ELHS AP AND ECE INFORMATION SESSION - Registration Process, Resources, and Expectations for the 2020 -2021 School Year - East Lyme Public Schools

Page created by Denise Zimmerman
ELHS AP AND ECE INFORMATION SESSION - Registration Process, Resources, and Expectations for the 2020 -2021 School Year - East Lyme Public Schools
Registration Process, Resources, and Expectations for the 2020-2021 School Year
Introduction to Staff
              •   AP Coordinator-
              •   School Registrar- Ms. Cindi Meek
              •   Financial Office- Ms. Betsy Farrugia
              •   ECE liaisons- Cindi Meek and Nadine Barnes

Information   Updates to the Collegeboard AP Registration Process
              • Timeline

  Session     • To-Do
              ECE Registration Process
 Overview     • Timeline
              • To-Do
              Question and Answer for Registration Process

              Question and Answer for Teacher Panel

              AP Payment/Contract Collection
ELHS AP EXAMS                           Class Code: zg5sxf

ELHS Counseling Office- Class of 2021   Class Code: w6uvnp

ELHS Counseling Office- Class of 2022   Class Code: 52qe4as

ELHS Counseling Office- Class of 2023   Class Code: D52g5vr

ELHS Counseling Office- Class of 2024   Class Code: w37yjqb
  Advanced Placement
PREVIOUS YEARS                             CURRENT PROCESS

                                         ◦ Spring 2020
◦ Spring – Students Request AP Classes
                                            ◦ Students Recommended for AP Classes
                                         ◦ Fall 2020
◦ Fall-                                     • First Day of Class- Teachers share the join code with
                                              the students in their class along with instructions for
◦ September-Contract sent home                signing in and joining the class section.
                                            • Before the Second Day of Class- Students sign in
                                              to My AP and enroll in their class sections, using the
◦ Winter-                                     unique join code for each.
   ◦ December- payment due                  • October 2nd, 2020
                                               • Deadline for priority registration
◦ Spring                                       • AP Exam Order is submitted

   ◦ March- AP Exam Order submitted      ◦ Spring 2020
                                            ◦ AP Exams: May 3-14, 2021
              My AP is for students to enroll in their AP
              classes, provide registration information, access
              AP Classroom assignments from their teachers,
              and get feedback on their performance. This
              introduced in the classroom by the teacher
Registration Instructions
◦ Ensure you’ve joined your class section online.
◦ Sign in to My AP with your College Board account and make sure you’ve joined your class section. If you haven’t,
you’ll need to follow the steps to join your section online.
◦ Register—or confirm your existing registration —in My AP.
◦ If your school requires you to indicate your exam registration, you'll see a Register button in your class section view
in My AP after you join your class sections. Clicking this button will let your coordinator know that you plan to take the
exam, and they will order it for you. If you don’t see that button, it means you’ve already been automatically registered
for the exam.
◦ If you’d like to register for an exam after November, your order may be subject to a late fee. You’ll need to ask your
AP coordinator to update your registration. If your class doesn’t start until the spring or you’ve transferred to a new
school after the exam ordering deadline, don’t worry —your coordinator will be able to order your exam, and you won’t be
charged a late order fee.
◦ Talk to your school AP coordinator about paying exam fees.
◦ You can’t pay for your exam on this website. Your AP coordinator will collect any fees that you owe.
◦ Update for 2020-21: Due to this year’s unusual circumstances, the unused/canceled exam fee won’t be applied this
year. Register for your exams by the deadline indicated by your school—this is the best way to keep your options open
because if your situation changes and you ultimately decide to not take your exams in 2021, we won’t charge your school
for those exams. However, the late order fee does still apply this year if you decide after the ordering deadline that you
want to take an exam.
◦ Read about AP Exam fees, fee policies, and fee reductions.
    ◦ Updated 7/31/2020
    ◦ Review your registration details.
    ◦ Once you have selected to register, the date and time of your exam will appear in your class section view in My AP. The morning
       exam administration begins between 8 and 9 a.m. local time and the afternoon exam administration between 12 and 1 p.m. local
       time. The AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Exam administration begins between 2 and 3 p.m. local time.
    ◦ Your AP coordinator will notify you when and where to report for the exams.
Type                  Description           Cost per Exam

On-time order         • Exams must be       $95
                        ordered by
                        October 4
                      • Exam ordered
                        under special
                                                            FEES FOR
                        circumstances by
                        November 14
                                      th                    2020-2021
Late order            Exam ordered between $95+$40 fee
                      November 15 and
                      March 12

Unused/Canceled exam Exam canceled or not   $40
                     taken by the student
 Early College Experience
    Application & Enrollment Deadlines

     ◦ Spring 2020
        ◦ Students Recommended for ECE Classes
        ◦ Online Application -April 30- June 30
     ◦ Fall 2020
        • Late Application - August 11 - September 25
        • Enrollment – August 11 – October 9
     ◦ Spring 2021
        ◦ UCONN transcript available after successful course
          completion . Requested directly through UCONN
https://ece.uconn.edu Best compatible with

 ECE      Google Chrome or Internet Explorer

              Apply & enroll, pay your bill, access
              your account, browse the transfer
              credit database, request a transcript,
              and more
Credit Total                    Total Cost per Course
       1 credit course
       2 credit course
       3 credit course                 $150                                                 FEES FOR
       4 credit course                 $200
UConn Early College Experience program fees are $50 per registered course credit.

An additional $25 non-refundable administrative fee is charged for applications
submitted between August 11 and September 25 and must be paid by November 7.
This fee is in addition to the above listed program fees. All fees are applied to student
accounts upon successful course enrollment, and bills are issued directly to students
via e-mail.
Failure to receive an e-mail bill notification does not absolve students of the
responsibility of payment by the due date. Students have 24/7 access to view any
term fee bill by accessing their student account in the Student Administration System.
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