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Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021                                                                                               S125

10. Cardiovascular Disease and                                                              American Diabetes Association

Risk Management: Standards of
Medical Care in Diabetesd2021
Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl. 1):S125–S150 |

                                                                                                                                                         10. CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE AND RISK MANAGEMENT
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) “Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes”
includes the ADA’s current clinical practice recommendations and is intended to
provide the components of diabetes care, general treatment goals and guidelines,
and tools to evaluate quality of care. Members of the ADA Professional Practice
Committee, a multidisciplinary expert committee (
SPPC), are responsible for updating the Standards of Care annually, or more
frequently as warranted. For a detailed description of ADA standards, statements,
and reports, as well as the evidence-grading system for ADA’s clinical practice
recommendations, please refer to the Standards of Care Introduction (https://doi
.org/10.2337/dc21-SINT). Readers who wish to comment on the Standards of Care
are invited to do so at

For prevention and management of diabetes complications in children and adoles-
cents, please refer to Section 13 “Children and Adolescents” (
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD)ddefined as coronary heart disease
(CHD), cerebrovascular disease, or peripheral arterial disease presumed to be of
atherosclerotic origindis the leading cause of morbidity and mortality for individuals
with diabetes and results in an estimated $37.3 billion in cardiovascular-related
spending per year associated with diabetes (1). Common conditions coexisting with
type 2 diabetes (e.g., hypertension and dyslipidemia) are clear risk factors for ASCVD,
and diabetes itself confers independent risk. Numerous studies have shown the
efficacy of controlling individual cardiovascular risk factors in preventing or slowing
ASCVD in people with diabetes. Furthermore, large benefits are seen when multiple
cardiovascular risk factors are addressed simultaneously. Under the current paradigm
of aggressive risk factor modification in patients with diabetes, there is evidence that
measures of 10-year coronary heart disease (CHD) risk among U.S. adults with
diabetes have improved significantly over the past decade (2) and that ASCVD
morbidity and mortality have decreased (3,4).
   Heart failure is another major cause of morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular      This section has received endorsement from the
                                                                                            American College of Cardiology.
disease. Recent studies have found that rates of incident heart failure hospitalization
                                                                                            Suggested citation: American Diabetes Association.
(adjusted for age and sex) were twofold higher in patients with diabetes compared
                                                                                            10. Cardiovascular disease and risk management:
with those without (5,6). People with diabetes may have heart failure with preserved        Standards of Medical Care in Diabetesd2021.
ejection fraction (HFpEF) or with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF). Hypertension is        Diabetes Care 2021;44(Suppl.1):S125–S150
often a precursor of heart failure of either type, and ASCVD can coexist with either type   © 2020 by the American Diabetes Association.
(7), whereas prior myocardial infarction (MI) is often a major factor in HFrEF. Rates       Readers may use this article as long as the work is
of heart failure hospitalization have been improved in recent trials including              properly cited, the use is educational and not for
                                                                                            profit, and the work is not altered. More infor-
patients with type 2 diabetes, most of whom also had ASCVD, with sodium–glucose
                                                                                            mation is available at https://www.diabetesjournals
cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors (8–10).                                                  .org/content/license.
S126   Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management                                           Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

          For prevention and management of              among patients with either type 1 or        blood pressure monitoring may improve
       both ASCVD and heart failure, cardiovas-         type 2 diabetes. Hypertension is a ma-      patient medication adherence and thus
       cular risk factors should be systematically      jor risk factor for both ASCVD and mi-      help reduce cardiovascular risk (20).
       assessed at least annually in all patients       crovascular complications. Moreover,
       with diabetes. These risk factors include        numerous studies have shown that
                                                                                                    Treatment Goals
       obesity/overweight, hypertension, dysli-         antihypertensive therapy reduces ASCVD
       pidemia, smoking, a family history of pre-       events, heart failure, and microvascular     Recommendations
       mature coronary disease, chronic kidney          complications. Please refer to the Amer-     10.3 For patients with diabetes and
       disease, and the presence of albuminuria.        ican Diabetes Association (ADA) position          hypertension, blood pressure
       Modifiable abnormal risk factors should           statement “Diabetes and Hypertension”             targets should be individual-
       be treated as described in these guide-          for a detailed review of the epidemiol-           ized through a shared decision-
       lines. Notably, the majority of evidence         ogy, diagnosis, and treatment of hyper-           making process that addresses
       supporting interventions to reduce cardio-       tension (17).                                     cardiovascular risk, potential ad-
       vascular risk in diabetes comes from trials of                                                     verse effects of antihypertensive
       patients with type 2 diabetes. Few trials        Screening and Diagnosis                           medications, and patient prefer-
       have been specifically designed to assess          Recommendations                                  ences. C
       the impact of cardiovascular risk reduction       10.1 Blood pressure should be mea-          10.4 For individuals with diabetes
       strategies in patients with type 1 diabetes.           sured at every routine clinical             and hypertension at higher car-
                                                              visit. Patients found to have el-           diovascular risk (existing athero-
       THE RISK CALCULATOR                                    evated blood pressure ($140/                sclerotic cardiovascular disease
                                                              90 mmHg) should have blood                  [ASCVD] or 10-year ASCVD risk
       The American College of Cardiology/
                                                              pressure confirmed using multi-              $15%), a blood pressure target
       American Heart Association ASCVD risk
                                                              ple readings, including measure-            of ,130/80 mmHg may be ap-
       calculator (Risk Estimator Plus) is gener-
                                                              ments on a separate day, to                 propriate, if it can be safely
       ally a useful tool to estimate 10-year risk
                                                              diagnose hypertension. B                    attained. C
       of a first ASCVD event (available online
                                                         10.2 All hypertensive patients with         10.5 For individuals with diabetes and
                                                              diabetes should monitor their               hypertension at lower risk for
       Plus). The calculator includes diabetes
                                                              blood pressure at home. B                   cardiovascular disease (10-year
       as a risk factor, since diabetes itself
                                                                                                          atherosclerotic cardiovascular
       confers increased risk for ASCVD, al-
                                                        Blood pressure should be measured at              disease risk ,15%), treat to a
       though it should be acknowledged that
                                                        every routine clinical visit by a trained         blood pressure target of ,140/
       these risk calculators do not account for
                                                        individual and should follow the guide-           90 mmHg. A
       the duration of diabetes or the pres-
                                                        lines established for the general pop-       10.6 In pregnant patients with diabetes
       ence of diabetes complications, such as
                                                        ulation: measurement in the seated                and preexisting hypertension, a
       albuminuria. Although some variability
       in calibration exists in various subgroups,      position, with feet on the floor and arm           blood pressure target of 110–
                                                        supported at heart level, after 5 min of          135/85 mmHg is suggested in the
       including by sex, race, and diabetes, the
                                                        rest. Cuff size should be appropriate for         interest of reducing the risk for
       overall risk prediction does not differ in
                                                        the upper-arm circumference. Elevated             accelerated maternal hyperten-
       those with or without diabetes (11–14),
                                                        values should be confirmed on a separate           sion A and minimizing impaired
       validating the use of risk calculators in
                                                        day. Postural changes in blood pressure           fetal growth. E
       people with diabetes. The 10-year risk of a
       first ASCVD event should be assessed to           and pulse may be evidence of autonomic
       better stratify ASCVD risk and help guide        neuropathy and therefore require ad-
       therapy, as described below.                     justment of blood pressure targets. Or-     Randomized clinical trials have demon-
          Recently, risk scores and other cardio-       thostatic blood pressure measurements       strated unequivocally that treatment of
       vascular biomarkers have been developed          should be checked on initial visit and as   hypertension to blood pressure ,140/
       for risk stratification of secondary pre-         indicated.                                  90 mmHg reduces cardiovascular events
       vention patients (i.e., those who are al-           Home blood pressure self-monitoring      as well as microvascular complications
       ready high risk because they have ASCVD)         and 24-h ambulatory blood pressure          (21–27). Therefore, patients with type 1
       but are not yet in widespread use (15,16).       monitoring may provide evidence of          or type 2 diabetes who have hypertension
       With newer, more expensive lipid-lowering        white coat hypertension, masked hyper-      should, at a minimum, be treated to blood
       therapies now available, use of these risk       tension, or other discrepancies between     pressure targets of ,140/90 mmHg. The
       assessments may help target these new            office and “true” blood pressure (17). In    benefits and risks of intensifying anti-
       therapies to “higher risk” ASCVD pa-             addition to confirming or refuting a di-     hypertensive therapy to target blood
       tients in the future.                            agnosis of hypertension, home blood         pressures lower than ,140/90 mmHg
                                                        pressure assessment may be useful to        (e.g., ,130/80 or ,120/80 mmHg) have
                                                        monitor antihypertensive treatment. Stud-   been evaluated in large randomized clin-
       HYPERTENSION/BLOOD PRESSURE                      ies of individuals without diabetes found   ical trials and meta-analyses of clinical
       CONTROL                                          that home measurements may better           trials. Notably, there is an absence of
       Hypertension, defined as a sustained blood        correlate with ASCVD risk than office        high-quality data available to guide blood
       pressure $140/90 mmHg, is common                 measurements (18,19). Moreover, home        pressure targets in type 1 diabetes.                                                                                  Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management        S127

