RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...

Page created by Dale Anderson
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...


                                     the AUTISM
                                  SPECTRUM DISORDERS

                     RESOURCE GUIDE                2017-2018

RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
Center for
                                            AUTISM SPECTRUM
                                      Mission Statement
The mission of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Center for Autism Spectrum
Disorders (UNLV CASD) is to
(1) Provide training in evidence-based practices to family members and
(2) Research best practices in interventions and assessment
(3) Actively engage community stakeholders
UNLV CASD is proud to be a member of the southern Nevada autism community.

                             The Mission of F.E.A.T.
Our mission is to provide information on treatment resources for families with
children diagnosed with autism, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and related
disorders. We provide support, encouragement, and guidance to parents and
create an opportunity for them to benefit from contact with other parents with
similar needs and concerns.

Purpose of our Resource guide:
This resource guide was designed to help parents identify and select services for
their children with an autism spectrum disorder. We have provided an overview
of the findings from the NPDC for Autism’s 2014 Report as a starting point for
making informed treatment choices based upon scientific evidence.

The UNLV Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders Resource Guide was
developed to provide information and does not recommend, endorse, guarantee,
or promote the service providers included in this guide.
Although we made a concerted effort to identify local resources, we recognize
that this list is not exhaustive.
If you would like to be listed in future editions of this resource guide, contact:
   702 895-5836 or
   702-368-FEAT or

We would like to express our gratitude to Families for Effective Autism Treatment (FEAT) for supporting
this project and believing in the importance of the resource guide for our community. Additionally,
thank you to all of the community members who provided their information and those individuals who
referred valuable resources to the CASD!
                                                                        The ASD Resource Guide  1
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
  WHAT IS AUTISM?....................................................................................3
              Referral Pathway for Children 0-3............................................4
              Referral Pathway for Children 3 +............................................5
  SUMMARY OF RELEVANT LEGISLATION..............................................6
  WAHAT IS APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS (ABA)?...............................7
              Child Neuropsychologist.........................................................17
              Educational Resources for Children......................................18
              Occupational/Physical Therapy..............................................22
              Parent Education......................................................................24
              Recreation/Recreational Therapy..........................................27
              Respite/Child Care...................................................................30
              Speech and Language Therapy..............................................31
              Support Groups........................................................................33
  SPECIAL EDUCATION ACRONYMS......................................................45
  INFORMATIONAL RESOURCES............................................................46

2  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a range of developmental disabilities that
cause impairments in multiple areas of development and typically appear
within the first 3 years of life. ASD is the result of a complex neurological
disorder that affects brain function. The core areas of impairment include
Social Communication and Behavior.

Current DSM-5 criteria now merges previously independent diagnoses of
Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental
Disorder – Not	
  Otherwise Specified, into a single subtype, Autism Spectrum

An individual’s severity along the autism spectrum is now described
according to the amount of required support, as opposed to differential
diagnoses such as Asperger’s Disorder.

Currently, 1 in 68 children will be diagnosed with ASD (CDC, 2016)

No two persons with ASD are alike; each has unique strengths and
weaknesses. All individuals with ASD exhibit different levels of social and
behavioral challenges.

                          Examples of Impairment
      Social Communication                 Restrictive, Repetitive Behavior
• Lack of social- emotional               • Repetitive or stereotyped
  reciprocity                               movements and/or speech

• Difficulties using or understanding     • Preoccupation with interest that
  nonverbal cues such as gestures,          is abnormally intense or focused
  facial expressions, body language
                                          • Inflexible adherence to routine
• Difficulties developing,
  maintaining, and understanding          • Hyper- or Hyporeactivity to
  relationships                             sensory input, or unusual
                                            interests in sensory aspects of
Source: American Psychiatric Association (2013), Center for Disease Control

                                                       The ASD Resource Guide  3
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
Contracted Early Intervention Services (Children 0-3)
      After diagnosis, consider Katie
Beckett/Medicaid. Complete packet called
          Medical Assistance for                                       Diagnosis: If suspected delay call                If suspected delay and enrolled in
the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (MAABD):                                Nevada Early Intervention Services                school district, contact your child’s                                 Referral Hotline: (702) 486-9200                teacher and the school psychologist
 Make appt with local welfare district office to
Las Vegas - Belrose      (702) 486-1646                                               Public                                        For private services, see our
Las Vegas - Nellis       (702) 486-1646                                Funding Options for Early Intervention                        resource guide directory.
Las Vegas -
                         (702) 486-1646
Las Vegas - Owens        (702) 486-1646
Las Vegas -
Professional Dev.        (702) 486-1443
                                                         Desert Regional                  Nevada Early                 Aging & Disability Services Division
                                                       Center (A division of          Intervention Services                        (ADSD)
                                                             MHDS)                   (NEIS) Southern Region           Autism Treatment Assistance Program
                   R.A.G.E.                              (702) 486-6200             Referral Hotline for                           (ATAP)
              Independent Living                             Intake:                Southern NV:

                                                                                                                                                                    4  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
                                                         (702) 486-7850             (702) 486-9200                   To apply, call (775) 687-4210
                   To apply call:                         Serves all ages
                                                                                    Las Vegas office:                Brochure:
                  (702) 333-1038
                                                                                    (702) 486-7670         
                      Services                                 Services                        Services                                  Services
             Provides one-time                          Service coordination,       Comprehensive evaluations,       Provides a monthly allotment to parents and
             funding for assistive                      respite care, in-home       service coordination, infant     caregivers to assist in paying for evidence-
             technology devices, PBS                     training, counseling,      and toddler intervention, and
                                                                                                                     based treatments and therapies. Will assist
             funding and initial ABA                   behavioral consultation      specialty clinics such as
                                                                                    genetics, craniofacial, and      with insurance co-pays toward ABA
             workshop start up funds.                   and cash assistance to
                                                           those who qualify        metabolic clinics. Screens for   treatment. Serves children ages 18 months to
                                                                                    Autism and conducts the          18 years old with a diagnosis of Autism,
                                                                                    ADOS.                            PDD-Nos, Asperger’s Syndrome.
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
Referral Pathways for Children Ages 3 years +

