Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University

Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
Election and Christmas

Cold day - Hot drinks!

In December the Weinfass would keep on open.
We prepared for you hot and warm drinks and some delicacies before we start
our winter break in January.

Weinfass opening dates:
                              Wir öffnen das Weinfass, solange wir es in der
                              Kälte aushalten!

            ​ ine the Fuck
            Tasting with well known German Wine Blogger #asktoni

22.01.2019 - 24.01.2019

            of Senate and Studentenparlament

            Like every year in Wintersemester , you are called upon to
            elect your representative of Geisenheim University Senate and also
            for Studentparlamentet (StuPa).
Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
Important:​ when the vote rate less than 30%, there are a possibility
           that budgets for AStA events and offers will be canceled.

           When:​ 1
                  ​ 0 am - 2 pm
           Where:​ ​Campus-Gebäude, Monrepos (next to Mensa)

We wanted you!
-as Candidates for StuPa
           If you are interested being actively participant in Campus life, registered
           available until 3.12.with your name, study programme and semester and
           send to ​Stupa@hs-gm.de​ for your application.


           Submit proposal for ​Senators-election !​
           Every members from HGU can vote in the election of Senators. also you!
           Go to the election and shape the university developments!
           In addition to professors and staffs, the Senate also include three
           students, and you could be the one!

           Apply for election until 03.12.2018, 15:00 clock!
           Register and become a candidate in HGU-Wahlbüro in
           Verwaltungsgebäude 1. Stock by Ms Anke Winkler. Please fill up the
           form ​„Wahlvorschlag für die Wahl zum Senat im WS 2018/2019“ and the
           website to download is: ​Website

           Please be aware
           Only nominations will be accepted and will be submitted personally to the
           Electoral Office on the completed and signed form. Unfortunately,
           nominations by email can not be considered.
           We look forward to candidates who actively participate in academic
           self-government and want to get involved. Candidate in the Senate elections
           WS 2018/2019 - participate in the vote!
Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
When:          Election Days - 22.01.2019 - 24.01.2019
         Where:         Campus-Gebäude, Monrepos (near Mensa)


         Cinema at Geisenheim University
         -The Brand New Testament-

          God is real and is a mean bastard who never gets off
         his computer. You already know about his son, now
         let’s hear about his daughter. This new film from
         Belgian director Jaco van Dormael (Toto the Hero, Mr
         Nobody) won’t exactly win favour with the
         ultra-faithful, but for those who like their Bible stories
         with a thick coat of satire.

         It begins in the centre of the universe: a dingy flat in
         Brussels. God spends his day intentionally making
         people miserable, tapping out rules on his his
         outdated DOS computer and fiddling with his train
         set. He giggles as he makes sure the toast always
         falls jam-side down, or that whatever queue you are on will be the slowest.
         His wife (simply called the Goddess) is sweet and simple, focusing on
         embroidery and her baseball card collection. But 10-year-old daughter Ea
         (played by a fantastic young actress, Pili Groyne) is observant, gaining in
         powers and wants to change things. “Don’t get crazy ideas like your
         brother,” Dad grunts, but later that evening she has a conversation with
         “JC” and the pair devise a plan. Ea is going to get six additional disciples,
         and listen to them, thus creating a Brand New Testament.
         Before she can do this, she must free the world from their need for her
         bum of a father. Sneaking into his office, she sends a text message to
         everyone in the world, detailing precisely how much time they have left
         until they die. At first people think it is a hoax, but when the 30-minute
         crowd all start dropping dead (and always in funny ways), they realise it’s
         for real. (The Guardian, 2015)

         When: b​ egin 7:30 pm
         Wo: ​Kinosaal (H) 30

Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University


         Christmas wine presentation
         After the sensational summer, the harvest is now over
         and the 2018er wine is fermenting and maturing in the
         cellar. We can already look forward to the coming spring
         and a very good year.

         A large selection of different wines, sparkling wines and brandies is
         available for tasting at this year's Christmas wine presentation.
         Furthermore, there will be different stalls with flowers, apples and
         Christmas decoration.

         As every year, the butcher Bach from Assmannshausen takes care of the
         catering.The winery team is looking forward to welcoming you to the event
         and providing you with information and advice.
         Important: Between 30.11. and the 14.12.2018 is on wine,
         Sparkling wine or spirits 10% discount

         When: 1
               ​ 0 am - 5 pm
         Where: ​Weinverkauf, Hochschule Geisenheim



         Glühwein and Stories
         ….​from study and Internship abroad

         Tips for prepare and finance staying abroad

         Students share about their stay in Armenia, China, Spain, Israel
         France and …
Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
When: 6
               ​ pm - 8 pm
         Where: ​H33, Hochschule Geisenheim


         05.12.        12.12.
         17.12.        16.01.                                       more...

