PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...

Page created by Charlie George
PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...

   Preparing the next generation to excel in
                   their God given purpose
PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...
Welcome to the King’s
                            We hope this prospectus gives you insight into the life of the school. We
                            believe every child matters, every child is unique and that every child deserves

    House School Windsor    the best possible start in life. That is why we are committed to playing our part
                            in helping each child excel in life. We would like to invite you to learn more
                            about the school and look forward to meeting you and your children.

2                           Lyndsey Harding, Head Teacher, The King’s House School Windsor
PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...
PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...
1. Engage

           OUR VISION       We want children to have the
                            opportunity to experience an
                            engaging, interactive and inspirational
                            education that will shape their lives
                            and prepare them for their future.

           To prepare       2. Establish

           the next
about us
                            We want to see children established
                            in life, so we give our students a strong

           generation to
                            Bible based foundation and focus on
                            character formation as an integral
                            part of their education.

           excel in their   3. Equip

           God given        At The King’s House School, we aim to
                            equip our children by providing an

                            excellent and personalised, all round
                            education and Biblical world view.

                            4. Empower
                            We want to empower our children by
                            providing them with the knowledge,
                            understanding, skills and attributes
4                           that they need and by helping them to
                            discover their unique gifting and
                            increasingly explore their purpose.
PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...
about us
           The school has a Christian ethos.
           The school ethos is spiritual,
           communal, innovative and outward
           looking encapsulated in our values of
           ‘faith,' ‘family’ and ‘future’.

           1. Faith                                   2. Family                                   3. Future

           Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth    We want to build a family culture that is   We are forward looking and forward
           and the life.” As a Christian school, we   affirming, inclusive and secure where       thinking. We want to prepare our children
           seek to help each child discover their     each child feels like they belong. We do    for the fast changing and challenging
           purpose and learn principles that they     this by working closely as parents,         world they are growing up in. We want to
           can build their life on so that they can   teachers, school supporters and the         provide an innovative and relevant
           lead a full and fulfilling life.           local church community.                     education that will equip them to shape
                                                                                                  this dynamic new world.
PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...
           We have a talented teaching team. They are passionate about
           providing an excellent education and seeing that every child is
            valued and nurtured so that they can fulfil their full potential.
about us

PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...
PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...
                      Our goal is to see each child experience a continuous journey of personal development and
                      academic achievement where they grow mentally, physically, spiritually and socially
                      every year.

                      We seek to achieve this through engaging them so that they are inspired and motivated to
                      learn and develop themselves. Secondly, by helping them establish firm foundations so
                      that they develop in character, confidence and conviction. Next, by equipping them with
                      the necessary knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes. And lastly, we seek to
                      empower them by helping them to discover and use their strengths, gifts and talents.

                      This process is delivered through our curriculum, classes and culture.

PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...
           We use the Accelerated Christian Education (ACE) Programme as our core
             curriculum. The curriculum is based on individualised learning and is
                                       mastery based.
           The core curriculum is enhanced by a supplementary curriculum to ensure
           the children's all-round development and to develop their gifts and talents.

             GROUPING             SUBJECT                         CORE SUPPLEMENTARY

             Core                 English                          ✓
                                  Word Building                    ✓
                                  Literature & Creative Writing    ✓         ✓
                                  Maths                            ✓         ✓
                                  Science                          ✓         ✓
                                  Social Studies (History &
                                                                   ✓         ✓
             Physical Education   Physical Education (PE)                    ✓
             Creative             Music                                      ✓
                                  Drama                                      ✓
                                  Design Technology                          ✓
                                  Art & Design                               ✓
                                  Computing                                  ✓
             Life & Living        Citizenship                                ✓
                                  Personal, Social, Health &
                                  Economic Education (PSHE)
                                  Religious Education (RE)                   ✓
             Languages            Spanish                                    ✓
PROSPECTUS 2020/2021 - - Preparing the next generation to excel in their God given purpose - The King's House School ...

     We see our classes as little teams and
     families where we work together and
     encourage each other to achieve and
     As well as teaching and creating a secure
     learning environment, we see our teachers
     as coaches and cheerleaders. Their goal is
     to motivate each child, facilitate their
     learning journey and encourage them
     every step of the way. Each class has a
     lead teacher and a teaching assistant.
     The school has smaller than average class
     sizes (maximum 15), known as learning
10   centres, which allow children to learn at
     their own pace.
           As a school we believe that our values need to
           be lived and expressed in our behaviours and
           in the environment we create collectively. We
           take every opportunity inside and outside of
           the classroom to embed our values and
           create a positive and uplifting school culture.