                                                                                                                                                          The ASD Resource Guide  5
      After diagnosis, consider Katie
Beckett/Medicaid. Complete packet called
          Medical Assistance for
the Aged, Blind, and Disabled (MAABD):                             Diagnosis: If suspected delay call
                                                                              Child Find                                  If suspected delay and                                                                                      enrolled in school
                920-EM.pdf                                                 (702) 799-7463
                                                         Serves ages 3 to 21 who are suspected of having a                 district, contact your
 Make appt with local welfare district office to                                                                          child’s teacher and the
                   apply:                               disability or delay and not currently enrolled in the
                                                                                                                            school psychologist
Las Vegas - Belrose       (702) 486-1646                                       district
Las Vegas - Nellis         (702) 486-1646
Las Vegas - Flamingo       (702) 486-1646
                                                                               Public                                     For private services, see our
Las Vegas - Owens          (702) 486-1646
                                                                   Funding Options for Services                            resource guide directory
Las Vegas -                                               *Bolded Boxes are recommended to be called first*
                           (702) 486-1443
Professional Dev. Ctr.
     Aging & Disability Services Division               Desert Regional                       Clark County                     Office of Disability
                    (ADSD)                            Center (A division of                   School District                   Services (ODS),
   Autism Treatment Assistance Program                      MHDS)                             Low Incidence                    Through R.A.G.E.
                    (ATAP)                              (702) 486-6200                       Disabilities Team                To apply for services,
Statewide                                                Intake Office:                        Main office in                          call
To apply call: (702) 635-9965 or                        (702) 486-7850                       Seigle Diagnostic
                                                                                                                                (702) 333-1038
                                                         Serves all ages
                                                                                                  Center                      Serves 18 mos to 19 yrs
Application:                                                    (702) 799-7433
nForm.pdf                                                                                    Serves Ages 3-21
                                                               Services                              Services                         Services
                                                      Service coordination,             Direct & consultative services,      Evidence-based, home
                                                     respite care, in-home              technical support, parent and        and community based
                     Services                        training, counseling,              teacher training, classroom          intervention services,
Provides a monthly allotment to parents and          behavioral consultation            consultation, professional           independent living
caregivers to assist in paying for evidence-         and cash assistance to             development opportunities,           services
based treatments and therapies. Will assist          those who qualify                  supplemental programs, pilot
                                                                                        social skills groups and
with insurance co-pays toward ABA
                                                                                        Focused Autism Support
treatment. Serves children ages 18 months -                                             Training (FAST). ABA Home
18 years old with a diagnosis of Autism,                                                programs hours and
PDD-Nos, Asperger’s Syndrome                                                            supervision with low incidence
                                                                                        team recommendation.
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
Legislation that Impacts Individuals with ASD

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is the federal law that governs special education
Major components of the law are:
    • Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
    • Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
    • Appropriate Assessments
    • Individualized Education Program
    • Emphasizes the Role of the Parents
    • Related Services

Autism is 1 of 14 disability categories which qualifies students to receive educational services.

IDEA is comprised of parts A, B, C, and D. Parts B and C govern the services of children with disabilities.
Part B of IDEA outlines the regulations that address the needs of children age 3-21 (school age children)
who have qualifying disabilities. Part C of IDEA outlines the regulations that address the needs of
children age 0-3 who have qualifying disabilities or who have a diagnostic condition that places them “at
risk� for future or substantial delay. Goals of Part C are to enhance the development of infants and
toddlers with disabilities thus minimizing potential for delay, and enhance the capacity of families to meet
the special needs of these children.

                          Part B                                               Part C

 •     Children Age 3-21                                   •   Children Age 0-3
 •     Children may qualify in 14 disability categories.   •   Children who experience developmental
 •     Individual Education Plan (IEP)                         delays
 •     Teacher, family, or professional referral for       •   Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP)
       evaluation                                          •   Child Find
 •     Educational eligibility is different than medical   •   Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder usually
       diagnosis.                                              qualifies student as a developmental delay
 •     Disability must impede ability in the
       educational setting.

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the federal anti-discriminatory law which governs
accommodations for students who have a disability but are not eligible for educational services under
IDEA. A child who has trouble learning may not be found eligible for special education services, but may
need accommodations to succeed in the educational setting. This law was designed to implement
regulations that will appropriately accommodate students’needs and conditions as adequately as the
needs of students without disabilities.

Source: OSEP, 2010

     6  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
What is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)?
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) uses the science of learning to create socially significant behavior change. It is a
practical and adaptable approach to helping individuals learn new skills and manage challenging behaviors to live
happier and fuller lives. ABA works by identifying the environmental variables that affect behavior and changing
them to support that desired, target behaviors. It is based on many decades of research. It is used in educational,
therapeutic, community, family, and employment settings all over the world.
Is ABA only for individuals with ASD?
    No! The teaching and intervention strategies of ABA are effective with everyone. ABA is used in many fields,
    including education, environmental sustainability, addictions, brain injury and stroke, organizational behavior
    management, and many other areas.
Will ABA make my child behave like a robot?
    The goal of ABA is help individuals learn new skills to lead happier, more fulfilling lives. The goal is not to teach
    children to act like robots or to be overly dependent on adults.
Are all ABA programs the same?
    No! ABA is a rich science with many options and focuses on customized supports. ABA programs can look
    very different depending on who runs them and where the program is implemented. ABA for a 3 year old at
    home will look very different from ABA for a 21 year old on the job. Even then, there is no single way to do
    ABA with any child or in any particular setting. Input from families regarding their needs and values is critical
    to making an ABA program successful.
Does ABA mean that it is all about bribes and punishment?
    Definitely NOT! Bribes are things given to persuade someone to act illegally or dishonestly. ABA does not use
    bribes! The ABA provider will design a plan that encourages new, appropriate behaviors to happen more and
    discourages challenging behaviors by making them less rewarding or effective. We can reduce a challenging
    behavior most successfully when we have a new, appropriate behavior to replace it.
How do I know ABA will be effective?
    ABA is a data-driven science. That means that every aspect of the program is tracked and measured
    objectively. Progress can take time, but every provider should be able to share on-going data on your child’s
    progress. Ask to see the data. Ask them to explain all details. Ask them to explain what they are looking for,
    when they know progress is happening, and how to tell if progress is not happening. Everyone in ABA loves to
    talk about data!

