Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Scone High School 8409 - Amazon AWS

Page created by Eric Harper
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

                     Scone High School 8409

Page 1 of 7               Scone High School (8409) -2021-2024   Printed on: 1 April, 2021
School vision and context
       School vision statement                                                                                    School context
       The students at Scone High School are inspired to grow their capacity and confidence to                    Scone High School is a comprehensive secondary school with a Support Unit which has
       become resilient, socially responsible citizens who are flourishing lifelong learners. Staff               three classes, located in the Upper Hunter Valley, NSW. The student population of 352 is
       facilitate and model a supportive, inclusive and passionate educational setting that extends               increasing, following several years of enrolment decline. Our school community is diverse,
       beyond the gates to include wider learning networks and the whole community. We provide                    while 98% of students have an English speaking background, 2% require some level of
       a flexible, personalised, nurturing environment focused on all aspects of the student.                     EAL/D (English an additional language or dialect) support. 15% of students identify as
                                                                                                                  having an Aboriginal background. The school's staffing entitlement in 2021 is 36 teaching
                                                                                                                  staff and 10 non-teaching staff. Our executive staff is stable with the majority being here for
                                                                                                                  more than five years. 20% of our staff are in their early career as teachers. There is a 9%
                                                                                                                  turnover of staff each year. Students represent the school across the district in leadership
                                                                                                                  activities, cultural commitments such as CAPERS Dance, Kia Ora Music and various
                                                                                                                  Eisteddfods and a wide range of sporting activities. A comprehensive situational analysis
                                                                                                                  has been conducted which led to development of the 2021-2024 Strategic Improvement
                                                                                                                  Plan, both of which involved genuine consultation with students, staff, parents and the local
                                                                                                                  AECG. Through our situational analysis, we have identified a need to use the majority of the
                                                                                                                  school's equity funding to support a range of initiatives. The school community is highly
                                                                                                                  committed to Visible Learning and Visible Wellbeing practices, with a very strong link with a
                                                                                                                  cross-sectoral community of schools across the Upper Hunter. The school is committed to
                                                                                                                  continually improving effective classroom practices with staff professional learning being the
                                                                                                                  key to ensuring this. This learning will ensure that both literacy and numeracy levels can be
                                                                                                                  enhanced through improved data analysis and use to support individualised and
                                                                                                                  differentiated learning for all students.

