James Nash State High School - School Dress Code Procedure - James Nash State High ...

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James Nash State High School - School Dress Code Procedure - James Nash State High ...
James Nash State High School
                              School Dress Code Procedure
                                & Uniform Information

School Dress Standards
The Ministerial Statement to Queensland Parliament on 3rd March 1999. Determination of the Minister
under Section 84(1) (g) of the Education (General Provisions) Act 1989.
This procedure is designed to ensure compliance with the following legislation in Queensland:
    • Anti-Discrimination Act, 1991;
    • Education (General Provisions) Act, 1989;
    • Workplace Health and Safety Act, 1995;
    • Workplace Health and Safety Act and Other Acts Amendment Act, 1990.

On Tuesday 25 May 1999 the P & C Association passed a resolution namely:
The P & C Association of James Nash State High School resolves that it supports a student dress code
procedure for James Nash State High School because it believes such a code promotes the objectives of
the Education (General Provisions) Act 1989, and in particular that it:
    • promotes a safe environment for learning by enabling ready identification of students and non-
       students of the school;
    • promotes an effective teaching and learning environment by eliminating the distraction of
       competition in dress and fashion at the school;
    • promotes a supportive environment at the school by fostering a sense of belonging;
    • fosters mutual respect among individuals at the school by minimising visible evidence of economic,
       class or social differences.

Subsequently a revision of the guideline statement was made and this simplified version was adopted by
the P & C Association on 28 March 2000. These guidelines are now reviewed every three to five years.
Following review, recommendations were adopted on 14th July 2006, 23rd August 2011 and most recently
on 27th October 2015.

School Dress Code Guidelines
The James Nash State High School community, through a consultative collaborative process, has
determined that
    • the preferred options for all students are in the designated colours which formalise the uniform, and
    • the school dress code procedures as outlined below.
Please note that the James Nash State High School community reserves the right to alter the
school dress code policy.

Maintenance of School Dress Standards
The school community supports the wearing of the school uniform on a daily basis as the preferred dress
for all students.
While at school or attending school events, and on occasions where students are not dressed in one or
more elements of the designated uniform, they may be required to wear a supplied substitute item of the
school uniform.

If a student has a particular circumstance that requires special consideration for alterations of the school
dress code, then an appointment can be made with the administration to discuss the special consideration.
If the requested variation is approved, a school logo will be issued to identify the uniform item as approved.
If the student fails to observe the uniform standards, they will be offered an item to comply with the dress
code. If a student unreasonably refuses to cooperate in putting it on, then the principal will sanction the
James Nash State High School - School Dress Code Procedure - James Nash State High ...
student, not for failure to comply, but for noncompliance with a school policy. A process of mediation
involving representatives of the school community will be pursued.

Unless otherwise advised, students must wear the school uniform while on excursions.

The Student Services Support Group has undertaken as part of their support role, to assist parents/carers
in the provision of school uniforms where this need exists in the short term. Where a need exists, students
may borrow school uniforms which remain the property of the school until purchased. The Year Co-
ordinator, Guidance Counsellor, Assistant Principals or Deputy Principal are available for consultation in
this area.

To be worn as a complete uniform - no mix and match with the standard uniform and only as
specified by the P & C Association. Any alterations to the garments are not permitted to
compromise the style, design or intended length.

ITEM          COLOUR               DRESS STANDARDS              FABRIC      DRESS CODE                                   AVAILABILITY

FORMAL         white with the      • shirt has set in sleeves   polyester   • everyday wear if desired                   P & C Assoc.
SHIRT          school logo           with a collar and          cotton                                                   Ladies Auxiliary
                                                                            • worn as a complete uniform - no mix
                                     button through front                                                                James Nash SHS
(to be worn                                                                   and match with the standard uniform
                                     with the school logo on                                                             ONLY
with formal
                                     the front pocket.                      • any alterations to the garments may
                                                                              not compromise the style, design or
                                   • shirt is to be worn with
                                                                              the intended length
                                     formal trousers

FORMAL         white with the      • peplan style blouse has    polyester   • everyday wear if desired                   P & C Assoc.
BLOUSE         school logo           set in sleeves with a      cotton                                                   Ladies Auxiliary
                                                                            • to be worn as a complete uniform - no
                                     collar and button                                                                   James Nash SHS
                                                                              mix and match with the standard
                                     through front with the                                                              ONLY
                                                                              uniform (formal skirt or trousers only).
                                     school logo on the front
                                     pocket. Blouse is to be                • any alterations to the garments may
                                     worn with formal skirt                   not compromise the style, design or
                                     or trousers.                             the intended length