                                                                                  The ASD Resource Guide  7
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
8  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
RESOURCE GUIDE present the AUTISM - University of Nevada, Las ...
Advocacy/Legal                         Ivie Law Groups LLC
Adams Esq                                                 Htpp://
702-289-4143 or 1-800-785-6713                            7455 Arroyo Crossing Pkwy, Suite 220                                           Las Vegas, NV 89113                                 Legal representation for families in all matters involving
703 S 8th Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101                     special education.
Provide high quality legal services without any cost
to those parents that qualify and have children with      Legal Aid Center of Southern Nevada
disability. Focus exclusively in special education law.   702-386-1070, Option 5
Also provide free workshops and seminars for parents
and students. Bilingual services.                         725 E. Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89104
                                                          Special education advocate, educational surrogate and
Advocate 4 Kids, LLC                                      parent program coordinator. Free legal classes offered.
Cheryl Jung
Special Education Advocate                                Marianne Lanuti
702-433-7563                                              194 Inveraray Ct. Henderson, NV 89074
Cel: 702-203-7563                                         702-501-1147
Fax: 702-433-7563                                         Email:                                        Website:
Facebook: Advocate 4 Kids                                 Represents clients pursuant to IDEA (Special Education)

Autism Coalition of Nevada                                Matthew Schneider, Attorney at Law
775-329-2268                                              1930 Village Center Circle #3-279                                             Las Vegas, NV 89134
1790 Vassar Street, Reno, NV 89502                        Office (702) 274-0854
Ensure services are available and keep public informed    Fax (702) 991-7256
of progress. Unite all affected by Autism, advocacy       email:
organizations, political affiliates/Legislators, and
service providers across the country.
                                                          Nevada Disability Advocacy & Law Center
ELM Educational Consultants LLC                           702-257-8150
Dr. Leslie Strasser Murdock/Marti Ford          
6817 S. Eastern Avenue Suite 101                          2820 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 11
Las Vegas NV 89119                                        Las Vegas, NV 89102
702-509-1797                                              NDALC provides services statewide to promote and
Email:                       advocate for the human and legal rights, interests and
Website:                              welfare of Nevadans with disabilities.

FEAT of Southern Nevada                                   Nevada PEP
(Families for Effective Autism Treatment)                 702-388-8899
702-368-3328                                                                              7211 W. Charleston Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89117
7055 Windy St, Suite B                                    Increase opportunities for home, community, and
Las Vegas, NV 89119                                       school success for children with disabilities including
To provide information on treatment resources. We         serious emotional disturbances. Nevada statewide
provide support, encouragement, and guidance and          parent training and information center.
networking opportunities.
                                                                              The ASD Resource Guide  9
Adult Services                            Dodge Slagle, DO
Aspergers Training, Employment, & Life Skills                  1090 Wigwam Parkway, Henderson, NV 89074
702-672-0699                                                   Psychiatric evaluation and treatment of mood and                                                behavioral issues.
6525 W. Warm Springs Rd, Suite #100
Las Vegas, NV 89118                                            Family TIES of Nevada
A non-profit organization created to provide work related      702-740-4200
services to adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and other
high functioning disabilities. Helps provide adults with       6130 Elton Ave, Suite #100
job skills, resources and support they need to prepare         Las Vegas, NV 89107
for, find and maintain competitive employment.                 Provides no cost support, information and referral
                                                               services for individuals with special health care needs
Campbell Center for Autism LLC                                 and/or disabilities, through one-to-one assistance to
7530 W. Sahara Ave. Suite 104                                  help them navigate complex health care and insurance
Las Vegas, NV 89117                                            systems.
702 260-2360                                Goodfriends
We provide one on one instruction, social skills groups,       702-286-8114 (Nora Lonnquist)
and IEP consultation for ages four through adulthood.
                                                               To provide friendship, support and fun to high
Carpe Diem                                                     functioning adults in the Las Vegas/Henderson area
702-485-6705                                                   who are on the autism spectrum, have ADD or other
4525 W. Spring Mountain Rd, Suite 110                          learning disabilities.
Las Vegas, NV 89102
Provide ABA services for individuals with                      Henderson Speech, Hearing and
developmental disabilities and challenging behaviors.          Language Center
Extensive experiences with children with autism as well        702-733-8255
as language based programs.                          
                                                               8540 S Eastern Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89123
Camp Sam USA
                                                               We are committed to helping each individual client
                                                               reach their maximum potential through a full range of
                                                               high-quality services: speech, occupational therapy
                                                               and reading.
To provide a specialized, memorable experience filled
with adventure, fitness, educational and fun experiences
                                                               Next Level Connections
for adults with cognitive and physical disabilities; as well
as a “vacation” for their families and caretakers.
Desert Regional Center                                         1980 Festival Plaza Dr, Suite 300
702-486-6200                                                   Las Vegas, NV 89135
702-486-7850                                                   NLC is an ABA service provider that systematically                                                    delivers individualized social skills programming to
1391 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146                         adolescents and young adults with autism.
The mission of Aging and Disability Services Division is to
ensure the provision of effective supports and services to
meet the needs of individuals and families, helping them
lead independent, meaningful and dignified lives.

   10  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Opportunity Village                                       Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)/Behavior Therapy
702-259-3707                                ABA Institute, LLC
6300 W. Oakey Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146                   Address: 2350 S Jones Blvd. Ste. 206-B
Vocational training, employment, and social recreation    Las Vegas, NV 89146
for people with intellectual disabilities.                Phone: 702-502-8021
                                                          Fax: 888-688-9464
NewVista/ Destination Recovery                            Insurance Accepted: Medicaid & ATAP
702 457-4677                                              Wait List: 6 months                                    Website:
Considered a respite program, Destination Discovery       Email:
improves the health and happiness of individuals          Serves Hispanic families through Bilingual Staff &
with disabilities by providing healthy activities and     Interpreters
interaction with the community while providing respite
to their primary caregivers. Destination Discovery        Achievable Behavior Strategies, LLC
offers local group outings, overnight trips, and even     Address: 9163 W Flamingo Rd. Ste. 100
week-long excursions. We believe in peer experiences,     Las Vegas, NV 89147
educational, and fun opportunities in many different      Phone: 702-565-0056
settings. This allows supported individuals to build      Fax: N/A
friendships and lifelong relationships as a way to be     Insurance Accepted: Private (Tricare, Anthem, Blue
included in their community.                              Cross Blue Shield, Value Option, and Cigna) and ATAP
                                                          Wait List: No
SFS Therapies                                             Website:
702-979-4268                                              Email:                                                 Serves Hispanic families through interpreters provided
7030 Smoke Ranch Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89128                  by the family
We provide meaningful and relevant therapies to both
children and adults with varying diagnosis including      Adrianna Wechsler Zimring, Ed.M., Ph.D.
Autism. Hablamos Espanol.                                 702-337-2775
                                                          2510 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Suite #200
The PRACTICE: A UNLV Community                            Henderson, NV 89052
Mental Health Clinic                                      A licensed clinical psychologist who works with
702-895-1532                                              children, adolescents, and their parents and families.                           She specializes in Evidence-Based Practices, and
4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 453033                      provides comprehensive evaluation, psychological
Las Vegas, NV 89154-3033                                  treatment, and educational and psychological
Physical Location: The UNLV Campus in the William D.      consultation services for infants through young adults.
Carlson Education Building (CEB) Room 226
A community mental health clinic offering sliding scale   Autism Building Blocks
individual and group psychotherapy and psychological      702-813-3437
assessment services. University faculty experts in (email)
clinical and school psychology and mental health
counseling train and supervise advanced graduate          7055 Windy Street, Suite B, Las Vegas, NV 89119
students to provide high-quality mental and behavioral    We provide Applied Behavior Analysis therapy
health care.                                              using Skinner’s Verbal Behavior method tailoring
                                                          communication and behavior modification strategies to
                                                          the needs of the individual.