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Purpose                                                      Initiatives                                                  Success criteria for this strategic direction
       To use research based data driven practices to improve       Specific Literacy & Numeracy Programs                        The learning goals for students are informed by analysis
       student growth                                                                                                            of internal and external student progress and
                                                                    In order to promote learning excellence and                  achievement data.
       To maximise student learning outcomes to build strong        responsiveness in meeting the needs of all students, an
       foundations for success, developing & refining data driven   integrated approach to quality teaching, curriculum          Assessment data to monitor achievement and gaps in
       teaching practices that are responsive to the learning       planning and delivery, and assessment is implemented.        student learning are used extensively to inform planning
       needs of individual students.                                                                                             for particular student groups and individual students (HSC
                                                                     •   Use of explicit teaching to provide instruction,        & NAPLAN)
                                                                         demonstrate concepts and build student knowledge
       Improvement measures                                              and skills.                                             Teachers clearly understand, develop and apply a full
                                                                                                                                 range of assessment strategies - assessment for learning,
       Target year: 2022                                             •   Research into best practice programs for delivery to
                                                                                                                                 assessment as learning and assessment of learning - in
                                                                                                                                 determining teaching directions, monitoring and assessing
       Total number of students achieving top 2 bands in
                                                                     •   Effective methods are identified, promoted and          student progress and achievement, and reflecting on
       NAPLAN Reading scores will increase by 10 percentage
                                                                         modelled, and students' learning improvement is         teaching effectiveness.
       points from the Baseline.
                                                                         monitored, demonstrating growth.
       Total number of students achieving top 2 bands in
                                                                    The school uses systematic and reliable assessment
       NAPLAN Numeracy will increase by 11 percentage points
                                                                    information to evaluate student learning over time and
                                                                                                                                 Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       from the Baseline.
                                                                    implements changes in teaching that lead to measurable
                                                                                                                                 Teachers contribute to the ongoing development of whole
                                                                    improvement as evidenced by the Learning Progressions.
       Total number of Aboriginal students will increase in top 3                                                                school assessment policies and strategies, which support
       bands in Numeracy & literacy by 5 percentage points from      •   The school has processes in place to support            teachers to build their capability to use a range of
       the Baseline.                                                     teachers' consistent, evidence-based judgement and      assessment data to diagnose student's learning needs
                                                                         moderation of assessments.                              and inform planning for student learning.
       Total number of students achieving top 2 band HSC
       results will increase by 11 percentage points from the        •   The school has identified what growth is expected for   Teachers effectively diagnose individual student's
       Baseline.                                                         each student and students are achieving higher than     abilities, then select and coach them in appropriately
                                                                         expected growth on internal school progress and         challenging, tailored strategies.
       Total number of students achieving top 3 band HSC                 achievement data.
       results will increase by 10 percentage points from the
                                                                     •   The learning goals for students are informed by
                                                                         analysis of internal and external student progress
       Target year: 2023                                                 and achievement data. Progress towards goals is
                                                                         monitored through collection of quality, valid and
       Increase in the number of Aboriginal students attaining           reliable data. Reporting on school performance is
       HSC while maintaining cultural identity by 10 percentage          based on valid and reliable data and analysis.
       points from the Baseline.
                                                                    HSC Growth in Top 2 & 3 Bands
       Total number of students achieving at or above expected
                                                                    The school uses systematic and reliable assessment
       growth in NAPLAN Reading will increase by 11
                                                                    information to evaluate student learning over time and
       percentage points from the Baseline.
                                                                    implements changes in teaching that lead to measurable
       Total number of students achieving at or above expected
       growth in NAPLAN Numeracy will increase by 10
                                                                     •   The school has processes in place to support
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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Improvement measures                   Initiatives
       percentage points from the Baseline.        teachers' consistent, evidence-based judgement and
                                                   moderation of assessments.
                                               •   The school has identified what growth is expected for
                                                   each student and students are achieving higher than
                                                   expected growth on internal school progress and
                                                   achievement data.
                                               •   The learning goals for students are informed by
                                                   analysis of internal and external student progress
                                                   and achievement data. Progress towards goals is
                                                   monitored through collection of quality, valid and
                                                   reliable data. Reporting on school performance is
                                                   based on valid and reliable data and analysis.

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Strategic Direction 2: Leading & Learning

       Purpose                                                     Initiatives                                                  Success criteria for this strategic direction
       To develop a culture of Instructional Leadership informed                                                                The leadership team maintains a focus on distributed
       by the latest pedagogical research, ongoing lesson          HSC Data Analysis                                            instructional leadership to sustain a culture of effective,
       observations & feedback.                                                                                                 evidence-based teaching and ongoing improvement so
                                                                   The school culture is strongly focused on learning, the      that every student makes measurable learning progress
       To continually improve leadership through coaching          building of educational aspiration and ongoing               and gaps in student achievement decrease
       conversations & further development of executive staff as   performance improvement throughout the school
       instructional leaders.                                      community.                                                   The leadership team establishes a professional learning
                                                                                                                                community which is focused on continuous improvement
                                                                    •   The whole school community demonstrates                 of teaching and learning.
       Improvement measures                                             aspirational expectations of learning progress and
                                                                        achievement for all students, and is committed to the   Whole school and/or inter-school relationships provide
       Target year: 2022                                                pursuit of excellence. Effective partnerships in        mentoring and coaching support to ensure the ongoing
                                                                        learning with parents and students mean students        development and improvement of all teachers, by expert
       Increase of HSC course results in top 2 bands by 10              are motivated to deliver their best and continually     teachers such as those accredited at Highly
       percentage points and top 3 bands by 10 percentage               improve.                                                Accomplished or Lead.
       points from the Baseline.
                                                                    •   Student assessment data is regularly used school-
       An integrated, whole school approach, to using                   wide to identify student achievements and progress,
       metacognitive strategies is implemented, accompanied by          in order to reflect on teaching effectiveness and       Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       regular monitoring and evaluation processes that ensure          inform future school directions.
       teacher accountability.                                                                                                  The leadership team has participated in capacity
                                                                   Leadership Enquiry                                           development programs and implements principles of
       Target year: 2023                                                                                                        evaluative thinking, continually monitors the impact of
                                                                   The principal and school leadership team model               programs and approaches used by all teachers, and
       Increase of HSC course results in top 2 bands by 12         instructional leadership and support a culture of high       improves practice as required.
       percentage points and top 3 bands by 10 percentage          expectations and community engagement, resulting in
       points from the Baseline.                                   sustained and measurable whole school improvement.           All teachers have a sound understanding of student
                                                                                                                                assessment and data concepts (e.g. causality, bias). They
       An integrated, whole school approach, to using               •   The leadership team establishes a professional          analyse, interpret and extrapolate data and they
       metacognitive strategies is implemented, accompanied by          learning community which consistently focuses on        collaboratively use this to inform planning, identify
       regular monitoring and evaluation processes that ensure          teacher learning to ensure all students make            interventions and modify teaching practice.
       teacher accountability.                                          measurable and ambitious gains, for which all staff
                                                                        share accountability. They engage in giving and
                                                                        receiving feedback to ensure continuous
                                                                        improvement in teaching and learning within and
                                                                        beyond their school.