FORMAL        charcoal grey        • trousers have front fly,   polyester   • everyday wear if desired                   P & C Assoc.
TROUSERS                             front pleats, pockets,     viscose                                                  Ladies Auxiliary
                                                                            • to be worn as a complete uniform - no
                                     waist-band with                                                                     James Nash SHS
                                                                              mix and match with the standard
                                     JNSHS emblem                                                                        ONLY
                                   • trousers are to be full
                                                                            • any alterations to the garments may
                                     length and to be worn
                                                                              not compromise the style, design or
                                     with the formal shirt
                                                                              the intended length

FORMAL         grey tartan skirt   • skirt is an A-line style   polyester   • everyday wear if desired                   P & C Assoc.
SKIRT          is to be knee         with a yoke and two        viscose                                                  Ladies Auxiliary
                                                                            • to be worn as a complete uniform - no
               length and to         pleats in the front                                                                 James Nash SHS
                                                                              mix and match with the Standard
               be worn with                                                                                              ONLY
               formal blouse
                                                                            • any alterations to the garments may
                                                                              not compromise the style, design or
                                                                              the intended length

ITEM          COLOUR               DRESS STANDARDS              FABRIC      DRESS CODE                                   AVAILABILITY

BLAZER         black with the      • blazer has set in          polyester   • expected for formal representation         P & C Assoc.
               school logo           sleeves with a collar      viscose                                                  Ladies Auxiliary
                                     and button through front                                                            James Nash SHS
                                     with the school logo on                                                             ONLY
                                     the front pocket

JUMPER         black with thin     • black v-neck jumper        polyester   • everyday wear if desired                   P & C Assoc.
               gold stripes          with two thin gold         viscose                                                  Ladies Auxiliary
                                     stripes on the cuffs,                                                               James Nash SHS
                                     waist and neckline with                                                             ONLY
                                     school logo on front
James Nash State High School - School Dress Code Procedure - James Nash State High ...
FORMAL        black             • shoes must enclose       leather      • everyday wear if desired               local retailers
SHOES                             the entire foot and be
                                                                        • compulsory for formal representation
                                  impervious to liquids

                                • sport shoes are not
FORMAL        black with gold   • tie specified for        polyester    • everyday wear                          P & C Assoc.
TIE           stripes with        formal shirt             viscose      • compulsory for formal representation   Ladies Auxiliary
(SHIRT)       school logo                                                                                        James Nash SHS

FORMAL        black             • tie specified for        polyester    • everyday wear if desired               P & C Assoc.
TIE                               formal blouse            viscose                                               Ladies Auxiliary
(BLOUSE)                                                                                                         James Nash SHS

FORMAL        grey or cream     • optional                              • to be worn for outdoor formal          P & C Assoc.
HAT                                                                       occasions                              Ladies Auxiliary
                                                                                                                 James Nash SHS

Representative uniforms include cheer leaders uniform, Wide Bay uniform, Queensland uniform, Australian
uniform, drama costumes, production crew uniforms, catering uniforms, general representative uniforms.
Representative uniforms are to be worn only when on representative duties. They do not constitute
everyday wear.

ITEM         COLOUR             DRESS STANDARDS            FABRIC       DRESS CODE                               AVAILABILITY
SENIOR        gold/ black/      • James Nash polo style    polycotton   • everyday wear                          P & C Assoc.
SHIRT         green               shirt with JNSHS                      • may be worn in or out except where     Ladies Auxiliary
                                  emblem                                  special requirements exist in          James Nash SHS
                                • As above with senior                    classrooms for health and safety       ONLY
                                  band around the collar                  reasons

SENIOR        gold black        • designed at the                       • everyday wear                          only ordered
JERSEYS       and white           discretion of the year                                                         through the
                                  co-ordinator and                                                               school from a
                                  approved by the
                                  Parents and Citizens

SHORTS        black             • pull on shorts with      microfibre   • everyday wear and especially for       P & C Assoc.
                                  elasticised waist,                      Physical Education and Sport           Ladies Auxiliary
                                  side pockets                          • length specified for                   James Nash SHS
                                • knee length with                        health and safety reasons              ONLY
                                  JNSHS emblem

ITEM         COLOUR             DRESS STANDARDS            FABRIC       DRESS CODE                               AVAILABILITY
James Nash State High School - School Dress Code Procedure - James Nash State High ...
TRACK         school style       • style and price           fleecy or        • everyday wear during cold weather       P & C Assoc.
TOP           black with           options available         plain            • additional clothing may be worn under   Ladies Auxiliary
JUMPER        gold trim            with JNSHS                                   uniform but must not be visible         James Nash SHS
COAT                               emblem                                                                               ONLY
JACKET                           • Hooded Jumpers or
                                   jumpers with large
                                   logos and open flannel
                                   shirts are
                                   inappropriate dress for