                                                                           The ASD Resource Guide  11
Autism & Behavioral Consulting Services, LLC           Carpe Diem
Physical Address: 6600 W Charleston Blvd               4525 W Spring Mountain Rd. Ste. 110
#119, Las Vegas, NV 89146                              Las Vegas, NV 89102
Mailing Address: 5575 Simmons St, #1-491N,             Phone: 702-485-6705
Las Vegas, NV 89031                                    Insurance Accepted: Medicaid
Phone: 702-283-6215                                    Wait List: N/A
Fax: 888-588-6164                                      Website: N/A
Insurance Accepted: ATAP and Private (HPN, Tricare     Serves Hispanic families through Bilingual Staff
and MGM Insurance)
Wait List: 6 months                                    C. Philip Colosimo, Ph.D.
Website:                            Phone: 702-384-7433
Serves Hispanic families through Bilingual Staff &     501 S. Rancho, Suite C-14, Las Vegas, NV 89106
Interpreters                                           Provides diagnostic, recommendations, and treatment
                                                       for ASD, parental education, and educational resources.
Autism Care West                                       Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)
2027 E Windmill Ln., Las Vegas, NV 89123               702-778-4500
Phone: 702-326-5996                          
Insurance Accepted: Private (Anthem, Aetna, Loomis     74 N. Pecos Rd, Suite C, Henderson, NV 89074
and Tricare) and ATAP                                  Using evidence-based principals of ABA, CARD creates
Wait List: 3 months                                    individualized treatment plans with goals tailored to
Website:                        each individual’s specific needs, helping them reach
Serves Hispanic families through Interpreters          their maximum potential.
Behavioral Learning Solutions                          Crescent Academy, Inc.
2850 W Horizon Ridge Parkway,                          2535 W Cheyenne Avenue Ste. 104
Henderson, NV 89052                                    Las Vegas, NV 89032
Phone: 702-610-2076                                    Phone: 702-202-2567
Insurance Accepted: Private (Aetna); ATAP, Medicaid.   Fax: 702-202-6919
Waiting for Tricare, HPN and DRC/Palco                 Insurance Accepted: Straight Medicaid Only
Wait List: N/A                                         Wait List: 6 months
Website:                        Website:
Email:                        Serves Hispanic families through Bilingual Staff
Only serves English speaking families
                                                       Dudley G. Luke, Ph.D.
Browning Psychological Services                        Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Phone: 702-410-8400 Option # 1                         702-423-4102
Campbell Center for Autism (formerly P.A.L.S)          9414 W. Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89134
7530 W Sahara Avenue Ste. 104                          Evaluations, social skills training, and psychotherapy
Las Vegas, NV 89117                                    services for clinical symptoms related to ASD, OCD,
Phone: 702-260-2360                                    Social Anxiety, GAD, Depression, and ADHD.
Insurance Accepted: Tricare only. ATAP and DRC. Cash
Clients                                                Easter Seals of Nevada
Wait List: 3-6 months                                  6200 W Oakey Blvd. Las Vegas, NV 89146
Website:               775-203-3340 (Intake)
Email:           Insurance Accepted: ATAP and Medicaid
Serves only English speaking families                  Wait List: 1 Year
                                                       Serves Hispanic families through Interpreters
  12  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Grant a Gift Foundation                                   Mojave Adult, Child, And Family Services
630 S Rancho Dr. Ste. A Las Vegas, NV 89106               702-253-0818
Phone: 702-564-2453                             
Fax: 702-527-5353                                         6375 W. Charleston, Suite A100, Las Vegas, NV 89146
Insurance Accepted: Private and Medicaid                  Serves adults having psychiatric disabilities, including
Wait List: N/A                                            those diagnosed with ASD and/or intellectual disabilities,
Website:                  children having serious emotional disturbances.
Serves Hispanic families through bilingual staff          Individuals must have fee or services Medicaid.

Goals for Autism, Inc.                                    Nevada Early Intervention Services
3909 S Maryland Parkway Ste. 311                          702-486-9200 (referral line)
Las Vegas, NV 89119                                       702-486-7670 (main line)
Phone: 888-531-8385 Option # 9                  
Fax: 925-264-1902                                         1161 South Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89102
Insurance Accepted: Medicaid and Private                  Provide support and services to families with children
Wait List: About100 Kids                                  who have been identified with developmental delays
Website:                           (birth-three years old).
Serves Hispanic families through Interpreters
                                                          Nevada Children’s Center
Julie F. Beasley, Ph.D. Child Neuropsychologist           702-736-8100
Grant a Gift Foundation                         
702-386-2780                                              5615 S. Pecos Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89120
702-564-2453                                              Provide social services for children who have been                            abused, neglected, or have disabilities. Services
630 S Rancho Ste. A, LV NV 89106                          include aqua therapy and group therapy.
Provides assessment and treatment to infants,
children, and adolescents with neurodevelopmental         Next Level Connections -Karen Harden
disorders including autism spectrum disorders,            1980 Festival Plaza Dr. Ste. 300, Las Vegas, NV 89135
genetic disorders, learning disorders, ADHD, and other    Phone: 702-856-4327
behavior disorders.                                       Insurance Accepted: Cash Only at this moment. Soon
                                                          Medicaid Recipients
Karen L. Cruey M.D.                                       Wait List: N/A
702-247-1703                                              Website:                                      Email:
2340 Paseo Del Prado, Suite D-303, Las Vegas, NV 89102    Only Serves English Speaking Families
Psychiatric medicine for children, adults and
adolescents.                                              Our Little World Treatment Center
Life Bridge Kids                                
702-765-4965                                              12231 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 140                                    Henderson, NV 89052
9402 W. Lake Mead Blvd.,Las Vegas, NV 89134               We specialize in ASD and related disorders; we provide
A direct care psychiatric practice dedicated to helping   behavioral, PT, ABA therapy, psychological testing,
children, adolescents and their families manage           psychosocial rehabilitation and basic skills training for
mental, emotional and behavioral disorders.               children 18 months, adults and seniors.