Randomized Controlled Trials of Intensive           suggest that blood pressure targets                   Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diami-
Versus Standard Blood Pressure Control              more intensive than ,140/90 mmHg                      cron MR Controlled Evaluation–Blood
The Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk           are not likely to improve cardiovascular              Pressure (ADVANCE BP) trial did not
in Diabetes Blood Pressure (ACCORD BP)              outcomes among most people with type 2                explicitly test blood pressure targets
trial provides the strongest direct assess-         diabetes but may be reasonable for pa-                (29); the achieved blood pressure in
ment of the benefits and risks of intensive          tients who may derive the most benefit                 the intervention group was higher
blood pressure control among people                 and have been educated about added                    than that achieved in the ACCORD BP
with type 2 diabetes (28). In ACCORD                treatment burden, side effects, and costs,            intensive arm and would be consistent
BP, compared with standard blood pres-              as discussed below.                                   with a target blood pressure of ,140/
sure control (target systolic blood pres-              Additional studies, such as the Systolic           90 mmHg. Notably, ACCORD BP and
sure ,140 mmHg), intensive blood                    Blood Pressure Intervention Trial                     SPRINT measured blood pressure using
pressure control (target systolic blood             (SPRINT) and the Hypertension Optimal                 automated office blood pressure mea-
pressure ,120 mmHg) did not reduce                  Treatment (HOT) trial, also examined                  surement, which yields values that are
total major atherosclerotic cardiovascular          effects of intensive versus standard con-             generally lower than typical office blood
events but did reduce the risk of stroke, at        trol (Table 10.1), though the relevance of            pressure readings by approximately 5–
the expense of increased adverse events             their results to people with diabetes is              10 mmHg (30), suggesting that imple-
(Table 10.1). The ACCORD BP results                 less clear. The Action in Diabetes and                menting the ACCORD BP or SPRINT

 Table 10.1—Randomized controlled trials of intensive versus standard hypertension treatment strategies
 Clinical trial                     Population                          Intensive                  Standard                      Outcomes
 ACCORD BP (28)       4,733 participants with T2D              SBP target:                    SBP target:            c No benefit in primary end point:
                         aged 40–79 years with                   ,120 mmHg                      130–140 mmHg           composite of nonfatal MI,
                         prior evidence of CVD or              Achieved (mean)                Achieved (mean)          nonfatal stroke, and CVD death
                         multiple cardiovascular                 SBP/DBP:                       SBP/DBP:             c Stroke risk reduced 41% with
                         risk factors                            119.3/64.4 mmHg                13.5/70.5 mmHg         intensive control, not sustained
                                                                                                                       through follow-up beyond the
                                                                                                                       period of active treatment
                                                                                                                     c Adverse events more common
                                                                                                                       in intensive group, particularly
                                                                                                                       elevated serum creatinine and
                                                                                                                       electrolyte abnormalities
 ADVANCE BP (29)      11,140 participants with                 Intervention: a single-pill,   Control: placebo       c Intervention reduced risk of
                        T2D aged 55 years and                     fixed-dose combination       Achieved (mean)          primary composite end point of
                        older with prior evidence of              of perindopril and            SBP/DBP:               major macrovascular and
                        CVD or multiple cardiovascular            indapamide                    141.6/75.2 mmHg        microvascular events (9%),
                        risk factors                           Achieved (mean)                                         death from any cause (14%), and
                                                                  SBP/DBP:                                             death from CVD (18%)
                                                                  136/73 mmHg                                        c 6-year observational follow-up
                                                                                                                       found reduction in risk of death in
                                                                                                                       intervention group attenuated
                                                                                                                       but still significant (198)
 HOT (199)            18,790 participants,                     DBP target:                    DBP target:            c In the overall trial, there was no
                        including 1,501                          #80 mmHg                       #90 mmHg               cardiovascular benefit with
                        with diabetes                                                                                  more intensive targets
                                                                                                                     c In the subpopulation with
                                                                                                                       diabetes, an intensive DBP
                                                                                                                       target was associated with
                                                                                                                       a significantly reduced risk (51%)
                                                                                                                       of CVD events
 SPRINT (40)          9,361 participants                       SBP target:                    SBP target:            c Intensive SBP target lowered risk
                         without diabetes                        ,120 mmHg                      ,140 mmHg              of the primary composite
                                                               Achieved (mean):               Achieved (mean):         outcome 25% (MI, ACS, stroke,
                                                                 121.4 mmHg                     136.2 mmHg             heart failure, and death due to
                                                                                                                     c Intensive target reduced risk of
                                                                                                                       death 27%
                                                                                                                     c Intensive therapy increased risks
                                                                                                                       of electrolyte abnormalities and
 ACCORD BP, Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes Blood Pressure trial; ACS, acute coronary syndrome; ADVANCE BP, Action in Diabetes and
 Vascular Disease: Preterax and Diamicron MR Controlled Evaluation–Blood Pressure trial; AKI, acute kidney injury; CVD, cardiovascular disease; DBP,
 diastolic blood pressure; HOT, Hypertension Optimal Treatment trial; MI, myocardial infarction; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SPRINT, Systolic Blood
 Pressure Intervention Trial; T2D, type 2 diabetes. Data from this table can also be found in the ADA position statement “Diabetes and Hypertension” (17).
S128   Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management                                          Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

