Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ

Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ
Our Mission: Light of Christ Ecumenical Catholic Community is a vibrant, inclusive and welcoming community for all who,
following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ, seek compassion, justice and peace in the world. We seek to live our faith
through liturgy and prayer, community building and collaboration, study and service. All Are Welcome!

Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ

June 5 2021

                                   Rocky Mountain Region, ECC, Regional Prayer:

                       Holy One, Enlivening Spirit, in the wilderness of new, root the Body of Christ
                          fully into our “Yes,” blooming in Your Holy Season. Together. Amen.

 1000 West 15th Avenue Longmont, Colorado 80501 303-772-3785
            Pastor- Father Teri Harroun, M.Div.
                      Pastoral Care Assistant - Tim Shead
                                                           Visit us at:
  Parish Council Members:                           www.lightofchristecc.org
                                                     Follow us on Facebook
  Pam Hora, Rachel O’Neill, Chuck Cooper,                and Instagram
  John Fallon, Mark Stenson
  parishcouncil@lightofchristecc.org                      MASSES
  Prayer Companions:                               Saturdays 5:00 pm on our
                                                        Facebook Page
  Stephen Ministry:                                      Office hours:
                                                    Tues. - Thurs. 9am-3pm
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ
Happenings at Light of Christ

•   Email issues: Light of Christ has recently seen several spam/phishing attempts which have
    been going out through the all-parish list. Additionally, some people who are on the all-parish list
    appear to not receive all-parish emails. We are working with our email provider to resolve this.

•   11th Hour Bell Ringing for Climate Justice. For one year the LOC Adult Formation Team has
    been inviting people to join them at the church bell tower at 11am on the 11th day of each month
    to help call attention to caring for our Sacred Earth and all of creation. Join us on Friday, June
    11, at 11:00 am as we gather as a community, united with others to pray with and through our
    bodies to celebrate World Environment Day, Oceans Day, Rainforest Day, and the Summer Sol-
    stice. Check out these links if you are interested in learning more about these Days.
    World Environment Day | United Nations

    Environmental Awareness Calendar | UK & World | Green Eco Friend

    Are you interested in learning about rare animal species native to Colorado that are considered
    to be endangered or threatened? Then check out this link:

•   Looking for a Church Historian: As we turn 16 this year, we pause to recall how much has
    gone on at Light of Christ over the years. To help capture the stories, we are looking for
    someone interested in compiling and recording a community history to contact the church
    office and we will be happy to share the resources here.

•   Scripture Readings: Our scripture reading schedule is changing. Please join us on Face-
    book Live Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10AM as we continue to explore the Gospel of John.

•   Opportunities to gather: As the weather improves, we have new opportunities to have
    groups of less than 10 people to gather outside. If your group is interested in this, please
    contact Tim at the Church office to reserve space.

•   Did you know? All of our recent daily readings and services are archived and can be found on
    our website linked here. You can also join us for the live readings at 10AM or Saturday Mass at
    5PM on Facebook . You do NOT have to have a facebook account to join. FB Link.
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ
Happenings in Longmont

•   Pratt Street Little Free Pantry : The new Pratt Street Little Free Pan-
    try (LFP) is open for business! BLC and LOC are excited to join the
    Little Free Pantry movement by serving those in our local community
    who need a helping hand. The LFP is open to anyone in our commu-
    nity to participate by either filling the pantry or taking from it. Most im-
    portantly, the LFP is offered to those in need the same way in which
    we receive God's grace, freely and without question. The LFP is locat-
    ed just north of the parsonage on Pratt Street, in the open lot. The
    pantry has been clearly labeled to make it easy to restock with the fol-
    lowing list in order keep the LFP stocked with the items our communi-
    ty needs. If you have any questions or need to report any issues with
    the LFP, please contact the church office.

•   Boulder County Pride Parade - June 13, 2021: Out Boulder would
    like to invite to the Pride Motorcades taking place on Sunday, June
    13. They will have 3 motorcades throughout the day with the first in
    Longmont, the second in Boulder, and the third in Lafayette. Please
    join them, whether it be just for one or for all three. The Longmont
    Motorcade will kick off at 9:00 AM, Boulder will kick off at 1:00 PM,
    and Lafayette will kick off at 4:00 PM.

•   Vacation Bible School - July 12 - 16, 2021: Kids ages 4 through
    just completed 5th grade are invited for a week of in-person faith, fun
    and more! In cooperation with First Lutheran Church, Sky Ranch
    Lutheran Camp counselors will lead the songs, games, activities and
    this week of faith and relationship building. Yes, Covid has changed
    some things, but our goal has not changed: to provide a safe and
    faith filled week of fun for our community.
    Drop off time is 9:00 to 9:30 a.m., and pick up time is from 11:30 a.m. to noon.
    Pre-registration is required as the number of participants will be limited. Masks will be required.
    No snacks will be provided, so please make sure to bring a filled water bottle for each child.
    Remember to apply sunscreen, and please bring a towel as their home base place each day.
    No cost or fee!

    If you have any questions or have any questions, please contact the church office.
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ
STEWARDSHIP                                     PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS
      April          End of Month       Year To Date        Rita Duncan; Carol Conti; Bev Martinez-
                                                            Kuster; Kathryn Olsen and Kay Reuber;
   Donations          $12,925.00         $45,707.73
                                                            Sharon Farnsworth; Aiden Hutto; Erin; Sha-
 Grocery Cards          $356.00            $715.04          ron Spencer; Donna Yager; Gerry Geiger;
   Advertising          $525.00            $525.00
    Interest            $489.14           $1,485.42         We update our prayer corner monthly. If you or your loved one
                                                            would like to be included on the corner, please contact the of-
 Miscellaneous           $0.00            $1,506.96         fice and we’d be happy to add you.
  Total Income        $14,295.14         $49,940.15
   Expenses           $11,457.19         $46,208.04
    Balance            $2,837.95          $3,732.11

               DAILY READINGS

Please join us on Facebook Live at 10AM as
we read through the Gospel of Mark. Link
Alternately, this link will take you to the US
Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops web-
site where you can view each day’s reading.

Assistance ~ If you need assistance during this
time, there are several resources available in Long-

THE ROUND PANTRY, located at:
      Westview Presbyterian Church
      1500 Hover St.
                                                            Serve Colorado ~ The state is seeking folks to
      Longmont, CO                                          help with their contract tracing efforts to contain
                                                            the spread of Covid. Click this link for more info.
HOPE Longmont, located at:
      804 Lincoln St.
      Longmont, CO 80501                                    Members of Light of Christ or their family members are
                                                            invited to purchase ad space here on the weekly bulle-
THE OUR CENTER, located at:                                 tins! Not only does it help out these businesses, but it
      220 Collyer St.                                       also helps LOC by bringing in additional funds. For more
                                                            information, please call the Church Office.
      Longmont, CO

          Jack P. Wolfe
         Attorney at Law
         Wills & Probate
           Real Estate
         Small Business

                                        Scott is John and Dibbie’s son-in-law.
Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ June 5 2021 - Light Of Christ
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