                                                                            The ASD Resource Guide  13
My Left Foot Children’s Therapy
There is NOTHING more important than your child.
That’s why ALL of our therapists are professional, college‐
degreed, nationally board‐certified, state‐licensed, highly
experienced, compassionate therapists who absolutely
LOVE kids! Your child deserves the best, and that’s what
WE are ‐ THE BEST! We are experts in Autism, providing
Evidence‐Based Therapy with results you can see!

We will give your child with Autism the skills he or she
needs to lead a happier and healthier life! We will help
your child with Autism talk better, learn better, respond
appropriately to other people, have fewer melt‐downs,
interact better with family and friends, overcome sensory
processing problems, have better safety awareness, eat
better, independently complete self‐care skills (like
bathing, washing hair, brushing teeth, dressing, and
getting ready for school), and most importantly
          lead a happier and more fulfilling life.        . or call: 702‐360‐1137

14  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Portia Goals Learning Center                            Rachel E. Davis, Ph.D. PC
1-888-531-8385                                          702-776-8990    
Offers a variety of Services for individuals of all     7341 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 140
ages. Our team of Behavior Analysts, Therapists,        Las Vegas, NV 89117
Occupational Therapists, Speech and Language            Provides assessment and therapy for ages 12 months
Pathologists and Psychologists are here to help you     through 18 years old. Fee for Service Medicaid; out of
and your family.                                        pocket fee based on sliding scale.

Positive Behavior Support of Nevada                     Sage Health Services
775-682-9049                                            3130 S Durango Dt. Ste. 400, Las Vegas, NV 89117                                  Phone: 702-319-1555
1664 N. Virginia, Suite MS 285, Reno, NV 89557          Fax: N/A
PBS-NV is a statewide program that trains and assists   Insurance Accepted: Medicaid and United Health Care
families, agencies and schools to support individuals   Wait List: N/A
with disabilities and/or challenging behaviors.         Website:
Positively Kids Early Intervention                      Serves Hispanic Families through biingual staff
702-262-0037                                            Also offers services in Fallon, Reno and Silver Springs
3555 W. Reno Ave, Suite F, Las Vegas, NV 89118          Southwest Autism Behavioral Solutions
Making a difference in your child’s life! Services to   2700 E Sunset Rd. Ste. 24 Las Vegas, NV 89120
children, birth-3, including speech, occupational and   Phone: 702-270-3219
physical therapy, as well as access to nutritionist,    Fax: N/A
pediatricians, and behavior specialists.                Insurance Accepted: N/A
                                                        Wait List: N/A
Proactive Autism Solutions                              Website:
6767 W Charleston Blvd. Ste. 150
Las Vegas, NV 89146                                     Sport-Social
Phone: 702-754-6133                                     702-485-5515
Fax: 702-754-6845                             
Insurance: Private and ATAP                             7055 Windy St, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Wait List: 1 Year                                       Adaptive sports and appropriate social/emotional
Website:        interaction. Sports include skateboard, bike, scooter,
Serves Hispanic Families through Bilingual Staff        basketball, soccer, and more! Social/emotional skills
                                                        include peer connections, being cool, working together,
Puzzle Pieces Autism and Behavioral Services, LLC       independence, motivations and more!
6628 Sky Pointe Dr. Ste. 114, Las Vegas, NV 89131
Phone: 702-704-5112                                     Summit Autism Services
Fax: 866-633-9254                                       848 N Rainbow Blvd. # 2717
Insurance Accepted: Private (Aetna, Cigna, Optum/       Las Vegas, NV 89107
Tricare, Teacher Trust/ Human Behavior Institute and    Phone: 888-505-1637
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield) and ATAP                 Fax: N/A
Wait List: Up to 9 months                               Insurance Accepted: Cash Only                                  Website:
Email:                      Email:
Serves Hispanic Families though bilingual staff         Only serves English speaking families

                                                                         The ASD Resource Guide  15
Tandem Therapy Services/Chris Holcomb Ph.D.,                                     Dentistry
702-396-0101                                              Anthem Pediatric Dentistry                             702-531-5437
7261 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 101              
Las Vegas, NV 89117                                       2843 Saint Rose Pkwy, Suite #100
To improve the quality of life for children and their     Henderson, NV 89052
families. Through proven methods and achieving goals      Quality dental care in a safe and caring environment.
with dedication, Tandem Therapy Services works
together to provide positive and generalized outcomes     Ryan S. Bybee, DDS, PA- A Henderson Nevada
for our clients and our families.                         Children’s Dentist
The Lovaas Center for Behavior Intervention     
702-877-2520                                                                          1600 West Sunset Road, Suite B, Henderson, NV 89014
5550 W. Flamingo Rd, Suite C-5, Las Vegas, NV
Consultants from the LOVAAS Center design and             Dentistry for Children
implement a home based treatment plan for children        Maryan Sina
on the autism spectrum using techniques of applied
behavior analysis. Takes most insurances and ATAP.
The PRACTICE: A UNLV Community                            2551 N. Green Valley Parkway, Suite 400 A
Mental Health Clinic                                      Henderson, NV 89014
702-895-1532                           Tender Dental
4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 453033                      702-307-2273
Las Vegas, NV 89154                                       5001 East Bonanza Road, #160, Las Vegas, NV 89110
Physical Location: The UNLV Campus in the William D.
Carlson Education Building (CEB)
Room 226                                                  Summerlin Pediatric Dentistry
A community mental health clinic offering sliding scale   Ashley E. Hoban, DMD
individual & group psychotherapy & psychological          702-838-9013
                                                          653 N. Town Center Drive, Suite 104
Touro University Nevada Center for Autism and             Las Vegas, NV 89114
Developmental Disabilities                                Treating pediatric dental patients with autism, using a
702-777-4808                                              modified ABA therapy technique.
874 American Pacific Dr., Henderson, NV 89014             UNLV Dental School Clinic
Comprehensive multidisciplinary center offering           702-774-2400
neuropsychological evaluations, occupational therapy,     1700 W Charleston Blvd. Bldg. A, Las Vegas, NV 89106
applied behavior analysis, speech and language            702-774-7108
therapy.                                                  4505 S MarylandPkwy Room 1395
                                                          Las Vegas, NV 89154