       protocols in an outpatient clinic might       may vary across patients and is consis-        women with diabetes. A 2014 Cochrane
       require a systolic blood pressure tar-        tent with a patient-focused approach to        systematic review of antihypertensive
       get higher than ,120 mmHg, such as            care that values patient priorities and        therapy for mild to moderate chronic
       ,130 mmHg.                                    provider judgment (36). Secondary anal-        hypertension that included 49 trials and
          A number of post hoc analyses have         yses of ACCORD BP and SPRINT suggest           over 4,700 women did not find any con-
       attempted to explain the apparently di-       that clinical factors can help determine       clusive evidence for or against blood pres-
       vergent results of ACCORD BP and              individuals more likely to benefit and less     sure treatment to reduce the risk of
       SPRINT. Some investigators have argued        likely to be harmed by intensive blood         preeclampsia for the mother or effects
       that the divergent results are not due to     pressure control (37,38).                      on perinatal outcomes such as preterm
       differences between people with and              Absolute benefit from blood pressure         birth, small-for-gestational-age infants, or
       without diabetes but rather are due to        reduction correlated with absolute base-       fetal death (42). The more recent Control of
       differences in study design or to charac-     line cardiovascular risk in SPRINT and in      Hypertension in Pregnancy Study (CHIPS)
       teristics other than diabetes (31–33).        earlier clinical trials conducted at higher    (43) enrolled mostly women with chronic
       Others have opined that the divergent         baseline blood pressure levels (11,38).        hypertension. In CHIPS, targeting a diastolic
       results are most readily explained by the     Extrapolation of these studies suggests        blood pressure of 85 mmHg during preg-
       lack of benefit of intensive blood pres-       that patients with diabetes may also be        nancy was associated with reduced likeli-
       sure control on cardiovascular mortality      more likely to benefit from intensive           hood of developing accelerated maternal
       in ACCORD BP, which may be due to             blood pressure control when they               hypertension and no demonstrable ad-
       differential mechanisms underlying car-       have high absolute cardiovascular risk.        verse outcome for infants compared
       diovascular disease in type 2 diabetes, to    Therefore, it may be reasonable to target      with targeting a higher diastolic blood
       chance, or both (34). Interestingly, a post   blood pressure ,130/80 mmHg among              pressure. The mean systolic blood pressure
       hoc analysis has found that intensive         patients with diabetes and either clini-       achieved in the more intensively treated
       blood pressure lowering increased the         cally diagnosed cardiovascular disease         group was 133.1 6 0.5 mmHg, and the
       risk of incident chronic kidney disease in    (particularly stroke, which was signifi-        mean diastolic blood pressure achieved in
       both ACCORD BP and SPRINT, with the           cantly reduced in ACCORD BP) or                that group was 85.3 6 0.3 mmHg. A similar
       absolute risk of incident chronic kidney      10-year ASCVD risk $15%, if it can be          approach is supported by the International
       disease being higher in individuals with      attained safely. This approach is consis-      Society for the Study of Hypertension in
       type 2 diabetes (35).                         tent with guidelines from the American         Pregnancy, which specifically recommends
                                                     College of Cardiology/American Heart           use of antihypertensive therapy to main-
       Meta-analyses of Trials                       Association, which advocate a blood            tain systolic blood pressure between
       To clarify optimal blood pressure targets     pressure target ,130/80 mmHg for all           110 and 140 mmHg and diastolic blood
       in patients with diabetes, meta-analyses      patients, with or without diabetes (39).       pressure between 80 and 85 mmHg (44).
       have stratified clinical trials by mean           Potential adverse effects of antihyper-     Current evidence supports controlling
       baseline blood pressure or mean blood         tensive therapy (e.g., hypotension, syn-       blood pressure to 110–135/85 mmHg to
       pressure attained in the intervention (or     cope, falls, acute kidney injury, and          reduce the risk of accelerated maternal
       intensive treatment) arm. Based on these      electrolyte abnormalities) should also         hypertension but also to minimize impair-
       analyses, antihypertensive treatment ap-      be taken into account (28,35,40,41). Pa-       ment of fetal growth. During pregnancy,
       pears to be beneficial when mean base-         tients with older age, chronic kidney          treatment with ACE inhibitors, angiotensin
       line blood pressure is $140/90 mmHg or        disease, and frailty have been shown to        receptor blockers, and spironolactone are
       mean attained intensive blood pressure        be at higher risk of adverse effects of        contraindicated as they may cause fetal
       is $130/80 mmHg (17,21,22,24–26).             intensive blood pressure control (41). In      damage. Antihypertensive drugs known to
       Among trials with lower baseline or           addition, patients with orthostatic hypo-      be effective and safe in pregnancy include
       attained blood pressure, antihyperten-        tension, substantial comorbidity, func-        methyldopa, labetalol, and long-acting ni-
       sive treatment reduced the risk of stroke,    tional limitations, or polypharmacy may        fedipine, while hydralzine may be con-
       retinopathy, and albuminuria, but effects     be at high risk of adverse effects, and some   sidered in the acute management of
       on other ASCVD outcomes and heart             patients may prefer higher blood pressure      hypertension in pregnancy or severe pre-
       failure were not evident. Taken together,     targets to enhance quality of life. Patients   eclampsia (45). Diuretics are not recom-
       these meta-analyses consistently show         with low absolute cardiovascular risk (10-     mended for blood pressure control in
       that treating patients with baseline          year ASCVD risk ,15%) or with a history of     pregnancy but may be used during late-
       blood pressure $140 mmHg to targets           adverse effects of intensive blood pres-       stage pregnancy if needed for volume
       ,140 mmHg is beneficial, while more-           sure control or at high risk of such adverse   control (45,46). The American College of
       intensive targets may offer additional        effects should have a higher blood pres-       Obstetricians and Gynecologists also rec-
       (though probably less robust) benefits.        sure target. In such patients, a blood         ommends that postpartum patients with
       Individualization of Treatment Targets        pressure target of ,140/90 mmHg is             gestational hypertension, preeclampsia,
       Patients and clinicians should engage in a    recommended, if it can be safely attained.     and superimposed preeclampsia have their
       shared decision-making process to de-                                                        blood pressures observed for 72 h in the
       termine individual blood pressure tar-        Pregnancy and Antihypertensive                 hospital and for 7–10 days postpartum.
       gets (17). This approach acknowledges         Medications                                    Long-term follow-up is recommended for
       that the benefits and risks of intensive       There are few randomized controlled trials     these women as they have increased life-
       blood pressure targets are uncertain and      of antihypertensive therapy in pregnant        time cardiovascular risk (47). See Section                                                                           Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management       S129

