefits that they have devolved
or have a social care query, please contact your Blesma                             This now means that if you are receiving one of the      powers for.
Support Officer (details on p30). Alternatively, you                                                                 legacy benefits and have a change of circumstances,
can contact Liz Watling in the Independence and           SOCIAL SECURITY SCOTLAND                                   your legacy benefit may stop, and you will need to       INCREASES IN WAR PENSIONS AND
Wellbeing team by email at         Our Scottish Members may be aware of our previous          claim Universal Credit. Even with the inclusion of a     ALLOWANCES – EFFECTIVE WEEK
or by calling her on 0208 548 3516.                       Bulletin articles about how the benefits system in         severe disability element, you may still find yourself   BEGINNING 06 APRIL 2021
                                                          Scotland is changing. Some of the changes had been         worse off under Universal Credit.                        The new rates of War Pensions and Allowances
WINTER FUEL PAYMENT                                       put on hold due to the impact of Covid-19. However,           Working Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit do not        proposed from April 2021 are set out in the tables
The Winter Fuel Payment is the government                 Social Security Scotland has now released its timetable    include a severe disability premium, but you may         below. The annual uprating will take effect the
allowance for most state pension age people to            for looking at Adult Disability Payment, which will        still be expected to transfer to Universal Credit if     week beginning 06 April.
support with heating costs. Payment varies between        replace the Personal Independence Payment and              you have a change of circumstances.                      (Weekly Rates Unless Otherwise Shown)
£100-£300 and should be received by 31 March 2021.        working age Disability Living Allowance.
   You will need to have lived in this country for at        The Scottish Government is in the process of            Service Invalidity Pension and                           WAR PENSION                            APRIL 2021
least one day from 21-27 September 2020 to be entitled.   consulting on the draft regulations for Adult Disability   Service Attributable Pension                             100%                                        £194.00
                                                          Payment. The purpose of the consultation is to gather      As Universal Credit is a means-tested benefit, any       90%                                         £174.60
The situation and who may be affected                     views on the policy and draft regulations, and identify    income and capital of the claimant is taken into         80%                                         £155.20
The Winter Fuel Payment Team have reported                any gaps, issues, or unintended consequences. Blesma       consideration, unless it can be disregarded. The         70%                                         £135.80
difficulty with their computer system for this year’s     will be responding to the consultation. The Scottish       Government has clarified that Service Attributable       60%                                         £116.40
payments. This has resulted in the Department for         Government will review responses to the consultation       Pensions and attributable Service Invalidity Pensions    50%                                          £97.00
Work and Pensions being unable to identify a number       and, if required, adjust the draft regulations, before     which are non-taxable are disregarded as income.         40%                                          £77.60
of people who are entitled, and payment may not           this is then scrutinised by the independent Scottish       This brings these pensions into line with War Pension    30%                                          £58.20
be made.                                                  Commission on Social Security.                             and Guaranteed Income Payment, which are also            20%                                          £38.80
                                                             The Adult Disability Payment is currently scheduled     disregarded.
What you should do                                        to be piloted in Spring 2022 and rolled out in Summer         This may mean that if you are receiving one of        The actual amounts paid may vary slightly from
– I f you have not received payment, or a letter         2022.                                                      these pensions you may be entitled to Universal Credit   this due to the impact of the various component
  advising you of when this would be expected,                                                                       dependent on your other income and capital. Due to       level rounding rules.
  you will need to make contact with The Winter           UNIVERSAL CREDIT                                           the complexities of the benefits system and the
  Fuel Payment Centre (please have your National          The Severe Disability Premium                              possible effect on other benefits you are receiving,     AGE ALLOWANCES PAYABLE FROM AGE 65
  Insurance number ready).                                We have reported before that claimants of a legacy         please contact your Blesma Support Officer before        40% or 50%                                    £12.95
– I f you are of state pension age, and your only        benefit who are entitled to a severe disability premium    making a claim for Universal Credit as you may           60% or 70%                                    £20.00
  government income is a War Pension or War               have been prohibited from claiming Universal Credit.       find yourself worse off.                                 80% or 90%                                    £28.40
  Widow Pension, you will need to advise of this,         This restriction was in place due to a successful legal                                                             100%                                          £40.00
  as the Winter Fuel Payment team will need to            challenge to protect claimants with a severe disability    BENEFIT RATES FROM APRIL 2021
  inform Veterans UK, who will process your               premium from being financially worse off when              Last year, some benefits increased for the first time
  payment.                                                transferring to Universal Credit, as this premium          in four years. This year will see an increase to all

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