  16  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Diagnostic                          Desert Regional Center
Adrianna Wechsler Zimring, Ed.M., Ph.D.                   702-486-7850
702-337-2775                                                                                1391 S Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146
2510 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy, Suite #200                    The mission of Aging and Disability Services Division is to
Henderson, NV 89052                                       ensure the provision of effective supports and services to
A licensed clinical psychologist who works with           meet the needs of individuals and families, helping them
children, adolescents, and their parents and families.    lead independent, meaningful and dignified lives.
She specializes in Evidence-Based Practices, and
provides comprehensive evaluation, psychological          Dodge Slagle, DO
treatment, and educational and psychological              702-454-0201
consultation services for infants through young adults.   1090 Wigwam Parkway, Henderson, NV 89074
                                                          Psychiatric evaluation and treatment of mood and
Center for Autism and Related Disorders (CARD)            behavioral issues.
702-778-4500                             Dudley G. Luke, Ph.D.
74 N. Pecos Rd, Suite C, Henderson, NV 89074              Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Using evidence-based principals of ABA, CARD creates      702-423-4102
individualized treatment plans with goals tailored to
each individual’s specific needs, helping them reach      9414 W. Lake Mead Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89134
their maximum potential.                                  Evaluations, social skills training, and psychotherapy
                                                          services for clinical symptoms related to ASD, OCD,
C. Philip Colosimo, Ph.D.                                 Social Anxiety, GAD, Depression, and ADHD.
                                                          Grant a Gift Autism Foundation in Collaboration
501 S. Rancho, Suite C-14, Las Vegas, NV 89106
                                                          with the UNLV School of Medicine
Provides diagnostic, recommendations, and treatment
for ASD, parental education, and educational
                                                          630 S. Rancho Dr, Suite A, Las Vegas, NV 89106
                                                          Non-profit agency helping individuals 0-22 with
Child Find: Clark County School District
                                                          neurodevelopmental conditions. Services include:
                                                          Diagnostic, Navigation, Scholarships, BA/Speech/
                                                          Therapy, Early Start Denver Model, Parent Training,
Assess children 3-21 that are not currently enrolled
                                                          Support Groups, Pediatrics, Genetics, and more.
in the school district. Must have suspicion of delay or
disability and parents must give written consent.         Julie F. Beasley, Ph.D. Child Neuropsychologist
                                                          Grant a Gift Foundation
Healthy Minds                                             702-386-2780
702-455-4629                                              702-564-2453                          
5516 S. Fort Apache Rd. Suite #100                        630 S Rancho Ste. A, LV NV 89106
Las Vegas, NV 89148                                       Provides assessment and treatment to infants,
Provides a focus on treatment by employing                children, and adolescents with neurodevelopmental
board-certified psychiatrists and graduate-trained        disorders including autism spectrum disorders,
psychologists, clinical social workers and marriage and   genetic disorders, learning disorders, ADHD, and other
family therapists with diverse areas of expertise.        behavior disorders.

                                                                            The ASD Resource Guide  17
Dr. Karen Sims                                              Rachel E. Davis, Ph.D. PC
702-257-0140 Ext 210                                        702-776-8990
6284 S Rainbow Blvd, Ste. 110                     
Las Vegas, Nevada 89118                                     7341 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 140
Provide psychotherapy for children and adolescents          Las Vegas, NV 89117
using evidence-based techniques. I specialize in            Provides assessment and therapy for ages 12 months
treating anxiety (including obsessive compulsive            through 18 years old. Fee for Service Medicaid; out of
disorder), depression, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD,      pocket fee based on sliding scale.
tics, and developmental delays.
                                                            The PRACTICE: A UNLV Community
Lewis M. Etcoff, PhD y Asociados                            Mental Health Clinic
702-876-1977                                                702-895-1532                                  
8475 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 205, Las Vegas, NV 89123         4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Box 453033
Provide a variety of psychological assessment services      Las Vegas, NV 89154
for children and adults. It specializedin TDAH, learning    Physical Location: The UNLV Campus in the William D.
disorders, speech and language disorder, TGD and            Carlson Education Building (CEB) Room 226
anxiety and behavior disorder.                              A community mental health clinic offering sliding scale
                                                            individual and group psychotherapy and psychological
Nevada Early Intervention Services                          assessment services. University faculty experts in
702-486-9200 (referral line)                                clinical and school psychology and mental health
702-486-7670 (main line)                                    counseling train and supervise advanced graduate                               students to provide high-quality mental and behavioral
1161 South Valley View Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89102            health care.
Provide support and services to families with children
who have been identified with developmental delays          University of Nevada of Medicine
(birth-three years old).                                    Department of Surgery
                                                            ENT Division of Audiology
Our Little World Treatment Center                           702-992-6828
702-376-2838                                                5380 S. Rainbow Blvd, Suite 324, Las Vegas, NV 89118                             Provide diagnostic hearing evaluation services to both
12231 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 140                             children and adults with certified audiologists.
Henderson, NV 89052
We specialize in ASD and related disorders; we provide              Educational Resources for Children
behavioral, PT, ABA therapy, psychological testing,
psychosocial rehabilitation and basic skills training for   Aspergers Training, Employment, &
children 18 months, adults and seniors.                      Life Skills
Play and Learn Pediatric                           (email)
Occupational Therapy                                        6525 W. Warm Springs Rd, Suite #100
702-250-7872                                                Las Vegas, NV 89118                                      A non-profit organization created to provide work
Play and Learn Pediatric provides occupational therapy      related services to adults with Asperger’s Syndrome
services, which include: ABA, sensory processing,           and other high functioning disabilities. Helps provide
therapeutic listening, handwriting without tears, and       adults with job skills, resources and support they
feeding therapy for picky eaters. Evaluations for OT        need to prepare for, find and maintain competitive
and sensory processing disorders, consultations and         employment.
treatment services are available.
  18  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism Coalition of Nevada                                 Family TIES of Nevada
775-410-9916                                               702-740-4200                                    
5470 Reno Corporate Drive, Reno, NV 89511                  6130 Elton Ave, Suite #100, Las Vegas, NV 89107
Ensure services are available and keep public informed     Provides no cost support, information and referral
of progress. Unite all affected by Autism, advocacy        services for individuals with special health care needs
organizations, political affiliates/Legislators, and       and/or disabilities, through one-to-one assistance to
service providers across the country.                      help them navigate complex health care and insurance
Camp Make Believe Kids
702-256-2006                                               Family to Family Connections                                702-870-9583
6284 S. Rainbow Blvd, Suite 110                  
Las Vegas, NV 89118                                        Cascade Valley Location
Camp Make Believe Kids after school program                7151 Cascade Valley Court, Suite #104
provides social and emotional learning for children        Las Vegas, NV 89128
with high functioning autism ages 5-12. Curriculum         Cambridge Location
available for purchase.                                    702-850-6450
                                                           3900 Cambridge St, Suite #107
Carpe Diem                                                 Las Vegas, NV 89119
702-485-6705                                               We offer classes, most of which are free to parents
4525 W. Spring Mountain Rd, Suite 110                      of children up to 4yrs on topics such as parenting,
Las Vegas, NV 89102                                        communication, early childhood development, baby
Provide ABA services for individuals with                  and toddler safety, nutrition and play groups. Cascade
developmental disabilities and challenging behaviors.      has a small fee; Cambridge has free classes. Families
Extensive experiences with children with autism as well    should call ahead to register for classes.
as language based programs.
                                                           For Kids Now
Couture Speech, LLC                                        702-617-4652
702-277-0847                                                                  2248 Alanhurst Dr, Henderson, NV 89012
1489 W. Warm Springs Rd, Suite 110                         For Kids Now is a Las Vegas based 501(c)(3) non-profit
Henderson, Nevada 89014                                    VOLUNTEER service charity dedicated to assisting
Service all pediatric speech disorders for children with   autistic children to optimize their independence, well-
a special emphasis in Autism, autism related disorders,    being and integration within their home, school and
and offering of primary and intermediate social groups.    community.