14 “Management of Diabetes in Preg-                                                                 antihypertensive combinations may im-
                                                   10.9    Patients with confirmed office-
nancy” (                                                          prove medication adherence in some
                                                           based blood pressure $160/
for additional information.                                                                         patients (53).
                                                           100 mmHg should, in addition
                                                           to lifestyle therapy, have prompt        Classes of Antihypertensive Medications.
Treatment Strategies
                                                           initiation and timely titration of       Initial treatment for hypertension should
Lifestyle Intervention
                                                           two drugs or a single-pill com-          include any of the drug classes demon-
 Recommendation                                            bination of drugs demonstrated           strated to reduce cardiovascular events
 10.7 For patients with blood pres-                        to reduce cardiovascular events          in patients with diabetes: ACE inhibitors
      sure .120/80 mmHg, lifestyle                         in patients with diabetes. A             (54,55), angiotensin receptor blockers
      intervention consists of weight              10.10   Treatment for hypertension               (ARBs) (54,55), thiazide-like diuretics (56),
      loss when indicated, a Dietary                       should include drug classes dem-         or dihydropyridine calcium channel block-
      Approaches to Stop Hyperten-                         onstrated to reduce cardiovas-           ers (57). In patients with diabetes and
      sion (DASH)-style eating pattern                     cular events in patients with            established coronary artery disease, ACE
      including reducing sodium and                        diabetes. A ACE inhibitors or            inhibitors or ARBs are recommended first-
      increasing potassium intake,                         angiotensin receptor blockers            line therapy for hypertension (58–60). For
      moderation of alcohol intake,                        are recommended first-line ther-          patients with albuminuria (urine albumin-
      and increased physical activity. A                   apy for hypertension in people           to-creatinine ratio [UACR] $30 mg/g),
                                                           with diabetes and coronary ar-           initial treatment should include an ACE
Lifestyle management is an important                       tery disease. A                          inhibitor or ARB in order to reduce the
component of hypertension treatment                10.11   Multiple-drug therapy is gener-          risk of progressive kidney disease (17)
because it lowers blood pressure, enhan-                   ally required to achieve blood           (Fig. 10.1). In the absence of albumin-
ces the effectiveness of some antihyper-                   pressure targets. However,               uria, risk of progressive kidney disease is
tensive medications, promotes other                        combinations of ACE inhibitors           low, and ACE inhibitors and ARBs have not
aspects of metabolic and vascular health,                  and angiotensin receptor block-          been found to afford superior cardiopro-
and generally leads to few adverse ef-                     ers and combinations of ACE              tection when compared with thiazide-like
fects. Lifestyle therapy consists of re-                   inhibitors or angiotensin recep-         diuretics or dihydropyridine calcium channel
ducing excess body weight through                          tor blockers with direct renin           blockers (61). b-Blockers are indicated in the
caloric restriction (see Section 8 “Obe-                   inhibitors should not be used. A         setting of prior MI, active angina, or HfrEF
sity Management for the Treatment of               10.12   An ACE inhibitor or angiotensin          but have not been shown to reduce mor-
Type 2 Diabetes,”                 receptor blocker, at the max-            tality as blood pressure–lowering agents in
dc21-S008), restricting sodium intake                      imum tolerated dose indicated            the absence of these conditions (23,62,63).
(,2,300 mg/day), increasing consump-                       for blood pressure treatment,            Multiple-Drug Therapy. Multiple-drug
tion of fruits and vegetables (8–10 serv-                  is the recommended first-line             therapy is often required to achieve
ings per day) and low-fat dairy products                   treatment for hypertension in            blood pressure targets (Fig. 10.1), par-
(2–3 servings per day), avoiding exces-                    patients with diabetes and uri-          ticularly in the setting of diabetic kid-
sive alcohol consumption (no more than                     nary albumin-to-creatinine ra-           ney disease. However, the use of both
2 servings per day in men and no more than                 tio $300 mg/g creatinine A or            ACE inhibitors and ARBs in combination,
1 serving per day in women) (48), and                      30–299 mg/g creatinine. B If             or the combination of an ACE inhibitor or
increasing activity levels (49).                           one class is not tolerated, the          ARB and a direct renin inhibitor, is not
   These lifestyle interventions are rea-                  other should be substituted. B           recommended given the lack of added
sonable for individuals with diabetes and          10.13   For patients treated with an ACE         ASCVD benefit and increased rate of ad-
mildly elevated blood pressure (systolic                   inhibitor, angiotensin receptor          verse eventsdnamely, hyperkalemia, syn-
.120 mmHg or diastolic .80 mmHg)                           blocker, or diuretic, serum cre-         cope, and acute kidney injury (AKI) (64–66).
and should be initiated along with phar-                   atinine/estimated glomerular             Titration of and/or addition of further blood
macologic therapy when hypertension is                     filtration rate and serum potas-          pressure medications should be made in a
diagnosed (Fig. 10.1) (49). A lifestyle therapy            sium levels should be moni-              timely fashion to overcome therapeutic
plan should be developed in collaboration                  tored at least annually. B               inertia in achieving blood pressure targets.
with the patient and discussed as part of
                                                                                                    Bedtime Dosing. Growing evidence sug-
diabetes management.
                                                  Initial Number of Antihypertensive Medications.   gests that there is an association be-
Pharmacologic Interventions                       Initial treatment for people with diabetes        tween the absence of nocturnal blood
                                                  depends on the severity of hypertension (Fig.     pressure dipping and the incidence of
                                                  10.1). Those with blood pressure between          ASCVD. A meta-analysis of randomized
 10.8    Patients with confirmed office-
                                                  140/90 mmHg and 159/99 mmHg may                   clinicaltrials foundasmall benefitofevening
         based blood pressure $140/
                                                  begin with a single drug. For patients with       versus morning dosing of antihypertensive
         90 mmHg should, in addition to
                                                  blood pressure $160/100 mmHg, initial             medications with regard to blood pressure
         lifestyle therapy, have prompt
                                                  pharmacologic treatment with two anti-            control but had no data on clinical effects
         initiation and timely titration
                                                  hypertensive medications is recommended           (67). In two subgroup analyses of a sin-
         of pharmacologic therapy to
                                                  in order to more effectively achieve adequate     gle subsequent randomized controlled
         achieve blood pressure goals. A
                                                  blood pressure control (50–52). Single-pill       trial, moving at least one antihypertensive
S130   Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management                                                             Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

          Figure 10.1—Recommendations for the treatment of confirmed hypertension in people with diabetes. *An ACE inhibitor (ACEi) or angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB)
          is suggested to treat hypertension for patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) or urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio 30–299 mg/g creatinine and strongly
          recommended for patients with urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio $300 mg/g creatinine. **Thiazide-like diuretic; long-acting agents shown to reduce cardiovascular
          events, such as chlorthalidone and indapamide, are preferred. ***Dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker (CCB). BP, blood pressure. Adapted fromde Boer et al. (17).

       medication to bedtime significantly reduced              can cause AKI and hyperkalemia, while                    is important because AKI and hyperkalemia
       cardiovascular events, but results were                 diuretics can cause AKI and either hypo-                 each increase the risks of cardiovascular
       based on a small number of events (68).                 kalemia or hyperkalemia (depending on                    events and death (71). Therefore, serum
       Hyperkalemia and Acute Kidney Injury.                   mechanism of action) (69,70). Detection                  creatinine and potassium should be mon-
       Treatment with ACE inhibitors or ARBs                   and management of these abnormalities                    itored during treatment with an ACE                                                                  Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management     S131