         Final presentation of the doctoral projects
         "Biodiverstiy of vineyard soils- linkages to soil management and Ecosystem
         Services"                                              Martin Pingel
                                              Institut für angewandte Ökologie

         "Externe Unternehmenskommunikation unter Einbeziehung von Grünplanung und
         Bauwerksbegrünung in der Weinbranche: Untersuchung der Präferenzen von
         Weinkonsumenten in Hinblick auf die Begrünungstypen und
         Begrünungsintensitäten bei Weingütern"           Kathrin Anthony
                                      Institut für Wein- und Getränkewirtschaft

         When:​ f​ rom 3:30 pm
         Where:​ ​H8, Hochschule Geisenheim
Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
         Higher Education Conference
         Agricultural Sciences, Ecotrophology, Environmental

         Die diesjährige Hochschultagung beschäftigt sich in vielen
         Facetten mit dem K​ limawandel und dessen Auswirkungen auf die
         Welche Ackerfrüchte werden ​2050​ ​in Deutschland angebaut?
         Gibt es züchterische Möglichkeiten gegen den T​ rockenstress​?
         Ist der Weinbau der Gewinner höherer Temperaturen?
         Mit welchen neuartigen Schädlingen wird in Deutschland zu rechnen sein?
         Wird der Bewässerungsfeldbau auch bei uns das Produktionssystem der
         Zukunft sein?

         When: f​ rom 10 am
         Where:​ ​Aula, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
         Who​:​ Referenten-       Prof. Dr. Otmar Löhnertz
                                     Prof. Dr. Annette Reineke


13.12.   Landschaftsforum Geisenheim
         Fachtagung - Landschaftsplanung/ Landschaftsarchitektur

         Kulturlandschaft 2030 - Landschaften unter

         Wie können die landschaftlichen Qualitäten in diesen Landschaften
         bewahrt und gefördert werden?
         Welche Handlungsstrategien können hierbei helfen?
         Welcher Instrumente bedarf es?
         Kulturlandschaft, Umweltmedien, Natur, Mensch und Kultur
Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
Mit diesen und weiteren Fragen und Themen beschäftigen sich
         eingeladene Experten und Teilnehmer bei der Tagung.

         When: 9
               ​ am - 4:30 pm

         Where:​ ​Aula, HGU


         Rüdesheimer Weihnachtsmarkt und Niederwalddenkmal
         Rüdesheim Christmas Market and “Niederwalddenkmal”
         Ausflug/ Trip

         Das ​International Office​ lädt alle internationalen und deutsche Studierende
         ein zu einem Ausflug nach Rüdesheim. Die Buddys des International
         Office begleiten euch zum Niederwalddenkmal, wo ihr die schöne
         Aussicht über das Rheintal genießen könnt. Anschließend lasst ihr den
         Ausflug bei einem heißen Getränk gemeinsam auf dem berühmten
         "Weihnachtsmarkt der Nationen" ausklingen.

         The ​International Office​ invites all international and
         German students to a tour to the famous Niederwald
         monument. You will meet the buddies of the
         International Office in Rüdesheim at the train station and
         all head together to the cable car to the Niederwald
         monument. After taking a look at the monument and
         enjoying the beautiful view, we will return to Rüdesheim
         and we will end the trip with a hot drink on the Christmas

         Where:​ M
                 ​ eeting point at Rüdesheim trail station
         When:​ 3 pm
Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
         Advent in Cologne
         We visit the advent of Cologne, let ourselves be fascinated by the Advent
         markets,, take a guided tour over the rooftops of the Cologne Cathedral.
         Cologne Advents feeling is announced!
         There will be a fee of 15 Euro for the ride, the cathedral tour and the snack.

         When: f​ rom 9 am
         Where:​ Treffpunkt Mainz Hbf
         Cost: 1
               ​ 5 Euro ​(For Lunch and the c​ athedral tour​)


                              62. Senate Meeting
         Der Senat besteht aus Professorinnen/ Professoren,
         MitarbeiterInnen der Hochschule und Studierenden und
         tagt über Angelegenheiten, die die Hochschule betreffen.

         When:​ ​2 pm - 6 pm
         Where:​ Goethe-Zimmer, Hochschule Geisenheim
Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
Christmas markets 2018

Christmas market of Nations​ - Rüdesheim -​ ​ ​ ​Link

Twinkling Star Christmas market Wiesbaden​ -​ ​ ​ L​ ink

Geisenheim Advent magic​ -​ ​ ​ L​ ink
Election and Christmas - Hochschule Geisenheim University
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