Child Find: Clark County School District                   Grant a Gift Autism Foundation in Collaboration
702-799-7463                                               with the UNLV School of Medicine        702-564-2453
Assess children 3-21 that are not currently enrolled       630 S. Rancho Dr, Suite A, Las Vegas, NV 89106
in the school district. Must have suspicion of delay or    Non-profit agency helping individuals 0-22 with
disability and parents must give written consent.          neurodevelopmental conditions. Services include:
                                                           Diagnostic, Navigation, Scholarships, ABA/Speech/Social/
                                                           Vocational Therapy, Early Start Denver Model, Parent
                                                           Training, Support Groups, Pediatrics, Genetics, and more.

                                                                             The ASD Resource Guide  19
20  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Head Start: Clark County School District                  Milagros Escondidos
702-387-0179                                              702-286-2838                                 
Preschool program for children 3-5 years, home based      A non-profit Hispanic support group to cover the
services, which help prepare children for school, as      gap of bilingual services, information and emotional
well as extended day services.                            support for the Latino community of Southern Nevada’s
Huntington Learning Center
702-240-3961                                              Nevada Early Intervention Services                                       702-486-9200 (referral line)
7565 W. Washington Ave, Suite #104                        702-486-7670 (main line)
Las Vegas, NV 89128                             
K-12 Tutoring and Learning Center. Individualized         1161 South Valley View Blvd
programs for students of many abilities, including ASD/   Las Vegas, NV 89102
ADD teaching strategies. Proven results in academic       Provide support and services to families with children
skills, subject tutoring, and test prep.                  who have been identified with developmental delays
                                                          (birth-three years old).
Julie F. Beasley, Ph.D. Child Neuropsychologist
Grant a Gift Foundation                                   New Horizons Academy
702-386-2780                                              702-876-1181
702-564-2453                                                                6701 W. Charleston Blvd
630 S Rancho Ste. A, Las Vegas, NV 89106                  Las Vegas, NV 89146
Provides assessment and treatment to infants,             Provides an individualized learning program in a small
children, and adolescents with neurodevelopmental         group setting, which enables students to achieve
disorders including autism spectrum disorders,            social, emotional and academic success in a safe,
genetic disorders, learning disorders, ADHD, and other    nurturing environment. K-12.
behavior disorders.
                                                          Next Level Connections
Las Vegas Speech and Language Center                      702-856-4327
702-736-4453 (phone)                            
702-228-8503 (fax)                                        1980 Festival Plaza Dr, Suite 300
2780 S. Jones Blvd, Suite 110, Las Vegas, NV 89146        Las Vegas, NV 89135
Meeting the needs of speech and language disorders        NLC is an ABA service provider that systematically
and educational issues for pre-school children through    delivers individualized social skills programming to
young adults.                                             adolescents and young adults with autism.

Lindamood-Bell Learning Processes                         Nourishing Spectrum Inc.
702-228-6942                                              1-800-325-4095 (Carey Edelman CHHP)                           
10655 Park Run Drive, Suite 180, Las Vegas, NV 89144      Holistic nutrition and health counseling practice
Provides one-on-one and small group instruction           dedicated to assisting the autism community. Services
in programs that develop the sensory-cognitive            include diet modification and support with GFCF, GAPS,
processes underlying reading, spelling, math, language    and SCD diets.
comprehension, attention, memory and critical thinking.