inhibitor, ARB, or diuretic, particularly
                                                    Stop Hypertension (DASH) eat-           10.18 Obtain a lipid profile at initi-
among patients with reduced glomerular
                                                    ing pattern; reduction of satu-               ation of statins or other lipid-
filtration who are at increased risk of
                                                    rated fat and trans fat; increase             lowering therapy, 4–12 weeks
hyperkalemia and AKI (69,70,72).
                                                    of dietary n-3 fatty acids, vis-              after initiation or a change in
Resistant Hypertension
                                                    cous fiber, and plant stanols/                 dose, and annually thereafter
                                                    sterols intake; and increased                 as it may help to monitor the
 Recommendation                                     physical activity should be rec-              response to therapy and in-
 10.14 Patients with hypertension who               ommended to improve the lipid                 form medication adherence. E
       are not meeting blood pressure               profile and reduce the risk of
       targets on three classes of an-              developing atherosclerotic car-        In adults with diabetes, it is reasonable to
       tihypertensive medications (in-              diovascular disease in patients        obtain a lipid profile (total cholesterol,
       cluding a diuretic) should be                with diabetes. A                       LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and
       considered for mineralocorti-          10.16 Intensify lifestyle therapy and        triglycerides) at the time of diagnosis,
       coid receptor antagonist ther-               optimize glycemic control for          at the initial medical evaluation, and at
       apy. B                                       patients with elevated triglyc-        least every 5 years thereafter in patients
                                                    eride levels ($150 mg/dL [1.7          under the age of 40 years. In younger
Resistant hypertension is defined as                 mmol/L]) and/or low HDL cho-           patients with longer duration of disease
blood pressure $140/90 mmHg despite                 lesterol (,40 mg/dL [1.0               (such as those with youth-onset type 1
a therapeutic strategy that includes ap-            mmol/L] for men, ,50 mg/dL             diabetes), more frequent lipid profiles
propriate lifestyle management plus a               [1.3 mmol/L] for women). C             may be reasonable. A lipid panel should
diuretic and two other antihypertensive                                                    also be obtained immediately before
drugs belonging to different classes at      Lifestyle intervention, including weight      initiating statin therapy. Once a patient
adequate doses. Prior to diagnosing re-      loss (78), increased physical activity, and   is taking a statin, LDL cholesterol levels
sistant hypertension, a number of other      medical nutrition therapy, allows some        should be assessed 4–12 weeks after
conditions should be excluded, including     patients to reduce ASCVD risk factors.        initiation of statin therapy, after any
medication nonadherence, white coat          Nutrition intervention should be tailored     change in dose, and on an individual
hypertension, and secondary hyperten-        according to each patient’s age, diabetes     basis (e.g., to monitor for medica-
sion. In general, barriers to medication     type, pharmacologic treatment, lipid lev-     tion adherence and efficacy). If LDL
adherence (such as cost and side effects)    els, and medical conditions.                  cholesterol levels are not responding
should be identified and addressed (Fig.         Recommendations should focus on            in spite of medication adherence, clin-
10.1). Mineralocorticoid receptor antag-     application of a Mediterranean style          ical judgment is recommended to de-
onists are effective for management of       diet (79) or Dietary Approaches to            termine the need for and timing of lipid
resistant hypertension in patients with      Stop Hypertension (DASH) eating pat-          panels. In individual patients, the highly
type 2 diabetes when added to existing       tern, reducing saturated and trans fat        variable LDL cholesterol–lowering re-
treatment with an ACE inhibitor or ARB,      intake and increasing plant stanols/          sponse seen with statins is poorly un-
thiazide-like diuretic, and dihydropyri-     sterols, n-3 fatty acids, and viscous fiber    derstood (81). Clinicians should attempt
dine calcium channel blocker (73). Min-      (such as in oats, legumes, and citrus)        to find a dose or alternative statin that
eralocorticoid receptor antagonists also     intake (80). Glycemic control may also        is tolerable if side effects occur. There
reduce albuminuria and have additional       beneficially modify plasma lipid levels,       is evidence for benefit from even ex-
cardiovascular benefits (74–77). How-         particularly in patients with very high       tremely low, less than daily statin doses
ever, adding a mineralocorticoid recep-      triglycerides and poor glycemic control.      (82).
tor antagonist to a regimen including an     See Section 5 “Facilitating Behavior
ACE inhibitor or ARB may increase the risk   Change and Well-being to Improve
for hyperkalemia, emphasizing the im-        Health Outcomes” (          STATIN TREATMENT
portance of regular monitoring for serum     .2337/dc21-S005) for additional nutri-        Primary Prevention
creatinine and potassium in these pa-        tion information.
tients, and long-term outcome studies
are needed to better evaluate the role of                                                   10.19 For patients with diabetes
                                             Ongoing Therapy and Monitoring With
mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists                                                            aged 40–75 years without ath-
                                             Lipid Panel
in blood pressure management.                                                                     erosclerotic cardiovascular dis-
                                              Recommendations                                     ease, use moderate-intensity
                                              10.17 In adults not taking statins or               statin therapy in addition to
LIPID MANAGEMENT                                    other lipid-lowering therapy,                 lifestyle therapy. A
                                                    it is reasonable to obtain a            10.20 For patients with diabetes
Lifestyle Intervention
                                                    lipid profile at the time of                   aged 20–39 years with addi-
 Recommendations                                    diabetes diagnosis, at an ini-                tional atherosclerotic cardio-
 10.15 Lifestyle modification focusing               tial medical evaluation, and                  vascular disease risk factors,
       on weight loss (if indicated);               every 5 years thereafter if un-               it may be reasonable to initiate
       application of a Mediterranean               der the age of 40 years, or                   statin therapy in addition to
       style or Dietary Approaches to               more frequently if indicated. E               lifestyle therapy. C
S132   Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management                                           Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

                                                    with and without CHD (83,84). Subgroup          Primary Prevention (Patients Without
         10.21 In patients with diabetes at                                                         ASCVD)
                                                    analyses of patients with diabetes in
               higher risk, especially those
                                                    larger trials (85–89) and trials in patients    For primary prevention, moderate-dose
               with multiple atherosclerotic
                                                    with diabetes (90,91) showed significant         statin therapy is recommended for those
               cardiovascular disease risk fac-
                                                    primary and secondary prevention of             40 years and older (86,93,94), though
               tors or aged 50–70 years, it is
                                                    ASCVD events and CHD death in patients          high-intensity therapy may be consid-
               reasonable to use high-inten-
                                                    with diabetes. Meta-analyses, including         ered on an individual basis in the context
               sity statin therapy. B
                                                    data from over 18,000 patients with             of additional ASCVD risk factors. The
         10.22 In adults with diabetes and
                                                    diabetes from 14 randomized trials of           evidence is strong for patients with di-
               10-year atherosclerotic car-
                                                    statin therapy (mean follow-up 4.3              abetes aged 40–75 years, an age-group
               diovascular disease risk of
                                                    years), demonstrate a 9% proportional           well represented in statin trials showing
               20% or higher, it may be
                                                    reduction in all-cause mortality and 13%        benefit. Since risk is enhanced in patients
               reasonable to add ezetimibe
                                                    reduction in vascular mortality for each        with diabetes, as noted above, patients
               to maximally tolerated statin
                                                    1 mmol/L (39 mg/dL) reduction in LDL            who also have multiple other coronary
               therapy to reduce LDL cho-
                                                    cholesterol (92).                               risk factors have increased risk, equiva-
               lesterol levels by 50% or
                                                       Accordingly, statins are the drugs of        lent to that of those with ASCVD. As such,
               more. C
                                                    choice for LDL cholesterol lowering and         recent guidelines recommend that in
                                                    cardioprotection. Table 10.2 shows the          patients with diabetes who are at higher
       Secondary Prevention                         two statin dosing intensities that are          risk, especially those with multiple
                                                    recommended for use in clinical practice:       ASCVD risk factors or aged 50–70 years,
                                                    high-intensity statin therapy will achieve      it is reasonable to prescribe high-intensity
         10.23 For patients of all ages with
               diabetes and atherosclerotic         approximately a $50% reduction in LDL           statin therapy (12,95). Furthermore,
                                                    cholesterol, and moderate-intensity sta-        for patients with diabetes whose ASCVD
               cardiovascular disease, high-
                                                    tin regimens achieve 30–49% reductions          risk is $20%, i.e., an ASCVD risk equiv-
               intensity statin therapy should
                                                    in LDL cholesterol. Low-dose statin ther-       alent, the same high-intensity statin ther-
               be added to lifestyle therapy. A
                                                    apy is generally not recommended in             apy is recommended as for those with
         10.24 For patients with diabetes
                                                    patients with diabetes but is sometimes         documented ASCVD (12). In those indi-
               and atherosclerotic cardio-
                                                    the only dose of statin that a patient can      viduals, it may also be reasonable to add
               vascular disease considered
                                                    tolerate. For patients who do not tolerate      ezetimibe to maximally tolerated statin
               very high risk using specific
                                                    the intended intensity of statin, the           therapy if needed to reduce LDL choles-
               criteria, if LDL cholesterol is
                                                    maximally tolerated statin dose should          terol levels by 50% or more (12). The
               $70 mg/dL on maximally tol-
                                                    be used.                                        evidence is lower for patients aged .75
               erated statin dose, consider
                                                       As in those without diabetes, absolute       years; relatively few older patients with
               adding additional LDL-lowering
                                                    reductions in ASCVD outcomes (CHD               diabetes have been enrolled in primary
               therapy (such as ezetimibe or
                                                    death and nonfatal MI) are greatest in          prevention trials. However, heterogene-
               PCSK9 inhibitor). A Ezetimibe
                                                    people with high baseline ASCVD risk            ity by age has not been seen in the
               may be preferred due to lower
                                                    (known ASCVD and/or very high LDL               relative benefit of lipid-lowering therapy
                                                    cholesterol levels), but the overall bene-      in trials that included older participants
         10.25 For patients who do not tol-
               erate the intended intensity,        fits of statin therapy in people with di-        (84,91,92), and because older age con-
                                                    abetes at moderate or even low risk for         fers higher risk, the absolute benefits
               the maximally tolerated statin
                                                    ASCVD are convincing (93,94). The rela-         are actually greater (84,96). Moderate-
               dose should be used. E
                                                    tive benefit of lipid-lowering therapy has       intensity statin therapy is recommended
         10.26 In adults with diabetes aged
                                                    been uniform across most subgroups              in patients with diabetes who are 75 years
               .75 years already on statin
                                                    tested (84,92), including subgroups             or older. However, the risk-benefit pro-
               therapy, it is reasonable to
                                                    that varied with respect to age and other       file should be routinely evaluated in this
               continue statin treatment. B
                                                    risk factors.                                   population, with downward titration of
         10.27 In adults with diabetes aged
               .75 years, it may be reason-
               able to initiate statin therapy
               after discussion of potential         Table 10.2—High-intensity and moderate-intensity statin therapy*
               benefits and risks. C                  High-intensity statin therapy                          Moderate-intensity statin therapy
         10.28 Statin therapy is contraindi-         (lowers LDL cholesterol by $50%)                      (lowers LDL cholesterol by 30–49%)
               cated in pregnancy. B                 Atorvastatin 40–80 mg                                 Atorvastatin 10–20 mg
                                                     Rosuvastatin 20–40 mg                                 Rosuvastatin 5–10 mg
       Initiating Statin Therapy Based on Risk                                                             Simvastatin 20–40 mg
       Patients with type 2 diabetes have an                                                               Pravastatin 40–80 mg
       increased prevalence of lipid abnormal-                                                             Lovastatin 40 mg
       ities, contributing to their high risk of                                                           Fluvastatin XL 80 mg
       ASCVD. Multiple clinical trials have dem-                                                           Pitavastatin 1–4 mg
       onstrated the beneficial effects of statin     *Once-daily dosing. XL, extended release.
       therapy on ASCVD outcomes in subjects                                                                    Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management   S133