PARENTS           Parents and families at The King’s House School Windsor have been integral to the progress
                              and success of the school.
                              We greatly value our parents and families and seek to work together to build a culture that is
                              affirming and uplifting, where each child feels that they belong and can flourish.
our                           Our goal is to serve and support families as we work together to invest in the next generation.

                100%                                          94%                                                  100%
              My child is happy at                    I would recommend                                         My child is taught
                  this school                             this school                                           well at this school
“There is a small community feel to the school. The approach to teaching and learning has
            really worked for our children. They are growing in leaps and bounds which has been a
            pleasure to watch. I’ve also enjoyed volunteering. It’s nice to have the opportunity to help
            and enjoy the school with my children.”

community   “One of the main things we love about the school is that our children are taught in a safe and
            loving environment. Biblical principles are taught each day like being kind and loving one
            another and we have seen each of our children flourish in their own special ways.”

            “I like the focus on character development as well as academic achievement. Things like
            kindness and respect. They don’t tolerate bullying. They teach the children to be like Jesus.
            Also, I really like that the teachers really care about the children and want the best for them.
            They really love them and pray for them every day which is invaluable.”

                          Parent Testimonials
            We are really proud of the way students coming through the school have grown
            to become caring, capable and confident young people ready for the next
            chapter of their education…


            The School Vision Partners are a
            team of people who are committed
            to seeing the vision for the school
            realised and who are willing to
            commit consistent financial
            Our School Vision Partners have
            been instrumental to the success
            and sustainability of the school. Our
            goal is to keep fees as low as
            possible whilst providing the highest
            quality of education possible.

our         The King’s House School Windsor has
            grown out of the vision of the King’s
            Church International community.
            Founded in 1943, the church has
            always had a vision to invest in children
            and young people.
            Pastor Wes Richards, the senior pastor
            of the church, shared how he had felt
            the urgency to start a school after the
            birth of his first grandsons. The
            motivation to start a school was
            shared by the leadership and by many
            of the young parents in the church. So
            together, the church worked to launch
            the school in 2012.
            As a school, we have benefitted greatly
            from the investment and support of
17          the church family.

             The King’s House School Windsor is an
             independent pre-school and primary school
             for boys and girls aged 3 to 11 years. We are
             currently registered to admit up to 75 pupils.
             As a school founded upon Christian
             principles, priority will be given to children
             who regularly attend church. However,
             admissions are open to children of all faiths
             and none.
             Please visit the school website for more
             information about admissions.


             FEES   For the academic year 2020-21, the
                    cost for a child of compulsory school
                    age to attend the school is £4,200 per
                    annum. This is payable monthly at a fee
                    of £350 per month. We receive Early
                    Years Funding for eligible children.
                    For full information around fees and
                    sibling discounts please see the school

             PAYING SCHOOL?
             Being independent gives us greater freedom in how we operate           In some countries there are greater freedoms with regards to
             and how we deliver the curriculum.                                     school funding and parental choice.

             In short, it is the best approach for us to deliver our vision, live   For example, some countries have school voucher systems.
             our values and pursue our distinctives as a school given the           This means funding follows the child and parental choice. Under
             current funding and governance models of the United Kingdom.           such a model we could fund the school via existing public funds
                                                                                    if parents chose to send their children to The King’s House
             There are many challenges within the education system and we           School Windsor.
             believe independence gives us the best opportunity to help
             pioneer a different approach to learning and school life.              As this is not the case in the UK, independence and a bold faith
                                                                                    approach is preferable in order to realise our vision without
                                                                                    compromising our values.

key info

                         For further information,
                         please visit the school

           INFORMATION   website at
                         You will find more in depth
                         information including the
                         admissions process, term
                         dates and school policies.
                         Also, please don’t hesitate
                         to get in contact if you
                         would like to ask more
                         questions or come and visit
                         the school and meet the
         Tel: 01753 834850

King’s House, 77a Frances Road, Windsor,
   SL4 3AQ. Charity Number: 1039958.
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