                                                                            The ASD Resource Guide  21
Portia Goals Learning Center                                Dr. Rooman Ahad
1-888-531-8385                                              3175 St. Rose Parkway                  2nd Floor
Offers a variety of Services for individuals of all ages.   Henderson, NV 89052
Our team of Behavior Analysts, Therapists, Occupational     702-676-3660
Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists and  
Psychologists are here to help you and your family.
                                                            Dr. Roshan Raja
Tandem Therapy Services/Chris Holcomb Ph.D.,                702-920-0290
CCC-SLP, BCBA-D, LBA                                        2821 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Ste. 100
702-396-0101                                                Henderson, NV 89052
7261 W. Charleston Blvd, Suite 101                                    Occupational/Physical Therapy
Las Vegas, NV 89117
To improve the quality of life for children and their       Achievement Therapy Center
families. Through proven methods and achieving goals        702-220-5514
with dedication, Tandem Therapy Services works              we provide specialized occupational therapy
together to provide positive and generalized outcomes       intervention to children with special needs between the
for our clients and our families.                           ages of birth and adolescence.
Touro University Nevada Center for Autism and
Developmental Disabilities                                  A Clubhouse For Kids
702-777-4808                                                702-686-3008                                 
874 American Pacific Dr., Henderson, NV 89014               2560 Montessouri St, Suite 112-113
Comprehensive multidisciplinary center offering             Las Vegas, Nevada 89117
neuropsychological evaluations, occupational therapy,       A pediatric therapy facility providing Speech and
applied behavior analysis, speech and language therapy.     Occupational Therapy Services to children birth to 18
                                                            years of age.
                  Financial Planning
                                                            Crescent Academy
DiMasciona Financial Planner                                702-202-2567
702-498- 2445                                     
http://www.Plan4Life.US                                     2535 W. Cheyenne Ave, Suite 104
840 S Rancho Dr, #4-253, Las Vegas, NV 89106                N. Las Vegas, NV 89032
Now is the time to handle this: If something happens to     A therapy center specializing in evidence based
you or your spouse, will your child’s specific needs be     treatments for individuals with ASD, PDD-NOS, ADD,
met? Leave a legacy of love instead of lack. It’s easy.     ADHD and other related behavioral disorders.
Free consultation. Call NOW.
                                                            Dream Therapies
                     Neurologists                           702-227-4477
Dr. Alfreda Maller/ Dr. Donald Johns/Srinivas               Pediatric Occupational and Physical Therapy, including
Halthore                                                    Hippotherapy and Aquatic Therapy (in the summer).
2020 E Desert Inn Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89169

  22  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Easter Seals Nevada                                          Nevada Early Intervention Services
702-870-7050                                                 702-486-9200 (referral line)                           702-486-7670 (main line)
6200 W. Oakey Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146            
 Provides services to help all people with disabilities or   1161 South Valley View Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89102
special needs and their families become self-sufficient      Provide support and services to families with children
through direct services, education and community             who have been identified with developmental delays
partnerships.                                                (birth-three years old).

Henderson Speech, Hearing &                                  Our Little World Treatment Center
Language Center                                              702-376-2838
702-733-8255                                                                             12231 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 140
8560 S. Eastern Ave, Suite 180, Las Vegas, NV 89123          Henderson, NV 89052
We are committed to helping each individual client           We specialize in ASD and related disorders; we provide
reach their maximum potential through a full range of        behavioral, PT, ABA therapy, psychological testing,
high-quality services; speech, occupational therapy,         psychosocial rehabilitation and basic skills training for
and reading.                                                 children 18 months, adults and seniors.

My Left Foot Children’s Therapy                              Play and Learn Pediatric Occupational Therapy
(MAIN - CENTRAL)                                             702-250-7872
2012 S. Jones Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146            
(702) 360-1137                                               Play and Learn Pediatric provides occupational therapy                                  services, which include: ABA, sensory processing,
                                                             therapeutic listening, handwriting without tears, and
(SUMMERLIN)                                                  feeding therapy for picky eaters. Evaluations for OT
7501 W. Lake Mead Blvd, Suite 115                            and sensory processing disorders, consultations and
Las Vegas, NV 89128                                          treatment services are available.
(702) 360-1137                                  Portia Goals Learning Center
171 N. Gibson Rd, Suite 140, Henderson, NV 89014             Offers a variety of Services for individuals of all ages.
(702) 360-1137                                               Our team of Behavior Analysts, Therapists, Occupational                                  Therapists, Speech and Language Pathologists and
                                                             Psychologists are here to help you and your family.
7541 Tule Springs Rd, Suite 150, Las Vegas, NV 89131         Positively Kids Early Intervention
(702) 360-1137                                               702-262-0037                        
                                                             3555 W. Reno Ave, Suite F, Las Vegas, NV 89118
It’s our mission to provide children with the highest        Making a difference in your child’s life! Services to
quality of therapy provided by the most knowledgeable        children, birth-3, including speech, occupational and
pediatric therapists in a fun and nurturing environment.     physical therapy, as well as access to nutritionist,
                                                             pediatricians, and behavior specialists.

                                                                               The ASD Resource Guide  23
Touro University Nevada Center for Autism and               Azulblue United by Autism
Developmental Disabilities                                  702-586-0737
702-777-4808                                                                        (email)
874 American Pacific Dr., Henderson, NV 89014               Provide support to families through activities such as
Comprehensive multidisciplinary center offering             workshops, teen groups, soccer camp, conferences,
neuropsychological evaluations, occupational therapy,       ladies breakfast, dads support and guide references.
applied behavior analysis, speech and language therapy.     Se habla espanol.

                      Optometry                             Campbell Center for Autism LLC
                                                            7530 W. Sahara Ave. Suite 104, Las Vegas, NV 89117
Mary A. Grant, O.D.                                         702 260-2360
2755 E. Desert Inn Rd, Suite 270, Las Vegas, NV 89121       We provide one on one instruction, social skills groups,
Our practice is dedicated to children and patients of all   and IEP consultation for ages four through adulthood.
ages with special needs including autism, Asperger’s
ADHD, Down Syndrome, CP.                                    Courtney Haight, Ph.D.
The EyeCare Center                                          2510 West Horizon Ridge Parkway, Suite 200
702-732-2020                                                Henderson, Nevada 89052
Multiple Locations: Sierra Vista, Durango and Civic         Dr. Haight provides psychological services with youth
Center                                                      and families including individual and family therapy, and                                group social skills using evidenced based practices.
The goal of our optometry practice is to provide you
with dedicated and friendly eye care service.               Easter Seals Nevada
                  Parent Education                
                                                            6200 W. Oakey Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89146
Autism Coalition of Nevada                                  Provides services to help all people with disabilities or
775-329-2268                                                special needs and their families become self-sufficient                                               through direct services, education and community
1790 Vassar Street, Reno, NV 89502                          partnerships.
Ensure services are available and keep public informed
of progress. Unite all affected by Autism, advocacy         Family to Family Connections
organizations, political affiliates/Legislators, and        702-870-9583
service providers across the country.             
                                                            Cascade Valley Location
Autism Speaks                                               7151 Cascade Valley Court, Suite #104
1-888-288-4762                                              Las Vegas, NV 89128                                        Cambridge Location
Connect family to resources, provide tools kits,            702-850-6450
educational awareness information.                          3900 Cambridge St, Suite #107, Las Vegas, NV 89119
                                                            We offers classes, most of which are free to parents
                                                            of children up to 4yrs on topics such as parenting,
                                                            communication, early childhood development, baby
                                                            and toddler safety, nutrition and play groups. Cascade
                                                            has a small fee; Cambridge has free classes. Families
                                                            should call ahead to register for classes.
  24  Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders
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