dose performed as needed. See Section           investigating the benefits of adding non-     the statin group on average and 54 mg/
12 “Older Adults” (           statin agents to statin therapy, including   dL in the combination group (96). In
.2337/dc21-S012) for more details on            those that evaluated further lowering of     those with diabetes (27% of partici-
clinical considerations for this population.    LDL cholesterol with ezetimibe (96,100)      pants), the combination of moderate-
                                                and proprotein convertase subtilisin/        intensity simvastatin (40 mg) and eze-
S134   Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management                                            Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

       patients with diabetes, comprising                                                             dyslipidemia in individuals with type 2 di-
                                                                can be considered to reduce
       11,031 patients (40% of the trial) (104).                                                      abetes. However, the evidence for the use
                                                                cardiovascular risk. A
          In the ODYSSEY OUTCOMES trial (Eval-                                                        of drugs that target these lipid fractions is
       uation of Cardiovascular Outcomes After                                                        substantially less robust than that for statin
       an Acute Coronary Syndrome During               Hypertriglyceridemia should be addressed       therapy (109). In a large trial in patients
       Treatment With Alirocumab), 18,924 pa-          with dietary and lifestyle changes includ-     with diabetes, fenofibrate failed to reduce
       tients (28.8% of whom had diabetes) with        ing weight loss and abstinence from            overall cardiovascular outcomes (110).
       recent acute coronary syndrome were             alcohol (107). Severe hypertriglyceride-
       randomized to the PCSK9 inhibitor alir-         mia (fasting triglycerides $500 mg/dL
                                                                                                      Other Combination Therapy
       ocumab or placebo every 2 weeks in ad-          and especially .1,000 mg/dL) may war-
       dition to maximally tolerated statin therapy,   rant pharmacologic therapy (fibric acid          Recommendations
       with alirocumab dosing titrated between         derivatives and/or fish oil) and reduction       10.32 Statin plus fibrate combination
       75 and 150 mg to achieve LDL cholesterol        in dietary fat to reduce the risk of acute            therapy has not been shown to
       levels between 25 and 50 mg/dL (105).           pancreatitis. Moderate- or high-intensity             improve atherosclerotic car-
          Over a median follow-up of 2.8 years, a      statin therapy should also be used as in-             diovascular disease outcomes
       composite primary end point (compris-           dicated to reduce risk of cardiovascular              and is generally not recom-
       ing death from coronary heart disease,          events (see STATIN TREATMENT). In patients            mended. A
       nonfatal MI, fatal or nonfatal ischemic         with moderate hypertriglyceridemia, life-       10.33 Statin plus niacin combination
       stroke, or unstable angina requiring hos-       style interventions, treatment of secondary           therapy has not been shown to
       pital admission) occurred in 903 patients       factors, and avoidance of medications that            provide additional cardiovas-
       (9.5%) in the alirocumab group and in           might raise triglycerides are recommended.            cular benefit above statin ther-
       1,052 patients (11.1%) in the placebo              The Reduction of Cardiovascular Events             apy alone, may increase the
       group (HR 0.85 [95% CI 0.78–0.93]; P ,          with Icosapent Ethyl–Intervention Trial               risk of stroke with additional
       0.001). Combination therapy with aliro-         (REDUCE-IT) enrolled 8,179 adults receiv-             side effects, and is generally
       cumab plus statin therapy resulted in a         ing statin therapy with moderately el-                not recommended. A
       greater absolute reduction in the inci-         evated triglycerides (135–499 mg/dL,
       dence of the primary end point in patients      median baseline of 216 mg/dL) who had
       with diabetes (2.3% [95% CI 0.4–4.2]) than      either established cardiovascular disease      Statin and Fibrate Combination Therapy
       in those with prediabetes (1.2% [0.0–2.4])      (secondary prevention cohort) or diabetes      Combination therapy (statin and fibrate)
       or normoglycemia (1.2% [–0.3 to 2.7])           plus at least one other cardiovascular risk    is associated with an increased risk for
       (106).                                          factor (primary prevention cohort). Pa-        abnormal transaminase levels, myositis,
                                                       tients were randomized to icosapent ethyl      and rhabdomyolysis. The risk of rhabdo-
       Treatment of Other Lipoprotein                  4 g/day (2 g twice daily with food) versus     myolysis is more common with higher
       Fractions or Targets                            placebo. The trial met its primary end         doses of statins and renal insufficiency
                                                       point, demonstrating a 25% relative risk       and appears to be higher when statins are
         Recommendations                                                                              combined with gemfibrozil (compared
                                                       reduction (P , 0.001) for the primary end
         10.29 For patients with fasting triglyc-                                                     with fenofibrate) (111).
                                                       point composite of cardiovascular death,
               eride levels $500 mg/dL, eval-                                                            In the ACCORD study, in patients with
                                                       nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal
               uate for secondary causes of                                                           type 2 diabetes who were at high risk for
                                                       stroke, coronary revascularization, or un-
               hypertriglyceridemia and con-                                                          ASCVD, the combination of fenofibrate
                                                       stable angina. This reduction in risk was
               sider medical therapy to reduce                                                        and simvastatin did not reduce the rate of
                                                       seen in patients with or without diabetes at
               the risk of pancreatitis. C                                                            fatal cardiovascular events, nonfatal MI,
                                                       baseline. The composite of cardiovascular
         10.30 In adults with moderate hyper-                                                         or nonfatal stroke as compared with
                                                       death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, or
               triglyceridemia (fasting or non-                                                       simvastatin alone. Prespecified subgroup
                                                       nonfatal stroke was reduced by 26%
               fasting triglycerides 175–499                                                          analyses suggested heterogeneity in
                                                       (P , 0.001). Additional ischemic end
               mg/dL),cliniciansshouldaddress                                                         treatment effects with possible benefit
                                                       points were significantly lower in the
               and treat lifestyle factors (obe-                                                      for men with both a triglyceride level
                                                       icosapent ethyl group than in the placebo
               sity and metabolic syndrome),
                                                       group, including cardiovascular death,         $204 mg/dL (2.3 mmol/L) and an HDL
               secondary factors (diabetes,
                                                       which was reduced by 20% (P 5                  cholesterol level #34 mg/dL (0.9 mmol/L)
               chronic liver or kidney disease
                                                       0.03). The proportions of patients expe-       (112). A prospective trial of a newer fibrate
               and/or nephrotic syndrome, hy-                                                         in this specific population of patients is
                                                       riencing adverse events and serious ad-
               pothyroidism), and medications                                                         ongoing (113).
                                                       verse events were similar between the
               that raise triglycerides. C
                                                       active and placebo treatment groups. It        Statin and Niacin Combination Therapy
         10.31 In patients with atheroscle-
                                                       should be noted that data are lacking with     The Atherothrombosis Intervention in
               rotic cardiovascular disease or
                                                       other n-3 fatty acids, and results of the      Metabolic Syndrome With Low HDL/
               other cardiovascular risk factors
                                                       REDUCE-IT trial should not be extrapo-         High Triglycerides: Impact on Global
               on a statin with controlled
                                                       lated to other products (108).                 Health Outcomes (AIM-HIGH) trial ran-
               LDL cholesterol but elevated
                                                          Low levels of HDL cholesterol, often        domized over 3,000 patients (about
               triglycerides (135–499 mg/dL),
                                                       associated with elevated triglyceride lev-     one-third with diabetes) with estab-
               the addition of icosapent ethyl
                                                       els, are the most prevalent pattern of         lished ASCVD, low LDL cholesterol levels                                                                   Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management    S135