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Strategic Direction 3: Connect, Engage & Flourish

       Purpose                                                      Initiatives                                                    Success criteria for this strategic direction
       To maximise best practice and                                                                                               School has in place a comprehensive and inclusive
       embed a culture of high expectations, whole of school        Community of Learning                                          framework to support the cognitive, emotional, social,
       community engagement, collective efficacy and                                                                               physical and spiritual wellbeing of students, which
       continuous improvement in pursuit of school excellence,      The school is recognised as excellent and responsive by        measurably improves individual and collective wellbeing.
       through high quality wellbeing practices.                    its community because it uses best practice to embed a
                                                                    culture of high expectations, and effectively caters for the   The school uses embedded and explicit systems that
                                                                    range of equity issues in the school.                          facilitate professional dialogue, collaboration, classroom
       Improvement measures                                                                                                        observation, the modelling of effective practice and the
                                                                     •   The whole school community demonstrates                   provision of specific and timely feedback between
       Target year: 2022                                                 aspirational expectations of learning progress and        teachers. This drives ongoing, school-wide improvement
                                                                         achievement for all students, and is committed to the     in teaching practice and student results.
       Teachers collaborate with staff in other schools to share         pursuit of excellence.
       and embed good practice, as evidenced by aspirational
                                                                                                                                   The staff evaluate professional learning activities to
       HALTs in the school.                                          •   Effective partnerships in learning with parents and
                                                                                                                                   identify and systematically promote and implement the
                                                                         students mean students are motivated to deliver their
                                                                                                                                   most effective strategies to improve teaching and
       Proportion of students reporting expectation for success,         best and continually improve.
       advocacy and sense of belonging at school will increase
                                                                     •   Initiate and engage in professional discussions with
       by 9 percentage points from the Baseline.
                                                                         educational stakeholders in a range of forums to          Teachers collaborate with staff in other schools to share
                                                                         evaluate practice directed at improving professional      and embed good practice.
       Proportion of students attending >90% of the time will
                                                                         knowledge and practice, and the educational
       increase by 11 percentage points from the Baseline.
                                                                         outcomes of students.
       Proportion of students attending
Strategic Direction 3: Connect, Engage & Flourish

       Improvement measures
       90% of the time.

       Decrease proportion of students attending less than 80%
       of the time.

       Growth of 12 percentage points in Parent opinion TTFM
       data in regards to Inclusive School category.

       Growth of 12 percentage points in Parent opinion TTFM
       data in regards to School Supports Learning category.

       Increased rate of parent responses to TTFM by 10
       percentage points.

       Students are intellectually engaged and find learning
       interesting, enjoyable and relevant in TTFM data at higher
       than state average.

       Students find school to be reporting high skills and high
       challenge classrooms in TTFM data at higher than state

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