TRACK         black              • full length loose yet     fleecy or        • everyday wear during cold weather       P & C Assoc.
PANTS                              comfortable fit           taslon                                                     Ladies Auxiliary
                                 • leggings and jeans                                                                   James Nash SHS
                                   are inappropriate                                                                    ONLY
                                   dress for school

ITEM           COLOUR              DRESS STANDARDS                                      DRESS CODE                      AVAILABILITY

                predominantly       shoes which enclose the entire foot and are         to be worn every day            local retailers
                black OR            impervious to liquids are to be worn
                predominantly       shoes that do not have fully enclosed uppers
                white               or have mesh uppers are considered
                                    inappropriate dress

SOCKS           white               wearing no socks, or multi-coloured socks are       to be worn every day with       local retailers
                                    considered inappropriate dress                      shoes

BUCKET HAT-                         no offensive signs/language                         students are to wear a hat      local retailers
PREFERABLY                                                                              outdoors for sun safety         OR
                                                                                                                        P & C Assoc.
LOGO                                beanies & bandanas are inappropriate                                                Ladies Auxiliary
                                    dress                                               hats are to be removed in       James Nash
                                                                                        classrooms and at
                                                                                        assemblies except where

                                                                                        special requirements exist in
                                                                                        classrooms for health and

JEWELLERY/                         • to be kept to an absolute minimum e.g. school      • in some cases, for health     school badge from
ORNAMENTS                            badge, watch, special jewellery of                   and safety reasons, even      school canteen
MAKE-UP                              religious/cultural/medical significance, plain       these allowable items may
                                     single stud or single sleeper in one or both         have to be removed for
                                     ear/s                                                particular lessons

                                   • make-up is not appropriate for school               e.g physical education,
                                                                                         machine rooms
                                   • additional jewellery is considered inappropriate

PANTY HOSE      black or           • may be worn, but only underneath approved          • to be worn underneath         local retailers
TIGHTS                               uniform options                                      approved uniform options
                flesh coloured                                                            with shoes whenever
                                   • coloured tights are inappropriate
                                                                                          considered desirable by
James Nash State High School - School Dress Code Procedure - James Nash State High ...
Junior Uniform
Gold/Black/Green polo shirt, black shorts with JNSHS emblem or black
straight knee length skirt with JNSHS emblem, black bucket hat, white
socks, predominantly black enclosed shoe.

                             Winter Accessories
                             Black jumper with JNSHS emblem or formal black and gold pullover,
                             black/flesh coloured tights to be worn under skirt or shorts.

Senior Uniform
Gold/Black/Green polo shirt with Senior banded collar, black unisex shorts with JNSHS emblem or black
straight knee length skirt with JNSHS emblem, senior jersey, black bucket hat, white socks, predominantly
black enclosed shoe.

Winter Accessories
Black jumper with JNSHS emblem or formal black and gold pullover, black/flesh coloured tights to be worn
under skirt or shorts.

Formal Uniform
White blouse, black tie, grey tartan skirt or formal trousers, white ankle
socks, black polishable leather shoes.

White shirt, black and gold tie, charcoal grey trousers, black belt, grey
socks, black polish-able leather shoes.
James Nash State High School - School Dress Code Procedure - James Nash State High ...
Winter Accessories
Formal black and gold pullover

                                 Formal Occasions
                                 When students are representing the
                                 school they are required to wear the
                                 school blazer and when outdoors, the
                                 school formal hat.

                                            Price List
                  New Uniform Price List (for all new enrolments)
                 *    Junior Shirt (Yr 7 – 9)                               $30.00
                 *    Senior Shirt (Yr 10 – 12)                             $30.00
                 *    Shorts (black microfibre with logo)                   $25.00
                 *    Shorts (black knit with logo)                         $30.00
                 *    Cotton Back Shorts                                    $30.00
                 *    Reversible School Hat (house colours)                 $20.00
                 *    Black Jumper (fleecy with logo)                       $35.00
                 *    Dress Slacks (black with logo)                        $50.00

                  Formal Uniform Price List
                  *   JNSHS Formal White Shirt                          $35.00
                  *   JNSHS Formal White Blouse (with Tie)              $35.00
                  *   JNSHS Charcoal Trouser                            $45.00
                  *   JNSHS Plaid Skirt                                 $45.00
                  *   JNSHS Pullover (Poly-cotton Knit)                 $55.00
                  *   JNSHS Tie                                             $22.00
                  *   JNSHS Tie                                             $8.00
                  *   JNSHS Formal Hat (2 styles)                       $55.00

                  Formal Uniform contract available at the time of purchase

                  Rugby Union Uniform Price List
                  *   Rugby Union Caps                                      $ 11.00
                  *   Rugby Union Shorts                                    $27.00
                  *   Rugby Union Socks                                     $12.00

                            (prices are subject to change without notice)
James Nash State High School - School Dress Code Procedure - James Nash State High ...
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