(,180 mg/dL [4.7 mmol/L]), low HDL            diabetes even for patients at highest
                                                                                                     atherosclerotic cardiovascular
cholesterol levels (men ,40 mg/dL             risk for diabetes (118). The absolute
                                                                                                     disease. A
[1.0 mmol/L] and women ,50 mg/dL              risk increase was small (over 5 years
                                                                                             10.35   For patients with atheroscle-
[1.3 mmol/L]), and triglyceride levels of     of follow-up, 1.2% of participants on
                                                                                                     rotic cardiovascular disease and
150–400 mg/dL (1.7–4.5 mmol/L) to             placebo developed diabetes and 1.5%
                                                                                                     documented aspirin allergy,
statin therapy plus extended-release ni-      on rosuvastatin developed diabetes)
                                                                                                     clopidogrel (75 mg/day) should
acin or placebo. The trial was halted early   (118). A meta-analysis of 13 randomized
                                                                                                     be used. B
due to lack of efficacy on the primary         statin trials with 91,140 participants
                                                                                             10.36   Dual antiplatelet therapy (with
ASCVD outcome (first event of the com-         showed an odds ratio of 1.09 for a
                                                                                                     low-dose aspirin and a P2Y12
posite of death from CHD, nonfatal MI,        new diagnosis of diabetes, so that (on
                                                                                                     inhibitor) is reasonable for a
ischemic stroke, hospitalization for an       average) treatment of 255 patients with
                                                                                                     year after an acute coronary
ACS, or symptom-driven coronary or            statins for 4 years resulted in one addi-
                                                                                                     syndrome and may have ben-
cerebral revascularization) and a possible    tional case of diabetes while simulta-
                                                                                                     efits beyond this period. A
increase in ischemic stroke in those on       neously preventing 5.4 vascular events
                                                                                             10.37   Long-term treatment with dual
combination therapy (114).                    among those 255 patients (117).
                                                                                                     antiplatelet therapy should be
   The much larger Heart Protection
                                                                                                     considered for patients with
Study 2–Treatment of HDL to Reduce            Lipid-Lowering Agents and Cognitive
                                                                                                     prior coronary intervention,
the Incidence of Vascular Events (HPS2-       Function
                                                                                                     high ischemic risk, and low
THRIVE) trial also failed to show a benefit    Although concerns regarding a potential
                                                                                                     bleeding risk to prevent major
of adding niacin to background statin         adverse impact of lipid-lowering agents
                                                                                                     adverse cardiovascular events. A
therapy (115). A total of 25,673 patients     on cognitive function have been raised,
                                                                                             10.38   Combination therapy with as-
with prior vascular disease were random-      several lines of evidence point against
                                                                                                     pirin plus low-dose rivaroxa-
ized to receive 2 g of extended-release       this association, as detailed in a 2018 Eu-
                                                                                                     ban should be considered for
niacin and 40 mg of laropiprant (an           ropean Atherosclerosis Society Consen-
                                                                                                     patients with stable coronary
antagonist of the prostaglandin D2 re-        sus Panel statement (119). First, there
                                                                                                     and/or peripheral artery disease
ceptor DP1 that has been shown to             are three large randomized trials of statin
                                                                                                     and low bleeding risk to pre-
improve adherence to niacin therapy)          versus placebo where specific cognitive
                                                                                                     vent major adverse limb and
versus a matching placebo daily and           tests were performed, and no differ-
                                                                                                     cardiovascular events. A
followed for a median follow-up period        ences were seen between statin and
                                                                                             10.39   Aspirin therapy (75–162 mg/
of 3.9 years. There was no significant         placebo (120–123). In addition, no
                                                                                                     day) may be considered as a
difference in the rate of coronary death,     change in cognitive function has been
                                                                                                     primary prevention strategy in
MI, stroke, or coronary revascularization     reported in studies with the addition
                                                                                                     those with diabetes who are at
with the addition of niacin–laropiprant       of ezetimibe (96) or PCSK9 inhibitors
                                                                                                     increased cardiovascular risk,
versus placebo (13.2% vs. 13.7%; rate         (99,124) to statin therapy, including
                                                                                                     after a comprehensive discus-
ratio 0.96; P 5 0.29). Niacin–laropiprant     among patients treated to very low
                                                                                                     sion with the patient on the
was associated with an increased inci-        LDL cholesterol levels. In addition, the
                                                                                                     benefits versus the comparable
dence of new-onset diabetes (absolute         most recent systematic review of the
                                                                                                     increased risk of bleeding. A
excess, 1.3 percentage points; P , 0.001)     U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s
and disturbances in diabetes control          (FDA’s) postmarketing surveillance da-
among those with diabetes. In addition,       tabases, randomized controlled trials,        Risk Reduction
there was an increase in serious adverse      and cohort, case-control, and cross-          Aspirin has been shown to be effective in
events associated with the gastrointes-       sectional studies evaluating cognition in     reducing cardiovascular morbidity and
tinal system, musculoskeletal system,         patients receiving statins found that         mortality in high-risk patients with pre-
skin, and, unexpectedly, infection and        published data do not reveal an adverse       vious MI or stroke (secondary prevention)
bleeding.                                     effect of statins on cognition (125).         and is strongly recommended. In primary
   Therefore, combination therapy with a      Therefore, a concern that statins or          prevention, however, among patients with
statin and niacin is not recommended          other lipid-lowering agents might cause       no previous cardiovascular events, its net
given the lack of efficacy on major ASCVD      cognitive dysfunction or dementia is not      benefit is more controversial (126,127).
outcomes and increased side effects.          currently supported by evidence and              Previous randomized controlled trials
                                              should not deter their use in individuals     of aspirin specifically in patients with
Diabetes Risk With Statin Use                 with diabetes at high risk for ASCVD          diabetes failed to consistently show a
Several studies have reported a modestly      (125).                                        significant reduction in overall ASCVD
increased risk of incident diabetes with                                                    end points, raising questions about the
statin use (116,117), which may be lim-       ANTIPLATELET AGENTS                           efficacy of aspirin for primary prevention
ited to those with diabetes risk factors.                                                   in people with diabetes, although some sex
An analysis of one of the initial studies                                                   differences were suggested (128–130).
                                               10.34 Use aspirin therapy (75–162
suggested that although statin use was                                                         The Antithrombotic Trialists’ Collabo-
                                                     mg/day) as a secondary pre-
associated with diabetes risk, the cardio-                                                  ration published an individual patient–
                                                     vention strategy in those
vascular event rate reduction with statins                                                  level meta-analysis (126) of the six large
                                                     with diabetes and a history of
far outweighed the risk of incident                                                         trials of aspirin for primary prevention in
S136   Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management                                            Diabetes Care Volume 44, Supplement 1, January 2021

       the general population. These trials col-       groups (HR 0.95 [95% CI 0.83–1.08]). The       judgment should be used for those at
       lectively enrolled over 95,000 participants,    rate of major hemorrhage per 1,000 per-        intermediate risk (younger patients with
       including almost 4,000 with diabetes.           son-years was 8.6 events vs. 6.2 events,       one or more risk factors or older patients
       Overall, they found that aspirin reduced        respectively (HR 1.38 [95% CI 1.18–1.62];      with no risk factors) until further research
       the risk of serious vascular events by 12%      P , 0.001).                                    is available. Patients’ willingness to un-
       (relative risk 0.88 [95% CI 0.82–0.94]).           Thus, aspirin appears to have a modest      dergo long-term aspirin therapy should
       The largest reduction was for nonfatal          effect on ischemic vascular events, with       also be considered (141). Aspirin use in
       MI, with little effect on CHD death (rel-       the absolute decrease in events depend-        patients aged ,21 years is generally
       ative risk 0.95 [95% CI 0.78–1.15]) or total    ing on the underlying ASCVD risk. The          contraindicated due to the associated
       stroke.                                         main adverse effect is an increased risk of    risk of Reye syndrome.
          Most recently, the ASCEND (A Study of        gastrointestinal bleeding. The excess risk
       Cardiovascular Events iN Diabetes) trial        may be as high as 5 per 1,000 per year in      Aspirin Dosing
       randomized 15,480 patients with diabe-          real-world settings. However, for adults       Average daily dosages used in most
       tes but no evident cardiovascular disease       with ASCVD risk .1% per year, the              clinical trials involving patients with di-
       to aspirin 100 mg daily or placebo (131).       number of ASCVD events prevented               abetes ranged from 50 mg to 650 mg but
       The primary efficacy end point was vas-          will be similar to the number of episodes      were mostly in the range of 100–325 mg/
       cular death, MI, or stroke or transient         of bleeding induced, although these com-       day. There is little evidence to support
       ischemic attack. The primary safety             plications do not have equal effects on        any specific dose, but using the lowest
       outcome was major bleeding (i.e., in-           long-term health (134).                        possible dose may help to reduce side
       tracranial hemorrhage, sight-threatening           Recommendations for using aspirin as        effects (142). In the U.S., the most com-
       bleeding in the eye, gastrointestinal           primary prevention include both men            mon low-dose tablet is 81 mg. Although
       bleeding, or other serious bleeding).           and women aged $50 years with di-              platelets from patients with diabetes
       During a mean follow-up of 7.4 years,           abetes and at least one additional major       have altered function, it is unclear
       there was a significant 12% reduction in         risk factor (family history of premature       what, if any, effect that finding has on
       the primary efficacy end point (8.5% vs.         ASCVD, hypertension, dyslipidemia,             the required dose of aspirin for cardio-
       9.6%; P 5 0.01). In contrast, major             smoking, or chronic kidney disease/            protective effects in the patient with
       bleeding was significantly increased             albuminuria) who are not at increased          diabetes. Many alternate pathways for
       from 3.2% to 4.1% in the aspirin group          risk of bleeding (e.g., older age, anemia,     platelet activation exist that are inde-
       (rate ratio 1.29; P 5 0.003), with most         renal disease) (135–138). Noninvasive          pendent of thromboxane A2 and thus are
       of the excess being gastrointestinal            imaging techniques such as coronary            not sensitive to the effects of aspirin
       bleeding and other extracranial bleed-          calcium scoring may potentially help           (143). “Aspirin resistance” has been de-
       ing. There were no significant differ-           further tailor aspirin therapy, particularly   scribed in patients with diabetes when
       ences by sex, weight, or duration of            in those at low risk (139,140). For pa-        measured by a variety of ex vivo and
       diabetes or other baseline factors in-          tients over the age of 70 years (with or       in vitro methods (platelet aggregometry,
       cluding ASCVD risk score.                       without diabetes), the balance appears         measurement of thromboxane B2) (144),
          Two other large randomized trials of         to have greater risk than benefit               but other studies suggest no impairment
       aspirin for primary prevention, in pa-          (131,133). Thus, for primary prevention,       in aspirin response among patients with
       tients without diabetes (ARRIVE [Aspirin        the use of aspirin needs to be carefully       diabetes (145). A recent trial suggested
       to Reduce Risk of Initial Vascular Events])     considered and may generally not be            that more frequent dosing regimens of
       (132) and in the elderly (ASPREE [Aspirin       recommended. Aspirin may be consid-            aspirin may reduce platelet reactivity in
       in Reducing Events in the Elderly]) (133),      ered in the context of high cardiovascular     individuals with diabetes (146); however,
       which included 11% with diabetes, found         risk with low bleeding risk, but generally     these observations alone are insufficient
       no benefit of aspirin on the primary             not in older adults. Aspirin therapy for       to empirically recommend that higher
       efficacy end point and an increased risk         primary prevention may be considered in        doses of aspirin be used in this group at
       of bleeding. In ARRIVE, with 12,546 pa-         the context of shared decision-making,         this time. Another recent meta-analysis
       tients over a period of 60 months follow-       which carefully weighs the cardiovascu-        raised the hypothesis that low-dose as-
       up, the primary end point occurred in           lar benefits with the fairly comparable         pirin efficacy is reduced in those weighing
       4.29% vs. 4.48% of patients in the aspirin      increase in risk of bleeding. For patients     more than 70 kg (147); however, the
       versus placebo groups (HR 0.96 [95% CI          with documented ASCVD, use of aspirin          ASCEND trial found benefit of low-dose
       0.81–1.13]; P 5 0.60). Gastrointestinal         for secondary prevention has far greater       aspirin in those in this weight range,
       bleeding events (characterized as mild)         benefit than risk; for this indication,         which would thus not validate this sug-
       occurred in 0.97% of patients in the aspirin    aspirin is still recommended (126).            gested hypothesis (131). It appears that
       group vs. 0.46% in the placebo group (HR                                                       75–162 mg/day is optimal.
       2.11 [95% CI 1.36–3.28]; P 5 0.0007). In        Aspirin Use in People
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